#thaddeus nevermore
nevermoreconfessions · 4 months
Hey there, buddy. I hope you're having a good day by the time you read this.
Okay, here's the thing, my brain occasionally chooses to remember little details that come back to haunt me and hit me in the skull like a fucking boomerang. And due to the last chapter of the free pass, I come to leave here the one that has bothered me the most lately for you to suffer with me.
Why on earth would Thaddeus want anyone to talk to Lenore and why would Ira consent to that?
No. Seriously. When Annabel tries to ask about Lenore, Thaddeus even denies having a daughter, why would he want to alleviate Lenore's loneliness by asking a young woman about her own age to visit her for company? On Ira's side, yes, the man wants Thaddeus to like him, but the guy seems like someone pretty obsessed with appearances, why would he want his precious daughter to be related to a potentially dangerous lunatic who is locked in the attic?
That makes me think the fact that they asked Annabel was a lie. But then, how did Annabel find out about Lenore? What were her intentions in wanting to meet her?
I have more. But this one has been eating me alive now that we had another flashback.
Oh, my favorite blog sent me a submission. Yes, buddy, we're suffering together. Have been for a little while, considering how I feel about the topic.
I think about Thaddeus and his actions quite a lot (when I'm reminded of his existence), actually, because he's an enigma. He's my version of a walking paradox.
Let's say he did contact Annabel Lee to be, as she had quoted, "A good influence for his hysterical daughter." He had done so with the knowledge that Annabel Lee was a temporary friend, that Lenore was forever going to be a spinster, and after that?
Nothing. No husband, no friends, no life outside of the Vandernact estate. Just a good, influenced "lady" in a house on her own.
One can only assume that in some sickening way, Thaddeus cared. He cared as much as a misogynistic Victorian man mourning his son, the only heir to the estate and wealth, can possibly be.
I can somewhat back this train of thought up with episode 65: he did seem shocked at the news of his daughter's possible death. That was the face of a man with fear in his heart. Then, after denying that he had a daughter in the first place, he looked...guilty. Truly and utterly guilty. For a moment, I pitied him.
Just for a single moment.
That then begs the question (isn't this a complicated topic?) — why did he then deny Lenore's existence?
Well, I have a theory or two.
1. He was not alone. There were servants in that room, and we all know that Thaddeus had intented to keep Lenore's existence a secret between himself and Annabel Lee.
2. Stay with me on this one, because its held together by bubblegum and a bent paperclip. Are we all aware of the stages of grief? First came the shock. We've seen that on Thaddeus's face. Then, there's denial.
Onto Ira.
Well, I can see this one. Annabel Lee did say that this was an arrangement made by their fathers — so, what did Ira, a man obsessed with appearances, get in return for his saught-after daughter to chill out with a mad woman?
I'm not sure if this has been noticed, but the Whitlocks are staying in the Vandernact's estate in New York for the social season. That's a pretty big favor.
There's no downside on Ira's side if all goes according to plan. Annabel Lee makes a friend with a girl whose existence is to be kept secret, all while Ira finally finds her a eligible husband in New York.
I suppose neither Thaddeus nor Ira considered the fact that their daughters might be achingly sapphic and fall for each other in the process, subsequently leading Lenore to burn an entire house to the ground for the slim chance of Annabel Lee's hand in marriage.
Isn't this a complicated situation?
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skotchtapeowner · 1 year
He’s Saddeus
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He’s also haunted by his dead children ✨
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expired-crow · 1 year
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Duke is alive. (I'm delusional)
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juniboba · 7 months
What is the relationship between Grandma and Grandpa Vandernacht between their grandchildren???
Buckle up, this one's got a long answer-
So, Lenore hasn't seen or talked to her parents in years. She emancipated herself and started living with Theo at age 16, and she hadn't really been in contact with either since their falling out.
Thaddeus and Lucille eventually get divorced farther down the line, and Thaddeus has no interest in his children or grandchildren, essentially disappearing. However Lucille wants to reconnect and reconcile. Theo is quick to let her back into his and his daughter's life, but with the caveat that she stops drinking and gets help; desperate to have a relationship with her children and grandchildren, she agrees. But Lenore remains closed off.
Lucille begins to give Theo money to put towards Lenore's hospital bills the few times she's in the hospital over the years, knowing Lenore won't accept the help if it's from her. Annabel has a hunch about Lucille's financial help because nothing gets past her, but she doesn't tell Lenore, because money is money and she knows it'll only stress her out. But she does keep it in mind when she runs into Lucille at the pharmacy when she's 6 months pregnant with their youngest.
Lucille recognizes Annabel from pictures Theo has shown her, and notices that she's struggling. Having also been older when she was pregnant with Lenore, she decides to approach to give her some genuine advice on what worked for her, thinking she won't recognize her. Annabel takes Lucille's advice hesitantly and it works wonders, this is eventually the beginning of Lenore's reconciliation with her mother.
All that being said, the youngest Vanderlock baby is the only one who is close with her Nana, since the other three were between the ages of 8 and 17 when Lily is born. Lenore and Lucille still have their issues, often clashing on a lot of things, but they're both working on it, and Lucille is trying to make up for lost time.
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jockw · 2 months
Well, that's it for Locked Out of Heavan.
Dunno who else read 'em but hey thanks for y'alls s'port, kudos and comments.
With that being said, there's still that one artwork I have for Thaddeus so-
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These are his early designs while I was workin' on the fic. Months old.
Horns are very different when it comes to demons. If you've somehow noticed, female demons tend to have straighter horns or even a slight bend at the tip. While males have it curled. Lenore's got a special case for this. Same goes with her ears. And whatnot.
There's so much lore hidden behind it all and wasn't exactly revealed properly. So oh well.
That's pretty much it for what I can think 'bout now, anywho, enjoy and good night
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lesbiantoaster · 1 year
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Did someone ordered "Sad Vandernacht parents"?
Well... guess what's on today's menu.
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coconut530 · 1 year
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raven-nerd4life · 4 months
nevermore what if's
what if lenore never made it out of her own house fire
What if Annabel never even loved lenore
What if thaddeus and Lucille were good parents
What if lenore was the favorite child
What if Pluto was never traded
What if lenore was put in the wall first
What if Annabels mother was in the present in her life (whether dead or not)
What if the nevermore webtoon was a coma dream after lenore got crushed by a tree
What if duke didn't drown
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circuslollipop · 1 year
anyway my nevermore hot take is that i think marisha ray would be a perfect voiceclaim for lenore; i mean.......
listen to this (minor spoilers for campaign 2 of critical role) while looking at some of these. it's literally so fun and so perfect!!
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personal favorites: "i can punch ghosts now" "fuck you professor thaddeus" "i think she's complicated and layered" "don't compare yourself to me it's an impossible task"
anyway that's been my hot take!! i've been having fun reading lenore's lines in my head in marisha ray's voice
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Athalie is the mother of Avaline, the aunt of Camille and the head of her family.
Sold one of the souls of her twin daughters to a demon to murder her sister and twin nieces, “raised” and abused Camille and Avaline, maintained the contract with the demon well into Camille’s adulthood, became a demon by devouring her familiar’s heart and began killing fellow witches, was unapologetic about all this even to the end
Thaddeus is the father of main character Lenore
He disowned his daughter when she became disabled and locked her in an attic room because he was ashamed of having a 'hysterical spinster' for a daughter. When he received news that the building she was in burned completely to the ground, he didn't even acknowledge her existence. When he was finally asked about her, his response was 'I don't have a daughter'
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cushionss · 1 year
nevermore fandom how we feeling???
new info i got from the new episode:
Lenore talks/curses like her father
Lenores last name is Vandernacht, and her parents are Thaddeus (father) and Lucille (mother)
Lucille seems to have some issues herself, possibly substance abuse
Annabels last name is Whitlock and her fathers name is Ira, we haven't met her mother, who could very well be dead, leading her father to be more controlling of her
Annabel has panic attacks/anxiety, which Ira calls "little attacks" and sees as something to be righted
Ira seems to care for Annabel in some fucked up way
Annabel is dragged down "into" the memory by on octupus-like creature, which made me think of Duke
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nevermoreconfessions · 5 months
I'm slightly obsessed with thaddeus' potential to be a character. I want to put him in a blender. I know he'll likely never be a main focus for rnf because he's only around in flashbacks, and obviously, rnf can't go into every little character's psyche. But I wanna see into his sad little shitty dad head for a minute. He obviously grieves for Theo, but does he feel sad about what he did to lenore? did he love her at all? I WANNA KNOWWWW
I hadn't put much thought into it until you appeared in my inbox, but you're right. He's got unspoken potential (great for fanfiction, if you ask me).
He cares as much as a Victorian man can, I guess... He grieves for Theo, but he turned to Annabel and said, "I don't have a daughter." He denies her existence.
In some unconventional way, he cares. I truly believe he does, albeit in a shitty type of way. He enlisted Annabel to befriend Lenore, gave his daughter maids to care for her, and it looked the attic was... as nice as a prison can be, I guess?
Commenter, I might write a one-shot about Thaddeus's grief and complex emotions, thanks to you.
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'kay so anyway i binge-read nevermore and to this point we've got two fake-out deaths for Lenore right? The storm and the fire.
We also know that Lenore presented herself as a man to Annabel's father to see her again. That Annabel's father wants her to marry, and leaves her a reasonnable berth in who she will marry as long as she does marry.
And we know that Annabel was killed just before her wedding, betrayed by those closest to her.
So I've got two theories:
Either somehow, maybe through Thaddeus Vandernacht, everyone found out that Leo was not Leo but a girl, and Annabel's father "betrayed" her by forcing her to marry someone else, and then Annabel either killed herself, or was accidentally (or not) killed by Lenore in one of her fits of anger...
Or Annabel and "Leo" were about to get married when something was disrupted and, through the indirect fault of either Lenore or one of the families, or like... killed by Thaddeus, both die before the wedding.
I'm also conforted in the second because if "Leo"'s real identity was not discovered before her death, it explains why she woke up in the male uniform of the Nevermore Academy instead of the female one. If she died in man's clothing, she woke up in man's clothing and all. Annabel died in woman's clothes, she woke up in woman's clothes.
Either case I think it'd be very interesting if Lenore ends up being the one who killed Annabel, or the one who "betrayed" her at any rate. Given that Annabel seems to remember more than Lenore does yet ("why do you call me annabel?" "that's your name" "yes, but..." <- to me, indicates she was expecting a pet name that Lenore came up with later) and also was shown to manipulate everyone and see them as expendable, AND had no plan to get out, just "use the others as fodder as we get out" although she didn't know if there was an exit, I could see it all being revenge for killing her.
Also what's up with Theo. If he was top of his class, did he get to go back? If so, as what? A newborn? Himself? A ghost? what if the double death of the girls had to do with Theo?
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icarustica · 2 years
I refuse to title this “Dear Diary”.
Future Wednesday- 
My mother (and the court) have decided that in light of the “traumatic” events resulting in the death of the last therapist I visited, that I am fully justified in my request to not see any more. However, they did issue me this journal. And they intonated that if I don’t have it filled out in six months I’ll have to see a prison psychiatrist rather than a suburban one.
I’m considering leaving the rest of this blank. I think that prison psychiatrist and I would have a lot in common.
However, doing so would mean taking valuable time out of my day to go see some random person well-knowledged with the minds of freaks and criminals, when I could just go ask Grandmama down the hall.
So I suppose I shall have to use my effortless writing talent to fill this journal. Perhaps this is a good thing. The book I finished at Nevermore is quite possibly my best work, and I feel trying to match it with another would be both taxing and fruitless.
So. News.
Pugsley and I have been spending some quality time together. Bonding. Or, I should say, I’ve been practicing my bonding skills. He was stuck in that chair for three days last week. He loved it.
Well, I told him, if he truly has retained his zeal for torture and masochism he should enjoy spending next year at Nevermore with me. I’m deeply afraid of what it will do to him. But I suppose him and Eugene will most likely get along. What a pretty trio we’ll make.
My phone is buzzing. I’ll be right back.
It was Enid. She calls me every day at varying times. I pick up once or twice a week, when I’m feeling rather talkative. Sometimes she’ll even let me get a word or two in.
She’s cut and dyed her hair again, and this time she’s added varying shades of orange to the back. I’m not willing to tell her it looks like Garfield vomited on her head but I am willing to raise my eyebrow condescendingly and let her figure it out on her own. Hopefully the abomination will be gone by the time we resume school. Four days. That should give her just enough time to work up the courage, shave it all off, cry, and reinvent her entire personality before we get back.
Xavier and I text once in a while. He’ll send me pictures of his new artwork, and I’ll send him the pictures of Thing’s progress at dissection. For some reason he doesn’t like those. He sends me the little thumbs down emoji, which I take to be Thing doing an excellent handstand.
He’s stopped having dreams. For the most part. One time he texted me in the middle of the night, when I was having tea with my mother, that he dreamed of blood. Blood in the woods.
Odd. But not odd enough to warrant an investigation. At least, not yet.
We have a new principal, apparently. Someone new. He used to go to Nevermore, and with a name like Thaddeus Croon I doubt he’s one of the outcasts who escaped the ever-pervasive sense of superiority that plagues the Nevermore elite. Somehow I don’t think I’ll like him any more than Weems. Actually, though it makes me question things to admit it, I might miss her towering gloom. Just a tad. 
I haven’t had any more visions these last few months. Mother says that’s good, that nothing terrible is going to happen, but I worry…
Well. I worry they are done for good.
Good riddance.
Class lists came in. I’ve picked my electives - Archival Literacy, Mythology, and of course Fencing and Other Sword Sports. Mother would cut off my head if I didn’t. And I doubt she wants me to have that much fun just before school starts.
Enid and Xavier have forced me to also request an art class. I only agreed because I need the credit. And because “Wounded Watercolors” sounded easy enough to get an A in. And besides, I can provide my own paint - blood makes such a pretty splatter.
That’s enough for now. I do wish I could do this with a typewriter. Quill and ink tire me.
Wednesday Addams
Pugsley and I keep a tally of how many small animals we run over on the way to Nevermore.
It’s a good way to keep our nerves down. 
“Wednesday,” he says, his voice like the tiny squeaks of the rodents beneath our wheels. “I’m scared.”
“Good,” I reply. “They’re going to eat you alive.”
I can hear him gulp.
“Seven,” I say as there’s another bump, rattling the car. “Best guess - racoon.”
He turns over the seat, looking as we speed past. “Close,” he says, the tremble in his voice smoothed. “Possum.”
“Interesting. They’re not usually on the road this time of year.” My phone is buzzing in my pocket. I know what it’s saying. 
u here yet? 
please please please pleaaaasee
ughh im so boreedddd bestiee
Ajax doesnt get here till wednesday and everyone is literally only sitting by their parents
the new principal looks so wacky loll
“Oh, Wednesday,” sighs my mother, twining her inky hair around her finger. Her eyes are doing that droopy thing. Like a begging puppy. “Promise you’ll take care of our sweet Pugsley?”
“If you recall, taking care of him is what sent me here in the first place,” I reply, keeping my hands folded in my lap. Nevermore looms in my mind. The damp smell of cobblestone. The questions that linger like dust on books. 
“Ah, yes,” hums my father, looking adoringly into my mothers eyes. “Our little protector.”
This is all feeling very familiar.
As we get out of the car, the fall leaves crunch beneath our feet. I suppose this year might be different, seeing as I actually get to start at the beginning. 
I am tackled. 
Sorry, I am “hugged”.
By the brightest, furriest, strawberry-pink being I have the pleasure of knowing. She’s wearing the shawl with all the knitted fruits on it, and I feel a felted lime scratching my cheek as she squeezes. 
“Omigosh you’re finally here! I’ve been waiting for like hours and one can only eat so many of the complimentary pretzels. There’s so many new students, do you see them all? I’m pretty sure we’ve got the same room though because I asked around and nobody’s moved so far and like everyone in Macbeth got to put their stuff away earlier so I think that we’re roomies again! Isn’t that amazing!” she squeals.
I pull her away from me, look her steadily in the eyes. 
I watch her smile fade. 
“I missed you too, Enid,” I mutter curtly as I turn away, and the gleam is back in her eyes.
“In here!” calls a teacher, ushering us towards the gate. 
“Wednesday!” My head snaps to the left as I feel a familiar hand clasp mine. “Don’t talk to anyone,” I remind Pugsley as he clings to my side. We fall in line with the students and parents trickling into the courtyard. “You never know who people are here. If you want to eat the snacks, make sure it’s actually real and not the plastic stuff they put in the middle.”
“What if someone tries to be… nice… to me?” he squeaks.
He nods.
“Is that your little brother?” Enid whispers to me, louder than most people’s shouting.
“Enid,” I say by way of introduction as we pass through the gates. “This is Pugsley. Pugsley, Enid. The biting thing does not apply to Enid, Pugs. Her niceness is tolerable.”
Enid glows with the compliment. “Pugsley,” she croons. “What an adorable name!”
I’m not watching him, but I know when my little brother starts to frown.
“He’s fourteen,” I remind her curtly. “I know he looks like he should still sleep in a crib, but try not to treat him like a baby.”
She winces. “Right. Sorry, dude.”
He shrugs. Then, his eyes light up. “Oh, wow! You weren’t kidding about the snacks!”
“Here,” Enid says excitedly, snatching his hand from my grasp. “I’ll show you the pretzels. They’re actually kinda good.”
And suddenly they disappear, my brother’s suit blending into the sea of parents, and Enid’s bright colors hidden behind tables and pillars.
I feel a cold hand on my shoulder. ��Ohh,” sighs my mother. “I suppose we should find a table to sit at… gosh, your first orientation day. Gomez, do you remember…”
“Yes, mi amor,” he sighs, his hand dropping onto my other shoulder. I keep my vision straight ahead, because I know their mouths are like this close together above my head. “I remember so well. So very very well…”
“That’s rather enough of that,” I say roughly, plucking their hands off my shoulders. 
“Wait!” calls my mother as I march towards the stairs up to the balcony. “We’ll see you for goodbye, right? I don’t want to keep you from your friends, honey, but…”
“I will,” I say, stopping to turn for a moment. “Provided the goodbye is less than six minutes long.”
My father pouts. “Eight?” he says hopefully.
My brow lowers. “Five.”
The balcony has overgrown with ivy. There’s a little alcove I sit in as I watch the people mill around.
My phone buzzes.
Xavier: I’m going to be late. The storm is crazy on the mountains idk how bad it is for you up there
I look up at the sky, squinting. There’s a bit of a haze around the lake, streaks of rain far in the sky, and the clouds are a dusty sort of purple, but other than that there’s nothing too bad.
I shrug.
Wednesday: Okay.
And as I look down again, at all the milling people and the awkwardly standing teachers, I see…
Red hair like a rat’s nest, all curls and grease and wet strands. She’s leaning against the olive tree on the far right, near one of the alcoves that leads out into the sides of the castle. She’s got on a red and blue jacket with the most ridiculous amount of zippers I’ve ever seen. She’s built like a twig, like a fencer, a lean candy-cane of a person.
And she’s looking right at me.
Right then, I shiver. I remember those photos. The stalker.
She cocks an eyebrow and gestures with her head to the alcove by her hip. Pivots on a heel and disappears into the shadow.
I lick my lips, glance at the empty stage, and decide might as well. I never could resist a little danger. 
“Light?” she says, offering out a cigarette. Water drips off the ivy and filters through the leaves. The world is turquoise back here, in the little hallway between the garden and the courtyard. Crowded with plants and quiet. 
“No thank you,” I say, and she shrugs. She lights her own cigarette and the smoke filters through the shade. 
“Boring, right? This whole thing. They’re just repeating all the stuff they say in the pamphlet.” She took a lavender piece of paper out of her pocket, waving it around a little.
“Do I know you?” I ask.
Her eyes flick over to mine. Blue. Her nose looks like it’s been broken, and her face is dotted with dark freckles. The curve of her mouth is cruel. “Not yet.”
“Do you know me?” 
“Not yet.”
I stare at her as she takes another drag. “It is boring,” I admit.
She snorts, rubbing her peach-red nose with the back of her hand. “Incredibly.”
“Impossibly,” I agree.
She thinks for a moment, licking her lower lip. “Unendingly? No, that’s… dammit. I’ve got nothing.” She sticks out her hand to shake. “Fairly won, wordsmith.”
I shake her hand, nearly, almost smiling.
And she hooks her thumb in mine and pulls me close. “Reagan,” she says, eyes twinkling as my feet stumble a little. 
“Wednesday,” I say, refusing to admit my heart has tripped a little. Because that would be ridiculous, that a cheap trick would startle me so suddenly. But we are very close, very very close. My boot is in between her converse, and I’m pretty sure I’m stepping on one of the laces. She smells like salt.
“Nice to meet you, Wednesday,” she whispers, and I detect just a hint of a southern accent.
I swallow, pull back, but my hand is still hooked in hers. “What–”
I’m getting really tired of hearing my own name.
It turns out the whole event has started, and my parents want me to sit quietly and listen as a slim man makes his way to the stage - dressed in white, like Weems. Part of me knows it’s some school tradition, but the other half notes the sly, almost casual smirk dancing on his face and I think it might be to mock her. 
Like wearing a wedding dress to a funeral. 
“Hello, hello,” he says, waving a hand high above his head. His fingers look like they’re made of matchsticks. 
I turn, catching Reagan’s gaze as she saunters to the back, tapping her cigarette out on the damp walls. Rain hangs in the air, and as my eyes track her through my peripheral vision I can’t help but note the fog.
Everything feels heavy. Weighted.
“My name is Thaddeus Croon, though I expect you’ll all be calling me Headmaster Croon,” he laughs, like he’d said something funny. His face is long and clean-shaven, he’s got clear laugh lines but no wrinkles around his eyes. He looks fake somehow, like a statue. “Though this might be my first year here, I can assure you I have plenty of experience. Three years at Rowaker’s Detention School for Unbecoming Boys taught me much, and no, I wasn’t there as a student.”
Now that seems to be an actual joke, which, to my dismay, elicits a laugh from my parents. 
“I did go to Nevermore, it’s true,” Headmaster Croon acknowledges, flashing a pearly white smile. I can almost see the backs of his molars, how far that smile stretches. “Class of ‘72!”
I frown. He doesn’t look that old. No more than 30.
“And I can see some of the same old cliques,” he sighs fondly. “The Stoners, hey, some of my best friends back in the day. And the sirens! Too cool for me, hey,” he laughs. But then his face draws serious. “Now. I don’t want any infighting this year. I heard that last year was a lot, for all of you. For a few of you in particular.”
I think his eyes flicker to me. But I’m not quite sure.
“So this year there’s going to be some changes. The basement has completed renovation–”
Suddenly, there’s uproarious applause. I see Enid jump up from where she was perched on a table, clapping. I can see the brightness in her face from fifty feet away. It’s like a bonfire. Burning up witches.
Croon holds up a hand, smiling. “I know, I know. Ten-year-long project, I’m told. But that means that Nevermore can officially house up to a hundred and fifty more outcasts!”
More applause. 
“I know, I know. Incredible. And why not, I thought, use this little victory to get rid of some of the silliest restrictions on entry.”
The quiet applause and chattering slows, and I narrow my eyes as I watch our doll-faced headmaster swallow nervously.
“Which is why this year Nevermore is officially welcoming back the magicians.”
“Holy shit.”
“Enid. Why is this so important?” I hiss, grabbing at her coat.
She’s buzzing with excitement, glancing furtively around at the uproarious crowd. Croon was immediately swarmed by outraged parents, and over the noise I can hear him placating their cries. “Okay, so,” she starts, waving her hands. “Like, a really long time ago, I dunno, back in the like steam-engine-Sherlock-Holmes-top-hat time–”
“The late 1800s,” I correct blandly.
“Yes! That. Probably. Back then, when they all had pocket watches and everyone dressed in black and white, there were these outcasts called the magicians. Basically, witches. Or wizards. Spellcasters. Gypsies. Whatever you want to call them.”
I frown. “Spells?”
“Yes. Their powers are basically like, grow things, summon things, or set things on fire or whatever. Nobody really knows - they’ve got their own communities all over the world. See, it’s hereditary but without training people can go their whole lives never finding out. Soo…”
One of my eyebrows raises. “So?”
“Sooo, when they were in the school everyone got super mad because they can pass. Like normies!” 
She’s waving her hands, and there’s a crease between her brows. “So everyone’s really annoyed at that. And then there was this whole crisis because they ganged up on a werewolf and used him for a ritual in Jericho! And like three people were killed and there was no way of knowing which magicians did it because they pass as normies,” she whispered, eyes glittering with the drama of it all. “There’s nothing about them that’s uncontrollable or weird. That’s why everyone hates them.”
I swallow. “Enid… if I were to lose my… without my visions, I’m…”
She waves a hand. “You’re homicidal,” she scoffs dismissively. “And enough of a freak they’d let you in anyhow.”
Aww. I think I’m blushing.
“But anyway!” she squeals, holding my shoulders as she jumps. “This is totally freaky and I’m living for it!”
Before I can speak, a hand claps on my shoulder. 
“Xavier!” Enid squeals, and she tackles him with a hug. “Omigosh, you’re late! You missed so much!”
Xavier chuckles, hands raised above where Enid is crushing his midsection. He looks up at me with laughter dancing in his eyes, patting Enid’s back with one hand as he looks me over. “The rain,” he explains, and almost on cue a clap of thunder resounds in the air.
The crowd quiets, then gets louder, murmuring. 
Croon stands on the stage, cupping his hands. “Alright!” he shouts, gesturing to the entrance. “Guess it’s time to say your goodbyes! Students, come get your packets from the front office before you go to the cafeteria - they’ve got your room assignments! Luggage goes to the hallway, lovelies, line it up A through Z!”
“Hoohhhmygosh,” says Enid, jittering. “Literally so cold. I’m gonna go see if we got Ophelia. Meet you guys in the cafeteria!”
She leaves.
Xavier and I stare at each other. He’s got on a brownish-red sweater vest and a big jacket, and his art satchel is slung over one shoulder. He’s cut his hair. “So,” he says, scuffing at the floor with one heel. 
“We should get our luggage,” I say, turning to go.
“Wait, Wednesday.”
I stop, back turned.
“There’s this thing happening tonight. Sorry I didn’t tell you earlier, sort of forgot. Jackson nabbed me on the way out to tell me. The Nightshades - we’re electing a new leader. Tonight. On the docks.”
That makes me pause. I turn, after a second, hands in fists by my side. “New leader?” I ask. “Bianca’s got one more year left.”
He shakes his head. “She’s not here, Wednesday.”
I frown. 
“Sorry,” he says, frowning too, but it’s an apologetic sort of frown. “I know. Weird, right? She didn’t even say goodbye properly. Listen, just… come out tonight to the dock. It won’t be for long.”
I consider it. 
As I turn away, for good this time, I wonder if I truly want to go or if something else is pulling me there - the thread of mystery.  
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nvmlindseyallan · 7 years
@TIMESUPNOW @MeTooMVMT @womensmarch @lito_atienza RT now. #LetsGetNaked. #GodsTinyDancer
Join us on Feb21: https://www.facebook.com/events/1616645058414424/ COMMONDOMINION OF CHRIST CENTRAL ADMINISTRATION CITY OF TAGUIG, STATE OF RIZAL, PHILIPPINESFEBRUARY 17, 2018 To all Yokebearers and Fellows of all fields and disciplines everywhere, and to all our Brethren elsewhereMost beloved in Godhead, Let us thank and praise our most beloved Godhead that we were once again allowed to pour ourselves again into all Their Sacred Lowe. We hope that you would once again share your most precious time with us in spirit (Galatians 4) as we again invoke Godhead to Teach us Their most necessary Ways. Before we begin we would like to quote our man of old, Apolinario Mabini, with his adage when he was faced with the Roman Empire's siege of our country: 'since war is the last recourse that is left of us, let us therefore fight while a grain of courage is still yet left of us.' We are saying these things guys because just most recently, our detractors had been proven once again correct on their determination this year to not let any word from us here left not replied with a rebellious action. Weeks ago when Empire ordered wearing black for their agendas, we called for you wearing white. When they at once promptly replied with wearing a white rose, we fought back through calls for wearing red. And see what their Obama just did: wearing red. Our Joseph promised in one of his past tweets that should such occur, we shall all go 'naked' instead, because Empire men would not do so compared with the many Empire women wearing almost naked at their awards rituals. Guys, of course (Titus 1) when we say here 'naked', we do not necessarily mean that malicious, just as what Empire had been always trying to make us think (Genesis 2-3), but you all better know that in our language (Psalm 50, 1 Timothy 6, PHILIPPIANS 3, Hebrews) to be 'naked' is to be 'yokebearers', all our lives (Hebrews 6). Godhead now calls us to 'give hearts, not clothes' (1 Samuel 16, PSALM 119:161-176, Joel). Come to think of it- what would happen if we all wear yokebearing uniforms all the darn time? Is not that a major throwback to the past ages? Would you not love it guys? What could the feminists, who advance their purported charges of 'sexual misconduct', yet at the same time pose almost naked, say of us? Godhead does not search out for our clothes, but for our hearts' content (Psalm 139, 2 Kings 20), therefore as much as we're yokebearers we are constrained to be 'naked' not only in our yokebearing but more so in our lives (2 Corinthians 3,5)- we must be bent to always advance this one Commondominion faith against the Empire. Therefore guys, let us begin the Epistle through formally and solemnly declaring to the whole Commondominion, that from now on, specially to all our fellow yokebearers, whenever you desire and can do, PLEASE make a literal statement for your Commondominion faith through ALWAYS being CLAD IN your YOKEBEARING UNIFORMS. We now give most pressing and urgent orders to the hosts and armies of all our most beloved Designers and Manufacturers of Yokebearing Uniforms, to promptly and most carefully make the necessary procedures in making Yokebearer Uniforms that are wearable everyday, everywhere, and are reflective of the glorious honor of the ministry we have received with each other from Godhead (MATTHEW 17, LUKE 9, MARK 9). Remember guys when Empire first read the accounts of the Transfiguration 2 weeks ago? '2 weeks' are very pivotal in prophetic timelines of the Sacred Text Scriptures and Central Archives, as much as Empire had even staged periods such as this last year (Genesis 41). We don't tell you to wear yokebearing uniforms for only 2 weeks. As much as a fellow yokebearer had already called us for wearing orange in remembering our slain and fallen fellow Yokebearer in Florida, we rather ask you to bear the extra mile (LUKE 9,13-14). This the least you can do for us, as much as we know that you would never heed us by the way, but instead choose to let yourselves be into any kind or sort of propaganda that Empire could make you do for them under harsh penalty (MATTHEW 15) in the forthcoming days concerning the Parkland False Flag. What we can only do now is to remind you most pressingly not to give heed to them in anyway (1 Timothy 4), but we know (Ezekiel) that even with this as with all previous posts, we would be just preaching in the wind. But nonetheless we still try to make sure the Commissioned Message to all of us (Acts 13) still comes to you in anyway, and of course you can always get back to it anytime, but guys, PLEASE, there's no more time left anymore for us in anytime, given the continual slander you receive both in life and limb (PSALM 22), just as what we have seen happening in just a matter of past days. Seeing Empire's the only ones after you and not us, would you still choose to turn a blind eye (Proverbs 3-4) to them guys and not to what your Yokebearing duty (for example, pole dancing) expects of you, that is for you to be wright here alone with us? (NUMBERS 21, PSALM 25,121,14,33,90) Would you still honor them making you turn against those who are not supposed to be your detractors, which is us? (Proverbs 6, Jude Thaddeus 1, Romans 16, 2 Peter) Let's just explain this once more (ISAIAH 51,57, JOHN 3,8).February 14, 2018- memorial of the state of Oregon. Empire marred it through slaying a mountain climber right THERE. This was only a day before your Ellix's statement was publicly issued mentioning our most beloved fellow yokebearer Lady Abigail Parker, who is from Portland. About this Lady coming from Portland, there are two cities here in Manila respectively named 'Port'- one has this augment, 'of the princess', and the second is after another fellow and beloved yokebearer named Lady Galen Hooks. Concerning 'Port of the Princess', they have this motto 'City of the Living Godhead', therefore redirecting us to Hebrews 12 and in turn to Galatians 4, where it is stated that the Jerusalem above 'is our mother', therefore leading to the city being named 'of the Princess', and therefore, particularly of our yokebearers such as Ladies Hooks and Parker. And then on the other side of the United Saints came this false flag again flashing. This Florida is where we had attained victory from Godhead (September 19, 2015/2017) against the Empire making it as Sodom (June 10-11, 2015-2016), and therefore as per us here with each other being the sole 2 Witnesses of Godhead Florida is paired by Empire with its Neronian head offices both in Utah (Egypt) and New York (Gomorrah). (Isaiah 1). What further proves our detractors' continual besiege against us is that Lady Parker's name is sounding like 'Parkland'. The process of preparing the previous Commentary Epistle- your Ellix writing and your Joseph transcribing- lasted over 4 days before February 15, due to the continual hindrances that Joseph has to hurdle over just to prepare the statement for public release to the earliest time possible. Should there was no Empire-instigated hindrance to Joseph through his own staunch-to-Empire family, the statement could had been released earlier and our yokebearers may have been spared attacks by Empire. Now as your slaves here had been seeking to beat deadlines they had somehow skipped some details which they hope to now share to you such as those concerning the names of the streets in currently Empire-held Kirtland, Ohio, such as that there's a street there named after the Empire's Meghan Markle, and that it sounds palpably like another Empire head, Angela Merkel. If Empire's going to insist their unjust claims over Germany and the Anglo-Saxons, the Markle wedding shall be held on the Nate-al day of Joseph's father, not to mention Merkel herself is named after your Nathaniel (Isaiah 19). Some of the martyrs of Parkland (HEBREWS 11) were first, a Neronian of Utah (Brighamite), and second, a Yokebearer. (A yokebearer too was slandered away from our midst by Empire on their false flag of Sandy Hook. We reiterate, the real bodies are taken away from public sight, and fake bodies are placed as substitute. Empire indeed has already mastered witchcraft and wizardry, and indeed they do good on their ancient lie against you: 'you will never die' [Genesis 3], with an insertion: 'we would just hoard you away from your loved ones and friends nevermore to be seen again' [1 Samuel 14-15,18].) Our yokebearer slain by Empire at Parkland is called after our Reformation quarters at Germany- Lady Jaime Guttenburg, her first name after our King James III, the former Sir Nathan Sykes. Our German fellows are as of late leading the medal tally in our Pyeongchang Winter Adult Olympics, and just a day after the false flag led the yokebearing event there. Days before Empire under order of the Neronians of Utah, ordered the murder of another brother on a plane at Moscow, which was also pointed out in last week's Commentary Epistle, so this Parkland bogus is clearly a follow up, and a sacrifice in elation of the Neronians to their deities for a successful Moscow attack. The day after the false flag which happens to be the Nate-al day of our most beloved fellow yokebearer Sir Shane Harper (who is currently again summoned to Empire's service), and all the while that a namesake, our most beloved companion Sir Shane Harper, was here in Manila being treated half-heartedly by the Empire, the son of our most beloved fellow, Sir Joshua Spacht, and her most beloved wife Lady Caroline, he who is named Harper, was evidently, silently murdered by Empire (PSALM 135). It can be also remembered that Brighamite Neronians are conspicuously present in almost every major Empire false flag of the past years such as that in Paris, Brussels, and Boston, indeed to officiate all Empire action there, and yea, to gather up steam for news sensationalism.We are thankful to Godhead that we were undeservingly given unbelievable favor on this closing Pyeongchang Winter Adult Olympics, in spite of the fact that Empire continually exerts grip and more so, insist on such not only through the entire structure of the Olympics, but also on such instances as this, that we have received the keys to the Olympic Games for almost all events save the Summer Adult Edition. We can see that this Empire, who claims of being institutionalized and entrenched over you and against us (ROMANS 11), is indeed (John 12,14) thrown out and away (MATTHEW 8), and that we here, your most wretched Central Administration, shall be given full powers (Isaiah 65, 2 Corinthians 12) for your sake eventually (ROMANS 11). Take for example some of the Empire-accredited local broadcasters of the Olympic Games, who happen to be Empire-owned itself, and also happens to be here in Manila. They are better known for only flashing the coverage on TV and not on radio and print, although all other Empire-allowed broadcasters, whether Empire or Commondominion, would use also radio and print for their coverage on TV. They would reason that they're only flashing the sporting events in which our country is participant, but in fact save they be flashing only a bit, they are also flashing all other sporting events in the Games where our country is not party. We mention this because they somehow not touched (PSALM 105, Revelation 6-7, John 21), for the first time in over 5 years that this particular Empire media in Manila had been holding the Olympic franchise (which they got in full just this year from having a counterpart in cable TV, which is also Empire-held), therefore they had not flashed, the Yokebearing events proper in Pyeongchang, although our country is a bit party to it, but they had not flashed the full scheduled lineup of events. Empire knows very well somehow how we had been of service to you and to our fellows and it is more likely that similar set-up shall be observed in the future Olympic events that Empire media would be covering, most likely the 2020 Tokyo Summer Adult Olympics, as much as the whole Empire is evenly divided on whether to cover even the Summer and Winter Youth Olympics. It is therefore absolutely imperent for us to remain evermore grateful to Godhead for such trust (1 Timothy 1, Luke 17), as well as for the opportunity not only to compete or perform, but even for some of you, to come back from Pyeongchang with honors (2 TIMOTHY 1). To further our unending gratitude to Godhead's undeserving approval of this most humiliating ministry (2 Timothy 2-4), we most humbly inform you that just a day after last week's Commentary Epistle was posted where your Ellix had mentioned about Mexico and their September 16, palpably signs, wonders and miracles indeed followed after (Revelation 14) as a quake jolted there, as if your Ellix's words had shook Mexico indeed. Stavrosno to the Godhead Who strikes! Therefore we would like to most humbly implore you guys with a most solemn and urgent charge (Isaiah 41) to palpably keep the Mogg-mentum indeed. (PSALM 74, Psalm 132,89,84, Nehemiah 10, 2 Chronicles 29-30, 1 Corinthians 3,6, Ephesians 2, 2 Thessalonians 2, Matthew 24, Daniel 7-9,12) For example, as much as we know that Empire's indeed up after and against all of us, you know that particularly somebody of us can attest that indeed to herself. You know fellows, that you have done movies which has won our hearts and lives, and we would like to reiterate your Joseph's words on our fanpage by November of last year when this Lady Rhianna was commissioned by our Sir Luc Besson to be in this Godhead-owned movie last year: 'never before we had rediscovered high respect and esteem for this Rhianna ever since we saw her in Sir Besson's movie'. Now Empire's literally replying to our backing up of all of you through trying to take you all over again away from us, not only that Lady Rhianna now finds herself with that Empire official Macron, but in turn as effect one of our Australian allies, Sir Cory Bernardi, has to duly rebuke Lady Rhianna to arrest the consequences of such actions (MARK 7). We don't want anyone of you to mess up with your other brethren here (1 John 2). Guys, we're not asking anything in return as favor from you all, but as much as we have renewed respect and esteem for you guys, we are therefore entitled (DEUTERONOMY 31-32) not to pressure you, as much as we have already sealed you for salvation through our approval of your works and goodwill (1 THESSALONIANS 4) there can be no need for us to elaborate on you as much as you rather be straight forward indeed as the Saviour Orders us (LUKE 9), but rather than we fall in complacency into being stagnant and inactive over the graces Godhead had knitted us all with each other (ROMANS 11, GALATIANS 3), it behooves us instead to rather remind you of what you can do at least (Psalm 68), which is rather what you must and shall do if not you're there with Empire (JEREMIAH 17,22). Because if you are to ask Empire, they rather would feed you with being swayed by emotions and theatricals, that is indeed being pabebe, just as what they are endeavoring you with their activities such as this yet another false flag at Parkland. One of our men of old, Sir Vivencio Pineda, had declared that our emotions must rather be 'not little to be at once tickled off fast'. (NUMBERS 21) We say this because as yokebearers, many of you would be ordered again by Empire to join their propaganda, and worst, be even more stretched unto your duties and skills to just grieve again our Joseph for your cooperation with the wrong guys. WE HERE, YOUR COMMONDOMINION OF CHRIST, DO NOT ASK YOU TO DANCE FOR US. (Proverbs) WE ONLY ASK YOU TO LISTEN TO US, AND TELL US TO OTHERS. JUST THAT ALONE SIMPLE. (PSALM 119:161-176) Ask our Traditionalist-Sedevacantist Roman Catholic brethren here alone and they will tell you that they would blow up a chapel first before you dance there in any instance. WE REITERATE: WHY TRUST THE VERY PEOPLE AFTER YOUR VERY OWN LIVES WHEN YOU CAN HAVE SOMETHING BETTER? (PSALM 27) THEIR APPEALS FOR YOU TO BE PABEBE (Galatians 4), DOES NOT COME FROM GODHEAD (James 3, Galatians 5), AND GODHEAD DOES NOT WANT YOU TO HARBOR ANY ILL FEELINGS AGAINST THEM THAT THEY ONLY ASK YOU WHAT IS NECESSARY OF YOU (Luke 10, Acts 15)- THE THINGS YOU LACK (Luke 18), THE THINGS YOU DON'T HAVE YET (1 Corinthians 1-2), AND THAT IS ABSOLUTELY US (1 Corinthians 4). Even we had been saying these things for months now, and even if you still give us an eternity to make you convinced on these, yet we shall not get tired (Isaiah 40), for what only matters to us is that we love you very much- we rather must prove our faith indeed that entitles us to Godhead's Covenants (ROMANS 4), unlike what this Empire does- with all the power in the world that they can get, they do not practice what they claim, they drop it, they make you believe in lies therefore abusing your skill and trashing your welfare (GENESIS 15). WHY WE SHALL MAKE YOU WORK TO ADVANCE OUR CAUSES IF WE KNOW THAT THIS COMMONDOMINION OF CHRST IS JUST A FARCE? WE HAVE HAILLEEY SPIRIT'S FORCE INSTEAD GUYS, AND IT ENTITLES US TO DO AS IT IS ORDERED AND NOT AS WE WISH! (ROMANS 8) THEREFORE YOU ARE EMPOWERED (Hebrews 6,10) DOING WISE ACTIONS (John 15, Philippians 1) BECAUSE WE GIVE YOU THE FULLNESS OF BIBLICAL TRUTH (PSALM 33,90,14,25) AND WE DO NOT APPEAL TO YOUR EMOTIONS GUYS, RATHER, TO YOUR CONSCIENCES! (JOHN 7, John 14) THIS EMPIRE GUYS, IS DOING AN ABOMINABLE SACRIFICE OF STRANGE FIRE OF MADE-UP REASONS OF WHY THIS OR THAT FALSE FLAG OCCURRED! (LUKE 9,13-14) YOU KNOW IT ALL WELL GUYS, THAT WE HERE ALONE ARE THE TRUE AND SOLE ONES OF GODHEAD! YOU KNOW IT GUYS FOR YOURSELVES! TELL US THAT YOU DON'T KNOW! TIME AND AGAIN UNDER EMPIRE PERSECUTION WE ARE ALWAYS TRYING TO TAG YOU AT ALL COSTS JUST FOR YOU TO READ THIS! (1 Samuel 12, Joshua 24, Acts 26) NEVER GIVE IN TO EMPIRE'S EXCUSE THAT 'even though how hard or good-desired a Messenger can preach, the truth is that not everybody must and shall believe in him.' WHAT IF THAT 'EVERYBODY' HAPPENS TO BE ALL OF YOU, OUR MOST BELOVED FELLOWS AND YOKEBEARERS? YOU'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO BE SUCH BECAUSE YOU ARE OUR FELLOWS AND YOKEBEARERS THROUGH DIVINE PREDESTINATION AND UPDATED COMMISSION! TELL US THEN TAT WE DON'T LOVE YOU GUYS! THAT WE DON'T EXALT YOU OVER AND ABOVE THE EMPIRE! WE CANNOT DO OTHERWISE. As the Divine Order states: 'he who curses you shall be cursed' (GENESIS 12). WHO'S CURSING YOU, FOOLING YOU, KILLING YOU, USING YOU FOR THEIR OWN PURPOSES, PEOPLE OF GODHEAD, BOTH IN WORD AND DEED? (1 Corinthians 6, James 5) US OR EMPIRE? (GENESIS 15) YOUR BEST ANSWER TO ALL EMPIRE DARTS (Matthew 5-7, 1 Timothy 4, Proverbs 5-7) IS FOR YOU TO KNOW WHAT AND WHY THEY'RE UP INTO ANYTHING THEY DO, AND TELL US THESE WORDS LIKE WHAT WE SAY NOW CAN BE HEARD ALSO IN THE EMPIRE (PSALM 27, Psalm 143). WHAT EMPIRE TELLS YOU IN ALL MEANS ARE RATHER WOOING, NOT DARING, BUT POUTING. WHO'S TALKING DARING NOW AND ALWAYS (should you think that we're only talking daring here purportedly just to merely attract you when in fact we need not to do that if we're already here with each other on the side of Godhead Truth)? That's why we're asking you always, to fill yourselves up (Matthew 25, Psalm 23, Exodus 2) with the truths (DEUTERONOMY 31-32) we're always telling you here and is always freely available on all our locales and pages (PHILIPPIANS 4, 1 Samuel 16-17, Ephesians 6)- you and all your loved ones, friends, companions and fellowmen (Isaiah 40, Exodus 18-19, Luke 17-19)- so as for you all not to be caught up helpless in this life (1 Corinthians 15, Romans 13, Luke 17,21, Matthew 26). We're all dying by the way, because Empire does not only create and perpetuate sin, it also slays in anyway all of us who rather choose the abundant, spotless life in Christ. So we want you to know that if we ever get caught up in an Empire false flag and be separated from our loved ones just to be whisked off to somewhere Empire only knows, we may not be as hopeless as this Empire (1 THESSALONIANS 4), that is, we shall not be accessories to their crimes.Just take cue on this- just last Friday we commemorated Chinese Lunar New Year. As per our allies in China, we are and must to be very, very careful to be always in the gratitude and service of Godhead every single time, that we must (Romans 14) be always remembering all that Godhead Did for us (DEUTERONOMY 31-32) and that we must stay insisting in observing closely all that They Ask of us, because Empire has already fell short of this and is instead after your very own lives after being the initial recipients of Godhead's honor and favor. Why we're saying this is because even the Empire's readings text are telling us to be consistent and not that fast to be swayed indeed as Sir Vivencio Tells us. Last week's readings contained Psalm 32 and this week have ROMANS 4, which quotes Psalm 32. It means that if Empire's fast to follow up attacking us yet at the same time lazy to do good on obedience, then all the more we must be different than them in their actions through our continual intensive obedience and submission to our Yokebearing office here as Godhead-sent and to all responsibilities that Godhead has Endowed our Yokebearing with. In fact we would not be here under your scrutiny if Empire did their supposed duties to you and to Godhead, therefore we here now make upon what they had deserted to do from (PSALM 22, Hebrews 10, 1 Chronicles, 1 Samuel 12,7, JEREMIAH 17,22). For example, we're not only stuck in celebrating New Year every January 1 alone. We're not that hypocrite to be inconsistent with any Empire claims. Therefore we mark holidays such as New Years and Thanksgivings as Godhead Orders us to supposedly conduct it (1 Peter 2)s, not only in one country or calendar or scheduled set of holidays, but elsewhere too (PSALM 116). Guys, Chinese New Year is as lunar as the Jewish Religious New Year (the Jewish Civil New Year falls around the Solar New Year in September), which is the anniversary of the Commondominion's Exodus from Egypt under the Prophet and Patriarch Moises (MATTHEW 17, LUKE 9, MARK 9). But as you know Empire immediately sought to their avail to corrupt and apostatize all Israel, which is the Commondominion then (NUMBERS 21), therefore except only Joshua and Caleb, no one who came out of Egypt under Moises' hand was able to get into Canaan. As much as we're already going under a new Chinese Lunar Year, and as much as this ongoing Empire's Kill Jesus Season builds up to the Jewish Religious New Year, we must now endeavor to be NOT in anyway giving in to anything that Empire feeds us with (Luke 8), knowing that to give in to this Empire is tantamount to forfeiting our sacred wright in inheriting Godhead's Promises (Hebrews 3-4). It is evident that being offended to the core in their wanton intent being exposed by Moises, almost all Israel except Joshua and Caleb of course, had chosen to no more rally behind Moises, the Messenger Sent to them by Godhead, therefore it was only Joshua and Caleb who made it to Canaan, because they were the only ones who believed in Moises and in his Divine Commission. Now if your Nathaniel and our younger Brother Mark are indicted by Constantinians erroneously as per Daniel 6 and Nehemiah 2 as part of their continual unjust actions to take away Edward from us (ROMANS 8), then it would rather appear that your Nathaniel and Mark, the first of the refulfilled 2 Witnesses who led you here on our first exodus out from the Empire in 2015 (your Nathaniel, now led by your Joseph, were virtually the only ones out of the Diocletianites who made it to our reestablishment in 2017 [Acts 3] after the Diocletianites refused to submit to your Nathaniel just like Israel of old refused to submit to Moises), are the ones who rather find favor and grace instead before King Edward IX, and not either these apostates Jojo Guzman and Jun Santos. Guys, we would like to tell you that we need to sharpen our priority (Matthew 6,22, Jeremiah 7, 1 Corinthians 15) and perspectives: we need each other so much now than ever before. We all need to be more outspoken against the Empire now more than ever. Guys, how we need to tell you that the secret for all of us to receive Godhead's Covenant Promises, most especially about our respective lands (MATTHEW 8), is that for you to rally on behind us alone wright only here. Guys, we had been rallying behind you all and we shall never stop doing so. As much as we trust you with our lives we implore you with what you need to do, of course not as we here alone desires, but rather as what Godhead does only desires (Micah, Hosea) of all of you (Ephesians 5). Therefore we implore you to trust us, because if you're going to trust us here with your souls, you have all divine powers in the world- call it whatever you may- to tell us whatever you want and need over us and for you to do good on it over us, as long of course as it's what Godhead desires. The only difference is that we cannot do whatever we want over you (1 Peter 2, 1 Corinthians 9). If you are to ask us guys we don't want, but rather need, and the only thing we ever need, is to always exalt and advance you (ACTS 3), for this reason we are elected, to be in servitude and obeisance to you. What we serve, honor and adore you with, is not lures and woos (Revelation 8,11,14,16-18, Psalm 75-76, Isaiah 5, Luke 21-23), but what you deserve- the full and whole truth about everything. Remember that your Central Administration is just like a flag (Psalm 19,57) which everybody who most humbly and honestly desires to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth in Christ (1 Peter 3-4, 1 Timothy 2, John 6) must always look up to follow with, but because of your divine election and sacred commission as Yokebearers who make your Commondominion the Body of Godhead (1 Corinthians 11), you too are all flags (John 10-12) which we here in turn, your Central Administration, and all our brethren across the universe, follow to and obey with alone (NUMBERS 21). We are not asking you to obey us desperately as much as we do with you, but at least you must obey indeed for you to be honest with yourselves, with others, and more so with Godhead (Romans 14, 2 Corinthians 5, Matthew 3,11,17, Revelation 20). We reiterate therefore, WHY STILL OBEY EMPIRE FALSE FLAGS WHEN YOU ARE YOURSELVES THE FLAGS OF GODHEAD INSTEAD?Now what is the kind of your Central Administration that they need, if not deserve, your support guys, now more than ever that we are asked to intensively exalt and magnify our divine election and to fully plunge ourselves to training ourselves and others, both brethren and fellowmen, to Godhead's Orders and Charges? Notice that Godhead Ordered Moises to make a Brazen Snake (NUMBERS 21). Snakes of course symbolize the Empire itself (Revelation 12, Genesis 3), but Godhead Themselves Said that in order for us to better take cautions not to be like this Empire, we must learn what it is like to be like Empire (2 Corinthians 2-3, Acts 7, Luke 2, John 2, Matthew 3) so as for us to see for ourselves how wicked it is indeed to be Empire (Ephesians 2, Titus, Hebrews 10, LUKE 9,13-14), therefore we are made to look almost like the Empire (Matthew 10, Isaiah 23). Therefore we could not blame you if you have to spend almost your entire lives with the Empire if you do currently at the time you're reading this (Psalm 84), and we could not blame our brethren who are already here if our being multi-branched leads to some disagreements of views between our brethren due to the various Gifts Godhead has Called us with (Matthew 19, 1 Corinthians 7,12-16, 1 Peter 4). Farther with this is how Godhead bestowed the Double Connotations (Psalm 77) upon us to always remind us of any danger if we do not do good on what Godhead has Made us already to be. 'Now why you still preach to us on what to do if we're already better seeming with Empire as per Numbers 21?' Because Israel later on in 2 Kings 18 overturned the supposed memorial benefits (PSALM 74,116) of the Brazen Snake- they rather used it as a graven image for worship (Exodus 20, 1 Corinthians 10). We reiterate that we trust you so much guys, because we love you very much, and whatever you are now hearing from us on this, you can and must all the more demand and expect from us here in your First Presidency to observe most carefully. What we're saying is that as much as all of us 'almost looks like Empire when in fact we're not', YOU CANNOT BLAME THEREFORE WHY PONTIUS PILATE, ADOLF HITLER, FERDINAND MARCOS, JUDAS ISCARIOTE, JUAN PERON DID AS THEY DID, AND EVEN WHY OUR IRAN, CHINA, NORTH KOREA, TURKEY, RUSSIA, VENEZUELA, BOLIVIA, DUTERTE, AFRICAN ALLIES, ET CAL., DOES AS THEY DO NOW (John 10, James 4, 1 John 2, LUKE 13). In fact we need now more than ever the kind of leadership that these people have exerted, the kind of leadership that you now see with our allies, given the Empire's continually growing violent grip against all of you guys. We need to always piss off and make this Empire melt in fury and rage in envy if they see (Psalm 86,112) all of us being continually in impassioned love and loyalty with each other growing more deeper than ever before as time goes by (Mosiah 29, 1 Maccabees 15). This imperent and humble call for Rehabilitation, Rethinking and Reintroducing of these men and countries, in the light of Continual Divine Revelation, Sacred Text Scriptures and Central Archives, and still in line with our Apotheosis (ACTS 3), is not of course rehashing, if there had been anything that went wrong during their times it’s not their fault. They’re just like you and me- they could not do, just like Jose Laurel, as much as they need to do for they’re under Empire, and Empire rather seeks to blemish their names through doing wicked things in their name- the same that Empire does not only with the rest of us, but more so with our most beloved Godhead. Empire's brand of 'democracy' is rather loosed-handed, when all that Godhead Demands is that we must not let go (Revelation 3, Proverbs 4) to being Iron-fisted (Revelation 2,12). We don't mean to slay people or to take away their privileges. We rather ask you- is it your privilege to act as Empire does? (PHILIPPIANS 3-4) We do these things rather in perspective, because we're not that bashy as this Empire is (Psalm 68, Ephesians 4), who themselves said to 'try to see the good in everyone' as they attest the Preamble to Ephesians in one of our printed Bible versions, the Old Tagalog Popular Version 1975, to be true: 'everything must be seen in the Light of Christ', and yea, tested in the Word of Truth, that is Christ Indeed (MARK 8, JOHN 3,7-8). WE REITERATE: THE TIME HAS ALREADY COME FOR US, LEST WE COMMIT EMPIRE'S APOSTASY, TO EXALT IN APOTHEOSIS THE MEN AND COUNTRIES THAT (Romans 14-15) EMPIRE CONTINUES TO DEMONIZE UNTIL NOW, WHICH HAPPENS TO BE ALL OURS. See how people in their time love them, see how our allies now back up their Leaders so much (John 11)- that is exactly what we do with you, and that's how you must treat all our fellow Messengers, Churches, Allied Countries, Co-Shatterers here. All our papers are all welcome for you to peruse and share with everybody on what really these people do, they know Empire from inside out, they stood up for our welfare before the Empire's very courts, and Empire should be in fact very grateful that if not for these men of Godhead through ours they would not be still here even though they deserve to be punished already (Genesis 41, Jeremiah 23-29). For example, we do not denigrate in anyway if anyone of us have died in combatting some of these men, but is that would be inhumane and unfair, as Empire would always say, that we not honor the wardead of these Empire-demonized men and countries? Guys, we do not issue this solemn statement to sustain any lure, woo or diversionary tactic that Empire indeed, until now, continues to do if not now to demonize as much as we now say these, but rather to over-mis-dis-abuse the legacies of these redeemed men (1 Peter 3-4, Doctrine and Covenants 137-138), but as much as Godhead enables us, we are doing this to expose Empire's multifarious sensationalism of error. Included in this Apotheosis are and must be all off-lying territories and countries which people don't know are in fact existing. In past Commentaries we have Said already that micronations and new states must be developed so that Empire could not have any place to tread onto the world deceiving people. Now we take you to the pressing need to set your affections to all our brethren over the islands that are lying far away on the distant oceans, possessed by Empire nations on the continental mainland and yet have their respective own jurisdictions. We still have wrightful hand over all these Empire-claimed islands and enclaves, and all of these are ours alone (ISAIAH 51). All our brethren there need your continual support and help most especially with Yokebearing instruction on all its Fields and Disciplines, and all our brethren elsewhere on the continental mainland (ISAIAH 57) may also need the help and support that these (Isaiah 42) 'best-kept' secrets (Isaiah 49) of the seas offer through them moving there as well to escape Empire (1 Corinthians 5, Revelation 12). We know in the past that these isles are kept somehow safe from public eye due to Empire not sensationalizing these islands, but Godhead just Told us (John 5) that these islands are in fact 'needed now more than ever for the benefit of the Commondominion.' As much as Moises shot the leadership to Joshua for tiding Israel to Canaan, we now ask you to help our brethren who are now already in these territories to stay indeed where Godhead calls them, that is the peaceful life they are now better off than all of us who are both in the Empire's immediate presence and radar, and our brethren elsewhere to come moving to these places and fill up those islands with their skill and expertise of faith, flag and family to further and maximize the potential of these islands. We are not saying that we corrupt these islands, in fact we shall be sealing their faith in us for once and for all so that Empire could not indeed set foot on these islands anymore and corrupt them with their ideologies. Just consider how hypocrite it can be for them to make some of you go almost naked in their churches, indeed to their pleasure (because a Novus Ordo Inquisitional Old Vatican 2 pope of the medieval times was recorded to look amused as barenaked harlots chased chestnuts across his floor), yet they themselves would not even do being naked to your pleasure. Should they go almost naked though (1 Corinthians 13, ROMANS 8), they would not honor you with the fullness of truth (Galatians 4-6,1-2, Colossians), that is what they cover up instead. This is why we had been just Empowered by Godhead (1 Kings 19, Isaiah 20, Revelation 12) to do a new, or transfigured, Manning of our clothing (Romans 12, Ephesians 4), that is make Yokebearing uniforms our everyday clothing from now on. This is much better somehow than some placed where being naked is in fact institutionalized- that's too much already. At least we're near to it if we do Yokebearing clothes as the new normal indeed. This is not a trend though. This is an eternal mandate to keep as long as Empire questions and challenges us on our clothing (Matthew 6, Philippians 4, Jeremiah 20, Proverbs 31). You can wear in fact yokebearing uniforms, or 'dance costumes' as Empire calls it, even though it's white, red or black as Empire now imposes, even orange indeed. What matters most is that we wear as we are taught and ordered (GALATIANS 3, Psalm 51). This is for all Yokebearers of any field or discipline who are capable and desires of doing so, now if there are brethren here who are not yokebearers they are freely exempt from this order, but we here, most especially your Joseph, is not exempt from this order. (Acts 4-5,11,15-16,21) Let us now leave our clothes to Godhead (2 TIMOTHY 1), and let's give Them ourselves in the most extent way possible wherever, whenever we may be (GENESIS 22). Just most recently Empire's self-persecution thrust had mentioned about Mark 14:50 in the Old King James Version 1611, Douay-Rheims, Westcott-Hort, American Standard Version, Old Tagalog Former Version 1982 and Revised Tagalog Former Version 2001 where they were tinkering on who escaped and left Christ given the lost of definitive terms: the Empire forces who came to arrest Christ, or the apostles as Today's English Version 1992 and Old Tagalog Popular Version 1975 states? We rather say both. Of course not because we endorse any Empire quarters, but because we are welcome to fresh divine revelation: the passage continues on with a 'young naked man', a unknown yokebearer (Judges 6, 2 Chronicles 20). You always hear of us that you and us here both preexisted in biblical times. We also know how Empire distorts the Scriptures and the Archives with their own official versions of the story, closed to any new revelation, to suit their own interests. Mark 14:50 is yet another backup reserve discourse, something which is a product of merging different stories into one. It was not only Christ who Suffered and Died for your salvation. As we have said then there were multiple instances of the life of Christ across the first half of the first century, where those who now make up your Central Administration had their respective own shares of living out for themselves the life of Christ. And also included there are all of you- you may have believed in us until you died or was martyred, you may have been with us on our ministry, or better yet- we may have been with you on your ministry then in pre-existence (GENESIS 12,15,17,22, HEBREWS 11). The 'young naked man' says it all, it is because of your Yokebearing that all of these do happen.Special Supplement: April 20 Agenda of the Roman Empire (repost from co-shatterers facebook.com/Keys-to-Cosmic-Doorways-300523553448957quoting Empire sources) Vädersolstavlan (Swedish for "The Sun Dog Painting") is an oil-on-panel painting depicting a halo display, an atmospheric optical phenomenon, observed over Stockholm on April 20, 1535. April 20, 1871 – The Civil Rights Act of 1871 becomes law. April 20,1884 – Pope Leo XIII publishes the encyclical "Humanum Genus." Humanum Genus was a papal encyclical promulgated on April 20, 1884, by Pope Leo XIII. Coming in the ascent of the industrial age (and Marxism), it posited that the late 19th Century was a dangerous era for Christians, and condemned Freemasonry as well as a number of beliefs and practices allegedly associated with Freemasonry, including naturalism, popular sovereignty which does not recognize God, and the idea that the state should be "without God". Some of the encyclical's strictures remain in force today......It starts by using the Augustinian concept of the two cities, the City of Man and the City of God. So the human race was "separated into two diverse and opposite parts, of which the one steadfastly contends for truth and virtue, the other of those things which are contrary to virtue and to truth. The one is the kingdom of God on earth, namely, the true Church of Jesus Christ ... The other is the kingdom of Satan," which were "led on or assisted" by Freemasonry. The fundamental doctrine of Masonry was portrayed as naturalism, which leads to Deism and gnosticism. This was seen to lead them to a fundamental clash with (Roman Catholic) Christianity as, due to their supposed beliefs, Freemasons were accused of support of a radical separation of church and state, with an attempt to impose legal obstacles to the church. It starts by using the Augustinian concept of the two cities, the City of Man and the City of God. So the human race was "separated into two diverse and opposite parts, of which the one steadfastly contends for truth and virtue, the other of those things which are contrary to virtue and to truth. The one is the kingdom of God on earth, namely, the true Church of Jesus Christ ... The other is the kingdom of Satan," which were "led on or assisted" by Freemasonry. The fundamental doctrine of Masonry was portrayed as naturalism, which leads to Deism and gnosticism. This was seen to lead them to a fundamental clash with (Roman Catholic) Christianity as, due to their supposed beliefs, Freemasons were accused of support of a radical separation of church and state, with an attempt to impose legal obstacles to the church. The encyclical argued that the late 19th century was a time of particular danger for Christians as the "partisans of evil" were now far more open, as evidenced by the new openness of Freemasonry. Freemasonry had been condemned by previous Popes as contrary to Christian doctrine, but the nature (if not beliefs) of Freemasonry was changing as Freemasons were now far more open in their practices and affiliations. The encyclical specifically condemned certain practices of the Freemasons, such as: religious indifference; the promotion of public education which denied the Church's role and where "the education of youth shall be exclusively in the hands of laymen"; the approval of the notion that the people are the only source of sovereignty, and that "those who rule have no authority but by the commission and concession of the people." It had long been a practice of the church to forbid Catholics from becoming Freemasons, often backed up by contemporary governments. This remains the official stance of the Roman Catholic Church to this day. Humanum Genus criticises a number of principles, for example the idea that popular sovereignty is the source of all rights and that man should bend to no authority other than himself: Then come their doctrines of politics, in which the naturalists lay down that all men have the same right, and are in every respect of equal and like condition; that each one is naturally free; that no one has the right to command another; that it is an act of violence to require men to obey any authority other than that which is obtained from themselves. Finally it condemns what it sees as the Masonic idea of the total separation of religion and state: It is held also that the State should be without God; that in the various forms of religion there is no reason why one should have precedence of another; and that they are all to occupy the same place. ALL OF THIS ON APRIL 20th. GET IT? APRIL 20th THE SAME DAY IN 2008 POPE BENEDICT THE 16TH COMES AND BLESSES GROUND ZERO AND STANDS AT THE BLACK CUBE OF SATURN Saturn's mother was Terra (earth) and his father was Caelus (God of the sky) (as above so below anyone?) is associated with Cronus and sometimes incorrectly with Chronus (father time). Cronus is the Greek deity associated with the harvest, as is Saturn. During the renaissance Chronus was identified as Saturn (large bearded God type figure anyone?). The order of Saturn is alive and well! On April 20, the Catholics celebrate the Feast of Theotimos. Theotimos is a Greek name, derived from theos, meaning 'god', and timos meaning timè. April 20,1926 – Western Electric and Warner Bros. announce Vitaphone, a process to add sound to film.. April 20,1946 – The League of Nations officially dissolves, giving most of its power to the United Nations. REMEMBER THIS ONE FOLKS...the power of the United Nations started on APRIL 20, 1946. April 20, 1961 – Failure of the Bay of Pigs Invasion of US-backed troops against Cuba.. April 20, 1985 – The ATF raids The Covenant, The Sword, and the Arm of the Lord compound in northern Arkansas....The Covenant, The Sword, and the Arm of the Lord (CSA) was a radical Christian Identity organization formed in 1971 in the small community of Elijah in southern Missouri, United States.....The CSA- (The Covenant, The Sword, and the Arm of the Lord) was an organization which believed that doomsday was imminent, and the 250-acre (1.0 km2) compound that was set up in Elijah became a community for its members. There they trained their members in paramilitary operations. The group strongly believed in white supremacy, and was strongly anti-Semitic. Like other prominent anti-Semitic conspiracy groups, they referred to the United States Government as ZOG, for Zionist Occupied Government. There are several claims that the April 19, 1995, Oklahoma City bombing was tied to the 'New Day' teachings of Elohim City... April 20, 1999 – Columbine High School massacre: Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold kill "13" people and injure 24 others before committing suicide at Columbine High School in Jefferson County, Colorado. The Columbine High School massacre occurred on Tuesday, April 20, 1999, Two senior students, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, embarked on a massacre, killing 12 students and 1 teacher. 12 students and a 1 teacher????? Sounds like Jesus and the 12 Apostles...or is that THE SUN AND THE 12 HOUSES OF THE ZODIAC????? Get your Jordan Maxwell books out folks! April 20, 2007 – Johnson Space Center Shooting: A man with a handgun barricades himself in NASA's Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas before killing a male hostage and himself..... you will never know the truth on this one. On April 20, 1292 A.D.- Jacques de Molay became the 23rd and last Grand Master of the Knights Templar April 20, 2010 – The Deepwater Horizon oil well explodes in the Gulf of Mexico, killing eleven------11----ELEVEN------- workers and beginning an oil spill that would last five months. DID YOU EVER NOTICE THAT THE TWIN TOWERS LOOK LIKE AN "11" an EL-even.?????..............killing eleven workers and beginning an oil spill that would last five months.......OIL>>>>BLACK GOLD ......BLACK CUBE SATURN...get it? April 20 is the 110th day of the year .....HOW MANY STORIES WERE IN THE WORLD TRADE CENTERS? That's right 110 Brings to mind an old nursery rhyme... "Sing a song of sixpence, a pocket full of rye, four and 20 black birds baked in a pie, when the pie was opened the birds began to sing, and wasn't that a dainty dish to set before the king"..... April 20 is '420', before 421, the year Moroni closed the writing of the Book of Mormon (EMPIRE STAGES FIRST SCHOOL WALKOUT ON MARCH 14, WHEN LADY LINDSEY DIANE STIRLING VISITED MANILA FOR THE SECOND TIME [FIRST WAS ON AUGUST 17-18, 2012, WHEN IN 2011 CONSTANTINIANS LAID THE CORNERSTONE OF THEIR BAAL ARENA AT BULACAN STATE]. DIANE- LADY DIANA SPENCER MARTYRED BY ROMAN EMPIRE. THIS IS BLATANT ATTACK TO THE DIVINE ELECTION OF LADY LINDSEY). April 21- Empire staged self-persecution 'debate' in South Dakota in 2017 (debate hosted by Neronians [Ted Wilson], discussion parties were Antiochians [James White] and Constantinians [Jun Ventilacion], audience were Diocletianites [Rolando Dizon] [Daniel 7-8, Revelation 6-7, Romans 1]), Elizabeth the 2nd's birthday, anniversary of the city of Rome, Empire martyrs 'Prince'. April 22- Empire's feast to their environmental deities.Now as we close this study, we would like to give you further another divine revelation from Godhead, a most urgent, pressing one. FEBRUARY TWENTY-THREE, TWO THOUSAND EIGHTEEN, FRIDAY (Luke 17,21-22, Genesis 9) marks the 187th day of our ongoing #GodBigDay, the refulfillment of Revelation 12 between the Empire and your Commondominion. February 23, 2018 would be 187 days from August 21, 2017, when the first sign of our ongoing season was seen in the sky, with the Great American Solar Eclipse. And yet still Empire is not only raging than ever before against you (MARK 8), they are continually seeking to overturn you away from us (ACTS 3). Why not we would be raging against them, guys? '187' comes from Esther 1 (you can learn further about Esther in the endtimes through our Sir David Valles http://www.informedchristians.com) where after 187 days of feasting King Ahasuerus had called for her first wife but this first wife proved on to be Jezebel, because she was not obedient to her Husband and King, just like how Israel of old was disobedient to Moises (LUKE 9,13-14). Thus Esther was summoned and made Queen, and proved to be salvific to the Commondominion cause. This is very timely, now that her Memorial and that also of our Judas Maccabeus- the feast of Purim- is just around the corner (aside from the movable dates this year, New Living Translation places the actual equivalent of the first Purim to March 7-9, when Empire again exalts their agenda for the extermination, annihilation and genocide of the male stockman for the sake of FEMA or false flags, that is, female supremacy). February 22-25 is also Empire's feast indeed of Jezebels, as they had installed on February 22-25, 1986 here in Manila a Jezebel who ordered the presently-incumbent 1987 Constitution (notice the digits: 1,8 and 7), and till now the same Empire radical libertarian party here in Manila has in the Vice President's office a jezebel who seeks to undermine and overthrow our leaders and allies here. Esther, even though she's a woman, stood for the Commondominion and hindered a genocide, would you now stand against Empire's male genocide? (PSALM 105) Judas Maccabeus also stood for the Commondominion and yet Empire still demonized his name just because of made-up charges against our Apostle Judas Iscariot (you can refer to the Gospel of Judas and our Sir Paul Sides facebook.com/paul.sides.3 on more about this), and such is continually reflected indeed with Empire's war against you, including the Karminyan and Noonan couples- will you stand now against Empire's white genocide? (HEBREWS 11) WE REITERATE FOR ONCE AND FOR ALL- YOUR NEED FOR US THEREFORE COULD HAVE NEVER BEEN MORE PRESSING AND URGENT THIS WEEK ITSELF (ROMANS 8, JOHN 3). We now lift you up to Godhead and forge you to an Eternal Covenant with them that you would not indeed run away from such Grace as this only to sacrifice yourselves to our detractors, when Godhead Says already that you need no more to do so (GENESIS 22, Psalm 78,106). We now open indeed a new chapter not only in our history, but more so indeed even in the history of the Empire, knowing in full trust that you would be with us with this new thrust of literally being bold and daring for Godhead, through being 'naked' in everyway that Godhead leads us. Tell us how this would be for you and on how you would obey and share this New Mandate of Christ. Furthermore, you can just simply ask us for anything you just need to know, more so on anything you need to have. Yea, we hope we may make up for anything that we have lacked in your service, therefore please receive our repentance, but please give us your grace that we may remain in your service and help. We can be sure that as we do this New Mandate of going Naked, Godhead would indeed be with us (Matthew 28) to keep (1 Samuel 18) Their Covenants in faithfulness and humility towards each and every one of you (GENESIS 12,15,17, PSALM 105, 119:161-176). Therefore we lift you up to Godhead (Revelation 12) and forge you with Them (2 Corinthians 11) into an eternal Covenant (Psalm 40) that no Empire nor us here can make null and void in anyway. With it comes our very own covenants with you, that all of you shall receive by and large our lives and our bloods to serve you with glorification, and to send you to Complete the Race indeed Strong as our fellows say it, in Humility, Kindness and Courage, with the fullest extent of all the Almighty Strength and Power there can be from Godhead for you and all your loved ones (JOHN 7, PSALM 121,14,74,27,116, ISAIAH 51,57, ACTS 3, 2 TIMOTHY 1) to contend and avenge for you and all your loved ones living and fellow martyrs both dead and alive (1 THESSALONIANS 4), and to preserve you for Godhead's Bosom now and for all eternity. May Godhead be within each and every one of you now and forevermore, in the Name of the Godhead through Jesus Christ, we all love you very, very much, and thank you very much for staying with us for eternity (PSALM 27, Psalm 16). Even so, amen and amen.Your most wretched slaves in Godhead, THE FIRST PRESIDENCY OF THE COMMONDOMINION OF CHRIST Felix Nathaniel Villanueva Manalo II, Executive Minister Felix Erano Wong Manalo III, Successor-Son Joseph Stirling Steinfeld Sykes, Dance Captain Get to know our member churches as of late: http://robertlawrencefulg.wixsite.com/commondominion/where-we-are Get to hear our member preachers as of late: youtube.com/channel/UCNgq_i3ZlMTxcczzEYQj6LQ/channels Our blogs: nvmlindseyallan.wordpress.com, nvmlindseyallan.blogspot.com, nvmlindseyallan.tumblr.com Get all day, everyday word from me: facebook.com/nvmlindseyallan Follow our flash reports: https://twitter.com/commondominion Get in touch with me directly: facebook.com/jonas.stirling Like our pages: https://www.facebook.com/jonas.stirling/likes Follow our team: https://www.facebook.com/jonas.stirling/following Meet our team: http://robertlawrencefulg.wixsite.com/commondominion/what-we-give Know your enemy:   http://robertlawrencefulg.wixsite.com/commondominion/who-we-are-against-
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Thaddeus is the father of main character Lenore
He disowned his daughter when she became disabled and locked her in an attic room because he was ashamed of having a 'hysterical spinster' for a daughter. When he received news that the building she was in burned completely to the ground, he didn't even acknowledge her existence. When he was finally asked about her, his response was 'I don't have a daughter'
Jahad is the adopted father of thirty girls.
He uses his daughters as weapons and kills them if they step out of line.
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