#thank you so much for sharing this has opened a whole new world of opportunities lol
ughgoaway · 9 months
some parents have nicknames that start when they’re pregnant like my dad still calls me blue bc he was told at the first scan i was the size of a blueberry lol so if you’re looking for cute nicknames for arthur u could go a similar route?
okay that is the cutest nickname ever hello??? Blue??? that is so fucking sweet!!! and a very cool nickname, your dad is creative I love it
Annie's nickname is peanut, so it would make total sense for baby boy to have a similar thing!!!
from a quick google; at 17 weeks, a baby is apparently the size of a turnip, which is objectively a funny option lol. and 40 weeks is a small pumpkin, and I already love pumpkin as a cute lil' nickname. but oh, but 30 weeks is a cabbage, and that's Jack's nickname for matty!!! little cabbage and big cabbage!!!
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wolfiesmoon · 8 months
Countless nights
Malleus x gn!reader
i felt like writing something super cute and lovey dovey and basic after listening to can't help falling in love by elvis presley so here we are lol😌🩷
this is nothing revolutionary that hasn't been done before just so much fluff you'll throw up a furball (made of fictional fluff) by the end
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There are many a night which he spends thinking of you.
Lilia had told him about it, a long long time ago. How your chest would tighten, how your face would become warm, how your heart would flutter when gazing at the person you're in love with. But he never imagined that it could feel this amazing, this freeing, this beautiful.
There are many moments he thinks of on these nights...
You run up behind him, yelling the silly little nickname he's grown to love hearing fall from your lips.
He turns around, grinning at the sound of your voice. Truly, you are a sight for sore eyes. Your little furry companion is with you, too, dozing off in your arms.
"It's so nice to see you in the hallways for once." you realise that you mostly see him in front of your dorm when he randomly shows up. Because of that, you kinda forgot that he's also a student at the school and takes classes as well.
"Likewise. It's always a pleasure to see you." He didn't say anything presumptious, so why are you making that excited face all of a sudden? Now he feels giddy.
A silence falls between you.
"Ahaha... Um... I actually have no idea what to talk about... I kinda just ran to you after seeing you..." you admitted awkwardly.
That is... very comforting to hear. All you need is the sight of him to want to be by his side. The warm feeling spreading across his body is very welcome.
He wants to hear you say that sentence over and over, but greed is not a good quality to bear, so he'll settle with hearing it only once.
"Then I suppose you wouldn't mind listening to me talk? Do you happen to be partial to gargoyles?" He takes the opportunity to talk about the passion no one seems to share with him. He's fully expecting you to say no and change the topic, and he wouldn't blame you at all in some regard. He's well aware most humans don't take interest in something as specific as gargoyles.
"I never really thought much about them before. But sure, tell me about it." you actually look really interested, waiting for him to start.
He smiles.
Oh, he just can't help falling in love with you.
"Did you hear about that new ice cream place that opened in town recently?"
When you asked him if he could spare 2 hours of his day just for the two of you yesterday, he was certainly not expecting you to open with this.
"Lilia told me you like ice cream, and I was pretty curious about the taste myself." you wonder to yourself if there's any funny flavours you wouldn't find in the human world. If so, you're definitely trying them out.
"So, uhhh... wanna go try it with me?"
You don't even realise how happy you've just made him. He has to hold back the wide smile that threatens to spread across his face.
"Hahaha, you're so strange... Though I certainly wouldn't mind." You seriously just want to... hang out with him? What a pleasant surprise, indeed. It makes his heart beat with excitement.
"Let's go!" you start running down the hill to get to town, excited to share ice cream with him.
"Aw man, it's almost impossible to choose." you're contemplating between three different flavours at the moment.
"Shall I choose for you, then?" Malleus suggests. He already picked the flavour he wants and is waiting for you to make your choice. Not that he's annoyed by that. The longer you take, the more minutes he can spend by your side. How greedy of him.
"Go ahead." you sigh defeatedly. You're truly thankful he can put an end to the awkward situation of you just staring between 3 different flavours for like, 2 whole minutes now. You're creating a line behind you, no doubt.
"You should get the strawberry flavour." Malleus recalled a story of Lilia's in which he told him that strawberries are a symbol of love in a country he visited. He feels a bit cheeky, sneaking a subtle hint in like this.
"Uh, sure! I'll have one scoop of strawberry!" you raised an eyebrow slightly at his satisfied smile. Why is he smiling now, of all times?
If he's happy, you're happy, you suppose.
The two of you decided to walk around town while eating the ice cream. It was a nice change of scenery.
You were telling Malleus about a funny potionology mishap you had with Grim and Ace today when someone bumped into you, making you lose grip of the ice cream.
It fell splat on the ground, making it no longer edible.
"Oh come on..." you looked down at the wasted ice cream sadly. It was really good, too.
"I can return it to its original form, do not worry." Malleus suggested, already about to do it when you gently grabbed his wrist. His eyes widened slightly and a strange tightness enveloped his chest.
"No need. Just hanging out with you is enough. Enjoy the ice cream for the both of us." you're really fine with just watching him. He seems very happy when eating ice cream, which you can't get enough of.
"...If you wish." he felt his whole being warming up at your sweet words.
Oh, he just can't help falling in love with you.
"Child of man. What is the meaning of this?" his expression darkens when he sees your fingers wrapped in bandages.
"Of wha- Oh, you mean my bandages? It's, uhhh, a bit embarrasing. And also a suprise." you hid your hands behind your back, not wanting him to worry about them too much.
"Tell me." he looked quite scary in this moment, almost like he was ready to kill. Is he really that worried over it? It kinda makes you feel giddy.
"It'll ruin the surprise, I'm just saying." you shifted your weight from one foot to the other. His terrifying gaze didn't falter however, so you gave up.
"Roses are really important symbols in Briar valley, so I've heard. So I kinda wanted to give you a hand-picked rose boquet for your birthday tommorow, but I was dumb and didn't use gloves to de-thorn the roses. So that's why my hands look like this." you still felt a little bad ruining the surprise, but giving Malleus peace of mind is much more important.
"Oh... So it was that, I see." Malleus still witheld a somewhat cold, scary expression. He can't stand to see you hurt, in any way. And knowing it was all for him makes him feel even worse.
Still... you wanted to make him happy so much that you willingly hurt yourself to see it happen. Warmth rushes to his face at the thought of you handing the boquet to him. That's quite a common way of confessing love among humans, is it not?
He can't wait for his birthday all of a sudden.
On these nights, he just can't help falling in love with you.
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mari-lair · 5 months
How many times will you bring insanity (rare pairs/"crackships") into the world, opening my virgin eyes to a whole new universe (the brainrot) I was so readily unprepared for and drag me down into the depths of hell where I can make sense of those twisted visions too???/lh/pos
Seriously, I never knew I needed Teruaoikane in my life. I never knew how fun Natsukane could be. They both make so much sense when you share your thoughts. So much so that I can't stop thinking about them either. You have opened my eyes time and time again and by GOD I cannot close them. Please tell us more about your ideas op
iughyoiuguyfgtuft thank you! Spreading my madness is a passion of mine, I'm happy you appreciate it Anon.
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Here are some crumbs of terukaneaoi and natsukane!
terukaneaoi first:
When Teru says he wants to date the Aois, that's what he means, he has minimal experience with friendships and zero with romance, is all new and exciting and interesting. Aoikane on the other hand are very serious about romance, if they accept to date someone is because they expect a lifelong love, a marriage, which has always been more connected to politics than love to Teru. So when Teru accepts dating them, he is unaware he proposed/accepted their proposal.
Aoi can't do her hair well with her numb hand, and Teru is the one to always offer to help, usually giving her twin tails like he does with Tiara and other simple styles. Akane is the one Aoi goes to when she wants something fancy, cause he spends hours learning and perfecting complicated hairstyles for her.
Teru likes to call every hang-out a date, cause it gives him an excuse to dress up, and he rarely gets opportunities to use his nice yet very unprofessional clothes.
They are all weak to combo attacks. If Aoi and Teru want the same thing, Akane will cave in, if Akane and Teru want the same thing Aoi will cave in, and if Akane and Aoi want the same thing Teru will cave in.
Aoi has problems saying "I love you", it feels too heavy no matter how many times it's said to her, or how confident she is that her feelings are returned. She finds it easier to say "We love you"
Natsuhiko would be stuck in one-sided pining hell for a while and be completely caught off guard when Akane started getting attached. Akane won't even notice his behavior is changing, but Natsuhiko is VERY aware Akane's dismissive "shut up, get out of my sign" turn into him rolling his eyes but actually paying attention to everything he says, and making fun of pickup lines from months ago or teh way Akane doesn't react when Natsuhiko wraps an arm around his shoulder or act clingy either. Natsuhiko is very visibly delighted and emboldened by this.
Natsuhiko is okay with a lot of things frowned upon, like trespassing, flirting with many people at once, hurting people, drinking alcohool underage, and such. He tries to be a 'cool bad guy' to impress Akane but he just gets disgust for his efforts, which turns into worried lectures once they are closer and Akane start caring about his well being
Natsuhiko thinks they are dating way before they are actually dating.
Natsuhiko is very self-centered, his 'perfect' dates and romantic gestures involve things he personally likes and he rarely thinks about his date preferences, but he is not picky about affection, he loves being loved and spoiled above it all. So he'll be shocked when Akane want to go somewhere he knows Natsuhiko loves, absolutely smitten about it.
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gabessquishytum · 1 year
Here’s the other regency romance novel I was talking about! It’s called Venetia, the characterization isn’t nearly as 1-to-1 as the other book, but the premise I think works really well (a/b/o again for those regency proprietary vibes)
The handsome omega Hob Gadling, thanks to a reclusive and over-protective father, grew up in the country, away from the world. He longs for some adventure, or at least a chance to travel, but even after his father’s death his new guardian is fairly content to leave him there, disinterested in helping him.
His peace and quiet is one day disturbed by the dashing but rakish alpha Lord Dream Endless, who arrives to spend time at his estate next door. He has a reputation of shocking behavior and unspeakable sexual escapades (including throwing at least one orgy that people know of, the horror!), and multiple people warn Hob to steer clear, lest he be immediately seduced and abandoned by the man.
But when Hob bumps into Dream on a walk, they’re each surprised to find that they click remarkably easily together as friends, learning over the course of further meetings that they share many of the same interests and opinions. Dream is fascinated by Hob’s open and candid manner, finding himself sharing several stories of his past, and admiring how none of his scandalous tales shock or appall him, and they quickly become the best of friends. When they fall in love however, Dream is convinced that marriage with him would cause Hob’s social ruin, and insists that it would be wrong to inflict this upon him.
Hob, who has also been fending off the patronizing and fluttering concern of the community who believe they have a say in the matter, is thoroughly exasperated by the whole thing. He really doesn’t care about his reputation or what society would think of him, and would very much like everyone to stop treating him like a delicate and naive young ingenue who needs protection. Has no one considered that perhaps he’d also like to participate in shocking behavior and unspeakable sexual escapades? Maybe he wants an invite to the orgy, an orgy sounds fun! (This is actually the heroine’s opinion in the book, it’s amazing 😆)
Omg yes this is just as good as the other romance novel inspired ask you sent!! I love it!
Just because omega Hob hasn't had the opportunity to do anything scandalous and terrible, doesn't mean he doesn't want to! He just has the misfortune to live in a rural community with no access to like minded people. And Dream’s arrival changes all that! He's full of ideas and stories and he's seen so much of the world! Hob is besotted with him, and dares to ask him all kinds of questions that no one else has ever answered - mainly about biology. He wants to know how his own body works, and he's very pleased when Dream presents him with diagrams and a full explanation of how an omega's body works.
Someone from the village comes around warning Dream that he'd better back off, that Hob is a nice omega and he doesn't need a filthy debauched type of alpha sniffing around him (Hob is currently sitting behind the sofa trying to hide the fact that he's giggling. He's really not a nice omega, he's just never had any opportunity to be bad).
Dream shrugs and says, alright, he'll marry Hob. Will that make everyone happy? And Hob falls out of his hiding place to say "yes" before anyone can answer for him.
They have a very quiet wedding and run straight off on honeymoon soon after, as Dream has promised to spoil Hob by taking him on a tour throughout Europe. There might be orgies. There will definitely be fucking. Possibly on public balconies. In any case, Hob intends to simultaneously adore his husband AND shock everyone who has ever known him <3
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kristinamae093 · 1 year
Hey There! I saw this, and I couldn't agree more! Nothing says I love you more than "I'm willing to try this for you." And this works for all kinds of relationships: romance, friends, and family, too.
Would you be able to create something showing this for one of your characters or pairings? It could be a drabble, fic, edit, art - anything at all!
NO PRESSURE AT ALL - only if you want to, but I'd love to see what you could come up with!
Hey @jerzwriter! 👋 Thank you so much for sending this my way! This was a lot of fun and I hope you enjoy this silly nonsense I came up with! 🙂
Baking Memories
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Everything else can be found here.
Book - TRR
Characters - Constantine, Liam.
Warnings - There's like, one bad word.
Word Count - 2489
A/N 1 - This is a one-shot from my HCTS AU, but this can absolutely be read as a stand-alone. The only thing you really need to know is Constantine didn't die as he did in canon and beat his cancer, but has been diagnosed a second time. Kyla (F!OC) is mentioned but not present, so I guess this takes place sometime between the previous chapter and the next.
A/N 2 - I slipped in the third @choicesflashfics prompt — “Why are you being so weird?” that will be bolded.
A/N 3 - (last one) - thank you SO MUCH @ao719 for reading through this for me and your suggestions! Any errors found are mine and mine alone, and I didn't really edit this a whole lot to be honest, so...... There's your warning lol 🙃.
Most characters belong to Pixelberry.
Constantine Rys was once a hard man; born and bred for royalty, he never got to enjoy and experience the little things in life. It never bothered him before, considering he was the reigning monarch of an entire nation with the world at his fingertips. However, since his retirement he found himself longing to experience all the things he missed out on. Today specifically, he wanted to learn how to bake; not just anything, a very specific recipe. 
His first wife was clueless in the kitchen and Regina knew very little, but Eleanor spoiled him with various baked goods consistently while she was alive. When she found the time for it Constantine never understood, but she always had warm cookies for him and the children to enjoy. He'll never forget the memories of retiring to his quarters after a long day and opening the door to hear the boys and Eleanor’s laughter, accompanied by the sweet, heavenly smell of whatever she prepared for them that day. 
Now, especially since his time left on earth was limited, he wanted to learn all these things he never had the opportunity to experience before. He found an instructor and Bastien vetted the person before scheduling a private lesson right in his quarters. His intention was to set everything up so Kyla could join him, but the teacher was only available on a specific day and Kyla was off. He knew she would still come if he asked, but he didn't want to impose on her personal time. Regina was his backup, but unfortunately, that day was a no from her as well. 
Even so, Constantine was still excited about his lesson. It may only be a class of one, but he was looking forward to putting his new skill to use. 
A knock sounded on his door and he quickly scurried over to answer it. On the other side stood Bastien, a woman who he assumed to be his 'teacher', and Liam, who Constantine hadn't told. It wasn't that he was trying to hide anything or keep secrets; he initially wanted to recruit Liam for this venture to begin with. However, he knew all too well how busy a Friday afternoon was as a solo monarch and figured it would be of no use to ask. However, his unexpected presence made Constantine hopeful that perhaps they would get to share this experience after all.  
"Son! What're you doing here?"
"I just so happened to be taking my lunch when I saw Bastien with Mrs. Finch." Liam motioned to the woman with a polite smile. "Care to explain to me why you're having bakers come to your quarters?"
"She's going to teach me."
"You want to bake?" Liam asked with an arched brow. 
"Do you remember those cookies your mother would make? The molasses ones?"
Liam's mouth involuntarily started watering. "I do… That's what you want to make?"
"Eventually I'd like to try other things, but that's where I’ll start. I haven't had them in years and the staff just can't make them the way she did, anyway. I was hoping if I took some lessons, perhaps I could give it a go." Constantine stopped talking as he took in Liam's nostalgic expression. "Care to join us?"
"I don't bake, or – haven't in quite a while."
"Then this is the ideal time to perfect your skills!" Constantine hopefully suggested.
Liam's face instantly fell at seeing him so excited. "I really wish I could, but I have a meeting soon." 
Constantine was trying his hardest to smile, but on a few occurrences he realized Liam was doing what he'd done to him and Leo for years; putting the crown first. He never realized how much it truly hurts to be left alone when the person you're longing to spend time with is occupied. Of course, he understood Cordonia does ultimately have to come first, but perhaps since his time was limited he was beginning to develop a love-hate relationship with the word duty. 
"Ah, I see... No worries, son." Constantine sadly smiled and motioned for the woman to come in. "If everything goes right, perhaps I can bring you some." 
The woman stepped inside and disappeared with Constantine. Liam remained outside the door, suddenly feeling guilty for leaving. His whole life all he wanted was a genuine relationship with his father, and now that he'd been blessed with it he often had to put the crown first. However, now that his father's time left was dwindling, he found it was practically impossible to walk away.  
"Bastien," Liam started, "Clear my schedule for the day – no, the weekend. I'm unavailable unless it's an emergency." 
Bastien smiled and bowed. "Of course, sir." 
Liam made his way inside his father's quarters to the in-suite kitchen and couldn't help but laugh as he saw his father wearing a white, puffy chef's hat. When Constantine looked up and saw Liam enter, the pure excitement radiating off of him was enough to fill Liam’s heart so full he was sure it would burst any moment. 
"Liam! What're you doing here?" 
"As it turns out, I had a cancellation." Liam winked. 
"Get in here, then! You need a toque as well." 
"I don't think–" 
"We are pastry chefs right now; it's absolutely necessary." Constantine held out a hat to him. 
Liam stared at it for a long moment before he took it and reluctantly put it on. "Happy?"
"Elated. Now, Mrs. Finch, what are we doing?" 
"First we'll start by creaming the sugars and butter together." She showed the pair her measurements, as well as how to soften the butter. Using a hand-held mixer, she swirled the bowl until the task was completed before continuing, "Now, the eggs. The biggest thing to remember is don't over mix, or your cookies won't turn out properly."
Constantine nodded and picked up an egg from the supplies laid before him. “I’ve never done this before…” He held it up with furrowed brows as he intently studied it. "How do we get – inside?" 
Mrs. Finch laughed. "We have to break it, sir. See? Like this." She gently cracked an egg on the counter and emptied it into the bowl. Liam silently chuckled at Constantine's flabbergasted expression; something so simple was blowing his mind, and his elation was incredibly contagious. "It's easy, you just need a hard surface. You try."
Constantine nodded and tried to mimic her by using the counter, but that resulted in multiple yolks in his palm after a number of failed attempts. Finally, he looked around the area searching for a different surface to try when he got the perfect idea. He took the egg and although he intended to lightly tap it, he ended up smashing it against Liam's forehead; the egg splattered but thankfully most of his hair was shielded by his new accessory. However, the yolk and slimy membrane started dripping down his face, accompanied by the remaining shells. 
Liam squeezed his eyes closed as the goo slipped over them and his mouth fell open in shock, but he quickly closed it to not ingest anything. He felt something soft on his forearm and blindly reached out to accept a towel someone offered him. 
After cleaning his face, Liam turned to Constantine with narrowed eyes. "Seriously?!" 
"I guess I do still have some strength left." Constantine nervously chuckled before he added, "I apologize, son, I had no intentions of being so… brute."
"Why my head, though?!"
"She said a hard surface…" 
"Ha. Ha." Liam grabbed an egg and without breaking eye contact used one hand and cracked it perfectly against the side of the bowl. "Gently, grasshopper – and it goes inside the bowl." 
Constantine’s mouth fell open. "You may be upset, but you will not refer to me as a bug–" 
"It's – Nevermind… Mrs. Finch, please continue." 
She did as instructed and walked them through the various steps to make the cookies, plus gave them tips and tricks along the way to help make sure the recipe turned out correctly. They sifted their dry ingredients together in a separate bowl and were preparing to combine everything together, but Constantine insisted he wanted to be the one to use the hand mixer this time. Liam was absolutely reluctant, but ultimately caved after a five-minute debacle. 
Liam stood beside him watching Constantine's every move; so far, he was doing incredibly well with this specific job. Mrs. Finch was slowly adding their dry ingredients and Liam started to relax, thinking that things were smooth sailing from here on out. 
His phone rang and he stepped away to answer it but remained in Constantine's line of sight. Liam spoke with furrowed brows, his face red, and Constantine could tell he was speaking sternly; it instantly piqued his interest. 
The conversation was short and Liam reappeared a moment later completely unfazed. "Who was that?" Constantine practically shouted over the mixer still whirring in his hand. Liam answered, but Constantine couldn't hear him. "What?!" Again, Liam said something, but Constantine couldn't make it out. 
There was text beside each button on the machine, but they were so small Constantine couldn't see which one was labeled power. He ended up increasing the speed to the maximum setting, causing the mixer to shake and vibrate in his hand. Liam walked back beside him and spoke again, but Constantine paid him no attention as he was trying to read the tiny prints. Instead of leaning over to try and find the correct one, he decided to bring the mixer to eye level. 
It happened in slow motion; everything was fine one second, and the next their still very thin batter was flying all over the front of Liam’s suit. Constantine naturally turned his direction to Liam instantaneously as he held the mixer at arm's length, away from his own body. The machine continued to forcefully whirl until the beaters were clean, all its contents now covering the front of Liam’s face, body, and a little of the surrounding area. Liam could only stand there in shock; mouth agape, arms raised, completely flabbergasted. 
Constantine finally pushed the correct button and the mixer slowly stopped. He had a sheepish smile as he lowered it back into the bowl before speaking in a soft, timid voice. "The good news is there's still plenty left…" 
Liam only stared at Constantine with narrowed eyes. Constantine nervously chuckled and swiped his finger across Liam’s cheek before licking the contents. "Mmm – delicious indeed." Liam opened his mouth to speak, but Constantine quickly added, "Don't be mad, son… It was simply a mistake…" 
Liam took a deep breath and slowly let it out to keep his composure. "I'm not upset," A vengeful, mischievous idea struck him. He smirked and said, "matter of fact, perhaps we should hug this out." 
"I don't think that's–" Constantine tried to protest, but soon found himself engulfed in Liam’s strong arms. He looked down and saw Liam rubbing his face on his shirt, thoroughly cleaning it, and couldn't help but chuckle. "I suppose I deserved that." 
Mrs. Finch was quick to take over and simply talked them through the rest of the process to avoid any more mishaps, although they did help form the cookies. The sweet, heavenly aroma that filled the air as their delicacies baked brought back memories for both. Their goods came out of the oven and Mrs. Finch was dismissed, paid very well for her services, and Constantine even insisted she take some with her. 
Now, they were simply relaxing on the couch, enjoying the product of their work, and reminiscing with a cup of hot tea. Although they were missing Leo and Regina, it was nice for just the two of them to relive moments they’d shared while creating new memories at the same time. Constantine expected his ‘class’ to be rather boring but informative; never did he think it would turn into a chaotic, beautiful memory for him to relive for the rest of his limited days.
"Liam," Constantine started as he sat forward and grabbed another cookie. "Thank you for joining me today. I know things didn’t go quite as smoothly as they could have, but I'm thankful you were here… I had fun." 
Liam smiled. "I’m glad… There were definitely some mishaps–” He stopped to rub his forehead. “–but I had fun too. And, these cookies turned out amazing." 
"I concur. Mrs. Finch did an excellent job and I have to say, they are quite close in comparison to your mother's." 
"Here, here," Liam agreed whilst holding his cookie up to Constantine, which he returned before they both took a large bite. Liam swallowed and spoke again, "Listen… I know I'm busy, but I'll always try to make time for stuff like this – especially now…" He trailed off with a sad expression. 
Constantine signed and patted Liam on the knee. "I know. But I'm also aware of how demanding the Crown is. I don't want you canceling obligations on my account – again." He gave Liam a knowing look. 
Liam held his free hand up in surrender. "It wasn't that important! Neville comes here and bitches consistently, I'm sure he'll be back in a few days." 
Constantine couldn't help but chuckle. "Perhaps I could give you a warning next time, then… So you can try to pencil your old man in." He playfully grinned. 
Now, it was Liam’s turn to laugh. "You don't need 'penciled in', but a notice would be appreciated." 
"Done," Constantine suddenly stood and extended his hand. Liam shoved his last bite into his mouth and took it, confused, but Constantine was quick to pull him into a tight hug as Liam rose. "I love you, son." 
"I love you too." 
Their moment hung for a few seconds before Constantine stepped away with a bright smile. "Let's plan our next endeavor! It'll need to be during Kyla's work time, which proves beneficial to the both of us…" He stopped talking to wiggle his eyebrows. "Actually... What would you like to do? Perhaps something to woo her? We could go to a massage–" 
"Why are you being so weird?” Liam interjected. "You decide what you want to do and we'll figure everything out from there." 
"Hmmm…" Constantine trailed off, deep in thought. He snapped his finger a moment later. "We enlist Duchess Olivia and–" 
"I'm going to stop you right there; anything pertaining to Olivia means weapons and that's an automatic no." Constantine tried to retort, but Liam held a hand up. "Do I really have to pull the King card again? Think of something else, and we'll talk." 
Constantine opened and closed his mouth a few times before shaking his head and mumbling something as he sat. "What was that?" Liam asked with an amused grin. 
"I said you can be a bit of a hard ass sometimes." 
Liam smirked and confidently replied, "I learned from the best."
HCTS Tags (If you'd like added or removed, please let me know):
@choicesficwriterscreations @ao719 @queenrileyrose @tessa-liam @angelasscribbles @kingliam2019 @differenttyphoonwerewolf  @bascmve01 @busywoman  @belencha77 @mysticalfangirl @nestledonthaveone @lovingchoices14 @lunaseasblog  @malblk21 @sfb123 @twinkleallnight @emersyn-in-cordonia @walkerdrakewalker @tinkie1973 @queenmiarys @choicesflashfics
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lanaswritingbook · 2 years
The boss’s idea
I made this a long time ago hope you enjoy :)
Errors along the way just to lazy to fix
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Spencer has always been a little standoffish to me since I joined the BAU three years ago. So I’m still the newest, when I joined everyone welcomed me and we all got along fine. I got closer to Penelope Garcia of course but I couldn’t help but notice the team genius and I barely talk or knew anything about each other.
It was my first day at the BAU and I was nervous as ever. Kept checking the mirror every second I got before leaving for my new job. The outfits were very professional but very uncomfortable, the pants fitted but they were very tight showing each curve, the shirt sorta tight showing my back rolls and stomach. But I did look as good as I could and with that I left for a new start.
Arriving at the BAU I got my ID and headed to the clear doors. Before I could open it a handsome darker man opened it for me. “Here you go Miss” he smiled opening his hand to shake “Thank you so much. Uh do you know were Aaron Hotchner is?” He chuckled “You must be Yn Ln, I’m Derek Morgan. And yes he’s in that room up there. I could show you if you want?” He smirked.
We walked into the busy room seeing people walk by. “I’m pretty sure I’ll be fi-“ I was stopped by a very colorful dressed women. “Hi, oh my gosh! You must be Yn It’s so nice to finally meet to you! I’m Penelope Garcia the best Tech Genius in the whole entire world” she came in giving me a huge hug. “Chill babygirl dont kill her before she can work” Morgan laughed.
“Oh no she’s fine. It’s so nice to meet you too I hope we can become good friends!” turning back to smile at the blonde. “Hello you must be Yn I’m Agent Aaron Hotchner if your ready you could meet everyone else in the the board room we have a case.” I nod following his fast pace “I just wanna say thank you sir this is such a honor thanks for this opportunity” he smiled opening the door for me.
“Yn you did this, your a very bright girl you got yourself to this position I should be thanking you for another great agent. Now sit anywhere you’d like.” I smile going to a seat on the side. Three more people walked in a older man, a taller dark haired women she was so pretty, and a shorter blonde lady. Then shortly after a tall brunet walked in. I think I just died I have never seen such a beautiful man before. They way his hair fell messy all over his head made me turn red.
“Everyone please meet Yn Ln the newest member of the team.” He motioned them to me they all said hello’s except for the man of my dreams. “Uh sorry about him he’s just not really used to new people. I’m Emily Prentiss, thats David Rossi, Jennifer Jareau aka JJ, and the silent man himself Spencer Reid.” I nod making sure to remember Spencers name.
While Emily talked I didn’t notice he sat next to me not saying a word reading a book and turning the pages unbelievably fast. “Uhm I’m Yn your Spencer right?” I try making a little small talk sticking out my hand so he could shake. “Yes sorry about that I’m a little distracted. But I dont shake hands did you know its more safer to kiss then touch hands?” I laugh a bit at his quick fact but I worry because he still hadn’t looked at me.
“I see well nice to meet you” . He hums but I notice his cheeks become red.
And still to this day all he respond with is hums or only full sentences when he’s working the case with me.
We had just finished a hard case and everyone was extremely tired so Hotch decided that we could stay a night longer even though we had to go to a different hotel. When we arrived I hoped i would get a room to myself again but of course that didn’t happen. “We’re gonna have to double up tonight everyone. Rossi and I will share, Garcia and Morgan, JJ and Prentiss, Ln and Reid everyone have a good nights rest” When Hotch finished everyone looked at me smirking.
But of course Spencer was pretending I wasn’t there. “What are y’all looking at?” They scurry away going to there rooms chuckling. It was a awkward ride in the elevator we didn’t speak only looking at each other once in a while. As soon as the doors the open and we hear the ding he quickly walks out going to the room waiting for me to unlock it.
Putting the keycard in and opening it we drop our bags in disbelief there’s one fucking bed. “I will go downstairs and request another room” I sigh about to walk out. “No its fine Hotch said they’re short on rooms I don’t mind if you dont” he played with his hands looking me in the eyes. First time in forever.
“Yeah its fine with me I’m just really tired do you mind if I shower first” he nods “Yeah go ahead I need to catch up on some reading anyway.” He sat on a small chair in the corner. I smile to myself at how fast he got comfy. Getting my bag and my pajamas out I hurry to the shower ready to hit the hay.
Once I was out I did my skin routine then left the bathroom for Reid. “It’s all yours.” He looked up and smiled a bit heading to the bathroom. After fixing the bed I finally lay down and try to plan how not to touch Spencer tonight with me being a wild sleeper. I do a little reading of my own my favorite app Tumblr having all my favorite fan fics on there. Sure I’m a grown women who has a government job but I can still live out my teenage dream.
“Hey Yn I dont mind sleeping on the floor if it makes you uncomfortable” he said as his drenched hair made water drop onto the ground. “It’s ok I’m fine” a slight blush appeared onto my cheeks. Ew look at that me crushing like I’m in high school on a guy who doesn’t even like me.
He nodded getting into the bed being stiff as ever “I’m gonna turn the lights out that cool?” He whispered trying to get comfortable. “Yeah go ahead.” I yawn turning on my back. The lamp clicked and he laid back. It was silent for a few minutes while I thought. “Spencer?” I tap my fingers on my stomach “Yes Yn?” I take a few moments before responding “Why.. why do you not like me?” finally getting that off my chest.
“Not like you? If anything I like you too much.” He sat up confused only being able to see his silhouette through the dark room. “Well you dont talk to me and every time I come around you leave” I sigh out. “I’m so so dumb. I am very sorry Yn I didn’t mean to make it come out that way.” He turned towards me
“Then what were you trying to do Reid?” Facing him “I- I like you Yn but I could never tell you because all the people I lov- like they get hurt and I dont want you to get hurt Yn. So I guess I showed it in the wrong way I’m sorry.” A slight grin on my face knowing the guy I had a crush on forever likes me back.
“Spencer can I ask you a question?” Scooting closer to him “Yeah Yn?” He licked his lips a habit of his “Can I kiss you” and before I could even get a response his hands were on my face pulling me in. As our lips collided all that hate I thought he had for me slipped away. “Yn you have no Idea how long Ive wanted to do that” he chuckles pulling away. “Me too Spence” looking into his deep brown eyes.
On the plane back Spence and I were buddied up on the couch talking about books and movies when we felt everyone staring at us. “Hotch you were smart rooming them together because that tension could cut like a knife..” Morgan fist bumped him while we rolled our eyes.
I guess all it took was time and Hotch’s secret dating services.
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hanitje · 1 year
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Dear AEW fans,
Originally I was going to use this Players’ Tribune opportunity to write a letter to my younger self. Seemed like a cool idea — talk to Kid Anthony about everything that’s in store for him in the future, and share some of the perspective I’ve gained as an adult. But then I sat down to do it … and I realized something: That letter would make no sense. Because wrestling is insane.
No, seriously. It’s insane. Like where would I even begin???
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One of the reasons why it’s so important to me to be myself in this business, I think, is that for such a long time I struggled to figure out who that was. Not just as a wrestler, but also as a person in the world.
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Eventually I went from telling Greg to telling the rest of my best friends and my family. Then a few years later, I met my boyfriend, Michael Pavano, which changed everything. With Michael, I felt I had all that I needed and wanted. And it made me realize that I had this unique chance: to help make wrestling a better place for future performers who might be struggling like I’d been. So with his (and my friends’ and family’s) love and support, combined with the acceptance of my fellow wrestlers, I finally came out publicly.
But I think the last stage for me of coming out was just … being out, if that makes sense. It was figuring out what my life could be like, and what I was capable of, and what was possible. There is this thing that sometimes happens, when people from marginalized groups open up about themselves, where the response in the moment will mostly be positive and supportive. Thank you for your bravery, and so on. And that’s great — it matters a lot. But it also has this way of making a moment like coming out feel like the happy ending of the story. When the truth is, for the person who’s living the story, it’s only the beginning. They still have the whole rest of their life ahead of them.
So for me, I was so lucky. I got so much support when I came out. But I also didn’t just want to be known as “the wrestler who came out,” or “the gay wrestler.” I wanted to be known as this successful wrestler … who happens to be gay and out and proud. And the history of wrestling (and sports in general) isn’t exactly filled with people who’ve been able to have that.
And I guess that’s where AEW fans come in — and why I wanted to write this letter.
What you guys have let me and Max and Billy be a part of in the Acclaimed … this ride you’ve gone on with us over the last year … it means everything to me.
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Thanks for letting a queer Black kid from New Jersey live out his wrestling dream. 
Thanks for coming to this party just as you are.
We’re glad you’re here.
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lovelymessybubbly · 2 years
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tamadachiiiiii i am so BLESSED because the incredibly kind and wonderful @thornoisdono commissioned this incredibly devilish and adorable fic for me from the talented @ticklygiggles !!!!!! it is a cute and slightly mean story that has brought tama-chan into darling inosuke’s world to torment him to her heart’s content !!! eeeee i was overwhelmed with happiness when i got to read it !!! (੭ु˶˭̵̴⃙⃚⃘᷄ᗢ˭̴̵⃙⃚⃘᷅˶)੭ु⁾⁾~
i have gotten mia-chan’s permission to share this fic with you all, so please enjoy !! thank you so so much for this incredible christmas gift, thorn-san, and thank you mia-chan for writing such an adorable story !!!
Best training for the strongest | Hashibira Inosuke & Tama
"I am telling you that Kocho-san told me about it!"
"Oh yeah? When exactly?"
Tama giggled, rolling her eyes and waving her hand around, "ah, well, when we were at the Butterfly Manor, of course!"
Inosuke didn't believe any of her words and Tama knew it perfectly, but even so, he would never pass up the opportunity to participate in training to get stronger... even if it was a lie.
"It's like an endurance test," Tama had explained no more than 10 minutes ago. "You test your resistance to external stimuli; you learn to control your reactions, your breathing. And, in addition, it helps you strengthen your muscles!"
Those had been the exact same words she used to convince Inosuke to try this new training technique. Inosuke had been very excited and had agreed right away, but had gotten nervous once Tama told him that he had to be tied up for the endurance test.
'That is not fair!' he had said and Tama had replied with something like: 'are you going to tell that to a demon?'; that had been enough to render him speechless and make him lie on the ground on a small blanket, his arms tied to a strong tree above his head, however, even as Tama tied him up, he kept asking over and over why was it that Kompanchiro and Zenitsu hadn't done this type of training as well.
"Kocho-san did tell them about it!" She had said, wrapping a rope around Inosuke's ankles as well. "They were cowards, though. They said they couldn't do something like this! They weren't strong enough or something like that!"
Inosuke laughed boisterously, "damn right! Everyone knows that I'm the strongest one!"
Tama rolled her eyes, "yes yes, of course. Now," she said, tightening the rope and looking up at Inosuke with a wide grin. "Are your wrists and ankles okay? Do they hurt?"
Inosuke tested the restraints around his wrists and ankles, moving his hands and feet from side to side until he was one hundred percent sure they didn't bother him… more than they should.
Tama nodded once he confirmed everything was alright and quickly straddled his hips, making him blush and start whining about this whole situation all over again.
"Look, you already agreed to do this, now there's no way back. Are you going to be a chicken or are you actually gonna do this?"
"... I am not a chicken…"
"That's what I thought, here we go," she said and her long fingernails were immediately dragging up his sides, drawing little circles and wavy shapes against Inosuke's warm skin.
Inosuke gasped, but he then sealed his lips together, refusing to let any other sound that could give him away on how much this was really bothering him. His skin covered in goosebumps and his back arched up, trying to flinch away from her gentle touches.
Tama grinned maliciously, giggling to herself when she saw him tightly closing his eyes. "Ah, you're holding in very well, Inosuke," she said, flattering him only to make him continue his little torture. "I'm sure this doesn't tickle at all, huh?"
Inosuke shook his head, completely refusing to open his mouth, even when Tama moved her graceful fingers a little higher, towards his ribs. Inosuke's stomach quivered with suppressed laughter as Tama slid those long nails over each of Inosuke's ribs, paying special attention to those that made him jump and flinch away.
"Wow, Inosuke, you really are something else! Tell me, can you feel your muscles working out right now? How about your mental strength? Remember to regulate your breathing!"
Inosuke nodded quickly and Tama had to laugh, he looked extremely adorable trying to hold himself back and for what? Just to satisfy that little sadistic side of Tama's. This had been something she had wanted to do for a while now and, to be honest, she thought Inosuke was going to be a tough nut to crack, but once Tama had found a way to convince him, (deceive him), she knew it would be easier than she thought. She even almost felt bad, Inosuke had really believed her, huh?
Well... it's true that she was going to train everything she had mentioned… she only hoped that he didn't mention any of this to Kocho-san.
"Oh? Your ribs seem to be very sensitive," Tama said in delight as Inosuke threw his head back with a snort when her fingernails dragged so painfully slowly against his upper ribs. "Is it becoming too much for you?"
Inosuke shook his head, his tightly shut mouth pulling into a wide grin, teeth clenched together.
Tama smirked, "that's what I thought. You see, it is better if I tick- do this in your weakest spots and your ribs really seem to be weak."
Inosuke grunted, breathing heavily as Tama kept focusing on his ribs, spreading them out and dragging them back in, lightly tracing each one and scratching those that were most sensitive.
After a while, when she was almost about to make Inosuke laugh, she moved her hands higher to the hollows of his armpits. Inosuke made a whiny sound and he pulled at his arms, trying to lower them. Tama grinned and her nails traced the sensitive skin there, making Inosuke snort again.
"Uh, your armpits are also very bad," she said, shaking her head. "Don't worry though, that's quite normal, however, I'll have to stay here for a while to help you out with this sensitivity!"
Inosuke shook his head and a muffled giggle finally made its way out as she scratched lightly at the very centers of his underarms. Inosuke huffed, trying to regain his composure, but Tama kept scratching at his armpits and more giggles escaped from his grinning mouth until he couldn’t stop them.
“H-Hold on,” he said through clenched teeth, squirming and pulling at his arms. “G-Gihihihive mehehe one s-sehehecond!”
Tama laughed, “one second? Like, do you need a break? That’s not very strong of you, huh?” She teased and Inosuke laughed when he suddenly felt her thumbs pressing against his underarms. “Besides, we’re about to go a little harder right now.”
Not only was she pressing her thumbs in, rubbing deep circles against the sensitive spot, causing Inosuke to throw his head back with loud laughter; Tama was also wiggling her fingers in, digging against the nerves in a way that made Inosuke’s whole body jerk heavily. Her heart did a little somersault at hearing his nearly hysterical laughter and only seemed to encourage her to continue when he begged again.
“Wahahait! T-Tahahamahaha, you are- ahahaha!”
“Tama I am, in fact,” she laughed and her fingers moved down without warning, clawing at Inosuke’s ribs. Inosuke shrieked with laughter, arching his back and nearly choking as Tama wiggled her fingers against those hyper sensitive points on the sides of his ribcage. “These ribs really are sensitive, huh?”
“TAHAHAMAHA!” He howled with laughter, his cheeks flushing bright red. “Wahahait, wahahait plehehease! I’ll- I’ll dihihihe!”
“Oh, you won’t, don’t be dramatic,” she said, reaching down to vibrate her fingers against his stomach. “Aren’t you supposed to show me how amazingly strong you are? Are you backing off right now?”
Inosuke shook his head, “I’m nohohot, but it tihihickles too bahahahad! PLEHEHEASE!” He cackled, tears of laughter clinging to his lashes. “Leheheave my rihihibs alohohone!”
Tama smirked, “so you’re the weakest on your ribs, we’ll work on that, don’t worry.”
Tama found out there were a million ways to tickle someone else’s ribs and every single technique seemed to work wonders on Inosuke, if that hysterical laughter meant anything at all, by the time she thought he had, somehow, passed the training, Inosuke was in stitches, his body shaking heavily with silent laughter, snorts making his nose vibrate.
Tama’s cheeks were flushed and her fingers a little numb after wrecking the poor boy underneath her. When she finally stopped, Inosuke gulped in sweet air, his body trembling with residual laughter and twitching at the residual tingles rushing through his nervous system.
“Thahat wahas a-awfuhul!” He said, though, his voice came out a little hoarse and still giggly.
“Who said training was something easy to do?” Tama asked as she carefully untied him. “And you better get ready for tomorrow, we didn’t get to try your legs.”
Inosuke whined, lowering his arms once they were free again. “I hope my legs aren’t as bad as my ribs.”
Tama had to laugh. Inosuke was too cute and innocent for his own good. She really couldn’t wait for the next training!
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acosmicdisappointment · 6 months
ooc: another long one sorry!
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🏹 BOW AND ARROW — if there's something from your past that you'd give anything to go back in time and redo, what is it?
answered here
❝ The whole relationship with Luna. Well, situationship or whatever you call it. I wish I had been more open and honest with her from the beginning, instead of playing around and not establishing boundaries. I regret not cherishing the moments we had together more, and not fighting harder to make things work between us. She deserved better from me, and I would give anything to have a second chance to make things right...but obviously that's never going to happen now. ❞
❝ If there's one thing I could redo, it would be being more careful about who I open my heart up to. I trusted someone, poured my heart out to them, and they ended up betraying me. It's made me more cautious about who I let in and who I share my feelings with. I'm never doing that again. ❞
❝ If there's something from my past that I'd give anything to go back in time and redo, it would be the moment my parents walked out on my sister and me. I often wonder if there was something I could have done or said to make them stay, to change the course of our lives. Of course, I know it isn't possible since I was barely a year old at that time. If I could go back, I would try to understand their reasons better, to communicate and express my feelings in a way that might have made a difference. ❞
❝ If I could go back, I would try and save Mirabel and her mother. If that's not an option, I guess I'd make sure to tell Mirabel how much she meant to me, how grateful I am for her presence in my life, and how deeply I love her. I would hold her close and treasure every second we had together, knowing that life is fragile and precious. I regret not being able to say a proper goodbye, not being able to thank her for all the joy and love she brought into my life. Her death taught me the importance of cherishing every moment with the people we love, of never leaving things unsaid or feelings unexpressed. ❞
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🌙 CRESCENT MOON — what would you say is your current biggest dream and/or career aspiration and why?
❝ I honestly don't know...I guess taking opportunities I didn't get to before. I want to live my life to the fullest. Of course, I also want my career as a photographer to flourish. I want to continue growing as a photographer, honing my skills, and sharing my vision with the world. It's not just about taking photos; it's about telling stories, evoking emotions, and creating lasting memories. I want my work to resonate with others and leave a positive impact. So, I guess my biggest dream is to live a life filled with adventure, creativity, and meaningful connections, both personally and professionally. ❞
❝ To be a better person. I want to find peace within myself and to learn how to let go of my past, to forgive myself for my mistakes, and to believe that I deserve to be loved. ❞
answered here
❝ I've been a ghostwriter for so long, but I'm thinking of stepping out from behind the scenes and sharing my own voice and stories with the world. Transitioning from a ghostwriter to an author allows me to express myself creatively and share my unique perspective with readers. It's a chance for me to take ownership of my work and connect with readers in a more personal way. While ghostwriting has been a fulfilling experience, I'm ready to embark on this new chapter and pursue my dream of becoming a published author. ❞
❝ Well, I do want to travel more. I feel like there's so much out there I haven't seen yet, and I would love to explore that. I want continue growing my presence as a travel vlogger. I want to inspire others to explore the world and experience new cultures through my videos and storytelling. However, I'm also considering going back to teaching. I miss the ability to impart knowledge and make a positive impact on young minds. Teaching was always fulfilling for me, and I believe it's where I can truly shine and make a difference. While I love travel and exploration, I also value the stability and fulfillment that a career in teaching can provide. Overall, my dream is to find a balance between my love for travel and my desire to educate and inspire others. And maybe eventually settle down to start a family. I want to create a home filled with love, adventure, and a deep appreciation for the world around us. ❞
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👻 GHOST — is there someone or something that you feel is missing from your life? do you know if there's any way to find it/them?
❝ I feel like I'm missing a sense of purpose or direction in my life. I want to feel like I'm making a meaningful impact, but sometimes I'm not sure what path to take or how to make that happen. I think finding this sense of purpose is about exploring my passions and values, and aligning them with opportunities that allow me to make a positive impact. It's about being open to new possibilities and trusting that the right path will reveal itself to me. ❞
❝ I feel that my life is missing a sense of stability. While I've enjoyed the freedom and adventure that comes with this lifestyle, I think deep down, I crave a sense of stability and belonging. I think finding this stability is going to require me to make some changes in my life, to commit to something and stick with it. It's a scary thought, but I think it's necessary for my own growth and happiness. On my road to becoming a better man, I guess. ❞
❝ I don't like thinking about what's missing from my life. I prefer to focus on what I have and what I can do with it. If there's something or someone out there for me, I'll find them when the time is right. ❞
❝ There is a sense of connection and belonging that I feel is missing from my life. Growing up without my parents and feeling like I never truly belonged anywhere has left a void that I yearn to fill. I think one way to find this connection is by continuing to build strong relationships with those around me. By being open to new experiences and allowing myself to be vulnerable, I hope to find the sense of belonging that has eluded me for so long. ❞
❝ Yes, I feel like I'm missing a deeper connection with someone special. Someone who understands me, supports me, and shares my values and interests. I believe that finding this connection is about being open and vulnerable, allowing myself to truly connect with others on a deeper level. It's also about being patient and open to new experiences, trusting that the right person will come into my life at the right time. ❞
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isabellehemlock · 2 years
Birthday Reflections
On the 37th anniversary of my trip around the sun, I wanted to say that I'm humbled and thankful to have made it another year - there's been times in my life I wasn't so sure I'd get to be this old, and I view aging as a privilege that not everyone gets.
My life has been touched by loss and grief and yet in a way, it's the non permeance of things, that nothing lasts forever, that makes what I do have, when I have it, that much more precious to me. May I never take my blessings for granted! May I never not seize the day while I still have it!
As for anyone who'd like to extend me love today, or send good energy out into the world for me, thank you! I embrace it and send it right back 🫂❤️
And finally, as an almost forty something crone lol, let me share things I've learned, and celebrated, in the last year (both in life and in fandom spaces) as part of my birthday reflections 😊
Physician, heal thyself. I started a sabbatical after a rough ten months and downsized commitments as much as possible - down from 120+ hrs a month, to 40ish! Since August! It's been phenomenallll. The sad truth was, most of the things I signed up were years ago when my family's health (and my own,) was in different place. My family needs me at home more. And everyone has been wonderfully understanding of the circumstances
Don't be afraid to be weird. Of course always be receptive to open dialogue and feedback if your actions are encroaching on someone's boundaries - but if people find me cringe? Okay, and? I'm herp derping my way across fandoms and platforms and being random, that's it. Stop trying to get everyone to like you by dimming your own shine, because let's be honest: you don't like everyone and that's okay, too. Not everyone is meant for us, detach with love and wish them well. (This one isn't necessarily new for me, but I'd say it's strengthened over the last year)
I celebrated reaching one million words on AO3 - which is wild!!
I participated in my first zine, and then helped organize one, too!!
I participated in FTH for the first time (next month is my second piece), and I'm doing the TOG BB again with no less than four entries (three arts and one fic). First piece is already up!
I've done close to 80 pieces of art which is also wild! A cute collage set of my pieces done this year will be arriving next month!
I made me perpetual vows for my lay order after four and a half years of study! This one is probably the one that makes me smile the most - my religious name within the order is St. Mary Magdalene. I chose her for her perseverance being rewarded by becoming the Apostle to the Apostles ❤️
Though I'm still as ace as cake lol, and happily married, after multiple conversations and introspection I've further embraced that I'm a "hearts not parts" person as well
Speaking of which, my hubby and I celebrated another anniversary and next month we'll have been together 18 years!! Very grateful for him 💗
As I've continued to heal from childhood/teenage trauma, I feel ready to share more of my truth in my art to express as a form of release. Always with tags and boundaries so everyone can make an informed decision to their level of exposure therapy on such heavy topics, but yes, I'm stepping into a deeper phase of my healing and putting in the emotional labor to reconcile myself back into one whole, lovable being. Because I was always lovable to begin with. And so are you ❤️
And if you've made it this far, extra hugs for you! Thank you for those who have embraced me, been part of my journey, and whether we've grown apart or grown closer, I'm grateful for the opportunities to expand my own consciousness with the people I come across.
I truly believe that to love someone is to see the face of God, an opportunity to venerate and honor the inherent dignity of every person - sometimes of course boundaries have to be put in place because not everyone shares my intentions, but reflecting back I can at least say I tried lol. May the year ahead be filled with love and blessings and may yours as well!
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meditatewithfernando · 9 months
We wish you a Happy New year 2024 with plenty of abundance.
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We wish you a Happy New year 2024! Hello there! I hope you all are great! How are the holidays going? This week I bring you a quick entry to wish you a Happy New year 2024. We will enter a year full of opportunities, transformations, and good times. It is time for you to focus on this, but really, from the heart. As you know from the Principle of Mentalism, you must put your whole being. It would be best if you didn't project that a year is ending and everything is already solved with the new one. I wish you a great year, and for those who didn't see this last year, you can now. I want to be honest and tell you that this is not the case, and you know it. If we are based on linear time, it has only been a few minutes. Nothing special has happened. Everyday minute passes. It is something widespread. Also, knowing the Hermetic Principles, you know that it takes a little more than "a few minutes" you have to take action. Don't forget this! It is time to start projecting your desires so that you already feel they are a reality. As there is always a lot of hope in the world (collectively, those "few minutes" are highly valued.) Thanks to this and the Principle of Vibration, it will be easier for you to materialize your desires. The best form to start a happy new 2024! Happy New Year 2024 and happy road to abundance. I wanted to leave you a quick post, but I wanted to comment briefly on this topic. As you know, I always like to share a dose of light, even if it is, while wishing you the year. I invite you to find good moments of silence and reflect. About what? That is something that you must find. Therefore, if you don't know, you can also introspect to find little things to focus on and empower yourself. Sometimes letting your mind flow is wonderful, especially if you find small improvements that bring great transformations. But come on, I want to invite you to see each other in those moments you long for so much. These abundance meditations to manifest will help you a lot. Well, speaking of meditations. We already run out of last week's offer, but you can imagine I will extend it another week. Therefore, until next Wednesday, the healings, meditations, and courses have 2x1. That is, if you buy a meditation, I give you another. The same with the courses and even the healings. This option is not available for readings or the "Christmas Bundle," nor any other options besides the abovementioned. It would be best if you mentioned that you want the 2x1 deal.. And since I mentioned it, I also leave the Christmas bundle until next week. It sure helps for you to have a happy new year 2024. I'm sure this post looks familiar to you, but I want you to have this same reflection this year (or for the first time if you haven't followed me since last year since this is essential.) Now, check these out! There are a lot of great articles; however, there are a few essential reads that may be of interest to you, so check them out: - You: How to get to know yourself and get out the most from your life? - What are some things people should know about astral projection, meditation, or spirituality in general? - Astral Travel: Get out of your body. Quick and easy Astral Projection Guide. - Dream Types: Dreams and Lucids, super-lucid, sleep paralysis, and more! - What are the chakras? How to open, heal, and expand them right now! - What is the difference between a Lucid Dream and an Astral Projection? And with this concludes the last entry of the year. Next week we will have the forecast, and thus we are already heading toward a prosperous transformation. I wish you a Happy 2024! See you next Wednesday! Don't forget to visualize positivity and feel gratitude. I am pretty sure you are going to enjoy the read! See you next Wednesday! So, If you do not want to miss a single update, click below to join our weekly newsletter, and you will gain access to exclusive content. Subscribe now! I invite you to check earlier posts: seventh, sixth year, fifth year, fourth year, third year, second year, first year. Love & Light, Lots of blessings and abundance your way! (Home) Rev. Fernando Albert Read the full article
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taknext · 2 years
The Ultimate Guide to NFT Designing
In recent years NFTs, or non-fungible tokens, have been gaining popularity as a new way to represent ownership of unique digital assets such as art, music, and other creative works. NFTs are the talk of the town, due to the very fact that each one is distinct and cannot be replicated, unlike fungible tokens like cryptocurrencies which are interchangeable. Due to this fact, NFTs are considered a powerful tool for artists, musicians, and other creators looking to monetize their digital works and protect their intellectual property.
However, NFT designing can be a complex process and requires a good understanding of the technology and the market. In this article, we’ll take a look at the basics of NFT design and what you need to know to create a successful NFT.
Let’s get started by knowing what NFTs are.
What are NFTs?
NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) are unique digital assets that are stored on blockchain technology. Each NFT is verified and authenticated as a one-of-a-kind item, making it impossible to replicate or duplicate. This means that NFTs are an asset for creators and collectors alike, just like physical assets. This makes NFTs an attractive option for artists, musicians, and other creators looking to monetize their digital creations. Indeed, NFTs are revolutionizing the way digital assets are bought, sold, and shared.
What is NFT Designing?
NFT designing is a process of creating unique art that can be sold in the NFT marketplace. NFT designing encompasses a wide range of activities, such as the creation of digital music and art as well as collectibles and game materials. Unique ideas, creativity, technical know-how, and a solid grasp of the NFT market are all necessary for successful NFT designing.
Why are NFTs so Popular?
The popularity of NFTs nowadays is due to a number of factors. First, NFTs have provided creators with a way to earn money from their digital artworks. This is especially important for musicians and artists who have traditionally had difficulty selling their digital assets. As each NFT is validated and certified on the blockchain, producers are also able to sell their creations in a safe and transparent manner thanks to NFTs.
The fact that NFTs have given collectors a new opportunity to buy and sell rare digital goods is another factor in their success. As a result, there are now more NFT marketplaces than ever before, opening a whole new world of NFT collecting.
How to begin with NFT Designing?
To get started, you must first educate yourself on the fundamentals of NFTs and blockchain technology. There are numerous online resources available that can make you learn more about NFTs, including websites, forums, and social media groups.
Once you have enlightened yourself with all the basics of NFT designing, you need to think about the type of non-fungible token art you would like to create. This can range from music to gaming assets and collectibles. Choosing a type of NFT that you are passionate about is important, as this will make the design process much more enjoyable.
Once you have decided on the type of NFT you would like to create, start the design process. This involves drawing out concepts in advance to produce intricate graphics or animations. It is an important step to make sure that the result is as distinctive and valuable as possible.
Once the NFT design has been created, you will need to find a marketplace to sell it to. There are several NFT marketplaces available online, each with its own set of rules and requirements. It is important to research the different marketplaces before choosing one, as this will help you to find the right platform for your NFT.
I think this brief introduction to NFT designing is enlightening for you and would help you to enter the NFT market smoothly.
Source Link:
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coghive · 2 years
Sean BE Takes the "Center Stage" With a Vibrant New Single
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Taking “Center Stage” alongside some of Christian music’s leading artists during this year’s Winter Jam Tour, chart-topping singer/songwriter Sean BE bows his aptly-titled latest single today. A high-energy pop anthem, “Center Stage” has quickly become a fan favorite in concert and is now available on streaming platforms. Encouraging listeners to give Jesus the spotlight in their lives, “Center Stage” was penned by Sean BE, Kyle Williams and Tony Wood. Produced by Williams, the WieRok Entertainment release proclaims, “Let Your spotlight show/Everywhere I go/Let the way I live/Let the whole world know/You’re center stage/Take center stage.” “The song was inspired by a conversation I had with a student when I was a youth leader,” Sean BE shares. “The young man said, ‘You didn’t just tell me how to live, you showed me.’ That opened my eyes to realize, whether we know it or not, that people are always watching. Even when they don’t LISTEN, we have an incredible opportunity to SHOW them the love that God shows us.” “I love performing ‘Center Stage’ live,” he adds. “By the time that first chorus drops, people have their lights in the air listening to and agreeing with the message. It’s such an awesome moment to share with the audience in each city, and it’s my favorite part of my Winter Jam set.” Recently nominated for “The Next Big Thing” Award in NewReleaseToday.com’s fan-driven “The 11th Annual We Love Christian Music Awards,” Sean BE is currently performing to audiences around the country on Winter Jam. One of Christian music’s biggest annual outings, this year’s 40-city tour is headlined by We The Kingdom, Jeremy Camp, Andy Mineo and Anne Wilson, among others, with Sean BE, Thrive Worship and Renee leading the tour’s Pre-Jam Party. “I’m so thankful for the opportunity to be part of Winter Jam,” Sean BE says. “A highlight of the tour for me has been speaking with and praying over youth leaders from each city before the show. That’s been particularly special because I share their hearts for student ministry. I’ve also loved meeting new friends at the end of every concert. When people stop at my table and share their stories, they bring so much excitement.” https://youtu.be/lzhUHE3Mrn8 Read the full article
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toughgirlchallenges · 2 years
Crystal Rose Hudelson - Her love and passion for climbing and her work as Co-director of Climbers of Color (CoC) a platform for people to connect and teach Black people, people of color, and marginalized communities.
Crystal Rose in her own words:
“I am Crystal Hudelson (she/her) a cishet (both cisgender and heterosexual) gender Black woman I am a foster youth who was brought up by the state. This gives me incredible empathy for marginalized people which is what led me to my work with Climbers of Color (CoC).
I am in love with sport climbing (specifically outdoor leading). Certifications: The American Mountain Guides Association (AMGA) apprentice rock guide, Single Pitch Instructor
All of my climb training focuses on being a solid leader outside on rock. I used to co-host Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC - Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) climb nights for Climbers of Color at Stone Gardens Bellevue since it started there.
Climbers of Color opened up a platform for people like me to connect and teach with the climbing community in the closest way to my heart: Black people, people of color, and marginalized communities.
As my involvement grew, I became part of a new branch of CoC: outdoor rock climbing instruction. My partner and I developed all the instructional programs for rock at CoC and strive to make each course a welcoming, equitable, and informational experience for each participant.
CoC is the entity who has mentored me through the AMGA certification process and trusts I will do a good job. They have placed a confidence in me I have known few other places and I am grateful for it.
Within the BIPOC climbing community, I have seen a wide array of abilities and experience. 
I want you to know that we see you because we are looking. We see you and want to honor you by creating a strong climbing community who shares joy with one another. Bringing one’s culture and ancestral essence into climbing is what will allow us to enter the climbing community as our whole selves.
Fun facts about me: My ancestry is Haitian and Irish. By day I work as an aircraft mechanic in the avionics department on heavy jets and my partner and I are building our first climbing wall in our backyard.
New episodes of the Tough Girl Podcast go live every Tuesday at 7am UK time - Subscribe so you don’t miss out. 
To support the mission to increase the amount of female role models in the media. Sign up as a Patron -  www.patreon.com/toughgirlpodcast. Thank you. 
  Show Notes
Who is Crystal Rose
Her current roles
What she was like as a little girl
Not having the opportunity to go outside much
Trying to find her place in the world
Getting into rock climbing through her partner Keith
Her passion for climbing and the outdoors
Meeting Keith and how their relationship developed 
Not coming from an athletic background
Enjoying the mental aspect of the challenge
Managing fear and being able to believe in herself 
Her love for sports climbings 
Sport Leading Outside and why its her favourite type of climbing 
Her journey in getting her climbing qualifications 
The American Mountain Guides Association (AMGA) 
Single Pitch Instructor Course
Needing traditional gear and being supported by the climbing community 
Gear Fund Collective - IG @thegearfundcollective 
The challenge of finding climbing partners 
Managing fear while climbing 
The power of breath work and why it is one of the best tools you can use
Getting into a mindful space 
Falling out of love with climbing in 2021
The need for rest and figuring out a balance 
Being a Co-director of Climbers of Color (CoC) which was established in 2017
Her volunteer role at Climber of Color 
Working full time as an airline mechanic 
Assisting people to become guides
Driving change in the climbing world
Having scholarships available 
Partnering with the American Alpine Institute 
Her passion for writing and sharing on her blog - Rock Rose Blog - Examine the intersection of climbing, Black, Indigenous, and/or People of Color, and policy.  
Magical moments while climbing
Reflecting back on one of the hardest climbs she’s ever done
Not feeling worthy of being able to climb at a certain grade
Climb training for sport climbing 
Following the Anderson Brothers Training Manual 
Mercedes Pollmeier - Longevity Climbing Coach IG @modusathletica 
Modus Athletica Website 
Working with Climbing Coach Emily Taylor IG @browngirlsclimbing1
Brown Girls Climbing - 1st all BIPOC girls & GNB youth pioneering adventure based-climbing from Ohlone Land. Website - https://www.tayloredfitsolutions.com/ 
How climbing and your everyday life can cross over
Advice for women who want to start climbing and to step outside their comfort zone
Look for an affinity group and finding a climbing partner who you connect with 
Connecting with people via the internet and social media 
Safety is number one and the skills will follow
Building her own home climbing wall 
The community feel of the project 
Deciding to name the climbing wall - the Monolith
How to connect with Crystal Rose
Final words of advice 
Why healing isn’t linear 
  Social Media
  Blog - https://rockrose.blog/ 
  Personal Instagram 
Go Fund Me - https://www.gofundme.com/f/climbing-wall-dream 
@rockrose.blog - Examine the intersection of climbing, Black, Indigenous, and/or People of Color, and policy.  
  Climbers of Colour - Creating leaders of color in mountaineering and climbing. Based in Western Washington.
Website: https://www.climbersofcolor.org/ 
IG:  @climbersofcolor
Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/134722430557412/about/ 
  Check out this episode!
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olenoname · 2 years
Sister Knows Best
First I want to thank @signedeclipse inspiring me to write this, it's been in my head for awhile but I never got to it until today.
Gyutaro x fem reader
Synopsis: Even though you and her brother are betrothed to be married, Daki still doesn't buy it, it only made her suspicions of you grow more and she's fed up with your "charade."
Warning: angst
You were in your room in your shared home away from the district, dolling yourself up for your man for when he comes home. Your door slides open only to see Daki enter from your mirror with a peeved look on her face and not her usual mask. "Hello, Daki", you greeted, unbothered by her, which only offended her more "Cut the nonsense, Y/N", she stated coldly. "Whatever do you mean", you ask without looking away from the mirror, Daki tilts her head to the side "what is you business with my brother? Why are you really with him"? You turn towards her, now looking confused and slightly irritated "because I love him?" you respond matter-of-factly "I don't understand where this is coming from, is this a prank?"
At this point, Gyutaro had approached the side house with your dinner within earshot of the two of you "you think I was born yesterday? You think I don't see what's going on"? "Daki, don't play with me, just say it", she starts to bares her fangs "you're only using him"! You stand up and turn completely "for what?!", "his power, you just want him to turn you because you're weak, and then you'll leave. I've seen this plenty of times before, a pretty woman goes for a not-so-appealing man because he has something that she desires. She butters him up and as soon as she's satisfied, she's out of the picture. I will not have that happen to my brother".
You were shocked with this revelation, you didn't know where to begin, no one has ever insulted you like that. "I knew something was up with you, your smile doesn't fool me. But this is worse than I thought, is it really that hard to believe that someone other than you can actually love him?" "Yes", she shouted and it took you a moment before you respond "you know, I don't think you believe that at all", her eyebrow arches "where are you getting at, girlie", she grumbled. "You don't believe that at all, you're just insecure. You're afraid that you'll lose him because you're not his whole world anymore, afraid your enabler won't be around anymore when he gets his own life." Daki was visibly fuming now, but she knew that what you were saying was true and that bothered her more than anything, one thing that she just couldn't stand was someone seeing her as weak.
"But I've got news for you, Daki, he's a man, and a man wants what he wants, so if he wants to leave to have a life with me, let him." For a moment there, she looked at the thought of that being a possibility, but she composed herself before she replied "You got quite the mouth on you girlie, I'd slice you to bits right now if it weren't for him", she sneered "we've been inseparable fore over 100 years, you'd think he'd break that bond now"? Tears begin to brim and you wipe your face before they spill "I don't know, but if I'm causing that much trouble, if this is what I have to deal with, than I'll leave!" Daki just stares blankly at you, not knowing how to respond, this was what she wanted, but not what she expected. You took this opportunity to see your way out, before you completely storm out of the house, you make a last request "when he asks, just tell him you were right about me", she begins to tremble "because I rather him hate me than be in despair over me. Plus I know that's what you're going to tell him because you're never wrong."
And before she could even protest, you're gone, leaving her looking like a deer in headlights for a moment before he enters the house, he didn't know if he should feel sad because you left or furious because she drove you away. "Daki... what did you do?" Daki turns to look at him with fear in her eyes, trying to find an excuse for her behavior "Brother, I-" "just save it! The hell is wrong with you?!" Cutting her off, causing her to her flinched a bit, he's never spoken to her that way before "you really felt that threatened by her that you had to chase her away like that? You shouldn't feel threatened, you should be happy for me, but you're so stuck in your own head, only thinking of your own pleasures!"
For the first time ever, she looked down, trying to evaluate herself, she thought she was doing the right thing. "I was only trying to protect you from being hurt, you're all I have", she murmured "I don't need any protection, I've been carrying both of our weight! Me! I've been protecting YOU!" They both stood there in silence, Daki couldn't defend herself out of this, the tension was thick, feeling like a poisonous gas, suffocating her. "If I don't get her back, I'll never forgive you" he speaks up before turning to leave "I want you out of my house by the time I come back and don't come back until you're ready to apologise" "brother-" "you're grown Daki, it's time you start taking care of yourself." And with that, her whole world started to crumble.
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shycoconutt · 3 years
I Need You (Kakashi x Reader Smut)
A/n: Oh boy do I got some smutty smut for you. This is my first time writing smut and I think I did okay! Please let me know what you think and, as always, feel free to send some requests my way! 🤍
Summary: You find yourself unbelievably horny waiting for Kakashi to get home from work. The night goes exactly as planned.
Word Count: 4200
Warnings: NSFW ( minors, there's the door -> 🚪), fem!reader, vaginal sex, rough sex, doggy style, cunnilingus
Gods, why am I so horny?
Sat in the reading chair in the corner of your and Kakashi’s bedroom, you find yourself unable to focus on the new novel you picked up at the bookstore this morning. Each time you try to focus on the words in front of you, your eyes start to drift off the page and fall on your bed across the room. The bed where Kakashi and you have had sex now maybe a dozen times. You two have been platonic partners for years, but it wasn’t until recently where you both allowed your feelings to blossom into romance. Some would say that your relationship with Kakashi came on fast, but those who say that don’t truly know either of you.
After the war, and after keeping your feelings for each other bottled down for years, Kakashi took you on a vacation to a quaint village on the outskirts of Konoha. During your stay, you two could finally relax and find comfort in each other. The future seemed less uncertain, and you allowed yourself to open up in ways you never had before. You both knew you loved each other, that you were meant for each other, but the stress of war and the lack of knowledge that either of you would come out alive prevented anything from happening. The last thing either of you wanted to do was take the other’s heart six feet under.
It was the third night on the trip when he proposed to you. Kakashi and you were naked together in the natural hot spring, embracing each other in the water. The words he spoke to you that night are etched in your brain, never to be forgotten.
“My whole life I’ve been fighting; fighting for Konoha, fighting for my team, fighting for our friends, fighting my demons, fighting the truth, and fighting the feelings I have for you. I never understood why it was so hard to escape you, but it isn’t until now where I finally understand. Loving you is the easiest thing I’ve ever had to do. Our love is so natural, so pure. It pains me to know that our reality has muddled it for so long. You are the best thing that’s ever come into my life, and the gods only know how thankful I am that you have been by my side through it all. Everything I’ve ever gone through, every challenge I’ve had to overcome, you’ve guided me along the way. I used to think I was undeserving of your love, but now that we both are standing here, bruised and battered by our past, I realize that it was always supposed to be this way. You and me. Forever.”
That was the night you and Kakashi shared your first kiss. The night you first held each other in a naked embrace. The night you touched the skin normally concealed under each other's clothes. The night you trailed kisses down his chest, to his stomach, his hip, and up his shaft. The night you grabbed him in your hand and stroked him while looking into his eyes. The night you felt his tongue draw across your nipples. The night you felt him suck and nibble at your neck. The night you felt his fingers, god his fingers, trace up your wet heat to rub onto your most sensitive spot. The night he held onto your hip and slid into your tenderness. The night you whispered sweet nothings in each other's ears while he pumped into you. The night you made love, four times.
It’s been a week since your mini-vacation of ultimate bliss. Immediately after arriving back to the village, you both moved out of your individual apartments and moved into the Hatake estate, per Kakashi’s request. When you asked him if this is truly what he wanted, he assured you that this was the place he wanted to make a home with you and your future children. He also liked that the estate is largely removed from the Hokage tower, where he will be spending the majority of his time in the future. Renovations are far from over, but your bedroom was the first area of the house to be set up. It’s your shared sanctuary, and to be completely honest, you’ve never felt more at home.
The only word to describe this week between you and Kakashi is passionate. Even with opposite schedules, you both make time for one another every day. You’ve been insanely busy at your new job that you acquired post-war, spearheading the mental health resource center for war veterans and shinobi still in active duty. Kakashi is busy shadowing Tsunade while she sorts out post-war rehabilitation plans for the village. This is your first day off and, unfortunately, Kakashi is out doing future Hokage duties. Though frustrating, both of you are super understanding of each other's roles in this village and you respect that time with each other may be limited in the coming years. That’s why any chance you get, you both check in on each other throughout your day. Whether it’s offering to take his ninken on a walk while he’s in the office, or him bringing you breakfast when you get to work, you find opportunities to be present in each other’s daily lives.
The evenings, however, are a whole other story. Both of you are usually home a little after eight, and you’ve adapted to having late dinners with each other. After cleaning up, the rest of the evening is spent wrapped up in each other. One thing you weren’t expecting about being with Kakashi is that he is constantly touching you when you are alone together. His hands are either on your thighs, wrapped in your hair, caressing your face, squeezing your arms, massaging your shoulders, touching your lips, or any other way he can get them on you. You crave his touch, so to say that you enjoy this side of him is an understatement. Not only does Kakashi adore touching you, he also adores being touched.
Touching leads to caressing, caressing leads to groping, and groping leads to passionate lovemaking.
Well, geez (y/n), maybe if you stopped daydreaming about Kakashi’s hands all over you then you wouldn’t be this goddamn horny.
Here’s the thing with you and Kakashi’s newfound sex life. You are in the early stages. All the sex you have is all about romance, making up for the lost time, and finally expressing your feelings with your body. It’s amazing and you wouldn’t change your lovemaking for the world.
But right now, you don’t desire lovemaking. You desire rough, animalistic, dirty, dirty sex.
The kind of sex that makes you shudder in desire and fear.
The kind of sex that makes in between your legs sore the next day.
Realizing you’ve been daydreaming for the past fifteen minutes, you close your novel shut and toss it aside. You look over at the clock on your nightstand to find that it’s almost time for Kakashi to be home. Usually, you would already be cooking something up for dinner, but you have a feeling that any food you make would just get cold. Eating is not your priority right now, Kakashi is.
A devious smile forms at your lips when you consider what you plan on doing with him when he walks through the front door. Should you take him right there? Get down on your knees and beg for him? Run a warm, candle-lit bath? Put whip cream on your tits and tell him that you’re his dinner? All great options, but none are really representative of how much you need him.
In one swift movement, you are up off your chair and running towards your closet. He could be here any minute and there’s no time to waste. Once there, you take in how disorganized your closet is. You have yet to unpack any of your clothes, as all you’ve worn the past week is your jonin uniform and your pajamas. Rummaging through the boxes sprawled out on the floor, you finally find which box you are looking for. The box looks like any other box, but written on the side in marker is the word intimates.
One might think you are a sex fiend with all the lingerie you own, but that is far from reality. The truth is, lingerie has always made you feel sexy. Most of all, it’s just so pretty. You love the power it gives you. You love the fact that no one knows that some days you are wearing the world’s skimpiest lingerie underneath your uniform. It’s like you have an edge on someone that they don't even realize. Also, when you did happen to end up in bed with a man, you were over-prepared. The look on their faces when you stripped off your clothes was priceless. It was your way of telling them that you expected them to want you.
There are way too many options to choose from, and you find yourself starting to panic as time passes on. You know you’re overthinking this as, honestly, Kakashi would love anything you put on. Some things you know about Kakashi are that his favorite color is blue, he loves your thighs and is obsessed with how soft your skin is. Therefore, you should obviously go for the baby blue lace and silk set. It includes a lace balconette bra, a thong connected to thigh garters, and a silk robe to go over the top. After putting it on and taking a look at yourself in the mirror, you knew you made the right choice.
Before finding a comfortable spot on the bed, you quickly grab some baby oil and rub it all over your body. The oil will allow Kakashi to slide his hands all over you effortlessly, which is exactly what you need. Satisfied, you grab your book and lay on top of your made bed. You weren’t planning on actually reading, but you think your casualness while wearing such a sexy outfit will have Kakashi’s head spinning.
So there you were, belly down, ass out, feet intertwined, book in hand, when you heard the lock click and the front door open. Perfect timing.
You could hear Kakashi kick off his shoes and take off his vest as he walked into your home. Usually, you would be standing in the kitchen where he would come and give you a warm embrace and kiss you until you told him that he has to eat dinner. But, you're not there, and you can sense his confusion.
“Where’s my babygirl?” Kakashi’s voice projects throughout the house, a hint of concern in his voice. You smile at the thought of the pout that’s probably on his face right now.
“Sorry sweetheart, I’ve been caught up in my new book. I’m in the bedroom,” you call back to him.
You hear what sounds like a sigh of relief as his footsteps make their way down your hallway in the direction of your bedroom, the sounds of pieces of his uniform dropping off of him every few steps. You make sure to keep your head turned to the door so you can take in his reaction to your state.
“Oh, the new book you got this morning? How is it? Let me guess, you already finished-”
An indescribable feeling shoots through your whole body as Kakashi enters your bedroom. He just finished pulling his mask down his face, as his hand is still caught to the fabric pooling around his neck. With a smile on your face, you soak in his expression as he’s stood in the entrance of your room, a deep blush forming on his cheeks and his mouth still agape in mid-sentence. His eyes dart back and forth from your face to the bottom of your ass that’s hanging out of your silk robe.
Damn, you really did that (y/n).
“What’s wrong, Kashi?” You say in the most innocent voice you can muster. You bat your eyelashes and flip over to sit up so he can get a good look at you. You let your book drop off the bed and land on the floor.
There’s another pause before Kakashi slowly walks towards you on the bed. Without speaking, he reaches a hand out to you. You take it and he pulls you up so you're kneeling on the bed as he stands in front of you. His dark eyes bore into yours as both of his hands drop to your thighs. Slowly, he grazes them up over your hips, your waist, up the sides of your breasts, to wrap around the back of your neck. You can feel the hairs on your skin stand in anticipation. With his hands still wrapped around you, he brings his head down to you and grazes his mouth on your jawline. From there he plants small kisses up the side of your face until he reaches your ear where he nibbles before speaking to you in a strained, low tone.
“You’re a very dangerous woman, (y/n).”
He must have felt you shudder because you could feel him smile against your cheek. Standing up straight again, Kakashi’s hands drop to the tie of your robe around your waist.
“May I?” he asks, giving you the sexiest look you’ve ever seen. Kakashi has been so effortlessly attractive since you met when you were young. Having these intimate moments with him almost seems surreal.
“Of course, Hatake,” you smile up at him.
Taking the tie in his hands, he starts to unravel the knot keeping your robe together. Once loose, he lets it fall over your shoulders and off your body completely.
After a few moments taking in the sight of you, Kakashi lets out a deep sigh and shakes his head.
“You’re so out of my league,” he confesses to you.
You let out a small giggle.
“Absolutely not,” you protest.
Without missing a beat, Kakashi grabs on to you and tosses you back on the bed so you are laying down underneath him. One of his hands wraps around the back of your head while the other cups your breast. Pulling the fabric of your bra down, he kneads your nipple between his thumb and pointer finger. One of his knees lands in between your legs and he brings it up to press on to you. You can’t help the moan that escapes as you feel him all around you.
“So what’s the deal?” Kakashi teases. “I leave you alone in the house for one day and I come back to this?” He looks down at your body and back up again. “Where did you get this outfit, hm?”
“Oh baby,” you start teasing him back, “I guess one thing you don’t know about me yet is that I wear lingerie like this all the time.”
“Oh really?” he questions.
“Yep, all the time.” You smirk at what you’re about to say next. “Actually, remember that one time we were stationed together in the Earth country for a month for that S-rank assassination mission?”
Kakashi nods, confused where you’re going with this story.
“We let our guards down and almost hooked up the last night before we came back to the village.”
“I remember.”
“Well,” you pause for effect, “guess what I was wearing underneath my uniform that night?”
Kakashi remains silent, brows furrowed waiting for you. You smile at him deviously as you say your answer.
Kakashi lets out what can only be described as an aroused, defeated groan when you utter your confession. He quickly comes back down and your mouths crash together in a heated frenzy. It isn’t until now when you realize that his bulge is hard against your leg, asking to be broken free from the confinement of his pants. While making out, you reach down and slip your hand under his waistband and grab onto his throbbing cock, stroking it in your hand. Although rock hard, the skin of his cock is soft and velvety.
Kakashi moans in your mouth when you make contact with him, but quickly escapes your grasp and gets up off of you. Sprawled out on the bed, you watch him strip down naked in front of you, starting with his shirt, then his pants and briefs. His body is truly something to marvel at, as decades of being a ninja have carved his body into perfection. You love the way his member slaps against his lower stomach when he pulls it from its confinement, excited and eager for you. He stands for a moment, contemplating what to do with you.
“I don’t want to take that pretty outfit off of you just yet. I guess I’ll just have to work around it for now,” Kakashi says as he stands at the end of the bed. Grabbing your ankles, he pulls you towards him and bends your legs upward until your knees meet your chest. Holding both of your legs up with one hand, he takes the other and spanks your ass cheek with a loud slap. You whimper from the sting while he rubs the mark he left. Kakashi sucks in another loud breath.
“Ugh, (y/n), you look so good for me.”
Before you can respond, Kakashi takes your thong and slides it over so you are exposed to him. Getting down on his knees, he brings his face to your glistening cunt and flattens his tongue against it. There he gives you one long lick up your slit to taste you. A moan erupts from him as your wetness meets his taste buds.
“You’re already so wet for me baby,” Kakashi breathes before going in to suck on you.
“I’ve been thinking about you all day,” you confess through your moans. “I only get this wet for you.”
“That’s because you're mine and mine only.”
Kakashi takes his time with you, almost as if this is his last meal on earth and he wants to savor it. He’s delicate in some moments and fierce in others. Incorporating his fingers, he slides them into you and curves them up to hit your g-spot repeatedly while eating you. Your hand instinctively cradles his face while the other intertwines with his silver locks. You start to feel tightness in your lower stomach as he brings you close to climax. The sound of his moans muffled inside you is enough to send you over the edge.
“Kakashi, baby, I’m gonna-”
“Come for me, baby,” Kakashi nods, giving you permission to let go.
Letting go of Kakashi, you grip onto the sheets around you, feeling the tightness build and drop out of you. Closing your eyes, the waves of ecstasy ripple throughout your body causing you to scream out in pleasure. Riding with you, Kakashi slowly continues to work you through your climax, cleaning up whatever juices spill over.
“Good girl,” He says to you while bringing your legs back down onto the bed. Slowly, he kisses up your thighs while hooking onto your thong, bringing it down off of them. While he does this, you reach around and unclasp your bra, throwing it aside. Once the thong is thrown aside as well, Kakashi lifts himself off the floor and flips you over so you're laying on your stomach, another smack landing on your ass cheek. The high from your orgasm is immediately replaced with anticipation for what he plans on doing to you next.
You feel Kakashi’s naked body slide on top of you until he's flush against your skin, his body completely enveloping yours. Once his face is level with yours, and his cock is hard against your backside, he brushes your hair away from your face.
“Are you ready for me?” Kakashi whispers into your ear.
You nod into the mattress, chest rising and falling with every strained breath.
“You need to use your words, (y/n),” Kakashi scolds you while tucking your hair behind your ear.
“I need you, Kakashi. Please, I need you.” Your words come out as a plea, not being able to take his absence any longer.
You feel Kakashi’s weight lift off of you as he reaches around your waist and lifts it up so your ass is tilted upwards. From there you can feel him position his tip at your entrance, slowly rubbing it up and down to spread your wetness.
“Please, Kashi, I need your cock inside me,” you beg.
Without further hesitation, you feel every inch of him slide into your folds until he’s bottomed out inside you. The feeling of him deep within you sends you into euphoria and you can feel yourself tighten around him.
“Fuck, you feel so good,” Kakashi whispers.
Starting off slow, he pumps into you with control. You feel pleasure and pain as Kakashi kisses your neck while grabbing onto your hair. After each thrust you feel him going faster and harder, your bodies smacking against each other. To gain more leverage, he lifts off of you and brings you up onto your hands and knees. With his hand gripping your shoulder, he pumps into you with ferocity.
“For years I’ve touched myself thinking about getting to fuck you like this baby. You’re so beautiful and so good to me. Everything about your body draws me to you,” Kakashi says in between moans. You feel him start to twitch inside you, his thrusts getting more out of control. You look over your shoulder and meet his gaze.
“We deserve this baby. You deserve this. Give me everything.” You both know your words mean more than just sex, and Kakashi relishes them.
Lifting you up by your neck, Kakashi brings you toward him so you're both kneeling while he continues thrusting inside of you. He brings one hand around your front to circle your clit and the other cups your breast. Your hands lift up behind you to grab onto his face. Turning your head to him, you kiss him with every ounce of passion you have left. This new position is hitting you at your core and you can feel yourself tighten again. Kakashi must have felt it too, as he broke free from your mouth to tilt his head back in pleasure. Without exchanging words, you know you both are at your limit.
With a few last staggering thrusts, both of you reach climax in unison. Feeling yourself go limp, Kakashi wraps his arms around you to keep you steady. You feel streams of his hot semen pool inside of your contracting walls. With Kakashi’s moans singing in your ear, you can’t help but smirk at his vulnerability. With him still inside, you hold onto each other, trying to catch your breaths. After a few beats, you both begin to laugh at your exasperated states.
“Stay here, I’m going to get a towel,” Kakashi says while shifting out of you. After pulling a towel from the cupboard in your bathroom, Kakashi brings it to you and cleans up between your legs. Before you have time to move, Kakashi picks you up bridal style and spins you around in his arms.
You scream and start to laugh as he plants kisses all over your face. “Kakashi!”
“Hm?” he hums in your ear, pretending he didn’t just lift you with little to no effort.
Holding you up with one arm, he grabs a blanket off the bed and carries you to the chair in the corner of your room. There he sits down and places you sideways on his lap so you’re facing each other. He then takes the blanket and wraps it around you both so you can stay warm while cuddling each other. Kakashi has always had a knack for knowing exactly what you want at any given moment.
“I thought we could get some inspiration for our next round,” Kakashi says with a smirk as he pulls out a copy of Icha Icha Tactics from underneath the cushion.
“What? How did that get there?” you laugh.
“Oh, I have multiple copies of these everywhere,” he jokes, waving the book in the air.
You laugh and lightly hit his chest. Tucking the blanket up closer to your face, you lay your head down on Kakashi’s shoulder while he flips open to a page in the book.
Before he starts to read to you, Kakashi lifts your chin to kiss you. Every time your lips touch his, flashes of your joint past enters your mind. Although it was hard, and you faced many difficult trials on the way, you are forever thankful that you were both able to live long enough to experience these moments. You took care of each other, lifted each other up when they were in the dirt, and now you can finally share the love you’ve always held for each other. You wouldn’t change any of it. After your kiss, before pulling away from you, Kakashi looks deep into your eyes.
“I love you, (y/n).”
You smile up at him, tears brimming in your eyes.
“I love you too, Kakashi. Forever.”
A/n cont.: Well, whattdaya think? :)
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