#thank the heros in pharmaceuticals because without my meds my 'not ok' would be 'god Im begging you to let me die right now'
shatar-aethelwynn · 1 year
27 hours.
27 hours until I am done staying in a house that constantly stabs at my sensory issues (which then trigger stress, anxiety, and depression). 27 hours until I can wear clothes that make me happy, and not just the few items I own that can survive both the washing machine and the risk of dog claws. 27 hours before I can finally stop feeling constantly dirty and gross. 27 hours until I can finally clean my boots, and feel like my clothes are actually clean when I put them on. 27 hours until I can go barefoot inside again. 27 hours until I can cook properly again. 27 hours until I can actually breathe again without wheezing.
27 hours until I stop feeling torn between sobbing from depression and screaming in resentful anger.
It's been two weeks and I left Done behind days ago. I'm so tired.
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