#thank you DeepL
tintenschreiber · 9 months
165 - In December's Embrace
And in December, What more to remember And love is everywhere In this world, It is hidden from me And my ideas. You take the hunch, And I the punch.
Being loved. Is it so important, Not so much, I guess. Should I bounce high As I am counting sheep, Where is love, And where is it To keep? Hold me tight, So I can believe My words. Hold me, and I am yours.
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nadiajustbe · 3 months
Some 80s Hatter Sistes moments/headcanons from my fanfiction WIP
"When Martha was even younger (although in Sophie's eyes that meant being the most of a baby), her favourite thing to do was to sit right next to Lettie, in front of the window, asking Sophie to hold her on her lap and list the things she had seen that day. These undoubtedly long lists included dozens of crows, a hundred friendly smiles, and at least one cake from Caesari, a bakery chain known throughout the city and several coastal villages. Her voice sounded so iridescent and inspiring that Sophie thought that if she looked out the window, she would see hundreds of bars of pure gold, and not a bakery. Lettie, on the other hand, was always gazing out at the river at the edge of the pier — wiser in those years, she always asked her older sister when she would be able to see the sea up close. She knew that it was mostly Sophie's dream, and that made her sigh even heavier."
"In order to stay together and look after their father's condition, each of the three sisters went to the same small school on the outskirts of the city, where an old, tired middle school teacher kept repeatedly highlighting Martha's talent for the sciences. At that time, Lettie would indiscriminately raise her hand to answer every question, while Sophie would sit quietly at the back of the class, deep in a book or darning another handkerchief."
"Martha had brought at least a dozen dresses, recipes and books with every possible inscription, struggling to fit them into the two small suitcases she had chose for herself. Sophie tried to help her by pushing down on the lid of the suitcase from above, causing it to slam shut with a dull protesting sound. Lettie sorted out her own belongings quite quickly, and it seemed that all her clothes could easily fit into one small, narrow square. Sophie walked over to her thoughtfully, looking around her, as she had brought only a single sewing book and two grey dresses."
"...Lettie and Martha instantly started a battle over who would sit by the window, nudging and jostling like kids. This problem was quickly resolved by Sophie's hand, which took the seat herself, instantly silencing the sisters."
"Just around the corner were bicycle racks, which Sophie had never been able to ride anyway: Martha had been trying to persuade Fanny to buy her a bike or skates from the colourful brochures for a long time, but their mother had always mumbled something about how they didn't sell them in their town."
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general-kalani · 21 days
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"O chem vy govorite?- Fuck I did it again! Fuck it!"
Ignore him Raz, he's having a moment.
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aria0fgold · 7 months
embarrassment of my life... i just realized that i used "you're" instead of "your" when i replied to the jp artist in twitter....... head in hands bro i rlly just up and said "you're art is really pretty"
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chilled-ice-cubes · 1 year
when the hyperfix has you machine tling a korean webnovel 🫡
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stormxpadme · 2 years
A little preview of the next series part for @sneakymystique who can use a little pick me up after the last few weeks.
"If I may ask, Miss ..." For a moment, he feared that he wouldn't remember how the lady had introduced herself, but fortunately, that somewhat exotic name had stuck. "... Miss Katsopolis ... Is there any particular reason for your visit? Have there been any difficulties with major league customers that have not been brought to my attention? I assure you, if there is ..."
"Routine," a seductively deep and smoky voice replied shortly, with a strange smile that might have seemed charming had the eyes above it not been so icy and calculating. "In recent years, there have been repeated attacks by mutants on public utilities. We fear more terrorist attacks like the one at Liberty Island. Especially now that Lehnsherr has escaped prison."
"Magneto? Oh please." Harold rebuffed with a throwaway hand gesture. "Not to mention that I can't currently imagine what that old fart and his freaks would want with a power plant, of all things ..." Mildly amused, he caught an irritated twitch around Rachel's pretty bright eyes. Well, with him she had chosen the wrong man to lecture. He had been in this business far too long for that. And even if someone would try to rob his chair at some point, he would get a new lucrative job within a few weeks. No need to worry about routine checks by the authorities. "There has never been a single hostile incident in my building. Every single person who enters and leaves this house is thoroughly checked out. As I have pointed out ..." He fished an information sheet from his desk that told visitors about the not always entirely pleasant measures at the entrances.
"... DNA scanner, you mentioned it." The woman had only a quick glance for the laminated piece of paper to spare. "Great effort for someone not attaching any importance to themselves regarding current political events as a simple energy supplier."
"I didn't say that. And simple hardly covers." Terrorist attacks, however ... If that was what this control was really about, Harold had presented his work in the best light, anyway. Perhaps now he could get back to his real job. Only after he had found out the agency girl’s phone number, of course. "There’s certainly threats for us to expect, though not necessarily from misguided people with faulty genes. Thanks to our advantageous location in this wind sector and our technological innovations, we have been able to triple our output in recent years. Our network is accessible to every location in the city. This plant is designed so that, at the push of a button, it could power all of New York on its own for days, should there be an emergency. It must meet the highest safety standards."
"Then it's high time you put them in place, Simmons," was the very definite retort from his visitor. "You seem to hide in your laboratory too often. A few scanners and guards equal little more than a rusty garden gate should, say, followers of the Brotherhood of Mutants decide to take advantage of your work. You have a lot to learn. I see my visit here has come at just the right time. Provide me with a laptop with access to your network. But before we go into details, why don't you have a cup of coffee with me?"
"Uh ... yes ... of course." There weren't many people who could leave Harold speechless. So much for hoping he could somehow still keep the appointment with the Europeans. Just what he needed. Hurricanes, tsunamis, fires, earthquakes, and now mutants ... What was he going to protect himself from next? The apocalypse itself? Resigned, he reached for the phone. "Mandy? Tell the Swedes to be patient until tomorrow. Organize someone to show them the plant for me, and pay for their hotel room upgrade. And bring us something to nibble on. Big and black." This was apparently going to be another long afternoon.
"You'll excuse me for a moment." Rachel reconciled him with a charming smile for the inconvenience. Maybe the useless lecture wouldn't be half as boring as expected, at least, with this walking seduction sitting right next to Harold ... The woman shouldered her purse, got up, and looked around with raised eyebrows.
"Down the hall, second door on the left."
Raven hissed, relieved to be out of the haze of this chubby creep of a homo sapiens for at least a few minutes. There were jobs that required mentally stubbornly telling yourself over and over again what you were actually doing them for. Otherwise, she probably would have long since snapped this sexist moron's neck with her bare hand. Unfortunately, she still needed the guy. As tempting as it sounded to get rid of him, to take his place so that Erik could take up his plans in this building here undisturbed, she simply didn't have the time. It was difficult enough on many days to play her parade role as Senator Kelly without attracting anyone's attention because she spent far less time in Congress than would have been appropriate. For now, unfortunately, they needed this Simmons guy. But it would give her a lot of greatest pleasure to shut him up. She knew what she needed to know now, and by the time she got back, the guy would hopefully have provided full access to the plant's computer system. Then Raven could finally get on with her actual work. She took a quick peek into one of the offices she passed, entered the restroom just long enough to match her physical shape to that of one of the female employees, and then hurried to the coffee kitchen as unobtrusively as she could, where a red-haired, obviously completely overwhelmed girl was filling two cups with flying hands. "Mandy? One of the Swedes is asking for you."
"Great, this just keeps on getting better. You take the tray to Harold. You know he hates to wait. You don't have anything to do anyway, do you? That's what I thought. Hurry up." Cursing and swearing, without even waiting for a reply, the young woman ran past her.
"With the greatest of pleasure." Raven kicked the kitchen door shut with her heel and reached for a blister of pills she had brought with her in a pouch of flesh under her sternum. After a moment's thought, she dissolved three sleeping pills in one of the cups instead of the usual two. It would be a relief to hear her talkative friend fall silent as soon as possible.
"Wait, that wasn't the point. You're a guest here. Where's my assistant?" Frowning, Harold looked up when she single-handedly balanced the large tray of coffee and cookies into his office.
"I guess your girl had more important things to do. Vanished in some broom closet with a male coworker. This was in the kitchen." Raven smiled sweetly and handed Simmons his requested caffeine refill. "Laptop?"
"We can work on mine. Have a seat." Patronizingly, the man patted the seat of the leather chair he'd placed next to his, barely more than a few inches from it, and typed a few letters into his keyboard. Access data, Raven noted with satisfaction. She allowed herself to put her hearing on mute for the next five minutes, unless it was for any data relevant to her task. It was an art that was perfected when one had to team up with an oversized toad and a hormone-driven Neanderthal. With pointed fingers, she pushed Harold's chair aside when the guy finally dozed off and read into the plant's downright ridiculously simplistic administrative program. She quickly put on her headset to inform her leader of her progress, connecting her cell phone to Erik's with a quick press of one button. "I'm in."
"Hurry up," was the unusually gruff reply. Trouble, Raven heard it immediately from the uneasy nuance in Erik's voice.
Once again she cursed the fact that she had already had to waste so much time in this office crammed with tasteless kitsch. "What happened?"
"Toad needs your help. We have scouts in the system."
"Xavier." Raven gritted her teeth hard to keep from letting loose a very unkind comment about her favorite enemies, for whom Erik notoriously had a lot more love than she did. Now these plagues had gone too far. They wanted access to the Brotherhood's computer system? Well, Raven would be happy to show them what happened when you couldn’t keep your nose out of other people's business. There were some technical gadgets in Xavier's house that could be used against its own inhabitants ... She had already toyed with the idea at Liberty Island when she had first looked around Westchester. And this time she would not hesitate.
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breitzbachbea · 2 years
Вітаю з днем народження! (to add one more language)
Ukrainian! Дякую!
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jslittlebirdie · 2 years
Oh my, thank you for thinking of me and sharing this with me🥺 Your message about Joseph made me smile so big. Because I adore him so much, he's a sweetheart. So here's some more random babbling from me😅🤭💕 First, I wish I could've seen him again (and Gaten too, Eddie and Dustin are my favorites💖). Second, I will probably never be able to properly pronounce "squirrel". It's such a hard word for me as a non native English speaker🙈 But I think it's the other way around with "Eichhörnchen" too (yes, the spelling was right). Third, I heard that Joseph actually learns German, so this makes it even better. And I can totally see me teaching Eddie. The most random words and phrases and probably some swear words too. Just for the shits and giggles😌🤭 But seriously, it means a lot to me if he'd let me teach him. Omg now I see us reading the German and English version of Lotr together🥺😭 This made me grin, you're so right. He's such a silly and loveable dork. Thank you for that, my dear friend🥺💜💜
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succssion · 2 years
someone dropped 2k words of donroger after 3 years BUT ITS IN FRENCH
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illym · 4 months
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My favorite Bridget comics are the ones that really strike at the core of her character: That she's dumb as hell. (affectionate)
Translation assistance: @masked-and-doomed + @solradguy
ID in alt.
If you understand Japanese and retranslate this, get in touch with me and I'll update the comic.
Cleaned and original comics below the cut.
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Specific assistances:
@.yomotsu-hirasaka: Assisted with transcribing the text by Sol's chest.
@.solradguy: Assisted with transcribing the text by Sol's chest.
I'm genuinely obsessed with this girl. I need Bridget to show up in the next story in Strive just so Strive exclusive fans understand that there isn't a single complete thought inside her head.
Anyway. Funny comic. Whoever drew this was exceptionally attracted to Sol. Look at the way they render the man.
If you're reading this, go look at the text by Sol's chest. What an utter nightmare. Thank you again to both of my friends for the help, as I would have never been able to get that in a million years by myself.
The text at the bottom of Bridget's speech bubble is just "you". I had to change the script for this up a bit, since adhereing too strictly to the direct translation would just feel too strange in English.
In the last panel, Bridget says [ as translated by DeepL both times ]
"What do you think? That needless flirtation with sexiness your condition is at the level of a monster! I think he's a handsome handsome man."
"I think you're a handsome handsome guy with a lot of unnecessary sex appeal."
I decided that the joke hit better if the only thing bridget says 1. uses the term monster, as the joke requires and 2. has what she was calling monstrous. I just couldn't fit her calling him handsome in at all without weakening the punch, unfortunately. If anybody skilled in Japanese wants to give retranslating the last line a go, feel free.
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tintenschreiber · 9 months
161 - A Christmas Wish
What do I want for Christmas?, I asked myself And the only thing That came into My mind Was spending undisturbed time With you, Listening to music, Warming coffee And the softness Of dancing voices Hovering in the room.
Your hand in mine And I am peaceful Like never before. Just one moment Now And forever.
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Hi/Bonjour! I hope it's okay to share this here. A few months ago, Québec's government announced tax credit cuts that had significantly negative impacts on the VFX industry in Canada, especially for about 8,000 workers in Québec. I myself was laid due to this announcement, after working in the industry for 8 years. Québec and the rest of Canada is one of the biggest players in the VFX industry, it would be a shame to lose this international reputation. There's currently a petition addressed to the National Assembly of Québec and I was wondering if you could share it here? It would be really helpful to get more signatures before November 5 2024, especially from QC, ON, and BC (as mentioned in the petition). The text of the petition is only in French, but here's an English translation here. Thank you so much!
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general-kalani · 21 days
Somebody confiscate Rook’s tanks. Where TF is he even getting all of these???
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"You shall not take the great tanks of the Soviet Union, suka! Ne smeyte ikh trogat'!-"
There's a frown.
"Where the hell had that come from?"
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dunium · 8 days
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With my recent discovery of this concept sketch of Ky from the 10th Memorial Book, as well as discussion about it, I actually wanted to talk about some of the misconceptions had with Ky's eye and its relation to his Gear Cells.
Long story short, we know very little about it.
The first time we hear about any issues regarding his eye is in Sol's Overture Material Collection short story. The eye patch is mentioned once, but never directly explained. It's also stated to be on the opposite eye in this image and that his Dragon Install is on. There's a claim that Ky's short story mentions a training accident that explains the eye patch, but it doesn't. The eye patch is only mentioned in Sol's, with no explanation. (Thank you @solradguy for these translations!) The other main theory is what I kindly dub the "Eye Swap Theory." Basically, people believe Ky has one of Sin's eyes. This one is a bit weird in all honestly. The main reason people believe it is because of a line added in the English GG World text for Dragon Install
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The Japanese text says pretty much the same as the first paragraph of the English text. A very very rough translation through DeepL:
"A technique in which Sol removes the Gear Cell Suppressor and activates the Gear's original power. It can produce extremely powerful power, but Sol hates using it in the dark because it makes his emotional suppression ineffective. Also, each time Sol uses this technique, the growth of the ‘seed’ that lies dormant inside him accelerates, and changes appear in his appearance and abilities."
Regardless, it does not have that second line about Sin or Ky that the English text has. I have no good explanation to why it was added only in the English localization. It is not present in the Korean text either. I haven't check other languages. In my personal opinion, it’s hard to say that this factually the cause due to it only appearing in some translations. The only actual reasoning we are given for Ky's Gear Cells is a vague answer from Daisuke in a Famitsu Q&A where he is specifically asked about Ky's Dragon Install, and specifically asked if Sin was involved. Daisuke responded: " この場でお話することはできないのですが……。ディズィーとカイの関係が影響しているのは間違いありません。これ以上はご勘弁を(笑)。"
Basically, he says he can't talk about it here, but "The relationship between Dizzy and Ky is definitely an influence." In conclusion...we really don't know much about Ky's Gear Cells or his Dragon install haha... We know he wore an eye patch prior to Overture. We know he exhibits a red eye, regenerative abilities, and inhuman strength by Xrd. We know by strive he has a partial Dragon Install and claims to have the "Blood of Juno." No exact reasoning for any of these is fully given and information is confusing. Honestly, it seems like many plans were changed, or rewritten, but its hard to say. The 10th Memorial book does not mention it to my knowledge. It's fun to speculate though!
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unggoydluffy · 1 year
@ rvrv_oioi one piece au fanmanga masterpost
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hello! this is a masterpost of translations for an au fanmanga made by @ rvrv_oioi on twitter. its a story that takes place sometime in the future of the one piece universe, after luffy has become pirate king. it's best read blind, so i wont be saying any more than that, i just beg that you read it!
DISCLAIMER: i'm not a professional translator, and i barely know japanese. this translation was made with a mix of deepl translator and google translate, and A LOT OF EDUCATED GUESSES. grammar is also pretty bad, theres some bubbles that seem like they dont make sense at all, so be mindful of them!
if you are an actual japanese speaker/ translator and would like to pick this up, you're welcome to! ill even offer to typeset it for you. feel free to reach out!
i translated this because its a very interesting and heart wrenching story that i feel like all one piece fans should read! so if you have time please read it, thank you!
part 1
part 2
part 3
part 4
part 5
part 6 + 6.5
part 7
part 8
part 8.5
part 9
part 10
extras + tl notes!
you can find the originals in japanese here (parts 1-8) and here (parts 8-10) :)
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cripplemetal · 3 months
also. i'm not a native english speaker so question for y'all!
is there a thing in english when people keep coming up with euphemisms for mobility aids?
for some reason it annoys me so much (it's also CRINGE as hell). here are some examples in literal translation (thank you deepl translator) for how people call these things sometimes in my language:
- cane: wand, rod, stick, hockey stick, cleek
- forearm crutches: sticks, poles, rods
- wheelchair: sidecar, stroller, buggie
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