#thank u nonnie <3
neverrcryarch · 10 months
🥺 uno reverse ! say something nice about yourself nerd
send a 🥺 and I will write one thing I like about you/your writing/your blog, accepting.
well if i haaave to. no i kid i kid. honestly, i'm so proud of myself and how far i've come. like. in the span of two months i have made a wild amount of progress with my mental and physical health. i love that for me. i'm so happy i got sober because i can fully enjoy writing again. i'm able to really write, focus, put words together ... instead of getting close to black out and writing nonsense. i'm happy that i'm mentally more well because it's easier for me to connect and talk with mutuals ( yes i'm still slow with replies but anyone who has known me for a while knows i've gotten a lot better ). i'm putting my well being first for the first time in well, shit. forever. and that's sick!
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godnectar · 1 year
"u all just make me sick" uh ok, then leave? imagine being so bothered by people who are nice to each other. shame you cant relate to those feelings. just look away, close your eyes
exactly bro,, just close ur eyes like this and continue with your own things-
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eddiesghxst · 1 year
hi I just wanted to let you know your dad!eddie and hairstylist reader post made me smile! My uncle (who sadly passed away) actually did this. Before his death, he and his longtime gf had broken up and he was really insecure and just lonely. Because his ex was his hairdresser he had to go find someone new and he met this girl that he was so excited about. He asked me and my sisters on advice about how to talk to her bc he was “out of the game” for so long. He actually said “I’m scared I’m gonna go bald with how many times I went in there for a haircut.” We laughed for a while after that. Sorry this is so long but his death really did a toll on me and to see a post about my comfort character in the same situation made me smile! Thank you for that ❤️
OHHH this is, by far, the most special ask/message i’ve ever been sent, thank u so much for sharing this precious memory of yours with me🥹 i’m so glad u were able to find a smile on here, sending love to u and ur loved ones and hoping ur uncle is getting some fancy haircuts in his new book of life🫶💌
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puppygirlf4g · 1 year
breaking your arm on purpose and when i bring you to the hospital ill get mad at you for being so stupid and wasting our time and money like that god youre fucking pathetic yknow it wouldve healed on its own btw youre just overreacting
maybe i was just being overdramatic >////<
i'd feel rlly guilty and just keep apologising to you and promising i'll do anything to make it up to you!!! maybe i could take over all of your chores and let you relax whenever you're home!! and suck you off literally whenever you please!! anything to apologise for being so useless and wasteful :3
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lord-angelfish · 2 years
if you receive this, you make somebody happy! go on anon and send this to ten of your followers who make you happy or somebody you think needs a cheering up. if you get one back, even better! ❤️
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chrollogy · 3 months
Atsumu is really good at being a setter for volleyball and masterminded his players (as he thinks it) but god damn I feel like he’s like 90% moron otherwise. When he first got his own place, he called his Ma about laundry and pestered his brother about cooking. (“TSUMU DO NOT MICROWAVE ALUMINUM FOIL!! DUMBASS!”) and when you start dating him, you realize he’s a moron but god damn it, you think you’re moronsexual cause you’re in love with him.
i SEE the vision nonnie 😫 <3
atsumu naturally becomes so smart and skilful when it comes to playing volleyball that you can literally see the gears turning in his head throughout the whole game !! and you’d think this would carry over to basic life and cooking skills but oh you were so so wrong :<
he also doesn’t know himself why he can’t get the simple concepts in his skull (how the hell would he know not to put foil inside the microwave??? he just doesn’t get it!) but when you came along, you could really see him make effort—sometimes you’d see his search history with sentences like ‘do i have to separate dark laundry from coloured laundry’ ‘why is it bad to put foil inside the microwave’ ‘what type of detergent to use’ the list could go on, and on, and you found it absolutely adorable >< not only because he’s trying hard for you but also because he wants to be able to function independently when you’re not around !!
nonetheless, tsumu gets really shy, and whiny whenever you bring up his search history but you always remind him not to be ashamed of it because it shows him how much he loves you <3 and how much you’re hopelessly in love with him because despite some of his incompetencies (he’s working on them, trust!) you stayed by his side.
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fyodior · 4 months
What if the son Fyodor x mother reader was the complete opposite— Fyodor’s daughter obsessing over him and wanting to get railed by him at any given chance? Would he do it?
i think he’d try to deny it for a long time. you’d have to be very persistent, messing with him over and over, breaking him down and wearing him thin until he just fucking snaps. making lewd comments and touching him and keeping your door cracked when you’re touching yourself so he can hear you, walking around the house in skimpy clothes or even naked, pushing his buttons constantly.
when he finally snaps, he’s rough, pushing your stomach down against the bed, or against the wall and tugging your shorts down before hastily shoving his cock all the way inside you. is this what you wanted, you little brat? for your dad to fuck you stupid? fucking disgusting, he’d whisper in your ear as he fucks into you hard and relentlessly, covering your mouth with his hand. he hates it and he hates himself but he can no longer deny how badly you drive him crazy and for how long he’s so desperately wanted his cock inside his beloved daughter like this.
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suusoh · 3 months
johan and Anna together would be The worst combo ever
exactly. THE worst. you're not escaping them. If we're talking Johan and Nina then at least it's like a good cop bad cop thing where Nina is at least trying to keep things at a level. The classical yin and yang balance. She genuinely wants you to enjoy their presence without any stress or discomfort while Johan could not care less if you're scared or not, since he knows you won't truly escape them anyways. He finds it amusing even— both on how visibly unnerved you are, and how much lengths Nina will go through to keep you in the dark of their obsession. He almost finds it like a game: how uncomfortable can he make you and how good of an excuse can Nina make this time? But if we're talking Johan and Anna, on the other hand, the Anna Liebert I have in my head (the one who's objectively WORSE than Johan): There is no pleasantries. Nada. They want you, they have you. That's it. They don't even bother to hide their freakishness (well maybe at the start, just to lure you in. They have to be on their best behaviour after all). But other than that, no chance at things being normal. Zero. You have two traumatized blonde twins touch starved for affection and connection and they will get exactly that from you. No matter how unsettling you find them. Not like you could do anything about it anyways.
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fatuismooches · 2 years
your dottore and fragile reader with two birds on a wire *leaves*
...😞 *leaves with u*
Makes me think of how Dottore is constantly moving on and advancing with his creations and research while fragile!reader is just stagnant, not able to really do anything, so they kinda just onlook from behind the scenes. Unable to fly off and be with Dottore like they used to. Yet they still believe in him and their life and that he'll help them recover. They still believe in him despite it all, all of the cruelty and inhumanity. Birds of a feather flock together after all.
A more angsty part is where it says they'll always be together, but one will never let go of the wire, and that they're lying about wanting to leave *cough cough fragile!reader dies/puts up a brave front even though they're dying cough*
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rosykims · 9 months
it is genuinely so hilarious and sad watching "solas slightly approves" pop up for the 17th time in 5 minutes solely bc you asked him the most mundane of questions like. hyperfixated girlblogger coded
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moechies · 6 months
hello. . am trying out the text colorizer that sweet anon sent me :3c
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hexslvt · 18 days
*hugs and squeeze*
You can lie back on me, little one.
Let me rub your tummy and put you to sleep.
I promise you'll never know for sure what I did to your defenceless body while you slept.
But you will wake up with a smile.
Your Nonnie
hmph using my love of tummy rubs against me i see. unfair playing cards when i know nooothing to use against you
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mirrortouchedsea · 6 months
Madaleo 20? Love your work!
ask game
…on a scar.
The wound on his hand was healing well, scar tissue knitting his palm together. Despite all of the jobs he had taken recently, Madara had only sustained minor injuries. At least, minor injuries that drew blood. His body was sore all over but he had to push through it. Couldn't have all of ES gossiping about him like that if he could help it.
Madara runs his hand under some water in the communal kitchen sink. If anyone asked, he could say a knife slipped while cooking or something. Not entirely believable for him but better than the alternative.
He hears a familiar voice humming down the hall, lighter than air as a melody is born in the moment to his favorite musical genius. Madara smiles and turns off the water, running to catch Leo in a hug before the other boy could surprise him.
"Mikejimama! I'm back in Japan!" Leo hugs him back enthusiastically. It had been a few months since the two had seen each other, what with Madara's odd jobs and Leo living in Italy with Izumi most of the year.
"Leo-san!" Madara doesn't have the words to tell Leo how happy he is to see his boyfriend.
They pull away, Leo's eyes shining as he starts telling Madara about his life in Italy, the types of people he works with and all of the food (he insists that Madara should come with them next time so they can try out these cafes near their apartment together). Madara nods along, soaking in all of Leo's voice for safe keeping.
At some point, Madara finds himself bringing up a hand to brush aside Leo's hair from his face and Leo's eyes seem to trace the movement. His face falls and Madara realizes its the hand with the fresh scar.
"You're taking care of yourself right, Mama?" Leo brings his own hand up to Madara's, thumb tracing over the scar.
"Of course, Leo-san. I just cut myself while cooking last week. Don't worry about it." The lie slips from him easily, but neither of them buy it. Leo doesn't push, he never does (but maybe he should, someday, when they're safe and thousands of miles from here. Madara wants him to push for truth), but he brings Madara's palm to his lips, leaving a gentle kiss, and another and another, until Madara is laughing and Leo follows suit.
Madara pulls Leo in for a gentle kiss on the lips, still laughing, still smiling.
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chrollogy · 9 days
we’ve all seen the cute scenarios of chrollo nursing his darling back to health if she’s ill, but do you think Chrollo could ever succumb to a little flu? apparently the general consensus is that he has a really good immune system so he doesn’t get sick much, but wouldn’t it be cute for a darling to feel his head and feed him soup☹️
more chrollo !!! thank you nonnie >< it is indeed cute to see his lover taking care of him too !!
I can definitely see it being very rare for Chrollo to get sick, especially after growing up in Meteor City where it’s the survival of the fittest there so he often falls as the one who takes care of his significant other. But he’s a human after all, so when Chrollo does get sick he tries to brush it off as mere exhaustion on the first day to not worry you.
Though, by the second day of sickness, his whole body is extremely heavy, he feels like he’s glued to the mattress, not to mention how warm his skin feels paired with chesty coughs here, and there. Of course, you’re there at the first sign of his symptoms—one feel at his warm forehead, and you’re already chopping up ingredients to make him a comfort soup.
Chrollo is the type to be nonchalant about things, and that includes him being sick as well. So at first, when you offer to feed him in bed with the soup you made, he’s stubborn, and meekly refuses the spoonful of soup. To top it off, he says he’s ‘not sick’ but clearly his words contradict his current state. Eventually, Chrollo caves in, and lets you spoon feed him (after bickering back, and forth), and he thinks to himself that being taken care of isn’t too bad. He’s always so set on taking care of you that sometimes he doesn’t let himself be taken care of, and when he finally stops to let that happen, it shocks Chrollo as to how much he actually enjoys it.
After he makes this discovery, Chrollo allows you to nurse him ‘til he gets better like he usually does with you—whether it be feeding him, applying a cold towel to his forehead or simply reading one of his favourite antique novels to him, Chrollo accepts them with open arms. I also feel like he’s the type to become a bit clingy when he’s sick; he’ll also wear his heart of his sleeve more, albeit, not by choice. Chrollo would want you to stay by his side ‘til he gets better which usually ends up with you spending almost the whole day in bed with him, his arms never leaving your figure.
Or, if you manage to escape from his arms, and ignore his stubborn pleas, Chrollo will make sure to follow you around the house, even if it meant sacrificing a little energy just to be with you. In the kitchen? He’s behind you with arms wrapped around your waist. In the living room? He’ll lay his head on your lap while you watch TV, maybe he’d even ask you to stroke his hair while he falls asleep to the sound of the show you’re watching. At the end of the day, he’s just a man needing extra love, and attention from his lover despite not openly admitting it. ><
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interlvgos · 7 months
George and Lewis
doesn’t make sense & doesn’t compel me
beloved gewis mutuals . i’m so sorry
ship game
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neurodivenport · 2 years
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top 30 lab rats characters as voted by my followers number 22 ⟶ donald davenport (8.6%)
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