#thank uu!!! had so much fun responding! :D
castielsparkle · 2 years
hii angelsdean here, i saw you reblogged my art ask game so i wanted to send you a few! palette, inspiration, crayon
omg angelsdean hi!! thank u so much, and thank u for making it its very cool!! ^_^ sorry about the late response, was working on a piece actually lol!
palette: ooh, this ones tough, im like split right in the middle with two choices hehe. i quite love using varying shades and hues of blues! but most of my art ends up being kind of a peachy, almost rosy orange-pink-purple kind of palette :P it always starts out very blue but if i fully finish a piece it usually ends up shifting towards the latter. i love blue seeing as i am a blue guy myself but i can def appreciate both of those palettes!! very fun to work with :)
inspiration: OOH this is so so dear and special to me,, i draw inspiration from most anything that i can!! which includes but isnt limited to: davinci's sketches, baroque art in general, 70s-80s and 2000s retrofuturism (tbh 50s-2000s retrofuturism entirely is just so<333) i was big on the deviantart 2010s like, furry and mlp scene as well LOL so i get insp from there too from time to time! i also have an appreciation for other forms of art such as music, makeup, poetry, dance, etc, and i love kind of translating stuff from there into physical/drawn art :) i also take huge inspiration from my day to day life, the things around me, and my friends, and ofc, all of the media im interested in! (spn, mlp, dexter, stranger things, teotfw etc!) i think i am most inspired/motivated by my life experiences and animals and my passion for biology/anatomy :) i love to create just to create!
crayon: ive been drawing quite literally as long as i can remember! there wasnt ever a time where i wasnt in my memory, i am very very passionate about art in all of its forms and a strong believer that there is so much soul and life and Humanity in creating and sharing and viewing/observing/experiencing art, whether its telling stories or dancing or singing or drawing, i just love love love art. dont get me started on ancient cave drawings LMAO. but anyways sorry that was a tangent, point being that art is very intrinsic to my being, but to get back on topic, ive been drawing for my entire conscious life :) i remember as a wee boy i won an art trophy in my schools district for like, some water safety contest i made a poster for lol. my elective in high school was art, and i spent most of my time physically *in* high school spent in my art teachers classroom, any spare time i had, whether it was supposed to be my spare time or not 😭 as a small small kid i did horse riding, and was very passionate about horses, and had many horse anatomy books and how-to-draw horse books etc etc, was big into bella sara and i adored drawing horses. (later that manifested into an mlp special interest when g4 came out which fueled my art even more, i even run an mlp art request blog w my bf to this day!) but anyways! in my youngest days id draw horses, my family, any animal i could, webkinz, and as a tween-teen it was a bunch of furry art, then youtuber art, then fandom art, etc etc... now its mainly my original stuff and im very into spn right now so! lots of that too :)
sorry for going on such a long rant ahh! 😭 these questions are so cool i just had so much fun answering them lol!! thank you again!!!<3
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Of Juniberries and Perfume
hi guys…the lot/or piece…it’s done and under the cut…it’s extremely self-indulgent and it’s basically allergic, sneezy lot/or…oh boy…
i had so much fun writing this, so i hope you enjoy reading it!! 
Lotor’s presence in the Castle of Lions was far from welcomed by everyone. Despite Allura trusting him enough to let him roam the castle, he could feel everyone’s suspicious eyes boring their way into him with every step he took. He consequently spent his time in rooms nobody happened to be occupying, as he knew trying to desensitise the other Paladins from his presence was something they would have to do on their own accord.
Today, Lotor was in one of the castle’s kitchens. Coran had shown him where the one with ‘the best food goo’ was, which was the option Lotor was predisposed to when asked if he would like to try some of Coran’s cooking (though, he was sure Coran’s cooking wasn’t nearly as bad as the terror in Shiro’s eyes made it out to be). That being said, he’d gotten used to the stuff; it just…wasn’t very good. But he supposed it was better than nothing.
Presently, Lotor absentmindedly poked at the food goo on his plate. He was taking a break from thinking too hard about anything; running the Galra Empire and promptly being exalted from it certainly took its toll on him. He’d also recently killed Narti, lost his other generals’ alliance, and killed his own father. Though he was never one to feign ignorance to the truth, he just needed a break.
When the kitchen doors opened, Lotor felt no surprise upon discovering it was Allura who had stepped into the room. He watched as she acknowledged his presence with a tight smile, grabbed a plate, and tried to administer some food goo onto it. He found amusement in her struggle to get the nozzle to work; she’d decided to use a particularly dodgy one. Allura growled in frustration, shoving the nozzle back into the machine with more force than she should have.
“Do you need assistance?” Lotor asked slowly, hopefully sounding less condescending than he did in his head.
“I’m perfectly fine,” Allura retorted. “I’ll just use another one.”
She shuffled over to the next machine to dispense some food goo—and low and behold, that one didn’t work, either. After watching her struggle with the hose for a few moments, Lotor stood up from his chair and walked over to her.
To his surprise, Allura smelled faintly of something sweet—berries or flowers, perhaps. She didn’t strike him as the type to wear perfume, but he wasn’t complaining. It was a pleasant smell, quite different to the scent of the half-Galra women he used to spend his time with. He took a discreet whiff to try and decipher exactly what scent lined his nostrils as he opened his palms out to Allura expectantly.
“What?” Allura’s tone was sharp, pulling him out of his scent conquests. “I told you, I’m perfectly fine.” She clutched the nozzle tight in dissidence.
“I don’t believe that for a second, judging by your wrestling with it.” Lotor raised an eyebrow. He stood a head or two above her, towering over her completely. He took the opportunity to look down at the bun she had pulled her hair into. He could probably do that if he tried.
Allura sighed resignedly, handing him the food goo nozzle. “Fine, but I’m telling you, it won’t work.”
Lotor gave her the smallest smile. One little victory for him, one step closer to gaining the sweet-smelling princess’ trust.
However, as Lotor began to fiddle with the space goo dispenser, he felt a sudden itch in his nose. He tried to ignore it, opting to stay focused on the task at hand. But the itch grew stronger every moment, and before he knew it, he was sniffling to try to chase it away.
“I can just get Hunk to fix the machine,” Allura insisted. She tried to take the nozzle back from him and succeeded, contrary to the fight she thought he would put up. When Lotor gave no reply, she looked up at him.
From her angle – basically underneath the towering man – she could perfectly see his twitching nose, his nostrils flaring once, twice. His lips parted and eyes became half-lidded, seemingly staring off into the food goo machine. She watched as he slowly lifted both of his hands in front of his mouth and nose, his breath hitching in anticipation of the inevitable.
Lotor’s sneeze was surprisingly pitched higher than Allura thought it would be, considering the usually low pitch of his voice. Lotor’s eyes fluttered open as he sniffled, the sound muffled by his hands.
“Bless you,” Allura said reflexively. Curiously, she cocked her head to the side. “I didn’t know the Galra could sneeze.”
Lotor couldn’t respond, as his breath began to hitch again. “S-Sorry, I—hh-hiih…hh-iK’SHUU!” He cupped it into his hands again.
“Bless you!”
Begrudgingly, Lotor removed his hands from his face. He rubbed the underside of his nose with the side of his index finger—which was a mistake, seeing as that irritated the itch even further. He suppressed a groan as he turned away from Allura, sparing her from the full force of the sneeze. This was a good thing he did, as he was barely able to cover up this time, his finger pressed against his nose. “Hii-k’tCHUU!”
Now realising that maybe Lotor’s nose was actually irritated, Allura asked, “Are you alright?” out of concern.
“I…I don’t…” His eyes began to unfocus and become half-lidded again. His chest heaved up and down, hitching as he tried to talk through the urge. “I-I doooon’t…d-don’t..haa-k’iSHUU! H’kiSH!” He felt Allura’s eyes on him as she stepped around him to once again face him.
“You know, maybe you’re…oh, what do the Paladins call it? A…Allergic? That’s right. Maybe you’re allergic to something,” Allura offered.
Lotor’s nostrils flared again, pressing them against his wrist. “Hh-k’ISHHU!” He sniffed sharply. “Allergic? If by t-that, you mea…meaaaa…hi’TSHU! Hh’TSHU!” He cleared his throat, his words tumbling out, one on top of the other to try and get a full sentence in. “Sensitivity isn’t common in G-Galraaaans.”
“Oh.” Allura looked around the kitchen. “Well, there are some tiss—”
“Haaah…heh! Heh-k’iSHUU!”
“Bless you. Tissues are over there.” Allura pointed to a box of them on the table.
Lotor walked over to the bench, discreetly wiping away the tears that had formed in his eyes with his knuckles. He drew a couple tissues from the box and held them in front of his face, waiting for this hell to be over.
“Hh! Ha-iTSSCH! H’itSHU!”
Lotor let out a sigh of relief as he blew his nose, scratching it in the process. The itch had finally decided to subside. Thank goodness for that.
Allura walked over to him, feeling genuinely bad for him. “Bless you. Gosh, are you sure you’re not allergic to anything?”
Lotor took a sharp inhale through his nose in an effort to clear the blockage—which proved to be a bad idea. He quickly grabbed another set of tissues and managed to press them against his face just in time to catch the oncoming sneeze.
“Ha’kiSHUU! I‘tCHU!” He groaned into the tissues. His chest was beginning to ache from the strain of these sneezes. He blew his nose again—and realised something that should have been obvious right from the start.
“A-Allu…Alluraaahh…” he began, eyes squinted and watery, “are you wearing any sort of p-perfuuume?”
Allura remained quiet for a moment. She took a good few steps back from him. “Possibly; I can’t quite remember. But if you are allergic to whatever scent I have on me, if I stay here for a while, you should—”
“Stop,” Lotor finished exhaustedly. He looked up at the ceiling lights to coax out a few more sneezes. “Heh…h-heh…h-h-haa’KTCHUU! H’itCHU! ‘TchUU!”
“Bless you,” Allura laughed for what felt like the millionth time. She put her hands as she repeated, “You know, I really didn’t think Galrans were capable of sneezing.”
Lotor sniffed wetly, balling his used tissues into his hand and opting for a couple new ones. “They really aren’t. But my lineage renders my sinuses quite helpless against…whatever it is you’re wearing. Hh…Heh-k’ISHH!”
“Bless you. So it’s your Altean heritage that’s causing this?”
“I believe so.”
They stood there for quite some time. They clearly didn’t have anything better to do than to wait if Lotor sneezed any more. It was a little awkward, but Allura’s genuine curiosity for Lotor’s misbehaving sinuses made it slightly less uncomfortable. Thankfully, their hypothesis concerning Allura, her perfume, and his nose was proven correct, and he sighed in relief.
“Well, that’s settled, then,” he stated defiantly. He headed for the door. “I’m going to walk around the castle. Please, do bother me if you need something.”
As he walked past Allura, he forgot to hold his breath and accidentally caught one final whiff of that perfume she was wearing. He sniffled all the way to the door with his forefinger pressed to his nose and only sneezed once he was out the door. A muffled ‘h’itCHUU!’ from behind the door was the last Allura heard of Lotor that day until dinner was served.
She made sure to wear spritzes of that juniberry perfume on her wrists just to annoy him at dinner that night.
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