#thank you for the ask 💖
Hey, fave Six of crows character?
Its gotta be my slightly awkward, fluffy haired, easily flustered around a certain sharpshooter, autistic, bad ass, smart as all hell, demo expert whos also cute but will bite you, Merchling 💜
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pawberri · 3 months
i mean i have an answer for the callout post question you have, and its that callout posts should stop being misused and be about actual harm to other human being instead of "shipped things i disagree with" or whatever, but general fandom doesnt seem to want to stop using them that way. and until we figure out how to address that issue, we cant deal with actual fucking abuse which drives me insane. and im one of the people who thinks how callout posts are *currently being used* does nothing to stop actual abusers. id personally like to fix that 😭 im also at a loss for how to actually address abusers in our communities when so many randos are invested in maintaining our shitty status quo.
Yes, I agree very much that the current bad faith use of callout is detrimental and gives people ammunition to dismiss allegations and to manipulate people... whatever discussion I have of the absolutist argument is mostly to critique the ideology behind it, to ask what will happen in the solution proposed. I.e If we get rid of all callouts, what happens next. For now we are presented with a very complex world with many bad faith actors, but hopefully by asking questions we can reach better ideas in our small communities
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olliethescribe · 7 months
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I come bearing amenities for our little AU competition. Good luck in the preliminaries ;)
- REBOOT: Second Chance AU Donnie
”Thanks, kid.” Warren was ready to accept the gift with his bare hands before realizing that the glowing green rock this Donnie was handing him was actual uranium. “Wait. Can this stuff power anything?”
The Donnie in front of him seemed excited by that question. “Oh, absolutely! Why?”
“This just in, been meaning to replace the battery in this chair for a while.” Warren pointed down at his wheelchair, directing this Donnie’s attention to where the battery was kept. “Think you can fix it up for me?”
“Of course!” The Donnie made short work of replacing the battery with uranium, a move that Ron never would’ve approved of if he weren’t distracted. By the end of it Warren’s chair ran smooth and faster than he ever could’ve dreamed. Perfect for when he couldn’t find his running blades.
“Works like a dream! See ya around?”
But that Donnie was already off to spread more uranium to the masses. Warren smiled to himself.
“What a good kid.”
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undercat-overdog · 8 months
🤔 and 🍽️! 👀
🤔 Tell us one of your favorite Silm headcanons. Can be one that's out in the wild or a personal one!
Formenos, despite being north of Tirion, is warmer, since while Tirion is equatorial, it's also at high altitude and Formenos is lower, enough so that altitude doesn't affect its climate.
Pharazon looks like Luthien.
🍽️ You are having a dinner party and you can invite five (5) characters from the Silm. Who do you invite?
I already did who I would actually invite to a dinner party, so let's do who I wouldn't invite!
Ungoliant. I don't want to be dinner.
Turin. Bad for life expectancy.
Feanor. Might offer concrit about my cooking.
Sauron. Might be able to read my unguarded mind and see that I've written him crying during sex and calling other characters Daddy. Also the usual evil dark lord stuff.
Thuringwethil. See #1.
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Hi Ellen! Just passing by to say that I miss you, and I hope you’re doing okay ❤️
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Joe and Sav for you 🥰
Hi 💖💖💖
I’m okay. I’ve been studying my backside off and not really getting anywhere but hopefully this time next week I’ll be back and annoying everyone again 😊💖
Thank you so much for stopping by it means the world to me and I miss you too as well as all my mutuals 🥰
Also thank you for Joe and Sav. Honestly I have missed going crazy over them recently and you can guarantee that I’ll post lots about them as soon as I am back properly 🤭💖
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jammboe · 5 months
🗻, 💕 and 💃!
Ok finally getting to these asks !!
🗻 If you were in a Zelda game, where would you live? What would you be doing? (aside from being the hero or princess) - I'd love to live at Windfall island!! Id probably want to be a teacher there teaching art!
💕 Who’s your biggest Zelda crush(es)? - Nabooru, Midna true form, TP Zelda, Yona, Queen Sonia 🫡
💃 Favorite BOTW Outfit? Hands down this outfit. The red hood with the Royal guard top just goes so well
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wynnyfryd · 1 year
5 and 16 for steddie ask game?! ♡
5. If they had pets what would they be?
well as much as i love the ‘eddie with a pet raccoon’ trope, realistically i think eddie would find “the cutest, sweetest little thing” on the side of the road, and steve would take one look at this mangy matted mophead of a dog with its stupid cockeyed stare and roll his eyes so hard. he just cleaned the tub. and he’s gonna get it all messy again? for this thing?? it looks like something dustin would try to sneak home from the woods!
it turns out to be a she who’s actually pretty cute under all the tangled fur. her name is louisa and steve is obsessed.
16. What Steddie headcanon do you feel is overdone? (optional: how would you alter it to make it fresh again?)
🐴 🤠 whoaaaa there, pardner. easy now, thataway lies Discourse
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Fucked up ship bingo for lokiel but also griddlehark tell me about them I know nothing of it
While you guys were sleeping on Lokiel they were winning ship bingo. Two objectively terrible immortals have a break up 💖. No one does it like them.
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Griddlehark scratches a pretty similar itch being about two childhood friends with a really antagonistic relationship 💕.
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Mixed feelings because I genuinely don't know what ending they should have. Happy ending seems unrealistic but technically 90% of their current problems with each other comes from the fact that they have not had a straight conversation in two books and they would be unstoppable if they just had a pool scene 2.0.
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sparfloxacin · 9 months
hello spar! how do you think Olli reacted to the news of Allu getting the piercing done for real? 👀🎤
helloooo! 💗
oooh I’m sure they have been messaging each other about it 🤭 I wonder if Allu wasn’t sure if he should actually take it and Olli convinced him that it looks great and fits him 🥹
also imagining Olli holding Allu’s hand when he takes it 🤧💞
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desertpirate77 · 1 month
i'm gonna be a greedy mf so 🍓🍓🍓🍓
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Thank you!!
Gonna put these under the cut.
🍓He sweet-talks his cars when he's driving. It's weirded out passengers who are in the car with him.
🍓Has this mugshot of himself framed. He was 23. He got arrested for rioting after the cops bust an illegal rave he was at.
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(excuse the small crusty image. its from an old abandoned thing) He used to straighten his hair. totally not an excuse for not having any curly hair options at the time
🍓Used to do roadie work for bands part time when he was younger. If the people he was working for were dicks, then a few items would get "lost in transit". Most of his drum kit is made from pieces that got "lost".
🍓Because he did roadie work he's a pro at getting into concerts without paying by pretending to be one of the road crew. Is good at acting like he belongs cause he's done the job before. Got disappointed with the tickets for shows he actually paid for because the seats were worse.
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Hi, do you have a favorite tua scene/line?
☔️ Ooh favourite tua scene/line ☔️
I do love the scene of Dave and Klaus in the 60s where Dave gently cups Klaus’ face and its just so vulnerable and sweet 😭💖
Also Klaus’ ‘did you kill me and lock me in the trunk of your car??’ In s3. Reginalds unbothered ‘I did indeed 😃’ in response cracks me up
Im also fond of the Alison/Viktor fight scene in s3 over Harlan 🤌🏼
As well as the Brellies/Sparrow showdown
Also generally anytime Diego and Luther are dumbasses together is always a good time
Theres loads more but if I kept going Id eventually list the whole show lol
(Okay okay bonus: Guy in a carpet game)
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Requesting: Steddie Upside-down AU
Eddie shoves his mouth over the faucet, lets the water pour onto his tongue messily and dribbles back out.
“10/10, do not recommend,” he says, voice muffled as he scrapes his tongue off with his fingers. “That tasted disgusting, dude!”
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rescue-ram · 3 months
🍒 🍋 🍈
🍒 What’s your favorite character dynamic to write? (Can be romantic or platonic, specific or general!)
My favorite hyper specific ship dynamic is something I call Captain/Lieutenant, which for me is all about constrained intimacy overcoming imbalance... Like my platonic ideal of C/L is younger, inexperienced, but very competent superior in a hierarchy with an older, more experienced, slightly world weary but affectionate subordinate, who have deep love and respect for each other despite narrative conflicts. There is something soooo compelling about that specific relationship dynamic to me. Although I lean into the elements of that which apply to TrapHawk, that doesn't apply v much to them at all lol- they fit a trope I mentally refer to as "Twin Fantasy" after the song by Car Seat Headrest lol. While the appeal of C/L ships to me is in overcoming inequality to find intimacy, the appeal of TF ships is one of instant intimacy, of finding your other half who perfectly mirrors you, who's exactly like you in every way except the ways that make you better.
🍋 What’s your favorite spicier trope to write?
:3c It's hard to think of the words to describe it jfkfmfm But it is a very specific sort of kinky vibe- I like an edge of kink, but not really scripted out and rigid- a lot of spontaneity, and maybe a little edge of anxiety where the characters don't quite know what's going to happen next, and a little tension around consent- they *could* say no at anytime, but they're not going to, because... And the interesting space after that 'because' to be filled. Even though no sex actually occurs in that fic, TrapHawk HotFerret is probably the purest expression of that vibe I've written so far fldjhdj but my favorite lemon scene to write was Trapper getting fingered in Making the Most of It, which also combines a lot of my favorite spicy tropes...
🍈 Who’s your blorbo and what are some of your favorite headcanons/ideas about them that repeatedly show up in your fics? Free pass to rant about blorbo opinions.
Trapper 🥹🥲 Augh what can I say about the boy that I haven't already said... I am all in on middle child Trapper headcanon... I also love the concept of him being an ambitious over achiever who's been this popular golden boy all his life, and Hawkeye is the first guy he meets where Trapper is like "I can't be cooler or better than this guy and I don't want to be" and that's what lets him start to relax his mask and be himself... And I really like using him as a vehicle to explore the experience of being closeted.
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mystery-salad · 4 months
id love to know 3 for your OCs (do they have their own mounts or prefer to rent/borrow when needed?) if there are any stand-outs!
Laighe is always a fun answer for this because instead of any canon mount, she has her wyvern which she raised from juvenile to matriarch! Skyscale-adjacent mechanics but bigger and meaner✨️
Tvelle has a raptor (striped trihorn skin) named sledgehammer!!! Most spoiled twerp ever~
Alvvae has a small dog she rides around (fluffy samoyed jackal skin) because mounts in general are a little large for her and hard to control! Just her and her pup!
Quaille actually has to rent very very rarely, because its whole radiation deal *can* negatively impact others at touchable range. Makes its way around mostly on foot with the bare minimum of rented mounts as needed.
Ennreck runs a sand jackal ranch, and does keep one specially that's his and has been trained up to be extremely versatile. He can swap the runes on it as needed to change its shape for any mount needs! Basically he uses all the sand mount skins (griffon and skimmer and basic jackal) plus those that don't exist yet for other mounts.
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sleepyforestbeast · 6 months
9 and 14 for Husk and Moth!!
Thank you so much for the ask!! :D
9. What is your character's moral compass? What principles or values do they hold dear?
Husk is a very 'eye-for-an-eye' kind of fey and is very well aware of the implication that it could leave themself 'blind'. They see themself as a necessary evil and feel it's their duty to enact retribution against the nobles and others who might hurt them and their fellow fey. In the same vein, Husk is loyal to a fault and puts the well-being of their friends and kin first, though for non fey/humans, it takes them a while to warm up to them and are forever caught off guard whenever a human is kind to them in their true form. This is a thing that shapes them in game I think in any version of them and they will always repay kindness done to them XD favours and debts are a thing they heavily adhere to but it's more of a general expectation of them being fey :D
Moth has a very fey, shifting and chaotic moral compass that can appear to be self serving at times, he rarely thinks things through and is impulsive but will usually come around once he realises he's done something to hurt a friend (husk is usually at the receiving end of his choices XD). He is staunchly antihuman, which is understandable with his home being burned down by human loggers and now living in a druid circle with a deep-seated mistrust of humans. He believes humans should not even be allowed to walk along the forest road and often traps various locations, trying to force people into the forest to get lost and killed. That being said he doesn't have it in him to actually kill a human and leaves that to husk or other members of the circle to do if they're around.
14. What is your character's preferred method of self-expression? Do they have any artistic talents or creative outlets?
In the true spirit of they fey, Husk loves pranks and mischief. They are constantly thinking up new, silly pranks to do in nearby towns to the local guards and merchants. They see this as an art as they are constantly trying to one up themself (and other fey, they're competative about it sometimes XD)
Their more normal hobbies/art forms include dancing and singing, which is a social thing with the fey in their circle :D
Also mischief, but his targets include his friends, much to the annoyance of the entire druid circle XD he also loves to paint and steals Husk’s herbs if they have any colour in them and he usually paints the true hollow he and husk live in
Also if eating is an art form, he's mastered it, that and stealing food XD
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Hopefully you haven’t done these yet, but how about
27, 29, 49, and 50?💗
I haven't done these ones yet so thank you 💖💖
27: What song/album do you listen to when you need a pick-me-up?
Probably the entire Hysteria album because I remember my Dad playing it in the car when I was little. Whenever I hear it, it brings a smile to my face regardless of my mood.
29: First song that pops into your head, go!
Dazed and Confused - Led Zeppelin
49: You are locked inside a closet with your favourite band member for an entire day/night. What do you talk about/do?
I want to say as it is Joe Elliott I'd probably do something inappropriate. However, that's not realistic. I would talk to him about music, and about his career. I'd like to hear stories about Def Leppard on the road and in the studio. I'd ask what the writing process is like. I would also like to talk to him about other bands and artists. Just kind of have a nice conversation with him.
50: Mini rant about any musical topic, go!
Okay so I have a story. One day I was at a record store and was having a look through just seeing what I could find when there was this person walk through the door. I picked up a Queen record and a Whitesnake one as well. This person looked over at me and then went to the store owner and made a snide comment about how young people don't really know anything about 'decent music'. I was also wearing a Bowie t-shirt. Anyway I knew the owner and he knew that I was a classic rock fan so he didn't pay any mind to this customer.
I carried on with my shopping and went to pay when the same customer told me to leave the older records for the people who will actually listen to them. I was with my Dad that day who burst out laughing and I turned around and asked him if he wanted me to name five songs. Now I was being sarcastic but he tried to call my bluff.
I named ten Queen, five Whitesnake and ten Bowie songs before the owner cut me off and kicked the other person out. Apparently it wasn't the first time he had been rude to another customer.
My Dad couldn't stop laughing and the owner brings it up every time I go back 😂😂
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