#thank you the writers for giving me this amazing character to love and play his route
otomelavenderhaze · 1 year
All my thoughts on the honeymoon episode (17) of mclll with Rayan.
Get 👏 yourself 👏 a 👏 fictional 👏 man 👏 who 👏 would 👏 face 👏 a 👏 tiger 👏 for 👏 you 👏 then 👏 ruin 👏 his 👏 plans 👏 and 👏 save 👏 his 👏 ass 👏 instead 👏
That's it. That's the review. Y'all welcome. I know I know very insightful, you don't need to thank me for it.
But no, while the episode was fun, chaotic, full of replayability, some cute and hot moments, I have good and bad things to talk about it and I have a lot of thoughts about certain scenes that I cannot simply move on with my life without talking about them at least once.
So let's do this, maybe my last review ever about any mcl related episode.
I will always welcome an episode that makes me remember why I fell in love for the set up, for the story and for the character (Li) in the first place and that honeymoon episode was that. It was the most fun I ever had since, buff, I don't know, I think University Life? Because I wouldn't have called Love Life a funny haha ride all the way through and I cannot remember the last time was giddy with the game like I was today.
The episode was short, very much what I was expecting... and very much gave me a misplaced vibe, it didn't feel like the last episode the big farewell that the wedding episode felt like. It actually felt like a spin-off half cooked, it very much felt like just a travel, not really a honeymoon (not that I had much of those in real life but well) and it felt goofy which y'know, mcl is known for.
And I am talking about the cave conversation.
I would say that the episode would be fun for replayability if you have NO ISSUE in spending around 4.000 aps for it, if not then you go ahead and have a good ride like I did, but I will not pretend it's very rewarding or even mandatory. It's not.
You gonna take some giggles and get ONE moment in the episode that's really worth it.
For Rayan depending in which alternative you picked you could've: learnt more about Chloé's and Rayan's relationship and how he feels about her death now that he married Candy, about Rayan's father that he never EVER talked about before or a very cute moment when he talks about how he felt when he first met Candy and how he struggled with his feelings.
I am a sucker for any piece of new information I get about him, so I had a blast with it.
It was a JOY finding out that every alternative would give me a new whole dialogue to explore and read, it felt like a bonus and it was the best thing about the episode, besides the tiger moment.
Which was wild, see Rayan telling Candy in a firm voice that "she never heard before him using" to not move and help with all yelling at the tiger to scare it off was WILD, my nerd bookworm man went alpha mode on that tiger and it was HOT. Hot damn. It was hotter than any sex scene. Yes, Daddy, protect us, you go off king, you can punch a tiger for sure, BIG DICK ENERGY IF EVER SAW ONE.
But I will tell you, make Candy actually take away the tiger's attention towards Rayan and try to attract it alone was hella cool too, Candy was BRAVE, even though when he got mad at her after she cried of stress and fear and then he comforts her and calls her his hero, IT WAS A SUCH NICE MOMENT. One of the beauties of having a lot of aps, free time and grief towards a route that is gonna be replaced in the next months.
So good.
Let's talk about what I didn't like then.
I don't like how the ilus can only be obtain if you get all the right answers but the game gives you too little of information about which answers are right and which are wrongs, it was very punishing, I don't get it.
I don't like how the ilus was locked away behind a sex scene at the end of the episode, there was no special moment of their first night as a married couple, it was no different from any other generic sex scene - I will admit, it's a pretty ilus, but at this point, feels like the same of all the ones I already got, there was no sexy lighting, no extra gloss over it no care for what it would be THE LAST ILUS OF THE GAME.
Felt lazy, there I said it. The episode being so out of place from the whole trio of Proposal Episode, Getting married Episode and then the Honeymoon Episode is ODD and off putting, it feels wrong, it feels like they didn't plan that shit properly and if that's the case it doesn't surprise me cuz I have been getting this for MONTHS now.
THEY GAVE UP. The new game is more important now. Screw us I guess.
And screw them too honestly. I hope the new game gets a better treatment from the bottom of my heart, but I doubt it strongly after so many years and GAMES of this and of this lazy shit they do, so probably it won't be any better...... I wouldn't know, cuz I am not gonna play it.
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Nice episode, despite it faults and everything else, I liked it.
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thesiltverses · 6 months
Hello! I found the silt verses about three weeks ago and have listened to it several times since. I have a few things to say.
I absolutely adore that episode about the national grid workers. I think it’s my favorite episode of any podcast I’ve ever listened to. My favorite part of that first episode Paige is in is how she justifies not standing up for Vaughn, that cognitive dissonance that you wrote so well. This episode gives me what I wanted from that episode, the workers all banding together to stop the wasteful sacrifice of one of them. The actor who played the foreman did an incredible job as well. I think that having him discuss which of his workers he would sacrifice was such a significant moment, despite how brief it is. It cuts right to the big question that I took away from the podcast which is, “How much is someone willing to sacrifice in order to maintain their comfort?” And the utter disrespect of Glodditch (apologies for the spelling) refusing to cancel even the radio but asking grid workers to kill themselves for 200kw/h! Top tier episode.
I grew up in the south and went to college in Appalachia. I saw the disparity in technology and “advancement” if that makes sense that poverty brings, and the way you set up the world invokes that feeling in me again. You are an amazing world builder and storyteller.
I really enjoyed the cameos - I’m a big fan of malevolent/devisor, Old gods of Appalachia, and all of Jonny sims work, so hearing familiar voices was an absolute delight. Harlan Guthrie as an acolyte of the snuff gods might have been a bit too on the nose with some of the things that man writes, though… /pos
I’m transmasculine, and something that I really appreciate is how you manage to make a trans man do some objectively awful things, but still manage to make him a complex, full character that I was rooting for very frequently. Brother Faulkner is so, so important to me as a character. Paula Vogel has a play called “Indecent,” which is about the true story of a troupe of I believe German Jewish actors between the years of 1910ish and 1940s putting on a show called “God of Vengeance” by Sholem Asch, also a Jewish man. “God of Vengeance” has queer themes and received a lot of criticism from the Jewish community for showing Jewish folks in a “bad” light at a time when there was already so much hatred for Jewish people. Brother Faulkner being as complex and, in my opinion, malicious and cutthroat as he is at a time when trans people face so much bigotry, especially legislatively in the United States, brings this conversation about “God of Vengeance” up again for me. I also love how normalized non-binary people are in this world, without question. “Sibling this or that,” the hunter, adjudicator Shrew - big thanks from me for all of this.
All of this to say, I love this podcast. Can you talk more about the rhetorical gods? Is Babble one? What makes them one if they are, or why aren’t they? I’m fascinated by them. Can you talk more about the propaganda gods too?
Thank you so much for the thoughtful and kind words!
I'll check out Indecent, it sounds really interesting and I'm very glad to hear Faulkner works for you as a character. I think the topic of how to include and write queer characters who are capable of terrible things and thoughts (because, after all, these characters are human beings and not tutelary exemplars), within the context of both a rising movement of transphobia right now and centuries-old scapegoating / pathologising portrayals more generally, is a really knotty but a really important one, and I always want to make sure I'm approaching it with care and due responsibility as well as a sense of humility around the limitations of what, as a cis writer, I can actually achieve.
To that end, I don't want to ever take the audience response for granted, but I'm always really grateful to hear that the portrayal is working for a listener!
Propaganda gods: gods whose prayer-marks or ritual verses are fed directly to the enemy, enforcing destructive or sabotaging changes to reality (so rather than sending a destructive saint or angel to rampage over the foe, you might drop pamphlets or send radio messages to the enemy to 'convert' them).
Rhetorical gods: gods whose followers possess reality-warping powers of language itself (which is why 'rhetorical god' is a polite way of saying 'liar's god'). In other words, the paranoia around them comes partly down to the fact that a disciple like Val may appear to be a limitless shaper of new forms, rather than shaped into a limited form of their own, as a result of their worship.
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adhdprincess · 5 months
TLOU rec-list for fics with less than 100 kudos!
If you don't have much time to read, rebloging is a great way to show support. Let's uplift these talented fic writers!
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Cuddle up with some Fluff
Rest - 3k words, Joel gets sick in Jackson. It's filled to the brim with lots of banter and sweet family-shaped moments. Also, Ellie doesn't live in the shed!
New Seasons - 5k words, Outside of Jackson, Joel gets a migraine. Ellie takes care of him and it’s just so sweet. I have a cavity, guys 🥹 Both by: ABeckoningCat, @inherstars on Tumblr
bear with me - 700 words, Ellie spots a bear outside the walls of Jackson. Joel’s reactions are funny as hell. By: @bearrycool on Ao3 and Tumblr
if i could give you the moon - 4.5k words, 10-year-old Ellie meets Riley. Fluffy shenanigans ensue, wrapped up in a beautiful ending. Happy belated fic-erversary! By: @becomethesun on Ao3 and Tumblr
When the Party's Over - 2k words, Ellie attends a party in Jackson, but her anxiety takes over. Hurt/comfort vibes? Check! Fluff and angst? Double check! By: @paigegonerogue on Ao3 and Tumblr
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Tear your heart out with Angst
Dear Shadow, Alive and Well(WIP) - 30k words, A gritty, immersive multi-chapter set after Ellie, Tommy, and Dina return from Seattle. The prose, the imagery, and the dialogue are all BEAUTIFUL! This story has killed me. @wicked--loving--lies I'm throwing you all of the virtual flowers!! 💐 By: Wickedlovinglies, @wicked--loving--lies on Tumblr
Arsonist's Lullaby - 4.5k, A character study of Joel and his relationship with anger. The angst had me clawing at the floor. The writing is AMAZING! By: fae_the_gay27
think I’ll miss you forever… - 1.5k words, A character study of Ellie after the major character death in TLOU2. Beautiful prose and I think I’ll cry actually 😭. By: @crystalflys on Ao3 and Tumblr
March 2, 2038 (tw gore) - 1.5k words, Might be the saddest fic I’ve ever read, but the angst is so good. This takes place right after the major death in TLOU2. By: Three_kittens_in_a_trench_coat
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Journey through these AUs!
sangfroid - 3k words, Joel and Tess have an oops baby and it's Ellie. This is so beautiful and has an awesome twist at the end. By: Glitter_Gecko, @seethesunny on Tumblr
Calamity's Child - 10k words, An AU where Joel is a trans man set after the events of TLOU1. It’s very fluffy with a good helping of angst and so well written! By: Fiachra, @consultingzoologist on Tumblr
Ashes denote that Fire was(WIP) - 3.5k words, A firefighter🔥 AU. Ellie is feral, Joel is bewildered, and Tess is a banter queen. This AU is such a fun read! By: @bumblepony on Ao3 and Tumblr
Roll for Halloween Hijacks - 5.5k words, On Halloween, in a no-outbtreak AU, Joel joins Ellie and her friends to play a tabletop game. It’s so fluffy and communal and everyone is alive! By: MichiMe, @freetobeyouandmichi-me on Tumblr & @marceltheshellwithflipflopson on Ao3 and Tumblr
If you read a story and enjoy, consider leaving a comment! Writers love encouraging comments, even if it's just a heart emoji ❤️.
This rec-list is here to uplift the wonderful writing community in this fandom. Please share this around to show support for writers!
Thanks to @saradika-graphics for the divider!
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nerd-artist · 3 months
More FOTH reveals, so be careful because this post contains spoilers of Erend’s and Alva’s routes.
If you’ve played Erend’s route you already know Silgund and what he meant to Erend. Thank you @maybirdie and Maagi for writing him, I loved to work on his design, and he is canon for me now 😍
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I also worked on Handur and Golvur. And I used Guerrilla’s technique on repeating the same model over and over again 😆
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I also designed these two wonderful characters created by Alva’s writers. Clag and Dunk are now forever in my heart.
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This big guy caused some troubles on Erend’s route. Also challenged my skills and patience 😆
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This cute guy was designed by @boobaloof and I had the pleasure to color him. Look at all those details Babs added!
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And of course, I had the honor to color the amazing designs @sorbetowl and @boobaloof created for Erend and Aloy. I still can’t believe how good their designs look together 😍 I ship these two SO HARD.
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I hope you all enjoyed @focusontheheart!! And if you haven't played it yet, don't miss it. We worked so hard in it and I promise you won't regret giving it a chance 😉
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Hi! You’ve probably gotten this before, so I’m sorry if I missed it, but my question is about fight scenes. I’m working on a dystopian/fantasy sort of story, and the physical fight scenes between the main characters and the antagonists are stumping me! I can see it all in my head like a movie scene, but when I go to put it down on paper I can’t seem to find the right words or describe it in a way that makes sense and isn’t too clunky. Any advice you have would help! Thank you ❤️❤️❤️
Writing Fight Scenes
It's difficult to write a fight scene if you don't know what different fight moves are called or what they look like. So the first thing you need to do is learn these things. The blog @howtofightwrite is an amazing resource for writers that's run by people who know martial arts. Their fight scene reference and fight scene advice tags have tons of information that will help. You can also go to YouTube and watch videos about fight moves, self-defense techniques, and offensive techniques.
And, in fantasy, magic or weaponry may of course play a role. Weaponry vocab and use can also be researched (and as I recall, there's info about that at How to Fight Write, too.) There are some great guides online about writing fight scenes with magic.
My only two posts about fight scenes are here:
Fight Scenes and Action Scenes with Impact Giving Fight Scenes More Impact
I hope that helps!
I’ve been writing seriously for over 30 years and love to share what I’ve learned. Have a writing question? My inbox is always open!
SEE MY ask policies
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Heeyyy my first time requesting I read all your works I just wanna say it’s absolutely Amazing 🤩 but I’m here to request hawks x chubby black reader (if you don’t write for him I’m so sorry 😞)
Hopefully you can make it like “smile for the camera” except hawks is like “😳” when he first meets the reader but reader doesn’t like the way he’s staring at her and thinks he’s judging her (but really he’s not he just luvs the reader)
I’ll let you do the rest yourself
Again if you don’t write for hawks then it’s fine ignore the request😁
Stay safe,drink water,and luv yourself😘
As Beautiful as Moonlight (Hawks x Black!Chubby!Fem!Reader 18+ One Shot) [REQUEST FILL]
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Pairing: Keigo "Hawks" Takami x Black!Chubby!Fem!Reader (Strangers to Lovers)
Synopsis: In which Hawks tries to show you that you are more than just a conquest and that his stares aren't because he's judging you. They're because he is dying to make you his.
Warnings: Smutty Smut; 18+; Chubby!Reader; Black-coded!Reader; Fem!Reader; Sexual Tension; Some Alcohol & Drug (Nothing crazy lol just weed); Flirting; Mutual Oral (Giving & Receiving); 69ing; Missionary; Doggysyle; Sex in the Mirror; Overstimulation; Sloppy Tongue Kissing; Mutual O; Snuggling
Disclaimer: I own none of the characters mentioned in this fic. However, as this is my writing, I do not give permission for my work to be reposted on any other sites that are not from my own accounts. Thank you!
Writer’s Note: I told you I gotchu! I’m so, so sorry this is so late, anon, but I didn’t want to make you wait any longer for this request. I’ve been so busy with commissions, getting ready for my summer job, AND classes, but this is the least I can do for you. I hope you like it! Thank you so much for the love 🫶🏾🫶🏾 -Jazz
“What are you lookin’ at?” 
Hawks blinks once, coming out of the trance you put him in for about five minutes now…which is as long as he’s been staring at you like a weirdo. Or a dumbass, in his case, anyway. 
He can’t blame you for giving him the evil eye as you sit together at the bar while the rest of your mutual friends yack it up over shots and the music playing from overhead. “Huh?” he dumbly asks, his mind having gone to mush in the five minutes he was staring at you. 
“I said,” you pointedly repeat, “what are you looking at?” Your hand with your pretty nails wraps around your cocktail glass. Hawks imagines it somewhere else on his body. 
“Uh…nothing,” he decides. “Just…” He tries to think quick, hating that he took a hit of a blunt before coming here and downed those two tequila shots before Mirko showed up with you as her work friend. 
He isn’t usually like this: so clueless and all fumbly. He is known for his charm and flirtation when it comes to pretty women. You are no different. You’re about the prettiest thing in the bar in your red dress that makes your skin seem so vibrant and wraps around your body. 
The fact that you’re a big girl makes no difference to him. He loves how your stomach rolls as you sit down; how your thick, soft thighs squish on the stool you sit on; how you have such an adorable softness to your cheeks. Hawks has never cared about the size of a woman. If he thinks you’re attractive, he’s going to try his luck to scoop you up! 
But he’s also never had a woman give him such trouble and a cold welcome like you are now. “You were just starin’ at me because…why?” you pointedly ask, squinting at him, your long lashes framing your pretty, brown eyes. “I know this dress is tight, but you don’t have to stare.” 
Hawks simply laughs, pulling the collar of his Armani button-down. “Well, you ain’t really givin’ me a choice in the matter,” he jokes. You scowl at him, earning a sheepish shrug from him. “But since you asked, I’m only starin’ because you’re the most beautiful thing in here.” 
He watches as his words process in your head and registers on your gorgeous face. You look shocked at him uttering such words to you, but then that wall that he sees built up around you comes back, shielding you for whatever reason. “Right,” you scoff. “I think those shots have gone to your head…or you’re just tryna fuck.” 
You turn away slightly, wrapping your soft, glossy lips around the straw in your glass. Hawks stares, unabashed in his attraction to you, his cock stirring impatiently in his jeans. “Well, I mean, if you’re offering…” 
You look back at him with a hard stare that would’ve left him dead if looks could kill. “C’mon!” he laughs. “Can you blame a man for bein’ attracted to a pretty woman such as yourself? Why the pushback?” 
He isn’t trying to sleep with you! He just wants to know why you’re so goddamn cold. Is it truly impossible for you to believe that a guy can be interested in getting to know you without having grimy ulterior motives? 
You turn to him now, eyes still sharp and indifferent. “Because I know guys like you,” you huff. “You butter me up with your flirting, fuck me for the night, and then never call again. You are a bachelor, after all.” 
Hawks states at you, his body becoming hot from such harsh words. “Now why in the hell would I do that?” he asks, honestly offended by such an assumption. 
You blink at him, wondering if he’s serious. “Because I’m…” You motion over your body. “Fat. Chubby. Chunky. Whatever the fuck you wanna call me. I know I’m pretty, but guys like you don’t date girls like me.” 
You chuckle to yourself, but it’s an empty laugh. Hawks can tell, especially with the way you look at Mirko who is so muscular and toned. She doesn’t have to worry about people judging her, flaunting her body in her skin-tight dress on the dancefloor. He hates to see it, so he does his best to stop it. 
“Y/N,” he says, using your name since the first time he met you. It catches your attention immediately. “I don’t want you for a one-night stand. But would I want the chance to touch that body in the privacy of a bedroom? Hell yes!” 
You flush at his boldness, looking away from his intense, golden eyes. “But believe it or not, I was thinking more on the “taking you to dinner and getting to know you” side, if you’re okay with that.” He searches your face for a possible yes, but all he sees is your eyes looking away from him even though your body is still turned his way. You seem like you want to say yes, but something is holding you back. 
Hawks withers, disappointed, but he won’t push it. “I guess not,” he sighs. “Well, it was worth trying anyway. I’m gonna go get some air.” He gives you a smile that doesn’t quite reach his eyes before getting up from his stool and leaving you be. 
He carefully meanders through the throng of pro heroes and regular club-hoppers with his ruby-red wings though people make way for him anyway. He walks to one of the exits and leaves the club’s hot, sticky atmosphere for the cool early-summer air in the alleyway. 
He immediately digs into his pocket for his cigarettes, having toned down on nicotine a long time ago, but he still carries them around for stressful or disappointing situations. But as he sticks one of the cigs in his mouth and goes for his lighter, he stops and turns. 
There you stand in the doorway, silhouetted by the lights behind you like some curvy, plump angel wrapped in a delectable red dress. “I didn’t know you smoke,” you say, nodding at the cig hanging out of his mouth. 
He takes it out from between his lips, chuckling. “Yeah,” he sighs. “You ain’t gon’ tell on me, are you?” You shake your head and slowly walk out into the alley with him. You take something from behind your back: a glass of water with lemon. “I got you some club soda.” 
Hawks takes the water, confused at the offer. “So you came out here to keep me company?” he asks, raising an eyebrow at you. 
You look down at your strappy sandals with your cute, pink-painted toes hanging out of them. “I’m sorry. I’m just not used to people looking at me without judging me or with lust. I guess I just thought you weren’t serious.” 
Hawks nods as he sips the water, his thirst quenched. “I can understand what it feels like to be judged and lusted after.” You stare at him, your eyes as big as the full moon hanging above you. “Really?” you ask, slightly breathless. 
He nods wordlessly. Having made mistakes as a pro, people judge him. Having slept around and graced magazine covers, people lust for him. He can’t remember the last time someone really wanted him for just him and looked at him with kindness. 
“I can’t say that I know exactly how you feel though,” he apologetically says. “I’m sorry you’ve ever felt that way and the need to protect yourself from others who can’t see beyond your body.” 
You seem to know that he means that because you take his glass and drink from it, attaching your lips to the same spot his were on. He watches, his need for you rising. You stare at him over the rim of the glass, your eyes hooded and saying things to him that match his teak and his intentions. “I think I’ll take you up on that dinner date, Hawks,” you say, a slight giggle in your tone. “If you give me a dance.” 
You give him a bashful, crooked smile that lights his damn heart on fire. He nods, too afraid to ruin his with his words, and you take his hand in yours, leading him back into the club. 
Several drinks, convos, and a dance later that gives him a boner because of how close you are to him, your back pushed up against his front and his hands on your hips, you and Hawks finally get to dance in private hours later when you leave together, much to Mirko’s astonishment. 
“Wow, you managed to get her, Hawks?” the Bunny hero gasped while he led you into an Uber. “Damn, you must’ve put a spell on her! I was sure she’d send you packing!” She pulls him close by the elbow and lowers her voice, intimidatingly so. “Just take care of her, understand?” she asks, giving him a stare that would make any man piss his pants. Hawks only nods, promising you mutual friend. 
And “taking care of you” he absolutely does. The man makes you cum four times throughout the night at his luxurious penthouse: 
The fits time on his couch, coaxing you to bend over and let him massage and spank your plump, soft, jiggly ass that he swears his heaven sent as he plunges his tongue into the velvety, wet walls of your pussy while you moan and toss your behind back into his mouth much to his enjoyment. 
The second time is in his bed, your legs pinned down onto the mattress while he tails you, his cock plunging in and out of you and his wings wrapped around you, allowing you to feel safe and comfortable while he dicks you down and makes you gush all over his cock, feeling fetal at the sight of your tummy and tits jiggling, causing him to fill you up. 
The third time is when his dick is down your throat and wrapped in your pretty lips while his face is once again buried between your asscheeks, his tongue in your cunt, hungrily lapping at your folds and making you cum again, your moans muffled from his dick lodged in your throat while your delectable pussy spasms in his mouth. 
And the fourth and last time (because you physically can’t take another orgasm) is when you’re getting bent over and fucked from behind by Hawks in front of his full-length mirror. His hands hold your hips while his wings wrap around you, physically holding you up because your legs are too weak. 
Your hands grip his arms as he pounds into you from the back, creating lewd sounds of his balls slapping against your clir, his firm thighs meeting your asscheeks, and the squelching of his cock plunging deep in your pussy as he fucks you like there is no tomorrow. “F-Fuck, Hawks, right there!” you sob. “Oooh, yes, right there!” 
He watches your pretty face contort in pleasure in the mirror, loving how soft you feel pressed against him and how you sound moaning from your soft lips that he’s been kissing all night. “Keigo,” he huffs in your ear. “Call me ‘Keigo’, baby. I don’t wanna be just Hawks with you tonight.” 
You nod, moving your hand between your thick thighs to rub your clit in time with his thrusts. “Keigo,” you moan. “You’re so fucking good at this!” He smiles, becoming cocky at seeing you lose your mind on his dick. “Yeah?” he teasingly asks. “You love gettin’ this pretty pussy fucked by a pro, don’t you?” 
You only moan and whine in response, but that isn’t good enough for a gluttonous whore like Hawks. 
SMACK! The sharp sound of his hand connecting with your asscheek makes you moan and your pussy tighten around him. “That was a question, baby bird,” he whispers, teasingly sucking on your earlobe. 
“Yes!” you gasp, the sensations too much. “Yes, I love it! I love it s-so, so much!” 
“You’te not to bad yourself, y’know, datlin’,” he moans. “You’re body is so fuckin’ perfect!” He grips one of your juicy tits as he pounds into you faster, hitting that spot inside of you that makes you see stars. “Look at you,” he demands. “Look in the fuckin’ mirror. Look at that pretty face and perfect body gettin’ fucked.” 
You do as he says, looking into his mirror as he fucks you, bringing you closer and closer to your end. “Oh, God, I can’t!” you lament. “I can’t…K-Keigo, I’m gonna! I’m gonna!” You can’t even finish your sentence because of the pleasure, your lips quivering just like your pussy is around Hawks’ thick cock. 
“You gonna…gonna what, baby bird?” he chuckles. “You wanna cum for me again?” You pathetically nod, making him cackle. “God, you’re insatiable!” Bur so is he. He would fuck you all night if he could, but even pros have a breaking point. This second orgasm is going to flood you, he promises. 
“Cum for me, Y/N,” he begs into your ear, slamming into you harder as you rub your clit. “I’m close too. Rub that little pussy and fuckin’ give it to me, baby!” 
It doesn’t take long for him to blow his load inside of you, flooding you with cum that drips down your thighs. His moans and orgasm rigger you, causing your pussy to quiver and flutter around him as you cum. A string of moans of his name and swears leave your lips as you cum, coating his cock in your sticky juices. You wrap your arm around his neck, bringing him into the crook of his neck, connecting you both to this moment of bliss. 
“Kiss me,” he demands. You turn your head and do so, your tongues swirling and lips sucking, creating a very messy, sloppy kiss that makes his orgasm feel that much better. 
When the amazing feeling finally fades and you come down from your high, Hawks gently pulls out of you, making your pussy spurt out his cum. The sight nearly makes him hard again. “You’ve made a mess on me, baby girl,” he pants. He motions to his cock shining in your cum. 
You turn around, your body illuminated by the moonlight pouring in through his balcony window. “I’m sorry, sit,” you giggle, looking up at him through your long lashes. “I’ll clean you right up, I promise.” 
You then get on your knees and begin to slurp his clean, your tongue tunning over his shaft and balls. He moans and whimpets at the sensations, biting his lip.
“M’s-sensitive,” he hisses. Though to see you be such a little cockslut for him after being so closed off and cold is a treat indeed. Perhaps it takes the right person to bring that side out of you. Hawks wants to think that this person is him. 
When you finally finish, you give him a cute little smile, your brown eyes sparkling. “We need to lie down,” he states and you nod, agreeing. He helps you up and scoops you up before flapping over to his bed. He lays you down on the silk sheets first before lying down beside you. 
Both of you lay on your side facing each other, his hand on your hip and yours on his chest. “That was really, really nice, H–um, Keigo,” you softly say into the quiet, dimly lit bedroom. “Thank you.” 
He smiles, filled with butterflies at the sound of you using his real name. “It was my pleasure,” he sighs. “Thank you for giving me a chance. So what do you prefer? A steak dinner or Hibachi?” 
You giggle and press a kiss to his lips as you lay next to him, as beautiful as the silvery moonlight lighting the bedroom.
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froggibus · 8 months
Hi there! If requests are still open, would it be alright if I requested HC’s for D.Va, Mei, Sombra, and Mercy with an S/O who’s a writer?
Thank you!! You rock! Keep up the amazing work!
Writer S/O Headcanons - D.Va, Mercy, Mei & Sombra
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Genre: fluff!
Pairing: D.Va x gn! reader, Mercy x gn! reader, Mei x gn! reader, Sombra x gn! reader
CW: mostly fluff, some canon/implied canon things (we love our doctor/science women), i'm horrible at writing sombra (sorry)
been a while since i did an OW request, haven't touched the game since the beginning of Dec since i don't play for a team rn & hate the direction the game is going :( but i love the characters so its a dilemma lol anyway enjoy!!!
(also!!! i am once again bothering you guys to vote in this poll if you haven't already. your input matters to me vv much & would love to hear about what you want for our valentines event this year!)
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literally your biggest fan
she always supports your writing no matter what & definitely shares it on her stream
will probably just game while you’re writing 
she gets loud sometimes but she tries her best to stay quiet so you can focus
does her best to read your writing but she has such a short attention span she just can’t sometimes
will write little hearts and stars on her favorite passages in your writing 
brings you lots of snacks and drinks!! makes sure you’re always hydrated and that you don’t work too long
honestly probably gets really distracting sometimes
like reading your writing over your shoulder or tapping her nails on the desk really loudly
“sorry,” she’ll say sheepishly. “you just have me on the edge of my seat.”
your proofreader/beta reader
she LOVES to read so you know she’ll pick up anything you write and devour it
will lay on the couch with you after work while you write and listen to the taps of your laptop 
“hey, Ang, do you know the word? like the one—the word for—ugh”
you’re not sure how she does it but she always manages to read your mind & know exactly what word you’re looking for
also super helpful when you have random medical questions
she’ll break down exactly how you treat a stab wound in a dingy motel for you without batting an eyelash
queen of overworking so she won’t judge you too harshly if you work all night 
but will definitely be there to chastise you with a glass of water in one hand and some plain toast in the other 
literally the sweetest ever
always tells you how amazing your work is & recommends it to all her friends
working in the science field she’s always reading scientific journals so your work is a breath of fresh air 
she’ll have a glass of rosé and settle down with your book after a long day
NEVER critiques your work because she thinks you’re the best ever 
probably annotates it with her thoughts while reading it and voices her excitement about it 
asks you a million questions about your work and nods along while you give long winded explanations 
cooks you yummy food & brings you 5 spice hot chocolate to keep your energy up 
snuggled up to you on the couch and listens to you think outloud 
absolute best research buddy
you open your mouth to ask her a writing question and she already has it pulled up in four different browsers 
thoroughly explains everything to you too
through her work she knows a lot about violence and other things
so she’s always willing to answer questions—especially spy + stealth related things 
if anyone ever tries to criticize your work online she’ll literally doxx them
probably hasn’t read much of your work but she makes it up for it in undying support 
you could be writing about murdering a public official and she’d support it 
lets you sit at her desk with her while she works and hums soft songs to you
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(if you enjoy content like this, interactions go a long way! comments, likes & rbs are always greatly appreciated ^-^ !!)
masterlist | overwatch masterlist
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13thdoctorposts · 6 months
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Highlights from Jodie Whittaker’s Gold Coast Panel
So have you got any stories from Attack the Block?
Can I think of stories from attack the block?
I would say that when we were shooting it just as a little like genius of Joe Cornish.
He is an encyclopedia of films and television. And every single element of it is some kind of homage to something you’ve seen. One thing that was really clever is there is no accidental lighting, so the entire thing is set at night so that every single light is deliberate. This stuff or that, like the kids train, is like, every single element is a choice. And you can't say that for most things, because the sun will just appear sometimes, and the sun can take full credit for the lighting. But in that film, he chose every single element. And that's why I think it's such a great film, because it's detailed beyond belief.
Thank you. Wow. Can I see that.
What's your favorite memory of playing The Doctor?
My favorite memory? There's so many, I'll tell you what, I'll give you a moment that's relevant to something like this. One of the highlights of playing The Doctor actually happened to me at a con, and it was San Diego, and so it was before the show would come out.
We were filming, and I got invited to come to this kind of the cosplay show. And when I got there, I was like, a special guest. And because I was just feeling really confident, I was like, can we not announce me? Can I pretend I'm a model?
I came out in my costume, slowly walking down, and I thought I was gonna get to the end to do some big reveal. But I must have a very obvious walk, because people started to realize, and the really narcissistic part myself, absolutely loved it because I got such a big round of applause just for walking. So that was a really amazing moment.
My question is about one night. Your character Tess has tattoos. They're only shown in two scenes, one in the first episode and one in the last I was wondering if they were both shot together, even though characters in different places, at different times, and the system of putting those tattoos on, because there's quite a lot.
Yes, it was. It was one of the most influential stage directions I've ever read of a character when that doesn't necessarily feature as a main part of the story. So my character Tess, in a Australian show called One Night, I’m very proud of it is covered in tattoos and every tattoo was a choice, and designed by the incredible designer and all the creatives. And so there's no accident. But the first time we did it, it took about 4 Hours and we stood like this for what is a very small scene as well.
And then the next scene, which is however many months later, I think we got it down to 3 Hours but it was still, it was a long time.
But it was such an amazing character choice, the writer, beautiful writing that gave me so much, but I didn't have to necessarily articulate what that was. It was just she gave me this armor to be able to play tests.
And that is when I started to read it, it's only a few scenes into the first ep, I was like, I'm playing that part. I'm absolutely playing that part. because I just thought that was such an incredible choice.
I was just wondering, in regards to Doctor Who, was there anyone that you wanted to like come and appear on the show alongside you, like an old companion?
Ah, I suppose I was spoiled for companions. So I think with that, I was, I would have loved, oh, it's difficult before, before we got to the point where I met my master, who is played incredibly by Sasha, and I adored every single scene I was in with Sasha.
There was a part that was like, oh, wonder if I get to work with Michelle. I thought that would have been incredible. So if anyone's out there and they write episodes of Doctor Who, I think that might be a good one.
Hi, and why did you decide to become an actor? Oh, that's such a good question.
When I was probably a bit younger than you i watched a film called goonies and if you haven't seen it highly recommend it stood the test of time and it is such an amazing film and i think what it does is it celebrates the inner child's because as a kid. I watched it and thought, oh my gosh, they're going on this amazing adventure. But then as I got older, I realized that could be a job, and then I got to play the Doctor. So it really is a job that you get to play pretend in the most epic scale, and anything is possible. So I think that's what I wanted to continually feel, was that I could be my inner child till I'm 99.
my question was, I love seeing, you know, Thasmin play out on screen in Doctor Who. And I know that you and Mandip had a bit of involvement in making that happen. So I was wondering, could you, explain how we got that.
No, no we didn’t, so I think just the fact that Chris obviously knows us and knows how much we love each other. Yeah no we had no influence on any of the story lines. Obviously, we had that, the characterization, and we fully, you know, believed in and loved the direction that our characters went in, and it played out perfectly for me in my head. That is absolutely my kind of dream ending of where I saw my doctor. And the to the point of regen was with that side by side with Mandip .And for those two characters as well, I thought it was beautifully played out, but it was all Chris Chibnall. So I can take no credit, which also the video in the cupboard during lockdown.
I think people were really generous and thought I'd written it, but I didn't write that. Chris wrote it and sent it to me and said, I think it'd be really brilliant if the doctor could maybe, you know, say something. And so that was him as well. So I love that. I keep getting all this credit there. But, but I absolutely adored where our story line went.
You have obviously played such a diverse range of characters, and I'm just really curious about your process when you sort of get the script and how you create them.
Do you know what? I can't write at all, and I don't want to be a writer. And because it's not within my skill set. And I think because of that, my appreciation the next level, I think 90% of my job is generally always done, I’m so lucky to work on extraordinary scripts, and a lot of your hard work is there, like I was saying about, Emily (one night writer), with one night. This wonderful stage direction is she's covered in tattoos. But those kind of details are just the best. Sometimes an entire character can be given to you in a tiny stage direction, or in a use of punctuation. Something can be a dot, dot, dot, and it has a completely different meaning than an exclamation mark.
I think that, for me, is the absolute side point. Take what you can from the script, and then I've been looking at what the directors and cast do it’s a really collaborative effort My main thing is, I don't like to decide or even kind of go there on how I'm gonna do something before you say action. Because if I do, I'm just a bit cluttered, and I overthink it, and I wouldn't listen to you. So however you were doing it, my brains go, well, I'm gonna do it like this, and it doesn't work for me. So for me, I kind of, I need to be kind of completely unprepared to be prepared, that not even answer. I don't think I should teach a drama school. Basically, not everyone can teach. And I can't.
If you could be in any episode of Doctor Who that already come out to 13, which would you choose? And why? The ones that you haven’t already been in
I am furious if no one's seen it I'm REALLY sorry I'm furious I MISSED an episode with spice girls i Am Sorry… But how did that happen when i wasn't IN it? spice of your life i devastated, I was like, I'm sorry. What? But it's only because It was so amazing. Sorry if that's a spoiler.
I just wanted to see if you could tell us a bit about your audition process for Doctor Who.
So it was an interesting one because it's secretive from the second the words are spoken. And my initial meeting was what I thought was just a cup of tea with my name Chris, because we did Broadchurch, and we were doing the junket and he was in town. He doesn't live in London. So we met up and we were chatting, and he’d been announced as the show runner. And I said, please, can i be a baddie? And then that was when it was, can you keep a secret? Depends. And it was, would you like to audition to play The Doctor? Um…I'm sorry? (Laughs)
But then it was a lot. It was quite a few rounds. It was about three And some of it was my husband taped me when, you know, at like, 09:00 p.m., when my kids asleep, and not gonna come in the room and ruin it. And I got, like, iphone wires and had to defuse something.
And we did it. Most tapes I've ever done, I've been sat on a couch and you make sure it's like a really tight two shot there. So my I was running around with an iphone as I was jumping on a couch and then trying to do the gobbly guke. And I say that with up most respect. And it was so stressful. And then when I got it, they were the most fun. I was so scared of those scenes more than anything. And, that's always the most fun when the doctor's just fizzing and working out. So, so it was over months, and it was very secretive, but then I finally got it.
I was wondering about your doctor. Is there a facet or an aspect of the of your doctor that you wish you could have explored more?
I don't know. That's a good question. Um.
Is the one you like me to have explored?… No, just because I feel as if there's a lot of versions of The Doctor that I really enjoyed. And I love it, particularly around The Timeless Child, where there was this kind of deep rooted rage that would come out in a kind of slightly spitty, you know, frustrated way I enjoyed playing the distance sometimes when i wasn't quite connecting with the people that i was with i enjoyed THOSE elements because i follow such a contradiction to the not a contradiction. Just such a journey away from the kind of energized, childlike version of The Doctor that I loved to play But can you answer that? What would you have like me to have done it?
I think the depth of the distant of the doctor, was amazing But I think that I would have liked to see a bit more, um, a bit more unhingedness.
Okay, so we'll get an episode of me and Michelle, because we're really unhinged.
You've done so many roles that have legit, ripped my heart out. when is this trauma gonna turn into a villain arc?
Oh, I know. I keep saying that, so keep, I keep contradicting myself, because I get asked specially after Doctor Who, what is it that you want to do? And I was like, oh, you know, I'd really love to play, like, I'd love to some comedy, maybe, or explore a character that has a lot of darkness and potentially not very likable. And then, you know, wanna kind of steer clear, maybe of, like, drama. And then I did one night, time. And this other thing. It's very emotional, and I don't know why, but I kind of keep breaking my own rules.But I would love to explore a villain. I mean, that was my initial thing.I want to be a baddie.But I'm glad Chris didn't listen.
I'm a big fan of Attack the Block, and especially the horror sections of Doctor Who, and I was wondering, what was your approach, and how would you think about doing the, your characters different in that sort of horror setting compared to other genres?
Oh, do you mean, like, how would I do it or if The Doctor was in more of a horror genre or if me as an actor got to be in that?
Both. But you as an actor?
I'm into horror. That's kind of, let me say, to reference. It's like, one might be a bit young for it, but there was a classic horror for me that came out when I was like, 16, and it was right at the beginning, of the Internet so being able to have this mystery, because now we're so used to information been given to us by the Internet.
But when I was 16, it was that there was this found footage of these guys in a wood And then I went see the film. I was like, this really happened, oh boy, which it's really, really happened. And now you can't really create that that kind of, like trickery in a way, during a press junket, because we know it's a film. But I that kind of horror that plays that doesn't give you too much, I don't wanna see everything chopped up. I'm just not into it I'm too much for whim. But the psychological horror of the when you hear it, but don't see it. Those are the kind of things that I think brilliant to play.
But then when we did have things like that, with the Dregs, and we were filmed in I was chasing me and once you were stuck in a cage, and every time it hit the railing, it was really loud. And I go, ahhhh… I know the doctor's probably braver okay you know I, don't know how i did it ha ha.
Some Doctors have had input into their outfit. Others have been told by they can't have that. How much input did you have into the outfit?
Well, so I had a hugely collaborative experience with the costume designer, and it started from the second we met. We met in a bar that he recommended. And the surrounding wallpaper was this petrol blue which became the trousers. I had a photo that I sent to Chris when I was trying to trick him into giving me the part I sent him all these photo references. And it was a woman. It's a black and white picture. I Don't know where it's from. I don't know if it's fake, black and white, and it's modern or I don't know but it's someone walking with purpose short trouser, tshirt boots so to me all of that, the coat was very much collaborative with ray because I would say things And he came back with the design of the coat that was so perfect.
I Didn't want buttons because I felt like it was pointless. Of course, wanted pockets. I wanted a hood, but I wanted the colors to be representative. Because of my first episode, I wanted to transition from was space through to Earth, sky. So the entire lining on the inside is a dark blue, black for space. The exterior is a kind of like sky blue light color. But also the into the the Suffragette colors are inside the sleeves. And it has my pride stripes everywhere, and yellow braces because it's my favourite color. So the whole thing, the jewelry was collaborative with Alex Monroe. It was amazing. I think I take more credit for it than it was me, because i felt like I'd go oh i came up with that and then actually, when i look back on it it was drawings that ray had done. Very much you gave him A pebble and he created a statue out of it. It was amazing.
I just first wanna say thank you for making a very queer, coded doctor. I just wanna quickly ask, we've seen David tenant come back for the anniversary just past, and we've seen doctors come back in the past. Would you ever consider coming back again and putting back on the coat and the zonic of everything?
Hundred percent. I would love to, and I really, if that's not, I would be really offended, because I would love it, and it'd be so amazing. And you just, you never wanna say goodbye to It is the the gift role forever. And I'm still, I'm gonna grieve it forever. But I suppose the feeling is that you don't have to necessarily let go, because, like you say, other doctors have come back. There was loads in my last ep, so there's no reason for me not to bob up somewhere. But I want to.
Did you take anything from like the set, all your costume?
I've stolen it all. I've got my jump suit, the prison jump suit. And just as a little fun fact about costume, all of the dates are personal to me. So there's dates all the way down the side, and there's a lot of Gallifreyan you know, kind of design. But all of them are a meaningful date to me. So that was, that's the kind of joy thing you can put into your doctor. So I've got that, so I've got my costume and me and Mandip very clearly heard ‘that is a rap in the TARDIS’ So we heard that on the last day of filming and she had a hold on the console that was like this massive ball thing. I snapped off the tiny mini TARDIS that spun And then, we hear and we're gonna do some pickup shots in the TARDIS without any actors. So I think there was a bit of swift editing there, because I absolutely wasn’t my fault. I heard cut.
When it comes to Doctor Who, do you have a favorite doctor from any era?
I got asked this the other day. I'm not saying, it's not saying you don't like the other ones. I got asked recently about classic, and so I said, Sylvester But you said any you didn't say classic. I'm gonna say, Jo Martin. The episode to shoot with her, and the moment when her doctor is revealed and the costume and the energy she bought was amazing. And so, Jo Martin, hahaha.
I was just wondering, were you interested in doing the Big Finish audios? And if so, what kind of story would you like?
I don't know. I get ask all the time. And I don't know. I mean, hopefully, is this something I ask them? Do they ask me? Big Finish? Well, obviously, if it, then if I was gonna do it, I'd really wanna do it with Mandip, but I would love to, I mean, this is, what is this job? You know, I've not been the doctor now for two other doctors, and it's amazing that you still get to experience it and be a part of it. So if being a part of things like big finish, or any of you the… I suppose, departments?, but all those other things that celebrate Doctor Who I'd wanna be in them all.
It's such a loved program. Is it what you thought it would be playing the Doctor like?So you're the figurehead of that program. You know, is it what you thought it would be? in as big as you thought?
I think it's, it's bigger and more magical than you can kind of ever describe, because it's as a new whovian as well. And I'd said to Chris in the process of audition, look, I've not seen loads of it. I've seen, you know, bits when I was a kid, but we didn't have it on those in house. But then also, I've got mates that have been in episodes. I've done those auditions and not got in, you know, things like that. And so it has a very unknown quantity about it. To me, I was very much walking into something and going, okay, what is this? And I think from the second you get on set, and the crew, the crew I worked with, had been working on the show for twelve years. It was such a magical family and to shoot it in Wales.
Wales is one of the most beautiful countries you can ever visit.
So to be there and to be in this ready made family of something that all the hard work's been done because all the other doctors build up this family , you just shouldn't lose it. And so then to have our journey and our story lines, and to then have this opportunity where we went out to press or we met fans, and to have the interaction and to speak to people, to see how much it's meant to them through their life, is so extraordinary, because for me And I can definitely say it and for Mandip as well, that it's our happiest time as actors. We've never been happier, and we knew when we were in it. Ah, this is this. It's just so nice, and there's just so much, just wonderful about it. And I think that needs forever. This is so easy to talk about, so easy to be in this room and do it because I wouldn't have to, I've never fake how much I love it. I loved it, but as a new whovian. And I'm like, oh, I get it. Hahaha. I one of a family then. Haha. That's it. I'm in.
Do you ever get nervous when you're playing The Doctor?
I was nervous all the time. I know The most nervous, I think I've ever been on a set was in my first week of shoot in The Doctor. It was my hero speech at the end of episode one. So my very first day involved jumping between cranes. Mind you I’ve only ever run around and cried on most jobs. So jumping between cranes was a whole new thing. And on day two, I think it was my huge kind of realization of, I know who I am, I am the doctor, and saying that for the first time, and thinking, if you mess this up, there's still time to recast I've been here two days. So that was the most nerve racking.
And I think sometimes another time when I was nervous as well, we had Stephen Fry come in And I was a bit like, you might not remember me, but I was in St. Trinian's And we kind of had a scene in St. Trinian's, isn't it was, you know. And so him being on set, I was just so nervous, because I was just like, he's a legend to me. So this is very… I think if you're not scared and you haven't got the adrenaline of nerves, you're taking it for granted.
Who is your least favorite doctor?
There's nobody, the craziest answer. I haven't got one.
Did you ever think you would have had such the impact on the doctor who community?
The thing that's such a joy for me playing the Doctor, the thing that I really quickly realized was that it. I adore this community, and I feel that everyone in the fandom should feel represented and what I feel really proud of with ours, which has nothing to do with me, like you saying about, when, you know, with me and Mandip had credit to that story, and we didn't in that way, but it was, that was the beautiful transition of this gorgeous journey that we'd been on. And I think that because it then resonated so powerfully to so many people, that is the all of a Christmas Day gift, because what you want is you want your work to, to speak to people, and you also wanna feel as if everyone feels seen. And I think that that's what I'm really, proud of.
Whenever I have these wonderful interactions with people, they say that the doctor means this or someone else's doctor means that for me, that very often is having that wonderful moment where someone feels like that storyline really spoke to them. And I think I can't take any credit for it because I didn't write it, but I loved being a part of it.
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Life is Crazy part I
A/N: This is not proofread and I am not perfect. There will be spelling and grammatical errors. I have not written smut in over 6 years, I’m sorry if it’s terrible. 
Word Count: 4k
Warnings: 18+ MDNI, MINORS DO NOT INTERACT, alcohol, oral sex (f & m receiving), song referenced in the story is Bed Chem by Sabrina Carpenter, swearing, cum in mouth, mentions of anxiety
Being an independent artist had its perks. Most people still didn’t know who you were so you could usually keep a low profile. You were well known enough to make millions but not known enough for paparazzi to give a fuck about. You were thankful given your anxiety, but you always wished you could reach more people with your music, and occasionally you’d wish that you could be more of a star than you were but you figured if it was meant to happen, then it would. You were sitting in your mini studio that you had set up in the spare room of your Los Angeles suburb home. You were waiting for inspiration to hit you while you played random notes on the keyboard. Your watch started to vibrate to notify you of a call coming through from your manager. You stopped messing with the keyboard to grab your phone and answer the call.
“Hello?” You answered.
“Hey y/n, you’re never gonna fucking believe this but I just had a casting agent reach out to me saying that they want you to audition for a movie.” Your agent stated not continuing to give you more detail.
“What movie is it even for?” You asked, thinking it was weird since you have tons of tattoos and usually movies don’t want that.
“Well, you see, that’s the fucking weird part. Um, it’s for a marvel movie. They only want you to audition so it’s not like a guaranteed thing that you’d get the role.” They told you. 
“Any more information than that?” You asked, trying to understand why you’d be asked to audition for something like this.
“Kevin Fiege wasn’t so open to speaking on the role just that it was for a female anti-hero type deal. Said that their casting director thinks you fit the look of the character perfectly.” 
“Okay. Text me the details and let them know I’m game.” I said thinking that there was no harm in auditioning.
A week had passed since the audition and neither you or your management had heard anything regarding being cast so you honestly didn’t think you got the part which was no surprise to you because of your tattoos. You were having a severe case of writer's block when it came to your music. You were playing Last of Us when your watch started vibrating with an unknown saved number. You hesitantly answered.
“Hi, is this y/n?” The man on the line asked.
“This is her?” You responded.
“Great! This is Nathan, I am the assistant to Sarah Finn. She was the casting director of the marvel film that you just auditioned for?” He explained making your eyes go wide with shock.
“Oh great! How can I help you?” You asked, mentally kicking yourself for your word choice.
“Well, we actually wanted to see if you’d be willing to come in again for another audition. We’d actually like to give you more detail about the character and see if you match what we’re exactly looking for regarding this character. If we like it, we’ll be having you do a chemistry test with the character's love interest. How does that sound?” He asked with a friendly tone.
“Absolutely. I’d love to come in again. I just need to know when and where.” You responded excitedly. Nathan proceeded to tell you the audition was in two days here in Los Angeles. They needed you there by 10 AM.
You woke up to the sound of your alarm blasting at seven in the morning letting you know to get ready for the audition. You opt to wear a t-shirt and jean shorts with sandals to the second audition. You straightened your hair and applied light make-up since it’s your normal go to look. You weren’t even sure who the love interest was. You loved the MCU and were honored they thought of you, but you were worried about getting your hopes up and what this meant for your music career. You entered the building and were immediately greeted by the receptionist who told you to take a seat and they’d take you back when they were ready. 
“Hi! I’m Nathan. We spoke on a bit about the role on the phone and what todays gonna accomplish.” The man introduced himself as soon as you sat down, making you stand up again to greet and shake his hand.
“Alright so follow me, we’re gonna be going into this room down the hall. No pressure but we do have Kevin there to see if he likes you or not for the role. Now the role is the character Amethyst Santiago AKA Amethyst. Her powers are much like Agatha or even Scarlet Witch. She’s the most powerful one in the Marvel Universe. She has an intense relationship with the like of one Mr. Wolverine.” Nathan said, making you nervous cause if Hugh Jackman was here you were going to lose your shit since you loved the wolverine movies but also he’s hot as fuck so how could you not be excited.
“Now, if you’ll remember, on the phone, I did mention that if we like what we see, we will be doing a chemistry test between you and Hugh.” You instantly fangirled internally but you felt your hands become slightly clammy because of your nerves. 
“Yes, I remember. Let’s do this.” You said as you entered the room where there was a table filled with people, some you recognized from the last audition and some you didn’t. They handed you a script and advised you how to read the role. You did exactly as they asked and stopped when they said ‘end scene’. Then Kevin spoke. 
“I’m gonna be honest with you, y/n. I like your look for the character and I love how you’re portraying the character. I think it’s time we brought Hugh our to see if you guys can make this vision become reality, but Hugh’s a pro so I gotta say that I think you’ve got this.” He stated.
That’s when you heard the door open and then you saw him walk in and greet everyone kindly, before finally greeting you extending his hand.
“I’m Hugh, your scene partner.” He said flashing you a smile that made you get butterflies instantly. 
“Hi Hugh. My y/n is name.” You responded confidently until you realized what you said. “I mean my name is y/n.” Making Hugh laugh. The executives gave you both a minute to review before getting into the scene. It was quite dramatic and ended with him inches away from your lips before they called the scene.
“Great. Thank you, Hugh. Y/n, we’ve got some things to discuss but you’ll have a response from us either way by end of day. 
“Thank you so much for the opportunity.” You said before heading out of the room and to the bathroom.
As you were walking out of the building towards your car, you were staring down at your phone while walking when you felt someone tap your shoulder. You looked over your shoulder and saw no one other than Hugh.
“Sorry to bother you, but you’re going to get the role so I thought that maybe I should give you my number so that we could get to know each other for the roles.” He said.
“I don’t see why not.” You said opening up the dial pad on your phone to call him so you’d both have each other’s number. You figured he was only doing it for the role considering you were barely in your late twenties and he was in his mid fifties. You made the assumption he probably didn’t see you like that even if you saw him that way.
“I’ll see you around y/n.” He said before walking back into the building.
A few weeks had passed since your encounter with Hugh. You had actually come to meet lots of the stars of your youth. You ended up meeting Ryan Reynolds who you learned was going to be starring as Deadpool in the film. You ended up in a text chain with Ryan and Hugh which you were fine with but they usually just told stupid jokes. Filming was supposed to start in about a month. As a sort of celebration of sorts, Ryan invited you to his house for a barbeque/pool party that he was hosting with Hugh and other various castmates. You brought a beach bag that had your swimsuit but you were currently wearing a floral sundress with sandals. You pulled up to his house in awe of the mansion. As soon as you walked up the driveway, you heard the door open to be immediately greeted by a smiling Blake.
“Welcome to our home. If you end up drinking or anything, we have spare rooms you can sleep in.” She said in a friendly tone. 
“Um, thanks. I have a quick question. I have a THC cart and I would like to smoke it outside if that’s okay.” You asked.
“That’s totally fine. No smoking in the house but the backyard is totally fine. Hugh smokes one too so it’s all good.” She said shutting and locking the door behind you. 
You followed Blake to the back where the music and people were. You observed your surroundings. Nervous because you didn’t really know anyone but Hugh and Ryan. 
“Y/n!” Ryan shouted. “Come get a drink and some food!” 
You smiled shyly and found your way over to him, wondering where Hugh was. Maybe your crush on Hugh was slightly inappropriate given the age difference but you were well over eighteen. 
“Where’s Hugh?” You asked while you grabbed a paper plate and built your plate.
“I think he went to get more liquor from the basement.” Ryan responded while you went to sit at one of the tables they had in their backyard. 
You kept scanning the entrance to the backyard, waiting for Hugh to appear. Honestly, you’d socialized more with Hugh in person during this whole process than anyone else. You felt comfortable around Hugh. You finally saw him walking from the house carrying bottles of liquor. You weren’t much of a drinker and it worried you how much alcohol was around cause you were a lightweight.
Hugh noticed you sitting at the chair eating your food at a table alone so he decided to join you while everyone was doing their own things.
  “Hey there. Hopefully I'm not interrupting your peace.” He said, food and his drink in his hand.
“Hey. Thank you for coming over here. I feel kind of out of place honestly. Ryan is great but I just, I don't know, feel overwhelmed, I guess. I don’t have many close friends and I haven't been to a party this large since I was like twenty so it's definitely nerve wracking.” You over-explained.
“Listen to me. I've been in this industry for ages. I can show you the ropes. Help you navigate this a bit.” He said, trying to reassure you. 
You took a sip of the smirnoff ice that you grabbed. Surveying your surroundings, listening to Hugh ramble about whatever crossed his mind. You took the time to really look at him. The way light reaches his eyes while he smiles. The kindness evident in his eyes. You couldn’t help but be in awe of his beauty, but you didn’t want to come off creepy so you kept your staring to a minimum.
After a few drinks and a few hours, the sun was starting to set and they turned on their backyard lights and then Ryan said it’s time to really party. You looked at Hugh to figure out what he meant, but Hugh just gave you a smile. You shrugged it off, finishing off your drink feeling a bit tipsy, making you more sociable.
“Y/n!” You hear Ryan drunkenly yell.
“I’m over here.” You said standing up causing at least 20 or 30 people who may or may not be drunk looking at you. It made you nervous cause these were mostly famous faces and you were use to being in front of fans. 
“Heard you’re quite the singer.” Ryan slurred.
“Oh no, I am not.” You responded not wanting to really sing in front of everyone.
“I’m a fan of your music so you’ve got to sing something for us.” Blake said really throwing you under the bus. 
Contrary to popular belief being a singer of sorts, you had stage fright and most nights on stage you were either drunk or stoned. You walk over to where Ryan and Blake were stationed because that’s where the liquor was. You poured two shots of tequila. Downing them both. 
“What am I supposed to sing?” You said feeling the liquid courage kicking in.
“Ooooh, you should do something new.” Blake said with a drunken slur. 
You pulled out your phone cause you usually kept samples of beats you were using for projects on there. You hooked your phone up to the bluetooth speaker. You played one you had titled ‘Bed Chem’. You had written only a few days ago when you were fantasizing about Hugh. It wasn’t finished but you’d figure singing what you had wouldn’t hurt. The familiar butterflies of performing in your stomach. You took a deep breath and started singing.
“And what are the odds? You send me a text
And now the next thing I know, I'm like
Manifest that you're oversized
I digress, got me scrollin' like
Out of breath, got me going like, ooh
Who's the cute guy with the white jacket and the accent? Like (Ooh)
Maybe it's all in my head
But I bet we'd have really good bed chem
How you pick me up, pull 'em down, turn me 'round, oh, it just makes sense
How you talk so sweet when you're doing bad things, that's bed chem
How you're looking at me, yeah, I know what that means, and I'm obsessed
Are you free next week? I'd bet we'd have really good
Come right on me, I mean camaraderie
Said you're not in my time zone, but you wanna be
Where art thou? Why not uponeth me?
See it in my mind, let's fulfill the prophecy (Ooh)”
“And that’s all I got so far for this one.” You said, officially a little drunk. Everyone erupts out into applause, making you flash a smile.
“Who did you write it about?” Blake asked you, making your eyes go wide.
“Um, no one. Just a guy I met a few weeks ago.” You responded.
You glanced at Hugh, who was watching you intensely. You walked over to him and took a seat beside him. 
“So what did you think?” You asked nervously while fidgeting with your hands on the table.
“I think whoever you wrote that about is about to be a very lucky man.” He said while moving his hands to caress yours, staring right at you. Letting you know that, somehow, he knew it was about him. You felt your whole body light up the second his skin touched yours. 
You felt heat flush your cheeks and you felt yourself starting to respond to his touch and you had no idea how this man is affecting you so greatly. You moved closer to him placing your hand on his thigh while whispering that you think that you both should head out.
“I just have to say bye to some people and then we can go.” He whispered back.
As he walked away from the table, you became anxious. A million things running through your head but you put your brain together enough to go say goodnight to Ryan and Blake, thanking them for their hospitality. After saying your goodbyes, you made your way to your car when you felt a hand sneak around your waist.
“We most definitely are not driving anywhere.” Hugh said sternly. “You are in no condition to drive and neither am I. I live in this neighborhood. We’re a five minute walk.” He said pulling you in the direction of his home. 
The walk was mostly silent. As you pulled up to his large home, he pulled out his keys and unlocked the door letting you in first.
As you both entered the living room, the dim lighting and the soft glow of the lamp created an intimate atmosphere. You kicked off your sandals, your eyes locking with Hugh's, both knowing exactly where this night was headed. You had been getting together weekly for the last couple months and your chemistry was undeniable. 
Hugh pushed you onto the couch, his strong hands grasping your hips. You landed softly on the cushions, your hair spilling around your shoulders, and a mischievous smile playing on your lips. He loomed over you, his muscular frame casting a shadow on your body, and you felt a tingle of anticipation run down your spine.
"You look so damn sexy right now," he whispered, his voice hoarse with desire. His hands travel up your thighs, pushing your dress higher, revealing your skin. Your breath quickened as you felt his calloused fingers brush against the sensitive skin of your inner thighs. You were soaked already, your pussy throbbing in anticipation of what was to come.
"I don’t think I can wait much longer." he growled, his eyes darkened with lust. He leaned down, capturing your lips in a hungry kiss. Your tongues danced, tasting the remnants of the liquor consumed earlier in the evening, but the flavors only added to the raw passion of the moment. Hugh's kiss was demanding, possessive, and it sent shivers through your body.
Breaking the kiss, Hugh trailed hot, open-mouthed kisses down your neck, sucking and biting gently, leaving a trail of wet marks on your delicate skin. You arched your back, offering yourself to him, your hands threading through his dark brown hair, pulling him closer. You wanted to feel his mouth everywhere, to experience the pleasure he could give you.
He worshiped your body with his lips and tongue, kissing and sucking on all of your sensitive spots. His hands cupped your breasts, kneading them gently through the fabric of your dress. You moaned, your hands gripping his shoulders, urging him on. 
"Please, Hugh," you whispered, your voice hoarse with need. "I want more."
Hugh chuckled, the sound vibrating against your skin. 
"More, huh? I think we can make that happen." He sat up, his eyes gleaming with mischief. With swift movements, he quite literally ripped your dress open, the fabric ripping easily, exposing your lace bra and the swell of your breasts. You gasped and moaned, a mix of surprise and pleasure rushing through you.
"You like that, don't you, baby girl?" he purred, his fingers teasing the lace covering your nipples. "You love seeing me take control over you, don’t you?" You nodded, your eyes half-closed, your body on fire. You loved the way Hugh was taking charge.
Hugh unhooked your bra, revealing your full, heavy breasts. He bent down, taking a nipple into his mouth, sucking and teasing it with his tongue. You cried out, your back arching off the couch as pleasure spiked through you. His hands roamed your body, squeezing and caressing your curves, driving you wild.
"You're so beautiful, y/n," he murmured between kisses. "So responsive. I love watching you fall apart for me." His words only fueled your desire further, causing you to buck your hips, seeking more contact.
Hugh's hands found the waistband of your panties and slowly slid them down your thighs, his touch deliberate and teasing. You lifted your hips, helping him remove the last barrier between the both of you. You were completely exposed now, your pussy dripping with your arousal. Hugh's eyes darkened even more as he took in the sight of your wetness dripping onto his couch. If you weren’t so turned on you would’ve been slightly embarrassed of what you were doing to his couch.
He positioned himself between your thighs, his hard cock straining against his jeans. You reached for the belt on his jeans, wanting to touch and stroke him, but he caught your hands, pinning them above your head. "Not yet, sweet girl. I want to drive you crazy first."
With that, he lowered his head down your body, trailing kisses along the way until his head was aligned with your core, he pressed kisses along your thighs. He blew gently against your clit, making you shiver. Teasingly close to your pussy but never quite touching it. You squirmed, your body taut with anticipation. 
"Please, Hugh, I need you," you begged.
After what felt like an eternity, he finally granted your wish. His tongue flicked out, tasting your sweetness, and then he dove in, lapping at your juices, his tongue swirling around your clit. You cried out, your hips bucking against his face. He held your thighs firmly, keeping you in place as he devoured your pussy, his tongue fucking you relentlessly.
"You gonna cum for me, y/n?," he growled against your pussy, his words felt vibrations against you. As though it snuck up on you, your orgasm hit you like a wave, crashing over you as you cried out his name. Your body trembled and shook,your juices flowing freely as Hugh continued to lick and suck through your climax. You had never had anyone work you so expertly on the first try.
As your tremors subsided, Hugh lifted his head, his hazel eyes glittering with satisfaction. 
"You're so fucking beautiful when you cum," he said, his voice rough. You let out a light laugh while out of breath.
But Hugh wasn't done with you yet. He stood up, quickly shedding his clothes, revealing his hard, thick cock. Your eyes widened at the sight of him, your pussy clenching with renewed desire. He was older, but his body was a work of art—muscular and sculpted.
"Now it's my turn to taste you," you said as he sat on the couch and you got yourself off the couch moving to your knees so that you were facing his cock. You took it in your hands feeling the weight and girth. You leaned forward, your eyes locking with his hazel ones as you took the head of his cock into your mouth. You swirl your tongue around the tip, tasting the salty pre-cum, and then you take him deeper, inch by inch, until you feel him at the back of your making you slightly gag until he pulls you back by your hair all while keeping his eyes locked on yours.
You sucked and bobbed your head, your lips sliding up and down his shaft, your hands pumping the base in sync with your mouth. Hugh's breath grew ragged, his hips thrusting slightly. You looked up at him, loving the sight of his pleasure, you increased your pace, wanting to give him the same mind blowing pleasure he had given you.
“Holy fuck, y/n, if you keep going like that I’m gonna cum in that pretty mouth of yours." he groaned, his hands tightening in your hair. His words only spur you on and encourage you to suck harder, your mouth slick around him, Hugh's hips bucked as he exploded in the back of your throat with a loud groan. You swallowed, your eyes had never left his but you had tears running down your flush cheeks from taking him so deep. Your eyes never left him as you sucked him dry.
As you had both caught your breath, Hugh pulled you up, kissing you deeply. "That was fucking incredible," he whispered against your lips. You smiled, feeling a sense of pride and satisfaction. This night had not gone as you expected it to and you were nervous about what this meant. Now coming to the realization of what trouble this could bring as he was basically your coworker now.
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arcielee · 6 months
Interview With a Writer
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Thank you @st-eve-barnes for going over your Saltburn series with me! Just a reminder, you can view volume 1 & 2 of my ongoing series Interview With a Writer, where these talented individuals allow me to pick their brains over the brilliance behind their writing!
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Name: st-eve-barnes
Story: Leverage
Paring: Michael Gavey x Female!Reader
WARNINGS: 18+ for explicit content and language. Kissing, oral sex (male receiving), dry humping, hand job, fingering, p in v sex. First kiss and loss of virginity. Experienced reader. Enemies to lovers vibes.
So, when did you start writing?
I guess I have to say as a teenager, though I never shared anything I wrote back then. I still have the notebooks I used to drabble in (in Dutch), it wasn’t very good at all but I guess even back then I had that need to be creative and make my own stories.
I officially started writing fanfic in 2013. I watched Thor the Dark World, fell in love with Loki, made a Tumblr and a whole new world opened. After a few months of reading fanfic, I started writing my own. Again, it wasn’t very good at all but even my bad stories slowly started to find an audience on here, so I stuck with it.
Loki is amazing, just Aemond energy in a different font.
He truly is! I've written different characters since, but the moment I saw Aemond on screen I was transported back to the first time I saw Loki. His intensity, that quiet threat like you don't know what he's going to do next, combined with this, "I was made to be king but my stupid brother is the chosen one."
And a certain sadness, of course. We know they're the villains, but we understand them in a way and can feel their pain. And they are sexy as hell of course ;)
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Where did the plot for Leverage come from?
Okay, so first of all, I am someone who never plans an entire plot when I start a fic. I am very much a "make it up as I go along" writer. I start with an idea and a dynamic I want to write between two characters and then I build from there.
For this one I wanted Reader and Michael to have a common goal and a common enemy, something that would push these two different characters to want to work together. I wanted the enemies to lovers vibe but soft. Like, you can tell very early on in the fic that they have empathy for each other. When Reader is crying, Michael softens up easily, and when she sees Michael being vulnerable about not being able to get girls, she feels for him as well.
Their personalities will still clash even after that, but you can (hopefully) feel the connection between them as well. I wanted Ben's threat to loom over them for the entire fic but also never make it the main plot point in every chapter. The main plot for me here was how Michael and Reader could help each other change and grow, and then either accept that change or turn away from it.
Was there anything in specific that inspired your Reader portrayal?
No, not really, I think. I wanted to make her independent and confident, but also a little bit lonely, all traits you can also find in Michael. And anything else, as usual, I make up as I go along. I get to know the characters as I write them and often I'm surprised where they take me. In this fic I think it was Michael who surprised me the most though, he really turned out different than I initially had planned.
Explain your interpretation of Michael. What drives him? How did he differ from what you originally had in mind?
Salburn didn't give us much to work with, and I actually love that because it gives us so much freedom to play with the character.
I went with what the movie did give us: Michael's obvious hatred for the popular privileged kids. It's the reason he initially hates Reader, but warms up to her when he learns that she is actually working for her place at Oxford and she is not a real part of Ben's group. I think he is driven to help her purely because of that common enemy in the beginning.
Then he gets to know her a little and the promise of sex comes into play, which he definitely doesn't say no to. What surprised me in writing him is that I initially planned on writing him as a sub throughout the entire fic, but then half way in the tables started turning and he started taking over control a bit (of the Reader and me as well apparently!). And then suddenly it made complete sense to write him that way, because he would be that overeager student who wants to do well and who does the homework to get it exactly right, it doesn't matter whether it's math or sex, he wants to show how good and smart he is.
Him just accepting his feelings for her so calmly was also something I didn't plan, but just sort of happened as I was writing.
My initial plans there was going to be a big fight between her and Michael right before they would call things off. He would force her to admit her feelings and the sex would turn quite rough; Michael just being Michael and saying a lot of wrong things to her that would eventually shut her down completely. But I never wrote that scene and by the time I got there in the story it didn't seem to fit their characters anymore and it also seemed too heavy for this fic so I let go of that idea.
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Do you feel your Reader and Michael complement one another?
I definitely think they complement each other, but I also think they are quite alike in many ways. As I said before, they are both quite confident in different ways and insecure in others.
I do think they complement each other perfectly with Michael being more book smart and focused, while Reader is (a lot) better with people and social skills. I think them being together changes them both for the better cause they can learn from each other's personalities and bring out the best out in each other (but also the worst, of course).
Let's say that in their future they definitely learn to focus on bringing out the best and not the worst in each other ;)
Do you think you'll ever continue their story?
Never say never, but there's no plans to write more for them for now. I don't think I've written many sequels over the years, but I love writing different ideas and dynamics between two characters and once they are together, it's like "my work here is done."
Do you have a personal favorite story (on ao3 or Tumblr) you'd like to share?
My absolute favorite story is from a previous fandom that I'm not in anymore, but I have to share that one as it is the single most beautiful thing I've ever read. It was the fic that pulled me into the fandom. It's a Stucky story and it's called Not Easily Conquered, known as NEC in the fandom.
It will crush your soul and heal you and I will give anyone the same advice I got before I read it for the first time: be prepared because this one will hurt. I cried for like a week after I read it and I don't cry easily so this one should come with a warning. But it is absolutely worth it!
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Do you have another story in the works?
The only thing I'm working on right now is a Felix Catton x Reader story called Pretty Little Liars. Two chapters have been posted and I'm working on the next ones, but it may be a while as life has been a bit full on here lately.
Would you like to share a snippet of what's to come?
“I think he has a little crush on you,” you stated while Felix opened the door to his room and let you step inside first. Felix shook his head but the little blush on his cheeks didn’t go unnoticed by you. “It’s not like that,” he denied, “He’s just…a bit lost and I’m trying to be his friend.” “You sure that’s all he wants?” “Yeah,” he laughed, “Ollie doesn’t want me, he just wants to be like me.” “If you say so,” you sighed, not convinced. Felix grabbed you by the shoulders and pushed you down to sit on the side of his bed, leaning forward to look into your eyes, “Hey, come on, don’t ruin this by becoming jealous.” “I’m not jealous, I’m…concerned.” That wasn’t a lie. Jealousy was never a factor, you knew right from the start that Felix would never truly be yours, you would always have to share him with the rest of the world. And you always accepted that. But the idea of sharing him with Oliver somehow made your blood boil. Felix kneeled down in front of you, eyes locking with yours as his gaze darkened and he smiled that irresistible smile of his. “Now, did you come up here to chat about Ollie, or to get your pussy eaten, hmm? Cause I can’t do both at the same time.” His lips connected with your knee, kissing your skin softly and you bit your lip and sighed deeply, “Fine, I’ll shut up.”
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aspoonofsugar · 2 years
you wrote such a beautiful rwby analysis but unfortunately I think you put more thought into the plot than the entire writers room
Thank you, I am happy you found my analysis beautiful!
That said, I am sorry, but I disagree with your statement. It is fine if you dislike the series and even if you criticize it, but as for me, I think the writing is rather strong.
Here are some thoughts, which aren't really directed at you, but rather are born by me seeing a tendency going around where it is somehow "cool" to outloud state RWBY is badly written. I even saw people like... "apologizing" because they enjoy the series. Newsflash...RWBY is good.
RWBY is a series with a writing that goes from decent to very good depending on the moment. I would give it from 7 to 8.5 or even 9 in some scenes. More importantly, it is a story the writers are clearly enjoying writing, as for now. This is why I like watching it. It is genuine, upfront in what it wants to say and it takes risks. Ironically, a series with limited resources shows much more freedom in execution than many other stories, which are economically backed up.
I would also add people keep talking about good writing, but never really elaborate on it... And like, trust me, I do think there is good writing and bad writing. The problem is that people just take examples of "well written series" and decide a series written differently must be bad. This isn't really the case.
First of all, let's focus only on a specific type of story, which is the kind most modern movies, books and series are. This type of story is built on 3 (4) factors:
I would say the first 3 are more important usually, but there are some stories where the worldbuilding is so strong it becomes its own selling point.
Now, a good story is usually strong in all these departments. The perfect story is top notch in all 3 (4). That is because a good plot usually lets you develop the characters better, which in turns helps exploring the theme.
However, here comes the amazing truth... even the most incredible stories. Even the masterpieces loved by everybody... even them... end up choosing only 1 or 2 of these aspects and sacrifice a little bit of the 3rd (and 4th) one.
Naoki Urasawa's Monster? Its focus is themes. He chooses to go all out on this department, which is why the story is so powerful and resonates so much with people. Still, to do so, he chooses to sacrifice some parts of the plot to the point... some mysteries are not really solved. Some people may be annoyed by it, but I would not call it a flaw. It is a choice. Leaving some things open enriches the themes.
Death Note? If the story has to choose between characters, themes and plot, it goes for plot. This is why despite having so many well liked characters, it is difficult to think of outstanding character arcs in it. The same goes for the themes, which are only touched superficially. This is why btw Death Note is not a fave of mine, really.
Now obviously, many examples can be done and we could discuss forever on some because there is always always always a subjective component. What I am trying to say is... there are different ways to write a story. Not all people would like the same. Luckily, we have tons of stories.
Back to RWBY. I would say RWBY shines when it comes to themes. Characters and plot are good and interesting, but what keeps the story together, despite it playing so much with genre is that it has a very strong thematic core. You can't invent it or fake it btw. See, Death Note's author tries to do it in later works (Platinum End cough cough), but fails. At the same time, there is another department RWBY is top notch and that is symbolism. RWBY has a very rich symbolic system. Again... surely there are coincidences, but like this is a little bit too much...imho.
Now, does it mean, the writers came up with all the patterns I and others find? Probably not, but here is the thing... writing has an unconscious component. If you go earnestly at it, you are bound to unconsciously create patterns. A good writer is able to recognize them (either consciously or unconciously) and to capitalize on them. So far, I think CRWBY has capitalized on the patterns they created. I also think it is clear they are very good at researching and at playing with different sources by going deep into them. Again, you can't come up with the Ever After if you have not read and even studied Alice in Wonderland. It is just impossible. You would end up with a shallow and uninteresting copy cat. The Ever After isn't that because it is used to explore themes, characters and lore in an interesting way. Hence... ladies and gentlemen... it is a fruit of... good writing.
But really, since people are not commenting on it... I would like to point out that in 5 episodes of less than 20 minutes, they have managed to introduce a whole world, with its own lore, set of characters and main story (Alyx's) and to tie it to the protagonists' predicament in a way that hits really hard thematically and psychologically... To do that you need exceptionally thight writing... it is not that simple to do...
Anyway, have a nice day anon and consider watching something else. Thanks God the world is full of stories!
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satanicspinosaurus · 10 months
No Effort Without Error
Tags: hurt/ comfort, established relationship, post-game, Astarion X G/N Tav, they/them pronouns, bard!Tav, BDSM, kink negotiations, scene negotiations, sub Astarion, enthusiastic consent, collaring, accidental triggering, freeze trauma response, trauma spiral self-narration, confusion between abuser and partner, use of safeword, use of safeword by Dom, supportive partner, aftercare, use of mage hand to respect boundaries, Addams family reference, talking through emotions, author tried to do some themes or something, author’s happily married & wants you to know that having severe trauma doesn’t mean you can’t have a happy relationship, author/Tav believes in people’s ability to grow, Astarion is in process of agreeing, Tav started out as kind of a blank slank character and ooops I contextualized them, kissing 
Length: 4k
Rating: Mature 
Read on A03: here.
Summary: Astarion is accidentally triggered in a scene, after being really excited about trying something new, and Tav provides comfort as they reaffirm their relationship. I’ve tried to tag everything, but if you have questions please just shoot me a message. I’m always happy to try and help people engage with challenging media.
With thanks: To the wonderful @just-a-refrigerator for proof-reading this! It was incredibly helpful during writing to know I’d have a pair of eyeballs to comb this over before it went out. You are amazing and helped me grow as a writer. (And a general thanks to the Astarion Brainrot Discord Server. You all are feral and I love it.🖤)
•── ⋆⋅☾☆☽⋅⋆ ──•
A bard was a solid choice for a traveling companion, Astarion reasoned, if one’s goal was to start living again. He and Tav had spent only a short amount of time in Baldur’s Gate before hitting the road again. They were eager to find out what fortunes and wonders lay ahead of them as they chased a solution to the sunshine problem. 
Their time together since the Nautiloid crash had been enriching in more ways than just coin. Tav’s ability to entertain patrons and convince Innkeepers to allow the couple to stay for free was instrumental in  keeping them in finer beds. Astarion also never missed an opportunity to joke about Tav’s sword swallowing ability after the crowd finished cheering. In part because the bard never took it as an actual advance. 
Maybe that was what made it easy to be in their company. The understanding that one could play a role without it touching something deep or hidden in them. Sometimes, beautiful people just wanted to lay down innuendo without it being leveraged as a secret sign of trauma against them. Tav would just chuckle, as they did today, and escort Astarion to their accommodations. 
The door opened without protest. With a quick flick of the wrist, Tav was shucking off layers and handing them to the mage hand they had dubbed Thing. The little clawed creature didn’t seem to loyally return after dropping Tav’s weapons in the corner, instead cheekily hovering by Astarion and gesturing to help him with his coat. Astarion didn’t really buy that Thing was its own being, like the bard liked to claim. But the little helpful gestures it did touched him enough to have even the snippy vampire giving a polite nod of thanks as Thing ferried his coat away for him.
“What do you think of the room?” Tav asked as they pulled off their boots, eyeing them carefully for wear. 
Astarion looked around and shrugged. It was acceptable. Probably the best Inn this middling city had. “It has a private bath.” he eventually surmised. “And art that doesn’t immediately make me want to claw my eyes out.” 
Tav made a soft sound of acknowledgment. “I might drop off my shoes to the cobbler tomorrow, then. I do not like how this heel is feeling.” 
“We should offload some of the plunder,” Astarion added. “It’s been a while and I don’t want to risk anything.” 
The new bag of holding was a Godsend really, but Astarion wasn’t eager to overload it and send its contents into the Astral plane. Considering how sticky both of their hands were, it was a real possibility. 
“What do we even have in there now?” Tav asked. “Maybe just start with jewelry? I saw some sign in Elvish saying there was a jeweler’s when we came in today. They would give you a good price.” 
Astarion snorted. Tav was shameless about flirting their way to profit. They treated it like combat: sometimes, the pale elf would be irresistible and wildly effective. Other times, Tav would draw the spotlight to themselves and handle it solo. 
He retrieved the leather bag from the closet, and undid the closure with ease. He tipped over the enchanted leather, bidding it to dump all the jewelry it contained onto the bed. A hodge-podge of trinkets and amulets rained down. Rings so heavy they pressed into the sheets, a fine wrought golden belt of coins, and some uncut gems topped their little hoard of treasure. Astarion had already begun looking through the pieces when, after a small pause, the bag deposited a dog collar with a detailed metal tag onto the bed. 
Tav chuckled, “I suppose the bag thinks we could get coin for the tag.” 
They picked it up and turned it over in their hand. It was fine dark dyed leather, with matching lambskin on the interior. Something a noble would commission for a beloved pet. Perhaps a dalmatian, considering the use of contrast white stitching and its generous size. It had been a bizarre find, part of a cache they hurriedly pushed into the bag a few weeks ago. They had completely forgotten about it an hour later, when Astarion’s knife found the back of an Oathbreaker and failed to kill her instantly.
Astarion glanced over. “It won’t sell for much,” he said in a fairly measured tone. “Not compared to the rest.” 
The lack of lilt made Tav perk up and flick their brown eyes over to Astarion. A few months ago, perhaps, he would have busied himself. Made a show of checking over other items to hide from the thoughts that had bubbled up into his head. But things were different now. The two of them had history. Trust was building.Those thoughts didn’t have to live in the shadows anymore. 
It was clear he was thinking of other uses for it. 
“I suppose it would look rather dashing on me,” Tav offered.
They brushed aside a few dreads from their neck, enjoying the way Astarion looked over the exposed area with a specific type of hunger. But when Tav brought up the collar to loosely display it, the vampire paused.
“Of course, my dear,” he finally agreed. “But I thought perhaps- I could try it this time?” 
Tav lit up at the way a soft blush tinged Astarion’s ears. Neither of them had many direct restrictions on playtime. Both of them were fairly consummate omnivores when it came to that sort of desire. Between them, though, Astarion tended to default to being active and in control. But recently, his need to be in control had given way to a need to enjoy life. 
Tav nodded, letting a warm smile bloom on their face. “What are you thinking?” they asked, holding onto the collar for the moment. 
“We don’t have any other obligations for the night,” Astarion pointed out. “It could be…fun to have all my needs taken care of for me.” 
They had done that a few times, but in reverse. Astarion really could be quite sweet and giving when no one was watching. He was also shameless at times. He enjoyed forcing his love to eat from the ground, then pull the make-shift leash forward to allow them to use their mouth a bit higher up. 
“I would enjoy that,” Tav said. “Anything specific?”
Astarion was already tossing the other items back into the bag. He was eager, thinking of the last time he had allowed himself to submit to Tav’s creativity and generosity in bed. 
“Feed me, clean me, and bed me,” he listed out. “Tell me when I’ve been good but also don’t be afraid to pull me around by the ring on the collar if I’m not.” 
“Anything else if you are naughty?” Tav pressed. 
“No kicks,” Astarion added quickly. “I don’t mind a light spanking, but I don’t want to be back handed tonight.” 
Tav reached out and offered a hand for Astarion to nuzzle into. They noticed that the elf let his ear brush their hand, and they took up the implicit offer to gently stroke the base- delighting in the little shiver it caused. 
“You want to be my beloved pet tonight.” Tav summarized. “You want to submit and to be cared for and to feel how you are the center of my world.” 
They could feel Astarion beginning to melt into them, trusting the weight of his head into their hand. Tav kept stroking that delicate piece of flesh and delighting in how it made him hood his eyes in pleasure. 
“Unfair,” Astarion whined with no true complaint in his heart. “I think you’ve already started.” 
Tav chuckled, as if they were afraid too loud of a sound would spook their lover’s relaxation. “Don’t tell anyone- but I am quite fond of you. It is embarrassing really. It used to be a part time hobby, but I do believe I’ve gone at least to full time now.”
Maybe traveling with Tav was easy, because they brought laughter to Astarion’s world. From gallows humor to little moments like this- where the two of them brushed fingers together and laughed quietly about how absurdly cheesy it all was.
It was a sound that had begun to settle in Astarion’s bones. 
“Well, let me strip first, before you start,” Astarion eventually said. “Keep yours on for now.” 
Tav rolled their eyes as Astarion began husking off layers. “Bossy little thing,” they laughed, shaking their head theatrically enough their earring tinkled in agreement. 
“Oh, but think about how wonderful I’ll be, properly trained,” Astarion said as he struggled to unlace his pants. A clear bulge was making the task more difficult. 
“Might have to commission a matching leash then,” Tav mused. “I bet you would look so lovely crawling up to me.” 
“Ugh, stop winding me up. At least until I’m out of these damned pants,” Astarion complained like he hadn’t told the tailor to make them this tight. “Damn things look good, but I regret them every time I have to take them off.” 
Tav chuckled, but obeyed the request- delighting in watching his lover squirm out of very tight trousers on the ground, his thick thighs working against him half the time. There wasn’t an inch of Astarion they didn’t adore, but in that moment it was hard not to think about how deliciously long his legs were- how many wonderful options they offered for Tav to touch and nibble on. 
Eventually, smallclothes went flying. All that was left was one very excited vampire kneeling in front of Tav. The delicious blush on his chest wasn’t even remotely the only visual example of his excitement. But it was glorious to think how that tinge on his pale chest was only possible because Astarion was fed well enough. For Tav to realize that they were responsible for both the physical ability to do so and the emotions that inspired it. 
“What’s your word, love?” they asked. 
For a while the vampire had sassed them each time they had asked. But now it was just part of the game. It inspired anticipation. Like an orchestra tuning up to let the audience know the show was about to start. 
“Goose,” Astarion replied, preening under the nod Tav gave them. 
“Alright then, my pet,” Tav said, holding out the collar. “Just lean forward, let me collar you, and we will begin.” 
The lining felt pleasantly soft on Astarion’s skin. He helped Tav place it on him by eagerly offering his neck. The bard’s nimble fingers latched it, then slipped between Astarion’s throat and the collar to check for fit. 
The second that finger left, moving upwards with its friends to run through his curls with all the affection he knew Tav had for him, Astarion realized how cold the room was. 
“Look at you, my good boy,” Tav murmured. They focused on gently using their long nails to scratch at Astarion’s scalp in a way that usually sent tingles down his spine. 
His body did move- shaking on little of its own accord. The weight of the collar was pressing down on him, trapping him in his own skin and away from the moment. Something in his brain whispered not to blink, not to look away- something was coming. Something bad. He was trapped, but at least he could have the privilege of watching it hurt him. But only if he didn’t close his eyes. 
The sound was a little muffled, a little nasally. He needed to respond, right? Those were his the rules. He had to obey in all things; he was his? Theirs? To have your name called was a direct command to look. He needed to look at him them. 
But Astarion couldn’t force his neck to turn, to face the situation. To realize the gravity of it all. The knowledge that pain would come, that it would be his fault because he still couldn’t look, turned the fine shivers into full tremors. 
“Alright. OK. This is OK,” came the voice. “I’m going to use ‘goose’. I’ll keep you safe Astarion. I promise.” 
Dissociation was a thing Astarion still struggled with. This was the opposite of that, somehow. He wasn’t far away, present but not here- safe in a manner of speaking by retreating into his own mind. No, he was nailed to the spot, trapped under the surface of his skin- forced to feel, to accept, but not to act. 
He was entombed in his own body. His only company was the fear of being left to suffer. 
“This needs to come off,” he heard, the voice sounding like it was coming through gauze. “I am going to use my hands to take this off you, Astarion.  You might feel it press on the back of your neck for a second.” 
The weight lifted away, the sound of the tag sickly singing as it was tossed to some other corner of the room. He was supposed to breathe, right? 
“Do you want me to touch you, Astarion?” 
The thought of being trapped, being forced to be complicit in his own abuse, sent a spark of anger up into his mouth. But it was fanned by a vague feeling that he could speak his mind without fear of being slapped down.
“No,” Astarion hissed. “Get away from me!” 
He needed space. He needed to feel he was at least as big as the body that trapped him.
“Of course. Of course love, I will not touch you until you tell me to,” came the calm response. “You are shivering. Do you want a blanket?” 
Was he? Astarion looked down. His eyes struggled to focus on a hand. His hand, he remembered as he flexed it. Yes, it was shaking. His gaze wandered up the arm his hand was attached to.The forearm was goose-fleshed. 
“Yes,” he decided. “I want to be warm.” 
The smell of familiar magic- rose oil and iron- filled the room. There were some assorted sounds- footsteps, pillows hitting the ground- and then a familiar shadowy hand presented a quilt it could barely hold in its claws. 
“Thing can help you put it on, if you want Astarion,” offered the bard. 
Astarion nodded. Thing T. Thing was a familiar, safe sight now. It was always gentle, as it was now, laying the blanket onto his shoulders but bearing the weight so Astarion could sort it out the way he wanted it- creating a barrier between him and the world. 
“Thank you, Thing,” he replied automatically. 
The room came back to him after a few minutes. It wasn’t exactly fair to say it left, but it took time for his brain to be able to accept and process the world around him instead of hyper-fixating on keeping himself alive. He had to consciously realize that there was ground for him to be sitting on. That the ground probably came with a ceiling as there was no free-moving air. 
Eventually, he realized there was also the gentle sound of a violin, singing a song. 
It was one with no words Just swimming melodies, occasionally crowned by a happy chord. It helped Astarion remember. He’d heard an elven mother humming it to her child a few moons ago, as the babe cried from the pain of teeth coming in. He automatically focused on it. Tav asked him if he knew it, and Astarion had responded honestly- all of that was lost to him now. But he liked how comforting it sounded. 
Weeks later, when Astarion was having trouble resting during the peak of the day while the rest of their temporary party laughed in the sun, Tav sat next to him and, without a word, began playing it. 
Maybe that was why traveling with Tav was so easy. They were confident of their own beautiful voice- able to hold a room and charm even frigid, scared hearts that had long since stopped beating to movement. But they were also comfortable around others' painful silence, welcoming it like an old lover- with an open heart and a compliment that was somehow always genuine. 
It had worn on Astarion for a long time, waiting for the bard to blink and finally admit they were in over their head- that the would-be savior’s reach had finally exceeded their grasp. But eventually, Tav showed him their own scars. He had lifted his hand to a small one on their right eyebrow and cheek. The first one. One that even Astarion’s clever eyes could barely see. 
Eventually Astarion learned they kept their eyes kind and open, not because they didn’t know what danger was, but in spite of it. 
Maybe that’s why it was so easy traveling with Tav. Because, somewhere along the way, Astarion had figured out their hero persona had cracks. Cracks they had delicately, skillfully tried to cover. Cracks he could help smooth out sometimes, when someone misgendered them or an enemy carried a whip. Cracks that, deep down, under the near unshakeable confidence performers have, Tav feared made them unlovable. But Astarion could say those cracks were nothing compared to their jovial spirit or clever eyes.
Astarion yearned for those warm, brown eyes. The kind that reminded him of dark soil deep in the forest, filled with all the richness and potential of creation. Speckled with a million curiosities that shallow people might miss by focusing on the strong cheekbones or soft lips nearby. He found them waiting for him, like always, hopeful they could be of any service. 
“I want you to touch me, Tav,” Astarion realized out loud. 
The bard laid their violin down and tapped the bed, offering the space. “It might do you some good to move your limbs,” they suggested. “But I am always happy to come to you.” 
Astarion looked at the ground. Yes, he could move. The walls weren’t quite so close to prevent that. The floorboards creaked in protest as he dragged himself and his blanket over them. 
He sank into the bed, deciding to lean on Tav’s shoulder. Maybe it helped a bit to realize this pinned down one of their arms- keeping them close, but less able to respond. It was grounding to remember that so many things were on Astarion’s terms now. Yes, because he was free. 
But also because Tav was gentle and would never deny him a single comfort. 
Little thoughts began to swim in his head- phrases he could pluck from the ether and begin a conversation with. I didn’t know, please believe me. I am sorry, please don’t punish me. Please don’t leave me. Please promise you’ll trust me again when I say I want this. Please tell me I am not broken.
Please, please, please- a choir of hungry ghosts that had long grown tired of asking to have not been hurt, and instead found smaller and smaller requests to be disappointed on. Until Tav came in with their bleeding heart, and fed them so graciously Astarion could begin to remember they were just specters he carried- and not him. 
Astarion didn’t have to bargain with them. He suspected they would always be there. But now he could let them rest and find other things to play with that would nourish his soul.  
“I really wanted it,” Astarion finally said, after his hand traced patterns on Tav’s thigh for a few minutes. 
“I know,” Tav agreed. “You’ve gotten very good at asking for things and letting yourself have them.” 
The bard paused and offered their palm. “May I kiss you?” 
They smiled when Astarion granted them the privilege of a hand, bowing their head to press a slow kiss on the back of his hand. 
“Thank you for being honest with me,” they said, not having moved an inch. Their breath was warm as they spoke, fluttering on Astarion’s hand. 
There was something about the way they said it, that Astarion instantly knew they meant after he had been collared. He frowned, not sure how to take it. 
Astarion didn’t want to think the truest core of him was scared. That if someone unearthed him, or that if he let someone dig deep, there would be only fear and broken things to find. 
“I don’t know if I want you to think of me like that,” he began. “Like some cold and timid person, half ready to cry when he’s finally, truly naked.” 
Tav sat back up, offering for Astarion to reclaim his resting spot on their shoulder or duck under and be held close. The elf chose the latter, enjoying the space between ribs and arms made strong by swordplay and silly acrobatics.
“I do not think of you like that.” Tav promised. 
Astarion accepted the answer- a simple negative that painted him as so many other wonderful things that even Tav’s silver tongue couldn’t explain. The bard was so trusting towards him, at times it was infectious. 
A thought tickled Astarion’s brain. 
“Thank you for using the safeword,” he mumbled. “It’s good to know that it’s not that I wasn’t being pleasing enough for you. But that…maybe me being truly hurt wasn’t something you wanted.” 
Tav showed their other hand coming slowly to join the other one- pausing, giving Astarion a chance to defend his space- to deny being boxed in, even by affection, if it was unwanted. 
“I hear vampires are long-lived,” Tav eventually said. “I would suspect that given our adventurousness, it will not be the last time one of us has to use it. Even if you never wanted to do anything like that again, I want you to know that you can always tell me to stop.” 
Astarion hummed, accepting the point. He chewed on it though, especially the last sentence. 
“I don’t think you exactly need a safeword for life,” he retorted. 
Tav laughed, clear and bright. “Your passions are too great, Astarion, to be content with what is laid at your feet. That is one of the things I love about you. You go for life’s throat, even if you might stumble in the process.” 
There was mirth in their eyes as they thought about some future Astarion couldn’t really see. “I just want you to chase it as hard as you can. You know I’ll be here to try and catch you when you ask for it.” 
They stayed like that for a while- Astarion enjoying the way Tav just breathed, their ribs slightly pressing into him with each breath. His eyes wandered, surveying the room. The way Thing rested in the corner, eager to be called upon. The happy trail of his own clothes strewn on the floor. The way the collar rested on the nightstand- far enough away to be safe, but precious enough to deserve a proper spot. 
He would have to think later if this was a failure or not. Something deep in his gut churned, insisting it was. Astarion wasn’t sure if he wanted to listen to it. But the way Tav held him in the moment, devoted and without reservation- he knew this was safe. 
Astarion leaned to catch his beloved's mouth, to taste their enthusiasm, their softness as Tav allowed him to devour them- trusting him to take the lead and find joy for them both in the fragile, uneasy moment. 
Maybe that was why traveling with Tav was simple. Because they knew their love was a verb, and not something that was found in a single heart. It was not something that could be tainted by a single word, or broken by even a terrifyingly, truly unintentional slight. 
It was something they did together- even if they sometimes accidentally stumbled in the process. 
One of them got to be the first person that hour to say I love you. And the other one got to smile and chose to say it back. 
Author Notes: Thank you for reading this! As always, I would like to remind you thirsty folks to hydrate a bit if needed. :3 I’d also love to hear if you had any comments or thoughts about this piece. (Good or bad! If something didn’t hit, let me know.) Also- just curious if you HCed which person said “I love you first” (and why) I would love to hear about it. I do have a small follow-up planned thanks to our Discord talking about *boots* that will be in a similar vibe. And one about Tav having their own issues for Astarion to help them on! I didn’t plan to add another, usual character to my WIP list, but this they/them bard!Tav was super fun to write. 
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fic rec friday 20
welcome to the twentieth fic rec friday! where, on friday, i rec five of my favourite fics. 
1. for we are the beautiful thieves by @caimani-ao3
Keith and Lance go undercover (sort of) at General Iverson's gala to steal back an Altean artifact the general stole while treasure-hunting. Keith's job? Sneaking away in the middle of the party to find the artifact. Lance's job? Looking pretty in a dress.
love love LOVE adventure fics this shit ROCKS. voltron?? thief archeologists whose main goal is to steal artefacts from rich asshole collectors and return them to where they came from?? iconique!! klance playing the pretty distrction?? iconique moreso!! 
2. ring my bell by @dumdum692 [EXPLICIT]
And granted, Keith has always been a sore spot for him in this way; Lance has always felt at odds with his domesticated temperament, and Keith holds absolutely none of that. Keith doesn't give two whopping shits about getting pimples, or if Stacy in English class thinks he has bad breath. Keith isn't standing zombie-eyed in the purple lights of a party, plotting woe-is-me narratives of his own melancholia and loneliness, gazing detachedly into a red Solo cup full of jungle juice - he just is, and that's always made Lance, in equal parts, devastatingly embarrassed and devastatingly horny.
Sadly, this scale weights significantly more towards the horny end as of late, because Keith is developing quite a few, very distinctly Galra characteristics, and it's driving Lance absolutely buck fucking nuts.
Keith goes through puberty. Devastation ensues.
this fic is a proud truther of two important things: a) lance’s type is literally anyone who can kick his ass and look good doing it, and b) lance has a big vocabulary entirely so he can be as melodramatic as possible whenever he so pleases. and i for one am thankful for its service.
3. Cross My Path by @wittyy-name [EXPLICIT]
Lance owns a witch themed cat cafe that rescues black cats. Each one has a unique collar and color coded name to help tell them apart. He's not supposed to play favorites, but he's already adopted his favorite, Red, as his own. Cold and distant to everyone, Red is extremely affectionate to Lance. Needy. Clingy. Protective. But Lance doesn't mind. He makes Lance's home a little less lonely. He's a little weird, but aren't all cats? He loves his baby boy, and he's eternally grateful for the day that little black fluff ball crossed his path.
Lance doesn't think twice about Red's odd quirks. That is, until he wakes up with a naked stranger in his bed.
And hey! Turns out Red is actually a witch named Keith who's been cursed to be a cat for twenty years. A really hot witch who's still very affectionate towards Lance.
any fic that’s tagged with catboy keith is a winner in my book tbh. and this fic is AMAZING the entire concept is unbelievably cool and the storyline is adorable!! also healthy relationship boundaries and expectations for the win!! plus rough sex also!!
4. know by petalloso
Keith couldn’t feel his legs. Upon further realization, he couldn’t feel his arms either, or his hands. He could, however, feel Lance’s hands, and they were all over him, running up and down his chest in inspection, tilting his chin this way and that, pulling him up from the floor where he figured he’d landed probably because his knees had just given out on him.
“Stupid,” he heard Lance say. “You blew out your legs.”
those 2016 fics man!! they never miss they just dont!! insane to me that this author apologises for being ooc as if their portrayal of keith is not the most in character portrayal possibly ever lol. AND this fic has oldest child lance my beloved
5. stud by petalloso
Keith stops in his tracks, listening. The voice comes again, louder and more elongated this time, muffled behind the door.
“Ouch,” it says, and then, “shit shit shit.”
lance IS the type of impulsive dumbass to pierce is own ears, and i thank this writer greatly for pointing that out. this fic is cute and sweet and silly which are my three for three basically
that’s it for today!! i’ll see y’all back next friday for the next fic rec post!!!  
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fishermanshook · 5 months
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🏹— hello hello people of Tumblr! So I’ll address this first, I’m so sorry for that long ass hiatus that came with NO warning 😭 legit feel into a depressive episode along with writers block AND a crap load of tests…I’m sorry 😣!
under the ‘keep reading’ tag is almost every single fic that has been set up and at least started. I suggest looking through especially if you’re trying to request something. there are a lot of repeats here, so don’t be surprised if you see something you’ve already seen before.
💔 - haven’t started yet
❤️‍🩹 - has at least been started/set up
🕸️ - half way through…
🏹 - coming very soon!
🪽- it’s out!
💌 - request
📮- a fic of my own
ASK: Hi! I'm relatively new on here and wanted to ask for a gn reader x Naib and Ganji (separately) comforting the reader after seeing them with eye bags from excessive crying and absolutely dead inside look. My apologies if it's too much, saw that the requests are open and decided to shoot my shot🙏🏻 Thank you very much either way!
IDV characters as romance tropes.
ASK: hi! i couldn't find if requests are open, sorry if they're closed rn. can i request some composer, orpheus and painter x fem/gn reader fluff?
ASK: Yan! Andrew, Matthias, and Luca with a reader that's weak and a people pleaser, please? :')
ASK: alice deross x fem reader nsfw hcs? only if ur comfortable with it 👍
ASK: Hii! Yan!Sonetto x Reader please?
You’re not very good with your alcohol intake, what happens when you forget who your boyfriend/girlfriend is?
ASK: Hi:) if you feel like it how do you think ganji norton and naib would react to reader saying they feel safe with them?
ASK: Could I request Edgar Valden with a Gn reader that's also an artist but wants to try to get along with Edgar because of his art?
ASK: From your lovely Anon, May I ask for more yandere Joseph? This time in his judge costume? I feel like that costume would be very mean and almost sadistic. And of course some more amazing smut.
ASK: Hello cupid! This is my first time ever requesting a fic TT w TT. I would love a yan!Ganji with a smaller and more innocent reader! (I would also like to antagonize the lawyer). You can scrap this but i would like the reader to be freddy's daughter! Its ok if you make this gender neutral by the way! (and maybe if you make it a smut by the way)
ASK: Can I request continuation of platonic journalist with a ballet dancer reader. The thing is yandere Novelist and yandere nightmare are in love with reader.
Boyfriend!Novelist to Fiance!Novelist to Husband!Novelist.
ASK: HI HELLO could u maybe write something 4 ithaqua..I'm starving
note: if you do not see your request or a fic I said I was going to write then it most likely has been discontinued. I’m very sorry, thank you for the request anyways 🙏
updated: 07/07/24
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chryblossomjjk · 2 years
bts fic recommendations | 03.14.23
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→ hi friends! this is a little segment i do every tuesday (reviewsday get it, aren’t i funny, pls tell me how funny i am) where i read and review two-three fics. as a content creator, i know how big of a role other creators play in your growth, therefore, i want to do my part in making sure everyone gets the recognition they deserve! so with that being said, please check out the amazing fics listed below. make sure to like, reblog, and leave feedback! ♡ #reviewsday #kikirecs
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banana clip - @vvh0adie (jhs x jjk x reader | angst, fluff, smut)
summary: nature is great at putting you to sleep. but man-made objects are just as good at waking you up with annoyance. and they’re even better at messing with your senses overall. but nature also made the two most wonderful men who you get to call your boyfriends, and they know just how to comfort you.
for one, let me just say this graphic goes crazy eep!!!
also let me just say, you would write a mean fantasy fic bc the scene setting in the first segment is so good. YOU WANNA TALK ABOUT WORLD BUILDING?? YOU WANNA TALK ABOUT WORLD BUILDING???? YOU WANNA TALK ABOUT MAKING THE SETTING REFLECT THE CHARACTER??? THIS IS IT!!
also i think the representation in the fic is so fucking important like- to have the reader be queer, chubby, and neurodivergent and then depicting in detail the things that come along with it is really great!! especially bc so many young adults read fanfic and thats such a complex time where you're juggling different parts of your identity and how they coexist!! just seriously thank you for writing this!!
"His large hands make haste of grabbing as much of your ass as he possibly can and giving it a good squeeze, oil slick painted nails leaving crescent indentation on your melanated skin. The succulent pain causes a moan to escape your lips. You always knew how to break them down, but he could play too."
oof when i tell u i read this paragraph multiple fucking times bc YOU PICKED OIL SLICK NAIL HOBI I COULD DESTROY MY FUCKING ROOM RN LMAO
“Ah, fuck, it’s times like these when I remember how much of a slut you are.”
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dom hobi rattles the fucking peanut in my skull bc i know for a fact that man is the kinkest dom sex freak out here PLS!!! and the mentions of kook throughout made everything incredibly hotter like uGh!! and then i really love when sweet aftercare n cleaning up is added into fanfic after a dommy moment :') <3 overall, this was the hottest shit ever pls fucking read this yall NOW I SAY NOW LMAO!!
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paired & pierced - @yoon-kooks (jjk x reader | college au, smut, fluff)
summary: when your professor assigns a collaborative midterm project, you’re paired up with jeon jungkook, the quiet grumpy smartass who keeps to himself and doesn’t fuck with popular kids like you. if you can win him over, he might give you a taste of the tatted and pierced body he’s carefully tucked away beneath those oversized hoodies.
so as soon as i saw that pairing i knew i was a goner!! but babe, this fic made me discover kinks i didn't even know i had like erm?? CAWK TATTOO??? OF A SNAKE???
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I HAVE A NEW FETISH LMAO!!! thats like one of the hottest visuals i've ever read in fanfic and it will plague my daydreams from here on out!
where does one find a friend like oc who hooks you up with men like JUNG HOSEOK ?? she is so real for that (one is incredibly lonely despite having friends and never gets checked on by those around her unless they need something which i feel like is so relatable to so many people like i can totally tell why so many readers were drawn to this fic)!! and tim can catch this knuckle sandwich bc FUCK HIM >:(
also the newborn joke made me audibly crack up like the bleak dry humor is fucking hilarious to me-
and i just love their dynamic? like the way you wrote their dialogue is just so natural, which seems simple on the outside but as fic writer i understand that writing believable dialogue is so INSANELY difficult like you literally have to be an a1 writer to nail it as good as you did in this fic!! the talent is screaming!! same goes for the smut!! it was so fucking hot and everything kook said had my coochie wet pls!! i just love the switch for apathetic to complete sex god uGh! i love u n this saur fucking much!!
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nature cafe - @virgodolls (jjk x reader | s2l)
oh my goodness i love this so much! like when you told me you were a new writer on here i was already extremely excited, but after reading this, my excitement for your future works has doubled, TRIPLED! you are bringing something new and refreshing to the table! like don't get me wrong i looooveee smut (legit all i write is smut-) but slice of life content is kind of hard to find on this platform! so reading this was such a welcomed change and i loved it wholeheartedly!
you really have a knack for writing in the perspective of the character, which is not an easy thing to do AT ALL! ITS SO DIFFICULT! AND YOU EXECUTED IT SO FLAWLESSY HERE AND ITS ONLY YOUR FIRST FIC? PLS THE TALENT IS UNREAL!!
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i also really loved this oc! as someone who is also v sensitive and easily overwhelmed, i didn't find her annoying at all, just incredibly endearing and relatable! THIS JUNGKOOK IS ALSO SUCH BOYFRIEND MATERIAL AND SO SWEET LIKE IM TRYING TO PICK HIM UP TOO UM??? anyways, thank you for sharing your writing! its definitely so scary at first but you did it and you should be v proud of yourself!! i am proud of you!!
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jazzthatonewriterchick · 11 months
The Swordsman’s Secret (msub!Zoro x Black! FDom!Reader 18+ One Shot)
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Pairing: Zoro Roronoa x Black!Fem!Reader
Synopsis: In which your favorite swordsman has an interesting secret and kink that you are more than happy to explore with him in the bedroom. Or in which Zoro gets pegged for the first time.
Warnings: Smutty Smut; 18+ (MINORS GTFO); Femdom!Reader; msub!Zoro; Black-coded!Reader (but anyone can still read this); Pegging; Anal Play/Sex; Mild BDSM; Degradation & Praise; Deepthroating; Edge Play; Name-calling; Zoro is Your Little Toy; Masturbation; Mutual Orgasms; Aftercare; Exhibitionism (cuz the Strawhats hear y'all fucking lol)
Disclaimer: I own none of the characters mentioned in this fic. However, as this is my writing, I do not give permission for my work to be reposted on any other sites that are not from my own accounts. Thank you!
Writer’s Note: Happy birthday month to my favorite Scorpio!! 💚💚I've always loved the idea of Zoro becoming a subby little mess for his woman & wanted to write it for a hot minute. Something about a big, buff, manly man getting pegged just does something to me fr. I had soooo much fun writing this & I hope y'all enjoy! -Jazz
Zoro has a secret. 
A secret that you are not aware of. He has kept it hidden for some time now, hidden within the deep parts of himself that he only frees late at night when the Thousand Sunny is silent and the Strawhat crew is soundly slumbering. 
Then, and only then, does he allow himself some peace to think and dream about his deplorable, disgusting, unmanly secret that has been haunting him for so long. 
He has a thing for anal play. Butt stuff. He calls it a thing because he really doesn’t know what it is. You would think this means he’d like to do things with your ass, right? And sure, he does! He is absolutely in love with your ass. It’s so round and plump and juicy. He loves grabbing and smacking it whenever he can. He admires it whenever you walk by, loving how it moves when you walk, each globe of fat jiggling enticingly. 
He is so lucky that you’re so freaky and adventurous because you were the one who suggested trying new things in the bedroom with him months ago. You had moved from handcuffs and bondage to role-playing to butt play. Zoro was originally perturbed and confused at this request of yours. Why would anyone want something in their ass? Wouldn’t it be uncomfortable? 
You had explained it to him one night during a hot, relaxing bath where you sat between his legs and thick, muscular thighs, your back against his chest. “The anus is very close to the vaginal wall for cis women,” you explained as he traced circles along your back. “That’s why women can orgasm from anal sex or anal play, like with fingers and toys. Even tongues! You ever heard of someone eating ass?” 
Zoro was disgusted, to say the least. He loved you, but he wasn’t eating nobody’s ass…until he did. One night, you both made the decision to try something with the cutest little butt plug you bought at a sex shop with Nami during an errand run in a village one day. Honey, when Zoro got a look at how pretty and plump your ass looked with the plug in it and how wet your cunt got for him, he was hooked. 
Especially when he started fucking you with the plug. He had used lube beforehand so you were nice, slick, and ready to be absolutely filled. Your moans were loud and needy as he slowly fucked your asshole with the plug, twisting it this way and that, enjoying the way you responded to him. He has never been so hard in his life until he watched you cum all over yourself, soaking the bedsheets. “That was amazing,” you had breathlessly said as your body twitched, the plug still in your ass. Zoro couldn’t have agreed more. 
That night opened Pandora’s box of butt stuff for you both. You started incorporating plugs and vibrators into your bedroom activities, even moving on to fingering and ass-eating. Zoro was very afraid the first time he did it, but to be able to move between eating your gorgeous ass and pussy, and tasting everything you gave him, gave him more of a rush than he anticipated. And when you finally moved onto anal sex, that was all it took for Zoro to fall head over heels. He loved doing this to you and with you. The way you writhed and tossed your ass back into his cock as he drilled you from behind was addictive, to say the least. 
But then he got to thinking one night. It was random, really. Just after sex with you. You were sleeping soundly beside him, your ass coated in coconut oil after a night of anal play, the glittery plug in your bedside drawer after the night concluded. He stared up at the ceiling and thought to himself…what would it be like to be on the receiving end instead of the giving end?
What does anal play feel like, he wondered? Does it feel nice? Judging by the way you moaned and whimpered his name, fisted the sheets, and creamed all over the bed, it seemed like a yes. But he never even pondered the idea of receiving anal stimulation. He’s never even tried it! How the idea came about, he’ll never know. Maybe there was a part of him that felt jealous of the pleasure you were receiving; how free you looked. 
Even when Zoro fucked his hand at the thought of you, he stayed away from ass. But that didn't stop the temptation. That didn’t stop his fingers from inching towards his asshole, wondering how it would feel to rub it or plunge them deep inside to trail over his prostate. But he never did, and the temptation is killing him slowly. 
His dreams became filled with images of you mounting him from behind, fucking his tight hole the way he does yours, your tinier frame behind his bigger one. And he's a big guy! He stands a whole head taller than you and practically covers your entire body whenever he hovers above you, your legs over his broad shoulders. He never would've imagined such a thing could turn him on so much.
So, one boring, hot day on the ship when everyone is busy doing their own thing, he brings it to your attention. Because isn't that what healthy couples do? They communicate about their wants, needs, issues, and desires? Though he feels slightly insecure in his secret and irrationally fears that you’ll look at him as less than a man because of this, Zoro wants to be the best man possible for you. That means not lying to you. So he stands with you now on the side of the ship, the sun shining against your gorgeous skin and making your pretty, brown eyes sparkle. 
“Look,” he sighs, holding your small hands in each of his bigger, calloused ones, “I really need to talk to you about something and you can’t laugh, okay?” The smile you were originally wearing fades. “Okay,” you say, sounding concerned. “Baby, is everything okay? You’re sweating bullets.” 
And he is. He doesn’t feel like passing it off as a side effect to the heat or the sun. In truth, Zoro is extremely nervous. “Listen,” he huffs, feeling like he is about to burst out of his skin. “I’ve really enjoyed the…stuff…we’ve been doing. Y’know, with your ass.” He blushes as you laugh at his bluntness. “Okay,” you giggle cutely. “I have too.” 
Zoro gnaws on his bottom lip, oblivious to the way you stare at him like you could eat him alive or sit on his entire face as he does so. “A-And…I’ve been thinking…” He clears his throat and swallows nervously his Adam’s Apple bobbing. “Maybe, instead of me doin’ all of that on you, you could…I don’t fuckin’ know…do it to…me, I guess.” 
The pause of silence that comes after kills him slowly. He peers down at you, expecting you to be weirded out or immediately break up with him or something. But instead, you just look surprised. “Wait…you wanna try anal play?” you gently ask, no laughing or giggling in your tone.
Blushing furiously, Zoro slowly nods. “Wow,” you gasp. “I didn't think you’d be into that, Zo. I mean, you weren’t exactly too hyped about it when I first introduced it to you.” Zoro looks down at his feet, feeling guilty. “Which was totally fine!” you quickly add. “Not everybody is too keen on ass stuff.” 
“I guess I just thought it was gross,” he confesses with a shrug. “But after tryin’ it with you, I realized how much I enjoyed it.” You nod in understanding. “So much that you wanna try it yourself,” you finish for him since he is too cowardly to do so (according to him, anyway). “How long have you thought about this?” you ask, running your thumbs over his knuckles. It soothes him. 
“For a while, but I never really…I just…I’m curious is all.” He keeps stumbling on his words, but you seem to get what he trying to tell you. “Baby, why didn’t you tell me?” you curiously ask. “I would’ve wanted to know all about this!” 
Zoro bites his plump bottom lip again, still feeling guilty. For not saying anything to you–his amazing, compassionate, lovely, sexy girlfriend–or for thinking you’d even consider breaking up with him over this. “I guess I was afraid,” he confesses. “That you’d think I’m weird or less of a man, or something. I mean, guys don’t do shit like this…straight guys, anyway.” 
You shake your head, surprising him. “Uh-uh, that’s where you’re wrong,” you correct him. “Plenty of straight men love anal play. Just because it’s pleasurable to have something here doesn’t mean it’s gay, unless it’s another guy doing it.” You give him a big, bright smile that eases all of his fears and discomfort. “But it’s not. It’s me: your very loving and very horny girlfriend who really wants to fuck your ass.” 
Zoro rolls his eye, ignoring the way you hysterically giggle at his blush. As goofy as you are, it feels good that you’re making light of this and not totally serious about it. It makes him feel less scared. “So..you really want to?” he asks. 
“Of course!” you chirp with a beaming smile. “Have you seen how nice of an ass you’ve got? You could bounce quarters off of that shit.” Your hand reaches around to squeeze one of Zoo’s glutes that he is, ironically, proud of. He grunts and blushes bright red, snatching your hand off of him. “Oooh, this is so exciting!” you cheer too loudly. "I can’t wait to use a butt plug on you, Zoro!” 
He swears that his soul nearly leaves his body as your voice echoes across the ship. “Shh, shh!” he shushes you, putting a hand on your mouth. “Jesus, woman, you want the whole ship to know?” Your brown eyes widen and you quickly shake your head, though your shoulders still shake with laughter. 
So after everyone falls asleep that night after one too many drinks, Zoro finds himself sitting on the bed in your shared bed chambers waiting for you to appear from the bathroom. He is feeling buzzed and loose from the drinks he’s had to loosen himself up for tonight, but nervous butterflies still flutter about in his stomach. He showered earlier to make sure he smells of cedar wood and vanilla–a scent that always seems to drive you crazy–and rid his body of anything that could ruin tonight for you both (if that’s TMI, sorry lol). He wants tonight to be perfect. 
But as the ship rocks slightly along the waves, it only makes the butterflies worse. The bed is neatly made and spread with a towel, nothing more, but the idea of what that towel will be used for is scaring the shit out of him. “I’m finished, baby!” you finally call through the bathroom door. “You ready for me now?” 
He startles, staring wide-eyed at the bathroom door. He was hoping you would take more time to primp yourself. “Y-Yeah,” he calls back. “Come on out before I change my mind about this.” And he is seconds away from doing so. 
When you finally step out of the bathroom, Zoro nearly busts a nut at the sight of you. You’re wearing a cherry red babydoll dress that stops mid-thigh and leads all the way down to some heels and those luscious, milky legs he loves to kiss, stroke, and have wrapped around his head. The babydoll is see-through, exposing your stomach and laced thong to him that match the laced cups of your bra that hide those delectable breasts of yours.
“Goddamn,” he mutters, feeling his cock twitch beneath his kimono. “Wh-What’s with the fit?” You lean against the bathroom door, posing for him. “You like?” you giggle. “Robin let me raid her closet.” Zoro nods to himself. “Of course, she did,” he says under his breath. 
You walk further into the bedroom and walk to the bedside drawer where you retrieve something that Zoro can’t see well in the candlelight. “Now.” You pause, smirking deviously at him. “You ready to take this cock for me, baby boy?” you purr. You then retrieve a strap-on with an eight-inch dildo dangling from it. 
Zoro’s brain is short-circuiting as he stares at the contraption, dumbfounded and nearly shitting himself. His asscheeks practically clench in protest and refusal to take something so thick into his body. “W-What?” he dumbly asks. “You want me to take that thing? Baby, that’s a fucking monster!” 
You can hardly hold yourself together and start to laugh at his expense. “Relax, Zo!” you giggle. “I just wanted to see your face.” You go into the drawer again and retrieve a black butt plug from it. “I’ll be using this on you tonight, just to get you used to the feeling. But first, we’re gonna start with some lube, a finger, and some throat all for my man to feel good.” You wink at him as you rummage through the drawer and retrieve the lube that heats up on contact, according to the bottle. 
You toss all of the items, including some body oil and the strap, onto the bed. Zoro stares at them, sweating fucking bullets. Though the idea of a finger or a plug going in his ass instead of the monstrous strap relaxes him, but only somewhat. He didn't exactly “prep” for tonight, figuring you would do so. But how long will it take? Will it hurt? Is he emotionally prepared for it? 
You crawl onto the bed with him, sitting on your knees on the mattress in front of him. You look absolutely angelic in the candlelight. “Now, before we start, let’s go over everything we discussed for safety: the safe word and traffic lights.” Zoro nods, remembering what you both discussed earlier for safety precautions. He runs it all back to you now: “The safe word is ‘jolly’, yellow means slow down, and red means stop.” 
You clap excitedly and plant one chaste yet passionate kiss on his lips. “Good boy!” you proudly giggle. “Now lay back for me so I can get you relaxed. On your back please.”
Zoro obliges and leans back against the pillows, doing his best to relax into the mattress. He watches through his one hooded eye as you untie his kimono and reveal his big, toned, scarred body, solid from years of training and filled with stitched wounds and stabs from years of fights. Between his toned, thick, tanned thighs lies his semi-hard cock, twitching at the sight, smell, and feeling of you. 
You squirt some oil into your hands and begin to go to work relaxing your man. You rub him down with the oil, making his tan skin glint in the candlelight. The scent of mangoes from the oil fills his nose, taking him on a journey to a long, distant island in the tropics. Soft moans and sighs leave his lips as your hands work his tired limbs, loosening the tension and making him melt into a puddle on the mattress. Unbeknownst to him, you love seeing him like this. You love it when he is totally relaxed, his head tossed back and eyes shut. You love feeling him up, your fingers running over his muscles as much as you please. 
What the massage also does is make him extremely hard for you. His thick, hard, cock, protruding from a patch of trimmed, green curls, stand upright, flopping against his toned, lower stomach and dripping in pre-cum. “Already so hard for me,” you giggle. “You’re so naughty, Zo.” You don’t hesitate to wrap your oily hands (both because Zoro is that thick) around him and begin slowly stroking him up and down, taking your time with getting him harder in your hands for you. 
“Fuck,” Zoro sighs, loving how soft and warm your hands are. When your mouth suddenly makes contact with his cock, he doesn’t know why he freaks out. He tenses underneath you and you notice immediately. You place a comforting hand on his stomach, shushing him. “Just relax for me, papa,” you coo. “It’s just head. You like the way I give head.” 
Zoro nods to himself, feeling paranoid and stupid. You haven’t even touched any of the toys yet and here he is, clenching his cheeks. “Okay,” he exhales. “Okay. Sorry.”
You giggle slightly before opening your mouth and wrapping those lips around him. Zoro groans at the sensations you give him with that skillful tongue and those plump, dick-sucking lips. He would never tell you that though. He understands the offensive implications of that since you’re a woman and you’re way more than just your assets, but goddamn, he can’t help but think it and thank God that you’re bestowing such amazing lips to him and him alone. Your mouth was made for this shit. The way you bop your head up and down and slide your tight throat along his shaft should be illegal. He clenches the bedsheets and thrusts his hips up into your mouth, making you take all of his dick. 
“S-Shit!” he grunts, squinting down at you with his one eye. He can barely take how beautiful you look taking his thick, veiny cock, your mouth coated in spit and your pretty brown eyes staring at him.
“You feelin’ good, baby?” you coo, your voice muffled by his cock. “Is your girl doin’ a good job taking all that dick?” You do that thing he likes when you grip his cock a little harder and stroke him in time with your quick sucks and gags around his cock. 
Zoro swears he nearly cums right there. “Fuck!” he groans. “You’re way too good at this shit, mama.” His toes curl and his legs fall open, giving you the perfect opportunity to feel up on his toned, muscular thighs. You always were a thigh girl and Zoro has plenty of that from years of training and from his big and tall build.
You continue to work his cock the way only you can, making his balls swell and saliva trickle down his asscrack. The fact that he can feel it makes him even harder.‘This is so hot,’ he thinks, delirious from the pleasure. He feels like he wants to cum. He can feel his balls tightening and the urge to fill your pretty throat rising…but he won’t. He wants to make tonight count, and if that means holding out then so be it. 
You must sense his refusal to cum because you stop sucking and stroking him, your hands and mouth dripping in spit and pre-cum. Zoro nearly jumps your gorgeous bones right there, but he knows he’ll have time to fuck you up later. Right now, this is about you taking control of him. 
"Think you’re ready for a finger now, baby?” you ask. “I’ll only use one first and I’ll go slow. If you ever need me to slow down, say–“ 
“Yellow,” he interrupts, still breathing heavily from the head session. “And yes, I’m ready.” You give him a gorgeous, joyous smile that fills him with warmth and adoration for you. You coax him to turn over and he does so, getting onto all fours for you. It feels sort of awkward doing so with how big he is and how small you are as you kneel behind him, but it also feels kind of hot, like he is doing something forbidden. The idea of you fucking him with that strap, mounting him, stretching him out, making him totally and completely yours, makes him want to nut at least fifty times in a row. 
He tries to remain calm and does the breathing exercises that he practices after workouts as you prepare him. You squirt some lube onto your hands before taking one finger and lightly gliding it along his puckered hole. His big, muscular body tenses at the icy sensation. “S-Shit, that’s cold,” he hisses. “When is it gonna heat up? Doesn’t it say it on the bottle or somethin’?”
You giggle at his complaints, continuing to lightly trace the lube around his hole. After a few minutes of repeating the same action, the lube feels much warmer and you begin to slowly slide your index finger into his asshole, pausing to watch for his reaction. You just insert your fingertip, but Zoro reacts immediately, his hole clenching around the foreign item inside of him. 
“How’s that feel?” you ask. He exhales deeply, allowing himself to relax around your fingertip. “Weird,” he huffs. “Different, but…kinda good. I just feel a little…” His mind tries to find the right word, searching up, down, and all around for it. 
“Full?” you chuckle. He slowly nods, blushing at the oddness and vulgarity of that…and Zoro is a vulgar guy! He’s made you blush so many times from the nasty, dirty words he’s whispered to you in the bedroom in the past, but now here he is, shy and jittery over being filled up. “You ain’t felt nothing yet, baby boy.” 
Something happens to Zoro at that moment. The moment the strange, new pet name leaves your lips, his body gets hot like he was set on fire and his cock twitches excitedly. The name sounds so submissive like he is your baby boy. You notice his body’s reaction and giggle, stroking his lower back. “You like me callin’ you that?” you purr. “That’s so unlike you. I kinda like this subby side of you, Zo.” 
Zoro growls defiantly as you continue to gently fuck him with your finger, sliding the rest of the way inside of his tight hole. “Don’t get used to it,” he grumbles. “This is only for tonight.”
You just cackle, knowing damn well that that is a lie. And Zoro knows it too. After you spend some time sliding your finger in and out of him, you prepare to add another. “Now I’m gonna add another finger. Just breathe while I do this, baby. Holding your breath is very dangerous and I want you relaxed for this part, okay?” 
Zoro nods, mentally and emotionally preparing himself for you to add another finger. But no matter how much preparing he does, he still jumps and quivers at the feeling of another finger stretching him out. “Breathe,” you coax him. “Breathe, Zoro. Don’t hold it in.” “Relax for me.” Zoro clenches the pillow underneath him, nearly ripping it to shreds. “Trying…to,” he grunts, his eye squeezed tight at the foreign feeling. 
It doesn’t hurt; it’s just a stretch. With every inch of your fingers sliding in and out of him, he can feel his hole slowly becoming stretched. His leaking cock throbs and twitches between his thighs and he finds himself grinding it against the comforter below for relief. “Is this okay?” you ask, noticing the way he is rolling his hips against the comforter. You can feel your pussy becoming wet at the sight, loving how you’re making him feel.
“Y-Yeah,” he shakily answers. He turns to look back at you, his face flushed and his forehead pebbled in sweat. “I think I’m ready as I’ll ever be, so no more stretchin’ me out, alright?” A sexy smirk crosses your lips as you catch his drift. “You want me to use the plug now, baby?” 
Shivers go up his spine at the idea of something else going inside of him, making him feel this good. “Y-Yeah, I…I think I’m ready.” He swallows roughly, prepared for more. “You can use it on me…M-Mistress.” 
Your eyes flash with a fire he’s never seen before as the title leaves his quivering lips. “Oh, shit, baby,” you groan. “I’m gonna have so much fun with you.” You retrieve your fingers from his hole and press a kiss to his muscular back, right on his tattoos. “Hike that ass up in the air for me.” Blushing mad hard, he listens and lowers his head to the pillow while his ass goes up straight in the air like a moon. 
Smack! He gasps in surprise as he feels your hand make contact with one of his tan, firm asscheeks. “Hey!” he growls, glaring back at you. You laugh to yourself, stroking the sting away from his cheek. “Sorry,” you cackle. “I just had to. Your ass is just too amazing, baby boy.” Unbeknownst to you, he cracks a humored smirk at your idiocy and the fact that you love his body so much. 
He looks back and watches you prepare the black butt plug for him, squirting more lube on it. It isn’t that big, but shit, it could damn well be a dildo with the way Zoro perceives it. When you finish, he turns back around to stare at the headboard and breathes as you instruct him. When the plug finally slides in, he nearly curses the stars and sky above as you begin to fuck him with the damn thing. 
He’s never felt anything like this. He feels so stretched. So full. So, so good. His cock drips with pre and throbs impatiently, making him grind it harder against the comforter in an effort to ease the ache. When you finally reach that spot inside of him, he can’t help the loud, surprised yelp of pleasure that escapes him. “Oh, fuck!” he moans, pleasure exploding throughout his body. He looks back at you, wide-eyed. “Y/N, what…what the fuck was that?” 
You smile proudly as you continue to move the plug in and out of him, admiring how plump his ass looks with it snugly inside of his hole. "Guess I found your prostate,” you giggle. “Mmm, that reaction was so nice to witness. I wanna see more of that, baby boy.” And you continue to rub up against his prostate, your hooded eyes drinking in the way his body quivers and his hips rut into the bed. 
Zoro is losing all self-control at this point, the pleasure explosive and almost heavenly. He voices his pleasure to you––his love; his woman; his Mistress. “God, baby!” he gasps. “That’s…that’s perfect! Please keep going!”
You smile from behind him, your other hand stroking up and down his back as you continue to fuck him with the other. “You want your Mistress to keep going?” you teasingly ask. "You want her to keep fucking this little hole?” 
Tears of pleasure prick Zoro’s waterline as he bites the pillow under his head. “Yes, yes, God, yes!” he nearly sobs. “Please keep going, Mistress! Dammit, just fuck me!” 
You do just that, moving the plug in and out of his snug asscheeks a little bit faster than before, enjoying the sounds he makes as you do. “Fuck, you’re so hard from this, Zo,” you moan, admiring his rock-hard, throbbing cock with its angry, red cockhead dripping in pre-cum for you. “Stroke that dick for me while I fuck you. Be a good boy for me and fuck that hand.”
He does as you say, wrapping his hand around his shaft and fucking it like it’s your tight, wet, gushy cunt. “I can’t tell you how hot you look right now,” you dreamily sigh. “I love seeing you like this. You’re like my little toy.” 
You lean towards him and drag your lips over the shell of his ear. All he can feel and smell is you. “Do you wanna be my little toy, Zoro?” you whisper. “You wanna cum all over yourself while I fuck you with this plug, don’t you?” He cries out in reply, his cock and balls swelling. He wants to cum. He has to cum. “God, Y/N!” He sobs. “I’m gonna fuckin’ cum!” 
“Do it,” you practically beg, coaxing him further with the butt plug. “Cum for me, baby boy.” 
He can feel it building. He will soon shoot rope after rope of cum all over his hand and the bed as he clenches around the plug inside of his hole. But the defiance in him stops his primal desire to release. The need to be completely and utterly yours overtakes him. You make him feel so free; so loved. He just wants to give you all of him, prove to you that he can take anything you throw at him. 
“Yellow!” he shouts in desperation. “Yellow, yellow!” 
And like a good girlfriend and sexual partner should, you stop immediately. “What is it?” you ask, concerned. "What’s wrong? Did I go too far? Was I going too fast?” Shakily, Zoro shakes his head and looks back at you. “I-I don’t wanna cum with the plug,” he breathlessly explains. “I want you to use the strap on me first.” 
You blink at him, confused for a moment but he sees that passionate fire in your eyes. “Are you sure?” you ask, worry in your eyes. “Baby, don’t feel pressured to–“ 
“I haven’t felt this free in years,” he confesses, giving you a wobbly, adoring smile. “And I feel that way because of you. You accept all of me and I want to give all of myself to you now.” He reaches back and pulls his cheeks apart, the plug still nice and snug in his hole between them. “So get that strap and fuck me, baby. Make me cum just for you.” 
Now, there is no worry or uncertainty in your eyes. All he sees is lust, pure and exciting. “If you insist…” You smile like a devious little devil as you reach for the strap which he notices comes with a bumped rod, obviously for you to stimulate yourself as you fuck him. The mere idea of you feeling as good as him and cumming at the same time as he does nearly sends his big ass into orbit. 
When you strap the fake dick on, Zoro nearly busts right there at the sight of you. Seeing you with a cock hanging from your hips is as hot as it is thrilling and a little frightening. You moan in pleasure as you shift your hips to meet the small rod that snuggly fits against your clit and just kisses the inside of your pussy. He wishes that rod was his cock instead, filling you up and plunging deep inside of you, fucking you into the mattress the way only he can do. But that can come later. Right now, the only one getting fucked into the bed is him. 
You come up behind him and shift your hips before gently and slowly slide into his hole. “God!” Zoro chokes out, his mouth falling open at the sensation of being totally stretched. This is so much different than your fingers or the butt plug. The strap is much thicker, bigger, and wider, making him feel fuller than he ever has in the last hour of his ass being fucked. Now he knows how you feel every time you take him.
“Nice and slow,” you coo. “Just breathe, baby boy. You’re doing so well takin’ that dick for me.”
Zoro whimpers––he actually whimpers––as you continue to praise him, your hand stroking his back. It takes some time, but he finally feels his asshole accommodating to the size of the strap. He is seeing stars behind his eyelids as you slowly bump your hips against his backside, the lewd squelching sound of the lube filling the air. “Oh, my God,” he groans. “Oh, my God.”
You begin to bump your hips a little harder, still keeping up that slow pace. “Is it good for you, baby?” you gasp. “‘Cause it feels amazing for me.” 
He can almost hear the rod sliding in and out of that wet pussy, your soft moans and whimpers filling his ears. “It feels fucking amazing,” he grunts, stroking his cock in time with your thrusts. You grab his hips, questioning whether or not to go all the way. “So is it okay to–“ 
“Yes, yes, God, yes, Y/N!” he begs, his voice hoarse. “Just fuck me, please! I love you so fuckin’ much!” He can see you smiling behind his eyelid as you grip his hips and begin to fuck his hole with the strap, tearing moans, sobs, and grunts out of his body.
“I love you too, Zo,” you whimper. “So, so much. I wouldn’t do this with anyone else but you.” Your soft lips lean down to pepper his back, shoulders, and neck in kisses, tracing along his scars and tattoos. 
Zoro is losing his ever-loving mind, moving back to meet your thrusts as he carefully continues to fuck his fist wet with pre-cum. When you hit that spongey spot again inside of him, he nearly roars in pleasure. “There!” he whines. “There, baby, right there!”
You grip his hips harder and shift onto your knees as you roughly fuck that spot, rubbing up against it again and again until your swordsman is howling in ecstasy. “Right there?” you teasingly ask. “Is this the spot, baby boy?” 
Your hand sneaks under his thighs to fondle his balls, pulling a strangled moan from his quivering lips. “Look at how hard you are,” you whisper in his ear. “You love getting fucked like this, don’t you? Such a little slut for me.” Your other hand firmly squeezes his asscheek, adding to that pressure. “I wonder what the crew would think seein’ you this, getting your ass fucked by your girl.” 
The bed squeaks from the way you’re rutting into him and how he moves his hips back to meet your thrusts. Zoro doesn’t give a shit if the crew hears. He doesn’t care if the entire Grand Blue hears him getting his asshole fucked. He just wants to cum. He needs to cum. “God, baby!” he brokenly moans. “I’m gonna cum, Mistress! I’m so fuckin’ close!” He moves his calloused hand along his dick so fast that it comes nothing more than a blur as you continue to stimulate his prostate and fondle his balls. 
“Cum for me, Zoro,” you moan with him. “Cum with me. Give it to me, baby boy.” Your whimpers and gasps mean you’re close too. He can hardly believe it: he’s going to cum from getting his ass fucked. And you’re going to cum with him.
He has never felt so close to you before than now, letting you have his body as your very own. “Please cum with me, mama,” he groans. “Cum with your baby boy, please!” 
It’s too much for you and you feel your orgasm explode throughout your body, coating the rod inside of you in your cream the way you do Zoro’s cock. Zoro’s own orgasm hits him like a truck, slamming into him and ripping all of his energy from him.
“Oh, my God!” he roars, practically screaming through his mind-blowing, explosive orgasm that rocks his world and his entire being. He clenches around the strap hard as spurt after spurt of cum leaves his cock, emptying out into his hand and the mattress. He feels like he is flying, his body feeling floaty and tingly. 
You ride him for a short while in sloppy, long strokes until you finally come down from your high. After his orgasm fades, he groans and finally slumps against the bed, feeling sticky, achy, and absolutely satisfied. You pull out and unhook the strap from around your pelvis before laying down beside him. You both breathe heavily as one, staring up at the ceiling. Silence swells around you both and then, all at once, you erupt in hysterical laughter. 
Zoro’s body shakes with laughter as the reality of what just happened sets in. “That was…that was…” You can’t even speak, still trying to recover.
“Fuckin’ amazing,” he finishes through a little laugh. And it was! Though he is always satisfied fucking your sweet pussy, this feels so different. He feels like tonight was a peek of heaven. 
You turn over onto your side to face him, your beautiful body coated in sweat and afterglow. 
“Are you sore?” you gently ask. “I can use the oil to ease it.” He slowly shakes his head. Though his hole feels slightly sore and stretched from the constant stimulation, he doesn’t want to worry about that right now.
“No, m’fine,” he sighs. “Better than ever, actually.” You smile joyfully at him, making his heart ache at your beauty. “So your first time being pegged was a success,” you giggle. “Come here, stud. You look like you need a snuggle.” 
You don’t need to tell him twice. He opens his big arms for you, allowing you to enter them and wrap your arms around his bigger frame as your head falls onto his chest. Your eyes flutter closed and a small smile stretches across your lips at the sound of his thundering heart against your ear. In the silence and afterglow of the sex, Zoro feels like he can peel back the layers of himself to you. He can be all the way real with you. 
He clears his throat, catching your attention. “Hey, uh…I kinda liked the whole sub thing,” he confesses. “I think I wanna do this again another night. Maybe not just the butt stuff, but you domming me. It’s kinda sexy.” You look up at him then in the dimly-lit room, surprise all over your face. “Do you think we can?” he whispers, his heart leaping in anticipation for your answer. 
If happiness was a person, it would be you in this moment. Your eyes brighten and a wide, gorgeous smile stretches across your lips as you stroke his face. “Oh, Zo,” you coo.
You open your mouth to say more, but the sound of a knock above the headboard makes you squeak in fear. Instinctively, Zoro reacts by jumping off of the mattress, ready to reach for his sword leaning against the wall beside him. 
“If you do it just make sure none of us can hear it,” Sanji calls from the other side of the bedroom wall above the headboard. 
“We heard everything!” Nami tiredly groans from the wall on the other side of the room. “Zoro’s screams woke us up. I had to cover Chopper’s ears so he wouldn’t hear anything!” 
“I don’t know, I thought it was kind of sweet,” Robin giggles. 
“Shit, I didn’t!” Usopp complains. “How am I supposed to get my beauty sleep?!” 
“Zoro, I didn’t know you could get that loud!” Brook laughs. “Have you ever considered singing by any chance, yo, ho, ho!”
“Brook, shut the hell up,” Jimbei groans. 
“I thought you were killin’ the poor guy, Y/N!” Franky laughs. “Good on you, Zoro, man! Explore more sexy stuff with your amazing girlfriend! I support it!” 
A knock comes from outside the bedroom door, making Zoro throw the comforter over your naked form. “Zoro, Y/N, can I borrow some of that coconut oil you got in there?!” Luffy yells. 
Zoro groans, running a hand over his face while you hide your embarrassed smile behind your hand. “Should I kill them now or later?” he sighs, turning to you. You giggle, sitting up on the bed and letting the comforter fall from your luscious tits with your pretty, brown nipples, hardened to peaks now. “If you do that, we may not have time for round two,” you purr. 
Zoro raises an eyebrow at your words and the suggestive tone in your voice. “Oh, yeah?” he teasingly asks. He reaches over and squeezes your cheeks together the way you like, making those plump, soft lips pucker. “You wanna give ‘em somethin’ else to complain about, hm?” he whispers. “I think you can get a lot louder than me. You think, mama?” 
He releases his hand from your cheeks to let you answer, your brown eyes blown with lust and need. “Let’s find out,” you purr. 
That night, Zoro ends up fucking you and making you cum till you pass out. And yes, the crew isn’t happy about it, but you’re too unconscious to listen to Nami and Sanji banging on your bedroom door. 
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