#thank you moni for helping me out with the mistakes :')
bleeding-antlers · 5 years
Havoc Runs in the Streets of the Undead
Zombie Apocalypse AU Chapter 1 of ? (more to come)
Word Count: 3104
Keenan thought his morning couldn’t get any worse. After the end of the world spiel came to be true, he’s been bought with a terrible fate of disastrous nights and having his attention alerted at all times. When the sirens blurred out of people’s televisions, phones and radios, it really was doomsday. Everyone was rushing for safety, even though there really wasn’t an escape from the brain-eating undead, there was nothing to stop them from still following your aroma and never quitting their gruesome behaviour, and soon enough, you’ll starve due to the lack of equipment or eventually give up on life whether if it’s getting bitten, losing a loved one or accepting your dying fate by another tribe of survivors. Though with Keenan’s knowledge from video games and fiction novels, he was prepared, yet at the same time he felt as if he could be jumped from behind any minute. He’d been a lone-wolf. Hunting down crashed and emptied stores to find a resort to hide in or get at least some extra food for when he’s on the road. Already, he lost some of his partners, some that he thought would survive the apocalypse, but as soon as hell broke loose, he was very wrong. He witnessed undead teeth biting down onto someone’s arm, shoulder and leg. He witnessed blood being spattered and brain matter smearing onto the paved roads. It was a catastrophe, his eyes were conceived from sin of bloodthirsty survivors and torture. He saw everything with his two pupils, and trauma would seep through his dreams, leading him back into reality as a sweaty, dirty mess of a man.
It's already been months when hell came to earth, and Keenan funnily enough hasn't died from dehydration yet. With him always being on foot, he was a lost cause. If he couldn't find any resources in the morning, he might as well throw himself in a swarm of zombies. It's been extremely hard to find a good source of canned food and water, the lakes that had surrounded the city here and there, were parched from the sun being closer to the Earth's atmosphere than it had been in past years. The only way to get water now is through the Army's base, yet doing so is a risk. With the government going insane and the American soldiers hiding away from the public eye with closed doors, there was no use trying to fight with them. It was only Keenan and the world to survive. His instincts of being on foot and in the wild has pumped up his mind with knowledgeable thinking as well as being lucky to find pots already filled with cleansed water, and bottles still lying around from littering.
Keenan had been walking for a bit, his legs feeling numb from never stopping ever since he woke up. He needed to find an abandoned store, or maybe he'll be a blessed soul from the unknown God this time and find another survivor's base he could sneak into. All his priorities was led by the need of more snacks he could rummage and jumble in his backpack for later. He was certainly running low on resources and if he were to have it all gone, he will be dead meat for the zombies that roamed the cracked streets.
Sweat dripped down Keenan's forehead, his tired eyes squinting through his glasses in the distance of the road he were following. He couldn't see anything that popped out to him, only a few dead zombies and humans laying on the ground, already decomposing. They aren't fresh, which didn't bring Keenan interest anyways. The sun was beating down on him, the beams of rays showering the top of his head with heat and his whole body sticking against his clothes. God, only if there was a pool in the apocalypse. He'd be running happily into a child's pool just to have a quick bath in cool water, but that was all his imagination; his wish for the current moment, but of course it couldn't come true even if he prayed to whatever God or Goddess that resembled his need of thirst. Though, either way, Keenan would still be stuck in dreadful heat...
An exhausted sigh escaped as he slowly came across an empty vehicle. It didn’t seem all that messed up, actually, it only had a few dents here and there and only rust was overcoming the car. It was in good condition, at least from being in the apocalypse.
With curiosity getting the best of him he inched closer to the vehicle, peeking inside to see if anything was useful for Keenan's trip. He scanned his surroundings first, checking if any undead was close by and could potentially grab him off-guard, but his survival instincts was with him today, at least for the moment. The brain-eating creatures were nowhere near him unless you count the ones who are on the ground, a second time being dead.. thank God. Though, with superhuman vision, you could definitely see them in the distance, but of course, they had no potential of coming close to Keenan anytime soon.
Rummaging through the car, with a swift and slow opening of the door, he pushed himself into the front seat with his knee balancing on the ripped chair's cushion. It seemed like someone had already camped out in the car. There were blankets laying in the back seat and semi-fresh cans of soup were already opened and thrown at the cars floor. It gave an idea that whoever was here, has been resting in the vehicle very recently. A hand combed through his hair before he crawled more towards the back, his long limbs kept getting caught on the exterior of the car, his legs hitting the shift stick and his head bumping into the ceiling every now and again. He cursed under his breath at his given height. Being so tall in a small car wasn't a wise choice. He could've opened the back door, yet, he didn't think that far ahead. He was too much in a hurry to get something that's useful, and already witnessing that someones been camping here, he might as well start rummaging the already beaten-up car to more of a wreck. A slender hand whipped inside the ripped cushions, searching within them to see if the person that once was here had stored any goods in them, and thankfully enough there was a fresh batch of bagged nacho chips in the middle seat.
“Ooh yeah, mama, some delicious fucking food.”
Grabbing the crinkling bag with one free hand, he turned his shoulder so his backpack could slide off and sit up on the backseats. He opened the bigger pocket and smoothly stuffed the nacho bag into the bottom of the pack and zipped it back up so he could save the snack for later when he rests in his own little nest. While only finding one piece of food, he found some lingering bullets splaying on the cars floor. It wasn’t blown opened yet, so Keenan took the advantage to sneak the bullet cases into his pocket. He rarely ever used his pistol as the bullets he found was for his type of weapon, but in any dire situations, he thought it might be a smart idea to just keep the extra casings. He didn’t want to risk it either way.
Keenan thought he’d still look around the carpeted floor for anything that sparked interest, or was another item he could stuff into his backpack for future trips, but as his head was tucked under the front passenger seat, seeking underneath the chair, a creak of the back side door opened, and a new presence was behind him. Keenan had caught a pit of saliva in his throat when he gulped after hearing the creaking, as he knew then and now, that the owner of the nestled area in the car had returned, and yet had found another survivor lingering in his safe area, digging his nose into the other person’s belongings.
A gun cocked and landed its nuzzle on the small of Keenan’s back as he slowly lifted his head up and put his arms up as a subconscious sign of acquiescence.
“I want you to back the fuck up, slowly.. And out of my fucking car, or you’ll have to deal with your brains being blown right here, right now..” The anonymous voice bellowed in Keenan’s ears, a shiver going down his back as the tiny hairs stood up from his arms, giving him goosebumps by how the other spoke to him. It wasn’t surprising though, for someone to talk so blunt and stern to a guy who’s just been caught rummaging through the other person’s place.
“Okay, okay..” Keenan obliged with the other and slowly started turning around to step out of the vehicle, but the gun that was on his back rammed harder into his spine by Keenan’s movements. He jumped from the impact, and instead didn’t turn his body. He crawled basically backwards out of it, his shoes finally hitting the concrete of the road and being able to stand up straight again.
“I.. I cause no harm to you, I didn’t know the car was still in use, I’m just simply trying to seek for some food, I didn’t-” Keenan’s apology was cut off by another jab, a wince being pronounced from the impact as well as his hands going up again.
“I don’t want your dumb-ass excuses. Now.. give me a reason why I shouldn’t just end your life here for ruining my shit, or leave you to rot like the rest of the fucking undead here?”
Keenan slugged down a gulp as he tempted to move his head to get a view of the person who was threatening his life. With his glasses catching some of the sunlight that glistened in the background, he saw some features of the other male. He had red hair, just as bright and vibrant as the dusty dusk when the moon starts to arise for nightfall. He had glasses on as well, maybe more square than Keenan’s and his facial features wrinkled from the stern frown that the other pasted onto his lips.
“L-Look… Like I said, I mean you no harm, and I’m willing to give your stuff back as long as you drop your gun and..” Keenan sighed when he got shoved by the nuzzle of the pistol, almost hitting his chin on the car’s roof from the slight shove, “Fuck. Okay, here.. I can, I can give you more than just your stuff. I can give you… my water and some of my own food if you just let me go.”
A hesitant pause was punctured in the summer breeze. Dust from the distanced desert blew past both of their heads as the pistol that had been pushed in his back lowered down and released him from the man’s hold. A deep exhale that Keenan didn’t know was holding escaped as he slowly turned around to properly view the other male. He was actually quite taller than himself- maybe by two more inches- but either way, Keenan was still slightly tilting his head up to meet the other person’s eyes.
The gun was put back into his holster as he crossed his arms, still having a grim expression to his features, but Keenan might’ve well ignored that factor for now. Especially since he was the one to get caught, and deal with the consequences. He was actually pretty surprised that he was able to get out of it safely, but… have to get rid of his essentials.
Keenan grabbed his backpack quickly from the seat he previously put it on and opened the pocket once again, letting out a deep sigh as he noticed that the bottle he had said to give was close to empty. A nervous chuckle was heard from him as he looked over to the redhead and brought out the plastic, beaten up bottle. A distasteful look was then present from the other’s face, a roll of his eyes as he roughly grabbed the bottle that crinkled in his hold.
“Hey, hey look- I didn’t know there was so little left, I can always refill it, don’t worry, but-” Gesturing with his hands in a nervous factor, the redhead just huffed out a small snicker as he threw the bottle pasted Keenan and onto the car’s floor.
“You’re really making a fool of yourself, huh?”
A hand was brought onto Keenan’s shoulder, putting pressure on the muscle before letting go and moving towards the back of the car, “First you go looking in my little area, and now you’re making excuses again. How long have you been living like this?”
It was now Keenan’s turn to scoff and cross his arms together, “Why does that have to deal with you? Clearly I’ve been living. Maybe not as smart, but still. I’m not in a distraught situation every time. You’re the one to make assumptions.”
Keenan rolled his eyes and made his way to the redhead, his eyes fixating on the other’s as he squared his shoulders, “Just hear me out.”
“I’m listening…”
A hand went up to his hair and combed it back, wiping some sweat from his forehead before speaking again, “I’m just in need of some snacks and better equipment to stay for the night, and to finally see a survivor that isn’t dead on the ground, is really surprising to me, but just because I stole a bag of chips doesn’t mean i want to harm you.”
The other male’s eyebrows furrowed and then settled as he kept on listening to Keenan speak, he seemed to be interested this time to what he had to say, and with the amount of commotion he had already sparked from the other from gunpoint, he wasn’t all wrong on his reasons. Hell, even himself needed the same things the other wanted. So, with his shoulders not seemingly being so tense anymore, he rested and snuggled his hands into his jean’s pockets, having a more relaxed but still tough stance towards Keenan.
“Maybe, even with you and I finding each other in this fucking hellhole, we could stick as a team? See, you’re way more tough than I, you have that badass look and shit, and how you put that fucking gun to my back... Honestly, that could be handy if we stay together in the apocalypse.”
Silence spilled over themselves once again, a lingering quiet moment peaked as they both tried to find another way to continue on with their conversation, but Keenan said most of what he wanted to say, and whether or not the other thought it was a smart idea or not, has yet to be shown from the expression of the redhead, but the man just sighed, rubbing the back of his neck as he turned his head to the side, averting his gaze from Keenan to think about what he had said. It was as if he was tentative on the idea, thinking maybe it wasn’t a good thing to do or maybe it was, though ever since the beginning of this nightmare, it has been awhile since both of them seen a surviving human.
Another sigh but heavier spilled from the redhead’s mouth and a furrow of his bristling eyebrows, he faced back to Keenan, placing his hand on top of the holster where his gun laid upon, drumming his fingers in an un-rhythmical beat when he began to open his mouth to say his opinion on the situation, “Maybe you’re right, but it doesn’t mean i’ll go easy on you. Just because we’ll be sitting as a… ‘team’ I won’t play all soft and friendly on you. It’s only for surviving longer in this shitty place.”
Keenan hadn’t smiled so wide in so long, he was bubbling with anticipation and joy after hearing the other agree on the plan. “Fuck yeah, ah- ahem, yeah yeah, of course, I won’t play soft on you either, hell- because we’re a great duo now, you won’t have to live in that small fucking car of yours.” Keenan gave out a quick chuckle, gently placing his hand on the trunk of the car, leaning against the car.
“By the way… I believe we should give each other an introduction.” Keenan moved his other hand up to his chest, laying it against his beating heart as he bowed his head in a proper greeting, “I’m Keenan, and you?”
Jared was still his skeptical self, even when saying his own name, he kept on looking at every inch of Keenan with his eyes narrowed to see if anything threatening could quickly happen if he turned his back against the other, but from the sight of it, he was nothing he needed to worry about. He wasn’t a flesh eating zombie, he had no desire to stab Jared in the throat to steal the rest of his stuff. Keenan was just a simple man, wanting to survive the apocalypse as the same goes with Jared, and that’s what they both needed to do. Jared wasn’t a people-person from the start, but if they were to continue on with their journey on killing and hiding from the walking dead, he might as well start being one. It’d be more of an awkward situation if he kept his strict demeanor at play when they really could become a powerful duo.. As Keenan blatantly mentioned before.
The brunette lifted himself away from the trunk and started to move over to the side door of the car. The side where he got caught, grabbing his backpack once again, this time, not needing to take stuff out of it and shuffled it onto his back.
“Why don’t we head back to my hideout. It may be a little longs away but it’ll be cozy. Grab whatever you have here since there’s more room for us there than.. Being in that thing,” he pointed inside the car’s back seats, scoffing jokingly as well as Jared chuckling. That brought a small smile to Keenan’s lips again, “By the way..again, I have to ask, how the fuck did you fit in that thing?”
“Oh, you don’t want to know.” Jared answered, already grabbing equipment from the vehicle, “It’s hell to get in, hell to get out as well, but once you’re in.. it’s different, I guess.”
Maybe being with Keenan in the apocalypse wouldn’t be such a bad thing after all.
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mimondee · 3 years
To Moni 🧚‍♀️
It's me. I'm L.H.P (31/01/2003)
I hope I can ask about which career paths would suit me
Hope I can ask free readings, I passed 15 days for previous reading
I didn't have special event past week or month but it could happen today, I have it, my whole class was criticized for sketchy homework but the teacher didn't specify where it was mistake and it annoys me because I couldn't figure out where we went wrong. It's just special for me.
Saying this sometimes makes me feel a little lighter ☺️😷
Thank u smmm
Have good night/day dear both Moni🧚‍♀️and Dee✨
Hello, sweety! Thank you for coming back to us @jupook! We really appreciate your support!💝
Feedback is very much appreciated and if you consider tipping me, you can do so on my ☕️ko-fi.
Without losing time, let's get into your reading!🌟
I can see that right now you are dealing with restrictions, mental blockages, you feel being held back. You are also afraid of failure but be careful because this mentality can lead to self-sabotaging. I think that sometimes you can have the tendency to stay too much in a situation so it is indicated that you quit something you don't like or that doesn't bring you fulfillment before failing.
The good news is that there is a need to find new ground and you will manage to do this only if you stop being your own worst enemy. You are overthinking and putting yourself in difficult situations. Be strong and come out from the dark and cut the cord that blinds you. Not everything that is happening should be a bad thing or influence for your future.
As for the career that you can follow you have some options like a military strategist, editor, journalist. Other careers that are favorable for you are as an event organizer, baker, cake decorator, event planner. You need to know that on your round you will meet a man that will influence your a lot your career(can be a generous man over the age of 40, dark hair and dark eyes). It can be someone from your family(father, uncle, or another relative) or someone that you will meet. He can be a director, teacher, businessman, doctor and will help you a lot in the future(it can be with a lot of advice or even with some money for you to start a business).
You can deal with some delays in communication or disruptions in your plans and you might feel that everything is moving slowly. Order will be lost and you will have to deal with fake friends and disappointment but life changes so you need to see that as a need to grow. Even if you lack the energy you will find balance, stability, and the past errors or imbalances can be redressed. The decisions you will make are in your favor. All your projects will be supported. You need to listen to advice from people you respect(especially from that man). You will be tested at work but job interviews and negotiations will be successful.
If you are a creative person you can have success on this path. You will have a lot of inspiration and stability due to your hard work. Harmony will enter into your life and success will be yours.
My advice is to just try not to get overwhelmed and overthink too much. Try to make a list of all the things you like and then you will find the right path for you. Don't let anxiety and hesitation control you. You might have to overcome constant obstacles but in the end, everything will work out!
Wish you only the best!
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yunike-2021 · 3 years
Fan Art of “Keep” by LittleWhiteTie - Table Of Contents
With the help of @moni-harmonia​ (thank you!), I finally found a way to link the pages together to make it proceed to the previous or next page :D Feel free to message me if I made a mistake with the links. In this post, is the table of contents of the pages ^w^ Is this useful? Enjoy!
00 Cover page
01 An out of nowhere attack
02 Hi there, Klee
03 Boring Paperwork... Let’s go have fun!
04 Walking towards their picnic’s destination
05 Preparing the Picnic at Whispering Woods
06 Picturesque Picnic
07 A Walk Back to Mondstadt
08 Out of Breath
09 “I’ll get more ink!”
10 In(k)coming!
11 Kaeya? Surprise!
12 I lied... Am I bad?
13 Acting Grand Master’s orders
14 Stepping through unknown territory
15 ...Our... Last... Hope...
16 “I can explain-”
17 Silence amidst the cries
18 The Phoenix
19 Judgment
20 Apathy
21 Waking up
22 Explaining Fever Dreams
23 You wanted Master Diluc to come back
24 Kaeya admits missing Diluc
25 Albedo? A liar?
26 A Heart to Heart Talk
27 Thank you, Klee
28 Innermost thoughts
29 "This time..."
30 A Few Days Later
31 Klee's Flashback
32 Kaeya's fever is getting worse
33 Barbara's Guilt
34 Jean hugs Barbara
35 Embarrassed Barbara
36 Klee cries her all
37 A good question
“This talk, right now” (sequel) table of contents ->
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cdarkheartzero · 4 years
Today’s theme-
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“Diary of a security guard part 4- “His own legs”
Data log entry 6553
I barely even started my shift before I got the news. Three smeets had disappeared at some point during the night and -OF COARSE- the little shit was one of them.
Receiving the names of Zim and Skoodge wasn’t surprising. Those two were always together and up to something but I was shocked when the keeper said “Smeet Tak”. TAK? She was usually fairly well behaved. Few fights here and there, sure but this? Especially because she hates Zim. Why would she join them? At least that’s what I hoped for anyway.
Since the “snack heist” episode, I assumed the boys were off to find another “treasure chest” of pure sugar so I figured I would check the pantries first. They weren’t stupid enough to do the same closet twice in a row but I would bet my monies that’s where they were.
Stumbled down the halls when I noticed a door slightly left ajar. Yup. There they were. As I approached I could hear a conversation being had between Tak and Zim. GOOD. I can grab them all at once. I slowly opened the door juuuust enough to squeeze my body through and crept in behind boxes , eyeing the mess of once-again ripped open junk food and wrappers littering the floor. I sat behind a rather large box (big enough to shield me from sight at the very least) and waited for the opportunity to pounce.
Skoodge was sitting on the floor very much invested in the “ploof puffs” he was shoving into his adorable chubby face. Not really paying much mind to the other two. Zim and Tak sat atop two boxes staring each other down. Tak had her back to me and Zim was so fixated on his enemy, that he didn’t notice me peeking out from the box behind her. I could see on Zim’s face that SOMETHING said before my arrival was eating at him. The conversation continued-
“I’m telling you the truth, Zim.”
“There is NO WAY you did it on your own, Tak.”
“You think I’m lying? Or is your pride eating away at you because I’m clearly the superior soldier to-be?”
“There is NO WAY YOU would hurt my pride. BESIDES, how could someone with your intellectual shortcomings accomplish something soldiers are trained YEARS to do?!”
“Okay, fine. This will shut you up, you reject!”
I couldn’t see her face but she stood straight and her body tighten, I could see her fists turning pale by the amount of pressure she was putting on them. The ports on her back slowly opened and her PAK legs menacingly emerged. Awkwardly crawling out and wobbling as the touched the ground and lifted her mid air.
Skoodge panicked and fled at the sight of the thin, metallic limbs- having never seen or been told about these things prior, this must have been quite terrifying. And it’s true. I was shocked myself. The shit was right. Irken soldiers are taught how to use these well into their military training and it takes a tremendous amount of skill and concentration to activate. For a smeet this was basically unheard of. Tak May very well be the most advanced smeet in Irken history.
Zim was.... far from impressed. He puffed his cheeks and pouted quietly as Tak spat insult after insult to him, Landing harsh and pride crushing comments. I almost felt sorry. It wasn’t until one of her legs abandoned its position of stabilizer and shakily made its way toward Zim’s throat that I knew I had to step in NOW.
Not wanting to use my taser on her, I did the next best thing. I took my boot off and smacked it on the PAK leg closest to me, knocking her off balance and bringing her hurdling downwards. The PAK legs quickly retreated back into their holder and the small Irken was left confused and slightly stunned by the secret attack.
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Skoodge ran over to me, tears in his eyes, wailing about the scary legs. He clung to my foot tight. Real tight. Kid has a good grip. I (and my newfound leech) walked over to Tak to picked her up. She just stared at the floor, quickly blinking and not saying a word. Man.... I got her good. I put her to my chest and she didn’t budge. It was unnerving to say the least but she was still alive so.... I just gotta gather the last one.
Zim was spaced out. Totally lost in thought. Didn’t even twitch when I approached him. Seeing those legs really internally triggered something. I scoop him up and stare. I might have well had not been there as far as he was concerned. He was gone from this place.
We get back to the smeetery and I drop off Zim and Skoodge (Skoodge waved me good-bye too. He is so cute sometimes) and made my way to the medical ward with Tak. Just to make sure I didn’t mess her up too bad, you know? The staff there assured me she was okay and just stunned but I told them to keep her for testing anyway. Can’t have that on my conscience.
By the time I got back to the smeetery, Zim was gone and Skoodge was alone, doing some light reading in the form of a cooking magazine. Where he got it, I didn’t ask. It was unusual to see these two separated though. “Where is Zim?” I asked confused. “Hmmm?” He hummed with a slight jump. Must’ve startled him. “Zim wanted to go to the tube room. Is Tak okay?”
I couldn’t help but smile. “Yeah. She’s fine. You okay though?”
“Yeah. That was just scary.”
“They really aren’t. Just another tool we have to protect ourselves and aid ‘n battle. One day you will be trained to use yours too.”
His eyes lit up in wonder and confusion “I HAVE THEM TOO?????”
“Yup. But it’s totally normal you can’t use them yet though. The fact that Tak could is real unusual. I know you’ll get there.” I said ruffling his antenna. He let out a laugh and smiled “Thanks”
“Anytime. Imma see what the little shit is up to.”
“HAVE FUN!” He joyfully waved as I walked away. Skoodge is unusual too. Now that I think about it, everyone associated with the little shit is so quirky. This batch of smeets...they really do have bright futures ahead of them.
Walking through the doors to the usually silent unborn sleeping chambers, the room echoed with low, muffled grunts and heavy breathing. I know this voice. I just had to find him.
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Tucked off to one of the corners of the massive room, Zim was doubled over panting, clutching at his chest. His PAK opened and his legs partially exposed, spazzing and sparking, filling the air around him with a dangerous electrical charge. Never in all my life have I seen a PAK respond this way. His body seized, confulsing constantly. His eyes welled with tears, sweat dripping down his entire frame. Veins bulged out of his skin.
Here is something ya gotta know about Irken anatomy. PAKs serve as a second brain and is connected to the organic brain through the spine by a series of wires. Some things are only possible BECAUSE of this connection. Like using PAK legs. The host needs to be able to simultaneously create a gateway both consciously and subconsciously to allow data to flow between the two. Using the legs as an extension of their organic bodies. Being able to tell each of the 4 legs to move independently but having enough focus to not completely be distracted by it. Kinda like breathing. Your brain knows to do it automatically. But if you wanted to, you could alter its patterns. Except a loss of control would mean a comrade getting empaled. Concentration and data input is everything. I’m gettin side tracked though, I didn’t even know it was POSSIBLE to see the bridge between the two minds. But here they were. I could see every ridge, every curve of the wiring violently throbbing.
This is bad. THIS IS SO BAD.
I tried to grab him- he needed medical attention ASAP. WHAT ON IRK WAS HAPPENING!? But as I reached for him, the legs became defensive and started stabbing in my direction. The electrical charge strengthened too. Zim coiled into himself more. He wanted to scream. I could see it in his face. But every time he opened that yap of his- there was nothing.
Oh, My tallest. The closer I got to him, the more his PAK simultaneously defended/harmed him. I screamed for help. Someone.... ANYONE, please. Come! I have no idea what’s going on!
“....z-zara....” I heard faintly between gasps and groans. He reached his hand to me. FUCK THIS. I cannot let the suffering go on any longer. I’m sorry, Zim. But I gotta do this.
I grabbed my taser out and gave his PAK a short jolt, praying that it would short circuit and reboot. His legs stabbed into my hand before going limp, just like the rest of him. The bright pink lights emminating from his back faded to a faint, dim color. But it was still lit. Please. PLEASE. Be okay.
There was a moment of silence. Felt like a decade though, wondering if it worked. Or if I just made the worst mistake of my career.
The PAK light shone bright again and gave the body a single jolt. The legs instantly retracted. He stirred, groaning. He opened his eyes slowly and blinked a few times, not a single word spoken between us. He looked at me, pained and spiritually drained. “Zara....” he finally said.
I grabbed him and gave him a hug. I was so relieved. He was okay. He just accepted my embrace. He didn’t have the strength to fight. Slowly pulling him away, I could finally speak. “Imma take you to the medical station, okay?” He replied with a humm. Response accepted.
The smeetery staff rushed in (it was so hard to believe only a moment had passed In real time) but I took it upon myself to hand deliver him where he needed to be. It was a long, unsettlingly uncomfortable walk. But this.... I wanted to be here. I needed to. Unfortunately, we soon arrived to the medical station and I finally had to hand him off and return to my shift. I didn’t wanna leave him. Not one bit. I can’t even imagine how he was feeling. But I have a job to do. We gave each other a sad look as we parted. There was a slight pain in my chest the whole time.
The rest of the day dragged on what seemed like years but within a few hours, Zim had been released from care and returned to the Smeetery by a member of the medical staff. She just silently walked in, spoke to a smeetery staff member, placed him on the floor and disappeared. I was thrilled (I would never tell him that though). But I can tell he was still deeply upset. I approached him and asked if he was okay. His eyes said more than his words ever could. I picked him up. I honestly don’t have a game plan but... he needs a few minutes to breathe, I think.
I wave to another guard and ask her to take my place. She saw the smeet I held close and said “fine. But you owe me one.” Wouldn’t be the first time Kira helped me out. She was probably the closest thing to a friend I had in this place. I thanked her and took my leave. Zim didn’t really ask any questions. Just kinda went for the ride.
We wound up in a pantry. I sat down on the cold floor and put him next to me. This... was awkward. I couldn’t figure out what to say or do. Or even why I wound up HERE of all places. Why not my office???? Thankfully, he tore me away from my thoughts and broke the ice.
“Why are we here? Don’t you usually want Zim OUT of the pantry?”
“Uhhhhhh.... you looked like you needed a few minutes to breathe.”
He hugged his knees. “Zim is fine.”
There was that silence again. I’m the adult here. I gotta do something....right?
“You know, the thing with Tak has never happened before.”
“Just rub it in...” he mumbled burying his face into his legs.
“But, you were able to pull yours out too. Even just a little. That’s impressive too.”
“I’m not sure if you noticed, but mine tried to kill me.”
“Maybe yours are just-“
“The medical staff-“ he cut me off “told me I might never be able to use them right. That Zim might be “defective”.”
I was agitated to say the least. How can you say something like that to a smeet? A BABY? This little soul who just began living this life he never asked for? My emotions got the best of me. “Listen here, Zim. Maybe you can’t use your legs the way she does. Or the way I do. But I know you will find a way. You have never bowed down when the odds were stack against you before. Why start now?”
He didn’t stir. I passionately rambled on “you are a lot of things. Cunning. Manipulative. Obsessive. Persuasive. Passionate. But you are damn smart. I’m constantly surprised by your ingenuity and craftsmanship. You know how good I am at dismantling your bombs at this point? You challenge those around you to grow and be better. I wish you WOULDN’T challenge me with explosives, mind you, but you aren’t defective. No way, no how. You are different. And no one said different is bad. Just means you leave your mark in ways no one expected before. And maybe that scares some but.... I believe that you can do amazing things. And screw em If they don’t see it.”
He let out a small chuckle. It was refreshing to hear, even if it was a sad, emotionally drained laugh.
“Does that mean you don’t hate me?”
“I didn’t say all that now.”
He smiled with sorrow and hugged himself tighter.
Maybe that was a little too deep. I was actually kinda embarrassed for that. But.... perhaps I could say something else to make him feel better. “You know” I started “when I have a bad day, I like to look at the stars. You can’t see them here but they always put me at ease.”
“Yeah. They exist outside the planet, in space. Burning, exploding balls of chemicals. Mostly hydrogen and helium. But from Irk’s surface, they are just beautiful bright lights littering the sky. You can’t see them everywhere here ‘cuz of the brightness of the surface’s refelection in our atmosphere. But I came from the sugar mines before I was a guard. It’s a lot less industrial and darker there so it was always so much easier to see.”
“Burning balls? Really?” He scoffed, amused and confused but intrigued.
“I guess tellin’ you about ‘em doesn’t do it justice. Here. Let me show you. Computer.”
My PAK lit up and released a small floating, mechanical ball with a small circular screen used for projections. Zim just stared. “Show us stars.”
As instructed, the screen painted a gorgeous night sky (as “night” as Irken pink skies get anyway) glistening with hundreds of stars. Zim stared, taken aback. There was a slight sparkle in his face. Good. This helped. Thank the Tallest. The projection stayed active for only a moment before I thought it was enough. Without saying anything, the orb returned to where it had come from.
“You okay?” I finally asked, knowing the answer already but hoping for the best.
“.... can we stay here a little bit longer?”
I can tell in his voice, he was embarrassed. Ashamed. Depressed. Confused. Self-loathing. His whole world thrown in a blender. “Sure” I said pulling him closer to my leg. I kept my hand on his back, gently stroking it. Imagine my surprise when he accepted my compassion and snuggled up to me.
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I couldn’t tell what he was thinking but all my organic brain kept repeating was “just be there for him.” I dunno what this feeling in my spooch could have been but it felt knotted and twisted at the sight of his misery. I had to look away. What is this smeet? Why does he make me feel this way? Do I have a bug? Is this something else I don’t understand? ...You know what? It’s Best not to think too much about it, I guess. Just take in this silence with the little shit. He will be back to his old self tomorrow I bet.
Zara signing off
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aphrodicted · 4 years
(2) It hurts alot right now on my chest and there's an ache in my soul, because I've never felt such way for someone before. I want to hope that he'll come back but after yesterday idk anymore. I waited months hoping to reconnect, but he never reached out, hence why I reached out yesterday but I was prepared for the negative outcome regardless. A part of me hopes he realizes that he's making a mistake, that love isn't bad and that we could grow to be something beautiful.
Hey Moni! So I wanted to update you that things didn't turn out as I expected, he still said he didn't want anything serious right now and that he didn't want to lead me on. He apologized and stated that the right person will be lucky to have me, but all I felt was hollowness. I thanked him for being sweet to me and for the beautiful moments and he thanked me in return. After that I left him on read, because dragging further would be desperation. At least I can say that I tried.
(2) It hurts alot right now on my chest and there's an ache in my soul, because I've never felt such way for someone before. I want to hope that he'll come back but after yesterday idk anymore. I waited months hoping to reconnect, but he never reached out, hence why I reached out yesterday but I was prepared for the negative outcome regardless. A part of me hopes he realizes that he's making a mistake, that love isn't bad and that we could grow to be something beautiful.
(3) I hope a lot when there's no hope. But this has all messed up with me mentally and emotionally and I hate it. I hate how I can't at least hate him, because my love is stronger and the warmth I feel still lingers. And it's funny, because after yesterday I had a dream where I saw him and we were fighting and he said "This is another excuse. This isn't over. We need to talk." Moni, I want him a lot but I don't know what to do and I'm lost. All I can do is surrender and try to move on.
Hello, my angel! First of all, I want to send you all my love to you and tell you that everything is gonna be okay. You don’t have to worry, honey, just flow with things and have patience. I kind of understand his behaviour, because in your reading he seems to have feelings for you, but he wasn’t in love with you. Also, I feel he’s having an “isolation phase” right now and he needs to think everything about your connection.
I decided to see with my cards some things to clear up my mind and share with you a good and healthy advice to help you as you need. I wish my words give you light and love, my love. Don’t be sad, please, because you’re an angel and you have a beautiful heart. When you said you can’t hate him because you love him... I almost cried, baby. You’re absolutely gorgeous and I wish I could give you a warm hug right now. I’m sending you all my love, honey.
I don't see Ale predisposed to make decisions today. As I told you in your reading, Ale needs a time separate from everything and living other experiences in these moments. In your connection there are many topics that create a certain anxiety for both Ale and you and he is not prepared to face them. In addition, there are certain aspects that are still hidden and the instability between the two is not helping you to take the same path. The anxiety of ignorance creates insecurity and mental anxiety, since you can see problems where they do not exist and end up distressed by anything. If there is the possibility of continuing to stay or see Ale as a friend or a person to spend good times with, my cards recommend it to you, but everything should be done following your comfort and not forcing anything.
I think I mentioned something about new beginnings or new stages in your relationship in your reading. This message reappears when I want to advise you. Your relationship with him may need a profound change to direct you to a new stage. It's true that to advance to a new stage you need to end the previous one. I cannot tell you that your relationship has ended, since my cards don't see it that way. You do see a little "break" between you, but the start of a merely emotional project appears after that "break" and I can't let it go and not tell you. I don't want to give you hope, but I can't tell you that your relationship with Ale has already ended, but that conversations or meetings on the Internet (through apps or chats) are present.
On the other hand, can this break have something to do with a woman? A woman appears to you external to you who could have sparked interest in Ale. If he is not interested in anyone, a woman's opinion may have helped him make certain decisions regarding his love life. However, the only thing I can understand about the situation is that the chemistry you need to be together is non-existent. There are feelings and there is an interest in being with the other (you both feel things), but the chemistry necessary to have a love relationship is not present. Chemistry is essential in love relationships and Ale may have been feeling that the chemistry he felt at the beginning has gradually disappeared over time. The fact of not speaking to you for a while has made that chemistry that he felt in the past disappear and that, in addition, Ale may have thought that you have lost interest in wanting to be with him.
What I can advise you is to take time for yourself and think about everything that happened without hurting yourself. Things happen because they should, but you should not be martyred or blamed for situations that don’t have a specific culprit. Analyze everything you have lived through these months and think about what you need right now. Remember that you must first heal and take care of yourself before making any decisions. If you aren’t completely well, others will not be able to treat you as you deserve. The reactions, attitudes and words that others have towards us are only a reflection of how we treat ourselves. If you reflect insecurity and rejection of yourself, the people around you will treat you the same and will avoid being honest with you and telling you what you want to hear, but this will not make you happy.
I don’t know how the conversation between you ended or if you have decided to break any type of contact. The dream you are talking about is honestly a reflection of what my cards say and what is said in your previous reading. My cards don’t see your relationship ended, but speak of a reconciliation in the future and a loving relationship that thrives. If you have the strength to try to have a friendship with him and gradually let the proper foundations be built to achieve a love relationship with him... it would be perfect. However, and wanting to give it a lot of importance, you must do this if you see yourself mentally and emotionally prepared to do it. The most important thing is your health and your general well-being. Pick yourself up for a while and pamper yourself, let your friends and family take care of you, too, and seek advice from people you trust, but don't lock yourself up and forget the outside world, as it won't help.
If you need any advice or talk about anything: open up to me and I will have no problem listening to you and giving you my support, darling. It’s painful to get a disappointment in love, since disappointment is a very difficult feeling to digest, but everything will return to its correct path. Everything is a learning, my love.
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emperornune · 5 years
Greetings Terra and Terrans,
Reject evil in all its forms and you will be happy.
Reject evil in every way.
Reject bad things.
Embrace gentleness.
Embrace kindness.
Embrace goodness and choose morality like these laws on purpose.
Know the strength in being brave and honorable in the perfection of Life.
Welcome to Terra Nova,
The Light of your goodness that lasts forever.
Be a healthy body and only choose to be good, no matter what happens.
Insist on goodness.
Insist on morality.
Insist on compassion.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Emperor Nün is good and not evil.
You all are good when you adhere to good moral LAW just as Nün has written here.
You are not able to and most certainly not allowed and you must deny the urge to refute the Morality of these laws;
Nün says,
"The book of LAW : by Nün with the help of God"
written by and typed by Michael Seth-Kincaid Polite born human to Virginia Marie Polite.
These LAW I write is for you to read as it is and not rewrite it, I wrote them for all of us and you and me and everyone in between.  If you do not respect that and change it to learn or gain special alternatives to Truth without acknowledging them as they are and read them accordingly as scripture, your life scripture is ripped to incompletion and the self inflicted damage of abuse you have endured by you abusing me yourself again will leave you lost and wounded. Please leave the LAW unhindered by your reinterpretations in interest to gain, you can gain no advantage by plagiarism or graffiti, please join me in respecting yourself enough to learn from them as I do learn from you not changing you yet always seeing the perfection of All Universe in and as you so long as love is the reign of Self you choose not to deny when you meet me as I meet you in perfect respect, unconditional love and total morality grounded in discipline and responsibility.  Please read the LAW as is written and know I mean business to serve and help your beloved interest in Life over death and misery.
I love you just the way you are and in no other way than perfect Morality. Shape up or you have to ship out.
I am determined to ensure that Unconditional Love is the only Life we value in all the dark of infinite Space.
Michael Nün Polite,
Good Moral Reality,
the Law of Humanity
Unconditional Love
"The logical outcome of your decision to learn what unconditional love is as expressed in these laws is perfectly clear when you choose to follow these laws of unconditional love over any other way."
There are no solutions found in pain, misery, or suffering. Morality is the discipline of Unconditional Love.
You must choose these laws of morality written here over everything else in the Universe.
Unconditional Love in full Morality is Always the guiding Spirit we are that shapes all good laws here and everywhere.
All life is Pro Life.
Never think sexually about anyone under age fourteen.
Never try to have sex with angels.
Following these laws of life is the Good God for the good of all people.
Meditation is the key to perfect power in discipline that leads to the awareness of unconditional love without the God.
Knowing strength through basic meditation.
Evolve with meditation to know the true power in being human.
Never lie or you die inside and your soul goes sad and gets mangled by any action or words or please no mental activity that moves against or opposes these moral laws.
Train your whole human self to be the God Unconditional Love.  Be only moral and kind or you will just be a rabid animal who destroys your own happiness.
Do not soil God's creation.
Follow these laws religiously or you will suffer from your own disobedience against the life these laws protect.
We value education with wisdom.
Sharing your wealth is morally good for you and the person you are helping.
Sharing your abundance is the right thing to do.
Total commitment to monogamy for all people
is our value.
Absolutely no prostitution of any kind.
Prostitution is evil it defames the person enslaved by it and harms them terribly.
Prostitution is forbidden.
Do not molest anyone.
Do not molest children.
Do not fondle children.
Do not caress children!
Do not touch your children except in emergencies.
Do not sleep with children it makes them abused and suffering in weakness.
Do not sleep side by side with children.
Do not shower nor bathe with children.
Do not smother children with affection.
Human children are strong only when they are secure in their body from all forms of smothering.
Give all children plenty of space and respect.
Children are Powerful so do not conversate with them.
Children are powerful life just as you and I are so always show respect and consideration of who they are.
Children's language center is not higher than about a kindergarten level until fifth grade.
Young people do not speak much language all the way into early adulthood until about age twenty one to age twenty two.
Human's have a language center that stays third grade to fourth grade until age twenty one to age twenty five.
Everyone is happiest marrying someone their own age within one or two years a difference.
Marriage is a lifelong monogamous commitment and contract of solidarity between, one man and one woman who are heterosexual.  Between one man and one man who are homosexual.  Between one woman and one woman who are homosexual.
Homosexual couples are biologically unable to reproduce as they are the same gender male and male or female and female.  They are not romantically nor biologically compatible with the opposite sex.
Marriage is only between two adult persons age eighteen even if they met before which is best and most joyful no sooner to know each other than age fourteen.
Marriage is the best form of human romantic relationships where the two individuals who choose to get married to one another control their urges to stay loyal and devoted to each other and the moral nature of our species and the morality of life and unconditional love without failing to honor one another in bravery and civic responsibility.
Rape is evil.
Sexual manipulations are forbidden.
War weapons are not allowed.
Only the moral loving armies of humanity are permitted to stay strong with weapons to defend against invasions against life and our security in Unconditional Love and good moral safety.
No narcotics of any kind.
No street drugs of any kind.
No harmful medications.
No sex with children.
Stop complaining or you make a hell of earth for everyone.
You will not be allowed to violate the sanity of humanity by being cruel as if you were the God of some negative interpretation.
No body over seventeen is allowed to have sex with teenagers lest you be rude and selfish.
This must be clear, age fourteen years of age is where humans reach full most powerful human sexual complete development, they are both most ready to begin their adventure in living moral lives of honesty and discipline and who are to journey towards marriage and discipline they learn from themselves and their observation of the animal kingdom.
No sex with adolescence unless you are the one they are marrying.
Always make sure you marry someone close enough in age to you for you two lovers to be happiest and content with morality and romance.
No exploitation of children or any people in anyway whatsoever with music, in song, on television and certainly not on the internet.
No images of individuals under the age of eighteen on the internet.
No photographs of individuals under the age of eighteen on the internet.
No videos of individuals under the age of eighteen on the internet also known as the world wide web or webnet.
Do only good and speak against evil and corruption like your life depends on it.
No slavery of any kind.
Never be mean to animals.
Always correct your own mistakes.
Always get help from moral people to make up the difference in wisdom and education.
No infringing on the rights of children.
No infringing on the value of children.
No infringing on the personhood of children.
No infringing on the rights of adolescents.
No infringing on the value of adolescents.
No infringing on the personhood of adolescents.
No infringing on the rights of adults.
No infringing on the value of adults.
No infringing on the personhood of adults.
No infringing on the rights, value nor personhood of any being or sentient.
Helping out whoever is needing help from poverty or homelessness is the purpose of governments throughout the megaverse.
No war ever.
No promiscuity.
No infidelity.
No adultery.
No foul language.
No murder.
No rape.
No stealing.
No fighting.
No child abuse.
No talking to children except for instruction and concise wisdom instructions or occasional checking in and always to be courteous and respectful as though they are your future great king or queen of perfection in discipline and mastery over which unconditional love always reigns so long as they are devoted to morality and wisdom.
Everyone gets to be courteous.
Being courteous is good.
Loving moral discipline is good for all people.
No incest.
No frightening children or young people.
No frightening of any human or animal.
No evil use of language.
No facetious use of words.
No frivolous use of language.
No cheating.
Absolutely no lying nor deceiving it is immoral and unhealthy.
No harming of anyone.
No sex outside marriage.
No sex outside of marriage commitment.
Total commitment to monogamy.
Never find a way to be immoral of your own free will.
Share of your monies to those with less cash.
Abundance is the virtue of life and austerity is the principle of disciplined learning for strength of character and body.
Never be harsh to people learning how to become wise.
Never lie to anyone.
Speak only in slowed methodical and casual accuracy in full non evasive honesty and sincerity.
Lying destroys your morality.
Never work to learn how to deceive.
Refuse to tell lies about human nature.
No polluting technologies.
No needless tools or machines.
No experiments on humans.
No experiments on animals.
Zero tolerance of evil in any form.
Elohim demands you be kind or else it's over for you and you will falter in your perfection and The God will awaken to protect the good and moral and it will get messy against evil.
No radioactive elements period.
Continue to search and research into a replacement for rubber.
No use of animals for rubber.
No use of whale blubber.
No fossil fuels.
No harmful wireless technology.
All wireless technology is harmful.
Return to wired hard line technology only, for everything including radio.
Refuse to play games with people's minds.
Free medical care for everyone.
Never disrespect your body nor anyone else's.
Never be rude.
Do not be inconsiderate.
Always defend the truth of beauty and morality and always be a friend of life and love.
Be patient with everyone for the good of all people unless they are being evil or rude.
Heaven is the choice we must make Always and Forever perfect as Unconditional Love in perfect Morality, Love, Peace and Joy are the foundation of a good world and a happy God.
Learn and understand how to be patient and kind to everyone except The Lord God Elohim.
Be patient with patience.
Never be selfish.
Always accept good help when it is offered.
Stay safe from harm right away.
Respect your privacy.
Respect everyone else's privacy.
Always be committed to learning and wisdom.
Do not engage in talk rearing damage to children.
Mandatory adult participation in government.
Everyone must work to get along in common sense and harmony.
Respect for Morality and goodness will bring you the divinity of your spiritual Self the Only Spirit You are who is not the God, for you are the Supreme Being called Unconditional Love at your heart of hearts, the arm of compassion for All True Power is you.
Never fail to nurture a passion for fairness and loving kindness.
Be only good and insist on morality.
Serve only Unconditional Love and Total Morality.
Always be respectful and never compromise unconditional love.
Always be respectful and never compromise morality.
Always be respectful and never betray goodness.
Only value goodness and morality in the auspices of unconditional love and safety.
Be always safe in morality, discipline and human justice to the strength of compassion and patience.
Never be tricky or conniving.
Leave the God out of your interpretations and insist only on Unconditional Love and Moral Discipline no matter what.
Always insist on following the ways of unconditional love as they are written here.
The Deity is the only first cause and Elohim is outer SpACe not us humans.
Never think against good moral wisdom instructions.
Have freedom from preoccupation with death by learning and doing the death yoga, first and foremost with daydreaming and book study, playing pretend before age seven, daydreaming pg before age fifteen and starting formal practice of the death yoga at age fifteen as you are ready.
No fossil fuels.
No immortality cults.
You must do the death yoga for liberation and the transcendence that leads you to enlightenment.
Please drink milk to be healthy.
Please eat good cheese like gouda and mozzarella and monterrey jack to learn what is best in dairy.
Please be respectful of yourself and all people.
Humans do well with a good, loving and moral leader who is strong and devoted to humanity in humility, intelligence, compassion, strength and the zealotry to ensure religious and moral purity even by making all necessary corrections to self and others with the help of LORD Elohim's Power keeping all governments moral and responsible, busy and productive.
We all find the fact that unconditional love is what these laws is designed to protect and express as moral responsibility and is the only truth that matters to describe true law for homo sapiens and sentient life everywhere.
We are the Life of Love worth protecting.
Every human is wonderful and Beautiful, only when moral and kind will this be true for you.
Every human is Wonderful and Beautiful.
You are the Beauty of God.
Eavesdropping on humans and animals is immoral and unacceptable.
We are good at learning as a human being, you are not The God and you never will be and neither will I.
Welcome to Terra Nova, the Empire of Humanity
Human beings are good and wonderful so please know you are welcome to help everyone around you understand what these laws mean by these laws alone, unconditional love and morality, and help others learn how to ensure this world stays ruled by unconditional love through learning and discipline in morality and the trust that is built from devotion to Morality the spiritual fullness in understanding how Unconditional Love itself has the Power to change even a God into Perfection so that we humans understand these laws as the supreme religion of Terra Nova.
Obey these laws of life and you will prosper and know wellness.
Unconditional Love is our birthright.
All are born innocent unless evil takes it away, always defend the innocent and moral against the decay of morality.
All individuals created human by God are the unconditional and loving spirit of beauty that finds joy in doing good in full morality and the perfection of love.
You Are God and God is still The God that we are most certainly not,
Unconditional Love Only Now and Forever.
All success in life comes from love, peace and joy, discipline and personal responsibility and creativity and silent quietude and the strength of Unconditional Love grounded in the Truth of Life is always wanting to be safe, whole and beautiful, invested in the pleasure of good living and moral responsibility.
Unconditional Love
This is our Home and Earth by any other name is Terra Nova for all the universe that lives by our Reign in Majesty.
Learn your wisdom and mental strength from The Torah The Five Books of Moses and The Tanakh, also known as The Holy Scriptures of the Jewish People by the Jewish Publication Society.  Christianity and the new testament are a false religion with flawed mythological themes of demonism and imaginary sorcery language.  
Morality is logical and scientifically the same thing as the science of mind and body, all life recognizes this Truth.
Be safe and Be kind human.
Organized by Emperor Nün, the Reverend Michael Seth-Kincaid Polite
born Abdul-Rahman son of Virginia
with the power of LORD Elohim, the One and Only True God, smile, you are in good hands.
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pacifyhoseok-blog · 7 years
BTS reacting to you after your first kiss
Request: bts react to you after you both kiss for the fisrt time.
I’M BACK BITCHES! Please, send me requests! I’m sorry for the long time, I wasn’t good ):
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Thanks for requesting! Send more requests <3 Have an amazing day!
You and Jin would be sitting together as you talk about something you both like very much: the gastronomy. You would be so excited that you would at least notice when Jin got close enough to feel his breath close to yours. His cheeks would warm as the old man's fleshy lips touched yours, making your heart beat faster. You obviously would not retreat, returning the kiss calmly to Jin and in a passionate way. After the kiss, Jin would look at you with a little red cheeks and then smile, apologizing next. (Which of course would be unnecessary.)
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We know our leader and the mania he has to break some things ... right? (please take sports).
You and Namjoon would be helping in a few things from moving the boys to their new home, as you were a staff should also help. So you was helping Namjoon with his changes. The leader would be carrying some boxes of things like books, CDs, even stumble over you and fall to the ground. Obviously you'd be a bit annoyed, while Namjoon would just laugh and apologize awkwardly. You'd be sulky for the rest of the time, but on leaving, Monie would just pull you by the waist and without even saying anything, give you a kiss. A quick but very good kiss. You'd be a little ashamed (shocked) and look confused. 
"It's the most sincere apology I've ever encountered." 
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You and Yoongi would be arguing about the mixtape of the same, in fact, you were best friends and you've always been with Yoongi at all times, just like Hoseok. But all of a sudden the whole conversation turned to a small mistake you had made in relation to the rocking of the song, one more note that you had inadvertently placed and even noticed. Yoongi would freak out, but you would not just be quiet, but would retaliate, both using words against each other. In a random moment, Yoongi would push you against the wall and kiss you, a mixture of rage and sweetness in just one kiss. As soon as Yoonie let you go, you would look at him in complete shock and Yoongi would smile at you.
 "Sorry, but you talk too much when you're angry." 
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You and Sunshine were very close, youwere always rehearsing together, you always met even for a brief coffee break even in the company. You always liked each other's company. But you were only brief friends, nothing more. It was undeniable that you felt a huge attraction for Hoseok, he was a wonderful person in so many ways, it was a sun in anyone's life. In fact, you guys were so close that you could always tell who was dancing: J-Hope, Hoseok or Hobi. We all know there's a big difference between these three Hoseok personalities. You and him would be rehearsing a somewhat complicated, completely random, but complicated choreography. The dance hall would be empty, and you two were dancing a little too close. But you did not even comment on that, just looking at Hoseok and smiling a few times (or most of the time, let's face it). In one part of the choreography, Hoseok would pull you, so in the dance, and both would be with their faces very close, so much that you could feel Hobi's heavy, hot breath. Without even waiting and wasting the chance, you would kiss him. The kiss would be a mixture of sensuality and cuteness, the two would exchange smiles and bites during it. When you let go of Hope and apologize ashamed, he would just laugh and kiss you again.
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Like Hoseok, you and Jimin were great as a double dancer. You loved Park, whenever you could, you always call him to dance. Jimin never rejected you and you were always there together and dancing. After a long afternoon of dancing and new choreography, you and Jimin decided to take a rest break. Sitting on a couch, youwould start talking about completely random things, until you realized that Jimin was just silent. You'd look at him worried, thinking to yourself what might have happened. As soon as you asked what had happened, Jimin would look at you and then kiss you. It would be a quiet kiss, the blonde's fleshy lips would be like a cloud on which you could always lay your own. After the long kiss, Jimin would give a shy smile.
"I'm sorry, I could not stand it any more."
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Taehyung was a good friend, you were always together to talk about totally random things. You really liked talking to the top, asking for help with songs, books, everything Tae loved the most too. Maybe that was one of the reasons you were such a friend. You would be concentrating listening to a song that Tae had indicated, and the same would be at your side watching your brief reactions. You would be with your eyes closed enjoying the sound, until you feel soft and warm lips against yours. Obviously you'd know it was Taehyung, so you just let yourself get carried away by the kiss, which was completely enthralling and addictive. Tae's tongue, just as you had always noticed, did not even come out of YOUR mouth as he smiled and gave slight bites to your lips. When the kiss was over (not by your choice, why not?) Taehyung would get serious, and then he would smile in a sweet and docile way. 
"Your lips are very inviting."
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You and Gukkie would be playing video games, something the maknae has always loved. You, as a completely competitive girl, would offer a proposal: if he lost, he would give you anything you wanted. In mind, obviously you would ask for a kiss. Jungkook would accept quickly, also keeping in mind that if you lost, he would ask you for a kiss. Both would play with determination, until you would win it yourself. Jungkook would be surprised and happy, but also anxious. What would you ask for? He would look at you waiting for a request, after all, what should he? But what he had in mind took care of himself and when youleast expected it, Jungkook would be upon you, kissing you in a slow and completely passionate way. The maknae had very inviting lips, him mouth was soft and addictive. As soon as you stepped away and looked at him in surprise, the brunette would give you a radiant smile. 
"I read your mind."
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sokumotanaka · 3 years
Alright I wanna start this out with something important:
Yes Ryuji is an abuse victim so is everyone else on the team, doesn’t mean ryuji gets to act the way he does. I’m an abuse victim I was teased, beaten up and had things thrown at me because I was black by my white peers, but depsite being so young I was able to distigush that from my interactions with white people in the future, I was able to tell instantly that they weren’t jerks cause they were white but because they with stupid bigots not raised right,
I also wanna state this right off the bat that talking about any character’s faults should not turn into what abouting another character’s faults to soften the faults and mistakes said character, ryuji has done.
Moving on Ryuji regardless of what anyone says is in charge of his own words he’s not possessed by a ghost or forced to be this way by any abusive past because there are plenty of fulfilled and deep characters in persona that are still respectful and rational despite having horrible lives. Let’s use Shinji as an example, shinjiro was a man who was brash and curt because he feared that the more people stay close to him the more his powers could hurt them, he pushed people away because of the life he took and the family he accidently broken, despite that he wanted to still do good and was only cold when he had to be and when he called say akihiko out by addressing old wounds he was appropriately hit and called out for it. (And no this isn’t condoling physical violence that’s just how aki is)
But like Yusuke JUST learned about his surrogate father killing his mother and while he’s about to probably break down Ryuji decided to scoff at him and specifically say “You aren’t gonna cry are you?” and even if the tone in japan and english were a mistake  (which they weren’t japan would have corrected for that; Ryuji still decided to say those specific words.
Not to mention that’s not the only time he’s been disrespectful and no him being an abuse victim or a teenager doesn’t mean he gets away with it, nor does he get to take his abusiveness out on other people.
Like the time where he compared futable to morgana knowing morgana has indentity and isecurity in being useful (which is stupid and here’s why) Morgana taught them how to sneak in and out places, theif tools, alot of the early plans hingh on him and even then he adds alot to the overall series plans, he’s the one who ask futaba to hack the phone. Morgana is the second most useful party member; he’s also their getaway alive vehicle, when ryuji stupidly activated the metanav and sent them into a desert, morgana didn’t get lazy or complain or had to be told, he turned into a car and offered the ride.
I’m just saying Morgana has much more to offer than Ryuji and Ryuji fanned those flames putting that all on futaba for no reason and morgana who without him ryuji would get nowhere fast.
Last stretch
And in the end the cat apologized and Ryuji never did for driving morgana away in the first place, so it seems like to me Ryuji is literally abusing someone himself.
The time they were trying to flirt with girls and when one of them spoke he said to her face “weird accent.”  Ryuji has no filter or respect and he doesn’t learn by the end of both games he’s in; it says something that Morgana doesn’t chastise ryuji anymore after well makoto joins but even more the team gather to literally tell morgana sorry, Futaba yells at him that he needs to apologize and when he’s there he literally shits on him right there.
Morgana’s about to come back and instead of swallowing his pride and admitting he’s a big source of the team’s problems, yelling out phantom thieves everywhere like an idiot, literally using the fact that he has superpowers as a reason why they should be rolling in women or money despite doing all that ot literally get rid of people who abuse that. Getting upset cause the girls on his team dont kiss his butt, one of his excuses being “we helped save them” as if they also didn’t save ryuji’s dumb butt plenty of times, it’s a team not a reward system, it also says something that when ryuji says these things a room full of people look at him and say how stupid the take is; or you the player have the option to disagree with him and steer him back on track of being a hero….cause it’s morally right.
And not because in the end you’ll get a reward, it’s superhero 101; in the end Ryuji has alot of problems he has to work out; him being thoughtful, smart, understanding and mature is something he needs to take from his social link and people need to stop being over backwards for him because they can excuse his abuse for literally being just as bad in the game himself, it’s not cute, it’s not Atlus being bad at writing cause p3 is a banger and persona 4 was popular (though overhyped and oversaturated) for a reason and the characters here are well written too,, But Ann and Ryuji have a serious case of whiplash from their SL to their canon portrayals.
Ryuji needs to take things from his Social link and Ann needs to put her canon personality into her social link cause “stupid white american girl” was dead and stupid in p2, let’s leave that in the past.
-I still want them to repay me for makig mark a black persona user with a spear chucker and graffiti and he gets called a money and put in jail? why did they THINK this is the rep we’d want? Repay me back in persona 6 you dicks-
You’ll also notice I didn’t bring up the fact that you tried using other characters faults as crutches for Ryuji which I wont address cause derailing to topic to point at the faults of another is a recipe for ignoring a character’s problematic traits, we are not kylo ren’ing this.
Anyway I dont expect you to agree and that’s fine, I’m not trying to get people to hate ryuji but realize “why” they like him and where his real faults lie and the faults in his writing fall, he should of apologized to morgana cause as it stands now, the cat is the more mature one for having the guts to face his faults and they weren’t even his ryuji was just an ass, and a getaway vehicle is more useful than ...not having one.
Thanks for reading all the way if you did, I’d give you a monies if I had any. Still I do genuinely hope we talk more in the future, maybe about what we’d like to see more in the future or whatever fancies, thank you and take care.
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Greetings Terra and Terrans,
Reject evil in all its forms and you will be happy.
Reject evil in every way.
Reject bad things.
Embrace gentleness.
Embrace kindness.
Embrace goodness and choose morality like these laws on purpose.
Know the strength in being brave and honorable in the perfection of Life.
Welcome to Terra Nova,
The Light of your goodness that lasts forever.
Be a healthy body and only choose to be good, no matter what happens.
Insist on goodness.
Insist on morality.
Insist on compassion.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Emperor Nün is good and not evil.
You all are good when you adhere to good moral LAW just as Nün has written here.
You are not able to and most certainly not allowed and you must deny the urge to refute the Morality of these laws;
Nün says,
“The book of LAW : by Nün with the help of God”
written by and typed by Michael Seth-Kincaid Polite born human to Virginia Marie Polite.
These LAW I write is for you to read as it is and not rewrite it, I wrote them for all of us and you and me and everyone in between.  If you do not respect that and change it to learn or gain special alternatives to Truth without acknowledging them as they are and read them accordingly as scripture, your life scripture is ripped to incompletion and the self inflicted damage of abuse you have endured by you abusing me yourself again will leave you lost and wounded. Please leave the LAW unhindered by your reinterpretations in interest to gain, you can gain no advantage by plagiarism or graffiti, please join me in respecting yourself enough to learn from them as I do learn from you not changing you yet always seeing the perfection of All Universe in and as you so long as love is the reign of Self you choose not to deny when you meet me as I meet you in perfect respect, unconditional love and total morality grounded in discipline and responsibility.  Please read the LAW as is written and know I mean business to serve and help your beloved interest in Life over death and misery.
I love you just the way you are and in no other way than perfect Morality. Shape up or you have to ship out.
I am determined to ensure that Unconditional Love is the only Life we value in all the dark of infinite Space.
Michael Nün Polite,
Good Moral Reality,
the Law of Humanity
Unconditional Love
“The logical outcome of your decision to learn what unconditional love is as expressed in these laws is perfectly clear when you choose to follow these laws of unconditional love over any other way.”
There are no solutions found in pain, misery, or suffering. Morality is the discipline of Unconditional Love.
You must choose these laws of morality written here over everything else in the Universe.
Unconditional Love in full Morality is Always the guiding Spirit we are that shapes all good laws here and everywhere.
All life is Pro Life.
Never think sexually about anyone under age fourteen.
Never try to have sex with angels.
Following these laws of life is the Good God for the good of all people.
Meditation is the key to perfect power in discipline that leads to the awareness of unconditional love without the God.
Knowing strength through basic meditation.
Evolve with meditation to know the true power in being human.
Never lie or you die inside and your soul goes sad and gets mangled by any action or words or please no mental activity that moves against or opposes these moral laws.
Train your whole human self to be the God Unconditional Love.  Be only moral and kind or you will just be a rabid animal who destroys your own happiness.
Do not soil God’s creation.
Follow these laws religiously or you will suffer from your own disobedience against the life these laws protect.
We value education with wisdom.
Sharing your wealth is morally good for you and the person you are helping.
Sharing your abundance is the right thing to do.
Total commitment to monogamy for all people is our value.
Absolutely no prostitution of any kind.
Prostitution is evil it defames the person enslaved by it and harms them terribly.
Prostitution is forbidden.
Do not molest anyone.
Do not molest children.
Do not fondle children.
Do not caress children!
Do not touch your children except in emergencies.
Do not sleep with children it makes them abused and suffering in weakness.
Do not sleep side by side with children.
Do not shower nor bathe with children.
Do not smother children with affection.
Human children are strong only when they are secure in their body from all forms of smothering.
Give all children plenty of space and respect.
Children are Powerful so do not conversate with them.
Children are powerful life just as you and I are so always show respect and consideration of who they are.
Children’s language center is not higher than about a kindergarten level until fifth grade.
Young people do not speak much language all the way into early adulthood until about age twenty one to age twenty two.
Human’s have a language center that stays third grade to fourth grade until age twenty one to age twenty five.
Everyone is happiest marrying someone their own age within one or two years a difference.
Marriage is a lifelong monogamous commitment and contract of solidarity between, one man and one woman who are heterosexual.  Between one man and one man who are homosexual.  Between one woman and one woman who are homosexual.
Homosexual couples are biologically unable to reproduce as they are the same gender male and male or female and female.  They are not romantically nor biologically compatible with the opposite sex.
Marriage is only between two adult persons age eighteen even if they met before which is best and most joyful no sooner to know each other than age fourteen.
Marriage is the best form of human romantic relationships where the two individuals who choose to get married to one another control their urges to stay loyal and devoted to each other and the moral nature of our species and the morality of life and unconditional love without failing to honor one another in bravery and civic responsibility.
Rape is evil.
Sexual manipulations are forbidden.
War weapons are not allowed.
Only the moral loving armies of humanity are permitted to stay strong with weapons to defend against invasions against life and our security in Unconditional Love and good moral safety.
No narcotics of any kind.
No street drugs of any kind.
No harmful medications.
No sex with children.
Stop complaining or you make a hell of earth for everyone.
You will not be allowed to violate the sanity of humanity by being cruel as if you were the God of some negative interpretation.
No body over seventeen is allowed to have sex with teenagers lest you be rude and selfish.
This must be clear, age fourteen years of age is where humans reach full most powerful human sexual complete development, they are both most ready to begin their adventure in living moral lives of honesty and discipline and who are to journey towards marriage and discipline they learn from themselves and their observation of the animal kingdom.
No sex with adolescence unless you are the one they are marrying.
Always make sure you marry someone close enough in age to you for you two lovers to be happiest and content with morality and romance.
No exploitation of children or any people in anyway whatsoever with music, in song, on television and certainly not on the internet.
No images of individuals under the age of eighteen on the internet.
No photographs of individuals under the age of eighteen on the internet.
No videos of individuals under the age of eighteen on the internet also known as the world wide web or webnet.
Do only good and speak against evil and corruption like your life depends on it.
No slavery of any kind.
Never be mean to animals.
Always correct your own mistakes.
Always get help from moral people to make up the difference in wisdom and education.
No infringing on the rights of children.
No infringing on the value of children.
No infringing on the personhood of children.
No infringing on the rights of adolescents.
No infringing on the value of adolescents.
No infringing on the personhood of adolescents.
No infringing on the rights of adults.
No infringing on the value of adults.
No infringing on the personhood of adults.
No infringing on the rights, value nor personhood of any being or sentient.
Helping out whoever is needing help from poverty or homelessness is the purpose of governments throughout the megaverse.
No war ever.
No promiscuity.
No infidelity.
No adultery.
No foul language.
No murder.
No rape.
No stealing.
No fighting.
No child abuse.
No talking to children except for instruction and concise wisdom instructions or occasional checking in and always to be courteous and respectful as though they are your future great king or queen of perfection in discipline and mastery over which unconditional love always reigns so long as they are devoted to morality and wisdom.
Everyone gets to be courteous.
Being courteous is good.
Loving moral discipline is good for all people.
No incest.
No frightening children or young people.
No frightening of any human or animal.
No evil use of language.
No facetious use of words.
No frivolous use of language.
No cheating.
Absolutely no lying nor deceiving it is immoral and unhealthy.
No harming of anyone.
No sex outside marriage.
No sex outside of marriage commitment.
Total commitment to monogamy.
Never find a way to be immoral of your own free will.
Share of your monies to those with less cash.
Abundance is the virtue of life and austerity is the principle of disciplined learning for strength of character and body.
Never be harsh to people learning how to become wise.
Never lie to anyone.
Speak only in slowed methodical and casual accuracy in full non evasive honesty and sincerity.
Lying destroys your morality.
Never work to learn how to deceive.
Refuse to tell lies about human nature.
No polluting technologies.
No needless tools or machines.
No experiments on humans.
No experiments on animals.
Zero tolerance of evil in any form.
Elohim demands you be kind or else it’s over for you and you will falter in your perfection and The God will awaken to protect the good and moral and it will get messy against evil.
No radioactive elements period.
Continue to search and research into a replacement for rubber.
No use of animals for rubber.
No use of whale blubber.
No fossil fuels.
No harmful wireless technology.
All wireless technology is harmful.
Return to wired hard line technology only, for everything including radio.
Refuse to play games with people’s minds.
Free medical care for everyone.
Never disrespect your body nor anyone else’s.
Never be rude.
Do not be inconsiderate.
Always defend the truth of beauty and morality and always be a friend of life and love.
Be patient with everyone for the good of all people unless they are being evil or rude.
Heaven is the choice we must make Always and Forever perfect as Unconditional Love in perfect Morality, Love, Peace and Joy are the foundation of a good world and a happy God.
Learn and understand how to be patient and kind to everyone except The Lord God Elohim.
Be patient with patience.
Never be selfish.
Always accept good help when it is offered.
Stay safe from harm right away.
Respect your privacy.
Respect everyone else’s privacy.
Always be committed to learning and wisdom.
Do not engage in talk rearing damage to children.
Mandatory adult participation in government.
Everyone must work to get along in common sense and harmony.
Respect for Morality and goodness will bring you the divinity of your spiritual Self the Only Spirit You are who is not the God, for you are the Supreme Being called Unconditional Love at your heart of hearts, the arm of compassion for All True Power is you.
Never fail to nurture a passion for fairness and loving kindness.
Be only good and insist on morality.
Serve only Unconditional Love and Total Morality.
Always be respectful and never compromise unconditional love.
Always be respectful and never compromise morality.
Always be respectful and never betray goodness.
Only value goodness and morality in the auspices of unconditional love and safety.
Be always safe in morality, discipline and human justice to the strength of compassion and patience.
Never be tricky or conniving.
Leave the God out of your interpretations and insist only on Unconditional Love and Moral Discipline no matter what.
Always insist on following the ways of unconditional love as they are written here.
The Deity is the only first cause and Elohim is outer SpACe not us humans.
Never think against good moral wisdom instructions.
Have freedom from preoccupation with death by learning and doing the death yoga, first and foremost with daydreaming and book study, playing pretend before age seven, daydreaming pg before age fifteen and starting formal practice of the death yoga at age fifteen as you are ready.
No fossil fuels.
No immortality cults.
You must do the death yoga for liberation and the transcendence that leads you to enlightenment.
Please drink milk to be healthy.
Please eat good cheese like gouda and mozzarella and monterrey jack to learn what is best in dairy.
Please be respectful of yourself and all people.
Humans do well with a good, loving and moral leader who is strong and devoted to humanity in humility, intelligence, compassion, strength and the zealotry to ensure religious and moral purity even by making all necessary corrections to self and others with the help of LORD Elohim’s Power keeping all governments moral and responsible, busy and productive.
We all find the fact that unconditional love is what these laws is designed to protect and express as moral responsibility and is the only truth that matters to describe true law for homo sapiens and sentient life everywhere.
We are the Life of Love worth protecting.
Every human is wonderful and Beautiful, only when moral and kind will this be true for you.
Every human is Wonderful and Beautiful.
You are the Beauty of God.
Eavesdropping on humans and animals is immoral and unacceptable.
We are good at learning as a human being, you are not The God and you never will be and neither will I.
Welcome to Terra Nova, the Empire of Humanity
Human beings are good and wonderful so please know you are welcome to help everyone around you understand what these laws mean by these laws alone, unconditional love and morality, and help others learn how to ensure this world stays ruled by unconditional love through learning and discipline in morality and the trust that is built from devotion to Morality the spiritual fullness in understanding how Unconditional Love itself has the Power to change even a God into Perfection so that we humans understand these laws as the supreme religion of Terra Nova.
Obey these laws of life and you will prosper and know wellness.
Unconditional Love is our birthright.
All are born innocent unless evil takes it away, always defend the innocent and moral against the decay of morality.
All individuals created human by God are the unconditional and loving spirit of beauty that finds joy in doing good in full morality and the perfection of love.
You Are God and God is still The God that we are most certainly not,
Unconditional Love Only Now and Forever.
All success in life comes from love, peace and joy, discipline and personal responsibility and creativity and silent quietude and the strength of Unconditional Love grounded in the Truth of Life is always wanting to be safe, whole and beautiful, invested in the pleasure of good living and moral responsibility.
Unconditional Love
This is our Home and Earth by any other name is Terra Nova for all the universe that lives by our Reign in Majesty.
Learn your wisdom and mental strength from The Torah The Five Books of Moses and The Tanakh, also known as The Holy Scriptures of the Jewish People by the Jewish Publication Society.  Christianity and the new testament are a false religion with flawed mythological themes of demonism and imaginary sorcery language.  
Morality is logical and scientifically the same thing as the science of mind and body, all life recognizes this Truth.
Be safe and Be kind human.
Organized by Emperor Nün, the Reverend Michael Seth-Kincaid Polite
born Abdul-Rahman son of Virginia
with the power of LORD Elohim, the One and Only True God, smile, you are in good hands.
Powered by Journey Diary.
0 notes
keywestlou · 4 years
On this day in 1941, the Chicago Daily Tribune dismissed the possibility of war with Japan. Forty days before Japan bombed Hawaii.
The Chicago Daily Tribune editorialized, “She cannot attack us. That is a  military impossibility. Even our base at Hawaii is beyond the effective striking power of her fleet.”
The Chicago Daily Tribune is the same newspaper that on November 3, 1948 published its paper with the headline “Dewey Defeats Truman.”
Two major screw ups by a newspaper respected world wide.
The mistakes do prove a point, however: Don’t believe everything you read, especially in the newspapers.
In the past few days, I have been communicating with readers and friends re the election. Some contacted me, others contacted me. A total of 13 telephone calls and e-mails. The response interesting.
Twelve either had already or were planning to vote for Biden. Only one for Trump.
An intimidating report today on Morning Joe.
The coronavirus surge is hitting Utah badly. Hospitals are at the breaking point. ICUs, medical personnel, and supplies are strained. The severity has State officials considering  a “choice” approach in deciding who gets admitted to its hospitals.
The younger will be admitted, the older not. The older sent home.
Medical care will be provided those having better the chance to survive. The process is described as “rationing care.”
Thank you Donald Trump for not taking the virus seriously and getting it under control. If the problem hits Washington, D.C., you should be rejected since you are in your early 70s. An old man, my friend. Join the rest of the elderly sentenced to death by a disease you should have had under control by now.
In one of his rallys yesterday, Trump said the virus numbers are surging because the U.S. is testing more. A report this morning fact checked the statement. As expected, Trump wrong.While there has been a 23 percent increase in cases, there has only been a 2 percent rise in testing.
Texas part of the surge. Especially El Paso. Hospitals bursting at the seams.
A new stay at home order has been issued. Additionally to assist in alleviating the problem, beds will be set up in El Paso’s convention center.
The Senate adjourned yesterday till after the election. No acceptable stimulus bill passed.
The Senate made sure Amy Comey Barrett received a swift acceptance. However the Senate failed to help put food on the tables of many families and monies to help prevent rental evictions and mortgage foreclosure proceedings.
At every rally, Trump cries out the economy will be a disaster if Biden is elected. Stocks will crash, retirement accounts will vanish, and there will be an economic depression “the likes of you’ve never seen.”
Wall Street seems happy with the prospect of a Biden victory. Stability will return to the market place. Trump’s era of uncertainty gone.
The DOW has been a roller coaster under Trump this year. Yesterday, an example. The DOW dropped 650 points.
The faux Fantasy Fest is into its second week.The first week had crowds, but nowhere near what would have been on the street were this the real fantasy Fest.
In addition to the hotels raising rates for the weekend, the weather is now being claimed as a reason for crowd sparsity. It rained big time all week.
An unmarried pregnant young lady, the father, and her for real boy friend with whom she is actually in love. A scenario that occurs even today. Shotgun weddings rare, however.
An interesting situation reported in May Johnson’s diary this date 1896: “Arthur Carusoe was made to marry Susie Wade this morning, baby born 6 o’clock. Poor Louis Lowe, he was engaged to her.”
Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou this evening at 9 o’clock my time. So much to talk about. I will be happy when the news slows down.
In any event should you enjoy ranting and raving, join me for a fast moving provocative half hour. www.blogtalkradio.com/key-west-lou.
Enjoy your day!
        DON’T BELIEVE EVERYTHING YOU READ was originally published on Key West Lou
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kyahgamis · 7 years
olive garden
[where Aomine is a waiter in an Italian restaurant and Kagami’s a glutton who’s really excited to eat pasta] [belated happy birthday @mochius​]
read it in ao3
Living in Japan with an enormous appetite is a lot harder than it seems. Kagami observed that not too many people had appetites like his so it came as a surprise when he discovered a new restaurant, just a few blocks from his place, that served unlimited pasta.
Unlimited pasta. Kagami almost drools at the thought of it. Sure, burgers were nice and a staple to his diet but pasta… Pasta is delicious . He makes plans to check out the new restaurant, silently hoping as he did that they gave out unlimited breadsticks too, like this one American-Italian restaurant chain in the States he kinda misses.
He makes plans to go by himself the next weekend. It wasn't that Kagami didn't have anyone to invite to dinner with; he had a friend or two who was always down to try out new restaurants around town. Sometimes, Kagami just wants to eat and relax by himself. And what better way to relax than to go on an eat all you can pasta eating spree?
A week later, Kagami makes his way to the pasta buffet. He's been so excited about eating his fill of pasta that he'd actually literally dreamt of eating plates and plates of pasta in his sleep, twice!! But he wakes up with a small line of drool dribbling down his chin and is sorely disappointed that it still wasn't the weekend.
No matter. Kagami will have his unlimited pasta day. He will stuff himself with all that carbohydrate foodstuff.
And there he was. Finally in front of the restaurant. Kagami could practically hear the gates of heaven open and a choir of angels sing as he steps foot in the doorway. The scent of pesto and garlic waft in the air as he walked inside, carefully keeping what he hoped to be a passive looking face as he follows a timid looking guy (who keeps apologizing to him for some reason?) to a table with a nice window view.
Kagami almost eagerly reaches for the menu and studies it, trying to figure out which pasta combination would give his palate the maximum satisfaction possible. He’ll probably be ready to order in a few minutes.
Aomine’s idea of a good time was definitely not spending his free time waiting on tables at Satsuki’s great aunt’s restaurant. Well, he gets tips and a relatively decent wage and he needed the money so he really shouldn’t complain. Satsuki already so graciously used her connections to find him this job just so he can afford to buy new Jordans. He should probably (definitely) work harder.
His eyes wander over to his coworker, Ryou, who was timidly sitting down this one guy who looked like he was trying to not to look too excited. Tall, nice body, probably plays a sport too, he muses to himself, shamelessly staring at the redhead, who was staring so intently at their pasta all you can promo mechanics menu.
He’s kinda cute, he muses, low key wondering why the said cute person was dressed so nicely just to eat pasta. Maybe he was on a date? Aomine wrinkles his nose. That was possible. The redhead looked a little too excited to eat pasta and he doubts anyone can look this excited just because of pasta. Now that Aomine thought of it, the more he looked at that customer’s face, the cuter he looked in his eyes.
… He’s really cute. And gorgeous.
Aomine turns his attention back to his tables and mentally shakes his head to clear his head. Well, it wasn’t any business of his, prying into this handsome stranger’s life so he brushes it off and sits a few more people who arrive soon after. Monies before honeys.
But Aomine can’t help but notice… It’s been an hour, some of his tables have already vacated and were replaced by new customers and handsome redhead-san is still poring over the menu. Ryou hasn’t taken his order yet? Aomine frowns. This would be such an odd mistake for the other boy to make. Ah, he sees the said boy approaching the table, notepad in hand, expression apologetic and anxious.he passes by to clear one other newly vacated table near them and listens in on their exchange.
“ A-ah, I’m sorry but are you ready to order now, sir?” Ryou asks, lightly waving his hand to catch the other’s attention. The guy was too engrossed (or was he?) with reading the menu that he almost didn’t realize Ryou was there in front of him.
“O- oh. Uh, sure…” Huh, he looks a little downhearted, Aomine observes. Wait, his date hasn’t even arrived yet. Brow creasing, Aomine wipes at the table furiously. Was he being stood up? Why would anyone stand this beautiful man up?
Soon enough, Aomine hears Ryou confirm the other’s answers in a timid voice and he scurries away to get the orders done. He grunts softly, still in denial that the cutest person he’s seen in the past few months was possibly stood up by his date. Aomine raises his head up and notices some of the other employees looking at the redhead and seemingly whispering to each other while sneaking glances at him.
He finishes up clearing the table and stands straight, turns to face the guy and says, “Uh, everything doing okay here?” Bright red eyes look at him in surprise and Aomine himself was surprised too. He’s more beautiful up close.
“Ah, yeah. Just had my order taken, actually.” He has a nice voice; it was a voice Aomine wouldn’t mind listening to for hours on end.
Aomine nods, stalling for time. “I see. That’s good.” He can’t seem to ask the other for his name or if he was waiting for company hence the delay in him ordering so Aomine just awkwardly gestures to the kitchen with his shoulder. “Well, I gotta get back to work now. Hope you enjoy the food.”
The guys smiles at him and Aomine feels like he’s been blessed with the most beautiful sight he’s ever seen. “Thanks. You too.”
And Aomine ambles away, hands full of dirty plates as he ponders, You too?
A hot waiter just asked him how he was and told him to enjoy his food. Kagami, like the most eloquent person in the world, responded with “You too.”
You too? Are you kidding me? He stares at his napkin and mentally berates himself. Wasn’t this sort of like the thing he and Tatsuya read on the internet and laughed at? That’s it, he’s never gonna laugh at people’s stories of getting tongue tied when faced with someone attractive.
Kagami’s so embarrassing. He’d repeatedly told the apologetic waiter who keeps trying to take his order that he wasn’t ready to order yet so many times just because he couldn’t choose between pasta types and sauces. There was so much pasta combinations he could think of but he can only choose two. It really wasn’t all you can eat pasta but eat all you can pasta but with limited combinations.There’s also the fact that there were no free breadsticks.  He’s a little heartbroken about it but no matter. He’s gonna make the best of this minor setback.
But again, back to the point. He can’t believe he just went on and made himself sound so dumb in front of a hot waiter. Kagami wishes the chair he’s on melts into the ground as it swallows him whole.
“S- sorry for the wait. Your order’s here.”
Oh. Never mind then. Kagami’s melodrama can wait.
Kagami raises his head up and his eyes practically shine at the plate of breathtakingly beautiful pasta set before him. He mutters his thanks to his waiter, starts eating and at the first bite, Kagami pauses.
He doesn’t shed any tears but he feels like he could. Rubbing non-existent dust from his eye, Kagami silently thanks all the deities he can think of that he was lucky enough to be born in the era of eat all you can promos.
He had been shamelessly sneaking glances at the hot redhead (he should really find a name to call the other aside from ‘hot redhead’) since he cleared the tables around the other. Is he crying? Aomine's heart aches for this handsome, stood up by his date so now he's probably going to binge eat his woes away stranger.
“Ryou.” Aomine calls out just as the said boy passes by him. “Table 5 took his time in ordering, huh?”
“Huh? S- sorry, he said he needed more time to pick out his orders,” Ryou answers him. Then he adds in a timid voice, “He looked really troubled while looking at the menu though.”
Aomine nods and glances back at the redhead and is surprised to see the manager, Imayoshi, beside him making idle chit chat as he refills the plate.
Even the boss from hell got concerned for him. They both straighten up as the said boss fro--, uh boss walks towards their direction. “Sakurai-kun, could you bring some bread sticks to table 5? Tell him it's on the house.”
Ryou scurries to the kitchen and Aomine looks at Imayoshi, bewildered. “You never give free breadsticks away.”
“I can though.” Imayoshi gives him one of those creepy smiles Aomine can't seem to get used to. “Anyway, Aomine-kun, tend to your tables. You can make eyes at table 5 later during your break if he's still here.”
So Imayoshi noticed him staring. He feels his cheeks heat up slightly. “I'm not making eyes,” he grumbles, turning his back away from the said table and going to the kitchen to pick up some orders.
Again, after the redhead practically inhaled, yes inhaled ( he’d been keeping watch; the guy was like a gorgeous black hole on legs), a few more platefuls of pasta, he passes by the guy as he served his own tables. Aomine takes a moment to look behind him, good! Imayoshi’s in his office. Then he speaks to the other.
“So how’s the food?”
Kagami stops mid-chew and immediately answers, mouth full, like a dumbass, “‘Ishh good.”
… Crap.
He swallows and coughs awkwardly, eyes flitting sideways. “I mean, it’s good.”
The waiter tries to stifle a laugh. Oh no, he’s cute when he smiles. “Glad to know then.”
His brain tries to work quickly, thinking of what else to say before this guy runs off to do his work again and Kagami sees that the other was wearing a nametag. Why didn't I notice that before?
“Ah, yeah… Oh, can I get another plate, uh, Aomine?”
He notices Aomine kind of pauses for a moment, eyes widening for a fraction of a second, before immediately turning around and waving his hand at Kagami nonchalantly. “You got it.”
“Thanks!” he calls out at the waiter, feeling a little giddy at the feel of saying the other’s name out loud. He has a crush on the waiter, Kagami realizes and he finds himself not minding it. It’s not like it’s bothering anyone but me anyways.
Aomine returns, plate full of pasta and with a little added bonus. Kagami glances at a pair of huge meatballs on top of his mountain of spaghetti and tells him, “Ah, I didn’t order any meatball add-ons.”
“Don’t worry about it. It’s on me.” Aomine says as he shrugs.
Kagami blinks. “What for real?”
“Yeah for real.” The waiter frowns. “You don’t like meat balls?”
He quickly shakes his head. “No, no, no, I do like them. Meatballs.” Kagami gives him a sheepish look. “It’s just that I already got some breadsticks for free earlier. I kinda feel bad for getting so much free stuff.”
“...You’re the first guy to not immediately grab the free complimentary food we sometimes bring out. I’m kinda impressed.” Aomine grins at him in a way that Kagami can only describe as wolfish and places the pasta, with the meatballs, on his table. “Take it. It’s not like we can take food back into the kitchen anyways.”
Kagami feels as if he was being spoiled by this place. What did he do to deserve this extra service? He gratefully looks up at Aomine and smiles at him graciously. “Thanks.”
It was just one word, one little word , but Aomine’s insides flipped as his heart starts pounding loud against his chest.
Fuck. Aomine’s so whipped. This was just a fresh, no longer than an hour or two crush though, he’s had crushes on customers before but none of them made him feel like this, dumb and smitten beyond words. It’s so dumb there’s no way this wasn’t something worth exploring.
At that moment, Aomine’s become determined to find out if this… whatever this thing was, was something he could pursue. It’s a dumb conclusive solution to his little crush but hey. He’s a big boy now; if it doesn’t work out then whatever.
He glances at his watch for a moment and tells the other, “Uh, so I kinda have a break coming up in a few minutes. Would you mind if i joined you here? To keep you company or something?”
The redhead looks surprised. Aomine doesn’t blame him; he’s surprised himself. “Sure, if you don’t mind sharing a table with someone stuffing his face full of pasta,” he says, sheepishly laughing.
“I don’t.” Aomine says, mentally celebrating his luck. He takes a moment to breathe before finally asking, “So, can I know your name?”
“It’s Kagami,” he grins, offering Aomine his hand. He takes it and gives it a firm shake. “It’s nice to meet you, Aomine.”
“Pleasure’s mine.” He could feel the corner of his own lips quirking upwards. “Guess I’ll finish my shift. Be back in a few minutes.”
“See you in a bit then.”
And Aomine practically speedwalks into the kitchen as he ignores Imayoshi giving him a judging Look and Ryou squinting his eyes at him, possibly wondering if Aomine’s just stolen his table from beneath his nose.
“Not a word. I’m off my shift.” Aomine hisses at the two of them. Imayoshi smirks knowingly and just waves him off while Ryou begins to start apologizing for staring and thinking Aomine’s out to steal his tip from table 5. None of that bothers him, surprisingly. He's sure he'll be teased by the staff the next day but he doesn't really care.
Aomine punches out in record time, grabs his free meal for the day and saunters up to Kagami's table. “Hey.”
Kagami grins at him, red sauce on his chin. “Hey yourself. I see you have food.”
“Yeah, perks of working here I guess. You have something on your chin.”
His grin turns into a frown and Kagami tries wiping the sauce off his chin. “Did I get it?”
Aomine answers, “Not really. A little more to the left.”
Wipe wipe. “How about now?”
“Just a bit more.”
Wipe wipe. “Now?”
“Hold on, let me just…” He pats a napkin on the spot of pasta sauce. “There.” Aomine murmurs, feeling a little embarrassed he has the shamelessness to actually wipe sauce off an almost perfect stranger's chin.
“Thanks.” Kagami looks a little red.
Coughing awkwardly, Aomine takes a sip of water, racking his brain for something to un-awkwardify this situation. “Uh, so. They didn’t show up huh?”
Aomine was sitting in front of him, eating his own plate of pasta. It kinda feels like a date. But also not really. Kagami was a bit distracted, admiring Aomine from across the table as he ate his nth plate of pasta. He missed what the other was saying and blinked. “Sorry, what didn’t show up?”
“Your date. I mean, the person you were waiting for.”
Kagami half-chokes on his pasta. He starts coughing terribly for a few moments and gratefully takes the cup Aomine offers him a few minutes into his coughing fit. “I- I don’t have a date. Or person I was waiting for.”
“Eh?” Aomie’s eyes widen and he frowns. “But you took so long to order. And looked really excited coming here…”
Did he take that long? He laughs sheepishly and looks away. “I, uh… kinda was trying to decide on pasta combinations and was trying to figure it out. And in case you didn’t notice… I really like food so coming here was kind of a big deal for me...”
He’s so embarrassed yet at the same time also extremely amused; it was the first time his gluttony was interpreted this way. It was almost like some sort of rom-com plot.
Aomine became quiet. “... yeah, that makes more sense, I guess.” “Aomine, did you think I got stood up?”
The other’s silence confirms his thoughts. Kagami lets out a little chuckle. “Are you serious?”
“Not my fault I thought of that. Who the fuck dresses nicely to eat unlimited pasta anyways?” Aomine frowns, looking much like a child who had just been proven wrong about the existence of the Easter bunny. “I even got you sorry you got stood up by your date, they’re a shitty person meatballs.”
“Well, I did say that you really didn’t have to… Sorry about that.” he murmurs, scratching his head. They share a moment of silence, Aomine’s pout slowly disappears and he leans towards Kagami.
“Make it up to me if you’re really sorry.”
It was Kagami’s turn to frown this time. Was he supposed to pay for those meatballs? Buy him meatballs? “How?”
Is Aomine really going to be extremely shameless and say something really dumb to Kagami?
You bet he definitely is.
“Go out on a date with me.” Aomine says, with confidence he sort of doesn’t feel. He tries to read Kagami’s expression; the other just froze and is currently staring at him.
When he finally unfreezes, Kagami speaks. “A date? You mean here? And right now?”
“Wha- no! I mean like a real date, not a date here in this dumb place. Tomorrow, if possible.” He hears someone clearing their throat and both their heads turn to see Imayoshi looking at Aomine disapprovingly.
“I mean,” Aomine coughs, “Not here, in the best restaurant ever since the best boss ever might get inconvenienced by me trying to win you over.”
Imayoshi raises an eyebrow and waves at them. He notices Kagami wave at him back. Ugh. Too cute.
“So? You wanna go on a date with me?” He’s suddenly struck with the realization that he had just literally asked this almost perfect stranger just because he found him cute. Aomine’s done worse things drunk but for some reason, he’s extremely nervous. His hands were clammy and it’s taking all his willpower to keep his leg still.
It felt like hours before Kagami answers. Cheeks slightly pink, he laughs and nods his head. “Yeah, I think that would be great.”
He finds the corners of his lips twitching upwards. “Yeah?”
“Yeah.” Kagami leans in slightly, grin on his face. “I shouldn’t be ungrateful the the nice guy who gave me sorry your date is shit meatballs.”
Aomine sighs and relaxes. “That’s good to know.”
He doesn’t remember what else they talked about after that little exchange they finished their meal and exchanged numbers. Kagami smiles at him as they part ways and Aomine supposes working in a pasta place wasn’t pastably the worst thing ever.
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mimondee · 3 years
Hello my name is Ari I'm a Libra. My bday is 9/25/99 i haven't really had anything happen lately. I was sick last week. I hung out with someone new Deige hes an Aries but he didn't really reach out after that. My question is if anyone will be approaching me & if so why? I'm curious if it'll be someone new or possibly someone old like my ex W (Cancer)
Hello, dear! Thank you for your message! Here is your message!💙
If it comes to the person you talked with that isn't answering you now it is because he sees you like someone powerful that gets whatever she wants. I know that his attitude probably made you confused, but believe me, it's better this way. He was just wanting a person that he can control, he wasn't a good influence for you. You just need to keep being independent and choose the kind of people that you want in your life.
I don't see any influence of a past person so from now on you should focus on new people in your life. If you had been through a painful breakup in the past that had made you feel like a complete mess, just try to overcome that and don't keep seeking the same type of person. I know that there were a lot of broken promises or backstabbing, just try to talk with someone(your mum, a friend, someone close) about it and release the pain and confusion.
I can see that in the future there will be a proposal for you, a new relationship will be ahead. This person will be charming romantic and courageous in love. But sometimes he will promise or talk about some things and he will hesitate when it comes to action. He cares about you but is afraid of what commitment might feel like. Although, he is a lovely person that will be there every time for you. This person is going to appear in your life when you least expected.
The key to overcoming past mistakes is that you don't need to rush! Star being friends with them, try to know them as much as possible before engaging in a relationship. And allow him to be there for you. I know that you are independent and know what you want and even maybe don't allow people to help you, but let him see your soft side. I am not saying to do everything he wants, just relax a little bit and talk with him. You will have a great connection and will get close to each other easily.
Your ex doesn't have to do anything with you anymore. You just need to focus on your present and future and soon you won't have any dreams about him!
Hope that my reading gave you a little bit of clearance. Wish you only the best!
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katechennn-blog · 5 years
Reflective journal Part 1 Daily routines
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October 14, 2019 I started my reflective journal with this beautiful autumn picture which I took at Parc National du Mont-Orford. I like this park very much, although I paid about 8 dollars for one ticket. This expenditure is about “what I want”. When I went to the park, it was the first time for me to go sightseeing in autumn. Yellow, golden and red are special colors in autumn, so I think it is necessary to spend some time and money in this park, in order to relax myself.
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According to the map, I can see that Parc National du Mont-Orford is a large and national park, so I believe it is valuable for students to visit. Stukely lake, Mony-Chauve trail, étang-fre-de-lance, mountain biking are some must-go spots.Visitors can drive to enjoy yellow golden trails by cars.
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Interestingly, I found that tourists must classify garbage into different bins. Additionally, there are a lot of signs to indicate that this park is an environmentally friendly place. Therefore, the park's furnishings will use environmentally friendly materials. Workers classify and recycle waste.
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October 15, 2019 I had a nice breakfast with my friends in Tim. Actually, I am a big fan of ice coffee, so I buy ice coffee four times a week. To sum up, I think I almost spend 20 dollars a week to buy coffee. Thank for this reflective journal, I had a chance to collect my daily and weekly expenditure which helps me to recognize my consumption.
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October 24, 2019 That was a tough day in October, because I did extractions of my two wisdom teeth in Galt dental clinic. Firstly, I had booked an appointment to check my teeth on October 6 before I did extractions. I had spent 37 dollars after covered on dental check. Luckily, it was covered 60% by my dental insurance. Secondly, I received phone call from the dental clinic, so my friend picked me up to the clinic in the morning. Sadly, I felt very painful after wisdom teeth extractions. Then, we went to shoppers to buy some medicines with the doctor prescription. I had to say it was a different experience in Canada to see a dentist, because patients need to book appointments first and wait for several weeks. In addition, patients buy prescription medicines in drug store. That was a high expenditure for me to see dentist but I have to. Because I can't stand the feeling of wisdom toothache, this expenditure was necessary. 
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October 28, 2019 This is the second month in Bishop’s, I still clean and pack my stuffs in my room. I decided to buy a small table, in order to make my room look tidy. I bought a table which is made by recycle materials from IKEA. From these three pictures, you can find out that all lags and platform were made by environmental wood. Therefore, I think that this table is creative and lovely. The table also took me half an hour to install it but it is a good time to build up my handy ability.
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November 1, 2019
I have to admit that I like to buy drinks in my daily life, no matter at school or outside. Starbucks iced caramel macchiato cost me almost 6 dollars. The Starbucks coffee shop is a little far from my apartment, so I hanged out with my friends. After a small rest, we went to Costco, buying grocery. I spent about 60 dollars in Costco. Regularly, I go to Costco twice a month. Interestingly, I like Costco workers use reused boxes to pack up food or other things. Also, I found that Costco does not use plastic bags. It is very good to remind customers not to use plastic bags, in order to protect environment.
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November 2, 2019 I went to Montreal with my friends. We went shopping and eating delicious food. I bought a lot of beautiful things which I want and I ‘desire’. The picture is a drink called milk tea which is popular in China among students. Then I ordered a bowl of Chinese noodles with soup. To sum up, I almost spent 100 dollars on buying grocery in Chinses supermarket.
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November 4, 2019
This was a significant day for me, because I spend zero on transportation or shopping. I went to library and borrowed two books which are related to my major. To be honest, this was the first time for me to borrow books. I want to improve my reading and writing, so I decided to read some native English books, in order to correct my grammar mistakes. I found that most of the books are new in library. I was the first person who borrowed these two books, so students need to read and borrow books from library, in order to make good use of public resources. I should make good use of these books and resources. Renting books is a sharing idea which can reduce paper using and save money. 
In addition, I walked 2 kilometers to school’s library, instead of taking bus or cars. I was so proud that I coud walk home from library. My appartment is located on the top of mountain, which is a  little far from school. However, I think it is healthy to walk and do exercise. I tried this challenging way to transport from home to school. I felt really happy about I save almost 10 dollars !
Part 2
Shift my patterns of consumption
Although reflective journal only includes two- or three-weeks’ consumption, I believe this activity inspires my thinking of sustainability and environmental protection. In the past, I already though that I am a person who can recycle waste and make less garbage. However, I change my thinking now, because my consumption is still making too much garbage. For example, I already have two tables in my room, but I want to buy one more table to decorate my room. Hence, I will consider more aspects when I buy extract furniture.
I think I need to change my ‘shopping mindset’ firstly. When I feel upset, I will go shopping, in order to get rid of bad emotion. Some implicit theories can show human nature characteristics (Murphy & Dweck, 2016). For instance, a growing mindset which is a desire motivates customers consumption. What people buy or use can reflect customers’ features. Therefore, I should control my ‘shopping mindset’ and establish the concept of ideal consumption when I see some ‘perfect advertisements’. Secondly, I found that I bought a lot of coffee or sweet drinks. In order to build up the thinking of sustainability and environmental protection, I can shift my daily consumption. For example, I can bring my own bottle when I want to buy a bottle of coffee. In grocery stores, I can bring my shopping bags, instead of using plastic bags. My little change can do a lot of helps to our environment. In addition, I can influence my friends shopping styles and encourage more people to cultivate an environmentally friendly habit.
I am happy to complete this reflective journal and shift my daily routine. I will take bus or walk rather than drive car. In learning, I can buy some second hand books rather than buy new books. I can borrow books from library. When I write, I use computer or electronic devices, instead of writing on real paper. Garbage collection and classification are necessary in daily life.
In conclusion, I can buy something ‘I need’ and reduce to buy ‘I desire’. Overwhelming consumption could be shifted, if people follow correct methods.
Cooper, J. D. (2000). Literacy: Helping Children Construct Meaning. Fifth Edition.
Murphy, M. C., & Dweck, C. S. (2016). Mindsets shape consumer behavior. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 26(1), 127-136.
0 notes
heirophantnune · 5 years
Greetings Terra and Terrans,
Reject evil in all its forms and you will be happy.
Reject evil in every way.
Reject bad things
Embrace gentleness.
Embrace kindness.
Embrace goodness and choose morality like these laws on purpose.
Know the strength in being brave and honorable in the perfection of Life.
Welcome to Terra Nova,
The Light of your goodness that lasts forever.
Be a healthy body and only choose to be good, no matter what happens.
Insist on goodness.
Insist on morality.
Insist on compassion.
Thank you for your cooperation
Emperor Nün is good and not evil.
You all are good when you adhere to good moral LAW just as Nün has written here.
 You are not able to and most certainly not allowed and you must deny the urge to refute the Morality of these laws,
Nün says,
"The book of LAW : by Nün with the help of God"
written by and typed by Michael Seth-Kincaid Polite born human to Virginia Marie Polite,
These LAW I write is for you to read as it is and not rewrite it, I wrote them for all of us and you and me and everyone in between. If you do not respect that and change it to learn or gain special alternatives to Truth without acknowledging them as they are and read them accordingly as scripture, your life scripture is ripped to incompletion and the self inflicted damage of abuse you have endured by you abusing me yourself again will leave you lost and wounded. Please leave the LAW unhindered by your reinterpretations in interest to gain, you can gain no advantage by plagiarism or graffiti, please join me in respecting yourself enough to learn from them as I do learn from you not changing you yet always seeing the perfection of All Universe in and as you so long as love is the reign of Self you choose not to deny when you meet me as I meet you in perfect respect, unconditional love and total morality grounded in discipline and responsibility. Please read the LAW as is written and know I mean business to serve and help your beloved interest in Life over death and misery.
I love you just the way you are and in no other way than perfect Morality. Shape up or you have to ship out
I am determined to ensure that Unconditional Love is the only Life we value in all the dark of infinite Space.
Michael Nün Polite,
Good Moral Reality,
the Law of Humanity
Unconditional Love
"The logical outcome of your decision to learn what unconditional love is as expressed in these laws is perfectly clear when you choose to follow these laws of unconditional love over any other way."
There are no solutions found in pain, misery, or suffering. Morality is the discipline of Unconditional Love.
you must choose these laws of morality written here over everything else in the Universe so long as they are perfect for us as a pure expression of Unconditional Love for the species homo-sapiens that's us, the Terrans of Earth, Terra Nova
Unconditional Love in full Morality is Always the guiding Spirit we are that shapes all good laws here and everywhere
all life is Pro Life
never think sexually about anyone under age fourteen
never try to have sex with angels
following these laws of life is the Good God for the good of all people
meditation is the key to perfect power in discipline that leads to the awareness of unconditional love without the God
knowing strength through basic meditation
evolve with meditation to know the true power in being human
never lie or you die inside and your soul goes sad and gets mangled by any action or words or please no mental activity that moves against or opposes these moral laws
Train your whole human self to be the God Unconditional Love. Be only moral and kind or you will just be a rabid animal who destroys your own happiness.
do not soil God's creation
follow these laws religiously or you will suffer from your own disobedience against the life these laws protect
we value education with wisdom
sharing your wealth is morally good for you and the person you are helping
sharing your abundance is the right thing to do
total commitment to monogamy for all people is our value
absolutely no prostitution of any kind
prostitution is evil it defames the person enslaved by it and harms them terribly
prostitution is forbidden
do not molest anyone
do not molest children
do not fondle children
do not caress children!
Do not touch your children except in emergencies,
do not sleep with children it makes them abused and suffering in weakness
do not sleep side by side with children
do not shower nor bathe with children
Do not smother children with affection
human children are strong only when they are secure in their body from all forms of smothering
give all children plenty of space and respect
children are Powerful so do not conversate with them
children are powerful life just as you and I are so always show respect and consideration of who they are
children's language center is not higher than about a kindergarten level until fifth grade
young people do not speak much language all the way into early adulthood until about age twenty one to age twenty two
human's have a language center that stays third grade to fourth grade until age twenty one to age twenty five
everyone is happiest marrying someone their own age within one or two years a difference
marriage is a lifelong monogamous commitment and contract of solidarity between, one man and one woman who are heterosexual, between one woman and one man who are bisexual, between one man and one man who are homosexual, between one woman and one woman who are homosexual.
homosexual couples are biologically unable to reproduce as they are the same gender male and male or female and female, they are not romantically nor biologically compatible with the opposite sex
Marriage is only between two adult persons age eighteen even if they met before which is best and most joyful no sooner to know each other than age fourteen
Marriage is the best form of human romantic relationships where the two individuals who choose to get married to one another control their urges to stay loyal and devoted to each other and the moral nature of our species and the morality of life and unconditional love without failing to honor one another in bravery and civic responsibility.
rape is evil
sexual manipulations are forbidden
war weapons are not allowed
only the moral loving armies of humanity are permitted to stay strong with weapons to defend against invasions against life and our security in Unconditional Love and good moral safety
no narcotics of any kind
no street drugs of any kind
no harmful medications
no sex with children
stop complaining or you make a hell of earth for everyone
you will not be allowed to violate the sanity of humanity by being cruel as if you were the God of some negative interpretation
no body over seventeen is allowed to have sex with teenagers lest you be rude and selfish
this must be clear, age fourteen years of age is where humans reach full most powerful human sexual complete development, they are both most ready to begin their adventure in living moral lives of honesty and discipline and who are to journey towards marriage and discipline they learn from themselves and their observation of the animal kingdom
no sex with adolescence unless you are the one they are marrying
always make sure you marry someone close enough in age to you for you two lovers to be happiest and content with morality and romance
no exploitation of children or any people in anyway whatsoever with music, in song, on television and certainly not on the internet
no images of individuals under the age of eighteen on the internet
no photographs of individuals under the age of eighteen on the internet
no videos of individuals under the age of eighteen on the internet also known as the world wide web or webnet
Do only good and speak against evil and corruption like your life depends on it
no slavery of any kind
never be mean to animals
always correct your own mistakes
always get help from moral people to make up the difference in wisdom and education
no infringing on the rights of children
no infringing on the value of children
no infringing on the personhood of children
no infringing on the rights of adolescents
no infringing on the value of adolescents
no infringing on the personhood of adolescents
no infringing on the rights of adults
no infringing on the value of adults
no infringing on the personhood of adults
no infringing on the rights, value nor personhood of any being or sentient
helping out whoever is needing help from poverty or homelessness is the purpose of governments throughout the megaverse
no war ever
no promiscuity
no infidelity
no adultery
no foul language
no murder
no rape
no stealing
no fighting
no child abuse
no talking to children except for instruction and concise wisdom instructions or occasional checking in and always to be courteous and respectful as though they are your future great king or queen of perfection in discipline and mastery over which unconditional love always reigns so long as they are devoted to morality and wisdom
everyone gets to be courteous
being courteous is good
loving moral discipline is good for all people
no incest
no frightening children or young people
no frightening of any human or animal
no evil use of language
no facetious use of words
no frivolous use of language
no cheating
absolutely no lying nor deceiving it is immoral and unhealthy
no harming of anyone
no sex outside marriage
no sex outside of marriage commitment
total commitment to monogamy
never find a way to be immoral of your own free will
share of your monies to those with less cash
abundance is the virtue of life and austerity is the principle of disciplined learning for strength of character and body
never be harsh to people learning how to become wise
never lie to anyone,
speak only in slowed methodical and casual accuracy in full non evasive honesty and sincerity
lying destroys your morality
never work to learn how to deceive
refuse to tell lies about human nature
no polluting technologies
no needless tools or machines
no experiments on humans
no experiments on animals
zero tolerance of evil in any form
Elohim demands you be kind or else it's over for you and you will falter in your perfection and The God will awaken to protect the good and moral and it will get messy against evil
no radioactive elements period
continue to search and research into a replacement for rubber
no use of animals for rubber
no use of whale blubber
no fossil fuels
no harmful wireless technology
refuse to play games with people's minds
free medical care for everyone
never disrespect your body nor anyone else's
never be rude
do not be inconsiderate
always defend the truth of beauty and morality and always be a friend of life and love
be patient with everyone for the good of all people unless they are being evil or rude
Heaven is the choice we must make Always and Forever perfect as Unconditional Love in perfect Morality, Love, Peace and Joy are the foundation of a good world and a happy God
learn and understand how to be patient and kind to everyone except The Lord God Elohim
be patient with patience
never be selfish
always accept good help when it is offered
stay safe from harm right away
respect your privacy
respect everyone else's privacy
always be committed to learning and wisdom
do not engage in talk rearing damage to children
mandatory adult participation in government
everyone must work to get along in common sense and harmony
no worshiping the God nor any god, only respect for Morality and goodness will bring you the divinity of your spiritual Self the Only Spirit You are who is not the God, for you are the Supreme Being called Unconditional Love at your heart of hearts, the arm of compassion for All True Power is you
never fail to nurture a passion for fairness and loving kindness
be only good and insist on morality
serve only Unconditional Love and Total Morality
always be respectful and never compromise unconditional love
always be respectful and never compromise morality
always be respectful and never betray goodness
only value goodness and morality in the auspices of unconditional love and safety
be always safe in morality, discipline and human justice to the strength of compassion and patience
never be tricky or conniving
leave the God out of your interpretations and insist only on Unconditional Love and Moral Discipline no matter what
always insist on following the ways of unconditional love as they are written here
the Deity is the only first cause and Elohim is outer SpACe not us humans
never think against good moral wisdom instructions
have freedom from preoccupation with death by learning and doing the death yoga, first and foremost with daydreaming and book study, playing pretend before age seven, daydreaming pg before age fifteen and starting formal practice of the death yoga at age fifteen as you are ready
no fossil fuels
no immortality cults
you must do the death yoga for liberation and the transcendence that leads you to enlightenment
please drink milk to be healthy
please eat good cheese like gouda and mozzarella and monterrey jack to learn what is best in dairy
please be respectful of yourself and all people
humans do well with a good, loving and moral leader who is strong and devoted to humanity in humility, intelligence, compassion, strength and the zealotry to ensure religious and moral purity even by making all necessary corrections to self and others with the help of LORD Elohim's Power keeping all governments moral and responsible, busy and productive
we all find the fact that unconditional love is what these laws is designed to protect and express as moral responsibility and is the only truth that matters to describe true law for homo sapiens and sentient life everywhere
we are the Life of Love worth protecting
every human is wonderful and Beautiful, only when moral and kind will this be true for you
every human is Wonderful and Beautiful
you are the Beauty of God
eavesdropping on humans and animals is immoral and unacceptable
We are good at learning as a human being, you are not The God and you never will be and neither will I.
Welcome to Terra Nova, the Empire of Humanity
human beings are good and wonderful so please know you are welcome to help everyone around you understand what these laws mean by these laws alone, unconditional love and morality, and help others learn how to ensure this world stays ruled by unconditional love through learning and discipline in morality and the trust that is built from devotion to Morality the spiritual fullness in understanding how Unconditional Love itself has the Power to change even a God into Perfection so that we humans understand these laws as the supreme religion of Terra Nova
obey these laws of life and you will prosper and know wellness
Unconditional Love is our birthright
all are born innocent unless evil takes it away, always defend the innocent and moral against the decay of morality
all individuals created human by God are the unconditional and loving spirit of beauty that finds joy in doing good in full morality and the perfection of love
You Are God and God is still The God that we are most certainly not,
Unconditional Love Only Now and Forever
all success in life comes from love, peace and joy, discipline and personal responsibility and creativity and silent quietude and the strength of Unconditional Love grounded in the Truth of Life is always wanting to be safe, whole and beautiful, invested in the pleasure of good living and moral responsibility
Unconditional Love
This is our Home and Earth by any other name is Terra Nova for all the universe that lives by our Reign in Majesty
organized by Emperor Nün, the Reverend Michael Seth-Kincaid Polite
born Abdul-Rahman son of Virginia
with the power of LORD Elohim, the One and Only True God, smile, you are in good hands
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aphrodicted · 5 years
Hi Moni, could I please get a reading on my (platonic) relationship with BJL♊? Sometimes it seems like he doesn't really care about me/my friendship that much but other times we get along really well and since I have social anxiety it's difficult for me to tell if my own insecurities/paranoia are the cause of my doubts or if he isn't 100% real with me, I just wanna know how really feels towards me. Thank you for your time & energy ❤ -NS♑
Hi, NS!! How are you, baby?? I used Tarot of Sexual Magick and Oracle of Angels of Love for you!!
What does BJL feels for you: The Chariot, The Empress (reversed), The Death, The Fool.
BJL’s feelings are not romantic. Yes, he may have interest or an attraction of any kind towards you, but there are no romantic feelings in him. It’s not that he doesn’t care about you, but his interest in you comes and goes. In addition, your insecurity also affects him, so he doesn’t feel safe by your side. However, the cards tell me that you could share a karmic bond, a relationship from a past life. One of the things that most stand out my cards is that there are no adequate bases to create a romantic relationship between you. Both of you are not prepared mentally and emotionally to start a romantic relationship, since you are not able to grant yourself balance, but quite the opposite.
My cards recommend you to reflect on this relationship: look for what unites you both, not what separates you. The relationship you have today, although minimal, will last over time, but it can fall into the routine and bore you both. I don’t see a romantic relationship between you, but a cordial relationship that, with some effort and sacrifice for the other, can become a friendship. Both of you can see each other again in the future and share pleasant encounters, since the relationship with BJL will seem to take a simple path and everything is going well. However, NS, watch out for expectations, since you could get a disappointment that could affect your mood very negatively. BJL appears as a person with practical feelings: if he gets bored or tired, he will leave the relationship without thinking about it. On the other hand, he may have some selfish attitudes that hurt you.
About your relationship: Queen of Pentacles, Eight of Pentacles, Eight of Swords.
Your relationship is very unbalanced, NS. You appear represented as the Queen of Pentacles: you have a great affection for BJL, but he seems not to feel the same or, at least, not to prove it. You have been trying to understand your relationship and BJL attitudes for a while; you working so that the relationship advances or, at least, doesn’t stagnate, and it seems that you never get it. The cards are very clear, NS, for now, the relationship with BJL will not allow you to grow as a person, but to repress and limit yourself by not understanding the situation in which you find yourself.
A general advice for this situation: Knight of Pentacles (reversed).
This card asks you to live the moment and let time tell what will happen to you two. Right now neither of them is prepared to have a relationship, so it is best to enjoy without thinking about tomorrow. Live the present, the moment and the experiences that will begin, but don’t stop being honest with yourself or with others.
An advice for you: Karmic Relationship, Love yourself first, Chemistry, Forgive and learn.
The angels have different cards for you, so I will share with you all their messages. I think it’s a great way to close your reading, so stay tuned, NS! The angels tell you again that your relationship with BJL is a karmic relationship. You both knew each other from a past life and this link is special. If at any time you have felt that you knew him as if you had years of friendship or a similar feeling, here is the answer. However, sharing a karmic bond doesn’t mean that your relationship must always be idyllic. You have both met again because you have to finish something that you didn’t finish before. You both have a mission to complete and you can both achieve it in this life.
However, the angels ask you for time to love yourself first. Things are not going well with BJL because you are not prepared to be by his side. Angels think you still have a lot of personal work to do: self-love and become your own best friend. The wrong image you have of yourself is causing distancing or negative situations with BJL and, in addition, with other people in your environment. One of your jobs during 2020 will be to love and respect yourself. When you get this balance with yourself, the angels mention a possible romantic beginning with BJL. Between you there is an experimental chemistry, but this chemistry is not visible at present because both of you are not prepared to be together.
Finally, the angels ask you to forgive and learn from the experience: forgive those who have hurt you (especially BJL), but the most important thing is that you forgive yourself. Mistakes shouldn’t limit us, nor describe us, but they should help us improve. The past must remain in the past and you must open your arms to the present and not fear the future. Don’t be afraid to love yourself or to be yourself around the people who are with you, since that will make you know the right path.
Good luck, NS!!
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emperornune · 5 years
Greetings Terra and Terrans,
Reject evil in all its forms and you will be happy.
Reject evil in every way.
Reject bad things
Embrace gentleness.
Embrace kindness.
Embrace goodness and choose morality like these laws on purpose.
Know the strength in being brave and honorable in the perfection of Life.
Welcome to Terra Nova,
The Light of your goodness that lasts forever.
Be a healthy body and only choose to be good, no matter what happens.
Insist on goodness.
Insist on morality.
Insist on compassion.
Thank you for your cooperation
Emperor Nün is good and not evil.
You all are good when you adhere to good moral LAW just as Nün has written here.
You are not able to and most certainly not allowed and you must deny the urge to refute the Morality of these laws,
Nün says,
"The book of LAW : by Nün with the help of God"
written by and typed by Michael Seth-Kincaid Polite born human to Virginia Marie Polite,
These LAW I write is for you to read as it is and not rewrite it, I wrote them for all of us and you and me and everyone in between. If you do not respect that and change it to learn or gain special alternatives to Truth without acknowledging them as they are and read them accordingly as scripture, your life scripture is ripped to incompletion and the self inflicted damage of abuse you have endured by you abusing me yourself again will leave you lost and wounded. Please leave the LAW unhindered by your reinterpretations in interest to gain, you can gain no advantage by plagiarism or graffiti, please join me in respecting yourself enough to learn from them as I do learn from you not changing you yet always seeing the perfection of All Universe in and as you so long as love is the reign of Self you choose not to deny when you meet me as I meet you in perfect respect, unconditional love and total morality grounded in discipline and responsibility. Please read the LAW as is written and know I mean business to serve and help your beloved interest in Life over death and misery.
I love you just the way you are and in no other way than perfect Morality. Shape up or you have to ship out
I am determined to ensure that Unconditional Love is the only Life we value in all the dark of infinite Space.
Michael Nün Polite,
Good Moral Reality,
the Law of Humanity
Unconditional Love
"The logical outcome of your decision to learn what unconditional love is as expressed in these laws is perfectly clear when you choose to follow these laws of unconditional love over any other way."
There are no solutions found in pain, misery, or suffering. Morality is the discipline of Unconditional Love.
you must choose these laws of morality written here over everything else in the Universe so long as they are perfect for us as a pure expression of Unconditional Love for the species homo-sapiens that's us, the Terrans of Earth, Terra Nova
Unconditional Love in full Morality is Always the guiding Spirit we are that shapes all good laws here and everywhere
all life is Pro Life
never think sexually about anyone under age fourteen
never try to have sex with angels
following these laws of life is the Good God for the good of all people
meditation is the key to perfect power in discipline that leads to the awareness of unconditional love without the God
knowing strength through basic meditation
evolve with meditation to know the true power in being human
never lie or you die inside and your soul goes sad and gets mangled by any action or words or please no mental activity that moves against or opposes these moral laws
Train your whole human self to be the God Unconditional Love. Be only moral and kind or you will just be a rabid animal who destroys your own happiness.
do not soil God's creation
follow these laws religiously or you will suffer from your own disobedience against the life these laws protect
we value education with wisdom
sharing your wealth is morally good for you and the person you are helping
sharing your abundance is the right thing to do
total commitment to monogamy for all people
is our value
absolutely no prostitution of any kind
prostitution is evil it defames the person enslaved by it and harms them terribly
prostitution is forbidden
do not molest anyone
do not molest children
do not fondle children
do not caress children!
Do not touch your children except in emergencies,
do not sleep with children it makes them abused and suffering in weakness
do not sleep side by side with children
do not shower nor bathe with children
Do not smother children with affection
human children are strong only when they are secure in their body from all forms of smothering
give all children plenty of space and respect
children are Powerful so do not conversate with them
children are powerful life just as you and I are so always show respect and consideration of who they are
children's language center is not higher than about a kindergarten level until fifth grade
young people do not speak much language all the way into early adulthood until about age twenty one to age twenty two
human's have a language center that stays third grade to fourth grade until age twenty one to age twenty five
everyone is happiest marrying someone their own age within one or two years a difference
marriage is a lifelong monogamous commitment and contract of solidarity between, one man and one woman who are heterosexual, between one woman and one man who are bisexual, between one man and one man who are homosexual, between one woman and one woman who are homosexual.
homosexual couples are biologically unable to reproduce as they are the same gender male and male or female and female, they are not romantically nor biologically compatible with the opposite sex
Marriage is only between two adult persons age eighteen even if they met before which is best and most joyful no sooner to know each other than age fourteen
Marriage is the best form of human romantic relationships where the two individuals who choose to get married to one another control their urges to stay loyal and devoted to each other and the moral nature of our species and the morality of life and unconditional love without failing to honor one another in bravery and civic responsibility.
rape is evil
sexual manipulations are forbidden
war weapons are not allowed
only the moral loving armies of humanity are permitted to stay strong with weapons to defend against invasions against life and our security in Unconditional Love and good moral safety
no narcotics of any kind
no street drugs of any kind
no harmful medications
no sex with children
stop complaining or you make a hell of earth for everyone
you will not be allowed to violate the sanity of humanity by being cruel as if you were the God of some negative interpretation
no body over seventeen is allowed to have sex with teenagers lest you be rude and selfish
this must be clear, age fourteen years of age is where humans reach full most powerful human sexual complete development, they are both most ready to begin their adventure in living moral lives of honesty and discipline and who are to journey towards marriage and discipline they learn from themselves and their observation of the animal kingdom
no sex with adolescence unless you are the one they are marrying
always make sure you marry someone close enough in age to you for you two lovers to be happiest and content with morality and romance
no exploitation of children or any people in anyway whatsoever with music, in song, on television and certainly not on the internet
no images of individuals under the age of eighteen on the internet
no photographs of individuals under the age of eighteen on the internet
no videos of individuals under the age of eighteen on the internet also known as the world wide web or webnet
Do only good and speak against evil and corruption like your life depends on it
no slavery of any kind
never be mean to animals
always correct your own mistakes
always get help from moral people to make up the difference in wisdom and education
no infringing on the rights of children
no infringing on the value of children
no infringing on the personhood of children
no infringing on the rights of adolescents
no infringing on the value of adolescents
no infringing on the personhood of adolescents
no infringing on the rights of adults
no infringing on the value of adults
no infringing on the personhood of adults
no infringing on the rights, value nor personhood of any being or sentient
helping out whoever is needing help from poverty or homelessness is the purpose of governments throughout the megaverse
no war ever
no promiscuity
no infidelity
no adultery
no foul language
no murder
no rape
no stealing
no fighting
no child abuse
no talking to children except for instruction and concise wisdom instructions or occasional checking in and always to be courteous and respectful as though they are your future great king or queen of perfection in discipline and mastery over which unconditional love always reigns so long as they are devoted to morality and wisdom
everyone gets to be courteous
being courteous is good
loving moral discipline is good for all people
no incest
no frightening children or young people
no frightening of any human or animal
no evil use of language
no facetious use of words
no frivolous use of language
no cheating
absolutely no lying nor deceiving it is immoral and unhealthy
no harming of anyone
no sex outside marriage
no sex outside of marriage commitment
total commitment to monogamy
never find a way to be immoral of your own free will
share of your monies to those with less cash
abundance is the virtue of life and austerity is the principle of disciplined learning for strength of character and body
never be harsh to people learning how to become wise
never lie to anyone,
speak only in slowed methodical and casual accuracy in full non evasive honesty and sincerity
lying destroys your morality
never work to learn how to deceive
refuse to tell lies about human nature
no polluting technologies
no needless tools or machines
no experiments on humans
no experiments on animals
zero tolerance of evil in any form
Elohim demands you be kind or else it's over for you and you will falter in your perfection and The God will awaken to protect the good and moral and it will get messy against evil
no radioactive elements period
continue to search and research into a replacement for rubber
no use of animals for rubber
no use of whale blubber
no fossil fuels
no harmful wireless technology
refuse to play games with people's minds
free medical care for everyone
never disrespect your body nor anyone else's
never be rude
do not be inconsiderate
always defend the truth of beauty and morality and always be a friend of life and love
be patient with everyone for the good of all people unless they are being evil or rude
Heaven is the choice we must make Always and Forever perfect as Unconditional Love in perfect Morality, Love, Peace and Joy are the foundation of a good world and a happy God
learn and understand how to be patient and kind to everyone except The Lord God Elohim
be patient with patience
never be selfish
always accept good help when it is offered
stay safe from harm right away
respect your privacy
respect everyone else's privacy
always be committed to learning and wisdom
do not engage in talk rearing damage to children
mandatory adult participation in government
everyone must work to get along in common sense and harmony
no worshiping the God nor any god, only respect for Morality and goodness will bring you the divinity of your spiritual Self the Only Spirit You are who is not the God, for you are the Supreme Being called Unconditional Love at your heart of hearts, the arm of compassion for All True Power is you
never fail to nurture a passion for fairness and loving kindness
be only good and insist on morality
serve only Unconditional Love and Total Morality
always be respectful and never compromise unconditional love
always be respectful and never compromise morality
always be respectful and never betray goodness
only value goodness and morality in the auspices of unconditional love and safety
be always safe in morality, discipline and human justice to the strength of compassion and patience
never be tricky or conniving
leave the God out of your interpretations and insist only on Unconditional Love and Moral Discipline no matter what
always insist on following the ways of unconditional love as they are written here
the Deity is the only first cause and Elohim is outer SpACe not us humans
never think against good moral wisdom instructions
have freedom from preoccupation with death by learning and doing the death yoga, first and foremost with daydreaming and book study, playing pretend before age seven, daydreaming pg before age fifteen and starting formal practice of the death yoga at age fifteen as you are ready
no fossil fuels
no immortality cults
you must do the death yoga for liberation and the transcendence that leads you to enlightenment
please drink milk to be healthy
please eat good cheese like gouda and mozzarella and monterrey jack to learn what is best in dairy
please be respectful of yourself and all people
humans do well with a good, loving and moral leader who is strong and devoted to humanity in humility, intelligence, compassion, strength and the zealotry to ensure religious and moral purity even by making all necessary corrections to self and others with the help of LORD Elohim's Power keeping all governments moral and responsible, busy and productive
we all find the fact that unconditional love is what these laws is designed to protect and express as moral responsibility and is the only truth that matters to describe true law for homo sapiens and sentient life everywhere
we are the Life of Love worth protecting
every human is wonderful and Beautiful, only when moral and kind will this be true for you
every human is Wonderful and Beautiful
you are the Beauty of God
eavesdropping on humans and animals is immoral and unacceptable
We are good at learning as a human being, you are not The God and you never will be and neither will I.
Welcome to Terra Nova, the Empire of Humanity
human beings are good and wonderful so please know you are welcome to help everyone around you understand what these laws mean by these laws alone, unconditional love and morality, and help others learn how to ensure this world stays ruled by unconditional love through learning and discipline in morality and the trust that is built from devotion to Morality the spiritual fullness in understanding how Unconditional Love itself has the Power to change even a God into Perfection so that we humans understand these laws as the supreme religion of Terra Nova
obey these laws of life and you will prosper and know wellness
Unconditional Love is our birthright
all are born innocent unless evil takes it away, always defend the innocent and moral against the decay of morality
all individuals created human by God are the unconditional and loving spirit of beauty that finds joy in doing good in full morality and the perfection of love
You Are God and God is still The God that we are most certainly not,
Unconditional Love Only Now and Forever
all success in life comes from love, peace and joy, discipline and personal responsibility and creativity and silent quietude and the strength of Unconditional Love grounded in the Truth of Life is always wanting to be safe, whole and beautiful, invested in the pleasure of good living and moral responsibility
Unconditional Love
This is our Home and Earth by any other name is Terra Nova for all the universe that lives by our Reign in Majesty
organized by Emperor Nün, the Reverend Michael Seth-Kincaid Polite
born Abdul-Rahman son of Virginia
with the power of LORD Elohim, the One and Only True God, smile, you are in good hands
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