#thank you terry pratchet
enthusiasteditor · 6 months
In this blog I have never talked about personal issues, maybe a few hints here and there about my work (but I would say that from my name and the description it is clear), and it is a precise choice: I want this to be a sharing space on Good Omens, given how important it was and is to me, and I want to leave "real life" out. But tonight I want to make an exception. I don't know who will read me, maybe a few, maybe many. It does not matter. And I apologize for any errors, but English is not my native language.
I went through a very dark moment in my life, where I didn't know if my life would go on or if it was better to turn everything off. I had just lost a parent, my health was deteriorating, and a family member had gotten himself into a really bad situation. I saw no way out. But then, a little light hit me. It was really small, but in the midst of so much darkness even a very small light can give you hope. This light was Good Omens. I don't want to say that it saved my life, but it was certainly that hug that detached me from reality, that made me understand that it was worth carrying on, that I had to try to get better. The message of love of this story, the wonderful fandom, Neil's kindness, Michael and David's smiles... all little lights.
Now years have passed, I'm fine, I've found my balance and I know that the credit is above all mine. But those little lights that showed me the way years ago were fundamental. I just want to say thank you to Neil, Terry, Michael, David, all the cast and crew, but above all to all of you, fans of this magnificent series. The love, the respect, the kindness I have found are all other little lights that make my life brighter.
Thanks with all my heart
Here the wonderful words of Michael Sheen (in David Tennant's podcast), I think they fully reflect what I want to express tonight:
"I've realized it is a thin line between being, you know, surviving this life and going under. And the things that keep you afloat are these fragments, these things that are meaningful to you and what's meaningful to you will be not meaningful to someone else, you know [...] It doesn't matter what it is, go and find them and find some way to, like, hold them close to you, make it like go and get it, because those are the things that keep you afloat."
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rae-n-drop · 1 year
There's just something so powerful when God is a woman in TV shows/movies/books. And not really a woman, because giving a true gender to an all-powerful being just seems silly, but referring to the higher power as "Her" and "She." It feels like the way people would call hurricanes or ships by "She." It makes Her seem more vast and awe-inspiring.
It might also make Her seem more like a loving creator. A Mother is more involved in creation and birth than a Father, and I feel that is reflected in depictions of God. Mothers are some of the strongest people around, and depicting Her as one transfers over those feelings attached to maternity.
And lastly, it is refreshing to see not just a powerful role, but the most powerful role, given to a woman. So often are men depicted as the ones in control, and to have a woman in complete control is a welcome change.
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disastercorner · 1 year
(In search of a closing for GO2, I’m still living in those credit scenes… what would Aziraphale write for Crowley after giving their goodbye LOTS of thought.)
Dear Crowley,
It could have been us. It could have been us far, far away from Heaven, Hell, Earth. But still, I think it wouldn't have been us any more. I hope one day you will understand my choice.
I can't help but write to you now that we don't get to share our little moments together; now that we don't go on adventures or have breakfast at the Ritz. I write to you when you're not around to share the things that make me happy, the things that make me sad, things in general. I write to you because, although nothing lasts forever, you and I are eternal (literally); and I guess I never thought that there might come a time when being on different sides would tear us apart for good. That there would be no "our" side, even if I didn't understand what that meant at the time.
I don't know if you know what is hidden in the bookshelves of my bookshop, perhaps if you did you would have understood why I went back to Heaven. Among the books, hidden from mortal eyes, is “our” time; every single day we spent together. And the ones we didn't. You may never understand why I love books so much, why I kept all those stories protected between the walls of my bookshop, why I never sold them away. But it's not about the books themselves, they're just material objects, it's about what they represent.
You and I, Dear, we are like books, defeating time, passing through history unchanged but with different meanings. And so I have made us into one. Everything we went through, everything you said, everything we lived. Is in those pages. You were right when you said it was lonely to be on my own side, to go as far as I could with Heaven. It is very lonely. But you made my loneliness the least lonely loneliness I could ever imagine.
You could have come with me. We could have changed the heavens from the ground up. We could have made a world where we could live in peace. But you chose to stay, you chose to go your own way and I forgive you for that. I forgive you for all the things you left unsaid, maybe the same things I didn't say either, I forgive you for believing that running away together (twice) was the only way for us to be happy. I forgive you for thinking you don't deserve it, and in case no one ever does, I forgive you once and for all. No questions asked.
You may think I don't see the pain in your eyes, in your voice, in your smile. But I'm not that naive... You told me once that I didn't know you because "you weren't the same angel I knew"; that was a long time ago, but it's been haunting me ever since. You may not be the cheerful, enthusiastic, breathing illusionary angel I met before time was time, but I know that in the depths of your heart that beautiful angel is still alive. They are alive in your questions, in your curious eyes, in the way you look at the world with fascination... I dream of a day when you can look up at the stars and feel the same wholeness you felt before.
I'm gone now, but not because I don't need you. I do. And I know how happy it makes you to see me in need and come to my rescue. But this time it is I who must save you. I have to make Heaven and Hell and Earth places good enough for you to exist. I don't want to run away, I don't want to live in fear of the day when they come looking for us. I just want to carve out a precious, peaceful, not-at-all-fragile existence for the two of us. One where the only problems we find are ours, not anyone else's; one where we can keep to our traditions and rituals, one where we can be just us. No angels and demons, no hereditary enemies, just Crowley and Aziraphale.
And it hurts, it hurts so much that Gabriel and Beelzebub had their happy ending before us. It doesn't mean I don't feel happy for them, I do, believe me; just seeing them holding hands, looking at each other as if nothing else existed, made me believe that we still have a chance. That we can also have it. But just not now. I have things to do, you have things to resolve. We both know that even if we deserved to have that conversation, it was the wrong time. But don't worry, my Dear, we'll have it again, and when the time comes, your kiss will have an answer.
We have waited 6,000 years, we can wait a few more. But I promise you, the day we are together again, because we will be, you will always be heard. No need for a suggestion box.
Until next time. Yours faithfully,
A. Z. Fell, Angel.
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neil-gaiman · 1 year
Hi Neil,
This is not really a question but I would like to share with you what you mean for me.
A long time ago I used to write, I used to draw, I used to sing, I used to laugh hard and enjoy it.. and lost all of this along the years.
It was difficult for me to find that spark and enjoy life again... and then here you come.
I have seen and heard your name multiple times in the past, knowing you for the person behind Sandman but nothing more. One day like another I bumped in Good Omes.. not sure why I started to watch it and when I saw yours and Terry Pratchet name, something clicked in my head (heart?). I loved it immediately, I could feel a connection with someone again.  Long story short.. I can feel emotions again.  When I read (your) books, listen to a song or watch a movie, I can feel things, and there are no words in the entire world to thank you enough for this.
And I allow myself to take this a sign: last week I was in a tiny public library (a dutch one as I am Italian gal relocated in The Netherlands) trying to inspire my youngest daughter love for reading when I saw this little book on the shelf. Can you imagine my surprise to find an English book amongst thousands of dutch ones? I took it, read it and loved it. I know you're peculiarly ubiquitous and it's like you were there for me, saying to carry on, don't give up!
Thanks again, Neil!  💙
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That warms my heart.
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jupiterdoesart · 9 months
Good Omens embroidery I did as a Christmas present for a friend
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Close ups and the back under the cut
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This was my first time I backed a hoop, so it's a little wonky (and also covered in cat fur), but everyone starts somewhere and I love how this turned out. Also thank you to @neil-gaiman and Sir Terry Pratchet for this wonderful story and characters
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mimisempai · 1 year
Some thoughts when you're new in a fandom
For the third time today I've seen posts from various people ranting about Prime Video Good Omens and the latest promo video which shows some of the easter eggs from the first season.
The word were more or less, "Why are they releasing this, we've known for like 4 years."
Well, you know what? I don't. I didn’t know that. Because I've only known about Good Omens for a few months. I'm 46 and up until a year ago, I'd never heard of Neil Gaiman, Terry Pratchett or their works (yes, it's possible) because in France we don't advertise foreign literature and even less in the school curriculum (I speak from my own experience).
As proof, here's how articles start in France when you do a search on Neil Gaiman or Terry Pratchett
"Often overlooked in France, Terry Pratchett is the author of over fifty novels translated into thirty-eight languages, an immense body of work that has sold to … "
Or (I'm still crying about this one)
"Neil GaimanHe is best known in France today for his novels published by Au diable vauvert, De bons présages, co-written with Thierry Pratchet, Miroirs et fumée, American Gods (Hugo Award in 2002) and Anansi Boys." (I wrote to them to correct the name, by the way.)
What's more, they're classified as fantasy authors, which hasn't been my favorite reading style for a long time. (I discovered LOTR when I was 27, and I'm not ashamed of it).
Let's get back to business.
How did I come to watch Good Omens? First an online friend, who was posting on twitter about the show, gave me the first spark of interest. Then came The Sandman on Netflix. Which I watched because of a series of gifs about Hob and Dream (Not because I heard from the comics before). After watching this show, of course I was interested in the author of the original work and… the name Good Omens came back before my eyes. And there it is.
So, if you're a fan of the first hour, accept that baby fans like me don't yet know all the richness you've been living in for four or more years. Because I'm ready to accept all the knowledge you want to give me. And I'm infinitely grateful for it.
PS: Thank you @goodomensonprime this video is as good as the best sweet Aziraphale has to offer.
PS2: Good Omens is still the most wholesome fandom I'm in.
PS3: English is not my native language
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doctorgeekery · 4 months
I was recently reading Neil Gaiman’s blog and saw the things people are sending him that he’s responded to… and folks…
Look, I know Neil Gaiman doesn’t need me to defend him - he’s explicitly said that he only replies to people who aren’t offending him and anything that is genuinely not good he just doesn’t respond to.
(For context: apparently David Tennant said at a con that the ending to season 3 of Good Omens might not be the ending “you want” and now people are flooding Neil’s ask box basically demanding a happy ending.)
But I do think it is worthy to note that recently, especially with the advent of authors on social media, people have gotten used to the idea of demanding things from authors 24/7, and especially demanding things specifically from the author.
Authors don’t owe you a happy ending. Authors don’t owe you shit - their only job is to write a good story. That’s it. Neil Gaiman can do whatever he wants, because it is his (and Terry Pratchet’s) story. You can critique the ending, you can go write fix-it fanfics, but it is ultimately his story and you should never harass an author over something you don’t like.
I very much prefer happy endings, more than sad and tragic ones, but sad ones have their place. And if it is a sad ending, respect the story and say “thank you” to Neil Gaiman, instead of shitting on whatever he does and might do.
I will say, the attitude of some people after season 2 was despicable. Being sad is okay; I was sad too. But harassing the author about it? No.
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lavenderfluorite14 · 2 months
🩸🦇💖People I Want to Know Better💖🦇🩸
Thank you for the tag @ancuninfiles! I also ship Me and Your Mom.
1. Favorite Ships (in no particular order)
Wyllstarion (Baldur's Gate 3) The monster hunter falls in love with the monster? The monster teaches a cursed hero how to deal with his new body? A dash of enemies to lovers? A princely young man showers a lost and lonely man with the love he needs (deserves) while that same savvy, clever man helps the princely young man break his evil contract? YEAH.
Bloodweave (Baldur's Gate 3) None of us are completely immune to toxic old man yaoi.
Shadowzel (Baldur's Gate 3) LET'S GO LESBIANS
Ianthe x Harrow (The Locked Tomb Series) I'm toxic, yeah yeah
Reylo (Star Wars Sequel Trilogy) These two will always have a chokehold on my heart. They could never make me hate you Sequel Trilogy, although they have CERTAINLY tried. I will die bitter about TRoS, lol.
Jarden (Jude x Cardan, The Folk of the Air) Booktok is right sometimes.
Sansa x Brienne (A Song of Ice and Fire) A lady and her knight???? HELLO???????
Sarah x Jareth (Labyrinth) This ship has EVERYTHING I love.
Jasmine x Mozenrath (Aladdin: the Animated Series) This may be a deep cut, but I love enemies to lovers who never truly stop being enemies.
2. First Ship
Zelink (Zelda x Link, The Legend of Zelda). My first ship ever, I will always love them. Also easily my most wholesome ship, lol.
3. Last Song
Guess (feat. Billie Eilish) - Charli XCX.
4. Last Movie
Abigail! I was not expecting to live this movie as much as I did, we love a vampire horror comedy.
5. Currently Reading
Good Omens, Terry Pratchet and Neil Gaiman. I finally started this classic and then allegations emerged.
I haven't started these yet, but I also have these checked out in Libby: Loud by Drew Afualo
The Salt Grows Heavy by Cassandra Khaw
6. Currently Watching
I am SO bad at watching TV for no discernible reason. But I need to finish Season 3 of Fruits Basket, I'm a religious House of the Dragon watcher (RIP Game of Thrones), and I'm still reeling from the season finale of Succession.
7. Currently Craving
Mango Loco Monster Energy drink, my beloved
no pressure tags:
@rosieofcorona, @bee-chann, @roguishcat
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diamondbrickz · 1 year
woe. golden omens onto ye. i’ve had this theme song stuck in my head on loop for the past week because i binged both seasons for the first time (it’s really good) but making a mashup did NOT help to get it out. probably made it worse actually. thank you neil gaiman and terry pratchet
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denialcity · 11 months
Reverse Cassandra/ Terry Pratchet esque witch Tbrm wherein he is just making observations and saying facts he is not a prophet thank you very much and everyone around him is like STOP PROPHYSYING/MAKIMG SHIT HAPPEN
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invodka-veritas · 11 months
Starting to read Monstrous Regiment, big thank you to @callipigio for the super helpful Terry Pratchet flowchart!!
It's available in ebook format from my local library so I'm settling in at my local brewery with a pint & new book to read!
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morningnoodles · 1 year
I was tagged by the ever wonderful @lola-theshowgrl many moons back, thank you lovely! ✿ sorry it took ages aaaa
feel free to join if you want!
Last song: Oh No! by MARINA
Last movie: Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring
Currently watching: Bluey
Currently reading: Good Omens by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchet; and despite your good intentions by pomgore
Currently craving: Mie goreng
Last thing you researched for writing/drawing/creating purposes: reaching out pose
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millerflintstone · 2 years
Seeing you talk about HP and people talking about the game, there's this list of games, books and movies/tv shows that I came across this morning showing people stuff they can look into instead of HP. I've actually already read some of the books they suggested and would actually really recommend them over the HP universe because they're kind of the same in terms of being based on magic, being plot-heavy and depicting friendships and relationships, but they're also really inclusive of POC people, LGBT+ people and there's no bigotry or bigotry propaganda!
(The ones I've read are the Discworld series, the Shadowmagic series and I'm almost halfway through the second Mistborn book too. Discworld is by Terry Pratchet and there's a movie kind of based on it too but I can't remember what that's called rn.)
Thanks anon!
I'm sure other folks have suggestions, too. Please feel free to comment.
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good omens this, good omens that.
what if i can't sleep now, huh? what if all my thoughts are about good omens and i can't just lie down and sleep because i start thinking about good omens and it makes me scroll again, huh? what will you say then, mr. gaiman?
i wake up and the first thing i do is think about good omens. i turn on my magical pc and can't do anything because all i can think of is good omens.
i had a dream some time ago that there was a horror good omens game AND I'LL BE FUCKING DAMNED if i lie and say i didn't wake up wanting it more than life.
what if it's 4am and i'm still not over this beautiful love story?
what if this almost month passed me so fast i didn't notice a day? it feels like i watched it for the first time just a week ago.
i just want to say that i love this show. i love this book. i love the fanart and the silly theories and everything.
thank you neil gaiman (my mother from outer space) and terry pratchet, thank you cast, thank you, thhhank you all of the crew, thththhthtthank you.
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pussyandpetrichor · 2 years
tagged by @necropsittacus ; thank you so much!
This is a chain question meme and I don't spread them, but if you'd like, feel free to answer, but I am not directing this at specific people.
last song: Massive Attack by Teardrop
I was trying to tell if the Amazon Prime distribution of House MD was the same as the theme song from the network distribution. Unfortunately, I have a bit of an earache and I can't tell for sure.
three ships: Doctor/Master(+River), Aelita/Sissi, Holmes/Watson (Including House/Wilson)
currently reading: I just finished "I'm Glad My Mom Died" by Jeannette McCurdy, and I juts started "Equal Rites" by Terry Pratchet and the Barron's AP Calculus Book
last movie: I don't currently remember, but I can probably check my Hulu when I get home.
craving: To go home, tbh. I have an ear ache and don't want to go to work but my step father was at home when I left and I don't want to be in the house with him.
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caffeinelemur · 6 months
Hi!!! Thanks!! Here come some probably-not-very-coherent but very rambling answers that I hope can satisfy, feel free to ask follow up questions if you want~
🍉 Fruit:
Strawberries!!!!!! The ultimate fruit and the ultimate flavor!!
I fuckin love berries!! Blueberries, raspberries~ Most berries are great. Except blackberries. (Gooseberries!!! More people need to realize the goodness of gooseberries). Peaches, Granny Smith apples, the occasional clementine…
🥦 Veggie:
Tomatoes!!!! I know they’re technically a fruit but I’ve got autism food pickiness and people put them in salad so they count. And I fucking love tomatoes I’ll eat a fucker like an apple give it to me
🎲 Game:
Videogame: Pokémon Emerald
Boardgame: Mancala, Backgammon
😇 Blorbo:
I have too many and it’s not like I rank them I don’t play favorites with my children. You can just go back in this blog and you’ll figure it out p easy if you’ve got time, patience, and enough curiosity.
Like you’ll find a good chunk of like 2019-2023 of p consistent Witcher Jaskier content that I’m not currently in bc I’ve been overcome with a new hyperfixation.
If you want the ones I’ve had the longest….
The ones I still post about/interact with/have strong feelings for now that I loved before high school (context- my last year of middle school/first year of high school was 2010) are…
- Shawn Spencer, Psych
- Sherlock Holmes, Sherlock Homes stories- Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (Specifically the Books/Short Stories)
And the main ones from high school/college (2011-2016?) are…
- The Doctor, Doctor Who (the whole character every incarnation that’s my baby right there)
- Roronoa Zoro, One Piece (the original boi, I made this tumblr to find and collect fanart of him in like 2014 or something so all the OGs that still follow me on here from my One Piece days are real ones)
I got into anime as a whole around then, so there are too many anime blorbos; I’m not listing them all, but most are voiced by Kazuya Nakai or Daisuke Ono, or is a girl from Love Live.
Currently I’m fucking obsessed with Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss so it’s hard to think of other things and I know like it’s one of the most annoying fandoms someone could suddenly attack your dash with but I can’t help it I’m compelled by these fuckin guys
📚 Book(s):
The Princess Bride: S. Morganstern’s Classic Tale of True Love and High Adventure- William Goldman
The Complete Sherlock Holmes- Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Amelia Peabody mysteries- Elizabeth Peters
Mary Russell mysteries (specifically the first two: The Beekeepers Apprentice: or, On the Segregation of the Queen; and A Monstrous Regiment of Women)- Laurie R. King
Harry Dresden series- Jim Butcher
Nancy Drew mysteries- Carolyn Keene
Phryne Fisher mysteries- Kerry Greenwood
Good Omens: The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter, Witch- Terry Pratchet & Neil Gaiman
Mrs. Murphy mysteries- Rita Mae Brown & Sneaky Pie Brown
I have too many I’m sorry I’ll stop here; I could read before kindergarten, going to the library was my main weekend fun activity to do with mom as a child, my high school senior superlative was “Biggest Reader,” I was reading while walking between classes and everyone apparently noticed even when they didn’t talk to me. I like mysteries~
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