#thank you snatam kaur
tintenschreiber · 9 months
161 - A Christmas Wish
What do I want for Christmas?, I asked myself And the only thing That came into My mind Was spending undisturbed time With you, Listening to music, Warming coffee And the softness Of dancing voices Hovering in the room.
Your hand in mine And I am peaceful Like never before. Just one moment Now And forever.
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💀🌪 🌠
bones 💀 - what’s a hobby that you quit doing? do you miss it?I quit riding when I was 14, and I really miss it but the only places with riding schools for people without their own horses don’t have any free capacity.
wind 🌪 - what music do you normally listen to? As long as there’s an electric guitar in it and on the rockier side of the spectrum then it doesn’t matter if it’s blues rock, pop rock, punk rock, classic rock, etc. And when practicing yoga, I listen to Snatam Kaur.
fae 🌠 - what’s a fact about yourself that you don’t know how to explain?That I don’t actively remember parts of my childhood. I’ll remember parts when something reminds me or some topic comes up but I don’t actively try to remember something from that time.
Thanks for asking!Ask me questions from the woods
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aquarianwisp · 7 years
Hi! I am a baby witch and was wondering if you had any tips or methods to do a cleanse ? i'm also an empath and absorb any type of energy fairly easy. thank you!
Hey hun, 
There is endless methods of cleansing really. I am an empath as well and I often come home from work completely exhausted emotionally or I find parties and even just going shopping to be exhausting and I often have to re-calibrate. I have several methods that work for me most, and sometimes when I am really busy I end up craving one of my re-calibrating sessions. Sometimes I’ll be at work telling myself “It’s gonna be ok, you’ll get through this, you can go home soon and burn some incense and pray. Stay positive!”Really it’s about finding what works for you to remove the particular type of energy that you have taken on. If you look up correspondences for herbs, resins, incenses etc, you may find that some of them take care of the same kinds of things. However, what this is is actually different types of the same energy. So as you become more experienced, you will be able to pick out the type of tool you want to use for a certain energy, and you’ll know intuitively that it is the correct method for your particular circumstance. So don’t worry too much if you think you aren’t doing it correctly, it’s about learning as you go and finding what makes you feel best. I’ve got a method below for house cleansing that I use, because I believe cleansing the house is a fundamental step in re-calibrating yourself energy wise. So my usual ritual is to do a cleansing, and then do some grounding.
One of the first things I do when I want to cleanse is actually cleaning. I know that’s not really too exciting and witchy, but negative energy LOVES clutter. When I say love, I mean negative energy will marry your clutter and make negative energy babies with it. So cleaning is my first step. I make sure clutter is put away, the house is neat and tidy, and I clean up dust and dirt, everything. I give it a really good clean. Once everything is clean I start pulling out the herbs, incenses, candles, anything that feels good and suits the energy. But for a basic cleanse my usual method is to pull out a white candle, some cleansing herbs such as sage, juniper or cedar, a resin or incense such as frankincense or myrrh, salt, water, and some fluorite crystal. I also love to use music, because music to me cleanses me as well internally, I feel like it puts my heart into a joyful place. Usually I listen to music I consider “witchy” and is good for changing vibrations. For me, that is mantra music, so I usually sing mantras around my home to invite good deities and spirits to inhabit my home. Nothing invites deities more quickly than singing mantras to them. There are some lovely artists out there, such as Snatam Kaur, Nirinjan Kaur, Ajeet Kaur, Shantala, etc etc. who do lovely music for meditation and prayer. So once the cleaning is done I light my candle and hold my crystal, and start smoke cleansing with my chosen herb until the home feels clean. I then mix together some salt water and sprinkle it over the walls and floors. Then, because the herbs actually remove ALL energy in the space- not just the bad stuff- I burn an incense or resin to raise the good vibes. Frankincense is known to raise the spiritual energies of a place, and the same for myrrh. If you really want to get hectic you could burn both of those scents together and your home will be energized to a new level. Once this has been done and if I want to focus on myself, there are a few other methods I use for cleansing myself as well. Usually I like to have a shower or bath, do some meditation and journal-ling, write some prayers or I write down any visions or dreams, sometimes I sing mantras to specific deities who I know can help with something I’m feeling, and I write myself any love letters and messages that I receive from deities. Basically I take time out to connect with my inner teacher, my guides, my deities. This is really energizing and fulfilling to me, and very healing. I often end up crying and releasing a ton of energy that I don’t need. This is pretty much how I do my grounding :)I hope this helps!
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nimitwinklesims · 7 years
Get to know me meme, and ramblings
Thank you @i-mi for thinking of me and tagging me! ♥
That notification actually got me in the Simming realm for a little while again :) And I like it. I never know how long I’ll be here and how long I’ll be gone... But do know that no news from me usually means good news: I’m quite enjoying my life, which has rather changed from what it used to be. Right now, after graduating last summer, I’m an entrepreneur musician (with my little harp and allll my knowledge of Celtic lore haha) and soon to be married (♥) so we’re settling down and preparing to start a family of our own! 
I feel so adult just typing this! Still a bit new for me :) But we’re both really going through giant and rapid transformations, and I trust that everything will be well.
A little note on my personal patterns and thoughts about tumblr:
I’ve noticed that I usually come back here when things get overwhelming in my real and now adult life, somewhat escapist I suppose, and I do consciously steer clear of the black hole when that happens. On one level, Simming is a perfectly harmless way of dealing with an overwhelming reality. It’s creative, I feel inspired, I share good vibes with others. But on another level, I wish there was a nicer platform than tumblr to use for this, and I do miss the old LJ days when everything was just a little slower and more thought-out and you could leave longer comments and easily reply to them. I felt more connected to others than I do now; the “likes” on a post are reduced to just a number where I smile if I see a familiar name from the old days... but conversely I am less inclined to reply to others’ posts and get to know them because I know what a hassle it is to reply and that I will probably not be able to start a conversation in that way. Also, it seems that many people using tumblr are struggling with anxiety or their mental health (it’s just something that I come across more often in this medium) and as someone who used to be struggling but has climbed out, it feels better not to be triggered by those kinds of messages all the time. I hesitated saying that, but if you are wondering “where’d she go” after a period of online activity it’s probably because I started feeling better again and decided to focus on my real life more. :)
Okay, well, now for the meme:
1) Rules: Tag 9 people who you would like to know better. 
So while I don’t know who has already done this, I still like to give a little shout-out to some people to let them know I’m thinking of them. :) Feel free to take the invitation or leave it be!
♥s go to @eversims @keoni-chan @voleste @strangetomato @didilysims @w-sims @selenaq13 @niamh-sims @poppet-sims @justsimaround @blackdaisies @mmmork @sariadeea (yes, I know that’s more than 9, shhh.) 
Relationship Status: engaged (What :o Actually, when I read @i-mi‘s post where she tagged me, we had just got engaged in that week and it was all very new... so that was when I realised I’d now have to fill in something unusual for me here.) Last Song I Listened To: Album: Liberation’s Door by Snatam Kaur Last Book Read/Listened To: The Riddle by Alison Croggon (currently reading) Favorite Color: deep turquoise and dark red Top Three Shows: Pride and Prejudice 1995 (every time I watch it I am entranced by the detailed acting and the characters), Downton Abbey (currently watching, great show, does the same thing for me in terms of entrancement by great acting ^_^), NCIS (because of nostalgic reasons, I used to watch it with my mom on the couch together when I still lived with my parents). Top Three Characters: Cadvan of Lirigon from the Pellinor series by Alison Croggon, Hermione Granger (because I’m starting to realise that I might be more like her than I thought), and George (Georgina) from The Five by Enid Blyton (because she doesn’t care about what others think of her, she’s not afraid to protect those she loves or stand for what she believes in, and she has a heart of gold). All of them badass characters, haha! Top Three Ships: I’m rereading the Pellinor series right now, so of course I’m shipping Maerad/Cadvan in there. Other than that.... @strangetomato‘s JRO never fails to give me warm fuzzy feelings. Do I have to name three? I’m not really a shipping person most of the time, and I haven’t read a lot of fiction lately. Oh! I know. It’s easier when watching shows. In Downton Abbey I am totally shipping Anna and Mr. Bates, even though I can relate to Anna so much more and it makes me want to hit Mr. Bates sometimes because he won’t stand up for himself. ;)
2) Rules: BOLD the statements that are true for you!
APPEARANCE: (ha, nothing, how funny! I wear my hair long nowadays) I am 5'7" or taller I wear glasses I have at least one tattoo I have at least one piercing I have blonde hair I have brown eyes I have short hair My abs are at least somewhat defined I have or have had braces
PERSONALITY: I love meeting new people People tell me that I’m funny Helping others with their problems is a big priority for me (working on this one so it doesn’t take over my life anymore ^_^) I enjoy physical challenges I enjoy mental challenges I’m playfully rude with people I know well (this is something I’ve never understood) I started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it There is something I would change about my personality
ABILITY: I can sing well I can play an instrument I can do over 30 pushups without stopping I’m a fast runner I can draw well (sometimes.) I have a good memory I’m good at doing math in my head I can hold my breath underwater for over a minute I have beaten at least 2 people in arm wrestling I know how to cook at least 3 meals from scratch (scratch yo.) I know how to throw a proper punch
HOBBIES: I enjoy playing sports I’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else I’m in an orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else I have learned a new song in the past week I work out at least once a week I’ve gone for runs at least once a week in the warmer months I have drawn something in the past month I enjoy writing FANDOMS ARE MY #1 PASSION I do or have done martial arts
EXPERIENCES: I have had my first kiss I have had alcohol I have scored the winning goal in a sports game I have watched an entire season of a TV show in one sitting I have been at an overnight event I have been in a taxi I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year I have beaten a video game in one day I have visited another country I have been to one of my favorite band’s concerts
RELATIONSHIPS: I’m in a relationship I have a crush on a celebrity I have a crush on someone I know I have been in at least 3 relationships (if you count the super awkward mutual crush at age 12) (love you) I have never been in a relationship I have asked someone out or admitted my feelings to them I get crushes easily I have had a crush on someone for over a year I have been in a relationship for at least a year I have had feelings for a friend
MY LIFE: I have at least one person I consider a “best friend” I live close to my school My parents are still together I have at least one sibling I live in the united states There is snow right now where I live I have hung out with a friend in the past month I have a smartphone (never bought one to this day though. my current phone was found in my parents’ newly bought house, half buried in the garden for at least 9 months. it has been working for over a year. *knocks on wood* although it’s starting to develop cranky habits. or is that only when I need to quit the electronics...?) I have at least 15 CD’s (no clue. possibly.) I share my room with someone (yes, my fiancé. we live with two other people in a shared house but the two of us share a bedroom and also a study.)
RANDOM SHIT: I have breakdanced I know a person named Jamie I have had a teacher with a last name that’s hard to pronounce (depends on how hard to pronounce you think O’Flaithearta is :) Native Irish.) I have dyed my hair I’m listening to one song on repeat right now I have punched someone in the past week I know someone who has gone to jail
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tintenschreiber · 1 year
CXXV - Yearning Echoes
And my heart,
With your name written in it,
Longs to be near you,
Even when you are away.
I can't hold you,
I can't make you stay.
You are here
Or away.
I wonder how I
Will find
The right words
And the right time…
Or do I retreat
To the mountains
And stay quiet,
And let go,
Let go of
What the soul
Is crying for.
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tintenschreiber · 1 year
CXXVI - Whispers of Love
Like a dream,
You come to me,
And hold me close,
So I can't walk away,
And I breathe,
For it is real,
What I feel.
"Tell me the truth," you say,
"I want to hear it from you."
And I am happy,
And I am sad,
And my tongue is hiding.
"Tell me,
Is it true,
That you love me,
And write about it on Tumblr?
Is it true?"
"Yes," I sing my heart,
To the world,
When I am too shy,
To tell you in person.
Like a dream,
You kiss me softly,
And I dream,
This is real,
Everything that I feel.
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tintenschreiber · 11 months
CXLVIII - The Joy of Acceptance
My heart is singing with joy About you. Sometimes I think You are not real, Another fantasy Floating inside of me. I have logical proof That you exist; I know where you live And other things. I held you in my arms. Your voice singing The melody Of a life that can be. I am happy that you find Your way As I watch from behind The curtain The pictures On your website. I have lost the feeling of suffering, I accept what is And what will be. My heart is available. It can be taken, Whoever you are.
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tintenschreiber · 1 year
CXXXIX - Love's Uncertainty
In a movie, I would have some idea
Of what I could do;
Something that your heart
Would move;
Something to make progress,
Something to enchant the hearts of ours,
Something to come closer,
Something… (add anything you like, you are right).
Nothing I can do right now,
Nothing at all.
My love is flying blind,
And you are nowhere
To be found: I know everything
And nothing at all.
My love is drowning
In a river.
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tintenschreiber · 10 months
CLIII - The Priestess' Glow
Like a priestess, you shine, Shimmer and glow On the picture you show, Saying thank you For the people you met.
I wasn't there. Could I be there, One day? Shoving away The fences I make Around Myself.
Entering a world of two. You and me, Peacefully happy, Each day.
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tintenschreiber · 10 months
CLVII -Fingertip Messages
At my fingertips An easy direct message On your phone Suggesting nearness When my letters Touch your eyes.
Where is the line To cross, to enter Your heart As you have mine?
My heart will always Comfort you, My life is yours.
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tintenschreiber · 1 year
CXXXVIII - Only One Answer
I find no answers inside of me. Only one: I love you. What does it mean to you? Is it important? Does it change your life? I want to lay my head On your belly And you hold me And I cry, till I have no more tears And I am free; I forget everything That is blocking me, And you hold me, Till I find myself again, The one that I lost somewhere On the road. And I am safe And no more A slave of what is behind me. We listen to music And we dance Till the end of The night And every day That will follow.
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tintenschreiber · 10 months
CLV -Echoes of Absence
I was dressed for success And I was ready to confess Everything that is going on In my heart to you; Then I am there where You could be too.
The door is open, As I sit by the window And time passes by. A piano is fliring, Hovering Chopin In the air.
I dress up, Go outside, And see A loved one Of yours.
You should be here, I am no more.
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tintenschreiber · 1 year
CI - Footsteps of Silence
At least, a talk,
while you are working,
a few minutes,
feet on safety ground.
What else can be found?
Repeating the obvious,
what I already found?
My love belongs to you;
I am guilty of nothing else.
"Guilt" is a strong word
for being a transponder
without thoughts.
Having the feeling
I never say
the right words.
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tintenschreiber · 1 year
CVIII - The Spectator's Soliloquy
I watch you
and then
I watch outside
to see people,
as if they are
representatives of my life.
They walk and walk,
I sit,
and you talk and talk.
I am invisible,
I am reading,
and we talk
some other time,
You promise
as I leave.
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created by craiyon.com based on the poem.
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tintenschreiber · 1 year
XCVI - In the Shadows of Longing
I am not a sinner, I am not a saint. I look through older texts and am surprised at when my longing started and how it grew, commencing a series to capture her essence, just a little bit of her personality.
I am sure I know not enough, just a glass of water when she is an ocean with the profound depths of the spirit most. "My heart belongs to her" is easily written, but not so easily fulfilled.
In life, my words make no difference in our relationship… Perhaps I should close this chapter and start anew.
What is my love more worth than letters? The time is now, and I see no future.
I am a trained expert for darkness when everywhere is light.
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tintenschreiber · 1 year
LXIV - Three Spirits
I can feel the joy
and energy
in your pictures.
Another day,
you live your life,
happy without me.
There is nothing
I can force to be.
Just enjoy
the moments
with thee.
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Picture Source:
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