#thank god for mods amirite
faeryclown · 3 years
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The Moon | In her light, what was once far away and difficult to grasp becomes sharp and clear.
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fandomfiish · 3 years
I play Stardew valley for the farming: The Farming:
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dokkaebiking · 4 years
Pass the happy! When you receive this, list 5 things that make you happy and send this to 10 of the most recent people in your notifications!
Considering how 2020 has gone, this shouldn’t be a hard list to make as there’s not a lot that’s made me happy this year. I mean, this has been sitting in my inbox for far too long, simply because The Depresso™ has robbed me of the energy to do much of anything these days. However, Biden won the election, and although that cursed cheese ball shit bag currently in the White House is trying to undermine democracy, at the same time I know he ain’t gonna get away with it, so I feel lighter than I have in months, and I’m finally getting to things I’ve held off for too long. Not gonna tag anyone, but if you want to be tagged then I’m attacking you with psychic powers right now and tagging you spiritually >:D
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1. Trash of the Count’s Family! I cannot overstate how much joy this Korean webnovel has brought me this year. I read the manhwa first, by chance, when I was cruising the “Isekai” tag, and after reading so many where a woman got sent into another world/was reborn in another world/took over the body of a side character in their favorite game or book or whatever/or otherwise transmigrated into a place that’s Not Here (and lucky them, amirite)...I was happy to see it happen to a guy. Not only that, but like the first chapter, aside from the prologue, was filled with so much fanservice of just this one guy that I was pleasantly surprised at the tables being turned. Especially since Isekai is very well known for it’s trashy female fanservice and gross harems that make no sense. CUE CALE HENITUSE COMING TO SAVE THE ISEKAI GENRE! 
He not only has no romantic interest whatsoever in the story, which is fantastic (doesn’t stop us fans from shipping left and right, but I love it when this type of protag just does not do romance at all), but he builds a harem that’s purely platonic and god damn it I’ve never seen Found Family done so well I wanna cry just thinking about it. Plus, Cale’s whole philosophy of “gotta create world peace so I can live as a slacker” is hilarious, considering how he just keeps being a Hero™ and hating it, but his dumb ass can’t stop. Also, there’s a baby dragon that he saves, sets free from a terrible torture chamber it began its life in, and rather than running off it decides to follow Cale around and basically Cale becomes a father of three kids, one being the dragon, and the other two being two precious (and very dangerous) cat kids. This story refuses to let the good guys die, which after GoT is refreshing as hell, but isn’t afraid to take bloody revenge on the bad guys, which is also hella refreshing. I’ll go on forever if I don’t stop here, but just look it up if you get the chance and any of this appeals to you—you won’t regret it.
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2. KakaIru, easily, has been the stable foundation for me this year. The friends I met through the fandom before this year have only become closer, and more dear to me, and the new friends are just as lovely; these people are the only things keeping me sane, let me tell you. The @kakairuzine “Intertwined” was a big project that I was delighted to help mod for, and participate in as a merch artist, and I’m so thrilled that we reached all of our stretch goals, and then some! The @the-umino-hours server has brought me much joy during the year, as well as the forum @kakairu-rocks, participating in the @kakairu-mini-bang was a blast (and I’m working on the second part to that fic right now tbh), now I’m a mod (and participant) for the @kakairu-big-bang and am so excited for it. KakaIru has been with me since I was a kid, and it’s just so lovely that it’s still a fairly active part of the fandom, and still makes me as happy as it did when I was 14  (*˘︶˘*).。.:*♡
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3. Spooky boys, like cryptids and folklore and eldritch horrors, are always a delight, but in a year that’s more horrifying than any of them could ever dream to be, it’s oddly cathartic to indulge in the monsters we imagine while surrounded by real monsters of our own making. Also, ever since I wrote my KakaIru fic Want Me Down to the Marrow I’ve had such a soft spot for the Gashadokuro, and still laugh at “Bone Daddy”. You’ll have to pry that title from my cold, dead hands.
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4. “My Next Life as a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom!” It was honestly this otome anime that led me down the path that eventually brought me to “Trash of the Count’s Family”. So I owe a lot to this series, and really the series in and of itself is such a delight. I bought the light novels on Bookwalker because I loved it so much~♥ Katarina (aka Bakarina), thank you for your service. Because of you I looked up other series of a similar strain as your story, and found the manhwa “Beware the Villainess!”, which is a fucking delight, and thus kept looking into that genre and eventually found my way to Cale Henituse’s whacky adventures.
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5. “The Rising of the Shield Hero” has made me happy from the first time I watched it, but I rewatched it this year, and the announcement for the second season’s release came just like...last month I believe, so that spike of serotonin was highly appreciated. I have the light novels for this series up to volume 17, and let me tell you, the story just gets better and better and I cannot wait for it to be animated. Naofumi, I love you you cinical little shit~♥
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avengers1shots · 4 years
The Pen Dare #2
Pietro x Reader
   Three weeks after your pen shenanigans, you were a full-fledged Avengers’ trainee. You hadn’t contacted your “friends” that got you into this mess since then, ‘cause you were a freaking superhero now. You had trained every single day, and could pretty much hold your own in a battle now (unless Pietro was near, damn was he distracting). Tony had warmed up to you a little, but your relationship was more or less sarcastic comments thrown back and forth, and he still hadn’t lived down your comment on his pajamas - the team actually held secret scavenger hunts to find them because they hadn’t made an appearance since you arrived, and everyone was always hungry for stuff to tease Tony about. Steve had made sure you were settled into life at the tower, and he was like a big brother to you. Natasha had respect for you, as it turns out you’re pretty good at coming up with creative solutions to complications in simulated mission scenarios. You had pretty much become friends with everyone besides the only one you were desperate to: Pietro.
   He hadn’t really talked to you since that day, and you were wondering why. You had been amazingly witty and charming, or at least you thought so, compared to your usual self. But nevertheless, he only offered you suggestive quips at compromising times while you were training. It was getting on your nerves. Cute guys at school were hard enough to deal with, let alone super ones. Maybe it ran in the family, as Wanda didn’t seem to like you either. You often caught her glaring at you, which you thought was weird. Last time you checked, you hadn’t done anything to piss her off. 
    Anyway, it was a lovely evening and you had just finished your post-training shower and were about to have your post-training snack when you were smacked into by a certain someone. A certain super fast, super hot, sokovian someone. Of course in the heat of the moment you were tired and annoyed from your training, so you shot out a “Watch it, asshole.” God, you’re just so smooth.  
   “Jesus, Y/N. Sorry.” He said in his glorious accent before running off again. Fucking fantastic. No wonder he hates you. Your default must be bitch mode. 
   You yelled after him, “Wait!” but he was already long gone. You had lost your appetite. Sighing in defeat, you headed back to your room.
   “Y/N.” someone said as they grabbed your arm, stopping you. “Can I talk with you?” Wanda asked as you turned to face her.
   “Yeah. What’s up?” You asked as you shook free of her gasp and crossed your arms.
   “You like my brother.”
   “And that’s going swimmingly, amirite?” 
   She smirked at you, “Not as of late, but I think I can help.”
   “Why do you want to help me? You haven’t really been amicable so far.”
   “I don’t like you. But Pietro’s really upset that you’re being such a dick, and your thoughts show that you don’t mean what you say. You’re just painfully socially inept.”
   “Thanks,” you fake smile at her.
   “Of course,” she shoots back. “Now stop being sarcastic for once in your life, and let me explain my plan.”
   “Oh god.” She glared at you. “Fine, fine. I’m listening.”
   “So the last time you two were able to flirt was in the wake of you doing something incredibly stupid, yes?”
   “I guess so?”
   “So all you have to do is something incredibly stupid. Shouldn’t be too hard for you.”
   You rolled your eyes. “I’ll call my friends.”
   After Wanda gave you the initial ideas, your friends created a perfect plan. In the middle of the night you ran into every single room and stole every single fucking pen in the entire tower and dumped them all in Pietro’s room. When you had finished you went back to your bed, put on your cutest pjs, and went back to sleep as if nothing had happened. 
   An hour or so later, Pietro came banging on your door. 
   “Y/N! What the fuck did you do to my room?”
   You opened your door with the most innocent smile you could manage. “What are you talking about?”
   “There’s a million pens in my room!”
   “I doubt a million,” you said as you backed up to let him into your room, closing the door behind him. “It’s only like every pen in the tower.”
   “So you did do it!”
   “I never said that. And what reason would I have for doing such a thing?” 
   “I don’t know! You are unpredictable!” 
   “Nope, try again.”
   “Did I piss you off?” He asked as he rubbed his neck, and worriedly looked back at you.
   “No… Look, you’re obviously not getting it, but if I did it, I did it to get your attention.”
   “And why is that?” He asked flirtatiously as he moved closer to you.
   “Maybe I like you, and the last time we talked was when I did something stupid, so… Other than me yelling at you in the hallways, of course,” you added with a smirk.
    “Maybe I like you too,” he whispered before closing the space between you, wrapping his arms around your waist and kissing you passionately. Eventually you both pulled back for air, resting your foreheads against each other’s.
    “What is it with you and pens?” He laughed under his breath, before pulling you in for another kiss.
- Mod Mainframe
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Witch of Light here. So like a few months ago I was at a track meet. Now because I'm a Light player, or course I had to go win the hardest event. I did. There were hurdles and since we're freshmen just starting to do harder things, most people slipped and a lot got injured. But I didn't, and I won. And then, while WALKING back, I slipped on the track and broke my arm. Okay thanks for listening, I did this just to brag but also self-deprecate myself. Haha, Light players, amirite?
God saw that you were getting too prideful so she decided to smite you down but congrats on doing so well!
~Mod Cain
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this has been the most wild fuckin year so let’s do a Year in Review shall we
in terms of internet and fandom life, that is. my real life has been atrociously boring but who cares about real life amirite folx
january probably the only calm month of the year.  i spent the first day of the month watching the brazilian inauguration in burgos, spain with one headphone in, while ordering for my family in a restaurant where nobody spoke english (my sister speaks decent spanish, but my whole family has like 8194814 food restrictions so it kind of went past her level of ability). translating between spanish and english with portuguese in one year was kind of awesome. i watched bodyguard and it was amazing!  what else...in january i briefly owned the issue of spanish GQ with Luka on the cover which i then forgot about until november. other than that...? nada.  the calm before the storm. (fav music)
february was so long ago that i keep forgetting how insane its 28 days were.  probably the wildest month of the year really. i got involved in an absolutely batshit and exclusive group chat with a famous person’s family member (which must remain confidential). it was all sunshine and rainbows for a week and a half and it then devolved into the most absolutely insane Lord of the Flies situation ever--it turned into 1 main chat and then 1 chat that was less puritanical than the main chat, and that chat spawned another chat that didn’t trust the previous chat, and then that chat had a massive argument and a like 6-person bitchy chat modded by a gay guy who does voodoo (shoutout to ALCIDES) spawned from that one.  i made it into every level of group chat and was asked by the tiny bitchy chat to spy on the other bitchy chat (i did not lol). i was a member of the tiny bitchy chat until i got a new phone and was logged out of whatsapp for like a month.  these words can’t even convey what this chat was like--oh and did i mention it was all conducted in only my 3rd-best language? it’s no wonder my weird ass survived middle school almost entirely unscathed.  as this was winding down, on the very last day of the month, I found out about Justin’s involvement in the SNC-Lavalin scandal and decided to go public about my years-long boner for him; Lavscam definitely changed the course of the rest year ~ Oh, also i began helping to repair a friendship that had had some Drama go down so that was p cool ~ (fav music)
march was a Time. The insanity of lavscam helped me finally finish the macdeau I started writing the previous December when a bunch of tungelr people called me disgusting for writing it.  i wrote my first straight-up serious explicit porn in years which has wound up being the third-longest thing i’ve ever published on ao3. Also, Hozier released Wasteland, Baby! which made a huge impact on me as well.  i spent like half of march staying up till 3:30 am writing said Long Fic, and i was firmly in the closet about stanning manu. also justin almost got a vote of no confidence or something and he got busted for eating a chocolate bar during a parliamentary all-nighter.  (fav music)
in april i wrote a ton of fanfic thanks to declining mental health(tm).  i think this is when i started my emmanuyell insta account and became really into making weird edits (which i still love doing just...don’t anymore.)  i started meeting some cool people thanks to macdeau.  what else happened in april? i feel like it wasn’t actually too eventful other than writing a lot of fanfic and being Annoyed about manu.  feel free to jog my memory lol.  oh i think i wrote “Okay so who from the French national team are we gonna ship Manu with” on twitter after seeing photos of manu + antoine griezmann at the World Cup but nothing came of that...at that time... (fav music)
may saw me having to deal with my shit mental health and up my meds but that seems to have had a good effect because i seem to not be too depressed to write in the winter/fall anymore! it was the 2nd anniversary of manu’s election and at the Christchurch Call in paris, macdeau took that amazing fairytale princess photo together that was completely unrivalled in Gay Shippy Feels moments until ivan went out of his way to kiss luka during the el clásico gameplay last wednesday. someone wrote ao3′s first griezmanu drabble and at the end manu gets down on his knees in front of antoine, takes off his shoes for him, and sucks his dick, and i achieved another state of being entirely.  my sister graduated from grad school and when we went down to DC for the weekend i went to eat at this restaurant manu famously ate at while there and ordered the same stuff he did and i have no idea how he consumed all that grease.  i learned about the song O Come, O Come, Emmanuel *snort*. i feel like other things happened in may too?  OH YES--i got the idea for my magnum opus, Trophy Boyfriend, and started to write it. the first scene i wrote was justin blowing manu in the hallway. then the same day i wrote the scene at the airport (which was the ending for a solid month and half till i realized it shouldn’t be), and the saddest scene in the fic--but we’ll stop to open presents.  oh! and i stumbled across the macronists discord chat which is such a delightful little community *weepy sniffles* (fav music)
june was Eventful.  a french neonazi on tumblr told me to go let manu fuck me in the ass because i was a fucking degenerate.  what a start!  then came the ceremony in which manu awarded everyone on the french national team the legion of honor medal and the way he and antoine looked at each other was truly...Wait it was the 3rd Gay Shippy Feels moment of the year.  as soon as the ceremony was over i wrote a fic about it and haven’t looked back.  between this + watching almost every 2018 World Cup game and the women’s world cup (during which I cried during argentina’s last game because of that miraculous penalty) i finally achieved my years-long goal of getting into Futbol(TM).  Antoine dropped his spotify playlist and my crush on him turned into Intense Love (TM) and also he introduced me to some legit awesome artists.  which led to (fav music)
july, in which i wrote “ça c’est ma dope” which is definitely the best thing i’ve written since i wrote “modernity towering in front of the sky” almost exactly 10 years before. got embroiled in Soccer Transfer Drama and learned its pain for the first time (unfortunately, since i wound up attaching my heart-wagon to barça’s Suddenly Least Favorite Player, the transfer drama pain has...never ended) became a full-fledged culé, O the joy O the honor.  i wanted to ship antoine with someone on the team, which in their current chemistry-less season is a real challenge, but after seeing a few photos i decided it would be fun to casually ship antoine + ivan rakitic (partially because, ever since i went from Enemies to Lovers with the croatia NT during the World Cup, he was one of the only players i knew anything about other than messi, suárez, and piqué lmao). while looking on ao3 to see what kind of headcanons people had about him--and the fic is definitely in general better than what’s out there about antoine, which is perplexing because antoine is much easier to write than ivan--i found That Amazing Rakidric Fic and thought “oh wait that ship makes a lot of sense” and started also shipping ivan and luka with the fire of a thousand suns.  oh and my air conditioner was broken for like 3 weeks. i worked on more fics, seriously outlining the path of Trophy Boyfriend, and my music taste was killer. (fav music)
in august i finished Trophy Boyfriend in my neighborhood Starbucks after writing the scene that was giving me the most trouble (the scene at the beginning where they’re organizing their book collection). the fic has made multiple people cry and people disagree on whether justin’s choice at the end was the right one and god i’m so proud of it.  Instantly went on to write ‘i might not mind,’ a lively lighthearted Friends to Lovers ivantoine~ romp which was definitely going to be a one-off and i was definitely not going to get an extra celeb crush out of it,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, (fav music)
in september ivantoine became A Thing in my mind and it’s a whole ongoing slow-burn character-arcy series that has taken a very different turn than i had expected. i’m not saying it’s like, the most deep writing of all time, but it’s gone to some interesting places emotionally. honestly, ships and boners aside, the concept of a person who made some really stupid homophobia 101 comments many years ago slowly realizing over and over again that they have gay feelings for a man who seems rather comfortable with gayness is a fascinating one and one that’s really cool to explore in writing.  Or at least, i think so.  in many ways ivan is my most unreliable narrator because of the many layers of Discomfort, Emotion and Repression at play in the fic while he’s interacting with this pretty cheery and uncomplicated seeming-dude who’s still perceptive enough to sort of know what’s going on (and that’s not even adding in the star player/falling from grace former rockstar dynamic!!!)  i know in the current climate it’s Not Allowed to write about someone who said a bad, but luckily i’m too old to give a Fuck. ivantoine is hard to write but it’s my bff’s favorite ship of mine and has a few other excited fans on ao3 which tbh is kind of an accomplishment considering i made it up out of thin air and it’s not something you’d ever think would be a thing. instantly also developed ‘getting called out about ivan by a child on the internet’ as a goal.  and...i achieved my dream of leading high holiday services!!! (fav music)
october had more high holiday services and i worked a lot on certain fics (including d*janfic which would be fun to finish). i came up with the idea of a Very Long Rakidric Fic based on the translation of a gorgeous croatian folk song i sang in college (Janko fell asleep under the poplar/My dear and beloved/My beautiful dark eyes/Look at me/Under the poplar's golden branch/My dear and beloved/My beautiful dark eyes/Look at me/I tore off the golden branch/My dear and beloved/My beautiful dark eyes/Look at me--in which the golden branch is a reference to a way to get into the underworld). decided to start quarter-assedly learning croatian for fun.  Fun...ha.  other than fangirling a lot and watching the croatian NT play, october was pretty uneventful? i think? Justin got reelected and mauricio didn’t ;( (fav music)
in november i finally achieved my dream of having a literal child on the internet call me out about being attracted to a homophobe.  (they were a madridista even!) accidentally started writing some more rakidric and now i’m seriously hooked.  also accidentally came out of the closet about the secret crush i’d been harboring on luka modric and then one fateful day in the ihop on 14th st i realized i’d had this crush already and repressed it from my memory. Don’t do that kids! now it’s Hurting Really Bad. Ivan dropped the most pathetic and candid interview like...ever and i hope “¿Cómo puede disfrutar uno? Jugando al fútbol. ¿Cómo se siente mi hija pequeña cuando le quitan un juguete? Triste. Yo me siento igual. Me han quitado la pelota, me siento triste” goes down in the history of most epic futbol quotes of all time.  (still haven’t actually been able to watch this because no one has uploaded it anywhere)  What else...............Am i forgetting anything? i celebrated my birthday with @tender-vittles in epic fashion after two years of Not doing that, and turned 32 going on 15.  enjoyed my first-ever “x reader” fic (zlatko dalic x reader LOL) and finished “drive your plow over the bones of the dead” which was real fucking good. i saw hozier live and it was a religious experience and i unexpectedly cried during nina cried power and then called myself “Luka B” when ordering at the classy taco bell across the street after getting a glimpse of alexxx ryan in the flesh. (fav music)
now it’s december and my seasonal depression is a little worse than it’s been the past few years but i’m managing.  still shipping and writing and i just got called out about ivan again last week.  i’m 2 for 2 here!  el clásico was boring but also it was gay and my heart my heart my heart ! Anything could happen in the last 10 days of this year and honestly...I’m pretty sure I’m ready.
Most importantly this year, despite it being not that great in a lot of ways, I developed a lot more self confidence, made many important realizations, and became a lot more peaceful (despite how this post makes me sound) and wiser and less bitter and pessimistic.  And i became outspoken enough about antisemitism on the left to lose friends over it...3 for 3.  i can’t say i’m displeased with these developments.
Hasta 2020! <3
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vulpixelates · 5 years
Anyone want some sweet deets about my new Skyrim character? No? Too bad! I haven't finished the game yet so some stuff is missing but here they are:
She's a wood elf rogue named Wyldra Nightbrook.
Before the start of the game, she was with a group of bandits but never felt like she fit in with them. She wanted a purpose that was about more than just coin.
However, when she learned that she was the Dragonborn, she was so displeased; that was way too much purpose. She left the Greybeards waiting for months.
Instead, she found herself Windhelm, helping a little boy who wanted an orphan master dead for how she mistreated him. To her, it seemed like she finally had a chance to do something good. And when the Dark Brotherhood came calling and told her that she could continue to do such work, she took the opportunity and ran with it all the way to the top.
It wasn't until she became the leader of the Dark Brotherhood and made her way to the middle ranks of the Thieves Guild that she finally made her way to the Greybeards and accepted her title. After all, if she was the Listener, how much harder could being a Dragonborn be? She was already slaying dragons left and right.
Finding her way to Delphine and the Blades seemed like fate to her. Resurrecting the order and protecting the land, a way to right the wrongs she had been doing in the eyes of the gods -- it was exactly what she was looking for.
She is a smith and currently fights wielding weapons of her own making, based on the design of the Blades' weapons but molded to fit a dual wielder's style. (Thank the Nine for mods amirite)
I haven't decided who she will marry yet?? None of the non-Interesting-NPC options seem particularly suitable for her and I haven't even met all of them yet either so who knows!
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anti-yuri-on-ice · 8 years
since many claim to not find our FAQ let me post this here
1. Why don’t you spend your time elsewhere?
we have a lot of time on our hands and we want to use our time to hate on this anime
2. Do you not have a life?
yeah pretty much
3. Is there anything you don’t hate about y//oi?
(Mod 1) Phic/hit, (Mod 2) Yu/ri Plise/tsky and Ota/bek Al/tin. We only hate k/atsuki, v/oldemort, v/ictuuri, the fandom and the shit plotline kubo created tbh. (mod 666) there were two or three characters that I liked, but I’m aware they are flat and pretty bland.
4. Why did you make this blog?
Because a lot of people hold a lot of grudge against this anime but can’t speak out as a lot of the y//oi fangirls are…quite aggressive to the ones who disagree with them.
5. Who are you?
We are two girls from Asia.
I’m mod 666, from hell, so don’t ask me questions about Asia.
don’t even start
we don’t do that. we don’t send hate. we receive hate. if running a blog is considered harassment to the public then we are sorry that you little heart can’t take your favorite anime men senpai chan san being ‘attacked’.
8. Can i still send hate?
yes please do we love receiving hate. fight fire with fire amirite.
but if you are a v//ictuuri shipper don’t even fucking bother.
(rational v//ictuuri shipper welcomed)
1. gather solid evidence instead of accusing us of something we did not do but you somehow think we have (provide screenshots, links, preferably first hand material)
2. provide a full argument (with an opening on what is your topic to hate on, provide evidence when needed, and finish with a conclusion on what we should improve on)
3. send it and be a polite, rational person who knows how to hate in a right way where you might win the debate while having a rational, polite discussion with subject of hate
If you do all 3 steps, the convo will probably go like this
You: Hello, what you’ve said about ___________ is problematic because of _____________________________ (link to post/screenshot). Please take it down and stop using this argument to hate on y//oi.
Us: either Sorry, we will take it down immediately and we are sorry or Excuse me but I think you have mistaken what we meant because _______________ (our explanation)
Let’s all be civil here. But if you come off as rude and accusing don’t blame us for using the same way to reply.
Thank you!
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frucitaion · 7 years
hi, sadly because of my work schedule still being haywire ( god bless retail amirite ) & with my health, i'm going to have to withdraw from the group. thank you for your time, your patience with me and for letting me join.
We’ll miss you dearly, but we’re glad that you’re focusing on your health and wellbeing first and foremost! If you ever find yourself wanting to join us again though, we’ll gladly accept you with open arms! We wish nothing but the best for you. It was a pleasure to have you in our group!
Everyone, please unfollow @lovereign!
- Sushi Mod
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