#thank u though!! love me some oc writing yeehaw
angst 18 for robin!!!!
Her boot pressed down against the man’s knuckles, just begging for him to try and pull himself back up onto the Prydwen. “Any other lies left to tell me?”
“You don’t have to do this, Knight! You’re better than this!” Maxson hisses at her.
“Hah, good one.” With that, she let go. And he fell. And fell, and fell.
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albatris · 4 years
uhm hi there im new to your blog, and your ocs/snippets seem really interesting! i also love your art, but i have no idea whos who and i can’t seem to find a master post with all of your characters, what they look like, their pronouns, backstory etc. would it be possible for you to maybe give a brief rundown of each character or link some posts related to them?? it doesn’t have to be super in depth and please DO NOT feel obligated to do this at all if you don’t want to. but id love to know a little bit more about them! hope you have a good day and sorry for the long message :))
hello!!! thank you so much, that’s so nice of you to say!!! I’m glad you’ve enjoyed what you’ve seen so far :D :D
now, you’ll have to forgive me, it’s super late and this reply will NOT be neat or concise whatsoever....... which kinda sets the tone for most of this blog tbh so I guess it’s cool
I don’t really have any sort of masterpost, most of what I post about these guys is in the form of snippets and rambles and usually people just jump on board wherever..... which, yeah, can be confusing and difficult for folks to keep up with especially if they’re new HAHAHA
I will start out with the bits I *do* have nice neat intros for! I have two main WIPs, All The Doors Are Open and Undertow! Undertow is currently more of a side project, but you can read about the characters here, and here’s some art for Aster and Kit and also Meg so you have faces to the names c:
and now this:
the main four I speak about on this blog are Noa, Tris, Shara and Kai from ATDAO, n I have these handy character intros on hand for this exact purpose!! here u go (I mean here’s the link to the old post but it’s still got the wrong name for Tris so eh)
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n honestly knowing these four is like 90% of the work tbh, I am a simple man, I post content about the same four OCs 24/7 until everyone is sick of it,,
Tris and Noa are the protagonists and viewpoint characters! 
Tris’s plotline involves him trying to figure out what happened to his older brother Jacob, who got hit by a car and straight-up vanished from existence entirely, and involves a quest into an unreality that can be described as “getting lost down the back of an interdimensional sofa”. also there’s a sword and a cat. think fantasy/adventure vibes that veer into horror
Noa’s plotline involves her work at the Department of Interdimensional Instabilities! and her becoming tangled up with otherworldly energies and gaining some strange powers, as well as her clash with basically-a-cartoon-supervillain Laurence Marrick Thiele, whose full name I like to type out and who’s attempting to manipulate interdimensional doorways for his own gain and putting a hell of a lot of people’s lives in peril. think mystery/sci-fi vibes!
Shara and Kai aren’t viewpoint characters but they’re still up there as MCs and I love them! Shara’s story centres around her attempting to solve three mysteries from her childhood which she believes will lead her to the source of the apocalypse, and Kai’s story involves them dealing with the emotional and interpersonal repercussions of losing seven years of their life to a time loop and their attempts to reconnect with their family, who thought they were dead
annnnnnnnd that’s basically all the nice neat concise stuff I can give ya! 
under the cut will be some additional rambles you don’t really need to read, I’m not so good at coming up with Nice Neat Character Summaries on the fly, so it’s just me scrambling about to find vaguely relevant posts and links..... it will unfortunately be a bit of a mess and perhaps only tangentially relevant
cannot emphasise enough that I debated not even including the next stuff but hey! I like talking
Other side characters you might see around are Alice (she/her, red curly hair, undercut, dresses in lots of green) and Jet (he/they, green spiky hair, freckles, dresses like a thrift store got hit by a tornado), who are Noa’s teammates at the DII! Alice is Noa’s love interest n is cool and mysterious and Jet is the team leader n is completely chaotic and unhinged
these two
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There’s also Kai’s younger brother Kieran (he/him) and Tris’s siblings Becca (she/her) and Jacob (he/him), none of whom I have ever drawn more than twice and whose appearances seem to change every time I write about them so I’m not going to describe them here hahahaha
I do have a Kieran for you though uhhhh where’s my One Decent Kieran Drawing
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that’s the one!
anyway, backstories are................ a lot. so I don’t think I’m gonna go into too much of it here on this post
I have, like........ a collection of posts scattered all over the place that kind of go into some things? but in very tangential ways. I’ll toss you some plot + character rambles that might be of interest! though my rambles are not everyone’s cup of tea ‘cause they’re, well, rambling
first! the plot of the story is here! which might give you some context for the Everything! this one is a Big ramble, not all of them are like this lol
Greer siblings!
here’s Jacob info for an ask response I did one time which is one of the few posts where I talk about Jacob at length ‘cause he’s just lots of spoilers
also did one for Kai which might have some info for ya?? but idk if it’s all that relevant
might come back and add more rambles later, it is currently 2 in the AM
or I might come back and be like “logan could you really not think of a better way to answer this question” and delete the rambles
yeehaw thx for listening I love you
also apologies for the complete and utter lack of info on Kieran he is a mystery that eludes me still
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haechanti-remade · 6 years
compliment some of ur mutuals! why not spread love! let this be a bridge to let u make new friends, or simply remind ur pals of how amazing they are! share this around if u’d like💕💕💕💕
listen im a big shy baby so im gonna use this to gush about some mutuals i always do (i wanted to gush abt more people but that would make this post Way Too Long + i have another one of these sitting in my inbox uwu) but like ok here we go it’s what they all deserve but also this is just me rambling and repeating words bc i never have any coherent thoughts so bare with me here if none of this actually makes any sense okay
@lofiloey listen jesse is so good and sweet and also? the Best Boy hands down i’m sorry it’s just a fact [i love he (he is jesse)], anyway his moodboards…. really god tier, i love them so much?? his sense of aesthetic and everything is really hecking good im [always] impressed whenever i see his content,, also his art… i love his style and seeing his fanart and his ocs is??? amazing i love it i love them, he just keeps getting more and more talented every day hm :((( also he’s super handsome and supportive, bright and talented and smart and strong, oof and a big cute dork who makes my days easier and brighter, my boyfriend and also my best friend and i don’t know where i’d be without him beside me. he’s also THE best boy i don’t make the rules, it’s just fact, and im always grateful for him being in my life hm
@darlinghyuck scar queen of being soft!! she’s So cute and So sweet (literally made out of sugar im telling you), theres never a moment where she Isn’t the Best Girl okay. first of all her writing and aus are top notch (and mayhaps the reason i ended up following her), they’re so amazing?? we stan?? and her moodboards are always super pretty too oof my heart nyooms :(( she’s really out there being nice and funny and always the sweetest softest lady all the time i really can’t take it, the Best Girlfriend too like OOF im so lucky, she’s just???? the prettiest, both inside and out and idk how to handle that yall, she’s another person who makes my days easier and brighter and im always so thankful for her
@sunshineboymark in this house we love and support miss megan okay i love her so hecking much :(( she’s super sweet and nice and a really interesting person, and talking to her is so so fun whether she’s talking about her love for rosie or talking about photography and her sky pictures or just talking about anything it’s just, really good and easy and i appreciate her so much???? miss megan really deserves the world and all the happiness in it shes so strong and smart and talented, through her good days and her bad she’s really one of the best people i know and im so thankful that she’s here and existing oof
@darlingrenjun listen okay so jemmie is the one with the most braincells, they’re the Most Functioning Bi i’ve ever met, they’re good and valid and also So Powerful??? Honestly jemmie is a god tier person, they have such a good personality and good morals and they’re kind and sweet and helpful and they’re really Role Model material. jem is really one of the best people i know Truthfully,, but also they’re super soft they’re never shutting up about how much they love renjun or kun or really anyone in nct in the autobots gc and that??? so valid we love a soft bean [jem]
@scungmin and here we have emily…. sweet emily, always tellin me, a twink to shup and callin me a f*rry/sc*lie…….. it’s Slander against my good name but i don’t mind bc she’s emily and emily is so valid and also im so grateful for her. she’s so Bright and Good and Really Hecking Funny okay, she really [does] deserve so much, she’s young but she’s so mature and smart and a young comedy queen in the making,,, there’s never a dull moment when you’re talking to her, don’t let the sarcasm fool you, she’s soft and sweet and just a tall babie marshmallow OOF we [i] love her in this house,
@rcnjun miss lisa literally her art is God Tier every time she post her art i cry a little bc her style is so cute and Good?? like sometimes she posts some of her sketchbook stuff and it’s always honestly stunning, and also not to mention?? her edits and stuff are always Top Tier… some of them are Completely Ridiculous and big Shitposts, but they’re always so Good, like wow we love stanning talent [lisa]. but also she’s so Nice and friendly??? and the funniest capricorn i know, the MOST valid renjun stan, a comedy queen… hm i could go on but tldr: miss lisa really is a whole all around amazing person and i [hope] she knows that
@1racha okay rose…… she’s so valid and funny and is? one of the best aries i know Thank you for existing okay, every time she spipe up in the gc it’s always a good time and OOF rose really deserves all the good in the world, that cowboy fool. and rose’s art??? holy shit we Stan an art god, every time i see it i’m floored bc it’s always?? so amazing oh my god… like that changbin she drew recently? is honestly amazing (especially the tattoos….. iconique) i was in awe… seeing rose on my dash and talking to her is always Great and really thanks for existing we stan [rose], my yeehaw kin
@monteenlovebot​ bIG OOFS @ her okay listen. miss addy is so cute and good and listen, she’s always calling me out and she cant spell sometimes but thats Okay she’s valid we love [her]. but for real though hm adeline is really adorabl (both inside and out), and she’s really sweet and a hella Good person all around (shes also a Big Soft too oof), and she’s always got good things to say, whether its something Cursed or tea or something soft or just anything in between its always Good Content and talking to her is so fun and oh oof miss adeline really deserves the whole h*cking world :(
@jisquish​ oh india sweet india first of all: aesthetic QUEEN of my god, you’re literally like the sun personified Just Saying, you’re so pretty and im? always quaking in my boots whenever you post a selfie :( second of all: you’ve got talent in every which way WOW a literal queen!!! your voice????? beautiful and good and smooth and??? your writing too??? god tier and good, i cant believe how much talent is in one (1) girl oh my god. also you’re just really nice and humble and funny??? you always have been and oof, i love interacting with you, you really bust my uwus, we all love #1 toothie miss india over here :((
@lqjaehyunanti !!!! she’s honestly one of the nicest people i’ve ever met?? like, interacting with her is always So Nice and she’s always out there spreading so much positive energy and love and it’s??? really refreshing bc not a lot of people are like that lately, and not to mention she’s also super adorable inside and out and hm, we don’t actually /talk/ talk but i always see her interacting with my other mutuals and sometimes we interact too and it’s always just? such a good experience okay miss ellie deserves the whole world
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pyrrthea · 7 years
I really have no excuse for this, I just wanted to see if I could brighten up the days of people who really brighten up mine
@crowndefiant cassie, you are literally my best friend in the entire world and i love you a lot. thank you so much for always being there for me, even when i probably didn’t deserve it, and for brightening up my day by literally just putting up with me. i love you so so much and you mean the entire world to me.  as for your writing, you already know i think it’s phenomenal. be it some dumb crack on this hell site, or your gorgeous novel that’s going to turn you into a new york times best selling author, you could write about a cardboard box and i would die for it <3 your dumb jokes, your kindness, your willingness to always be there for me by my side all makes me so happy to have you in my life, and i want you to know that i’m always going to be here for you no matter what.
@anorablespark josie!! you’re about 95% of the reason why this blog exists and probably why i still roleplay at all. you following me all the way back on p//bg was a shock because you seemed like such a high quality blogs and back then i was a total mess (i still am. that is beside the point). despite my total lack of confidence in any of my abilities, you were nothing but kind and caring to me in a time where i was considering giving up writing all together, and you made me a lot less nervous joining this fandom by introducing me to some of the most amazing people here that i love and admire, you are one of them. you’re nora is one of my favourite muses ever on this fucking hellsite, and even though we say we have to plot and we never do, what little we’ve done with nora and pyrrha’s relationship makes me smile, and your nora makes pyrrha smile a lot too. your backstory for her has so much though, love and care put into it, and i want you to know that i love it, and i love you, and all of your muses and headcanons. don’t forget that.
@starsetdiva maaaaaayyyy~ as someone who has tried, struggled, and failed to take a background character with like five lines of dialogue, and turn them into my own, let me tell you this, you have done a phenomenal job, with both neon and arslan. the care and effort into everything you do for your muses makes me so happy that there are people like you, who are willing to do all that for a character they love, and i respect you so so much for that. you’re always there to make me laugh, be it ooc or ic, and i’m glad we live in the land of fucked up timezones, because being able to see you on my dash, and talk to you, makes me so happy. i know how self-conscious you are about your writing, and i know exactly how you feel, but i want you to know that i genuinely love and enjoy all of your writing, and i would so so so so soooo love to write/plot with you some more, i just,,,, need to come up with some plot ideas <3 i’d follow you on any muse to the end of the fucking earth, and rest assured, i will always be around to icon whoever or whatever you need lmao
@mirrornium chloe, you’re pretty okay for someone who shits on my lawn. nO BUT REALLY, in all seriousness, i was really sad when you just sort of disappeared off my dash a while back, because you always made me laugh a lot with your drake bell icons buT NOW YOU AND YOUR DRAKE AND JOSH SHITPOSTING IS BACK AS WELL, and i could not be happier. we haven’t talked a lot one on one but everytime we speak, be in privately or in a group of people, you never fail to make me laugh until i’m in tears, and i couldn’t ask for anything more from you. 
@bloomess stELLA WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU SO NICE TO ME. you’re literally the best, like god damn woman, you are so kind and funny and you’re always doing nice things for me and saying nice things to me, which i don’t???? deserve??????? like dang man what’d i do to deserve you, like, what the fuck. ad you!!!! put up with me sending you memes that make me think of you/ur ruby, who is the absolute cutest think i lov okay. i lov you, and uhhh i love ur ruby, and pyrr lovse rooby 2, her lil cowgirl gf yeehaw. wE HAVEN’T HAD A PROPER THREAD YET BUT UHH I RLLY WANT 2 WRITE WITH YOU BECAUSE I LOVE HOW YOU WRITE RUBY IT GIVES ME A REASON TO LIVE LIKE DAMN WOMAN. but yes i love you a lot and i would die 4 u but u already know that so okAY BYE NOW Y’ALL
@saecris meh.  NO I’M KIDDING I LIKE YOU A LOT MORE THAN JUST meh. you better full well know how much i love you and how much i love your ren. you are so kind and funny that it like genuinely confuses me like how is??? that possible like dang. i really really really enjoy talking to you ooc so much, and our ic interactions are a lot of fun too, even if it’s just pyrrha and ren acting like children and also that one time they were being nerds about books or something. speaking of, i love your ren. so so so sos os sosososoooos o soooooo sooooooo much. your headcanons and backstory are so well thought out and genuinely interesting and make me want to care about him so much more and i just  👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏
@nctdamsel how and why do you even put up with me mack. you let me yell at you about greek fire and it means so much to me that you care about these two nerds as much as i do lmA O. all of your headcanons and oc’s are so well thought out and all the care and detail you put into them shines through and makes me smile. you’re always kind and sweet and just in general way too good to me???? i love all the cute threads we do together and it makes me so happy to see you on my dash, to talk to you, write with you, plot with you, waTCH YOUR FUCKING SNAPCHAT STORY I’M LOV U MAC K
@kingdommark helL O HUSBAND <3 we’ve known each other like what, two weeks and we’re already married. i haven’t known you for nearly as long as a lot of other people, but you’ve never been anything but kind and caring to me, and it really means a lot to me that you take time out of your day to talk to me and be a nice person???? and seeing you be a nice person to other people makes me so happy, because i think we both know that this website is a place filled with unnecessary toxicity, so to see people like you who are always doing their best to be kind is so heartwarming to me. obviously i don’t know shit about KH but your sora is a massive cutie who i love a lot and enjoy seeing on my dash so much, and you can bet your ass i cannot wait for sora/pyrrha interactions
@saintlyhilt aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA??????? hello yes, shi did you know that you’re an absolute blessing and idk how we haven’t interacted much outside of crack/dash comm, because i’m pretty sure our first ooc interaction was just me telling you how thirsty i am for jaune so. i lov seeing u be gay on my dash and the rare times we talk make me happy because you’re so kind and caring and i don’t know if you know it but you never fail to make me smile all the gosh darn time, and i literally cannot thank you enough. your writing and headcanons for both sun and jaune are so well thought out, interesting, and so much fun to read. i just want you to know that you’re really important to me and i appreciate you a lot.
@adornedscars jhuwan, you may be one sassy fucking piece of shit, but you know what? i wouldn’t have it any other way, because you make me laugh and smile a lot, especially when i need it most, and our stupid running joke of fox calling pyrrha a bitch is one of my favourite stupid thing to happen on this blog. you’ve literally taken a character with nothing and made him your own in a way that literally just???? makes me forget that he doesn’t even have a canon fucking voice actor. you are one of the most important people i see on my dash, and one of the funniest too, and even though we don’t talk a lot, i’m glad we’re friends.
@baddrunkcharm hEY ASHE DID U KNOW THAT UR LIKE MY FAVOURITE QROW AND I’M LOV U AND THE WAY U WRITE SO MUCH AND U HAVE TO SHARE THOSE COOKIES WITH ME. no but seriously you’re another person who i just??? haven’t talked to a lot because i’m a nervous bean and you’re just super cool and i love your writing and characterization so fucking much man like dang. and!!! i super hope we can interact more, both ic and ooc, because!!! i’m going to fight you either way!!! but with hugs, and puppies, and love, because,,,, i love seeing you on my dash, and talking to you, and just knowing that you exist.
@miragesque heLLO YES WE HAVE LIKE NEVER SPOKEN BEFORE BUT LIKEDANG SEEING YOU ON MY DASH MAKES ME REALLY HAPPY DA N G. seeing how much you love and care about blake makes me so happy because i 101% absolutely know how you feel to be absolutely in love with your muse, and to see other people that just care so much makes me get all emotional, and it all really shows through in your writing because like????? you’re probably one of the most stand out blakes i’ve ever seen on this god forsaken hell site and it makes me all giddy and smiley and happy to see on my dash because you’re an amazing writer, and i am just a small bean, hoping that one day i’ll build up some more courage to sAY HE L L O.
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