#thank you for the askkkkkk <3
un-local · 7 months
How about 29 for the ask game
Heyooooo Z :D
29. three songs that influenced you most (some songs change or save lives)
Also answered here! But here’s three more :3 
Ceremony by Joe Satriani
Influenced my taste, mostly. Sometimes my dad would let me listen to his mp3 player as a kid. I remember this one was one of my favorites. Still is—I love the intro. I think Joe Satriani gave me a taste for stuff a little more “off the beaten path.” I didn’t listen to much pop growing up, but this, this I definitely remember.
But more recently:
I Wish You Had a Perfect Child by Abstract Deviation (instrumental)
Found this a few years ago. Love it. Top 10 songs to endure horrors to. There’s this part at ~2:09 that just… increases my ability to withstand misery by 1000%. It’s like I receive a buff every time I listen to it XD
I've still never heard the version with vocals. I don't even care too this song is already great as is
And on the other end of the spectrum:
Self Hypnosis by Grails
8 minutes of pure guitar instrumental. My heaven. I’ve been listening to it for a few years; it’s great to work to, but also to just kick back and enjoy the moment to. Versatile, in that sense. I think in the moments I’ve heard it while walking outside really made me appreciate the moment a lot more. 
Send me a number!
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unsleepingtales · 4 months
your tags and « his reflection is not a safe place » i am going to attack you why would you say that…….and would you like to say more.
Oh noooo I'm being attackeddd...... Yeah I'd love to say more, this is gonna be long lmao. I've just been thinking about how mirrors play such a big part in Riz's sophomore year arc and throughout his story there's been a lot of instances where someone makes a reference to him about reflections. Baron appears in the mirror in sophomore year because they're a reflection of the things Riz is afraid to acknowledge about himself (we're gonna get canon aroace Riz someday I swear) and in the nightmare forest Riz gets trapped by mirrors showing him futures where all his loved ones find someone more important to them than him. I don't know if we have much to go off of about how Riz felt about mirrors pre-sophomore year, but I have to imagine that after spring break of sophomore year he really doesn't like them! The same way that in real life seeing your reflection can feel unreal or seeing it moving in the mirror can be startling after going through trauma, I can't see Riz not being haunted by it yk?
During the Summer of Yorb when everything's dark, I don't know how much any of them are looking in a mirror? Riz got maybe three days of trying to figure out how to be okay with his reflection before it was completely dark! And kind of a non issue! They were adventuring for months on end trying to hunt down the Night Yorb. While there is artificial light and candles and stuff like that, I imagine they were trying to conserve their resources, and how much were any of them, not even just Riz, looking in a mirror during that time? Riz gets to junior year with new bold accessory choices (and we love it) but how much was he really keeping up with his appearance over the summer? So he got a few days after spring break, and one night of being back home after the summer to try and adjust to seeing his reflection regularly, and then he's faced with another distressing reflection of himself.
We get to junior year and the first time Riz ever sees or interacts with Kipperlilly he's immediately thrown off by how much she is like him. And it's played for laughs but in the conversation later Jawbone does explicitly ask "Are you seeing something you recognize in yourself, and you maybe don't like it too much?" and Riz immediately denies it! There's been some chatter about how very few of the Bad Kids engaged directly with their foils, and I think there's a way to view that where Riz is once again avoiding his own reflection, literal or otherwise. Engaging with Kipperlilly any more than he did would mean that Riz really had to learn about her methods, and how she got her party to do what they did, and while we know Riz wouldn't go as far as Kipperlilly did, he wouldn't kill and rage-revive the other Bad Kids just to go to the same college as them, I think if he had been confronted with how Kipperlilly was manipulating her party a lot earlier in the year it would have scared him a bit and sent him down a train of thought examining how he was pressuring his friends, the way it did in Ankarna's domain.
Especially if we understand the ending as Ankarna and Cassandra reviving all of the ratgrinders except for Kipperlilly, who he killed, I think she is absolutely haunting him. Not literally as a ghost, but here's this halfling girl, she's his height, she dresses in a similarly formal manner, both intense about school, comparisons are drawn between the two of them from the moment Kipperlilly steps on screen, and she's been comparing herself to him for even longer, and Riz already had trouble looking his reflection in the eye? Kipperlilly and Baron are elbowing for space on the other side of that mirror. Riz needs to have those conversations with Fig and Kristen and get some comfort from them, and find a way to exist comfortably within himself before he can turn a bathroom light on and not jump a little bit.
[the tags being referenced]
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caterpillarinacave · 9 months
7 (something fandom does that you like) for Henry and 20 (ideal best friend) for literally any (or all of) the triplets
“7. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?”
Ngl, I find a lot of the way the fandom talks about him somewhere on the spectrum of disappointing; however I do like how everyone knows just how much Henry and Charlotte love eachother. It’s universal knowledge that they love eachother more than life itself <3
“20. Which other character is the ideal best friend for this character, the amount of screentime they share doesn't matter?”
Peter: Alexander Lightwood, from the beginning. Peters got a little trio going on with Alexander and Zachary Carstairs, plus there are his sisters, but Alexander and Peter are Will and Jem level parabatai. They love each other dearly, and really are perfect for each other.
Marigold: Honestly she’s not great at the whole friendship thing. She gets along really well with Grace, her older brother but, you know, if Christopher had lived? They would have absolutely loved each other.
Thelma: If we’re looking at younger, roaring 20s aged Thelma, despite being a lot younger she gets along really well with Eugenia Lightwood- Thelma was convinced she was the coolest person ever as a wee little child, and once she got a little older they hang like old friends.
Also, her wife. Thelma enjoys her day to day company as much she enjoys everything else about her.
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quotidian-oblivion · 5 months
Weird questions: 4, 16, and 20 <3
4. What’s a word that makes you go absolutely feral?
16. What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever used as a bookmark?
20. If a witch offered you the choice between eternal happiness with your one true love and the ability to finally finish, perfect, and publish your dearest, darlingest, most precious WIP in exactly the way you've always imagined it — which would you choose? You can’t have both sorry, life’s a bitch
Thank you for the askkkkkk!! /gen
4. Superciliousness.
I love it so much, every time I say the word out loud I stim and squeak and go absolutely feral
I first heard the word in Pride and Prejudice, I was listening to the audiobook and then I heard it and I paused and just violently shook my fists and shrieked like OMG THIS WORD IS JUST BRILLAINT
And it only took me 4 months to find out what it actually meant. And how i found out was a dialogue from BBC Merlin
"Still think I'm arrogant?"
"No. More... supercilious."
"That's a big word, Merlin. You sure you know what it means?"
"Very good."
"Doesn't quite mean that."
"No. These are other things you are."
"hAnG On."
Yeah- I can keep quoting till the end of the scene. Yes, I'm obsessed.
16. I don't... use bookmarks 😅
I just close the book then when I need to get back on the page, I flip through the pages and find a scene which looks unfamiliar then continue reading. I know it's not very practical but I don't much mind it and I like relying on my memory and flipping through pages, refreshing myself on what i've read so far.
20. Neither do I want both. I'm taking this question a bit seriously and I believe that whatever and whoever is planned for me, I'll meet them or not meet them and I'm okay with that.
Tysm again, rosie-ig!!
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aroace-poly-show · 11 months
mizuki 8 9 13!!
8: you know its mizurui. they’re so fucking important to me. god. god. mizuan is really good too though…..man….i love them…..
9: lower and idsmile my beloveds but mizuki’s voice is so fucking good in like all her covers. like got damn. i like bug a lot too. and ussewa <3
13: locket by crumb is a mizuki song to Me specifically
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perexcri · 2 years
oooo for the ask game - 8 and 35? <3
ahhhh hello friend/author of one of my fav fics!! it was nice of you to stop by :] 💜
8. If you had to write an entire story without either action or dialogue, which would you choose and how would it go?
ooooh this one is fascinating. i think i would choose to write without dialogue, mostly because i like how i write descriptions/actions better than dialogue, even though a lot of my fics feel really dialogue-heavy
though this did get me thinking: i already have a fic that almost fits the criteria for a descriptions-only fic T_T it's only got two lines of dialogue, so it's very very close. so, if we go based on this...i think i would do ok? this is one of my personal favs because i really liked the prose
i guess the better answer should be: i need to write a fic that's all dialogue instead and see how that goes lol
35. What’s your favorite writing rule to smash into smithereens?
i love doing incomplete sentences!! i especially like doing it for action scenes or scenes where characters are experiencing high levels of anxiety. i guess an addendum to this would be that i either make the incomplete sentences add up to one cohesive thought, or the incomplete sentence comes before or after a complete sentence, but otherwise, i think they're fine and can be really useful for tone/style!
thanks for the askkkkkk :]
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mars-mystic · 2 months
What are some of your favorite tropes to write when you're writing fanfic? What are some of your least favorite? C:
Hellllloooooooooo thank you for the askkkkkk <3
Favourites? Well… somehow no matter where I go I end up writing an amnesia fic. So I guess that. ANGST. I LooooooOOOOOOve writing angst. Obsessed with it. Some more personal favourite tropes are fake dating and secret relationships. I also LOVE IT when the dynamics are so so fucked up. Love to make things messy and then hurt people about it.
Least favourites? Hmm. Lowkey I feel like I could enjoy writing most things. I guess I’m not super into writing AUs. I mostly work in-universe. Or at least very universe adjacent. Hate to say it, but I’m not a big fan of coffee shop AUs (gasp 😱). But I will almost ALWAYS eat up a regency/royalty AU. That always slaps. But maybe that’s the Pride and Prejudice in me. Lmao and Fluff. I get bored dhskakalsjbsna
I also forget what tropes there are so iddkddkkkkkkkkkkkk I probably have other thoughts than this.
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ferrethyun · 2 years
hey, deary ~~!! ^*^
#9 please >:]
!!! thank you sm :D
9. Describe your perfect mate
It’s hard for me to say since it varies a lot. I think what would be perfect for me is someone that understands me the most and how my mood and personality are quick to fluctuate n change depending on the situation. someone who understands i don’t always mean what i say, specifically if i’m not in a good mood. but most of all someone who loves me for me :3
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lil-catty · 2 years
for the ask game (* ^ ω ^)
💙 - When you first learned about the Queer community, did you immediately realize ‘That’s me!’ Or did you consider yourself a ‘really good ally’ for some time?
i considered myself a ‘really good ally’ for about a year before realizing that i liked people regardless of gender, and three years before i realized i was genderqueer. it wasn’t a huge step for me or anything. one day i was just like “huh, i like girls. but i also kind of like guys.” (i grew up going to a christian private school so i was very unaware of anything queer related growing up)
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skyland2703 · 3 years
HEYYY!!!!!!! 😃😃😃 Thanks for the askkkkkk!!!!
1. First impression: I thought you were a thirteen y/o who had somehow landed up on my fanfics, and you read all my Javelia ones (including the very, very smutty fanfic which made me go like "Oh Nooo") and then I thought you were really cool cuz you gave me some ideas?? and then I really wanted to talk to you because we'd only interacted in the comment sections of my fics!? then Wattpad happened XD
2. Truth is: you're not thirteen... I should die I'm so terrible at guessing 😂 But the impression that you were this super cool person who I'd like to have conversations with and interact with on posts... was TRUE. I'm SO happy bout that!
3. How old do you look: I think you look around 20-ish??? Not younger maybe?
4. Have you ever made me laugh: Every day! Literally!!
5. Have you ever made me mad: I think once?? There was something but i can't even remember it now so it was prolly smth very small 😂
6. Best feature: JAVELIAAAA!!! But more than that: you're really sweet, understanding AND HORRIBLY SMART (you know what convo this is referring to)
7. Have I ever had a crush on you: Noooooo!! 😂😂😂 We're just besties!
8. You’re my: My "I can rant to you about all my absolutely random ideas whenever my brain goes into overdrive because that's literally "our thing" and I love every bit of it" mutual!!!
9. Name in my phone: "Twin💖🖤" (yes the black and pink hearts are on purpose)
10. Should you post this too? If you wanna!!
Send me a ”hey” and i’ll do this XD
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toby-35 · 3 years
40, 62
40: Have you ever walked outside naked?
No. I have not.
62: What makes you happy?
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Thanks for the askkkkkk <3
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akurathereaper · 3 years
For both Peach and Akura huh? aighty then
His hairstyle has changed over the years, but only subtly. He has short, not too thick and not too thin, leaves, that progressively grew a bit longer and thinner. He used to have really colourful yellow red and orange with a splash of bright green leaves, but they grew very dark blue, almost black over the years of constant stress and stuff. He doesn't really need to take care of it, it stays the same length so he doesn't have to cut it, but he has to hydrate a lot, and the leaves shine just a smidge more if he soaks in a nice hot spring.
Ohoho and have you seen Akura aksjdhs, he's STRONK. He has big muscles, and long legs with long strides (always has to think about making slower steps when walking with others otherwise he leaves them behind). He usually doesn't think about it, but he very often stretches and flexes his fingers and shoulders, as if he constantly feels the need to hold something. He doesn't tap his foot but he cracks his knuckles which annoys a lot of people around him especially if he's reading in the priory, forgets there's people around him and cracks knuckles and can just hear everyone grunt.
Peach always had perfect hair, although it wasn't bright pink when they emerged. It was golden hue orange-ish? Bad colour description incoming but think a barely ripe peach lol. It started to become pink about a year after they awoke. They have to keep their petals brushed lest they become very crumpled and unsighty, but even through brushing they can't keep them styled for very long. They just stick out everywhere, but it adds to their charms honestly.
Peach is just... very long limbed. They're very nimble, stretchyyy, so their limbs are more on the lean but muscular side. They could crush a man's head with their legs though for sure. They're quite proud of their physique >:3 . Peach doesn't have a lot of visible mannerism, not at first glance at least. They usually appear to be standing calmly and still, but if you pay more attention you can see they keep flexing their toes as if to feel the ground, their fingertips tapping on their thigh in a code only they can understand. They also usually sway gently from side to side if they feel safe (not in a wild way, but a gentle sway of their hips like if you're listening to a calm lo-fi music).
thank u for askkkkkk peach needs more asks aklsjdhsa
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raedas · 4 years
hey, random question: what are your top three favorite netflix shows? and why do you like them?
#1 has to be jatp hands down.... i just.... love it.... the characters... the singing.... perfection ahhhhh
#2 is probably gbbo? idk its fun and easy to watch when you dont have any braincells left and also im currently watching the final for season 8
#3 is.... idk??? im going to reluctantly go with carmen sandiego but i honestly have no idea and am forgetting a tv show i actually love on netflix watch me remember in like 5 minutes and be like OH SHOOT
thanks for the askkkkkk
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mrlovermanswhore · 4 years
🔮Any advice you would have given 10 y/o you?
thanks for the askkkkkk!
1. its gonna get hell of alot worse than it already isssss, sucks to be you haha
2. you know this already from your personal experiences that is now my trauma😂✌(love that for us), but people suck, and people are pretty horrible
3. whatever you do, let the random girl sit next to you during that 1st day of freshman year of highschool (you wont regret it)
4. Youre gonna make some pretty weird friends (looking at you @stuckys-hot-dogs @wanttobefictional)
totally random, but i was in 5th grade when i was 10
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carryonmylovelies · 5 years
27,38,72 for the ask thing!!!! I'm @hekissesme btw, didn't wanna send the question with my main 💗
27. what is the best decision you’ve made in your life so far?
if i am being 100% honest it was deciding to read carry on. that shit is not only the greatest read of my life but it also inspired me to start writing fanfiction, it pushed me towards some of my favorite people that are in my life now, and it help me realize my sexuality. like the weird meme-y aesthetic gay bitch you see before you was made by miss rainbow rowell writing carry on and i firmly believe that
38. favorite planet?
the moon because that lovely lady is ethereal as fuck. wait is the moon a planet?? holy fuck it is right? sorry im running on like less than 5 hours of slep and im functioning at 0.3% brain power right now 
72. there actually wasn’t a question for 72 on the list lmao what a mood love you
seriously tho you are just the best fam!!! thank you so much for this askkkkkk love youuuu <3
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bubopeli · 6 years
Do you allow people to repost your art on Instagram? I found this user called: edits._lapidot and they posted your white pearl comic without crediting you.
Thanks for telling me. My sister actually found 3 reposts on instagram. I’m ok with it if they credit but if there ain’t no credit imma stabbabitch lolJust tell them to credit me/put the credit in the comments, thank you :)(why do ppl repost, urghhh they should just askkkkkk)
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