#thank you for sharing it with me v.olo uwu anon!
alexcutecolly · 5 months
omg stuck on a v.olo idea & had to share where he swallows us down on mou.nt co.ronet when he loses the battle and tells us were his consolation prize instead of meeting a.rceus & he traces our bulge down his throat and tells us were so tasty and likes us squirming in his belly and rubs it and teases us but actually hed never gonna hurt us cuz he wants a nicer world after all & he got attached to us but he wants to take us with him & he’s grumpy now and this makes him feel better until he explains his story & we forgive him
he also heals our p.okemon that were hurt in the battle while were inside as a apology
cuz hes mad at how his plan went but he doesnt want us to go away & we cant spill his secret if were safe in his belly
v.olo uwu
ps its cute if he lets us out when were alone but if he goes to town he swallows us again and acts like he doesnt know where we are
pps i rly just like making excuses for v.olo to keep us in his stomach and rub his belly with us in there x3
Hello again dear v.olo uwu anon!
Warning: spoilers for P.okemon Legends: A.rceus below!
Dang, V.olo is pretty adamant here and goes straight to the point ngl xD it'd be cool to see that despite losing the battle and being very bitter about it, he still doesn't take his anger on us or blame us for his defeat 🥺 even though he basically eats us as a consolation prize, lmfao 😭😭
However, I guess it wouldn't be too bad after all? xD V.olo doesn't get what he wants, but he has us as friends, and we can understand how frustrated, desperate and lonely he must feel and have felt throughout the years ;-; even if I admit he'd be more controlling and possessive than usual, since he's making the decision of bringing us along without consulting us first :O especially if he's so afraid we might leave him and tell the others his secrets 🥺
So I feel like we could be squirming and struggling a lot when he's eating us, unless we really want to go with him and let him hide us from everyone else xD
Quite nice of him to heal our team, though!
Omg, being in and out of his stomach depending on where he is is quite funny tbh xD like he needs to go get some groceries from a village in another region, and he's like "It's tummy time for you!" and so we're swallowed again pretty fast xD and nobody would suspect a thing!
And maybe if we're very unwilling, we could squirm a lot and be a source of discomfort to him if we hear him talking to someone else, more specifically if he's explaining how he hasn't seen us in a while xD we'd most likely get only more tum time out of all these stunts, but inevitably we'd get used to it sooner or later, wouldn't we? xD
P.s. I personally love scenarios where he's keeping us inside him for more extended periods of time xD he's got the potential for it too, both with evil and sympathetic intentions x3 also we love a possessive twink (/lh) that just enjoys eating his friends so much, hehehe x3
I'd love to see more of your ideas if you've got some more, dear v.olo uwu anon! 💙
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alexcutecolly · 7 months
i started feeling better but now i have a cold n it sucks!! but happy to hear you’re doing better n not so stressed!! uuu I would love some healing time napping in there while he goes about his day or sleeping while laying on his belly with no one else knowing! were small enough that no one would probably see us in him anyway but his uniform is also rly big so there’s no worries and we’re all his ❤️
intestines in safe stuff are super underrated to me cuz its like the same nice pressure of being swallowed but way way longer and v.olo can talk during this one! n he could say how much he trusts us to go into a sensitive spot like that and how he loves the feeling and rubs where we are sometimes tracing our path into his lower belly uuuuu I want him to rly enjoy us in there!!
I wanna be teleported out before it gets to the weird point but theres hours of time before that happrns cuz its slow and long and its so relaxing being gently squeezed around deep in him and knowing its totally safe for us and rly enjoyable for him >w<
uuu hed be surprised how much he likes us in there when we get swallowed the first time! and when we calm down a little bit and get used to where we are n what happened we see its kinda nice in here and V.olo gently presses on his stomach to see if were ok and uuuuu he’s so kind with us!! ❤️
omg yes we spend so much free time just talking and relaxing with him and his team and our mons can play together!! n maybe V.olo holds on to our po.keba.lls and takes care of our team while were in his belly so they get to know him and its like one big happy group!! a pile of us and him and both our mons while we relax and chat abiut ruins after we’re let out and unshrunk sounds like alot of fun too!
if thats what happens then m.erman v.olo would be super fun to journey with! its like we have a warm personal pool in there safe from cold water and deep ocean pressure and we get to look at what he found later and he gets a partner to talk to and not be alone!! hed ask if we wanna join him to look for artefacts and when we say yes hed get us in his mouth with a quick HOMF and swallow us right down so excitedly cuz he loves spending time with us! omg youre right he’d be so pretty with golden scales!! theyd be rly pretty with his grey eyes
Halfsize is so special to me omg!! It’s a lot more effort for him but that means finally getting us down is way more satisfying for him too!! uuuu licking his lips and telling us how pleasantly full he is now and massaging our spot a little as soon as were all the way inside his first stomach just so it’s a little extra comfy for both us and him while he waits uuuuu >w< that sounds rly cute btw id love to hear him humming happily from our new spot in him! We could probably feel him humming and sighing all pleased with this too! uuu him snoozing with a hand over his belly or reading a book until we finally get squished into his tail stomach with a sigh of happiness from him is good too cause he had to work alot to get us down and that has to make him sleepy. and it’s a good thing he’d be solitary cuz then he doesn’t have to get interrupted while he’s enjoying his full belly of his favorite human ❤️ and we get to be in there a long while too getting rested on and rubbed at and a little kiss!!!! >w<
omg omg I’m super duper excited for the new game!! X./Y left a lot of things open and not quite done n the sta.rters didnt get m.egas but this feels like its gonna give it the fixes it needs!! and its a l.egends game and theyre taking their time for it so I’m already rly excited!
- v.olo uwu
I'm alive! Sorry this is a bit late but my mood dropped like crazy this past week 😞 I'm glad to hear you've been doing better! Cold sucks so bad though, hopefully it went away in the meantime! 🥺
Mmmmm I agree! We could totally stay in his belly to heal as he does his errands or takes a nap, it'd be very relaxing and we'd all benefit from it! And it's true, his G.inkgo G.uild uniform can definitely hide us away since it's so cozy and large x3 we're absolutely pretty tiny too, we'd be undetectable basically all the time xD
Ngl, intestines stuff are definitely underrated in vore. Personally I love the thought of travelling through the long tunnel of the small intestine, surrounded by all the villi 🥺👉👈 I'm a big endosoma fan, and simply the idea of exploring someone else's digestive track even on deeper levels makes me very happy xD
So I wouldn't mind if we did this with V.olo's permission lol, he'd probably find it soothing and rub our spot a lot along our way x3 also yeah we'd teleport out before the weird point, but I think being in his intestine would be something very cute, and the squeezing would feel like a hug from him! ❤️
Yeah, his first time eating us would be a bit confusing at the start but then we'd all find ourselves kinda comfortable in the situation 🥺💕 he'd stroke his stomach to reassure us that everything is fine, and that we're perfectly safe inside of him! He's really a kind soul 🥺❤️
Oh I like the idea! We could chill in his belly, maybe to rest after a long day, while he takes care of our p.okemon team as well! They could all play together, he'd give them treats and pets and then the cuddle pile begins xD We'd definitely introduce him to our mons before he eats though, I imagine them going full protective mode if they saw him swallow us down with no context at all xDD and it'd be always lovely to hear him discuss ruins and ancient myths, especially when our beloved p.okemon are there with us!
Omg, now that I think about it, both m.erman!V.olo and n.aga!V.olo sound a bit lonely ;-; the former would be more curious and eager to show us the ancient artefacts he gathered from the bottom of the sea, and take us with him as he talks about them and looks for more 🥺 he knows a good way to keep up safe as he swims underwater, and omgggg, the NOMF as he sends us down would be so adorable!!!
While n.aga!V.olo would relish in spending most of his days on his own, maybe in his cave, if he shared his time and space with us it'd mean we're very special to him! ❤️ Half-sized vore works wonders here, I appreciate when a pred takes longer than usual to gulp down their prey x3 and I bet he'd be so satisfied after we fill his belly! ❤️ He'd definitely lick his lips and he curls up in his coils xD
I imagine he'd be able to send us in his second stomach immediately, but he takes his time to enjoy us in first belly too xD so he doubles the time we get to spend inside of him, hehehe x3 and I bet we'd have even more of his attention, once we've settled in his tail, with all the rubs, the hums and the kisses! x3 that's most likely his favorite spot for us to be, since we're his favorite human 🥺❤️ and we're 100% not coming out for a while xD ❤️ (Mmmmm, I'm definitely not thinking of writing some n.aga!V.olo vore AU rn now, lmao xD)
Oh I had no idea! :O I've only heard people say X./Y are among the worst p.kmn games, I'd love to see what they're gonna include in this new L.egends game! I'm actually intrigued! Plus I liked the combat style and the different gameplay from L.egends: A.rceus, so I can't wait!
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alexcutecolly · 7 months
omg yes yes the teasing and rubbing at us would be so cute even if it was after the last fight! and more stories with him are always good! it makes me really happy to see someone else who sees him as more then just the villain cause he’s really lonely! I want to find him again too and you’re right if he has us deep in him he wont be alone anymore!
ps. I was looking at your first answer again and I lost to gi.ratina the first time i battled him so I guess i know where I’m going! ❤️
v.olo uwu
V.olo uwu anon! Hi again! 💕
It's super duper cute, yeah! 😭❤️ He'd poke and massage his belly with care still, regardless of context 🥺❤️
Warning: Major spoilers for P.okemon Legends: A.rceus below!
Though for our character such a change in story events would be actually quite frightening and stressful, since we'd be used to V.olo nomming us in a very endearing and protective way up until that moment, but now him devouring us after our defeat absolutely carries a more sinister and less willing meaning to it 🥺 I admit I wouldn't dislike it, but it'd definitely feel very different 😭
I imagine that he would eat us after the fight if we refuse to hand over the plates, or we turn down his offer to take A.rceus down together 🤔 and I mean, it's not like we could resist or something, being shrunken as we are in the scenario xD
I'll do my best to keep writing those wips tbh! I just tend to get stuck with making certain mechanics work in a believable way, like the whole shrinking-and-vore thing xD
Omg I know what you mean, it's always amazing to find other empathetic V.olo fans! Thankfully the majority of the people I know in the community feel the same way, and it's a relief ❤️
Personally I enjoy both sides of his personality tbh, but I despise those who ignore how he must have been feeling to come to the conclusion that the world he lives in is unsalvageable, and thus must be remade anew ;-; plus realizing that your own god decided you're not worthy enough of consideration must hurt a lot... ;-; ;-; ;-;
I think we might see him again in M.asters Ex since he's been teased a bit there, but I'm not downloading a gacha game to find out tbf x3 the V.olo community will definitely explode when it happens tho, so I'm just going to giggle, kick my legs in the air and see what it's all about ❤️ what do you think of all these teasers, dear anon?
And omg xD you might have lost on that first try, but you earned a swift trip to his tummy in exchange! He'd save you from world destruction, and in the meantime you fill his belly and keep him company! It's a fair deal to me xDD plus he could eat us again after resetting the world and creating another from scratch, depending on how we feel about the whole ordeal 🥺
Imo though V.olo wouldn't actually wish to erase from existence all those who live in H.isui (I'd be very fine with K.amado being gone tho. Asshole); I feel like he'd bring them back into the new world or something, only with their memories altered into believing he's their real god and not A.rceus or Almighty S.innoh 🤔 oh well, he wouldn't feel neither lonely nor alone anymore! x3
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alexcutecolly · 7 months
youre 1000% right. he is so truly nice but desperate to have something better in the world and he would be so relaxing to be around most times like i am always saying this. i bet being swallowed by him feels like a hug every time. love thinking about him being really playful like this
v.olo uwu anon
Oh hi again v.olo uwu anon! 💕
He's a wonder to be around fr!! 😭❤️ To me he's the sweetest guy in all of H.isui, you could even fall asleep by his side if you're hanging out with him or something, it feels so cozy and peaceful! He's just got that chill, home sweet home aura! 🥺❤️
And I feel like his cheerful demeanor would transmit sooo well to vore as you said, since staying inside his belly would equal the most wholesome, wonderful and warmest hug he could give! I'd love to be surrounded by him that way tbh! 🥺❤️
Warning: Major spoilers for P.okemon Legends: A.rceus below!
The combination of protective and playful fits him perfectly imo, omg! And I can see him poke his gut to tease us a bit xD plus after eating us he could start reading a mythology book, or take a nap to relax x3 gosh, this is giving me more ideas for vore stories to write about him!! ❤️ Originally I had slightly more... twisted plans (100% safe as always ofc, dw), but lovely vore fluff is so neat too!! 🥺
Talking about how he feels though, it pains me to see how much he must have suffered ;-; he keeps asking himself if he's unworthy of A.rceus's attention since it favored the MC instead of him, despite everything he's done to even be acknowledged by it ;-;
"I've devoted myself to A.rceus beyond any other! I worshiped it as the creator of our entire world! I bent all of my passion and interest to its study! All the time I've spent poring over the legends... Everything that I've done—!"
And even when he's defeated he goes:
"How? How could this happen?! Almighty A.rceus, if you have any heart within you, then tell me...
The blood of the ancient S.innoh people flows in my veins, does it not?! What is it, then, that you find so lacking in me?!
Do you mean to tell me that this world doesn't need to be remade?"
Also, him asking us if we have dreams like he does literally makes my heart ache ;-; ;-; (and it reminded me of N. as well ;-;)
In general, I think he perceives himself as a very lonely individual, and it gets worse since nobody even goes to look for him after the final battle (I'd do it myself if the game just let me, aksbdejsbsn) and pretty much everyone simply accepts that he was the villain and moves on ;-;
His loneliness got me thinking nonetheless. Despite him being able to hide it behind his usual happy-go-lucky attitude, some of it could still come through. For example, he could enjoy our company a lot more than it seems, and with vore it'd work the same way since a pred is technically not alone after nomming somebody. So he could also rub his middle and take in all the positive feelings that come with eating a close person in safety x3 ❤️
"In the end, I was alone... But not you."
Tumblr media
To be honest, I wish we could say goodbye to him before he leaves, or at least see him tell professor L.aventon what happened, oof ;-; we saw him from a brief moment tho in the second H.isuian Snow episode! That gives me a lil bit of hope xDD
In any case, G.amefreak please bring him baaaaaack!!! (Alive, possibly ;-;) We miss him!!! 😭😭
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