#thank you so much anon! I can finally drop my full headcanon for him!
I’m REALLY REALLY interested in your tnmn headcanons 🖤
Particularly about Francis’s relationship with his parents. Is there more to this backstory?
Ohhh I don't have the specifics of his backstory but for some reason I really like the idea of Francis having a really difficult upbringing because I really do see him as someone who's struggling a lot.
(Warning: A lot of angst and topics of depression and self-worth issues)
My Francis Mosses backstory headcanon:
As I said in my post, Francis's dad (no name, lets just call him Mr Mosses) was a hardass who expected too much of his only child. He wanted Francis to grow up being someone great in anyway but thats just not who Francis is and he couldn't live up to his dad's strict expectations. He wasn't academically smart, talented, strong or have any particular passion for anything. He just wanted to live his life normally (like most people do). Mr Mosses did not like that and saw him as a disappointment. Because of this Francis has incredibly low self-esteem issues and stays up a lot ruminating on how he's a failure and isn't worth anything (even though thats not at all true and he's doing fine technically speaking).
There is one particular kicker to his backstory. In my post I mentioned how Mr Mosses wanted him to enlist in the army and he almost did it (against Francis's will) but his wife talked him out of it. She was the only one who cared about Francis and tried her best to quell her husband's treatment of their only son. Mr Mosses relented so instead of going to the army Francis went to college to study and get a degree in business.
It... did not go well. The pressure got to him and he flunked. Francis left his hometown and jumped from job to job while beating himself up for failing. He still kept in touch with his mother but after she died he and his dad stopped talking and its been years since Francis saw him. He hates his dad but can't help feeling disappointed that he let him down and craved his approval but too late for that now.
One last thing: Because of his past, Francis compares himself to everyone a LOT and always think everyone else is better than him in everyway. He's not good enough for Nacha (I have my own backstory for them), he's not smart like Afton, he's not charismatic like Izaack, he's not brave and strong like Steven, he's not this he's not that and he still can't break free of this mindset because of everything thats happened. No one knows about this and Francis doesn't realise a lot of the people in the apartment likes him just the way he is, he just sees his own shortcomings.
So yeah, that's Francis in my hc. A milkman who stays up late at night because he couldn't help but dwell on his past and his 'failures' and constantly compares himself to others.
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quicktosimp · 11 months
Little Teeth
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Warnings: Birthing, Jake being a slight perv, and excessive use of the word "fuck", otherwise it's pure fluff
Words: 9k
A/N: Finally got around to finsihing this fic! I have had so much fun writing this. Thank you so much @loaksxhoe, for giving us your headcanons on @pandoraslxna, when you were still an anon. I love you so much Roomie 😘
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Jake and Neytiri didn’t take long to have a baby, and then right after Neytiri fell pregnant, we found that Grace’s avatar had also become pregnant. No one knows how, but what we do know is that two little babies will be born soon. Jake and Neytiri had already agreed to take in Grace’s baby, and as their third mate, I will be right there with them, helping along the way with two little ones. The firstborn was little Neteyam, a boy, followed quickly by Grace’s baby, a little girl named Kiri. Life with two infants is exhausting in all the best ways. Even though every moment is spent with one of the two little ones, it couldn’t be more perfect.
And then Neytiri announced she was pregnant. I made plenty of jokes about na’vi contraceptives, but I was elated about there being a new member of our family soon. Now, with a third on the way, things have been put into overdrive. Thankfully, with preparing for the first two, we didn’t need much more, but by Eywa’s grace, would Neytiri please slow down! She’s seven months pregnant, Neteyam strapped to her back, and is bow fishing! I demanded her to either sit down or hand me Neteyam…
“Neytiri love, you are heavily pregnant and carrying Neteyam; please let me take some of the load for you!”
Without seeing her face, I know she’s giving me that glare full of fondness, “I am well aware that I am pregnant, but that does not stop my duties.” she draws her bow, and the beautiful yellow and green feathers fan her cheek.
Rolling my eyes, “Oh wow, I didn’t remember seeing any of the other pregnant women hunting or fishing. I also don’t remember seeing anyone hunting or fishing with their babies strapped to their backs at all. Maybe I’m just blind.” I walk up, and Neteyam notices me. I started to play with the little foot that I could reach, “Let me take Neteyam, and you can have your fun fishing to your heart's content.” I bargain, Neteyam’s little giggles doing wonders for my case. 
With a sigh, Neytiri slowly drops her bow and slides Neteyam off her back. I grab him and cradle him to my chest. His big eyes stare up at me with glee.
“Hello, little mister,” I coo as Neteyam babbles happily, “Have you had fun fishing with Sa’nu?” I asked him, knowing he didn’t understand. But enjoying the attention, he continues to babble excitedly and squeal, communicating with me in a language only he understands. His bright green eyes stare into mine with the love and devotion only a child can hold.
A large hand cups my face, and Neytiri gently leads me to look at her, “You are perfect with our kids, and every day, I fall more and more in love with you,” She lays a gentle kiss on my lips.
I smile into our kiss, bringing our lips to meet again until a tiny hand smacked at my face. I looked at Neteyam; he was disgruntled, like I had ruined his little baby life. 
“It seems our ‘Itan is jealous. He doesn’t like Sa’nu taking all of his Mama’s attention,” Neytiri cooed at our son.
Neytiri and I turned our heads to look at Neteyam, surprised and joyful.
“Did he just?” I cut myself off.
“Yes, he did, Syulang. See if he’ll do it again!” She exclaimed, her hand covering her smile.
I look at Neteyam excitedly, “Neteyam, are you saying Mama? Mama!” I emphasized to him.
“Ma! Ma! Ma-ma!” His little fists raised in the air as he chants my name.
“Oh my goodness!” I squeal as tears prick at my eyes, excited to hear and be his first word. I kiss his cheek repeatedly, causing him to erupt in giggles.
“Oh my ‘Itan, you have always been a Sa’nu’s boy, yet you say Mama first,” Neytiri teases him, rubbing her nose against his cheek. 
Happy that the attention is back on him, he throws his head back in giggles as he claps his hands.
“I can’t believe it! Neteyam’s first word!” I gush over him.
“He is blessed,” Neytiri muttered, holding the two of us.
A thought suddenly hit me, “Jake’s going to be so upset. He missed Kiri crawling for the first time, too.”
“Ba, I told our Skxawng that she was going to start moving soon, yet he still went on that hunting trip,” She exclaims, rolling her eyes.
“Still, I feel kinda bad,” I worry, continuing to kiss Neteyam’s cheek, not wanting him to be upset after such a big thing.
“Jake will just have to work harder with this one.” Neytiri rubs her taunt stomach. 
“I cannot wait for this little one to join us,” I bring my hand to her stomach, feeling the little one inside.
Looking at the two of us, Neteyam lays his chubby hand on Neytiri’s stomach, “Your tsmukan prrnen is in there,” I explain softly.
Neteyam softly coos as he holds his hand on his Sa’nu’s belly. Suddenly, Neteyam yanks his hand back before angrily babbling, scawolling at her stomach. 
I looked at Neteyam questioningly as Neytiri laughed, “Our youngest just kicked Neteyam’s hand.”
I can’t stop myself from laughing as well, seeing Neteyam scold his unborn brother, unknown babbles and grizzles leaving him, making him sound like an angry bee. 
“Alright, my little buzzing bee, it’s time for us to go home,” I comment to Neteyam, caressing his cheek bringing his attention back to me, “Enjoy your fishing, my love,” I lay a kiss on Neytiri’s lips.
“Thank you, Yawne, you two enjoy your day,” With that, we go our separate ways.
The walk back to the village was long, as Neytiri likes to fish in more remote areas, but Neteyam and I enjoyed our stroll. I showed him many different plants and rocks. If they were safe, then I’d put them in his little hands as he learns to move them properly. Feel the texture in his hands and mouth as he learns.
Nearing the village, I hear the sound of pa’li and their riders nearby, “Do you hear that, Neteyam? Those are pa’li and their riders. The riders are brave warriors who protect the clan,” I explain diligently. 
Neteyam’s ears flicker, his eyes shifting between me and the sounds he hears. Soon, the pa’li riders show themselves, led by Tsu’tey.
“Oel ngati kameie, Tsu’tey,” I greet friendly, doing the movement the best I could with a squirming Neteyam.
Tsu’tey returns the gesture, “Oel ngati kameie, (Y/N), Neteyam,” Tsu’tey turns his attention to the wiggling baby, “He seems active today,” A grin shows on his face.
“I think he woke up from his nap just in time to see me. Gives his Sa’nu peace and quiet, leaving his Mama with a wiggle butt,” I joke.
Neteyam turns his head to me, “Ma! Ma ma ma-ma.” He babbles on.
“Well, he wasn’t doing that yesterday,” Tsu’tey commented, “Does Neytiri and Jake know that you’re Neteyam’s favorite?” He teases.
“I don’t know if I’m his favorite. It’s just easier for babies to use an ‘M’ sound than the ‘S.’” I shrug off, “But yes, Neytiri was there to hear his words. Unfortunately, I have not yet seen Jake today,” I explain.
Tsu’tey slowly shakes his head, “I swear those two wait for Jake to leave before doing something,” 
I laugh at his reasoning, “Neteyam, I believe it is bad timing. Kiri, on the other hand, I see the look in that girl's eyes. She’s doing it on purpose.” I laugh joyfully.
“Is that why Jake takes her with him everywhere? Now, Jake has always been good at caring for the babies, but I feel like I haven't seen him without Kiri attached to his chest for the past two months.” Tsu’tey asks, picking fun of my mate.
“I believe so. Jake had Kiri for 48 hours straight, with plenty of playtime and cuddling. Now Jake had Kiri on her back, playing with her. The moment that he went to go to the bathroom, she rolled herself over and started crawling!” I exclaimed, telling my favorite story.
“No wonder my brother refuses to let go of her! But now he may do the same with this little one,” Tsu’tey comments, laughing at my mate's plight.
“What will he do when our third is born? He can’t carry them all,” I enjoy the mental image that gives me,
“He will try, that is for sure,” Tsu’tey grins as he looks around, “Where is Neytiri? Surely you are not by yourself?” The grin slowly faded from his face.
“Neytiri is restless. She is bow fishing down by her favorite creak.” I shrug.
“She should still not leave you alone. The animals have been restless lately.” He pursed his lips, “Come here and hop on. I will bring you back to the village.” 
I thought to argue, but I was already tired from the walk, and Neteyam was getting restless, “Thank you, Tsu’tey,” I walked towards him, and he easily picked the two of us up, settling us in front of him.
“Of course, I am glad to be of help,” He responds before he urges his pa’li onward at a slow pace.
Neteyam, interested in the pa’li, reached out and patted the fin atop its head, “Yes, Neteyam, this is a pa’li, Tsu’tey’s pa’li. Tsu’tey is your uncle,” I ramble on to Neteyam.
“Uncle? I am not familiar with that word.” Tsu’tey inquired.
“It is an English word, an honorific; it is what children call the brother of their parents. I explain to him.
“And you are teaching Neteyam to call me that?” His tail swished joyfully.
“Yes, you were a brother to Neytiri first, growing up alongside her. Then you became a brother to Jake and me. We all proved ourselves during the war. You are our brother, and we agreed we like the name and want you to be called that by our kids,” I offered.
“This is a great honor, thank you,” Tsu’tey reaches around, placing a hand on Neteyam’s head.
“It is an honor for us to have you as a brother. I am always thankful to call you brother, and I am honored for my children to grow up with you around.” I explain heartfully.
“I promise to always live up to that name,” He responds dutifully.
“I know you will, Brother,” Looking back, I smile at him.
The rest of the ride back to the village was filled with idle chatter, Neteyam babbling along with us, believing he was adding to the conversation. Tsu’tey and I indulged him; every time he babbled, we would respond to him with wows or agreements, encouraging him to babble more.
Tsu’tey brought us to the village entrance before helping us down, “You two enjoy your day. I will be back later, hopefully with one of your run-away mates,” He explains, turning his pa’li around.
I give a small laugh at his choice of words, “Thank you, Tsu’tey; however, I will enjoy my time with Neteyam. It has been a while since he has had one one-on-one with his Mama,” I explain cheekily. 
“Got it. I will not look for them too hard,” He agrees, matching my grin. 
“Stay safe, Tsu’tey.” I nod before heading to my kelku.
Being mated to the Olo’eyktan meant our kelku was in the center of the village. It was also larger than the average, but that is fine as we will have three kids in under a year. It was decorated with beautiful tapestries, woven garments, and pillows. It had taken some convincing with Neytiri, but she ended up loving the pillows and the many uses they have, especially the one made to wrap around her front, helping hold the babies and letting her rest her arms.
Looking down, I hear Neteyam grizzling, with it being time for a feed and a nap. 
“I know Teyam, Mama’s going,” I soothe, preparing his bottle, another human invention I had to convince Neytiri of. 
Warming his milk, I check it on my wrist before pouring it into his bottle. I walk over to the pillows, situating myself and Neteyam as his whines increase in volume, “Shh, lovey, I got it right here,” I coo, placing the tip in his mouth. 
Neteyam eagerly latches on, suckling the milk into his mouth and swallowing greedily. He rests his arms on his stomach as his eyes grow heavy. I rest Neteyam on a pillow, angling him towards me, as I use my now free hand to rub over his head. He continues to suck at his bottle like it’s his last meal until it’s finished. Sitting him up, I hold him under his chin before patting his back gently, forcing the trapped wind out. After the wind came up, I brought him back to my chest, cradling him close to me as he readied himself for a nap. Smoothing his hair and running a finger over his face, Neteyam’s eyes droop further as sleep calls him. I chuckle softly as I watch him drift to sleep. With nothing else to do, I sit there watching his beautiful face as he rests peacefully, his chest rising and falling with every breath. I can’t help but reflect on everything that brought me here, and despite the losses, I wouldn’t trade this moment for the world. Knowing that I will be here for a while, I grab my last weaving project, another sling, as we’ll need it with the new little one, as they’ll be here any day.
Jake named Neteyam, wanting to honor Neytiri’s side of the family, and with Neteyam being a mini Neytiri, it worked perfectly. Neytiri named Kiri, naming her after her biological mother. I am unsure of who will name the newest one, but thoughts have circled in my head. One particular name stays around, refusing to leave.
“Darling, why must you look at me like that?” I hear Jake as he enters our kelku.
I turn to see him wearing the Olo’eyktan ornaments, with Kiri strapped to his chest, staring at her father without blinking.
“Please, baby girl, just blink,” Jake’s voice turns to pleading.
I laugh quietly at Jake losing a fight with his infant daughter, grabbing his attention.
“Hey, Sweetheart, how has your day been?” Jake asks, lowering his voice when he notices Neteyam sleeping.
I smile at him, bemused, as Kiri has yet to blink, “It’s been good. Got some time with Neteyam, saw Tsu’tey, now what is this about Kiri and not blinking?” I ask, giggling softly.
A groan escaped Jake, “I swear to you, she hasn’t blinked in over five minutes. She just stares at me blankly.” Truth be told, I still haven’t seen Kiri blink yet.
I have to restrain myself from laughing, “Gosh, I love that girl,”
“You say that like she hasn’t been purposely tormenting me,” Jake exaggerated.
“While that may be true, you did miss something important today.” I tease him.
Curiously, Jake’s face furrows as he smiles hesitantly, “And what did I miss?”
“Well, you see, I went to go and force Neytiri to chill out because I found her bow fishing with Neteyam again. After convincing her to hand over to Neteyam, she gave me a quick parting kiss.” I pause for dramatic effect, “Now Neteyam didn’t like that the attention was off of him, and Neytiri pointed out that he didn’t like that his Sa’nu and Mama were getting more attention than him. Apparently, Neteyam needed to get his point across, and he did that by saying ‘Mama,’” I grin triumphantly. 
“Neteyam, Neteyam said his first word? He said, Mama!” Jake’s ears and tail flickered in glee as he fought to keep his voice down. “I can’t believe it!” Jake paused briefly, his tail drooping, “I can’t believe I missed it!” Realizing he missed another milestone. 
I chuckle at his actions; poor Jake kept missing things, “Well, if you want to switch, maybe Neteyam will speak for you when he wakes, and our little miss will finally blink.” I reach my free arm out.
Grumbling, he unwraps Kiri from her sling, and we switch babies; Neteyam snuffles a little before settling in Jake’s arms, while Kiri finally blinks, realizing that she’s with her Mama a gummy smile stretched over her face, two little white spots on top of her gums.
I laugh, realizing that Jake missed something else, “Jake, my love,” I look at him, grinning.
He looks at me, concerned, “What is it this time?” 
“Our daughter has two teeth coming in,” I grin triumphantly.
“What? No way!” He rushes over the best he can with a sleeping Neteyam.
I turn Kiri around, moving her top lip to show the two white spots, “Looks like her fangs are coming in first. Is that normal for na’vi?” I ask while feeling the spots, seeing how far along they are.
“I don’t even know what human baby teeth come in first, let alone na’vi,” He admitted sheepishly.
“I’ll have to ask Neytiri or Mo’at, depending on how long Neytiri decides to stay out. Kiri’s teeth are coming along.” I mention.
Jake feels Kiri’s gums, much to her ire, “I’d probably do it sooner than later. Those teeth aren’t waiting for anyone,” He explains, removing his finger as Kiri goes to chomp down.
I laugh as Jake looks at our daughter fearfully, “Alright, scaredy cat,” I sit up and move towards the door.
I struggle to put on the sling for Kiri, but after successfully trying it, I wave back at Jake before heading back out.
The healing tent, thankfully, isn’t far from our marui, a brisk walk. The longest part of it was when I stopped digging up a plant for Kiri to hold. The plant seemed to react to her presence, but that was a topic for another day.
The healing tent isn't really a tent. It’s underground, beneath the roots of a tree, giving a warm and cozy vibe when you walk in, bringing warmth and peace as the scents of herbs and tinctures brush my nose. Mo’at stands in the middle of the undergrowth, grinding petals into her mortar. 
“Oel ngati kameie, Mo’at,” I call out respectfully. 
Her head swivels to look at me. A soft smile brushes her face as she spots Kiri and I, “Oel ngati kameie. I trust that you two are alright?” She asks, eyeing us for injuries.
“We are fine. Just came to show you Kiri’s new teeth,” I return her smile.
Mo’at’s ears and tail flickered in joy as her face lit up, “Bring her here! I must see,” She quickly abandons her work.
Laughing, I untangle the sling, happily handing over Kiri to her grandmother. Mo’at eagerly took her granddaughter, placing a finger inside Kiri’s mouth, feeling at the emerging teeth. 
“Two little fangs; it seems they’re coming in just fine!” She spoke excitedly, her voice soft to not bother Kiri.
“Jake and I  were wondering, is it normal for na’vi babies' fangs to come in first?” I ask, seeing that Mo’at is happy with the progress.
Removing her finger from Kiri’s mouth, she explains, “Hmm, yes, one or two top fangs come in at a time, then the bottom ones. After that, the front teeth fill in.”
I nod my head, happy with her words, “That’s a little different than what I am used to, but I am glad that everything is normal.”
“Is that not how humans work?” She asks curiously.
“Sa’nok! Do you know where Jake and (Y/N) are?” I hear Neytiri call.
“I am here, Love!” I called back to her.
“What is the matter ‘Ite?” Mo’at answers as Neytiri comes into sight, Tsu’tey at her side.
“I am in labor; our newest one is early,” She explains calmly as she shuffles her way into the healing tent.
Looking at Tsu’tey, I grab Kiri from Mo’at and hand her to him, “Ready?” I ask him.
“I have been waiting. We knew the day would be soon.” Tsu’tey accepts Kiri from me.
“Jake is at our kelku with Neteyam. If you could, please send him our way, that would be amazing,” I comment as I go through the mental birthing plan. 
“Do not worry. I will send Jake your way and care for the little ones,” He calmly states, noticing my incoming panic. 
“Thank you, Tsu’tey,” I give one last kiss to Kiri’s cheek before turning and joining Neytiri and Mo’at further into the tree roots. 
The deeper underground is only illuminated by the surrounding plants. As I walked down, it became warmer as steam poured upward, and the healing pools were heated, creating the perfect place for birthing. The area brings a natural peace, helping calm me.
Neytiri was already resting in a pool, her garments folded neatly off to the side, as she relaxed with her mother next to her. I sit next to the pool, grabbing Neytiri’s hand and placing it on my face.
“Are you calm now, ‘Ite?” Mo’at asks me.
Sighing, I reply, “Much better now. I’m sorry for panicking,” I mutter to Neytiri.
She laughs softly at me, “Jake was much worse when Neteyam was born. I thought he was going to pass out on me,” Her large thumb caresses my face.
“In our defense, human births are an ordeal. Sometimes it takes several days, and surgery is still needed to remove the baby,” I mumble, eased as I remember na’vi births are relatively simple.
“Several days? That seems excessive,” Mo’at questioned.
“Human births are not easy. It's excruciating. I know my mother was in labor with me for 29 hours before the doctor agreed to remove me surgically.” I explain, grimacing.
“Surgically?” Mo’at mutter aghast.
“Yes, my mother didn’t dilate enough for me to pass through, so instead, they cut open through several layers of flesh and into the womb to remove me.”  I wince at the idea, “The only other option would be to attempt to force me out, which would have either gotten me stuck, most likely killing both of us or my mother would have torn, causing her to bleed out.”
The two women looked at me fearfully, unable to process what I explained to them.
“And this is common for humans?” Mo’at asked softly, slightly pale.
“Yeah, around 1 million births a year are c-sections,” I struggled to remember the average number.
“Would you be at risk for those?” Neytiri asked concernedly.
I look at her earnestly, “Oh, definitely, that’s why Jake and I are so careful because a na’vi baby would be so large that I would be on bed rest from about the 4th month and would need a c-section. Although we do have several human doctors who can perform the surgery, it’s really just the pregnancy that has us concerned.” 
Neytiri goes to speak, but a wince cuts her off. I look down and notice her slit is swollen, symbolizing that her cervix is moving forward slowly. I place my hand into the water, gently rubbing at the side of her slit, trying to help ease the tension building there.
“After hearing that, this seems easy,” She groans.
“Hey, don’t play down your pain. Your body is literally rearranging itself for birth; you get to complain, groan, and moan, and I will personally help you if you threaten Jake, and Jake will as well.” I scold her gently but firmly.
“Threaten? Is that normal for human births? Neytiri’s giggles were infectious.
“Yeah, just the standard things though, ‘You’re never touching me again!’, ‘I’m cutting off your balls and feeding them to the dog!’ you know the normal things.” I comment, remembering some of the things I had heard before.
Mo’at and Neytiri burst into laughter, their giggles echoing to the top of the healing pod.
Jake walked into the birthing room smiling, “It seems I’m missing out.”
“Oh, you know, just threatening humankind by castrating men,” I smile sweetly.
Jake winces, pushing his legs together at the thought, “Babe, I don’t have those anymore, and that’s still terrifying.”
“I still find it odd that human sex are outside the body, males in particular. It literally sways as they move,” Neytiri muses, furrowing her brow.
My head tilts back in laughter, amused by her disgust, “Love, I was terrified when Jake showed me his slit and a giant dick covered in spikes came out! Human genitals are tame compared.”
I quickly shut my mouth, remembering that Mo’at was in the room. I sent her an apologetic look, apologizing for my language. She merely chuckles, shaking her head.
“Now that your mates are here, I will go upstairs. I’ll come back after you are finished together.” With that, she left up the stairs.
Jake takes her spot, kneeling on the other side of the pool, his hand rubbing at Neytiri’s neck, easing her muscles, “How are you feeling?”
“Sore and uncomfortable, this one is ready to leave,” She mutters, and I can feel her inner muscles contracting and moving around.
“I can feel it. Baby wants out now,” I chuckle lightly, realizing something, “All of our kids are eager today: Neteyam’s first word, Kiri’s first teeth, and now baby three is rushing their own birth.”
Neytiri’s face lit up, “Kiri has a fang now?” She asked excitedly.
“Two little teeth are pushing through, two little white spots on her gums,” Jake explains, cupping warm water and trailing it over her shoulders.
“Ahhh, I can not wait to see them,” Her face is aglow.
“And despite Jake having her all day, he still managed to miss them. I spotted her teeth,” I giggle at Jake’s luck.
“Ma Jake, what is with our children and avoiding you,” Neytiri’s laugh brought joy to us as we successfully distracted her.
“I held her all day! There is no way I could have missed that!” Jake whines.
“You also held a staring contest with her and lost,” I pointed out.
“She wouldn’t blink! Five minutes!” He exclaimed.
Neytiri’s head fell back as her laughter rang through the underground. 
“Our ‘Ite will walk all over you when she is older,” Her giggles trail off.
“I can’t fight an eight-month-old baby,” Jake’s pout was evident.
Neytiri and I look at each other, smiling, knowing that our husband was thoroughly whipped for his daughter. 
“Oh!” Neytiri exclaimed.
I press around the sides of her slit, feeling the baby's head was close, “I’m going to start prepping you, Love,” I explain to her.
I wait for her nod of consent before gently rubbing at her slit. The opening is swollen from the moving blood. I press down with easy pressure, moving my fingers from top to bottom, urging her slit to open. A sharp hiss leaves Neytiri’s mouth as she grabs Jake’s hand.
“Easy, it’s okay baby, we got you,” I can hear Jake hold back a wince of his own from her firm grip on his hand.
“Is this where humans would start to threaten their male mate?” Neytiri asked through clenched teeth.
“Yes, Love, this is typically that time,” I send a knowing grin to Jake, excited to hear the explicit that will fall from her mouth. 
Jake gives me a dark look but otherwise doesn’t say anything.
“Jake! You bastard!” She starts off strong, “If I didn’t like it so much, I would cut off your dick and feed it to the Ikran’s!”
With that, I had to duck my head, hiding the smile that couldn’t stop. I focus back on my task, feeling her muscles giving in to my touch. I push a little harder, needing to break the seal that her pregnancy caused.
“Fuck you, Jake! I’m trying your dick to an Ikran and having it take flight!” Her scream was shrill as I broke the seal.
“You’re doing such a good job, Love. The seal’s broken. The worst of it is over.” I coo to her.
“By Eywa, that seal is horrible,” Neytiri mutters breathlessly, the sharp pain of the seal breaking causing her to lose her breath.
Now that her slit is open, I can see the fluid from her womb flow out, tainting the pool in a soft blue glow. I dip my fingers inside, feeling for the baby’s head. Their crown was near but not properly aligned yet. 
“Almost there, Love. Just a couple more minutes, and we can get them out,” I explain softly, my fingers never leaving the baby’s head.
Neytiri chuckles through her groans, “This one is eager, a week early, and not even an hour in labor.”
“Neteyam was average, right? Three hours?” He questions.
I look up at Neytiri’s face, wondering what the answer is, “Yes, three to four hours is average. And I now know why. I can feel this one moving my organs at their whim.” She hisses as the baby moves again.
Their fuzzy head is beneath my fingertips as their crown aligns some more. I shot Jake a pointed look, so I could continue to ease the rest of her slit open. 
“So what are the names we had listed?” He asked lamely.
“Well, for a girl, we all agreed on Mi’niri or Tuktirey,” Neytiri reminded him.
“If she’s named Tuktirey, the kids may have a hard time with her name until they are older,” I warned as I used the warm water to gently ease away the remains of the seal.
“Mhm,” She groaned as more the seal was parted, “I don’t think any of us agreed on a boy name,” Wincing as more of her slit parted.
Noticing that the baby was trying to push itself out early, I placed a bit of pressure on their head, needing to open Neytiri’s slit fully; otherwise, it could hurt both Neytiri and the baby.
“Jake, this is 100% your child,” I mutter, trying to hurry but not wanting to hurt Neytiri anymore.
Sputtering, Jake managed out, “What did I do?”
“Your child likes to finish early,” I muttered blankly.
“I do not finish early!” Jake protested.
“Then why do I always make our, Paskalin cum?” Neytiri joins in.
Using Jake’s bruised ego as a distraction, I finish peeling apart the bottom of Neytiri’s slit, allowing our baby to come out.
“Ready, Tiri? Our baby is ready to come out now,” I explain to her softly, my joy barely contained.
I remove my hand from her slit; instead, I place both my hands outside and around, ready to catch our baby. Neytiri grips onto Jake’s hand, takes a deep breath, and pushes. As she strains, her slit parts wide, showing us the baby’s head.
“You’re doing so good; they’re almost here,” Jake cooed into her ear.
I look and see Neytiri struggling. I pat her hip and say, “Breathe, my love, you need to breathe.” I rub at her hip as she follows my words, “There you go, good job, just breathe,” I praise her.
I watch as her breathing regulates itself and that she’s ready to try again, “Ready, baby? They’re almost here; I can see their head. Just give me another push.” I explain softly, readying myself again.
One more breath, and she started to push, grunting as our baby’s head slowly went past her slit, letting us see their head to the top of their eyes.
“Almost there, Love!” I exclaimed as their head finally popped through, “That their head, good job, Lovie, one more push for the shoulders, and then our baby is here.” 
With that, Neytiri pushed as hard as she could, forcing the shoulders out, and the rest of our baby slid out. I grabbed the baby, bringing its face above the water as I cleaned the membrane off its face. 
Their little face scrunched up as they took their first breath before crying out their displeasure. I coo at them as I finish cleaning them off, looking for any abnormalities or injuries. As I washed them, their slit that hides their internal genitals didn’t have the strength to close and won't for many months. 
I slowly had them over to Neytiri, “Say hello to our son,” I whispered over his cries.
The three of us crowd together, our arms all coiled around each other, each touching one another and our new son. Tears were in all of our eyes as Neytiri brought our son to her teat, and his cries died off as he quickly latched on and began to drink. 
“He’s got a good appetite,” Jake softly chuckled, not wanting to startle the baby.
“He just wants his Sa’nu,” I chuckle back.
Slowly, I reach around and grab Neytiri’s kuru, bringing it forward as Jake goes for our son’s, the bare neural whip, tiny in his large hands. We both look at Neytiri, waiting for her to say something, but her eyes could leave our son's face. He was content where he was, laying snuggly against his Sa’nu, eating his first meal. 
Jake clears his throat, trying to grab her attention. Neytiri is slow to look away but eventually meets his eyes. Recognition faces through her face as she sees the kurus in our grasp.
“Please,” She whispers. 
And we obey slowly; we bring them together, the glowing strands wrapping around each other as Tsaheylu was formed. Slowly, Neytiri’s eyes closed as she relaxed into the bond, feeling everything that our son felt, the first bond being made.
Jake and I looked at each other, knowing that everything we had gone through was worth it for these moments. We slowly brought our faces together, and our lips met softly just over our baby’s head. It was sweet and passionate, full of love.
“I love you two, but do that somewhere else,” Neytiri gripped at us, her eyes remaining closed.
We part quickly, like teens caught by their parents, before we laughed quietly. I go back to finishing my job, cleaning Neytiri, and clamping the umbilical cord, severing one of the internal bonds. 
We all sat there quietly, Jake and I watching our son eat his fill, snuffling as he suckled. By the time he was finished, his little tummy was rounded full from his meal. I reached over and placed my hand on his stomach.
“Look at his tummy, Jake,” I coo, loving the feel of a newborn.
“Our little one is a good eater,” He responds, smiling, his hand rubbing at our son's head. 
“He enjoys your attentions,” Neytiri mumbles, a soft smile on her face. 
“He knows who his parents are,” Jake comments, his voice deep rumbling in a purr. 
A little squeaky sound follows, a little chirping noise that our son is making, the purr of an infant. The continued squeaking purr filled the underground, mixing with Jake’s comforting rumbles. Slowly and slightly reluctantly, Neytiri disconnects from our baby, handing him over to Jake. He grabs him and cradles our son to his chest, their purrs syncing. I grabbed Neytiri’s hand, linking our fingers together. 
We stayed down there for what seemed like hours, simply holding the baby and comforting each other. It was once again my turn with our son. He lay curled with his head resting above my heart. I smoothed a hand down his fuzzy head and down his back before doing it again, memorizing the sanhì that covers his body. This time, he was asleep, so it was quiet in the underground once again.
“Ma Yawne,” Neytiri called, “Jake and I have been discussing, and we agree it’s your turn to choose the name,” Her smile was soft as tears stung my eyes.  
“We’ve both named a child. This time, it's yours,” Jake added as he wrapped an arm around me.
“I-I never-I haven’t.” I stuttered out as tears poured out of my eyes, trailing down and dropping on my son's head.
Neytiri crawled out of the pool, sitting herself next to me. She grabbed my face and placed a gentle kiss on my lips, “You are one of us, Yawntutsyìp; you are our Syulang, never doubt that.” Her voice was full of passion as I leaned into her touch.
I have never doubted they loved me, but being the only human in this relationship comes with hardships and worries—fears of never being enough for them. But this was real and couldn’t be taken back.
Choking back my tears, I look at my son's face again, wondering which name to go with, even though I already knew the answer.
“Lo’ak,” I whispered, “His name is Lo’ak,”
“Like Lo’akur Toruk Makto Amulet, it’s perfect, Yawne,” Her voice wobbled as she held me closer.
I lean up and lay my lips on the underside of her jaw as Jake wraps himself around my other side. 
“I think it’s a perfect name,” But then he whispers quietly enough that Neytiri can’t hear, “It is Lo’ak and not LOAC, right?” 
I refused to respond to that with words. Instead, I leaned to the side and bit his ear.
“Hey! Let go. I was just asking,” Jake whined quietly, trying not to wake Lo’ak.
I continue with my hold on Jake’s ear, laughing as he attempts to get away from my teeth. 
On my other side, I can feel rumbling, Neytiri’s laughter, “Children, I’m mated to two children,” A grin overtook her face.
I quickly let go of Jake’s ear and turned to her, “You love us this way,” I smiled cheekily. 
She said nothing as she kissed my lips before doing the same to a pouting Jake.
And I know that this moment couldn’t be better.
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“Ma Syulang, I will be patrolling today. Jake should be back soon, but if I see Tsu’tey, I will send him to help you,” Neytiri rambles as she places her ionar.
I picked up Neteyam before he climbed onto our cooking spot. 
I turned and put on my best smile, “Don’t worry, Love, I’ll be fine until Jake gets back,” With that, Lo’ak started crying; growing in four fangs at once was painful.
Based on Neytiri’s face, I don’t think I did a good job in convincing her I was indeed fine, “I think I will wait for Jake to return before leaving,” She explains as she stops Kiri from putting a random leaf in her mouth, causing her to cry. 
I quickly placed Neteyam into the front of the sling, as Lo’ak was tied to my back, before moving over to Kiri, grabbing her wooden Ikran toy. Showing Kiri the toy, she quieted down, and I went to take her from Neytiri as Neteyam wiggled, becoming frustrated from the lack of mobility. 
“I’ve got them. You go on patrol,” I demand, as Netyeam grabbed a fist full of my hair and yanked.
“Neteyam!” I scolded, a burning, sharp pain radiating through my skull. 
My shout scared the babies, causing all three to tear up and cry. Lo’ak’s cries turned into squeals, even more upset on top of the pain. Neteyam pulled again in his frustration, and I quickly put him down into the gated play area, “Neteyam, that is not okay. I know you’re upset, but you hurt Mama. You’re going to sit in here until you can use gentle hands. Mama loves you, but you can not hurt people,” I scolded softly but firmly. 
I sat down near the gate but left it out of reach; I pulled Lo’ak to my front, setting him next to Kiri as I shooshed them, trying to calm the two of them.
Neytiri walks urgently to my side, “Here, let me take one,” As she goes to grab one of the kids.
“No, Neytiri, I’m the one that scared them. I need to be the one to calm them and reassure them. I will do the same once Neteyam is out of timeout.” I sighed as Kiri’s cries trailed off into sniffles.
“I’m sorry, babies, Mama shouldn’t have yelled. I’m sorry for scaring you. Mama loves you,” I coo to them, apologizing for my actions. 
I continued to coo and rock them as Neteyam’s time came up. I walked over and stepped over the gate, sitting next to Neteyam. I pulled him into my arms, and he wrapped his chubby baby arms around my neck.
I kiss his head gently, “Neteyam, I love you so much, but you can not hurt people. Can you tell Mama you’re sorry?” I ask him gently.
“Sorry, Mama,” He sniffles, his little fingers clawing in distress.
“You’re forgiven, baby. Mama loves you so much,” I curled Neteyam closer to me as I leaned back against some pillows against the gate. 
“Love Mama,” He grizzles, rubbing his face in my neck.
“Mama loves you too, Teyam,” I whisper, noticing that the three of them are starting to settle down. 
Seeing that Neytiri was still standing there watching us, I used my face to gesture to the blanket nearby. Understanding what I wanted, she grabbed the soft blanket, covering the four of us in the soft fur. 
“Mama loves all of you so much,” I whisper again, kissing each of their heads.
Noticing that the situation was handled, Neytiri blew me a kiss before strapping her quiver on, her bow in hand, “Do you need anything, Yawne?” She asked one last time.
“Thank you, Love, but I’m good,” I whisper as I hear Kiri’s little snores. 
Giving us one last soft look, she left the kelku, leaving me with a snoring baby, a dozing baby, and a grizzly baby. I mentally curse at myself, realizing I should have asked for one of the baby sleeping mats to be placed next to me instead of where I spot it on the other side of the gated area. 
Accepting my fate as a baby bed for the time being, I slouch a bit more, getting myself comfortable. 
“Mama?” Neteyam asked drowsily.
“Yes, baby?” I hum, petting his hair.
“Mama?” He asks again, slower than the last time.
“Mama loves you, Netyeam,” I whisper again.
Slowly, his breathing eases out as he falls into a deep sleep.
Now that two of the three kids were sleeping, I turned to the third baby. Lo’ak was lying there resting, chewing on the strap to the sling, grizzling sleepily as he fights sleep and the pain of the emerging teeth. I kiss his forehead, bringing his attention to me.
“Mama loves you, Lo’ak, just as Mama loves Neteyam, and how Mama loves Kiri. I wish I could take the pain from you and help you rest, just as I wished I could do it for your siblings.” I ramble on, holding eye contact with Lo’ak, “Your Sempu is getting something to help with your teeth from your grandma, but he’s taking a long time, isn’t he? I love your Sempu, too, but he can be such a skxawng sometimes,” I smiled at Lo’ak, and in return, he gave me a watery smile before returning to gnawing on the straps of the sling.
He turned his head left to right, switching sides to alleviate the pressure. Using my not-so-free hand, I place my hand on his head, rubbing his cheek with my thumb, trying to give him the comfort he needs as he grizzles. Feeling something on his face, Lo’ak turns, sucking my finger into his mouth and gnawing on my thumb. He grinds his teeth and gums into my thumb, and I can feel my thumbnail crunching under the strength. I maneuver my thumb out of his mouth, trying not to curse at the pain. Looking at the offended limb, I see cracks in my nail from where he bit.
“You got a strong jaw there, baby. Gotta make sure nothing breakable goes in your mouth,” I laugh at Lo’ak’s disgruntled look, “Now, don’t give me that look. I like my thumb in one piece,” I say, wiggling my thumb, trying to ease the pain. 
Lo’ak’s eyes filled with tears as his new teething toy disappeared. I quickly leave small kisses all over Lo’ak’s face, distracting him from the loss of my thumb. Soft little baby giggles fill the kelku as the onslaught of kisses amuses him.
“Now that’s one of my favorite sounds. My other favorite is when you and Neytiri scream my name,” Jake’s face was stretched in a smirk.
Without looking away from Lo’ak, I calmly mentioned, “If you like us yelling your name, I’ll make sure to tell Neytiri it was you who lost the feathers she gathered for her arrows.” I quickly blow a raspberry on Lo’ak’s face, bringing forth more of his giggles.
“Easy baby, it was just a joke; please don’t sign my death warrant,” I hear him plead as he kneels next to the gated area.
“See, Lo’ak, I told you he’s such a Skxawng,” I explain to Lo’ak, his eyes attentive to me.
“Is this what you do while I’m gone? Teach them propaganda against me?” Jake teases, baffled.
“Yes, I’m staging a coup. Neytiri is my bodyguard, Neteyam is my recruiter, Kiri is my lookout, and Lo’ak is my second. Fear me, Jake Sully, your time is limited.” I drawl.
“Ha! You forgot Mo’at! She won't betray the Olo’eyktan!” Jake exclaimed quietly. 
“She will if her daughter is on my side, idiot,” I snark back at him, a smile threatening to cover my face. 
“Hmm, that is true, but I also have the numbing paste for Lo’ak,” He teases, hanging the bag over my head.
Interested in his father's actions, Lo’ak tries to reach for the bag above us.
“You would stoop so low as to threaten your own son's comfort?” I gasped dramatically. If my hands weren't full, I would place a hand over my heart.
“Anything to keep my lovely mates by my side. Now kiss me,” Jake demands, smiling at me, leaning down.
“You’re such a tease. We should role-play this some night,” I comment, leaning up to meet him. 
“I love that idea. You think Neytiri would be on board?” Jake asks concernedly, stepping over the gate, taking the two sleeping babies from me and cuddling them to his chest.
“Well, first, we would have to explain what role-playing is, but I have heard her say she wished you would command her in bed more often. As long as she knows that it won't change in our day-to-day life, I think she’ll love it,” I reply, explaining what I had heard.
“I hope she likes it,” He smiles, his tale swishing happily behind him.
I sat there thinking for a moment as I rubbed the paste into Lo’ak’s gums, careful not to let his jaws clamp on my finger again, “Gosh, I don’t think we’ve been intimate since before Lo’ak was born. It has been what, ten months now?” I ask Jake, really wondering if it had been that long. 
“324 days, to be exact,” He replied in a snap.
“Babe, have you wanted it that long?” I asked him concernedly.
Jake slowly shakes his head, “It’s alright, I have a working hand. We were all so tired, three babies right back to back. I didn’t want either of you two to feel stressed or pressured, so I kept my mouth shut,” He shrugged like it was no big deal.
Tears sprung to my eyes hearing this, wishing that Jake understood how much this truly meant. I stand to my feet, shifting Lo’ak so he is lying against my chest as he drifts to sleep now that the pain is gone. I cradle Jake's face in my hand as I kiss him passionately, pouring my love for him into the kiss. 
Parting slowly, I rest my forehead against his, “What did I ever do to deserve you?”
Jake smiles softly, “The first time we met, I was in a wheelchair and got pushed down a hall. The force of the push caused me to hit you, and you fell into my lap. You could have yelled at me, blamed me, and so many others had.” Jake’s voice breaks as he licks his lips, “But instead, you took one look at the situation, and you apologized to me, even though you were the victim too before you hunted down the bastard and broke their nose, before chewing them out in front of everyone around. I knew right then and there that you were the one for me.” Jake rubbed his nose on mine as he couldn’t hold me with the two babies in his arms.
I curl into Jake’s arms the best I can, tears trailing down my face from the mixed emotions swirling inside me. 
“That long? And you didn’t say anything?” I whispered, my voice cracked. 
“You were so pretty and firey, way out of my league. I was just a dumb jarhead stuck in a wheelchair. I was just happy to be in your presence.” Jake wrapped his tail around, laying it on my lap. 
“You were always so much more than that. You were my first friend there, so kind and funny. I always had to stop myself from laughing when you snarked at Grace. You were always so strong and never took any shit. I knew I was falling in love with you, but the day you chose the na’vi over the humans, the day you betrayed your own species for the greater good, I knew I wasn’t going to let you slip away.” I explained to him, kissing him again softly. 
“Who would have thought we were both such simps,” Jake smiled into our kiss.
I giggled a bit, “Neytiri did. If it weren't for her, I doubt any of this would have happened,” I gestured to our kids. 
“That is tru-AHHHHHHHH!!!” Jake screamed, waking the babies and filling the air with their screams.
Panicking, I back away, trying to see what’s wrong.
“Don’t do that!” Jake yelled again.
“Don’t do what?” I scream in return.
Both the babies in Jake’s arms were squealing, terrified of the noise, as they waved their fists in the air. But Lo’ak was quiet. Looking down, I see the culprit of Jake’s pain. Right in Lo’ak’s little mouth lay Jake’s tail, clenched between those strong jaws and little teeth.
“Lo’ak’s biting your tail!” I screamed, trying to pull Jake’s tail out of Lo’ak’s mouth.
“I see that! Now stop pulling!” Jake's teeth were bared in a natural defense to the pain.
“Well then, how would you like to handle this?” I yelled back, barely hearing anything over the screaming babies.
“I don't know! Just do something!” He yells, trying to pull his tail out of Lo’ak’s mouth.
“Stop yelling! You’re scaring the babies!” I screamed back, trying to push on Lo’ak’s jaw to get him to let go.
Lo’ak’s squeaky growls add to the mix of screaming and whiling. Lo’ak does not want his new chew toy taken away, and he learned the last time to not let go.
“Fuck! Lo’ak! Let go!” Jake’s voice started to slip into a growl, fighting the challenge that Lo’ak started.
“I love you, but don’t you dare growl at the baby,” I hissed at him while still trying to pry Lo’ak’s jaw open.
“He started it!” He hissed back.
Kiri, either from fear or simply being done with shit, reached out and sunk her teeth into Jake’s shoulder, her growls adding to the mix.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, Kiri, let go!” Jake yelled out.
“Da fuck? Why Kiri?” I asked no one in particular. 
“Is everything alright in here,” I hear Tsu’tey call.
Jake and I snap our heads over to him, “NO!” We yell in tandem.
“What is going on?” Tsu’tey’s deep voice asked over the chaos.
“Lo’ak bit Jake’s tail, and Kiri bit his shoulder, and we can’t get them to let go!” I rushed to explain while my hand started to cramp.
“Tsu’tey, seriously, help us get them off!” Jake demanded as nicely as he was able to.
“Have you scruffed them? That usually works,” Tsu’tey asked, baffled.
“Why would we scruff a baby?” I asked, bewildered and slightly hostile. 
“Be-because it calms them and will make them let go?” He answered, questioning us and himself.
“You know what, I don’t care, as long as it gets them off!” Jake hissed again.
Slow Tsu’tey walked over as if we were aggressive animals waiting to ponce. Spotting Kiri first, he slowly moved his hand over the back of her neck, gently rubbing before holding onto the skin there. A confused noise left her as she let go. Quickly, Tsu’tey grabbed her and held her properly. 
“You scruff them,” He explained calmly.
Looking down at Lo’ak, I move my hand from his jaw and copy the same movements that Tsu’tey did, and with a bated breath, Lo’ak let go. Jake grabbed his tail in relief as we all started to soothe the distressed babies. All of us are now mindful of the little teeth in their mouths.
“Brother, I thank you for your help in this, but if Neytiri ever finds out about this, I will personally make sure you and Ninat cannot have children,” Jake murmured while rocking Neteyam.
“No need for that, JakeSully. It is a right of passage in parenthood. Neytiri will be thrilled to see those scars!” Tsu’tey laughed, “Eytukan wore the scars Neytiri and Sylwanin gave him with pride. He would decorate the marks on the day of their birth.”
I look at Jake, bewildered that this is normal here, and based on the look that he gave me, he was thinking the same thing. 
“How-how often does this happen?” I asked tentatively.
“About once or twice a child,” Tsu’tey shrugged like it was no big deal.
“I’m going to tap out of this tradition as a human who is highly susceptible to infections, and I know that those teeth can and will do severe damage to me. For my safety, that isn’t gonna happen,” I deadpan.
I hear them both wince at the thought.
“That may be a good idea,” Tsu’tey, the biggest stickler for traditions, admitted. 
All eyes turned to the shouted curse.
“Please tell me-”
“Fuck!” Followed by little giggles.
“We’re so dead,” Jake muttered, all the color draining from his face.
“We have to hide this from Neytiri,” I whispered back.
Neteyam looked at Kiri from across the room, “Fuck!” He shouted at his sister, followed by giggles.
Kiri waved her arms excitedly, “Fuck!” She giggled back.
Tsu’tey slowly stood up, gently passing me Kiri like she was an atomic bomb, “You two seem to have a handle on this. I will take my leave now,” With that, he ran away with his tail between his legs, like a coward. 
“Did we ever finish writing our wills?” I ask, as Neteyam’s responding ‘fuck’ travels through the air.
“The na’vi don’t have wills,” Jake answered, accepting his fate.
“Maybe she’ll kill us quickly,” I whispered hopefully.
“Uck!” Lo’ak shouted his first word.
Slowly, we looked at Lo’ak before looking back at each other, dread filling our souls. Neteyam and Kiri were thrilled at their baby brother joining them. Their laughter and shouts of ‘fuck’ echo through the room, all three of them filled with glee. Not understanding that they were going to be raised by a single mother soon.
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Dividers by: @cafekitsune
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misc-obeyme · 8 months
Ooh, headcanons! If I’m allowed to request a Solomon one though I see someone has already done that, perhaps hurt/comfort (or fluff, whichever category you find it fits in ^^) for a pretty badly depressed MC with insecurities, jealousy, emptiness, etc. It’s been an— interesting past few days 😅
(though I always feel like I would get so much better if, you know, I cross the 4th wall,, I swear all their love would cure me)
Hi there, anon!
I'm sorry you've been having a rough time recently. I hope things start to look up for you soon! I can relate to those feelings, so it was pretty easy for me to write this. I definitely think their love would be the thing that could heal us all! Since they're fictional, though, the best I can do is offer these words of comfort. Know I wrote it from my heart. 💕
Thank you for participating!
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GN!MC x Solomon hurt/comfort headcanons
Warnings: MC is depressed, dealing with feelings of emptiness and insecurity
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Solomon notices that something is off with you. He can tell that you're struggling with something. He'll still wait a little bit to see if you come to him first, if you tell him you need his help. If you do, he will drop everything to help you. He has done his best to make sure you feel like you can always come to him for help. But he knows that sometimes it's hard to ask for help when you need it. So if too much time goes by, he'll bring it up carefully himself.
You might try to hide it still. You might answer his questions by saying you're fine, that there's nothing to worry about. Solomon will see right through this. And he knows exactly what he needs to do or say to get you to open up. He'll smile a little - it's a knowing smile, the one that says you can't hide the truth from me, MC.
Even if you choose not to say it out loud, Solomon doesn't really need you to. He can tell just from looking at you that you're struggling and really, that's all he needs to know. He thinks of things that would make you feel better, anything to lift your spirits. He'll go out of his way to get you things you enjoy, such as your favorite food. He knows not to make it himself because he's aware that having him in the kitchen adds to your stress. He'll do little things to comfort you while he waits for you to tell him how you feel.
You can keep pushing, but eventually you'll break down and when you do, he's there to hold you. You find yourself crying in his arms, telling him about how all you feel is empty. You tell him that there is no point to your life, that you're useless, that you're numb. That every day is full of pain and you don't know why. Maybe you say that you're not worthy to be his apprentice, that you're not worthy to be his friend. You're not worth any of his time.
Solomon will listen to you say all of these things. He has to try to hold in his anger at hearing them. It upsets him to think you feel this way about yourself. But he also knows you need to let it out. So he only holds you and listens, frowning the whole time. When your words devolve into sobbing, he finally speaks. He tells you that all he wants is to take that pain away.
He tells you that he doesn't know how to change how you feel. He knows that just saying it isn't true won't be enough. He'll say it over and over again, though. He'll tell you until he's blue in the face that he loves you, that you're more than enough, that you're the best apprentice he's ever had and he's so proud of you. He'll tell you that he thinks you're amazing for each day that you survive while feeling this way.
Solomon will also tell you that he has felt that way before himself. That he knows that feeling of sorrow and emptiness. He'll tell you that he never had anyone to turn to in those times. And now all he wants is to be the one you turn to when you're suffering. You wouldn't begrudge him that, would you?
Maybe it takes some time. And certainly he can't fix everything for you in a single night. But give him a chance, MC. Let him hold you, let him carry a little of your burden. Solomon will tell you that he is always there, that he'll always be by your side.
Solomon will hold you close for a long time. He won't let you go until he can tell you're feeling a little bit better. He'll kiss away all of your tears, hold your face in his hands, and look into your eyes. He'll kiss you gently, tentatively - he needs you to feel how much he loves you. No matter where you go, no matter what you do, Solomon will always be there for you to return to. When you feel like you're falling, he will catch you because in his arms, you'll be home.
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cozy comforts | masterlist | Thank you for reading!
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miupow · 9 months
Smooches all over 🩸 anons face for bringing out tyunning crave lore I absolutely ate that up! Lia you and I have some wavelength going on I had the same idea that Tyun would take a while to warm up to the idea of keeping a human around, i may have mentioned it before i think
I actually have a small headcanon (is it weird to have headcanons about someone else's work i dunno) where reader and Taehyun are out in the woods so she can have a walk, one of the first few times they start to do so, and they're a little too close to town and she spots someone she knows. Taehyun's like oh shit, because on one hand he could leave her here and she could go back where she belongs but if he did Yeonjun would kill him so he had a mini internal struggle
But I have digressed as I often tend to do! I wanted to ask who in the pack can be put in their place by just one look from Yeonjun? I think we all know who isn't a contender, Beomgyu needs like a whole hand clapped on the back of his neck before he behaves 😂
Also i hope you're feeling better soon 💕
i'm feeling lots better now, thank you 🏹 nonnie!! <33 flare up's almost completely gone now, thank god, was worried i was gonna have to go on antibiotics AGAIN....
we are absolutely on the same wavelength on crave omg... your ideas always hit so hard and make me want to write so much about my wolfy boys... currently open for full fic ideas for crave that isn't just smut <333 lia can finally flex her plotting talents
and it's not weird at all that you have crave hcs lol!! i honestly love it, a major point of my works is to get ppl thinking :> a lot of tyun's character revolves around an internal struggle lol, he's fighting himself (and others) all of the time
and for who in the pack can be put in their place with just a look, this is gonna sound crazy but tyun and soobin! for tyun, he'll absolutely put in his two-cents but he's yeonjun's second hand man in a sense, he's sworn complete loyalty to him.. so its very rare that tyun would escalate something into an actual fight when it comes to jjun.
with binnie tho he's just very docile :3 doesn't like rocking the boat or causing any drama, so usually he'll drop back with his head down the minute he's given a stern look lol :3
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awkwardchick87 · 2 years
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I posted 995 times in 2022
That's 920 more posts than 2021!
131 posts created (13%)
864 posts reblogged (87%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 606 of my posts in 2022
Only 39% of my posts had no tags
#awks talks - 210 posts
#awks recommends - 99 posts
#moot reblogs - 46 posts
#tokyo revengers - 34 posts
#🫧 anon - 26 posts
#fanning myself - 18 posts
#tokyo revengers smut - 14 posts
#tr smut - 13 posts
#mitsuya - 11 posts
#awks moots - 9 posts
Longest Tag: 59 characters
#reblogging this because this fic lives rent free in my head
My Top Posts in 2022:
I really liked the hcs you did with baji about his s/o who liked getting her boobies felt ahahaha could I please request the same thing but with chifuyu Mikey and any other characters you like please
These have been so fun to write.
a/n- Mikey, Chifuyu and Mitsuya love your boobs. Using the final timeline.
c/w - afab reader, smut, nipple play, biting, masturbation, cum on tits.
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Mikey is a boob man. No one can convince me otherwise. He is touch starved and needs to have his hands on you all the time. He can't help it that your chest is so accessible. He definitely prefers when you are not wearing a bra. Draken can not count how many times he's accidently walked into the back of the mechanic area at the racetrack to find Mikey's head up your shirt with his hand down the front of his pants, only to turn around and shut the door, giving you both privacy.
"Please, just stay like this" Mikey mumbles from under your sweater, lips wrapped around a nipple.
You bring your hands up, pulling Mikey closer, hearing him groan. His fingers pop the button of his race pants, sliding his hand down to grab his cock. Cupping his cock through the fabric of his boxers, he could feel it dampening already. His hips bucked into his hand and he stroked himself through the fabric. Soft gasps and whimpers heard from under your sweater as he finally pushes his pants and boxers down, just enough to wrap his hand around his cock. His tongue never stopping while it flicks across your nipple and his other hand is massaging the other breast. You can feel how desperate he is, chasing his own release. His teeth graze your nipple, causing you to arch towards him and he buries his face deeper into you. His hand picks up speed, stroking faster. You know he's close when he whines, the grip on your tit getting stronger. Mikey finally cums, his breath leaving him in small gasps as his cum drips on to the floor. Hes peppering your chest with kisses and praises before pulling his head from under the sweater and grabbing a dirty rag to drop on the floor, using his boot to mop it across the mess. Mikey kisses you, "God I love you so much baby. You have no idea how much I love your tits."
All you can go is giggle in response.
See the full post
157 notes - Posted December 3, 2022
I LOVEEEE your headcanons holy shiiiit soooooooooooooooo could I ple request my 3 fave sexy men keisuke manjiro and chufuyu with a really dirty minded s/o who has a crude sense of humour BHAHHAHA sexxx
Thank you anon!! This is for you!
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a/n - Baji, Mikey and Fuyu with a crude, dirty s/o! *so me*
c/w - afab reader, smut, pet names, slight exhibitionism
NSFW under the cut!
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207 notes - Posted November 25, 2022
Could I please get headcanons for chifuyu kisaki and mikey with a really attractive girlfriend who gets a lot of male attention
This is such a clever idea!! I am of course using the versions from the final timeline! c/w - afab reader, smut, oral (fem receiving) pet names (princess, baby, pretty girl) creampie.
Chifuyu, Kisaki and Mikey with a very attractive s/o
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269 notes - Posted November 29, 2022
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OMG I love him so much. I seriously would do anything for him! Look at his smile!!
Link to the original artist!
331 notes - Posted July 24, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
NSFW under the cut. Minors DNI.
Boyfriends Head Cannons. Tokyo Revengers – Shinichiro
You laughed when he told you he had been rejected 20 times. There was no way you believed it. But his face convinced you. You just couldn’t understand. He was such a sweet man. Getting you flowers, buying you clothes, taking you to dinner. You spent many nights hanging out in his shop, after hours. It wasn’t often that the shop was empty though. Ordering some takeout, you watched the sweat roll from his hairline to under his shirt. Subconsciously, you liked your lips, shin watching you from the corner of his eye, absently wiping down a wrench with a dirty rag.
Now you were bent over the bike he was working on. Between your thighs was already sticky, your juices already dripping on to the seat. Shin tried so hard to not send the both of you toppling over the bike. “Fuck girl, this pussy s’fucking amazing” Your cunt clenching, another orgasm building up fast. You couldn’t help but cry out as you felt his hand come down hard on your ass. Shin pulled you into his chest, rolling a nipple between his fingers. His cock still pistoning into your cunt. Drops of your slick falling on the floor every time Shins cock pulled out.
331 notes - Posted August 1, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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mushroomwriter · 4 months
(pt1) The hermanos really live in my head rent free askfhfkd and once again, I must thank you for being so sweet and inviting! I hope you enjoy the rambles ahead 》 Hi, hermanos anon back again! I'm finally done with my exams, thank you once again for all your kind wishes <3 I've even had a little holiday and travelling (which stresses me out) and I was rotating your answer in my head all the while... Yesss, that scene with Sergio & Martin is so painful. The emotions on both their faces are so raw and real and uff, I really love how you can see the way both of them have been hurting and grieving despite the *years* it's been since Andrés died. They truly loved him so much and I am never gonna be over it 🤧 And yes that scene on the ship where he's giving them instructions gets me too, especially this one moment where when they reach international waters everyone is cheering and going wild and Sergio smiles for like half a second before the smile just drops from his face and he looks in the distance... and you can just tell he's thinking of his brother who's not there to celebrate with him :'(
(pt2) This gets long so if you can feel free to put even my asks from here on under a cut (or maybe answer them separately? idk I hope i'm not annoying you or your followers with the wall of text and again I am SO sorry for how long this got 😭)
Now about the hermanos' childhood, I must say you've really done some magic with your words because for the past 2 years, I have clung stubbornly to my half brothers headcanon. I cannot emphasize enough how much I never vibed with the full brothers scenario. BUT. After reading your thoughts, something in me slowly softened to the idea (which I repeat I thought was impossible) and then I was reading this novel at the same time, with 2 brothers in it, and one of them is more "evil" than the other, meaner, likes to play tricks and the other is more good and kind and idealistic. Anyway, there was this one passage in the book where the mean brother lies down in his bed at night praying, begging God to "don't let me be mean" and wanting to be nicer and loved by his brother. and my brain replaced that with the hermanos growing up, and my heart squeezed in my chest and thats the moment I finally converted to the full brothers headcanon. Thank you for opening my eyes to the possibilities. Of course, the half brothers headcanon will always be first and special to me, but OMG the FEELS with the hermanos growing up together as little kids!!! I'm just taking their backstory as Shrodinger's Headcanons, since Pina clearly isn't interested in giving us anwers lmao. After this tangent, let me reply to your actual thoughts asdfjsk
Ah, I can see why s3 gave you that impression. Maybe I watched that interview before s3 becz my mind was always clear that they shared a father, so Andrés mentioning him makes sense but he also always had this kind of distance/coldness when talking abt him, even saying "He was *your father*" to Sergio in s2 by the fireplace (which makes sense if the said father abandoned him), while Sergio was the one who always sounded more fond and grieving. And when he mentioned "Mama's illness" I thought it's only Andrés' mother cause neither of them ever seemed very concerned that Sergio could have inherited the illness too? But it's interesting how preconceived notions affect the way we interpret a scene, you and me both had such different conclusions LOL. I understand, it was just the opposite direction for me, I didn't want to 'embrace' the full brothers headcanon 😅
(pt3) Yeah they even never clarified what he was sick with for HALF HIS CHILDHOOD/YOUTH!, let alone how he got better. But I'm so with you, the idea of Andrés taking Sergio to Russia and saving his life has my whole heart. Yes, you can work in the Andrés raising Sergio bit, especially because i think with their father dying and their mother's illness, they were probably orphaned at a young age either way and obviously the responsibility for Sergio would've fallen to Andrés very young, and like you mentioned even when their mom was alive he still might've been expected to look after his hermanito while they were busy trying to manage expenses. Oh, idk if you've heard of another hermanos headcanon that was popular at the time, basically that Andrés started stealing/got into a life of crime to pay Sergio's medical bills, but again, I love the idea that he used every means- legal or not to save Sergio. (Andrés' past intrigues me very much, I wish the spinoff had actually given us some answers 🥲)
OH, I loved your analysis of both scenarios and Andrés' reasons to resent their mom/Sergio. It makes all the sense, and it's heartbreaking. I also agree that it's very interesting he doesn't resent or bear any grudge against Sergio, when he easily could have. Once again, the fact that despite his unforgiving harsh personality in general, Sergio is the exception and he can see that Sergio really was just a helpless child and doesn't hold anything against him, melts my heart. AND YASSS, that's exactly one of the reasons I love the half bro hc so much. It's a Choice, and what a selfless one. Raising the son of the father(or mother) who abandoned you. I don't think many ppl would or could do that. And the fact Sergio was a sickly child too, but Andrés still took him in and didn't treat him like a burden but a beloved brother <3 I also just fell in love with the idea that Sergio thinks he's all alone in the world and then Andrés appears on the scene. Learning to trust each other. Andrés also thinking no one could love him (abandonment issues) and then he's suddenly the parental figure for a kiddo who looks to him and depends on him and loves him unconditionally, the way a child does.
(pt4) YEP, regardless of scenarios I also love the idea that it was Andrés who saved Sergio's life (and ofc, Sergio would think he can do anything. don't get me started on how Sergio would've felt when Andrés told him of the myopathy. Definitely some of his denial comes from the fact he thinks Andrés can defeat the illness, no matter if there's a cure or not) Gosh yes, Andrés would've been so proud and extra protective, we see that in the Bella ciao scene. I really think he didn't mind if he died as long as Sergio got away and gets to live a long and happy life ;___;
I would never stop screaming either if we got a new hermanos scene!!! Keep the hope alive 🤞 Hehe, I'm glad you appreciated the #hermanos angst! Oh that's great!!! As always, I am very excited for any hermanos content and I would love any gifset you make. What a coincidence lol, Richard Siken really was writing about them XD Awww, I love how you put it, that scene really does overflow with familiarity. Thinking of Toledo makes me emotional too, I'm glad I got to ramble about it with you, you made me smile too :') And if I ever get around to writing it, I'll let you know!
Omg, you're too kind, I'm relieved you don't regret the invitation yet haha. And you're happy to see my silly little rambles?? 🥺❤ So so glad our talks give you a serotonin boost too, and I hope you've been doing well. Take care, and please take your time replying to this essay 😭
PS I've read 100 years of Solitude too just last year! Feel free to tell me what you think of the book so far, I'm thinking of doing a reread <3
First of all, I'm sorry it took me SO LONG. Real life has been so busy lately, and I wanted to give you a proper reply, not a hasty one... especially considering I SO ENJOYED your rambles!!
I'm glad you managed to have a little holiday (which I hope wasn't just stressful) after your exams! If you're studying for some other exams now, well, I wish you good luck!
That scene with Martín and Sergio is definitely in the top painful scenes... Andrés is still such an open wound for both of them! Oh man, yeah, I do remember that moment of Sergio just... grieving despite the cheers and relief and it breaks my heart :(
So under a cut is it! Don't worry! I can't talk for my followers but I'm not annoyed for sure :D
What can I say... I'm happily impressed to know I softened you a little to the full-brothers scenario 💕💕 Also because I was maybe a little worried I rambled a bit too much about that scenario, so I'm glad you did like it! And please, associating that quote to the hermanos fcking killed me :( YES I think Shrodinger's Headcanons is the best way to go for their childhood! Like, as I said I went "naturally" for the full-brothers headcanon but there are aspects of the half-brothers headcanon that really melt my heart, so I want to keep them both! lol, Pina decided to give us NOTHING and so now we decided to take double the answers!
Yeah, it makes so much sense... it's truly interesting to see how the same scenes can be interpreted in different ways and how one preconceived notion can, as you said, make us end up with totally different conclusion...
I KNOW! I absolutely expected they'd let us know something more about Sergio's childhood illness, but nothing lol! I don't know if I had heard of the "Andrés got into stealing for Sergio" headcanon, like I definitely had that thought but I can't remember if it was because of fandom influence or not... either way, I'm so ON BOARD with it! (I guess the spinoff at least leaves us very free to headcanon at our hearts' content...)
I'm happy you loved my thoughts about Andrés and the reasons he'd have to resent Sergio, it's something I love to chew on! And YEAH EXACTLY, I mean, especially considering Andrés' whole character, 'selfless' is not exactly the first word that comes to mind to describe him, so thinking of him deciding to take care of this sick child he didn't even know, son of the parent who abandoned him, when Andrés himself was probably still pretty young... ahhhh! And little Sergio thinking he doesn't matter to anyone anymore, he's nothing but a burden now, but then Andrés appears and takes him in... I'm melting. And now you're making me crazy with the thought of Andrés, whose experience in terms of relationships is really not great, who considers himself really hard to love, getting this kid who loves him unconditionally and trusts him and looks up to him... woah. He was probably flabbergasted. "what's this??? UNCONDITIONAL LOVE??"
The idea of Andrés saving Sergio's life also ties nicely with Sergio's reaction when he learned about Andrés' illness, he was there like "let's forget about the robbery and let's go abroad in search of a cure" he wanted to do exactly what his brother had done for him!! And yeah, I think even after Andrés crushed that idea a part of him never stopped holding a bit of hope! As for Andrés, he would absolutely consider "I die but Sergio lives happily" a great scenario and I want to scream!
I'll keep hoping for new hermanos scenes 🤞 Thank you! That gifset is still a work in progress, I got a bit stumped because the scenes I picked are all so dark and my attempts to colour them have been pretty disastrous lmao but I'll try again! Also just so you know, I keep thinking about "you wouldn't be there to catch me" in relation to the hermanos' relationship and I CRY. (Thanks about the fic!)
I'm SO HAPPY to see your silly little rambles you have no idea 🥺❤ Also when I got these messages specifically I wasn't feeling great, like, physically (I had a bit of a migraine), therefore I was pretty unhappy, but your words really lifted my mood! And again, I'm so so sorry it took me so long to reply this time, I really hope you'll see this answer anyway...
PS. Oh, nice! 100 years of solitude is one of the things I had to put on hold lately, but I really want to get back to it because YES I was really enjoying it! I'm also lowkey obsessed with the opening lines, it's really the kind of beginning that makes you want to read the whole book immediately to find out how's that Aureliano ended up there! (We also had to translate that first part for class and later analyse the official Italian translations and I enjoyed it so much...) What about you? Did you end up doing that reread?
0 notes
write-like-wright · 3 years
Your First Kiss With Them: Prosecutors Edition
A lovely anon requested first kiss headcanons with both defense lawyers and prosecutors, so I'm just gonna do it in two parts.
Miles Edgeworth
It happens spontaneously with Miles.
You'd gone on a few dates already and he always walks you to your door, like the gentleman he is. When it's time to say goodbye, he lingers for a moment, as if unsure how to proceed. He always flakes in the end, leaving you after an awkward hug and a face that matches the colour of his suit.
One day you're just at his place. It's one of those lazy days when you order takeout and sit at home binging Steel Samurai. A funny scene comes on, something that leaves you both in stitches. It's such a sweet thing, seeing him laugh so earnestly, some colour rising to his face. You lean over and press a kiss to his lips almost instinctively and he freezes for a second and so do you once you realise what you'd done. You apologise awkwardly, fearing you'd crossed a line.
"What are you sorry for? I quite liked that," Miles laughs. "At least one of us has enough courage to act."
Franziska von Karma
Happens in the middle of an argument, most likely. Nothing serious, of course. You're just bickering over something silly and Franziska gets a bit too smug with her comebacks. It annoys you to no end, seeing that smarmy grin on her lovely face. You stand there for a second, feeling an overwhelming urge to-
"Why are you glaring at me like that? Just because I'm right doesn't give you the excuse to act like a f-"
Silence. Cut off by a kiss.
She's completely dumbfounded when you part. It takes her a moment to regain her composure.
"Well," she says eventually. "How foolish of you. Trying to win an argument through such underhanded tactics."
You keep on bickering.
She kisses you not two minutes later when she realises her argument makes no sense and you gain the upper hand.
Diego Armando/Godot
It's the classic scenario with him.
He takes you out for a cup of coffee one rainy afternoon. You sit at the coffee shop for hours, talking and laughing, enjoying each other's company. It's dark outside before you even realise it and he offers to walk you home. The conversation keeps flowing on your way to your place and you feel a pang of sadness when it's time to say your goodbyes. You tell him how much you enjoyed your date and he just casually leans in for a kiss that lasts a bit longer than you'd expected. There's no way your neighbours won't gossip about it tomorrow.
Klavier Gavin
He texts you to wear something warm before your date. You're confused but oblige.
Klav shows up on his bike to pick you up and it all makes sense suddenly. "Come on, Schatzi, I'll show you what a real adrenaline rush feels like."
He's true to his word. He drives you around the city, the cool twilight air rushing past you and you feel more alive than ever.
Eventually, he takes you to his favourite spot, a clearing overlooking the entire city. It feels surreal seeing all the city lights intertwine with the stars above. You sit on his bike while he stands in front of you, talking about something or another. It's hard to say who leans in first, but soon enough you're kissing. It's your first kiss together, then the second and third and fourth...
Simon Blackquill
You're just fooling around at his place.
Simon is a massive tease when he drops his twisted persona. He picks little fights and picks on you just to get you worked up. It's a mixture of endearing and annoying.
He puts on some stupid show you're not interested in one bit. Neither is he, but he'd rather tease you about it than change the channel.
"Give me the remote, Simon."
"Come get it, *insert dumb nickname*"
You try and fail spectacularly. It's just play wrestling, but that doesn't change the fact he's twice your size and can pin you down with one-fifth of his weight. Not that you mind.
You're both giggling breathlessly at this point. "Do you yield, miscreant?" He asks in his scariest prosecutor voice. Dumbass. "I yield, I yield! Just let me go!"
"You must pay the toll first," he deadpans, crossing his arms.
"And what is the toll?"
"A kiss, if I recall correctly."
You buy your freedom and he lets you up, handing you the remote and letting you curl up against him on the sofa.
You pay his toll a few more times during the evening.
Nahyuta Sahdmadhi
You're very hesitant to kiss Yuti.
He's a monk. You're not even sure it's allowed.
You start wondering if you'd perhaps been misunderstanding your outings. They were clearly dates, you thought, but then again he could merely see them as you acting as his tour guide to introduce him to your culture. You're very torn on the matter.
On your way home from dinner, you pick up some dessert. Nothing fancy, just cupcakes from a local bakery. You eat them at your place while trying to explain the concept of Netflix and chill to him. It's hard to say if he's scandalized or intrigued.
"These are so good! Would you like a taste?" You ask with your mouth full, perhaps overexaggerating your food-induced moaning.
He gives you one of those sweet, gentle looks he's known for. "Certainly," he says, bridging the gap between you, pressing the softest of kisses to your lips. You're confused by his actions but you'd be lying if you said you minded.
"What was that about?"
"Hm? Oh, that was a pick-up line, was it not? I've heard about those. Although I hear that one is usually used with flavoured lipgloss."
"Yuti, I was just offering you some of my cupcakes."
"Oh," he seems a bit embarrassed now. "Do forgive me then."
"I didn't say I minded. But you can't just go around kissing people like that."
"I'll jot that down in my 'How to act like a native' notebook."
Barok van Zieks
(Heavily inspired by my incessant bugging of @bailey-reaper from my main)
It happens during his University days.
Barok approaches you at a gathering, completely red-faced while Klint and Albert snicker within earshot. He asks you to dance with him in the most roundabout way possible, to the point where you're not quite sure what he's asking of you.
You agree and are surprised at how good of a dancer he is in spite of his initial and apparent awkwardness. Must be those long, elegant legs.
He takes you on a stroll after and you end up alone on a balcony. His initial nervous demeanour slowly melts away, although he's still more than a little shy. You chat away and you even get a laugh out of him at some point. It's one of your personal victories.
It's almost midnight when you are interrupted. "Ah, brother, there you are!" Klint van Zieks suddenly joins you on the balcony. His lips curl in a knowing smirk as he turns to greet you. "Mother has sent me to get you aeons ago! I've been looking for you all over. It's time to leave. Say your goodbyes, and be quick." He leaves then, giving you a moment of privacy.
"I-I, hm, I have really enjoyed your company tonight. Thank you for the dance. I fear I must be going now."
"Wait," you say placing your hand on his arm, half expecting him to recoil. He doesn't. You get on your tip-toes and you can still barely reach his face. Thankfully, he's already slouching. You press a quick, chaste kiss to his lips, hoping no one saw you. "Surely, you wouldn't have left me without a kiss goodnight?"
His face is burning now and he swallows. "Pray, forgive the discourtesy. How careless I am. I'll bear it in mind for next time." With that, he turns and leaves you.
Kazuma Asogi
He walks up to you one day right as you're about to head to your next class, looking pensive and excited at once. You know why, you'd heard the news. Kazuma had been selected for the student exchange and you were thrilled for him - no one deserved it more than he did. You just hoped you did a good job of hiding how sad you were to see him leave regardless.
"I can't leave you here without a proper goodbye. Leave your books, come on." He convinces you to skip the rest of your classes and drags you away on an adventure as he calls it.
You spend the day together, joking around, getting food and window shopping. Finally, you settle under the shade of a tree where you usually met up in secret. He babbles away about the law, the British Empire, his plans for the future.
When he runs out of topics to talk about, he goes quiet, dark eyes searching your face. "Do you know why I stole you away today?" Stole? He's so dramatic. You shake your head. "I don't want you to forget me when I'm gone. Remember this day, and me and this." With that, he gently takes your face in his hands and leans in, claiming your lips in a heated kiss. It's so intense, you feel yourself burning under his touch. Tears prickle your eyes when you part. "I hate to so you go," you whisper weakly and he gives you a sad, understanding smile. "I know. I'm so sorry." You pull him into another kiss, lying down on the grass, hidden by the shade of the tree. You're not about to let him forget you either.
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titanicsimp · 4 years
I don’t know if this is allowed or too far??? But to me Reiner has a breeding kink,,, so can we get some headcanons please? 😳 love your work btw, I don’t mean to be a thirsty bitch but, Reiner is just *chefs kiss*
Oh this is definitely allowed 🤤 Thank you anon, let’s be thirsty bitches together 😩
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Breeding kink Headcanons (Reiner Braun x Fem!reader)
cw: Sexual content, breeding kink, pregnancy mentions
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You had a feeling that Reiner has a breeding kink for a longer time already.
In the beginning he just really loves cumming deep inside of you, it gives him the most intense orgasms he’s ever had.
Reiner’s breeding kink gets more obvious the longer you guys date. After a rough session where he’s already filled you with his cum twice, he finally tells you what he really wants.
“I want to breed you, make you mine.” He grunts out, his hands fondling your breasts excitedly.
After you react encouragingly, confirming that you share his desire, all brakes are off.
The day isn’t complete if he hasn’t fucked you into the mattress, cumming inside of you at least twice. He’s very vocal about what he wants and what he’s going to do to you during it, and you can hear his voice quiever with pleasure every time.
“I’m going to cum inside you, baby. Be a good girl and take it all.” “I can’t wait to see your baby bump, you’re going to look gorgeous.”
Reiner’s favorite positions for breeding are either with you on your back with your legs on his shoulders, or you face down on the mattress so he can pound into you from behind. He loves how you squeal and how your tight walls grip his cock in those positions.
When he knows that you are at the part of your cycle where you are most likely to get pregnant, he can’t keep his hands off of you. Though he continues touching you throughout the day, he won’t fuck you till he has time to take it slow, he wants to spoils you.
On those days he takes his time exploring and kissing your body, whispering how beautiful every part of you is against your skin. He’ll go down on you until you are a sensitive mess, your walls so soft around his fingers and tongue. When he slides his cock into you after that, you squeeze and pulse around him even more than usual, driving him mad with the need to pound into you.
Reiner edges himself a couple times, stopping his thrusting into your heat just in time to stop his orgasm. He wants to ensure that when he cums, it will be so much that you can’t help but get pregnant.
He holds you and kisses you softly, going gentler than usual with his caresses. If this is the night you finally get what the two of you have wanted, he wants it to be special.
“Look at me, baby, let me see your pretty face when I pump you full of my cum.”
He’ll press down softly on the patch below your stomach. “I’m going to give you what you wanted, I’m going to fill you to the brim.” “You’re going to be an amazing mom.”
After cumming, he always keeps his cock inside of you for a bit, making sure every drop of his seed is in you before pulling out. He’ll keep your legs up with his big hands, nibbling and licking at your thighs teasingly while he does.
Seeing his cum dripping out of you after all that, just makes him want to fill you up more. Thought it’s a waste, he can’t deny that the sight of it slipping down your thighs gets him hard all over again.
If you ride Reiner while begging for him to knock you up, he’ll be absolutely over the moon. Tell him that you are going to make him a daddy while you bounce on his cock and he’ll be a trembling mess underneath you.
He doesn’t shy away from begging you either, especially when you are on top.
“Please let me cum in you, I want to see your belly swell with my child.” “You feel amazing, baby, please let me fill you up, I’ll make you feel so good.”
He holds you close after sex, spooning you from behind. He’ll stroke over your stomach with his hand, imagining how it might feel in a couple of months.
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deluluass · 3 years
could yoy do please some yandere kuroo and kageyama headcanons? 💕
nsfw is welcomed 😊
My first headcanons 🤞🏽
Yandere! Kuroo Tetsuro
Content warnings: markers of a toxic/emotionally abusive relationship; dumbification; daddy kink; sex toy(s); mild public play/exhibitionism
This boy has a fascination for messy people.
And by "messy", I mean that Kuroo has a soft spot for those who put up some sort of front. A performative mask to hide their crumbling psyche.
Those are his favorites. (Especially when they're not even aware that they’re hiding something.)
Maybe it's because they're so easy to manipulate? (Or perhaps it's a mild case of schadenfreude?)
It's the instigator in him.
He knows which buttons to push and at what time to exactly do it.
Kuroo lives for being that guy who causes a full blown fight by simply dropping a backhanded comment or two.
For being the final straw that eventually breaks the proverbial camel's back.
And then slipping back into the shadows to watch the Drama unfold.
So it's not unlikely for him to form an obsession for someone who's so emotionally vulnerable.
Someone who has the weight of the world on their shoulders; who has everything locked up inside to the point of bursting.
Because then it won't take much to have them falling apart and unraveling before him.
But he's also a caretaker, you know.
He's opportunistic and covertly callous and mischievous, yes.
But you've seen how much he tends to those close to him.
So when you do fall apart, you will do it in his arms.
He will take care of you.
He'll say everything you've always wanted to hear.
You're beautiful and wanted and loved and you don't have to be brave anymore.
Kuroo's here and he understands you.
From the barest changes in your inflection to your most subtle facial expression.
Other people won't catch it.
To Kuroo, though? Tell-tale signs that you're hiding your feelings again.
He understands you in a way that no else had; that no else cared to try.
And eventually that’ll be the very thing that you’ll hold onto.
Never mind that his every word has become an indisputable fact (when it shouldn’t be).
Never mind that the line between Kuroo just being a mindful boyfriend AND Kuroo disregarding your boundaries has become too blurry that it’s impossible to tell which is which.
Never mind that your entire world has narrowed down to just him and you.
Because all your friends have, one by one, made their way for the exit.
They tell you that they're so tired.
They've warned you- begged you, actually- to end this insidiously suffocating relationship.
"I know he's only been nice to you and to us, but there's just...something wrong about that guy," they say.
But until they pinpoint, exactly, what that "something wrong" is; and until you see it for yourself, you're sticking by his side.
Damn whatever people say.
Kuroo's not the yandere who'd chain you up in his basement or something.
Not that he's above it, but because he doesn't really need to.
Not when he has you bound right where it really matters.
Kuroo has perfected being a dom down to a Science.
He knows exactly when to be mean and hurtful and sweet and kind and giving to you.
Kuroo's very generous, methinks! But only if he believes you deserved it.
So you better prove that you earned it!!
He'll having you cumming and gushing into his hand if you pleaded just enough!!
Looked into his eyes all pouty and teary and pliant to all his wishes.
Very into treating you and talking to you like you're not capable of comprehending words.
Oh, darling. I know I'm hurting you. I know I am. But you like it, don't you? That's right. Fuck yeah, you do, you fucking slut.
That's because you're just a dumb little baby, aren't you? You'd be happy as long as daddy makes you cum?
And you'd nod and say yes so obediently as he pounds your little hole even though you can't hear him over the sound of your own moans.
A FUCKINGN!!!!!!!!! TEASE!!!!
Every seggsy time is edging time!!
Has a thing for slapping your ass until your cheeks are bruised and tender under his palms.
And for sticking a vibrator inside you while you're out in public.
Just to teach you a lesson whenever he feels like you're not learning enough.
"Do you want me to come back until you're ready?" the waiter droned, obviously suppressing the urge to roll his eyes when all you did was grip the napkin in front of you.
You couldn't even look at poor kid; couldn't even make out a sound. You're too busy stifling the tingling within your walls, prompting you to cross your legs beneath the table and squeeze your thighs together.
And Kuroo's just...scanning the menu. Sitting idly before you. He's resting his chin against his open palm, long fingers brushing under his nose, while you're practically grinding down the chair.
You feel yourself leak into the crotch of your underwear, sticky liquid squelching against the crack of your ass as the toy continued to vibrate, burning you up and melting your insides, the buzzing a white noise only you could hear.
His indifference was unflappable. Kuroo even managed to call out, "Excuse me. Sorry about that earlier. We're ready now," so smoothly despite your desperate attempts to catch his attention. Then, he recited a bunch of dishes that you didn’t have the appetite for. Like you’re not outright writhing and earning a few disconcerted looks from the table next to you.
All you wanted was for him to put an end to this. You've learned your lesson. You're not gonna disappoint him again.
Instead, you watched in agonizing fear as he reached for his pocket. And immediately, without a warning, you felt the toy shake violently inside you.
"Ah!" you cried, sharply folding your arms and legs, making the plates and utensils clink against each other as your wrists chafed against your hard nipples.
Your boyfriend halted, leaned closer, and looked at you in a convincing display of concern.
"Are you alright, babe?" he muttered, caressing your knee, his nails pressing down just a tad. Not too hard. Just enough for you to hiss in a heady mixture of pleasure and pain.
You managed a small, quivering "uh-huh" as you begged him with your eyes. Conveying as much message as you could.
"Daddy, I'll be good for you. I swear. I won't lie anymore. I won't make you angry. I won't do anything that you wouldn't be happy about. Everything I do from this moment on will be just for you, daddy. I promise, daddy-"
But Kuroo only huffed out, a small, faint grin tracing his lips as he turned back to the waiter and said, "One cream pie, please."
Yandere! Kageyama Tobio
Content warning(s): rape/noncon
Fourth wall break, if you will: thank you, anon, for putting these characters together because I Believe that they’re each other’s foils in terms of yandere-isms. And this is gonna be an interesting contrast to see (at least, I hope it would be).
So Kuroo’s all subdued mind games, right? Like, you have to do a whole routine of mental gymnastics if you want to dig deep and analyze how he had your head spinning. 
But Kageyama? 
Kageyama says fuck that.
Kageyama, genius though he is, is about as subtle as a metal bat to the head when it comes to his darling.
He has no qualms about tying you to his bed once the opportunity presents itself to him.
But it didn’t start out like that.
At first, perhaps Kageyama was just an aloof classmate whose entire life revolved around volleyball.
The one who couldn’t even take a time out of his day to hang out with the rest of the class on a weekend.
Though Kageyama has a knack for attracting hostility from other people, there comes a time (rare it may be) that it is offset by people who are sympathetic to his idiosyncrasies.
His darling falls under the latter.
That's what draws Kageyama to you.
Hearing stuff like "D'you know what they used to call him before? King!" and "King because he's an arrogant dickhead who thinks he's better than everyone" are not new to him.
But hearing these are: "Stop that. It's rude to talk behind a person's back."
"Kageyama's passionate about volleyball. More than anyone we've ever met. Ok so it's alienating for us! Whatever! But isn't it admirable that he's doing his best at a thing that he loves?"
Kageyama did not get it.
You're not his teammate.
You're not his..anything.
You had no cause to try and be nice to him and defend him and..understand him, really.
So the rest was history.
The beginning might have been awkward.
Every time he tried to talk to you, Kageyama, for some reason, always blurted out the wrong things.
But you didn't mind. You just liked being his friend.
And Kageyama liked having you by his side.
Kageyama liked it, especially, when you're in the sidelines and cheering him on. (This caused quite a ruckus in Karasuno.)
It should have been weird. Kageyama had not known anything else besides volleyball.
Your presence should’ve been that of a stranger encroaching on someone else’s property.
Somehow, though, you fitted in so perfectly.
Like you’re made to be there.
So he tells you: “You’re free, aren’t you? You should be watching me play by now” and “You should be waiting for me after class” and “Stop making excuses. You’re not tired. You can still drop by practice” 
You’ve tried to reason with him. (Even contemplated about ending your friendship.)
But it’s not like you’re ever gonna shake him off.
Besides, you know that he wouldn’t accept anything less than perfect.
His darling was his first sexual experience. 
And like any beginner, Kageyama was pretty...uh..bad at it ngl.
Add that to the fact that he’s on the bigger side and your first with him wasn’t consensual.
At that time, all Kageyama knew was that he really, really wanted to touch you and kiss you and fuck you senseless until you acknowledge that there’s no running from him. 
Trust, though, that Kageyama will not settle for being bad or, heaven forbid, mediocre at it.
Not. a. chance.
Doesn’t matter that you’ve spent the entire day fucking.
Kageyama will not rest- not let you rest, until he drags out a moan from you; until you’ve ruined the sheets with how much he’s made you cum; until he has you begging for more. 
Will experiment a lot.
Will test out how fast and hard he has to fuck you to get what kind of reaction he wants from you.
Very attentive even to your quietest gasp.
If you so much as show a sign that you’re finding whatever it is he’s doing to your body pleasurable- curl your toe or arch your back- Kageyama will amp it up to the point where you’re screaming.
He’ll have this haughty, shit-eating grin while doing it too.
“Yes, you can,” Kageyama growled. “Spread those legs and show me how you do it.”
You shook your head, your body protesting at the slight movement. You’re already on the verge of blacking out. And you don’t have to check the ticking wall clock to know that, by now, Kageyama, too, should be knocked out and dozing off beside you.
But he only grabbed your wrists, making you howl in pain as soon as he touched the cuts and bruises across the skin. Remnants of the nylon rope that bound them together not too long ago.
“Touch yourself,” he repeated.
Kageyama’s voice is a rasping noise to your ears, his hot breath causing goosebumps all over you as he pressed his lips against the shell.
“No-no more, Kag-Kageyama,” you forced yourself to say, though your throat was dry and aching from all your screeching. 
He clicked his tongue. 
You flinched.
And you didn’t think it possible for Kageyama to be more frightening than he already is. Until you’d done as he’d told and, like a wolf patiently waiting to pounce, Kageyama zeroed in on how you moved your hands, his own reaching for his cock.
He didn’t take his eyes off of you, groaning as you trembled and mewled under your featherlight touch. Kageyama stroked himself, grinding into his fist until pre-cum dripped from the head.
“That how you like it, huh,” he croaked.
Before you could even reach an orgasm, Kageyama had already pushed you on your back, mimicking the way you pleasured yourself. Only this time it was rougher, more unforgiving, and indifferent to your cries of “Stop! Stop it, I can’t- Enough, Kageyama!”
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realm-of-rosie · 3 years
Heyhey! May I request Tohma with a reader who does everything she can to make other people happy, but in reality she’s always sad, so she does her best to make sure everyone else is happy? And tohma has to constantly make sure she’s ok? Thank you ^^
✎ Don't Forget About Yourself | Genshin Impact
↠ Tohma × Reader
↠ Comfort + Fluff | Headcanons
↠ Requested by: Anonymous
↠ Before You Read:
anon, babe, and everybody who tends to act like this, be sure to remember taking care of yourselves too, alright?
if you're happy, then you're happy, if you're sad, then you're sad, if you're tired, that's totally okay, you dont need to take yourself apart to make other people happy, especially if you arent happy.
you deserve to be happy babes 💘 we deserve to be happy.
↠ Rules for Requesting | Masterlist
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• tohma knows, and he understands. that's all I'm saying. he knows how hard you work to please people, he knows the things you have to do and most importantly, he knows how to help you.
• he notices the little things and drops in your mood like how your shoulders just drop when you reach a dead end, or how you seem to curl into yourself when someone isn't pleased with the fruits of you labor and how you take much more time in the shower after a particularly trying day and once, when he went to go check on you, he heard you crying and it broke his heart.
• tohma would abruptly hold your hand in his when he notices your eyes start to glaze over.
• he would massage away the soreness in your muscles after you spend all day running to and fro or carrying this and that from point a to point b.
• reminds you that one day of rest won't hurt you or make anyone hate you, and not taking a rest day would hurt you and sadden everyone.
• he learned how to carry around spare clothes and a first aid kit because you would walk around in ripped clothes and poorly wrapped cuts while working.
• takes your shoulders in his hands and forces you to look at him, and then he smiles and reminds you to take a deep breath.
• was taken aback the first time you cried in his arms, but was also relieved that you finally allowed yourself to let your walls down, and to him of all people.
he was pretty proud of himself.
• while he is happy that he can help you, he gets upset when you overwork yourself again and again because he thought you had managed to pace yourself.
• asks you if you're happy with what you do.
• kidnaps you and takes you to the beach where you can have a talk with him.
• kidnaps you for lunch and snack times too.
• tohma looks for you about 13 times a day and passes by you by accident at least 3 times.
• carries a water bottle around with him and lets you take a sip when he sees you.
• he gave you a lucky charm to protect you when he has other things that pull him away from you.
• some days he walks with you while you do your business and if he thinks you're packing in more than you can handle, he is the firm voice that says enough.
• he splits the jobs between you two so it can get done easier and he can drag you home to cuddle.
• when he wakes up earlier than you, or wakes up when you try to sneak away in the morning, you can bet he hugs you tightly so you cant escape and so you can actually get a full 8 hours of sleep.
• "i'm proud of you,"
• "no, listen to me, you have worked so hard today, you're allowed some rest,"
• "good job! let's work again together tomorrow!"
• "let me shower you with love, please, you've been running around all day,"
• "no, they wont be mad at you for delivering the package on the day they asked you to deliver instead of tge day before,"
• "have you eaten? no? then we are going to eat!"
• "i think they'll be more upset that you didnt eat yet,"
• "if you think finishing that is important, then i think that your health is important,"
• "come here and cry in my arms,"
• you cant lie to this man because he just knows. and he never tires of taking care of you or of reminding you that feeling emotions and putting yourself before others every once in a while is okay.
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hypmicdaydreams · 3 years
Hello! I hope you’re having a nice day💕 Can I please request headcanons on Gentaro, Ramuda and Doppo with soulmate au? Like in what type of soulmate au would they be, how would they meet the reader, etc. I hope this isn’t too difficult- Have a wonderful day!🥰
Oh man, I had a field day with this request. Soulmate aus, my beloved <3 These did end up longer than usual, so apologies for that, but anon, I'm so obsessed with this idea genuinely thank you so much for this absolutely adorable request! I hope I did it justice. Regardless, I hope you enjoy it just as much as I did writing it 💕
𝗥𝗮𝗺𝘂𝗱𝗮, 𝗚𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗮𝗿𝗼, 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗗𝗼𝗽𝗽𝗼 𝘀𝗼𝘂𝗹𝗺𝗮𝘁𝗲 𝗮𝘂𝘀
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-pairings: ramuda amemura x gn!reader, gentaro yumeno x gn!reader, doppo kannonzaka x gn!reader
-genre: fluff
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you can see every color in the world except for the color that’s your soulmate’s eyes until you meet them
do artificial beings even have soulmates?
ramuda couldn’t help but ruminate on that. i mean, he didn’t really have a childhood or could even experience the phenomenon of growing up. he merely was brought into this world one day by chuohku
but well, they must’ve programmed it into him, or perhaps that was just how the world worked: every living being was entitled to a soulmate
given that he was a fashion designer, ramuda loved color. his designs were full of it (look to his wardrobe outfits for instance lol), but there was one color that he just couldn’t see
he’s always heard of the soulmate thing, but ramuda always did brush it off as nothing more than a folktale. it didn’t exactly seem entirely plausible to him
ramuda was a bit cynical, so he couldn’t bring himself to believe the idea of soulmates. there was simply no way that there was someone designated for you specifically, someone that was a perfect match, someone that was certain to love you
but one day, when he was designing some clothes for his fashion line, ramuda felt as if it was missing something. the colors he had chosen were good, but the outfit overall seemed just a tad bit bland. it needed something else
so he asked someone who was currently modeling for him for some advice, but when they pointed to a certain color
“ehh? but that’s black,” he pouted, “it’ll just make this piece look so so so depressing”
and that’s when he learned that the soulmate thing wasn’t fiction but in fact reality. he was unable to see that specific color his model saw. no matter how much ramuda researched and read about that color, he simply could never know of its beauty unless he met his soulmate
in a way, he certainly was grateful for it
being the experiment of some government, ramuda often wondered what even was the purpose of his life. he felt as if he could never get close to anyone, that he’d always be alone on this path that was carved for him; but hearing that there was someone that was a match for him did make him the tiniest bit of hope that maybe he too deserved love
and just like that, the thought of meeting his soulmate and falling in love with them made him excited, which was strange for someone so cynical
you guys bumped into each other one day as ramuda was on his way back to his studio. he had been deep in his thoughts and didn’t realize when he bumped into you, causing you to drop whatever you were holding
and as he was helping you pick it up, ramuda looked into your eyes for a moment, but in that moment, he saw the color that he had only read about, and oh how all those articles and papers he read undermine its true beauty
he stopped and stared into your eyes. ramuda couldn’t believe that he had finally found his soulmate right here in the very heart of shibuya
“your eyes,” he mumbled
“they’re so pretty,” you finished, staring right into his eyes as well. blue was such a beautiful color, you couldn’t help but think. how did you go so long without seeing it? ramuda pretty much had the same thought as you for your eye color
you guys pretty much connected instantly, spending the rest of the night telling each other about your lives and everything about you. despite never meeting beforehand, it was like you guys already had such a deep bond with one another. it was infatuation, sure, but well, it was also fate
at long last, ramuda had found you, his one and only soulmate. he couldn’t wait to spend the rest of his time with you
the red string tied to your pinky will lead to your soulmate
gentaro always had quite the fascination with the string that was wrapped around his pinky
no matter what he did to get rid of it - cut it, burn it, etc. - it remained there, looking as untouched as ever
when he was young, gentaro always wondered where his string would lead; and although he grew out of that mindset and started to accept it as part of his daily life, he still found himself gazing at it at times
was his soulmate just like him? did they also love reading and writing stories? perhaps they looked just like him? or maybe even shared the same fashion?
the fact that there was a soulmate already destined for him in particular was quite the idea, and i can see gentaro starting to get invested in it, reading various other stories and folktales about this very thing
gentaro often daydreamed about who exactly was on the other side of the string, even as he grew older, and it certainly became the subject of many of his stories
it was a topic he had a clear interest in, and even when he was writing it, there was certainly a bit of self indulgence in each and every one of his red string of fate stories
he liked to daydream about all the possibilities of who could possibly be his soulmate: an astronaut, a baker, a runaway royal heir from some faraway land, your average run-of-the-mill office worker
he couldn’t wait to meet his very own soulmate and learn their story
gentaro did love the fact that he already had someone that was just right for him. it was pretty much assured that he’d find someone who’d accept him for who he was, that’d unconditionally love and support him
he most likely did try to follow it one time given his curiosity, but it kept going on forever and simply wouldn’t end. gentaro eventually gave up on following the end of the string that day
as much as he loved the idea of his soulmate being on the other end of the string and how mystical it all seemed, at times, he couldn’t help but grow frustrated with it
it seemed like it was never ending, that he’d never find his soulmate, and he’d die just as he was born: the red string still tightly wrapped around his pinky. perhaps he never did have a soulmate in the first place; that made for an interesting short story
but one day, while he sat by a window seat in his favorite café, sipping on coffee and watching as others passed by, gentaro felt a small tug on his pinky
it certainly was alarming when he looked down and saw how taunt his red string was, something that never once occurred to him before. it was usually loose and fell by his side, but this time, it was finally leading him somewhere
and when you finally crossed the window he was seated at, gentaro quickly caught a glance of your finger as well, and lo and behold it was connected to his
just as luck would have it, you entered that very same café he was seated at, seemingly realizing how tight the string wrapped around your pinky now felt. and as you guys finally locked eyes, it was pretty much confirmed. your guys’ strings led to one another
you pretty much rushed to meet gentaro, and even if he didn’t show it, he was just as excited to have finally met you
“so i take it you’re my destined soulmate?” he asked, smiling as he finally had an image of what you looked like after having imagined you for so long
what a strange man, you thought, but even then, you both were far too into your adrenaline to really take note. you guys had finally met each other after many years of searching, and that was all that mattered
although it may have seemed like gentaro’s red string of fate story had ended now, a new one was just beginning
anything you write on your skin will appear on your soulmate’s
although it was pretty much the norm to be seen with writing on your arm, doppo couldn’t help but be embarrassed at his own and thus hide it with his sleeves
don’t get me wrong, doppo absolutely lived for each time you wrote him a little message on your arm. he loved gazing at them and reading each and every single one over and over again, tracing over your handwriting. even if it was just ink, it felt so electrical each time he felt it
but considering his work environment and how he somehow managed to keep up a professional image, doppo felt like he had to hide the markings all over his arm
besides, it did feel a bit personal, ya know? like those were the words that he shared with only his soulmate. he didn’t quite like the thought of everyone around him knowing his business
the entire concept of soulmates was always a bit odd to him, but it was also strangely comforting. the fact that there was already someone out there for him, someone that was a perfect match certainly made him feel a lot less lonely
as someone who was always prone to apologizing and often felt that he was simply a burden, doppo quite liked the idea of soulmates. there was someone out there that’d love him unconditionally no matter what. that sounded nice
funny story, but i can see hifumi being the one to push doppo to write to you first, though it’d be more accurate to say that he grabbed a marker and wrote a greeting on his friend’s arm
he certainly did freak out. i mean, the fact that he wasn’t even the first one to talk to his very own soulmate was embarrassing, but when you responded back and asked him how he was, doppo did feel a bit grateful for that push
admittedly, doppo did get a bit shy each time he wrote to you. what if you thought that he was some sort of weirdo? he didn’t want that
but that didn’t stop him from feeling all warm on the inside and smiling each time you wrote back to him. he developed feelings without even having seen you personally, though the thought of you being his soulmate may have helped with that as well
as he grew older and left school, however, doppo started to contact you less and less given how busy he was with lifework was taking up much of his time
however, he did miss you very much, and at times, doppo would certainly sneak into the office bathroom and gaze at the messages you left. your words of encouragement never failed to get his heart racing and a smile on his face
doppo always did have a desire to meet you, but given his schedule and how demanding his work was, he really didn’t have time to do so. it was nothing but a far off dream for him
but then one day, while he was on the train to work, he raised his sleeve a bit and started to read your messages, something he often did when he had a bit of free time
and from the corner of his eye, he spotted someone near that had the same handwriting on his written on their arms
doppo really wasn’t one to confront strangers, especially not on the morning train of all places, but he simply couldn’t help his curiosity right now. he just had to know if that was who he thought it was
he approached you a bit too excitedly, unable to calm down his racing heart as the thought of meeting his soulmate crossed his mind. doppo couldn’t even think of the right words to say, merely raising his sleeve up and showing it to you
“um, s-sorry to bother you, but i couldn’t help but notice your arm and uh...are you my soulmate?”
your eyes widened and you brought your arm to his, comparing the writing on both, and sure enough, it was the exact same
doppo didn’t know how he to describe how he felt at that moment, but in a word: euphoric
he had been wanting to meet you for so long, and here you were, right in front of him. he couldn’t believe it really. something was actually going his way this morning
doppo really did want to stay and chat with you, but his stop was right here, and he scrambled to write down his number on his arm so that you’d call him later that day (why didn’t he think of that before?), muttering the words before rushing out of the train
that night, the two of you talked for hours on end, excited to finally have a face to the handwriting. you guys chatted about everything, all your interests, work, life, there was nothing you guys didn’t touch
you even set up a day and time to meet up with doppo, something that he was very much looking forward. this would be his first ever date with his soulmate, and while he was very much nervous, doppo was also ecstatic
for once in his life, something was finally looking up
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shirophantomvox · 3 years
What Would a Card Game with Hisoka Be Like? Hisoka x S/O
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This is part 2 to my previous headcanon post about how to get the Adult Trio to blush. Check it out now!
Hello anon and thank you for this wonderful ask! Your question is very unique because it asks about card-playing and Hisoka. I’ll be honest, I have never thought about Hisoka actually playing a card game but since it is a part of his aesthetic, I’m sure it’s possible. You and I are wondering the same thing…how would a card game go with him? How would Hisoka enjoy a night at a Casino? He’d love it! The thrill of intense game playing, stupid wagers, and fancy hotels with beds as soft as the clouds?! I mean, he has stated before that he learned card tricks from his mother. I used “lady” in here as a context filler just to make the story but anyone can insert themselves in this story. As usual, I have to incorporate fluff in here somewhere. Say no more! Buckle up, people; we are about to go on a fast ride to satisfaction-Ville.
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♠️ Tonk, survival of the fittest ♠️
It is common knowledge that playing cards are Hisoka’s strength. I’m not sure if he knows how to play cards or if he only uses them as weapons. Either way, he somehow perfects his moves. Sometimes playing a game of cards with him are loads of fun and sometimes they turn into heated and naughty dares session if one loses a certain amount of rounds.
Headcanon 1: Hisoka is the king at bluffing. He’ll say anything to pressure you into dropping your hand on the table. Don’t be surprised if he expresses how he’ll cater to your every whim if you drop your hand in an instant, but do not fall for it!
Headcanon 2: Drama makes him full; more than oatmeal. He’ll talk about how horrible you are at card games and that you move slowly like an old person just to make you angry so you can quit at the game. He often gives you the evilest glares from across the table. Sometimes they can be so bone-chilling that you turn your head to make sure no one had anything to your neck. But something about those evil glares made you break a sweat not from fear but from arousal. It’s something about that thin, smug smile that makes you want to say “Take me here.” The anticipation is eating you both alive.
Headcanon 3: Most of the time, he likes to include a wager to make the game more interesting. This can be something as simple as giving him a massage to who will be handcuffed that night. One time he bet $1,000, convinced that he was going to win a game of Gin but when you beat him in the first 10 minutes, he was flabbergasted.
Headcanon 4: Hisoka isn’t afraid to admit to defeat. If you won the game fair and square, then so be it. You have won a surprising amount of card games. Since this magician is the master at card tricks, it would seem like he’d win, but you and he were nearly even. After you won this round, he’d slightly throw his hands up and laugh.
“I didn’t know you’d catch on so quickly and quite well, I might add.”
“Well...I learned from a great teacher…”, you pause for second sipping from your cup and fluttered your eyes, “...Hisoka.” The purring of his name pushed a slight groan of relief from the magician as he held his 5 cards in front of his mouth, leaving only his nose and golden eyes exposed.
Headcanon 5: Hisoka doesn't cheat at all when he plays cards. It isn’t fun if a person continuously cheats because the game would be over in seconds. Although he doesn’t cheat, he often distracts you with physical touch. Sometimes he’d rub his fingers on your hand as it rests on the table or blows you kisses. This is done to divert your attention from the game and focus on his passes. Well...I guess you could call this cheating. If you’re having a hard time trying to pull a card for the win, sometimes he will give you a pass and allow you to discard one card to put you ahead of him. If you’re taking absolutely TOO LONG to pull, he’ll throw his stack of cards on the table, come over, and demonstrate for you. To add insult to injury, he’d bend over placing his sharp chin your should on purpose so his mouth could be by your ear. He is now taking up the majority of your seat (doing squats for so many years finally paid off) and is guiding both of your hands mimicking how to pick cards to win a game.
Headcanon 6: Flirting is his strength. He already knows that he is eye candy to everyone and uses it to his advantage. As he explains his methods, within each explanation he takes a card (without Nen) and grazes it against your jaw or arm, and whispers what card it is.
“...Here we have a Queen of Hearts. Look familiar?”
You nod and frown. “No.”
“It’s you, silly.”
Ah! Those cheesy pick-up lines! You never get tired of those
“A 2 of Spades, a 4 of Diamonds, and a Joker card.” His deep voice tickled your eardrum as he spoke softly. “Are you paying attention, kitten?” He knew that you weren’t but continued to pull your finger anyway.
As he continued to fiddle with cards, he gently places a few kisses on your cheek to see if you can still focus while doing so. Truth be told, it wouldn’t be fun for either of you if you developed a stone heart like how he had.
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♦ ♥ Casino Night ♥ ♦
Headcanon 7: He loves to participate in exciting Casino Games and have you attend as his “partner in crime”.
On a Casino Date Night, he often chooses a dress for you and you choose his suit. Red and black or black and gold always look flawless together.
The casino is his favorite place to go when he accompanies Illumi on missions. The Zoldyck boy is often irritated by the fact but allows him to do whatever he pleases as long as he doesn’t attract too much attention to himself. That is such a stupid thing to ask of this magician. He is eye candy after all. How can he go unnoticed? If you are with him, he is bound to be noticed. People would stare in awe and jealously at how you two were beyond a power couple.
Hisoka often engages in stupid and dangerous wagers that almost cost him his life but knowing the excitement he gets from it, he doesn’t care.
He has placed bets with members of the Mafia and gang-bangers betting his house and jewels but somehow always manages to win. To make matters worse, the sore losers would often call you horrible names simply because they were angry because they lost to a sly young man.
He refers to you as his “good luck charm ♣” which seems to be true. Every time you are with him, he wins the riskiest wagers.
Headcanon 8: He despises the slot machines. He believes they are rigged to not match on purpose so you can continue to waste money. He forbids you to play them especially when you are using his money.
Headcanon 9: When in “Gamer’s Den”, he is much more protective of you than anywhere else. The Gamer’s Den is a Den of thieves; they mainly consist of money-hungry men that prey on people and their vulnerabilities and/or have committed crimes before (example: robbing winners when walking to their cars). Keeping his arm around your waist, he glares at everyone in the room to establish a sense of dominance AND to let it be known that he is not to be messed with.
Headcanon 10: His kitten (you) is not to be flirted with. You were in the Lion’s Den; something similar to a piece of steak in front of warm-blooded mammals. Of course, wolf-whistles were heard when you walked by, but your man was by your side; it was easy to ignore. Some of the men disregarded his stares and began to flirt with you hard. It made you cringe. Who would want a 50-year-old man with too much cologne on, in your face smiling with a yellow tooth showing? The man only backs up when Hisoka throws his Joker card at him, grazing his cheek causing it to be scratched. One man pushed you to the ground because you ignored his passes. Hisoka began to laugh, sounding a bit psychotic.
“Sir, you do not put your hands on a lady. It shows how much of a coward you are for not excepting that she isn’t interested.”
“Shut up you bag of bones! There’s no way she’s with your skinny ass,” the older man yelled. “You young people annoy the crap out of me! I could break your thin ass in half in a matter of seconds!” His face was red, ready to burst into flames yet he wasn’t ready for the surprise he was about to get.”
Hisoka walked over, helped you up, and dusted off your dress. The man started in confusion. He couldn’t bear the thought of such a beautiful person to be with someone like him.
The man continued to hurl insults at Hisoka but before he could react, security had already thrown him out.
“What a pity. I was going to show him what a ‘skinny’ man can do. Oh well.
Headcanon 11: You enjoy playing pool more than he does. Again, he takes this opportunity to distract you as much as possible. The touch of his cold moist lips from drinking wine on your warm neck causes you to jerk, missing the hole you were shooting for. After pouting, nearly about to jab him in his stomach (because you were playing for money), Hisoka chuckles in a teasingly way.
“I adore that look,” he says sipping from his wine cup.
“I’m sure you do.”
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sneezefiction · 4 years
soft karasuno sleepover
Karasuno x Reader - Sleepover Headcanons
anon request: “please make a karasuno version of the sleepover headcanons!”
a/n: when the haikyuu manga ended, my heart kinda dropped and i was feeling a bit low. writing this was a bit like like honey to the soul. i hope you enjoy some Karasuno team fluff and sweetness!
warnings: none!
wc: 1050
let’s be honest, the Karasuno boys have already hosted several team sleepovers
they’re usually held at the school gym, as long as they can get permission from the principal
it’s typically just the guys, but since you only became a manager this past month, Noya and Tanaka are insisting (begging on hands and knees) that you, Kiyoko, and Yachi join them this time
you’re skeptical that this will go well but, all things considered, this is an interesting (if not disastrous) opportunity to get to know everyone
so you roll with it, trying to get a read on the crazy boys you’ll be spending a lot of time with over the next year
but when the time comes for the sleepover, you barely make it into the building before hearing Hinata screeching and Kageyama... well, he’s calling Hinata an idiot repeatedly
so nothing seems out of the ordinary… yet
you’re greeted by a softly smiling Yamaguchi and Tsukki, who loosely trails after him, a look of regret plastered to his face
“Y/n! Daichi said to help you with your pillows and bags while he and Suga buy snacks from the store. Can I grab anything for you?”
so you let Yams help you get set up while Tsukki off-handedly comments that you could definitely lay out your own sleeping bag
but you get sassy right back at him and Tsukishima loses some of his colder edge, opting to consider you as “interesting” instead of “another person born for the purpose of bothering him,” as Hinata likes to put it
it’s not long before Asahi notices you, the gentle giant waving at you with a sweet grin and starts to walk over to you
but this only alerts Nishinoya of your presence
which is actually kind of terrifying bc the enthusiastic libero is bolting towards you at full-speed with no intention of hitting the brakes
“Y/n, you came!!!” Noya’s yell echoes across the gym, successfully ending your final moments of peace for the night
you’re almost tackled to the ground, but Daichi arrives just in time to grab him by the collar and save you from impending doom and an aching back
both Suga and Asahi are apologizing for Nishinoya’s “outburst” while Daichi chews both Noya and Tanaka out (even though Tanaka didn’t do anything??)
thankfully, things calm down a tad after that and you’re now in the hands of Kiyoko and Yachi who arrived shortly after you did
the girls place their stuff and sleeping bags near yours, but Daichi is sure to put Ennoshita and Asahi nearby so that you can have peace of mind that you won’t be attacked by sharpie’s and curious gazes after dark
and after a little more fighting and catching up, everyone plops down onto their pillows for a little game of (what was supposed to be) truth or dare
but thanks to “The Unmentionable Bottle-flipping Incident,” (courtesy of Sugawara, Tanaka, and Noya) Daichi has banned the dare part. so it’s basically a glorified “20 questions”
at the request of Hinata, you’re the first to answer questions:
“Okay, y/n… what makes someone ‘family’?” the bubbly, orange-haired boy reads off a question from a p*nterest post
“What the hell, Hinata?” Tanaka and Suga say simultaneously
“Uh, yeah, most people start with stuff like, ‘What’s your favorite color?’ But you’re an idiot, so what was I expecting anyways…” Tsukki rambles quietly to himself, a smirk growing on his and Yamaguchi’s faces
Kageyama had literally zoned out until he heard the word stupid and then joined everyone in insulting Hinata (but Kags isn’t sure why. It’s second-nature at this point.)
Yachi is attempting to reign everyone in, doing damage control, and apologizing to you for the commotion at the same time
but your sweet, unexpected laughter brings them out of their bickering, sparing Hinata more grief than he can physically handle
“It’s okay, Hinata. I don’t mind answering this one.” your voice is reassuring, everyone’s attention centering back onto you
you’ve only spent a month or so with the team, so you’re still learning about each and every one of them… but you’ve never felt more at home than when you were surrounded by their comforting chaos
they never seemed to judge you for things you didn’t know. they didn’t question your intellect or disrespect you. even Tsukki, who’s salty as all hell, tolerates you and lets you get in on some of his and Yamaguchi’s inside jokes
so you answer as honestly as possible,
“I think someone becomes family when they welcome you just as you are. When you’re treated as equals but also as an individual, I guess.” you pause, considering your next words
but their attentive gazes beckon you to continue
“...And I think you all fit that ‘family’ mold pretty well.” you beam, your smile reaching your eyes even though you feel heat rising to your chest and face
Yachi has tears welling up in her eyes, her hands covering her mouth and Kiyoko’s gaze softens
the third years are speechless and Hinata is copying your bright smile. Kageyama actually looks kind of… touched? and Tsukki maintains his disinterested disposition, but secretly he’s intrigued by your words
“Well, in case you were wondering, y/n, we already think of you as family here.” Daichi manages to get out, still processing your incredibly precious answer
before you can say anything, Noya has already gotten to his feet, jumped over to you, and has you wrapped in the biggest hug
and everyone else joins, practically dogpiling on top of you until you finally have to tap out for the sake of not being stuck under them forever
the rest of the night is filled with laughter & “Hinata, boke!” & chocolate & Sugawara trying to convince Daichi to let him try “that” dare one more time because, and i quote, “i’m the vice-captain and I deserve to have a say in this!” 
although you don’t get much sleep, you’ve pretty much hit the jackpot with these kids
because out of all the people you could’ve met, all the teams you might have managed, never would you have felt so at home if it hadn’t been for Karasuno’s volleyball team
now you’re a part of their wild family... and there’s nothing you can do about it
soft team sleepover series
soft shiratorizawa sleepover
soft seijoh sleepover
soft nekoma sleepover
soft fukurodani sleepover (in progress)
tags: @cherryonigiri, @yams046, @miss-rin, @shou-kunn, @senkuwu-chan, @super-noya, @stcrryskies, @holaaaf, @sugacookiies, @vintgicals
(comment, dm, or send an ask to be added to my general tag list)
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giggly-squiggily · 3 years
i thought your shoji headcanons were adorable! would you please write a reader insert with him where reader is feeling very playful as a result of a lee mood and tickles him first, only to have the tables quickly turned on them?
Aww, thank you so much, anon! I'm glad you liked them! I've gotcha covered, friend! Writing for Shoji is one of my absolute favorite things! X3
You giggled to yourself as you peeked around the corner, eyes locating the tall, multi-armed student a few feet away. It was the afternoon, and Shoji was outside doing some stretches. His face was a picture of calm, unbeknownst of the dangers that awaited him.
Grinning, you made your way over, avoiding rocks and twigs as you closed in on Shoji from behind. It was times like this you were grateful your quirk was sound control- even with all ears he couldn’t detect you.
Eventually, you were directly behind him, mischief in your eyes as you raised your hands. Letting your quirk drop, you leaned in real close and whispered. “Boo!”
Shoji full body spasmed with a yelp, soon followed by an endless stream of laughter as your hands scratched and scribbled along his arms and webbing. “Ah! Ahhahahahahhahahaha! (Y)-(Y/N)! Wahhahahahhhahahhahait!” The taller student tried to move his arms out of reach, but that only opened up more spots for you to tickle, leaving him giggly and weak.
“Ha! Take that, Shoji! Tickle tickle tickle!” You teased, easily following the gentle giant of a student as he laughed and squirmed, unable to escape. “Aheahhahahhahhahaha! Ohohohoohkay! Ohohohoohkay! Yohohohohu wihihiihn!” He cried out, finally admitting defeat. Grinning, you pulled your arms back-
Only to be swept up in his. Squealing, you looked up at Shoji’s mischievous expression, realizing only then just how screwed you were. “Wait! Waahhahait! Hahahang on!” You giggled out, watching his many arms raise, fingers wiggling. “What’s so funny, (Y/N)? I haven’t even started yet!” He teased, your giggles growing even more as you blushed. “Ahahhahhehahahha! J-Juhuuuhsut do it!” You cried out, unable to handle the anticipation.
Shoji all but laughed, clearly amused. “Alright, if you insist, (Y/N)!” With that, his hands found your waist, fingers tickling and pressing gently into your sides, drawing out bright, sweet giggles and laughter from your lips. “Shohohohoohhoohohohohohjihihiihiihihiihi!” You squealed, squirming weakly in his arms as hands formed around you, poking at all your ticklish spots with gentle precision.
“How was your day? Mine was alright- Mr. Aizawa surprised us with a pop quiz on quirks. To be honest, I don’t think I did too well. Say, you’re good with quirks! Can you help me study?” He asked conversationally, as if he wasn’t currently tickling you to pieces.
“Gahahhahahhahahhahaha! S-Suuhuhuhuhuhuhuuhre! Aahhahahhahhhhahaha!” You giggled out, somehow still able to respond. This earned a rumbly laugh from the tentacled student, giving you a gentle squeeze in return. If anything, it added to your tickly torment, making you squeak.
“Shohohohoohohohohohohji! !!!!! Ahehahhahahahhhhahaha!” Your laughter began to fade in and out, your quirk activating at random points as you giggled and laughed. Intrigued, Shoji started poking you gently in the belly, a teasing tone to his voice. “Hm? Oops, I hit the mute button! Where is it?” He joked, making you laugh even harder. “SHOHOOHOHOHOHOJIHIHIHIIHIHI!” “Oh, there it is!” He proclaimed, tickling along your worst spots. “Found it!”
After a bit, when your cheeks were thoroughly flushed with pink, and tears of mirth dotted in your eyes, did Shoji have mercy. His hands fell away, the only ones remaining cradling you to his chest as you recovered. Recovering, you buried your face into his warm chest, soft breathless giggles punctuating each breath. After a bit, you looked up at Shoji with a warm smile, reaching up and running a thumb along his masked face. “Thanks, Shoji. You're the best!” You told him, smiling at his blush.
The rest of the afternoon was spent with you in his arms, the two of you talking about your days and enjoying each other's company.
I hope this was good!
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shoichee · 4 years
hiii tysm for keeping this fandom alive... i was wondering if i could request hugging hcs for Moriyama, Kasamatsu, and Hayakawa? like what kind of hugs do they give, when, etc.?
Moriyama Yoshitaka
this guy is literally the definition of touch-starved LOL
once he finds his special someone, they’re gonna need to prepare themselves for TONS of verbal affection… even if they don’t get his convoluted words half the time
that being said, he wouldn’t be awkward with hugs, but it’s his misinterpretations and poor executions of the hugs that make things awkward
in his MIND, he THINKS he’s being mega suave and totally seducing you with his mannerisms, and you’re just here like, “umm… you know you can just… ask for a hug if you wanted one.”
“According to my research though, it’s better to approach this more poetically in order to be seen in a more profound light with the person you like.”
“Huh? Are you actually trusting the internet more than me about what I want—”
“Sorry, sorry, here,” he would mumble in defeat and immediately bring you to nestle your head against his chest
this type of interaction would be very frequent in the early stages of your shared relationship, where Moriyama would try to salvage his poor social skills by hugging you against body, and him putting his hand to cradle your head while the other is around your waist
of course, even if you were exasperated with him, you can’t help but eventually hug him back and snuggle closer
canon: he’d have unique scents on him every once in a while, because he’s someone to use scented deodorant sprays (like citrus, in the Replace novel)
he’d actually be unintentionally charismatic with his actions? like, if he doesn’t open his mouth and wordlessly hugs you, his body just knows how to accommodate you:
sad? happy? clingy? affectionate? lazy? when he sees your current mood, he just somehow knows what type of hugs to give you…
he thinks the internet advice is working, but in reality, he’s just inherently very in-tuned with people’s emotions; for example, he’s one of the few people who can see straight through Kasamatsu and his inner struggles, and he’s always the first person to suggest roundabout ways to make him relax
so because of this, sometimes he’d make the most confusing statements and random trivias he found from his “research” just to try to look for an opportunity to sneak up and glomp on you “tactfully” (never works, and you end up sighing that *sigh* before letting yourself be open on purpose for Moriyama to sneak in with a hug)
this dude is the type of guy who’d find every opportunity to hug you in front of his teammates to subtly show off how “experienced” he was in dating LOL and then he’d probably say something like, “If you follow the signs I told you guys about, you’ll all be able to have cute dates too, you know…” all while giving that little comical pout and index finger point at them… maybe flipping his bang to the side with that finger too…
but again, he’s touch-starved, so deep inside, he really, REALLY likes hugging you and wants to touch you every moment he gets
whenever he hugs you, he’s at his most “normal,” where he drops the whole “fate, elements, advice” talk and just has normal conversations and genuine muses… although a random corny line might slip out of habit
he hugs you before school, during school, after school, but rarely during practice or games or anything like that… which is surprisingly odd
he’ll hug you in front of his teammates during school no problem, but if it’s right before a practice or a game, he usually doesn’t, mostly because he’s usually very concentrated on the upcoming challenge… and not to mention, he’s a 3rd-year, so he does want to set a good example for the underclassmen in prioritizing the team first
he has no problem scouting for your face on the stands before a game starts though, and of course, he’d pester his team about how cute you looked in the stands
once games end, if you allowed him, he’d usually jog straight to you and would try to give you a quick hug before he’d go back to his teammates to the lockers
Kasamatsu Yukio
touch-starved guy #2, but is also afraid of physical contact
not because he doesn’t like it, but the concept of someone hugging him or him hugging someone for ROMANTIC reasons is so foreign
it’s the fact that he knows he’ll get super sweaty, clammy, and stiff and he KNOWS he’d focus on everything but also on nothing, and at that point he’ll just shut down—
so touch-starved that when he gets a hug from you, he’d be hyper-fixated on EVERYTHING about you and where you’re touching, and his brain would just overload
so the result is the same old Yukio being frozen and stammery and red
in other words, YOU have to initiate the hugs
whenever you hug him, he’s gonna first flinch and then respond by stiffly holding his arms out to support your weight against his body… and then after a few seconds of contact, he would awkwardly pat his two hands on your back in this loose hug he’s doing LOL
all while being red, of course
but how much he hugs depends on how much you go up to him for hugs; as much as he grumbles and stammers and lamely complains, he’d never reject any of your hugs, even with the hesitant reciprocation
if you two are alone, he’s much quicker to hug you back… if you hug him in public or in front of his teammates, he’s more likely to be frozen stiff and slower to pat your arms in a shy hug
however, the times when Kasamatsu would be at his lowest and most emotional are when Kasamatsu initiates the hugs first, often out of nowhere with fierce, tight holds while nuzzling his head into the crook of your neck/top of your shoulder
once he reveals his most vulnerable side like this to you in hugging you, it’d be huge milestone in which he would be more inclined to initiate physical contact without being in a flustered state
all in all, give the poor captain some time… eventually when you’ll reach a certain part of your relationship (see bullet points above), he’ll be comfortable enough to hug you without being a mess
so when he finally gets to this point, he will always ask you for consent (or at least give you a heads up) before he hugs you or physically touches you with, “May I…?” or “Do you mind…?”
and most of the time, or near always, you’d reply, “Of course, Yukio.”
“Th-That’s good…”
he’s still a reserved individual with a captain’s duty to uphold, so he’s not going to be handsy on his end in front of people; he’d literally DIE of embarrassment
expect “loose” hugs from him, he’s not gonna smush your face into his chest or give those extremely tight hugs, generally speaking
so what should you expect from his hugs? assuming that you hugged him first, his hands will always pat your back or rub soothing patterns of circles and swirls, almost in an unconscious effort to try to show you that he does love these hugs from you, even if it’s hard for him to show and express that sometimes
or if he has those shy moments, he’d try to half-heartedly pry you off in a grumbling fluster, but after grasping your arms around his waist, he’d immediately give in and just rub those familiar patterns on your upper arms while trying to convince you to wait until you’re alone with him to do these things
if he senses some sketchy people nearby or if you’re in a crowd full of strangers, expect a hand around your shoulder as he ushers you slightly closer to his side with a serious glint in his eyes, analyzing your surroundings (again, this will only happen once your relationship reaches at a later stage)
it’s only when the “danger” passes by and with his hand still on you that he realizes what he did and starts getting embarrassed again
key phrase with the Kaijō captain is: “There’s a time and place for everything.”
Hayakawa Mitsuhiro
touch-starved guy #3, but he’s not afraid to pounce on you for the hugs
ever since he miraculously got into a relationship with you (according to his teammates, anyways), slapping his own cheeks to get himself in the mood for rebounding wasn’t as appealing anymore
not when he has you to hug and accidentally squeeze the life out of you
“Oh!! A(l)e you he(l)e to chee(l) me on, (y/n)-san?!”
“M-Mitsu… I can’t… breathe—”
“O-Oh! So(l)(l)y…! I [will learn] to be mo(l)e ca(l)efu(r) next time!”
“Mitsuhiro, please don’t worry about me! Go back to your teammates… they’re waiting for you. Good luck on the game, okay?”
Hayakawa treats hugging like he does with basketball, putting 100% of his effort and enthusiasm into it… and oftentimes, his hugs can be too… explosive? they can be quite abrupt and intense
his energy alone would normally scare away everyone—hell, a lot of times, his teammates can’t tolerate it… so everyone always wonders how you never seem bothered by his tendencies
but to you, his bear hugs make you feel very, very secure and loved, since he never has qualms about hugging in public because he’s always focused on you or the courts
initially though, his hugs definitely crushed your figure into smithereens, mostly because he’s never had to keep his strength in check
and he’s never had anything close to an intimate relationship, so he’d probably need a lot of time and positive encouragement/advice for him to learn how to be more delicate (or rather, tactful) when initiating hugs
he’s SO earnest that he’d totally treat your words/encouragement as a serious lesson and would try to “practice” hugging and ask:
“Is this okay, (y/n)-san?!”
if you’re not around, he’d totally hug his teammates out of nowhere and definitely receive a few punches or kicks out of retaliation
“I am p(l)acticing [how to] hug, Kasamatsu-senpai!”
“Don’t do that! People will get the wrong idea!!”
“Why? Don’t we a(r)ways p(l)actice togethe(l) as a team, captain?!”
“That’s completely different!!”
he has no tact, so whenever he sees you, expect a fierce hug as a greeting every time… unless you tell him that you’re not a fan of the constant hugging or want to save it for private moments, he’s gonna keep doing it
just as your hugs hype him up for anything upcoming, when you hug him a certain way, they also have a calming effect on this excitable boy too
Kasamatsu literally reveres you because you’re the only one who can keep him in check
it’s when you do your calming hugs (that gentle squeeze around his torso as you slowly nuzzle against him) that his heartbeat slightly slows down and his breath exhales out steadily to let out the pent-up steam
those types of hugs from your end would allow you to see a “less-energetic” side of him, where his voice might still be loud, but at least it’s still relatively indoor voice
still, a lot of his sentences are either incomprehensible mumbles or butchered exclaims, no in-between
“Sometimes, it’s good for your body and mind to stop and relax, y’know?”
“I-Is that so…! You a(l)e very knowled[geable] about these things! I [think] that is ve(l)y coo(r)…”
“You say that, but you’re one of the best offensive rebound players in the nation. That’s so much cooler, Mitsuhiro.”
“If I was coo(r) (r)ike you say, I wonde(l) why peop(r)e (l)un away [when I try] to ta(r)k? Mo(l)iyama-senpai says [it is because] I ‘have no cha(l)m’… I must wo(l)k ha(l)der [if that is the case]!”
“Well, I think your attitude and energy can be very refreshing. Everytime I see you, I can’t help but be motivated to work hard and accomplish like you do.”
“I am ve(l)y touched, (y/n)-san…!”
all in all, he will hug you every chance he gets (except when Kasamatsu roundhouse kicks him to curb him) and accepts all hugs from you (while being red and a little shy, but still enthusiastic)
prepare your waist/torso to be constantly crushed embraced, because that’s where his arms will always be around
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In which you see them cry for the first time: Javi, Marcus Moreno, or Frankie?
A/N: Okay, anon, this turned into a little bit more than a headcanon. I hope you like it. I chose Marcus Moreno for this one. Thank you for reading, reblogging, commenting, and liking. 
Pairing: Marcus Moreno x Reader 
Warnings: Alien invasion, spoilers for the movie We Can Be Heroes, and just fluff honestly. 
My Masterlist 
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We found love in a Diner
The wood beneath your fingertips scratched as you dug them into the table, your knuckles turning pale with the effort used. Before you at the diner, the TV showed the devastation of the nation’s heroes, the Heroics, as they fought and failed to bring down an alien invasion. And in the thick of it, attached to a hovering type fan, was Marcus Moreno. Gone was the awkward dad who came in with his daughter three days a week for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. He no longer wore the t-shirt that hugged his skin and was soft to the touch or the glasses that made your heart quicken. Instead, he wore all black with a tactical vest and two katanas sheathed.
You stifle your scream as he drops from the sky and lands in a roll against an overturned car. Your manager Elaine, placing a tender hand on your shoulder, both of you watching in horror. He speaks into his watch, most likely calling Missy. At the same time, he unsheaths the katanas and jumps headfirst into the barrage of aliens. 
He’s sucked in, and in an instant, he’s gone. Dead or alive, you have no idea, and your brain kickstarts into overtime. You run into the back room and grab your phone, pulling up the number for both Marcus and Missy.
Over the past year, since they’d been coming to the diner, you’ve become close to the duo. Even seeing them outside of work for dinner or a movie as friends. Missy had taken a liking to you and would sometimes spend a few hours at the library or your house reading or talking about life. Marcus goes straight to voicemail, and you want to cry. “Marcus, if you get this, please, please call me back. I saw what happened. I need to know you’re alive,” you beg before hanging up and calling Missy.
“Hello?” you can hear the echo of sniffles and your heart clenches.
“Missy? Honey, it’s me, are you okay? Are you safe?”
“They, they took him!” she cries, and you bite down hard on your lip as the unshed tears pool in your eyes.
“I know, honey, I know. Are you safe?” you repeat, and she says yes, telling you she’s at HQ with the other Heroic children. “Okay, I need you to stay there; we will figure something out, okay? We are going to get your dad back, okay?” She agrees and hangs up.
You grab your purse and coat and throw it over your uniform before running out, throwing apologies out to the rest of the staff. You turn on your old honda civic and rush to the heroics headquarters. When you arrive, you’re unsurprised to find a massive crowd outside demanding answers, and you fight to try to get in when you notice a tram from inside the building racing toward the group. Suddenly the tram leaps off the tracks, and you watch it spin as agents try to get it back—everyone watching open-mouthed at the scene.
From inside the tram, you catch a familiar curl of brown hair and scream her name over the crowd, but she doesn’t hear, and you watch in horror as the tram shoots off into the clouds. The agents, trying to stop them turn to you, and seize you before you have a chance to run. Kicking and screaming, they bring you into the headquarters and to the director Ms. Granada.
“How do you know Missy Moreno?” she’s defensive from the start, and you quickly realize you don’t like this woman.
“I’m a friend of Missy and Marcus.”
“Are you his girlfriend?” Oh, how much you wished.
“No. No, I’m just a friend. I saw what happened to him on TV and thought I could help Missy or you all get him back.”
She sneers, “Oh, and what power do you have?”
That gives you pause; honestly, what could you have done. “I...I don’t. I’m just a waitress.” Shouts of terror ring out behind you, and you catch the scream in your throat as the aliens from the tv are alive and moving towards the control room. Watching as others are tossed like ragdolls out of the way as they charge them. You run towards the side door and take off down the hall, thinking of Marcus and how he would want you to help Missy. You couldn’t do that if you were dead.
The door to the outside slams open. You run as fast as your legs will carry you away from the headquarters and to your car. Hands shaking as you turn the key and peel out of the parking lot and onto the highway. Driving for hours around the city looking for any sign of Missy or the other kids and calling her phone. Each time going straight to voicemail and leaving another message more hysterical than the last. It’s night by the time you return to the diner and park resting your head in your hands against the steering wheel. The day finally catching up to you.
Your friend Joshua comes running out to your car, smiling, “Did you see the news?!”
“What?” you unlatch the door and stand on shaky legs. 
“They’re all alive! Sharkboy and Lava Girl, Miracle Guy! All of them! They were rescued by their own children,” you begin to tune out his voice as a familiar car slowly pulls into the dark parking lot. 
Dropping your bag, you walk and then full out run to the vehicle. Marcus parks and gets out, running the rest of the way over. Still dressed in his heroics uniform, eyes tired, but smiling, saying your name. 
“Marcus!” you shout and jump into his arms. He groans but doesn’t let go, only tightening his arms around you. The car still running and the door wide open behind him.
“I’m so sorry, I got your message. I would have called sooner, but I had to deal with work and then Missy, and then my mom showed up,” he rambles, and you put a hand to his lips, silencing him.
“It’s okay, you’re safe, that’s all I needed to know.” You can’t help the tears streaming down your cheeks, and he slowly lowers you to your feet but not out of his arms. He runs his fingers over your tears, and the rough fabric of his fingerless gloves grazes your cheek.
“I need to tell you something,” he whispers, and you see his own eyes brimming with tears. “I don’t like the food at the diner.”
You shake your head, giving him a nervous chuckle, “what?”
“I’ve eaten at that diner three times a week for the last year because, well, because I like you, baby. And after the way, you spent the day searching for Missy and me. The way you sounded on your message, I hope...no, I think you might like me too.” He sniffles, and you note how this is the first time you’ve seen him cry in the year you’ve known him.
Wiping away his tears and cupping his cheeks, you bring his lips down to yours in a warm kiss. Pouring your worry, fears, and love into him as he steps closer and deepens, running his hands through your hair and against your scalp. You pull away, and he smiles at you through the tears, “Oh Marcus Moreno, I am unequivocally in love with you.”
“Come home with me,” he whispers, kissing you again, “Missy is staying the night at her new friend’s house; let me show you how much I love you too.”
“You do?”
“Oh, baby, I really, really do.”
Taglist: @josepedropascal @mrschiltoncat @mrsparknuts @ghostwiththemostbitch @zannesmes @xjaywritesx @oldstuffnewstuff @yespolkadotkitty @heythere-mel @justanotherblonde23 @artsymaddie @anetteaneta @lunarthoughts @aellynera @lucifer- @houseofthirst @phoenixhalliwell @chicken-ona-stick
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