#thank god i already cried myself empty over my baby boy over the last few days otherwise we would be IN IT
wulfhalls · 4 months
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that guy is TINY
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starlitangels · 2 years
10 First Lines, Thirty of Them Edition
So, initially I got tagged by @frenchiefitzhere​ and I did it. Then a few days later I got tagged by @romirola​, @konnorhasapen​, and @autisticempathydaemon​. And instead of just reblogging and tagging them like, “hey, I already did it!” I decided to be Extra™ (because my only two modes are apparently Extra™ and Lazy as F^&k™) and instead, give each of them ten more first lines from fics of mine.
Because... Idk if you know this, but there are two hundred and fifty two posts in my “#fic” tag. Meaning I could basically do this 25 times and still have stuff.
I’m not gonna link them all this time though because that would take forever.
So, let’s start with Romi’s 10 first lines! 
1. Falling Stars
“Min’Ara! E’Laetum!” a voice cried.
2. Worried
The moment Aaron got off the phone, I knew he was antsy.
3. Warped Smile
"Evening, sunshine,” a voice said as I stepped into my tiny apartment.
4. The First Morning
This wasn’t the first time I woke up in Elliott’s bed.
5. Coyote Problem
“Look! Horses!” Micah exclaimed, jerking against the belts of her carseat in the rearview mirror to look out the window.
6. Forever With You
“Oh, God, this feels so high school,” I whispered, twirling Vincent’s curl around my fingers.
7. High School Crush
“Y’know, one of these days you’re gonna actually have to talk to him,” Melissa said. 
8. The Wolf and the Bear
“I’m going to Uncle Vincent’s!” Micah shouted, thundering down the stairs in her bare feet.
9. Spitfire
“Why, why, why, why, why?” I complained.
10. Disconnect from the Details
This isn’t personal. You can’t make it personal, James thought sharply to himself.
Fun fun! Here’s Koob’s 10!
1. Sorry (Isn’t Enough)
I stood in front of the mirror, biting my lip.
2. How They Met (Good Boy Audios)
“Y’know, you’re really good at stuff like this. You should, like, run with a permanent crew,” Huginn said.
3. Recruited (Good Boy Audios)
The ruckus of the pub was normal, at this point.
4. Ask For Your Blessing
I clenched my fingers around my steering wheel for a second.
5. Parental Problems
“Have you spoken to your mother recently?” I asked as James and I folded laundry together.
6. Through the Years
I peered out the window, watching the moving van in the driveway of the house next-door.
7. Too Much “Practically Family” (Good Boy Audios)
I stood against the wall just around the corner, smiling to myself.
8. Keeping Cool (Good Boy Audios)
“Thank you for the update,” Tyr said to the guards.
9. Shards on the Counter
I gripped the edges of my sink, watching the blood from my nose drip onto the porcelain and leave trails toward the drain.
10. The Spare Room (Good Boy Audios)
“Hades? Oh, Hades?” the beautiful, familiar voice singsonged softly.
Aaaaand here’s Lexi’s 10 first lines!
1. Meeting the Family
Avior held a hand out, catching one of the fat snowflakes falling on his free palm and watching it melt against his skin.
2. The King (Pin the Crown On) - Part 2
Vega leaned against the wall in the private, small room off from the main audience hall.
3. Somewhere Only We Know
Avior walked across the empty land around him.
4. Hoodie
Moonbeams filtered through the open blinds of the living room windows and onto the sleeping form of AJ when Gabe slipped into the house.
5. His Mama’s Boy
Crying in the nursery, also audible over the baby monitor, jolted AJ out of her sleep.
6. Headstone
David had been silent for the last few minutes of the drive.
7. Not-Yet Alpha, Not-Yet Mate - Part 4 I’ll skip the rest
Two black wolves ran through the dark forest.
8. Someone Like Me
Three days after the Inversion, I yanked open the door to the Department office.
9. My Angel (Sent to Save Me)
David jerked the truck’s gear shift into Park and stared across the front yard at the front door.
10. Handy Wolf
Incoming Call... Bossman 🐺
I snatched my phone. “Hey David, what’s up?” I asked.
Extra™ enough for you? Hope so! Hope you enjoyed!
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sxnnimoon · 3 years
Little One pt. 5
Here we go!! What do we think? Who did it? I may do one or two more parts before ending this mini series. let me know my babies!!!!
The next morning when you woke up you did your usual, you decided to just put your robe on not bothering to put on actual clothes. You walked to your door only to notice two people standing guard.
“Unbelievable.” you groaned.
They took notice in your presence, before talking into their ear piece to whom you assumed was one of your husbands.
You didn’t even wait for them, you walked off.
“She’s on the move.” one of them said from behind them.
“Tell them to kiss my ass.” you said annoyed.
“Now princess,” Jin said, coming into view. “Play nice.”
“This is all bullshit!” you slightly yelled.
“Don’t start.” Joon said.
You made a face before walking away. Before you could do so, Joon grabbed your arm.
“What the he-” you were cut off.
“You really have been testing my patience.” he said through gritted teeth.
“But, II-I.” you stuttered.
“But nothing, I am getting fed up with this bratty behavior from you.” he let go of you.
You just stood there. They had their moments where they would be much more stern with you, but you could tell just how annoyed he was.
You moved closer, closing the gap between you both.
“Joonie..” you said, running your hands up and down his chest.
He just stared you down, waiting for what you had cooking up in your mind.
“Why don’t I make it up to you?” you trailed a finger down to his waistband.
He looked down before looking back up at you.
“Lets…” he looked towards the guards. “Continue this later, ok princess?”
You pouted.
He kissed you in hopes of making the pouting stop.
“I promise baby,” he held your chin. “Daddy just has a few things to take care of, ok?”
You nodded, walking off to find Hoseok. You knew things were rocky between you two after the arguments. You walked towards his office in hopes he was there. But he wasn’t. You made your way to his room and found him sound asleep still. You turned to the guards that had been following you around since you woke up.
“I feel it would be best if you two take a break as neither of you wanna hear what's to happen.” you smirked.
They went wide eyed knowing full well what you meant.
“B-but were supposed to watch you per Mr. Jung’s request…” one of them spoke.
“And I am to be tangled in his arms, as this is his room.” you said pointing towards him. “Now go.”
They nodded.
You entered the room, not bothering to close the door all the way. You could care less if anyone would hear what was about to go down. You crawled carefully onto his bed, trying not to wake him. He looked so peaceful. You moved the hair from his face only for him to pull you in to cuddle.
You yelped from the action.
You looked to see he was still asleep. Trying your best to wiggle out of his grasp. You moved down his body, you stopped just at his waistband of his briefs. Thank god he slept in just them and a shirt, less clothing the better. You took it upon yourself to make it up to him in a way he couldn’t stay mad at you. Slipping off his briefs he was fully erect. You proceeded to use your mouth and hands, he began to stir but you continued. Soft moans could be heard as he was slowly waking up.
“Waking up are we?” you said before continuing.
“Jagiya…” he whispered.
You released him, slowly crawling back up his body.
“I wanted to make it up to you.” you pouted.
“Don’t stop on my account.” he said looking at what you were wearing.
You followed his stare. Your robe was opening revealing nothing underneath.
You smirked, taking it a step further you opened it showing your body to him.
Raising a hand he traced his finger on your curves.
You hovered over his lap causing him to run across your folds.
He hissed at the contact.
“Don’t tease will you?” He was getting impatient.
You slowly sank down on him, starting at a slow and brutal pace. He couldn’t handle it anymore. He needed you. Without removing himself he flipped you both.
“I was supposed to please you.” you whined.
“You did baby, now I gotta please you.” he said, thrusting faster.
You cried out.
“I’m sorry for yesterday.” you moaned out.
“I’m sorry too jagi..” he grunted.
You both finished not too long after. You both laid there in silence for a bit neither one knowing what to say. You turned on your side to look at him, he was just staring up at the ceiling.
“What's on your mind?” you asked quietly.
He looked over at you before turning fully.
“You.” he said.
You nodded.
“I understand how much of a brat I have been with everything that is going on.” you said.
“I know I shouldn’t have reacted the way I did but your safety is a big thing for us.” he said moving hair out of your face.
“I know,” you turned on your back. “I just wanted a week of you all to myself.”
“We know little one,” he smiled.
“And we’ll spend however long trying to make it up!” Joon said at the door.
“How long have you been there?” you asked, sitting up.
“Long enough to know the reason for that.” he motioned a finger at the nakedness of you both.
You tried hiding under the covers.
“Don’t hide baby.” Joon said, walking over. “I said later didn’t I?”
He smirked.
Another hour, maybe two went by before all three of you got dressed and went down to eat. The others were all snacking and talking away once you three came into view.
“Ahhh I see you were busy.” Jimin said, taking a sip of his drink.
You giggled before sitting down next to Jin.
“Are we done being a brat?” Jin asked.
“She should after what she's been doing for the past 3 hours.” Joon smirked.
Your eyes went wide. You threw a piece of food at him.
They all chuckled.
You went to get up.
“Where are you off to?” Jungkook asked.
“To my studio. Feel like painting.” you smiled.
Walking to the farthest side of the house you entered your art studio. Besides cooking you had an art obsession, it was a passion if you will. It had been a month since you last painted anything. But the scenery from Italy and having to be cooped up in your own home have made you wanna start again. You walk towards your supplies and notice your unfinished painting. It was a woman looking ethereal as ever yet so sad. It was a sight and was by far the biggest piece you’d even done. You knew it would take hours to finish but you had the time.
You hadn’t realized the time until Taehyung came into the room, you had passed out on the table. He laughed at how funny but adorable you looked.
“You gotta wake my pretty.” he whispered, lightly touching your arm.
You stirred but managed to slightly open your eyes.
“Tae?” you questioned sleepy.
“Yes baby, you gotta get up and shower you have paint all over you.” he chuckled.
“I finished it.” you yawned, pointing behind you.
He looked up, seeing the painting you two had started all that long ago. The memory brought a smile to his face.
“It’s gorgeous..” he stared mesmerized.
“Thank you.” you said walking out.
Reading the clock from your phone it was already 7pm. Time really did fly by fast. Staring in the mirror you really looked a mess. You giggled a little at the paint splattered everywhere. You hopped in the shower to get the paint off before running a bath to just soak in to relax. Your bathroom was by far the best due to how huge the bathroom was. The tub could fit you all if you tried. Laying your head back you could feel your eyes get heavy with sleep, it wasn’t uncommon for you to fall asleep in the tub. They boys were used to it. You were about to fall asleep when you heard the door open. You keep your eyes closed thinking it was one of the boys coming to check on you.
“And which one of you is here?” you smirked, eyes still closed.
You could feel a finger run along the exposed skin, they stopped at your neck and you were met with a hand covering your mouth, you opened your eyes but couldn’t make out who it was. Next thing you knew you were knocked out.
The boys were all in the den when they noticed how long you were taking to shower.
“I’ll go check on her.” Yoongi said.
They nodded.
“Kitten?” he asked, opening the door.
He took notice at the light in bathroom.
“Are really still in there?” he chuckled. “Did you fa-”
He noticed the water all over the place and drops of blood.
“SHE'S GONE!” he screamed.
Footsteps could be heard running to the room.
They all pushed through the door.
“Is that blood?” Jin asked, walking towards the tub, but Hoseok stopped him.
“It’s everywhere…” JungKook whispered.
Joon pulled his phone out.
“FIND HER NOW!” he yelled to whomever. “How is this to happen?!”
“We’ll find her hyung.” Tae said.
“I want their heads.” Hoseok shouted before kicking the nearest thing.
You slowly started to open your eyes.
“Look who it is,” the voice said.
“Glad she could join us.” the other said.
Both voices sound all too familiar.
“Where am I?” you said taking notice of the empty room.
“Do time princess, do time” they said.
Your vision finally came clear and you could see them. You went wide eyed.
“YOU?!” you yelled.
They chuckled.
You went to get up but couldn’t, there was a rope tying you down.
“Why...?” you whispered.
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love-hatred-stuff · 3 years
Title: ᵗʰᵉ ʲᵉᵃˡᵒᵘˢ ᵗʸᵖᵉ} Choi San [ateez]
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genre: angst, fluff
warning(s): anger issues, possessiveness, San accidently hurts you(lighlty), a bit suggestive, a lot of swearing
word count: about 2.4k
Y/N's POV:
Me and my friends, Wooyoung, f/n and Seonghwa were in a luxurious club, dancing and having fun all night. While Wooyoung and I were sitting on the red leather couch, the other two were dancing wildly on the dance floor to the loud bass music. It gave me chills and I smiled in Wooyoung's face.
"We should meet some time alone again!" He almost screamed so I could even understand him due the noise around us.
"I'm not sure if San will allow me, but sure! It was a whole torture to persuad him to just let me out with you guys."
I slightly rolled my eyes at the memories of the conversation I had with my boyfriend San about this. It really was so exhausting to talk about something like that with him. He was the jealous, overprotective type and his possessiveness were slowly getting on my nerves.
"I'll have to talk to him." Wooyoung yelled again and smiled a little awkwardly. He was surely very good looking and my guy best friend but sometimes he overdid his confidence. I liked him anyways.
"But then he'll beat you up, you know that?"
I stopped counting how many guys he had defaced because they looked wrong at me or complained about his behavior and how he treats me. It was pointless to even try to stop his anger issues when it's about me.
We started dating almost a year ago and he still had these habits.
"That could possibly happen, good, that I'm a man that has muscles and goes to the gym also." He winked at me while smiling.
He always was the flirty type but I knew he wouldn't dare to do anything I don't want. And I also knew that he loves me but just as a best friend. He's more like a brother than to me a boy I would date.
"Good luck then, Woo. You know San is experienced when it's about beating someone up." I reminded him in a joking way but we knew that I was damn right with this point.
"We will see if I can do anything." He ended this topic.
"Does San know, you're with us at a nightclub?" He mentioned his name again.
"Better, he'll fucking never finds out." I smiled a bit intimidated at the thought of if he'd find out.
"Okay, let's enjoy the rest of your life then. Come and dance." He stood up again and pulled me with him on the dance floor.
I just laughed and did what he said. Therefore I went out with my friends, to have a bit fun again. Not that I wasn't happy in my relationship with San, but he always wanted me for himself and I needed for at least a few hours a break after a long time of avoiding boys all day long.
Now everyone around me was absolutely living for the moment and I missed this feeling so much.
San was also out, but doing business instead of having fun.
After hours passed and it was getting later & later, we were getting more tired each second so we decided to end this beautiful night. F/n and Seonghwa drove home in one taxi as me and Wooyoung did the same.
They weren't actually dating, but I knew f/n had feelings for my good friend Hwa since High School.
The ride didn't take long since we had stayed in town and soon arrived at my apartment. I hugged Wooyoung goodbye and stumbled into the apartment's elevator to reach the right floor faster.
I pressed the button for the fourth floor and after a few seconds and a few more steps, I was able to open my apartment door.
I sighed, so relieved that I could take a quick shower and enjoy my lovely bed. To be honest, I never knew if San was sleeping over or not. I was just guessing in this moment, that he would stay at his apartment tonight and walked into my bathroom, taking off my skater dress.
Before I stepped in the shower I looked in the mirror and noticed that my hair was kind of a mess like my eyeliner was, through all the dancing and stuff. After I separated myself from my underwear I could finally enjoy the warm water hitting my small but feminine body.
I was too exhausted to take a long shower and just washed my body and hair quickly, got dressed in cute panties and one of San's white shirts which went up to the middle of my thighs, covering my breasts that were braless.
I wished just in this moment that he would be here, seeing me like this. He loved me in only wearing his tees and my panties. He would fall all over me right now.
I smiled brightly at my imaginations of my boyfriend living rent free in my head. I was really proud to have him. He was pretty popular and so damn handsome that every girl that hadn't a boyfriend, had from at least a little one to a huge crush on him.
But he picked me, the bookworm, which didn't mean I was automatically good in school. I was okay but nothing more.
My ego was just too big to let anyone of the teachers tell me what to do. Everyone said I was so pretty, I could be a model if I were just a little taller but I also had my failures and insecurities. And that was totally fine because I am just a human too. San taught me how to accept and love myself and I was so thankful for it.
When I wanted to crawl into my comfortable bed, I suddenly noticed a tall figure standing in my bedroom.
"My god San! You wanna kill me here?!" I breathed out heavily as my heart was already racing.
"Where the fuck were you so long?" He asked now with a deep but angered voice. And I didn't miss the anger building up in his eyes.
"Out, you know." I just said and laid on my bed, ready to sleep.
"I know. But you didn't told me you were gonna be out till after midnight!"
My eyes scanned his face, waiting for his next move.
"I told you to not be out late and amuse yourself with boys."
I let out a "Pff" sound and closed my eyes, not wanting to believe what he just said to me.
"Yes! I know waht you told me but I wanted to have fun once, without you ruining my night okay?! And I would never "amuse myself" with other boys but you in that way! Now shut up and turn the light off. I'm tired of your shit!" My words came out more harshly than I wanted them to be but I wasn't gonna take it back.
So I just closed my eyes again and covered myself up. But nothing moved or sounded like he would do anything.
"What do you mean by that?" I heard his weak voice speak quietly.
Oh god no. I feared this tone so much.
He was usually more a tough guy who didn't show his emotions much to anyone but me. And most of the time he acted all strong around me too, but sometimes his heart just couldn't handle me if I prevailed with a loud voice and harsh words.
And his wound point was when I would mention anything about a break up, even in the slightest.
"Go to sleep, San." I told him in a rather cold tone.
I wanted to avoid a conversation about this and just fucking rest. I really wasn’t in the mood to stand this right now.
"Not until you tell me." He stayed stubborn.
I sighed and sat up straight so I could look at him again.
"Nothing. I'm tired. Could you?" I was tapping on the empty bedside where he was supposed to sleep. I saw how his blue eyes slowly got teary. Fuck.
"Did you mean you're tired of me?" He asked carefully, trying to hold back his tears.
"Noo... I meant that I don't want to be suppressed by you anymore. You always tell me to stay away from boys and I do. Nothing to worry about, right? So the problem is solved. Now sleep San, please." I begged and patted on the mattress again.
"I just don't want anyone to have you like I do. I thought you wanted to be mine also." He looked down.
"I do all of this because I love you so much that I would die for you. I'll do anything but please tell me you're not going to leave me." He pleaded and a tear escaped his eye.
It was rare that he cried but when he did he was really scared. He was scared that I would leave him.
"No I'm not going to, San..."
"You never call me just San." He looked up again with sad eyes, digging into my aching heart.
I thought I dreamed when I heard him sob so softly that my heart began to ache.
"I'm sorry baby, but I am still a bit mad. But I will never leave you, okay?"
He just hummed and layed down on the bed. I covered him with the blanket and stroked through his soft hair before I leaned back again.
I breathed out at his please and kissed him with a bit more pressure.
"Don't cry. Everything's alright baby." I said in a calming voice and turned the last lamp off.
"I'm sorry Y/N, don't be mad at me, you know I can't stand this." He pleased again, gripping my small waist with his hand and pushing me against his hard body.
"Give me my goodnight kiss." He said and looked at me, perking his lips.
I decided to give him one as a treat and turned around to peck him on his lips.
"I don't like short pecks, you know that Y/N." He frowned immediately.
I sighed out and kissed him again, with a bit more pressure.
"It's fine, for now." He was finally satisfied.
And finally we could fall asleep in each other's embraces and get the rest we deserved.
San's POV
I woke up next to my princess and instantly had to smile.
She was my everything, I was so lucky to have her in my arms.
When my hands slowly caressed her waist up and down, I noticed that she only was wearing her light pink, favorite panties and a white shirt of mine that had slipped up to her upper buddy.
Her ass pressed against my member and I felt how I hardened at this feeling.
Always when we woke up like this I got a morning boner.
Luckily she helped me most times.
But what about today? We kind of fought yesterday, before we got to bed.
I would like to deny it but I fucking cried because of her words.
It was rare but sometimes when she was mad at me, she said words she didn't really mean and I can't stand it if she mentions something that would lead us to break up eventually.
I wanted to keep her forever. I wanted to marry her one day and spend the rest of my life with her.
I would do absolutely everything to prevent that we had to part. That's why I was pretty possessive and "overprotective" over her.
But it didn't matter to me as long as she didn't have much to do with other boys.
Though she actually hated that. She wanted her freedom.
Although it was important to me that she was happy, I wouldn't stop watching with who she was hanging out with.
She let out a sweet groan at my touch and took my hand on her now naked stomach, signalling me that she was wide awake now.
"You're not mad anymore, are you?" I asked with a husky morning voice.
"I can feel your boner, San." She just ignored my question.
"You are so damn hot babe.. How am I supposed to not have one when your cute ass is pressed against it?"
She giggled cutely. Then she turned around and looked at me with her stunning eyes.
"Just take a shower with me, yeah?" She smiled seductively.
"Everything for you baby." I kissed her cheek.
We stood up together and walked to her bathroom.
"San, why were you so rough?" She asked in a quiet voice as she walked out of her room into the kitchen where I was standing.
"I'm sorry." I replied.
"I'm sorry? That's all?" Now she sounded really sad and looked at me with watery eyes and pouty lips.
But I had my reasons and it wondered me why she didn't know why already.
"Oh, you fucking know. You're mine and I had to show you that. As you always forget about it." I spoke in a monotonous way.
"I like it when you go rough sometimes but not when you start hurting me. You bruised my sides, San. What is wrong with you!?" She whined, now even more upset.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you baby." I stepped towards he and tapped her shoulder in apology.
"It's okay. I will meet up with Wooyoung today." She told me as if it was normal for her to meet up with him.
As if she didn't know that I would freak out at this.
"What the fuck, Y/N!? You will not." I tried to suppress an aggressive tone.
"I'm kidding, San. God, you're so controlling." She rolled her eyes back.
My eyes widened again at her statement.
"You're kidding?" I wanted to make sure, a bit to blended from all this stuff going on to even think straight and be able to follow her words properly.
"Yeah, it was supposed to be my revenge, idiot." She snapped again and walked away.
"Don't call me that!" I told her.
She was never this disrespectful. What the heck was going on?
"Y/N? What is it, huh?" I tried to sound soft but obviously failed.
She breathed out heavily, telling me how annoyed she was by now.
"Either you go and leave me alone or..." She bursted out.
My heart stopped for a moment just to start racing rapidly a second later as I realised what she implied to say.
"Or what?" My voice shivered already.
"Or we take a break." And my heartbeat stopped a second time.
"We just had sex and you're telling me, you wanna take a break?" I asked shocked.
I wished this was just a stupid nightmare of mine, because for me it really was at that point.
"Do you love me, San?" She suddenly wanted to know.
"What? Of course I do! I told you last night."
I was so confused and overwhelmed with this situation, I thought I forgot how to breathe properly.
"Why do you try to control me all the time if you really do?"
"That's the thing Y/N. I do that because I love you too much to let some boy near you." I tried to explain meaningfully.
But she was still quietly standing in front of me.
"I'll let you go with him for two hours, okay?" I thought the best thing to do is to give her what she wanted.
I almost missed that tears rolled down my cheeks. I was so damn emotional when it was about her.
"Please say something, love." I begged. Silence was never a good sign.
"I love you too. But you have to promise to let me go out more often. I don't care if it's with you or with my friends but I want some free time." She finally explained.
In the next second she was in my arms and hugged me tightly.
"I promise, Y/N. I love you."
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The picture & gif are not mine, credits to the owners
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ziee · 3 years
Blinky x Reader (18+)
Arcadia. Back once more after the 15 years you've been gone. You were a friend of the Domzalski's, and the un-paid babysitter of their baby son. The day they won the lottery, you cheered in excitement for them. And the day they fell into the sea, you cried for them.
The heartbreak of your 2 best friends struck you so severely, you couldn't stand being in Arcadia any longer. The memories, the high school all 3 of you went to, the restaurant you went to after every celebration. You just couldn't bear it. The last memories of the small town were bidding little Toby and Nana goodbye.
But now, you're back.
Nana had contacted you, saying she needed help with Tobies. Half-blind and all, old and raising a teenager, you could see why. You didn't want to be out of your best friend's childs' life completely at the loss of his parents, so once in a while, you phoned your adoptive nephew. Just checking up on him, seeing how he was.
You had accepted, of course. Slightly jumping at the opportunity and a reason to come back to Arcadia, you called in sick for an indefinite amount of days and packed a suitcase. Filling up your car, you hopped into the driver's seat and started the long drive.
You were kind of thankful that you didn't have to buy a plane ticket, hating planes and airports, but the long, lonely roads brought into account new emotions. This is the first time you're going back to your hometown in 15 years.. You're going to see the high school. And the restaurant. And.. Their house.
The house you saw them buy, build and love. You remember watching them set up a room for the new baby. Deciding the colors, layout, and designs of the wall. You remember getting sloshed in the living room, accidentally breaking one of the photos upon the fireplace. Your kind of glad you did, seeing as you took the photo and hung it in your house.
The photo of the 3 of you.
The days were long in your small car, the best you could afford. Stopping at family dinners and shitty motels to rest. The cycle stopped on day 6, finally reaching the sign with bold letters spelling out, 'Arcadia'.
You picked up your phone and dialed Nana. She picked up after the 3rd time. "Hello dear! Y/n, are you coming soon?" She spoke happily, a bag crunching in the background.
"Hi, Nana. I just got into Arcadia, I'll be there in less than 10 minutes!" You smiled as you heard the old lady scolded one of her many cats.
"Alright dear. See you soon." She ended the call before you could bid farewell. You chuckled and rolled your eyes, setting your phone down into your cup container. You took in a deep breath as you entered the small town.
Driving past the buildings that seem so familiar but have changed so much, you felt an array of emotions. Happy your here. Confused as to why they would change things. Sorrow as you remembered multiple memories in the areas you passed.
Driving into the neighborhood, your car stilled at the infamous yellow house. Their house. You stared at it through your window, looking into their own as light shone from within. You sighed and started your car again.
Eventually, you pulled into Nana's driveway. Strolling up to the doorsteps, you knocked 3 times before waiting. A shuffle, a huff, and then the door opens. You smiled as your eyes suddenly felt teary. "Y/n! Oh dear, come inside, come inside." She urges you inside, holding a foot out to prevent a black cat from escaping.
You enter the warm house, the smell of bread and... Burritos filling the room? You shrug it off as you're ushered to the couch. Sitting down, you let out a heave of relief. You're not sure why. "So, how have you been?" You ask as Nana moves towards the kitchen, presumably to make you some tea.
"Oh, I've been fine. Toby and the cats keep me busy." She laughs as she grabs 4 cups. 4 cups? You could understand that the other 1 would be for Toby, so who was the other one for?
"That's great Nana." You smile, sinking into the soft cushion. Your car was not the worst, but my god the seats were terrible. It felt like nails were digging into your back and ass. Not that good for almost a week's road trip.
"So how are you dear?" She spoke as she took the kettle off the burner as it began to scream.
"Oh I've been better, I mean- WAIT- NANA, LET ME HELP YOU!" You shout, running towards the old lady, taking the opened kettle out of her hands. Unbeknownst to her, she had almost poured boiling water onto her cat.
"Ohoho, your so helpful already." She mumbles, skittering off into the living room. You look down at the tea bags sat in one of the empty cups. Orange Pekoe..  She still knows what kind you like after all these years. Your heart swells as you pour hot water into the cups, your lips rising like a goofball.
Stirring the drinks, 2 of the cups had hot chocolate and the other 2 had tea. You could guess which is which, so you handed Nana a cup while placing your own on the table before grabbing the other 2 mugs.
"I'm gonna bring this to Toby and..?"
"Oh! Toby has a friend over. His international friend, his names Arthur-San." You nodded and headed upstairs. From the top, you could hear loud cheers from inside the room you thought to be Tobies'. You knocked and waited, but you don't think they heard you from the loud volume of a video game.
You sighed and opened the door. Inside, 2 backs were turned to you. One, obviously being Toby and the other.. It was a white sheet. A large, very large in fact, figure was sat beside Toby, wearing a bedsheet. Uh-
"Hey Toby, and Arthur, Nan-" You stopped mid-sentence as the heads turned to you. A large, circle-ish face appeared from the draped sheet. A green, mossy beard decorated its chin, a mouth with 4 long teeth sticking out, and are those- HORNS??
"T-Toby.. Who is that?" You cautiously, and very slowly, set the drinks down onto a nearby dresser.
"Aunt Y/n?! What are you doing here?" Toby gets up and comes near you. You quickly grab onto him, wrapping your arms around him as you run out the door. "Wait- Auntie Y/n, he's a friend!" You turn around and quickly shut the door as you place Toby back down.
"Toby, go get Nana and run!" You scream. He just stands there, sighing. A knock from the inside of the room startles you. "Wingman?" A gruff voice speaks. You shriek as the knob is pulled from your grip, the door opening as the large head sticks out, right in front of you. Its black nose presses against your shoulder, pulling in a long sniff.
"Oh go-" And your fainting. A stone hand stops you mid-fall, preventing you from hitting a hard bottom as your eyes closed.
"I'll call Jim."
You awoke on a soft plush. Feeling around, you realize you're on a bed. "Master Jim, Lady Y/n is awaking." A deep voice calls out, sensing that you knew he was close to you from how loud he was. You sit up, rubbing your eyes as you adjust to the light of the room. Looking around, it was just a regular room. Including a monster with 6 eyes.
"AHHHH!" You scream, scrambling off the bed. The moment you do so, 2 teenagers including Toby run into the room. You move near Toby, your eyes locked on the monsters.
"Woah! Calm down Miss Y/n, if we can just explain everything-" You cut the boy with twig legs off.
"Oh, you kids better explain as to why there is a- .. A-"
"I believe the word is 'Troll." The blue monster says.
"Yes! That! Why there is a troll with 6 eyes and 4 arms staring at me right now!" You pointed to Toby, "And you! Explain what happened earlier, with that big guy. Right now." You huffed.
"Is she talking about Aaarrrgghh?" The girl with a blue streak in her hair spoke.
"Aaarrgghh? Wait a minute.. Arthur?!" Your brows furrowed. "Toby, have you been lying to Nana about this 'International student'?" You made finger quotes as you looked upon your nephew's embarrassed face.
"Uhhh, maybe?" He shrugs. You sigh, disappointed in your nephew.
"If you'll allow me to explain, Lady Y/n,"
Oh- no man, or at least you think it's male, has ever called you lady..
"Aaarrrggh and I are trolls. Master Jim as you see over there," He points to chicken legs, "Is the troll hunter. Underneath your world, there is a magnificent other world, filled with trolls and things you couldn't possibly believe." He waves his hands up in the air.
You nod, taking it all in.
"Ugh, this hurts my head." Another world? Trolls? Troll hunter?? Jim moves beside the blue troll whose name you don't know and speaks to him softly.
"Hi, I'm Claire." There's a hand that's shoved in front of you, in which you awkwardly shake.
"Hey, I'm Toby's aunt. Not biological but I knew his parents well." She nodded before removing her hand from yours. You leaned down, whispering into Toby's ear.
"Who's 6 eyes?"
A voice answered you before Toby's mouth even opened. "My name is Blinky. A pleasure to meet you, lady Y/n." The troll paddles over to you, his stone feet making satisfying clicking sounds as he walks. He holds one of his upper hands out for you to shake.
He didn't seem like such a threat, in fact, he seemed like a gentleman. You smiled and shook his hand. His skin was stone, as you could feel the cracks engraved into it as your hand flooded with a strange warmth.
"Nice to meet you too, Blinky." You release his hand after a few seconds of shaking.
"Master Jim and I were discussing a matter regarding you. If you would like, we could show you Troll Market."
"Troll Market?" You question.
"The home of trolls such as myself, and Aaarrrgghh over here." He points behind him, your eyes wander over to the window as you see that large head. The large troll waves a hand and smiles, seeing as everybody's eyes are now on him.
"Has he been out there the whole time?" You ponder. Why isn't he just in the room?
"Rooms too small." You look around, finding it is indeed smaller than your nephew's room. Oh well. You think about the opportunity to travel to this unknown world. Eh, why not. You would be keeping an eye on Toby as well, so that's always good.
"Um, well, if your offering then, of course, I'd come. Thank you for inviting me." You smile at the blue troll. He smiles back, his 6 eyes staring into your 2. His eyes just seemed so soft.. And mesmerizing, having never seen anyone like this before. Your eyes ghost his face, inspecting upon closer details on the stoned troll.
"Ahem." Jim coughs. You both suddenly break eye contact as Blinky coughs, making his way towards the exit.
"Aha! Yes, we should be going. Daylight is rising." He muttered as the teens follow him out. You follow, exiting the house as the breeze of the night flushes your already pink cheeks. Your lead to the bridge you had driven over while entering the town, but now under it.
Aaarrrgghh is tossed a glowing stone by Blinky, creating a semi-circle on the stone of the bridge. He punches the wall, creating a crack before it starts to fall apart. Yellow swirls around the stone before creating something like a portal?
The trolls head in, followed by Jim and Claire. "Cmon auntie, it won't hurt you." You begrudgingly sigh and follow him inside the glowing portal. Stepping inside, you wince as you close your eyes.
Not even a second later, you could feel your area darken. Opening your eyes, you see everyone else staring at you. Your cheeks flush in embarrassment. Goddammit. The kids laugh as Blinky looks at with you an indescribable expression.
Is he disappointed? Shocked? Unbeknownst to you, the corners of the blue troll's lips rose. "This way, lady Y/n." His 4 hands motioned you to the crystal stairs, swirling downwards in a circle. Oh my god- Wow.
Everyone makes their way down the steps, in comfortable silence. Coming further down, you stop as you take in the view. The magnificent, one-of-a-kind, breathtaking, OH MY GOD, view. "Wow." You mumble in awe, looking up at the enormous, orange crystal in the center. Everything was so beautiful.
"Welcome to HeartStone Troll Market!" Blinky exclaimed from behind you. The other smiled as they watched your reaction. Stepping down the steps, you ended up beside the 6 eyed troll as you stopped.
"Where should we go first?" Toby asked as you gazed upon the well-spoken mystery. Now taking a better look as the others speak, you watch as his eyes blink simultaneously. How the 2d tooth on both sides of his mouth is cracked. The deep grooves into his stone skin. You paid minor attention to what he was wearing before, but now looking closer you see the 2 satchels sporting each hip on his brown overalls.
Your gazing ventures further down, looking at his flat feet. Heh, they look stumpy. "Great! We'll take you to the forge, where you can see my impressive hammer skills!" Toby proclaimed, steering your head up from your gaze.
6 eyes met yours. Oh god, did he see you staring at him? Did he see you staring below his waist??? He doesn't bring it up if he did, instead leading the 5 of you to the 'forge'.
"This is the forge, where many of our great warriors have trained." Blinky gestures around the grand room. You look around in awe, feeling a little overwhelmed by such a beautiful realm.
"It's amazing." You whisper, settling yourself on the sidelines of the giant arena as the kids grab weapons. Weapons?! Oh god.. Aaarrrgghh comes and sits behind you, jolting you with a loud thud as he sits. Blinky stands beside you, gazing out at the children.
"Indeed they are." Your eyes meet his 6, a glance before breaking contact. You smile, proud of your little nephew.
"Aunt Y/n! Look!" The ginger boy yelled from across the large expanse. You watch as he pulls out a small item, before smashing it to the ground. It sprouts a large, flaming orange hammer. Your mouth widens in shock as you see him swish the weapon around. "Impressive, right? It's my war hammer." He says as he trudges over to you.
"Uh yeah, just please be careful with that." He laughs before skittering off. Guess he gets that from Nana. You sigh as you watch the kids spar, rather impressed by Jim's armor and Claire's staff. After they were done fooling around, you see as Claire checks her watch.
"Guys, it's almost 6:30. We should get going." Mumbling as she puts away her shadow staff. Toby groans, retracting his hammer as Jim takes off the amulet.
"Ughh, I forgot we had school today." You slightly chuckle at the kids' words, being the exact same as a child. Jim, Claire, and Toby all run towards the exit of Trollmarket whereas you stand still. Toby looks behind him, seeing your unmoving form.
"Are you coming, auntie?" He cocks his head.
"Oh! Yeah, yeah, I just thought I would have more time checking the place out.." You trail off, glancing at what you thought to be your last look at the mysterious underground world. From behind you, Blinky and Aaarrrgghh look towards each other.
"Ahem, if I may, Aaarrrgghh and I will accompany Lady Y/n down here while you're at school. If.. That is alright with you?" His dark, red eyes turn to your form. You nod excitedly.
"Yes! Yes, I would love that." His lips form a smile, 6 eyes gleaming at you before turning back to the other 3 humans.
"Now, run along kids. Aaarrrgghh and I will keep Lady Y/n safe." 2 of his hands form a 'shoo' motion as they smile. You move towards Toby, wrapping him in a hug before bidding goodbye. Turning towards your new-found troll friends, you couldn't help but grin as your leaded into the busy streets of the market.
"This place is so beautiful. How long have you guys been living down here?" You wonder, looking around at all the shop stalls.
"A few centuries, after the battle of Killahead bridge, we had traveled until we found the heartstone you see today." Blinky gestured a hand to the bright, orange crystal towards the center wall of the market.
"Hated boat." Aaarrrgghh chimed in from behind, his large statue circling both the conundrum troll and the female human.
"Yes, we all did." Memories flashed in his 6 eyes before he shivered, obviously not liking that part of his life.
"Killahead bridge? What's that?" You question. You're stopped in front of what looked to be a bookstore. The 2 trolls enter, you following closely behind them as you take in the view. Books littered the walls everywhere. Bookshelves, books on tables, and some even on the floor.
"Ah, and that's the reason why I took you here. You seem like a lover of history, as I am. Therefore, Lady Y/n, I have taken you to my lodgings to learn about troll history!" He exclaims, clearly excited.
"This is your house?" Looking around, it does suit him.
"Indeed, now make it as if your own. I will fetch you some books you can read that will fully satisfy a craving for troll history." He runs around the room, 4 arms stacked full of large books that would most likely take you hours to read. Aaarrrgghh yawns from the corner, bored.
A few minutes later, he sets the books down with a thud on a large table. You sit in one of the chairs presented, grabbing one of the books from the top of the stack. Opening it up, you stare blankly. Turning the pages, you realize you can't read the language.
"Blinky, I can't read this." You say, head popping up from the pages, meeting his 6 eyes. He walks over to you, standing closely behind you as he looks over your shoulder. Your heartbeat quickens as you can see the strands of each of his hair. His long ears softly flap as his eyebrows furrow while reading what you can't.
"Hmm.. That is an issue." He sets a hand on his chin, pondering for a quick while before getting an idea. Sliding a chair over, he sits in front of you, grabbing the book from the table into his 2 upper hands. "Well, I'll just read it to you!" He smiles as you nod, eagerly wanting to learn about something you didn't know existed until 2 hours ago.
And so began the many hours of Blinky reading trollish to you. At some point, Aaarrrgghh decided to leave the hole, leaving you and the conundrum troll alone. You arch your strained back as he finished reading the last sentence of the 3rd book. "And those were all the creatures starting with an A!"
"Wow Blinky that was really, informational." Stretching your legs outwards, you bump onto his foot with your own. Recoiling your legs, you speak quickly, "Oh, sorry." Your cheeks flush.
"No worries Lady Y/n." He sets the book down on the table. "This may sound a bit odd," His eyes find yours, "but I've always been fascinated with the human body. If it's alright with you, lady Y/n, may I take a look at you?"
You thought for a second. Of course, you would also be curious about a different type of species other than your own. Plus, although you've only known him for a few hours, you trusted him. You nod, "Yea sure." He visibly relaxed at your answer. "But," You continue, " I want to look at you too."
He blinked, processing your words before smiling. "Of course." You were unsure of what to do now, sitting in silence as you both watched each other. It was only when he scooted closer, the sound of his chair scraping the ground broke you from your gaze.
"If I may..?" He gestured towards your resting arm. You quickly lifted it up and bent closer, showing him your fleshy arm. He told ahold gently, stone hands that were surprisingly warm against your skin. He traced up and down your arm, squishing a few times.
His breath tickled your skin, resulting in tiny goosebumps forming. "What are those small bumps?" He mumbled, eyes fixated on your arm.
"Those are goosebumps. Humans get them when we're cold." You answer, enjoying being the teacher for once.
"Fascinating." He moved down from your arm towards your fingers, squishing, prodding, rubbing. Your hands tingled in his own as he poked your fingernails. "And these?" He pointed towards them.
"Those are fingernails, they're made of keratin." He nodded, placing your hand down.
"Thank you for allowing me to look at you, lady Y/n." You smiled, waving your hand.
"No problem. Now it's my turn." He lifted his lower arm and extended it towards you. You grab hold, a bit taken aback at the size. His hand could easily fit around your whole face. You rub the warm stone, strumming your fingers along it as you play a rhythmic tune.
Unlike you, he only had 4 fingers, every one of them very large. While your head is down playing with his hand, his 6 eyes gaze upon you. Never did he allow a human he just met to poke and prod at him, so why did he allow you? The moment you had awoken in Toby's house, a scream and a stumble he had expected when you saw him, but he didn't expect you to shake his hand for so long.
He would have sufficed a quick shake and a fearful let go, leaving you in his 'ok' books. But, you just kept staring at him, even now, he feels his heart shake a little as you examine his arm. Standing near him willingly, refusing to leave with Master Jim and the others, but to stay and explore more of his world? Oh dear.
"You know," Your voice snaps him out of his daydream, "even though you're made of stone, you're actually very warm." You note as you caress his arm.
"Ah, yes, rather strange isn't it?" He brings an upper hand of his to his mouth and coughs. He could feel as you trace the engravements on his skin, your fingernails scratching him a little.
"Can I touch your belly?" He sputtered at the question.
"My stomach?" You lift your head, watching as his face contorts into a confused expression.
"I mean, uh- never mind." You release his hand and try to laugh it off. Well, that was embarrassing. You feel your cheeks rise in heat as you look at the ground.
"You may." A soft voice beckons you to look up, staring at the oh-so-kind troll, looking down at you with gentle eyes. You smile, giving a small thank you before moving your hand towards the troll's exposed stomach. Settling your hand on the stone belly, you felt him jolt slightly.
Tracing the engravings upon his skin once more, you lean closer and place your other hand onto him. Your eyes focus on his body, not daring to make eye contact. Whereas, his 6 eyes stared intently down at you. Watching, feeling your every move. He could somewhat feel your breath on his stone skin as well. Although he did find it odd you would want to touch his stomach, it did feel nice.
Your hands caress his body, leaning your face in as you stare into the cracked stone. Wonderous. As you slid your hands up, you went a bit further than you assumed as your hands went upon his chest. "Oh- sorry about that, getting a little handsy heh." You remove your hands and scratch your neck as you mentally slap yourself. Goddammit Y/n. You could feel your cheeks reddening.
He says nothing, so you look up at him. His eyes, half-lidded, staring at you with an unexplainable expression. What is..?
"May I smoosh faces with you?"
"Pardon?" You lower your hand from your neck, head shooting up from his words. Smoosh faces? Wait.. Did he mean kissing? "Do you want to kiss me?" You whisper.
"Yes! That's the word." He nodded.
"Then, yes." You nod, slowly leaning back towards him. He swallowed as you closed your eyes, coming towards him ever so slowly. He pushed his face towards yours, his large lips pressed against yours. His teeth touched your cheeks, but he was careful not to hurt you. 2 of his arms came and clutched onto your shoulders.
Unconsciously pulling you closer towards him, you lifted yourself out of your seat and onto his lap. Lower hands settle onto your waist, holding you close as you continue the kiss. He pulled away first, 6 wide eyes settled upon you.
"That was.." You try and find the word.
"Magnificent." He breathed out. His arms slowly slid up and down your waist, caressing your clothed skin. "May I.. Remove your shirt?" Struck with lust, you nodded, lifting your arms up as he removes your shirt. Discarding the shirt to the floor, he leans in and breaths in your scent.
"Blinky," You whisper in his ear, "take off my pants." You slowly grind against him in his lap, breathing heavily. He aides you in removing your clothing, until your sitting on him with only a bra on. You unclip your bra and toss it to the side, your breasts free from the barrier. Your nipples harden at the cool air, gaining the troll's attention.
He asks for your permission, "Blinky, I wouldn't get naked just so you can't touch me." He removes his upper hands from your shoulders and placed them over your breasts. He experimentally kneads, pushes, and rubs your fat lumps. You softly moan, encouraging him to continue.
"You are very squishy.." He mumbles, softly pinching your nipples. You arch your back, pushing your chest further into him as one of his lower hands moves to support your back. You grab his hand attached to your waist and pull it between your legs.
"Touch me here." You release the stone as he complies, his large fingers fiddling between your folds. He takes experimental rubs into you, finding your clit with your help as you release a loud moan. His hands continue to rub your tits, rubbing your nipples with soft strength.
"O-oh.." You grind into his hand as he rubs your button.
"I'd like to take a closer look, if I may?" He puffs in your ear. You nod, frowning as he removes his hands from your body, only to lift you up and carry you towards a back room. Entering the new room, you see a pile of pillows and blankets littering the floor. He sets you upon them before removing his overalls.
You move a hand between your legs and feel your wetness, circling your clit a few times as you beg for him in your mind. He lays his clothes on the side before returning to your side. Settling his face between your legs, he inhales your scent deeply through his large orange nose. "Human anatomy is rather fascinating up close."
He says it as if he.. You sit up, bumping against his nose before he brings his head up, a confused expression on his face. "Blinky, is this the first time you've done it?"
"Done what?"
"Had sex..?" He smiles at your worried expression. "Cause we can stop if you want to-"
"My dear, this is only the first time I've done anything with your kind. As well, I am positively overjoyed to be with you right now. Rest assured, I want to do this." You exhale and smile, flopping your head back down.
"Well, that's a relief. And I am too, Blinky, really happy to do this with you." You avoid eye contact, your cheeks too flushed to be seen. He returns his head back down, his fingers spreading your lips as he explores you.
He blows air, rubs, licks. As his mouth plays with your outer part, a stone finger gently prods your entrance. Sliding into you with ease, you gasp as you thought how a single digit was so thick. You're having sex with a troll, duh.
Soon enough, with all of his stimulation, you came around his finger. "AhhH~" Crying out, he halts his movements as you come down from your high. He leans up as your thighs twitch, bringing his soaked finger to his mouth before licking.
"Was that alright?"
You panted, holding up a thumbs up. "Amazing." He gave an innocent smile, amusing in the situation that had just occurred. You leaned up, sitting on your butt. "Blinky, so um," You gestured towards his blank pelvis.
"Ah, for me to release my, 'intimacy', I will need to be coaxed open. Protective plates will shift, revealing myself." You nodded, crawling closer towards him as he leaned back, parting his legs. You didn't know exactly what to do, so you started with rubbing the stone. Looking up towards your lover's face, he seemed to like it as his 6 eyes fell half-lidded, staring down at you.
You continued rubbing until what he had said happened, his plates parted, revealing not one, but 3 appendages. The middle, being the largest, whereas the other 2 were shorter. "Ah.. Yes, the middle one is the functioning one, carrying the sperm. The others are for added stimulation." He muttered as your hand softly caressed his cocks.
"So, how do you wanna do this? You lie down or me?" You stroke him as he ponders.
"It is your first time with a troll, so allow me to take command." A breathy voice mutters, hands removing yours from himself as he sets you on your back. "I fear the other way around would have you in pain." He was right, cowgirl position usually gets deeper.
You settle down as he scooches near you, hands ahold of his larger phallus. The smaller ones swirl and wrangle as their placed near your thigh creases. He angles the middle one to your hole, as 2 of his hands grasp your waist. Pushing his hips forwards, he slowly slides in, stretching you no man, or toy had ever done to you.
Your hands find his attached to your skin, grasping onto his hand and signal him to slow down. He does, waiting for you to adjust to his girth. It takes a long while as you wait for the pain to settle as he pushes himself in little by little. After a couple of minutes, you finally have him all inside without any pain. Discomfort? Yes, but nothing you cant handle.
As he pulls out, the first few pushes are testing. Testing your levels and discomfort. Hearing the soft sounds you make as he slowly enters you, he speeds up his thrusts. Rocky digits hold onto your skin, moving upwards towards your breasts as another set comes onto your skin. He leans over you as he rhythmically pounds into you.
His smaller tendrils wiggle and surround your opening, gently prodding your hole. You couldn't dare to fit another one inside, could you? He stares at your form, looking for any signs of pain. "Are you alright so far?" He rolls his hips against you.
"Yes! It feels so good.." You lift your arms and place your hands onto his cheeks. He gives you a toothy smile before returning to the task at hand. Your arms fell to clutch his own around you as he gives a sharp thrust. You moan as he bites his lips.
A deep growl resonated within the bookworm's chest as one of his smaller tendrils slowly pushes its way inside of you. You whine as it snakes its way through your hole, wiggling against your walls. You feel so full. You could feel yourself coming undone, a ball in your stomach forming as he slithers inside of you.
The outer phallus slides up your vulva, towards the top of your lips, finding your little pink button. You squeal as you are overwhelmed with pleasure. He grunts over you, clenching his teeth as he continues to thrust. Wet sounds surrounded the room, the slapping of him against you is the only sound in the room.
You clench down around him, both of his cocks still moving as you release onto them. Soaked in your juices, they glisten in the light as they're pulled from you in mere milliseconds before pounding back inside you. You cry out from the overstimulation, your face contorting into many expressions as your opening's abused by large cocks.
As he nears his end, his chest rumbles as he begins to make curious sounds. Deep throaty rasps, before a loud yelp lets out from his tusked mouth. Hot seed envelopes your insides, soaking your walls. He continues to thrust, riding out his orgasm before he settles down. Pulling out from you, he leans to the side and flops down.
You pant and turn towards him, grabbing onto his hand as he heaves. You both lay in silence, catching your breath from such an exhilarating activity.
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glenncoco4 · 3 years
War Zone
A/N: Chapter 6. Some M.
If her eyes weren’t already closed they’d be rolling back in her head right now as his finger tips dig into her scalp, making her sink into the tub even further. Dear god she knew his hands were magic but this is euphoric. 
“How you doing, baby?”
She feels his breath hot against her ear, if she wasn’t so miserable, and over 39 weeks pregnant, they’d definitely be using this tub for other purposes. “Why won’t she just come out already?”
The whine in her voice makes his heart sink a little. These last few days have been hell for her and he so wishes he could, but he can’t take her pain away. This warm bath was the only thing he could think of to help her relax at least a little bit, but that doesn’t seem to be working either. Helpless isn’t even the right word for what he’s feeling right now. “I think its because you made such a nice home for her over the past 9 months that she just doesn’t want to leave.”
“She’ll come when she’s ready.” He huffs a laugh before getting up from the stool and leaning down to press a kiss to her forehead. “In the mean time…” 
Her brow furrows at the sound of his retreating footsteps. Lifting her head up from the tub, she opens her eyes and is suddenly alone. “So you’re just gonna leave me here?” Getting no answer, she rolls her eyes. “If this is your idea of a sick joke, I’m-“
As he steps back in the room, Marty’s unable to keep the smile from his face seeing her mouth open in shock. Closing the distance, he pulls the stool to the side of the tub, sitting down with a tower of her favorite treat, 13 to be exact. He sits the tray on the counter and then takes one of the yellow snack cakes, unwrapping it as her hungry gaze watches his movements. 
Her eyes meet his as he extends the Twinkie towards her mouth, offering her a bite. If she weren’t already head over hills in love with him before, she most certainly is now. Yeah, being in this kinda pain sucks, but knowing he’s doing everything he can to make her feel better is one of the best feelings in the world. Leaning forward, she takes a bite, moaning in pleasure. “Mmmm, I love you.”
 “What a difference 13 years make, huh?”
“I remember being less fat before I met you.”
“You’re not fat, baby.”
“I look like a beached whale.”
“A very beautiful beached whale.”
Her bottom lip begins to quiver at his words as she lays a comforting hand across her protruding belly. “Did you just call me fat?”
His eyes go wide in panic, realizing just how wrong the sentence that left his mouth sounded. “No, I mean…you just-“
May 12th, 2009
Her body shakes with anticipation as she makes her way down the jet bridge. It’s been 4 months, 4 long and treacherous months since she’s seen him…well in person that is. When he got his assignment to Egypt right after he finished following her team they were both devastated. It’s part of their jobs of course, they spent most of their dating life apart but there’s something about being married that makes it even more agonizing. Especially since the longest they’ve been together since tying the knot is 3 weeks.
As her Navy issued boots hit the terminal floor the chatter of the people around her and the announcer over the intercom fade, her mismatched orbs immediately scan the room. His flight was due to land an hour before hers and he was going to meet her at her gate. 
She’s briefly pulled out of her search at the sudden feel of tugging of her camouflaged dry fit. Looking down, the SEAL’s eyes meet beautifully innocent chocolate orbs, standing there with a shy smile on his face.
Sitting her bag down, Kensi crouches down, now eye level with the young boy. “Hi.”
She looks down at the small stuffed animal in his hand and then back up at him. “I like your puppy.”
His response catches her a little off guard as his tiny arms wrap around her neck in a tight hug and the words that leave his lips turn her into a big pile of goo. “Thank you for protecting us.”
“Oh, you’re very welcome.”
“Is this where we get in line for the hugs?”
Her eyes go wide at the all too familiar voice. The the voice that up until now has been thousands of miles away from her. Pulling back from the little boy, she quickly spins around, jumping up and throwing her arms around his neck for the death gripping hug. 
The blonde smiles as his arms find their way around her waist, picking her up in excitement. To say he missed her would be an understatement. “Hi, baby.”
“Hi.” She pulls back a bit, her lips immediately finding his. “I missed you so much.”
“I missed you more.” He goes to move the hair out of her face but catches himself when the plaster on his hand touches her.
Her brow furrows as he sits her down, now noticing the obstruction on his left arm. “What happened?”
“Oh, I was fighting some Transformers, you know the usual.”
She smiles shaking her head before bringing her lips to his once more. God she missed his sense of humor. “I love you.”
“I love you.”
She pulls back from their embrace, grabbing her bag and saying a quick goodbye to the little boy before they start heading towards the exit. As they make their way through the terminal, the SEAL wraps her arms around her husband’s uninjured one, hugging it to her body. “So what really happened there?”
“I was playing soccer with some local kids. Kens, we gotta go to Egypt one day. I mean it’s hot as hell but so beautiful.”
“I like that idea. Maybe for our honeymoon that we’ll get to go on one day?” Her mind drifts to a small quaint resort, and her shirtless husband feeding her grapes as they relax beach side in Attaka.“Speaking of monumental moments, do you realize what today is?”
As they step out into ground transportation area, he finds a lone pillar and leans up against it, pulling her body into his. “Of course I do, Nutty Fudge Day!”
Tilting her head back, her mismatched orbs meet his as she bites her lip, trying to keep the smile from spreading to her face. “I’ll show you Nutty Fudge Day.”
“Baby, not in front of the children.” His eyes go wide as they dart over to the two little kids watching them a few feet away.
This time she can’t stop the laughter from leaving her lips before placing a kiss to his once again.
He deepens the kiss, wishing so much that they were already in their hotel room. The sound of little giggling voices forces him to pull back, shaking his head, the photojournalist takes in his wife’s beautiful features. All the things they had plan to go out to do while they’re in the Big Apple are sounding more and more like a drag when he could very well have her all to himself in their luxurious hotel suite. The look in her eyes tell him she may be thinking the same thing, but he tiptoes around the subject just in case. “So, what do you want to do today?”
“I may have a surprise for you.” And oh, does she have a surprise for him.
She takes another bite when her eyes suddenly go wide at the sudden burst of warmth that fills the cooling water around her. The moan that escapes deep from within her throat can’t be helped as a new feeling shoots through her body. 
“Woah, maybe I should just hop in there with you.” He smiles thinking that the noise was caused by her treat.
“How do you feel about delivering babies?”
“I’ve never done one myself but-“ His eyes quickly find the panic shining in her eyes, making his entire being freeze. “Why are you asking me that?”
“Um, my water may have just broke.”
May 12th, 2009
Humming with excitement, he walks into their hotel room, bucket in hand. “Baby, I got the ice, now I’m ready to rock your-“ He stops in his tracks at the sight before him.
“Hi.” She smiles, her mismatched orbs darken with desire as she looks him up and down seductively, biting her bottom lip.
“H-hiii.” He gulps, his cerulean blues roam her body, every bare inch glowing in the soft light coming from the lamp in the corner. Then his eyes reach the lace…the oh so delicate cornflower blue lace that barely covers her beautiful breast and delectable pussy. 
“Are you just gonna stand there?”
“No, just waiting to wake up.”
“I’m still in the hot Egyptian desert and just hallucinating. Yep, any moment now and that lamp over there is gonna turn into a camel.”
A grin spreads to her lips as she gets up from her strategic positioning and walks on her knees to the end of the bed. She reaches for his hand and pulls him towards her. Placing a kiss to the underside of his jaw, his eyes darken as her fingers work their way down to the hem of his pants and slip into his boxers. Her delicate fingers wrap around his already hardened cock, earning a moan of pleasure, one she hasn’t heard in too long. “You’re very much awake, baby.” 
“Thank god.” His lips find hers in a desperate kiss as she pulls him towards her and onto the bed.
A little while later as they both lay sated and out of breath, his head pillowed on her chest as her fingers work their way hrough his golden locks.“Why do you have so many knots in your hair?”
“Well, I’m a little disabled at the moment,” He lifts his casted hand and arm in the air for emphasis, “so I can’t really run my fingers through my hair in the shower like I usually do.”
“Ya, know…” Her fingers find his scalp and dig in a little, earning a moan of pleasure from him.
“Oh, god, that feels amazing.”
“I have two free hands and there’s an empty tub just a few feet away that can massage other things.”
His lips find her breast as his fingers delicately walk down her abdomen to find her already sopping wet pussy.“Well, it just so happens that I have a free mouth that can also massage things.”
She lets out one last groan as the little girl is fully free. Her tiny cries filling the air as Marty quickly cuts the umbilical cord before wrapping her in a towel and handing her over to his wife. 
“You did it, baby.” He comes up beside her, his arm going around her shoulders as he pulls her into him. Yeah, moving to the bed was a good idea. Placing a kiss to the top of her head, he smiles as he gets a glimpse of his two girls…his whole world right in his arms. “I love you so much.”
She tilts her head back, eyes locking with his as he places a kiss to her lips. “I love you.” 
The tears that begin to form in her eyes, he can feel pooling in his own. “No, no, don’t cry. Cuz if you cry then I’m gonna cry.”
“She’s just so beautiful.”
“Exactly like her mama.”
“You think so? I thought she looked like you.”
“Well, I guess that’s good considering we’re her parents.” His lip curls into a smile.
Shaking her head, she gives him another kiss before her head finds his shoulder once again. “Touché.”
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modern-inheritance · 3 years
Modern Inheritance: Look at my Son (Pre-Eragon)
Brom hunched his shoulders against the gust of snow flurries that tugged at his clothes as his horse clopped tiredly along. He knew he was getting close, could still feel the tiny threads of Selena’s energy leading to the small farm on the edge of Carvahall.
His stomach churned. Not only because he was hungry, but because he didn’t know what he was going to find when he reached his destination. Had the healers observations and Brom’s own hypothesis correct? He didn’t know if he wanted to be right or if he wanted to be wrong.
The Rider pulled his horse to a stop at the small house his spells were leading him to.
It wasn’t anything fancy. A simple homestead with a single story, a paddock next to the side porch. Brom could see a small patch of empty farmland behind the paddock, stubbled with the remains cut, dead stalks of grains poking up through the light layer of snow.
It looked like a home for a family.
Sighing, Brom leaned his forearms on the saddle’s pommel and examined the home, looking for some excuse to enter. He found a reason in one of the two work horses, a muscled bay, that had a pronounced limp.
Moments later found him knocking on the front door. His heart thumped in his chest. He had to play this along for a little while, then he could have the truth.
At the third knock a thin man opened the door. He looked at Brom with intense, dark eyes, then cocked an eyebrow. “Can I help you?”
Brom cleared his throat. “Ah, well, not to intrude, sir. I was passing by and saw that one of your horses has a quite a limp. Didn’t know if you were aware, and I just…”
The man sighed tiredly. “Yeah, I’m aware. Thank you.” He leaned out to look over at the bay as it lapped water from a trough. “Poor girl. I don’t have the money to replace her, but I don’t have the money to get her looked at either. I’ve been resting her since winter started, but nothing seems to work.”
“I might be able to help, if you don’t mind me working with her a bit.” Brom gestured to his own steed. “I’m a bit of a traveling storyteller, but I’ve picked up quite a few tricks for healing, especially where horses are involved. Can’t get anywhere with a lame animal.” He offered his hand. “My name is Brom.”
Out of instinct the other man shook his hand. “Garrow.” Then he paused. “I appreciate your offer, but as I said, we don’t have much money, and I’m not the sort of person to accept–”
Brom cut him off. “If you insist on paying me, I’d appreciate a hot meal and a porch to sleep on for the night.” He chuckled roughly. “I’m having a bit of money trouble myself. Don’t think I have enough for a room in town.”
Garrow rubbed his chin, obviously thinking it over. For a moment Brom was worried he would refuse again, but then a woman’s voice called from within the house, coming closer with each word. “Honey? Who is it?”
A woman appeared behind Garrow. Brom’s heart leapt to his throat when he saw a child balanced on her hip, but then he came to his senses. The boy was much too big to have been born in the last few months.
“This gentleman–Brom, was it?–Brom was offering to take a look at old Betty for us.”
“And you were going on about not accepting charity, weren’t you? Garrow, you are not going to let this opportunity slide after all the complaining you’ve done about Betty being lame. Let the poor man in!” She swatted her husband on the shoulder good naturedly. “I already heard his offer to trade. Brom, you are welcome to stay for dinner and sleep in our guest room if you can help our horse.”
Garrow chewed his lip for a moment as the woman went back into the house, the toddler on her hip staring back at the stranger at his door with wide gray eyes. “Fine, fine. You can let your horse into the paddock to feed. I’ll get my coat.”
With magic on his side, the horse’s leg was easy to fix.
To keep impressions up, Brom took to murmuring to the pained animal in the Ancient Language, weaving in his spells subtly as he checked each leg and gently manipulated muscle and bone. Garrow would occasionally ask how he was doing certain exercises, but mostly kept to himself, leanly corded arms wrapped in a well worn jacket and crossed on his thin chest.
After two hours of working with the horse, Brom managed to get Betty to put her full weight on her previously injured limb.
“Well I’ll be damned.” Garrow grunted. “You must be some kind of miracle worker.”
Brom brushed his hands off and gave the bay a pat on her thick shoulder. “No, no. Just had many years of experience. She’ll still need rest until it’s fully healed. I wouldn’t have her pulling anything until spring. These types of injuries can get worse and have a nasty habit of popping up again if pushed too early.” The farmer nodded, assuring the stranger that he would take his advice, and then, finally, invited Brom into his home.
~~~ “Marian!” Garrow called, hanging his coat on the rack beside the door. Instead of his wife, the child from before came tottering out of what Brom assumed was the kitchen. “Hey, big guy! Where’s your mommy, huh?” In one fell swoop, Garrow crouched down and lifted the little boy up into his arms.
The child giggled, reaching out for his father’s head with grasping fingers. Garrow humored him, letting him tug at his ears, as Brom followed the man’s example of hanging his coat. As if suddenly noticing the newcomer, the boy let go of Garrow’s ears and leaned over his shoulder, pointing with an exclamation of childish surprise. “Ah, right. Roran, this man here is Brom. He helped the horse get better.” Garrow looked back. “This is Roran, our son.”
Brom awkwardly waved. “Hello, Roran.”
Roran waved back vigorously. “‘Aye Bom!”
“I’m in the kitchen!” Marian appeared in the doorway that Roran had come through, wiping her hands on her checkered waist apron. Her dark hair was tied up in a loose bun. “Supper will be ready in another hour or two. How did it go?”
“Brom here has magic hands, honey.” Garrow set Roran down, letting him toddle off, and clapped Brom on the shoulder. “Betty will actually walk on her leg now.”
Marian flashed Brom a warm smile. “That’s wonderful! Thank you so much, Brom. Please, have a seat! I’ll get some tea for you both to warm up.”
Garrow led the other man to the living room and offered him a seat in a worn armchair. “I know it’s not exactly the cleanest place in the world, but it’s home.” Garrow apologized, hastily moving blocks, a baby’s play mat, and various toys away with his feet. “We had an unexpected new addition to the family a little while ago. Hard keeping up with two little ones.”
Brom’s heart skipped a beat as he accepted the offered chair. “Congratulations. Two children are quite a blessing.”
Garrow chuckled slightly as he sat across from him on the couch. “Ah, well. He’s not ours, really. He’s my sister’s boy, but she had to leave him with us. We love him as our own, though.”
A boy!
He had a son!
“That’s incredibly kind of you.”
Suddenly, a soft cry came from a room further in the house.
The farmer stood. “There he is. Excuse me.”
Brom nearly choked as Garrow disappeared down the hall. He had a son! A little boy! His heart bashed against his ribs as he realized that Garrow was likely going to return with the baby. He was about to see his son for the first time and he was the only person in the world who knew it. He braced his elbows on his knees, trying to calm himself.
Dear Gods, he had never been good with children. They were small, generally talked or cried a lot, stank, and were prone to all kinds of trouble. He never knew what way he was supposed to hold them, especially babies, and when they weren’t able to talk he was secretly terrified of not being able to help them or give them what they wanted.
Would he be able to handle even seeing the boy? What if he had to hold him? Stars above, he wanted to hold him, but at the same time what if he broke him? What if–
“Here’s the little man.” Brom started when Garrow spoke, gaze shooting up to see the farmer settling back onto the couch with a squirming bundle in his arms. “Sorry about the crying. It’s all they seem to do at this age.”
Brom cleared his throat, trying to fight past the lump he felt forming. He couldn’t see past the blankets. “No, it’s fine.”
Garrow gently bounced the child in his lanky arms, trying to soothe him. “Have any of your own?”
The question struck hard. “Ah, no. I’ve helped care for a few while traveling with troupes though.” Tentatively, as if he might be breaking some unspoken rule, Brom stood and approached the couch. “May I see him?”
“Yeah, yeah, sit. Shh shh shh, it’s okay, Unkie Garrow’s here.” Brom took the spot next to Garrow as gently as he could, his mind blocking out even the crying. He still couldn’t see him.
“Roran, what have you go– GARROW!” Marian’s flustered voice suddenly cut through the din. “Garrow, Roran got into your tools again and is about to smash a window with that silly hammer! My hands are full!”
“Shoot! Not again!” Garrow looked between the kitchen and the babe in his arms, clearly torn. His gaze settled on Brom as his wife again yelled for him. “Ah, here, can you maybe just–”
Before he even had time to answer Garrow transferred the warm bundle of blanket and baby to Brom’s arms and was out of the room.
Brom looked down, eyes wide and disbelieving. His arms began gently rocking the child of their own accord as a calm suddenly settled over his panicked mind.
The crying stopped.
And so did the rest of the world.
A pudgy face looked up at him from the bunched up blanket, slightly red from the screaming earlier, appearing a curious at the new face that gazed down.
Brom couldn’t breathe. Something welled up in his chest that wasn’t anything he had felt before. It felt like…pride. But that wasn’t it. It was something distinctly different but nameless, sending warm tingles across his entire body and forming a lump in his throat.
Then the baby gurgled and smiled up at him.
And Brom fell apart.
“Hi.” The Rider whispered, nearly choking on the word. He carefully used a finger to move more of the blanket away from the child’s face, almost scared to touch him. The babe gave him no choice, though, by reaching out with a chubby little hand and grasped the finger near his face with a vice like grip. Brom choked out a soft laugh, wiggling the trapped appendage. “Oh, look at you. Hi, little one.” The baby laughed back, and pulled the finger up to explore with his mouth. “Hey.”
“His name is Eragon.” Brom tore his eyes from his son as Marian entered with a tray of tea. She set it down on the table beside the couch and settled down next to her guest.
“Eragon?” The Rider felt the name bolt through his conscious. Such a weighty name for such a small thing. Selena had picked a name of power, of history and peace. The name that had started the Golden Era. “That’s a…a powerful name.” He looked back to the child in his arms. “He’s beautiful.”
Marian took a sip of her tea. “You’ve heard of it? Garrow’s sister seemed to know some history behind the name.”
“It’s a very special name.” Brom murmured, gently rocking the smiling Eragon. “He’ll grow up to be an exceptional young man with a name like that.” Unbidden, another smile split Brom’s face as he gazed on his son. “Won’t you, Eragon?”
“Do you want me to take him off your hands?”
Brom didn’t look away. “No…. No, we’re fine. I’ll see if I can get him to sleep.” Marian smiled at him, thanking him for a welcome break from stresses of taking care of a fussy baby while trying to get dinner ready, and returned to the kitchen.
“You’ll grow up to be strong, Eragon.” Brom whispered to the babe. In response, Eragon let go of his finger and reached out, touching the man’s bearded cheek. “You’ll blow the world away someday. I know it.” Bright blue eyes, not yet pigmented, gazed into the same tone of blue in the eyes of the man above him.
If only Selena could see them now.
That night, Brom slept in the guest room.
It was also Eragon’s room.
Whenever the babe became fussy, Brom would quietly and carefully lift him from from his crib, consumed with wonder at his little body, and would sit with Eragon on his chest. As the beat of his heart lulled the child back to sleep, Brom softly crooned to him in the Ancient Language, weaving the words to the age old cradle song from Kusta. He familiarized himself with the face of his son, gently touched his downy brown hair, and whispered the story of the first Dragon Rider, the story of his namesake, to him as he slept.
In the morning, as dawn edged into the window, Brom forced himself to come to terms with having to leave. His heart ached as he kissed Eragon on the brow once, placed him back in his crib, and gathered his belongings.
After a small breakfast, again cooked by Marian, Brom gave his sincere thanks to the family.
“If you ever come by again, be sure to look us up.” Garrow shook his hand. “I want to properly repay you.”
“You already have.” The Rider assured him. The warmth of meeting his son was slowly seeping away to be replaced this a deep ache with each step he took to the edge of the porch. “Thank you. And thank you, Marian, for the excellent meals. I have eaten at many courts in my travels, and your food has rivaled them all.”
The woman blushed and laughed. “Well, thank you!” She glanced back into the house. “If you come back, I’m sure Eragon and Roran would love to hear a story or two. Maybe you could tell Eragon about his name.”
“I promise I will. Your hospitality has been most kind.” Adopting the old Kustan bow, Brom bid his final goodbyes and mounted his horse. “Take care. Both your children are very special. Know that. I hope you folks have fortune smile on you.”
As he clicked the steed into a walk, a sleepy eyed Roran grabbed his mother’s leg and waved. “Bye-bye Bom!”
Brom didn’t look back. He didn’t want them to see him crying.
From then on, everything Brom did wasn’t just for the Varden, elves, dwarves, Alagaësia or vengeance. It was all for his son.
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evanoracronwell · 3 years
Life as he knew it
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Chapter 3 - We're gonna be okay.
"Baby girl, this is your new family. Everyone, meet my daughter."
Also on ao3 (3/?)
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If you had asked Evan Buckley 24 hours ago if he had imagined his life would be like this, he would have laughed in your face and called you crazy.
However, here he was, marveling at how his apartment - his bachelor apartment - had become a place completely ready to receive a child.
Explaining everything to those he considered his family had been far more chaotic than Buck had imagined it would be.. Karen, Carla, and Maddie apparently knew all the curses in the dictionary, and they had no problem saying them all. Hen and Chim were silent for a few seconds - probably imagining that it was all a joke - and then joined Maddie and Karen.
Athena and Bobby acted exactly as Buck would have imagined. Surprised, and then congratulating him on the news, saving any further comments for later.
And then there was Eddie. Eddie said nothing. For a few seconds - infinite seconds, if you asked Buck - he just said nothing. And then he raised his hand in a gesture for everyone to shut up and looked at Buck, with those serene brown eyes, as if inside he was no longer furious and more agitated than a storm.
"What do you need, Buck? How can we help?"
"I need to buy everything I’ll need for my daughter. Make this place safe for a child, find a lawyer to analyze these documents and the others that I’ll be getting. Damn, I need to choose a name, because that woman wasn’t able to do even that..”
And that was how Maddie, Carla, and Karen went out shopping like three women on a mission.
"Here's my credit card, Maddie..." "How much can we spend ?!" "As much as necessary, everything my daughter will need, Maddie. Don't worry about money." "This credit card is from that account that..." "Yes” - he interrupted his sister in a low voice so that no one could hear them -” so don't worry about spending. Whatever she needs; I mean it"
Hen and Chim volunteered immediately to go shopping for everything needed to make the apartment baby-proof. And well, who’s better than two paramedics to guarantee it was done properly? 
Athena took the folder with the documents from Buck's hand, assuring him that she knew a child custody lawyer and would personally take those papers for him to review. Before Buck could even say anything, she had already walked out the door.
With that, only Eddie and Bobby remained.
Bobby, who went straight to the stove and started making something for Buck to eat, because he knew perfectly well that the men wouldn't have eaten yet and...
"You need to take care of yourself, kid, now more than ever."
And Eddie, who just put his hand on Buck's shoulder like he had when he had brought Chris after the tsunami, smiled as comfortably as possible, saying everything Buck needed to hear, without even saying a word.
"I'm here, Buck." "I have your back."
And now he was here, hours later with his apartment completely clean and safe for a baby. A crib installed next to his bed upstairs and a dresser full of baby clothes, everything needed to help with changing diapers, and a comfortable changing mat on top of the furniture. One side of his wardrobe had been completely emptied and now it contained diapers, more clothes (really, how many clothes did a baby need ?) And several other things that apparently a baby needed and that Buck hadn’t even known existed. His kitchen was like that too, cupboards full with baby cups, bottles, pacifiers, formula...
Because Buck was going to have a baby living with him in less than 24 hours. A baby... fuck.
"I still can't believe that I’m an aunt now! She is so beautiful Evan, just like you when you were a baby." Maddie sounded like she was three seconds away from bursting into tears
"Except for her hair; she has a shade of red that she got from her mother, mixed in with all that blondness."
"That woman is no mother."
"I know that, Karen. But what about my daughter? What am I going to tell her when she's old enough to ask?"
"The truth, Buck, you tell the truth. It will hurt like hell, but you need to be honest with her." Hen reached out to hold his hand for a few seconds.
"What matters now is that this little girl has you, Buck." Chimney smiled at his brother-in-law.”And she couldn't have wished for a better father."
"Damn, right. And when will the newest member of our clan join us?" Athena said in a happy and energetic tone, trying to change the mood of the conversation.
"The nurse said tomorrow; I need to prepare some documents that they need for the birth certificate."
"And a name"
"Yes, Maddie, and a name... I need to think of something."
"You’ll l find a perfect one for her, kid. I'm sure."
"Thanks, Bobby. I just... how am I going to do this? How am I going to be the father of a little girl? I have no idea what to do. I don't know how to take care of a child."
"Of course you know, Buck, you took care of Chris more times than I can count. You’re a natural. I don't know any child who doesn't gravitate towards you completely in adoration."
"This is different, Eddie; yes I am fun and great for spending a day with, playing with them and everything... but what about the rest ?!"
"Buck, dear, you’re being too hard on yourself."
"No, Athena, I'm being realistic. It's different."
"Okay, last week Chris had that stomach bug. He spent the whole night throwing up, tearful and angry. You knew I took an extra shift that night and offered to stay with him. Buck, you sat all night on the floor of his room, cleaned every time he vomited, bathed him and made him eat the soup that Pepa left for him, gave him the medicine at the right time, took care of him, and gave him all the attention and love he needed. You know exactly what to do Buck; you always knew.”
"Yes, but..."
"When Danny got that flu? You showed up at our house without us calling you. You took a plush of some cartoon that he liked at the time and a full meal for all of us because you knew we were going to be taking care of him and completely forgetting about ourselves, and then you spent hours with him watching all the cartoons he wanted just so that Karen and I could eat and get some rest. Eddie is right, Buck, if there is one person in this world who is prepared to become a father, it’s you.”
"Thanks, guys. I just... I don't know; I'm terrified."
"And it's okay to be scared, kid."
"But that's why you have us, Buckaroo, we’re here for everything you need."
"I know, Carla, which reminds me, I need to ask you if you know someone to refer me to as a nanny. Bobby got two weeks off from 118, but I'm going to need someone to look after her when I get back."
"Boy, you didn't just ask me that. Do you really think I'm going to refer someone else to you to take care of our little princess? Oh, no sir, I'll take care of that beauty myself."
"What? No, Carla, you already take care of Chris and..."
"We already talked." Eddie smiled.”Carla said that she can take care of them, no problem. And besides, Christopher is going to love helping."
"Oh, he's going to go all big brother with her."
"You bet!"
"Just take a deep breath, kid; you'll be just great, you'll see. And at the end of the day, you still have all of us ! We're all here to help you."
"Bobby is right, Evan. You’re going to be a great dad."
"Yeah...we're gonna be okay."
 Sometime later, when he was alone in his apartment, Buck ran to the bathroom to shower and get ready, looking forward to going back to the hospital and seeing his daughter again. He couldn't wait to bring her home with him the next morning. Having her in his arms again made Buck's heart grow two sizes, and if he cried with excitement when the nurse let him feed his daughter for the first time, well... who could blame him?
Leaving a hospital with his daughter in his arms was definitely not something Buck had imagined doing so soon in his life. But as he drove through the streets of Los Angeles with the adorable little girl, making all the cutest sounds while lying in the baby car seat, Buck was sure that if he could go back he would have done everything exactly the same.
Yes, he would still have gone to that bar days after removing the cast from his leg, determined not to stay home feeling sorry for himself after Ali had left. Yes, he would still have accepted Taylor Kelly's company even if he couldn't drink himself. Yes, he would still have had sex with her in the bathroom - again - in that bar.
Because all of that had taken him to this moment, driving to his apartment with his daughter in the backseat. Just the two of them, because...
"Yes, Maddie, I want to pick her up alone."
"Yes, Karen, you can wait for us here in my apartment to meet her. All of you can."
"I already chose a name, but no Eddie, I'm not going to tell you!"
So when he opened the door he found all his friends there just like the day before, with the addition of Michael, May and all of the other children. There were balloons all over the first floor and a banner hanging from the window welcoming "Baby Buckley". There was a huge cake on the counter, with an image of a stork. Everyone was waiting with a huge smile to meet his daughter.
Because Buck was not alone. He had his family there beside him to help him every step of the way.
"Oh my God, Buckaroo, she is so beautiful. That photo did not do justice to how gorgeous she is." Athena approached as soon as Buck entered the apartment.
"My niece is the most beautiful baby in the world."
Maddie stayed close to Athena so she could see her better, both with huge smiles and tears in their eyes.
"Baby girl, this is your new family. Everyone, meet my daughter." Buck smiled, raising his arm a little so that everyone could see the baby, whose eyes were wide and curious.”This is Isabella!"
Nobody in that apartment could resist falling completely in love with the new member of the 118 family. Everyone approached to see her better and praised how beautiful she was while Buck sat on the couch to be more comfortable and hold her better in his arms.
"Oh Buck, she really looks just like you."
"Look at this birthmark; so tiny!"
"She is so adorable, she makes me want to bite those cheeks."
"Oh my God, mom, are you and Bobby crying ?!"
May exclaimed so loudly that everyone turned to see Athena and Bobby, who really had tears in their eyes.
"Give me a break, May, this is our first granddaughter." Athena waved her hand in the air, returning to focus exclusively on the baby while Bobby was beside her,  nodding in agreement with his wife.
If Buck stopped breathing for a few seconds, no one seemed to notice; Athena had just called his daughter her granddaughter. His daughter. Granddaughter to Athena and Bobby. Of course, he had always seen Bobby as a father figure and consequently Athena as a mother figure, but knowing that the feeling was reciprocal really caught the fireman off guard.
The sound of crutches against the floor was enough to wake Buck out of his thoughts and make him smile as he saw Christopher approach, with Eddie beside him. Bobby and Athena smiled between them and then walked away leaving the three alone and went to the kitchen where everyone was preparing food for lunch.
"Chris has something he wanted to give to our new baby girl. Isn't that right, buddy?"
"Really, buddy? What do you have there?" Buck asked as he laid his daughter down in the baby nest bed beside him on the sofa.
"It's a gift for Isabella!"
With that beautiful smile that Chris always had, the boy handed the gift to Buck, who smiled even more as he took the package in his hands and opened it eagerly with both Eddie and Christopher’s eyes on him. Inside was the cutest little thing Buck had ever seen; it was a baby cow plush with little arms, and then in place of the body it was a shaggy, warm piece of fabric. Buck had no idea what it was, but he already loved it.
"It's a blankie or a security blanket. Chris had several of these when he was a baby, and it always made him sleep better." Eddie explained knowing that his friend didn't know what the gift was.
"This one was my favorite."
"Is this yours, buddy?"Buck asked, looking at Christopher with a puzzled expression, and when the boy nodded, stating that the plush was, in fact, his, Buck felt his eyes sting with tears. He looked at Eddie, who just smiled at his friend without saying anything.
"This is really nice of you, Chris; are you sure you want to give Bella your favorite blankie?"
"He protected me from monsters, Bucky, now he's going to protect Bella too. He was my best friend! Until you showed up."
"Oh buddy, you are my best friend too, did you know that ?! And I'm sure he will protect Bella just as he protected you."
"Do you think she'll like Moowie ?!”
“Moowie? You named him Moowie? Moowie the cow?”
“Yes, that's his name. Moowie. Do you think she'll like him?”
"Yes, I'm sure she will." He took the blankie to the baby, placing it right next to her. She looked at the plush with curiosity, then made a noise, apparently enthusiastic about the new toy.”See?! She loved her gift, buddy. I promise I will always keep it with her when she goes to sleep."
"To keep the monsters away!"
"Yes, buddy, to keep the monsters away."
Later, Christopher was sitting beside him on the sofa holding his daughter in his arms, with the biggest and most beautiful smile that Buck had ever seen on the boy's lips. Eddie was kneeling on the floor facing them, helping Chris to hold the baby while he played with Bella at the same time. All of his friends were around him, talking and laughing, like a big family.
Yes, Buck did not doubt that everything would be fine.
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imagine-that-100 · 4 years
Holiday | Part 16 |
Description of Part 1: Alex Turner x Reader (Female) | You’ve been friends with Alex Turner and the other boys from Arctic Monkeys since you were 13. You never for a second thought that Alex would release a song about you though. From late night phone calls and almost constant texting and teasing, you’ve managed to stay close with him over the years. When a pact is established and a holiday is arranged, life seems to be treating you very well. But a month in LA will either make or break you.
Word Count: 12.2K
Warnings: little bit of self-consciousness but a fuck load of FLUFF
A/N:. I can’t even with this part. It’s just too fucking cute. I really hope you all enjoy it and I would love your reactions please. It’s just too cute I can’t handle it. Taglists are always open. Thank you for reading x
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You were lay in bed with Alex with your head lay on his chest whilst you slept. The warmth from both the duvet pulled over you and Alex’s body heat, meant that you were so warm and cosy, you didn’t want the day to come and ruin it.
But as it happened, sleep wasn’t something that you would be getting for much longer because you felt Alex rub your back in the gentle way that you knew was an attempt to wake you up.
“Y/N/N” Alex stirred you.
Alex wouldn’t usually attempt to wake you up in the morning, but he knew you would love to see the sky full of all those different colours.
When you’d woken up a week ago to find the Instagram post that Alex had shared with everyone, you first and foremost kissed your boyfriend until he begged you to leave him alone. And then you made him promise you that if he saw a sky like that again, he had to wake you up.
When you’d seen the photo, you thought Alex was the cutest being in the entire world. You weren’t yet used to all the cute things he did for you.
All of your previous boyfriends weren’t really the old romantic types, so it was so refreshing and surprising when Alex was being his cute self. The only thing that you were gutted about, with the Instagram post, was that you missed the stunning view outside.
So, you had made him promise you, if he saw a sky as pretty as that again he would wake you up.
And that’s why he gently woke you from your slumber. You hummed in response to him saying your name and you tilted your head up to look at him before you opened your eyes.
You slowly opened your eyes to peak at him and you see he’s already smiling down at you.
Alex quietly says, “Sorry, I just thought you’d want to see the view” and then nods towards the large windows in your room.
You follow his gaze and you’re taken completely by surprise. The sky was littered with beautiful shades of orange and red and the light that was coming into your bedroom made it look like the room was glowing.
It was stunning.
“Oh my god” You say completely astounded.
You reach over him to get a picture of it quickly and Alex watched you with a smile.
He found you so funny.  
If he tried to wake you up for anything else or if your alarm was going off for work, he would have been told to fuck off and your alarm would be snoozed until the last second until you had to be out of bed.
So, you now being wide awake and excited about the view was something that amused him a lot. He loved you but you were an annoying when you had to be awake in the morning.
Not that he was any better when he had to get up.
The way the golden light was shining on your skin as you sat up a little to take your picture was something Alex wanted to remember forever. You looked so effortlessly pretty despite just waking up and the fact that you were excited made you even prettier.
You put your phone back down after taking a picture or two and you rested your head in the palm of your hand as you looked at the view. You loved watching every little detail change and it was just mind-blowing that you got to see the scenery in front of you every day.
“That’s the prettiest thing I’ve ever seen” You say more to yourself than to Alex.
You knew he was still awake as you’re still half lay on his chest, but you don’t expect him to answer you.
He, however, does by saying “I’d say the same, but I’d be lying”
You look to your messy haired boyfriend and smile as you’d noticed he was looking at you, before you looked back to the view. But then it clicked what he meant, and you double took him.
“Wait did you just...” You trailed off with a raised eyebrow.
Alex nodded and you let out a little giggle, “That was the cheesiest thing I’ve ever heard”
“But you loved it” Alex said with a knowing smile and a toothy smile.
“I did. Even though it was a lie” You grin appreciating his compliment but not for a second accepting it.
There was no way you looked good at this moment in time. You’d gone to sleep with your hair in a ponytail that had come loose during the night and after your crying episode last night, you probably had bags under your eyes.
“Wasn’t a lie” Alex tells you seriously.
“Sure Turner. But thank you” You smile at him before dipping your head to plant a soft kiss to his chest as another thank you.
You share a smile before looking back to the view and watching as the sky slowly morphed into a complete daytime scene. There was still beauty to capture but the events of the previous night had left you tired and your eyes craved the rest.
So, you ended up closing again after about 10 minutes of watching the sky. Alex didn’t mind at all though, he ended up falling asleep about 5 minutes after you with his hand in your hair after he’d helped sooth you to sleep.
Alex had walked into your home yesterday after a long day of interviews to find you having a particularly rough evening.
He walked in around 6:30pm and heard The Smiths quietly playing and he immediately knew something was up. Alex more than anyone knew that when you were sad you played your sad playlist and that primarily consisted of The Smiths songs.
Alex took off his jacket at the front door and hurriedly made his way through the house to find you. He found you sat on the settee in your spot hugging your knees with your face hidden from sight as you cried.
He worriedly made his way to you and pried you out from hiding to yourself so you could look to him. You didn’t stop crying when you did show him your face, you just threw your arms around him and started crying into his shoulder.
Alex hugs you back just as tight as you were holding him. He tried his best to sooth you by rubbing your back and holding you tight as your sobs racked through your body.
Hearing you cry like this though really hurt Alex’s heart.
“Baby what’s wrong?” Alex asks you still hugging you close.
You attempt to speak but he only catches a few words of what you were saying. You were pretty incoherent because you were both trying not to cry and also mumbling your words into his neck.
“Love, I really need you to take a few deep breaths and calm down for me” Alex tells you softly, stroking the back of your head.
As you try and take a deep breath though another few seconds of crying starts, and Alex tries his best to quieten them. He carries on soothing you as he can feel your body shaking
“Come on sweet, can you do that for me?” Alex asks once more when you stop audibly crying. “Deep breaths for me”
He feels you nod into his neck and he hears you slowing taking some deep breaths and you slowly start to calm down. You’re still shaky but at least you are breathing through it and Alex knows he’ll have you calmed down soon.
“That’s it honey, deep breaths” He softly repeats until you quieten down.
When you stop shakily breathing in his arms, he pulls back a bit from you so he could see you. He gives you a smile which makes you smile but the tears were still running down your face.
“I’m sorry” You mumble as you wipe your face.
It was at that point that Alex saw that you were quite flushed which was something that happened every time you drank wine. Upon noticing that, he glances to the table beside the settee and saw an empty glass and bottle of Rose.
“Don’t apologise. It’s okay” Alex said wiping the fresh tears from your face.
He placed a kiss to your forehead before asking you in a soothing voice, “What’s wrong?”
“Got myself worked up” You say rubbing your eyes.
“Why? What’s up? What about?” Alex says with worry clear on his features.
“Why do you like me?” You ask him once you regain your ability to speak. Your speech is a bit broken though because you were whispering to try and stop yourself from crying more.
The question takes Alex back completely though. That wasn’t that he was expecting at all.
So even though he heard you he without thinking asked, “What?”
“Why do you like me?” You repeated a little louder, but the sadness still filled your voice.
“Y/N I love you… I love you so so much” Alex tells you tucking your hair behind your ear, before he cups your jaw.
“Yeah but why?” You say, getting yourself worked up a little bit again.
Alex’s eyebrows furrow at that confused, “What do you mean why?”
“Like why me? I’m nothing special at all and you could do so much better” You said between juddery breaths.
Tears were running freely down your face again and you made no attempt to catch them with the sleeves of your hoodie like you had been doing.
“Hey, don’t you ever say that because that’s a massive lie” Alex tells you in a nice way, but he had a certain seriousness to his voice.
He continues to say, “You are literally the most amazing person I’ve ever met Y/N. Everything about you is special”
Your eyes well up again at his kind words but you shake your head. You felt like there was literally nothing special about you at all.
“Yes” Alex nods at you, seeing how you didn’t believe him at all.
“Y/N, you are the happiest person I know, and you brighten up my room as soon as you walk into it. You are so creative with everything that you do, I wish I was half as creative as you and could come up with the stuff that you do” Alex starts on his list of reasons why you meant so much to him.
“Not to mention you are so so beautiful…” He tells you whilst he uses his thumb to wipe your tears away “You are actually the most stunning person I’ve ever met. On both the inside and out”

Alex continues with the closing statement of, “You are the most important thing in my life, and I love you so much and I’ll never stop telling you that”
“I love you” You say before you fling your arms around his neck again and cling to him for dear life.
He feels you getting yourself worked up again as he can feel you shakily breathing again in his arms, “Darling, where has this come from?”
“It doesn’t matter” You tell him whilst wiping the tears from your eyes, whilst your arms are still around his neck.
“Y/N/N, you don’t get yourselves in these states for no reason” Alex states a true fact as he pulls you away from his body so he can see your gorgeous face once more.
“It’s stupid” You say as Alex hastily wipes away more of your tears.
“Yeah well I’m stupid too. I threw us into the pool with my phone in my pocket, so you can tell me, and it will stay between us two stupid people” Alex grins at you and it makes you laugh a little.
After taking one more deep breath to try and alleviate the tightness in your chest you explain.
“I was just having a few drinks on FaceTime to Y/B/F…” You say, explaining your typical Friday evening when you got home from work early. “And after she went off, I saw something online and it made me upset”
“What was it?”
“Just about Alexa and Arielle… And pointing out that I didn’t have as much going for me as they do… And that you could do so much better. Which is true” You say whilst hiding into his chest again and you take comfort in him hugging you into his body.
“It’s not true at all” Alex tells you bluntly before he kisses the top of your head.
“Do you actually believe that?” Alex asked as you looked back up at him.
“It’s in the back of my head sometimes, before I even read it” You nod as more tears, that were unauthorised, fall from your eyes, which makes Alex’s heart hurt.
“Y/N” Alex cooed before he pulled you into him.
“Please never think that, ever, because it’s never crossed my mind once. I love you for you, and if I was actually brave enough back in the day, I would have never even had Alexa or Arielle because I wanted you” Alex tells you and you can tell he’s being completely serious.
“I’ve always wanted you” He says with no hesitation at all.
You smile at him and he returns it before saying, “You’re my lobster”
You couldn’t help but giggle at his Friends reference. You’d both been casually rewatching it and you’d only watched the Lobster episode together yesterday.
“I love you” You say through your tears.
“I love you too… More than you’ll ever know” Alex offers you a big smile that makes your heart swell.
Alex eventually gets you to a point where you aren’t crying anymore, which you didn’t think was possible but as it turns out, it relied on you speaking about it more. And also, turning The Smiths off helped.
Morrissey was good but depressing.  
You’d just unlocked your phone for the first time since you’d abandoned it to cry and you laughed a little seeing what was on your screen. You were an idiot, half the time you got yourself extra worked up for no reason.
You’d pulled up Arielle’s Instagram just to be nosy and you had another flick through it as you started explaining to Alex why you laughed a little just then.
He was sat next to you on the settee and you were tucked under his arm, leaning into him. You looked up to him and told him, “You know it’s embarrassing to admit, but mid-breakdown I was going through Arielle’s Instagram and literally burst out crying talking to myself saying the most stupid things”
You glanced back down on your phone which showed her profile.
You giggled as you admitted, “I think at one point I was looking through it saying, ‘It’s no surprise that Alex got with her because she’s stunning and I’d shag her too’”
You have a little laugh at yourself as Alex says with a little chuckle, “Oh my god, stop”
“I make myself laugh” You laugh before you rest your head on his shoulder as you scroll down her profile.
“Give me your phone a sec” Alex extends his hand to take it from you and you give it him.
“Right look at these instead…” He says, and you see that he’s brought up your own profile.
He taps on each recent photo of you to make it bigger when he says, “You should be looking at this, which is of right now… and there’s no reason for you to be looking at them and crying”
“Look at that” Alex instructs as he brings up a picture of you in your white jeans and a stolen while transparent top of his that you’d unbuttoned a little and tied it around your waist to make it look cute on you. “You look fucking beautiful there… Way more attractive than anything else you’ve just scrolled past on Arielle’s account”
You smile as he says that, but your eyes are fixed on your phone when he brings up the photo from the first weekend that you’d come over on your holiday. It was the one that Miles took of the both of you in your leather jackets and he’d told you both that you looked like a biker couple.  
“And look at all that. That us. Me and you. And there’s more Y/N/N…” Alex tells you appreciating the picture for a good few seconds before he carries on.  
“Because we are there…” He says tapping off the app. “On your home screen and your lock screen” He says as he locks it and presses the button again to show a cute selfie that you’d taken of the both of you over Christmas.
Alex then gets his phone out of his pocket and shows reminds him that you are on his lock screen and on his home screen too.
“And if you want more proof of my undying love for you Y/N/N, you only have to look at this” Alex tells you hugging you the tiniest bit tighter with his arm that was around you.
As he does that, he pulls up his very secretive Instagram account and that action takes up your full attention. You see that it is a completely private account and that there are no followers, and he only follows 3 accounts.
Your bets would be on your account, Matt’s and Miles’.
But the thing that grabbed your attention most was that the account was full to the brim of pictures of you both together. And there’s hundreds of posts.
Pictures of you holding hands. Stood together. Kissing his cheek, him kissing yours. Kissing in general.
There were a bunch of videos too of you both messing about. As he scrolled through, you saw the video of the two of you jokingly getting off with him on the settee and you knew it was the video that Miles took when you were both trying to embarrass Matt and Miles.
And you also spotted pictures going all the way back to when you were younger. No doubt ones that your parents had dug out over the past few months, but you noted that there were pictures on there of the two of you that were up in his childhood bedroom.
Pictures that had been taken at parties, at their first gig. Loads of different ones of behind the scenes at many gigs over the years and on the bus.
It was just full of the two of you.
And that was the cutest thing you had ever seen in your entire life.
“You see… I completely adore you Y/N/N” Alex tells you as you scroll through the profile.
A lone tear falls down your face as you turn towards him and you have to say, “I love you so much. I don’t know why I’m so emotional about this right now, but I swear I love you the most I’ve ever loved anyone Alex”
“I love you loads” Alex tells you before he kisses you.
You kiss him back but also feel the need to carry on your declaration of love. “You literally make me the happiest I’ve ever been, and I don’t know what I would do without you”
“You’re my everything” You whisper loud enough for him to hear you before you give him the biggest hug.
“Same here baby” Alex says before kissing the top of your head.
But then after a minute he ruins the moment in his charming way.
“I’m not letting you drink wine again though” Alex states which makes you start giggling.
The next few months were amazing for the both of you. Everything You’ve Come To Expect had obviously dropped and it was amazing.
You loved every single song on there and you were so excited to go to the few American gigs you could get too and you found that you loved the gigs just as much watching from the side of the stage as you did being in the pit.
You both agreed that it probably wouldn’t be very safe for you down in the pit anymore because you didn’t exactly hide that you knew or were with Alex anymore. So, in case the crowd held any psycho fans you thought the side of the stage would be best.
With the album dropping though that obviously meant that Alex had to go off and tour with Miles. Something which was hard after spending so much time together but thankfully you weren’t finding it too difficult.
You kept in contact all the time, with FaceTime calls taking place every other day and texts daily just to check in on the other. You were just glad that Alex was having a fab time with his best mate again on tour.
You also were having a fun time having the house to yourself. You could have your music on as loud as you wanted, and you loved every second of it.
You made use of the pool, the music room, the cinema room (which you practically lived in after work), and you had even made use of the gym.
Alex had been away since the end of March and it was now currently the beginning of July you were flying out to meet Alex back home for his UK tour and to see your family.
Y/B/F was picking you up from the airport and you had missed her so much despite only seeing her when she came over for Easter. She had obviously been completely blown away by the house and it was quiet refreshing how you had the time to yourself with her again.
It was like a massive upgrade for you both living together again. Even if it was only briefly.
Unfortunately, she still hadn’t met Miles yet due to him being on tour with Alex across the other side of the world when she was over, so you had arranged a little surprise for her for when you were getting back to the flat.
You’d instructed Alex to call at your Mum’s to get her spare key to your flat so he and Miles could be there waiting to surprise her when you both came back.
Your flight was due in at 11am which meant that you got the rest you needed on the plane and you were ready for the day ahead when you got off the plane. Y/B/F collected you from the airport with no issues at all and as you were in the car on your way back, you discretely texted Alex and told him to wait in her room.
“Okay so I have a surprise for you” You say as she unlocks the door to your flat.
“Oh my god, are you pregnant?” She practically yells and you just knew that the boys would have heard it.
So, you scoff just as loudly with a hint of a smile on your lips when you say, “No, you cheeky cow”
“Sorry I just wanted to guess” Y/B/F shrugged her shoulders defeatedly.
“Well stop before you dig your own grave” You shake your head before you abandon your suitcase just outside your bedroom door.
“No, so I asked my mum to deliver it whilst you were picking me up so I could surprise you with it” You tell her as you turn towards her again and you could see that she was very curious.
“It’s in your room” You tell her because tilting your head towards the room.
You watch her as she walks to her bedroom door and you follow behind her. She says that you didn’t have to get her anything and you just shush her and apologise that the present is long overdue.

You then watch as she opens her bedroom door and you can see from over her shoulder that Alex and Miles are sat on her bed with their backs against the headboard with their legs stretched out across her duvet.
You heard Y/B/F gasp from in front of you and you saw her hand fly to her mouth. The three of you just started laughing at her reaction and you laugh a bit more when she turns around away from them and says to you, “I was not expecting that”
You laugh and throw your arms around her shoulders to give her the hug that you can see she so desperately needs right now. As she clings to you for a second you smile towards your boys and blow them a quick kiss.
They both blow you one back and you can see that they can’t get their smiles off their faces. They both looked so good. The only thing different about either of them was that your boyfriend’s hair was a longer than when you’d last seen him in person.
“So, you like your present?” You ask your best friend when you release her from her hug.
She laughs a little and says, “Oh I love it. I wanna get right in the middle of that sandwich”
“Get in it then” You tell her as she turns back around to look at both men on her bed again.
She makes her way into the room and you can tell that she will be absolutely ecstatic with her choice of clothes today. She was wearing white jeans with a cropped checked tube top that showed a good bit of cleavage, and she still had her checked Vans on along with her blue denim jacket.
She may not have known Miles was going to be here, but she was definitely dressed to impress. And you loved that for her.
Y/B/F makes her way towards Miles first, going him an excited, “Hey” before she leans in and hugs him.
“Hello, it’s nice to finally meet you officially” Miles grins and reciprocates her hug.
“Likewise,” Y/B/F can’t stop herself from grinning before she gives him a kiss on the cheek.
Then Alex seems to take up her attention. “Turner, looking good as always” She grins towards him and he chuckles.
“Come here you” He tells her offering her an arm for a hug.
You could see that she wasn’t going to turn down a hug from him, so she quickly got onto her bed. Climbed over Miles, pretty much by straddling his legs to get to Alex to give him a hug.
Their hug lasted a good few seconds before she twisted herself around, so she was sat in between them leaning back against the both of their shoulders. She let out a relaxed sigh before she grinned up at you.
“Well goodbye Y/N, dreams are about to come true. Show yourself out” She half giggled at you with a wave.
You couldn’t help but laugh too, along with the boys beside her.
You grab her polaroid camera from just beside you on her desk before you take a quick picture of her sat in the middle of them. You then abandoned the camera as the picture began to develop before you made your way to your man.
You quickly got onto the bed throwing one leg over him, so you were straddling him before you attached his lips to yours. Alex chuckled into the kiss as his arms tightened around your waist pulling your closer to him.
God you had missed him so much.
After a few seconds you pulls away and let your hands go up into his fluffy Prince Charming hair and you adored how long it was now. “I love your head” You muttered as you pulled the strands through your fingers over his face and he chuckles at you being fascinated with his hair.
You absolutely adored it.
“Is your present that foursome we arranged?” Y/B/F says hopefully distracting you from your boyfriend.
You scoff with a bit of a laugh, “You wish Hun”
She and Miles laugh at you then before they fall into quick conversation which leaves Alex to start one between the two of you.
“Pregnant, are we?” He chuckles bringing back up what your rude best friend had suggested.
You laugh and shake your head, “No, the cheeky fucker. I’ve lost weight”
“I was just about to say you look fantastic” Alex tells you and you can’t keep a smile off your face when he says that.
“Thank you” You grin, “I’ve been doing the training that you told me, and I can actually do a proper push up now my arms are stronger”
Before he’d gone away you had joined him in the gym one afternoon where you embarrassedly admitted that you couldn’t do a proper push up, so he’d gone through some of his training with you. He had a punch bag in the room too as he’d gotten quite into it and he showed you things to help build your muscle on that.
You were actually proud of yourself that you’d stuck it out and you actually got somewhere with it.
“My girl” Alex smiles before he leans in and pecks your lips once more.
Once you all get settled into the flat, after you’d all had a good chat and a brew Miles gets up from the settee and announces to the room, “Right come on were off out”
You and Y/B/F look up confused as you weren’t made aware of any plans.
You look to Alex and he confirms, “Big day planned”
“What have you got in mind Miles?” You smile up at him.
“Okay, so first were going to get some lunch from that Cafe you like Al” Miles begins to explain.
“Then we are going bowling, and then later on were having a meal and after a few drinks at the bar, we are coming back here for a piss up. Sound good?” He looks to you and your best friend for confirmation and you both nod eagerly.
“Sounds like were having a double date day” You jokingly say and smile at Y/B/F.
“That’s the idea” Miles then says which makes your grin get bigger and Y/B/F can’t control her smile.
You both have a silent scream on the settee as the boys grab their jackets.
“Come on then” They hurry you and before you know it, you’re off out.
You all ended up having a great day and coming back home for drinks was probably one of the best parts. You may have been a bit bias though because about an hour into the drink you and Alex excused yourselves to your bedroom where you proceeded to fool around for a while.
You were both conscious to keep the noise level down completely which proved difficult because you hadn’t seen each other in so long. But you would say that you’d done pretty well as you’d both quietened each other’s moans
As you lay together cuddling afterwards, just enjoying the others physical presence, the same respect that the two of you had shown for the noise level had apparently been a one-sided thing.
You knew your place had thin walls but god, you were fairly certain that the couple that had obviously moved themselves into the room next to yours were doing bits against the wall. They were loud.
“That was fast” You state with a smirk on your lips as you
“To be fair to them they have been messaging each other for the best part of a year”
You smile at that knowing full well just what they got up to over the phone. “Oh, I know they are filthy. I’m surprised he didn’t cut the day short and bring her back”
Alex laughed at that before a particularly loud noise of what seemed like mutual pleasure emitted from the bedroom beside you.
And it was loud enough that you and Alex had to put the TV on to fall asleep too.
Of course, with the boys touring back home, that meant that Alex had to deliver on his promise to Zoe that she could come to a gig. Something which she was very pleased about and very excited for.
You, Alex and your brother had decided that the best venue to take Zoe to would be their gig at Tramlines because Alex’s set was on during the day and it was close to home for you all.
And you were really excited. Firstly, because you were finally going to get take your niece to see a concert and spend the day with her in that environment. And secondly because Catfish and the Bottlemen were headlining the festival and you were so fucking excited.
The people that ended up joining, what was meant to be you and Zoe, was your best friend because she would never turn down a gig, and your brother was tagging along for parental supervision. You knew that he didn’t trust either of you.
Nevertheless, you were all having a great day. Miles and Y/B/F were getting on like a house on fire and didn’t leave each other alone.
You’d caught many a stolen kiss and lingering touches which made you smile. You hadn’t seen Miles like this with anyone before, so it was quiet refreshing to see. And the fact that it was with your best friend made it loads better.
About 10 minutes before your boys were due to go on and you had managed to get Zoe to detach herself from Alex, you pull him to the side and say whilst your arms are loosely hung around his neck, “You’re going to have to tone it down today because I can’t make crude comments under my breath about you on stage with my brother and niece next to me”
Alex grins and raises his eyebrows at you, “You make crude comments about me?”
You smile and begin to explain, “You know in Everything You’ve Come To Expect when you sing about Shadowplay appealing to an ancient impulse”
Alex nods and you continue, “Yeah, well that’s what you on stage does to me. It very much appeals to a certain impulse”
Especially now he’d changed into a stunning teal suit with a black shirt under it. His hair was also really lovely and soft looking today, he had proper long cute Prince Charming hair now.
“Does this mean I’m getting lucky tonight?” Alex asks you cheekily.
“Well, I’m seeing you perform and then later we get Catfish, so I’ll leave you to your own deductions” You say innocently.
You were literally dressed in black jeans and your brand-new Catfish merch, which was like you white one, but this was the new version for the new album. So, it had The Ride’s crocodile artwork on one side and the bands logo on the other, along with the number 7 on your back.
“I love you” Alex grins down at you.
You too grin before you give him a kiss.
“I love you too”
The set had been amazing. They had got a 40-minute set which was quite good for the main stage at a festival around 6pm.
They were about halfway done with their set when they had just finished playing Standing Next To Me and Alex had made Zoe laugh from all the weird poses he was doing on stage during the song.
He was an odd guy when he went on stage with Miles. They brought out that weird and wonderful side of the other which was something you weren’t yet used to seeing.
They both put on slightly different personas when they went on stage and you don’t know why Alex was so different when he was on stage with Miles compared to how he was with the Monkeys. However, it was really refreshing to see, and you could tell that he enjoyed every single second he was out there.
You, Y/B/F, your brother and Zoe were watching from the side of the stage. Thankfully you were allowed to stand literally at the side of the stage and not up on the guest list balcony which was just over your heads.
It meant that Alex could send Zoe a little grin or a wave whenever he felt like it. And it also meant that you all had an amazing view.
The crowd was massive, and they seemed to really love both Alex and Miles. You could hear people singing back throughout the whole set which was lovely to witness.
Alex had just taken off his guitar and gave it a stage handler before heading back to the microphone.
“My friends down there in the audience, I don’t suppose you could just do me a little favour“ Alex asks them in his low voice as a runner quickly sets up a keyboard just beside him.
You hadn’t seen this at one of his gigs yet, so you were keen to see what he was pulling out of the bag for the crowd. Some audience participation always made things better.
“When I start singing something could you all help me out with finishing it off?”
“Yeah?” He reiterates to get them to be louder and a roar comes back from them which you can see makes him smile.
“Amazing” Alex grins at them before he moves his microphone stand so it is in front of the keyboard.
He starts playing something fancy first that you can’t place but you know it’s just one of them tunes he does to get himself warmed up. He was a bit of a showoff.
A far too familiar tune then starts playing and you are completely shocked to hear it.
“Is he…?” Your best friend trails off as it's confirmed for you that Alex is indeed playing Let It Go on the piano.
“The snow glows white on the mountain tonight” Alex begins, and he changes the song to fit his own voice perfectly.
You didn’t know he was doing this at all, but you were already loving it and he’d only just started.
Especially when Zoe excitedly turned towards you in her Dad’s arms and excitedly says, “Auntie Y/N/N, he’s playing Let It Go”
“I know” You giggle seeing how excited and shocked she was.
You tune back into Alex to hear him sing, “And it looks like Miles is the queen”
That causes the band, all of you, and the crowd to share a laugh especially when Miles does a curtsy with his drink in hand.
Alex carried on until he gets to the chorus and then the crowd takes over for him. Singing every line back to him until Alex shortens the song a bit by drawing out ’storm rage on’ part. And the audience finished it off with the iconic, “The cold never bothered me anyway”
“Thank you everybody” Alex starts clapping to the loud despite his applause being huge. He then explains to them, “That was for my little niece watching from the sides”
“Hi Zoe” He waves at her and she eagerly waves back to him.
“Does she wanna come out?” Alex asks looking towards you for confirmation.
“Do you wanna go and wave to all the people that have come to see Uncle Alex?” You ask her as she’s in your brothers arms currently.
She nods a little sheepishly, but you make sure to reassure her and that she’s alright.
“They might be a bit loud, but they are really nice I promise” You give her a big grin and her face brightens a little bit.
“Okay” She nods and smiles at you.
“Come on then” You say taking her from your brother because you knew there was no way in hell he would take her out there.
“She’s coming out to say hello” You hear Alex say as you start walking out on the stage with her in your arms.
Never in your life had you regretted wearing boots with a heal more. You were focussing on every step to ensure that you didn’t deck it in front of 30,000 people.
There’s an immediate uproar from the crowd as you walk onto the stage. More than likely because Zoe was the cutest little girl anyone had ever seen and the fact that she was wearing her Anna dress. 
“Give them a wave” You tell her as you walk towards Alex.
You wave towards them first and when she follows your actions the crowd gets louder and louder. You look to her and see the smile on her face which is just magical to see.
You can’t help but grin at Alex as you make your way over to him.
‘You’re so cute’ You mouth to him and he grins at you.  
He says into the microphone, “Everybody please welcome Zoe to the stage”
There’s another surge of noise from the crowd when he says that, and it gives you goosebumps. How Alex and Miles dealt with this was completely beyond you.
It was magical.
By the time you reached Alex, the runner had taken the keyboard away from him and his mic stand was back in its normal place. He’d also taken off his blazer and put it on the ground beside him just as you reached him.
He gave you a smile and offered to take Zoe from you. Something which she happily jumped at and she leant forward into his arms.
Once you weren’t needed anymore you moved towards Miles who was just at the section of the stage in front of the gap between the strings and the drums. You gave him a hug and a well done before you smiled at the ladies and the lads who performed alongside the boys.
You turned to look back at Alex and Zoe. She hadn’t even noticed you’d moved away from her. She was just infatuated by the sea of people in front of her and by Alex.
She was completely besotted with him. It was adorable.
Once you’d told Miles that both he and Alex were cute for doing this for her you both stood and watched the pair in front of you.
“Do you want to say hello?” You saw Alex grin to her and ask down the mic he’d picked up with his free hand.
He brings the mic to her and she says a “Hello” and then all you could hear was everyone cooing back at her and some shouted hello back.  
You faintly could hear her giggle at that through the microphone and she turned to Alex to laugh. He amused her and giggled along to before interacting with the crowd again.
“This is Zoe’s first gig everyone” Alex tells them, and you see that his performing persona has dropped completely.
“Have you enjoyed it?” He asks her with a big smile.
She nods at him and then because she looks like she’s going to say something Alex moves the mic to her again.
He wasn’t expecting her to say, “But you’ve not sang Mardy Bum”
Alex chuckles at that as does the rest of the crowd. You and Miles both laugh too.
You had pre-warned her that she wouldn’t be getting all of her favourites today. But she’d seemed to forget.
“I’ll sing you that one later on I promise” Alex tells her, and you have no doubt he’ll make up for it.  
The crowd, however, start to sing it at Alex and laughs before telling her, “Oh there singing it for you now”
Alex lets them get a bit of the way through the first verse before he cuts them off. He interrupts them after ‘When they get to very pleasant side to you’.
“Right enough of that now you lot. Pipe down, pipe down” He grins, taking control back at his own did.
He jokes with them, “I don’t see any AM lined up there, do you? Enough of it”
he shakes his head disapprovingly at them which makes Zoe giggle. The giggle causes Alex’s attention reverts fully back to Zoe again.
“Which song was your favourite from today Zoe?” He asks, fairly certain from what she was wearing that she knows what the answer will be.  
“Let it go” She grins at him and your heart melts. She was so bloody cute.  
“Shall we do it again?” Alex asks her and the crowd cheers when she nods.
“Will you help me?” He asks her and when she again nods, he then says nodding to the crowd, “We will get them lot out there to help us too yeah”
Zoe grins at him when Alex says, “Okay, are you ready?”
She says an excited, “Yes” and you quickly fish your phone out of your pocket to video this moment.
You never wanted to forget it.
“Let it go, let it go, can’t…” Alex starts singing it before he moves the microphone to her.
Her voice rings out, “Hold it back anymore”
Alex’s grin gets 10 times bigger then when he puts the microphone between them this time as they continue, “Let it go, let it gooo”
“Turn away and slam the door” They sang your heart was so warm in this moment. It was amazing.  
“I don’t care, what they’re going to say…”
“Let the storm rage onnnnnnnn” They both sing loudly before Alex moves the microphone to Zoe so she can finish the song off.
“The cold never bothered me anyway” Zoe said with a huge grin on her face.
“Everyone massive round of applause for Zoe please” Alex tells everyone before he kisses her forehead as he puts the microphone back on the stand.
You end your video and quickly put your phone in your pocket before you walk forward to go and get Zoe from him. Alex grins as he turns back towards you and you happily take her from him again and once she’s secure in your arms you go to walk off stage with her.
Alex has other ideas though.
You’d only made it a few steps when he grabs your hand to make you turn back around. You smile at him again as you hear the crowd cheering for him still.
Alex steps forward and cups your face before he leans in to kiss you. You kiss him back but quickly become all too aware of the people around you screaming. And you meant screaming.
It was deafening.
You pull away after a second and smile up at him before slapping his arse teasingly like you normally do, which gets a laugh from Miles and Zach, along with the other band members. You then start to walk off properly this time with hot cheeks.
The crowd was still going mental as you walked off stage which makes you even more embarrassed. However, you make the most of it and get Zoe to wave at them again which makes her giggle when they scream back.
“My girlfriend too ladies and gentlemen” You hear come through the speakers which makes you turn to look at him and you shake your head at him when you again get another cheer.
You thankfully make it back without falling over your own feet and hand Zoe back over to your brother. You all have your full attention on an excited Zoe, which meant that you almost missed when Alex said, “Lads, lads. Pipe down, she’s mine”
He takes up your attention again as his performing persona comes back just as quickly as it left. He’s looking intently at a spot in the crowd that you can’t see because the side of the sage is blocking your view.
But then he laughs over the microphone saying, “Woah mate. I just watched you say to him that she’s fit as fuck”
“She is!” You can hear whoever it is shout back to Alex which makes you and Y/B/F laugh.
Alex laughs again as he replies, “I know she is, but you can’t have her too. I’ve only just got her. I don’t need that sort of competition”
You roll your eyes at him being dramatic. You’d been together almost a year now. He still acts like it was yesterday.
“Did you just shrug and say, ‘she’s well fit’?” You see and hear Alex ask over the speakers, but you didn’t hear the boys say that this time.
Miles cackles through his microphone. And you want to die there and then.
“Mate. That’s nasty that” Alex shakes their heads at them before looking towards you.
“Y/N I love you right. Don’t be looking at anyone else please” Alex pleads, and he dramatically reaches out with his arm as if he has the force or something.
Miles thankfully takes his attention again by saying, “He’s got a leather jacket on too Al. Best watch your back”  
You roll your eyes at that statement. You were never going to live the leather joke down. Even Y/B/F was laughing.
“No no no” Alex says with a pained expression as he gives his cue to Zach and James that he’s about to start the next song.
He cues Miles last with a nod and a smile before Alex turns back towards you. He walks a little closer to your side of the stage with the microphone wire dragging behind him.
He stops about 5 meters away from you and looks you dead in the eye and says, “He can’t have you right Y/N/N, because I just sorta always feel sick without you baby”
Alex starts singing yet another one of his songs about you and you can only listen along. “Ain’t got anything to lick without you baby”
When you originally heard this song. You were completely shook.
He’d actually shocked into silence even though he’d pre-warned you it was about you. It was an amazing song though, and despite it being about you it was your favourite, you adored his voice in it.
And the ending was soooo fucking dirty, but he hid it well in his poetic lyrics. But you didn’t miss it. You adored the song in general you just couldn’t believe it was about you again.
That was the best but worst part about having a genius musician as a boyfriend.
Now every time you heard this song you were taken back to many happy memories with him. Primarily being that night where he’d pressed you up against the mirror that was on your wall in your shared walk-in wardrobe and fucked you against it.
You were sure that the mirror was going to break but he didn’t seem to care and neither did you really. You both felt too good to care.
The song held cute memories too, like you both being weirdos and he’d jokingly licked your nose. And another time when you were back home over Christmas and you tried to put your septum piercing back in seeing if you could still get it in or if it healed over.
You were reminded of his fucking tongue and the countless times he’d given you head, which is what the ‘ache in the jaw’ lyric meant. And the time you bought cowboy esk boots and you’d joked that they made you feel like you were from Tennessee.
Yes, you were all for the American stereotypes. But later that day when you’d been breaking them in around the house, he instructed you to keep them on whilst he fucked you.
You loved the song with the whole of your heart and you fucking loved watching him sing it live. Made you hot under the collar every time.
But what made you ten times hotter was him walking to the side of the stage to collect you, just before he sang the line, “Baby we oughta… Fuck”
Alex grabbed your hand and pulled you back out onto the stage earning another cheer from the crowd.
He dragged you both to the middle of the stage before he let go of your hand and wrapped an arm around your waist, so he was hugging you from behind. He made you press your back against his chest, and you could watch as he belted out the last verse, which was the part that held all those memories.
You truly were in heaven now. His voice was so powerful beside you, it was crazy that you got to witness him like that.
You couldn’t take your eyes off him. You just looked up at him beside you as best you could and softly sang along, but not loud enough to distract him.
It was almost like you were starstruck by him. However, only a matter of minutes later you would truly find out what being starstruck felt like.
As soon as Alex finishes singing the last long lyric, he puts the microphone back onto the stand. He then proceeds to dance the both of you back across the stage, as the rest of the song plays out.
Your giggling, feeling a whirlwind of emotions as this happens. You’re having the time of your life, but you did get worried that you were going to fall again.
“The wires Alex” You say as he twirls you around.
He chuckles before pulling you back into his body, “I’ve got you”
You’re both laughing as he carries on your dancing for a few more seconds before he pauses you both near the edge of the stage so you’re looking out to the crowd.
Alex then sarcastically waves to the boys down at the front at the barrier before trying to shout over the music, “She’s mine”
You laugh at him before you ask him, “Which ones were they”
“Leather jacket brown hair” Alex points you in the right direction.
You spot them when they both wave at you and you laugh seeing that they really were your type, so it was no wonder Miles commented on it.
You wave back at that and because you’re a generous person, who also likes to tease her boyfriend, you blow them a kiss too.
Alex scoffs and shakes his head at that though, which makes you start laughing, so he spins you back around to him before attaching his lips to yours. And your taken that much by surprise that you don’t even stop it.
You end up fully getting off with him on stage as they finish playing the song which earns the loudest scream from the crowd you’d heard today. You pulled away all flustered by him and you’re unable to get the grin off your face.
“I love you” You say before you head off back to your hiding spot.
“I love you too beautiful” He says giving you a grin before he heads back towards Miles.
When he reaches his microphone again you hear him say over the speakers, “Sorry about that everyone, feeling a bit loved up today”
He can’t even get the grin off his face when he says, “Doesn’t mean I’m not going to get bollocked for dragging her on stage with me though, ladies and gentlemen”
You laugh but you think he deserves a slight scorning, so you stick your middle finger up at him.
And when he sees you do it, he says, “Don’t stick your finger up at me, our niece is right there”
Zoe was too focused on Alex on the stage to be looking your way, so his argument didn’t stand.
“Do your job” You shout back at him.
“Do my job?” Alex asks pointing to himself and you nod in confirmation.
“Can’t it’s Miles’ song now” He smiles before the crowd start chanting for Miles again.
Alex of course encourages that behaviour and says, “That’s right ladies and gentlemen. Miles. Miles. Miles fucking Kane”
Least he’d got back to his boyfriend now.
The rest of the gig was great, and thankfully, you didn’t make another appearance. It was cute that Zoe couldn’t help but giggle away when she watched Alex dance his way across the stage whilst singing Les Cactus.
It makes all 3 of you adults laugh but it’s Zoe who finds it most comical.
Something that you really didn’t expect to happen though was be completely starstruck a couple of songs before the end of their set.
“Hey Zoe” You all hear someone say.
The four of you look around for who’d said that as it was close by, yet you couldn’t see anyone trying to get her attention around you.
However, it seemed that Zoe had the right idea of looking up, where she found the mysterious voice.
You follow her gaze up to the guest list balcony, where all the important people watched and listened from, and you almost died when you looked up into the eyes of Van McCann.
Zoe waved up at him whilst you and Y/B/F shared a look of disbelief that one of your favourite musicians was waving to your niece.
“Can I come and say hey?” He shouted back down when you looked back up at him.
“Yeah” You nod and offer him a smile and suddenly your heart was in your chest.
In the weeks after you were loving being back home for a while. Alex and Miles had obvious got to go and finish their shows so after a few days with them they were on the move again. But thankfully you’d arranged a 30th birthday party event for yourself which they could come to.
The party had been scheduled for the weekend before your birthday, as you were in LA again for your birthday. The party was a massive success and most of your family and friends that you’d known for years had shown up.
All your old work friends had come and joined you which was amazing but unfortunately your new friends obviously couldn’t make it as it was a long way to travel just for a party.
However, Matthew J Helders III came to your rescue and flew over just for the event which you weren’t expecting at all because you understood that he had little Amelia to take care of. It turns out that Breana had instructed him that he had to come and bring the life of the party for her whilst she stayed with Amelia back home.
The promise was though that to make up for it, when you returned to LA you would be going to hers for drinks before you’d even made it back home. Which you were excited for because Y/B/F was coming back with you for her summer visit.
So, girls’ night was already planned.
Two days after your party though all of the guys, meaning Alex, Miles, Matt, Jamie, and Nick, were flying back to LA for meetings. Which you pried out of Alex what it was about, and you were thrilled to find out that it was to discuss the new Monkeys album.
So, when the time came to go back home you were really excited. For both girl’s night and for the album gossip.
You and Y/B/F had dressed for girl’s night before you even left the UK. You were dressed in a blue and white flowy V-neck dress that reached your mid thighs. The material also came down your arms too, and you loved a long sleeve number.
Y/B/F wore a very nice mini dress which was red with lots of little flowers adorning it. She looked hot. And when Breana picked you both up from the airport you saw that she was wearing a cute flowy yellow sundress.
You could tell when you landed that it had been a hot day and the air was still really humid now, despite it being later on in the day. But you were so excited for what was left of the evening ahead.
When you got back to Breana and Matt’s house, you all said hello to Breana’s Mum who was watching Amelia whilst Breana came and picked the both of you up and Matt was off with Alex somewhere. Probably at your house.
You knew that Jamie and Nick were staying at your house too whilst they were over, so you were excited to have a house full of people, considering it had just been you for the previous four months.
When you all get settled you end up having more of a pampering night than a full-blown drinking party. Breana said that she didn’t really feel like drinking which was fair enough and it also meant that she could give you and Y/B/F a lift back with your cases when you decided to go back home.
The pampering night ended up being more for you than anyone else, you guessed that it was because it was nearly your actual birthday and they wanted to spoil you. Something which you were buzzing about.
You felt like some sort of actress getting her make-up done before they were about to go on set.  
Breana did your make up like she did back when you’d last done this and her waters went. She did a softer shade of blue under your eye this time though to match your dress.
Y/B/F ended up giving your hair some beach girls and after you’d given her and Breana the same look with their hair you all felt pretty glammed up. You’d gotten your nails done a few days ago with Y/B/F back home so there was no need to do them this time around.
Before you knew it, midnight had passed and that signified that it was your birthday. You and Y/B/F had a celebratory glass of Prosecco which Breana cracked open for you.
And because she didn’t want it wasted, she let you bring it home with you when she dropped the both of you off about half an hour later. 
You were surprised to see that all of the lights in your house were off when you got there. They must have all congregated in Miles’ house for the night.
When Breana pulled up outside your house, she told you to go ahead and unlock the front door whilst her and Y/B/F got your cases out of the boot. Something which you planned on doing and then immediately going back out to help them.
However, when you reached your door you noticed a light though the frosted glass which caused you to furrow your eyebrows in confusion. You pushed the door open after unlocking it and walked inside to see a lone tea light candle in the middle of the foyer.
You walk to it confused as to why it was there until you spot another one just through into the kitchen. Your curiosity led you to follow them through the kitchen into the lounge where they became more frequent.
But once you got into the lounge, you looked up and stopped dead. As you looked through the bi-folding windows and saw that the pool was littered with floating candles and there were loads dotted all around the edge of the pool too.
And you could see your man just being illuminated by the candlelight near the bottom end of the pool.
Daylight had long faded but the candles lit the place back up. And as you walked outside you found Matt and Zack, the Monkeys photographer who had come over for the meetings too, who you looked at with confusion written all over your face.
“We were roped into making an extravagant date for you” Matt informed you with a smile.
“I love you guys” You say with a grin before heading over to Alex who was dressed all dapper in black trousers and a white shirt which had a few buttons undone.
His hair was jelled perfectly back this time and he had left some of it hanging over his forehead in a little curl, which by now he knew you adored. He looked so handsome, cute, and sexy all at once.
You walk over to him and smile taking his extended hand when he offers it to you. He told your hand in his when he greets you.
“Welcome home baby” Alex smiles.
“You’re adorable” You can’t help but tell him as you glance towards the pool which looked amazing with all the candles on it.
Alex chuckled at you before he quickly stole a kiss from you, bringing your attention back to him. “Give me a minute and I might get more adorable” He tells you and you chuckle at him but let him speak.
He takes a breath before he starts, “I love you with the whole of my heart Y/N/N. And I’m so beyond glad we made that stupid pact and we joked about getting over here for so long”
You both share a little giggle at that before he continues, “I’m just so happy that it meant that we’ve been together more than a year now and we’re not just starting out like we were meant to be doing on your thirtieth”
Another little laugh was then shared and as he carried on speaking you couldn’t help but admire the way the candlelight illuminated him. He looked so good tonight.
“It took us so long to get here and whilst the years we spent chatting late at night were fun, I’ve loved having your next to me every night for the past year a lot more... I don’t know about you, but I think it took us so long to get together, that I now don’t ever want to be apart from you again” Alex smiles.
And that’s when it hit you what was happening.
Alex must have seen the look of recognition in your eyes, as he chuckled a little when he started, “So, you bring the girl who I fancied in high school and the girl I write too many songs about, and the woman that I fell so hard in love with”
“I would really really like it…” Alex then got down on one knee in front of you and opened a box with a ring in it as he finished off with, “If you’d marry me?”
Your heart swells at the man in front of you and you nod before you lean down to kiss him, “I love you so much”
You kissed for a good few seconds before Alex pulled away revealing a big smile on his face and you couldn’t help but giggle nervously and smile at him.  You then tuned back into your surroundings and heard your friends cheering from over near the house.
When you look, you see that everyone’s there. Matt, Miles, Nick, Jamie, Zack (who now had his camera in hand), Breana, and Y/B/F. You look to them and let out a little giggle before Alex takes up your attention again.
He lifted your left hand and with his right hand he slipped the ring onto your finger. You couldn’t even look at anything but him when he asked you the question, but now looking at it, you saw it was the most gorgeous ring.
It wasn’t over the top, it was just perfect in every way. It had little diamonds around the top of half it and it tied together in the centre with a bigger diamond.
You couldn’t believe you’d just been proposed to. It felt so odd to have a ring on that finger but at the same time, you were so excited it was there.
You don’t inspect the ring much, you just watch as he adjusts it on your finger and then your eyes find each other’s again.
“I love you so much” You say before kissing him again.
Alex says against your lips, “I love you more than you’ll ever know” before he kisses you properly. This time you hear your friends cheering and can see the flashes of Zack’s through your closed eyes this time.
You should have guessed it, but you’d been to shocked and confused. And today’s date made sense to you now you had a clear head. But this was the most adorable thing in the entire world.
You kissed Alex this time with as much feeling as you could put into it because you were lost for words. Your hands came up around his neck and one obviously found its way into his hair.
It was a kiss filled with so much passion and love for one another that you felt like you couldn’t be any happier or more content than you were in that moment. You were in love and you were going to marry the man you’d loved for more than half your life.
You both pulled away from the kiss with massive smiles on your faces before your friends came and gave you both hugs. You separate from each other as you watch your friend come over to the both of you.
Y/B/F gets to you first and almost tackles you back into Alex which makes the both of you laugh.
As it turns out everyone was in on it, and it became obvious to your when you gave Breana her hug. She’d got you all dressed up for the occasion and made you look half decent which you were so thankful for.
You hugged her for a solid minute both just saying things into the others ear about how happy she was for you and also her apologising for her deception. You just told her that you loved her and thanked her for making you look presentable.
When it came to you hugging your boys you wanted to fully burst out crying. You were okay when Alex was speaking to you, probably because of the shock, but when Matt came over to you with tears in his eyes, you were gone.
They really were your little family and you were so thankful they were all over here to witness this.
After you’d done the rounds and kissed and hugged all of your friends, you went back over to Alex and you hugged yourself into his chest. His arms wrapped around you and you relaxed into his touch.
“Have you recovered?” Alex asks you.
You pick your head up and look at him before laughing, “No I’m still so shocked”
“I can tell. You never have nothing to say” He grinned at you.  
You look up at him playfully scoff at him before you poke his side which you knew he hated. After he jumped, he shook his head at you and you pout, he chuckles down at you.
“I’m so glad you said yes” Alex grins at you before his arms tighten around your waist.
You smile up at him and admit, “I’m so glad you asked”
“Well you were always coming over here to marry me on your thirtieth anyway, so I thought I’d just make it official” Alex says which makes you laugh and nod.
You then mumble an ‘I love you’ against his lips and then can’t get the smile off your face the whole night.
Everyone ends up staying to celebrate till the early hours of the morning which everyone was more than happy about. You all had a lovely night celebrating, and you loved the fact that you could now say you had a fiancé. 
“See you tomorrow guys” You say as the herd of your friends start heading out of the kitchen, where you were all currently congregated, towards the front door.
“No, we’ll see you in two days. And I want my keys please. You can have them back next time I see you” Alex instructed them as you followed them into the foyer. 
You furrowed your eyebrows confused but didn’t question it as Miles and Matt handed their keys over to him.
“Where are you going?” You ask Y/B/F as she also heads to the door.
“Oh hunny, I’m staying at Miles’ tonight” She grins at you.  
You mirror her grin, “Oh… Have fun”
“I think you’re going to be having the same kind of fun” She says before she sticks her tongue out at you teasingly.
They all each gave you another hug before leaving and it turned out Nick and Jamie were staying at Matt’s for the night, so it was just you and Alex left when you were waving them off.
After they were gone, Alex closed the door and locked it. He even checked the handle to make sure it was locked which you’d never seen him do before.
“Why’d you take their keys off them?” You asked as Alex walked you through into the kitchen.
Alex ushered you to jump up on the counter where you usually did, and he stood between your legs as he told you. “Do you remember what I said we’d be doing all day when you arrived here for your thirtieth?”
“Didn’t we agree last week that we were going out with everyone because they’d still be over?” You ask him, remembering the conversation very well.
Alex smiles before saying, “Yeah, but that’s now the day after instead… Do you remember what we originally agreed to last year?”
“I think it’s coming back to me” You say with the beginnings of a knowing smile greeting your lips and you brought your arms up around Alex’s neck.
“Yeah?” Alex questioned with a smirk gracing his lips.  
“Mmhmm” You hummed with a smile. “Think you might have to remind me though”
Alex then grabbed under your knees and pulled you forward so you were pressed up against him, now only just sat on the counter. You wrapped your legs around him and locked them behind his back as Alex caught your lips with his.
Taglist: @the-girl-before @murderousginger @minigranger @turnertable @bastillewolf @slothgiirl @billskarsgard-is-gorgeous @watashi-no-namae-wo-yonde @fookingsummertime @marvel-avengers01​ @shibuikelsi​ @toolateformcrtooearlytoleaveemo​ @gretavanbobatea​ @chocolatecig​ @iamnotjesha @rachaeljayne15​ @edgythought​ @marveious​ @liviasaugusta @boysinskirts​ @musicmania100​ @he4rtbre4khotel​ @innocte​ @beckauhhh​ @whoknowswhatimeant​ @tony-starks-ego​ @tobarmaidswhodontcount​ @elektranxtchiios​ @bettyschwallocksyee​ @alexsvacuumcleaner​ @cornerstqne​ @halfofwhatisayismeaningless​ @juicebox-baby​ @yousuck-marina​ @nrldswita​ @dot-writes​ @skullag​ @b-monkeys​ @babyhoneystvles​ @timchalamxt​ @writingismybiggestlove​
Other parts in Masterlist in bio x
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weirdponytail · 4 years
Modern Inheritance Cycle: Look at My Son (Pre-Eragon)
Brom hunched his shoulders against the gust of snow flurries that tugged at his clothes as his horse clopped tiredly along. He knew he was getting close, could still feel the tiny threads of Selena’s energy leading to the small farm on the edge of Carvahall.
His stomach churned. Not only because he was hungry, but because he didn’t know what he was going to find when he reached his destination. Had the healers observations and Brom’s own hypothesis correct? He didn’t know if he wanted to be right or if he wanted to be wrong.
The Rider pulled his horse to a stop at the small house his spells were leading him to.
It wasn’t anything fancy. A simple homestead with a single story, a paddock next to the side porch. Brom could see a small patch of empty farmland behind the paddock, stubbled with the remains cut, dead stalks of grains poking up through the light layer of snow.
It looked like a home for a family.
Sighing, Brom leaned his forearms on the saddle’s pommel and examined the home, looking for some excuse to enter. He found a reason in one of the two work horses, a muscled bay, that had a pronounced limp.
Moments later found him knocking on the front door. His heart thumped in his chest. He had to play this along for a little while, then he could have the truth.
At the third knock a thin man opened the door. He looked at Brom with intense, dark eyes, then cocked an eyebrow. “Can I help you?”
Brom cleared his throat. “Ah, well, not to intrude, sir. I was passing by and saw that one of your horses has a quite a limp. Didn’t know if you were aware, and I just…”
The man sighed tiredly. “Yeah, I’m aware. Thank you.” He leaned out to look over at the bay as it lapped water from a trough. “Poor girl. I don’t have the money to replace her, but I don’t have the money to get her looked at either. I’ve been resting her since winter started, but nothing seems to work.”
“I might be able to help, if you don’t mind me working with her a bit.” Brom gestured to his own steed. “I’m a bit of a traveling storyteller, but I’ve picked up quite a few tricks for healing, especially where horses are involved. Can’t get anywhere with a lame animal.” He offered his hand. “My name is Brom.”
Out of instinct the other man shook his hand. “Garrow.” Then he paused. “I appreciate your offer, but as I said, we don’t have much money, and I’m not the sort of person to accept–”
Brom cut him off. “If you insist on paying me, I’d appreciate a hot meal and a porch to sleep on for the night.” He chuckled roughly. “I’m having a bit of money trouble myself. Don’t think I have enough for a room in town.”
Garrow rubbed his chin, obviously thinking it over. For a moment Brom was worried he would refuse again, but then a woman’s voice called from within the house, coming closer with each word. “Honey? Who is it?”
A woman appeared behind Garrow. Brom’s heart leapt to his throat when he saw a child balanced on her hip, but then he came to his senses. The boy was much too big to have been born in the last few months.
“This gentleman–Brom, was it?–Brom was offering to take a look at old Betty for us.”
“And you were going on about not accepting charity, weren’t you? Garrow, you are not going to let this opportunity slide after all the complaining you’ve done about Betty being lame. Let the poor man in!” She swatted her husband on the shoulder good naturedly. “I already heard his offer to trade. Brom, you are welcome to stay for dinner and sleep in our guest room if you can help our horse.”
Garrow chewed his lip for a moment as the woman went back into the house, the toddler on her hip staring back at the stranger at his door with wide gray eyes. “Fine, fine. You can let your horse into the paddock to feed. I’ll get my coat.”
With magic on his side, the horse’s leg was easy to fix.
To keep impressions up, Brom took to murmuring to the pained animal in the Ancient Language, weaving in his spells subtly as he checked each leg and gently manipulated muscle and bone. Garrow would occasionally ask how he was doing certain exercises, but mostly kept to himself, leanly corded arms wrapped in a well worn jacket and crossed on his thin chest.
After two hours of working with the horse, Brom managed to get Betty to put her full weight on her previously injured limb.
“Well I’ll be damned.” Garrow grunted. “You must be some kind of miracle worker.”
Brom brushed his hands off and gave the bay a pat on her thick shoulder. “No, no. Just had many years of experience. She’ll still need rest until it’s fully healed. I wouldn’t have her pulling anything until spring. These types of injuries can get worse and have a nasty habit of popping up again if pushed too early.” The farmer nodded, assuring the stranger that he would take his advice, and then, finally, invited Brom into his home.
~~~ “Marian!” Garrow called, hanging his coat on the rack beside the door. Instead of his wife, the child from before came tottering out of what Brom assumed was the kitchen. “Hey, big guy! Where’s your mommy, huh?” In one fell swoop, Garrow crouched down and lifted the little boy up into his arms.
The child giggled, reaching out for his father’s head with grasping fingers. Garrow humored him, letting him tug at his ears, as Brom followed the man’s example of hanging his coat. As if suddenly noticing the newcomer, the boy let go of Garrow’s ears and leaned over his shoulder, pointing with an exclamation of childish surprise. “Ah, right. Roran, this man here is Brom. He helped the horse get better.” Garrow looked back. “This is Roran, our son.”
Brom awkwardly waved. “Hello, Roran.”
Roran waved back vigorously. “‘Aye Bom!”
“I’m in the kitchen!” Marian appeared in the doorway that Roran had come through, wiping her hands on her checkered waist apron. Her dark hair was tied up in a loose bun. “Supper will be ready in another hour or two. How did it go?”
“Brom here has magic hands, honey.” Garrow set Roran down, letting him toddle off, and clapped Brom on the shoulder. “Betty will actually walk on her leg now.”
Marian flashed Brom a warm smile. “That’s wonderful! Thank you so much, Brom. Please, have a seat! I’ll get some tea for you both to warm up.”
Garrow led the other man to the living room and offered him a seat in a worn armchair. “I know it’s not exactly the cleanest place in the world, but it’s home.” Garrow apologized, hastily moving blocks, a baby’s play mat, and various toys away with his feet. “We had an unexpected new addition to the family a little while ago. Hard keeping up with two little ones.”
Brom’s heart skipped a beat as he accepted the offered chair. “Congratulations. Two children are quite a blessing.”
Garrow chuckled slightly as he sat across from him on the couch. “Ah, well. He’s not ours, really. He’s my sister’s boy, but she had to leave him with us. We love him as our own, though.”
A boy!
He had a son!
“That’s incredibly kind of you.”
Suddenly, a soft cry came from a room further in the house.
The farmer stood. “There he is. Excuse me.”
Brom nearly choked as Garrow disappeared down the hall. He had a son! A little boy! His heart bashed against his ribs as he realized that Garrow was likely going to return with the baby. He was about to see his son for the first time and he was the only person in the world who knew it. He braced his elbows on his knees, trying to calm himself.
Dear Gods, he had never been good with children. They were small, generally talked or cried a lot, stank, and were prone to all kinds of trouble. He never knew what way he was supposed to hold them, especially babies, and when they weren't able to talk he was secretly terrified of not being able to help them or give them what they wanted.
Would he be able to handle even seeing the boy? What if he had to hold him? Stars above, he wanted to hold him, but at the same time what if he broke him? What if–
“Here’s the little man.” Brom started when Garrow spoke, gaze shooting up to see the farmer settling back onto the couch with a squirming bundle in his arms. “Sorry about the crying. It’s all they seem to do at this age.”
Brom cleared his throat, trying to fight past the lump he felt forming. He couldn’t see past the blankets. “No, it’s fine.”
Garrow gently bounced the child in his lanky arms, trying to soothe him. “Have any of your own?”
The question struck hard. “Ah, no. I’ve helped care for a few while traveling with troupes though.” Tentatively, as if he might be breaking some unspoken rule, Brom stood and approached the couch. “May I see him?”
“Yeah, yeah, sit. Shh shh shh, it’s okay, Unkie Garrow’s here.” Brom took the spot next to Garrow as gently as he could, his mind blocking out even the crying. He still couldn’t see him.
“Roran, what have you go– GARROW!” Marian’s flustered voice suddenly cut through the din. “Garrow, Roran got into your tools again and is about to smash a window with that silly hammer! My hands are full!”
“Shoot! Not again!” Garrow looked between the kitchen and the babe in his arms, clearly torn. His gaze settled on Brom as his wife again yelled for him. “Ah, here, can you maybe just–”
Before he even had time to answer Garrow transferred the warm bundle of blanket and baby to Brom’s arms and was out of the room.
Brom looked down, eyes wide and disbelieving. His arms began gently rocking the child of their own accord as a calm suddenly settled over his panicked mind.
The crying stopped.
And so did the rest of the world.
A pudgy face looked up at him from the bunched up blanket, slightly red from the screaming earlier, appearing a curious at the new face that gazed down.
Brom couldn’t breathe. Something welled up in his chest that wasn’t anything he had felt before. It felt like...pride. But that wasn’t it. It was something distinctly different but nameless, sending warm tingles across his entire body and forming a lump in his throat.
Then the baby gurgled and smiled up at him.
And Brom fell apart.
“Hi.” The Rider whispered, nearly choking on the word. He carefully used a finger to move more of the blanket away from the child’s face, almost scared to touch him. The babe gave him no choice, though, by reaching out with a chubby little hand and grasped the finger near his face with a vice like grip. Brom choked out a soft laugh, wiggling the trapped appendage. “Oh, look at you. Hi, little one.” The baby laughed back, and pulled the finger up to explore with his mouth. “Hey.”
“His name is Eragon.” Brom tore his eyes from his son as Marian entered with a tray of tea. She set it down on the table beside the couch and settled down next to her guest.
“Eragon?” The Rider felt the name bolt through his conscious. Such a weighty name for such a small thing. Selena had picked a name of power, of history and peace. The name that had started the Golden Era. “That’s a...a powerful name.” He looked back to the child in his arms. “He’s beautiful.”
Marian took a sip of her tea. “You’ve heard of it? Garrow’s sister seemed to know some history behind the name.”
“It’s a very special name.” Brom murmured, gently rocking the smiling Eragon. “He’ll grow up to be an exceptional young man with a name like that.” Unbidden, another smile split Brom’s face as he gazed on his son. “Won’t you, Eragon?”
“Do you want me to take him off your hands?”
Brom didn’t look away. “No…. No, we’re fine. I’ll see if I can get him to sleep.” Marian smiled at him, thanking him for a welcome break from stresses of taking care of a fussy baby while trying to get dinner ready, and returned to the kitchen.
“You’ll grow up to be strong, Eragon.” Brom whispered to the babe. In response, Eragon let go of his finger and reached out, touching the man’s bearded cheek. “You’ll blow the world away someday. I know it.” Bright blue eyes, not yet pigmented, gazed into the same tone of blue in the eyes of the man above him.
If only Selena could see them now.
That night, Brom slept in the guest room.
It was also Eragon’s room.
Whenever the babe became fussy, Brom would quietly and carefully lift him from from his crib, consumed with wonder at his little body, and would sit with Eragon on his chest. As the beat of his heart lulled the child back to sleep, Brom softly crooned to him in the Ancient Language, weaving the words to the age old cradle song from Kusta. He familiarized himself with the face of his son, gently touched his downy brown hair, and whispered the story of the first Dragon Rider, the story of his namesake, to him as he slept.
In the morning, as dawn edged into the window, Brom forced himself to come to terms with having to leave. His heart ached as he kissed Eragon on the brow once, placed him back in his crib, and gathered his belongings.
After a small breakfast, again cooked by Marian, Brom gave his sincere thanks to the family.
“If you ever come by again, be sure to look us up.” Garrow shook his hand. “I want to properly repay you.”
“You already have.” The Rider assured him. The warmth of meeting his son was slowly seeping away to be replaced this a deep ache with each step he took to the edge of the porch. “Thank you. And thank you, Marian, for the excellent meals. I have eaten at many courts in my travels, and your food has rivaled them all.”
The woman blushed and laughed. “Well, thank you!” She glanced back into the house. “If you come back, I’m sure Eragon and Roran would love to hear a story or two. Maybe you could tell Eragon about his name.”
“I promise I will. Your hospitality has been most kind.” Adopting the old Kustan bow, Brom bid his final goodbyes and mounted his horse. “Take care. Both your children are very special. Know that. I hope you folks have fortune smile on you.”
As he clicked the steed into a walk, a sleepy eyed Roran grabbed his mother’s leg and waved. “Bye-bye Bom!”
Brom didn’t look back. He didn’t want them to see him crying.
From then on, everything Brom did wasn’t just for the Varden, elves, dwarves, Alagaësia or vengeance. It was all for his son.
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preferredrealty · 4 years
Escape - A Kian Lawley Imagine
Cabin fever has set in with this lockdown going on so i've written this to distract myself from being cooped up in the house. 
This is my first Kian imagine hope you guys enjoy!
This deleted twice when I tried to edit it so I gave up! I apologise for any spelling mistakes
 As Always, Feedback is appreciated 💛🌻
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- (Y/N) groaned as her phone buzzed constantly on her bedside table, buzzing to the point where it was balancing on the edge when one final vibration sent it over the edge, landing on the plush carpet below. Leaning over the side of the bed she looked at the face time call coming through from Kian. A small smile growing over her face at the goofy face of her best friend. Reaching for the phone she swiped to answer letting her face fall back into her pillow, her hair which she had tied in a bun before bed had come lose and was now sticking up all over. 
The call connected showing Kian sitting behind the driving wheel of a car that (Y/N) quickly realised was JC's jeep, also recognising that the car doors were gone. "Morning beautiful!" He sang making (Y/N) cringe at his energetic behaviour this early in the morning. "Morning Kian." She groaned, standing from her bed, moving at a snail like speed to her kitchen, nodding to her roommate, Abby, who was eatting a bowl of cereal while scroll on her phone. "I'm on my way to your place, be ready. We are going on an adventure." Kian smiled as he kept his eyes on the road. (Y/N) glanced down at her body the vintage denim KNJ WORLDWIDE hoodie hanging like a dress over her thighs, covering the underwear she was wearing beneath. "Boy I haven't even showered yet!" She sighed grabbing a cereal bar. "You showered last night." Kian replied simpily lifting the phone from where it was resting, bringing it closer to his face as he got stuck in traffic. "You'll need to shower again by the time i'm done with you." He smirked wiggling his eyebrows. "You'll need a doctor by the time i'm done with you." (Y/N) snapped back, really not a morning person. "Ohh Kinky!" Kian sang, putting his phone back where it was to keep driving. "I'll be at your place in twenty minutes, dress for a walk but it's warm so I recommend shorts." He grinned before hanging up. 
(Y/N) sighed setting her phone on the counter turning to find Abby smirking. (Y/N) raised an eyebrow taking a bite from her bar. "What?" She asked, chewing as Abby shook her head. "Just fuck him already girl." Abby laughed as (Y/N)'s eyes widened chocking on her bar. It was no secret that Kian and (Y/N) flirted but the fact that she had been friends with him for as long as him and Jc have been friends always put her off taking it further. They had shared a few drunken kisses and even almost hooked up on Kians 21st birthday only to be interupted by Jc bustin into the room screaming that the birthday boy shouldn't leave his own party.
"He's my friend, that's it." (Y/N) groaned as a text came through. iMessage from Kiwi: Bring a swimming suit too! See you soon x With a sigh (Y/N) walked back into her room, staring at the bush on top of her head before reaching for her brush preparing to tackle the mess.
Fifteen minutes later (Y/N) had her hair in a messy bun, a pair of light wash mom shorts on with Kian's tie-dye shirt that said Whatever on it tucked into her shorts. She pulled on her white high top converse on as she sat in the middle of her bed, sighing as she stared at the laces. "I hate you..but I love you." She whispered glaring at them to be interuppted by Kians laugh filling the room. "Damn, poor shoes." He smiled, sat on the bed with his back to (Y/N) pulling her leg onto his lap, tying her lace before patting her calf, genturing for the other foot. 
Smiling she swapped her feet over reaching forward to rest her chin on kians shoulder. "Thanks." She grinned as he finished typing a perfect bow, standing up to hold his hands out helping (Y/N) stand. "Got your stuff ready?" Kian asked genturing to the familiar black XPLR backpack on the floor next to her door. "Yup, ready to go." She popped the 'p' in 'yup' As Kian grabbed the back pack making (Y/N) smirk sending a sneaky snapchat to Colby, saying that Kian was a die hard fan.
"See you later Abby!" (Y/N) yelled as she walked out the door, following Kian to Jc's jeep. "So my bestie, where you taking me today?" (Y/N) smiled, climbing into the jeep, loving it when the doors were off. Climbing in Kian set (Y/N)'s backpack on the floor in the back next to his own before turning to start the car. "I found a awesome swimming hole in a forest out of the city, I wanted to show you it." He backed out of his parking space, hand resting on the back of (Y/N)'s seat as he reversed. Reaching for the Aux cord (Y/N) plugged her phone in, a grin spreading as she searched through her playlist for the perfect song.
Thirty minutes into their drive they were out of the city driving around a practically empty road, the sky a pink and purple mix as the day began. Kian was smiling at (Y/N) as she sang along to each song that came on, out of habit somewhere along the way Kians hand had rested on her thigh, only leaving to shift gears and going straight back to its spot. The leg with kians hand on it rested on the seat while her other one sat on the dashboard, she had kindly put a hoodie under it not wanting to damage Jc's baby.
"Awgh!" Hearing (Y/N) make that noise Kians head shot to face her seeing her pouting at her phone. "(Y/N)? You okay?" He asked making her look up with a grin. "I just forgot about this song!" She smiled pressing on it. As 'Classic' by MKTO came from the speakers Kian smiled leaning his head back on his head rest as he kept his eyes on the road listening to (Y/N) sing along.  Her head lazily bobbing along to the beat. As she got more into the song she turned to Kian singing in his direction.
"Oh come on Kian! You remember the words!" She teased. With a hearty laugh Kian grinned singing along with her, his thumb now stroaking her thigh. (Y/N)'s eyes widened as they pulled off onto a dirt road leading into a forest. "Oh my god..this is it, you're finally going to murder me!" She cried causing Kian the laugh and nod. "Yup, nobody can hear you scream out here." He wink, his eyes going back to the road missing the red blush on (Y/N)'s cheeks, taking his statement a different way.
The song changed to a more soft acustic song (Y/N) didn't know as they drove along the dirt road, (Y/N) looked up watching the sun break through the trees as she relaxed into her seat, one hand out of the jeep weaving through the wind, the other tracing Kians fingers on her thigh. 
Kian came to a stop in a small parking area that was over grown with shrubs and flowers making (Y/N) raise an eyebrow. "I think the forest park decided that this trail was too far out to maintain so they just let it go." Kian expained as he unbuckled his belt, handing (Y/N) her back pack before grabbing his own. (Y/N) got out of the jeep, walking next to Kian as he started down a trail that had clearly been left un-touched for a while. Kian lead the way, helping (Y/N) over fallen logs, holding branches out of her way and warning her about dips in the path as they went. 
(Y/N) looked around, her eyes taking in the wild surrounding as she turned to look up at Kian. "How'd you find this place Kian?" She asked in a low voice, not wanting to distub the quietness. Kian poursed his lips kicking a twig as he thought out his words. "I got lost in my head one day, fighting with myself, telling myself I was failing at YouTube, I wasn't..attractive enough, I wasn't smart enough, just a bad day. So I decided to drive to focus on something else when I came across the dirt road and just started walking when I found the path, now this place is my escape...and I wanted my favourite person to share it with me." He smiled as he stopped at what looked like a dead end. Turning to a over grown tree he lifting a few lower branches revealing a swimming hole with a waterfall flowing into it. 
(Y/N) gasped walking through the gap her eyes taking in the sight before her. The swimming hole was a perfect circle, one side more shallow than the other, the waterfall seemed to fall perfectly in the centre from a small cliff-like ledge, the trees around the area stood tall but a gap aloud a large ray of sunlight the beam through giving a warm glow to the area. "Kian this is beautiful!" She grinned as Kian stepped up next to her, "It is." He nodded looking around  before point at a large rock that was off to the side of the water. "You can change behind there he smiled, pulling his shirt off, already in his swimming trunks. Running off quickly (Y/N) started to get changed into her Retro styple navey and white striped bikini. Kian had already walked waist deep into the water, his fingers waving through the water as he heard a soft splashing behind him he turned to see (Y/N) taking small steps into the water, her messy bun now gone, her hair cascading down her back. Holding out his hand Kian grinned at her as the walked deeper, the water hit (Y/N)'s chin as it barely touched Kians shoulders making him laugh at her. (Y/N) smirked up at him, grabbing his shoulders, dunking him under the water, squealing as Kian tired to grab her waist to pull her under with him. (Y/N) broke free from his grip swimming towards the waterfall.
She turned around, hand and feet treading the water to keep her afloat looking for Kian not seeing him anywhere. The waterfall causing bubbles under the water so she couldn't see a few feet around her. "Kian?" She called out, feeling a bit worried he hadn't come up yet. "Kia-"A scream ripped from her as her ankle was grabbed pulling her under the water. 
Her eyes stung for a second as she opened them under the water, the beam of sunlight making the water as clear as the air above it, she came face to face with Kians grinning face making her shake her head before swimming back to the surface Kian following. 
"Jackass." She muttered as he broke the water making him laugh, hands gripping her waist, pulling her legs to wrap around his hips. Kian kicked his legs keeping them both floating as he just enjoyed (Y/N)'s presence, her mind clearly occupied by looking around the forest. Kian took the time to take in all her features, the smile that stopped his heart, the nose that scruched when he told a bad joke, the cheeks he cant stop himself from kissing when he's in a drunken haze. He bit his lip as her eyes met his, her eye lashes dripping water, making them look longer and fuller, making her eyes look bigger. 
(Y/N)'s head tilted to the side as she looked at Kian, a blush on her cheeks from his intense stare. "What's the matter?" She asked, taking one of her hands off his shoulders to push his hair back out of his face. "Nothing...I'm just in love with you." Kian smiled as (Y/N)'s face turned to shock, the hand in his hair gripping a few strands. "I'm in love with you (Y/N)." He whispered nudging his nose against hers. "I think I always have been." He finished pushing his lips against her, unable to contain the noise of satisfaction from escaping as she moved her lips back against his. Her hand gripping tighter as Kians hands moved to grip her thighs. 
Pulling back (Y/N) giggled pressing a quick kiss to his lips before leaning her forehead against his. "I love you too." She grinned as Kian pulled her back into another kiss, getting lost in their own little world.
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shawnpetermuffins · 5 years
Finding Courage
A/n: Originally I was gonna post this as a 12k fic, but then I decided I wanted to change it a bit, so here’s part two of  We Were Us (This is predominantly a Connor chapter. We’ll get to Shawn as the series goes on.)
Summary: things aren’t going the way you planned, and Connor is here to help.
Warnings: I think maybe angst
Word count: 2.8k
“You okay?” Connor asks after I’ve cried on his shoulder the majority of the movie. Neither of us were paying attention, me for very obvious reasons, and Connor because he was trying like hell to console me; whispering sweet nothings in my ear, telling me that everything was going to be okay. I wanted to believe him, I really did. I wanted to stop hurting, even if it’s only been just over an hour since Shawn and I broke up.
“I will be,” I say, repeating what he’s already told me so many times.
He sighs and draws a cross over the nape of my neck, three times. It’s all he knew how to do to calm me even just a little bit. When I was younger and would have anxiety in public, I would always draw a cross on my palm until I felt like I could breathe again. I found that focusing on what my fingers were doing rather than the loud noise surrounding me tended to help. Connor knew that, and was always ready to help me when I needed it. And clearly I needed it now. “What can I get you? Anything?”
I shake my head, “I think I need to go lay down.”
“Okay,” he nods. “The bed is made up for you. And I’m just down the hall if you need me. You need to crawl in bed with me, you do it.”
I smile half heartedly and press a kiss to his cheek. “I don’t deserve to have you, Connor.”
“Don’t say that.”
“But it’s true. You’ve been there for me through everything. I wouldn’t make it through this without you.”
“I don’t believe that,” he wipes at my tear stained face, a little mascara coming off on his thumbs. “You’re the strongest girl I know. You don’t need me, but I’m here. I’m here for you through anything. I promise.”
“Have I told you that you’re my best friend?”
“Only every day.”
I nod, “Good. I just want to make sure you know.”
“I do. Now, go get some sleep, honey.”
“But I should help you put this up.”
“It can wait until tomorrow. Go.”
“So bossy,” I mumble, slipping from under the blanket that covered us.
“Only when I need to be.”
I don’t sleep well… or at all really. I toss and turn most of the night, replaying the night in my head. He felt bad that he had to go on tour again. He knew how much of a strain it put on us last time and he wanted to make this easier. But I couldn’t let him. My heart couldn’t take another eight months of tour, another eight months without him. I couldn’t just up and leave like he wanted me to, like I wanted to. I had things that I needed to attend to here and we both knew that. He couldn’t put his life on hold just like I couldn’t for him. But he wanted to make it work with us. He was trying. So why did I fight it so hard. Why did I insist on breaking it off? Shawn thought that things were okay. He thought things were well enough that he wrote a whole ass album about me.
Oh god, the album.
I jump out of bed and dig in my purse for the flash drive. I didn’t bring my computer, but Connor had his in his room. I tiptoe in and see he’s sleeping peacefully on his stomach, one arm under his head. I watch his bare back rise and fall for a minute, tracking his breathing because his face is mostly in the pillow, and I’m worried he might suffocate. (He doesn’t know that every time we’ve spent the night together, I’ve spent most of my night making sure he’s breathing, but that’s not for him to know. I just want to make sure he’s okay.) I’d hate to wake him, but I have to do this and I have to do it now or it’s going to drive me crazy.
“Connor,” I whisper from the doorway, but he doesn’t stir. I sigh and walk in a little more. “Connor,” I say a little louder. Still nothing. “Jesus. Connor,” I kneel beside his bed and poke his side. “Con, wake up.”
“Mmm…” he grumbles.
“Wake up, I need you.”
His eyes open when he finally registers that it’s me. “Y/n. What’s wrong, honey?”
“I need to use your computer.”
He sits up, rubbing his eyes. “On the desk,” he points, his voice still heavy with sleep.
I move to get it and set it in his lap. He opens it with a yawn types in his password as I sit down next to him.
“So why’d you need my computer?” He asks, handing me the laptop.
I hold up the flash drive. “Shawn gave me the album.”
“He did what?”
“This is every song on the album. I haven’t listened to it. He was gonna show me after dinner but well… And I don’t think I can listen to this alone.”
Even in his sleepy state, I can see the sympathy in his eyes and a large part of me hates it. Hates that anyone is seeing me like this. But it’s him and I know I shouldn’t be embarrassed in front of him. “Okay, put it in.”
I nod and insert the flash drive with shaky hands. I wait for the window to pop up, and there, in front of me are fourteen audio files. I suddenly feel like I can’t breathe as I press play before I have the chance to talk myself out of it. The opening notes fill the room and I close my eyes, trying like hell not to let myself break from just the soft strum of his guitar. It’s already so roughly Shawn and I think I might lose it before his voice even –
And there is it. That voice I fell in love with so many years ago. The voice of the man that I was convinced I would spend my life with.
“Y/n, breathe.” He places his hand over mine and turns it over, once again drawing a cross on my skin. “I’m here.”
We make it through three songs – well, if you call me sobbing on Connor’s bare shoulder, “making it through.” It’s when the lyrics start on the fourth that I get a sick feeling in my stomach. I make it only twenty-three seconds in before I’m rushing to the bathroom, my best friend hot on my tail.
“I’m sorry,” I mumble, sitting back against the bathtub after emptying the contents of my stomach.
“Don’t apologize. It’s okay. Maybe, we should take this one day at a time, yeah? We can listen to the rest of the album later.”
I shake my head, “It’s not the album. This has been happening for a few days. It might just be some type stomach bug or something.”
“Why didn’t you tell me? I have medicine in the cabinet.”
“No, Connor, you’re already doing too much for me.”
“It doesn’t matter what I’m doing for you. When are you going to understand that? I’m going to do whatever I need to do for you. That’s what I’m here for.” He moves from beside me and goes to the cabinet under the sink. “What are your symptoms?”
“Just nauseous. Little tired, but I haven’t really been sleeping much.”
He digs through the container of the meds and I can’t help but laugh a little. “You run some drug cartel I don’t know about?”
He hums, “Hey, traveling a lot fucks with your immune system. I have to be prepared. I have something for everything.”
“You sound just like my mom.”
“Yeah, well. She’s taught me a lot.”
“She asked about you the other day. She wants you to come over for dinner sometime soon.”
He smiles, “I’ll call her tomorrow to set something up.” He pulls a bottle out, reading over the description on the side. “This should work for you.” He pops the cap and pours two capsules into his hand.
“Well… It wasn’t a stomach bug.”
“What is it? Are you dying?” Connor opens the fridge, “Beer?”
“No thanks.”
He hums, twisting the lid off his bottle and handing me a water. “This must be serious. You’re not drinking.” He brings the glass up to his lips.
“Yeah, well. You can’t drink when you’re pregnant.”
He coughs, spitting his beer into the sink. “I’m sorry. You’re what?”
“No, you heard right. I’m pregnant.”
“But I thought you said-”
“Hey, sex was the only thing we were still good at.”
He shudders, “Too much information.”
I shrug, “Sorry.”
“So, what are you going to do?”
“I don’t know. Pretend it’s not happening?”
“What? I can’t tell him, Connor!”
“Why not?”
“Hello! He’s Shawn fucking Mendes. I can’t just spring a baby on him. Not with this new album coming out. Not with his tour next year. He can’t just put it all on hold. And the media will have a field day. ‘Shawn Mendes and ex-girlfriend: pregnant? Twins? Is it his?’ He doesn’t need to go through that. I don’t need to go through that.”
“Y/n, he’s the father. He deserves to know. You can’t just keep it from him because of his career.”
“Why not? We’re not gonna be seeing each other anymore.”
“Um, hi. I still work for him!”
“Oh. Oh. Oh, god,” I run my hands over my face. “I completely forgot you were going on tour with him again. Fuck!”
He sighs and comes to my side, “Y/n.”
“I don’t know what I’m going to do, Connor.” I sniffle.
“Come here,” he takes my hands from my face and wraps my arms around his torso. I let out a shuddery breath. “Hey, listen to me. It’s okay. We are going to get through this. You can tell him when you’re ready. And until then, I’m here. I’m here always. You know that.”
I sigh, “I’m scared.”
“You don’t have to be. I’ll help you. I’ll help you through everything. I mean it, you and I are in this together.”
“But it’s not your problem.”
“You are my problem,” he winces, “And yes, I know how bad that sounds. But… okay. Look at me,” he pulls away just far enough to see my face. “You don’t have to tell him yet. But you do have to tell him eventually. And when you tell him, I’ll be there right by your side. I’m not leaving you. Not now. Not ever. That baby,” he looks down at my stomach and then back to my eyes, “It’s gonna have you and me. I’m gonna be that really cool uncle the kid runs to when he’s in trouble.”
“You think I’m having a boy?” I ask, trying to lighten the mood because it’s already starting to get too emotional and I can’t handle it.
He takes that as his signal and smiles, pulling away from me. “I mean, I hope it is. That would be a fun time. I can teach him all the things I know. You know, how to be a lady killer, travel around the world and get thousands of girls screaming his name every night.”
“And if it’s a girl? What is Uncle Connor going to teach her?”
“That she’s not allowed to date until she’s at least thirty-five.”
It’s my turn to laugh. “Is that so?”
“Yeah, but either way, I’m teaching them about photography and video and surfing. That kid is going to be so loved, y/n. And they have me just like you do.”
I take in a deep breath. “Thank you,” I whisper.
“Connor, can you rub my back?” I ask, shifting on the couch, trying to find a better angle.
“Yeah, where?”
“Like right above the small of my back,” I reach my arm around myself to point and soon his warm hands meet my skin and I already feel relieved. “Oh, god. Thank you.”
“So, your doctor’s appointment is next week, right?”
I nod, “Yeah, Tuesday at three.”
“You want me to come with?”
“Why not? I feel like I should be there when you find out what we’re having.”
I don’t correct him on the ‘we’ even though we both know this baby isn’t his. Which makes me think of the baby’s father and how I’m about to find out what we’re having and he still doesn’t even know that we’re having one. “Because you have to work. It’s the same time as your meeting with Shawn and the crew.”
He sighs, “You know I can tell him I’m out, if it makes you feel better about it.”
“No, Connor. We’ve talked about this. You’re not quitting because of me. You go and you do your job. It’s what you’re good at, and I am so proud of you.”
“Did he text you for the release?”
“Yeah,” I say quietly, remembering how I cried for an hour before I was able to text him back with a single ‘congratulations.’
“And I listened to the rest of it... I hate that I love it.”
“You know it’s okay to miss him. Especially right now.”
“I know.” I pull away from him, playing with the hem of my shirt.
“You still haven’t told him.”
“I know,” I say again, deflating. “I will.”
“I was thinking maybe in ten years?”
“Y/n,” he says with a stern look.
“Connor, please.”
“And what am I going to tell him when you call me telling me you’re in labor in six months.”
“We can handle it then.”
He shakes his head, “You know that’s not gonna work. You’ve got to tell him. And soon. It’s not just him it’ll effect. Karen, Manny, Aaliyah. They deserve to know too.”
I close my eyes. I hadn’t even thought about how it would affect them. “You’re right. Can we just? Wait another week? Know what I’m having first. And then I’ll tell him.”
“It’s already been four months… I guess a week won’t hurt.”
“Speaking of four months. I’ve been looking for a place, and I think I found one. It’s not too far from here and I mean, the rent is kinda a lot, but I think it’ll work.”
“Why are you looking for a place?”
I furrow my brows at him. “What do you mean? I have to move out at some point, Con. You know that?”
“Well, I mean, I guess. But you don’t have to move out right now. I like coming home to you. It’s nice. Familiar. Reminds me of the nights I’d spend at your house when we were kids. You know when your mom would make us those really rich chocolate chip cookies and we’d sneak them to your room before bed. But now it’s like that every night. Especially now that your cravings are starting.”
I smile softly, “Well I like coming home to you, too. But come on. You didn’t sign up for a baby. Plus, I’m not even paying rent. I’m sleeping in your guest room because I broke up with my boyfriend. This isn’t exactly the ideal living situation for you, bub.”
“Sure, but I don’t mind. I like having you here. And don’t think I haven’t noticed the random hundred and fifty dollars showing up in my wallet every time you get paid. Which by the way, I’m not spending.”
“Connor, I have to pay you back somehow.”
“No, you don’t. And I won’t tell you again. So anyway, the money isn’t being spent, but it is being put to good use. I started a college fund for the baby.”
“You what?”
“Yeah. Or I guess it could be used as bail money if it ever comes to that. But I don’t know. I just wanted to do something for them.”
“But why?”
“Because they’re part of you. Which means they’re part of me too.”
I can’t say anything. I don’t think anything will be good enough.
“So,” he says a while later. “We should start thinking about names.”
“Right now?”
“Yeah, I’ll start. If it’s a boy I think we should name him Connor.”
I chuckle, “No.”
“Come on, it’s a good name.”
“It’s your name.”
“No. Next.”
“Okay fine. What do you think then?”
“No. Too basic. How about Tanner?”
“No. Patrick?”
He shakes his head.
“Okay, well then let’s think girl names. Because, yes, that is a possibility.”
He sighs, “Girl names. Okay. You have anything in mind?”
“Eh, I’m not feeling it.”
“Okay, then how about Kendall?”
“How about Mae?”
Mae. “I like it.” Mae Mendes. Mendes. “Hey, Connor?”
“Do you think it’s okay if I give the baby Shawn’s last name?”
I don’t look at him when he answers, but I know him well enough to know he’s biting the inside of his cheek. “I think he’d like that very much.”
Permanent tag: @soyalimoncada-blog @tinycertain @magcon7280 @daisyangei @devilmendes @babybrash @fallinallincurls @sunrisebrashx @sinceweremutual @myyohmyuohmyy @perfectly-mendess @enchantingbrowneyedgirl @baroness-alison @lostinmendess @linanilssonfurberg @luvluvxx @mariamuses @shawnieeboyy
Shawn tag: @ilumxna
*bold wouldn’t let me tag
** this is my new tag list!! If you were on my previous one and wish to still be tagged let me know! If you wish to be added or removed also let me know!!
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bubble-tae · 4 years
Bad Bait
Pairing: Taehyung x Reader
Genre: Angst/Lil Fluff/High School AU
Word Count: 2.5k
Summary: Your attempt to catfish cheaters goes awry when you get a message from a cute boy at school.
(A/N: This was meant to be a drabble response but I got a bit carried away! Thank you to @ddaengyoonmin​ for helping me edit and giving me the confidence to post and lovely @baepsaesbae​ for the request) 
reposted from old account
You didn’t mean to take it this far, I mean it only started as some dumb sleepover prank. For nearly 6 weeks, you had been pretending to be a girl from out of town online, catfishing different guys in your class to catch them cheating. You’d send screenshots to their girlfriends of them asking for nudes. It broke your heart to deliver news like this to these girls, but after a while it felt like an obligation. Everything was all fun and games until Taehyung fell into your lap. He was a senior who stumbled across your fake Instagram account when all his friends started following it. It all started innocently enough, a few likes, a couple heart eyes on some pics (that were of some pretty model), but before you knew it, he had slipped into your dms.
You had seen him around school before, hell, no one could mistake that gorgeous laugh for anyone but him. He wasn’t popular, but he seemed to be part of almost every group and club. Taehyung was in theater, played soccer, and even is the Vice President of the art club. He would have been a shoe in for Homecoming King earlier that year if it hadn’t gone to Kim Seokjin (now he was popular, and cheating on the Homecoming Queen). Taehyung was known, that was for sure, and anyone that met him had to of had the biggest crush on him. When he first messaged you that simple “hey”, you ignored it. As far as you knew he wasn’t dating anyone so there really was no need to talk to him at all, but one bored Saturday night, you figured why the hell not.
It wasn’t anything for a while, he seemed boring and just like all the other guys that found their way to your account, but things slowly picked up around a week later when he started his good morning messages. Soon he was sending you pictures with a big grin and a peace sign and asking all about you; what you like to do for fun, what job you wanted, even little things like what your favorite candy was. Through this, you got to know him too. Taehyung secretly loved to sing, he wanted to be a freelance artist, and how much he loved brownies.
“He doesn’t even know you exist.” Your best friend said from the driver seat of her car. You had both just pulled up to school, the foggy Monday air clouding up the parking lot.
“What’s it matter anyways?” you asked, pulling down the mirror to fix your hair. Your best friend cackled next to you.
“The matter is that you like him, and he likes her.” They pointed at your phone in the cup holder. You closed the mirror and rolled your eyes.
“I don’t like him.” just as you said this your phone chimed, but your friend picked it up faster than you could. They opened your phone, a picture of Taehyung taking over the screen. He was posing with a little fluffy dog, a fake pouty look on his face. Your friend read the message out mockingly.
“ ‘Baby boy cried the whole time I was getting ready, guess he doesn’t want me to go to school. Hope you are having a better morning than I am beautiful.’ Fuck, I’d cry for him to stay too if my owner looked like that.” Your friend held down the picture with their thumb, saving it as your lock screen. You leaned over and snatched it back from their hands.
“He’s just being nice!” you proclaimed.
“Yeah, sure,” your friend said, “and pigs can fly.”
“Wasn’t your mom on an airplane last week?” you joked. They hit your side as the bell rang. “Not funny.” You got out of the car and started to make your way to class, Taehyung’s morning message forgotten thanks to your first period calculus exam.
* * *
It was lunch time, and though you were desperately craving the cafeteria chicken nuggets, you knew you had to finish up some last minute notes that were due today. You headed to the library, where you found it mostly empty safe for a few studious peers. There was an empty table near the back, so you pulled out a chair and took your book out from your bag. With earbuds in, you fell into your own little world, taking notes on the 15th century Tudor period. It wasn’t long before you were interrupted by someone grazing the back side of your seat trying to reach a book on the shelf behind you. You were about to give them a dirty look when you turned around, but you were taken back by a face you had never seen this close before.
“Sorry.” Taehyung muttered with a smile, book under arm. You didn’t say anything, your mouth agape as you froze in the moment. He was prettier in person, and when he pushed his curly brown hair back and made his way to the front of the table, you swore your heart stopped beating. He pointed to the chair just across from you. “This seat taken.”
“No.” you finally croaked out, taking your earbuds out. There was no reason to be this nervous, he was just a person you told yourself. He sat down in the chair and open the book, cover facing you. The front read “1984”. He peeked over the top of the book, and that’s when you realized you were staring. Taehyung brought the book down to his lap.
“Sorry if I disrupted your flow.” he said.
“Oh no, it was kind of boring anyways.” That was sort of a lie, part of you actually enjoyed getting wrapped up in your work, but it could wait. “What are you reading?”. You knew what he was reading, in fact you read it just last month, but you felt an insatiable need to keep talking to him. His voice was different than you thought, more sultry and smooth.
“1984, I guess it’s about a society living under constant surveillance.”
“Aren’t we already?” you quipped. He laughed and blush spread across your cheeks.  
“I guess so.” he said. “It was recommended to me.”
‘Yeah, by me.’ You thought. “You going to check it out?”
“I don’t know, I’m not really much of a reader.”
“Yeah you’ve told me.” the words left your mouth before you had the chance to stop them. He put the book down, smile disappearing as he leaned back in his chair. You bit your lip, trying to think of some way out of this.
“What? Do we know each other?” he finally asked, brows furrowed down but eyes still cautious as he scanned your face more intensely.
“Freshman year. English.” you lied, hoping he wouldn’t ask what teacher you had. Your legs were bouncing under the table, and you only hoped that he didn’t notice how your body shook.
“But…” he started, trying to remember if he has ever met you. “I’ve never told you that before.”
“Must have been someone else then.” you spat out quickly, standing up and shoving your things in your bag. “Gotta run, nice chat.” He stood up too, confused from the change in the environment. You sling your bag over your shoulder, but as you start to leave you trip slightly on the leg of the table, and your phone falls to the ground. It lands screen up, and if this situation couldn’t get any worse, it turns on, displaying the picture Taehyung took that morning. He stopped in his tracks and stared down at your phone.
“Am I your lock screen?” he asked, almost disgusted. You pick your phone off the ground quickly.
“You weren’t supposed to see that.” The two of you eyed each other uncomfortably in the silent library. No one had even noticed that anything strange was going on. Taehyung looked around the library and then leaned in slightly.
“Are you stalking me?” he whispered.
“Taehyung, let me explain” you started to say before he cut you off.
“Oh my god, you’re stalking me!” he said a little louder and angrier this time. A kid at a nearby table looked up for a moment before returning to his laptop.
“Will you shut up?” you whisper shouted. “I’m not stalking you.”
“Then what the fuck is that?” he pointed to your phone. You let out a sigh and rubbed at your temples. ‘This is a fucking disaster.’ you wanted to say.  
“You sent it to me this morning, my friend put it as my lock screen as a joke.” You could tell he didn’t believe you, why would he, he had never spoken to you before, let alone sent a picture with the intent of you seeing it.
“I didn’t send you that.”
“Well, you sort of did.” you opened your phone and pulled out the messages, his text from this morning displayed on your screen.
“How did you get her messages?” he asked, taking the phone from your hands to inspect it further.
“They are my messages.” he looked back up at you still confused. There was only one way he was going to understand this. “She’s not real.” Taehyung’s face fell as he looked down at the phone again, the words hitting him slowly.
“What?” he said, not really asking.
“Taehyung…” you said, taking a step forward. He took one back.
“What’s your real name?”
“Y/N.” you answered.
“What the fuck is wrong with you, Y/N?” he said, hurt dripping over ever word. He put your phone down on the table and grabbed his stuff.
“I can explain!” you tried, the people in the room watching the two of you. He turned around as he started to leave, eyes just a little bit glossy.
“Don’t talk to me, creep.” he hissed before storming out of the library, leaving you standing alone with all eyes on you.
* * *
You probably couldn’t fix it, and you didn’t really intend to, but you at least wanted to try and make it hurt less. Hurt less for him or you, that you didn’t know. There you stood at his front door, plate of brownies in hand, trying to muck up the courage to ring the doorbell. This was much harder than hiding behind your phone. Your hand lifted to the doorbell, but you heard the lock click out of place before the door opened. Taehyung was in the doorway, a displeased look on his face.
“You’ve been standing here for five minutes, I figured I’d tell you to get lost myself.” He picked at his fingernails as if he didn’t care. It stung a little, to have him suddenly be so cold to you, but you knew you deserved it.
“At least take the brownies.” you held the plate in front of them. He squinted his eyes at the brownies, then at you.
“They aren’t poisoned, are they?” he took the plate from your hands, still suspicious.
“No, but they are fudge brownies” his favorite kind. He contemplated something for a minute before opening the front door wider and stepping to one side.
“You have until I finish the brownies to explain.” you thought that maybe he was kidding, but when you both were inside, he motioned for you sit on the couch next to him as he started to stuff his face.
“I know how this looks from your end.” you began, “I didn’t intend on leading you to believe I was this other person. The account wasn’t even made for you, but kind of to catch this one guy who was cheating. One guy turned into two, and before I knew it, it kind of just became my thing.” Taehyung shoved a second brownie in his mouth and crumbs dribbled down his chin and onto his jeans, which he brushed onto the floor, some of them landing on the tops of your shoes.  
You tried to continue but Taehyung shoved a third brownie into his mouth before he finished chewing the second. “Dude, you’re going to choke.” you said to him. He stopped chewing suddenly, looking at you with cheeks full. He motioned with his hands for you to keep talking.
“Anyways,” you shook your head in disbelief. “I just wanted to say I’m sorry. I never meant for you to get tangled up in all this mess. I wasn’t faking anything, everything I said came from me, Y/N. If you wanna be friends or something, that’s great, but if you want to pretend I never existed, I understand.” The last part hurt to say, but you knew you would have to respect his boundaries. Taehyung finally finished chewing what was in his mouth, swallowing hard as leaned back into the couch.
“Wow,” he nodded to himself, “so you’re The Fisherman?”
“The what?”
“The one who’s been catching all the cheaters. Catfish turned into Fisherman, how about that?” he wiped some of the remaining crumbs from his pants and contemplated grabbing another brownie.
“I guess so? I didn’t know I had another identity.”
“You’re like a modern day Robin Hood.” he leaned onto his knees and getting closer to you. “I knew it.” You let out a laugh at that. Of course he didn’t know.
“So you’re not upset?” you questioned.
“Oh no, I’m fucking pissed.” he placed a hand on your knee, “but I’m also impressed.” You were taken back by his words. He saw the expression on your face and elaborated.
“You caught 6 different dudes cheating on their girlfriends and still no one knows it’s you. That takes a genius.”
“It’s actually 9.” you corrected. He threw his hands air up in the air in disbelief.
“That’s amazing!” he shouted. “I think I like you more than the girl in the screen.” His smile was lazy and genuine and his outright honesty made your face burn. He scooted just an inch closer, a little hesitantly. “So, everything we talked about was really you?” You recognized for the first time how soft his features were in person, eyes glittering with curiosity. His lips were slightly parted, and you wished to know how they felt. You blinked away the thought, almost embarrassed for having it.
“It was always me.” He laughed at your cheesy line and pinched your cheeks, pulling at them.
“You’re not wearing a mask, are you?” he joked. You pulled his hand away, keeping it in yours as it fell into your lap.
“No more surprises.”
“Don’t I get a chance to surprise you?” he asked, licking his lips and moving in closer. You felt your heart beat faster until it was in your throat, and time slowed. You cursed your sweaty palms and quivering lip, Taehyung’s eyes half closed as he was only inches from your face. You closed your eyes and waited for him to kiss you. His lips tickled against yours, so close but not yet touching, before he averted his mouth upward to plant a kiss on your nose. He pulled away with a wide smirk, and you let go of a breath you didn’t know you were holding.
“That’s not fair.” you breathed out. He pulled your hand into his lap to play with your fingers.
“I know.” he said before biting his lip and looking back up at with bashful eyes. Taehyung was a tease, but you knew that you couldn’t wait for for more of his surprises.
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khoicesbyk · 4 years
Tumblr media
The Nanny Affair
The Vacation Of A Lifetime. Part 1.
Author’s Note: This fanfic right here is based off of the preview for Chapter 14. This will be three parts. First is what happens before they get to Italy. And the second and third parts will be what happens once they land. Talley Ho! *in my Sherlock Holmes voice*
Song and Story inspiration: I Feel It Coming-The Weeknd.
***Rated: Mature 18+. Contains sexual content and strong language. You know? The usual from me. 😁
***Bolded and/or italicized words are conversations and thoughts of the characters.
***Characters: Sam Dalton (LI) and Krystal Parker (MC)
***All Characters and names (except MC) are property of Pixelberry.
***Trigger Warning: Aviophobia aka a fear of flying. Read at your own discretion.***
Current Word Count: 1,732 words. Personal victory for me! I normally do over 2,000 words. 😁👏🏾🙌🏾💃🏾
Krystal stood there in the kitchen frozen in place. She couldn’t believe what she just heard Sam say.
“Krystal, you okay there?”, he asked her.
“Yeah…I think so. Did you just say that we’re going to Italy?”, she asked.
“Yeah. That’s exactly what I said.”, he replied.
“Uh huh! That’s what I thought you said. So, why are you turning your business trip to Italy into a family trip to Italy again? Because that part I missed.”, she said to him.
“You missed it because; I haven’t explained that part yet. Like I said before; you were right about me being a coward. I was just too stubborn to admit it. Not out loud. Not to you. And certainly not to myself. But being called on it; was enough for me to realize that I need you. I need you near me. I can’t even function properly, without you. And besides; I was kidding myself. I can’t leave my kids behind for 2 months. Business trip to Italy or no business to Italy; I can’t leave my boys. So, get packed because we’re going to Italy. We leave in 2 hours.”, he explained.
“Okay. I’ll go get packed…I’m going to Italy. Wow!”, she replied in a slightly nervous tone.
“I thought you’d be a lot more excited than this.”, he told her.
“No I am. I’m very excited to go. I’m just not exactly excited about flying to get there.”, she says to him.
“If you’re worried about flying with Sofia then; you can stop worrying. She’s flying in with her dad and brother.”, he told her.
“No it’s not that. It has nothing to do with Sofia. I’m not excited about flying because I have a not so small fear of flying?”, she says to him.
“You have Aviophobia?”, he asked. She nodded in response.
“Krystal. You know I would never let anything happen to you, right?”, he asked her.
“I-I know…I…it’s just that…I-I don’t like not being on solid ground. And being 50,000 feet in the air is my biggest nightmare. I know that I should’ve told you sooner but; I didn’t think it mattered because, we weren’t flying anywhere.”, she answered.
That’s when he wrapped his arms around her and held her close. She all but melted into a puddle of nothing, in his arms.
“Look at me. Nothing will happen to you, I swear. I won’t let anything happen to you. You don’t have to be afraid. I’m here. I’ll be there with you. Me and the boys. We’ll be there. You don’t have to be afraid.”, he said to her as he rubbed her back. He wanted to calm her fear. “I will never let anything hurt you.”
She felt safe in his arms. She felt home in his arms. “I’m okay. I’ll be okay. Thank you.”, she told him. He kissed her forehead and said to her, “I know you will be. Go, get packed. I’ll get the boys ready.”
2 hours later they were at Dulles Airport; walking to the Dalton Enterprises private jet. As they got closer to the plane; her fear started to take over. Sam took notice at her growing fear so; he decided to introduce her to the flight crew.
“Krystal; I’d like to introduce you to Frank Walton and David Young. They’re the pilots. And this is Wesley Caine, Andrea Baker, Dina Campbell and Xavier Trent. They’re the flight attendants. They will make sure that we will be completely safe.”, he explained to her; in hopes that it quell her growing fear.
“Everyone; this is Krystal Parker. She has a slight fear of flying; and wanted to assure her that she’s in VERY capable hands.”, he said as he introduced her to them.
“Krystal! You’re afraid to fly?”, Mickey asked.
“Yes, I am.”, she answered.
“So that’s why dad had us bring our airplane buddies!”, Mason said as he snuggled his airplane plushie.
“You two are my airplane buddies.”, she told them with a smile.
“Ms. Parker; I can most certainly assure you that are and will be safe. We will make sure of that.”, Frank said with a warm smile.
“Shall we Mr. Dalton?”, he asked Sam. Once Sam nodded they boarded the plane. And soon; they flying over the Atlantic towards Naples.
Krystal was fine as long as she didn’t look out of a window and controlled her breathing. So, to do that she focused on the boys; who were at the time watching Disney+ on their iPads. And although he was on a work call in the back; Sam still made sure to check on her and that she was comfortable. He wanted her and the boys to be comfortable.
After the boys fell asleep in their bunks; Sam went to check on her.
“How are you feeling?”, he asked her.
“Honestly, I’m struggling. It was fine at first because I had the boys to focus on; but now that they’re sleep, I-I-I’m back to being terrified. My anxiety is screaming and it’s getting harder to control my shaking”, she admitted to him.
“Come with me.”, he told her as took her hand. She followed him to his cabin in the back. He walked slowly with her so she wouldn’t be too afraid. As soon as the door closed; she collapsed into his arms.
“Hey! Hey! Hey! Shhhhh…it’s okay. I’m here. I got you. You’re safe.”, he whispered in her ear. He rocked her as she trembled and cried. “I know you’re scared Krystal. But; I promise you that you’re doing so good. I promise you that it’ll all be over soon.”
“I know I shouldn’t be scared; but I can’t…I can’t…I can’t help it. It’s an irrational and irrelevant fear I know but—“, she started to say through tears; before he interjected, “nothing about your fear is irrelevant nor irrational. You know that. I would never criticize you for being scared.”
She was able to start calming herself down; because of him. His strength. His warmth. Feeling his arms around her. Feeling him rub her back. All of this is what eventually calmed her down.
“Here sit down.”, he told her as they both sat down on the edge of the bed. She clung to him tightly. “Thank you for helping me. You didn’t have to do any of this for me.”
“Don’t say that. Of course I had to. I didn’t want you to feel like I don’t care. I might’ve been a little busy but; that doesn’t mean I wasn’t thinking about you.”, he said to her.
“What else can I do to make you feel better?”, he asked her.
After thinking about it for a few seconds; she told him, “Sam you’ve already done enough for me; but if you want to do one more thing, you can do this.”
She brought his lips to hers for a very searing kiss. He wrapped his right arm around her waist; while tangling his left hand in her hair, pulling her close. He wanted her; just as badly as she wanted him.
“I need you. Right here, right now!”, he told her in low growl.
“Take me…”, she begged him.
That was all he needed to hear before; pulling her into his lap. Soon; their clothes were in a lazy pile and they were higher up on the bed. They couldn’t keep their hands off of each other.
“God, you are the most beautiful woman in the world.”, he told her; before kissing his way down her jawline, her neck and stopping at her breasts. In between pleasing her breasts; he asks her, “what do you want Krystal? Tell me and it’s yours. I am yours.”
“I need to feel you inside me! I want you inside me!”, she tells him. Hearing the desperation in her voice; sent chills down his spine.
“Your wish is my command…”, he told her; before devouring her mouth again. He lined himself up with her sweet spot, wrapped her legs around his waist and with a thrust of his hips plunged inside her. She wrapped her arms around his neck and whimpered into his shoulder, as he took her.
“God damn you feel so good! So damn good!”, he said as he relentlessly pounded her. Every sound she made was like a shot of adrenaline to him. Every time he kissed her; he sent shockwaves running through her. Pulses radiated throughout her body every time he touched her.
“Yesssssssssss Sam! Take! Me! Just like that! Yes! Just! Like! That!”, she cried out; while clawing at his back. The pain from her nails digging in his skin; intensified his stroke.
“Yeah that’s a good girl! Tell me that dick feels good! Tell me that you want this!”, he growled in her ear. As if on cue she replied, “give it to me! Fuck yesssssssssss! Give it to me! It feels so good! You feel so good! Don’t you stop! Don’t ever stop!”
She was steadily unraveling. And she was getting dangerously close to her climax; and so was he. He was giving her exactly what she needed from him.
“Sam! I’m so close! Ohhhhhhhh God! I’m about to…”, she told him as she struggled to hang on. Her orgasm was right at its peak.
“That’s it kitten! Cum for me! There you go! Let it out! Let it all out!”, he encouraged her. And with that she gave in; and let her orgasm take ahold of her. Her body shook and her eyes rolled back as she rode the ginormous internal wave of pleasure.
And Sam was not too far behind her.
“Shit! I’m about to…fuck! It’s here baby! And it’s all for you!”, he said through gritted teeth. With last thrust of his hips and a deep guttural groan; he let go. His body went rigid as he emptied himself into her. Once he was done; they were both exhausted and satisfied. He laid down next to her and held her close. She laid in his arms shivering because of the aftershocks.
“Are you alright?”, he managed to ask her.
“Yes. I’m fine. Well as fine as I can be. Thanks to you.”, she replied; her voice barely above a whisper.
“Good. You should get some rest. We’ll be landing in Napoli soon.”, he told her. With a sweet goodnight kiss; she was soon fast asleep in his arms.
@lucy-268 @txemrn @choicesficwriterscreations
Stay tuned for Part 2!
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anninhiliation · 5 years
Lush 2
A/N: LISTEN, I was having a conversation with @you-kinda-smell-like-christmas while I was having lunch with my family, and the baby was this thought that I can write out now. This is also how I like to welcome myself back 
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Warnings: This is bratty stuff, Choking, Dom!Chris as the title states and I'm nasty. 
A black Dolce & Gabbana gown adorned my body, paired with a velvet choker and a little Chanel clutch. What no one knew, besides Chris and I was that under my black lace thong I had a lush 2 wedged inside my soaked cunt. This was my punishment for disobeying my daddy this morning. So the punishment was he would have full control over me during his award show. He set the vibrator on a low setting while we were on the bus lightly teasing my inner sweet spot and pearl. The set rule was every moan, whimper or any signal I had a Bluetooth vibrator inside me and Chris would adjust the setting. As the vibrations penetrated my body, I squirmed around trying my best to conceal all my whimpers. Yet, the more I moved the more the vibrator massaged my bundle of nerves and pressed around my inner sweet spot. Chris’s hand rested on my clothed thigh as he joked around with the guys. 
“Sit still nena. You're moving to much.” Chris growled in my ear 
“Bu-” I began as Chris pulled out his phone and raised the setting
My eyes grew wide as the double massages were sending me insane with pleasure. I tried to sit as still as a statue, as my core was screamed out begging for me to voice her. It reached a point where I felt my edge closing in on me. I squeezed my eyes shut, and leaned my head against the headrest biting my bottom lip as I fought my bodily urges.
“Qué te pasa nena? You need to cum?” Chris whispered in my ear as his hand trailed further up my thigh
I simply nodded my head, knowing if I did try to speak a moan was bound to escape.  
“Cum for me nena and make it quiet” He ordered as he unlocked his phone and waited
I shoved my wrist in my mouth and bit down muffling my moans, and thanking the gods the bus was already filled with chaos so no one would notice or hear the few escaped whimpers. I tried to keep my legs as still as possible, as my eyes rolled to the back of my head making me see the galaxy. I felt the vibrations stop after my high, as the lush 2 was now just pressed against my sore sensitive areas.
“Te gusto? You like cumming in front of a crowd of people? Especially when those people are my bandmates? Such a filthy slut.” Chris growled in my ear 
As his filth spilled out of his mouth, a new pool began to form between my thighs. I crossed my legs trying to relieve some much-needed friction. 
“Ah y te gusta todo eso? Nena you better not cum on the carpet.” He smirked as we all piled out of the bus. 
“Papi you wouldn't.” I gasped as he set the lush 2 on a medium setting
My sensitive nub came back to life as the vibrations to my g-spot was heavenly massaged. Chris took my hand and guided me with him towards the starting point of the red carpet. I felt my sensitive walls begin to hug around the little pink vibrator as my knuckles turned white around Chris’s hand. 
“Nena, don't you dare cum.” Chris warned 
“How am I supposed to act right then Papi?” I hissed through a smile as the cameras began to flash on us
“Nena that's going to cost you.” Chris smiled as he kissed my cheek for the paparazzi “You don't speak to your daddy disrespectfully”
I felt another knot form in my stomach making me hold onto Chris for dear life as I tried to look as inconspicuous as possible. The orgasm began to break down my walls and restraints, as I couldn't hold on any longer. Chris noticed me on the verge of losing control and kissed me, muffling my moans and whimpers as the paparazzi went wild. They awed and cooed at Christopher's romantic gesture as he held me up feeling my full weight ready to sink to the floor. That is when I fully let go, closing my eyes as I felt the sweet ecstasy take over my body.
“Nena I didn't give you permission to cum” He growled through his smile as he pulled away from the kiss. "And you did that in front of all these people. Such a dirty girl." 
“I'm sorry papi I couldn't help it. I was still so sensitive from the bus.” I innocently pouted 
“Well you just made the punishment worse,” Chris smirked as he turned off the lush 2 
My cunt throbbed at the thought of what Chris had in mind on top of what he was already doing. We finally made it inside the venue, and I felt a small vibration between my legs. My eyes shot to Chris who was pretending to make boomerangs. He looked up from his phone and smirked at me as he turned away to talk to Richard and Erick. My swollen nub throbbed against vibrations, as Zabdiel and Clara pulled me into their conversation. 
“And what do you think Y/N?” Clara asked 
My attention shot over to her, as the vibrations between my legs grew stronger. I quickly looked over at Chris with wide eyes as he had an enormous smile plastered on his face.
“Y/N” Zabdiel called out, shooting my attention back to them
“Uhhh...I'm sorry what?” I questioned as my attention was being dragged back down between my legs
“Are you feeling okay? You've been acting weird since we got on the bus.” Clara asked worrisomely 
“I-I'm fine its just one of those days.” I stammered as I felt a knot reshape itself inside me. 
I leaned on a table as my legs grew weak from the overstimulation.  
“¿Enserio estás bein? Siéntate y voy a llamar a Chris” Zabdiel insisted 
“No!” I cried out as the vibrations stopped abruptly. 
I felt a mixed wave of relief and annoyance as my throbbing walls began to relax. I was on the verge of cumming and Chris knew it, he knew how sore I was, how easily I could unravel again and again and he was using that to his advantage. 
“Are you sure Y/N?” Clara questioned, “It's not a big deal I mean he's just across the room.” She insisted
“Ya voy” Zabdiel mumbled as he turned walking away
“I'm fine, I'm fine really!” I pleaded running after Zabdiel
Chris must have caught on because he set the lush 2 on the highest setting. I bit my bottom lip and shot a glance at Chris. He was looking directly at me with his big brown eyes drowned in lust as Richard and Erick were completely ignorant at their bandmate's body language. 
“I just need a drink.” I weakly smiled as I dragged Zabdiel away taking him with me to the bar
I squeezed between the crowd of people who blockaded the bar and ordered a white wine. As the bartender handed me my drink, I felt my sore walls close in around the lush 2. My legs finally gave in as I sunk down on the barstool and gulped down my wine.
"¿Y/N enserio estás bien? ¿No quieres acostarte?" Zabdiel persisted
"Really, I'm fine." I gave Zabdiel a weak smile "Why don't you go back to Clara, though I'm just going to relax here for a bit"
"Okay pero es te desmayas that's on you." He sighed before heading back towards Clara
I took deep breaths as I tried to fight my exhausted body, as the vibrations were once again cut off. I let out an annoyed groan as I called for the bartender and ordered the same drink. A warm hand touched my exposed back, making me look up from my empty wine glass and see a familiar set of brown eyes. 
“Take this time now to relax and recompose yourself por que you're going to vibrate to my performance,” Chris warned
“Papi you go live in half an hour that's not enough time.” I pleaded 
“Y eso es un castigó princesa.” Chris explained as he kissed my lips and regrouped with the boys. 
I watched him walk away in pure shock until the bartender called for my attention. I mouthed a thank you taking the glass of wine and collecting my strength to stand up. I walked backstage to be with Ali and watch the boys perform. As the boys were warming up and changing I felt a soft vibration tingle in my swollen pussy. I took a big sip of my drink to silence a whimper and shifted my stance. Chris with yet another huge smirk ran up to me and pecked my lips. 
“You cum or bring any more attention to yourself nena and you won't like the consequences,” He warned before going on stage. 
The beat blasted through the speakers and the lush 2 went at full force making vibrations to the beat. My legs trembled at the overstimulation, as I looked around for the closest private area. I spotted a woman’s bathroom just backstage as I locked eyes with Chris. He was at the front of the stage doing his dance as he thrusted his hips, sending me closer to the edge and the song was only half over. I leaned against the wall for support as I repeatedly eyed the bathroom. Only a few people were going in and out, so it was private enough for me to finally rip out the lush 2, allow myself to reach my edge one last time and give my throbbing pussy a break. 
“I'm going to the bathroom” I whispered to Ali as I beelined to the safe haven. 
There were only two other women in the bathroom, just washing their hands as I shut the bathroom stall. I lifted my dress high enough to expose my soaked lace thong and pushed that fabric to the side. I pulled out the still vibrating lush 2, turned it off and shoved it into my Chanel clutch. I let out a heavy sigh as I gently massaged my entrance, finalizing the last high of the night. I felt my knot tighten and I was about to release until I heard the door storm open. 
“This is the women's room!” I heard someone call out 
“I know I’m sorry I just need to get my girlfriend.” A familiar voice spoke as I heard thumps from the next stall over. 
I stopped dead in my tracks as Chris’s face popped above the stall divider. He angrily hopped into my stall and pinned my arms above my head. 
“Y nena where is it?” He fumed
“Chris this is the women's bathroom someones going to call security.” I hissed
“Por que? This is my pussy right here” Chris growled as he moved his hand to my wet folds. 
“I asked you a question” He continued as he applied pressure to my throbbing bottom lips
“Gone,” I stated looking directly into his lust-filled eyes 
“Te olvidaste que esto is your punishment?” He huffed as he slowly rubbed my sore clit
“I got tired of being edged” I explained with a smirk feeling my inner brat come out 
“Ah, you didn't like the punishment your daddy set for you so you thought it would be okay to do whatever you wanted.” He pieced together as he applied more pressure to my nerve endings. 
“Just let me cum Papi please I'll be good” I begged as he removed his digits from me
“Nena I gave you a punishment after disobeying me y a hora you want me to reward you after you disobeyed me again?” he snickered
I nodded my head as I batted my lashes and pouted, knowing the effect my facial expressions had on him. 
“Tsk tsk tsk you can't manipulate me nena” Chris cooed as he pushed me to my knees
The cold tile hit my weakened knees as Chris unzipped his pants revealing his hardened member. My mouth watered as I went to wrap my hand around his shaft and begin sucking. 
“No” Chris snapped as he smacked my hand away  
“I control your mouth now” He growled as I opened my mouth ready for his hard cock
He swatted his tip against my tongue letting my saliva soak around him. He groaned out as his pre-cum spilled onto my tongue dancing around my taste buds. I moaned as he moved more of himself inside me. I instinctively went to touch him and he swatted me away again.
“You can touch me when I say so” Chris instructed as he grabbed my hair and forced more of himself in my mouth
He roughly thrusted himself into my face, causing tears to roll down my cheeks and it only made the throbbing between my legs worse. He hit the back of my throat making me gag and he stayed there enjoying the warm wetness of my mouth. He finally pulled out letting me inhale the cold air and catch some of my breath before he went back. He repeated this three times until his thrusting became sloppy. He released his warm salty load in my mouth, and I swallowed everything with content. 
“Mmm tasty” I purred as I wiped a droplet that fell from my lips with my finger and sucked. 
“Nena take off your dress.” He commanded as he pulled me up
“Right here?” I asked thinking he was joking
His hand encircled my throat and hissed; 
“You do not ask questions.”
I nodded my head, as I felt my throbbing core ready to burst. I slowly turned around and moved my head slightly back.
“Can you unzip it?” I asked batting my lashes
“No questions” He barked as he firmly slapped my ass 
Chris did pull the zipper down and hungrily pulled the straps down my shoulders. He spun me around, making a small yelp fall from my lips and he pulled the dress down himself and kicked it out of the stall. I looked at the dress in shock about to say something, but the look he gave me, made me know damn well to keep quiet. He tugged my hair, exposing my neck to his hungry lips as he attacked my sweet spot. I instinctively ran my hands through his hair and he pulled away. 
“What did I say?” He growled as he firmly pinched my nipple
“No questions” I huffed out between the moans
“No antes” He hissed
“No touching” I whimpered
“So why did you touch me?” He snapped
“Por q- Im sorry papi” I pouted 
He let go of my nipple and continued to attack my neck. I knew there were going to be a million marks left when he was done. His hard member hit my lower abdomen as he sucked on my harden buds and lifted me up against the wall divider. Chris without warning rammed into me, and I screamed out his name. 
“You dirty slut” Chris huffed as his balls smacked against my sensitive flesh “screaming like no one can hear.” 
The filth that left Chris’s lips tied another knot in my stomach. My walls hugged around Chris’s girth as my orgasm was nearing in on me. 
“Chris” I whimpered 
“You better hold it better than you did on the carpet” He hissed as he fastened the pace 
“Please Papi!” I whined “You drove my pussy crazy today” 
“Well that's what you get for disobeying” He groaned as my tight walls constricted him
“I’ll be good” I begged “please papi”
“Wait” He ordered as his thrusts began to lose its rhythm
My inner walls spazzed against him, as I fought my bodily instincts with all of my power.  
“Ahora” He ordered as he shot his load inside me. 
My eyes rolled to the back of my head, losing my breath as my thighs shook around Chris’s grip. I flew to the stars, as Chris rode me out. 
“Wait till we get back to the hotel Nena cause I'm not done.” He huffed as he pulled out of me and let me sink to the floor. 
Chris zipped his pants back up and unlocked the bathroom stall kicked my dress back to me and left.
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joelswildflower · 5 years
finding out you’re pregnant // cnco baby series
here’s part two!
i’m really surprised that so many people liked the first part. I’m also really happy so many people liked it. Thank you!💓
You were pushing the shopping cart around Target and went down the 'women' aisle. You tossed a box of tampons in the cart, it wouldn't hurt to have extra after you gave your sister some when she started while at your place the other day. When you went to grab a box of pads, you wondered when was the last time you had your period, which led you to realize you should've had it last week, and without another thought you were standing in front of the pregnancy tests reading the boxes
Panicking you called your sister, "When you took your pregnancy test with Lucas, which one was the most accurate?" She gave you the name of the test, and you grabbed a couple of boxes, and another brand.
Forgetting what you actually went to Target for, you paid for the pregnancy tests and drove back home. Erick wasn't home, you'd love for him to be here but you needed to take the tests before you begin to overthink.
You and Erick had been trying to get pregnant after a long conversation on having a family. You two were at the right age to start a family, and Erick wasn't going off and touring as much anymore, he'd be home more for you and your future child.
Waiting for the timer to go off felt like a lifetime. You watched as the numbers went down for each minute, each second feeling like an hour. You didn't think it would've been this easy to get pregnant. You two barely started trying.
When the timer went off, you stood up from the edge of the tub and grabbed the closest test to you. Tears filled your eyes when you saw the results. Pregnant. You looked at the other tests, and the results were the same throughout.
You were enjoying the day with your mother and mother-in-law, and Joel was LOVING the small videos you were sending him of both of your mothers and you. He begged to come with, but you told him it was a girls' day, but you just needed some advice from your mothers. The three of you stopped at the food court and sat down at an empty table. It was now or nothing, "Joel and I have been trying to have a baby."
"That's great!"
"But we haven't gotten lucky, and we've been trying for almost a year," you explained. You're first wedding anniversary was coming up.
"Have you two went to the doctor's and asked?"
"Every time we go with questions, they tell us there's nothing wrong. We're both healthy, but we just can't get pregnant." You, your mother and Patty kept talking about it, and they were giving you some advice, or just motherly words so you wouldn't worry about not getting pregnant. The three of you stood up, getting ready to leave, and you took a step back, having stood up too quickly.
"¿Estás bien, mija?" You nodded, "I just stood up too fast." Your mother and Patty nodded, but whispered to each other. Your mother said she needed to get a last minute thing at the pharmacy for your father and left you and Patty alone.
"Have you thought about what you want? A boy or a girl?" Patty asked you.
"I want a girl," you answered. "But I just want a healthy baby. Joel and I are ready for this next chapter."
"Oh, mija, nobody's ever ready for a baby," she joked.
"Y/N, don't ask questions," your mother told you walking back to the group. "Just go take this test," she handed you a pregnancy test. Two pregnancy tests. You were about to respond, but she gave you the do it now look that scared you when you were younger, and now.
"I don't know why you're making me do this," you complained washing your hands after peeing. Your mother and mother-in-law were standing outside the family restroom. "We haven't even tried in a while. And there's no chance I could actually be pregnant now, I just had my period, I think," you couldn't remember the last time you were on your cycle. It had to have been in the past couple weeks. It wasn't due until— you saw the panic wash over your face in the mirror, you were late. And not just a day or a week late, three weeks late. You were cut off by the timer going off, and you grabbed the pregnancy tests. Pregnant. "Oh my god," you cried.
"I'm ready to start a family with you," Zabdiel's voice repeated in your head. You were in the emergency room after fainting in your boss's office. You tried to blame it on dehydration, but you couldn't as the nurses had run a blood test and them bringing up the possibility of you being pregnant.
"Oh my god, are you okay?" Your best friend came running through the emergency room hugging you.
"I'm fine, just waiting on some results," you told her. "Isa, do you think I could be pregnant?" You asked her. "I— I wasn't thinking, but waiting, I think I might be pregnant."
"You and Zabdiel?"
"Yes, me and Zabdiel. He's my husband, what are you—?"
"You do seem like you're glowing," Isa commented. "When was your last period?"
"You know how irregular my periods are, especially since I got off birth control."
"So you and Zabdiel are actually trying?"
"Y/N?" Isa stopped talking, and turned around when the nurse came back. "We ran some tests, and both of the tests came out with the same results. Congratulations, you're pregnant!"
"I'm the godmother!" Isa shouted, distracting you from crying of happiness. She hugged you, "I'm so happy for you." You were pregnant and you couldn't wait to tell your husband.
"Come on, we're going to the doctor's office," your mother pulled you in a sitting position. "Get in the shower, and we're leaving as soon as you're ready," she told you. You groaned, but ultimately listened to your mother.
Next thing you know is your waiting in the doctor's office, waiting for your name to be called. "Y/N?"
"Mom, I can do this myself," you told your mother, who agreed and sat back down.
"Can you please explain your symptoms?" You told the doctor how you'd become fatigued easier, been going to the bathroom more frequently, and nauseous throughout the day. "Hm, is there a chance you could be pregnant?"
Was there? You recalled the last time you and Richard had done it unprotected, but you don't remember taking the morning after pill. And you had been transitioning off your birth control pills into a better contraceptive. You and Richard may have talked about having kids after your pregnancy scare, and after admitting to yourself that having a baby wouldn't be too bad, you ultimately decided you weren't ready to become a mother.
"Let's run a few tests so we can confirm our theory, okay?" You nodded. You let the doctor take blood and pee, and waited for a result. Moments later, the doctor came in. "Congratulations, Y/N. You're pregnant."
What a wonderful week you were having. Your boyfriend was off on tour, and you were stuck at home with the flu. Vomiting constantly, so you were always near the bathroom or had brought a trashcan by your bed.
"I'm gone for a couple of days and you get yourself sick?" Christopher joked over FaceTime. You groaned.
"It's not funny, babe. I'm dying," you complained.
"You're not dying. Don't be overdramatic, Y/N. Have you been taking any medicine?"
"I can take care of myself. But, Charlotte is getting me something that helps with the flu, and she'll be here soon," you explained to Chris. "I miss you."
"I miss you, too, babe." You watched as Christopher got distracted by something off screen, and a few minutes later his focus was back on you. "We have to do some promo, I'll call you later." You both said goodbye, and you ended the call.
You laid on your bed, and closed your eyes, deciding to nap before your sister-in-law came over with some medicine.
"Y/N, you need to take these right now," Charlotte told you when you woke up. She handed you a bag, when you looked inside, there was a bottle of water and three pregnancy tests.
"That's funny. But I'm not pregnant," you responded.
"That's exactly what I said five months ago when I thought I had the flu," Charlotte told you. "Even if they come out false, just take them." You gave in, because you'd rather not fight a pregnant woman. You chugged the bottle of water, and stood up to go to the bathroom, before you did, you grabbed your planner.
While waiting for the timer to go off, you were reading your planner, you noticed you were four weeks late for your period, and you got nervous. Why didn't you notice this before? You were busy spending time with Christopher before he left again. You were never late, ever since age 12. You were almost always on time, except the other time you took a pregnancy test, but you were only a week late. The timer went off, and you grabbed the closest test. Pregnant. You grabbed the second one with the same answer, Pregnant. You didn't even need to read the third one, you already knew the answer.
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