#thank you.......... i like my sphynxes too
sirguyofdykesborn · 10 months
Hi i just found ur account n im obsessed with your sphynxes and your shading and the way you draw faces. good art. liked and followed.
you like my product
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aftgficrec · 11 months
ah I'm so excited you're open!!! thank you for the ridiculous amount of work you all do 🙏ok, this might be too specific but any fics with an alternate take on Andrew and Neil's post-trk reunion? Andrew gets out of easthaven early, Neil leaves the Nest later, AU's, etc.? i think it's a really interesting point in their dynamic, and I'm a sucker for sober Andrew realizing someone was watching his back for once
Feeling a bit like a Bernie Sanders’ meme – ‘I am once again asking myself why I spent so much time on an ask,’ 😅 but it's because this is such an iconic and beloved scene for our fandom. For a super fun ‘live’ first-time reader reaction to this high drama, check out ‘The King’s Men, Chapter 1 – Hello Foxhole, My Old Friend’ by @nickireadstfc here. -A
also see
Andrew's POV of throwing keys off roof here
‘Come and Save Me From It’ here (completed)
‘Learning To Feel (When You've Forgotten How)’ and the fandom meta posts here
‘pipedream’ here
‘reaching for the heights’ here
‘Lost boy’ and ‘[Un]broken’ here
‘I Know You From A Nightmare,’ ‘The Marks We Make,’ and ‘Draw Me Out, Mark Me In’ here
‘Marked’ and ‘Soulmates who can feel each other’s pain’ here
‘Of Stars and Stories’ here
‘What’s normal now?’ here
long previous recs with reunion mention
‘No More Fucks To Give’ here (updated)
‘The Sphynx and the Hare’ here (completed)
‘corvus, vulpes, lupus’ here
‘never fallen (from quite this high)’ here
‘Not a Pipe Dream’ here
‘everything and nothing begins with you’ here
Andrew gets sober, Neil stays at Evermore
‘Oh Raven,’ ‘Jailbird,’ and ‘Take to the Wing’ here
‘Scared to Live (But I'm Scared to Die)’ here 
 ‘Comeback’ here
you may also like
Christmas at Evermore here plus song rec ‘Far From Home (The Raven)’ here
Proust here plus ‘if you really love nothing’ here
Neil’s a hallucination here
Andreil meet in Easthaven here
‘just a slow body’ here
‘Will you be there when I come back?’ here
‘Here With You’ here (complete)
‘i'm here right now (just be here right now with me)’ here 
‘We're All Stories In The End’ here
‘Spirits In My Head’ here 
‘Fold me in your palms’ here
‘The Raven Prince’ here
‘Thanks, Matty’ here
‘Lullaby’ here
Random Rec - Andrew Minyard playlists round up here
Just a Pipe Dream by loveroulettes [Rated T, 2781 Words, Complete, AFTG Exchange Summer 2021, Locked]
Andrew thought coming off drugs will get rid of all side-effects, so why is Neil still here? AKA the scene where Neil picks up the cigarette from the ground and smokes it, but from Andrew’s POV
tw: implied/referenced abuse
reckless/i like it by Willow_bird [Rated M, 27259 Words, Complete, AFTG Mixtape Exchange 2022]
One thing didn’t seem to have changed since getting off the drugs. One thing almost seemed to have gotten worse. ”The next time someone comes for you, stand down and let me deal with it. Do you understand?” “If it means losing you, then no.” --- 5 times Andrew realized this something he had for Neil was, well, treacherous + 1 time he admitted (at least to himself) that he liked it
tw: violence, tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon, tw: implied/referenced csa, tw: kidnapping, tw: choking, tw: implied/referenced torture
In the rain by Lyndis [Rated G, 1147 Words, Complete, 2021]
Part 2 of Quick and Dirty, parts 3 and 15 here
Andrew is off his drugs for the first time in years. No one knows he is back from Easthaven and he just wants to see Neil.
Time Machine by Marquee [Rated G, 137 Words, Complete, 2023]
Part 4 of Aftg Poetry
Andrew wanting to kiss Neil on the roof, but he isn’t sure he should. But like a poem?? Yeah.
Tumblr Prompts by lipsstainedbloodred [Not Rated, Collection, 2018] 
Chapter 13: Page 12: What if Neil didn’t go with the monsters to pick up Andrew from Easthaven (Andreil) [T, 2434 Words] 
tw: implied/referenced torture, tw: implied/referenced sexual assault
his solace by orphan_account [Rated M, 2292 Words, Complete, 2016]
Andrew’s first thought of Neil Josten was ‘fake’. He was a boy who was clearly lying, clearly pretending to be something he wasn’t; or at least, something he didn’t want to be. Andrew’s next thought of Neil Josten was ‘dangerous’. He was too attractive for Andrew to ignore, whilst single-handedly being the biggest flight risk he’d ever met. Neil looked for exits everywhere he went, and Andrew hated him for it.
tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon, tw: implied/referenced csa, tw: implied/referenced torture, tw: violence
Silent Words by Jeni182 [Rated M, Collection, Complete, 2018]
Chapter 2: Colors [T] Andrew hates color. It’s part of the reason why he’s always in black. It’s just easier. The color doesn’t make his eyes hurt. He doesn’t have to think about shit matching. It deters people, a lot of times.
When You Were Young by SpookyMiscreant [Rated T, 1831 Words, Complete, 2017]
It starts when the monsters pick up Andrew from Easthaven. Andrew sits on the roof of Fox Tower and contemplates Neil Josten now that he's sober. Set to the background music of When You Were Young by The Killers.
tw: implied/referenced torture, tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon, tw: implied referenced child abuse and neglect
this hole you put in me (wasn't deep enough) by gaygoyle [Rated T, 3368 Words, Complete, 2023]
Neil blames himself for not doing more for Andrew while he's at Easthaven. So, Neil returns the one thing he knows even with his ban- Exy.
tw: implied/referenced torture, tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon
Shades of Sunset by darkbluebox [Rated T, 1885 Words, Complete, 2020]
Andrew is five years old, and he thinks orange is the most beautiful colour in the world. Twenty years in the life of Andrew Minyard.
tw: implied/referenced child abuse, tw: implied/referenced csa
Tell Me How You Hate Me by Killingmeslowly_24 [Rated T, 30532 Words, Incomplete, Updated June 2023]
Next to Kevin sat a man who was roughly Neil-shaped, but that was where the similarities ended. Because Neil was brown hair, wide eyes, and a skittish demeanor. Neil was hidden smiles and questions and questions, so many goddamn questions, and- No. This wasn’t Neil. This man was a collage of bandages and bruises, hair bathed in flame. This man was a slack jaw and blue eyes, blue like ice, like an ocean, like drowning, too much like freedom for Andrew’s comfort. ... Or, The King's Men from Andrew's POV
tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon, tw: implied/referenced csa, tw: implied/referenced self harm, tw: implied/referenced abuse, tw: violence, tw: dissociation, tw: suicidal thoughts, tw: depression, tw: blood, tw: panic attacks
Bury it deep down, keep it under your skin by All_for_the_andreil [Rated T, 2123 Words, Complete, 2023]
He only wants to jump off the roof half the time. He supposes that’s progress too. The other half he’s only thinking about it in theory. How many bones would he break? Would he die on impact, like his mother did, or would it take some time? Would he feel the pain, or would it be just pure shock? Would he laugh as he fell? -or- Andrew's life told in snippets
tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon, tw: suicidal thoughts, tw: canonical character death
Promptober 2023 by djinthehouse [Rated T, Collection, Updated Oct 2023]
Chapter 2: Falling into his reverse based on the song, The drug in me is you, by Falling in reverse
tw: referenced drug overdose, tw: canonical character death, tw: implied/referenced drug addiction, tw: violence, tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon, tw: psychological abuse, tw: gun violence, tw: murder
Chapter 4: Weak for the Boy This is based of the song, Weak by AJR it is kind of the opposite of Falling into his Reverse. 
tw: referenced nonconsensual drug use, tw: violence, tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon, tw: blood, tw: psychological abuse
drop the game by Joana789 [Rated T, 1647 Words, Complete, 2017]
Then, the pills are gone. The buzzing in his veins is gone. The too-bright colors of the world are gone, everything back to its overwhelming dullness again. Neil Josten is, startlingly, still there.
tw: implied/referenced torture
but i’ll know, i’ll know by neilpipedreamjosten10 [Rated T, 2709 Words, Incomplete, Updated Nov 2023]
After Andrew comes back from Easthaven, Neil is missing, and Andrew is the only one who remembers who he is. But Neil never left Edgar Allen. *** This takes place during TKM, a what-if? fic where Andrew returns and finds that Neil was like a figment of his imagination, but now he has to save the runaway.
tw: graphic depictions of violence, tw: referenced overdose, tw: referenced suicide, tw: nonconsensual drug use, tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon, tw: torture
Lost (I Don’t Want To Be) by Demiwitchwoodwalker [Rated T, 4564 Words, Complete, 2022]
Part 2 of Someone(s) To Stay 
Kevin didn't respond, couldn't, and he suspected Riko knew that as his next words oozed with some sort of satisfaction. "I thought I'd give you a bit of a heads up, as a… let's say Christmas present. Your precious Nathaniel's getting inked. It's a shame Jean already got three, it would've suited the little Wesninski."
tw: violence, tw: implied/referenced abuse, tw: panic attacks
NB: kandrew/developing kandreil
*tw: may include references to Andrew’s canon trauma and suicidal thoughts
Andrew's time at Easthaven meta by series author @korakos [Tumblr, 2015]
Neil didn’t make Andrew want to live. He gave Andrew a reason to give into that want. meta by @haletostilinski [Tumblr, 2016]
The Extraordinary Strength of Andrew Minyard meta by @imaginedmelody [Tumblr, 2016]
the drugs went away and neil was still the same meta by @miniyrds [Tumblr 2016]
after they pick Andrew up at Easthaven meta by @evil-diabolical-oops [Tumblr, 2016]
andrew hates neil meta by @kickfoxing [Tumblr, 2017]
can you imagine Andrew coming back from reliving weeks of abuse… meta by @boris-pavlikcvsky [Tumblr 2017]
Midnight Thoughts about Andreil meta by @saltierthanbottomofapretzelbag [Tumblr, 2018]
Was "If it means losing you, then no" the final nail in the coffin? meta by @blogaboutyafavbirdboys [Tumblr, 2019]
meta about andrew and caring and wanting things by @sinistercacophony [Tumblr, 2020]
thoughts/feelings/deeper meaning of the (rooftop keys/cigarette) scene? meta by @bloody-wonder [Tumblr, 2020]
andrew thinking that neil was just a side-effect of the drugs meta by @twirlingflurry, @buriedinbaltimore [Tumblr 2021]
how utterly, heartbreakingly sad it is that Andrew calls Neil a pipe dream meta by @fortheloveofexy [Tumblr, 2022]
“You were supposed to be a side-effect of the drugs” meta by @sepulchralblues [Tumblr, 2023]
he cannot be real, he has to be a hallucination meta by @neveranniething [Tumblr, 2023]
neil just gives andrew his bands and knives meta by @grooviestguru [Tumblr, 2023]
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in the dream I don't tell anyone (you put your head in my lap) by Fortheloveofexy [Rated T, 1850 Words, Complete, 2022, Locked]
The real Neil would never allow this, would not let himself be this vulnerable. The real Neil can barely stand to be around him. Andrew knows this. But Dream Neil? Dream Neil is a different story.
Will you be there when I come back? by Shamman [Not Rated, 299 Words, Complete, 2017]
Andrew is trapped in Easthaven with an eidetic memory and tries to focus his thoughts on the confusing image of Neil Josten's face. -Because however terrible it may look, Andrew's current circumstances are much less pleasant. Furthermore Bee has been making him sing and play the guitar in a very therapeutic attempt to make him express some sort of actual emotion over the past year.
tw: violent imagery
You Gave Me A Key And Called It Home by glintchi [Rated T, Collection, Complete, 2019]
Chapter 19: Yes, I Admit It, You Were Right [460 Words] Renee was waiting for him in the basement, fingers already taped, hair pulled back into a tuft of a rainbow ponytail.
Foxhole Tidbits by SpangleBangle [Collection Rated T/M, Updated  2018] 
Chapter 14: My Friend, O My Friend [M, 953 Words]  Prompt for Renee's reaction after Drake/Easthaven and Andrew's return.
tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon, tw: implied/referenced csa, tw: canonical character death
Did You Miss Me? by Deathandcommas [Rated G, 555 Words, Complete, 2023, Locked]
Aaron and Andrew have a late night chat after Andrew gets back from Easthaven.
tfw spoons by StrawBerryRains [Rated G, 216 Words, Complete, 2021]
Nicky offers Andrew ice cream when they arrive home from Easthaven.
A Taste of Your Own Medicine by caffeine_withdrawl [Rated M, 66454 Words, Incomplete, Updated March 2023]
Set after the infamous Thanksgiving, but then diverges from canon. Andrew and Bee decide it’s time for Andrew to come off the drugs, but works some magic so that he is allowed to do it in Columbia. Neil is tasked with helping him through it. They decide to do it the same way Andrew helped Aaron sober up, by locking him in a bathroom. Andrew doesn't react well, and switches between rage and panic. Andrew wonders if Neil is real or if he made him up because of the drugs.
tw: graphic depictions of violence, tw: body horror, tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon, tw: implied/referenced csa, tw: flashbacks, tw: implied/referenced abuse, tw: drug addiction, tw: withdrawal, tw: vomit, tw: implied/referenced self harm, tw: ptsd, tw: emotional abuse, tw: hallucinations
making it harder to breathe by Azure_Allumiia [Rated T, 1643 Words, Complete, 2021]
Christmas Break with the Foxes, featuring Andrew at Easthaven and Neil in Evermore. Foxes celebrate New Years in NYC with the ball drop.
tw: graphic depictions of violence, tw: rape/noncon, tw: medical abuse, tw: torture, tw: blood
Dead Birds by Noah98 [Rated G, 1601 Words, Complete, 2021, Locked]
Neil just got back from Evermore and Andrew has returned from Easthaven. Riko calls. He wants a rematch and oh boy does he get it.
tw: violence, tw: blood/gore
NB: just a sampling of art for this scene
“Feel Again” original song by @whatbutandreil [Tumblr, 2020]
Picking up Andrew from Easthaven part 1, part 2 comic by @coldcigarettes
andreil keys off the roof scene: animation by @hahanken | comic by @rainbowd00dles | comic by @lunapiq | art by @esklinray
I hate you comic by @thematicallycoherent
I’m not a hallucination art by @clumsyartish
Stick around long enough to figure it out for yourself. edit by @m1nyards
You are a pipe dream art by @viennemort
“you spend all this time watching our backs” edit by @matthcwboyd
not a hallucination a pipe dream art by @kryptidfox
“you were supposed to be a side effect of the drugs.” art by @planetmontressor
"Go inside and leave me alone." art by @dimsunstuff
“No, you’re a pipe dream.” art by @starkingdraws
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undertheorangetree · 1 year
Under the God's Eye
Chapter Seven- The Gala
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Summary- Secrets are revealed at the God’s Eye Gala.
Warnings- MDNI 18+ Female Reader. Lots of profanity. Alcohol consumption. Mention of edibles. Aemond being an idiot. Me continuing to know nothing about law school. Angst baby.
Author's Note- I listened to drunk walk home by mitski on repeat at the end there besties so sorry in advance. Link to the full chapter below.
Series masterlist
dividers by firefly-graphics
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“You look so beautiful,” she says, smiling as she watches Baela look herself over in the mirror.
Her friend turns to look at her, a pretty smile on her face as she turns her hips and lets the skirt flounce around her. They had retreated to the second house- the one Rhaenyra’s side of the family have been staying in- in order to prepare for the gala together. It will be her first but Baela has been to more than a handful before and has been incredibly excited to prepare them both for this one. She had only the dresses Aemond had bought for her, still hidden away in their garment bags as she was too afraid to look, but Baela had assured her that should they be entirely hideous she was more than welcome to wear one of the gowns she had brought. There were no less than five options, all designer and all gorgeous, but as she sits on the bed with Moondancer, Baela’s hairless sphynx, in her lap, she can’t help the nervousness rising in her. As if all those in Driftmark will be able to know she doesn’t belong among them through sight alone, by smell.
This is an opportunity for her just as it is for Aemond, she tries to rationalize. She would have the opportunity to network, to get to know those who already worked in the field and perhaps impress them, if the opportunity presented itself, but she can already imagine herself saying the wrong thing, ousting herself before she even has the opportunity to be apart of it all.
Baela turns back to the mirror with a huff, fiddling with the off shoulder sleeves of the blue dress. “It’s not too much?”
“I don’t think so.”
She wouldn’t know, considering she has never been to an event with a black tie dress code but this dress seems right for the occasion anyway. As have the last two but she likes how the colour of this one seems to make her skin glow, complimenting her round features.
Baela stares at herself for a long moment, eyes scrutinizing, before nodding once. She thanks whatever god is listening for that, as they had reached the final dress and she wasn’t sure what they would do if she had run out of gowns. Probably raided her sister’s room with all the determination of a soldier. She’s more than relieved that is not about to be their fate.
“Okay, now you!” Baela announces, clapping her hands and making her way toward one of the garment bags. “I’ve been dying to see this. And to see you in it. Such a fancy brand name, it has to be pretty, doesn’t it?”
She huffs out a heavy breath, feeling more nervous than excited as Baela unzips the bag and pushes it aside, pulling the dress out with a dreamy sigh. Her fingers begin scratching Moondancer’s chin quicker as she unveils the dress as if it were a bride, shimmery emerald green silk tumbling forward. Baela runs her hand along the fabric appreciatively, her mouth gaping, corners turned up as she looks from her to the dress.
“Give me my cat, you’re putting this one.”
Her eyes dart from Baela to the dress before she sighs, lifting Moondancer from her lap and handing her over to Baela. She grins as they exchange, handing her the opened garment bag as she tucks her hand under Moondancer’s belly and shoos her away. She walks obediently into the bathroom, hanging the bag on the shower curtain rod and staring at it for a moment. She doesn’t know what she had expected but she is sure it wasn’t this. It looks too expensive to wear.
Or, at least, for her to wear.
Regardless, she sighs for the third time in as many minutes before pulling her shirt over her head, undressing down to her underwear before removing the dress from the bag carefully. For a moment, she thinks it looks so fragile that a callous or ragged nail would be enough to tear it, but it feels slightly more sturdy once its in hand. The silk flows over her like water as she lets it fall over her head, tucking her arms through the thin straps and turning to face the mirror. It’s prettier than anything she has ever worn and even without the zipper pulled up, she can tell it is going to fit like a glove.
Holding both hands against her breasts to ensure that it doesn’t fall, she opens the bathroom door and waddles out. “Could you help with the zipper?”
Baela pops up from the bed happily, coming behind her to pull the zip up and clasp the small hook and eye closure at the top before stepping back. Both of her hands come up, palms pressed together, and she presses them against her lips as she smiles.
“You look like a princess.”
“You look like a princess,” she says immediately though she can’t help but think they’re both right.
"And we're going to look even prettier once we're done. You’re wearing this one, I don’t even care what the other one looks like now. You couldn’t look more perfect.”
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Read the rest here
Taglist- @backyardfolklore @docmartinis @watercolorskyy @barbieaemond @bellaisasleep @yentroucnagol @aemondsbabygirl @randomdragonfires @at-a-rax-ia @violetletovi @launotfound @helaenaluvr @solisarium @bellstwd
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silverinkbottle · 7 months
hi! hello! your velvette fic was literally amazing, i read it like at least 5 times haha! the way you write is,, wow.
anywho, i wanna request a rosie fic if that’s alright!! with a reader who’s hellborn and finds a lot of excuses to visit pride ring/cannibal town (totally not just to see rosie) bonus if reader’s a hellhound! i just really loved the way you wrote sphynx reader with velvette, animal themed demons have a soft spot in my heart ❤️ another bonus, the two are incredibly flirty with each other
thanks for your time!
A:N: Hello Anon!!! Thank you so much for the sweet request, I hope you enjoy!!
Summary: Being a Courier of Hell has it's perks; benefits, travel and sometimes the occasional yearning friendship
Warnings: Violence, Cannibalism
Flowers and Other Things
Rosie X GN!Hellhound!Reader
Word Count:3.2K
The scent of rotting meat permeated the air like a thick perfume as you let out the quietest of excited yips. It finally bloomed after months of waiting and watching as you leaned closer to the cream-colored petals of the giant orchid. The inner depths speckled with crimson as the plant seemed to shudder at your closer inspection as if wanting to welcome you inside. It was just as you suspected another carnivorous plant for the books as you hastily scribbled the observation in your notebook. However, it wouldn’t thrive in Hell with it’s slow maturity phase, it would need to be crossbred with more via-
“Taking a little break, my little Bichon?” 
The gentle address startled you from your thoughts as you sheepishly smiled embarrassed at being caught from slacking off your duties. Goods didn’t transport themselves after all in the Seven Rings of Hell. It was a dangerous job, but someone had to do it as you tucked away the small book into your pant’s pocket. Straightening your cap, you clicked your heels together in a quiet greeting as Rosie giggled in amusement. 
“Apologies, mam. It’s just that-”
“Oh my stars. It bloomed overnight, I see.” Rosie’s words cut over your own as she clapped her hands together in excitement, grabbing you by the waist to turn you back around to admire the flower. You could feel your heart leap into your throat at the gentle touch as Rosie cooed over the flower’s progress and vibrant shade. 
“No wonder you wandered into the garden, Bichon. It’s lovely!” Rosie hummed as you quietly nodded your head in agreement. It’s how your unlikely friendship started afterall. Several months ago, picking up a mail order from Cannibal Town, it was impossible to resist the urge to wander about trying to track the unique scent of the Overlord’s garden. A lush bloom of nature and greenery within the Pride Ring that could rival the hanging gardens of Gluttony. Diligently tended by the lady herself as if were her own children.
“But how did you manage to figure it out, mam. Last time it looked so..sad” You asked as Rosie’s smile brightened flashing sharp pointed teeth. 
“All it took was a little bit of positivity, my Bichon. Well, B positive. Seems the soil was a bit too dry for our delicate specimen here.” Rosie explained as the heel of her shoe dug into the brownish dirt. The small impact provoked the faintest puddle of crimson that rapidly retreated back into the earth. The bodies of Sinners had more uses than food in Cannibal Town.
“Now, come with me. I need to give you something.” Rosie insisted as she grabbed you by your paw without hesitation. Once more your heart did that stupid flip flop sensation as you tried to ignore the funny sensation, but even that didn’t stop your tail from giving the smallest of wags. 
“Oh now, don’t get anxious. You’ll like this even more than the flower.” Rosie tutted as she mistook your excitement for anxiety. Still, it was a shame as greenery was exchanged for the ceramic floors of the shop. At least it was well-lit as sunlight flitted through the glass interior as you watched Rosie rifle through various storage cabinets with a determined expression. 
“My offer still stands on helping you declutter, Miss Rosie.” 
There was a clatter of muffin tins and small decorative metal cookie designs as the Overlord swept them aside with a kick of her shoe. She was almost inside the lower cabinet as you leaned further over the counter as your ears twitched at the various noises of shifting items. A bell? Something metallic rubbing against another. A strangely enticing squeak?
“All things are worth keeping, Bichon. You never know when- Ah ha!” 
Your eyes went wide as you smelled the item before it was gently set down on the counter. She wasn’t going-, no, you couldn’t.
“I insist. Think of it as a favor for ol’ Rosie. I know you can make it thrive, Bichon.” Rosie praised as she lightly pushed the small burlap sack closer to your stunned form. Even within the protective material, you could still smell the faint metallic scent of the seedling. It’s what drew your attention to its’ parent in the first place as you and Rosie organized seeds one day. In comparison to its’ dramatic parent, the seed itself was a dull green color with a thin shell. So thin that you worried its protective coating would flake away before the plant grew enough roots to properly set in the hard earth.
“But Rosie what if-”
“It fails to thrive? Then, we’ll come up with another plan, my dear.” Rosie promised as she gently pried open your closed paw to place the small sack in it. Gentle, she was so gentle as you were forced to look anywhere but at her. 
“I’ll give it my best then.” You promised as Rosie clapped her hands together in delight at your acceptance. There was the faintest chim of the shop’s greeting bell as Rosie rushed away to make quick conversation with the new guest. The small seed package in your hand still felt warm as you quickly tucked it away into your vest pocket. Next to your thudding heart as your keen gaze watched Rosie’s exaggerated hand gestures in her explanation to the guest.
“And the poor dearie thought that violet wouldn’t clash-”
Lively. It was one of the traits you admired in the woman, her seemingly endless supply of energy as it was rare for you to see her sit down. Her heels clicked against the floor as she placed another brown package of her guest as her hand idly waved towards you. The guest raised a brow, but nodded all the same before passing a sealed letter over to the shopkeep.
“Now, don’t you worry. It’ll get there within a day or two. Hellhound Couriers haven’t failed me yet.” Rosie chirped as she ushered the guest out with a flourish of her hand. While the other grabbed the letter off the counter without a second look. 
“Where’s it going?” You asked as you opened up the satchel looped over your shoulder. Its contents were depressingly small for the effort it took to get here. Traversing through the Rings could be exhausting and expensive from the impossibly slow crowds of Sloth commuters to the bolder pickpockets of Greed. 
“The Envy Ring. Something about a scorned love affair or something. She wasn’t exactly keen on the topic.” Rosie explained with a huff as the woman was a gossip hound at heart. Even as much as she denied it, stating it was mere conversation over tea and cake with a touch of theatrics. 
“Want me to try and get more info from the other party?” You suggested with a grin.
“Oh, you know me only too well, Bichon.” Rosie praised as she handed over the letter with a knowing look. It was a fair trade in the end as you knew that she too would be benefiting from advertising your services. Currency freely exchanging hands as Sinners weren’t exactly able to travel between the Rings compared to Hellborne.  At least half of your jobs came from the Pride Ring, it would have been even more if you took on more dangerous jobs like weaponry and drugs. Yet, you had seen too many of your fellow Couriers waylaid carrying those sorts of things. No, it’s why you stuck to letters, smaller packages and other less flashy deliveries.
Alarm shot through your form like an unpleasant shock as you spied the time on the wooden grandfather clock in the corner of the shop. Has it been that long? It seemed like merely an hour had passed since your arrival to the garden.
“Shit, Rosie, I’m sorry, I need to-” Your words rambled over each other as you hastily closed up your satchel.  Rosie shook her head with a gentle look, she knew what you meant to say as you quickly dashed out the door without another word.
Somehow, it made the small seed packet feel all the warmer against your chest.
Your quaint morning didn’t last long as another client slammed their door in your face. You could easily hear the curses directed towards your unexpected news through the door. What else did the Sinner expect from a loan shark in the Greed ring, clemency?  At least it was over and done with as you stepped out onto the cracked pavement of the street. It was almost second nature now to ignore the prickling sensation on the back of your neck as eyes followed your trail. 
Hellhounds weren’t unheard of in the Pride Ring, but it was a rarer occurrence. It didn’t help that your company’s logo was stitched on the back of your blue vest ‘Hellhound Couriers. Bones, bags and bodies, we’ll fetch it all.’ in stylized block lettering. At least, the rest of the uniform wasn’t too drastic as you ran a finger over the brim of the knitted cloche hat, smoothing it out. Black slacks tailored for Hellhounds alone as the seams of the ends flared out for larger paws. 
Your grip on the satchel tightened as your path was blocked by a pair of Sinners. Now the hair on the back of your neck was raised as the one with goat-like horns picked at sharp teeth with the tip of a knife. While the other held a casual nonchalant air about him, eyes piercing like serpents, but you could see the defined outline of a gun in his coat pocket. 
“I told you Jack, it’s funny thing.” 
“Oh, is it?” The goat retorted as you took a single step back. 
“Ya, we go looking for Hellhound and lookie here. Satchel n all.”
A low growl vibrated in your throat as the would-be thieves eyed you up and down. Fuck, it wasn’t like you couldn’t fight, but it would risk the packages. That wouldn’t do at all. What would the recipient of the lover’s letter from earlier think if the sincere words were stained with blood. 
“I don’t want trouble.” You hissed through clench teeth as your ears twitched at the loud click of the gun’s safety going off. 
“Well, our associates don’t want debts. So here we are. Now be a good little doggie and hand those papers over.” The goat sinner demanded as he held out his hand, only to pull it back with a sharp scream as your teeth clamped down on flesh and bone. The sudden pull made it even easier for you to vault over the injured man.
“DON’T JUST STAND THERE, SHOOT.” The goat Sinner bleated as you could see him clutching the bleeding stubs of his pointer and index finger while his surprised associate scrambled with the gun.
A single loud crack broke through the air as you took a stuttered gasp of air. Fuck, your lungs burned even though the chase only begun. Blood blossomed over your vest as your shocked brain put two and two together, the bullet had pierced through your back and went out your chest. Hissing through the pain, you did your best to stifle the warm blood with your palm. It still dripped slowly onto the pavement as you scrambled into another alleyway. Copper hazily fogged your sense of smell as you tried to focus on anything but the wound. You needed a plan.
Another bullet thudded into the brick wall above your head as you willed your strained body to move once again. Blood, too much blood had been lost as you could feel the edges of your vision begin to flicker with black spots. Still, hope flickered in your chest as you caught sight of the familiar brass lettering of the gateway, all it was going to take was a few more steps. 
“Fuck.” The curse spilled from your lips half spoken and half in a howl as a bullet tore through your lower left leg. Your sharp nails dragged into the concrete below as you tried to pull yourself forward, even with the numbing sensation spreading throughout your body.
“Could have made this all the easier if you had given us the damn-” The goat sinner growled as you felt the cool tip of the gun brush over the tops of your ears. His words muddled as you feebly tried to shrink away from the weapon. His mocking laughter rang in your head as you weakly held on the satchel as it was ripped from your form. The noise stuttered to a halt as the pointed tip of a knife protruded from his eye, warm blood dripped onto your cold form as you could hear the soft shake of an umbrella.
“Now, now that isn’t necessary.” 
“You crazy bi-”
Another shriek pierced the air as the packed earth beneath you rumbled like a startled beast. Something wrapped around your midriff as it pulled you forward toward the gateway. You could feel the unintentional prick of thorns over your skin as the thing shuddered protectively before carefully setting you upright, still supporting you about your waist. 
Vines? You blinked rapidly trying to clear the fog from your vision as you lightly brushed over the foliage. Yes, vines as the thing shuddered as you accidentally pricked yourself on a sharp thorn allowing dark blood to drip over its’ green-brown ‘flesh’. 
“Now let’s take a look at you, looking a bit peaky, my little Bichon.”
Her gentle smile was the last thing you saw as the world was blanketed in darkness.
Soft. Warm. Too warm. You jolted upward as hot fire ripped through your chest from the exertion. Fuck, that was right, you had been shot, your sharp nails digging into your chest felt like a gentle caress compared to the throbbing muscle beneath it. 
“Now, now. Let’s not be hasty.” The gentle voice was melodic in your ears as Rosie’s hands gently removed your tensed nails and held your paws in her own. You tried to speak, but your dried lips went mute as Rosie fussed over you. Holding cool water to your lips as you eagerly wet your parched throat. The back of her hand on your forehead as she tried to gauge the potential on-set for a fever.
She was taking care of you.
In her personal quarters.
In her bed.
“I removed the bullets, don’t fret. Seems like you are already healing up from that little misadventure, lamb.” Rosie tutted as she could see your eyes bounce around the room. It was surprisingly sparsely decorated.The bed, a modest wardrobe, a single bouquet of flowers in a crystal vase on the bedside table. The vase inhabits some sort of snapdragon that flared out with bright crimson petals.
The cool sheets did little to hide your flaming face as Rosie chuckled at your poor attempt to burrow yourself further under the cotton sheets. Anything to hide the pure scalding embarrassment of the disastrous day and having to be rescued by the Overlord of all people. 
“Honestly, those interlopers must have been desperate to get after you for entering the Town uninvited. Whatever could have set them off.” Rosie questioned as you muttered an answer in a half-hearted explanation about Greed Ring loan sharks and bills.  Or well coming due problems as you got a split second glance at the material when it was thrown back at your face.
“Ruffians. The lot of them. Going after my little Bichon like that. Well, Miss Tufele and Mr.Remius were delighted to have the late lunch-in. Gave me the most lovely of little tea cakes that we’ll-”
“I am sorry for causing you problems. Miss Rosie. It’s not becoming of my -”
Your apology was cut off by a single finger against your muzzle as you went mute as commanded. Delicate, she was so gentle towards you as sharp nails brushed over your face. Treating you with as light a hand as a new sprout ready to be transplanted into the outside soil. Now a different sort of heat brushed through your fur, a slow warm ooze that started from the tips of your ears down to your toes. All because of a simple chaste kiss on your black snout as Rosie’s fingertips ghosted over your alert ears.
“Rosie, can I-” 
“Oh, sweet Bichon, even in your injured state of are all manners” Rosie teased as your tail wagged at the flirtatious inflection in her tone. Her girlish giggles were like the chimes of the most delightful bells as your lips met for a proper kiss. Short, sweet and to the point as her perfume fluttered over your form. She always did smell delightful, but now up close, it was like a banquet. Sweet smelling vanilla and the gentle notes of roses. The faintest taste of copper as you leaned in to deepen the kiss, , but at the same time you whined as your injured flesh twinged from the movement.
The sharper sound ended the kiss quickly as Rosie clucked her tongue at your hasty actions. 
“Now, there will be time for that later.”
You couldn’t help but sink dramatically into the pillows with a sigh as Rosie patted the top of your head with a chuckle.
“I promise.” Rosie muttered against the top of your ears as the sensitive things twitched from the brush of warm air against them. Still, you did as she asked and gave her a winning smile which she winked at. 
“Well, this is a change. Usually I can’t get you to sit and stay for the briefest second of calm. Always underfoot like a cat in the kitchen wanting to help me with something. Although, I do have a request, next time, show up at my doorstep unbloodied, bichon.” Rosie hummed as she flitted around the room. Opening up the window to let fresh air inside as the low rays of the sunset crept into the interior. 
“I’ll promise, Miss Rosie. Thank you..for..the..exciting day..” You promised as Rosie smiled that gentle sincere smile that made your heart flutter like a Hellhound pup over a bone.
“Think nothing of it, Bichon. Now how about a bit of tea?”
That’s how you spent the next few days. Sending apologetic letters to clients about needing to recuperate from unexpected delays. A few hesitant steps around the garden, Rosie on your arm giving encouragement. Piping hot tea and the little ginger cakes that you got to howl your praises over. Most memorable was the gentle kiss on your cheek as you left, satchel on your shoulder and a promise to come visit within the next few days.
Things were looking up in Hell.
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kitthefoxkin · 4 months
just realized your latest sunflower golden retriever moodboard was a REQUEST and I NEED ONE NOW TOO!!!!!''&3'xjnr ir
all pink sphynx cat, blue eyes and royalty theme (because us cats rule over everything else)
if you're busy or anything it's fine to ignore this!!! ^^
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pink sphynx cat with blue eyes therian/alterhuman moodboard with themes of royalty!!
THIS WAS SO FUN!!! sphynx cats are just so gorgeous, and i absolutely loved working on this board! i really hope you like it and thank you for the request my friend! /⁠ᐠ⁠。⁠ꞈ⁠。⁠ᐟ⁠\
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drawingjester00 · 2 years
I was hoping to finish by Friday but had writers block but I decided to share another small part. @jaytriesstuff
Damian had two encounters with the ghost boy yesterday. The stupid boy was plaguing his thoughts. Damian was on his way to the animal shelter he volunteered at. He almost didn't notice the little mews from the alley. He peered down the alleyway. He saw a noirette boy holding a sphynx kitten.
Damian walked down the alley. He couldn't ignore the poor cat. He hoped the stranger was willing to give it to him without a problem.
"Hey, what are you doing with that cat?"
Danny looked up. It was the rich kid from yesterday. He was in casual clothes and walking full speed towards Danny.
Danny smiled, "I heard this little guy and wanted to help. Is there a shelter nearby?"
"Yes. I'm heading there now if you want I can take the cat."
"Nah I got it you can just lead the way."
"Fine if you insist."
"The name is Danny by the way."
"Well Danny, my name is Damian."
Damian waited for Danny to walk over to him before leading the way. Two cute strangers in two days. Whatever he did to deserve this he apologizes. This was just cruel now because of the all cute normal looking guys this one low-key looked like one of his father's adoptees. The silence was weird but luckily it didn't take long to arrive at the shelter.
"I can take her. They aren't your responsibility."
"Nah I wanna make sure this little one gets the attention they need."
Damian gave him a small smile. He can admire that.
"If you fill out a volunteer form you come to the back with me," Damian handed him the form and pen, "here that way you can help."
Danny smirked, "Do you invite every cute guy with a cat to the back to help?"
"No, because I haven't found a cute guy with a cat yet."
"I have doubts but who am I to question a cute guy."
"I'm not cute and I retract my offer. I find you annoying now."
"Too late," Danny filled out the paper as the cat sat on the ledge, "there now let's get the kitty some food."
Damian scowled and grabbed the paper. He muttered under his breath as he led Danny to the back where the cages are. He grabbed another paper.
"Fill out this as best you can. It basically describes the cat and why you're here. I do need to take her to the back for a regular check-up before we feed her."
Danny gave Damian the sphynx kitten before filling out the papers. Damian brought the kitten back to the other parts of the shelter. He looked for Selina before spotting her in the supply closet.
"Selina, I have another stray cat for you."
She stepped out of the closet noticing the cat in Damian's arms, "you and both know your father or Alfred doesn't want us bringing more cats in."
"Not to adopt but he needs a check-up."
"I can sure do that. Is that cute kid your with the one who found," she checks the cat's gender, "who found her."
"He's not cute but yes. She was in the alley by Grand street. How did you know I came here with someone?"
Selina gestured to the security room, "Poor thing. Let's have a look then."
"Thanks, Selina."
Damian brought the cat to Selina's examination room before going back to Danny.
"Where's my cat?" Danny looked around frantically.
"She's fine. She's getting a check-up by the best vet," Damian smirked, "So she is your cat now."
"I mean I would like her to be."
"Aren't you only visiting Gotham? How do you plan on keeping and bringing her home?"
"Good point but I'll think of something."
"Well while you're formulating a plan you can help me take care of these guys."
Damian shows Danny the routine. They worked pretty well with one another. There were a couple of other volunteers but none of them usually talked to Damian. It was weird seeing him sorta smiley.
They were putting the last of the dogs away when Selina came out holding the cat. Danny instantly rushed over.
"You must be the one who found her. What's your name?"
"Danny Fenton ma'am. "
"Well, Danny it's a good thing you brought her in when you did any longer if the cold didn't get her starvation would have."
"Will she be okay?"
"Yes, she just needs proper food and warmth. Damian. Why don't you two take the kitten—"
Damian looked at him confused, "what?"
"Her name is Cleo, like Cleopatra except she is a cat. So it's Cleo-paw-tra."
Selina stifled a laugh and Damian groaned. This kid is a dork.
"Okay, then why don't you two take Cleo to what we call the pamper station. She's gonna need a warm bath, food, and love."
"Yes ma'am," Danny grabbed the cat then Damian's hand, "lead the way short stuff."
Damian scowled but his tan skin couldn't hide his blush. He muttered something under his breath and dragged the boy along. Selina smiled as the boys left.
Damian brought them into the pamper room. He started the warm bath and filled it with a bit of bubbles. Damian put on long thick gloves.
"What's that for?"
"These will help protect your arms. She might try to claw us when we bathe her," Damian grabbed the cat, "put on a pair."
Danny listened. It was a weird feeling but it was not any weirder than the feeling of being possessed or possessing someone. Luckily the cat seemed to enjoy the bath. The pair chatted a bit. Damian paused to think about something before looking straight at Danny.
"Have you seen a ghost boy since you came here?"
"A what?"
"Ghost. A supernatural spector."
"Nope. You must have been seeing things."
"I most definitely did not imagine a vampire-like creature fighting with a cute ghost only to be sweeped into his arms after."
Danny turned red. Damian thought his ghost half was cute. It seems to be a trend. To be fair they just met and Damian doesn't know they are the same. While his brain was malfunctioning because of the offhand compliment his pants decided to go intangible. Damian raised a brow. Danny just about completely died.
"Charming. Usually, people have dinner or a movie first before taking off their clothes."
"I can explain."
"Why don't you pull up your pants."
Danny listened, absolutely embarrassed.
Damian chuckled, "so ghost. That's an interesting choice."
"Let's not discuss this. It's embarrassing enough without you complimenting my boxer pattern."
"Mhm. She's all clean. Dry her off then put her on the heated animal bed. I'm gonna go grab her food."
Danny grabbed a towel and dried off Cleo. She was looking better already. He looked around the room spotting the beds Damian mentioned. He brought Cleo over who happily made herself comfortable. Damian came over a few moments later with wet food and a bowl of water. Before either one of them could say anything a big green dog phased through a wall.
"What the fuck."
"Damian, go grab a dog toy. I'll go grab treats."
Damian listened, running to the toy bin. Danny changed into his ghost form. Cujo growled at him.
"What's the matter, boy?"
The dog barked at him. Danny was confused. Cujo is usually a good dog. He changed into his ghost form.
"Cujo it's me. Why are you all worked up?"
Damian squeaked the dog toy. The dog didn't pay any mind to it and instead went for Cleo.
"Is this about Cleo? Aw puppy you're not being replaced, I still love you," he scratched under Cujo's chin, "who's a good boy?"
Cujo shrank to his puppy form, his tail wagging happily. Danny pet the dog for a bit before grabbing the thermos. He pops the cap and the ghost dog goes in. Fanny sighed relieved.
"So Cujo. That's a pretty unique name."
Danny jumped, "hello Uh civilian."
Damian rolled his eyes, "you know if you wanna keep your identity a secret you really should be less obvious. "
"It's not what it looks like I swear."
"Danny, relax. I'm not gonna tell anyone. I'm more embarrassed that you know that I think you're cute."
"I totally forgot you said that."
Damian groaned. Of course this would be his luck. He didn't like the look on Danny's face.
"I would turn back before someone else sees you."
"Awe you care," Danny laughed as Damian threw the toy at him, "alright no need to get violent."
Danny changed back into his normal self. He was a bit worried about Damian knowing but there isn't anything he could really do now. He would have to let Sam and Tucker know later. For now he was just gonna have fun with it.
"So you think I'm cute."
"I believe I have also told you I can kick your ass and will if I feel the want to do so."
"For the record I think you're cute too."
Danny could see the blush take over Damian's cheek. It was super cute.
"How's Cleo?"
Danny looked over. In the time it took to deal with Cujo she ate and was down for a nap. Danny petted Cleo, smiling softly. Damian scurried off to put away the dog toy. Both of them knew Damian was just trying to get away from the situation.
When Damian came back he had a big blanket.
"I don't think Cleo would appreciate being buried with that," Danny gestured to the blanket, "what's it for."
"You. She needs human contact. If you followed we have mats and stuff in the playroom so you can cuddle with her. "
Damian scurried off and Danny scooped up the cat and followed. Damian was walking fast like he was being followed by some degenerates.
"Hey slow down. I don't wanna jostle her."
Damian stopped and mumbled a sorry. He continued to lead him. They ended up in a big room full of toys, beds and cat towers.
Danny put down the kitten. Cleo took a few careful steps before going to play. Damian watched as Danny played with her. It was cute. The minute that thought popped into Damian's head he shooed it out. It doesn't matter how cute Danny is, they also just met. He can't go crazy over him yet. Then it dawned on him. He kissed Danny after being 'rescued'. Although on the cheek it was no less embarrassing.
"Hey Damian you okay looking a little red."
Damian jumped not realizing how close Danny had come to him. He socked him in his arm and muttered a shut up. Danny laughed.
"You're annoying, I regret everything now shoo." Damian pouted.
"Aww don't be like that. We both know you don't actually want me to leave. Plus you're cute when you pout."
Damian scowled, " I'm not cute! Keep it up ghost boy I'm gonna—"
"Gonna what. Kick my ass? Feed me to the dogs? Call a priest? Yeah I can escape from all those situations."
Damian huffed and crossed his arms. Danny chuckled and went back to playing with the cat. They hung out there for a while. It was approaching dinner time when Selina came in.
"Alfred called and said he wants you home for supper. "
"Are you going home now too?"
"Once Brittany comes in I can go if you want to wait for me. Does your friend need a ride?"
Danny looked away from the cat, "No ma'am."
Selina nodded, "Okay get ready to go Brittany should be here soon."
Damian acknowledged her and she left. They clean up the mess and set up Cleo temporary home. Damian seemed nervous. Danny can't think of any reason why. Damian tugged on Danny's sleeve. Danny turned and looked at him. Danny's breath got caught in his throat. He knew in his ghost form he had unnaturally green eyes but Damian's were different. The sparkled almost like a light shining through an emerald.
"I was thinking," Damian shuffled a bit uncomfortable, " maybe we can hang out again. "
"Hell yeah, " Danny handed Damian his phone, "give me your number and we can talk about it."
Damian grabbed Danny's phone. He rolled his eyes at the ghost wallpaper. He put in his name and number. He was excited. Not long after Damian and Selina left.
Danny shot Sam a text asking where they were. She texted back with a map link. He hurried over.
"You guys won't believe what just happened."
"Does it have to do with that stupid look on your face?" Sam asked as she picked off the cheese on her slice.
"This is just my regular face!"
Sam rolled her eyes, "Mhm what happened?"
"You remember the kid I saved yesterday," both teens nodded, "well I saw him again and I got his number."
Tucker choked on his pizza. Sam patted his back until he stopped. Tucker looked at Danny bewildered.
"You're telling you got a billionaire, ward of Bruce Wayne, practically a celebrity phone number."
"Oh yeah I forgot he was wealthy but yeah. He's really down to earth. He's snarky, cute, great with animals, and he was totally cool with the ghost thing."
"He was cool with getting kidnapped," Sam looked at him, "Danny you sure this is a good idea."
"No not with getting kidnapped but me being a ghost anyway there is no way—"
Tucker and Sam stood up at the same time and yelled, "he knows?"
Danny smiled sheepishly, "I wasn't planning on telling him but you know some stuff happened it was unavoidable. I'll explain later."
"Explain now!"
Danny ran through everything that happened. He started at finding the cat and ending with the phone number without leaving out a detail. Both of his friends were stunned. Danny happily stole a slice of the pie and ate. It was a good day.
Selina was quiet the first half of the ride. He knew what was coming though. As if on cue Selina lowered the music.
"So that boy. Who is he?"
"A friend."
"Just a friend?"
"As of now, yes. We just met Selina."
"Mhm. And you already gave him your number."
Damian groaned," it's not a big deal."
"So it totally has nothing to do with the fact he is exactly your type and an animal lover."
"Not going to dignify that with a comment."
Selina chuckled at her son's now red cheeks. Hopefully this boy doesn't break his heart. Dealing with heartbreak after Jon was hard and he just now got to a good place.
"Regardless, I'm in your corner. He seems like a kind kid and it's nice seeing you opening up again. I'm proud of you no matter the outcome."
"Thanks," Damian paused, "thanks mom."
It took all of Selina's willpower not to gush. Damian was the last of the kids to come around after Bruce and herself got married. She smiled and put up the music and focused on getting home.
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taldigi · 6 months
Hello good morning. I wanted to ask a question: Felix Sphynx and Felix Fathom are not the same in personality, right? I was arguing with someone who said that Felix Sphynx was a traitor just like Fathom and that he didn't really love Ladybug, but I understand that Felix didn't hate Marinette, he was just focused on his studies, the person who said that did it because the "curse" thing. But I do not believe it. I want to consult you because you are the person who knows the most about ladybug pv (I admire you a lot). This is my first time on Tumblr and my first question. Have a nice day. Thank you.
I'm very flattered, thank you!
a cool rule of thumb is that Felix Sphinx = Adrien. A lot of people really forget that Felix Sphinx is Adrien. Felix Fathom is not Adrien. Felix Sphinx is NOT Felix Fathom.
That being said, the curse has never been mentioned as part of the story. it is not in any art, in any script, in any storyboard, or in any summary. It was mentioned in ONE LINE in the artbook, and was referenced by TA on twitter (unreliable, as he has made bold-faced lied before), but the Curse is not a foundational building block for any version of the precanon story. It may have been a concept, but it did not last long enough to have an effect.
There is too much non-curse media to make the curse a canon aspect. People who accept the curse but reject Felix' (disability, Goals in becoming a doctor, love of sports, rebellious streak) to justify character opinions do not care about it and are only doing it to justify not doing so. They do not want to read about it. They do not want to know about it.
They have canon, what more do they want? Everything else is bad and unworthy of the time or effort required. They do not want to care about precanon and they never will.
What we DO have, in writing, is a story where Ladybug is Felix' personal villain, who is threatening to take away his Kwami unless he plays nice and makes himself valuable to her. He is not being fake to cure himself, he is being fake so she does not take away his friend and his ability to be chat noir.
Is S1 Marinette a "traitor" to Adrienette because she did not love Chat Noir? or S2 Adrien to Marinette because he did not love her? Is it fair to assume the same of Felix? Because that is how character development works- how stories work. Characters change. Characters grow and learn.
Felix never got to grow, he never got a story. He got a summary- a concept. You cannot judge him alone. We never got to see his story.
We got to see Adrien's- and he is worthy of adoration and affection? Dispite the cruel things he's done and the tantrums he's thrown in the name of his love for Ladybug?
But Precanon Adrien/Felix is a traitor, a manipulator, or a sexual abuser? Because he's what- uncomfortable with Marinette's pushiness? Because he has priorities?
But.. In every version of the story, he does love her or comes to love her because they are worthy of love. That is the narrative of every version of ladybug. the loyal cat and the strong bug run in a rectangle and fall in love.
The scoffing, rude, pushy-away narrative about Felix is old and tired and wrong.
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She is cute, and clumsy, and she is interested in him. Girls are a waste of time, except Marinette. Except Marinette. Except Marinette. Except Marinette. Except Marinette. Except Marinette.
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volno · 7 months
Sphynx Khajiit update - Oops
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"pfftt converting these skin textures from cbbe/sos to the vanilla body types shouldn't be that hard, right? I can bang that out in like a day to two, right?" I thought, like a fool.
Turns out that it is, in fact, a lot harder than I thought; especially after my original plan of simply baking the maps from the modded bodies onto the vanilla bodies in Blender proved not to be a viable method (it both took too long and produced baking artefacts that had to be manually cleaned up). So I've opted to doing it manually in Substance Painter, which gives better results, but takes a fair bit longer to do. But I have, at least I've learnt a bit more about the program as a result. Otherwise, I have made progress on patching the issues with the non-diffuse head textures reverting to the default textures when the player becomes a vampire (massive shout out to Papitas and their guide on NiOverrides, I legitimately can't find a better resource on it anywhere else) Progress on this hasn't been as swift as I like, and I am finding it once again difficult to work on (thanks ADHD), but this project is something I both really want to, and sort of need to, finish. As some of you know, the least year was uh, not great to put it mildly, mainly for me due to my irl situation, and I started this project when my mental health was really starting to deteriorate. But now that I'm in a better spot and my health is improving, I feel like finishing this mod will bring me some closure for that chapter of my life. So I'm gonna take it as it comes, maybe even finish some other projects first, but so help me god, this thing is getting finished eventually.
Got a little serious and emotional there at the end, huh? What can I say, the raw chicken cats bring that out in me for some reason.
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forabeatofadrum · 1 year
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Happy Wet Beast Wednesday and thank you @aroace-genderfluid-sheep, @cutestkilla and @wellbelesbian for the tags.
Speaking of beasts, I am still thinking about my Klaine Back-To-School fic. It's getting... somewhere. The fact that people liked A Sandy Situation, my Madison and More fic, helps, though. Because I was also struggling with the big romantic ending for that one and I felt kinda bad about it, but hey, people like it so maybe I am better than I give myself credit for.
I am also still trying out how to podfic. I claimed another fic for the Caught on Tape Fest that's around 500 words and I recorded it in one go. Then I listened back to it and re-recorded specific parts that I wanted to redo.
This was before I saw the tip in the Podfic thread on Discord about how you can just say a line several times in a recording and then cut out the bloopers in the editing process. That sounds easier, cause I have zero (0) experience editing audio. This is gonna be fun. This thread is a godsend. I now know how to pronounce Swithin!
(Also, while looking for a way to upload these files to my computer, I came across my audio for the Dalton Audiobook. I clicked on one, just for fun, and it started with me saying "Take 4 of Marcus simping over Michelle Wright" and... yeah.) (Me too, Marcus, if I weren't aroace.) (I didn't edit for that project, so that's why I still have no experience.)
Anyway, have different variants of me saying the word "Cute", because I am not sure which one I like the most:
This is about a sphynx cat, by the way, who are indeed cute! Some might disagree but I don't!!
I do really like recording, although I have to, like, teach myself to not cringe at myself when I listen back to it, but I am sure more people feel this. This one is kind of interesting, cause it features two characters that aren't as popular, so I never really had a voice for them in my head. I do have some attempt at a voice for Simon, Baz, Penny, Agga, Shep, Niamh, Niall and Dev, but hey! Anyway, that's where I am at. I need to stop myself from claiming another 500 words fic, though.
And now, the weather: @quizasvivamos @blurglesmurfklaine @coffeegleek @esperantoauthor @otherworldsivelivedin @caramelcoffeeaddict @sillyunicorn @bazzybelle @dragoneggos @raenestee @tectonicduck @nightimedreamersworld @urban-sith ​ @thnxforknowingme @captain-aralias @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @justgleekout @cerriddwenluna @tea-brigade @ivelovedhimthroughworse @moodandmist @whogaveyoupermission @bookish-bogwitch @confused-bi-queer @ionlydrinkhotwater @1908jmd @special-bc-ur-part-of-it @larkral @chen-chen-chen-again-chen @artsyunderstudy ​ @martsonmars ​ @facewithoutheart ​ @shrekgogurt @boyinjeans @rockitmans @bitbybitwrites @blackberrysummerblog @whatevertheweather
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canyonroads · 8 months
100 Albums // 2024
One of my resolutions for 2024 was to sit down and listen to more full albums, uninterrupted from beginning to end, with limited song-skipping. Here is where I'm compiling those albums + my thoughts on them as I go.
If you see this (which you might because Im pinning it for ease of access), you should reply or send me a message with your favorite album. I just may give it a listen! Thanks!!
How I'm choosing the albums: many of these are "I randomly found one song off this album, I've been meaning to listen to more". But some are just iconic, genre-defining albums that I know I'm doing myself a disservice by not listening to yet. But most are also blind suggestions! From friends and coworkers.
How I'm rating them: this is PERSONAL TASTE ONLYYYYYY. Some albums I acknowledge will be impossible to rate this way, but for the most part I am JUST rating based on MY taste. I'm trying to be open minded to any and all genre's but I'm aware my tastes lean indie.
1. Self-Titled - Bon Iver (2011)
Rating: 4/10
Fav Songs: Holocene, Towers, Wash
Notes: I REALLY wanted this whole album to be like "Holocene" but overall it's pretty... Meh, save a few songs. The bits I enjoyed were experimental aspects that remind me of "33 God". I will listen to that album too at some point. I haven't given up on Bon Iver, anyway.
2. Get to Heaven (Deluxe vers) - Everything Everything (2015)
Rating: 8/10
Fav Songs: The Wheel (is turning now), Only As Good as my God, Blast Doors
Notes: I absolutely LOVED this album. I've been obsessed with OAGAMG for years, and most of the album is just as good if not better. Love the post-modern, religious imagery and overall messaging. Not every song totally landed, though, which is why it's only an 8/10.
3. Nearer My God - Foxing (2018)
Rating: 6/10
Fav Songs: Nearer My God, Five Cups, Lambert
Notes: I listened to this album on a rainy Sunday morning while finishing a book, and I'd say that's the perfect way to listen to it. Solid mellow vibes and sweeping, yet gentle, instrumentals- but nothing that really knocked my socks off.
4. The Rise and Fall of a Midwest Princess - Chappell Roan (2023)
Rating: 9/10
Fav Songs: Pink Pony Club, HOT TO GO!, Red Wine Supernova
Notes: Almost a perfect album, to me. High points are danceable, low songs still catchy as fuck. One part Madonna, part Lemon Demon?? Its just great. However, I think the opening song 'FEMININOMENON' is awful. I couldn't even finish it. Only thing keeping this album from a 10/10.
5. Born in the U.S.A. - Bruce Springsteen (1984)
Rating: I can't rate this are you crazy?/10
Fav Songs: Downbound Train, No Surrender, Dancing in the Dark
Notes: I won't even try to rate this album because it's so classic and contextual. I really loved it, though- especially with an eye on the way Springsteen satirizes, critiques, yet appreciates masculinity and methods of American patriotism.
6. Fine Line - Harry Styles (2019)
Rating: 5/10
Fav Songs: Cherry, Fine Line, Adore You
Notes: Another tame background listen. A few bangers but the rest is very meh. Also included my second song skip on this entire list, which is never great. I will probably not listen to any more Harry.
7. Mystére - La Femme (2016)
Rating: 7/10
Fav Songs: Ou ve la Monde, Sphynx, Mycose
Notes: First foreign language AND rec album for an artist that I'd never listened to. Really cool stuff here, very experimental- some of it is more straightforward electronica, some of it almost 60s sounding Halloween beats, some psychedelic rock- but I really enjoyed it!
8. Put Yourself Back Together - Real Friends (2013)
Rating: 3/10
Fav Songs: Skin Deep, I've Given Up On You
Notes: Chose a short one to end January on 8, but I found this album tremendously disappointing. All in a row like this, the whininess of Real Friends REALLY starts to grate after about 3 songs. Its way beyond your usual pop punk whininess, too. By the albums end I was so grateful it was over.
9. Self-Titled - Vagabon (2019)
Rating: 7/10
Fav Songs: Flood, Full Moon in Gemini, Water Me Down
Notes: This album is very good, but the best songs are unfortunately the ones I'd already stumbled on. That isn't to say there wasn't some treasures to be found- and on continued listens, I think "In A Bind" could grow higher in my tastes. Overall, pretty damn good!
10. The Slow Rush - Tame Impala (2020)
Rating: 9/10
Fav Songs: Borderline, Breathe Deeper, On Track
Notes: GREAT album. Even the songs that don't stand out are so fucking funky, it's impossible to not groove. I listened to this while cleaning the kitchen at work and I was half-dancing through most of it. I'll listen to Currents at some point, too.
11. Pin-Up Daddy - Rett Madison (2021)
Rating: 10/10
Fav Songs: Pin-Up Daddy, God is a Woman, Fleas
Notes: Finally... a 10/10 album! Pin-Up Daddy is a song that impacted me very deeply upon first listen, and the rest of this is just as gutting. First album (of this list) to bring me to tears. Definitely not a listen-in-the-background album, Rett demands involvement in the stories.
12. You Are All I See - Active Child (2011)
Rating: 7/10
Fav Songs: Hanging On, High Priestess, You Are All I See
Notes: This album is really good- mixing R&B with 80s synth, and add this mans beautiful, Bon Iver-esque falsetto, its a dream. However, the worst bits of this album are definitely where he's trying to... *Sound* more black than he is (lol there's really no nice way to say it).
Also! This album led me to Ellie Goulding's cover of "Hanging On", and this next album...
13. Halcyon - Ellie Goulding (2012)
Rating: 1/10
Fav Songs: Hanging On
Notes: think I've avoided this album subconsciously. "Lights" is a 10/10 album for me, but this albums single "Anything Can Happen" is probably one of my most hated songs of the 2010s. Its awful. And I'm sorry to report that the rest of this album is just as bad- giving "overproduced" a new standard, losing every appealing and unique thing about "Lights". The dubstep beat running through the background of every song is SO grating and was actually starting to piss me off. The gem keeping this album from a total 0 is her cover of "Hanging On", which is very different from the original but feels like the only song that she put even an OUNCE of effort into.
14. Miss Universe - Nilüfer Yanya (2019)
Rating: 7.5/10
Fav Songs: Heavyweight Champion of the Year, Baby Blu, Safety Net
Notes: Great album that I listened to while deep-cleaning at work. Its high energy makes it good for cleaning, and I really enjoyed the pacing/content of the album breaks. Really atmospheric. Her voice is so unique and her range is just INSANE too.
15. Self-Titled - Elliott Smith (1995)
Rating: 6/10
Fav Songs: Good to Go, Needle in the Hay, The Biggest Lie
Notes: I've been meaning to get to some Elliott Smith forever- he is, after all, SO influential. I was vibing to his stuff- but nothing on this album really stood out much to me. That said- it's amazing how you can feel his influence on many other artists- Phoebe Bridgers, Frank Ocean, Bright Eyes... I especially felt that he was similar in tone to Sufjan Stevens, whom I just adore. Another great rec!
16. Self-Titled - Tracy Chapman (1988)
Rating: 💧/10
Fav Songs: Fast Car, Mountain O' Things, Talkin' Bout a Revolution
Notes: I don't know why I wasn't expecting this album to be SO political when, in my opinion, Fast Car is very political. But Tracy has a lot to say about being black, poor, a woman- not even to mention being gay. This album was trangressive and inspiring when it dropped, and it remains totally excellent.
17. Fantastic Planet - Failure (1996)
Rating: 5/10
Fav Songs: Dirty Blue Balloons, Saturday Savior
Notes: Another blind suggestion for a band I've never even heard of! Overall, very cool and super different from my usual stuff. Not totally MY vibe, but this album has a lot to offer musically. I even watched a biography video about Failure afterwards because I was so interested in their process.
This album also REALLY made me want to listen to a full Tool album, so...
18. Lateralus- TOOL (2001)
Rating: 8/10
Fav Songs: Schism, The Grudge, Reflection
Notes: This album rules. I got stoned as hell and listened to it while doing a mindless task and it feels like I really, truly heard all of the instrumental and vocal depth of Tool for the first time. Not every song captured me, but considering Tool is known for LONG songs, I'm surprised it's as engaging as it is.
19. Crimes of Passion - Pat Benetar (1980)
Rating: 5/10
Fav Songs: Wuthering Heights, Hit Me With Your Best Shot, I'm Gonna Follow You
Notes: This album is certified mid. Her cover of Wuthering Heights is inspired, and obviously Hit Me is iconic, but this album offers little else besides a few decent guitar riffs. Any given song had clunky lyrics, and this is just not as refined as I know Pat Benetar to be.
20. Caught in Still Life - VAULTS (2016)
Rating: 9/10
Fav Songs: One Last Night, Cry No More, Hurricane
Notes: Vaults basically encapsulates all my favorite musical things; electronic percussion mixed with pure instrumentals like strings, piano, harps, or chimes- plus clear, lovely vocals... It's just excellent.
21. Currents - Tame Impala (2015)
Rating: 9/10
Fav Songs: Eventually, Disciples, The Less I Know the Better
Notes: Told you I'd listen to Currents too! I liked this album a tiny bit more than The Slow Rush, I just feel like it was better put together and the flow between songs is perfect. But they are both SO good.
22. Modus Vivendi - 070 Shake (2020)
Rating: 7/10
Fav Songs: Morrow, Rocketship, The Pines
Notes: I think this is my first hiphop album of this project, which is insane. This is a good example of how the flow between songs can really make or break an album. I didn't love too many specific, individual songs- but I loved the structure as a whole which can carry a lot. I also just really enjoy 070 Shake. Her flow scratches an itch.
23. Proof of Life - Joy Oladokun (2023)
Rating: 8/10
Fav Songs: Changes, Somehow, Friends
Notes: Another album from someone I'd never heard of, and it's great! Joy was recommended to me as someone who likes Taylor Swifts 'Folklore' album. I would not say it's much like Folklore, but it was still wonderful. She has a voice like velvet and this folky, optimistic way with words. 'Changes' could have been my pandemic anthem.
24. 3.15.20 - Childish Gambino (2020)
Rating: 2/10
Fav Songs: 42.26, 35.31
Notes: (I listened to this literally days before he removed it from Spotify!) My partner reminded me of this album. Starting, I wondered to myself; "this album has been out for 4 years. Why haven't I heard any songs from it??" And the answer is; because they're bad. Like, really bad and not even in a fun way. Songs listed are listenable but I don't see myself revisiting them.
25. Strange Trails - Lord Huron (2015)
Rating: 8/10
Fav Songs: Meet Me In The Woods, The Night We Met, Fool for Love
Notes: After the last one, I wanted an album I knew would be decent so I went with Strange Trails as I'm familiar with a handful of songs. It's great! I just love the way he tells stories here. Reminiscent of old country. Redacted points for putting both 'Love Like Ghosts' and 'Meet Me In The Woods' on there. In theory, the idea of the same instrumentals with different lyrics is interesting- but in practice feels like LLG is the rough, first draft and shouldn't have been included.
26. Unreal Unearth: Unheard - Hozier (2024)
Rating: 9/10
Fav Songs: Empire Now, Too Sweet, Wildflower and Barley
Notes: Feels a bit cheat-y since I've heard almost every song off this 'album' except these new 4 added by the EP, but... I love Hozier and I wanted it to count because I listened to the whole thing like 3 times in a row. Lol.
27. Saved - Now, Now (2018)
Rating: 8/10
Fav Songs: SGL, Powder, Drive
Notes: This album is one that inspired this project, so I'm not sure why it took me so long to get to it. Now, Now has a truly unique sound that I struggle to classify, and I simply love it. Catchy, yet complex and dreamy. Not every song landed but I'll be coming back to this one for sure.
28. Sahar - Tamino (2022)
Rating: 7/10
Fav songs: The First Disciple, The Longing, Fascination
Notes: Overall, I think I like his album Amir a bit more but this ones still great, especially to throw on in the background while you're doing stuff. His music is so layered and rich, truly unique sounding. That said, I REALLY don't like "Sunflower". I've heard it a few times now and I like it less every time.
29. Spirituals - Santigold (2022)
Rating: 6/10
Fav Songs: No Paradise, Fall First, Ain't Ready
Notes: This one was a coworker recommendation. Its just okay! I appreciate how unique and difficult to genre-fy Santigold is, but I prefer some of her older stuff. This album still has some great flow and a few total gems, though.
30. Beauty Pageant - The Bobby Lees (2018)
Rating: 8/10
Fav Songs: Radiator, Mad Moth, Bobby Lee
Notes: Another coworker rec and I LOVED this album. The old-punk feel is so visceral, you could close your eyes and be in an 80s basement show. I couldn't BELIEVE how new this is. Not a casual listen for sure, but worth a quick dive if you feel like going hard.
31. Чёрный альбом - Kino (1990)
Rating: 🎸/10
Fav Songs: N/A
Notes: This was a bestie-rec but I've listened to enough Kino in the past to know it probably wasn't gonna be my vibe! And sure enough, it wasn't. I enjoyed it ok, but most of the songs just blended together for me. I spent a good chunk of time reading about Kino afterwards, though. Cool band.
32. Older - Lizzy McAlpine (2024)
Rating: 8/10
Fav Songs: Drunk Running, Staying, Broken Glass
Notes: Lizzy's album before this, "ten seconds flat" is a 10/10 album that CONSUMED my entire Spotify wrapped last year. I was cautious about this album and I'm glad for it, because it's VERY different. I still enjoyed it a lot, but to compare the two would be weird. This is a melancholy album with very few highs, a jazz-feel throughout, and features Lizzy's voice on full display. A few songs bored me to death, musically, but a lot of it also brought me to tears!
33. Apocalypse Whenever (Deluxe vers) - Bad Suns - 2022
Rating: 3/10
Fav Songs: Maybe You Saved Me, When the World was Mine
Notes: This was my first truly disappointing listen. I love Bad Suns and "Disappear Here" is an album I just BLEED for. This one falls flat in comparison, and the culprit is obvious. I'm not sure if the singer is trying to sing in a more healthy way or something, but his voice just totally lacks that indescribable *thing* he does. The special sauce, if you will. As a result every song sounds really low-energy?
34. Fade to Bluegrass (a tribute to Metallica) - Iron Horse (2003)
Rating: 7/10
Fav Songs: Nothing Else Matters, Unforgiven, Wherever I May Roam
Notes: Another coworker rec, and the concept really intrigued me. I don't even like Metallica but I'm familiar enough with them to admit these songs went hard. A few I even feel lend themselves better to the Bluegrass genre?? A really interesting listen!
35. The Tortured Poets Department (ANTHOLOGY) - Taylor Swift (2024)
Rating: 4/10
Fav Songs: I Look in People's Windows, Down Bad, The Black Dog
Notes: Certifiably mid. Does not justify being 31 effing songs long. Most of it sounds indistinguishable from one another and I feel like she has stopped refining her first drafts. Every song is so densely packed with lyrics, I wish she would just write a poetry book or something. And this low energy 'talk-singing' thing she does now sounds awful and bores you to tears by the end.
36. The Secret to Life - FIZZ (2023)
Rating: 7/10
Fav Songs: The Secret to Life, Close One, Hell of a Ride
Notes: My partner brought this supergroup to my attention because I listen to 3/4 of the members solo stuff. It's a great collab album and I LOVE the flow from song to song. Its also just a super fun listen.
37. Cure for Pain - MORPHINE (1993)
Rating: 7/10
Fav Songs: All Wrong, In Spite of Me, Thursday
Notes: Forget bands I've never listened to, this one comes from a GENRE I've never touched; jazz fusion. My extreme enjoyment really caught me off guard, but the sax is one of my favorite instruments and it shines in all forms through Morphine. The real gem, though, is the singers voice, which delivers a rich rock and roll sound.
38. Here in Your Bedroom (2020) and Medusa (2018) - Kailee Morgue
Rating(s): 8/10 & 4/10
Fav Songs: Still, Dying to Live, Knew You
Notes: These are both small EPs, so I listened to them together expecting to mostly feel the same about them. I do NOT, so rating them together feels unfair now. My bad. The earlier stuff is very early. It's not unlistenable, but it's nothing exceptional. 4/10. However, the latter is AMAZING. I adore 'Still' and I think it's one of the best songs I've heard in recent memory. 8/10.
39. Floetic - Floetry (2002)
Rating: 9/10
Fav Songs: Say Yes, Headache, Sunshine
Notes: Holy fuck I loved this album. Another blind rec from a coworker that comes in the midst of some modern rap controversy. This album beautifully blurs the lines between hiphop, rap, jazz, and R&B, and it is SO horny. The sexual tension ripping out of this album is unbelievable and excellent. A few songs kind of bored me, but not usually for long before I was whisked away to enjoyment again.
40. 12 Golden Country Greats - Ween (1996)
Rating: 3/10
Fav Songs: I'm Holding You, You Were the Fool
Notes: Another coworker rec from a guy who was VERY upset I'd never given Ween a chance. This one is tough because I can see the clear and present artistry, but Ween is just... Not for me. I listened to some of their other stuff with similar disinterest, so it isn't just the stab at country, either. However, it's still a fun album.
41. けものたちの名前 - ROTH BART BARON (2019)
Rating: 8/10
Fav Songs: Skiffle Song, 春の嵐, iki
Notes: Felt like I was due another foreign language album, so I gave ROTH BART BARON a listen. Japanese folk is always awesome. I love the almost jazz-fusion aspects of this album and it has great flow. His voice is gorgeous, and the trumpet and violin are working overtime here.
42. Sound & Color - Alabama Shakes (2015)
Rating: 4/10
Fav Songs: Gemini, Gimme All Your Love
Notes: This started off badly because I asked my followers for R&B recs, and this is decidedly a funk/soul album. Not what I was looking for, and not my vibe. The singer is AMAZING but I feel like the rest wasn't quite as good as her, and a lot of it songs sounded very similar. Objectively, I'm sure anyone who likes funk would get more out of it.
43. Indian Yard - Ya Tseen (2021)
Rating: 7/10
Fav Songs: Close the Distance, A Feeling Undefined, Light the Torch
Notes: Cool album and another blind rec. Very varied and experimental, which is what you'd expect from an artist of physical design dipping into music for the first time. I LOVED the hiphop elements, and the features were great. A few songs were kinda droning and didn't totally land. But an incredible first effort.
44. Hit Me Hard and Soft - Billie Eilish (2024)
Rating: 7/10
Notes: I probably would not have listened to this so soon after it was released if not for some friendly pestering. It's good! It's about what I expect from Billie. The slow songs are beautiful, she always captures this hollow feeling that is very special, and the fast songs are... Weird! I see the artistry, but I kinda wish there was something more surprising from Billie on this album.
45. Young, Loud, and Snotty - Dead Boys (1977)
Rating: 8/10
Fav Songs: Sonic Reducer, Down in Flames, High Tension Wire
Notes: GREAT rec from a coworker that I'm surprised I wasn't already aware of. I love classic punk, and the Dead Boys are CLASSICCCC punk. Still, they manage to capture something totally unique, too- especially in songs like High Tension Wire.
46. You're a Man Now, Boy - Raleigh Ritchie (2016)
Rating: 9/10
Fav Songs: Werld is Mine, Bloodsport '15, Keep It Simple
Notes: This was a spontaneous choice upon learning that Jacob Anderson has a music career. But boy, I don't regret it. Jacob's unique mix of trip-hop, soul, and rap create a truly incredible album. His flow is AMAZING, and his accent is so charming. Can't wait to listen to his other stuff AND he has a third dropping later this year.
47. Bigger, Better Faster, More! - 4 Non-Blondes (1992)
Rating: 8/10
Fav Songs: Morphine & Chocolate, Superfly, Pleasantly Blue
Notes: I'd never listened to 4 Non-Blondes beyond Whats Up, and obviously that was a huge mistake. I didn't realize how capable Linda Perry was at sounding exactly like Robert Plant. But their rock sound is also so wholey unique, it's not totally fair to compare them to Led Zeppelin... I wish there was more!
48. Self-Titled - The Philharmonik (2018)
Rating: 6/10
Fav Songs: Underdog, Neon Lights, Good Day
Notes: Similar notes to the Ya Tseen album, though I liked it a bit less. Good stuff, can get experimental but you really feel the album flow.
49. Disco - Kylie Minogue (2020)
Rating: 10/10
Fav Songs: Magic, Real Groove, Supernova
Notes: Was starting to wonder if I'd ever get another 10/10! I was in a random Disco mood and stumbled on "Magic", which I immediately fell in love with. Listened to this whole album and it's just magical. I've never given Kylie much thought at all, but now I think she might be genius.
50. American Hero - Towa Bird (2024)
Rating: 7.5/10
Fav Songs: This Isn't Me, Boomerang, Sorry Sorry
Notes: The first of some summer releases I've been looking forward to. AMAZING first album from Towa. Her voice is so unique, but it's obvious that she's a guitar player first and foremost. The album is almost centered around the guitar, and it's pure artistry. Can't wait for more from her.
51. iTopia - The Get Right Band (2023)
Rating: 8/10
Fav Songs: The Outrage Machine, Generation Happy or Dead, Miracle/Mess
Notes: Very topical to the 'now'. Almost too topical, because I think it works best as a single, long listen. But oh, who cares. It's a great album and you can tell the artists put a lot of thought into it. Thanks to whichever follower recommended it!
52. Nebraska - Bruce Springsteen (1982)
Rating: Once again, how do I even rate him?/10
Fav Songs: My Fathers House, Nebraska, Open All Night
Notes: Another Springsteen listen. I think I liked the overall cohesiveness of "Born in the USA" more, but "My Fathers House" quickly became a favorite Springsteen song. It's so gutting. I don't even know how to write about it. This album is very emotional.
53. The New South - Hank William Jr. (1977)
Rating: Yee Haw/10
Fav Songs: You're Gonna Change, Tennessee, Feelin' Better
Notes: Another coworker rec that I was hesitant about because HWJ is such a colossal asshole. But I'm trying not to let the rep of the artist influence my work, here. Very cool album- reminiscent of Waylon Jennings and Hank's voice is just amazing.
54. Big Ideas - Remi Wolf (2024)
Rating: 9/10
Fav Songs: Toro, Wave, Cinderella
Notes: Another highly anticipated summer release, and it doesn't disappoint. Remi is a rising star and I just love her way with words.
55. RMCM - Richy Mitch & the Coal Miners (2017)
Rating: 4/10
Fav Songs: Evergreen, Lucerne
Notes: This was a coworker rec but I was already pretty familiar with Evergreen. I wanted this album to be better but it's not offensive, either. Good for a summer morning listen but there's not anything that impressive or unique about it.
56. Stick Season - Noah Kahan (2023)
Rating: 10/10
Fav Songs: Dial Drunk, Call Your Mom, Paul Revere
Notes: I've been hearing about Noah for years, but I just never got around to him. Now I'm kicking myself for it because this album is AMAZING.
57. Blame My Ex - The Beaches (2023)
Rating: 9/10
Fav Songs: Me & Me, Edge of the Earth, Blame Brett
Notes: These girls are unrealized genius. The satire of songstress womanhood that flows through this album is incredibly smart, only overshadowed by how genuinely catchy everything is. The speed up at the beginning of Me & Me is so god damn fun.
58. DEAD ENDS AND DIVERSIONS - Raleigh Ritchie (2024)
Rating: 7/10
Fav Songs: Security, Hyperventilating, iLie
Notes: Another anticipated summer album, and the first slight disappointment. This album is still great, but it's a bit of a let down from "You're a Man Now, Boy". It also feels quite short because a lot of it is live performances of older songs. But overall, Jacob never truly misses.
59. Halo - Bakar (2023)
Rating: 7/10
Fav Songs: Facts_Situations, All Night, Hell 'n Back
60. Marigold - Pinegrove (2020)
Fav Songs: Dotted Line, No Drugs, Endless
61. Bismillah - Peter Cat Recording Co. (2019)
Fav Songs: Floated By, Remain in Me
62. Paradise State of Mind - Foster the People (2024)
Fav Songs: Lost in Space, See You in the Afterlife, Take Me Back
63. Discovery - Electric Light Orchestra (1979)
Fav Songs: Last Train to London, Don't Bring Me Down, The Diary of Horace Wimp
64. I Saw the TV Glow OST - Multiple Artists (2024)
Fav Songs: Starburned & Unkissed, Claw Machine, Psychic Wound
65. Tourist History - Two Door Cinema Club (2010)
66. This Empty Northern Hemisphere - Gregory Alan Isakov (2009)
67. Preachers Daughter - Ethel Cain (2022)
68. The Money Store - Death Grips (2012)
69. Prelude to Ecstasy - The Last Dinner Party (2024)
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meaningofaeons · 1 year
-ˋˏ✄┈┈┈┈ katze's 500 follower writing cat-baret!
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hi everyone it's katze! thank you so much for 500 followers wowie!!! (๑✪ᆺ✪๑) I'm so happy you all like my writing enough to follow, and I hope to keep writing for you for much longer!
please read below to see details of my little event to celebrate!
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event p1 - raffle!
for one (1) lucky winner, I will write a fic of your choosing! oc x character, reader x character, or character x character, whatever you wish as long as it follows my rules! this fic will be 1.5k words minimum, but may be longer depending on what you want written. you can choose whether or not I post it, too!
to enter into this raffle, please like this post and reblog both this post and my commissions post (sorry, I need to boost it somehow ;w;) I will be checking, so be sure to do all 3 tasks!
winner will be drawn on august 11th at 10pm pacific time!
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event p2 - cat cafe pick-your-prompt!
I will be writing any and all requests from the prompt list below sent starting from today until august 11th at 10pm pacific time (so you have until then to request!), so long as they follow my rules/characters I write for!
more info utc!
please format your request like the following examples! you can get creative with how you phrase it, though :3 "hi, I'd like to visit the cat cafe with (character). we want to play with a (cat color) (cat breed) cat, and we want to order (drink type) while we do." "can I go to the cafe with (character) to see a (cat color) (cat breed) cat, and order (drink type)?" and so on and so forth!
as you can see, if you are unsure of what cat breed, cat color, or drink type you'd like, there is a convenient "katze's pick" for each category! that means I'll just decide what to write for that particular area!! (for the prompts, I may pick something outside of what is provided, so if you're looking for a wildcard prompt, pick katze's pick!
here's the lists!
cat breeds: ⊹ tabby - domesticity ⊹ ragdoll - unusual proposal ⊹ persian - falling in love ⊹ british shorthair - fake dating ⊹ siamese - festival/amusement park date ⊹ american shorthair - cafe date ⊹ birman - couple fights ⊹ siberian - dreams ⊹ bombay - obliviousness ⊹ munchkin - soulmate au ⊹ ragamuffin - royalty/manhwa au ⊹ snowshoe - hanahaki au ⊹ scottish fold - actor au ⊹ bengal - "do they not know that we're together?" ⊹ himalayan - "they're so obvious and it's embarrassing." ⊹ sphynx - "please, I just need one date." "you think you can woo me with just one date?" ⊹ abyssinian - "are you going to hit me if I kiss you?" "I might if you don't." ⊹ mixed breed - "I wish this moment would last forever." ⊹ maine coon - katze's pick
cat colors: ⊹ orange - fluff ⊹ white - hurt/comfort ⊹ black - angst ⊹ tortoiseshell - katze's pick
drinks: ⊹ tea - headcanons ⊹ coffee - scenario ⊹ cider - headcanons/scenario hybrid ⊹ hot cocoa - katze's pick
I hope you all enjoy the event and have fun! I'm looking forward to your cat cafe preferences! (^≗ω≗^)
and once again, thank you for 500 followers!
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farfallasims · 1 year
dear ms farfalla we would like to know more about you :D so what's your favorite color, food, music, movie, tv show, designer brand, food type (asian, indian, Italian etc), book if you read any, hobbies, cat or dog person, fav place you've been to and also your dream vacation? hope this isn't too much lol <3<3<3
It always shocks me that people want to know more about me, but I'll happily answer your questions! Thank you for asking in the first place and being interested, I'm very flattered!
Favorite Color(s) | I love forest green, sage green, and white!
Favorite Food | Sushi. If I'm ever mad at someone, tell them to buy me sushi & I'll be a happy girl.
Favorite Music | I ADORE R&B. I love artists like Sabrina Claudio, Tanerelle, and a recent love of mine is ENNY. Such good vibes. But the polar opposite of this is that I love tropical house music, especially since it's the summer time!
Designer Brand | Louis Vuitton, but I'm biased. My diaper bag as a baby was a Louis, so I always like to think it's my mother's fault for using it! I also really love Bottega Veneta at the moment, as well as Prada.
Books | A Court of Thorns & Roses. Absolutely beautiful series if you're into fantasy romance! But ya girl also loves her men written by women books if you get what I mean...ANYWAYS
Hobbies | I love photography, reading, obviously the sims, going to the beach AT LEAST once a week, tennis, going out to eat at my favorite brunch spot, boutique shopping, etc.
Cats Or Dogs? | BOTH! I have 2 cats & a doberman!
Favorite Place | Right now my favorite place has to be the UK...I think I'm biased since it's where my boyfriend lives so seeing his home was so beautiful. My #1 place to visit though is Egypt. I'm a giant history nerd and I adore ancient mythology/history. So to be able to see the pyramids, the sphynx, etc. in person after being told stories about them would truly be me living in my own fantasy novel!
Once again, thank you for asking and I'm so flattered you wanted to know more about me!
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soulsoffairlight · 10 months
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(Hope you guys like the Sphynx pagedoll I made for Animal Flow posts, I'm gonna make a werelips one too!!)
The outline for the third and final fic in the trilogy, "Animal Flow: Break Some Stuff," is DONE!!!
And that can only mean one thing...
This project has been a self-healing, deeply personal adventure of processing and gaining an understanding of traumatic experiences in my life through the therapeutic art of projected, symbolic writing. To everyone who's come with me along the way and supported me: thank you.
I'm excited to finally bring it to a thrilling conclusion! And as a little treat due to the canceling of Muppets Mayhem, this fic will be more Zoot-focused! My personal Zoot lore for this AU will be revealed...
... stay tuned!
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corset · 1 year
Tagged by: @tanukidrill [Thank you :-)] 1. are you named after anyone? My deadname both first and middle come from prior family members, yes. As for what I intend to change my full legal name to, none of them come from someone else. The names I go by on here are kind of self evidently a yes lmao.
2. when was the last time you cried? Thursday. I don’t usually cry a lot but when I do it’s either barely noticeable or really really really bad.
3. do you have kids? No.
4. do you use sarcasm a lot? Not particularly. My style is more bluntly and dryly saying things and hoping for the best.
5. what sports do you play/have you played? I’ve done archery and weight lifting. 6. what's the first thing you notice about other people? I can’t actually tell because it’s hard to describe how I notice and experience and see people in general...I think I’m usually most immediately focused on the cadence and specifics of someone’s voice? Like how expressive they are, how loud or quiet, how fast or slow they speak, stuff like that.
7. eye color? Grey.
8. scary movies or happy endings? These things don’t really feel related to me so I can’t answer this properly. I guess I lean towards mushy crap in general though?
9. any special talents? I’m “hyperlexic” I guess (One of my only ‘autism powers’). I speak well. Uh...I’m good at figuring people out? I can draw too, but I don’t consider any of that really “special”. I honestly don’t know what special means in this context. Oh here I don’t consider this a talent but my body metabolizes alcohol so fast I speedrun the stages of being drunk. I can go from giggling to slightly hungover in just a couple of hours off the most nothing amount of alcohol. This naturally means drinking is a miserable experience for me every single time I foolishly attempt it thinking maybe something will change lmao.
10. where were you born? Florida.
11. what are your hobbies? Music, drawing, reading, video games, dolls, modding. I am Conceptually into knitting and sewing. Do cleaning and bathing count as hobbies? I’m kind of obsessed with soap and bath products and shit like that, and cleaning is relaxing for me. I also find it fun so I guess it could be a hobby of mine?
12. do you have any pets? Quaker parrot, black sphynx cat, a chihuahua/dachsund mix, and I’m about to have a goldendoodle soon. She’s supposed to be my ESA.
13. how tall are you? 5′8.
14. fave subject in school? I always liked all of my English classes growing up. Later on I enjoyed biology and chemistry and my sociology class. I dropped out before I could take psychology, but that probably also would have been one of my favorites considering how much I generally like the subject.
15. dream job? Therapist/counselor, but I’d also like to work in animal rehabilitation. 
Tagging: @namaru​ @desrocs​ @siddex​ @dragonageorigins​ @magicalemma​ @votoms @acidgirl @mavigator @senju @vashoth @3000s @kaeyagf @mortimer @jovoy @crystalis
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peachsukii · 7 months
Tabby, Tuxedo, White Cat, Tortoiseshell, Maine Coon, and Sphynx for Katsuki!
Thank you anon! I'd love to :)
Tabby: Is your f/o snuggly? Are you? If so, what are your favourite ways to cuddle?
kat: all the damn time. not that i mind anymore, i’ve gotten used to her being clingy as hell. can’t really fall asleep without her being next to me anyways, i have to drag her ass to bed and hold her all night so she doesn’t stay up watching fuckin’ tv. rei: he can deny it all he wants, but no one is cuddlier than him after a long ass work day. he’ll come home and unwind before sitting on the couch with me, bullying his way between my legs to lay on my stomach and fall asleep. i’ve had to carry his ass to bed many nights cause he’s too stubborn to move and wants to stay put! kat: …shut up. it’s comfortable, alright?! why would i use a pillow when i have you? rei: see? told ya.
Tuxedo: Do you both prefer fancy dates where you dress up, or casual dates?
kat: we’re definitely on opposite ends with that. i prefer nicer dinners as an excuse to see her in sleek black dresses and show her off. is it selfish? absolutely. do i care? no. she’s mine at the end of the day and i get to spoil her - ‘s a win win for me. rei: i love getting dressed up, but sometimes going down to the local ice cream shop and stalking around the local arcade to win random prizes with fried snacks is my favorite kind of date night. i won’t complain about nice dinners, though. have you seen him in slacks? he always looks damn good.
White Cat: Are your f/o’s eyes particularly striking to you? In what way? Do they find themselves captivated by yours, in turn?
kat: ‘course they are. hard not ta get lost in ‘em. rei: like you even have to ask - have you seen them? they’re gorgeous. especially if you catch him lost in thought, they sparkle like the reflection of a gemstone. or when he’s really fired up about something? they really shine then. kat: [turning his head away in embarrassment]
Tortoiseshell: Who has the worse temper? Can you get snippy with each other?
kat: …plead the fifth. rei: pfft, there’s your answer. it’s all outta love, though…mostly.
Maine Coon: Are you a stay at home couple, or do you like going on trips together?
kat: gettin’ out of the city is always my choice. rather be tucked away in a cabin somewhere or layin’ on a beach, unbothered and quiet. stayin’ home is fine, especially in our line of work but if it’s an option, i’m packin’ our bags and out the door with her over my shoulder. rei: agreed! couldn’t have said it better. there’s just something nice about getting away from home and the hustle of our schedules as heroes to just be…human.
Sphynx: Who prefers wearing sweaters the most? Neither, both? Do either of you knit? Would you ever wear matching sweaters?
kat: what kinda question is that? if i’m cold, i’m gonna wear a damn sweater. i fuckin’ hate the winter. we’ve worn matching christmas sweaters and that’s it - once and never again. i only did it ‘cause she made ‘em for us. rei: the only time i tried to knit something, they turned out okay! i thought it would be cute, and we were! no matter what he says. i steal most of his hoodies around the house cause i’m always cold year round, but he probably wears sweaters more in just the winter than i do all year long. he’s adamant about not being cold.
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the8thsphynx · 1 year
SPHYNX I stalk you on Twitter too and I saw your post about how a lot of River is based on Kotetsu and I got compelled to ask you: what do you think it would be like if your Fate OCs were in the Tiger & Bunny universe?? How chaotic or how well do you think they'd work??
And oh jesus christ, this is the perfect question to trap me.
(long-ish post ahead)
You know, it's kind of funny. With them being mages and Heroic Spirits, I wouldn't be surprised if most people in Tiger and Bunny verse would just assume they're NEXTs. So they'd probably blend in well, but--
Instant uncanny valley with Kotetsu and them being basically the same person (bc again, I based the guy off him.)
''And where did this other dog come from? Who is he???'
BUT, they click and become friends with no hesitation.
Also relating with the 'being in love with a long haired, tragic twunk with pretty green eyes'.
Also becomes bros with Antonio, resulting in the Kotetsu-Antonio-River three-way bromance of alcohol and partying and non-toxic masculinity.
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-Alt Alcides
Don't do that to Barnaby. Don't do that to Ryan. Don't to that to Keith. Don't put them in danger like that.
Maybe good for Ivan, Karina, Lara, and Pao Lin? Second Mom Figure.
It's Fucking Heracles™. The Hero of Heroes. The Champion of Legend. This is her Department. She invented the job.
'Oh wow, you have a dead spouse TOO? Wow that's so crazyyyyy.'
She's Going to Bully Everyone, Oh God Get Her Out of Here it'd be funny af tho, specifically she's going to upstage everyone in ways that are gonna land everyone a bonus therapy session.
Alcides thinks she's being friendly and sisterly, but actually she's lowering everyone's self-esteem exponentially.
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Would live to torment Yuri. Would find out he's Lunatic in like two seconds and exploit it.
'Hey girl, I got a ticket for doing 70 in the city for the work you fucked up on, and I need you to get me out of it, thanks bestiiiieeeee~'
Actually, because she's unhinged, she would just devote herself to finding the secret identities of everyone and would probably get it all in like one day. Because she hates not being to know anything, even if it's not her business... You know... assassin, and all that.
She's gonna Target Steal everyone. And be very annoying about it. Get her OUT.
...Actually if EMIYA is there then everyone stands a chance. Maybe. Let's put EMIYA in there for everyone's sake.
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The only people she has any capacity to tolerate is Nathan and Yuri.
Finds out Yuri is Lunatic (courtesy of Brier) and has mad respect for him, just wishes his vetting system was a bit more fine tuned and that he wasn't going out of his way and wasting time to obstruct the heroes.
'I'm uncomfortable with how much the bull guy reminds me of my husband. Get him away from me.'
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LOVES Antonio because of the fact that he reminds him of his dad.
Actually loves all of the heroes. Much to Fakkir's chagrin he even wants to join the Hero Academy, but his 'powers' (magecraft) is so niche in terms of superheroes that he'd have a rough time in most situations like Ivan.
He'll sneak off and get involved with the Heroes' missions, which ends up putting him in a lot of trouble, but he loves the adventure.
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