#thank you simrit kaur
tintenschreiber · 9 months
161 - A Christmas Wish
What do I want for Christmas?, I asked myself And the only thing That came into My mind Was spending undisturbed time With you, Listening to music, Warming coffee And the softness Of dancing voices Hovering in the room.
Your hand in mine And I am peaceful Like never before. Just one moment Now And forever.
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tintenschreiber · 1 year
CXXV - Yearning Echoes
And my heart,
With your name written in it,
Longs to be near you,
Even when you are away.
I can't hold you,
I can't make you stay.
You are here
Or away.
I wonder how I
Will find
The right words
And the right time…
Or do I retreat
To the mountains
And stay quiet,
And let go,
Let go of
What the soul
Is crying for.
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tintenschreiber · 1 year
CXXVI - Whispers of Love
Like a dream,
You come to me,
And hold me close,
So I can't walk away,
And I breathe,
For it is real,
What I feel.
"Tell me the truth," you say,
"I want to hear it from you."
And I am happy,
And I am sad,
And my tongue is hiding.
"Tell me,
Is it true,
That you love me,
And write about it on Tumblr?
Is it true?"
"Yes," I sing my heart,
To the world,
When I am too shy,
To tell you in person.
Like a dream,
You kiss me softly,
And I dream,
This is real,
Everything that I feel.
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tintenschreiber · 11 months
CXLVIII - The Joy of Acceptance
My heart is singing with joy About you. Sometimes I think You are not real, Another fantasy Floating inside of me. I have logical proof That you exist; I know where you live And other things. I held you in my arms. Your voice singing The melody Of a life that can be. I am happy that you find Your way As I watch from behind The curtain The pictures On your website. I have lost the feeling of suffering, I accept what is And what will be. My heart is available. It can be taken, Whoever you are.
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tintenschreiber · 1 year
CXXXIX - Love's Uncertainty
In a movie, I would have some idea
Of what I could do;
Something that your heart
Would move;
Something to make progress,
Something to enchant the hearts of ours,
Something to come closer,
Something… (add anything you like, you are right).
Nothing I can do right now,
Nothing at all.
My love is flying blind,
And you are nowhere
To be found: I know everything
And nothing at all.
My love is drowning
In a river.
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tintenschreiber · 10 months
CLIII - The Priestess' Glow
Like a priestess, you shine, Shimmer and glow On the picture you show, Saying thank you For the people you met.
I wasn't there. Could I be there, One day? Shoving away The fences I make Around Myself.
Entering a world of two. You and me, Peacefully happy, Each day.
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tintenschreiber · 10 months
CLVII -Fingertip Messages
At my fingertips An easy direct message On your phone Suggesting nearness When my letters Touch your eyes.
Where is the line To cross, to enter Your heart As you have mine?
My heart will always Comfort you, My life is yours.
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tintenschreiber · 1 year
CXXXVIII - Only One Answer
I find no answers inside of me. Only one: I love you. What does it mean to you? Is it important? Does it change your life? I want to lay my head On your belly And you hold me And I cry, till I have no more tears And I am free; I forget everything That is blocking me, And you hold me, Till I find myself again, The one that I lost somewhere On the road. And I am safe And no more A slave of what is behind me. We listen to music And we dance Till the end of The night And every day That will follow.
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tintenschreiber · 10 months
CLV -Echoes of Absence
I was dressed for success And I was ready to confess Everything that is going on In my heart to you; Then I am there where You could be too.
The door is open, As I sit by the window And time passes by. A piano is fliring, Hovering Chopin In the air.
I dress up, Go outside, And see A loved one Of yours.
You should be here, I am no more.
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tintenschreiber · 1 year
CI - Footsteps of Silence
At least, a talk,
while you are working,
a few minutes,
feet on safety ground.
What else can be found?
Repeating the obvious,
what I already found?
My love belongs to you;
I am guilty of nothing else.
"Guilt" is a strong word
for being a transponder
without thoughts.
Having the feeling
I never say
the right words.
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tintenschreiber · 1 year
CVIII - The Spectator's Soliloquy
I watch you
and then
I watch outside
to see people,
as if they are
representatives of my life.
They walk and walk,
I sit,
and you talk and talk.
I am invisible,
I am reading,
and we talk
some other time,
You promise
as I leave.
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created by craiyon.com based on the poem.
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tintenschreiber · 1 year
XCVI - In the Shadows of Longing
I am not a sinner, I am not a saint. I look through older texts and am surprised at when my longing started and how it grew, commencing a series to capture her essence, just a little bit of her personality.
I am sure I know not enough, just a glass of water when she is an ocean with the profound depths of the spirit most. "My heart belongs to her" is easily written, but not so easily fulfilled.
In life, my words make no difference in our relationship… Perhaps I should close this chapter and start anew.
What is my love more worth than letters? The time is now, and I see no future.
I am a trained expert for darkness when everywhere is light.
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tintenschreiber · 1 year
LXIV - Three Spirits
I can feel the joy
and energy
in your pictures.
Another day,
you live your life,
happy without me.
There is nothing
I can force to be.
Just enjoy
the moments
with thee.
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tintenschreiber · 1 year
LXXXVIII - Corymb Rose
I miss the opportunity of being me, the man behind the mask, the person behind the actor, who plays me in society. The loving heart wide open, sending and receiving a place in security, a place in being me. Maybe I am the worst actor ever seen; playing to be nice, standing somewhere where nobody is talking. I wonder who my readers are, how life and everything works. I have no answers now, maybe on an other day.
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tintenschreiber · 10 months
CLX - Fleeting Happiness
When I am on my way to the parking lot, I see your car and to my surprise You sit inside And we wave to each other As I pass And cannot stay. Two, three seconds the happiest moments Of the day, Your smile lights the candle in me. I never ever get accustomed to your face, What a wonder each time, And your heart everywhere…
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tintenschreiber · 1 year
LXXI - Last Turning
The summer is here and you are not my dear, all I have is my fear. I have tears swelling inside waiting to fall as if this would change anything about my life or situation. The pressure is on and love is gone. The future is blind, I try to be kind.
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