#thank you for the question setaflow!
butchsquatch · 10 months
3, 8, 24. Make me cry or my money back >:3
make you CRY?
3. Do they try to prevent unnecessary suffering?
When Viko is doing well, absolutely! He's not big on making life hard for people or . When he's doing badly, cotard's syndrome bad, he doesn't care what happens to other people cause to him they are not real or stuck in the same hell he's in.
Reev??? That's a tricky one because he likes causing what he thinks is necessary suffering. But he's going out of his way to make sure that no cyberpsychos die. But he did drive after someone for 2 miles after they clipped his car while he was back out.....so take with that what you will.
Vulp will keep hitting someone with a baseball bat even if they're already knocked out.
8. Do they feel glee at the sight of blood?
When he got really into his merc work, Viko did feel a certain amount of glee at seeing blood, because it meant he was doing his job right. Viscera, not so much. He's a knife thrower so he's not seeing a lot of blood. 2079!Viko is a little different cause he's a lot softer but also has interesting kinks, to put it lightly.
I would say Reev feels glee seeing blood, but that's definitely not a good thing. Upon getting to Night City and Vik giving him access to NCPD records, Reev decided that he was judged, jury, and executioner.
Vulp is a little freak man and he definitely likes blood
24. Do they like maiming?
Viko does not like maiming and the idea of doing that to someone really freaks him out
Reev will only maim if he thinks it's necessary, otherwise, he will simply kill.
Vulp will just maim a mother fucker with a baseball bat. It's a terrible habit.
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ghostoffuturespast · 1 year
Find the Word/Manuscript Search Tag
Tagged by @morganlefaye79! Thanks so much! :)
I've done one of these before with a different set of words, but got a fresh batch and it's a fun easy way to showcase writing.
My words were: refuse, deep, kiss and beach.
V hesitated. “And if I refuse?” Jenkins tilted his head at the hint of insubordination. “This isn’t a request V. And take this.” He pulled a stack of paper eddies out of another case and set it on the table. “Use this money only, find the right people for the job - no corporate affiliation. And for the core task use someone you know. Inside and out. Are we clear?” “Crystal.” She reached down and pocketed the stack of eddies.“In that case, I’ll await your report. My AV is waiting outside, it’s yours to use. Don’t disappoint me.” V turned and quickly left the office. Jenkins started another holo call as she passed through the doors. She almost ran down the hallway. Fingers shaking, her heart was going to explode out of her chest, and everything around her was moving too slow. She wrenched her desk drawer open and relief washed over her as she took a hit of the neuro stim. She eased herself down into her chair and leaned her head back at the ceiling, with the neuro stim she could finally think clearly.
She turned around. The man was taller than Jackie by a few inches. His shaved scalp and last-gen military grade cybernetic eye cut an intimidating figure. V guessed he was probably a detective but, with the faux fur lined coat and the one earring, she couldn’t make up her mind if he resembled a pimp or a pirate more. He was tan and broad shouldered, muscles hidden underneath his coat. V noticed the cybernetic hand and decided on pirate. Toss in a hat and a hook. She might consider him decent looking if he didn’t have such a deep scowl marring his features. V blinked, that hit to the head was talking awfully loud.
Warm lips caught River by the corner of his mouth, spanning the scant space in between them. He angled his head toward her to correct course and meet her fully. Tentative. Questioning. V leaned into the kiss, hands coming up to cup his jaw, asking for more. Slender fingers traced heavy down his neck, stumbling over the sleeves of his coat on their journey. Cool glossy fingertips tempered his heated skin, running over his chest and along the muscles of his arms. Breath mingled as River bent forward and kissed V back, sharp edges yielding to softness. Too close, too far. It wasn’t enough. River looped one of his massive arms around V’s waist, coat and all, to draw her closer.
River unlocked the door to his apartment and leaned heavily against the doorframe once inside. He stared blankly out the tiny sliver of a window he had, a small glimpse of the ocean in the distance. River wouldn’t call it beach front property, but it was a damn sight nicer than some of the other places he’d lived. He heaved a sigh. There were no cockroaches waiting for him at the door. Shucking off his boots, he hung up his coat and secured his revolver, before making his way to the shower. The hot water did okay at washing away his afternoon but did little to erase the events of the past week. He ran his hands over his face, deciding the stubble was a problem for tomorrow. Toweling off and throwing on a pair of sweatpants, he fell face first into his mattress like a sack of bricks.
Tagging with no pressure: @fly-amanitaa @another-corpo-rat @merge-conflict @vox-monstera @setaflow @just-a-cybercroissant
Your words should you choose to accept your mission: soft, neon, blood, & haze.
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wanderingaldecaldo · 1 year
Find the Word/Manuscript Search Tag
Tagged by @setaflow (wait, wind, teeth, hope) and @fly-amanitaa (safe, breathe, regret, light) -- thank you both! This one looked like a lot of fun so I'm excited to give it a go! I'm using my three most recent WIPs -- the corpo AU longfic, and two PWPs that are based on prompts I received in April -- one will be the next in the Streetkid Val series, and one is post corpo AU longfic.
Results and tags after the cut bc it got long 😂
This is from the corpo AU longfic, and the clear winner -- three times in three paragraphs lmao
[Mitch] steps into the apartment, again feeling out of place. He decides to take her up on the offer and orders a coffee from the vending machine, then pulls out a stool at the bar and waits. The quality of the coffee disappoints him—bitter and burnt—but then he’s been spoiled by camp coffee his whole adult life.
He glances around the penthouse as he waits. It looks the same as it did before, everything in perfect place. He wonders if she even lives here because the place feels sterile. He’s not sure he’s seen anything that looks remotely like her.
A set of matching suitcases wait by the elevator—four of them, matte black with shiny silver accents, two large and two smaller.
This was an interesting one because of the homonyms, and I had "wind" as in twisting, but I was hoping for "wind" as air current, and I found one in the corpo longfic!
Her eyes crinkle as the smile returns and his breath quickens, and as an excuse to look away he digs his cigarettes from his pockets. He leans back on the couch and exhales smoke at the tent ceiling. She makes no moves to fill the silence and he’s thankful. They’ve sat in silence plenty on her visits to camp, and he always finds it welcome; hardly a moment’s peace around camp, and he appreciates the break from chatter. 
His chest aches as his thoughts turn to the first time they sat like this, when she stayed behind on the bridge despite his wishes to the contrary. He’d wanted solitude for his sorrow, but then she grabbed a chair and sat there beside him, nothing between them but the tinkle of glass and slosh of beer and the wind.
Ohhh it was hard to pick one because, yeah... but I was good 😏 Also from the corpo longfic
“If that’s what it takes to get you in a suit,” she says and gives him another full smile. 
His stomach twists and his cheeks warm and he looks away. He’d thought he was over that little crush he’d developed after Scorp died, but after the last half hour he’s no longer sure. Suddenly spending a month with her in a hotel room seems like a questionable decision.
“Uh, something I should probably ask first. We’ll have two beds, right?”
“What, you don’t wanna snuggle? I’m a good snuggler,” she says, pulling her bottom lip between her teeth as she grins at him. Cheeks burning hotter, he shakes his head and scoffs though he can’t stop his mouth from curving up. “Yes, we’ll have two beds. Already talked to my contact about some of the detes and a two bedroom suite is a firm requirement for me taking the contract.”
...and another from the corpo longfic.
The boxing match quiets and the chair wheels squeak as Vik rolls over on it. “How ya feeling, kid?”
Mitch guffaws. “Kid? Been a minute since anyone called me that. Don’t think you have that many years on me.”
Vik laughs, a rich sound that fills the room. “Know I do, Mitch. You forget, I got your medical records right here. Had hair on my balls before you were born.”
“Heh, hope to look as good at your age,” he answers without thinking. Vik blushes, and Mitch does too, and he quickly changes the subject. “’m feeling okay, just a bit of a headache, some nausea.”
Heyyyy from something else! This is from the "rough or gentle" prompt which ofc turned into something angsty bc that's just how things are with Streetkid Val 😬
“C’mon, city girl. Not gonna kill you.”
Normally when he calls her “city girl” she loves it; beyond just another term of affection, something about the way he says it makes her tremble. But this time, it feels like an insult rather than affection so she scowls and crosses her arms.
“How do you know?”
“Because it’s from deep underground, away from any ground pollution. Had a well on the farm; grew up drinking the stuff. Promise it’s safe. ’Sides, they test it regularly.”
Another from corpo longfic. I promise I'm searching the others first lol this one just has a higher chance since it's 30-120x the words of the other two lmao
She nods again, then jerks her chin at him. “Can I get one of those?”
He pulls out the pack and taps one out for her to take. Just as he reaches out with the lighter intent on passing it to her, she leans forward, cigarette between her fingers and poised at her ruby lips, and her emerald eyes flick to his. He works on autopilot, leaning forward with the lighter, cupping the flame with his silicone fingers and he forgets to breathe when her fingers linger on his. She flicks her eyes back up to him once more and the air whooshes out of his lungs as if he’s been hit by a freight train, or jumped into the farm pond on a sunny March day.
Yep, another one that only showed up in the longfic...
The door to the backroom slides open at her approach. Nix’s office is dark, but he doesn’t usually show until afternoon anyway. Once inside the quiet of her office, she drops into the chair with a heavy sigh. She tabs through pages of email but nothing catches her interest. She leans back in her chair, puffing her cheeks as she blows out a long breath. She drags her eyes down from the ceiling, landing on Scorpion’s action figure.
In a flash she’s standing, figure in hand, breath tight in her chest. She wants to crush it, destroy it and the memories of the last few weeks, but she knows she will regret it—not today, today she would feel relief but one day when her feelings have settled she will think back to that day on the bridge and feel sorrow at having destroyed the memento of lost friendship, no matter what passed since. Instead of throwing it in the incinerator she shoves it in a drawer, hidden behind decades worth of paperwork she’s never read.
...and why not wrap things up with one more from the longfic lol
The cool air feels delicious on his face, flushed as it is from the alcohol and her incessant flirting. The attention makes him feel a decade younger, at least. He pulls away from her to light a cigarette and offers the pack. When she accepts he holds out the lighter and holds his breath, hoping for an errant touch of her hand. She obliges, holding the cigarette in her right hand and placing the left on the skin of his wrist as she leans in. Her eyes flicker up to his, and her fingers linger a fraction of a second too long and his skin tingles. Suddenly he remembers the cartoons he used to watch with his mom, how the tricked coyote would speed off the cliff without realizing it, and only after looking down would gravity take hold, leaving the coyote to plummet to the ground far below.
Tagging with zero pressure/sorry if you got tagged already... @impishbiscuit @schoute @oranzuwu @elvenbeard @chessalein @morganlefaye79 @theviridianbunny @corphoe and anyone else sees this and wants to play (and tag me if you do!!) I give you the words:
alarm, calm, hold, water
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beammeupbroadway · 1 year
15 Questions
Tagged by @fereldanwench @setaflow @glitchinginthegarden and @Seraphfighter (the more times I got tagged in this the more it made me laugh, but thank you!! ❤️)
1. Are you named after anyone?
Only the bird (Raven) but people are always really disappointed with that answer and I feel like I need to start making up something more creative. My middle name is a family name on my dad’s side and his dad’s name (girl version of it anyway)
2. When was the last time you cried?
I got mento Illinois so within the last few hours, before that within the last few hours before, I’m a hot mess but we workin with it ✌🏻
3. Do you have kids?
Not yet but I very much want them and adore my friends kids
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
I’m British I’m contractually obligated to be sarcastic at least three times a day or I lose my citizenship
5. What sports do you play/have you played?
Disabled so I don’t play anymore, but I used to play netball, badminton, and roller derby
6. What's the first thing you notice about other people?
I know their vibe is a weird answer, but I vibe check on sight and am usually very good at distinguishing good and bad vibes. How they treat other people, their body language (rarely eyes because I ain’t making eye contact with you unless I know you well)
7. Eye Colour?
Blue/grey with a lil hazel ring in the middle
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
I love both, it really depends on my mood and what I’m looking for. But if I need comfort I’m probably going for a happy ending
9. Any special talents?
I’m fairly good with a sewing needle or sewing machine, I used to make a lot of clothes, especially period clothes (my Victorian walking skirt is one of my most beloved possessions). Other than that, probably Star Trek and Furby trivia
10. Where were you born?
I live where I was born so I ain’t gonna dox myself, but North West England
11. What are your hobbies?
Playing video games is probably my main hobby, alongside writing, I also enjoy embroidery, collecting furbies, baking and cooking
12. Do you have any pets?
I have one cat called lil bit (she’s a menace and I love her)
13. How tall are you?
5’ 1” (shrank an inch or so from a lil scoliosis)
14. Favourite subject in school?
I always loved English (enough to get a masters in it, for better or worse), but I really loved science in high school, and my original plan was to become a doctor until I realised I was very much not that good, but I could throw words together well enough
15. Dream job?
I’ll leave this question in for other people to answer but I ain’t really comfortable answering it, but short answer is I’ll probably always enjoy writing and publishing fics and that’s enough for me ✌🏻
Tagging @skippygiraffee @trashcatsnark @synthsinner @neon-pink-witch @ladykatie512 and anyone else who hasn’t done it yet (I am very late filling this in)
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ladynyxeris · 5 years
15 Mutuals, 15 Questions game
I was tagged by @injusticebrucewayne, thank you! 
Was I named after anyone?
Yes, I think I was named after Helen of Troy. Not a big fan of her actually...
Last time I cried?
2 months ago, more or less. My mother was diagnosed with some bad stuff.
Do I have kids?
No, not for now. We’ll see in the future if something changes.
Do I use sarcasm a lot?
Only on the Internet!
First thing I notice about people?
Their eyes. They say they’re the mirror of the soul.
Eye colour?
Scary movie or happy ending?
Oh man this is difficult... but I’ll go with scary movie.
To get myself in trouble, yeah...
Writing, playing videogames and reading books.
Sadly no... I had a red kitty once, but a family friend adopted her because we couldn’t keep her... ahhh I miss my ginger lightning.
Does couch surfing count?
Favorite subject?
History! I like learning about the past to see where is our future going.
Dream job?
I don’t even know what I’m doing with my life! But I’d like a relaxing job, maybe involving animals. 
I tag @quinzelade, @awful-roffle, @angeliquedevive @robobrainmurdermysterytheatre, @pathfinderlittleduck, @whiskey-lullabies, @the-dubstep-strawberry, @wild-w4steland-snip3r, @sigurdjarlson, @vaniloa, @setaflow, @merrowench, @supernaturalbigfatkittycat, @sharonaw, @mrmoosetash
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ghostoffuturespast · 1 year
Amaretto Sours, Long Island Iced Teas, and Manhattans are my favorite drinks. Would you mind slinging some answers my way for Valerie? :)
Thanks for waiting @setaflow! This weeks been kinda crazy, but here are the drinks you ordered!
Link to questions here.
Amaretto Sour - If your OC can drive, what kind of vehicle do they have? Do they have a dream vehicle?
V’s not a big car person.  Does it drive and can it get her from point a to point b without any issues are her many concerns.  She has the Quadra and Jackie’s Arch.  She likes to take care of them because they’re some of the few things that she has of Jackie’s.
She abhors all the NC traffic though, so I can see her being down for a helicopter or something.  Doesn’t know how to pilot a helicopter, but… 
Long Island Iced Tea - Who are some of your OC’s best friends?
Jackie. Misty. Vik. Nibbles. Panam. River. Delamain Jr.  Very reluctantly, Johnny.
V’s always been a bit of a hermit, but ever since she lost her family she’s spent a lot of time keeping people at arms length because she’s scared of losing them if she lets them in.  She doesn’t have any friends from when she was growing up.  V’s never cared for pretentious assholes, even from a young age, and a lot of them were fair-weather.  Most of the people she hung out with back then went off to pursue typical corporate careers while she went on a secretive quest for vengeance.  So, didn’t really stay in touch.  And toxic work environments in the Arasaka security and counter-intel divisions weren’t all that conducive to making friends either.
I think with the whole I’m dying thing, she’s coming to terms with the fact that she needs people in her life and maybe regretting not having more friends sooner.
Manhattan - What kind of people does your OC hate the most?
Murderous misogynists and unprepared idiots.
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