#thank you good omens fandom
enthusiasteditor · 6 months
In this blog I have never talked about personal issues, maybe a few hints here and there about my work (but I would say that from my name and the description it is clear), and it is a precise choice: I want this to be a sharing space on Good Omens, given how important it was and is to me, and I want to leave "real life" out. But tonight I want to make an exception. I don't know who will read me, maybe a few, maybe many. It does not matter. And I apologize for any errors, but English is not my native language.
I went through a very dark moment in my life, where I didn't know if my life would go on or if it was better to turn everything off. I had just lost a parent, my health was deteriorating, and a family member had gotten himself into a really bad situation. I saw no way out. But then, a little light hit me. It was really small, but in the midst of so much darkness even a very small light can give you hope. This light was Good Omens. I don't want to say that it saved my life, but it was certainly that hug that detached me from reality, that made me understand that it was worth carrying on, that I had to try to get better. The message of love of this story, the wonderful fandom, Neil's kindness, Michael and David's smiles... all little lights.
Now years have passed, I'm fine, I've found my balance and I know that the credit is above all mine. But those little lights that showed me the way years ago were fundamental. I just want to say thank you to Neil, Terry, Michael, David, all the cast and crew, but above all to all of you, fans of this magnificent series. The love, the respect, the kindness I have found are all other little lights that make my life brighter.
Thanks with all my heart
Here the wonderful words of Michael Sheen (in David Tennant's podcast), I think they fully reflect what I want to express tonight:
"I've realized it is a thin line between being, you know, surviving this life and going under. And the things that keep you afloat are these fragments, these things that are meaningful to you and what's meaningful to you will be not meaningful to someone else, you know [...] It doesn't matter what it is, go and find them and find some way to, like, hold them close to you, make it like go and get it, because those are the things that keep you afloat."
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weasleywrinkles · 6 months
everybody say thank you to hozier for murdering the good omens fandom once again. First I think I'll take my whiskey neat, my coffee black and my bed at three, you're too sweet for me and then But who wants to live forever, babe, you treat your mouth as if it's heaven's gate? SIR. SIR COME ON. Crowley got tits over arse drunk fairly recently and trauma dumped all over you again, didn't he?
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starfruitsomething · 6 months
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bookshopbentley · 1 year
“ crowley’s gonna be so pathetic and sad in s3 blah blah blah “ no you guys don’t understand he has NOTHING to lose . the one thing that meant anything to him is GONE . let me see him even more unhinged
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pt IV good omens but all i know is i watched three episodes on a stream with you all
Three hours being in a server with good omens fans in the wild *insert random emojis to sound like optimum clickbait youtuber except this ain't clickbait*
Okay I woke up. Before everything just WASHES out of my brain, I'm gonna describe whatever happened last night best as I can, because that's what I do.
Some of you were unable to attend the stream, and were sad. But don't worry I got you guys here's the rundown:
people joined the server. people were confused. i was afraid. i was assured that i should be, which was meant to comfort me.
people introduced themselves. someone said they had worked in a brothel as a bartender, which was cool, they said they had many stories. they did not elaborate for fear of scaring the newcomers. The newcomers, aka, me, were already scared, and it was not of the brothel stories.
I brought an emotional support orange with me. It looked uncomfortable. I thought it would be rotten. It was not, but we would not know that until later.
@thescholarlystrumpet entered fabulously, and started the stream.
i didn't realise the show had started for a good two minutes because there was a random voice over that was telling us about Earth's star sign (Libra) and somehow that didn't compute in my brain as being part of the episode. I thought we were checking audio.
It turned out, the episode had begun, and everyone was acting like this is a completely normal way for a show to start.
We time-jumped from the fall of man to modern day society so fast that I got whiplash.
There were a lot of orgasmic noises. I asked why. I was told in no uncertain terms that those were screams of labour. I'm sorry to everyone who has given birth ever.
There were three babies. I tried to keep track, it was hard. I thought the Antichrist won prizes for tropical fish. I was wrong.
I fell in love with Crowley and his hips and was very gay on the chat. This was heartily applauded.
I didn't realise an hour had passed when the episode ended, which it seemed was to be a common theme. I said nothing happened which everyone found funny for some reason.
I was very concerned about Armageddon. Everyone assured me that it would take place over the course of the season. I asked why we'd speedrun through millennia in five minutes but eight days took several episodes. I was a naive fool. Time is a social construct and this show cares not for social constructs.
They fucked up the mission. This was also to be a common theme.
I begged for a break and had to shake my head to try and get the brain rot out. I did not succeed.
The second episode commenced. The intro concerned me, because the cartoon Aziraphale looked pregnant or like a chicken. I asked if Crowley had impregnated him. He had not.
The pornography scene had to be replayed because I was so lost and had not relished it properly.
There was a lot of crying on the chat. Every few minutes someone would say a normal sentence in English and everyone would respond with crying emojis. Needless to say, I was concerned. This was also to be a common theme.
I asked why we were talking about random children. I was told it was The Them and they were the Antichrist's friends. I liked the hellhound.
I wanted to adopt the Antichrist, and grew more thirsty for Crowley every time he was a casual accessory to murder. I'm relying on this fandom not to use this as evidence with the cops. The chat was not reassuring, they said maybe.
I thirsted for Crowley more. This was also to be a common theme.
Aziraphale was very cute, I realised. That was nice. It was not nice when he had gay panic and said mean things to Crowley and they broke up. This was also to be a common theme.
I got so gay for Crowley that I ate the emotional support orange. It was gaseous. The chat was concerned, and everyone got excited every time oranges were mentioned after.
The third episode was a fucking roller coaster. Crowley and Aziraphale were your average high school couple but biblical for 6000 years.
Both were casual accessories to murder, and sometimes the cause of the murders, before going out for a date. Crowley got horny and he stopped listening every time Aziraphale ate. This was also to be a common theme.
The chat was keeping count of the husband breakups. This was not nice.
The Bentley was silver in many scenes, and people were forced to concede that they saw it. I was smug.
Crowley was sexy. She served gender, or as some people in the chat said, she served cunt. Her hairstyles got better and better. No one liked the 60s one. I did. I like everything she does. I love him.
Things happened. The fandom infected me. Someone mentioned how the book said Crowley felt lonely. I was near tears.
Crowley walked down the aisle for Aziraphale. We all were happy.
The book case, the thermos, the bandstand. I was broken.
Everyone said very emotional goodbyes.
I made a post on tumblr that was absolutely incomprehensible but accurately conveyed my love for Crowley. I fell asleep.
Same time next week, I believe.
I hope this was an adequate summary of the livestream for everyone, I am broken irreparably and if anyone mentions the bandstand I will have to start drinking and not stop till I get a happy ending. I cannot afford alcohol. I will ferment grapes myself if I have to.
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arsillanola · 9 months
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Merry Christmas good omens fans!
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thenobleprincex · 5 months
just want to take a moment to appreciate all the fabulous, brilliant, mind-blowing artists and writers in the good omens fandom. I'm constantly blown away by what you do and so thankful that you chose to share it with us 💛
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devilgrimoire · 19 days
please give us the full aziraphale outfit
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these took me too long and now I am free
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arggghhhsstuff · 9 months
i'm honestly so glad for fanfiction writers. to all the fanfiction writers out there: i love you to death, and i hope your pillow is cold on both sides and exactly as soft or as hard as you want it for the rest of your life. thank you, thank you, thank you. y'all make my life better everyday.
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leoreadss · 23 days
You know what?
No matter how many life experiences you might have, nothing will prepare you for absolute horror, I mean the completely terrifying view of '74% read' on your Kindle when you are reading your all-time favourite fan fiction.
@phoen1xr0se you are a queen! keep writing!
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azeutreciathewicked · 9 months
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itsscottiesstark · 4 months
Not to be horny on main but seeing people writing fanfiction!Aziraphale with insecurities about his weight makes me so sad cause I know it's unfortunately based on reality but then I see Crowley's reaction to Aziraphale's body and I'm like yes gurl you're absolutely right I agree with Crowley's sentiment wholeheartedly, get it.
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❤️‍🩹Update about my surgery!❤️‍🩹
and a little crack sketch made with love and my left hand (+ bonus pictutr of my two own Ineffable Nurses from my irl home😇😈)
Hello my dear Good Omens family!😁
Thank you so much for all your kind messages and advice! So, as several of you have suggested to me on Reddit, it's with a great pleasure that I share my very first left-handed masterpiece!!! Please don't thank me.
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(Seriously. DON'T. X'D I wanted to prove myself that yeah it's possible to do something with my left hand while my right hand is totally resting, and that the next 8 weeks will be furiously challenging. That's ok, challenge is my thing è_é)
Surgery was OK. The medical team was exceptionaly kind - fun fact? The nurse who has welcomed me in the surgical ward was called "Hélène" (pronounced "Ai-lain"), which sounds exactly like "Elen", short for "Elenthya" my artist name... Just with that, it felt like a sign to me or even a... good omens. 🫠
I'm still under the effects of the anaesthesia, so for now, wait and see, but the surgeon remains optimist.
I'm so grateful for your support and messages, I was so relieved reading them that I almost cried yesterday. You are all amazing, THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!
Maybe I'll post some news later but I have to think about how to do it because I wouldn't like to spam this Art blog with no-art or recovery posts.
See you soon! Love you all!
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(Bonus: my two own guardian angel and demon who take good care of me now I'm back home 😊)
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onceuponapuffin · 6 months
Me when I first joined the Good Omens fandom: How dare everyone insist they have sex all the time! They are supernatural beings and have no need for such things! It's not even their dynamic!
Me a few weeks later: Oh...yeah okay I see it now. Those two have some things they need to work out and talking just won't cut it.
Me now: I prefer my ineffable husbands naked and doing questionable things to each other PLEASE AND THANK YOU.
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suzypfonne · 5 months
You know, I'm beginning to think @neil-gaiman isn't just our collective godfather, but runs Tumblr.
You can get a Dead Boy Detectives badge, but where are our angel and demon wing badges @staff ?!
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hi it's the good omens mascot here's some shit about me that might be relevant
I appear to have accidentally caused chaos so I figured you might as well know about me since I'm responsible for it. And also so that you know who you broke, thanks ineffable fandom.
I have been called the prophet by some of you all. This is not entirely untrue, but I would like to add as I did in one post, that Apollo also gave me the curses of art, (very emotional) music, (sometimes good mostly dreadful) poetry, (same parentheses apply, except that the dreadful is on purpose) writing and (used to be good now dreadful) medical knowledge, and so yes, you did accidently adopt a messenger of an ancient Greek god.
Yes, this entire entry into your cult happened from start to now happened in 48 hours.
This will seem less bizarre when I give you context about me and fandoms. I changed career paths (after three years of intense study that cost me my sanity) from science to the arts because I was inspired by drarry fanfiction of them leaving their ministry jobs and following their dreams. Yes I tossed three years and my loss of sanity away in one week of decisions. I'm now a designer. Thanks Draco.
I read so much drarry fanfiction that my mum had to take me to the hospital for injured wrists. I wore wrist and elbow supports and was in constant pain for a few months. I was only later introduced to autoscroll. Yes, I am a fool. Yes, I am unaware of how to human.
I'm broke and cheap enough that I feel guilty buying bottled water, but for Christmas I spent the equivalent of around 150 bottles of water getting a Bakewell tart custom made (they don't sell them where I live). Why? Because in one single fanfiction, it is Draco's favourite food. I would never spend that kind of money on a dessert for any real human being.
That is to say, you all are not ready for when I REALLY fall for Crowley. I don't saunter vaguely downwards for people. I bypass earth and crash into hell, leaving a smoking pit in its infernal ground.
I swear I'm not as dumb as I seem, I just have ZERO general knowledge, and am terrible with faces. I can tell you what the graffiti on the walls of Pompeii from before 70 AD said but I don't know who my previous president was, and personally I think that's very classy of me.
Some of you seem concerned about my sleep schedule. Worry not, I sleep in four installments, night, morning nap, afternoon nap, evening nap. I sleep more than you all, that I can promise. I sleep more than my doggy sister.
About the streams and the timezones, I have no idea how to make it so people can watch, because I frequently mix up east and west and last morning I mixed up the Pacific and Atlantic ocean. I don't know at what point the Eastern hemisphere becomes the Western or how any of it works. I also thought Wakanda was a real place.
But hey fun fact, in 2020 diclofenac sales were dropping in Iceland. I know this because I wanted to make sure to use the correct painkiller in one sentence of a story I was writing. It was completely irrelevant. But hey any of you writers here probably feel my pain. I don't write fanfiction, but I am an author and I write original stories. And honestly what is more useful, Icelandic diclofenac sales from three years ago or timezones?
A career test once told me to be a standup comedian.
Yes that's me Asmi, just your regular dumbass lad who is slightly unhinged, serving himbo twink energy, hello hi nice to meet you all. PS: the poll results are out and Doctor Who won, so tremble, DW fandom.
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