#thank you again rachel for beta reading you're the best
captain-gillian · 4 months
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'no thing defines a man like love that makes him soft'
2,407 words. rated t. summary: In the wake of a powerful solar storm, Buck and Tommy take to the skies for a once-in-a-lifetime chance to see the northern lights over California. huge thank you to rachel @sznofthesticks for the beta read <3
After the news of the solar storm and a rare opportunity to see the northern lights in California broke mid-shift, it didn’t take long for the 118 to start making plans. Nobody seemed to want to let the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity pass by, least of all Buck, who, for the first time in a while, hadn’t even been bothered by the fact it was Taylor Kelly who broke the news on the station television.
The station was a flurry of action as they put into place protocols to prepare for an onslaught of calls relating to the solar storm. Amid the chaos, Hen and her wife, Karen, found the time to make a plan. Karen called Hen and offered to pick her up as soon as her shift ended so they could take the kids out of the city and away from the light pollution for the best chance at seeing the colourful phenomena. And as it always goes, the plan grew quickly. Hen invited Chimney, Maddie and Jee-Yun to join them. Then Chimney invited Ravi, who invited Captain Nash and his wife, Athena. Bobby then invited Eddie and Chris. Finally, Eddie invited Buck. But Buck had already been confirming plans of his own over text.
“Can’t, sorry,” Buck tells him. “Tommy and I already have plans.”
“Next time,” Eddie replies with a smile, and Buck swallows down the urge to remind him the statistical likelihood of a ‘next time’ to see the northern lights this bright in California is more or less zero.
Buck’s phone buzzes in his pocket as he leaves the locker room at the end of his shift; he takes it out to read the message. Butterflies flutter in his stomach when he sees the message is from Tommy. The text is a quick reminder that Tommy will pick him up at ten and not to forget his camera—he’d mentioned once in passing over coffee a passion for photography, and Tommy had committed it to memory.
read the rest on ao3
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fluidityandgiggles · 5 years
Sleep Is For The Weak - Chapter 17
Previous Chapters: Prologue, Chapter 1, Chapter 5, Chapter 10, Chapter 15, Last Chapter
Writing Masterlist - for previous chapters not otherwise linked, Read on AO3
Notes (I guess): Happy school year in two weeks, folks.
Not gonna lie, I actually had a plan for this chapter, and then forgot it. So... yeah, not the most cohesive or best chapter, but I got it out, and it’s nice, and I like it this way because it’s a break from the wave of panic attacks and mild transphobia the last chapter or two.
Yes, I’m back home now, and I’m doing actually much better mentally and physically than I have since September till June. But the chapters are gonna take a while longer to write from now on, because I’m about to join the scary world of job searching for the unstable ADHD brain, not to mention being involved in three regular ttrpg campaigns (where I play a halfling sorcerer, and a half-elf bard, and also DM the third one), so... my brain is busy. But I promise this fic isn’t going on hiatus! I’m still extremely dedicated and excited to be writing this fic. I love it so much. Honest.
As per every chapter, thanks go to @whatwashernameagain for KHS and for generally being a wonderful human, to @broadwaytheanimatedseries for putting up with my fangirl-levels of excitement over everything (and coming up with the original idea), to @winglessnymph, @asleepybisexual and @anony-phangirl - who, while I know they’ve all fallen out of the loop, continue to have long-lasting effects on this fic as a whole - and new to this list, to @ilovemygaydad, who I’ve asked to beta this fic for me and I hope they’d have time for that starting with the next chapter.
Happy start of college and good luck, my darling dear child. I love you.
Tag list (sort of): @bunny222, @ab-artist, @sweet-and-sour-shadowling, @your-username-is-unavailable, @virgilcrofters, @violetblossem, @maybe-i-like-the-misery, @book-of-charlie, @thatsanswitch, @thatrandomautist, @thebiggestgaypirate, @marshmallow-the-panda
(Wanna be tagged? Lemme know!)
Trigger warning: period appropriate transphobia (the early 00s were not exactly trans-friendly). This chapter is light on the transphobia, but includes aphobia, deadnaming, panphobia (yes, pansexuality was a term in the early 00s, as I learned just half an hour ago) and vague mentions of child abuse.
Sunday, July 27th, 2003
Incoming call: 218-357-5555
"Remy? I didn't forget your number? Oh good!"
"...what's this phone number, darling?"
"Oh! Yeah, I… my phone died, so I got a new one! Sorry I didn't tell you sooner… but, umm, I'm gonna get to the point, yeah okay, happy birthday!"
"Thank… you…? Em, you shouldn't have—"
"Ah, but see, that's where you're wrong! Because I had to, because I said that I have to! You're my best friend in the whole world, what kind of friend would I be if I didn't at least call you to say happy birthday?"
"You're precious, darling."
"Thank you! Oh, did you get my gift yet? I sent it to you in the mail last month! Did you—"
"I did, it was… well, it was unexpected, I'd give you that. Where did you even find a Jack mug anyway?"
"...you know what, that's fair."
"Yeah! So, happy birthday! I'll be in Manhattan next week, so like… do you wanna go see a show or something…? I haven't seen the Gypsy revival yet…"
"...it's a date, then. But you're paying."
"Yes, yes of course! It's gonna be alright, okay? You trust me?"
"With my life."
"Yay! Okay, okay, umm… yeah. I miss you! Happy birthday!"
"I gotta go right now at this second it's my cousin's bat mitzvah in two days and I need to get my suit and everything but I'll call you tomorrow evening too okay?"
"Sure… have fun, darling."
"Thank you! Okay, bye!"
"India M—"
"Why didn't you tell me Emile has a new number? I cannot fucking believe you!"
"He wanted to do it himself, peach. On your birthday."
"Okay… okay, I guess that's fair…"
"Happy birthday, too."
"Thanks, mom…"
"So… how'd you spend the week?"
"Nothing big happened… my dad took me to see Nina West last night. It was the fucking best."
"I'll bet. Did you have fun?"
"So much fun! She's fan-fucking-tastic. Honestly. I'd give anything for her to either do me or spare a bit of her funny to me."
"Wow… gay much?"
"Shut up."
"Don't worry, it's fine. I still need to take Jenna to a drag show sometime. Did anyone hit on you…?"
"You'll be surprised how many people hit on my dad, actually. But no. I actually broke up with Chris today because of this."
"Oh? Do tell."
"It wasn't… much. He called me a couple hours ago to say happy birthday, which is fine if you ask me but I just… it ended in him trying to talk me into not talking to Emile again. And that's normal, okay, ain't something I can't handle. But he said ‘sure he's asexual, when he isn't spreading his legs to everyone he's asexual'."
"...did he seriously think he can get away with it?"
"India, no—"
"I don't give a fuck anymore, peach. I'm not going to beat him up, you have nothing to worry about, I just… this shit is so fucking infuriating!"
"I know. But hey, look at the bright side. Ulysses and Mandy said they'll take over next year, I'm gonna let them know. He won't be back."
"That's… that's true. I'll call Mandy later. Don't worry about it. Just… what then?"
"Then I told him that it wasn't his choice, he didn't choose any of it, so he said ‘just like you couldn't choose to stay a girl, Rebecca'."
"...oh yeah. Yeah, definitely. I'm telling Mandy. She'll deck him for sure next time she sees him."
"Thanks, mom. I just… I so wanted to deck him right then! So I gave him a piece of my mind, broke up with him and hung up and deleted his number. Now we wait and see what's gonna happen."
"Good boy. I taught you well."
"Thanks… again… he also said that asexuality isn't real, and—"
"I'm flying down to Texas right now to sock him. I took karate for three years. I can do this."
"India, no… hon. Babe. You need to get settled in DC. You need to—"
"I'm buying the plane tickets right now, Remy! Watch me!"
"—You need to get your life together and get your master's degree. You do not, however, need to go break the nuts of someone who doesn't deserve your attention—"
"Who's the older and wiser one of us?"
"Right now? Not you. You told me this very thing when I wanted to kill that asshole who made a joke out of Emmy, I'm telling you this now. Don't."
"...fine. But if I ever do get the opportunity, I'm doing it."
"Good for you."
"Nobody plays my kids dirty like that."
"You go, mom."
"I will! Oh shit, I have to go!"
"What? Why—"
"I forgot Jenna's parents are coming over today and I need to go pick them up from the airport. I'll call you later to keep catching up, okay peach?"
"Okay, but—"
"Awesome, happy birthday, we love you! See you in two weeks!"
"...see y—"
"Good evening, Linda… where's Leah?"
"...and here I thought you called to talk to me. But I suppose I'm only your mother, nothing—"
"Mom, please, I'll talk to you after I tell Leah something really important."
"Alright, I'm sorry. But you got the package we sent you, didn't you?"
"I did, I… I just don't understand. You painted that…?"
"Who else would sign my name on a canvas, Remy?"
"You're… right. I'm sorry. It's very nice. Thank you."
"Happy birthday, son."
"Thank… you…"
"Leah…? Leah, sweetie, can you hear me?"
"Remy! Oh, oh oh oh Remy I told you I'd tell you about my camp and—"
"And how was your time at camp? Take a breath and then tell me."
"Okay! Okay, so, so we were in the woods, and in cabins, and I kinda wanted to sleep in tents but it didn't happen and it was kinda disappointing but I can always do that later, and…"
August 2003
There was a blackout as Remy was trying to write an essay Dr. Gilliam asked of his class.
So his dad put him on a bus to Georgia, which is why he's making do right now at doing his schoolwork with two children running around.
"We gotta go bowling too!" Leah whispered excitedly. For the fifteenth time this hour. "And then we need ice cream, and, umm, I know where the puppies are, and—"
"Leah, love, I need to finish this essay for school right now. Give me a couple minutes, about twenty, and I'll be with you, okay?"
Remy couldn't be happier to be there at that moment. He had a plane ticket booked to Boston, his rooming was already set at Lowell, the papers have all been set and he was about to room with Emile, Mandy called him the other day to ask if he'd like to help her run the queer society meetings (and of course he said yes)...
And then there was a crashing sound. And a crying toddler sound. And he had to put his laptop aside to go check on Rachel.
More like run to the kitchen to check on Rachel, who was now standing in front of broken pieces of cheap china and bawling her eyes out.
"No, sweetie, it's okay…" he picked her up and started playing with her hair, hoping to calm her down. "We're gonna clean this, okay? What were you doing with the plate?"
"Tea party!"
"You wanna have a tea party?" She nodded, hiding her face in the crook of his neck. "Okay… okay. Let's wash your face, then pick up the pieces, and then make some tea and have a tea party with your dollies. Okay, love?"
She nodded again, and he kind of had no choice. So he did what he said he'd do, sitting Rachel down in her high chair as he cleaned the broken pieces, and for a moment, he felt like an absolute idiot. He felt like he was his mom.
Well… like Rachel was his mom, and the plate was him, and he was his dad, and holy fuck Emile's show analysis habits have definitely had an effect on him and he really should stop thinking about all this ridiculousness right now.
"Remy?" Leah whispered from behind him as he was picking up the shards. Rachel was entertaining herself, rather unaware of what's going on. "Is daddy gonna be mad?"
"I—" He had to stop. And think before answering. "I don't think so, honey."
"But a plate broke…"
"...he doesn't have to know. It was just a plate. He doesn't count the plates in the cupboard, now does he?" She shook her head, her hair flying everywhere. "So he won't know. Because we won't tell him."
"Okay. I can do that."
"I know you can do that, hon. Now, how about you get your roller skates and we'll go to the park?"
"But you said tea party…"
"We can have a tea party after the park. Rachel, do you wanna go to the park?"
Rachel, who up until then mostly minded her own business, looked over and started nodding with a big smile on her face.
"So we can go to the park and then have a tea party. Where's your roller skates?"
Saturday, August 30th, 2003
"It's always nice to see new faces at the queer society meetings," Mandy said with a huge smile on her face as she balanced the clipboard on her knee, Remy holding her iced coffee. "I'm glad you all could make it today. Now, let's do a name round. Everyone state your preferred name - please no dick jokes, we have people who are very uncomfortable with those in this group as well - and what brings you here, and a small fact you'd like people to know about yourself if you'd want to."
Remy just kept looking over the room. Mandy had this all under control, already having printed out a list to put everyone's names and contacts in for if they need to. India trained her well.
From the corner of his eye, Remy could see Emile bouncing in his seat.
"I'll go first. Hi, I'm Amanda, I go by Mandy, I'm pansexual—"
"That's not a real word," someone called out. Remy did his best not to glare at the person.
He was pretty sure it's Chris.
"Pansexual is a word, Christian," Mandy replied, not even looking at him. "It was coined before your grandmother was even born. Anyway, I'm Mandy, I'm pansexual, and I'm in this wheelchair today because I have fibromyalgia and today is a very bad pain day. Who wants to go next?"
It was the same old sharing circle. Some people elaborated more, some people chose not to. Emile went ham on sharing, telling everyone he was gay and asexual and talking about his bunnies at length, looking as proud as he can be.
And then it got to Remy. And he wasn't nearly as anxious as he was last year.
"I'm Remy, I'm gay and transgender, and my therapist said I can start hormone therapy this year."
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