#thank you for sending me asks even throughout my unannounced hiatus
134340am · 2 years
My goodness, you’ve been through so much! I hope everything worked out with your capstone project!!! And I cannot even fathom how scary & devastating going through all these medical tests must have been 🥺 sending you an extra big hug & forehead kiss your way <33333! And I hope you’re taking it extra easy after Covid! Do you have any longterm symptoms? :(
Oh, what color did you dye your hair? I changed mine to a deep dark purple around Christmas & I really like it! But overall I’m doing fine, mostly just the same old spiel (the only exciting thing that has happened was that I volunteered at this huuuge science conference my university hosted this year :3) love you & I’m so happy to see you on my dash & hear from you again 💗
(omg i took such a long time looking for the inbox button sjajxksbskwjs)
i’m ok!!! T^T i’ll be wrapping up my project soon and it’s graduation for me!
it’s my first time getting covid and i’m still experiencing some joint pain weeks later(?) i’m not sure what kind of side effect this is but i’m getting better 🥲 thank you for asking bb and i’m wishing for good health for you this year <3
my hair’s red now! BUT I WAS THINKING OF PURPLE TOO (we could’ve twinned! 😮😮) i honestly think purple hair looks good on anyone, and it must look even better on you 🫶🏻 and oooo a science conference!! that sounds exciting bc you get to learn a lot and meet all kinds of cool people <33 (did you fall in love w anyone btw? any meet cute stories? 🥸)
love you more ⭐️
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foodieforthoughts · 4 years
Journey through time - Part 5
Summary: Your relationship with Syverson over the years.
Warnings: fluff and only fluff.
A/N1: Last part to this mini photo series. Thanks to @agniavateira who has provided me with so much inspiration. Also thank you to everyone who read and liked and commented. You guys make me so happy. (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4)
A/N2: I'll be taking a small hiatus from posting fics for now. But I'll be back soon. ❤️
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As much as Sy adored his daughter, secretly he had always wanted a son. Two years after Adeline was born, when he was back from his oversees tour for three weeks, Sy took it upon himself to get you round and plump with his kids again. He was overjoyed when you told him over a call that you were pregnant. Although it saddened you both that this time, Sy wasn't going to be around when you gave birth to your child. When you told him he was going to be a father to twin boys, Sy had hollered with glee, making a couple of his men come knocking at his door to see if he way okay. That was a very awkward call, where you were waving at his men while they congratulated you. You sent him a copy of your sonogram, along with a picture of you with Adeline in a care package. "Mini me's," He would say while looking at the picture, "And my princess with my queen." Your heart would flutter like the very first time he had kissed you; upsetting you at the distance and yet also filling you with love. Sy asked his parents to come live with you, help you with Adeline, as you got big and started experiencing difficulty in moving around. When you went into labour, his mother tried to get him on call, just like he had requested. But they were unable to connect to his phone, wondering if he was safe and sound or just away doing things that were expected of him to do as a captain. Your emotions were unbounded when you gave birth to your sons, worrying about Sy and going through the long process without him. The next day, Sy saw his sons for the first time over the video call, happy tears springing in his eyes as you cradled the two boys in your arms. "They have your eyes, Sy. Have you thought of names yet?" You had asked, having decided long time ago that since you had named your daughter, Sy would name his sons. "James and Noah." He had sniffed out, smiling at you lovingly.
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Captain Syverson retired as Major Syverson after serving 20 years of active duty. Sy joined as a coach for Little League Baseball team, becoming a favorite amongst his players and their moms. Every morning you would kiss Sy goodbye as he walked out the front door, holding little Adeline's tiny hand in his to drive her to her school on his way to work. Your days were filled with less worrying about Sy's safety and more on providing a loving family for your kids. It helped that at the end of the day, your dining table was occupied with your children and your loving husband, sharing their day's events. Weekends were spent in parks with the whole Syverson clan out for picnics, you watching your husband running around with James and Noah, Adeline who was a spitting image of her father, perched on his strong shoulders. Somedays you couldn't believe your life turned out the way it did, mostly when you would walk inside the living room to find Sy sprawled on the sofa with Adeline curled on his side, James and Noah snoozing on his chest. You would wake him up, carefully peeling your daughter away from her father and take her to bed, while Sy got both boys in his arms with little to no effort and took them to their own room. At the end of the day, when parenthood and responsibilities left you both weary, you and Sy found solace in each other's arms while drifting off to a peaceful slumber.
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It was the most devastating day in Sy's life when his teenage daughter told him she wanted to pursue modelling. Adeline was stubborn and opinionated, graced with Sy's beautiful features. He had stared at his daughter with wide eyes, cup of coffee stopping midway to his mouth. "You want me to be okay with grown men gawking at you?" He had gruffly replied, anger evident with his eyebrows knitting together and his lips forming a frown. You had learned over the years to not interfere with Sy's ways of parenting. James and Noah had awkwardly slid off their chairs, both of them avoiding what was to come next. The discussion had ended with father and daughter, arguing with each other, eventually Sy sending a crying Adeline away to her room. Neither of them had spoken to each other the rest of the day, Adeline refusing to eat dinner and Sy drinking too many glasses of whiskey. "I cannot believe she thinks modelling is a career choice." He had scowled later in the night, you both staring at the ceiling while lying in bed. "Didn't you once tell me you had hated your father for sending you off to military school? Do you want your daughter to hate you?" Sy had sighed, turning on his side to face you. "That's different. Adeline's our little girl, it's my duty to protect her." Understanding completely what Sy was feeling as a parent, you had too turned on your side and placed your hand on his scruffy cheek. "You taught her to be strong, independent. She will always be our little girl. Don't you trust her to take decisions for her life? And even if she fails to do what she desires, don't you want to be there for her when she would need her dad?"
The next day you had watched from your kitchen window as Sy and Adeline talked while sitting on the swings in the backyard, ending with long hugs and lots of tears.
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While Adeline roamed around the country for fashion shows, Sy groomed his sons to join the army someday. It was not an acceptable behavior, but both of you had your favorites when it came to the twins. Noah, the stronger of the two was decidedly his father's favorite, adding to his delight when by the end of high school, he wanted to go to a military academy. James, the apple of your eye, on the other hand, wanted to become a doctor, much to Sy's dismay. But lessons were learned from the time with Adeline and for that reason only, Sy did not oppose. Noah was sent off to Virginia to a military academy, going on to join the air force as it was affiliated with his school; while James buried himself in studies, moving to Connecticut to attend medical school. Weekends that were spent with picnics in the park, now consisted of video conference calls with your three kids spread out over the country. "It's just going to be you and me in the end." Sy would say, shutting the computer off and looking at you pensively. Wounding your arms around the love of your life, you would rest your head on his shoulder and agree, "Till death do us part."
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On your 30th wedding anniversary, Sy gave you an unexpected surprise. He had been missing from the house since morning, only to send a vague text with "Pack your bags and come out in ten minutes." When you walked outside on the front porch, you were left stunned to find Sy dressed in riding gear on a super bike. "I think we need to relive our days from the time we were dating. Come on, I've planned a road trip for us." And with that, Sy had driven all the way to San Antonio for the weekend. With a hotel room on the river, Sy pampered you with all his love and the best Tex-Mex food he could find for you. You spent the day shopping and exploring, while in the night he made love to you with unbridled passion. "My better half," he had called you, kissing your hands while cradling you to his chest. When you both came back home from your trip, you had another surprise waiting for you: Your three children all under the same roof again, holding up a sign board with "Happy anniversary, mom and dad."
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Noah had successfully climbed the ranks in the airforce to become Lieutenant at an age younger than when Sy was one. But it was when James, inspired by his twin, decided to join the armed forces as a field doctor, you saw Sy's chest puff in pride. "Syverson men always join the military." He had told his friends over dinner one night, soaking up the praises for his children. Adeline joined a major modelling agency that speared her career forward. She roamed around the globe, sending her old folks trinkets from the new city she was in, and one day added a picture of her and her boyfriend in the mail. Sy turned into a protective father quickly, inviting her and her man to have dinner. "I like him." Your old man had chuckled, when he had scared Adeline's boyfriend, making him blabber incoherently with nervousness. You could only watch in a haze as one day Adeline's boyfriend showed up to your house unannounced, to ask Sy for his daughter's hand in marriage. "Listen boy, Adeline is precious and if you hurt her, you know there wouldn't be anything worse than us. You don't want to be on the bad side of the Syverson men, is that clear?" You had heard Sy warn, a shiver running down your spine listening to his commanding tone, even if the threat wasn't meant for you. A few weeks later, when Adeline was in Paris, she had called home only minutes after the proposal, screaming on the phone that she said "yes." The rest of the night, Sy had you looking at Adeline's baby pictures from old photo albums. "This little bundle would be getting married soon. Can you believe that?" He had laughed, wiping the tear at the corner of his eye and throwing his arm around your shoulders when you couldn't hold onto your own tears.
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The day after Adeline, Sy's little girl, was married, he threw a brunch for the newly weds and their families. James and Noah, back from their deployment in time for their sister's wedding, had introduced their own girlfriends to both of you before the ceremony. You knew Sy would never admit it, macho behavior of his never fading, but you could see his eyes glisten watching his family grow. He had tried to keep a straight face throughout the ceremony too, but he had let go of his tears when Adeline had laid her head on his shoulder during their father-daughter dance. Halfway through brunch, Sy pulled you away from the crowd and took you towards the orchard outside the country club. He held your hand while taking you to stand under the shade of a massive tree. "It's like I'm living in a dream." You admitted, looking out at the sprawling orchard, thinking about how you were a mother-in-law to someone. Sy pulled you close to him by your waist, encircling his arms around you. Gray hair on his temples and his face beginning to be marked with wrinkles and yet for you, Sy looked like he had never aged. "I know I don't tell this to you very often, but darlin' running into you, falling in love with you, building a life with you, is the best thing that could have happened to me." He kissed the top of your head, taking your face in his hands before planting a soft kiss on your lips. "I love you and thank you for everything, Sy." You whispered as the birds chirped on the branches above, a whistling breeze blew by carrying the sweet fragrance of fruits in the orchard and you stared at the brilliant blue orbs of the man who had owned your heart and soul since many years ago.
The End.
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Full Of Surprises
Characters - Sam, Dean, Reader
Pairing - Dean x Reader
Summary/Request - After watching Y/N take out a demon that had both brother’s pinned down, Dean realizes he needs to tell Y/N the truth about how he feels sooner, rather than later. Back at the Bunker, after going their separate ways to unwind, Dean finds Y/N’s guitar in the WAR room.
Word Count - 1473
Warnings - Minor Language, Fluff, maybe a tiny bit of Angst? (If you spot any other warnings I should add, please let me know so I can edit this post to include them!)
A/N - Based on Brett Young’s In Case You Didn’t Know
A/N 2 - SSOOOOOO...Yea...HI! Yes, I’m still alive. Yes, I am *hopefully* still writing. I apologize immensely for the LOOOOONG, unannounced hiatus. I had so much happening, the my brain just kinda..shut down. BUT, my goal for this new year is to take things slow, and work on me, and get to where I need to be. Thank you for your patience, and understanding, and I hope you’ll stick around!
Tags (Want on or off? Send a message/ask!) - PLEASE NOTE: I haven’t updated tag lists since, like, April of last year...SO, if you want off, just let me know!!! I promise, I won’t be upset :) @i-stare-sometimes @xfirespritex @big-to-beautiful @notnaturalanahi @thepalaceofmelanie @theimpossibleg1rl @lenaabs @jpadjackles @deathtonormalcy56 @impala-dreamer @jensen-jarpad
Story -
Sitting silently around the table, her mind was a mess. She almost lost the two people who meant more to her than anything else.
Sipping on her second glass of wine, her eyes glossed over. Not from the alcohol - it wasn’t enough to have an effect on her - but rather just from the images flashing in her head.
The sight of the boys, flat on their backs. The meat suit that the demon was using, holding her boys in place.
The consequences of what might happen if she failed, never crossed her mind. Her only thought, was saving Sam and Dean. Screw what might happen to her. The world needed the Winchesters, not some nobody-hunter side-character.
Sliding the empty glass away, she walked over to Sam and placed a soft kiss on his cheek. His eyes widening slightly at the unfamiliar act from her, but he subconsciously understood. He laid his hand upon her own and squeezed it briefly.
Making her way to Dean, she cupped his face gently, and placed a soft, quick-yet-lingering, desperate kiss on his lips. Her lips were gone before he could even register what she had done.
No words were ever exchanged.
Y/N made her way to her room, leaving the door cracked open so that they could check on her if they wanted. Subconsciously, maybe she wanted them too.
Sam sat still, his thoughts heavy as he thought of Y/N, and what she must have felt throughout the hunt… Before long, he made his way to the library to relax.
Dean grabbed the bottle of Jack from in front of him, and walked to the WAR room to sit in silence.
Each off on their own. Each processing the events that unfolded that day, in their own personal way.
Why can’t I just be man enough to tell her the damn truth? I fight monsters for god sake! But I can’t find the damn courage to tell Y/N I love her? What the hell is wrong with me?!
Sitting, elbows propped up on the table, with his head in his hands, he was a mess.
The feeling of her lips on his - still lingered. The feeling of her hands on his jaw; the warmth he felt throughout his whole body - still lingered.
He’d repeated the words he wanted to tell her, over and over in his head. Hell, he’d even written them down. Something inside of him just continued to stop him from saying them out-loud.
Lifting his head from his hands finally, he took the bottle and placed it to his lips, taking a swig before lowering it to the table again with a soft thunk. That was when his eyes spotted her guitar sitting on the table before him.
Picking it up, and holding it gently across his lap, he ran his fingers over the strings.It had been so long since he had held one, but he could feel the knowledge of how to play, coming back to him in an instant. Just like riding a bike.
He started to slowly play a tune. Nothing he had heard before, but rather just putting chords together. Playing what felt like the right thing to play.
Sam heard the music from the next room. Curiosity took its toll and, setting his book aside, he slowly walked toward the sound. Leaning against the wall, he watched silently as his brother strummed away.
“I can’t count the times, I almost said what’s on my miiiind. But I didn’t.” Dean began to sing.
If he couldn’t tell her the truth, he was at least going to get the words out to the empty room.
“Just the other day… I wrote down all the things I’d sayyy... But I couldn’t - I just couldn’t...”
Sam listened to his brother’s voice with an intrigued mix of awe and amusement.
“Baby, I knoow that you’ve been wonderin... Mmm, so here goes nothin...”
Sam’s foot twitched - he was tempted to go find Y/N so she would hear the words he knew Dean had longed to tell her… but instead he just stood there.
“In case you didn’t knoow… Baby, I’m crazy about ya... And I would be lyin if I said, that I could live this liife without you... Even though I don’t tell you all the time... You had my heart a long long tiiime ago... In case you didn’t know.”
Y/N stopped abruptly from the notebook in her lap and looked in the direction of the sound she knew fondly. Her guitar.
But who’s playing? I thought I was the only one who knew how?
Getting off her bed, she slowly followed the sound of the soft strums of her well-worn guitar. She could hear the faint sounds of a voice.
“The way you look tonight? That second glass of wiiine? That did it, mmm...”
Sam looked away from his brother, noticing a confused Y/N as she made her way down the hall. All he could do was smirk.
“There was somethin about that kiss… Giiirrl it did me iiin... Got me thinkin. I’m thinkin...”
With Sam standing in front of her, it was clear he wasn’t the source of the music. That left only one person.
Is he singing about… me?
As she got closer, she could make out every word he was singing.
“All of the things that I’ve been feelin... Mmm, it’s time you hear ‘em. In case you didn’t knoow... Baby, I’m crazy bout ya...”
Sam reached out to her, and pulled her into his side in a brotherly, one-armed embrace. Whispering into her ear so Dean wouldn’t hear them, he said, “He’s singing to you, ya know.”
“But why?” she whispered back, her brows furrowed.
“Just...listen.” Sam minutely rubbed her arm and nodded toward Dean.
“And I would be lyin if I said that I could live this liife without ya... Even though, I don’t tell you all the tiime... You haad my heart a long long time ago... In case you didn’t knooooow.”
She looked up at Sam, her jaw dropped, but Sam was just smiling.
“You’ve got all of me... I beloong to you... Yeah, you’re my everything...”
Sam released his grip on her, and made his way back to his seat in the library. This time, purposely walking as noisily as he could.
The sound of Sam walking away caused Dean to look up. Still strumming away, he spotted Y/N standing in the doorway, still in her awe.
Her eyes were soft, and a small smile tugged at the corners of her lips. He didn’t know how long she’d been standing there, but despite the knee-jerk reaction to stop and chuck the guitar away from himself… he knew he couldn't stop now.
His eyes never left her’s. She kept her’s locked on him as she started walking closer.
“In case you didn’t know, I’m crazy ‘bout ya... I would be lyin’ if I said that I could live this liiife without youu... Even though… I don’t tell you all the time, you had my heart a long long time ago. Yeaaah, you had my heart a long long tiime agooo... Mmm... In case you didn’t know... No, no. In case you didn’t knoooow...”
Slowly, his fingers left the strings of the guitar, and he set the instrument back on the table. Turning the chair to face Y/N, Dean reached out and took a firm yet gentle grip of her hands, pulling her to stand between his legs.
“I didn’t know you could do that?” she said, her voice soft and quiet.
“I’m full of surprises Y/N,” he murmured with his usual debonair small smirk.
“Is it all true? Do you really mean all that you said?”
The smirk became more genuine.
“Of course I did, sweetheart. I’ve never been so sure about anything in my life.”
“I don’t want to live this crazy… messed up life we live without you either, Dean.” She cupped his face in her hands and leaned down.
This time, Dean was ready. He returned the kiss immediately.
It was full of desire, that had been held in for so long. Full of both love and desperation.
When they finally separated to catch their breath, Dean stood from his chair. Grabbing Y/N near the tops of her thighs, he lifted her into his arms. Wrapping her legs around his waist, they made their way toward the bedrooms.
Sam’s voice rang out from the other room as Dean walked down the hall.
“I’m happy for you two, and all... But keep it to the bedroom, will ya? Other people live here, and I’d rather not see you two loving each other on the tables and couches.”
“I make no promises, Sammy!” Dean hollered back as he kicked his door closed.
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