#thank you for the ask pika !!
pikahlua · 7 months
In regards to your post on Izuku’s self sacrificial traits, how do you think the dark hero arc plays into this? I thought the point of it was to sort of pull his self sacrificial nature back a bit with the whole “you can’t do it on your own” and “don’t kill yourself for the cause” thing. They don’t have to be mutually exclusive, i get that “bakugou looks up to Deku’s self sacrificial nature as a positive trait he doesn’t have” and “Deku should rely on others and not hurt himself” can both coexist. But they also give mixed messages narratively. Is one not condemning it while the other puts it on a pedestal?
THANK YOU!!! For taking the bait.
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I've been ranting about this theme a bit because, from what I can tell, it might be the biggest point MHA is trying to make to answer the question "What is a hero?" Because of MHA's length, the points of the argument have been rather spread out. I think people's understanding of the argument has been distorted by the length of time between the points. Overthinking is the enemy here.
But really, why are people coming away from MHA with the message "Heroes shouldn't sacrifice themselves"? The message is coming from somewhere. The problem is it's probably coming from a conflation of concepts. What is self-sacrifice? That's the question that gets at the root of the problem here.
In the west, "sacrifice" has negative connotations. "Something is lost." "Someone suffers for the sake of a goal." "Someone gives up something." The focus is entirely on the pain experienced by the one sacrificing.
But the point MHA is trying to make is that there's a difference between "suffering loss" and the sacrifices a true hero makes. Izuku isn't a remarkable hero because he's willing to destroy himself at the drop of a hat. The focus is not on his drastic behavior but on the recipients of his drastic behavior. The point is, sacrifice for the sake of sacrifice is meaningless, but sacrifice for the sake of others, well, now we're getting somewhere.
It's the "for the sake of others" part that matters here. Izuku is a hero because he cares for others, because he wants to save others, and what he's willing to sacrifice to accomplish that is merely the measure of his conviction, of his heart.
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The quality of self-sacrifice is a core trait measured just to gain enrollment at UA, the most prestigious hero school in the country. Self-sacrifice is fundamental to being a hero. Do you really think the point of the MHA story is to demonstrate how self-sacrifice is a bad thing, that heroes shouldn't sacrifice themselves? Do you think the rest of Class 1-A wouldn't be willing to sacrifice themselves should the need arise so long as it's in order to save someone?
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The difference between Izuku and the rest of the world, at least at the beginning, is that he is sensitive to calls for help. He is able to perceive those in trouble that others cannot perceive. Others get confused by the context or are not in a constant state of listening for cries for help. Others cannot always tell when is the right time to act or if acting is the correct choice. Izuku never wavers in the face of such questions. He always acts, because he cannot help but act. It is who he is. It's his nature to be this way. And this is the spirit that slowly influences his classmates and the rest of society, this is the spirit Katsuki fears and later comes to emulate, this is the ideal Izuku admires in his hero All Might for which he always strives.
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Heroes want to save, but some of them just don't know how--and Izuku teaches them how. Izuku teaches them that, for true heroes, to save others is more important than anything else they could ever want. It is more important than their self-perceived weaknesses, than their egos, than their desires for vengeance, than their small-time dreams, no matter how noble or justified or important any of those things might be. To be called a hero, one must be prepared to risk it all.
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These are the traits Hero Killer Stain wishes to promote in society. These are the qualities he exonerates from assassination. A person who lives for the sake of "service to others" is the sort of person who has more right than anyone to "cling desperately to life." Society needs such people, and for that very reason such people need to stay alive. This is the collectivist ideal. If everyone is concerned for the well-being of others, then everyone is looking out for everyone else. If you're ready to save others and risk yourself to do so, others will risk themselves to make sure you make it out alive too, and thus everyone is protected. If you do end up perishing due to self-sacrifice, it is a tragedy, not self-determination, but then your actions still protected the whole, and the whole will continue to protect everyone in it to the best of their abilities because your self-sacrifice was appreciated and the spirit of your goodness carries on in others.
But that's a whole lot of waxing poetic about self-sacrifice. I did acknowledge that people are picking up a critical message. Where then is the criticism?
It comes from Shouta Aizawa.
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Aizawa is the major proponent of rationality in this case. Self-sacrifice = good is not the end of the philosophy. It is as you say, something must balance it out.
People often think Aizawa's philosophy boils down to "I don't want heroes to be self-sacrificial," but that's not actually what he's saying. Aizawa's philosophy is to make the distinction between self-sacrifice and self-destruction.
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"Being self-sacrificing isn't the same...as being suicidal. Many kids confuse the two. So I'll give them what they want. A 'death,' so to speak."
The hallmark of heroic self-sacrifice is that it's done for the sake of others. Self-destruction is different; it is for the sake of the self. Some people would take the chance to mask their self-destruction as self-sacrifice by looking for a way to die while saving others. That's not the point of heroic self-sacrifice. Self-sacrifice is a last resort. You save a person in trouble because you care about preserving their well-being no matter the cost, but some sacrifices are not in balance. Say someone is trapped in a room and you want to get them out, and you have a battering ram and a bomb. Should you strap a bomb to your body and explode open that door to let the person out? Wouldn't that be a heroic sacrifice to save someone? No! It's certainly a sacrifice, but it's not a heroic one. You should act to preserve ALL well-being, including your own. Use the damn battering ram.
Consider the circumstances at play in the quirk assessment test. Izuku was ready to sacrifice his entire arm, his physical constitution, for the sake of demonstrating his power. What does Izuku incapacitating himself achieve were Aizawa to let him do so? It would merely be to prove his strength to someone. No one is at risk here. No one needs saving. Izuku has no person to receive the good will of his self-sacrifice.
"Whatever you were planning...it would have inconvenienced those around you."
"You're totally useless after saving just a single person."
Self-sacrifice is still a sacrifice, which means it has costs and consequences. Who loses because of self-sacrifice? Many people. The person who sacrifices themself loses their life or well-being, which, if others asking for help are worth saving because you believe all people are equal, then you are also worth saving and in just as much need of help. Additionally, your loved ones are harmed because they care about you. And the rest of society suffers because it was better for having you in it; you can no longer save anyone else. To save the most people possible, a hero should strive to survive. A hero should strive to win.
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Taken all together, you get the philosophy that allows Katsuki's team to triumph during the Joint Training Arc, which was the entire point of this match. Note how all the above logic is summed up quite succinctly by the gremlin himself.
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Katsuki is dedicated to winning the match and leads the charge, but that puts him at risk of being targeted. However, he's willing to be in that vulnerable state because he trusts others to save him. That's what empowers him to put himself on the line. His goal is a complete victory, which means that self-sacrifice is considered a loss. There are costs and consequences, and heroes should do their best to mitigate them. Katsuki is doing everything in his power to reduce the necessity of self-sacrifice, but not because he thinks self-sacrifice is bad. He thinks needless self-sacrifice is bad, and so he strives to eliminate the need for it.
But that means he does acknowledge that there are times self-sacrifice is necessary. He's grown up afraid of Izuku's heart because Izuku demonstrates how easily self-sacrifice comes to him, and that puts Katsuki on the spot. Katsuki doesn't know if he is capable of self-sacrifice. Because he's so competent and strong, he's never noticed a need for sacrifice in his life. He's never had to demonstrate self-sacrifice, and if that's such a fundamental part of being a hero, Katsuki doesn't know if he really is a hero at heart.
But as I mentioned above, the reason he never had a chance to display self-sacrifice as a trait is because he lacked the ability to tell when people need saving. He looks around and sees a bunch of people who are wasting their potential. He thinks some people who seem to ask for help are much more capable than they behave.
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Note how Katsuki failed his hero license exam. If Katsuki had stuck around the triage center and fought Gang Orca when he showed up, Katsuki likely would have passed. But Katsuki decided to forego battle to run around and save people. And hilariously enough, the bystanders who dock Katsuki points point out that Katsuki correctly identified them as low-priority targets to save. He's pretty good at figuring out who DOESN'T need saving. They end up docking him points because of his inappropriate tone, which is possibly the funniest way they could have said "Well you're technically right but also holy crap you're bad at this."
And that's the point. Katsuki knows saving people is important, and he perceives Izuku is the absolute best at it. Katsuki is constantly looking for a way to compete with Izuku in this realm because he has to. Katsuki wants to be the best, and to do so he has to improve in this area. Izuku pisses him off because he is extremely adept at perceiving calls for help from those who truly need it, and Katsuki notices every time Izuku is faster on the uptake. It happens at the sports festival with Shouto, which is why Katsuki considers the sports festival a loss.
Katsuki does get better at this, and that's what allows him to eventually get his hero license. Think of his behavior during the school cultural festival, where he sees his classmates trying to appease their peers out of guilt. That's people pleasing. That's ego. Katsuki won't have any of it. From his perspective, if Class 1-A wants to make sure everyone has a good time, then everyone means everyone. Class 1-A has to enjoy the festival too, and the best way to do that is to throw a badass concert. By enjoying themselves and being proud of their well-earned accomplishments, by thriving, Class 1-A demonstrates to their peers how to best win against all those tragedies that tried to bring them down. Self-deprecation for the sake of appeasing others' ill will when that ill will is unjustified is just self-gratification. It's just a way to stop feeling guilty, but the only purpose that serves is to debase yourself. Class 1-A didn't do anything wrong to the other classes, so Class 1-A does not need to atone to them. Self-sacrifice in this case brings no benefit to anyone. Instead, the classes should all be thriving together.
All of these lessons converge in the Dark Deku arc. Others express worry for Izuku's behavior because they see him as engaging in self-destruction. They want him to rest, but Izuku perceives there are people in need of help, so he can't help but save them. And not everyone condemns Izuku's behavior.
Kudou encourages it.
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The problem at play in this arc is the question of power. Izuku has power, which means he is capable of saving people. And many people are in need of saving. How many people can one finite Izuku save? That is the question he is set to answer. He is facing the same question as All Might, but All Might's example was to save people while he was losing One For All. All Might had a finite amount of power that he was going to lose in time, so he decided to spend that dwindling power on saving as many people as he could. That would be the more virtuous use of his finite power.
But All Might's flaw was in rejecting the help of others when others were capable of helping him. Izuku falls into the same trap. He thinks he has to save people alone because he's the only one capable of it.
This is Kudou's spoken caveat. "Inaction is not an option," so yes Izuku needs to be acting in this moment. "That said...if there's anything that could bolster Izuku Midoriya now, it would be..."
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The answer is not merely "friends." We are given the answer that Izuku needs friends at first, but this is a special type of friend. Izuku needs friends who "share his resolve," who "can match his pace...and keep running alongside him." Izuku needs comrades (nakama)! He needs friends who want to save just as much as he does. He needs friends who are just as capable as he is. That's why Class 1-A has to first demonstrate their capabilities to Izuku so that he can be convinced.
Katsuki doesn't criticize Izuku's ideals either. In fact, he openly praises them.
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All Katsuki is saying here is "You're doing the right thing. Saving people, even at cost to yourself, is the right thing. We want to help. We can help. Don't reject us.
"Don't pay a price when you don't have to."
In a collectivist society, the ideal is that everyone looks out for each other, thus is everyone protected.
Self-sacrifice has costs to the self, to one's loved ones, and to society. The price paid must be worth the good achieved.
The virtue in self-sacrifice is that it is done when necessary for the sake of others. Anything less is self-destruction, which is harmful to society.
Heroes have a duty both to be prepared to self-sacrifice and to mitigate the need for self-sacrifice.
Rejecting the help of others who are capable of helping is to reject the collectivist ideal.
Izuku's self-sacrifice is virtuous BECAUSE IT IS FOR OTHERS' SAKES. Izuku's self-destruction and rejection of help from others are what the story criticizes.
Izuku Midoriya's nature represents the ideal of self-sacrifice because of his innate desire to save others, and Katsuki Bakugou recognizes that trait as core to being a hero and thus admires Izuku for it--but he's also afraid he doesn't have that trait for a large chunk of the story. Izuku's journey to accepting the help of others, Katsuki's journey to discovering his self-sacrificing spirit, and their mutual admiration of each other all provide the perspective for the audience to understand this ideal: heroes are those who live in service of others.
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pokimoko · 1 year
Reading your moon knight angst fics is like getting beaten up with a metal pipe for how hard it hits/positive
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Thanks, it's a passion of mine. (◕ᴗ◕✿)
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ofmermaidstories · 1 year
Hello Merms!!
I saw your Romancing the Reader update and had to pop in to let you know that the mental image of you stepping between a very dapperly-dressed Bakugou and pro-hero Deku mid-fisticuffs is absolutely hysterical. Keep fighting the good fight!!
And ofc, take all the time you need for yourself! I’ll be looking forwards to anything and everything that’s next!! 💕💕
hi pika. 🥺🌷
LOL. i need you to know i’ve been laughing on-and-off about this since you sent it LMAO. just imagine like, having to run in between those two dongle-brains and be like, “look at me, guys. 😩 this isn’t you! 🥺🤚🏽 i know this isn’t you!! 🥺” LMFAOOO the best way to stop anyone fighting is to turn the hose on them LMAOO. and if that fails like, idk, use it like it like a whip i guess. 🥹
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hello! you sent me a lizard to ask me how i was so here's a pika, she's bringing you flowers :) (i'm aware that you probably took that lizard photo but i have found zero cool things irl so here's a cute thing i found on the internet)how's life?
awww pikas are so sweet I love them thank you :DD I appreciate that<3
Life is good, it’s the last day of the vacation I’m at (the place I’m at has the lizards!) and so I’ll have to go back to real life and responsibilities soon, which isn’t as fun, but it’ll be okay! I’m trying to learn how to better handle my work-time, since I procrastinate a lot, and it’s hard with ADHD but I’m getting there<3
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justiisms · 4 months
"Just because we're small doesn't mean we can’t hide some big surprises up our sleeve. Isn't that right, you two?” *pikachu looks incredibly proud as he stands on top of yuta’s desk, his little arms crossed as he stares at the birthday boys*
“Since we’re all detectives, I thought I would put you two to the test. You know, just to make sure you keep your skills sharp. If you want to be a great detective like me, you have to be prepared for a case anytime, anywhere.”
“Now as for this little treasure hunt, I’ve decided to give you two hints. The first is that both of you will find your respective gift in the same box and that it’s somewhere in this room. And as for the second hint: I’m in your room and I help keep it clean. You hang things inside of me and then ignore me. What am I?”
*yuma furrows his brows as he mimics his even tinier uncle and crosses his arms, lost in thought as he stares at the ground. he seems to be stumped as to what he could be talking about, pika sitting down as he watches the two figure it out!*
*pikachu stays quiet, eager to see how long it will take for them to realize that a purple box with a red ribbon is hiding inside of the closet, pika making sure to stay calm once one of them gets close to it, the tiny detective not wanting his tail to start wagging and accidentally give it away!*
*it’s only when the other detective lifts up the present that he begins to clap, now letting his tail wag like mad as he pats the area beside him, wanting the two to open it on the desk!*
“I knew you could do it! Oh, I can’t wait to see the look on your faces! There’s no way you’ll be able to guess what’s inside!” *and once the box is opened they’ll find a ruby and a sapphire inside, both of them easily three inches tall and one inch wide?!*
“It’s the strangest thing, I had been wracking my brain for days trying to think of what to get you two when those gems suddenly appeared on my desk one morning! Granted they were uncut so I had to take them to a professional, but still. It was like some kind miner answered my prayers and snuck in and left some raw gems. I even asked around to see if someone left them there, but everyone was clueless. Now they’re yours to do with as you please. Display them as is, take them to have them cut into a ring, do whatever you like.”
*however, unbeknownst to the happy detective, something can be seen sparkling from underneath his bed, sableye’s eyes shining with joy before she silently slips back into the shadows~*
"Hehe, that's right! Which means you must had hid some ones for us, huh, Uncle Pika? I can't wait to see what it is!" He beams, before he tilts his head curiously at what their tiny mouse uncle says next. "Oh? Testing our skills...? S....S-Sure, we can do that. What challenge do you have for us, Uncle?"
Then, he listens to the challenge and the two hints provided. "Hmm...so in the same box, and in this room. And you put things in it and then ignore it..." Pacing around the room, he glances at everything to see what the answer could be... until he looks towards the closet door. And then realizing that the description they were given fits a closet to a T... "Oh! Of course-!" He goes over to it and opens it, smile widening when he sees the gift box! "Alright!! Yuma, look over here!" He chuckles when hearing his uncle clap and tail wag excitedly, and begins to bring the present onto the desk!
"T-Thank you!! Ohh, now I'm even more excited to see what we got: thank you, Uncle! Okay, let's see here...." As the two open the box and retrieve their presents, Pikachu would be right in them not expecting what would be inside, Yuta giving a small gasp of surprise as he looks at the jewels! "W...Whoah...!!! I-Is this a real ruby and sapphire?! W-Wow...!!!"
As he looks at the ruby in his hand and the sapphire in his Yuma's, he nods as his uncle explains what had happened. "O...Oh wow, I see... so these were left on your desk by someone... and none of the others knew who did it? Interesting... I wonder who snuck those on your desk, then? B-But wow, so you can get raw gems cut, huh... They're honestly very pretty.. y-yeah!! Maybe until Yuma and I decide what we want to turn them into, I'll put this one in a nice spot in my room as a pretty little decoration I can gaze at, hehe. Thank you, Uncle Pikachu! This was a very nice surprise! I can't wait to see what I can do with i-"
Then he cuts off when he swears that for a second, he saw something... sparkle underneath his uncle's bed? "...!" And then he saw her eyes: Sableye's! ("Oh! Sabeleye...! ......Ah. Ahaha: aww, Sable...") Now figuring out who the mysterious 'delivery person' that left those gems on Pikachu's desk is, his smile grows much brighter and warmer, giving a soft chuckle as he leans in to lift his tiny uncle in his arms, so that the brothers can give him both a hug~!
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"H-Hehe, I hope you don't mind, Uncle. Just wanted to express how happy you made us! Thank you!! The little challenge was fun, and we promise to take great care of these gems! I love you all so much!" The 'all' subtly including Sableye, of course~! He doesn't want to put her out on the open right now, but the moment he's alone and can find her: he will definitely thank her in full!
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princessmacedon · 6 months
“Ah! Maria! There you are!”
Although Chrom doesn’t know the Macedonian very well, her kind and cheerful nature made a big impression on him back in the Rusalkan dream, and he wants to be able to help her celebrate her birthday as a good friend should. Unfortunately, he’s not exactly certain of what she likes, so after a lot of thought he goes and gets her a nice potted flower; she seems the type to want to take care of growing things. He also bakes her some cute little cookies—he hopes she likes strawberry with vanilla frosting! (He made extra sure the cookies came out right, and he thinks they’re actually pretty yum, but whether the redhead agrees remains to be seen.)
“Sorry if I’m interrupting something,” he continues, sheepish, “but I wanted to give you something for your birthday. I thought it’d be all right, since we’re friends.” He hands her the bouquet first, full of cute pink tulips, then the tin of cookies. “I hope your birthday is turning out to be a happy one! You deserve it, and I’m so glad I met such a nice person like you!”
She remembers Chrom, of course, and fondly, a smile rising to Maria's lips as she turns to greet him. Her wiggle-waving fingers briefly still as she takes in his words and carried gifts, and the little princess presses her knuckles against her lips in quiet, merry laughter.
"Hee hee, you're fine, of course!" And then, even as she first accepts the flowers, there is a sort of wonderment, a sparkling curiosity as she beholds them. "For me?"
She's received many flowers in her life, being that her love of them is no secret, but there is something special about receiving ones that she can care for. Rather than preserving them between the pages of her journal, they can grow in the sunlight of her window sill day after day, their vibrancy and life enduring...
"Oh, it's wonderful! I love it -- thank you, Chrom!" Her arms wind around the flowerpot, playful but appreciative all the same as she hugs the tulips. "And you picked such perfect flowers, too!" Tokens of congratulation and well wishes, if she remembers rightly. "Was that on purpose? Heeheehee."
The tin of cookies, too, she accepts, balanced somewhere in the mess of arms and tulips.
"Yes... hee hee! We are friends, aren't we? I'm happy I met you, too!" A bloom bobs in front of her face, and the little cleric cranes her neck to peek over it, then smiles again. "It's a pretty good birthday so far -- and it's even better now!"
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bwabys-scenarios · 6 months
Tears and Cake(NSFW)
Kurapika x Fem!Reader
warnings: nsfw, oral(f!receiving), breeding kink, creampie, pregnancy
taglist: @desiray562 @lovelyxkazuha @ashdownunderscorebeloved @lightshowerrr @jungtoast @nenggie @pannacottababy
‼️If you want to be added to the taglist, please check out the taglist information then comment what you want to be added to! Make sure you have your age in your bio and that your blog can be tagged/mentioned!‼️
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Since the massacre, Kurapika has spent his birthdays alone and in silence. Sometimes he’d get himself a little treat to celebrate the special occasions, but most of the time his birthday would pass by without him even noticing.
That was, until he met you.
The two of you had met up for some coffee and snacks while he was in town, and the topic of birthdays came up.
“Yeah, my birthday is actually next month!” you said, watching his eyes widen slightly.
“Really? I’ll have to send you a gift. I’ll be busy, but I promise I’ll come to celebrate with you when I’m able.”
“That’s okay. And yours?”
Kurapika blinked, looking at you. “My what?”
“Your birthday. I told you mine, what about yours?”
For a moment, he considered whether he should tell you or not. It wasn’t a day he liked talking about… not anymore.
But the way you looked at him, as if you were already planning something made his heart twist. It was important to you, so it would be important to him.
“It’s… April 4th.”
“Oh, so 4/4? That’s pretty cool!”
And that was that. The topic changed to something business related, and when the two of you were full of coffee and baked goods, you parted so he could go and get some work done.
‘Now, it’s time to plan his birthday…’
Kurapika was swamped at with work lately, juggling being a bodyguard while also trying to find information on the Phantom Troupe and possible locations of the scarlet eyes.
The days were blending together, and he struggled to remember what day of the week it was most days, much less what day of the month it was.
So when you called him up asking if he’d be free that weekend, he cleared his schedule for a much needed break.
After all, you were really the only person he made time for these days. The two of you had been dating for about a year now. He always felt a bit bad about not spending enough time with you. You never asked for much though, and with how excited you were over the phone, how could he say no?
That didn’t mean he was super excited. Kurapika was exhausted, both physically and mentally drained. He slept nearly the entire train ride to your hometown, and was still tired when he hailed a taxi to your place.
By the time he got there, the sun was setting, casting your apartment in an orange glow. The stairs up to your apartment door felt so familiar. He’d walked up the flight a hundred times, usually carrying chocolates or flowers to make up for his long absences.
And now he was at your doorstep, knocking with one hand while carrying a plush in the other. He had found the thing in his travels, something he knew you liked to collect. Kurapika couldn’t wait to see the look of surprise on your face when you saw he had found the exact one you had been looking for.
When you opened the door, he sighed in contentment. Just getting to see you in person already put his mind at ease. Every second he was away from you, Kurapika worried over you and your safety. After all, there were a lot of people out for Kurapika’s head. It made sense that you would have a target on your back due to this, which was why you were occasionally visited by his close friends for wellness checks.
He adore you endlessly, it was evident in the way he melted the second your eyes lit up at both him and the plush in his arms. “Oh, you found it! Eeek!”
You grabbed it from his arm, squealing in delight and spinning in a circle. “I love it, thank you so much, Pika!”
Kurapika walked in after you cracked the door open a bit, his eyes soft. It smelled sweet, like vanilla and cinnamon. A bouquet of flowers sat on the kitchen table, and he blushed to think you may have picked them up for his visit.
“It was no trouble, love. I’m happy whenever you’re happy.”
Your cheeks heated up, and you couldn’t help but lean against him, wanting his attention. “Mmph… missed you so much, Pika…”
His own cheeks turned a pale pink as he wrapped his arms around you, his lips placing a kiss on the top of your head. “Missed you too, angel. More than you could ever know.”
Kurapika knew that even you, someone who was more patient and kind than anyone he knew could get lonely sometimes. The guilt of being away from you more often than by your side ate away at him, and sometimes he wondered if being with someone who could give you more attention might be better for you in the long run.
But as you led him to the kitchen, unable to keep the excited smile off your face, he realized how much you truly loved him, and that the prospect of you loving another would never come true.
On the table was a small chocolate cake, with strawberries and candles placed neatly on the top. Sitting nearby were a few presents, and another bouquet of flowers too.
“Happy birthday, Kurapika!”
For a moment, Kurapika was in shock. He’d been so busy that he hadn’t even remembered that his birthday was that weekend. But you had, and his heart thumped against his chest with love and affection for you.
“Kurapika… are you alright?”
He didn’t realize he had started to cry until your gentle hands were wiping away his tears. He blinked, his expression shifting to one of devotion and gratitude.
“Oh, my angel… this is all for me?”
You nodded, smiling as you sat him down in front of his cake. He blushed when you took out your phone and pressed record. Kurapika usually didn’t like being on camera, but with you it was different. He knew you just wanted to capture the moment to look back on later… and he loved that about you.
As you sang happy birthday to him, Kurapika knew that one day, you would be his wife. He thought he had been sure before, but now it was all clear to him.
For a while before you met, his future was blank for him. He didn’t plan anything, knowing there was a possibility he could die attempting to complete his mission.
But with you… he could almost picture your wedding day. Him in traditional Kurta attire, and you in a white gown. It was so clear, he could imagine the day the two of you hunched over a pregnancy test, and him pulling you in for a kiss when it was positive.
When he blew out the candles, Kurapika could only think of one wish he would ever want to come true.
‘I want to stay with (Name) forever…’
“Made your wish?” you asked, giving his cheek a kiss. The blonde smiled, sighing contentedly as he leaned into your touch.
“Mhm… I did.”
The presents were all wonderful, ranging from a scarf you knitted yourself, to a pair of ruby earrings that matched his eyes. Each item was tucked carefully away into his satchel, where he promised to the gods above that he would give back to you tenfold.
This love, this adoration was almost overwhelming, and as you smiled at him in bed, he couldn’t help but act out his feelings by pulling you closer.
“I want you…” he said softly, his thumb caressing your cheek. “It’s been too long since I’ve pleased you. Please, my angel… let me make you feel good.”
Your cheeks heated up, and you pouted just a little. “B-but it’s your birthday, shouldn’t I be pleasing you?”
He chuckled, moving to hover above you. “My love, making you cum pleases me more than anything else.”
“O-oh…” you couldn’t protest one bit as he removed your pajama pants, giving your lacy panties a soft smirk.
“It’s like you planned for this, (Name). Aren’t these the panties I bought for last week?”
You nodded, trying to hide your flustered face. “I was… hoping we would… be intimate tonight.”
Kurapika felt bad for just a moment… he had only thought about how much he had been craving you… but how about the longing you felt? How long had his little angel been waiting for him to make love to her? It had been at least two months…
“I’m sorry, sweetheart. I should be taking better care of you…”
He gave a soft lick to the wet spot already forming on your panties, groaning at the taste of your arousal on his tongue. “Need it…”
Your panties were off in a second, and his face was buried between your thighs. It felt amazing, and you were cumming within a minute. His tongue circling your clit, his fingers thrusting into your needy cunt was too much for you to take, especially after going without for so long.
The little pants and moans that left your mouth when you came were enough to get his cock rock hard, painfully pressing against his pants. He was quick to tug off his pants and boxers, desperate to be inside of your warm cunt.
“F-fuck, (Name)… so sorry, angel, need you so bad.”
Usually, Kurapika spent a lot more time between your legs, often leaving your thighs shaking from overstimulation… but today he was too needy.
He snapped his hips against yours, sinking into you until he was buried to the hilt. The whine you let out as your pussy clenched around him was enough to have him rutting into you like an animal.
Kurapika was usually such a gentle lover, but something had snapped inside of him tonight. He needed you like a man dying of thirst needed water. You weren’t just part of his life, you were essential.
It didn’t take long for the two of you to cum together, considering how long you both had gone without another. He kissed you as his cum painted your walls, softly moving his hips as he came down from his high.
You were both exhausted after, but completely happy and satisfied at the same time. He couldn’t help but chuckle a little when you yawned, nuzzling your face against his chest.
“My sleepy girl…”
He placed a kiss on your forehead before he carried you to the bathroom for a quick bath. If Kurapika was good at anything, it was aftercare. He always made you feel appreciated and beautiful, his hands cleaning away the sweat and cum from your body as you sleepily clung to him.
When he wrapped a fluffy towel around you, gently drying you off, you couldn’t help but smile.
“Got… one last present for you, Pika…”
He tilted his head. “Another? But you’ve already given me so much, I couldn’t ask for anything more.”
You smiled, reaching into the drawer by your bed. “Oh, it’s something you’ve been wanting for a while.”
After he helped dress you in comfy, warm pajamas, he yawned, taking the box from your hands. “Open it…”
Kurapika couldn’t believe his eyes. He had to look several times, the usual brown shade turning scarlet as tears fell down his cheeks.
“You’re… pregnant?”
Inside the box was a pregnancy test with two lines showing. You nodded, giggling in delight when he pulled you into his arms.
Kurapika sobbed, unable to stop himself from crying as you rubbed his back. “My angel… oh my love, you’re carrying our baby?”
“Yes… I found out a few weeks ago. It’s been hard hiding it, but I thought revealing it today would be more special-“
He covered your face and neck in kisses, kneeling before you so he could lift your shirt. It was like a devoted believer kneeling before their goddess in prayer, his lips soft on your belly.
The future that he had been looking forward to was already here… his girlfriend was pregnant, they were in love, and now he could only think of one thing.
“Marry me, (Name).”
And you said yes, your own eyes filling with tears as you embraced. He didn’t have a ring now, but by god he would get you the best one there was as soon as possible. You would get everything you wanted, he was devoted to you, body and soul.
As the two of you fell asleep that night, Kurapika felt grateful, and so goddamn happy. He had so many things to look forward to, so many reasons to keep living when he thought he would never even make it into his 20s.
But today, he was 21, engaged, and a father to be.
This was the best birthday of his life… and he would never forget it as long as he lived.
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sincerelyrki · 6 months
↳ ten : twenty questions
warnings : mentions of killing someone (jokingly)
wc : 1106
previous | masterlist | next
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You became hyperaware of your trembling hands the second you heard the door unlocking, cold sweats almost immediately settling in as the realization of your situation really dawned on you. 
Before you even had time to regret your decision the hotel door swung open, Riki standing in the entrance with a small smirk adoring his lips.
You both stood starstruck, eyes never parting as you both took each other in. “You’re so pretty” Riki had to physically stop himself from throwing his hand over his mouth, self-deprecating thoughts swarming his mind as he cursed himself out for his careless speaking.
Through his cloud of regret, Riki almost missed the reds filling your cheeks, the colour matching your bitten lips. “Thank you” You honestly had no idea how to respond, the whole situation feeling almost too surreal to be true.
Riki saw your response as an advantage to break the ice, “wow, you say more than pika pika?” A love-struck smile graced his cheeks as you threw your head back in laughter, your sweet voice demanding for him to stop teasing you.
Riki nodded his head towards the interior of his room, an indication for you to come in. You gave him a passing smile as you slid between the ajar door and the wall.
Riki noticed your back towards him and couldn’t stop his small celebration, his hands pumping the air beside him.
“How is your room so clean? I swear I've been in mine for like two hours and it’s already a mess” You wowed out loud as you looked around the room, eyes roaming around each painting hanging on the wall and over to the suitcases sat neatly in the corner of his room.
“I got used to keeping my stuff together I guess” Riki lied straight to your face, but he honestly had no choice. It’s not like he could tell you about how he just spent the last five minutes cleaning his room, throwing everything under his bed in a panic. 
You let out a sound of acknowledgment, nodding at him with the sweetest smile on your face. Riki knew he was in trouble, You’ve barely spoken more than fifty words and he’s already planning your first three dates. 
Riki wasn’t thinking straight when he asked you to come over, his energy drink affecting the way he would usually think things over. Due to his lack of preparation he barely had time to google what kids his age talked about, he only had enough time to read the first line of some random website before you came knocking on his door.
“Do you want to play twenty questions?” You threw a teasing smile toward him, playfully tilting your head to the side as you pretended to look him up and down. “Didn’t think you’d be this cheesy”
Riki thought there’d never be a time when he’d enjoy being teased, but here he was, doing two things he never thought he’d do. Bringing a girl into his hotel room and longing to be teased again.  
“Aye, don’t be too mean, I'm sensitive” Riki played right into your jokes, rebutting with his own pretend disappointment. Riki sat down on the left side of his bed, resting his back against one of the top many pillows.
“Come sit” He patted the spot directly next to him, beckoning you over to sit in the middle of the queen bed. You gave him a grateful smile before you kicked off your shoes, climbing into the bed beside him. 
Riki takes out loud at your distance, faux disapprovement filling his face as he furrowed his eyebrows at you. “What? I don’t bite” He scooted himself closer to you, just enough for your shoulders to touch. 
You jumped in shock as his bathroom door came slamming open, a long bang ricocheting through the room as it hit against the wall.
Jake stood in the doorway, a plunger raised by his head as he prepared to swing it at whoever was in the room. The bathroom was situated by the door, a mirror on the opposing wall, one that was perfectly positioned for the both of you to make eye contact. 
Jake froze in his spot, a deer in headlights as he saw the position the two of you were in. He could see his younger member glaring at him through the mirror, but he could also see your wide eyes staring at him.
After a second of staring at you, Jake realizes who the giggling was, and the situation playing out right now. “Wait, Riki what?” Jake dropped the plunger by his side, screaming as it touched his leg. 
You watched in shock as Jake freaked out, his voice a bit too loud considering the time of the night. “Jake, what are you even doing here? I’ve been here for an hour and I didn’t once notice you coming in”
Jake once again paused, sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck as he debarred telling the truth. “Well, I was going to surprise you. I wanted to watch-“ He paused as he looked at you, changing his speech mid-sentence to avoid an awkward conversation.
“Uh, barbie?” Jake blurted out the first movie he could think of, nodding his head as he successfully pulled off his facade. “Barbie?” You perked up, eyes excitingly staring into Riki’s to see his confirmation.
You saw Riki slowly nodding his head, a fake smile on his face as he glared at his member. “Yep, we’re watching Barbie” Even if the night wasn’t turning out the way he expected, he wouldn’t change anything after he saw the way your face completely lit up at his confirmation.
“Sick, let me change my pants though” Jake opened the closet and pulled out his hidden suitcase, smiling at the two of you and he closed the bathroom door behind him.
“I love Barbie, have you seen it before?” Riki shook his head, causing a loud gasp to fall from your lips. “I’m happy that I can watch it for the first time with you”.
You felt your heart stutter in your chest, breath getting stuck in your throat as his words carved hearts in your pupils. 
Before you could say anything else Jake came out of the bathroom, an oversized zip-up and gray sweatpants wrapped around his body.
If Riki wasn’t irritated before he definitely was now. Not only did Jake interrupt your instantaneous hangout, but now he was wearing the exact same thing he was.
“I love Barbie” Jake crawled into bed, sitting directly beside you on your other side. Riki was definitely going to kill him.
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a/n : i posted a new smau :) it’s called mini skirt
Niki knew that the pikachu's on stage with them were real people dressed in a costume but that doesn't mean he can't get shocked after accidentally revealing one of their identities. his shock quickly changed to amusement as the revealed pikachu could only think of one thing to say as the tension in the room heightened- "pika pika?" it's not like you could avoid him after humiliating yourself either, you still have all of tour left.
taglist is OPEN ! send an ask or comment to be added xoxo
taglist one (1) : @fantastichoagieuniversityhairdo @lovrqis @laylasmother @rodygr @geraldsmochi @j-wyoung @sakiimeo @totalstanskz @enhaz1 @thatsroug @jiaant11 @invusblog @hoooniversee @isawritesss @dendrobiumorchid @heartsforpixie @whoiss4m @certified-niki-lover @blurryriki @sleepdeprivedline @mrowwww @amesification @ilovejeongin007 @addictedtohobi @je11yhee @eleanorheartschishiya @jungwonderz @honeyboobear @brachioanton @daniels-hlini @jeongintwt @who-tf-soddhi @byusit @lcv3lies @seunnimg @reallyspaghetti @owotalks @samiwashere @woninluv @kgneptun @luveuism @thea-herondale @nishimuraazr1zzkiii @simjyunnie @syds-dead @haechansbbg @jiyeons-closet @junissy @roxyspersonaltoy @winuvs @woozixo @starjunjun @iheartjayke @jjaeyunist @ilyjxdz
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jimcornflake · 21 days
Dragon Ball Z X Hello Kitty Girl!Reader
A/N: I’ve had two special interests my entire life. Hello Kitty and Pokemon. Drop a W in the chat if you want a DBZ X Pika Girl!Reader.
A/N: LET’S GO I AM WRITING AGAIN TIME TO PUT THIS SHIT TO WORK!!! It’s short though, because I need to publish something even if it’s just a little quick blorp.
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- What is a Hello Kitty.
- Oh God. What are you. Why are you so repulsively kind and bubbly. Stop that. Wait. Don’t be kind and bubbly towards that other person, what are you doing- come back!
- He’s so intrigued, he often finds excuses to be around you and when confronted about it, he says that you must be another species or something.
- If you give him something with Hello Kitty on it to wear, he will cuss the living soul out of you… and then go put it on. He will spend the whole time grumbling and embarrassed if somebody asks about it.
- If you collect stuffed animals, he’s definitely punching them when you’re not around. Every single one gets a fist to the face as a reminder of who’s on top of the chain of command in your heart.
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- You’re so incredibly strange and… very cute?
- Ugh, Piccolo is a softie for a softie. SFS Relationship, if you will. He is almost uncomfortable with the amount of tenderness you show him. Gentle touches, acts of service, and words of affirmation: they’re all so alien to him.
- Tell him your favorite Sanrio character, he’ll get everything he can for you. He will literally search to the ends of the Earth to get you rare merchandise.
- PLEASE give him a keychain to keep with him or a hat to wear or a shirt or SOMETHING because he will wear it. No shame. His face definitely gets blushy and embarrassed, but he refuses to feel shame.
Hi! Did you like this? If so, please check out my other works! Thank you and have a beautiful day! 🩷
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hey, since i saw your requests were open again, i was wondering if i could make a request based on a previous one you already did?
it's the "x character with gentle giant farmer", but with other marriage candidates: could you make one for more RSV/SDV bachelorettes, those being Blair, Irene, Corine, Haley and Abigail? totally okay if not!!
thank you, take care!!
Sure thing, dear anon 😊 Thank you for your ask and have a great day as well 🫰💕
Abigail, Haley, Irene, Blair and Corine with the Gentle giant!Farmer:
Haley may not say it out loud, but her rosy cheeks give her away. "They're huge...."
To be honest, Haley was afraid of them at first, so she tried to avoid them.
Who'd have thought Farmer had a heart of gold and will become her partner beloved lover?
In a romantic relationship with Farmer, she feels like a princess.
Her gentle giant is so caring, hardworking, and kind, and- *hee hee* Haley's "naughty spoilt brat" sugar wrap melted instantly.
They will always help her open jars! So strong!
Never forgetting to praise Farmer and brag to her friends about how perfect her partner is at everything.
Farmer and Abigail are basically a power couple.
Constant forays into the Mine have become routine, because Abigail knows her giant partner will always protect her. But also, the amethyst lover is very fond of their tender side.
She can't help but awe when her partner plays with the little chickens.
Piggyback, piggyback, piggyback!
Loves her partner's strong yet cosy embrace. If it were Abigail's will - she would cuddle with them all day long, because it feels so good and she feels loved and safe.
Even if her partner is a giant, she would defend Farmer with all her fury if someone dared to insult them.
"Wow, they have such big-" Blair, please. "So big-" Blair, I swear to Yoba- "So-" Blair! "... big hands~" That woman, I swear...
Loves to hide behind Farmer's huge back to scare their interlocutor.
Formidable on the outside, but a real sweetheart on the inside! Farmer is Blair's love at first sight.
She has a hard time hauling a big catch of fish to home? Farmer can carry both the fish and her (and even has time to buy her favourite meringue at Pika's).
Loved sitting on their shoulders to get a good look at the concert performance at the Ridgeside Village event.
*Squeak* every time Irene's gentle giant takes her in their arms.
*Squeak* every time Farmer's huge shadow falls over her.
*Squeak* every time they help her carry heavy bags of groceries to Amethyne Manor.
But all these squeaks are because she's in awe of her strong and kind giant Farmer, not because she's scared.
Irene is constantly spoiling them with delicious meals, insisting that they need to eat well to stay as big and strong as they are.
Oh Yoba, Farmer is so cute playing with the kids and farm animals! *Squeak!*
Even though her beloved and gentle Farmer looks outwardly formidable and is quite capable of taking care of herself, Corine will still protect them if anything.
She radiates "Excuse me, they asked for no pickles" energy.
Very surprised at those who were frightened of Farmer? "They're a real sweetheart, won't hurt a fly!"
At first grumbled at her father because he didn't trust the Farmer, as being huge, they were intimidating.
Now she grumbles at her father who "is now confident that his daughter is safe with them." Hey, Corine can take care of herself!
(Though always happy for the care of her gentle giant Farmer).
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sugarglider-s · 4 months
cannot stop thinking about ur posts about pokespe red they love rent free in my mind (specifically the one about his role of being The Fighter and his relationship w deoxys) that being said can I ask about ur favorite things about Red or general headcanons :-D
THANK YOU SO MUCHHHH I love him so dearly... pokespe red my adored...
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[ID: a screenshot from the pokespe manga of red holding out pika, who is holding a master ball. End ID]
I love love LOVEEE his entire deal tbh. how by proxy to every other protag in pokespe he seems 'normal' despite being absolutely BONKERS. how he casually says shit like this because, frankly, he's oblivious to a lot of social cues and doesn't want to be alone!
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[ID: a screenshot from the pokespe manga of red saying "Why don't we just join the contest together?" while every dex holder up to the emerald arc looks shocked and says "Wha?" in the background. End ID]
He's very much Autistic to me and i love how his narrative in fire red is genuinely extremely existential and questioning why he does... anything! why is he the way he is? What motivates him? And he can't come up with anything! And that's AMAZING to me.
I love when characters seem like they have a clear path of Purpose but it's not quite by their own volition. Sure, he attained his goal of being champion! But once you accomplish your dream, what do you even do after that? Well. That's what he has to figure out.
PLUS! he has another of one of my favorite things: accepting his own death and HAVING TO CONTINUE TO LIVE ANYWAY. YOURE NOT GETTING OUT THAT EASILY IDIOT!!!!!!!! Just because you have accepted yourself as the martyr doesn't mean that act will be fulfilled!!!! Dying's easy, living's the hard part!!!!!!!! Idk. I'm extremely fond of Red and believe he needs so many mobility aids for his chronic pain (in my mind the ice shackles gave him nerve damage) thank you for coming to my ted talk
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[ID: a screenshot of red in the firered chapters in which he is screaming about being unworthy of owning a Pokédex with text edited over to say “men will literally have a breakdown on the beach about not being able to beat dexoys and therefore deem themselves worthless instead of getting a mobility aid.” End ID]
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pikahlua · 6 months
hi! i recently reread your answer to that one ask about izuku not saving katsuki from the sludge monster until he realized who it was (anon was arguing that izuku only helped because it was katsuki), and i just wanted to express my appreciation for how you somehow always manage to perfectly summarize my exact feelings about everything in bnha apparently????
i know you posted that almost a year ago, but i've always been a little bothered by people who believe that the only reason why izuku ran to help was because it was katsuki, since it kind of takes away from izuku's whole saving thing, and how he seemingly can't help himself when he sees someone asking for help. i've always admired that about him, and it's super cool to see someone take that long-held belief and argue the opposite (kind of??). i really like the idea of katsuki, in a moment of fear and panic and probably desperation, looking at the crowd to find the one person he knows will help, despite spending like ten years trying not to acknowledge it.
sorry this ended up being so long lol, but i just wanted to say thanks for writing your metas, and that i hope you keep writing them!
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Katsuki stans gotta stan Izuku the way he stans Izuku amirite
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moonxpalace · 2 months
Negaishipping oneshot bc the world needs more SatoAi fluff
"You don’t know that?" Iris sighed. “Such a kid.”
“That’s ironic coming from you! I’m four months older than you!”
“Ash, Iris, please. Could you keep it down?” Cilan asked. He was restraining from losing his cool, which was a clear sign that Ash and Iris were driving him up the wall, since the connoisseur rarely ever lost his temper.
The woods they were passing through was dense and the weather humid. The sun shone mercilessly above them. They had been walking for hours now, and the nearest town was still many miles away.
Ash reached for his water bottle. He winced at how it was almost empty, with only a few drops left which he was supposed to save for later.
“You shouldn’t have downed almost the entire bottle back there,” Iris said, appearing beside him.
“Would you just SHUT IT, Iris!?” Ash snapped.
Iris flinched. “I was just-”
“I don’t wanna hear “told you so” or “such a kid” coming from you! I get it! I’ve had enough!”
“Pika,” Pikachu exclaimed, jumping on his trainer’s shoulder and poking his z-marked cheek. The electric rodent had a sad look upon its cute face, his ears drooping down. Ash’s harsh words didn’t sit well with him, and now he was afraid he’d go too far.
“I wasn’t going to say that,” Iris said, her whole demeanor shifting from playful to hurt. “I was just going to offer you some … y-you know what? Forget it! I’m gonna leave you alone.”
“Thank you!” Ash spat and fastened his pace.
Ash kept walking ahead of his friends, trying to think of anything other than this torturous heat.
After a while, during sunset, they finally reached their destination. A large, beautiful lake appeared before them. Ash and Pikachu cheered and ran ahead. Ash looked back, only to scrunch his face in confusion.
“Cilan … Where’s Iris?”
“She leapt up in a tree a long while ago,” Cilan replied. “Knowing Iris, she’s probably keeping up with us by jumping from branch to branch.”
“Oh,” Ash replied. He looked down, scratching the back of his head. He knew Iris was familiar with the woods and could take care of herself … But just disappearing like that? Was she okay?
“Of course she’s fine!” Ash said to himself. “Iris can make medicines and have better acrobatic skills than anyone I know. She should be here sooner or later.”
“Well, I’m starting on the dinner. It should be done in about an hour,” Cilan said and carefully took off his backpack. He immediately began to unload his kitchenware.
“Great! I’m going for a swim,” Ash said and practically tore off his travelling attire.
Ash and Pikachu jumped into the lake. The cold and refreshing water felt like a blessing, although the weather had become quite mild since the had sun began to set.
Ash broke the lake surface and eyed Pikachu floating on his back. With a cheeky grin, he creeped closer before splashing handfuls of water on his partner. Ash laughed as Pikachu squealed, before using his tail to propel water right back towards Ash.
Pikachu was relentless. Ash ducked under the water to escape from Pikachu’s “wrath.” He swam deeper and deeper into the dark lake, marveling at all the Unovan pokemon swimming around him. The underwater plants swayed along the mild waves and the sunlight tore through the water surface and displayed a serene, calm and beautiful scene.
Now that Ash had cooled down and felt refreshed, he felt pretty bad for yelling at Iris. He didn’t even remember what they had been fighting about. Fighting over stupid stuff was just their thing, and then they laughed and made up.
But the scorching Unovan sun had been unbearable. And he had been so freaking thirsty. Why did he have to yell at her!? Iris didn’t deserve that the slightest! Only now Ash realized Iris intended to share her water bottle with him, since she didn’t drink most of her water up like he did.
Iris would love to swim with him while Cilan made dinner. She’d love this great underwater wonderland.
He’d love to have her beside him.
Ash’s muscles ached. His eyelids became heavy. All of the walking had taken its toll on him, and now he felt drowsy.
That’s when everything turned black.
Faint voices were the first thing Ash sensed.
His vision was bleary, the colors mixing onto one another. He couldn’t tell what he was looking at, but he felt something unbelievably soft on his lips. As his breath hitched, he could see some movement.
Ash blinked, seeing some sort of figure moving before him. A beautiful, feminine figure with long, dark hair and white clothes.
His guardian angel?
He coughed violently. His throat and lungs feeling like they were on fire.
“Ash!” came a soft and familiar voice.
Ash sat up, coughing and snapping for air.
“Ash, you’re okay!”
He looked up again, seeing Iris’ bright smile. She was only wearing her white leggings and white singlet. Although she was completely soaked with water, he could tell her eyes were teary.
Before he could reply, she lunged forwards and engulfed him in a tight hug.
“Gah- Iris! Not so tight!”
“That’s enough, Iris,” Cilan said and pulled her off Ash. He then turned to the wannabe pokemon master. “How do you feel? You gave us a good scare back there, Ash.”
“I’m okay,” Ash said and coughed again. “Man, my throat hurts …”
“Gahhh!” Ash was once again tackled by Pikachu and Axew in a big hug.
Iris and Cilan laughed.
“How long was I underwater?” Ash asked once he recovered. Pikachu sat on his shoulder, while Axew settled down on his lap.
“I’m not sure. I was busy with making dinner when Pikachu alerted me. Before I could come get you, Iris had already dived into the lake and dragged you out.”
Ash turned to Iris, who blushed and looked down.
Cilan looked between them and smiled knowingly. “I’ll go check on the soup,” he said and left.
Ash rubbed underneath his nose. “S-sorry, Iris. I was a jerk back then. I wasn’t mad at you, it was just the heat that got the better of me.”
“It’s okay,” Iris said, still not looking at him. "I wasn't innocent myself."
“Still, somehow, you always seem to be there when I need you. Like that time when you saved me from that scorching water back at the hot springs, and when you stayed up all night to make medicine for Scraggy!”
“Don’t worry about it, what are friends for?” Iris said and got up on her feet, reaching out a hand towards him.
Ash smiled and grabbed her hand, letting her help him up. Pikachu and Axew ran off to play together.
Iris shivered, rubbing her bare arms as a slight wind blew by. The two of them headed back to camp, Ash offering her his hoodie. Iris happily wrapped it around her smaller frame, smiling at the warmth it provided with.
Ash thought back at the soft sensation on his lips. Was he tripping, or was Iris close to his face back there? Was she … Oh, Arceus.
Iris flinched a little. “Yes, Ash?”
“Did you kiss me back there?”
Iris’ eyes turned wide. “No! I was giving you mouth to mouth resuscitation!”
Ash looked at her blankly. “So, your lips were on mine?”
“So, we did kiss!”
“No! Ash, you’re such a kid!”
“Am not!”
“This is going to be a long night,” Cilan said.
“Pika pika.”
“Ax axew.”
@fuckyeahcadence As I promised you before, I'm tagging you anytime I write for the sillies 😭💕
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misscherrys-world · 5 months
Welcome back to:
Random things I think about.
Starring: The fourth prince of Kakin empire, Tserriednich Hui Guo Rou.
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Warnings : Tserriednich.
Yes that’s it he’s the warning.
Okay just kidding… but he’s a warning himself.
Warnings: nsfw, spoilers from the manga obviously, abusing behavior, spitting, rape mentioning. If there’s something I missed inform me about it plz.
This one took longer than I thought to have the courage to say my random thoughts about that man. Turned out he’s complicated.
First let’s talk about his amazing muscular body. He’d crash me with just one hand effortlessly.
Sometimes I hope Togashi would let Hisoka and Tserried meet and fight. I’d die from excitement.
Poor Theta, I’m genuinely worried about her fate. I think she’ll help Kurapika get closer to the Prince so they can kill him.
Also poor Pika, I’m worried what will happen to him when he sees Pairo’s head..
That man is worse than the five threats. I hope he’ll stay alive until they reach the dark continent so they let him die alone and painfully there.
By surprise he has friends? Like how did they tolerate his ass talk about male philosophers? Boring hypocrites.
So I ended my trash talk about him. Let’s start my random things I think about.
I think he does have skin care and hair care routine like Patrick Bateman from American Psycho.
They look too much alike. The hair, the face, the body, the bloodlust.
I think he takes interest in music too. Not any genre of music. Classical music to be precise, his favorite musician is Mozart. Typical
He doesn’t like dogs. He thinks they are too clingy, useless and stinky. I bet a dog bit him when he was a kid.
Doesn’t like kids. Annoying, useless and stupid. Yeah Unma dropped you on your head for sure.
He gets grossed out when someone talks about women’s menstrual cycle.
He gets the ick when he smells certain feminine perfumes like “La vie est belle and Scandal” so typical every damn woman smells like these two.
His favorite perfume is Versace Eros eau de parfum.
His favorite feminine perfume is YSL Libre eau de parfum Intense.
He owns a big collection of hand watches.
Despite his “hobby” he wouldn’t practice it on someone related to him. Friend, family, mistress..
Speaking of his mistress. It would be very difficult to satisfy him. His lover should have certain qualifications that go along with the image he painted himself to deceive people, and of course his lover herself.
He’s homophobic. But he secretly takes liking in men more than women. I don’t make the rules.
Doesn’t mean he’s not into women.
His s/o must be a woman. Royal reasons obv.
When it comes to sex he is selfish.
Fucks you like an animal in heat, and insults your entire family line while fucking you.
He’s abusive. If you did or say something that isn’t acceptable to his taste expect a slap on your face when you’re alone with him. He would spit on you too.
You can’t get away from him, you’re trapped.
He will remind you how lucky you are, nobody gets the privileges you have or the insane amount of spending you spend everyday, all thanks to him.
He’s generous enough to let you do shopping and get all these clothes and makeup without asking what do you spend all these money on.
But he will not tolerate ignorance and misbehaved brats like you.
Of course you finally knew exactly who you are in a relationship with.
He doesn’t mind raping you, he sees you as one of his belongings he has the right to do anything he wants with you. Your opinion doesn’t matter.
Sometimes he gets a soft spot for you, after a “silly argument” and another abusive episode he will catch you crying where no one can see you, he will hug you and pat your head while saying he’s sorry.
After you’re finished crying he’ll give you a soft kiss on your lips, and says he won’t hit you again.
Of course he’ll do it again. Sometimes he’ll threaten you with a gun or a knife. It gets worse by time.
Tell me what do you think and send me your headcanons too. 🤍🎀
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pikapeppa · 6 days
not to be that bitch but... do we know when the next chapters of the brynn saga are gonna be posted? i miss ur writing <3 hope ur doing well!
Aw this isn't bitchy, this was a really nice way to ask! I just posted the next chapter of Astarion/Brynn! This ask might even have given me the energy I needed to do the final edit and publish it, so thank you! ❤
-- love from your friendly neighbourhood Pika xoxo
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naniguini · 1 year
Guess the Captain with my dad
I showed my dad (who's never watched/read One Piece) some images used in @opsidecrewsclash polls and make him guess who is the captain. This are the highlights.
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Dad: This's a captainess, the one with blue hair. Me: Nop, this is the captain *points at Crocodile* Dad: Oh right, because of the hook.
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Dad: Is it pirate J-Lo? *guesses correctly first try*
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Dad: *pointing at Shanks* is it the one with hairy legs and shaved chest?
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Dad: It has to be one of this two *points at Rayleigh and Roger* Me: Yes. Dad:... *points at Roger* That one! He has a captain jacket! Me: Correct. Dad: The thing on his shoulder... what's it called? Me: Shoulder pads? After a google search we learned they are called epaulettes and he guessed 4 more crews in the first try thanks to them. He also said Rayleigh looked too elegant.
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Dad: *points at Big Mom* This one! She has epaulettes. Me: Nop. Dad: This one. *points at Whitebeard* Me: Incorrect. Dad: This one? *points at Kaido* Me: Nuh uh. Dad: *points at Xebec* HIM?! Wow, that's a low profile.
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Dad: What's blinding them? Me: They are Luffy's fans. Luffy's smile blinded them. Dad: Are you serious? *guessed correctly first try*
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Dad: Who are these guys? Me: I can't tell you. *After pointing at Katakuri* Dad: *points at Big Mom* it can't be this one. Me: Why not? Dad: Is she like half octopus? Me: No XD Dad: Aren't those suckers? *points at her dress ornaments under her armpit* Me: No, that's part of the dress. Dad: So no half octopus?
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Dad: ... There's 2- no. There's 3 that look captain-ish. Me: Okay... Dad:...This one. *points at Sasaki* He later pointed at King and then Kaido and asked what King do.
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*After pointing at Baby 5, Sugar, Señor Pink and Machvise* Me: Look up. Dad: This one. *points at Pika* Me: No. Dad: That one? *points at Diamante* Me: No, you have to look up. Dad: *looks at the ceiling* *After laughing* Me: *pointing at Doffy* see that thing in the background? Dad: That is a thing?
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