#thank u lilly ! i loved this
l0v3tast3 · 1 year
damn right!!!! pervy neighbor!toji would indeed end up having the reader move in with him and he will absolutely love iiiit... that means he can’t have his hands to himself at all, like imagine him fucking the reader and filling her up in in the morning before she goes to college, and later when he comes back from work he can have her again without any worries to be interrupted (still tries to get the reader preggo tho)
damn fucking straight anon!!! you're so damn right...... *kisses u on ur forehead* ur a genius anon ur so smart mwah !! (๑˘︶˘๑)
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toji is quick to interrupt your broken whines about being late to class by pressing harder against your upper back, pushing you down from your elbows until your head is turned, the side of your face pressed into the mattress. "you're still thinkin' about that?" he breathes, using his other hand that's gripping your ass to pull you back and forth on his dick like a toy. toji's goal, other than seeing you swell with his baby, is always to make you as dumb as possible before he sends you off to college. it's adorable watching you stumble frantically out the door on wobbly legs, glaring at him while you give him a quick kiss on your way out.
once he lays his chest over your back and buries himself as deep as possible to cum inside you, toji tells you to make sure not to spill a single drop with a salacious grin and a filthy kiss that leaves a string of spit between your lips. as angry as you pretend to be with him for making you late to your first class of the day, toji always hears his phone ding! with a text from you a couple of hours after he leaves for work. he knows by now to open it while he's on his own. you'll send him a picture in a bathroom stall of the mess he made of you with a text saying how much you missed him and needed him to fill you up again. toji just doesn't understand how he managed to get so lucky with his sweet little girlfriend.
after he spends the rest of the day with an aching cock, he gets home to find you on your shared bed doing your homework. you're laying on your stomach, kicking your feet in the air with earbuds in playing your favorite music, angled away from the door so you don't hear him come in. toji loves how you jump a little when he walks over and runs a hand down your back and under the hem of your shirt. you'll take out your earbuds and exclaim how he needs to stop sneaking up on you, but he's already tugging you up to your knees so he can kiss you hard enough to arch your back against the strong arms wrapping around you. "always such a fuckin' tease, sendin' me that shit while i'm at work. y'want more of my cum in you, princess? hm, i don't think y'deserve it after making me hard all fuckin' day. gonna have to make it up to me, sweetheart."
tl;dr, toji's routine with you once you move in with him <3
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khainovo · 2 years
Hi! I saw your post, and if it's not too much of a bother I'd like to request a drawing of Aichi with white lilies (or just white flowers of any kind).
Thank you in advance. I truly love your style 💖💖💖
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symbolizes purity
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bluemew-theturtle · 4 months
lily with 🧡🍁👁️‍🗨️
THANK YOUUUU as a token of my gratitude I give u a sneak peek of a WIP of her at the end of the post! 🧡 Physical touch good or bad?: Lilly has never been used to physical touch, so it’s simultaneously something she craves and something she’s a bit uncomfortable with. She’ll probably never be a super touch-y person, but she does enjoy it when her peers are physically affectionate with her. Adults less so, she thinks they’re being disingenuous at best and potentially creepy at worst. That’s what happens when you aren’t actually growing up in a stable, loving home environment!
🍁 Favorite season?: Spring! It’s pretty, it’s mild, it’s refreshing. She finds winter depressing and the holidays stressful, so when spring arrives it’s like releasing a breath you didn’t realize you were holding. She enjoys seeing everything come back to life, it really helps fuel her creativity and her sense of hope~
👁️‍🗨️ Eye contact good or bad?: Lilly can do sort of “normal”/conversational eye contact just fine, but the moment a conversation gets serious, or if the other person is making prolonged eye contact, she can’t do it. It makes her extremely uncomfortable! She’s had to deal with so many adults staring at her (new foster homes, case workers, etc), she finds it condescending or fake nice at best, objectifying at worst.
And now here is a WIP of the gal herself :3
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modernmutiny · 10 months
I'm watching the Disclosure documentary and I almost fucking forgot I came out bc I was so disproportionately mad that Eddie Redmayne almost won an Oscar for playing a trans woman
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briefinquiries · 1 month
Tyler Owens x Reader: I Choose You
Request: Anonymous said: "jealous tyler or jealous reader would be interesting to read 👀"
Word count: 3.8k
Warnings: none!
A/N: not sure how i feel about this one but I gave it a go and wanted to make sure I posted!
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Tyler tells himself that he’s over thinking… maybe even reading too much into things. 
But God, he swears he isn’t imagining the way that you and the reporter he’d agreed to let tag along for the next week naturally interact with one another with such ease. 
Tyler is not a jealous person– he’s confident and secure and he trusts you. Jealousy is petty and it’s stupid. And Tyler’s been trying his whole life to prove to himself and everyone around him that he’s not stupid.
Tyler has a loose shock to repair before the storm they’ve been tracking rolls in later that day. He’s currently laying on the dirt at the rest stop they’ve pulled in, with a wrench in his hand. Dani’s shining their flashlight for him, and it’s important he stays focused. And he tries… really, he does. 
But Tyler looks up just as the reporter laughs at a joke you’ve made. And then, he reaches out to touch your arm for the added effect. Tyler nearly drops the wrench he’s holding on his face at the sight. 
“Easy, T,” Dani says, studying him closely. 
He takes a deep breath before looking back towards the truck. 
“What the hell’s the matter with you?” Dani asks, kicking his shoulder gently with their boot. 
“Nothing,” Tyler grumbles in a tone that screams there is absolutely something wrong. Thankfully Dani doesn’t push. 
Throughout the rest of the week, Tyler tries to talk himself down whenever jealousy rears its ugly head. He keeps telling himself that he’s being irrational– you’re not flirting with the reporter everytime you walk with him into the gas stations they stop at, or offer to ride with him in the van instead of Tyler’s truck, where you normally sit. You’re just trying to be friendly… make him feel at ease. 
But did he really have to look at you that way while you studied the GPS monitoring system? Or share his fucking cookies with you when everyone ate lunch in the field? And did you have to laugh so loudly at every single joke he made?
Tyler finds out on the second night he’s tagging along that Henry’s a fucking Columbia grad on top of a stupid self-proclaimed comedian. The two of you are sitting around the fire talking about graduate degrees when Henry turns towards him. 
“Did you two meet at school then?” Henry asks.  
Tyler smiles, but instead of warmth it’s laced with sarcasm. “Nope, I don’t have one of those fancy degrees, Henry. In fact, none of us but her do.” 
Henry turns back towards you and proceeds to ask more questions about your time studying meteorology at the U of A. Meanwhile, Tyler is left to simmer in his own self pity, wondering if it bothered you that he isn’t educated like Henry. 
Tyler has to spend the rest of the week fighting the urge to make it known you’re his– he’s had thoughts of keeping a permanent hand planted on your waist right in front of Henry. Maybe if he pulled you in for a kiss a little more often, and really claimed you as his, this guy would back the hell off. 
But Tyler quickly shakes away the thought. 
Because claiming you like an object is stupid, and Tyler is not stupid. 
Tyler grabs you a coffee from the nearest gas station and brings it back to the motel because he’s really trying to move past all this shit. You’re sitting with Lilly and fiddling with the drone when he tries to hand it to you. 
You offer him an appreciative smile that warms his entire chest. Tyler’s definitely been overreacting, because you’re looking at him with such love and admiration in your eyes. 
“Thanks, but I’ve already had some today,” you say, crushing every hope inside of him in an instant. “Why don’t you give it to Dani?  They take their coffee the same as I do.”
“When did you have time to get coffee?” he asks, trying to play it cool. 
You reply so simply, like the words don’t slice right through his heart. “I didn’t, Henry brought me one.”
Tyler’s jaw tightens. It’s a gesture you don’t notice, because you’re too busy focusing on the drone half in your lap. 
What you do seem to notice, is the way he scoffs. It makes yours and Lilly’s heads both turn. 
But before you can reply, Tyler’s already walking away. He clutches the coffee firmly in his hand and without a word, drops the full cup in the trash can outside the motel. 
Tyler has to remind himself that he’s not angry.
At least not at you.  
You and him have a great relationship. He trusts you and that’s all there is to it. Whether it’s Henry or whoever else–  you never gave Tyler a reason to be worried. 
But Tyler doesn’t like the way seeing you with the reporter makes him feel. Because at any moment, you could leave him for someone with a more respectable career– someone with fair skin and button up polos who just looked like they had their shit together. Someone with a college degree… someone a hell of a lot smarter than him. 
Seeing you with him made Tyler feel vulnerable, like he had something to lose– because he had everything to lose. 
The crew spends another week chasing in Oklahoma. The season’s winding down, but they still managed to catch two EF0s and an EF1. 
Tyler’s been avoiding you for most of the week. He’d offer the truck space to Boone and Lilly, he’d sit next to Dexter around the fire at night… hell, he would hardly even look at you. 
You turned down his coffee earlier in the week. Only after the fact did you realize that you should have just taken the damn thing. You understand that rejecting him after he went out of his way to do something nice for you hurt his feelings… But you can’t understand how that turned into an entire week of the silent treatment. 
On numerous instances, you try to approach him. But he always has somewhere to run off to. 
“I gotta help Dani with the van’s oil change.”
“I gotta see if Boone got the footage we need.”
“I gotta give Dexter a hand with the radar.”
You’re getting sick of it. 
You try to distract yourself for the rest of the week– you ask Lilly to explain more about how to work her drone, you keep on top of the radar– looking for forming storm cells, and you try to make the reporter Tyler had invited along for the week feel welcome. 
Henry’s nice– he’s completely new to storm chasing and has loads of questions all the time. You find it slightly annoying that he’s so interested in Tyler… but you get it. And even though you’re a little irritated with Tyler for your week-long silent-treatment sentence, you still want him to sound as good as possible in the article, so you talk him up every chance you can. 
You know that this lack of communication can’t last. And the second Henry goes back to Boston to write his piece, you plan to corner Tyler and force him into telling you what the hell you’d done wrong. But until then, you don’t want to cause a scene. So, you sit back, spend more time talking with Henry about Tyler, and try like hell not to lose your mind.
It’s more for his own sanity than anything. It’s like seeing you with Henry has caused this sudden realization to pop into his head… You can do better– and honestly you deserve better than him. The thought is all consuming. It makes focusing on anything else incredibly difficult. 
“You gonna tell us what the hell is up?” Lilly asks one day. 
Tyler’s currently standing in the bed of his truck, tinkering things that didn’t really need to be fixed just to stay busy. 
“What do you mean?” he replies without looking up.
“I mean are you going to tell us why you two love birds haven’t spoken in like three days?”
Out of the corner of his eye, Tyler notices Boone glancing his way with an expression on his face that says he was wondering the same thing. 
“We’ve spoken,” Tyler says dismissively. 
“Telling her you don’t have room for her in the truck doesn’t count,” Lilly retorts. “C’mon, seriously, Ty. What’s wrong?”
Tyler sets his tool down and looks down at Lilly. “Nothing is wrong.”
Lilly rolled her eyes. “Okay, well are you sure she knows that? Cause Dani and I saw her crying in the bathroom.” 
Tyler lets out a long exhale– the thought of you upset instantly filling his insides with sorrow. But the thought that he was the one to make you upset is even worse. 
“I know it’s not my business,” Lilly adds. “But I’ve been watching you give her the silent treatment all week, and that’s not going to fix anything. I know Henry’s still here and it’s been a crazy week–”
Tyler can’t help the scoff that escapes his lips at the mention of Henry’s name.
Lilly pauses before a look of understanding washes over her. “You’re pissed that she’s been hanging with Henry.” She says it as a statement instead of a question. 
“I’m not–”
“I’ve known you for six years, don’t even try to deny it. You are– you’re jealous, aren’t you?” 
With his lips pursed in a thin line, Tyler raises an eyebrow at her. “Maybe I am. Does that make you happy? Is that what you want to hear?”
Now it was Lilly’s turn to scoff. “Of course it doesn’t make me happy. You’re being an idiot.”
“I said that you’re being an idiot,” Lilly says, annunciating each word insultingly. 
“Yeah,” Tyler nods. “I’m well aware that I’m an idiot, but thanks for reminding me.”
“I said you’re being an idiot, Tyler. Not that you are one. Now stop sulking and fucking listen for once in your goddamn life.”
It’s so out of the ordinary for Lilly to snap that Tyler actually does shut his mouth. 
“You invite a reporter on the road with us and then you don’t give him the time of day to answer any of the questions he has. You’re short and curt and to be honest, kind of fucking rude anytime he asks you anything. Y/N is being polite– and she’s hosting the guest you invited along. So don’t fucking blame her just because you’re insecure.” 
Tyler can feel the anger rising in his own chest, he wants to get defensive– to snap back at Lilly. But deep down, he knows she’s right, so he stifles any comebacks and instead hangs his head. 
Lilly sighs. “You’re not an idiot, Tyler. So stop acting like one.”
After letting Lilly’s words really sink in, Tyler decides that she’s right. For the first time all week, he’s motivated to actually talk with you and make things right. 
Or at least he is right until he sees Henry approaching you in the parking lot. He’s too far away to hear what Henry has to say. But he’s not so far away that he doesn't see the folded up piece of paper that he passes you. 
In an instant, everything Lilly had said– along with all the things he’s said to convince himself he’s been overreacting flies away with the wind. Because Henry just gave you his fucking phone number. 
Tyler turns– needing to get as much space from whatever exchange he just witnessed as he possibly can. In a few, long, angry strides, Tyler reaches his truck and climbs inside. In the distance, he hears Lilly call after him. But he pretends he doesn’t hear. Instead, he slams the door shut, starts the ignition and drives away. 
“Where’s he goin’?” Boone says just as you approach him and the rest of the crew. 
“Dunno. He didn’t say anything to you?” Dani asks, turning towards Lilly. 
She shakes her head, eyes squinting against the bright sun. 
“What the hell is his problem?” you say frustratedly, biting back tears. 
Stupidly, you’d let yourself get your hopes up earlier in the day when Tyler had offered you a small smile over breakfast. You had thought that maybe things were alright, and that he was finally over whatever had been bothering him so badly. 
But now you’re standing in the cloud of dust he just left behind after taking off in his truck without a word to anyone and you know that isn’t the case. 
“Here I was thinking I helped last night,” Lilly says under her breath. 
You snap your head in her direction. “You talked to him?”
She shrugs. “I tried to.” 
“Did he say why he’s been so upset?”
Lilly hesitates. And truthfully, you understand why. Everyone here was Tyler’s friend first. You were the last to join the crew– inducted into the group just by being Tyler’s girlfriend. They have no obligation to be loyal to you over Tyler. 
“Forget it,” you say defeatedly, turning away as soon as you feel the familiar burn of tears behind your eyes. “It doesn’t even matter.” With that, you make your way towards the RV, painfully aware of everyone’s eyes trained on you the entire way. 
Tyler drives to the nearest gas station, desperate for space to clear his head. 
He knows he’s being dramatic and irrational at this point, but if he stayed at that rest stop another second, he didn’t know what would come out of his mouth. He really really had to get it together. But he can’t escape the fear inside of him– the one saying that meeting Henry helped you recognize that you could do so much better than him.
And now you had his phone number, to reach out whenever that realization hit. 
Why wouldn’t you be interested in Henry? He’s got a goddamn master’s degree from Columbia, he writes articles for the Globe, works out every morning before they go chasing–  apparently makes hilarious jokes… 
Tyler rests his forehead against the steering wheel and groans.
Tyler’s gone for an hour. But when he finally parks the truck back at the rest stop, he hasn’t shaken the sinking feeling inside of him. 
In a preemptive attempt to avoid questions he had snagged a bunch of snacks from the nearest gas station. If you ask where he’s been, he can just say he had a hankering for potato chips and call it good. 
Except, you don’t even look at him when he gets out of the truck. Boone’s got corn hole set up in the dirt. It looks like Boone and Henry versus Dani and Dexter while you watch. He only watches for a moment before bringing the bag of snacks into the RV. 
Secretly, Tyler’s been simultaneously excited for and dreading the end of the week. He’s excited for Henry to leave and excited to sleep in his own bed. But he’s dreading being back in your shared house. It’ll be the first time the two of you are forced to be alone, and he knows he’ll have to find the words to describe what he’s been feeling. 
But apparently Tyler’s stupid, because he doesn’t even know what he’s feeling. 
All he knows is that he doesn’t want to lose you. And seeing you with Henry makes him feel like he’s about to lose you. Tyler doesn’t know how to say that to you without coming across as a total lunatic.  
You don’t want to cause a scene at the rest stop. But the minute you see Tyler head for the RV, you’re out of your seat and beelining it towards him while the rest of the team is distracted.
As soon as you hoist open the door, you find him hunched over the fridge, grabbing a water bottle. 
“What the hell?” is all you can manage to blurt out. You’re fuming and on the verge of tears. But you can’t help it– Tyler’s silent treatment has just about pushed you to the edge. 
Tyler whips around at the sound of your entrance… and maybe it was a little dramatic– but you need to get your point across. 
There’s a long pause while Tyler’s eyes study you. 
“Are you gonna tell me why you’ve been avoiding me all week?”
You’re met by more silence.  
“This is ridiculous, Tyler. Will you just talk to me?”
Finally, Tyler scoffs, “The reporter gave you his number, right?  Why don’t you talk to him?  I’m sure he’d love to talk.”
In an instant, a wave of understanding washes over you. But it isn’t overshadowed by the anger you feel. 
“Are you serious right now? You’re jealous of Henry?”
He shuts the fridge before cracking open his water bottle dismissively, ignoring your questions. 
“Tyler, are you forgetting that you’re the one who invited him with us this week? I mean, did you think he was just supposed to sit back and observe? He’s a reporter, of course he’s going to have questions… Questions that you were way more qualified to answer, but you were too busy being a jerk all week to answer any of them. So I did it for you–”
“I never asked for you to do that.”
“You didn’t have to– I did it for you!” you cry. “I did it so that he’d write you a good story– because you deserve that.” 
“Oh, how convenient. So you two just get along so well for my sake then?” he says. 
You exhale sharply. “Are you kidding me right now? We’ve spent the last week talking about you! I’ve been talking you up– telling him stories about what you do– how good you are at what you do– all the people you’ve helped–”
Tyler rolls his eyes. “Yeah right,” he scoffs. 
You pause, anger slowly melting away at the realization that he genuinely didn’t believe anything you were saying. 
“Tyler,” you say seriously. “There is absolutely nothing going on between me and Henry. I’ve been answering his questions and telling him how fucking brave and generous and smart you are–”
“Don’t patronize me,” he snaps, voice cracking just slightly. “Just forget it, it doesn’t matter.” He sets his water bottle on the counter before moving to step by you. 
“Tyler stop–” you say, reaching for him. But he’s too quick. He reaches the door before you’re able to stop him. 
“Will you please stop walking away from me!” you blurt out frustratedly, tears forming in your eyes. “You’ve been running from me all week– I just… I just want to talk about this. Please–”
Tyler doesn’t turn to face you, but to your relief, he stops before opening the door. 
“There is nothing happening between me and Henry, Tyler. I mean, I promise you, absolutely nothing– I… I don’t know how else to convince you. But there’s nothing going on. I’m not into Henry–”
“I know,” he says quickly, eyes squeezing shut. 
You let your mouth fall open, confusion washing over you. “What?” 
“I know there’s nothing happening between you and Henry– I trust you and I believe you.”
You shake your head in disbelief. “So why are you so mad at me?”
Tyler pauses and bites his lip before saying, “I’m not mad at you–” he tries to explain. “I just… I don’t understand.”
“Understand what?”
“I don’t understand why–”
You sigh. “Tyler, you’re not making any sense–”
Tyler’s face twists in anguish. “Why aren’t you into him?”
“What are you talking about?”
“He’s everything I’m not. And I mean– Seeing you with him– it just made me realize that you can do so much better than me,”  Tyler says desperately, the pain almost palpable in his voice. “He’s got the fancy degree– he’s obviously smart–”
You’re shaking your head before he even finishes his sentence, because the idea of anyone ever being better than Tyler was even more ludicrous than him being jealous in the first place. “Tyler, you’re smart–”
“I didn’t go to Columbia. I didn’t even finish my first year of undergrad.”
“I don’t care about any of that– you know I don’t–”
“Why?” he blurts out harshly, finally turning to look at you. “Why do you even want me when you can have someone like him?”
Tyler didn’t think he was good enough for you– and that admission broke your fucking heart. In an instant, all the reasons you loved Tyler flow through your head. There’s so many, you can’t even keep up. 
So instead, you reach into your pocket and pull out the note Henry had given you just hours earlier– the one Tyler apparently saw him give you. He watches as you unfold the piece of paper, quickly revealing that it’s not a phone number. 
“It’s his mom’s cookie recipe,” you explain. “The ones you refused to try. I talked to him about how you have a sweet tooth, and I said how much you love chocolate chip cookies, so he wrote it down for me. I thought I might be able to make them for you when we got home. Because I love you– and I love doing things that will make you happy. Because that’s what you do for me– you make me happy. All the time, just by existing.”
You watch as the realization washes over him.  
You sigh. “Did you ever stop and think about how I feel the same about you?”
He pauses before looking at you questioningly. 
“I mean, you’re you,” you say, gesturing towards him. “People adore you, Tyler. And rightfully so– but I’m always worried you’ll find someone better. But I don’t get hung up on it, because I trust you. I trust that you mean it when you tell me you love me and you choose me. And I need you to do the same for me, Tyler. I need you to trust me. Because I love you– and I always will.”
Tyler exhales, his eyes watery. 
“Can you do that?” you plead. 
To your relief, after a moment, he nods. 
You don’t hesitate before closing the gap between you and wrapping your arms around his middle. You lay your head on his chest just as his arms wind around your shoulders in an attempt to make up for all the hugs you’ve missed out on this week. Because as much as you love chasing in Oklahoma or Texas, your absolute favorite place to be is at home in his arms. 
“Cookie recipe, huh?” he muses above you, chin resting on top of your heads. 
You nod. “I’m a horrible baker, but I was going to give it a shot.”
Tyler tightens his grip around you. “Well horrible baker or not, I love you and I choose you.”
You let your eyes fall shut and inhale the familiar, comforting scent of him. “You have no idea how happy that makes me,” you say honestly. 
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kombuuuu · 1 year
hii i really enjoyed ur miles 42 fic, was wondering if u could write something about reader and miles meeting for the first time? who was interested first🤭?
For the Soul (and the Heart)
Miles!42 x Fem!Reader
“I’ll be here. So pretty fun, i’d say”. “Guess you’re right, Chiquita.”
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AHHH meet cute x simpy miles we LOVE
Miles getting comfy w reader and reader getting progressively more combative the more time they spend together bc they luvvvvvvv each other? perfection
please don’t read if you get uncomfy with suggestive content, nothing too bad but still suggestive!
The morning was still. An odd occurrence for a Saturday. The winter chill had settled the night prior and seeped into ever cracked windowsill.
Streets coating in a thin layer of snow and trees dusted with the same. And acknowledging this freezing weather, obviously you decided to go for a walk. Snow crunched under your feet as you followed street signs, the only thing telling you where you were going was which street looked prettier.
Eventually you stopped, hugging your scarf closer to your nose and looking for a stall or shop that caught your eye.
Eventually it did, a quaint cafe stationed between two clothing stores, relatively small and pretty empty. The outside was decorated with white Lilly-of-the-Valley flowers, flower beds filled with the pretty things. Contrasting to the deep Mahogany of the wooden shop. Which looking into the wide window, seemed relatively the same. Deep furniture with white accents and a soft yellow light dancing along shiny hardwood floors.
Swirling cursive words cut into the wooden headboard swinging from a chain outside the door. “Morales Coffee.”
There looked to be seven or eight people in there currently, for how inconspicuous it tried to look, the amount of patrons at such an odd time (10:42 AM, not morning but not afternoon either.), You’d assume that coffee has to be amazing.
The door bell chimed sweetly at your entry, Barista turning to greet you.
The sweet woman gleamed over at you for a moment, turning back to her current customer while he pulled out his wallet. You lined up, looking at the pastries lining the glass displays. The ones catching your eye a Raspberry Danish and a cute baby blue Lunch-Box cake.
The man had moved away, leaving it your turn to order. The woman smiled at you and for once, approaching someone in costumer service didn’t feel as scary as it should’ve.
“Hi, What can I get for you today?” The curly haired woman had a twang of an accent curving her words. And a motherly vibe about her.
“Hey,” You smiled back at her “,Could I get a regular Mocha—.” You paused to let her punch it in. “.—A raspberry Danish and your blue cake.”
You pointed vaguely towards where the blue cake would be to her side of the display. “Yes, of course! That’ll be $18.40, thank you.”
Whilst you pulled out your purse to pay and she began to retrieve the items. She spoke up again. “Someone’s birthday?”
You laughed, not expecting her to speak so suddenly.
“Oh, no!” A chuckle left your lungs “Just want some cake recently. Saw your shop and its cakes. Thought may as well get it while i’m here.”
She laughed along with you, snorting a little as she boxed the small cake in the cardboard lunchbox. “Seems reasonable.”
“Thank you.”
She grabbed your danish and placed it on the counter, putting the cake in a bag and handing it to you.
“Thank you, again.”
“No worries, your mocha will be out shortly!” The bouncy lady turned around, going close to the back of the counter and opened a door you hadn’t realised was there, talking into it.
“Bebé, hay una chica linda ahí afuera que quiere un Mocha. Ve a hacerlo para ella. Y no la riegues.”
"Baby, there's a cute girl out there who wants a Mocha. Go do it for her. And don't mess it up."
Miles glanced up in confusion.
“¿Pero porqué me dices a mi?”
“Why me?”
“Pues es linda, y parece de tu edad.”
“She’s pretty, and around your age.”
“Ma, porfavor.”
“Ma, please.”
“Fine, fine.” He raised his hands in defeat and Rio kissed his cheek on the way out.
You found a seat with a cute view of the street outside and waited patiently for your coffee, people watching to pass time.
There was always a fear of crime in your neighbourhood. The lack of supposed ‘good guys’ coupled with the city being run down by anyone who wanted to escape trouble. Once news broke out of the first robbery in Brooklyn, where no one was caught. It was immediately put on the radar for any criminal looking to live somewhere safe.
The Prowler had been changing that. Little by little the Panther-esc.. Anti-Villain was scraping through the streets of Brooklyn and letting his blood stained claws drag over those in his way.
People feared him, the violence he brought with him.
You thought he was the closest thing to a hero you were getting, so who’s got room to complain?
If he’s not going to do the dirty work, who will?
The chatter of other people in the cafe had gotten slightly louder, four more people walking in while you sat.
“Miles, la chica linda de ahí.”
“Miles, That sweet girl over there.”
“Sí mamá, ya sé.”
“Yeah mama, I know.”
The smooth baritones accent of a boy around your age caught your attention. The way his letters curled giving you a rush of something down your spine. You looked up when you heard feet approaching, seeing probably the most ridiculously handsome man you have ever met bring you your coffee.
The way his jawline sharpened at a point, braids lying on his shoulders just below it. His lips that seemed awfully soft for someone who probably doesn’t even know what chapstick is. Lashes fluttering prettily over his high genes cheekbones, accenting his golden eyes. Jesus christ he’s pretty. His lips curled into a smirk at your face, your doe’d eyes gleaming up at him. He had some sharp canines.
“‘S one’s yours, Miss.” He placed the steaming mug on your table and you smiled. “Thank you!”
“No worries, Hermosa.” He looked at you a moment longer before the sweet lady called him back to make another order.
“Coming, Momma.” He called back to her, turning back to you for a second time and adding.
“I’m Miles, by the way.”
“Miles.. that’s a cute name.”
His lips upturned again at the compliment.
You gave him your name, which he hummed at, repeating it and rolling it around his tongue. His accent was gorgeous.
“Hope to see you ‘round, [Name].”
You choked out a pathetic affirmation, “Mhmma.— Yeah, yep.”
He laughed lightly and dragged his fingers along the table as he left.
Like claws.
Two days later you were back. It was some of the best coffee you’d ever had. And the desserts were the same, most of the cake still sitting boxed in the fridge.
Also there was an added bonus, being the coffee house owner, and her son.
The boy was interesting enough to keep your attention, sweet to you but held a sort of curiosity about him. Like he was hiding something but felt no shame in doing it, that it was righteously excused.
And to be real, you were dying to hear his voice again. Two days and all that had been playing in your head was the way he’d said your name, let the word travel down to his lungs and breathed life into it. A longing into it.
Miles was about the same, probably worse.
You saying his name was cute was probably his new lifeline. The way you had said it so innocently, sweetly to the likes of him. A twisted, wretched man. You had him swooning faster than he deemed safe, his body was going into overdrive. He had watched you while in their cafe, having never met someone so.. untainted by the world. Someone so sweet who carried nothing but a childlike innocence in their curios nature. Nothing done out of bad faith or in vain. You were nothing like him, he adored that.
So when you came wandering back into his Mommas cafe, he hoped to every universe it would be something you didn’t stop doing.
“Ah! Miss, You’re back!” His Ma greeted her, watching as the girl told Rio her name, and his Mom in return.
You guys chatted idly for a moment, your expressions clear as day. He could read you like a grown man could read a picture book, so easy it would be insulting to present him with it, if the content wasn’t you. The brightness and easy nature of you was something refreshing, he would say his Momma was easy-going, but times had been hard lately and his family needed a cheering up. You seemed like the perfect candidate.
Sweet, bubbly and looking at him right now- Oh. He waved at you, shivering at the eye contact and watching as you smiled at him and waved back, hands shaking. He likes how nervous he makes you.
You sniffled a little from the cold, dripping your hand as his Mom room your attention again. She handed you a cinnamon scroll and you paid quickly, dropping twenty bucks in the tip jar and quickly finding your way back to your seat.
“Miles! Un Mocha regular porfavor.”“Miles, regular Mocha please.”
He nodded to his mom, like he hadn’t remembered from last time. Like he hasn’t watched as you enjoyed something he made you.
“Bienvenida de nuevo, Chiquita.”“Welcome back, Chiquita.”
Sitting in the same spot as last time, staring at the idling passer-by’s, the light of a Winter morning danced off the snowy ground and highlighted your face, leaving a soft glow in your eyes.
You turned to him, paying him your whole mind.
“Thank you, Miles.” He placed your coffee in front of you, slightly leaning over you. He raised his eyebrows and hummed. You inhaled quickly, breath caught in your throat. Now realising the proximity between the two of you. Not only that, but there was a sweet smell that followed him around, coffee and cinnamon. How fitting.
His voice had gone deeper, smoother.
“I’m glad to see you back here—,” He leaned back again, hand dragging the same way it had two days prior. Your slow blink and parted lips made a deep rooted part of him begin to blossom once more.
He wanted to protect you the way he knew no one else could, wanted to lay his Soul down for you. Let you trace the veins imbedded in his skin with your teeth and take as much from him as you could. Run him dry, let him owe you his life so he can die protecting yours.
The speed his infatuation was growing probably wasn’t healthy.
“Really?” Your sweet, breathless inquiry silenced that though.
“Of course, Mami.”
“I—,” You paused, picking at you fingernails for a moment “,—I like it here, a lot.”
You leaned a little forward in your seat. Pressing your forearms against the wooden tabletop and leaning on them. He watched your back drop into a small arch, and for his own health, decided to ignore it. “‘S very cozy.” You glanced towards the window again. Watching another lad and her dog pass. He watched you.
“Mm, it is.”
“And you’re here.”
He sucked in a breath, fingers twitching.
Your gaze flickered to him once more and he held it.
He let his hand drift to your shoulder, rubbing it slowly while he peeled himself away from the table.
“I gotta go, Mami, but enjoy your time.”
“You too, Miles.”
“I’ll be working,” He smiled at you, a small thing.
“I’ll be here. So pretty fun, I’d say.”
He hummed.
“Guess you’re right, Chiquita.”
It had been around four Months since Miles had met you. And he was in over his damn head, not that he wasn’t at your first meeting. But progressively, over time, he’d fallen deeper and deeper for you.
Everything you did had him in a chokehold. The way you were so sweet with his Mom, or how even uncle Aaron liked you when he’d stopped by the cafe.
How you offered to help around with no pay, generosity basically leaking from your heart. When you would come over just to see him because you “missed his voice”.
Or would sit in his room and wait for him. If he ever came home late, injured from things you had no business knowing, you wouldn’t ask a thing. You stayed quiet, and patched him up. Let him rest his head on your collarbone while you softly rubbed his shoulders. Trying to lighten the weight of the world off of them.
Every little thing.
He was done pretending like it didn’t affect him. He could barely go a single day without you on his mind constantly, as if.
He knew you felt the same.
Still just as readable as your first meeting. He knew the frequent outings between the two of you were more than just friendly meet-ups to you. To him.
And when your gazes would catch one another, he’d try and tell you. Express without so much as a word how you were the only person he could do this with. The only one he felt comfortable to walk down the street with, and let you chat his ear off about any new movies you’d seen, books you’d have read.
He would let you sleep in his bed, bring little things into his room and give the bland walls life.
You had made a home in him. Cracked chips in his walls on by one until you’d found a single loose stone and happily let everything he’d built up fall just for you.
Miles had texted you around mid-day that he’d wanted to see you, in which you’d giggled at your phone dreamily.
Laying on your bed with your stomach down, kicking your legs like a girl gone stupid.
It hadn’t even been much to fret over, just a simple:
Can you come over later?
He had phrased it rather questioningly, but for no good reason. He’d known full well the moment he even insinuated you being with him, you’d jump at the chance.
And you did, swiftly replying;
okayyyy !!
I’ll pick you up at 7.
7, [Name].
Don’t be childish.
i’m nvr childish, see u at 6 C:
You got up, threw your phone somewhere on the bed and checked your, admittedly already-packed, overnight bag. Making sure nothing was missing before putting it at your door.
Your phone pinged again.
See you at six.
You smiled.
You spent the rest of that afternoon anxiously waiting for him to pick you up.
He showed up at your door five minutes late, greeting you at the door with a soft apology about the tardiness.
“Sorry, Mami. Took a wrong turn.”
“Don’t apologise, Miles.”
You smiled at him, stars in your eyes. He looked away for a second, a bit guilty for lying to you, but he feels it’s worth it.
“Grab your bag, ma. Let’s go.”
You hummed an affirmation, rushing to your room to grab the pink duffel bag.
You grabbed your phone off your night stand and did a double check for everything.
You walked out again, closing the door behind you. Miles was leant up against your doorframe. Forearm pressed on the wood and his torso stretched. A small sliver of his skin had peeked from under the fabric, you thanked the warming weather. Quickly averting your gaze, you noticed him watching your stare in intent, a curious smile playing at the corner of his lips.
“You good, Chiquita?”
“Uhuh—, yep. Fine.”
You huffed out, pouting and pressing your palm to his chest, his very toned chest, and pushed back lightly.
“Get outta my way, lame-o, I gotta lock the door.”
He resisted for a moment longer, gazing down at you in humour. He trailed his hand up your arm slyly and pried your hand off his chest by sliding his thumb up from under your wrist onto your palm. Slowly pulling you off him.
“Maybe ask politely.”
You gave him an unimpressed stare and flipped him off.
“Oh my god.”
“It’s just a ‘please’.”
“..-Please, get the fuck outta my way.”
“Of course, Hermosa.” He snorted as he did.
You turned around, Miles still close to you in the cramped hallway, and locked your door.
You turned around, noticing his eyes glance up from where they were before and shot him a questioning look. He turned around and led you through you hallway, dismissing the look.
He opened the steel door to the cafe. The scenery of a rooftop garden with the same Lilly-of-the-Valley flowers up here as there were out front of the store.
Shrubbery lined the rooftop edge and the string lights hung from the veranda created an atmosphere that seemed almost cinematic.
“Jesus, Miles. This is beautiful.”
“Mm, thought you’d like it.”
“I do, so much.”
You stated in awe at the mural painted on a buildings wall behind the door. A man who stroke a resemblance to Miles painted surrounded by colours of any.
The moonlight basked against the neon colours, accenting the man’s features.
“My dad.”
Your gaze snapped up to him beside you, brows furrowing in a frown.
“I’m sorry.”
“‘S cool. Nothin’ you coulda known, Ma.”
He sighed at the image of his father, wishing him well rest.
Turning to you, he wasn’t surprised to see the greif in your eyes. He was, though, surprised at the lack of pity.
He was so used to having his far family whisper behind his back at how his soul had died with his fathers. How the light in his eyes had gone missing the day his hand had been forced, unable to get to his dad in time.
There was no escaping his death.
So to feel the understanding coming from you—. The confidence in your sorry but knowledge that pity would do no one any good, it was refreshing. Everything about you was.
He turned away from your watchful eyes, the intensity being unusual for him.
“Come sit, vida mía.”
You followed him dutifully, loyally. Like you had since the last Winter. Like you would continue for the next to come.
A set of pillows had been placed in the middle of the veranda. White wood covered in lively vines and the aforementioned string lights.
There was a layout of his pastries (which you had learned he was the baker of) laid out on a cotton blanket.
You sat on one of the pillows, legs crossed. Miles following short after.
“Oooh,” You begun to tease him “,This a romantic dinner date?” The tone of your voice was in jest, but when he had failed to answer— Your heart rate sped up and your face went hot to the touch.
“Miles? Y’know I— I was just jokin’—“ “If you want it to be.”
You stood stupidly for a moment, not quite reeling in his words like any other person would.
It was his turn for unsurity now, eyes dancing nervously between you and the skyline.
“No pressure, though. Just think it’d be nice.”
“It would.”
He refocused on you again, finding you already watching him owlishly. “Yeah?”
“Mm, we could—,”
He anxiously started picking at the blanket. Who knew someone usually so calm could be this nervous asking out the most harmless girl he knew.
“Try. We could try that, together.” You mumbled a bit, seemingly playing it off. “If you want, or something..”
“I do.” He gained some leg to stand on, finding it easier and easier as you spoke, your nerves somehow calming his own.
“I’ve wanted that for a while.”
“Oh good, cause—“ You placed your hand in your lap, cracking your knuckles. “—Me too, so. That’s good.”
He grinned at your awkwardness, knowing your lack of experience in the relationship aspect of life, this mutual agreement, instead of one asking the other out, probably hasn’t been an experience of yours yet. He liked he was the first.
“Don’t get all shy on me now.”
You puffed at him, punching his arm lightly.
“I’m never shy, that’s for dumb stupid lame people. And I am none of those.” “Oh, sure.”
“Wh— Sure?! Which one are you ‘sure’-ing? Dumb, stupid or lame?!”
“Keep saying my name like that, mami.”
“Oh my goodness!”
And when you both finally got into his bed, you’d slept tangled together like you had dozens of times before. But this time, Miles would grab your waist and pull you closer. Settle his face in your neck and trace his nose down the length of your shoulder, peppering a kiss on every inch of skin he could find, and you’d both finally felt sure.
Maybe people were right, maybe Miles’s soul had died with his father.
But meeting you, something new, something rejuvenating—.
It left him with a light he could search for, a new soul. A whisp of a being you’d taken from your own heart and placed in his. It left him breathless with life.
YIPEEE!!!!! another one 🗣️‼️
thank you to my translation helpers (bbgs) @kissmxcheek and @millyswife
(oh, wrong Miles! oops! 🤗⬇️)
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sortasirius · 2 years
my beloved, the love of my life, the song i have tattooed on me
State Lines by Novo Amor
Give me a number 1-100 and I'll give you a song from my Spotify wrapped!
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forzalando · 3 months
😭😭 ok im going to give u a non logan prompt but no pressure!!! "wear a jacket, it's cold out." with lando🤭
ok this idea got stuck in my head and i couldn't let go of it - i hope you like it I'M NERVOUS!!!! i just couldn't stop thinking about reader + lando fighting and even though he's upset, reminding reader to take care of herself😭😭 thank you so so much for your request, you are the best, lilli💛 lando + "wear a jacket, it's cold out" 1k-ish words, tw: angst/fight (with resolution), mentions of lando crashing during a race (uninjured)
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You huffed and sat down on the hotel bed, running your fingers through your hair and squeezing your eyes shut tight.
“I think we need to just let this be right now,” you whispered. “All we’re doing is arguing, neither one of us is in the right head space to keep going. Eventually we’ll both say things we don’t mean.”
“Y/N, you’re just not listening to me! Talk to Zak, talk to Andrea or Will, any of them will tell you that what I did wasn’t a risky move. I saw a gap, I went for it, we made contact, and I crashed. What was I supposed to do? Back off?”
“I don’t know, Lando, I don’t understand what you do when you're in the car! But it’s abundantly clear you weren’t thinking about me or your family while in the car today. Do you even care? When you’re racing? Do you care about what will happen to me if you get hurt?”
“I’m not hurt! I was released from medical after an hour, this is not that big of a deal and you know it. You’re overreacting.”
You scoffed, grabbing your phone and texting the only rational person that was in the vicinity and could help calm you down.
The silence in the room was deafening, only broken by the sound of your phone vibrating with a text alert agreeing to your request.
“I’m going to meet up with Oscar,” you mumbled, grabbing your phone and your purse. “I can’t be around you right now but you need to rest – we’ll just go for a walk or something, I’ll come back within an hour.”
“You’re walking away instead of staying to talk this out? But you’re accusing me of not caring?”
You turned to look at Lando – defeat written all over your face. “I’m not even going to respond to that. Please, just lay down and rest. We can talk when I get back if you’re still awake or we’ll talk in the morning.”
“Fine. Have fun with Oscar.”
Lando’s response was short, clipped, you could tell he wanted to say more but instead flopped down on the bed and turned his head away from you.
You walked briskly towards the door – eager to escape the tension, the handle turning easily in your hand. You spotted Oscar in the hallway waiting for you, but you stopped your movements when you heard a soft “wait” ring out from across the room. “Wear a jacket, please. It’s cold out,” Lando urged. His head was still facing away from you, but you could tell from his body language, even though he was laying down, that he felt guilty. His body folding in on itself, his arms wrapped tightly around his shoulders – the sight of him almost made your heart leap out of your chest.
Now you felt guilty – accusing him of not caring when caring about you is all Lando ever does. You always looked out for one another, always had each other’s best interests at heart. Even something as simple as reminding you to wear a jacket – it reminded you of all the little ways he shows you that he loves you every single day.
Tears welled in your eyes and you looked out at Oscar – he gave a knowing nod and watched you shut the door before walking back to his own room.
“Lan,” you whispered.
Before you could say anything else, he sat up and turned to face you.
“I’m sorry,” he muttered. “I can’t even imagine how anxious you feel watching races or what you feel when there are days like today. I’m sorry. It was insensitive of me. I’m just frustrated and it’s hard to deal with – that feeling that I’m not invincible and I can get hurt on track. Your fear made it that much more real but instead of talking about it, I lashed out and downplayed everything so I wouldn’t have to deal with it.”
“Oh, Lan,” you cried, rushing towards the bed and wrapping your arms around him tightly. “I’m sorry, too. I know you’re safe and I know you wouldn’t do anything reckless on purpose, it’s just terrifying to see. Those few seconds when you can’t answer on the radio because you’re out of breath – it’s agony, but I didn’t stop to think about how you feel.”
You sat in silence for a few moments, holding onto each other and grounding yourselves. The feeling of him in your arms – he was here, safe, and that’s all that mattered.
“I think that was our first actual fight,” Lando mumbled against your neck. “And look at us, hugging it out after only a few hours.”
“It’s because I’m so mature,” you teased, pressing soft kisses all over his cheek and down his neck.
“Yeah, that’s exactly it.” He laughed, maneuvering you both so that you were laying down but still hugging one another. You breathed deeply, inhaling Lando’s scent and then adjusting your arms to hold him even tighter against you.
“You think Zak would entertain the idea of putting an inflatable hamster ball around your car?”
“And with that, I’m going to take a shower.” He stood and pressed a lingering kiss to your lips, resting his palm against your cheek.
“Hurry back,” you mumbled against his mouth.
“I’ll always come back to you,” he whispered.
The double meaning behind his words calmed your frantically beating heart for the first time since you watched him spin off track. What a man Lando Norris was – he could drive you absolutely insane, no pun intended, but you loved him more than you could ever describe.
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if you'd like to request a short drabble/blurb, please see this post!!
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maxlarens · 2 months
hi lilli!! i heard angst and i came running, how about searching for each other in crowded rooms, finding each other everywhere with logan or oscar, whoever sparks the most inspo, but plot twist—not being able to be together for some reason (the why is totally up to you, feel free to ignore if this isn't your cup of tea). thank u thank u <3
kait!!! hello!!! thank u for sending this in!!! im gonna do oscar 😁 it genuinely hurt my feelings SO BADLY to not have them make up at the end of this. so i sympathise with everyone that im about to make sad it was a bad time for me too❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹
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It's familiar, this feeling.
The squeeze of your chest, the grieving, panicking thing climbing up your throat. You've been feeling it a lot lately, every time you catch a glimpse of someone with hair the same colour as Oscar's; wearing clothes you swear that he has; a person with the same shoulders, the same gait.
You've been seeing him everywhere. You just think you have. Monaco is small… not that small apparently.
When it had first happened, at the beginning of summer break, you’d half expected to be back together within a week. For Oscar to message you and half-beg to talk to you again. In your dreams, you’d both come grovelling back to each other, apologising for cruel words, making amends for various mistakes. Then you would kiss him and you’d tell him how much you love him and things would get better.
Instead, you’ve spent weeks of your summer break totally and utterly miserable. Missing Oscar like a phantom limb. You reach for him, he’s not there. You go to text him, find a thread of messages discussing the logistics of returning the other’s belongings.
You sit in your flat and you watch the Lord of the Rings trilogy twice in a row twenty two hours and forty-four minutes because it doesn’t remind you of Oscar and it occupies your time in a way nothing else can right now. You cry until your eyes are puffy and you write in a diary you’ve never touched before, because it needs to go somewhere. The feeling stuck in your throat needs to be written down said out loud and you can’t say it to Oscar, who you would usually tell everything, because he needs “distance from you right now”.
Briefly, you convince yourself that “right now”, indicates that there still might be a later for the two of you. That this thing between you that’s fallen to pieces might one day be salvaged. In the quiet moments of Lord of the Rings you spiral down a rabbit hole of ways to get Oscar back, pathetic fantasies of how you might convince him to talk to you again. Then Arwen says, “I would rather share one lifetime with you than face all the ages of this world alone” and you cry for two hours straight.
You sob, your face in your pillow and you think that was supposed to me! That was supposed to be us! And maybe it wasn’t, maybe you’re not an elven maiden giving up her immortality for a mere man, but you love Oscar. You wanted to spend the rest of your life with Oscar. And now… now…
It is the waiting that’s the worst.
No texts, no calls. Lando sends you a few, but you can’t bear to hold a conversation with him, knowing he’s playing both sides. And anyway, you’re just thinking about Oscar. Is he there? Is he reading your texts? Seeing the pathetic selfies of you on your couch in days-old PJs? Is he staring at your stagnant text thread just like you are? Has he blocked you?
Your every waking thought is consumed by him. You drag yourself out of the apartment for coffee down the street and you wonder what he’s doing. Has he been rotting at home like you? More than likely he’s been doing things. Playing padel with Lando, going out for lunch, training at the gym, FaceTiming his family.
You feel sick to you stomach. You can list on one hand the activities that you’ve done since Oscar broke up with you at the beginning of the month:
Sleeping, crying, watching Lord of the Rings, ordering takeout, training because you have to. Going for coffee had been a big step out of your current comfort zone. You’re wearing pants that aren’t sweatpants… you’d even showered properly for fuckssake.
You got your most noise-cancelling headphones on, blasting sad Taylor Swift (who you don’t even like. It’s just something to fill the void) and staring down the barista so you can lip-read if they’re saying your name or the words Large Oat Latte. And then—
Then. The barista is mouthing Oscar and your stomach lurches as the exact object of your ire temporary depression walks to the counter. You try to convince yourself it’s not him, you keep seeing him places but it’s never really him. But it is, that’s his burgundy shirt, his swoop of hair, his knobbly little ankles.
You release a ragged breath that you hope isn’t too loud. You duck your head, try to avoid his gaze as he turns, pretending that you haven’t seen him. Try to look occupied by your phone though you’ve only had time to open to your home screen. Tears prick at the corners of your eyes, you blink furiously, trying your best not to fall apart in this coffee shop.
At least he’s not with someone else, you think as a tightness crawls up your throat to settle at the base of your tongue. But he looks happy, he looks fine, he looks better than you feel right now. God, what if he’s better off without you? What does it mean that you don’t seem to better off without him?
There’s something wet sliding down your left cheek and then you see Nike trainers entering your vision, still directed firmly downward. Someone puts a hand on your shoulder— you don’t jump but it’s a near thing. You reach up to slip your headphones off, wiping the tear discreetly as you go. Then you look up and it’s him, it’s Oscar.
He’s holding out a paper cup labeled, Oat Latte and smiling at you tightly.
“They were calling your name,” he says by way of explanation.
“Right,” your voice is shaky, weak, “Thanks.”
He nods, you take the coffee, careful not to touch his hand. You’re trying to swallow down the lump in your throat that’s rising rising trying to claw its way out of your mouth. You blink away the tears filling the corners of your eyes. You can’t look at him.
You’re looking up at the ceiling instead, biting the inside of your mouth. Breathing in and out, in and out.
He says your name, and then, “Do you want to talk?”
You feel like a tonne of bricks has just hit your chest. Knocking the wind out of you. Tears, hot and wet, are slipping down your cheeks. You can’t speak, you turn around and leave the coffee shop without saying anything because surely you’ll just start crying if you open your mouth. Oscar finds you again across the road, in a dark cobbled alleyway. The heel of your hand is pressed to the middle of your chest, you’re hiccuping, trying to stifle heavy sobs that you’d much prefer to let out in the privacy of your own apartment.
“Hey,” he says, gathering you into his arms before you can push him away, “It’s okay.”
You whine, collapsing into his chest, face pressing into his shoulder, “No, it’s not.”
You cry loudly, trying fruitlessly to keep the sobs in. Oscar’s hand rubs comforting circles into your back, which makes it better until you realise it’s Oscar, which makes it immediately worse. You stay there a while. Until your eyes are puffy and your throat sore.
“Better?”, Oscar asks, the crease between his eyebrows prominent.
You sigh tiredly, shrug, “Sure.”
Your coffee is cold now, your chest feels void, hollow.
You shake your head before Oscar can say anything further, before you’re set off on another fucking pathetic crying fit in the arms of your ex-boyfriend, “I can’t talk, Oscar. I really can’t.”
“Okay,” he says, nodding and swallowing some lump in his own throat.
You bite down hard on your tongue. Turn to leave the dark alley to go home, your back prickling with Oscar’s wet brown-eyed stare on you. He lets you leave. You spend the ten minute walk wiping tears before they fall and itching to run back, to kiss him, to pour all the emotion in your chest into some physical action.
There’s an awful grieving ache in your chest that’s carving out your insides and when you check your phone after walking in the door there’s a text from Oscar that reads:
I miss you. I’d really like to talk to you soon.
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not sure if it was weird but the lord of the rings Mentions were kinda about how you’re in such a fragile state during a breakup that something as irrelevant to your break up at lord of the rings will make you cry for hours for no real reason. (and not to expose myself but after a break up i did watch the lotr trilogy two times in a row. told my friends and got a text from one of them asking if i was depressed 😭 like yes… temporarily alright)
send me a prompt/req + driver and i'll write something. pls check if my requests are open first 💖
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therealcocoshady · 7 months
Are you accepting requests if not by past this .
: Marshall/ em x fem reader
Y/N and Marshall have a baby girl together (Lilly around 4 or 5 ) and when there around the dinner table she happens to mention that she wants a new sibling so her parents (Y/N and Marshall) talk her into an animal in substitution of a child . But that brings on the topic of having another baby between Marshall and Y/N
Sorry this is really bad . Never done this before
If you don’t do it it’s fine lol
I still love u
One last baby ? - One Shot
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Eminem x FemReader
Author’s not : thanks for the request ❤️. I really enjoyed writing it. I hope you enjoy it. I added a little twist of my own, I hope you don’t’ mind. 👀
Words : 4027
Tags : Fluff
You sighed as you rummaged through the pile of clothes that you needed to donate to Goodwill. Your daughter had grown up so much in the past few months that she almost needed a new wardrobe. It wasn’t an issue in and of itself, but you had a hard time parting ways with the clothes that no longer fit her. Your baby girl was growing up and even though it was amazing to see her blossom, it broke your heart. It seemed like yesterday, you were bringing her home from the hospital, starting your journey as a mom. And now, she was about to turn five. She was no longer your little baby : she was becoming more and more independent, she didn’t need you to do everything for her anymore. Soon, she would no longer need you to hold your hand or cut her food. If you’d known how fast time would go by, you would have cherished these moments even more than you had. 
Your little Lily was a dream come true : you had spent so many nights wishing for a baby, praying that you would be a mom someday, waiting for the right man to come along. But after you had turned thirty-five, you had grown tired of waiting for Prince Charming and you had taken matters into your own hands. Thanks to science, you didn’t need to be in a relationship to have a baby, and you’d rather have one on your own and be a single mom than settle for anyone, just for the sake of starting a family. You had been told countless times that your standards were too high and that you were selfish for wanting to have a baby on your own, but it didn’t matter. You knew it was the right time to be a mom so you decided to become one. It wasn’t easy, but with the help of a fertility clinic and after two rounds of IVF and nine months of sickness, you had welcomed your beautiful baby girl. She was your biggest blessing and you were incredibly happy that you hadn’t decided to wait for Mister Right. 
Ironically, you had ended up meeting him merely four months after you had Lily. You had moved from New York to Michigan after being hired by Paul Rosenberg. You were already involved in the music industry, working in A&R, but you were looking for a higher position and a better salary, and you had been told there was an opportunity at Shady Records. You had always thought you wanted to work for a bigger, more prestigious label, but as soon as you had been told about the job, you knew you had to apply : everything in the job description was right up your alley, the money was good and it offered you enough flexibility to be able to raise your daughter as a single mother. Applying turned out to be one of your best decisions, right after deciding to have your daughter : you loved your job and, through it, you met Marshall. At first, your relationship was strictly professional, but you quickly became friends. Technically speaking, he was your boss, but even though the job could be demanding, he was extremely understanding and supportive of your role as a single mom. Whenever Lily was sick or there was a problem at daycare, you were allowed to leave early, work from home or even have your baby with you. It probably helped that your daughter was adorable and that the whole team had fallen in love with her. She had also fallen in love with them, especially Marshall, who had a way with children. She had quickly become obsessed with him, which was not really surprising, since he was always making faces at her, tickling her and playing with her. She loved sitting on his lap and playing with him. Especially when he let her push the buttons on the mixing desk. She loved being at the studio, and every time you took her, she was having a blast. At first, you didn’t want to take her too often, as you were here to work and that little kids could be a nuisance, but Marshall assured you it was fine. At some point, you ended up taking Lily to work a bit more. He was working on a new album and you had to put in more hours, which you didn’t mind, the only issue being that daycare closed too early. However, Marshall had come through and set up a small space for Lily with a crib, some toys and a playpen, so that you could have her with you and still work. Small gestures like this were what led you to fall for him in the first place. He was the kindest man you had ever met. Still, at first, you were a bit reluctant to accept when he asked you on a date. He was your boss and your daughter was your absolute priority. Nonetheless, he managed to win you over after months of flirting. In the beginning, you didn’t think it was going to be too serious and you weren’t too sure about letting a man into your and your daughter’s life, but your relationship ended up moving pretty quickly. From the start, he let you know that he was serious about your relationship and that he wanted to include Lily in your plans. Being a father himself, he understood that she was your priority. So he became a staple in your life and Lily’s and they formed a bond of their own. He became one of her favorite people and she even graced him with her first steps, one late night in the studio. She wanted to go and hug him and you expected her to crawl as usual, but she walked from the couch to his chair. You were jealous, but also really happy that she loved him so much. The feeling was mutual. In fact, the day he proposed to you, he also proposed to her ! You had been dating for over a year at this point and were practically living together. 
I don’t remember you telling me about Lily’s full name, he said one night at dinner. Does she have a middle name ? 
No, you said. I wanted to keep it simple. 
And she was born in New York, right ? He asked. 
Yes, you confirmed with a smile. Why ? 
Nothing, he said. My lawyer just wanted the information. 
Your lawyer ? You asked confused. 
Yeah, I was considering updating my will, he said casually. To include Lily, you know ? 
You stared at him in shock. 
Wait… Why would you do that ? You asked. 
Just in case something happens to me, he explained. I want her to be taken care of. I would also like to set up a small trust for her. That way, she can pay for college, that kind of thing. 
You don’t have to do that, you said. I’ll pay for her studies myself. She’s my daughter, my responsibility, not yours. 
What if we changed that ? He asked with a smile. What if she was our daughter ? 
You want to… adopt her ? You asked in shock. You don’t have to -
I know I don’t have to, he chuckled. But I want to. I love her as much as I love my daughters. I change her diapers, I read to her, I tuck her in… I do all of that Dad stuff already, and I love it. I want to care for her as much as I can. 
You were moved, seeing how much he cared about her. They had a great bond and he was right, he was already a father figure to her. He was there everyday and took care of her as if she was his. Still, you were nervous. It was a big step and you didn’t want him to regret his decision. 
What if we break up ? You asked nervously. Have you thought about it ? 
I have, he smiled. And it wouldn’t change anything to how I feel about Lily. 
Ok, you said emotionally. I guess we could do that. 
He got up and took you in his arms before kissing both of your hands. Then, he took Lily from her high chair and gave her a kiss, making her giggle. She leaned and rested her head against his. 
What do you say, princess ? Do you want me to be your Daddy? He asked softly. 
She cooed and brought her little hand to his face. She wasn’t too talkative yet. She was very active, but when it came to talking, she didn’t seem too keen. It didn’t matter much, because she was very good at making sure everyone understood her. He kissed her again before putting her back so she could keep on eating her finger food. He kissed you tenderly and stroked your cheek. 
Before we make it official, I do have something to tell you, though, he said. 
Yes ? You asked nervously. 
I didn’t actually take Lily to the park today, he confessed with a smile. 
Where were you then? You asked confused. You were gone all afternoon. 
Running errands, he said with a smile. I needed Lily’s help to pick up something. 
You stared at him and waited for him to elaborate, but he didn’t say more. Instead, he reached in his pocket and took out a small box. Understanding where this was going, you covered your hand with your mouth, tears starting to well in your eyes as he got down on one knee. 
You had been married for almost three years now and you couldn’t ask for more. You were about to turn forty and you felt incredibly lucky : you had an amazing husband, with whom you had a beautiful blended, tight-knit family. Even if Lily was not his biological child, she took a lot after Marshall. They had the same way of pursing their lips when they were frustrated and you could swear she was his when she gave a side-eye whenever she found something annoying. The looks were all yours, but the sassiness was all his. You loved that she took a bit after him. In hindsight, it wasn’t too surprising : he had been in her life for so long, she didn’t have any memory of life without him. She knew he wasn’t her biological dad, but it didn’t matter. She was definitely a Daddy’s girl. You had a special bond of your own with Lily, but she had him wrapped around her finger. It was the sweetest thing ever, although you sometimes worried that if he kept on indulging her in everything, she would turn into a brat. Although, whenever you touched on the subject, he shrugged it off. Still, you were afraid that if she asked for a pony, you would end up with one in the living room. Or worse, with Marshall actually purchasing stables and turning into a farmer. When it came to his princess, your husband seemed virtually unable to say no. He often used the excuse that his other kids were grown up and that Lily wouldn’t be his baby for too long. 
You heard the front door as Marshall brought Lily home from preschool. You left your pile of clothing and went to greet the loves of your life. She was on his shoulders as you walked down the stairs. 
Look Mommy, I’m tall, she giggled. 
I see that, baby, you chuckled. Didn’t we say that you had to walk on your own and that Daddy had to stop carrying you on his shoulders all the time, though ? 
It’s fine, he said. I only carried her for half of the way. 
See ? Your daughter asked. Daddy says it’s ok. 
You rolled your eyes and stared at your husband who was beaming. He gently let her down and she went to play in the living room. 
You’re turning her into a lazy person, you chuckled. 
Come on, let me enjoy this, he said with a smile. She’s starting elementary school next year and I’m not ready yet. I can’t believe my baby is turning five… 
We still have to see what we’re getting her, you reminded him. 
How about a puppy ? 
You stared at him in disbelief. She had been talking about getting a puppy for ages but you weren’t so sure. A puppy was a lot of work and she was still too young to help around with it. Plus, Marshall would soon go on tour and you would be busy enough. 
We’re not getting her a puppy, you said. No way. 
She’s been talking about it for a while, he pointed out. And you see how crazy she is about the neighbor's corgi. 
Well she can keep on playing with him, you chuckled. But my hands will already be full while you’re on tour, with Lily, the house, work… I don’t need a puppy on top of that. 
We’ll see, he said. 
He seemed pretty sure that you would change your mind, but there was no way. At dinner, you decided to quiz your daughter about what she would like for her birthday. Hopefully, she had her eye set on a Barbie. 
Tell me, baby, what do you want for your birthday ? You asked. 
A sister ! She said giddily. 
You already have three sisters, you reminded her. You have Lainey, Hailie and Stevie. 
I want a little sister ! She corrected. 
You and Marshall stared at each other for a second. That was new. Lily was surrounded by adults and had never shown too much interest in other children. 
A little sister ? Marshall asked. Where does that come from ? 
My friend Emma is going to have a little sister, she said. I want one too. And I can play with her all the time. 
You were about to turn forty and you had never really thought about having another baby after Lily. With Marshall having three daughters of his own, your family felt complete. Plus, you didn’t keep a fond memory of your pregnancy. The successive rounds of IVF had been testing, so had been the next nine months. 
You know what would be great to play with ? You asked nervously. 
What ? She asked with a huge smile. 
A puppy, you said. 
Marshall looked at you with a shit-eating grin. Your daughter shrieked in excitement. 
Can we get one like Elton ? She asked, referring to the neighbor’s dog. 
Of course, baby, Marshall said with a huge smile. 
And then, the baby can play with it too ! 
You looked sheepishly at Marshall who shrugged. You figured that it was best not to say anything and focus on the puppy. After all, it was probably her age. All kids wanted younger siblings, right ? When Lily was finally in bed, you went to your bedroom with your husband. 
So… You agreed to the dog, he grinned. 
I deflected, you admitted. It was either that or a baby, so… 
It’ll be great, he reassured you. Plus, when I’m on tour, she won’t miss me as much if she has a dog to come home to. 
You’re right, you said. I must say I’m a bit anxious though. She’ll miss you a lot. 
I will miss her too, he said. I will miss both of you, actually. The offer for you to come still stands, you know ? 
I have work and she has school, you reminded him. 
Preschool, he chuckled. 
That’s important, you said. 
Nothing we can’t teach her on our own, he said. I would love to have you with me. And Lily could see the world a little bit. That’s just as important as school. 
How about work ? You mused.
Let me check with your boss… Oh wait, that's me, he chuckled. He says it’s fine. Plus, you can get work done from anywhere. 
What about the dog ? 
One of the girls can take care of it, he shrugged. I mean, Stevie has three big dogs, so I doubt a small one would be a problem. 
We’ll see, you said. 
You started getting ready for bed. The pile of Lily’s clothes you were sorting earlier was still on the bed. 
What’s that ? Marshall asked as he rummaged through them. 
Some of Lily’s old clothes, for Goodwill, you said. I’d keep them, but there’s no room in her closet. 
You’re getting rid of all of that ? he asked sheepishly. 
You knew him well enough to know he would get sentimental. Getting rid of your daughter’s baby clothes was emotional for you too, but on a practical level, it didn’t make much sense to hoard them. 
Come on, Y/N, he said. You can’t get rid of this dress. Or those PJs. She was so cute in them.
She outgrew them long ago, you pointed out. It would be better if someone had a use for them, don’t you think ? 
We could have a use for them, he said before kissing you seductively. 
Oh really ? You asked as you raised an eyebrow. 
He nodded with a grin and kissed you passionately. You kissed him back as he pushed you on the bed, attempting to undress you. 
Wait, seriously ? You asked confused. You’d like another child ? 
I mean… I’m not against the idea, he said with a smile. 
At our age ? I mean, you just turned fifty and I’m turning forty soon. Isn’t that a little late ? 
You know, I didn’t expect to have another child in my forties, he said referring to Lily, but it’s the best thing that ever happened to me. And when I see Lily, I’m thinking I wouldn’t mind having another one just like her. It helps that you seem to make beautiful babies, too. I’d enjoy having one last baby with you. Maybe have a boy ? 
He was smiling, staring lovingly at you. You had never talked about having another child together. As he had told you in the past, after his divorce, he had been pretty adamant about being done with the whole marriage and baby-making thing. Obviously, he hadn’t planned on you and Lily walking into his life but still, knowing how views, you never tried to push anything on him. To be fair, you had never even considered the possibility of having a child together. He definitely took you by surprise, but you weren’t fully against the idea either. He was an amazing father to all four kids and you knew a fifth one wouldn’t be an exception. 
What do you think, beautiful ? He asked as he stroked your cheek. 
I don’t know, you admitted. That’s a little tempting, I must admit. But I never saw us trying for a baby. Like, do we want to be that couple, planning intercourse, counting cycles and everything ? Also, what if it doesn’t work ? I don’t want to do IVF again. That shit is trying. And pregnancy is no picnic either. For Lily, I struggled a lot, I was sick all the time. 
First of all, if we decide to do this, I’ll be here every step of the way, he reassured you. You were on your own when you had her, but this time, it would be different. And if it doesn’t work… Well, it doesn’t. We already have four amazing kids, I’ll survive without a fifth one. I don’t want to put pressure on it. Let’s put it this way : if we had an unplanned pregnancy, I’d welcome it with open arms. It doesn’t have to be more complicated than that. If you don’t want to, that’s cool. But if you’re up for it, so am I. 
Ok, you said softly. One last baby. 
He beamed at you and kissed you. He seemed truly overjoyed by the possibility of welcoming another baby. One last one. 
I’ve never tried for a baby, he chuckled. This is going to be fun. 
Cut the BS, Mathers, you giggled. You’re the most experienced man I know, when it comes to babymaking. 
No I’m serious, he explained. I’ve never had one on purpose. They all came my way. Hailie was definitely a surprise, obviously we didn’t plan on taking Alaina in, I definitely wasn’t expecting Kim to be pregnant with Steve when I got back with her, same with Lily… I’ve never actively tried for a baby. 
Still, by the looks of it, I’d say it was fate, you said. You ended up with four daughters. 
And maybe fate has another one in store for me, he chuckled. Regardless, I think I will have a lot of fun trying for baby number five. 
I still have to get off birth control, you giggled. 
Good thing you’re taking the pill and you can just skip it, he grinned as he playfully grabbed your ass. 
So we’re really doing this ? You beamed. 
We are, he said as he kissed you. And now you have no choice but to come on tour with me. For the sake of trying. You know I don’t half-ass it. 
What if I get pregnant before then ? You asked playfully, although you knew it was unlikely. 
All the more reason, he said. That way I can take care of you. That would be awesome, actually. How great would it be if you were pregnant by Lily’s birthday ? She’d be overjoyed. 
You chuckled and stared at him. Lily’s birthday was just around the corner and there was no way you’d be pregnant by then, or at least not far along enough for you to announce it. 
Are you trying to convince me to have a child just because she wants a sibling ? You joked with a falsely offended face. 
I’m not, he chuckled. But what Lily wants, she gets, I guess ? 
What’s next then ? You wondered as you rolled your eyes. A pony ? 
I’m saving the idea for Christmas, actually, he said in a serious voice although you seriously hope he was joking. 
Shut up and put a baby in me, you ordered him. 
He pushed you on the bed again and wasted no time before undressing you. That night, the lovemaking was even better than usual. He was right : trying for that baby would be a lot of fun indeed, whether or not it ended up working. 
The two of you tried for a few months, without bothering to plan intercourse or doing impossible math to try and figure out when you were ovulating and, eventually, you became pregnant for the second time. Marshall was over the moon when you told him and, as promised, he was here every step of the way. He was ecstatic when the two of you went for your first ultrasound appointment. 
I get to see my son, he said with a smile. 
It’s too early to know the gender, Marshall, you giggled. 
I know it’s a boy, he said. Fate, remember ? It’s all part of the plan, I’m telling you. 
Right. Because that’s usually how it works out for you and children, you joked. 
You were pretty sure you were having a girl. You didn’t really care about the gender, but it was just a gut feeling that you had. As long as the baby was healthy, it didn’t matter anyway. 
Here it is, the doctor said as she pointed at the screen. Your baby. 
Oh my God, Marshall said as he held your hand, visibly overcome with emotion. 
Is everything alright ? You asked. 
From the looks of it, yes, she said with a smile as she moved the probe on your belly. Wait… 
You felt your heart strain and Marshall held your hand a little tighter as both of you tensed up. You were silently praying, hoping that your baby was healthy. After a minute, the doctor turned to you. 
Congratulations, she said. You’re expecting twins. And they’re perfectly healthy. 
Marshall almost fell off his chair. If the pregnancy was no surprise, that turn of event was unexpected. As far as you knew, neither of you had twins in the family. You were a little shocked but really happy. 
So even when it’s planned, it’s really not, your husband chuckled as he kissed your hand. 
I think you're doomed for surprises, my love.
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vanishingcherry · 1 year
fc sian lilly pls? siannlilly on ig ! thanks
heyy <3 i wasn't sure who this was for, so i made the social media au for harry. in celebration of the one year anniversary of harry's house
๑ ⋆˚₊⋆────ʚ˚ɞ────⋆˚₊⋆ ๑
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liked by yourfriend, harryfan, harrystyles and 1,834,957 others
yourusername me when i remember that harry's house is out tomorrow
view all 24,975 comments
harryfan1 honestly... same.
↳ harryfan2 i literally cant wait like matilda? i just know its gonna make me cry
harryandynforever i wonder if she's heard the album already
↳ yourusername nope... harry said i have to wait like everyone else
↳ harrystyles its meant to be a surprise
ynfan shes so pretty it hurts
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liked by yourusername, mitchrowland and 34,750,405 others
harrystyles Harry's House. Out now.
view all 1,94,857 comments
harryfan TE AMO
yourusername my all time fav album
↳ harrystyles my all time fav person
↳ ynandharry2 shes the only one who can get him to use his insta
onedirectioncomeback THAT MOUSTACHE LIKE EXCUSE ME
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liked by gemmastyles, yourusername and 23,239,857 others
harrystyles One Night Only. New York. May, 2022.
view all 94,857 comments
keepdrivingsupremacy THIS WAS THE BEST NIGHT OF MY LIFE
harryfan19 ❤️😭🥰
harryfan him singing harry's house live for the first time was the best thing ive ever seen
↳ harryfan4 im gonna spend the next few hours binge watching every single video from that show
yourusername via instagram story
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liked by harrystyles, yourbff, annetwist and 20,485,007 others
yourusername harry's house, out now!
i've had the pleasure of watching you create this album over the last year, and as secretive as you've been over the songs, it's been one of the best experiences of my life. seeing you this happy and in your element makes me the happiest person on earth.
the album is nothing short of amazing and i love it and i love you. you've told our story in a way more beautiful than i thought possible. it is an honour to be your muse.
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liked by yourusername, jeffazoff, harrylambert and 26,291,485 others
harrystyles the inspiration behind harry's house
view all 92,457 comments
yourusername ❤️
↳ harrystyles ❤️
harryfan i too would write a whole album about her
username oh my god her style are we sure taylor swift didnt write about her
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mysticalsoot · 11 months
heaven is you (godbur au)
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first installment of my godbur au & gift to my sister &lt;3
➸ note; i wanted to finish this for @lillylvjy. lillys been a big play in why i still write and why i haven’t given up on shifting or given up on myself or this account. thanks to her i don’t impulsively delete things and i move forward. a few months ago i threw the idea of godbur at her and we talked about it and formed this character, she gives me the credit but she deserves just as much credit as i do. she’s my sister, regardless of biological attachment, she is my sister. i love her and i will protect her for as long as she’ll let me. she’s always there for me, holding me up and supporting me. if i’m upset or hurt, she’s there to listen and offer support. she also spends way more money on me than she should. and i love her, so a little note, don’t mess with her. thank you lills, i love you and enjoy this lil fic i somehow managed to finish in a day! also big thanks to @sleeby-anon for helping me pick out the photo and just helping me with this fic- tysm! you’re very cool and i love u (thank you for being a good friend to lilly :3 )
➸ pairing; godbur x gn!reader
➸ summary; after a few (actually, many) instances where you risked your life in order to reach your beloved wilbur’s world, you have a final disagreement that brings him to a few realizations and maybe some more effort to bring you want you want
➸ warning; kinda hurt but comfort at end, illusions to suicide but not flat out said, probably swearing, is there an unbalanced power dynamic? probably, uses of baby (i’m sorry i’m a sucker for it-), i think that’s it!
➸ age-rating; 15+
➸ wordcount; 2k
main masterlist
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"darling," the word rolled off wilbur's tongue with ease, like it had been spoken millions of times. perhaps it had been, but your mind was too foggy with fear and desperation to think clearly, "you can't keep doing this."
he pleads for you, hands on your shoulders and eyebrows pulling together as he looks down at you.
"what else am I supposed to do?" your voice cracks as the words flow out, and he frowns, shaking his head and looking to the side.
"live," he pauses, turning his head to face you. his grip on your shoulders tightens just a bit, "there's more to life than seeking refuge in my world. be alive, live in mortality."
he's begging you, pleading for you. he hates to see you hurt, and he hates the way his world's laws are. you can't be thrust into immortal responsibilities yet, and you can't stay long as a mortal with purpose. you have to go, but you would rather die a million more times before you accept that.
"can't you just let me stay? what's the problem in letting me be free where I want to be, with you," you're pleading with him now. on your hands and knees praying to the god before you to just let you stay. you're standing, knees going weak just a smidge. your eyes are burning from tears and your cheeks are wet with a desperation.
"I can't, I really can't," his frown deepens and he pulls you into his chest, face in his white ruffly shirt. he smells like home, but a home you can never truly have. he cups the back of your head with his hand, rubbing at your scalp with his fingertips as you sigh.
"it's the rules," a kiss to the top of your head and you want to scream and cry and bang at his chest. but you don't, you stay still in his grasp, holding your calm in your hands so tightly.
"the rules are stupid," you mumble into his shirt, he moves a hand to rub your back.
he chuckles, nodding in agreement before speaking again, "I agree, love."
days pass after he sent you back, you mulled over ways and methods you could reach him again in desperate hope he'd finally give in to your pleas and let you stay.
you were wandering the woods, pacing between trees as you tried to narrow down your plans. you could try summoning him, but it wasn't fool proof. you could try to speak to him through meditation, but he sometimes ignored you 'for your sake'.
you weren't sure what would work, and you were kicking yourself for not knowing. but also for the doubts that filled your mind. what if he kicked you out again? told you to never see him again and made sure you couldn't? what if he forced you to live out your mortality purely out of his anger at you. what if he was angry?
you sigh, resting your head against the tree, sighing as you screw your eyes shut, banging your fist against the bark before stepping back.
"what more do you want?" you beckon up at the sky, he's not listening, you're sure of it but you need to be angry at something, somewhere. it's unfair.
"for you to listen," his voice mumbles in your mind and you scoff, shaking your head as the memory of his accent echoes in your mind.
"yeah well, you don't have the best ideas, now do you?"
"y/n.." he murmurs, his tone a gentle warning to you so you don't say something you'll regret. or do something, for that matter.
"wilbur," you copy his tone, mocking it almost before you groan, falling to sit on the ground.
"you know you can't do this, you know that," you can hear the strain in his voice, the way he draws it out and softens it just to reach out to you and make amends for it.
"but what else am I meant to do?" you want to scream at the top of your lungs, cry to him and bitch about the situation you're in. how you're continually denied what you want. you thought you proved yourself, you thought you proved that you could handle immortality. that you could handle him.
it's silent, not a sound is made around you or even echoed in your mind. you wondered if his methods of communication were a curse or a blessing. it felt more like a curse at the moment. it felt like a taunt to you, how powerless you felt down on earth, in morality. you felt so out of control, like a puppet. and maybe wilbur was the puppeteer, but who’s to say it wasn’t someone else? maybe he was just an illusion, a hallucination that controlled your motives and thoughts simply by the prospect of maybe having some hope to grasp onto. a nice, soft candle in the middle of a dark and empty room.
he was the light you couldn’t quite reach.
he finally speaks up, his tone rushed and worried, but his words keep you from second guessing it, “i have an idea.”
“what?” you mumble, nearly tripping over the single word.
“you want to stay with me, yes?” he sounds almost frustrated for a moment before sighing almost exasperated.
“yes, yes, that’s what i’ve been saying. you never listen-“
wilbur cuts you off, “i listen, i promise. okay? i listen to you, now, listen to me for a second, okay baby?”
you ponder for a moment before giving in, “fine.”
“i’ll let you come back, under a few conditions,” you wait a moment, giving him time to list his conditions but he doesn’t seem to budge on his own.
“and what are those?” you fold your arms over your chest, huffing as you imagine wilbur pinching the bridge of his nose and sighing at you.
“i’ll tell you when you get here, okay?” he pauses, sand surprisingly you can hear the hesitation almost as if he were there with you and not just speaking through your mind, “there’s a tree-“
“a tree? wow, so fancy,” your annoyance bubbling up at the way he wasn’t being direct.
he warns you again, a whispering of your name to keep you in line before he continues, “there’s a tree a few minutes in front of you, there will be lilliums around the base and a circle door in the middle. it’ll take you here, no need to do what you normally do, okay? please just, don’t do something stupid and get up here, okay?”
you take a moment before answering, wondering if you want to believe him or ignore him at the moment, “okay, fine.”
you wait a few minutes, making sure he doesn’t have anything more to say before standing up and beginning the walk over to the tree. it feels stupid, how hopeful you are and how confident you feel over walking to a damn tree as if it’ll fix your biggest qualm with the way your god’s world works. you stop short, maybe a good eight feet from the base of the tree, your eyes dancing around and staring at the lilly flowers lining the base and spreading over the roots. you play with the idea of turning around and walking back, abandoning him and any loyalty you had to him. but then you look back at the trunk before you and sigh, giving in and stepping back towards it. your fingers reach out to grasp the hook on the corner, pulling it back and crawling in, not without doubts of course but you aren’t sure what you have to lose.
you pull the door back to close it and turn around, darkness encompassing your whole being as you feel a sort of light feeling take over your senses. are you dreaming? it doesn’t feel like a dream, but it seems like one. are you real? is this real?
your thoughts shut off, cut like a guillotine, but the blade being the darkness and silence. you no longer felt anything but a void, and then you began to feel warm fabric, and then a whiff of cologne hit your nose and then you were finally able to open your eyes.
“i see you’re awake?” you peek up, rubbing your eyes as you take in your surroundings, eyes catching on the familiar figure of wilbur, sitting in a reading chair in the corner of his bedroom. you’ve been here before, you’ve slept in this bed but now it feels different. it’s a good different, but it isn’t the same.
“i am now,” you pause, tossing the covers over and off your legs as you sit up against the ornate headboard, gazing over at him as he meets your eyes and sets down his journal, “what happened?”
“i convinced myself that i could manage switching your role to immortal,” he sighs, moving his gaze to the floor as he chews his lip, mind reeling as he lists off all the rules he broke just to bring his love into his life.
“mm, was it paperwork that kept you from it?” you chuckle, much too happy at the moment to even think of how angry you were and still are at him.
“no,” he chuckles dryly, shaking his head, “it was.. more serious than that but that’s no talk for now. how are you feeling, love?” he stands from his chair, finding a spot on the edge of the bed by your feet and resting his hands on your legs.
“i couldn’t be more tired, what the hell happened? how did i get here?” you murmur, rubbing your eyes as you take note of the pulsing ache at your temples.
“i guided you through a dream, to get here, and once you reached this world, i switched some things around in your file,” he squeezes your calf, his eyes staring at the wall for a good minute before meeting your gaze.
“so that means…?”
“you’re immortal and no longer have any ties with your old world, you’re mine now, just the way you wanted,” he sighs, lifting your legs to lay over his lap as he reaches over and kisses your forehead. there’s a sort of calmness about him that you’ve yet to see until now. you never knew such peace could exist in him.
“i’ll answer any question you have.” you nod to him, acknowledging his offer but not knowing where to start,
you have too many questions to even verbalize, or let alone ask, and the growing headache isn’t helping either. so after a moment’s contemplation, you decide to let the piles questions take a rest while you enjoy your wilbur’s company.
you lean forward and kiss his cheek once, and you watch as a gentle rosiness floods the pale skin that he adorns and his lips curl up in a smile.
“how about we have a day to ourselves and celebrate?” you suggest, grabbing his hand to play with his fingers, chewing on your lip as you keep your eyes down.
“okay, as long as you promise to ask questions later?” he tilts your head up by your chin, a loving care in his eyes.
“promise,” you smile, kissing the tip of his nose before continuing and jumping off the bed, “now show me that pretty garden you have, yeah?”
he smiles, standing up and meeting you where you stand. he leans down, hands resting on your cheeks with giggles escaping his lips at your excitement, “may i kiss you first?”
“yes, sir you may,” your fingers wrap around his waist as he brings his lips to yours, smiling softly as your mouths move in sync. a moments pass before you both need air and you pull back, moving to tug on his hand, “now come on! show me the lilliums!”
he leads you out to the garden, smiling the whole way as he can’t help but to think how grateful he is that he broke a few rules and let heaven be you.
taglist; @lcvejoy @lillylvjy @ella-fella-bo-bella @lotusanonymouse @willgoldszn @whos-nicooo @zebonos
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sirensea14 · 7 months
I love your drawing style!✨
Especially with the giant chicken! He is so cool!!💛 Can I hug him?
Aww thank you lilly! I also love your artstyle!
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He feels so happy to be appreciated!
Hope u dont mind your beanie in the Player's model to represent you :> hehe
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keepingitformyself · 1 year
learning to warm cold hands
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A/N: i don’t know what this is????? just a bunch of love nonsense because i was in the absolute mood for love (you’ll see). will it make sense? idk. the ending was intentionally made abrupt… hope u like it tho :]
synopsis: two people who love each other belong together. that’s it.
pairings: natasha romanoff x reader
genre: fluff?
warnings: none i don’t think…
please do not repost my work anywhere for any reason at all. if you do see this happen to any of my stories, please let me know. thank you x.
natasha still doesn’t know how to deal with it; being loved.
but every little obstacle she has ever faced in her life has been that she had to deal with it.
sometimes she’s still a bit astonished at the fact that she has an entire family who has her back, a sister who calls just to annoy her, a best friend who defends her, and you who she comes home to, to kiss and to love endlessly.
natasha thinks that in some sense she had always been in love with you. for the amount of time you’d know each other she thought it was so strange that it took so long for you to be together.
you were always there, in plain sight. then one day, the stars decided to align and you were there and she had finally seen the light.
so yes, natasha decides that you were the best thing she’s ever had to deal with. being in love with you? she will own up to it for as much as she can.
she has accepted the scary fact that she must let herself be known. she shall let you unravel her and climb inside her heart and choose to stay. she will deal with the consequences of it later, but she hopes not.
she carries a polaroid of you in her wallet as a reminder of this. it’s there when she opens it to pay for dinner with you, or groceries, or when she sees a bouquet of lillie’s she thinks you’d appreciate.
and when she comes home to your shared apartment you’re there in the kitchen cooking a meal for her.
‘my grandmas recipe. i know you loved them when she came to visit us.’ you say as you stir a pot on the stove. she lets out a laugh through her nose and comes up behind you for a hug.
‘i made it dairy free for you. i know you’re trying to cut that off a little.’ natasha’s heart swells even bigger.
when the food is ready and the table is set and you’ve put the lillie’s in a vase at the center of the table, you will sit together and eat. natasha will listen to you as you tell her about the dish.
how you cried chopping the onions and had to take a break in between, how much you thought about her liking this meal while you made it, and how you specifically only used red and orange peppers because you remember her telling you that ‘green is boring when it comes to vegetables’ and when you’re done with your rambling you’ll reach over the table and kiss her.
she’ll tell you she loves you and you tell her she has onion breath and you’ll both laugh and god being in love is such a beautiful thing.
but everyone has their bad days.
you usually enjoy the rainy weather but it’s that time of the month and it’s effecting your mood swings greatly. natasha offers to go out and buy your favorite snacks and a deli sandwich from the bodega two blocks down.
you decline her offer with a sad smile and hide yourself under the covers of your shared bed. natasha sighs, she knows you better than that. she knows how badly you want all those things but she also knows how much of an inconvenience you feel like when you get like this. she tries to let you know that she’s okay with going out in the rain to make you happier.
you don’t budge, instead you groan into the pillows and hide further into the sheets. ‘i just need to be alone for a while.’ you mutter, a bit annoyed.
with a new determined mindset she decides she’ll give you the space you need. she brushes off all comments you made and grabs her coat before quietly leaving out the front door.
the rain doesn’t bother her one bit. she makes it to the bodega in record timing and orders from the deli. your order leaves her mouth as if she were ordering for herself.
‘can i have teriyaki grilled chicken on a sourdough with three slices of mozzarella and honey mustard, some grilled onions on the side too, can you also toast the bread for about thirty seconds longer? please, thank you.’ she orders for herself and smiles at the man working the grill then sets off on finding your desired snacks.
she’s quick with it, easily acquiring the cucumber lime gatorade you love so much, a payday bar and baked hot cheetos. she pays at the front where her deli order waits and rushes home to you.
she checks her phone on the way only to find it with four missed calls from you. the worst comes to mind and she’s home within two minutes.
she finds you on the couch looking small, her heart drops when she spots the tears that stain your cheeks. ‘i thought you were upset after i told you i wanted space.’ you mumble out. natasha sighs and sets the stuff down. she takes careful steps towards you, afraid you might disappear if she does anything too quickly.
‘no..’ she grasps your cheeks, her thumb brushing along your cheekbones. ‘i just wanted to make you feel better.’ she kisses your forehead. ‘it wasn’t anything to do with me being upset.’
you look down almost in shame. you hate being so sensitive, it makes you worry even more and you feel like an even bigger bother when things like this happen. your mind gets way ahead of your heart and you let things bother you that you know shouldn’t.
natasha notices the wheels turning in your brain. she recognizes the mental battle you’re having with yourself. your shoulders slump a little, she knows you’re tired. you’re biting your lips to keep from saying anything.
‘hey..’ natasha whispers. her heart clenches a little. it’s such a silly thing, all this. the normal you wouldn’t have let anything get this far. she laughs a little at the fact. screw periods.
‘why are you laughing?’ you’re confused and your girlfriend is laughing at you. it makes her laugh a little more and you grow a little impatient.
natasha pulls you in closer. her arms enclose around your waist and her chin rests on your shoulder. ‘i love you, okay?’ she whispers it in your ear.
she hugs you tighter.
‘whatever you’re thinking right now is only half true.’ she tells you. you’re just as confused as ever and you’re about to ask her what she means but then she’s pulling away and grasping your cheeks in her hands.
‘i want to be inconvenienced by you.’ the look in her eyes is as soft as ever. her lips have a slight tremble to them. ‘please bother me, like all the time.’
‘you are the very notion of my existence. i want everything that i do to be for you.’ she says it with that raspy tone in her voice, you know she means everything she’s telling you.
you are putty in her hands at this point, she went out and ordered your favorite comfort meal in the pouring rain…after you told her not to. because she knows you. the intimacy of it all, she knows you and she chooses to stay after the stupid things that come out of being with you.
she notices the slight furrow of your eyebrows, you’re processing what she’s just told you. you never say anything, instead you pull her in and bury your nose into her shoulder. natasha hears your inhale and she holds you even tighter.
she smells like home. like the candle you love to leave on all day, the fabric softener you use to wash her clothes, that perfume you complimented her on your first date.
a silent understanding settles between you both.
you feel the absolute removal of any walls when around each other. you have seen sides of natasha not even her own best friend has seen, or her sister.
she makes the corniest jokes, you always laugh, sometimes snort and that makes you laugh even harder. when you’re having dinner it’s silent. but it’s a good silence. the silence is comfortable and she’s holding your hand while the other is holding her spoon and when either of you talk, it’s listening and you feel like the most heard person in the world.
it all feels so perfectly warm in the bubble you’ve created together. you feel so seperate from the rest of the world in the best ways possible. in the they don’t us like we know us kind of ways.
you pull away to look at her. your heart is cradled in her hands.
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m-jelly · 1 year
hey long time fan and reader! Love your work and specifically how u write post war! Levi with his kids, im wondering if you could write something on one of the kids being absolutely convinced about having a monster in their closet or under the bed etc typa trope, and levi and the reader help cleanse the room of monsters and ensure that even if there was a monster that their parents would absolutely protect them <3 thank you! Much love!
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Brave heroes
Pairing: Postwar Levi x Fem!Rader
Genre and tags: Canon world, postwar, married life, dad Levi, parents, love, fluff, looking after kids, cute.
Concept: Levi and you are having a nighttime cuddle on the sofa with a drink. While relaxing, your eldest comes crying to you about a monster under her bed. You and Levi assure Lilly that she is safe and you as a family scare the monster away.
Taglist: @levisbrat25 @ladycheesington @skittlelover69 @li-anne @nyxiieluna @notgoodforlife @2moth-anon2 @nbinairyn @galactict3a @thebobaprincess @cypidity @youre-ackermine @demonsimp6
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Levi squeezed you as you sat on his lap and played with his hair. He smiled up at you and thought you were incredible. He'd met you after the war by hiring you to work as his only assistant at his tea shop. He fell hard and fast for you and you deeply loved and cared for him. You had the perfect love, wedding and married life. You brought in two wonderful children into the world.
Lilly was your first and was five years old and a bundle of joy. You now had a one-year-old son, Evan. You and Levi wanted more, but you were going to wait for Evan to grow up a bit more. You were happy living in a cute home by the sea and forest with a huge garden for the kids to play in and for Levi to watch birds.
Levi kissed you and hummed in happiness. "I love you."
"Love you too." You hugged Levi's head to your chest. "You're so wonderful."
Levi pressed his face into your chest making his voice muffled. "You're better."
"Mummyyyyyyy!" Little feet ran down the hall followed by sobs. "Daddyyyy!"
You slipped off Levi's lap and hurried to the stairs to see Lilly in a shirt of Levi's with her hair a mess, tears running down her cheeks and her cuddly bunny in hand. "Lilly?"
Lilly opened her arms to you as she sobbed. "Mummy!"
You scooped her up and hugged her. "Oh, baby, my sweet little flower."
Levi limped over to his precious daughter. "Little flower, what happened?"
Lilly struggled to talk because she was crying so much. She took in deep breaths and kept crying. You kissed her forehead all over as Levi held her hand and kissed the side of her head. You both waited for her to talk.
Lilly rubbed her eyes and sniffed. "Monster."
Levi frowned. "Monster?"
She nodded. "In my room."
Levi clenched and unclenched his jaw as he instantly assumed some man had gotten into his daughter's room. "Where?"
Lilly whined and hid against you. "Mm."
You rubbed her back and whispered. "Levi, I don't think it's a person."
Levi relaxed a bit. He grew up in a world where the monster was always a man or titan and he knew all titans were dead, so it would be a man. What he wasn't used to was a child's pure and wild imagination creating a big monster in a room due to the dark being scary. This was all knew to him and he needed you more than ever.
Levi gulped and nodded. "Monster, huh?"
You looked down at your daughter. "Lilly? Why don't you show me and Daddy where the monster is and then we'll scare it away." You nuzzled your nose against hers making her giggle. "We're super scary. Can you do that?"
Lilly nodded. "Okay."
Levi smiled. "You're very brave."
Lilly blushed a bit. "Brave like daddy?"
"Of course! You're very brave like me."
Lilly giggled. "Good!"
You carried her upstairs to her room and stood in the doorway. "Okay, point for daddy where the monster is."
She pointed to her bed and the closet. "There and there."
Levi nodded. "Right, right, I see." He opened the closet and looked inside before looking under the bed. "Mm, yes I see the monsters. It does look like the naughty things are there. I believe you little flower."
Her eyes widened. "You do?"
"Of course." He walked over and took her from you and gave her a big hug. "They're horrible mean things to scare a cute, kind and smart girl like you."
Lilly played with her daddy's shirt. "They're mean."
"They are! So, you know what we'll do?"
He smiled at her. "We're going to scare the monsters away. We're the Ackermans and we can be a lot scarier." He bounced her making her giggle. "Give me your best scary face."
Lilly laughed. "Daddyyy."
He smiled at her. "Come on. Give me your biggest scary roar!"
Lilly put her arms out. "ROAR!"
Levi gasped. "Wow! So scary!"
"Yes! Right mummy?"
You giggled as both looked at you. "Best roar I have ever seen and heard."
Lilly giggled. "Thank you, mummy."
Levi carried Lilly to her closet. "Ready? The three of us will roar together. Go!"
You all roared at the closet over and over again making Lilly laugh hard. Levi kicked with his bad leg a few times into the closet to defeat the last of the monsters. You all ran to the bed and got on the floor to scare the monsters there until it was all done.
You put Lilly in her bed and handed her the bunny she loved so much. "Lie down, little flower."
Lilly snuggled up in bed. "Thank you, mummy and daddy."
"You feeling okay?"
Lilly nodded. "Yes. I'm not scared anymore. I'll just scare the monsters away."
"Good girl."
Levi grunted and said your name. "Help? My knee has locked up."
You stood up and helped pull Levi to sit on the bed. "There you go."
He smiled and massaged her knee. "Thank you." He turned to his daughter and sighed. "You've got this, okay? If you ever need help, we'll always come running."
Lilly nodded. "Yes."
"When your brother is older, he'll help too and I know you'll help him."
Lilly smiled. "Yes."
Levi leaned over and kissed her cheek. "Good girl. Proud of you."
You kissed her cheek as well. "He love you so much."
Levi nodded. "We love you a lot."
Lilly grinned. "Love you too."
Levi held her hand. "Want us to stay until you fall asleep?"
She snuggled up and hugged her bunny. "I'm okay."
You tucked her in and got up. "All right." You pulled Levi to his feet and helped him to the door as he limped. "Sleep well, little flower."
She yawned and waved. "Night mummy, night daddy. Love you."
Levi blew her a kiss. "Night, love you."
You closed her door a bit. "Love you too." You turned the light off and walked with Levi to Evan's room. "Gonna check on Evan."
Levi opened the door for you to see Evan happily passed out in bed softly snoring. "Out like a light."
You giggled. "Bless him."
Levi closed the door and put his arm around you. "Did I do well?"
"Fantastic. You were incredible." You took the lead down the stairs and held Levi's hand as he walked down. "You were perfect with her."
"I'm glad."
You led Levi to his seat again. "Is your knee okay?"
Levi dropped into his chair and sighed. "It hurts a bit, but I did use it too much. Slowly but surely. I mean, I wouldn't have been able to do that five years ago." He grabbed your wrist and pulled you onto his lap. "You've made me stronger."
You cuddled up to your husband. "You're so handsome and cute."
He chuckled. "I try."
"I'm proud of you, Levi. You're so strong and filled with love." You cupped his face and kissed him. "I love you."
"I love you too." He massaged your thigh. "So, umm...do you want to try for another baby?"
You hummed a laugh. "Yes, but not tonight cause you hurt your knee."
Levi's eyes sparkled in delight. "Of course. Tomorrow?"
You giggled. "Yes."
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milkbreadandtadpoles · 9 months
soup and stars
˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚⋆˚🐾˖°⋆。°🎧•‧.₊˚🐰‎₊˚⋆⭒。⋆୨୧˚˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚⋆˚🐾˖°⋆。°🎧•‧.₊˚🐰‎₊˚⋆⭒。⋆୨୧˚
snip: you keep sukuna's favorite after workout drink in your fridge. and no, you don't frequent that store. sukuna looks at you like you hung the moon and painted the sky yourself when you're either on the brink of death or not paying attention (it's only with his eyes, though. he's a certified rbf). the two of you have been hooking up for over a year with little conversation outside of snarky comments and emojis he doesn't get.
and he sometimes takes care of you when you're sick for five hours only.
warnings: suggestive language, sukuna being a parallel of this guy i used to hookup with who was srsly emotionally constipated and really milked my daddy issues, reader being dumb (lol me), probably a lot of run on sentences and weird descriptions but i am not srry ab it, no Y/N here, a lot of parentheses for some reason
authors note: omg hey. i have this a03 and i thought i'd put a tumblr to pair it together cuz i had an old tumblr but i was kinda done w her (may she rest in peace!) anywayyy my name is lillie, hi again. hope u enjoy this!! luv me some sukuna who reminds me of all my bad flings.
˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚⋆˚🐾˖°⋆。°🎧•‧.₊˚🐰‎₊˚⋆⭒。⋆୨୧˚˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚⋆˚🐾˖°⋆。°🎧•‧.₊˚🐰‎₊˚⋆⭒。⋆୨୧˚
Since when did you get sick like this?
This time, not that time you lied to your boss, you have an actual stomach bug. Stomach thing. Food poisoning from bad sushi. You don't know.
What you do know, however, is that everything smells bad, you can’t stomach anything other than a handful of saltine crackers. You couldn’t even finish your coffee yesterday morning; you’re just coming down from a fever. Everything is hot and cold, nothing feels right on your skin. Noises are too loud, but the silence is making your ears bleed. 
Curled up into the sheets, you shiver. It rocks over you, feeling cold despite your body burning off whatever infection is brewing in your gut. Your skin feels crusty yet damp, scalp itchy and pulled back into two haphazard buns. Stray strands lay over your forehead that twinkles with cold sweat.
Vampire Diaries plays in the background, volume loud enough so you can hear where you’re at within the series but quiet enough to give you grace if you wish to take another four hour nap. You don’t even want to get on your phone, ignoring the occasional, silent buzzes and flashing light that draw your eyes away from the fuzz of your blanket.
Time passes in a druken haze, not knowing whether you slept or not, not feeling entirely there at all. You fail to count the amount of times you got up to throw up or sit on the toilet, thankful the walls are snug enough to rest your head on the wall of it to contemplate if it’s worth passing out before you gather your wits and crawl back into bed.
There’s a rustle in your sheets, a distant sound of intro music for the vampire show.
“You still watchin’ this shit?” A gruff voice sounds from above you.
Your brows furrow in your sleepy haze- you don’t have energy to fight an intruder, pulling the sheets over your head that throbs from lack of everything. Horribly big hands paw at the clothed dip in your waist. And you let out a mixture of a whine and huff at the realization that your little fling (if you could even call it that) picked a horrible day to play.
“Sukuna,” You murmur, drawing the blankets higher above the crown of your head before he has a chance to yank it down and see your very unprepared self, “Not a good time.”
Sukuna, an occasional fuck and lackluster addition to your friend group, scoffs a laugh, muttering something about you really being a freak, something about thanking your dad for giving you all these issues that only he can handle as he gropes the flesh of your ass.
And it would feel so lovely if you weren’t on the brink of death.
“Eggroll. All the eggrolls.”
He groans, lifting his hand away from you in agreement to the safe word (because that one time when the two of you didn't have one and you reacted that way actually scared the shit out of him). 
“I’m sick.” You add quietly, urging your body to morph into a tighter ball. If Sukuna were his younger brother, or his younger brother’s friend, you’d ask either of them to cover you with another blanket. Or to refill your water bottle. Maybe even run to the store down the road and grab you some soup. But this is Sukuna, and-
There’s a harsh tug at the blanket covering your head, and you try to weakly grip the fabric in place.
“That’s why you didn’t answer my text? ‘Cause you’re all disgusting and shit?” He questions, giving one more quick tug to reveal your messy hair, the tint to the apples of your cheeks. The way his gaze feels makes the very top of your gut churn, and you scrunch your face as you decide whether or not you need to puke again.
“Mhm.” You nod, begging for the fabric back with a soft tug. Sukuna relents, snorting as you cover your head back up.
His body weight makes your bed frame squeak as he repositions himself to slouch next to you, and you peer at him through the crack of the blanket. He pulls out his phone, typing on it lazily. Through your bubbling stomach, confusion festers simply because he isn’t moving.
“Thought you not replying was you trying to be cute ’n shit.” A hand makes its way onto your lower back, the weight of it making your eyes bulge in silent surprise. With all your strength, you shake your head and whisper a soft sorry. He tuts, like all weirdly immature but mature, rude but nice and confusing older brother types do, dismissing your apology with a little pat on your back.
Another pat, and you’re snuggling into the blankets and letting your eyes close, mapping the way his hand feels and ignoring the way your stomach cramps. You hear the distant sound of a picture being taken, only being able to mutter a humiliated groan. There's a vibration where your phone is, and you know that the group chat has been notified of your predicament. 
“You eat? Take a shower?” Sukuna asks, mastering the art of making his concern dismissive. The silence on your end answers everything he needs to know, humming in acknowledgement. You’re a stubborn little shit who likes to suffer in isolation, he’ll give you that.
He synchs a basketball game to your TV, adamantly rotating between patting and rubbing your back until you’re snoring and curled up next to his lap.
When you wake up, you’re still cold, still sweating off your fever. You peers towards the bed, noticing the empty spot but the basketball game still softly playing on the screen. For a moment, you let your head slump back into the mattress before you force yourself out of bed to pee.
The weight in your body is too overwhelming to be horrified by your appearance when you emerge to make your way into a shared bathroom with your roommate. They’re all gone for work, and you don’t have the wit to ask where Sukuna got the time off to come fuck you in the middle of the day. Or why he was looking at your location. 
“I forgot how much of a bitchy face you have.” He comments, voice a note softer than you would usually hear, as you pad towards the bathroom. You grumble a quiet fuck you, slinking towards the bathroom.
You fix your hair to the best of your ability- standing up too long made you throw up. Your abdomen feels like it’s gone to three HIT classes in a row, hardly having any reserves to help you stand and brush your teeth. So you do it knelt over the bathtub, making sure to lock the door to make sure that stupid person of interest doesn’t see you so weak.
Rinsing your mouth out knelt over a tub is a new low, spitting the globs of toothpaste and water into the drain before you turn it off and brace the sides of the tub to stand and wander back out into the kitchen. Your bones feel like brittle, a bowling ball in your stomach forcing your posture to look horrifyingly old. It's been two days but you've aged thirty years. 
“Hi.” You greet weakly, rubbing your eyes before putting your arms back down as swiftly as you can. When was the last time you shaved?
Sukuna nods back, digging through a plastic bag. It’s only a few seconds before you’re sitting on the floor. The tile makes you twitch, and you wonder how you’re going to get up without looking like a hobbling mess. Maybe you’ll just crawl.
Soup and some electrolyte drinks are set out on the counter- along with your favorite candy. For a moment, your brows furrow, and then your lip wobbles in realization.
“Did you get that for me?”
“Can’t fuck you if you’re all pitiful and disgusting.” Is all he says, but his lip twitches into a bewitching smirk as your eyes well with tears and you sniffle out a sweet thank you. "Of course you’d cry over stupid shit like this." He adds, shaking his head. 
His shoes click bluntly against the floor, and he peers down at you with that devastatingly handsome, horribly mean face.
“You could just go fuck another girl.” You murmur sappily, lip jutting into a pout. And it’s true, you know it. The two of you have established that. He throws it in your face, too, when you tell him you’re busy or you’re too sleepy. Or when you simply don’t want to deal with his attitude.
His laugh tickles your heart, staring at him with wide, watery eyes as he bends down and gathers you into his arms. You squirm, or try to, holding any pride and ego close to your chest like a rabid animal as you let out a faux uncomfortable noise. There’s a familiar tap to your ass that urges you to stop, and you sink into Sukuna’s terrifyingly comfortable embrace as he carries you back to your room. The two of you have hardly cuddled before, the absolute most being him begrudgingly letting you cling onto him after one particularly rough night- only to shove you off five minutes later, giving you a pat on the head as if to say good job, thanks for the head, before leaving.
So this is new, awkward, when your semi friend with semi benefits sets you down with the upmost genteel fashion and retreats back into the kitchen. He comes back with an armful of products moments later. Soup, your favorite cup filled with mystery get well liquid, a straw and a big spoon.
“I don’t like big spoons.”
“That’s too fuckin’ bad because that’s what I got- stop pouting like that, it's disgusting.”
Sukuna sets everything down and defiantly does not grab another spoon for you. You make a noise in the back of your throat when he reaches over and urges you to sit up with a silent look that you’re expected to figure out. He lets you maneuver a pillow behind your back, lets you curl a blanket around your body and change the TV back to Vampire Diaries- he does not let you feed yourself.
When you reach for the bowl of soup (your favorite- chicken and stars), he uses only a percentage of his strength to swat your hand away, giving you another demand to stop sulking like a little kid before he’s crawling (crawling!) across the bed. Bowl of soup and too big of spoon in hand, he sits across from and in front of your view from the show.
He leans forward in a sort of endearing way, brows furrowed in a certain concentration as he scoops the perfect spoonful of soup and stars, holding it to your mouth. And he watches when you open your mouth with furrowed brows, lips closing around the dipped metal so that nothing drips down your chin. The broth warms your mouth, your stomach in an instant, making your face relax and your back slump into the pillow that supports you.
There’s a prickle of humiliation on the apples of your cheeks, something Sukuna would likely make fun of if you weren’t half asleep by the time he finishes spoon feeding you. And yea, there was one singular instance of him swiping away fallen liquid away with his thumb. And yea, you’re going to remember that forever. And most definitely are you going to internalize this as something more between the two of you than just friends who fuck (friend being a huge overstatement).
“I don’t like you.” You find yourself murmuring as Sukuna thrusts your clunky, metal, pink water bottle in your face. Obediently, as you always are, you sip at the liquid, swallowing down any grimace as he stares right at you while you swallow.
“You’re not my favorite, either.” He grunts, picking the cup up as soon as you set it down and representing it to you with a face.
“I’m at least second to your video game console.” Your grumble with pursed lips, taking another measly sip. When Sukuna raises his brows, you take a few more.
“Third. Second is pot. And it’s a PS4- fucking nerd.”
The part of your stomach that isn’t cramping to shit flutters, your fever probably rises, and you smile to yourself as you take a big gulp of the electrolyte solution. You swallow before he says the softest atta girl and takes the cup to set it back down.
Sukuna helps you shuffle under three big blankets, gives you your phone and goes to wash the soup bowl. You text Satoru with sick enthusiasm, to which he reiterates it in your (other) group chat where everyone just starts sending silly fangirlish memes. Shoko isn’t phased, Suguru isn’t pleased, either. But there’s an icky smile on your face, the thought of when it’ll end and Sukuna will go back to, well, Sukuna, gnawing at the back of your throat.
But you’ll pretend for today, like you do everyday.
“Are you leaving?” You ask when he comes back into the room, question answered when the bed dips once more.
He grunts a no, to shut up and sleep as he synchs up another sports game. You don’t mind, turning your head so you’re facing him. His back rests against a pillow with a floral case, one of your weighted stuffed animals squished between the weight of his back and the metal bed frame.
You stare with lidded eyes and hot cheeks, tracing the musculature of his shoulders and the sharpness of his face in the same pattern you do after he’s done making you quiver and shake and cry. The plush of the blanket is a perfect excuse for the sheen of sweat on your face, your stomach still molten lava and convulsing.
But it’s just a little more than a dull ache with Sukuna here, bored face and all.
For a moment, before you fall asleep for a third time today, you feel his fingertips, hard and gruff and soft, brush against your cheek, your chapped lips. You’re too tired to hide or quip at him in the static-like fashion that makes him laugh.
You swear you see his lips twitch when you hum affectionately. There’s a text waiting for your friends, a mental scoreboard to update. Smile number two. Four days apart. From holding a sparkler and ogling at it like a child at Satoru’s New Year’s Eve party to laying in bed sick, purring like a cat as he pets you.
“Stop looking like you’re going to die.” He all but requests, covering your face with a sliver of the blanket and looking back at the game. Grabbing the remote, he turns the volume up a few more notches to ignore your itty bitty, very sleepy laugh.
Seconds away from sleep, Sukuna uncovers it- you. His lingering gaze tingles your nose, all the way down to the tips of your toes. Your infatuation with him might as well be the cure to cancer from the faintest spark of energy it gave you.
He’s not there when you wake up. It could have been a fever dream for all you know if it wasn’t for the refilled hydro flask and oddly neat note scribbled for you to ‘drink the fuck up’ on one of your Sanrio sticky notes. There's a brief look of horror on your face knowing that he looked through your drawers to find one. 
You drink it all and take a gruesome looking picture, sending it to him with a silly caption- your way of saying thank you. Sukuna doesn’t respond, but the read receipts are on. And he doesn’t talk to you for awhile, as if he curates the perfect way to make you stay by letting the bubbling like for him simmer into nothing, only for it to come back in full force when asks if you’re awake three Thursdays later.He asks if he can still use the key you gave him to come by after the gym to shower because his little brother and friends are over and he doesn’t want to hear them blubber while they figure out their alcohol tolerance (or lack thereof).
A pearly, well built increment of yourself hopes it’s so he’ll check up on you, too, after he slinks into your room and fucks you just the way he likes- because he knows you like it, too.
And you say yes, like you always do. Tell him about this new body wash you got that he can use, that you just so happened to get his favorite drink from the store he get his protein powder and supplements from when you went grocery shopping.
you don’t even like that store lmfao
found a new prebiotic there! Saw it on Pintrest
Sukuna is not immune to exploiting your obvious cartwheels to please him. He’ll never say thank you, and you won’t ever ask him to. You do it for all your friends, you tell him. Shoko’s toothbrush brand is in your bathroom cabinet when she sleeps over. Satoru’s moisturizer and favorite tooth-rotting snacks. Suguru’s blanket because he gets cold at movie nights. But Sukuna knows he could have whatever he asked for within the hour.
He’ll never address that he took care of you when you were sick. Both times. Or that there's a packet of your favorite gum in the console of his car. And he'd rather be dead than you, shit, anyone, find out that there's a hidden album of little you's in his phone. 
i’m just a good friend  *ੈ♡⸝⸝🪐༘⋆
we’re not friends.
It doesn’t hurt your feelings. Because you know he’s emotionally constipated, that no one’s ever really cared. Except Yuji, but little brothers always care. That whatever affection and consideration thrown his way will be burnt to a crisp, that he’ll only ever look at you like you hung the stars when no one’s looking, or only think about you at night when the weed isn’t helping him sleep. 
uh huh, we sure aren’t. see you later! make sure to stretch before you lift!!
stop texting me, it's fucking up my music
₊˚🖇️✩ ₊˚🎧⊹♡
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