#thank you for the asks I am sending you flowers and chocolates
meanlesbean · 1 year
For the WIP game 3, 18 and 11
For Cadence chapter 2:
3. Who's your favorite character for this chapter/fic?
So even though this fic is Twilight POV, and therefore very Twilight-centric, I am 100% writing this because I wanted more Time (including younger Time) content, and I have 20+ years of brainrot about Ocarina of Time to get outta me. So uhh my favorite LU boy is Time. by a longshot (lol). And that holds true for this fic. But the plot I came up with does not work at all with Time as the POV character, so it turned into a Twilight & Time relationship fic as well.
When it comes to the fic, it feels unfair to choose between Mask and Time, but I'll choose Mask because he is a delight to write. For this chapter in particular, I'll pick Hyrule, because he ended up with a lot of good dialogue.
11. What scene are you most hyped for this chapter/fic?
Previously answered, but I'll give you another. In the current outline for chapter 4 (estimate, don't hold me to this, chapter 3's outline is already so incredibly long) we have a Plot Critical Fishing Trip that I'm excited to write.
18. Share the scene you just wrote, written from another character’s POV.
Snippet of Mask's POV at the beginning of the Grown-Up Talk scene. Disclaimer that Mask should not be taken as a super reliable source for so many reasons, one being that he is 11. This also has zero editing so don't judge it too harshly. This now has some editing but nowhere near what I do for posted chapters. Anyway, bone apple teeth:
The one with the pink hair pulls the prissy guy away. “Finally,” Link mutters to Epona, and he gets about five full seconds to himself before there's another one taking prissy guy’s place.  
It’s the skinny kid, the only one with enough magic to cause a problem besides the wolf and him—the other one. Skinny kid's magic tastes like the waters from a fairy fountain. It’s rolling off of him in waves even though the healing session’s stopped, the tips of his fingers still glowing a faint green. He’s young, but he should have better control by now. 
Link unwinds another braid from Epona’s mane. Her coat and hooves look nice enough, but he’s going to have words with the wolf about mane lengths and stupid hairstyles. His fingers catch on another tangle. Maybe he should just cut her mane himself. 
The kid is talking at him now, but Link looks past him to the clearing’s edge where the wolf is arguing with pinky and prissy. It’s problem number two on his list, and not something he can deal with until he has a chance to talk with the other guy.
Problem number one is laying across the lap of the guy with the white cape. There’s no mistaking the sword even in its sheath. The guy is running his fingers over its etchings in a circular rhythm, back and forth, back and forth. Stupid, holding that sword like it’s some kind of security blanket. 
Unlike you?
Stupid, shut up. 
Something sharp flicks his forehead and drops in his lap. A still-green acorn sits in the curve of his tunic. He glares up at the skinny kid, gets another mouthful of fairy water, and flings the acorn back at his stupid face.
The kid dodges, but Link still gets him in the shoulder. Should’ve thrown it harder. 
“Fuck off,” he says.
Skinny kid smirks. “Managed to get your attention, didn’t I?”
“Managed to piss me off is what you did.” He sinks his fingers in the soil, clenches his teeth so he won’t start pulling up clumps of dirt and pelting him with it. 
“The rancher explained who we are, right?” the skinny kid asks.
“Yeah,” Link says. The dirt digs under his nails. He can feel the eyes of the other one on him. He wants a rock in his fist to throw, he wants to stop choking on fairy water, he wants to stick his hands in the ground and turn this whole clearing into an abyss, he—
He bites at the inside of his cheek until he tastes blood. 
Idiots, every single one of them.
And you?
Especially me, shut up.
The skinny kid is still talking. “You don’t want to learn about any of the other heroes?” 
Link can’t help but make a face. “No?”
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leossmoonn · 10 months
neighborly welcome | mike schmidt
summary - burnt cookies aren’t the only thing mike gives you
warnings / includes - reader is fem, natural time skips. lowk stalker/pervert mike, f oral, brief handjob, intercourse, after he worked at freddy’s, porn w/ plot
18+ below the cut
“you should get her a housewarming gift,” vanessa suggests.
mike’s body whips around from his perch at the window. “give who a housewarming gift?”
vanessa rolls her eyes and gets up off the couch. “the girl you’ve been stalking and are obviously in love with.”
he scoffs, the tips of his ears burning. “i’m not stalking, and i am definitely not in love with her.”
“fine. a crush then. still, you should get her something. welcome her to the neighborhood.”
“that’s not normal.”
“what? of course it is.”
“it’s not normal for me,” mike explains. he glances back out the window, spotting you in the same spot you were since he turned away. you’re gardening, your white tank top clinging to your body thanks to sweat. you’re wearing a visor to protect your face from the sun as well as sunglasses to shield your eyes. you bend down to pick up a pot, unknowingly giving mike a nice view down your shirt.
vanessa scoffs in disbelief. “you’re practically drooling.”
“what, i’m not,” mike denies. he brings his hand to his lips, wiping the corners and feeling a small amount of saliva that’s collected. he blushes and looks down at the floor, knowing he’s stared at you enough today.
“you should introduce yourself before she calls the cops” vanessa quips. “you don’t want a restraining order from someone you don’t know.”
“what do you suggest i get her then?” he asks. “bake some cookies or something. i don’t know,” she shrugs.
“so helpful,” mike deadpans. vanessa chuckles and stands up from the couch. “my grandma has this killer chocolate chip cookie recipe. i’ll send it to you,”
“is this grandma from your mom or dad’s side?” he asks. she rolls her eyes, “do you want my help or not?”
“yes, yes,” he nods. “i’ll send it to you when i get home,” she says. she walks to abby’s room, knocking on her door and biding ber goodbye.
“don’t get yourself arrested, mike,” vanessa warns him as she walks out. mike glares at her, but he knows she’s right. he looks back out the window once her car leaves his driveway. now you’re sitting on your porch steps drinking some water. as you take a sip, you manage to spill some on yourself, making part of your top see-through. mike knows he should look away, but it’s almost painful to tear his eyes away. his jeans are suddenly tight and he looks away in shame. he knows what he needs to do.
“can i have one?” abby’s eyes light up as she sees the cookies on the stove.
“only one,” mike says. “two?” abby changes her mind. mike sighs and nods, handing her two cookies. she grimaces at them, but still takes them. “did you make these?”
“yeah,” mike nods. “you should ask vanessa to make them next time. she’s an expert!” abby grins. she takes a big bite of one, slowly chewing and swallowing. “these aren’t terrible.”
mike’s eyes light up. when they first came out of the oven, he thought they were inedible.
“are you going to give these to the girl next door?” she asks. “i was thinking about it,” mike admits.
“get her something else to make up for the cookies,” abby says. she takes another bite, turning around and walking back to her room.
he takes her advice and goes back to the store. he picks out a bouquet of flowers that matched one of the types on your lawn. he takes a shower and tries on every outfit in his closet, which are all clones of each other. he goes out of his room, being met by abby at the table.
“you look like a robber,” she states. mike looks down at his outfit and back at her. “i do not.”
“you should buy more bright colors! like yellow!” abby grins. “i am not buying yellow,” mike shakes his head. she shrugs, “she’s going to think you’ll kidnap her with the cookies.”
“isn’t josie’s mom supposed to pick you up soon?” mike asks. as he said so, a minivan pulls up in his driveway. “call me if you need anything and behave!” mike reminds her as she rushes out the door. he watches as she gets into the van, making sure it’s josie’s mom who’s picking her up. once the car leaves, you come into view.
you’re chatting with one of the neighbors down the street. mike squints and looks closer, seeing a container of some type of food in your hands. he groans and rubs his hands down his face, his skin dragging along. of course everyone and their mother wanted to come and talk to you. you were the only thing interesting happening in this neighborhood since mike and abby moved in.
but he has to see you, to meet you.
he waits a little while, not wanting to overwhelm you. after an hour of waiting, he can’t sit still anymore. he grabs the container of cookies and flowers and makes his way towards your house.
his hand shakes as he presses your doorbell. he can hear the jingle from inside the house. he glances through your window, seeing boxes still sitting out, some opened and still sealed. he spots you walking towards the door and he steps a quick step back, his heart beginning to race.
you open the door, cool air hitting mike’s face. he can’t help but gawk at you. you’re much more beautiful up close.
you stand there, leaning against your doorframe and wait for him to speak first. he gulps, feeling his throat tightening and becoming dry. he’s parched all the sudden.
“hi, i’m mike,” he manages to say. you smile sweetly at him. “hi, mike.” you say his name slowly, making the ‘k’ sharp. he lets out a breath in response, looking down and remembering why he’s really here
“these are, uh, for you. to welcome you to the neighborhood,” he says, holding out the gifts. he’s never felt more out of place in his life. he feels stupid and uncomfortable, telling himself that this was a terrible idea and he should’ve left you alone. but as you take his gifts, you invite him inside. the offer makes his eyes go wide and jaw almost drop.
“i… are you sure? i wouldn’t want to intrude.” he says this, but he would be lying if he denied having any thoughts about going into your house and spending time getting to know you.
“yeah, i’m sure. you can help me eat some of the desserts other neighbors have given me.” you turn around and leave the door open. mike doesn’t know if his imagination, but your hips sway almost intentionally. you take slow strides, the sides of your body curving in. mike’s jeans get tight once again and he’s thankfully he’s wearing a t-shirt that can cover the tent forming.
his head perks up as you turn to face him, setting his cookies on the counter and putting his flowers in a vase. he’s astounded by how many other containers of sweets you have sitting around.
“wow. you’re popular,” mike chuckles. you sigh and nod, “unfortunately. don’t get me wrong, i appreciate knowing my new neighbors like me, but there’s no way i can finish all of these before they go bad. well, maybe i could, but i live alone and would rather not have pie and brownies for every meal.”
“i could take some home if that would help,” mike offers. “sure,” you say. “i assume they’ll be for your daughter?”
mike shakes his head quickly, wanting to erase any thought of him being with someone from your head. “no, no. i bet you’re referring to abby. she’s my little sister.”
“ah,” you say. he might be mistaken, but you look relieved. “she looks like a sweet kid.”
“she is,” mike nods. he looks around your house, seeing you’ve already started to decorate. his eyes catch a photo of you with a man and a little boy at a carnival. his heart sinks as he looks closer. the man’s arm is around you and you both are holding the child’s hand.
“that’s my brother and his son,” you say. you stand next mike, crossing your arms as you admire the picture. “that was my nephew’s sixth birthday. i won him a toy elephant.”
mike smiles a little. “i take it that picture was taken before you won him the toy?”
“yeah, but trust me, i did. and it was huge. he could barely carry it.”
“he’s a cute kid.”
“yeah, he got all the good genes from my side of the family.”
mike’s head turns to you and he stares at you again. you aren’t wrong. you’re gorgeous. you’re charming and funny, and your smile’s infectious. mike feels unworthy to be in your vicinity.
“do you like banana bread?” you bring him out of his daze. there’s a coy smile on your lips, like you know something about him. hear creeps up his neck and he makes a point to look away from you. “y-yeah, i do.”
you walk back to your kitchen counter, grabbing a couple plates and putting a slice on each. you walk to your living room and sit on the loveseat. you pat the space next to you for mike to join. it takes everything in him not to run over. he takes a small bite of the baked good after you do, lowly moaning at the taste.
“these are amazing. so moist and still warm,” he comments.
“the couple down the street brought these to me. laura and um… peter, i think.”
“oh, yeah. they’re nice. they bought abby a barbie when we first moved in,” mike recounts.
“wow, aren’t you two special,” you tease. mike laughs softly. “that’s the only gift we’ve received, but i didn’t care. and abby was just happy that she got a new doll.”
“well, now abby will have some treats to enjoy over the next few days,” you say.
“it’ll probably be gone in a day,” mike chuckles. “as long as they’re eaten,” you shrug.
a comfortable silence settles over you two as you finish the food.
“thank you for inviting me inside. you didn’t have to,” mike says.
“it’s no problem. thanks for being willing to take some of my treats home.”
“always happy to help,” mike remarks. he stands up, beginning to walk towards the door, but you stop him. you put your plate down on the couch ledge, your hand gently wrapping around mike’s wrist. your hand is warm and soft, making him feel all fuzzy. he turns to you, raising a brow in question. you take a shaky deep breath in, your mind racing with all the words you want to say.
“i want you to know, mike, i didn’t invite you in just so you could eat some banana bread.”
his mind is spinning. he’s confused, but also excited. “w-what do you mean?”
“i noticed you’ve been watching me.”
his heart pounds against his ribcage. sweat starts to form near his hairline. “i… i can explain.”
“there’s no need to because i’ve been watching you, too,” you admit. you take a step closer to him, or maybe he leans forward. he can’t tell who makes what moves. all he can focus on is his heartbeat that’s thumping in his ears and dark look in your eyes. he catches the way your eyes flicker down to his parted lips.
you lean forward, your lips hovering over his ear. he takes a deep breath in, the smell of shea butter and laundry detergent. your warm breath tickles his skin, making all the hairs on his body stand up.
“you should really keep your curtains closed when walking around with a towel on.”
his heart stops and he forgets how to breath. your fingertips skimming along his forearm brings him back to reality. his body feels like it’s on fire. he’s thought about being in this situation with you so many times. wondering how to make it come to life. he’s dreamed about you coming over to watch abby and that’s how it starts, or him helping you move something into your house and things escalate from there. he always thought that he would have to be the one to initiate something. honestly, he was so nervous, always thinking of how to make you like him. but now that you’re standing here, so close to him he could just lean in and close the gap between you two, he feels less foolish and ashamed of his thoughts about you.
you press a hand against his chest, feeling the soft tissue under his black shirt. you step further into him, but not so much to where you’re against him. mike can almost feel your weight and he wants it to be real. he needs to feel you pressed up against his lower half. he needs to feel your skin on his. he needs to know what it feels like to kiss you, hold you, fuck you.
“i know how you think of me, mike.” you say his name lowly. “i know you dream about me. i know you look forward to admiring me from your window.”
he’s so painfully hard. it physically hurts the way his dick is trapped inside his pants. he can feel a wet spot already forming, his pre-cum bleeding into his underwear.
“i think about you while i’m in the shower. i think about your big hands on my body. i wonder how it would feel with be pressed up against the wall, your cock inside of me. fuck,” you gasp into his ear. “i’m already so wet just thinking about you.”
mike grabs you by the hips, your body colliding with his. mike groans just at the feeling of your lips against his. he’s been waiting for this moment for so long. it’s so much more amazing than he could’ve ever imagined.
you take him by the shirt, keeping your lips onto his. your kisses become impossibly more messy as you both walk up the stairs. mike’s kisses are wet and desperate. his tongue slides against yours. your teeth clash with his as you push your body into him in attempt to get closer.
you leave his lips for a moment to open your bedroom door. “sorry, i still have to unpack some things,” you say, kicking some boxes out of the way.
“maybe i can help after,” mike offers. you give him a teasing smile. “after what, exactly?”
“after this.” he grabs you again, sliding a hand under your shirt. his hands are warm against your already hot skin. you sit down on your bed as his hand continues to scale your body, feeling over the underwire of your bra. he can feel your heart pound against your ribcage as his hand ghosts across your skin. you shiver in response. his touch is so gentle, so light. he wants to take his time with you, not believing he’s finally with you. but he also wants to rip your clothes off and fuck you so hard you can feel when you wake up tomorrow.
you scoot back onto the bed and he follows, his lips detaching from yours and starting to wander. you moan softly as presses sloppy kisses along your jaw and down to your neck. he begins to softly suck multiple spots, listening for which one gets the most rise out of you. there’s a spot just under your ear, close to the nape of your neck that has you breathing harder. you feel wetness pool on your underwear and you squeeze your thighs together. between his hand teasing your nipple and his teeth scraping against your skin, you’re tempted to shove his other hand down your pants.
he seems to hear your thoughts, taking his hand out of your shirt. he takes ahold of the collar of your shirt, ripping it open, buttons flying everywhere. you watch as his bicep flexes as he pulls on the material. you’re embarrassingly turned on by this.
“I’ll buy you another one,” he promises. you hum in response, shrugging the shirt off. you unhook your bra, flinging it behind mike. he takes his shirt off and undoes the buckle on his belt. you take the liberty in taking all your clothes off. mike pauses as he’s unzipping his jeans, looking down at your naked body. you quite literally take his breath away. your glistening folds is what catches his eyes and his mouth starts to salivate. he needs to taste you. he need you to come on his mouth.
“better than you imagined?” you ask. his eyes flicker back up to yours and you watch his pupil swallow his iris. “so much better.” he spreads your legs apart harshly, the sheets causing a burning sensation on your skin. he spreads your pussy with his fingers, burying his face into your thighs. his tongue first enters you, collecting your juices with quick swirls. he trails up to your clit where he attaches his lips to. he can feel you throb against his mouth.
“oh, fuck.” you throw your head back and your eyes roll. his fingers enter you and he can’t help but groan at how wet you are. you grip his hair and your thighs clamp over his ears and you begin to buck your hips up.
his fingers pump inside of you, making your legs shake. he sucks your clit with the perfect amount of pressure, his tongue circling every couple of seconds. your legs are squeezing his head so hard, you’re afraid you might burst it open. but he plants a hand on your thigh, his fingertips digging into your skin as he keeps your leg there. your moans become erratic. your chest is heaving up and down, your eyes screwed shut as you focus on the immense pleasure flowing through your body. your pussy gushes around his fingers, the sound turning you on even more.
mike starts to moan into your skin as if he can feel how amazing it is. the scruff of his facial hair prickles your skin as he begins to move his head, burying himself flush against your skin.
“mike,” you whimper, feeling close. you can’t help but shout out his name, your fingers pulling on the back of his head. your thighs tighten once more then loosen as you come. he doesn’t stop until you push his head away.
you look down at him. his lips and chin are shining with your juices. his hair is all disheveled and his face is all flushed.
“tired?” you tease. he shakes his head, taking off his pants and underwear. “i could do this all day.” at first you think he’s just joking. you’ve had men say that to you before, but from the way mike is looking at you, you’re confident he actually means it.
you sit up on your knees, taking him by the neck and kissing him. you can taste yourself on his lips and on his tongue. it makes you moan in his mouth. his hands find your waist and he pulls you into him, groaning just at how your skin feels on his. his fingers move across your back, feeling every inch of you. his hands land on your ass, playfully squeezing and earning a small gasp from you. one of his hands settle on your waist, slowly leaning you back. you fall on the bed, looking up at him with expectant eyes.
“do you, uh, have any condoms?” he asks. “i’m on birth control,” you say.
he’s shocked, to say the least. he would’ve worn a condom without a second thought, but man, he was feeling like the luckiest guy in the world.
he moves down to kiss you again. he can’t get enough of the way they fit so perfectly with his, how in-sync you are with him. he wants to get accustomed to making you come with his mouth, to feel your legs shake around him. he can’t wait to know what it’s like to be inside of you.
he has one hand by your head to keep him stable. his other hand hooks under your thigh, pulling you down closer to him. without a second thought, he slowly pushes into you. the moan you elicit could’ve made him come right then and there if he didn’t have any self control. his girth stretches you out as he pushes deeper.
your walls hug him like they’ve been yearning for him. once he bottoms out, he pulls back out only to slam into you. your hands wrap around his shoulders as he falls into a rhythm. your eyes screw shut as he hits that spot. your little gasps and moans spur him on. he takes a look down, watching as his cock disappears into your cunt.
“fuck,” he mumbles. he looks back up to your face. your chin is titled up and he can see your eyes roll to the back of your head. your lips are swollen and parted, his name tumbling out of your mouth. he could just fall in with you.
“mike,” you say, a hint of desperation in your voice. your nails dig into his shoulders and he knows you’re close. he lets his mind flow free with you in it. he doesn’t even have to focus that hard. your hips push up against his, the angle causing him to go slightly deeper. you both mumble a string a curses as you come. he pants your name as you feel him fill you with hot spurts, quiet whimpers sounding from his throat.
all you can hear is your heartbeat in your ears. you close your eyes for a moment and try to catch your breath. you open them back up once you feel him pull out, his cum oozing down your thigh. you watch as he puts back on his briefs, walking into your bathroom and finding a washcloth.
you can’t help but grin from ear-to-ear at his sweet actions. you let him clean you up, his thumb rubbing circling long your hip. you tug back on your underwear and grab a t-shirt and shorts from your dresser. you walk him downstairs, grabbing a few containers of sweets and handing them to him.
“i’ll, uh, talk to you soon?” mike asks. you stifle a giggle at how shy he suddenly has become. “of course,” you nod. you open the door for him, planting a sweet kiss on his cheek.
the next day, mike swears what happened with you was a dream. he just can’t wrap his head around the fact that he was inside your house and you let him come inside of you. but as he grabs his mail and sees an envelope from you, he’s assured that it was real.
he opens the envelope as he walks up his driveway, choking on air as he sees a polaroid of you in black lingerie. he takes it out, holding it up close to his face to make sure he’s not imagining things. he flips it on the back, seeing a message from you.
take me out on a date and maybe you’ll get to take that off of me xx
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yurinaa-world · 6 months
Hii! so today is white day and I was wondering if I could get Sunday and jing yuan headcanons with their partner on white day.
thank you and have a great day/night 💞
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𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓇𝒶𝒸𝓉𝑒𝓇𝓈: Sunday & Jing Yuan x Gender-neutral Reader
𝒮𝓎𝓃𝑜𝓅𝓈𝒾𝓈: spending white day together
Warnings: Fluff, spelling mistakes,
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He's a romantic man as well. Only want to do the best for you on this very special day. Showing up at your home with the fresh flowers that have been picked from the ground this very morning once you’ve taken the flowers, he just places a feather light on your hand almost as if it’s delicate like glass.
After that, you just spend some time together, but not until you see an event that piques both of your interests. Just some random event hosted for lovers to have a good time yet the big thing they advertised was a simple classical dance.
It's a pretty basic thing ever and not the first to be done but if you just wanna go for the fun of it, it wouldn’t hurt to dance and have some fun right?
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
“A dance, my dear.” Sunday holds his hand out for you to take, a charming smile on his face.  His eyes twinkle at you, and your heart races in response. You give him a timid smile as he takes your hand in his his other hand going to your waist, with yours going onto his shoulder.
Slow dancing with each other, the gentle sway of your bodies as well as the melody that fills the air around you both is almost hypnotic.  
Your cheeks tingle from his sweet touch, and your heart thumps loudly in your chest. Your mind wanders off as you enjoy the moment.  Before he spins you around, mimicking the bright smile you have on your face "I'm so grateful to have you." You whisper, and you begin to blush.  His eyes light up with adoration as they look into yours. 
  Your heart does flips as he looks at you with such loving affection in his eyes.  He leans in closer and his lips brush over your cheek. The feeling of his breath against your skin causes your stomach to turn. he smiles at your reaction.
“Me? I am lucky enough to have you look my way.”  his soft voice sends shivers down your spine. You feel yourself blush more as he kisses you the lips softly, before leaning back once more. 
"I'll still love you no matter how much time passes between us."
𝒥𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝒴𝓊𝒶𝓃
He’s so romantic about it, even taking a day off (skipping out) from work, just so could plan out the entire day with you and have some fun together.
He planned everything out for you, his day off, going to the flower shop and the owner giving you such beautiful flowers since it's a special day, or how the owner of the chocolate store just randomly gives you the most expensive chocolate box saying “It's a romantic day, you deserve to be happy.” Everyone been saying that all day?
But the gifts don’t stop, jing yuan himself gives you something so special, a ring that is made of gold, making your heart jump. It looks so expensive. He didn’t have to! But you can’t take it back now or else he’ll get pouty with you, along with the excuse that “It’s a special day to show love and you must accept it.”
Last but not least, watching fireworks together since every year the designs that fireworks make in the sky, makes you wish the day would never end.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
Bursts of colour paint the night sky, each explosion accompanied by a symphony of crackles and booms. The vibrating colours mix to a spectacle of an image in the sky.
 You wanted this day to never day. you could see the smile on Jing Yuan's face but it was directed towards the beautiful fireworks at you.  He looked at you with that look that always made your heart race, like a thousand fireflies flying around. 
“Aren’t you going to even look at the fireworks?” You can’t help but ask, ah..is there something on your face or something?  Is that why he’s staring so much? “Want a better look?” he smiles —to your shock—picking you up from your feet as if you weighed nothing. 
 Jing Yuan’s strong grip on your waist with your legs automatically wraps themselves around his waist. the bright gold firework went off, illuminating his face—he looked so happy— you couldn’t help but give him some of your love–even if it’s just a fraction, he’ll still enjoy it–just leaning in and kissing him on the lips whilst your arms tightly wrapped themselves around his neck. 
Just because the fireworks end doesn’t mean you have to.
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if you liked this, consider tipping me on ko-fi! it'd mean a lot!
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ritcchamadayo · 2 years
Hello, there! Heard that you're in need of some ideas in what to write/make. I've got one: some fluffy, romantic headcannons in which Leona Kingscholar's fem! s/o secretly sends him a love letter and some chocolates and Leona searches for the sender of the gifts. How will it end? Please and thanks!
hi there, thanks for sending in an idea~!
Leona would definitely be the type to quietly investigate, such a sweet idea~
Secret Admirer
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Leona Kingscholar x Fem!Reader ; On Valentine's day, you decided to anonymously leave a gift for Leona. Leona, taking an interest in the little challenge, tries to find out who his secret admirer is.
"Hm? What's this?" Leona watches from his bed, one eye open. His green eyes glanced towards Ruggie, who was putting down a well-decorated box and an intricate letter on Leona's desk.
"Shishishi, someone left a message for you. I just thought I'd bring it back to you before any of the other students see~"
Leona stood up and walked over to the box, shaking the contents. It was an intricate box with a brown lid, tied with an elegant ribbon. Above it was a simple letter, with a wax seal on top. It smelled oddly like flowers, Leona thought.
"Who's this from?"
"How should I know, I found it out front."
Leona opened the box to see a few rows of chocolate neatly placed, each of them were carefully made and placed inside the box to ensure it arrives to Leona in pristine condition. Ruggie was already halfway trying to swipe a few chocolates from Leona when the lion slapped his hand away, rolling his eyes. "At least be more discreet if you're gonna pull somethin' like that."
Ruggie chuckled and shrugged, walking away from Leona. "Aight, I'll try again later~" Leona took the letter and laid back on his bed, opening the letter with a yawn. "I swear, if this is another weird thing from Falena..."
*To : Leona Kingscholar, Housewarden of Savanaclaw* It may seem a little silly of me to write a letter for you. I am just a simple admirer from afar, writing to you to express my feelings.
I've been in love with you for the past year, Leona. The way you move, the way you counter quick remarks, the way you're always so quick on your feet and wise.. I've fallen for you quite hard it seems.
You're probably wondering who am I, or why would I send you this letter along with the chocolates. Truth is, I couldn't hold back my feelings anymore, but I'm too much of a coward to tell you in person. Please accept my gift and my letter. Perhaps, you can come find me if you wanted. *- Signed, your secret admirer.*
"Hoo, ain't this interesting." Leona smirked, eyeing the letter. It seems like the letter has piqued his interest, as he flipped the paper back and forth looking for more clues. The faint scent on the letter smells oddly familiar to him, further piquing his interest. "Alright, I'll take you up on this little detective game."
The next morning, Leona starts his move.
"Oi. Jack." Jack, coming back from his morning jog, approached his senior. "What's up, Leona-senpai?"
Leona waved the letter in his hand, showing it to Jack. "A little visitor seemed to have sent me a gift yesterday... Did you see anyone from outside the dorm enter recently?"
Jack scratched his head, trying to remember. "Um.. I think I remember a few. Like, people who wanted to play around with their Savanaclaw friends. I don't recall seeing anyone coming in to send a gift to you." Leona nodded. "Oh, so that's what the ruckus was yesterday. Just a few herbivores looking for amusement."
The beastman went on to ask a few other people from the dorm, with most of them not knowing anything. He knew he couldn't have asked Ruggie, even if it seemed like the Hyena knew something. Leona considered asking Rook, for one- but he'd rather not have to deal with his eccentric way of speaking.
Perhaps he'd have to go back to more... primitive ways of finding the sender, so to speak. Beastmen do have quite the sharp sense of smell.
Leona simply pretended to go about his day normally. With every passing student, he quickly manages to identify their scents. Some students smelled like a faint hint of flowers, mostly the residents of the Queendom of Hearts. Some students smelled like sweat, meanwhile others smelled like the "tacky and unnecessary" perfume that Vil wore. (Everyone else would beg to differ if he had said that out loud)
"..Hn?" In the midst of walking through the hallways, Leona caught the same exact scent from the letter. He glanced around discreetly, observing who might be around him. It's definitely not coming from the Scarabian students loitering around the hall, and it's definitely not the blonde 3rd year calling him "Roi des Lions" from afar...
Leona's eyes locked onto you, walking past him with your little group of friends. "Hoo... Interesting turn of events. I'll begin my chase then, Herbivore."
You had no idea what's going on, but Leona seemed to always be around the corner, trying to chase you down. "W-was it the letter..? Did I say something wrong..?" You thought, but Leona doesn't seem like he's angry or anything.
Leona himself wasn't trying to pull any moves. He kept observing you quietly, every time you pass by him he'd double check if the scent was correct, and he'd steal glances at your notebook to match the letter's handwriting.
Until one fateful day, where Leona finally decides to corner his prey for good. "Hey, Herbivore... Did you know how Lions hunt?"
Leona corners you in between the wall and his body, putting his arms beside your head so you can't try to slip out. "You see... We stalk our prey for a while, cornering them..."
Leona puts his finger on your chin, lifting it up so you'd gaze into his eyes.
"...And after that, they'd pounce for the prey." He leans in, capturing your lips in a kiss. You gasped in shock at first, before melting into the sensation and kissing him back. "Thanks for the little gift, Herbivore. Quite bold of you to think I wouldn't find out, though..."
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thetriplets3 · 1 year
can u do prompt 17(i think) from the needing comfort list — ‘you bought me chocolate/flowers’ — with matt plz !! its okay if not ! have a great dayy 🩵
haven't written in a while so hopefully this is good thank you for your request. send some more in
key to my heart
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One thing I’ve always loved about Matt is how he will go lengths to make sure feel better and brighten up your darkest days.
Matt’s been by my side for a few years now, he’s the first person I want to tell anything to, a shoulder to cry on, and a comforting presence. When life gets hectic and things gets flipped over Matt is always the one to come and turn your world back around. I never know where I stand with Matt. He does things a boyfriend would do but we’ve never discussed our feeling with each other.
This week was exhausting to say the least. I’ve become the therapist amongst my friends, it’s a blessing and a curse to feel things so deeply. I give my undivided attention to anyone who needs an ear to listen to their problems and give my best advice but at the same time I absorb all their negative energy and I carry their problems. They pass the weight holding them down onto me, quickly slowing me down. That’s the downside to being the one who listens because no one thinks to listen to the listener. They don’t think how heavy it is for one person to hold all that.
I can’t take it anymore, I only have so much room to carry things and it’s filling up quickly. My space is full of others problems and there’s no room for my own thoughts or feeling. So that’s where I am now, curled up under the covers in the dark trying to feel something, anything but everyone’s problems. Turning my phone on do not disturb I see a few messages from Chris covering the ones from Matt.
chris 🍊
please answer us
i know you hate notifications so i know for a fact you’ve seen this
don’t ignore
at least message matt pls he’s worried
love you kid we’re here whatever it is
matt 🥤
what’s wrong why aren’t you answering any of us?
are you okay? i need to know you’re okay i’m worried
no one has heard or seen you in a few days
i know somethings up this isn’t like you
let me in let me help you
Flipping my phone face down so I don’t have to look at it, I let out a shaky breathe. The silence becomes too much all the stories and problems are all coming forth, shouting and talking over each other. Not knowing how to make it stop I let out a desperate sob wanting nothing more than for someone to listen to me like I do for them. Both mentally and physically exhausted I drifted off into a much needed nap.
My eyes squint open looking at my clock. Only a 40 minute nap. The dryness in my mouth makes me get up to go grab a drink from the kitchen, but not before wrapping a blanket around me.
Slowly and heavy lidded I trudge down the stairs, halting when my eyes meet the island. Flowers. No one’s ever given me flowers before. The thought of how they got in here escapes you, being drawn towards the yellow flowers, my favorite color. Attached to the bouquet is a little note in chicken scratch I could recognize anywhere.
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My heart flutters as a pout replaces the empty look on my face. “My favorite” I gasp. A happy sigh leave my lips as I bring the bouquet to my nose to give them a sniff.
“I knew you’d love them” you voice full of love and softness.
“Matt! Holy shit you can’t do that to me” I pant with a hand over my chest.
“Sorry” you say sheepishly.
“You bought me flowers?” I ask softly.
“You told me tulips were your favorite and I thought yellow ones would make you even happier”
“That was 2 years ago I didn’t think you’d remember. I don’t think anyone would remember that” I scoff.
“When you care, you remember. If it’s important to you it’s worth remembering” You say. “You’re worth it”
Placing the flowers on the table I walk towards you. Sensing an impending hug you open your arms and pull me into your chest.
“I know you’re always there for everyone else to let their guard down but you need someone to be there for you. Stop putting up walls let me be that person. Let me in okay I love you and you don't have to feel alone” you say as your one hand rubs circles on my back and the other cradling my head to your chest, immediately bringing me comfort I didn't know I was missing.
“I know. I'll let you in might take a while. I love you Matty" I whisper into your neck.
"We'll work on it I'm here for you"
taglist: @antisocialties @iluvmatt @dwntwn-strnlo @fake-coolbeans @opheliaofficial07 @angelcake-222 @oneirophobic @strniolo @lollibumblebee @ssturniolo @20nugs
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beeslibrarycorner · 11 months
Father Paul during the holidays
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* He likes to dress up in a simple costume
* He also likes to give candy out to the children of crocket island
* If you pass by the church he will compliment your costume if you’re dressed up.
* He also insists on giving you a candy. “You could never be too old to go trick or treating y/n”
* When everyone settles down for the night and everyone is almost asleep your door bell rings signaling his arrival.
* “Trick or treat”
* The two of you would probably watch a scary movie and eat alot of candy.
* Cooking lots of different dishes and desserts
* “All of this looks so delicious, thank you angel”
* Before the two of you start eating dinner he tells you that he’s thankful for you.
* I can picture this convo:
“Would you like some more sweet potato casserole Paul?”
“I can’t eat another bite”
“That’s smart, your saving room for dessert”
(Groans in full stomach)
* He goes into a food coma and falls asleep on your couch. (it was all apart of your plan)
* Sending him home with leftovers to eat.
* He loves to decorate the rectory for the holidays.
* He loves the snow
* He loves the cookies and other baked goods that you make for him.
* But he also loves the look on your face when he gives you your Christmas gift.
* You get him a gift too and he’s happy that you gave him such a thoughtful gift
* Yes it’s a religious holiday but he would find you to be just as important. Spending time with the ones that he loves is his favorite part of the holiday.
New years
* Most of the people leave crocket island and head to the main land for family and friends
* Around 12 am he would pop over for a new years kiss.
* You guys cuddle and watch a tv marathon playing on one of the channels.
Valentine’s Day
* He leaves chocolate and a bouquet of flowers on your porch early in the morning.
* He gives you a love letter
* There’s a lot of secret kissing going around when no one’s looking.
* Candle light dinner
* Candle lit bubble bath
* Watching romcoms till three in the morning and sharing chocolate
St Patrick’s day
* You get Irish food from the mainland and you ask father Paul to have dinner with you.
* He likes celebrating Easter, it’s an important holiday and he enjoys doing Easter mass
* the town has many festivities after mass.
* He enjoys watching the churches egg hunt happen, it’s chaotic
* There’s a pot luck after wards with all different types of food.
* Everyone is pulling Paul in every which way and all he wants is to be near you.
* The night before the two of you decorate eggs together.
* You hide his favorite candy in the rectory for him to find with a note that says the Easter bunny visited.
Fourth of July
* There’s a cookout in the island, everyone is there.
* There’s ice cream and popsicles to cool people off, it’s the perfect night.
* One of the towns people shoots fireworks off the doc and you gather with the rest of the town to watch.
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ofc-vi-writes-too · 3 months
More Bucky Headcanons just because ✨✨
some are +18 so if that makes u uncomfy or u are -18 please scroll!! It is clearly labelled where they start, so if u only want one or the other the division is there!!
this got kinda long lol sorry
• He has a lot of old fashioned/outdated beliefs so sometimes he’ll say something and you just have to look at him and go 😀😄😀 “no.” and then have a conversation with him about why what he just said is objectively morally corrupt. He’s very open to it and it doesn’t happen a lot but when it does he’s willing to understand and he asks questions about whatever messed up thing he said. He’s very progressive for a man who was in his early 20’s in 1945.
• he has a lot of old fashioned/outdated beliefs so ur dates are literally superior and your instagram is filled with people commenting things like “if you look closely you can see me swinging in the background” or “hey god its me again” and you cant forget the classic “when will it be my turn.” He brings you flowers at least once a week, and chocolates are a MUST for him, and as soon as he found out about edible arrangements there is one on your desk at work at least once a month. you tell him your gonna get fat from all the sweets he brings you and he says “good” and thats the end of that convo.
• on the note of food, he’s a fantastic cook. Most of the time. He has tried on multiple occasions to feed you depression era foods (balogna caserole, jello molds, pea pasta, etc) one time he made you a jello mold with olives and tuna in it and you got physically sick (it was the first time he saw you throw up so he kinda just stood there like 😬 and patted your back like “there there, my bad ill never give you tuna+jello in the same dish again” which he STILL makes for himself) so he decided to stick with more modern recipes for actual meals (which are always delicious). But he swears on his life that dessert recipes were better when he was a kid, and he always bakes you the sweets his mom made when he was little such as, apple pie, wacky cake, water pie, prune pudding, frozen fruit salad.
• he really likes crispy cookies so he’ll take urs out when theyre cooked the regular amount, and he leaves his in the oven for like another 10 minutes at minimum. He likes it best when the edges of the cookies are literally burnt and when the chocolate even gets crispy. He dips em in milk though which i guess is slightly redeeming? But the crunch on his cookies should be punishable by law. It counds like crisps when he chews.
• Texts like:
Bucky ❤️❤️
hey?? u good?
Yes. I just wanted to say
I love you…
ilyt.. y r u being
so ominous?
I am not…
I just wanted to send you
this big long paragraph chunk
about how much I love you. It
has to be grammatically correct
because I’m old and it will take
me 15 minutes at minimum to
finish typing this text because
I am typing with one hand, and
I have big thumbs. Thank god
for voice memos. Also what
does OMG mean?
it drives you insane but he physically cannot comprehend any other way to text. He also had a flip phone until you forced him to get a new one. When he gets it he doesn’t send you texts anymore, and instead only sends voice memos (its so much faster)
• loves a sweet treat but is terribly embarrassed about it. Literally the trope where the big scary guy orders a black coffee “for himself” and his cute girly gf gets like a sugar unicorn rainbow suprise, and after they get their drinks they switch. He makes you order it with extra whipped cream and sprinkles. If you like sweet drinks too, he will still order the black coffee and not drink it. He will consistently order 3 drinks despite there only being 2 of you. Sometimes he drops it off w Steve because he knows he likes black coffee and he hates waste, but he is still too embarrassed to just order his drink.
• cried watching Up, Toy Story 2, The Princess and the Frog, Moana, The beauty and the beast (which was ur halloween costume the year he first watched it. His choice.) and Cars (you still don’t know why he cried about cars to this day and it has been YEARS.)
• despite being an ex assassin, when he’s not in fight or flight mode he’s terribly unathletic. He talks big game before a bowling date and he literally bowls a 45. You didn’t know anyone over the age of 8 could score that low in a game where you simply roll a ball. You also took him to In Shape to play tennis and he hit a car with the ball.
• his body physically cannot handle energy drinks. as much sugar as he consumes, energy drinks make him jittery and paranoid for some reason, and despite being a relatively quiet man, he doesn’t shut up when there’s a red bull in his system
• pro legalizing weed in all states. Tried an edible one time before bed because he overheard someone say it or read somewhere that it can help with sleep, and he swears he had never slept that good in over 100 years of being alive. Even pre super soldier serum.
• He’s a man of few words so in the beginning of u 2 going out there would be long periods of awkward silence. He took you on a lot of movie dates so he could avoid this problem as much as possible.
•Def doesn’t wear his arm to bed so you guys have an easier time spooning. You don’t have to deal with the problem that a lot of couples have where you wanna cuddle but his arm falls asleep cs ur laying on it. but for him theres no arm to lay on!!!! yippeee!!! Cuddling in bed typically looks like him being the big spoon with his right arm around your waist. His left shoulder is in whatever position his decides is comfortable that night. He also has a habit of not sleeping with his head on the pillow so you typically feel his nose/breathe against the small of your back. He often kisses you there while rubbing your side to put you to sleep
• cuddling is a little different when he has a bad nightmare tho. Sometimes he doesn’t want to cuddle so he’ll lay on the floor on your side of the bed and go back to sleep there, or at least try to. Thats usually what happens if you don’t wake up. If you do, you go and get him a glass of water, and a cold rag to wipe is sweat off. You give him a minute until he’s ready to lay back down. He lays on his back, and you suction yourself to his side. One leg over his and your arm on his chest, rubbing soothing patterns to try and slow his hammering heart. You kiss where you can reach, but he’s huge, so its usually just his shoulder and chest, and you tell him all your favorite things about him, and how much you love him, and how safe he is here in your arms. It works 95% of the time.
• its ur lucky day if ur a pillow princess! he likes being able to physically take care of his partner without them having to do any work. He feels like it’s his way of saying thank you for staying with him thru all his trauma and whatnot
• if his s/o is plus sized he will make the effort to be able to lift 2 times their weight bare minimum (which doesn’t take that much effort on his part), and he gets a little smug when he lifts his partner up against the wall the first time and they’re a little shocked because hey no one has ever been able to do that before what is happening oh noooo BOOM you’re in love
• usually not the one to initiate anything. He feels like he’s pressuring you when he does, but you can always tell when he’s in the mood because he gets clingy and cannot look you in the eye.
• in the same vein, he doesn’t really get horny that often but when he does… whew chile GOOD LUCK. Super human stamina is a gift and a curse with him!!
• he doesn’t like to mark you up, but he loves it when you do. He likes getting done and seeing the scratches on his back in the mirror, or having to cover up hickeys with turtlenecks. His favorite is when he makes you help him cover the harder to hide ones to his with makeup. (he bought the right color for himself but didn’t know how to use it). LOVE LOVE LOVES when you bite him.
• Again, he’s typically a man of few words but he will mumble random things “to himself” but loud enough for you to barely hear it too. a lot of “so fucking good,” “pretty girl” “all mine” “all yours” “tell me I’m yours” “say your mine” and other things of that nature
• I think I said this in the last one but I’m a firm believer that he wouldn’t wear his arm unless he had to/felt unsafe. and I would argue that he feels pretty safe if yall are doing the shaboingboing. SO holding you is a little difficult for your amputee bf. Getting into a good and comfortable position for both of you tends to bring a lot of laughs.
•He likes to touch you a lot while y’all are getting down and dirty. It helps ground him in a way. He struggles a little bit with dissociation, even when getting intimate so being able to feel your skin under his palms helps keep him on Earth and focused on getting his s/o off.
A/N: thank you if you resd this far. dont be shy and leave a note behind! i have more chapters of friends dont on the way i swear. Im genuinelu just slow IM SORRY AHH
anyways good night cuties 🌙💫⭐️✨
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letters-from-dekarios · 5 months
(A letter arrives by way of a Quickling, a tiny fey creature commonly used as messengers in the Feywild)
My darling husband, my guiding wind, first in my heart,
If you ever leave me to deal with my family alone again I will lock you out of your library for a month!
I understand midterms at the academy are nearly upon us but I am certain your assistant could manage long enough for you to join me at this reunion so that I am not left to suffer my mother's attentions alone.
Speaking of, I have included the recipe you wished to ask from her, and I will bring some of the more exotic ingredients home with me when I return.
Further, your absence has utterly devastated Mallory, who has been demanding her "Uncle Gale" no less than 6 times a day. How utterly cruel of you. She has very much wanted to show you her new magic trick, which I assure you is very adorable. No spiders involved this time.
To say nothing of how deeply I miss you, my love. I shall be returning soon, while it has been good to catch up with my brothers and feel the magic of my birthplace, none compares to the magic of our home together.
All my love, Bel'tan'e
P.S., Callista said you asked her for Dawnsea flowers, did you need spell-grade or food-grade petals?
(Bel'tan'e (he/they) is a spring Eladrin druid, born and raised in the Feywild, and currently married to one Professor Dekarios. They have a large family of relatively high status in the Spring Seelie Court, though Bel'tan'e himself is 3rd born and has little influence of their own (not that they want it). The couple regularly travels to the Feywild to see Bel'tan'e's family, who were quite shocked he returned with a human husband after only a few months away from home, but they grew to love Gale eventually, even if he is very odd and human-like)
(did I do this right? First time submission 🫣)
My love, Bel,
Sweetness, you know how much I adore your odd but ever caring family. I wouldn’t miss the journey for the world. Or, perhaps, a good box of chocolates. Kidding! I swear. I am mourning the loss of my visitation with you, thinking of the extravagant time I could be having while instead, I am pouring over my papers.
I do beg of you to not lock me out of my library. I simply would not be able to fare! I may pass away even at the mere thought.
Alas, I truly wish I could be with you. Though, I hope my words bring you comfort and warmth as if I were there beside you. They will have to do, for now. And while I do trust my assistant very much so, these are things one must handle on their own. This time of year at the academy is far from easy, it is best I oversee the work so as to avoid any mistakes. Nonetheless, I do deeply wish to be with you, don’t forget that.
Send my warmest, deepest affection to your mother back. That kindly woman deserves only the best and I will have something soon to show her my thanks, I promise. The same goes for Mallory and all the little ones calling for me. I do owe them a night within the Weave’s embrace once we can journey there together. No doubt that should suffice as an apology for missing this visit. Do tell little Mallory how proud I am of her. Thank the heavens she’s getting better with that, I nearly died the last time she summoned a spider. I still get shivers even thinking about it.
I have found myself rambling! I must save these words for when you return, otherwise this letter may become too thick to send back. Know that I love you deeply, and cannot wait for your return home. I shall have my best apologies lined up for you since you’ve had to endure such joyous fellowship alone.
Forever yours,
𝑮𝒂𝒍𝒆 𝑫𝒆𝒌𝒂𝒓𝒊𝒐𝒔
text reads: gale dekarios
literally shut up. ‘uncle gale’???? im sobbing and losing my mind over this. i can literally see gale showing up for the first time to meet their family and just ‘hello! i’m gale!’ Exactly how he says it when you first meet him in act 1. and then all the nephews and nieces hanging onto his arms and asking him about being a human and then him showing them the weave… i need to write dad gale now cause this is TOO cute. also you did perfect im obsessed if you can’t tell ~kore
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Rachel meeting reader after Bel talks her mothers ear off about you and reader being a complete mess because she’s going to be meeting THE Rachel Price and Annabel calming her down 😭
My first bel ask!! I would like start of by saying thank you anon for sending in this thought. True one you are(: secondly after finishing trorp I honestly have no idea what to do with myself. Honestly it was a spectacular read. From the characters to the dynamic of the family. I loved Rachel from the beginning and loved her even more at the end. So this ask makes me happy. This is just a request and I am working on a longer angst riddled heart clenching bel fic. But of course reader is the light at the end of the tunnel) this takes place after a fair amount of time. Fair warning this is my first bel fic and I’m still getting use to writing her so if she seems a bit off have patience with me she will get better as I continue to write 🫶🫶 💌 anon don’t be shy!! This is just my first bel fic I hope it gets easier with time! Pippa I feel I know well enough to write and bel I am just figuring out. Hope to know what you liked about it!
Words: 5k+
A Heartfelt Dinner with Rachel Price
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Paring: Bel Price x fem reader (takes place after the events in the book but nothing is spoiled) not edited yet. Typos will be present most likely. Read at your own peril 🤣
Warnings: Bel price stealing my heart with some good old price charm, fluff, some suggestive comments, the price girls cussing like sailors, Rachel being the best mother alive.
Bel had told you the invitation would arrive, making sure to give you enough time to process it. But it was a whole different story when the invitation arrived in a delicate envelope, its edges slightly crumpled from your nervous fingers. “Dinner at the Price residence,” it read, and your heart raced. Rachel Price—the formidable mother of your girlfriend, wanted to get to know you better. Bel hadn’t told you about what her mother went through. It was a topic you knew not to tread upon. It was Bel’s story not your own. Not that you minded, you didn’t need to know the details, all you wanted was to make a perfect impression on mommy dearest.
Bel had laughed at you, shaking her head while her eyes shined her cheeky laugh bright. “Your such a little nerd! Carter was right when she said you were a little suck up! I’ve seen you with Mr Thripp” bel began, “Mr thripp your lesson on the case of Finneas gage was amazing! Could I borrow the book for extra reading?’ ‘My favorite one! I can’t go to the mall Carter I’m helping out at the old folks home’ Bel teased, “my mother is not so easily impressed as Mr Thripp is I am afraid” she countered, pinching your cheeks with soft fingers while you only took her teasing in stride.
You were lost in thought as you both walked home from school, bel’s hand laced in your own. What did Rachel Price like? Did she like flowers? Should you bring her some? Did she even like flowers? Did she prefer chocolate? Maybe some cookies? Surly after being kept in a basement for years she would have enjoyed some treats?
“I can see your mind unraveling and as much as it is cute to watch, I love your little mind a little too much so try not to bust your head trying to appease my mother. Rachel already likes you, I’ve talked you up too her for months. Plus Carter really sells it with your ‘good girl who is student body president and spends her time at the animal shelters’. Thank you Carter Price you wanted to say.
You sighed, letting out the air that traveled in your throat, thankful enough that Rachel had some sort of picture to go off. It was quiet for a second, you girls both trying to regain your thoughts. “This really means a lot to me that my mother wants to meet you. She and I haven’t had the easiest time getting to know each other” Bel’s face flushed, her brows furrowed and her lips curled. “When she came back I was so angry. I wanted her gone, I convinced myself she was the enemy. Back to hurt my dad and I. I was hostile and I treated her like a stranger in my home. Things are better now. I-I love my mom. And even though some days it still hurts I know she loves me too and it’s enough to out way the hurt. I mean it still hurts like a shit ton of bricks but-“ you laughed.
“I understand” you simply said, nuzzling your nose into bel’s cheek, noticing the flush when your lips met her nose. She only responded with her usual, “Your getting your slober all over me!!” She faked wiped the kiss from her nose, but you could see the way her hand stilled on her nose, the soft hints of blush on her cheeks that told you enough. You had left after that, trying to come up with a way to impress the Rachel price.
“Think your mom will like my homemade apple cookies?” You yelled back to your girlfriend across the road, watching as Bel only rolled her eyes before giving you a reassuring thumbs up, you almost laughed at her expression. Her lips curled and her eyes wide, almost like she found it amusing to think of you baking a treat for her mother. Most likely because Bel knew you a little to well and knew you would be running around like a chicken without a head in the kitchen, making batch after batch and making her be the test subject. ‘Honestly your such a little domestic housewife with your baking and making me try your cookies! What are you trying to do turn me into a wild beast who’ll gobble you up the second I get a eyeful of your legs in that skirt?” You could almost hear her voice in your head. Definitely something bel price would say, maybe with a few colorful curse words in between.
Bel’s prediction had been right. You had raced home and made batches upon batches of cookies. Apple cookies, pumpkin cookies and even your grams special strawberry cheesecakes cookies hoping they would impress your girlfriend’s mother. Your range in baking was not extensive, but you knew your way around a baking sheet and that was all that mattered . The only thing that kept your nagging subconscious at bay. This dinner had to go well. Rachel had to like you. She had too. If she didn’t you might as well pull a Romeo and Juliet. You blanched inward at the statement. Maybe that was a little too dramatic, a bit like a Bel Price statement. It mattered that Rachel liked you, because you were more than fond of her daughter. Bel had been your special person. You use to play as babies together, would even after Rachel disappeared. Charlie would drop of bel for hours, Carter coming along too sometimes. You grew up close, even when bel had pulled away after the statements Sam Blake had made about her dad you still kept by her side. Sitting with her, helping her dutifully with homework even when she would snap at you with those eyes. Eyes that no matter how hard or how angry you loved. Sam Blake didn’t know why you tried with Bel, constantly nagging that Bel was damaged goods and you would never reach her. You had immediately scoffed and told her off, a white hot fury in your veins. You could still see a shocked Sam Blake as she held her binder tight in her hands as you walked off. You never spoke to Sam Blake again after that. She was conceited and lacked any human empathy.
You had spent the days researching Rachel Price’s case. Of course you did. How could you not? You wanted to understand Bel’s mind. The way it worked, how she felt, the secrets she was hiding behind those price blue eyes. You wanted her to know you were by her side. Bel at first seemed agitated as you were always around but you saw something different in those eyes. She never snapped at you, not after your little interaction with Sam Blake. You guessed she had heard through the grape vine. There was always a question in her grey eyes when she would eye you. Why are you doing this? Why me? But you never said anything. Till one day a couple months after Rachel reappeared you Invited her to a student council meeting for school, because ‘the school could really use your input. You seem like you have wonderful suggestions’ you could have slapped yourself in the face for that one. Bel had eyed you with her classic dark gray eyes, her eyes set in a furrowed brow her lip curled like she didn’t give a single fuck about it. You had laughed, a soft and sweet one, had eyed the linoleum floor of the school, a blush on your cheeks. “Never mind. It was a stupid idea. Why would you want to be in a room full of nerds that focus on why the boys sink in the bathroom is broken for the hundredth time” you had mumbled , “it was stupid of me. I guess I just wanted you to know that…that you’re invited”. ‘That I see you’ ‘that I want you there’ you had turned on your heel, desperate to get away from the scowling girl. But thankfully somehow Bel had seemed to find it cute. At least that’s what she had said now. You were sure you looked like a dork. But Bel had simply asked “what time?” With that glint in her eye that made your heart race. You told her, thinking she wouldn’t show. It wasn’t a Bel Price type of scene. Nothing was anymore. So when Bel had appeared that day, walking into the meeting room taking a seat like she owned the place eyes on you the whole time, making you nervous while you spoke to the group you were more than surprised. Bel seemed to notice the way she had made you nervous, a smirk on her features when she had eyed you a little too long causing you to stumble over your words. Blue grey eyes dancing across your eyes. Studying you, analyzing you. ‘Why did you invite me today? You could almost hear her in your mind. When asked about what she thought of adding to the meeting Bel had only shrugged, “the Rachel price shrine could be taken down now” was all she said, a bite to the end of her words, but softening just a bit when she eyed you.
The Rachel price shrine. You knew how much it had hurt bel to walk past that everyday for years. But you couldn’t take it down, knew how much it meant to the community even now with rachel reappearing.
“I’ll definitely see what I can do” you had told her that day all soft eyes even when the other kids had argued about it stating the historic value and other concepts you didn’t even bother hearing because bell was looking at you like she was thankful.
So it was so no surprise when Bel had waited for you you to leave the building, you holding the box full of the school’s clothes drive for the homelessness initiative in your hands. Bel had been leaning back against the school wall, hands in her pocket. She had nearly scared the crap out of you when she had popped up from out of nowhere. “Here I’ll take that, it looks heavy” she had stated. Bel had helped you to your car, and then had asked you out. Simple. You two had been good friends and it was an easy decision. “Do you want to have pizza with Carter and I next Tuesday? Carter has a dance meeting an hour after and I could really use some company”. You agreed. So from then on you had been inseparable. Then came to the confession, Bel had confessed first. Told you she had a crush on you ever since you both were five and you had helped Carter after she had fallen of the slide at the park. It was cute how you had rushed over, all eager kind eyes. Ready to help. From then on bel was yours. And you were hers.
You hoped Carter would help you with this dinner in return for your aid years ago in the park. Not that you needed it. Your parents always said you had a confident air about you. Now was the time to let it glow.
You felt your cheeks blush crimson as you stood at the Price’s doorstep, a tin of your strawberry Cheesecake cookies nestled in your cookie tin, a special cookie tin your great grandfather had acquired from the war in Germany. “Survived the damn Nazis this tin can sure make it through a family dinner” your grandfather had said upon you asking for the tin. You had chosen it because it was beautiful, a fine tin with colorful flowers and images of soft German clouds. You hoped Rachel would like it. It had a certain charm too it. Just like you.
You didn’t even have to ring the doorbell because the minute your fingers made contact with the doorbell the door was already open, Bel standing in front of the threshold. Her pale gray blue eyes wide upon eying your attire. A dinner dress with colorful blue lace that ended just above your thigh (that had been for her. Although you would never admit). Your brows creased, nervous fingers tapping on the tin. “Is it too much? I feel like it might be too much” you spoke fast. Bel only eyed you, a slight gulp evident in her throat, a fresh coat of ruby cheek’s adorning her usual pale complexion . “Is it too much??No…I think you look…” her eyes traveled down to your outfit, noticing the way the dress hung close to your figure. Still appropriate enough to wear to a first meeting of the mother, but also just enough to leave bel with a slight case of too hot under the collar. With your perfect curves and pale thighs just begging for her fingers to graze. ‘Keep it in your pants, Price’. She warned herself.
“Beautiful…you look beautiful..among other things. is that lace?” Bell squeaked, her fingers itching to press her fingers against the soft fabric, feel your skin underneath. Hot and soft against her fingertips.
“It is!! Isn’t it so cute!! My grandma gifted it to me last year and I’ve never found an occasion to wear it so I thought why not put my best foot forward for my girlfriend’s mother” you nervously rambled, it was cute how hard you were trying. Bel only really had one thought as she eyed your figure in that perfect lace dress, ‘thank you grandma’ bel was sure it would be headlining in her dreams tonight, but only for a few seconds because the prize was what was underneath.
Bel immediately taking the tin of cookies from your hands leaned in to peck your lips, moving back to eye you in your eyes, “you look absolutely stunning sweet cheeks” she spoke, moving in to press another kiss onto your lips, this one slow and steady, mapping out the taste of your lips. Bel could get use to this, kissing you. In fact she was and it was you would usually pull apart and tell her to focus. It was hard, with your lips that were soft and your hand that was warm on her cheek.
You wanted to pull away, you were sure Mrs Nelson from next door was alerting the media now. But all it took was the soft way bel’s left hand had slowly wrapped around your waist, pulling you impossibly close, lips now moving wild against your own, getting lost in the push and feel of her lips. Your stomach churned in the most delicate way, your heart pounding in your chest as you breathed through your nose, the sound of lips echoing in your ears. Bel seemed to enjoy the way you leaned into it; eyes closed and mouth hot against her own.
“Wow just look at her go! And here comes our number 5 Bel Price! She’s feisty she’s mean and she’s currently eating her girlfriend like a lean machine!” Came the voice from behind. You pulled apart right away, moving to immediately hide your cheeks and giggles in your girlfriend’s shoulder. Bel didn’t look to pleased as she eyed Carter from the doorway. Her lips too red and too cold to be that color just because of the warmth.
Bel only stared daggers at her sister, well cousin to the rest of the world. “Why do you always to have cockblock me Carter” bel mumbled, grey eyes staring steel into her cousins eyes. You laughed, watching as Carter only rolled her eyes, “I’m pretty sure you were holding your girlfriend hostage with the way your hands were on her. My god it looked like the grip you had on that one ride at storyland” Carter spoke, her eyes moving to you in that Carter way, smooth and calm. “Great story by the way y/n poor bel puked all over the couple in the next row. Had to buy them shirts”.
Bel’s cheeks flashed red, “I didn’t know you had to wait an hour to digest your food Carter!” She snapped back playfully punching Carter’s shoulder.
Carter only laughed before moving to hug her cousin, bear hugging her, “I’m only kidding you bel. I’m sorry. I apologize for my rudeness.” Carter spoke, and bell scoffed, “your just saying that”. Carter chuckled, “I am being dead serious bel. Now Say I love you Carter” she spoke. Bell sighed, eyes moving to Carter. A softness laced in them. “I fuckin love you Carter” she mumbled, just low enough for you to hear.
Carter nodded, smile wide and victorious. “There we go! That’s the spirit. Now y/n you look lovely! I love that dress!”.
You smiled bashfully, thanking Carter. You were about to follow Carter into the house when you turned back, “why don’t you go in Carter I have to get something from the car” you spoke. Carter nodded, saluting to bell before marching in. “alright. I’ll see you inside y/n”.
Bel’s eyes followed you as you opened your car door, moving to pull out a fresh bouquet of flowers. The smell of nature filling your nostrils. You fluffed them, moving some around. An assortment of baby pinks and emerald blue meeting your eyes.
“You got me flowers?” As soon as the words were said you frowned, eyes wide. Bel thought these were hers? A sudden flash of panic filled your heart. These were for Rachel. So she could have a great first impression. So she could look at them in the vase and think back to how kind and generous you were. You had originally thought to buy two, one for your girlfriend who insisted she hated flowers, or “despised them with all her heart” but kept the single rose you had given her on your first date. Ultimately you had only bought one on account of not thinking your girlfriend would want one.
“Oh these? Um-“ you could just give the cookies to Rachel, and the flowers to bel. But it was only till a playful smirk filled your girlfriend’s features. “You are the cutest human on earth my god! Your face! Relax sweet girl I know those are for my mother. But it was cute that you were willing to give them to me” bel spoke, moving to take your hand and walk up the steps.
You were instantly hit with nervousness. Bel’s fingers grounded you as she closed the door behind you. Sensing your nerves she moved in to whisper. “You’ll shine just like a star. My mom will just love you”. You hoped she did. God you did.
Bell took your hand in hers, fingers lightly caressing your hands. It was almost like a dream meeting Rachel. You had seen so much news on her throughout the years. Missing posters and tv news. Had seen a picture of her in bel’s house once. But seeing the woman in the kitchen with her soft apple cheeks and bright smile it was like she had never left. Like somehow she had always existed in the price household. Never truly gone.
As soon as her deep blue eyes met yours you froze. She looked so much like your girlfriend. Family genetics were strong for the Price family. Her smile was wide, charming, warm as she eyed you. Eyes moving over to bel who seemed to have an unspoken language with her mother.
Rachel’s smile was infectious as she moved her eyes on you, the same familiar color inviting you in because you looked into those eyes everyday. You took in her birthmark on her cheek, the mark that bel had told you about when she had met her mother in that dusty road that fateful day. The identifying mark that the police had put on every single missing poster and every news program within a 200 mile radius.
If you were being perfectly honest Mrs Price was attractive. Very with her long blonde hair that curled and soft charming smile. No wonder Bel had made you swoon.
You smiled just as bright, “Mrs Price! It’s an honor to meet you. I’ve heard so much about you. I hope you enjoy treats, my grandmother makes a special recipe of strawberry cheesecake cookies and I just know they are as sweet as you” you spoke. Bel’s eyes widened at the end, a curious look in her features. Carter seemed to smile wide, she knew you were a little charmer with your soft kind smile and popular girl air but this was a whole level.
Rachel seemed to like that. She smiled wide, moving to take your tin from your hands, before pulling you into a soft hug. You were startled at first, but gradually leaned into it.
“You’ll have to forgive me sweetheart I’ve just heard so much about you from both my girls that I feel like I know you” she spoke, moving to softly caress your cheek.
You blushed under her touch, your school girl act coming out.
“I also know that when meeting a mother flowers are in order. I hope you like these Mrs price”.
Rachel’s eyes glistened ever so slowly as she took the flowers, “oh these are just beautiful. Oh thank you so much y/n. You are so thoughtful. No wonder my Annabel is smitten by you. And please! Call me Rachel. Come in! Dinner is ready”.
You watched as Rachel took the flowers in her hands, moving to nestle her nose to inhale the sweet scent. Bell smiled back at you, a smirk really. A smirk that you knew meant, ‘you little suck up’. But she was proud of you, you could see it in her eyes. The dining table was set nicely and you thanked Bel who had pulled your chair out for you, moving to press a gentle kiss to your forehead in the process. You blushed, bel was unusually physical today. No that she wasn’t all over you like any other day, it had took months of breaking down her walls when it came to physical affection.
Carter sat next to you on the left, her blue eyes the similar shade of blue, but maybe it was the light but it was the first time you noticed how the shade of your girlfriend’s eyes was a grey hue and Carter’s were clear as the sky on a good day.
Rachel was still rustling around in the kitchen, her eyes glittering as she eyed you sitting around the dinner table, bel’s body subconsciously mirroring your own. She watched her girls as they chatted animatedly with you. Watched as Carter giggled at a joke you said, her mouth wide and eyes holding affection as you whispered into her ear. Carter had just raced about you. How kind you were, clever, always being considerate of others. “She’s like the best friend I’ve never had”.
Bel had been an entirely different situation. Bel has always been headstrong, Rachel knew that. Even as a baby she had been stubborn. Stubborn when it came to doing tummy time. Rachel would hold those memories close, the images of a tiny little blonde baby crying but with such determination as she stretched her little body on the playing Mat. It had took time to repair the relationship, but bell at the end of the day knew her mother loved her with all her heart. Knew she would do anything for her. So when bel had come in one day eyes nervous but steel determination behind them and had said she wanted Rachel to meet her girlfriend it had been like a break through.
Annabel had been a bit overprotective when it came to you. Back when Rachel had first gotten home and tension was high and dangers lurked on every corner Rachel had seen the picture in bel’s room. When she had been searching for a book she had caught sight of the golden frame curled on the desk, stationed right by the bed. A spark of curiosity had filled Rachel. A mama bear instinct that seemed to roar to life after years of having to lay dormant. She liked to say she knew Annabel well enough to know that the picture was positioned in such a meticulous way that it could only mean that bel had put it there herself. With purpose.
It was a picture of of you and bel. One of those Photo Booth tickets at the mall, black and white checkered images printed on the piece of paper. Rachel could remember feeling like her heart had been ripped out. Because bel was smiling the widest she had ever seen. It was akin to seeing the sun shine, the warmth that radiated off bel’s eyes as she peered at you, like you were the sun. Bel’s nose crinkled and her eyes on you. Rachel hadn’t seen that part of bel yet. So…carefree. She was familiar with the analyzing grey eyes that seemed to follow her like she was a stranger in the house. Like a hawk, searching for anything that seemed off. Of course now bel eyed her with soft eyes. No longer the hostile girl she once was.
“Holy shit y/n these cookie are amazing!” Carter’s voice brought Rachel out of her head, with a steaming tray of Mac and cheese in one hand and a ham in her other Rachel made her way into the dining room.
You looked pleased that Carter had enjoyed your recipe, but rachel was the first to swoop in and take the tin from her youngest daughter, “carter save the rest for later! I’m making my famous cinnamon hot chocolate” rachel turned to you a gleam in her eye , leaned down and whispered, “bel just loved my hot chocolate when she was a baby, she’d get it all over her face and then I’d have to bathe behind her ears” a shine glimmered in Rachel’s eyes as she moved to sweep some strands of blonde strands from Bel’s face. A mother always. Bell didn’t seem to mind, and if she did she didn’t say anything. Just let her mother’s fingertips move the strands away from her cheeks. Bell had mentioned she was learning to let Rachel love her. It seemed like such a odd statement to others. Letting your mother love you? But you knew for bel it was the start of something new. Because ever since Rachel had been back bel had created a boundary between them. You didn’t blame her for it, and you were happy she was finally letting the poor woman love her. As only a mother could.
You smiled, eyes moving to bel who only smiled awkwardly. “Mom” she hissed, not unkindly.
Rachel only giggled, pinching her daughters cheeks as she placed the dishes of steaming food on the table. A small honey ham, rolls and gleaming potatoes that looked so good your mouth watered.
“Rachel I hope you don’t mind me saying but this food looks Amazing! My grandmother would be proud!” You spoke.
Rachel smiled that gleaming smile. “Complimenting my cooking? I like this one” she joked, turning to bel.
Rachel then moved to sit down in front of you, blue eyes watching as bel moved to grab a plate, placing one in front of you. Bel was all attentive when it came to you. Whispering to you, asking you what you wanted, only for you to smile and take her plate, asking the same questions. It was almost sweet how you both exchanged stolen glances as the plates passed each other.
“So y/n I’m told you are the senior’s class president? That must be quite the job to handle. I was my senior class president back in high school. Do you still use typewriters?”
You placed the plate full of food in front of bel, making sure to be attentive as you eyed Rachel. Her soft eyes moving between you and her daughter, who couldn’t quite take her eyes of you. Her cheeks a forever hue of crimson. Eyes dark as they eyed you.
“It’s definitely been a very challenging job” you spoke, “but I like challenges. As for the typewriters-“
“Good because this one-“ carter began, pointing her fork at her sister, humor in her tone, “all challenge”.
Bel only rolled her eyes playfully.
“I’m mostly in charge of the school’s treasure fund and field trip planning. We’ve had many successful field trips because of our passion for our students. Bel has been amazing at helping me in with some projects.” You spoke.
Bell smiled from behind her fork.
Rachel couldn’t help but smile, “really?? Isn’t that something. It usually takes a crowbar to get Annabel to do anything related to school” Rachel joked.
You laughed, you knew bel had a less than enthusiastic opinion on schoolwork. Which why now she had been in on top of her game, working twice as hard to get her GPA higher.
“Bel!” Carter spoke, eyes wide and annoyed. “You didn’t tell aunt Rachel that Mr Thripp cornered you last week to tell you that he was so proud of you! Her GPA went up by four points! At this rate you’ll be uhauling with y/n for college” Carter spoke, her voice laced with genuine appreciation.
A smile lifted onto Rachel’s lips. One you recognized. You had seen it on your own mother’s face countless times. Joy. Pride. But you knew by the way Rachel’s eyes glimmered that she was beyond proud. Despite her emotional eyes she remained as stoic as ever. You imagined bell had told her to try to be as normal as ever tonight.
“That is just…wonderful. Simply wonderful. I am…I am so proud of you Anna. Look at you my sweet clever girl! Did you know she was talking already at 9 months? You’ve always been my little firecracker”.
You expected bel to roll her eyes or leave the comment alone but she only caught her mothers eye. Held it there, a language you didn’t speak but could feel.
The moment was soon done when Rachel moved her eyes back to you.
“What do you like to do in your spare time honey? Carter’s filled me in and what you do for school but I just know a girl like you must have hobbies. Do you have any siblings? What’s your mothers maiden name?”
Your answers fell of easily enough, smiling and making Rachel laugh when you told her you were a big fan of reading. Rachel had smiled and said she had been too. You found out that your mother had gone to high school with Rachel and even had been been at her wedding. “I should have known you were her daughter, a heart like yours doesn’t come around often” Rachel spoke, eyes moving to bel swiftly.
While you were busy taking to Rachel about your home life, your little brother who you loved to death and many other funny anecdote you knew she would enjoy Carter had gotten bel’s attention from the other side of the table, a smirk on her lips. “I think mom found her new favorite daughter” Carter mouthed. Bel had smiled at that, but then blushed like a tomato when she realized the implication. Her grey eyes watched her mother with you. How Rachel looked happy. Genuinely happy. Maybe this was what she was meant for. This life. It wasn’t perfect, but it was hers. She had a mother, a sister and you.
True to her word hot hocolate was served and you watched as Bel moved to pour the hot drinks into the mugs, Carter standing alongside her in the kitchen whispering away. You wondered what they were talking about, although you knew. You. Carter was all animated and Bel looked beyond embarrassed.
It was only when you felt a soft hand touch your shoulder that you tore your eyes away from the girls and took note of Rachel. She looked back between her girls and you, a smirk on her features. Her finger twisted in a motion, moving to her lips like a secret. “I have something to show you. But you’ve got to keep quiet otherwise bel will know and I won’t hear the end of it”.
You eyed bel who was still busy talking to Carter and looking far less annoyed. You got up from your chair quietly and followed Rachel to the living room. There you watched as Rachel took a small album from the bookshelf. Held it out to you, “this is bel’s baby album. I made this for her the day she came home from the hospital.” You watched as Rachel flipped the book open. Rachel’s handwriting no doubt accompanying the photos of a little red baby dressed in the hospital baby gown.
“Nine hour labor. I remember being so scared..but once I held her in my arms I realized I would do anything for her”.
Rachel showed you some more, flipping through the only memories she had of her daughter. You realized these were the memories she had held close to her, these memories.
Anna’s first day home.
First bath
First tooth
First crawl
It also didn’t help that bell was the cutest baby alive with her chubby cheeks and cheeky eyes.
“Thank you..for showing me these Mrs price. I really appreciate you. Bel loves you you know. She talks about you all the time”.
Rachel moved to eye her girls in the kitchen, “it’s not been easy with Anna. Sometimes I think back to seeing her in her car seat. Looking up at me with those eyes. And now I look at her and see a woman. And she’s so beautiful…” Rachel moved to you.
“Your mother was a good friend of mine. And I know you’ll be good to my daughter. I hope you know how much I appreciate that”.
Carter and bel had moved into the room with the hot chocolate and Rachel placed the book back on the shelf.
By the end of the evening as bel walked you to the car she was smiling ear to ear. Her cheeks flushed from the cold.
“I told you to go inside you are going to get sick!” You spoke.
Bell shook her head, moving to kiss your nose, your forehead.
“Screw the cold. You did wonderful in there. My mother practically loves you”.
You smiled, “your mother loves you bel. And I love her. She’s so fascinating and fun! She showed me your baby book-“
“In my defense what baby looks cute at that age!!-“
You only shushed her, brought her close by the tip of her coat. Her body flush with yours, the weight of her arms heavy around you. You pressed a soft long kiss against her lips, savoring how cold they felt a giant yours.
“Goodnight bel” you deadpanned smiling when bell let you go and stepped aside. “Text me when you get home. Drive safe”. Carter came out too, hugging you and tackling bell into a hug as you peeled out of the Price’s driveway laughing when Carter saluted you the whole way.
You were pretty sure you smiled the whole way home.
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unactive-shroom · 8 months
hii can i get nikolai lantsov with prompt 2 or 5 please? thank you sm <3
Prompt #5: Jealousy, Jealousy ♡
“After receiving a few anonymous Valentine’s, it doesn’t seem like your partner’s too happy about it…”
Character: Nikolai Lantsov **Check out the Valentine’s Event Here.
A.n: Thank you for requesting! Someone else requested prompt #2, you can read that here. I hope you enjoy!
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It was a quiet day at the palace. You were lounging in your study, reading over some official documents and daydreaming about what surprise Nikolai had planned for Valentine’s day, when suddenly - “Y/n!” Nikolai burst into the room, brandishing a thick stack of crumpled letters. “Look at this! It’s outrageous!” You sat up straight, slightly startled. Nikolai sat down beside you, holding out the letters, gesturing for you to open them. “’To her majesty, Queen y/n,’” you read aloud. “’The sun pales in comparison to your ethereal beauty. May your feast of Sankt Valentine be blessed with joy and love.’ Oh, that’s lovely… I wonder who sent it?” Nikolai looked at you incredulously. “Okay, open the next one, then.” You hummed as you struggled with the thick wax seal. Nikolai passed you the letter opener that sat on your desk without a word. “Thank you, my love- why are you acting so strange?” “I am acting perfectly normal. Please read your letters.”
You huffed, and unfolded the card. “’Dear y/n l/n. Sankt Valentine has truly blessed us with such a wonderful person as yourself. I would be honoured to be your valentine. -F’ Are all of these Valentine’s cards, Nikolai-?” “Yes! All of these people are sending you mass amounts of cards - flowers and chocolates too!” You smiled, touched by the generosity of your people “Really? How kind of them.” Nikolai stood up in frustration, wringing his hands in exasparation. “No, not kind! You’re my wife! Not theirs! Why are all these people sending an openly married woman Valentines?” He sat down again, his head in his hands, and sighed dramatically. You placed a gentle hand on his back. “My love, tell me you’re not jealous of these people? I expect that they’re simply sending these out of obligation - after all, it is my first Valentine’s as Queen.” Nikolai shook his head, stilling hiding his head in his hands. “No, some of them are really very poetic. And from Noblemen too!” “ Nikolai Lantsov, did you read my Mail?” He looked up at you now, desperately shaking his head. “I was worried! You were getting so many letters, and many from noble families…. and then you were out all morning, and I couldn’t find you to ask, so I had to take matters into my own hands.”
You kissed his cheek. “You don’t need to worry, my love. You are the only one that I have eyes for. And plus, now we have our decor for the festival next week, and we get to enjoy all those chocolates, too.” He smiled and leaned into your embrace, before picking up the official document that you were reading before he had come in and making a face. “Oh, this reminds me, I ought to go send off those documents to Kerch.” He gave you a quick peck on the lips. “I’ll see you in about an hour, okay? And make sure you’re ready for later this evening, I have something great planned. Talk to you soon, my love.”
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seas-storyarchive · 6 months
2 for 1 combined request because yes.
Protection - genderbent au
In the beginning, after Alastriona introduced herself as an overlord.. things got tense.
"Look, pops." Vox said to Rory, the television faced man had invited Rory to a club to talk. "Alastriona is WAY out of your league. Way closer to my tastes and all."
Pfft. This fool wished. "Hmm.." Rory wasn't going to touch his drink, not trusting anyone in this club. Goodness, it was disorienting. "Well, I suppose you'll have to try harder, my good man. For Alastriona is unmatched." He put a tip under his drink and walked out of the club, leaving a drunk Vox to stew in anger when he finally realized what happened.
Cut to when Rory and Alastriona began a courtship, it was very lowkey. He was ever a gentleman, her being a proper lady.
This? Well.. it occured during a monthly meeting of the Overlords.
"Allow me." Rory pushed Alastriona's chair in a bit so she was closer to the table.
Alastriona smiled at him. "Why thank you, Rory. Such a dear." She joked, her ears flicking.
"Hey! Hey Alastriona!" Great.. "I heard you'd be here! I got these for you!" A bouquet of red roses was shoved into her face.
Don't pull out the handgun. Don't pull out the handgun.
"Well, I suppose I should thank you Vox, truly lovely collection of flowers and- oh, tsk." Alastriona's tone was taunting and sarcastic as she took the bouquet, and all the flowers died the moment her fingertips touched it. "I'm afraid my thumbs aren't very green. So sorry-"
"No! No, it's fine!" Vox threw the bouquet away, onto Rory - who ignored the flowers coming back to life in his presence- grinning like a fool at the overlord as he pulled a box out from behind his back. "The finest chocolates in all of the underworld, for you!"
The entire room, apart from Vox, all mentally asked themselves - didn't Vox realize that Alastriona hated sweets? They assumed it was well known!
"Ah, thank you, Vox." Sarcasm and annoyance were not being captured in 4K by the television, it seemed. "But, I am afraid this is ill timed, as I am watching my figure. And am not much for chocolates."
Vox looked a bit crushed, looking past Alastriona to see Rory smirking. He was not about to lose to some - some - founding father, rose pimp looking bitch! "Well, let me know what you want and it's yours!" Vox said to Alastriona. "Anything! No price is too high!"
"Anything?" Alastriona asked, playing with Vox's emotions hardcore as she batted her doe eyelashes at him.
Vox nodded, grinning like a fool again. "Anything.." Oh, Alastriona had him. Poor sucker.
"What I want, Voxxington," oh, watching Vox being so desperate was delicious.. but now was time for him to go eat dirt, "is for you to recognize that when a lady is already in a courtship." She took Rory's hand, interlocking their fingers. "It is highly improper, extremely childish - much like your style of dress - and very rude."
Vox's face, when he finally realized he lost when Rory pulled up Alastriona's hand to kiss the back of it, was that of a broken man. He looked so defeated. Oh, Alastriona wished she had a camera.
The meeting went as normal after that, Vox was silent. Too shocked to say another word. Focusing on Rory and Alastriona's held hands that rested on the table.
Cut to current day:
"Alastriona! I have come for you, darling!"
Alastriona, who sat on a balcony overlooking the lawn, frowned into her mug of coffee.
"Dhis fuck again?" Angel asked, not looking up from his project, sitting at the table across from her to paint her nails.
"Sadly, my effeminate fellow." Alastriona said softly. She tapped her foot, sending her shadow to inform Charlie of their.. unwanted guest. How she missed her staff.
"Come on, babe! Let's get out of this loser hotel!" Vox saw her, finally, his smile becoming a jealous frown. "And go be in the company of people more OUR style!"
"Do you think he'll ever realize his style came from a dumpstah?" Angel asked, checking the shiny purple nail polish. "Hm.. what'chu think?"
Alastriona snorted. "Perhaps that's also where he picked up his personality!" She smiled as Angel laughed, looking at her hand. "I love it! Do you have the same color, but with glitter?"
Her question was met with a wide grin. "I sure as shit do toots!" He dug through his supply to find it.
"Vox, get out of here!" Oh, their show was back on! Angel paused to look over the ledge with Al, seeing Charlie and the rest of the gang ready to kick Vox's ass.
"Should I get my piece?" Angel asked, going back to digging.
"No, no. I'd like to get my nails done please, darling."
"Sure thing, toots." He found the requested polish, starting to paint the rest of her nails.
"You fuckers don't get it!" Vox snapped to the hotel residents. "I saw her first! That found father, pimp lookin, flower patterned fucker stole her from me!"
"How DARE you insult Mister Rory!" Niffty was on Charlie's shoulder, brandishing a knife - with dried exorcist blood on it. Ah, Niffty, darling dear.
"Piss off!" Vaggie's spear was inches from Vox's screen.
"No! I'm not leaving until Alastriona admits she made a mistake and comes with me!" Vox said, smacking the from his face, looking up at the balcony. "You hear me, Alastriona! You made a big mistake! But it isn't too late, babe! Come make the right choice!"
"Go kick rocks, Vox~" Alastriona sang, making Angel laugh.
"But you're supposed to be with me! Not that old timey, founding father-looking, pimp dressing, floral patterned bitch!" Vox stomped his feet like a toddler.
"At least my darling Rory has an actual persona that isn't a picture on a screen!" Alastriona really went there. Holy shit.
"Dayum toots! Save some for the rest of us!" Angel was loving this. It was beautiful.
"You fuck- fucking whore!" Oh, oh there it is. "Get down here, make the right choice, and MAYBE I'll-"
The sound of a shot being fired, and the defeating noise of breaking glass was heard. Vox had a hole in the corner of his television set, a crack from the hole to the other side of his head.
Rory, abandoning his gun - still full of bullets by the way, tackled Vox down to the ground and began to claw and rip and bit at the man while snarling, "insult my wife again! Do it! Do it you tacky piece of-" his hair had elongated, breaking free from the hair tie that held it, as had his teeth and claws.
Alastriona whistled from the balcony before fanning her face. "Oh, how I love the sight of a working man!"
Angel chuckled. "Well, after this, you can tap that."
"Pfft. Oh hush you." Alastriona grinned at him with a blush.
"What I'm just sayin-"
The sound of high pitched screaming, mixing with the sound of tearing bones and wires was heard along with a snarl that was more of a roar.
"Leave! If I catch wind of you here or near my wife again, I will rip off the rest of your limbs and use them as mounts for the clothing in my shop!" Rory roared in Vox's face before getting off of him, holding an arm with frayed wires in his hand.
Vox took that as his cue to run off, with one less arm - the place of breakage with sparks and oil and blood spurting everywhere.
"Niffty darling," Rory held out his other hand, "my handgun, if you please." And, when he had it, he took a few (deliberate) pot shots - he might have gotten a bit too ambitious and actually hit the man in his leg, but worth it - at Vox to help nail the message home.
"My hero!" Alastriona called from the balcony as Rory's features shrank back to normal.
"All in a day's work, my beloved." Rory proudly puffed out his chest as he slid the gun back into his coat.
"You two are sick.." Vaggie said, impressed by also horrified.
"Then I hope to never find a cure." Rory said as he pranced back into the hotel, swinging his prize to and fro like a happy school boy who got a new toy.
"You are good to go and tap it." Angel said with a grin.
"Shut up." Alastriona smacked a twenty onto the table.
"Drop another twenty and I'll do your makeup."
"How about a fifty for hair AND makeup?" Alastriona pulled out the bill.
"You desperate floozy, say less! I'm in!" Angel snatched the bill. "Come with me to my office! I'll even throw in a free outfit consultation!" He led her off the balcony, into the hotel, and to his room.
"Bets on how long it'll take for boxxy boy to forget the memo?" Husk asked as they all filed back into the hotel.
"A week." Vaggie groaned as her spear disappeared.
"I betting 24 hours." Charlie said, getting a nod from Niffty.
"You think that fucker would be that desperate?" Cherri asked.
There was the sound of spitting - Rory had apparently tried Vox's arm, and spat the bit he tried into a napkin.
"What's the verdict, Mister Rory sir?"
"Horrible, Niffty dear. Just plain terrible." Rory said as he snagged the closest bottle from behind the counter, poppped the top, and chugged.
"Where are Angel and Antlers?" Lucifer asked, having seen them leaving the balcony.
"Right here, Luci baby!"
Angel walked down the stairs, with his makeup done. And he wasn't alone.
Alastriona was with him. Wearing heels, a red skirt that covered her knees but left the rest of her legs below bare, a form fitting black shirt with a red short jacket, and her long hair in curls, which highlighted the make up on her face.
"Look at this sexy bitch!" Angel said, hyping up his newly found make up buddy. No one said anything, and nope. Not gonna pass. "I said LOOK!"
Charlie, fighting her bisexual brain, grinned. "Oh my gosh, Al! You look amazing!"
Vaggie nodded, her lesbian brain broke.
Husk just gave a thumbs up, pounding a bottle.
Niffty was moving around Alastriona, going a mile a minute in compliments.
Lucifer nudged Rory, wiggling his eyebrows.
Rory was.. well, the bottle was on the floor and spilling everywhere, his mouth was hanging open and sockets were wide.
"Well, Grinny? What do you have to say- whoa! Hello!"
Rory was on his knees, before Alastriona, holding her hand in his as he kissed it repeatedly. He looked up to her face, adoration on his, "you are gorgeous, my darling."
There was a mixture of "awwws" and gags. It was a fun to watch the two stuttering around each other for the rest of the afternoon.
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bradsbabe · 9 months
For You | Brad Simpson pt 1.
Summary | You and Brad have been together for almost a year, you both are happy together. You are even going on tour with Brad and the other boys and you couldn't be more happy, but ever since you got those hate messages from some "fans" you try your hardest to stay happy and not ruin the tour for Brad and the boys.
Words | 1.67k
pairings | brad simpson x fem reader
warning | kissing, mature themes, arguing
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Sometimes dating someone who is known isn't too bad. I have been going out with Bradley Simpson from The Vamps for almost a year now and he is the most amazing person ever, but some of the fans don't like my relationship with Brad. I have been getting tons of dms from a lot of fan pages asking me why haven't Brad broke up with me yet, or you definitely aren't his type, also ones like ew you're so ugly why is he with you. I try to ignore them, but I can't. 
I heard the door open and I quickly ran upstairs to the bedroom to hide for a bit until my face wasn't puffy and red from crying. I swear I try not to let those comments get to me, but I'm me, I'm a bit insecure with myself, and I ask the same question they do. Does he really deserve me, like I'm not no supermodel or I'm not a singer, I'm just normal.
“Y/n, I have a surprise for you, can you come in the kitchen?” Brad said with excitement. 
“Uhm, yeah I will be right down in a min, I'm finishing getting dressed.” I lied to give my puffy red eyes more time to go away.
After a moment went by I headed downstairs to the kitchen and saw a bouquet of my favourite flowers Japanese Cherry Blossom and of course my favourite chocolates. 
“I love them, Thank you, but what's the occasion?” I said, hugging him.
“Well, we are going on tour next week, and I want you to come along with me.” He asked, cupping my face. “And I know how much you want to travel, so here's your chance.
“I'd be happy to.” I said kissing him.
“Are you excited!” Kirstie asked. I have known Kirstie way before The Vamps were a thing, when I came to the UK for a school thing I bumped into her and the rest well was history, she even introduced me to The Vamps and well Brad was and is my favourite as you can tell.
“Yeah, and nervous, I hate planes, and knowing we will be on them for this whole tour, makes me think twice.” I said packing my clothes.
“Don't worry we are here with you, I bet Brad will keep you occupied.” She said. 
“Can I tell you something and promise you won't tell Brad a thing, not even the other boys.” I said, she nods her head.
“Well have you ever got hate messages from fans, because this one account keeps messaging me and telling me hateful words.” I showed her the messages and she read them.
“Oh my god, why haven't you told Brad, you know he can put a stop to this, you shouldn't have to worry about things like this.” She said.
“I can't, I don't want him to know that he has some “fans” that do things like this, I just block them when they send me hate messages. Besides, I want him to be happy and stress free during the tour.” I said finishing packing.
“Well if they keep up, you're going to have to tell Brad.” She said getting up to hug me.
“Awe look at the besties.” Brad said, walking in. “Are you two ready, we have to go now.” He continued. We nod and he grabs my suitcase and we head to the Uber. James, Kirstie, Brad and myself are riding together to the airport. Of course I have the middle seat sadly. I felt my phone buzz and it was yet another fan page messaging me. I tried to hide my phone away from Brad so that he wouldn't see what they said. This one is all about how I shouldn't be seen with Brad because I am just a nothing and that I should leave the UK and go back home, and they wish that Brad would go back with his ex girlfriend again. I felt the tears coming and I turned my phone off and I just stayed quiet during the ride to the airport.
“Hey is everything okay?” Brad asked, getting out of the car. 
“Yeah.” I lied, I'm not going to let him know his so called fans are picking on me and have him have a bad tour, I want him to enjoy this tour, even if that means I have to try and not let those fans get to me.
Once we got settled on the plane, I decided to take a nap. I'm so exhausted, and it helps my nerves as well.
“Hey Brad has y/n said anything to you lately?” Kirstie asked.
“No, what about?” Brad asked, concerned.
“About how excited she is going on tour.” Kirstie lied. “Well I should go see if James needs anything. She continued and walked away.
Brad settles down and pulls out his phone and turns it on. He sees so many messages popping up, he notices it was y/n and sees a message pop up from a fan calling her ugly. He opens it and sees multiple messages hating on y/n. He looks beside him and sees you sleeping. He starts blocking all the pages that have messaged you.
“Okay here we are.” Brad said, opening up the hotel door. 
Brad pulls me in a hug and the smell of his aftershave is amazing that I can just stay in this hug for hours. Brad starts kissing my neck, sucking on the skin. He knows it turns me on.
“Don't we have to meet the guys.” I asked.
“Yeah later, I finally have you all to myself.” He said taking off his shirt, but before we got to do anything else there was a knock on the door. He grunted while putting his shirt back on. I sat on the bed and Brad opened the door and Tristan came walking in.
“We have been waiting for 5 minutes. Are you two ready?” He asked.
“Yeah.” I said standing up walking towards the door. 
“We'll finish that tonight.” Brad whispered. I couldn't help but to smile.
Once we met up with the guys, we headed out to explore France, but before we got out of the hotel there were some fans waiting for the boys. I stayed inside not wanting to be near any of them in case someone might say something about mine and Brad's relationship.
“Where's y/n?” One of the fans said.
Brad walked back in and saw me sitting on the chair.
“Is everything okay?” He asked me.
“I know about some of the fans messaging you hateful things.” He blurted out.
“Kirstie told you?” I said.
“No I had your phone thought it was mine and messages came popping up. I'm going to write something to them all to leave you alone.” He said.
“No, don't just leave it alone.” I said.
“What, no I'm going to say something, have you read any of those messages?” He said.
“Yes, I know, but just ignore it. I have been blocking them.” I said.
“How long has this been going on?” He asked.
“A couple of months.” I said.
“What, and when were you going to tell me?” He said, angry.
“After the tour…” I said sadly.
“I didn't want you to worry and get upset, I wanted you to have fun on tour.” I continued. 
“Well I'm not now, come on let's go through the back.” He said.
“Why does Brad look irritated?” Kirstie said sitting next to me at the bar.
“He found out about the fans, and is pissed because I didn't tell him when it first started.” I said.
Brad and I haven't talked the whole night, and I decided to leave early. I get that he's upset but not wanting to talk is a different thing. I decided to stay the night with Kirstie and James, give Brad some time alone.
The next day Kirstie and I decided to watch them rehearse. Everyone noticed the difference in Brad, he was having a rough rehearsal.
“I should have just stayed home.” I told Kirstie.
“What, why?” She asked.
“Brad isn't having a fun tour. Everyone knows the difference in him, he was fine before, now he's irritated and in a bad mood, because of me.” I said.
“No, it's those so called fans.” Kirstie said.
“I'm going back to the hotel.” I said walking away.
“Where are you going?” Brad said.
“Back to the hotel room.” I said.
“So now you're going to ignore me?” He asked, getting frustrated.
“I'm not ignoring you, I just think me being here was a mistake.” I blurted out.
“Well if that's what you think then by all means go.” He said.
I didn't say anything, because some fans were coming in to watch the boys rehearse. I looked back at Brad already on stage doing what he does best. Tears started coming down and I saw Kirstie running towards me. She brought me in a hug and I just broke down more. She walked me back to the hotel and helped me pack my things. She tried all she could to stop me from leaving, but I think Brad and I needed some space. I didn't want him to be frustrated while on tour. I want him to have fun and enjoy it, rather than fighting with me over some fans. Kirstie stayed with me until the Uber came to pick me up.
“Are you sure you want to leave, how about stay with James and I.” She said.
“I think it's best if I leave.” I said.
As we walked out the guys were walking down the hall they all looked confused, even Brad.
“Are you leaving?” Brad said.
“Yeah, I think it was a mistake coming, I caused things and I think it's best if I leave, besides I want you all to have fun and enjoy this tour.” I said.
“Can we talk in private?” Brad said, walking me to the room.
Author: hello hope everyone liked this if so ill write more!
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somanyratsinthewalls · 10 months
300 Followerfest!
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Hi guys I am so so so thankful for each and every one of you and I wanted to take some special requests to celebrate! Sooooooooo as long as asks are open you can send something to me and I'll try my best to get to as many as I can! I'm asking you to pick a flavor (character) and a flower (prompt) and I'll whip up a fun little one shot. If you don't want smut pleeease specify because it's kind of my jam and it'll probably end up in that direction. Oh, also! If you have another character in mind that isn't on the list, I'll see what I can do! Let's do this >:)
xx Mo
(Choices under the Cut)
✨vanilla✨ Luffy
✨chocolate✨ Zoro
✨strawberry✨ Nami
✨mint chocolate chip✨ Usopp
✨ caramel✨ Sanji
✨lavender✨ Robin
✨rocky road✨ Franky
✨cinnamon✨ Ace
✨cookies and cream✨ Kid
✨pistachio✨ Law
✨bubble gum✨ Buggy
✨butter pecan ✨ Shanks
✨ lemon ice ✨ Mihawk
✨ matcha✨ Killer
✨cookie dough✨ Hancock
✨ Neapolitan✨ Sir Crocodile
✨fudge brownie✨ Sabo
✨sunflower ✨ "We aren't sharing a bed, I'll sleep on the floor."
✨daisy✨"I can't even speak when I'm with you, all the words I've known are lost inside your body."
✨rose✨"You're such a fucking asshole."
✨bluebell✨ "You think I don't care about you? What do you want me to do, push you out there and fuck you in front of them?!"
✨snapdragon✨ "Come on, have another drink! What's the worst that could happen?"
✨snowdrop✨ "You're obviously freezing. Just come here."
✨ fern✨ "Yes, I have feelings for you. Anyway. Moving on from that..."
✨crocus✨ "Kiss me."
✨ lily ✨ "I'd eat 10 devil fruits if it meant I could see you naked."
✨maple✨ "They're right outside that door baby, you don't want them to hear you like this, right?"
✨ magnolia ✨"I'd die for you."
✨Venus fly trap ✨"Good sluts don't talk with their mouths full."
✨ poison ivy ✨ "I'd call you an. imbecile but that wouldn't be fair since you can't spell it."
✨hyacinth✨ "You know I'm sorry..."
✨baby’s breath✨ "I know I kissed you, but I don't think I did it right... will you let me try again?"
✨poplar ✨ "Shhh I know baby, I know it's good. You're doing so good for me..."
✨ hibiscus✨ "Do we like... hold hands now?"
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deafeningsheeppoetry · 5 months
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Synopsis: A sudden mysterious murder brings a budding romance between a blind model and a private detective
Content warning: mentions of blood, murder, suicide, knife
Genre: romance, 1950/60 (s)
Word count:1k(ish)
Authors note: I'm back! Currently writing for hashirama because I feel like he isn't written enough unlike madara who is clearly more liked, forgive me if i made hashirama way too ooc, we barely have any screen time about him so I'm relying on what the anime gave us,the story is clearly inspired by veil but the turn of events in this story is original and are all made out by me.
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October 14 , 1958
"have you heard? The girl from our agency died" Nancy spoke as she drank her hot chocolate quietly, the girl besides her dazed ,quipped in surprise as she raised a brow
"since when?" She asked, quite curious about the matter,Nancy whispered to her softly in the other girl's ear "just last night,they think it's her husband who killed her. Murdered her with a knife,i heard the husband was furious because he thought the girl was cheating with her photographer" Nancy explained quietly before pulling away
"was it Dorothy?" Celia asked, Nancy muttered a simple 'yes' from her mouth "i heard Dorothy was sleeping with the photographer for months now,William i think is his name" Celia added as she listened to the sounds of cars and people walking around the shop "though I think it's only just a rumor" she added again as she sipped her coffee in silence "Nancy buy me a bouquet of flowers will you? Give it to her mother and send my condolences as well" Nancy muttered a simple 'yes' before standing up
"I'll see you tomorrow,call me when you get back home alright?" Nancy spoke before giving her friend one last hug before leaving the shop
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"excuse me" the senju spoke as he stopped the unknown woman from going inside the building "yes?" The woman asked "you're not allowed from going inside unless you're a worker, it is protocol" hashirama explained to the woman In front of him,he saw her raise her eyebrows in confusion "i work here,I am one of the models" she explained to him, hashirama looked at her in surprise before laughing awkwardly "oh forgive me..we weren't given any portfolio on who to let in" he said awkwardly before moving out of the way so she could go inside,he saw her smile slightly at him "it's fine,I'm sure that everyone is stressed right now due to the murder" she assured him "have a pleasant day" she added before going inside
'she's beautiful..' he thought to himself as he watched her walk inside the building "sir? An officer walked over to him "this will be the people who you will be questioning today" the girl handed him a portfolio full of paper "thanks" the girl nodded at him before leaving.
Maybe he'll meet that pretty model again,he thought to himself .
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A/N: this has been sitting in my drafts for months now,i seriously forgot about it ,i kinda got stuck at the end lol
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dirtymartiniquinn · 2 years
Alias - A Valentine's special
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Joseph Quinn x Fem!Reader
Summary: It's Valentine's Day and Joe finds a way to make sure you have a good day, despite the (literal) distance between you two.
CW / disclaimer: rpf (don't read if it's not your jam), fem!reader, tooth rotting fluff, a bit of smut~
Author's note: Hi, hello, here I am a bit later than expected. While I hadn't planned to continue Alias, I had been thinking of writing a fun special for a while. The ideas I originally had went down the drain, hence the long absence, but I hope this little Valentine's snippet can still grant you with some nice feel good feels. :) Enjoy! <3
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Valentine’s Day this year sadly fell on a Tuesday. Now that you finally had someone to spend it with, of course it had to be on a day where it was impossible to meet. In all fairness, no day in the week would have worked, given that you and Joe lived at a distance from each other, but you liked to complain about it being on a weekday nonetheless. You had talked about it too, agreeing that it was all too commercial and that one day a year shouldn’t be the moment to love your partner a little extra. Joe made sure you knew how much he cared for you all the time, on random occasions. He was pretty much perfect in that regard. Yet, when you were watching some lengthy Valentine’s Day ad on YouTube, you couldn’t help but wish something similar happened to you. It was just a cliche, wasn’t it? And people asking what your plans were and having to say ‘nothing’.
So when the day came around, you were very surprised to see a gift box being brought to your desk. You were met with some jealous glances here and there and Deniz just smirked, telling you that you owed him a muffin for predicting Joe would definitely send something to work.
“I want a chocolate one, the big one.”
Turning your head as you were still admiring the outside of the gift box while looking for the note, you chuckled. He didn’t waste a second.
“Want it right now? I’ll go get it.”
“Yes, but find the note first. I want to see what it says.”
“Who says I’ll tell you?” you countered. Deniz rolled his eyes and poked your arm. You chuckled and reached for the note once you spotted it below the ribbon and read it, first to yourself, then out loud, your voice still hushed.
“Hi love, I know what we said about Valentine’s, but you know me well enough to know that I can’t stop myself. Just--”
“Told you. The man can’t stop himself,” Deniz interrupted.
“Shush! Do you want to hear it or not?”
“Yes, yes,” he quipped quickly and you continued. 
“Just wanted you to have a nice day even though I’m not there. Would have loved to just laze on the couch with you. Much love, your Joe,” you finished. You felt your cheeks grow warmer, your smile widening as you thought of him writing this note. It was handwritten, unlike the last time when he had sent flowers to the office after your recent meeting. You knew he wasn’t too fond of writing, so it warmed your heart that he put extra effort into making it look nice. Not only that, but you felt his absence even more now.
“Your Joe. God I’m melting, how are you not melting? Don’t get used to this, he’s special. Cherish that little Brit,” Deniz groaned affectionately.
“I am melting, I can assure you that. I just have developed better skills at hiding it, thanks to this little Brit,” you said amusedly.
“You’re being spoiled,” Deniz pouted and you could tell he felt extra single at that moment. You couldn’t blame him. Had it been the opposite, you would have longed for a limitless snack and movie night with some scented candles.
“So…? Open it!” Deniz urged impatiently. As much as you wanted to tease your colleague, you opened the box quickly as he wasn’t the only one who was curious. Inside, the first layer consisted of a heart shaped box with chocolates in it along with a scented candle. However, the familiar scent that had entered your nostrils as soon as you had opened the box definitely didn’t come from the candle, you realized as you took the two gifts out and was met with a black sweater save for the tiny red heart that was embroidered on the wrist. As you brought the sweater closer, you recognized Joe’s perfume and sighed, hugging the sweater tight. He must have sprayed a shit ton on it to still have it smell that strongly, you mused.
“No this… this is actually too adorable. I quit. I can’t stand him,” your colleague murmured. “A goddamn sweater… He knows what he’s doing, that man.”
“I’ll get your muffin sourpuss. Hell, I’ll even get you two,” you said with a sweet smile as you noticed the frown upon his face. You carefully put the gifts back into the box and got up to get to the vending machine.
“You’re the best!” he called after you with a grin. You smiled, already fantasizing about how you were going to wear Joe’s sweater tonight, pretending he was actually next to you instead of his apartment in London.
While you were on your way home, you received a text from Joe. You had thanked him by text earlier, as you hadn’t been able to call him at the time and decided you’d rather call him elaborately at home. Apparently, he had the same idea.
You home yet? Got time to call? x
After texting him back that you would be home in twenty and call him, you got into a cab and spent the ride home talking to the driver about the wonderful man who had given you the pretty gift box. The man himself, who had introduced himself as Cameron, couldn’t wait to bring home his wife’s favorite chocolates and wine and dance to their song. You felt a little jealous that he got to spend it with his loved one, but you wished him a great evening nonetheless.
As soon as you buzzed open the door to your apartment building, some obnoxious guy immediately rushed in after you. An infuriating thing, you always thought, considering you never knew whether you just let in a lazy person or a burglar. You briefly gave him a side eye but his head was hidden by the humongous bouquet of red roses in his hand, which made you assume that maybe he had rushed in to surprise his partner. No wonder he nearly bumped into the elevator door just now. It surprised you when he decided to take the stairs, as it seemed highly inconvenient, but maybe his partner lived on the first floor?
The elevator doors opened and you listened to the creaking sound of the mechanics that you liked to call “the elevator music” on your way up. On the seventh floor you got out and as you made your way to your apartment you could hear the faint huffing of a man who should have just gone with the elevator. Oh well, not your problem. You kicked off your shoes immediately and as soon as you had hung up your coat, you took off your sweater and flung your bra across the room as well, leaving you topless in the living room only for a moment until you put the sweater on that Joe had gifted you. It felt warm and cozy and the need to just lay in bed while hugging yourself was immense. Unfortunately, someone had other plans. The doorbell rang, which was odd, because normally no one rang your doorbell. You just let them in at the entrance and waited at the door for them to come up. So who would—
A faint out of breath sigh caught your attention as you neared your front door. There was no way. Was it the guy with the flowers? You nearly felt guilty, knowing you could have spared him all those stairs if you had known it was for you. Joe had really gone all out if it was indeed the flower guy, you thought with fondness, although the bouquet was so large that you weren’t sure you were going to be able to fit it in any vase you owned. 
You realized that the delivery guy was also lucky too, considering you only just got home. Joe knew you’d be home around this time but it was never precise due to the cabs and traffic. Had you been a little later, the man would have gone all the way up for nothing. Deciding that you shouldn’t let the poor guy wait, you quickly opened the door.
“Hi,” you said as you were faced with the flowers again.
“On behalf of your boyfriend, I am here to wish you a Happy Valentine’s Day,” the guy spoke in an American accent. American? That was odd. Aside from that, he sounded like…
“Aw man, how’d you know ’t was me? I changed my accent and everything!” Joe mumbled, half American half British as he lowered the bouquet.
“Only you would be mental enough to take the stairs when there is a perfectly fine elevator,” you joked. Joe rolled his eyes and started gesturing with his free hand as he continued to explain himself.
“I did that because I saw you! My cover would have been blown otherwise,” Joe argued, still a little out of breath.
“You could have taken the other elevator, babe.”
“I was going to, but then you of all people were there so I panicked,” Joe huffed and you let out a giggle. “And then—”
“Joey,” you gently interrupted him, “I would really like to crush my boyfriend in a tight hug now, please,” you pleaded as you stepped aside to let him in. In the next few seconds he wrapped you in the tightest hug, the bouquet slightly nudging the back of your head. You couldn’t tell whether you smelled him, or if it was him on the sweater. It didn’t matter. He was here now, with you, in person. He was so going to tease you for not even wasting a minute to put on the sweater, you thought to yourself.
“Fuck, my hand’s cramping, this bouquet is too fucking heavy,” Joe groaned, reluctantly letting go of you to hand you the bouquet.
“It is massive,” you commented, feeling the weight in your hands. Joe snorted.
“Heard that before.”
“Oh shut up. I never said th—”
Joe gave you a look and you were tempted to swat at him with the bouquet.
“Not today, you arse! Be nice!”
“Oh so now I can’t tease you because it’s Valentine’s Day?” he pouted, mocking you as passionately as you had been teasing him earlier.
“No, you can’t.”
“How awfully commercially influenced of you,” he grinned, following you out of the hallway into the living area where you already started looking around for vases. You managed to put the flowers in your sink without it tipping over, which gave you the opportunity to gather several smaller vases to spread them in.
It didn’t take Joe long to wrap his arms around your waist from behind as you started cutting off the ends of the roses to match the size of the vases.
“Baby c’mon, this can wait,” he mumbled against your neck.
“Actually it can’t, and I don’t want to let them go to waste.”
“So you’ll let me go to waste instead?” he asked in feigned agony as his lips found your neck, showering the skin with sweet kisses.
“I think you’ll live,” you murmured with a smile. “It will only take a couple of minutes.”
“I think I’ll wither away,” Joe mumbled, letting go of you so he could fill the vases up with water. Once all the roses had found their neat little places scattered around your home, you turned around to look for Joe. To your surprise, he was right behind you and pushed you up the nearest wall as he devoured your lips. Your initial giggles died down as desire took over, already fumbling to get his shirt out of his pants so you could run your hands over his bare back. Joe was well on his way to doing the same when his thumb brushed the embroidered heart on your sleeve.
“Hold up,” he said softly as a grin spread on his lips. “Did you put this on in the three minutes you had between getting home and finding me at your door?” he asked smugly. You groaned as you hid your face in his chest, causing Joe to laugh.
“Shut up,” you mumbled against him. Joe was not having your face hiding antics and cupped your face between his hands.
“You’re so cute,” he mused, grinning from ear to ear before giving you a fat kiss on the lips, sound effects and everything.
“Says the one sending me a gift box, flowers and himself,” you grinned.
Joe let go of your face suddenly and grasped at his chest instead. You raised your eyebrow at him, waiting for him to elaborate.
“I forgot my bow. I had a tiny little red bow to put like… here,” he mumbled while wiggling his finger between two buttons of his shirt. “Like a present, you know?”
“You did not really plan to do that,” you sought confirmation rather than asking him a question. Joe snorted and shook his head, still very smiley and giddy.
“I didn’t.”
Only now you noticed that he had discarded his coat over a chair and how amazing he looked underneath. His white button up wasn’t exactly special, but along with the two chains he was wearing and the buttons he had left open at the top, it made you want to eat him up. Not only that, but those fitted black pants?! A sight for sore eyes. You forgot you were staring at him all the while until he crossed his arms and broke the silence.
“Y/N, are you checking me out right now?” A smirk lay on his lips and he lifted an eyebrow in question.
“I am,” you admitted without second thought. “I just can’t believe you’re really here. The flowers distracted me for a second but— God I missed you.”
“I am but a mere human, love,” he teased you as he engulfed you in a warm hug. “I missed you too. Loads and loads. I hope this surprise isn’t inconvenient for you or anything? Not interrupting a date with your secret lover, am I?” he asked softly, leaning back to look at you. A gentle push against his chest combined with a laugh that left your lips was your response, ending with a shake of your head.
“I had plans with Netflix and a bunch of snacks,” you shrugged. “I’ll gladly sacrifice that if I can get you in return.”
“We could still do all of that, just together? The main thing I longed for was to just have you in my arms. Cuddle all evening, just being with you,” Joe confessed, looking away for a moment as his flushed cheeks betrayed how badly he had longed for it.
“That sounds amazing.”
To be fair, neither of you really had any idea what movie you had been watching for the past hour and a half. After settling snug against each other you may have lasted five minutes tops before Joe’s hand traveled down from your waist to your thigh. You had both changed into sweatpants, though you kept the top half, which made Joe look a little funny. Like those zoom calls where you only dressed up as far as they would be able to see you. Your hand in return wandered up his chest until it settled in his neck to have him lean against it as your lips devoured the other side. His lips parted, the softest of gasps escaping his lips as you sucked on his skin, creating a subtle hickey, easy to hide by his collars. He chuckled after you left about three more, his hand wandering down to your bum as you turning to him slightly had given him better access.
“The MUA is going to be so pissed at you. Well, more so pissed at me but it will be your doing,” he smirked right as you soothed your latest creation with your tongue.
“They can show off their skills then. What kind of shoot was it again?”
“Dunno, something topless though, I know that much.”
“Oh, then I guess I’ll behave a little,” you hummed, canceling your plans to make a whole trail all the way down to his waistband.
“What? No. Be a rebel baby,” he protested as he pulled you onto his lap. “My turn now though.” Before you could give a witty response his lips latched onto your neck, causing a soft noise that wasn’t a moan just yet but would become one in a minute or two to leave your mouth. In return, Joe did moan, your sounds always being the main thing to rile him up. Wanting to hear more of him, you decided to roll your hips against his with purpose, making sure he felt all of you. Surely enough, both of his hands came down to grab your hips and push you down harder as he left open mouthed kisses in your neck, his moans never subsiding.
“Nice movie, huh?” you teased, a little breathless.
“The best,” Joe agreed with a grunt and you could feel his smile against your skin. Your movements became more erratic as time went on and at one point, Joe suddenly got up, pulling your legs around his waist as he made his way to your bedroom. Or so he thought.
“Wrong room, it’s the one on the left,” you whispered in his ear with a giggle.
“Oh fuck me you’re right,” he mumbled, walking to the right one this time. “I swear you make my brain go all woozy and useless sometimes.”
“Fuck me, hm?” you repeated his words, grinning.
“Well, yes, though I kinda wanna do the fucking if you don’t mind, love,” he smirked as he let you down on the bed, immediately crawling over you.
“Hmmm let me think about it,” you said, putting a hand on his chest to prevent him from kissing you. Joe took hold of your hand, raising an eyebrow at you.
“Oh alright, I’ll allow it,” you gave in teasingly and Joe rolled his eyes as he lay down between your legs.
“You say that as if you won’t be begging me for it in a bit,” he responded sassily, already playing with the hem of your sweater as he slowly slid his hand underneath.
“I think you’d beg me first darling,” you said as you put on a mocking lower voice to imitate him (and his accent). “Oh, love, please let me come, please please I’m so close, baby baby baby—”
“Oh shut up,” he grinned, “You said you liked it when I was more vocal.”
“Oh I do. I really do. I just used this as an example to show how much of a beggar you are, baby,” you said with a sweet, innocent (not innocent at all) smile. It was a little hard to focus with Joe’s fingers teasing upwards from your stomach to your chest, especially not since he lay flush on top of you, his hard length teasing you as he casually moved.
“We both know you can do some decent begging of your own. Usually when I’m— Oh? No bra? You really are quick,” he mused as he let his thumb toy with your nipple until it hardened. All sassy comebacks died on your tongue when his other hand joined in as well to give both of your nipples the same attention and when you felt the softest twitch of his hard-on a moan left you.
“There’s my sweet girl,” he said softly, leaning in with a satisfied smile to kiss you. It was all you needed to completely melt for him, his smooth yet subtle confidence reigning you in like a drug as his hips started to move against you again. He nudged you to sit slightly upright and knowing what he wanted, you lifted your arms so he could take off the sweater. Not long after, both of you had gotten rid of all of your clothing and Joe was making you see stars as he worked his tongue between your legs. With a few fingers inside you he assisted his tongue as it circled over your heat, causing an orgasm to ripple through you in no time. Your hand was buried into his curls as you rolled your hips against him, the only sounds a mix of both your moans and the lewd noises coming from between your legs as he continued to pleasure you until you came down from your high.
With a gentle tug of his hair you signaled him to come up and you shared a heated kiss, tongues fighting for dominance until you distracted him by taking hold of his hard length and positioning it right at your entrance. A whine escaped his lips as you stopped after giving him only a few tugs, his eyes searching yours almost desperately.
“Fuck me,” you whispered against his lips, his lust blazen eyes meeting yours as he thrust into you, his eyes rolling back at the feeling of you surrounding him. He tried to kiss you sloppily as his movements became quicker, missing your lips occasionally but enjoying every second of it as your moans mixed together in breathy exhales. It didn’t take him long to get himself over the edge, your absence from each other being the cause of that. His hand slipped between you both and not much later a second wave of pure bliss washed over you as well.
For some time, you just lay there, whispering sweet nothings to each other as your bodies relaxed and your heartbeats slowed down again. The shower you took together afterwards resulted in some quick handjobs and you on your knees, making the bed seem all the better once you finally settled beside each other to get some rest. Your head resting on his bicep, leg over his waist which he caressed with his hand while giving you soft kisses on the lips.
“Happy Valentine’s Day darling,” Joe said softly, smiling warmly at you.
“Happy Valentine’s Day my love,” you whispered, leaning in for another kiss.
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Dirty Martini taglist:
@thefemininemystiquee - @peaches-and-plums-motherfucker - @cup-half-full-of-anxiety - @emmysuebull22 - @figmentofquinn - @theonewiththecrackedmind - @squidscottjeansjeans - @freakymunson - add yourself
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goldenempyrean · 2 years
It’s The Thought That Counts 
❥ Valentines Drabbles: Day 4 
❥ Pairing: Allergic Wanda x Reader 
❥ Wordcount: 785 
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: 
“You bought me flowers?” Wanda gasped as you handed her a beautiful, bright bouquet of assorted flowers. Wanda smiled widely as she held them up to her face, inhaling deeply as she relished in the fragrance, “Oh sweetie, they smell so good!” 
You shuffled around, twiddling your thumbs nervously, “I thought that maybe you’d like them. I saw them and I thought of you instantly and I know it’s a little basic just to get someone flowers on Valentine's Day but they were just so pretty that I had to get them for you.” 
"Oh, baby. They're lovely," Wanda purrs lovingly, "Thank you so much." She inhales deeply again, enjoying the sweet, floral scent for a few moments before her nostrils flare as her face slowly morphing into an unrecognisable expression. 
“Wanda? You alright there sweetie? Is something wrong?” 
“Hih-” Wanda sniffled frantically as her brow scrunches up while her eyelashes flatter rapidly, desperately scrubbing at her nose before turning away from you as she is sent forward into a fit a sneezing, her head bobbing down with sneeze. 
“Hh-h'ktshi! Eiiishiew! 
The first sneeze is surprising. The second one is shocking, and the third, the fourth... each one comes in a sharp, violent burst, and once Wanda's on the verge of her eleventh, she has no choice but to keep her face constantly buried inside the crook of her elbow. 
"Bless you Wanda! Sweetie what’s wrong? " You rush to her side, a shocked look of concern displayed across your face as she sniffled wetly against the back of her knuckles, you went to cup her face but you were instantly pushed away as Wanda bent forward at her waist as she sneezed again. 
Your brow furrows at her fit of sneezing, and there's a concerned edge to your tone. "Jeez Wands, are you okay?" It's hard to imagine what could have set off so much sneezing. Maybe dust? You glanced around the room, hoping it was a one-time thing and not a symptom for anything worse. "Are you getting sick?" 
Wanda shook her head, “No, I feel fine, it’s just my whole face feels like it's on fire. My eyes are so freaking itchy!” She sniffled at her runny nose as she blinked rapidly maybe hoping that something had just gotten in them, “I only ever feel like this when...” She trailed off, her shoulders dropping solemnly as her eyes cast down to the flowers still in her hand. 
"When... what, Wanda?" 
Wanda wasn’t able to respond, she was too busy squirming uncomfortably, fidgeting as she tried to use her fingers to massage her sinuses. 
"When what? You've never acted like this before. Am I missing something—like, oh God—are you allergic to flowers?!" You asked frantically remembering a conversation from a few years ago when Wanda had casually mentioned that she’s constantly sneezing during spring. 
The allergic woman only managed to nod her head before stifling another fit of desperate sneezes. “Oh sweetie,” You sighed as Wanda sniffled thickly, rubbing at her itching eyes, “If I’d have known you were allergic, I would never have gotten you them flowers! I would’ve gotten you something even more cliché, like love-heart shaped chocolates or something like that.” 
Wanda tried to shake her head but that only further irriated her reddening nose, sending her into another fit of stifled sneezes.
“Oh Wands...bless you sweetheart but stifling isn't going to solve anything, your just gonna make it worst. Especially if your nose is so desperate to get rid of that irritant.” 
Allergic tears began to run down Wanda’s face as she struggled to keep her twitching nose under control, “I know –hh- that –HihH- honey but I’ll end up sneezing like a million times otherwise – Hh'itshuu! Hheh-iitshu! Heh-Ih-Hh Hhe’ITSHHIEW! Ugh, I'm so sorry, that was gross but see! It doesn’t help at all!” 
“Poor dear I don’t think you’re gross at all. Just a little concerned. Your poor nose must be on fire with all that itchy pollen. Here, let me take those,” You reached forward and took the flowers from her grasp, “Now, let’s get you sorted out, okay? We’re gonna get you upstairs and into a shower which should help wash away everything. Then I’m gonna get you some pretty strong antihistamines, they should make you feel a lot better, okay? 
Wanda sniffled as you pulled her towards into a hug, “I’m sorry about your flowers but I guess it’s the thought that counts... I just wish we could keep them though.” Even three years into your relationship Wanda manages to surprise you. Shes more bothered about your gift then her own reaction. Your comforting hand comes to rest on her back as she stifles another sneeze against your shoulder. 
“You have nothing to apologise for, I promise. Now, c'mon. Let’s get you into the shower.” 
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