#thanks again for the ask bestie!! ily
leonsliga · 2 years
Thanks for asking Mon <3
🐶: I’m a dog person, and it’s not even close! I was lucky enough to grow up around 2 incredibly sweet pups in my lifetime—one we had when I was in elementary school and another we’ve had since my senior year of high school. Cats and I have a poor track record; one of my housemates has one and he and I are mortal enemies 🤣 the little spawn of satan has a history of peeing on my bed and pooping on the apartment floor when left unchecked, so he and I don’t exactly see eye-to-eye lol. And idk…I’ve just always felt like cats are more in it for themselves. Plus, my husky-lab mix Rex is a complete angel. He just wants to cuddle and ambush you with kisses. What’s not to love? 🥰🥹
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As you can see, he is beauty, he is grace. He is perfect in every way. I rest my case.
(In case you’re wondering, the last pic was taken when I was giving him belly rubs…look at his little fangs!! 🥺)
🎵: the last song I listened to was Muñecas by TINI. I blame Rodrigo De Paul’s story completely 🤣 but it’s a banger and I recommend
💎: promise you won’t laugh too hard? My most prized possession is my pig stuffie Maggie. I’ve had her since I was like 7 and she’s from the first vacation/holiday I really remember (to Duck, North Carolina). She was by my side when I was growing up and she was there in the hard times, so she’ll always be special to me. She’s very worn now, so she isn’t even pink anymore, but that’s only because she was (and is) so well-loved.
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terristre · 1 year
MIGHT I. Request. That you draw Idia smiling and giggling and enjoying himself very much while holding up a cat or even several :)
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vasattope · 1 year
hi raq 🤍🤍🤍 hope your day is amazing !!🎶✨️when u get this u have to put 5 songs u actually listen to, publish,then send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool)🎶✨️
Hi Swan!! Today I'm working from home with my cats to keep me company so my day has been wonderful so far 😊
Here are 5 more songs I vibe with:
Why'd you only call me when you're high by Arctic Monkeys
Stockholm syndrome by One Direction
Por mi tripa by Pereza
Perfect lie by Ashton Irwin
One more night by Maroon 5
Hope you too have a great day! 💜
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pullhisteeth · 1 year
Hi, lovely! Just wanted to drop by and say that I miss you and your amazing writing 🥹🧡 I understand if you're taking a break or stepping away from the app, but if you're up for it, I was wondering if I could drop in a request? No pressure at all! I REALLY love the way you write fluffy and angsty fics so I was wondering if you could write about a besties-to-lovers with Eddie where he asks the reader for help with asking a different girl out, without knowing about reader's feelings for him...and then along the way he realizes his feelings for the reader hehe and maybe a lil sprinkle of jealous!Eddie too 😎 Ily and I hope you're doing okay! 🩷🩷🩷
hi my love! this is the sweetest message thank you - not taking an intentional break, just busy as anything. work’s been my whole life the past couple weeks (today is actually my first day off in like a month) and what with that and trying to eat/sleep/speak to other human beings I am …… deceased
it’s so kind of you to say hello! I loved writing your request, it was a nice break for my brain and it felt good to get back into it. ♡ love you!
contains hurt/comfort, angst, fluff. tried to get some jealous!eddie in there for you :-)
Eddie looks pretty like this.
He’s sitting at your desk in the library. You’re not sure why he’s here, though that wasn’t your first thought when you spotted him on your way over. He’s hunched over slightly, unruly hair keeping his face hidden, but it’s catching the light of the afternoon sun just right and it’s glowing a blushing golden and the flutters in your gut are relentless.
“Hey,” you murmur, wary of both startling him, and the strict Hawkins Library warden who likes to shush people like it’s a sport. Regardless he starts, shoulders jumping and face whipping up and around to look at you with wide, surprised eyes that soften when he realises who you are.
“Hi, sugar,” he says, voice ebbing as he notices how loud he’s being. He looks around quickly, just in case he’s about to get scolded, before looking back up at you and beaming. It doesn’t fool you, though; his presence here coupled with the sheen of anxiety behind his eyes gives him away.
“What’re you doing here?” you ask, setting your backpack down on the table and taking the seat opposite him.
He begins fiddling with his ring again and diverts his eye. He’s nervous and you want to know how to fix it more than you wish to let on.
You hum an encouraging noise when he says nothing, sliding textbooks out of your bag along with your pens.
“I, uh… I need your help,” he says warily.
“Oh? With what?”
“I want to, uh… I wanna ask Tara out,” he says, and the words come out in one quick breath, his eyes still on his hands. “But I dunno how.”
You’re quiet, busy hands halting with a book halfway open. You look at him, mouth agape, for a second too long - he looks up after a beat and catches you before you have the sense to close it.
“Please?” he begs, those eyes like a puppy dog, wide and brown and far too lovable. “I’d take her to the Hawk but she’s- Man, she’s way too cool, it’s intimidating, and I really wanna impress her, you know? And I think the Hawk’ll be too busy on Friday ‘cause I know that new movie’s out that all the kids wanna see, so what if-”
“Okay,” you say. You’re sharp, voice like a whip, cutting him off before he derails.
He looks at you blankly for a second before saying, “Really? Shit, thank you.”
You look down at the books in front of you, eyes on the printed pages but taking nothing in. “Take her to the Garage,” you tell him quietly.
“The Garage,” you repeat, closing the textbook and piling it on top of the others to return them to your bag. “It’s on the east side, on the road out.”
“Yeah, I know where the Garage is, but- Wait, are you headin’ out already? You just got here.”
“Don’t feel like studying,” you say flatly. “The Garage is cool. Rob took me there once. Tara’d love it.”
“Hey, hey-” His restless hands reach over to grip your wrist, to stop you moving, but you’re slippery and quick and far too determined on leaving. “You don’t have to leave, I’ll leave you alone. Your exam’s next week, I don’t wanna-”
“It’s fine, Eddie, I’ll study tomorrow.”
“See you around,” you say quickly, tugging on the zipper on your bag and standing so fast it makes your head spin. You can hear him protesting behind you but it’s no use - the only place you want to be right now is home.
Eddie doesn’t call that evening. He doesn’t call the next day either, or the two following that. You float between your bed, the fridge and various shifts at work without so much as daring to call him yourself, though you lie awake at night and worry you’ve done something terrible, something earth-shatteringly cruel by leaving him like you did. Something so bad that twelve years of friendship is lost forever.
“Maybe it’s better like this,” you tell Nancy over the phone. It’s Thursday night, four days until your exam, and you haven’t spoken to Eddie since Sunday. “I was gonna spend forever like that. Maybe now I can move on or somethin’.”
“We both know you’re not going to move on,” she tells you. You groan, turning over onto your back to stare at your bedroom ceiling. Your bed is like a rotten pit, unmade for nearly a week and the past five days’ dirty (and clean) laundry is littered all over the top of the comforter. “And you shouldn’t. You’d just be hiding from your feelings.”
“I hate you,” you tell her, though the way your voice comes out through your smile deceives you. “You always sound so wise, how is that?”
“I am wise,” she says, smiling too. “And I’m wise enough to know that Eddie feels the same, even if he doesn’t realise it yet. Apparently I’ve got the brains for both of us, ‘cause he’s a bit dumb like that sometimes.”
“I wish he wasn’t,” you whine, “I can’t get the image of him and Tara outta my head.”
“I can go, if you want,” she says.
“I can take Rob to the Garage on Friday, keep an eye on stuff.”
“Shit, would you?”
“Yeah, why not? What’re you doing that night anyway?”
“Dunno,” you say, morose, “Probably heading to the library again.”
“Okay,” she says sympathetically. “You’re gonna smash this exam, you know that, right?”
“Doesn’t feel like it,” you grumble.”
“Well I know you will. And then Indiana State’ll have the best biologist known to man on their campus.”
“Funny,” you say.
“I’m wise and funny? You’re kind tonight.”
“I’m gonna go, Nance.”
“Okay,” she says, laughing. “I’ll call on Saturday, okay? And please eat some dinner.”
“Okay,” you reply, hanging up. You balance the receiver back on its stand and roll back over, willing the tears back when you feel them roll down your temples.
Friday nights are your favourite nights at the library.
Who else spends the one designated social evening of the week in a room designed for quiet? You, apparently, alongside two old ladies knitting in the comfy corner, and a kid who looks like he might be home from college for the holidays. You’re settled at your usual desk with textbooks and papers scattered everywhere - the tabletop, the chair next to you, the floor. You’ve been here for hours, pouring over all of your work, oblivious to most of the minimal movement and chatter happening in the room.
You’ve got a tape in your Walkman - classical, one your dad found at the record store downtown - so you feel Eddie before you see him. He startles you, his wide hand on your shoulder, and you jump, pulling your headphones down.
“Fucking hell,” you breathe, your heart beating a mile a minute. You twist in your seat and put your pen down, looking up at him. You couldn't worry about the warden if you tried, far too enamoured by him despite everything. “What the fuck are you doing here?”
He’s hovering over you, his hair a mess and cheeks flushed pink. You notice he has his nice shirt on - a deep blue, so dark it’s almost black - and his lips are rosy.
“Tara needed the bathroom on the way home, this was the closest place. How’s it going?”
There’s a lilt to his voice that churns your stomach. It’s the one he gets at parties, or that night just before your birthday when the two of you drank wine in his living room and didn’t sleep until six in the morning.
He’s been drinking and, judging by the smell lingering on his clothes, smoking, too, and his smile and the pink blooming over his cheeks only makes the churning worse.
“Fine,” you tell him. “Was in the zone, sorry.”
“No,” he breathes, finally backing away. You fill your lungs and watch him as he rounds the table. His eyes keep moving from you to the door across the room, presumably watching for her. “I interrupted you, ‘m’sorry.”
“It’s fine.”
“Gotta run,” he says, face brightening in a way that makes you want to vomit. You turn back around and see Tara in the doorway, waving, beaming. “Don’t work too hard, please? Get some sleep. And eat something- Have you eaten at all today?”
He’s standing a foot or two from the table now, but he stops as he asks you this.
“Uh,” you look down at your watch. 12:07am. “I had lunch.”
“Shit, you need’ta eat something. Please.”
“Okay, Eds. I’ll have some toast when I get home. Have a nice night.”
“You’ve got this,” he says, and it’s here that the silly smile on his face falters. He still hasn’t moved, and you can see Tara looking over, watching. He’s looking at you and something breaks - his smile drops completely and his eyes go all sad and weird.
“What?” you ask, unamused.
“Nothing,” he says. “Nothing. Get some sleep okay? See you later.”
He turns and walks across to the exit, and you watch him leave. He’s slow and slumped, like someone’s just delivered bad news.
You head out fifteen minutes later, and chew unhappily on three slices of toast before you get to bed.
Studying until late is never a good idea.
You’re hopping around your bedroom, pulling stockings up your legs and praying to anything holy that the traffic on your way into work isn’t too bad.
“I know this isn’t really what you wanted to hear,” Nancy’s saying sadly. You’ve got the receiver propped between your cheek and your shoulder as you stumble around and stretch the cord within an inch of its life. “They just… It really did look like they were having fun.”
“He came to see me at the library,” you tell her breathlessly, desperate to think of anything but Eddie and Tara playing pool and laughing like lovedrunk teenagers
“What? When? Last night?”
“Yeah, said she needed a piss on the way home.” You stop hopping, both stockings finally in place, and take the phone in your hand. “He was really weird, actually.”
“Weird how?”
“I dunno. He seemed happy, but then he got all sad.”
“Did you tell him off?” she asks, faux-stern.
“No,” you tell her, “just told him I’d have dinner, and to have a good night.”
She hums, and you look at the clock.
“Shit, Nance, I’m sorry, I really gotta go, I’m gonna be so late-”
“No, no, you go, I’ll see you soon. And good luck on Monday, yeah? I know you’ll ace it.” -
Your body takes you to the library like it’s on auto-pilot or something. You finished the entrance exam three hours ago, and though it seemed to go okay, you daren’t be too optimistic. You’d hovered around town for a while, eating ice cream and watching birds, before your feet walked you right here: your desk on the first floor of Hawkins Library.
It’s here that you’ve been sitting for an hour or so, flicking through novels but finding no interest in the words on the page. Your brain is melted from a near-fatal combination overworking and overthinking, and without an exam to worry about, the latter is now the one clocking overtime.
You can’t get the picture of Eddie’s face out of your head. His eyes had been so sad, his face drooping like the dawning of some cruel realisation. The way he’d walked out of the room had matched it, sorrowful and curled over.
Worst of all, he hasn’t called.
There’s only two reasons you can think of. Firstly, he’s busy calling Tara instead of you. He’s telling her about his day, spinning new inside jokes and letting her hear his pretty laugh.
Or second: he doesn’t want to talk to you anymore. You’re too cold, flat, uninteresting. Tara is cool.
There is a third possibility that you daren’t think about for the sake of your own heart: that both are true.
You slam the hardback in your hands shut and place it roughly on the table.
“Woah, was it that bad?”
You look up and find Eddie standing across from you, precisely where he’d been that moment something had changed on Friday. He’s far less put together now, dressed in his usual bedraggled jacket and jeans.
He laughs as you stare at him. After a minute, he takes the seat opposite and pulls the book towards himself.
“Weird choice for you, sugar.”
“Quiet,” you tell him in a whisper, nodding to your right where the warden is circling.
“Sorry,” he whispers back with a smile. “What’re you still doing here? Wasn’t the exam this morning?”
“I like it here,” you tell him. A half-truth - you do, but you’d really rather be anywhere else right now.
“Right,” he says, clearly not buying it. “And how’d it go?”
You shrug. “Okay, I think. I hope.”
“You’re the smartest person I know. You’ll do great.”
“I wish people would stop saying that,” you say, looking out of the window to your left.
“What? That you’re smart?”
“That I’ll ace it. I have no idea.”
“No, you don’t,” he says. “But you’ve definitely got a better idea than me.”
“What’s that mean?” you ask, turning back to look at him.
“I just… You’ve got more brains than me, that’s all.”
He’s fiddling with his rings again, eyes trained on the tentative movements of his fingers rather than you. It gives you a chance to take in his face properly: tired, sallow, unhappy.
“How was Friday?” you chance. He shrugs. “Just okay?”
“Fine, yeah,” he says, voice flat and unfeeling. “Had fun, ‘til we came here.”
Your instinct is to be offended. You didn’t say anything cruel or unwarranted; in fact you barely said a thing at all. How could you have ruined the evening?
“Tara, she, uh… She said bye when we left. I was walkin’ her home, only stopped here for the can, I mean- You know we’re miles from the park, took me forever to get back to mine. Thought, y’know…” You hum so he doesn’t have to utter the inevitable and break your heart.
“What happened?” you ask softly, hands on the table in front of you like an offering.
He looks troubled, truly, and it hurts - you may have gone a week without contact, the longest since he went on a fishing trip with Wayne when you were both 18, but he’s your best friend, and his pain is your pain.
He closes his eyes tight and sucks in a breath.
“When we left, she said… She told me I need to ‘really think about things’, which made no sense to me at the time, I guess ‘cause I was, like, 4 whiskey sours in and we’d smoked on the way over, and then she used the payphone outside to call a cab so I waited with her and walked home, and the next morning I realised what she meant.”
You look at him with nothing to say. He takes another deep breath.
“She probably saw me over here with you, y’know, and I’m sure to other people we seem pretty… Comfortable. And then you said you hadn’t eaten, and you looked so tired, I- All I wanted to do was take you home and make you dinner. And then the next morning, and, like, all weekend, all I could think was that one day some other guy’d be doin’ that for you, some college guy or somethin’, and I’d have to watch, ‘cause you’re my friend.”
“Eddie, I don’t understand.”
You’re genuinely bewildered. He’s still whispering, or at least talking in a low voice, and at multiple points during the past five minutes you thought you’d completely misheard him. It’s definitely your Eddie sitting opposite you - he has a tendency to be a little dramatic, and this is certainly that - but he’s never been so brashly honest like this with you before.
“I had fun with Tara, really, but… I realised I’d spent all night thinking about how much better it’d have been if you’d been there.”
You can feel the flush like fire up your neck and across your cheeks. Your palms are clammy so you pull them inwards, back towards yourself, to save yourself the embarrassment.
“I think I need to get some air,” you say, standing and leaving without waiting for him.
You hear him behind you as you descend the stairs and push the clunky glass door open. You’re met with a wall of cold air and you breathe a heaving sigh as you stand in its frost.
The door opens again only a few seconds later, and you turn to face your friend.
“Eddie,” you begin, “I need to know that you’re telling me what I think you’re telling me.”
“You left your coat,” is all he says, handing you the jacket. You don’t move, too stunned, so he steps behind you and you let him manipulate your arms into the sleeves like a sullen child.
“Eddie,” you bite, impatient and frustrated.
“Yeah,” he breathes behind you. When the coat’s on, he squeezes your shoulders, and you round on him.
“Please just tell me what the fuck is going-”
“I think I love you,” he says, louder than you. It’s a declaration, said without hesitation or subtlety. It’s so confidently loud that a couple of people leaving the library turn to look.
“It shouldn’t have taken me taking someone else out to realise it, but fuck, once I did I couldn’t stop thinking about it. I guess ‘cause we see each other all the time I never really questioned why I think about you so often, or whatever, but… I wanted to take you home and make you dinner on Friday, make sure you got some sleep, fuckin’ look after you. Made me feel dumb as hell because you’re not a kid or anythin’, but I just want you to be okay.”
You’re not sure when you started crying. Maybe it was as early as the declaration itself, but you know that by the time he told you he wants to take care of you, tears were rolling over your cheeks, unstoppable and filled with elation.
“Shit,” Eddie whispers, stepping toward you without thinking, reaching out to hold you somehow. He settles for a hand on your upper arm, almost at your shoulder. “Fuck, I’m sorry, please don’t cry, I-”
“It’s fine, I’m okay, I’m, uh- I’m happy,” you say, giggling, your tears making it wetter, thicker. “They’re happy tears.”
“Oh, good,” he breathes, shoulders sloping. You spot the beginning of a grin through cloudy vision. “Thank god.”
While you wipe your face with the sleeve of your jumper, Eddie’s hand moves from your shoulder and to your neck. You feel the heavy weight of him pressing there, not threatening but a comfort. It forces you closer, until you’re both looking at each other and laughing.
“The exam went really well,” you tell him. “Honest.”
“I knew it would,” he says, curling a finger behind your ear to move a piece of hair from your face. “You’re gonna kill it at college.”
“I’ll miss you. And everyone else.”
“We’re not going anywhere any time soon,” he says softly, fingers dancing until he’s cradling your face. His other hand is stuffed in his pocket, and you’re close enough that you can reach in and grasp it, pulling it out so you can wind your fingers between his. He looks down and smiles.
“Can I kiss you?” he asks. It’s almost a whisper and you almost miss it - almost. “For the exam, I mean. You did well, y’deserve a kiss.”
“Sure,” you say, laughing again. “For the exam, yeah.”
He chuckles before dipping his head just enough. You lift up to meet him halfway and he presses his lips to yours, firm but quick.
“Again,” you breathe, and he doesn’t ask questions. He bows again and kisses you, his force solid and homely. You kiss him back, breathless and keening.He’s warm and you want to take, take, take. You only stop when the door opens behind you again, creaking and followed by quick footsteps as someone else leaves.
Eddie kisses your nose and says, “Shit, you’re cold.”
“Can we go home?”
“No,” he says, and before you can finish protesting, he adds, “We have to celebrate. You’re done with studying! Let’s go get milkshakes or something.”
You wrinkle your nose, determined that you won’t be going to the diner you work in. “How about pizza?”
“Whatever you want, smartie pants.”
You physically bristle at the petname, cheeks flushing again despite the chill. Eddie’s arm settles around your shoulders and squeezes as he kisses your temple.
You stop walking once you reach the end of the block. He stops with you and turns to look at you without dropping your hand.
"I think I love you too, by the way," you tell him. "I didn't say- Back there, I should've said it. I- Well, I know I love you."
He smiles - beams - at your return of his declaration. He squeezes your hand in his and tugs.
"C'mon, pretty girl. Let's go."
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greg-montgomery · 1 year
hey fay! I hope you're having a beautiful mornin
I am here to request like SWOONING hotch, touchstarved, red-cheeked, brain shortcircuited hotch, who is left a puddle by reader's lingering touches at the office.
I feel like if y/n was the type to just grab him by the hand when they need to show him something, the type to cradle the back of his head with their hand whenever they pull him in for their signature hugs, the type to casually doze off on HIS SHOULDER 😳🚨 he would simply be putty in their hands, he's just enamoured every time they open their mouth and say HIS NAME? HIS? and if they gave him his very own nickname like not even aaron not hotch but a personal nickname because THEY think about HIM enough to think he needs his own special word (personally I imagine they call him beam and he never knows why - but its bc when he smiles, like really smiles that gorgeous face thats nothing but smile lines and dimples ear-to-ear, he's beaming, he's a beamer, its just what he does. I. dont make the rules).
basically i would love to just read about lovely little hotch to get butterflies and blush and be enamoured by somebody, and of course reader is clueless bc they think thats just how he is but NO when they touch him he feels sparks and he'll follow them like a magnet, its this force they have on him, he's just a willing participant in any aspect of their life they're willing to let him see.
i would totally get if this was not your vibe or not something you want to write/elaborate on but GOD i need more swooning hotch in my life
bestie i'm embarassing late to this 😭 you're just so sweet - if you read this pls tell me you saw it lmfao <3 ily
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
Hearing the sound of his first name coming from your lips made him pause for a second. Impatient from watching him standing there frozen, you grabbed his hand and pulled him towards the direction you wanted his attention at.
“Come on, look at this. I found his son’s drawings. This could give us some insight of what their relationship looks like,” you explained, but Aaron was unable to pay any attention to your words, as your hand was still holding his.
“Beam, are you listening to me?”
Here goes that nickname again, he thought. He would sell his soul to find out what that nickname meant. He had asked you about it before, but your only response was a sneaky smile. A smile he would do anything for.
“Sorry,” he said. “I was distracted.”
“That’s okay,” you answered, softly. “I know our last case was tough and we jumped into the next one without having a chance to recover first.”
Aaron was grateful you assumed that the cause of his distraction was the last case and not your beautiful face, and even though you weren’t necessarily correct, his heart still melted at your comforting words.
“Yeah,” he simply said, and nodded.
“Well, you can always talk to me if you want. You know that, right?”
“I know.”
You wrapped up the case quickly so you flied back home that same night. Everyone on the jet was already asleep, except for the two of you.
Aaron was lucky enough to have been chosen as the one you sat next to, and his heart hadn’t calmed down for a second.
He felt embarrassed by the feeling of butterflies in his stomach just because his crush sat next to him, but he was glad his heart could still feel those emotions.
“Can I?” you sweet voice interrupted his thoughts.
As he turned to look at you, he saw you pointing at his shoulder; you were asking for permission to fall asleep on him. As if he’d ever say no to you.
“Of course you can,” he said, almost breathless.
“Thank you, beamy,” you grinned as you let your head fall on his shoulder, and it was impossible for him not to smile too.
His smile grew bigger when you turned your head slightly to look up at him.
“That’s why you’re my beam,” you whispered.
“Everyone says you never smile, but I see you smile all the time. And when you do you’re just beaming. You light up the whole room, no joke.”
“Stop,” he laughed, unable to keep his cheeks from blushing.
“It’s true!”
“You’re usually the reason why,” he admitted.
His words got you shy, he could tell, but you wrapped your arm around him and snuggled closer in the crook of his neck. “That’s the biggest compliment I’ve ever been given,” you mumbled against his neck.
Aaron breathed out a laugh, and it was his turn to wrap his arms around you, making sure there was not even an inch of space between your bodies.
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thelunarsystemwrites · 5 months
200 259 followers DTIYS!!
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Finally after FAR too long debating, I finally drew up a DTIYS!! It was originally supposed to be for 200 followers, but uh... a little late!
Before I get into any rules or anything, I just- I gotta thank some people. People like my Twin, and platonic spouse aren't on Tumblr, BUT!
@tobi-draws a best friend and, honestly family to me. You might not have any idea how much your writing has helped me get through life, but it has. Any time you've updated is a good time for me! you're incredibly talented and I am honored to be your friend!! Ily!! /fam!
And of course Argos!! @childofthest4rzz my sib!! Sis? (I'll ask later??) My bestie in every RP and literally like the brightest person ever, ilysm to the sun and back!
And, my mum here @inka-boi congratulations on 269+ followers!!! I wish I had entered your DTIYS, but I'm so happy so many other people did, you deserve it!!
And @dtdrawz you are, very very cool. Very awesome, I like it, we vibing. Literally I look up to your art, it actually was the reason I drew this specifically! 😎
@absurdumsid AHGHGHGHH YOUR ART- I am super duper glad we got to work on UTMV agereverse farm sans together, and I am INCREDIBLY grateful I got to talk to you about my experiences as a system, thank you!
@pepsifvcker23 hey you! You're awesome! I'm literally so happy we're friends!! Your writing is NOM! /pos!
@pixieperson19 <- we love Angst. We thrive off it. We enjoy it together. 🥰 /p
@zombiestar1934 RAAAAHH!! >:3 /vvpos
THERE'S SO MANY PEOPLE I DIDN'T MENTION I'M SORRY, THE LIST WOULD BE SO LONG- @jazzy-jazzz @screwnames-ihatenames @annabel184 @denieatsart @italic-doing-random-shit @largefound @ant1quarian @the-second-reason @n1ght-sh4d3 @fell-is-suffering @kiyo-void @iatetheglue @inkcat1987 @axinfinity @fruityfroggyfelon AND LITERALLY ALL MY MOOTS YOU ARE ALL SO SPECTACULAR!!!
*Deep breath*
With that put of the way! Rules!
Tag me!
You may change the pose, but he must be sleeping.
The crown has to stay the same.
You may add your own touches if you wish, as long as the vibe is the same. This includes adding accessories.
The lighting is not important and doesn't have to be included.
You may add other facądetale characters if you wish.
Have fun with it!
Prizes are uh, I am going to TRY and provide them! Keep in mind, as of right now I have no decided deadline! I'll make a post later on going into more depth about prizes, and the deadline! (It's gonna be atleast a few months)
Once again... thank you all. I've struggled a lot, I still do. But to all my followers, thank you. I never thought I get this far, it's Lunartastic! Everyone I'm sending good vibes your way!! Have a wonderful time, and thank you!
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sagesolsticewrites · 7 months
Sundress (Anthony Boyle x Reader)
In which date night takes a turn when Anthony sees the outfit you’ve chosen
Special thanks to my bestie @winniemaywebber for this idea and for being my spicy Anto/Croz hypewoman <3 ily girlieeeee 👏👏 👏
content warnings: mature content (thigh riding, oral (f receiving), PinV penetration), slight dom/sub dynamics if you squint, praise kink, swearing, Anthony Boyle being entirely too sweet and sexy for this world 🥴 (again: this is for mature audiences only!! 18+!!)
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You stand in front of your closet, fighting off a grin of anticipation.
The press tours for Masters of the Air and Manhunt had finally come to a close, and you had a few days of respite before your boyfriend went off to his next project.
Of course, with Anthony, this meant date night.
You linger near your reliable jeans-and-a-nice-top combos for a moment before the sundresses hanging near the back catch your eye.
The weather has been getting warmer, you think, and it’s been a while since I’ve gotten to wear these…
Before you can talk yourself out of it, you snag one of your favorites off the hanger and change into it, twirling to see every angle in front of the mirror.
It complements your curves perfectly, hanging at just the right length that won’t make you nervous about walking up any stairs but isn’t too modest.
You make quick work of your makeup and jewelry, making sure to include the delicate necklace that Anthony gifted you for your first anniversary together, and before too long there’s a knock at the door.
Your boyfriend, fresh from some last-minute press responsibilities, was right on time.
You rush towards the door, the clacking of your heels on the floor surely announcing your excitement to Anthony as you fling it open.
“Hi,” you say, barely able to speak around your grin.
“Hi, sweetheart,” he says, pulling you in for a swift kiss— the first you’ve shared in weeks. Reluctantly, the two of you eventually pull away for air and he steps inside, eyes raking over your figure, “You look… absolutely fantastic.”
“Well, thank you,” you say, twirling so he can see how the dress fans out around you. “You don’t look too bad, yourself.” You add, eyeing the rolled-up sleeves of his white button down revealing entirely too attractive forearms and the patch of chest hair just visible underneath the effortlessly unbuttoned top buttons — bless his stylist, who had clearly attended the Austin Butler School of Buttoning Shirts — all complemented perfectly with sleek black pants.
“Thank you, my love. I’m, uh…” he trails off as he watches your dress settle around you, then seems to jolt back to himself after barely a second, “I’m just gonna go grab a jacket and then we’ll head out, alright?”
He returns soon, now armed with a black suit jacket, and you glance down at the sundress that now seems a bit too casual for what he’s wearing.
However, when you ask if you should change, his answer is a swift, decisive, “No.”
“You look stunning just as you are, darling,” he amends his sharp response, pressing a quick kiss to your lips before escorting you out the door.
Anthony is his usual gentlemanly self while you’re out: he pulls your seat out and waits for you to sit down first when you arrive at your favorite Italian restaurant, happily splits a dessert with you (though if you happened to end up with the bigger half, despite your insistence that you split it equally, well… it wasn’t a crime to treat his girl, was it?), and when Frank Sinatra starts playing on the speakers overhead, he jumps to his feet and extends his hand to you, twirling you around the floor with not a single care for the eyes watching when you gladly accept and pulling you in for a sweet kiss as the song ends, his hand tangling in your hair as he pulls you close.
“So… ready to head home, sweetheart?” He asks as the two of you return to your seats.
“I— yes, I guess so?” You reply, slightly confused. Normally Anto loved to keep you out with him for as long as possible; returning home directly after dessert was a rarity.
He scrambles to assure you that he would be more than happy to stay out if you want, but something about the way his fingertips dance over your knee under the table, toying with the lace edging of your dress, makes you agree that it’s time to call it a night.
The air between the two of you as you head home is thick and hot, the anticipation of something building.
And that anticipation comes to a head as you enter the privacy of your home, finding yourself pinned to the inside of the door as soon as it closes.
“Sweetheart,” Anthony nearly growls against your lips, hands firm on your waist as his voice grows increasingly more strangled, “Are you trying to kill me?”
“I don’t—” You just barely choke back a moan. You haven’t the faintest idea what he’s talking about, but if it’s getting him to manhandle you like this after so long away…
“This dress,” he groans, bunching the flimsy fabric in his fists, “I’ve been gone for weeks, and the first thing I see is you in this little thing—” he moves as he speaks, from murmuring against your own lips to traveling down back to your ear and along your neck, “— and I take you out to dinner, and dessert, and dancing—” he punctuates each item with a light nip to your skin, making you jolt.
“—when all I really want to do,” he returns to speaking directly in your ear, his voice a soft growl that does startling things to your heart rate, “is see how pretty you look in this dress when I fuck you in it.”
Your entire body turns to jello, and the only thing keeping you upright is Anthony’s hands on your hips and his leg wedged in between yours. You can’t help but let out a sharp gasp when your core comes into contact with his leg, and his already dilated eyes turn almost entirely black at the sound.
“C’mere, baby,” he whispers, pulling you along to the bedroom, discarding his jacket somewhere in the house as he does.
You scramble to kick off your heels as you enter the dimly-lit room, your boyfriend wasting no time in untucking and unbuttoning his shirt from his perch on the edge of the bed.
“No,” he says sharply when your fingers move to the straps of your dress, “Keep it on.”
Your breath catches, biting your lip to stifle a moan as you realize he was serious.
He wordlessly beckons you closer, and you step forward obediently, standing between his spread legs. Pinching your chin, he tugs you down for a gentle kiss that’s fairly at odds with his dominating persona at the moment.
“This okay?” he murmurs softly against your lips, and somehow the gentle check-in combined with the events happening now are enough to make you even wetter than you already are.
You nod, adding a soft “Yes” when you remember he won’t do anything unless you’ve given a verbal okay.
That settled, he captures your lips in a decidedly more heated kiss, hands moving down to grip your hips as he adjusts so you’re straddling his thigh.
You meet his scorching gaze, practically feeling yourself melting as you realize what he intends to do.
“Noticed you seemed to like this earlier, my love,” he murmurs against your lips, smirking.
You quickly move to clutch at his shoulders as he drags your clothed core along his quadricep, mouth opening in a silent moan.
He huffs out a laugh, nudging your nose with his own as he bunches up the soft fabric of your dress.
“I was right, you do look very pretty like that,” he mumbles, “but I don’t even get to hear your pretty noises? C’mon, honey…”
He flexes his thigh, the new angle making you jump as you gasp, “Anthony, oh my god—”
“Just like that, sweet girl,” he growls into your mouth, scattering kisses all down your neck and chest as your pace speeds up.
A familiar tension builds just below your belly as you clutch yourself against him, throwing your head back and rolling your hips against his still-clothed thigh faster, faster, faster, Anthony murmuring soft praise and encouragement all the while.
“Anthony,” you gasp into his mouth, one hand clutching at his shoulder while the other buries itself in his dark curls as you feel yourself teetering on the precipice of your release, “‘M gonna—”
Your warning is cut off by a sharp, keening whine when Anthony grips your hips firmly, stopping their motion just before you tip over the edge.
“No, Ant—” you whine, struggling against his grip as your almost-orgasm fades, “Please, I was so close…”
“‘Msorry, sweetheart,” he mumbles against your skin, rising with you as you stand on wobbly legs, “I promise I’ll make this next part worth it,” He murmurs teasingly as he gently lays you back on the bed.
He shucks off his shirt before climbing on top of you, giving you a knowing smirk as you eye the exposed skin, your gaze lingering on the fully-revealed chest hair and the wet patch just barely visible on his thigh. The bed dips with his weight as his limbs cage you in, one hand delicately tracing the curves and lines of your body, making you shiver.
He captures your lips in a searing kiss, your hands eagerly traveling along his skin.
“If you’re gonna cum, sweetheart,” he breathes in a low, gravelly tone that sends heat straight to your core, “it’s gonna be on my mouth before anything else.”
You’re fairly certain you’ve truly actually turned to liquid, especially if the increasing wetness between your thighs is any indication, but your boyfriend proves you’re still deliciously solid, his lips tracing a path down your neck to where the tops of your breasts are just barely exposed by your dress.
Your fingers creep up to pull your dress down, to fully expose your chest so he can scatter kisses over every inch of you, but Anthony stops you.
His pretty brown eyes, molten with heat, meet yours as he stops you from tugging desperately at your dress.
“I told you, baby,” he says, keeping eye contact as he drags his lips over your clothed chest, paying special attention to your quickly hardening nipples peeking through the fabric before moving lower.
“Keep. It. On.” 
You throw your head back, gasping softly as his lips travel down, down, down, along your stomach and hips down to your thighs.
He carefully slides the now irreparably wrinkled fabric up, flipping up the hem to reveal your hips and thighs and the lacy fabric covering your core.
He wastes no time in pressing kisses to you over your underwear, your hips bucking up into him as you chase the feeling of his mouth on you.
Little tease that he is, he keeps his mouth just out of reach as he peels off the soaked lace fabric
“Oh sweetheart,” he breathes, your own breath catching as he drags his fingertips through your folds and they come away dripping, “All this for me?”
You can only whine, having long ago lost the ability to form words.
He prolongs your torment by kissing a slow, torturous path up the inside of each of your thighs before finally — finally — diving into you, eagerly licking into your folds.
You let out a choked gasp as he licks a thick, fat stripe up your center, gathering the moisture collected there before darting up to flick at your clit, an action that has you gripping the sheets like a lifeline, a stuttering moan that sounds vaguely like your boyfriend’s name escaping from your lips. His arms hook around your thighs, pulling you close in an attempt to keep your hips grounded, and he continues a few more passes of the same lick, flick pattern until you’re a writhing mess underneath him.
“Fuck, darlin’,” he groans against you, his voice sending vibrations through your core, “Taste even better than I remembered.”
“A-Ant—“ you stutter out a warning, that familiar tension building once again.
You feel him grin against you, and lord if that doesn’t send all kinds of sparks racing through your body, a feeling that only intensifies as his thumb comes up to circle your clit, a litany of praise and encouragement falling from his lips.
“‘M not gonna stop you this time, sweetheart, just let go,” he murmurs against you, fingers and tongue working overtime on your core, “C’mon baby, please, wanna taste you—”
You cry out as your orgasm rips through you, Anthony dutifully guiding you through your climax.
You come back to yourself, shuddering, as your boyfriend pulls away to brush a gentle kiss to your hipbone, mouth glistening and eyes nearly black with desire.
“You’re fucking perfect, sweetheart,” he groans, trailing back up to capture your lips with his.
You moan into his mouth, tasting yourself on his tongue.
The two of you stay like that for a while, Ant letting you recover, until the bulge pressing into your thigh becomes too much to ignore.
He gasps into your mouth as your hand moves down to palm at him through his slacks.
“Darlin’— shit, you’re ready for me already?”
As if your furious nodding wasn’t enough of an answer, you move your hand more insistently against him.
“Fuck, fuck, okay—” he hisses, moving off of you to rid himself of his his pants and boxers.
You watch, bottom lip caught between your teeth, as his length springs free from his underwear, tip already leaking.
He returns to hover over you, brushing kisses all over your face and neck as he strokes himself a few times.
You can’t resist touching him, and your fingertips grazing along his length has his eyes fluttering shut.
“Not gonna last long if you keep doin’ that, sweetheart,” he warns with a gasp, breath hot against your cheek.
You reluctantly retract your fingers, barely stifling a moan when his tip brushes against you as he positions himself at your entrance.
His eyes lock on yours, watching your face contort in pleasure as he slowly, slowly, enters you.
“You ready, darlin’?” He breathes against your lips after a moment to let you adjust.
The frantic “yes” that escapes you isn’t so much a word as a gasp, and your thoughts turn to static as he begins to thrust into you with slow, languid strokes.
Your breaths mingle, his exhales becoming your inhales, the thin fabric of your sundress providing a delicious friction as you feel every inch of him pressed against you.
“You’re so tight,” he gasps, increasing his pace as your breathing becomes heavier, “Fuck, I missed this, I missed you.”
“Missed you, too,” you whine into his mouth, your hand fisting his soft dark curls, “Missed you so much, Ant—”
His mouth closes the millimeters of distance between the two of you, crashing onto yours in a fierce, heated kiss.
You let out a muffled moan as his hips grind against yours faster and faster, feeling your second orgasm of the night building.
“I’m close, sweetheart,” Anthony groans, hips stuttering, letting out a soft “fuck” when you tell him you’re almost there, too.
“C’mon, come for me darlin’” he grinds out against your mouth, “‘M right behind you, please, please, come for me, honey…”
You reach your second climax with a cry, Anthony muffling his own in your neck as he spills into you, thrusting slowly until he’s spent.
The two of you stay there for a moment, trying to catch your breath, until Anthony lifts his head to press a kiss to the corner of your mouth.
“So,” he says breathlessly, toying with the hopelessly wrinkled fabric of your dress, “You’ll be wearing these more often, yeah?”
You huff out a laugh. “If you promise not to ruin them, absolutely.”
“Sweetheart,” he says, “I’ll buy you a thousand more of these. Whatever you want. As long as I know there’s at least one in your closet for me to enjoy.”
He murmurs the last sentence against your lips, punctuating it with a long, slow kiss that has you grinning against him.
You bump your nose against his as he pulls away, your thumb stroking his cheek.
“Welcome home, honey.”
His gaze softens, pulling you in for another brief, gentle kiss.
“Thank you, my love.”
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skibasyndrome · 1 month
Wilmon + "there's another way I take my coffee actually"
disclaimer: this 100% Grape's fault and I refuse to take any responsibility 💜 (jk ily bestie and I know it's my fault for starting the vampire brain worms 💜💜💜)
cw: allusions to blood. vampire crack. coffee enjoyers everywhere please forgive me Wille
"There's another way I take my coffee actually." Simon, a carton of oat milk in one hand, Wille's favorite mug (filled about two thirds of the way with filter coffee) in the other, whips around towards Wille. "I beg your pardon?" "The coffee," Wille repeats slower, as if Simon not hearing him is the problem. "I also drink it another way," Wille says, cheerily kicking his legs while sitting on the kitchen counter. Except, no, no Wille doesn't drink his coffee any other way, because Wille is adorably annoyingly particular about the fact that he likes filter coffee only, that he discovered oat milk for himself five years ago and now won't have anything else, that he doesn't like sugar because sugar makes it too sweet (no, Simon doesn't get it, either). Simon painstakingly relearns Wille's coffee preferences every couple years so he can get the coffee just right for him every time. So no, unless Wille has secretly switched it up overnight, there is in fact no other way he drinks his coffee. When he keeps on staring at Wille, coffee and milk still raised in question, Wille waves his hand to beckon Simon over towards him. "I have no idea what you're saying," Simon tells him, but moves over nonetheless, coming to stand between Wille's legs. He sets the items down on either side of Wille, so he doesn't have to keep balancing them while Wille gets to have his cryptic moment. "You know...," Wille starts, slipping his arms around Simon's neck and pulling him closer, positioning Simon so that Wille can nuzzle his neck. But, no, Simon doesn't know. "I don't, actually," he says, but nonetheless leans into the kisses and nibbles Wille presses along the side of his neck. Wille whines a little and teases the skin with his canines. Simon huffs a laugh at the sudden shift in atmosphere. "How are you already hungry again, we just-," and then, horrifyingly, it dawns on him. He takes a step back, pushing Wille's arms off his shoulders. "No," he says firmly. "No fucking way are you saying what I think you're saying."
Wille just grins at him sheepishly and Simon loses all hope. He throws his head back and groans. He loves this man, but sometimes he gets some horrible ideas.
"You haven't even tried it!" Wille argues and Simon is about to lose his mind. "Have you?" He raises an eyebrow at Wille. "Who's the guy whose blood you're secretly sourcing for your abomination coffees and when do I get to meet him?"
Wille just laughs again, clearly getting a little bit flustered now. "We could try it though, right?" he asks, and if it weren't for Wille's puppy eyes Simon would not step back between his legs. But alas, those still haven't lost their charm, even centuries later. He sighs and puts bis hands on Wille's hips.
"You can try it, if you feel like you have to," and now Simon is laughing, too. "But I have some principles."
Wille snorts at that, before pulling Simon in again and gently sinking his teeth into his neck.
aoksjsjsjsjsjenskawksma. Hope it was worth the wait 💀💜 Thanks for sending me this prompt and also for always providing very important and valuable discussions around vampire nutrition 💜💜💜
There are some more (less lighthearted) vampire snippets here and here
Send me "Wilmon" + a sentence and I'll write you 5(+) more!
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danikamariewrites · 1 year
it’s your feysand anon again, i read better than books this morning & once again you have done a phenomenal job. i can’t express enough how much i love your writing and how well you bring every single one of your requests to life. you’re writing is magic, truly!
i’ve never requested a headcannon before, so i hope i’m doing this write lmao. could you do what and how feysand would be in a relationship?
thank you d, ily 💜
Feysand x reader headcanon
A/n: Feysand anon you are so fucking sweet. This legitimately made me shed a few tears, no one has said that before and you’ve just made my year and you’re my new bestie. Sending you all the love and I hope you have a fantastic day💜
Warnings: none
Most caring, loving, attentive partners ever omg you would be showered in love by them
You saw how in love with each other they are and you were jealous. You want that kind of love. When Rhys and Feyre asked you to be part of the relationship your heart said yes but your mind was racing
You didn’t want to come between them or anything
In the end you say yes because you love them and they’re showing you that they want you
The IC are very accepting of you since you have been around for awhile and are happy that the three of you are happy
Rhys’s love language is gift giving and Feyre’s is quality time as well as gift giving
They’d shower you in gifts. There doesn’t need to be a reason they just want to
You’ve had to stop Rhys multiple times from giving you something that was far too expensive (Feyre too) but you feel bad when he gets that little sad face bc he can’t give you something
Rhys loves giving you and Feyre matching gifts
Sometimes matching lingerie
You love spending your days with Feyre in her art studio, teaching classes and just talking with her
When you’re not with Feyre you help Rhys with work and have tea time when he takes breaks
You sleep with them but you do have your own room if you need your space
A few months into the relationship you started joining Feyre for training
She told Cassian to go easy on you but once she turned her back and went to spar with Az you gave Cass a shit eating grin, “don’t go easy. I want to be able to flip you.” Cassian howled after you said that and agreed
Hewn city visits are very interesting
Picking on Kier with Rhys and Feyre is very entertaining
Your first visit was a little nerve wracking. Kier thought it would be a good idea to insult you and your “purpose” but Feyre and Rhys weren’t having any of that
When you first entered the throne room you stood between their thrones. Once Rhys called the dinner to start he motions for you to sit on his lap
Their attention is on you as you hold Feyre’s hand and Rhys leaves kisses on your neck
You caught Kier approaching and froze. You heard Rhys and Feyre in your mind, “it’s alright darling just stay calm.” “He’s useless, don’t let anything he says get to you. Bite back and keep your face bored.”
They kept their hands on you as Kier spoke, their faces the epitome of boredom and irritation with him interrupting their time with you
AFTER Rhys dismissed him, Kier got mouthy, “One whore wasn’t enough so now you share one?”
Rhys and Feyre were seeing red at that point. You all stood and Feyre pulled you to her. You made sure to keep your face unbothered but you were a little hurt by his comment
Your eyes wandered around the room and you could see Mor was fuming, Cass and Az looked like they were ready to attack
Rhys stepped off the dias coming toe to toe with Kier, towering over him
It was clear that Rhys was in Kiers mind terrifying him. The male was sickly pale by the end of it, “You’re dismissed for the rest of the evening.”
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tbmunson · 2 years
Silent Confessions - Isaac Lahey x GN!Reader
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Summary: You patch Isaac up after his dad's punishment.
Warnings: Mentions of abuse/violence/blood.
WC: 800ish
@ashes-writing ILY Bestie! Thank you for helping hatch this idea it turned out, in my opinion, super fucking cute and fluffy!
You'd stepped out onto the back porch of your parent's house to light your cigarette, a habit you'd been trying to kick. The stick was between your lips, your fingers just about to light the flame when the sound of running distracted you. You looked up and saw a bruised, beaten, and slightly bloody Isaac Lahey.
He had jumped the fence and was headed straight towards you, breathless.
You gave him a bittersweet smile and removed the cigarette from your mouth, placing it back in the pack without a word. You knew what happened. "Come on, let's get you inside." You sighed, wrapping an arm around him.
He leaned into you, letting you help support him all the way up the stairs and into your bathroom.
You sat him down on the edge of the tub before making your way around the small space, gathering the supplies you'd need to care for him.
He sat silently, watching your feet as his head hung low. He only looked up when you came to a stop in front of him.
You took his chin in your hand and tilted his head from side to side, taking in the damage with a small sigh. You refused to ask him what happened, mainly because you knew that his father was the answer, and you didn't want to make him talk about it.
You let go of him and grabbed the cloth, dabbing it in peroxide. "This is going to sting." You rested your hand on his face again, gently guiding him to the angle you needed him to be at.
He winced a bit at first, reaching out and gripping your hips like he'd done a hundred times before.
You cleaned the small wounds and wiped the dirt and sweat accumulated from running the three blocks to you. "There's glass in your hair, Isaac." You said, picking the small shards from his curls.
"It's from the picture frame he shoved my head into." His voice was low. He wasn't sure you'd heard him until your body stiffened. He noticed you breathe a bit harder but appreciated you not pressing.
You ran your fingers through his hair until you were sure all the glass was gone. "Why don't you stay here tonight?" You offered, stepping closer and wrapping him in a hug.
His head rested against your stomach as his arms wound around your waist. "Thank you."
You kissed the top of his head and held him for just a few more moments before stepping back. "You can shower. You've still got clothes in my room. I'll bring them for you." You neglected to tell him you slept in them most nights.
He nodded and let you go before standing.
You heard the water turn on as you gathered his clothes. You thanked yourself for washing them earlier that day as you walked back down the hall. "Can I come in?" You called, hand resting on the knob.
"Yeah." He called back as he pulled his blood-stained shirt over his head. He looked over at you as you stopped in the doorway.
"Sorry. Thought you'd be in the shower already." You nodded towards the curtain that was half open. You looked down his body, biting your lip to keep from mentioning the bruise that was forming on his ribs.
He looked down and his shoulders sagged before he closed his eyes, fighting tears.
You sat his clothes on the counter and stepped up to him. You reached up, resting a gentile hand on his shoulder, the other on his side. You silently pulled him into your body, pushing his head to rest on your shoulder.
His body shook against yours as he squeezed you, letting his emotions out. He sniffled and pulled away; eyes still wet as he looked down at you. "I come here because I feel safe with you, you know?"
Your heart swelled and deflated all at once. You were so happy that he felt like he could come here when he needed to, but you hated that he didn't feel the same way about his own home. "I'm glad you do."
His face came closer to yours. His gaze flickered from your eyes to your lips and back.
Your stomach dropped and your head spun at the silent confession. You looked at him for a moment before you decided to pull him into you. You pressed your lips lightly against his, careful not to kiss him hard enough that his lip would split again.
He pulled back and smiled a bit as he looked down at the floor.
"You're wasting all the hot water you know." You joked, hands falling down his body before resting at your sides. "Shower and I'll get some snacks and a movie ready." You added. nodding towards the shower.
He nodded and watched as you stepped towards the door, still smiling to himself.
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3terna15unshin3 · 8 months
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Then Because She Goes
Instagram AU (volume iii)
volume i — volume ii — back to masterlist
a/n: heyyyyy here it is!!! a few people have asked for this and i kept saying i’d do it but i kept putting it off for so long😭 they’re always so fun to make and now that i’ve written so many blurbs there is so much more material to work with so it was especially fun this time around, hope u enjoy🌟🌟
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Liked by 1975adam, denise_welch and others
este.manansala NYE🌟 (+ aftermath)
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rass1975 Pho after a night out is crazy
↳ trumanblack Actually the most ideal time for pho
giveurself4try I’d recognize that chest tatt anywhere
_catekeeling this COAT?????? omg
↳ este.manansala i pretty much live in it
1 January, 2021
trumanblack added to their story
28 January, 2021
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Liked by oliverpereira99 and others
este.manansala Valentine
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noacfdefender so cute😭😭😭
trumanblack Mine
↳ este.manansala hi x
14 February, 2021
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Liked by charli_xcx, r0bberz and others
trumanblack Bea❤️ Last day on earth out now!!! x
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radvxz !!!!!!
este.manansala Obsessed
bedforddanes75 Why were you in a dressing gown
↳ trumanblack Idk studio felt sophisticated that day
24 March, 2021
este.manansala added 4 posts to their story
8 April, 2021
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Liked by patriciavillirillo, weyesblood and others
este.manansala I’m begging you to go read Crying in H Mart !!! jbrekkie is such a fucking light, it is a privilege to know her and i am so moved/forever changed by this book❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹
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jbrekkie Este 🌈 Thank you for reading!
denise_welch ❤️❤️❤️
trumanblack I wept the whole time jbrekkie
3 May, 2021
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Liked by percyjmanansala, pollymoney and others
trumanblack My este.manansala turns 30 today. Please never ever ever ever leave my side, there's no me without you x
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trumanblack That last slide will be us in 40 years btw
charli_xcx dirty thirty!!!!!! the cutest ever <33
↳ Liked by este.manansala
1975adam Happy birthday bestie este🎂
↳ este.manansala "bestie este" lmfao ily
denise_welch That is totally you two in 40 years!!!! Xx
↳ Liked by este.manansala and trumanblack
este.manansala I love you
↳ trumanblack LOLML
↳ trumanblack LOMOL!!!**
↳ trumanblack LOMOMLLOLMOLLOLOMMLOL!!!!!!***
↳ trumanblack fuck sake
2 July, 2021
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Liked by arianagrande and others
trumanblack Stop asking me when DLID is coming out
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turnthebiglightoff We wouldn’t be asking if you hadn’t told us it was finished 😐
↳ Liked by este.manansala
rass1975 Mate… that fucking mug
↳ trumanblack What about it?
**↳ Liked by este.manansala
_catekeeling u cut me out of the second slide
28 August, 2021
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Liked by bedforddanes75 and others
este.manansala Cali for a bit
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trumanblack LA SUXXXX👎
↳ percyjmanansala Come home then!
**↳ este.manansala soon!!!!!!!
unitepariahs yall are in LA.. things are happening arent they
phoebebridgers 🤘🤘
19 October, 2021
este.manansala added to their story
23 October, 2021
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trumanblack added 2 posts to their story
14 November, 2021
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Liked by iliwysleep and others
este.manansala I’ve missed you Manchester🎄🎁❄️
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_catekeeling don’t leave me again :(((((
trumanblack My first kamayan😎
bedforddanes75 I dream about your mum
↳ bedforddanes75 Her cooking ^^^^^
g3orgiaheadley Dano!!! My fur baby!!
24 December, 2021
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missmielyhoran · 2 years
Daddy (4)
in which Y/N's daughter accidentally calls Harry daddy and the whole world goes crazy...
Face claim- Dakota Johnson
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liked by Harryfan1, Harryfan4, Harryfan2 and 5,987,021 others
harrystyles Chunky loved mum's farm a bit too much I fear. @/yourinstagram we would have to move.
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Harryfan1 WHAT. THE. FUCK
Jeffazoff HARRY🤦
Harryfan3 Was this supposed to be on his private account?
Yourinstagram Harry wrong account! wrong account!
Harryfan2 Holy shit
~~~~~~~~~~~~ this post was deleted ~~~~~~~~~~~~
On twitter-
Harryfan1 Did you guys see that, or did I dreamt it?
505 likes 21 quote retweets 30 retweets 45 comments
Harryfan2 Oh no, I definitely saw that
Harryfan3 It was meant to be on his personal account, which means he has more posts like this😭
Y/Nfan1 Jeff probably got a heart attack lmao💀
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liked by harrystyles, Yourinstagram, Y/Nfan3 and 5,987,120 others
Zendaya Happiest birthday to my best friend, my sister and my twin flame! I love you and Mimi so much<33
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Y/Nfan1 Happy birthday bestie💕
Yourinstagram Stop I love you too😭❤️
Harryfan1 Okay but her outfit😩🤌
Y/Nfan3 Harry we can see you liking her pictures. It was posted 2 minutes ago! get a grip💀
harrystyles story-
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On twitter-
Harryfan2 He said hbd ily😭😭😭 god me when?!
906 likes 201 retweets 112 quote retweets 99 comments
Harryfan1 Sleeping on the highway tonight😭
Harryfan2 I'm bringing sleeping bags😭
Harryfan3 Take me too😭
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liked by Y/Nfan1, Y/Nfan2, Harryfan1 and 985,225 others
DailyMail 'As it was' singer, Harry Styles spotted with model Y/N Y/L/N and her daughter at Disneyland on model's birthday. Is this a new flourishing relationship or just a tactic by their management to promote the model's new line of clothing brand?
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Y/Nfan1 Fuck off DailyMail
Harryfan1 Mimi looks so cute🥺
Harryfan2 her sister is wearing tpwk hoodie aww
Y/Nfan3 Harry better treat her right or there will be roit
Harryfan4 Fake!
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liked by Yourinstagram, annetwist, Y/Nfan3 and 7,987,125 others
harrystyles Home❤️
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Harryfan1 H😭O😭M😭E😭
Harryfan2 god me when?
Yourinstagram 🏡❤️
Y/Nfan1 Our ship sailed guys😌
Annetwist Enjoy kids!
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liked by Annetwist, Yourinstagram, Jeffazoff and 34 others
dottycatlookalike Good night
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Annetwist Oh she's so cute❤️
GemmaStyles This account gives me anxiety cause your post go from cute baby posts to possibly posting a nude
dottycatlookalike that was one time! on accident!
Yourinstagram Thank you for the wonderful day H! I can't believe I found you❤️
dottycatlookalike I can't believe I found you both❤️
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liked by Zendaya, harrystyles, Y/Nfan3 and 8,765,998 others
Yourinstagram Thank you for the best birthday ever! ily. goodnight❤️
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Y/Nfan1 oh to be harry styles
Harryfan1 Look at Harry and mimi🥺
harrystyles Prettiest❤️
Y/Nfan2 @/harrystyles can you fight?
Harryfan3 they're cute I take everything back😭
Zendaya Sexy😩
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liked by Y/Nfan1, Y/Nfan3, Harryfan2 and 7,986,435 others
Vogue "Yes, we are dating but there is no rush. Emilia (her daughter) adores Harry like crazy. If we're not hanging out she be hanging on my shoulders asking when we're going to meet him and he loves her the same. Always spoiling her with different food and gifts, if she asks for anything he be up at 3 a.m. to make it for her." The model laughed talking about her and her daughter's relationship with singer and actor Harry Styles.
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Harryfan1 He gets up at 3 a.m. to make food for Mimi🥺
Harryfan2 Dadrry strikes again!
Y/Nfan1 she looked so good in this photoshoot🥵
Harryfan3 everyone thank mimi for calling Harry daddy cause now we get this😌
And the end
Taglist- @venomsvl @samanddeaninatrenchcoat @harryspirate @iamahallucinationnn
Please Like, Comment and Reblog!
Talk to me here♡ the requests are closed for now
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amberjazmyn · 1 month
we ain't angry at you love, we'll be waiting for you love🥺🫶💔
pairing : f1 grid x platonic singer fem!reader, horner fem!reader
summary : daughter to red bull's christian horner, best friend to the grid, a singer and now an american college student that releases a song with noah kahan 'you're gonna go far' before she leaves. this chronicals the song, her leaving for college as well as everything else including her warm return back to everyone again.
warnings : a little bit of angst, fluff, comfort, noah kahan lol, a swear word, most of the grid (dramatically) missing reader
a/n : don't ask me how i thought up of this because i have no fucking clue but because i adore the thought of writing a singer!reader, this is what i came up with lol. also, obviously, geri is reader's step-mum but their relationship is basically the same as a biological mother and daughter
a/n 2: y.n is your name, n.n is nickname, your bff is your best friend forever and your ex bff is obviously ur ex bff
fc : my face claim is a mixture of olivia rodrigo and pinterest girlies because wtfn
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liked by christianhorner, gerihalliwellhorner, maxverstappen1, redbullracing, charlesleclerc, yourbff and 12k others
y.nhorner met noah kahan and may have written a cheeky (soppy) song with him, double thumbs up from father horner and study notes because ya girl doesn't stop the grind now that colleges applications are opening!
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christianhorner i'm so proud of you darling girl, and like mumma always says, you're gonna go far! liked by y.nhorner
y.nhorner christianhorner thank you daddio! i love you forever
gerihalliwellhorner you are a superstar y.n! i love you so much baby liked by y.nhorner
y.nhorner gerihalliwellhorner thank you mumma, i love you so much more
maxverstappen1 how are your notes so perfect wtf liked by y.nhorner
y.nhorner maxverstappen1 because i actually want to finish school and get into my dream college and i put in effort??
redbullracing not only is she the princess of red bull but she is a singing queen as well as an academic queen as well! liked by y.nhorner
y.nhorner redbullracing ily rbr admin <3
charlesleclerc you're releasing a new single??? liked by y.nhorner
y.nhorner charlesleclerc did i say that???
yourbff i still cannot believe you met noah kahan without me, you lil snitch... liked by y.nhorner
y.nhorner yourbff last time i asked if you wanted to listen to him in the car you said no???
otherbff yourbff y.nhorner go off queen, you tell her bestie! liked by y.nhorner
landonorris if you've written a song with noah kahan, i just know it'll be fantastic and very emosh! liked by y.nhorner
y.nhorner landonorris thank you lanny! love you boo
username hold up, please tell me whatever you've written with noah that you'll release it and soon!!! liked by y.nhorner
y.nhorner username i have written a song with noah like mentioned in my caption but i cannot disclose whether or not it's gonna be released just yet i'm sorry but do keep your eyes peeled though <3
danielricciardo oh i just know you are slaying right now! liked by y.nhorner
y.nhorner danielricciardo thank you danny ric! you too are slaying right now
oscarpiastri i have WAITED for you to release new music so i really hope whatever you've written with noah gets released!!! liked by y.nhorner
y.nhorner oscarpiastri don't worry oscy, you'll know soon i promise!
username the way y.n likes and replies to each comment, i love her your honour! liked by y.nhorner
y.nhorner username you guys are the reason why i'm here so it's only fair i respond to as many as i can! and i love you too <3
it made y.n horner laugh a little after posting that sneaky post. it was very true that whilst she had met noah kahan that they had indeed written a song together. it was a song that noah had already started to write ages ago but suddenly got stuck when he lost inspiration and just trashed it. that was though, until he met y.n horner, and she told him that she was trying to write a song about how her family felt about letting her go so she could study in america after they had let her travel around the world with them for formula one. showing noah the text messages between her, her dad and her mum, it was clear to noah that the song he had trashed was basically the exact same song that y.n was wanting to write. so, what they decided to do was to mash the songs together, finish writing it and collab together on the song as well as letting noah have his own solo version of the song. and y.n loved it so much and so did noah that they knew that they just had to release it. but, obviously, they couldn't do it straight away so they started to create some mystery around it.
that was until she could no longer keep it a secret so she started to slowly release more details after watching noah do the same on his socials.
y.nhorner posted to her instagram story
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[caption 1: missed me guys? well, this is where i've been so keep your eyes peeled my loves, the 'thing' is coming soonnnn💌 caption 2: tb to my first ever show! been missing it since all i've been doing is picking and choosing which colleges to attend in america]
gerihalliwellhorner replied to y.nhorner's story i'm excited my love! is it a single or an album?
y.nhorner thanks mumma, i'm excited too and it's a single but sadly that's all i can tell you at this moment but you'll love it and so will daddio!
gerihalliwellhorner the single you subtly posted ages ago with noah? well i'm very excited now and i cannot wait to hear it🤍!
y.nhorner thank youu, i'm so excited as well! and yes, the single with noah, i cannot wait for everyone to hear it either!
maxverstappen1 replied to y.nhorner's story is this the single that i think it is and that being the reason why you were showing me messages between you, christian and geri???
y.nhorner if i say yes, can you keep it a secret???
maxverstappen1 i can i can i can i can! omg i love you so much y.n!!!
y.nhorner hehe, i love you too maxie!
landonorris replied to y.nhorner's story omg is this the single that you referenced in your last insta post???
y.nhorner maybeee
landonorris fuck, does that mean it'll make me cry???
y.nhorner probablyyy
carlossainz55 replied to y.nhorner's story new song? since when, what is going on in the house of commons???
y.nhorner firstly, what do you think i was revealing in my last post and secondly, please never say that again and don't tell me it was lando who taught you how to say that for the love of god!
carlossainz55 honestly, i don't know, i just thought you were being sneaky like you were last time you announced a single! and i'm sorry, i won't say it again but would you believe me if i told you it wasn't lando but one of your fans???
y.nhorner i'm only joking with you carlitos, i know you've been waiting forever for a new single and so have i so me and noah are trying to release it asap! and, honestly, yeah, i would believe you if you said it was one of my fans. and for that, i apologise that they taught you that and blamed it on lando!
it was after releasing these instagram stories that noah rung up y.n to let her know that they had been given permission by their shared record label to release the song. and that they were releasing the song that very day! it was an exciting moment and she had only just posted those two stories so, now she had to post so many more stories and instagram posts about the release of the new single, it's name as well as the meaning of the song.
y.nhorner posted to her instagram story
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[caption 1: releasing tonight is me and noah kahan's newest single titled 'you're gonna go far' and we are so excited and blessed to finally be able to let you all finally hear it after trying to keep it a secret💌 caption 2: not only do i feature on noah's song on his newest album 'forever' but he also has his own solo version that is on this new album along with the duet of the song as well so you get two versions of the same song! enjoy my lovelies!]
y.nhorner posted to her instagram story
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[caption 1: for my nosy lovelies, this was one of the first inspirations for 'you're gonna go far' that i shared with noah. there was more to the messages than just this one between me and my mum obvi but this is where this part of the chorus 'we ain't angry at you love, you're the greatest thing we've lost' comes from as does the rest of that entire verse💌. caption 2: then this is some of the other inspo for yggf comes from. it was more than just this convo but obviously this was where the title of the song and the main hook comes from. and yes, i did joke to dad that one day these messages between me, himself & mum would be written into a song one day lol💌.]
landonorris replied to y.nhorner's story omg i cannot stop listening to the song! it's gorgeous and yes before you even ASK it made me cry! i don't want you to leave for college in hawaii!!!
y.nhorner aw lando, i'm sorry! i really was hoping it wouldn't make you cry! and i know and i'm sorry but it's my dream college but i was still just as shocked as everyone else when they accepted me!
landonorris i can still visit you though when you are at college right?
y.nhorner of course you can lando! dad has allowed all of the grid, if they please, to visit me whenever they want with permission from the other team principals!
carlossainz55 replied to y.nhorner's story the song is making me cry so much more now that i know it's context in relation to these messages! please don't leave meee, my heart is forever broken now!
y.nhorner i'm so sorry carlos, i hope you're not crying as much as lando is! and i don't wanna leave either but i have too!
carlossainz55 of course i'm not crying as much as lando is! but i'm still upset, don't have too much fun without us!
y.nhorner aw carlos! i promise you, you will get to visit and i won't be able to have any fun cause you guys won't be there with me!
maxverstappen1 replied to y.nhorner's story whilst i wish i didn't hear the song and these messages before everyone else i'm glad i did because no one could see my tears but now you releasing the text messages are even worse because they'll all know and i'll be exposed!
y.nhorner i'm sorry maxie! but noah suggested it since he was sharing messages between him and i to his socials so i decided it would be a cute backstory to share with everyone! but trust, no one will know that you were the first one to hear the song and to see the messages!
maxverstappen1 i'm totally messing but genuinely, i am so proud of you and this song that you've created and released with noah. it's beautiful and it's truly gonna be very relatable to everyone who hears it. as much as i wish this song wasn't written because of you moving to america for the next few years for college, i am so thankful it was and i am so glad i got to be privileged enough to know about it first. you're gonna go far, y.n and i cannot wait to see how far you actually go, whether that's here in england or in america. i love you endlessly, and thank you for being my best friend during my time under your dad's realm of red bull racing 💌
y.nhorner oh, maxie! that is so sweet of you and now i'm gonna start crying! i'm absolutely scared to move to america for college but i truly believe i'm going to do great things. as much as it scares me, i know that i'll always have you and the rest of the grid supporting me every step of the way. dad and the rest of the tp's giving you guys permission to visit me whenever you feel like you need to! i love you just as endlessly and i won't accept your thank you for being your best friend because there is nothing at all you need to thank me for since it's also been an honour to have you as my best friend💌
logansargeant has replied to y.nhorner's story this is so sweet y.n! the song is beautiful and might have made me a little teary eyed especially knowing why you created the song. also, what made you choose america as a place to study? i know i'm always so patriotic but, why the u.s?
y.nhorner aw, thank you logie! and honestly, i chose america because i've been all around the world but the one place i felt safest was hawaii. and i just knew i had to try my luck and see if i could apply and have it work and it did! but don't worry, like i've told carlos, lando, max and now you, your tp's have all given you guys permission to come and visit me whenever you feel like you need to!
logansargeant that's cute and i'm glad you felt safe enough in hawaii because i know that not everywhere in america is especially safe! and also congrats for even getting into college in hawaii as i've heard it's usually quite hard! and, i'm so glad you've mentioned we can visit you because you best believe i'll be the one helping you move into your dorm room!
y.nhorner you're so sweet logie and i'm glad as well otherwise if i didn't feel safe in hawaii, queensland australia would have been my second choice! and ikr, i was godsmacked that they had approved of my application for hawaii pacific in honolulu! and i'll hold you too that logie, now that you've said it, you will be helping me move into the dorm!
oscarpiastri has replied to y.nhorner's story i'm so proud of you y.n! and these messages are heartbreaking but also so sweet and tender! i know logan's already mentioned it probably but now that you've gotten into hawaii pacific, him and i are helping you move into your dorms because i know for a fact that all the team principals have given us permission to visit you when we need it!
y.nhorner aw oscy, you are so cute and took everything i was gonna tell you out of my mouth! and thank you and yes, logan has put it out into the universe that he is gonna help me move in but didn't mention you but i'm sure he meant to!
oscarpiastri he didn't mention me??? now i'm gonna cry more
y.nhorner no, he didn't oscy but it's fine cause it's been mentioned now and i'm very thankful that the two of you are gonna help me! so please don't cry more!
˚ ༘✿ ⋆。˚💐⋆˚
y.nhorner has posted to her instagram story
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[caption 1: look at these two little lovelies (+ kelly) who wanted to see me off before their flight back to monaco and before my flight to hawaii! miss you guys already💌. caption 2: charles keeping me company but not even looking at me for the photo at the airport sitting on my very huge suitcase before he sees me off to hawaii 💌. caption 3: and yes, lando was there to see me off alongside charles as was carlos and like charles, lando was not looking at me for the photo either. and. fyi, carlos hid himself magnificently every single time he saw my iphone come out of my pocket lol so sadly there is no photo of him this time. miss you guys so much it's actually insane but i promise i'll see you all soon💌]
maxverstappen1 has replied to y.nhorner's story i hope you know that as soon as penelope and i both got onto my private jet back to monaco that we both burst into tears, poor kelly didn't know how to react! leaving you to go to hawaii for four years is devastating me!
y.nhorner aw, maxie! i miss you, kelly and p insanely! but i do promise you'll see me soon!
maxverstappen1 have fun and stay safe!
y.nhorner i will, i promise! both mum and dad have said the same speech as you!
maxverstappen1 i wasn't going to give you the same speech but i'm glad you understand!
charlesleclerc has replied to y.nhorner's story the only reason why i never looked up at you during every photo you took of me was because i knew that if i made eye contact with you, i would have legitmately started crying and i wanted to be out of the airport and inside my car before my eyes even started to feel as though they were tearing up!
y.nhorner awe charlie, i'm sorry i was making you cry! i miss you as well but did you cry in the car after you guys waved me off onto the plane?
charlesleclerc it's fine n.n, it wasn't your fault, i was gonna cry regardless and i'm just proud that it didn't happen in the airport or when you were around! and yes, i did cry in the car, the entire way home to the point that carlos was scared i was gonna crash the car with me, him and lando in it sooo yeah.
y.nhorner omg charlie, who wasn't crying in that car on the way home from the airport cause there is no way you weren't the only one!
charlesleclerc at individual points, it was all of us but by the time we reached the car to go back home it was just me that was still crying so it was carlos that took over after he asked me to pull over on the side of the road
landonorris has replied to y.nhorner's story and yes, i did cry the minute you left me, carlos and charles! charles and carlos also crying but i'm sure you knew that cause i'm sure both charles and carlos has already told you that too!
y.nhorner i love you lando and i am so sorry that i made all of you guys cry (max and penelope included) but i promise the tears won't last too long!
y.nhorner is it still too early to say that it's too much for little lando norris then?
carlossainz55 has replied to y.nhorner's story how dare you expose me for not wanting to be in any photos whilst i was actively GRIEVING THE LOSS OF YOU FOR THE NEXT FOUR YEARS! my heart was shattered, and there was no way i was letting you take photos of it happening!
y.nhorner how many times do you need me to say sorry carlitos?
carlossainz55 you don't need to apologise anymore n.n but next time, please don't take photos of your best friends saying goodbye to you...nah joking, next time i'll make sure i cry before i've even left you for the second time and force you to take photos lol
y.nhorner ok, i'll note that for next time carlitos hahaha! but srsly, charles and lando have both mentioned that all of you were crying at one stage before you and lando calmed down except for charles to the point he started crying whilst driving you guys home and you had to ask him to pull over...yeah, i am so sorry for being the cause of that!
carlossainz55 yeah, it was intense and a very upsetting moment for all to witness. for sure do not let charles drive when he's crying though cause it is utterly terrifying and i thought i was gonna die so i started praying in spanish! even when i was the one behind the wheel because charles did take the entire drive for him to stop crying!
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liked by christianhorner, gerihalliwellhorner, maxverstappen1, landonorris, noahkahan, oscarpiastri, logansargeant, carlossainz55 and 13k others
y.nhorner the chronicals of me leaving mumma and daddio and moving into my new college dorm at hawaii pacific university for the next four years alongside the wonderful help of logie sarg and oscy pastry!!
📸 of mum and dad on the train taken by logan with oscar's supervision as they took the tube in together to the airport and 📸 of me taken by carlos who alongside max, lando and charles were at the airport as well to see me off with logan and oscar!
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christianhorner miss you already my love! i know logan and oscar are keeping you safe and helping you sort out your dorm! liked by y.nhorner
y.nhorner christianhorner i miss you too daddio and they are keeping me so safe and helping me out tremendously which i am so grateful for!
gerihalliwellhorner miss you baby! please tell oscar and logan we say thank you for helping you move into your dorm room!! liked by y.nhorner
y.nhorner gerihalliwellhorner i miss you too mumma! and i have thanked them both and they don't want any thanks for it. they're doing it because they want to! they didn't come to hawaii with me for no reason
maxverstappen1 why is my heart literally breaking even though i already knew you had left and i was with you guys at the airport for me, kelly and p's own flight back to monaco??? liked by y.nhorner
y.nhorner maxverstappen1 i'm sorry maxie, i knew today would be hard! does it make you feel better if i say that my heart is also breaking?
landonorris i'm actually so uspet about this and i have no clue why! liked by y.nhorner
y.nhorner landonorris so am i lando but don't worry, you can visit soon i promise!
noahkahan omg, you've actually moved to hawaii now? i didn't realise it was happening so soon! liked by y.nhorner
y.nhorner noahkahan yeah! it's insane noah at how fast it's all happened but yeah, hawaii's my new home for four years!
oscarpiastri honestly, your dormroom looks magnificant right now. who knew logan and i were such great dorm decor artists? liked by y.nhorner
y.nhorner oscarpiastri i know right, oscy? it looks perfect and i am so thankful for you and logie for helping me ease into it all!
logansargeant i think the three of us did an amazing job with your dormroom, y.n! liked by y.nhorner
y.nhorner logansargeant we really did! thank you so much logie
carlossainz55 my heart is breaking into too many pieces all these hours after we saw you off at the airport liked by y.nhorner
y.nhorner carlossainz55 mine is too, don't worry carlitos!
charlesleclerc this is too much for me! how will we survive?! liked by y.nhorner
y.nhorner charlesleclerc damn, i was hoping you'd have the answers cause this is too much for me as well and i don't know how i'll survive!
yourexbff you got into hawaii pacific in honolulu, usa and you never told me?!
y.nhorner yourexbff because i knew you would have reacted horribly and been a jerk about it, telling me to come back home because you can't handle not having the same control over me for college that you had during high school liked by yourbff, charlesleclerc, carlossainz55 and others
yourbff yourexbff y.nhorner honestly, that's some queen shit and i'm so proud of you y.n! well done on no longer tolerating this bitches shit after so many years of dealing with it liked by y.nhorner
username congrats on your move to hawaii! but i'm so sorry to ask such a stupid question but where is hawaii pacific uni? liked by y.nhorner
y.nhorner username thank you lovely! and don't apologise for asking me, i'm happy to answer any questions anyone has, 'stupid' or not! and hawaii pacific uni is in honolulu, hawaii💌!
˚ ༘✿ ⋆。˚💐⋆˚
y.nhorner has posted to her instagram story
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[caption 1: me crying on my insta stories is now going to become a regular thing btw! so do not be alarmed when these start to happen on the regular💌 caption 2: reason one why i'm crying: college is kicking my arse rn and i wanna kms! caption 3: reason two why i'm crying: i miss home and formula one and ofc my grid family and my actual family back home in england! anyway, how's your day been lovelies💌]
christianhorner has replied to y.nhorner's story oh honey, are you okay? has college really been getting you in the bum? really wish i could do more to help you bubs!
y.nhorner thanks daddio but i'll be fine i'm sure, i just needed to have a little cry! i'm just a little homesick and you're gonna go far playing in my spotify playlist whilst studying did not help me at all!
christianhorner as long as you're sure bubs and speaking of your new song, it's absolutely gorgeous, mum and i love it so much! not only do we play it all the time but it's also playing on the radio often when we're in bed so we fall asleep to it!
y.nhorner yeah, i'm sure dad! and that's so sweet, thank you so much! i'm glad you and mum love it! and i'm glad it's also getting played on the radio! well, i have to go back to studying and doing stuff in my sorority but i'll talk later, love you daddio!
christianhorner bye darling, talk later then! i love you too and have fun xx
yourbff has replied to y.nhorner's story heyy girly! sorry that school's royally kicking your bum, wish i could be there to help you! the grid is missing you terribly but i'm keeping them company and trying to lift their spirits! we've for sure been blasting every single song and album of yours, especially you and noah's newest! also have you heard anything from ex.bff lately?
y.nhorner hey girly pop! it's fine, i'm getting through it the same way i got through h.s and i wish you were here too but it's coming up so soon! i'm missing the grid so much more, i can't even express how much! and that's amazing, i'm glad you've been blasting all the songs, not just the new one because maybe, just maybe i'm gonna come out with a new announcement on my insta grid soon! and not that i've seen, she's most likely blocked me on every other social that i haven't, why?
yourbff that's so good, i'm glad! and i'm only asking about ex.bff because she's been asking some of the drivers, mostly max, lando, carlos, logan and oscar for some paddock passes for the grand prix that you're surprising them at just before summer break happens and she isn't taking no for an answer so maybe you or christian could tell her to fuck off but we'd need permission for you to let daddio horner to tell her to fuck off though...
y.nhorner oh, okay, that's gross and very fuckin weird! there is no way she is going to that grand prix period, paddock passes or not, at the gp that i'm surprising my family at, no fucking way! and go ahead, let daddio tell her to fuck off even though he realistically doesnt need my permission on how he treats and talks to her anymore because she is no longer my friend and doesn't need to be treated as such! dad can say whatever tf he wants to say to her!
yourbff thank fucking god! i'm with christian rn and he's been hanging for your response so, thank you thank you thank you! i could kiss you on the mouth rn if you weren't in hawaii! and wait, did you just say that you were going to announce a new release soon???
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liked by yourbff, christianhorner, gerihalliwellhorner, redbullracing, maxverstappen1, landonorris, oscarpiastri, carlossainz55, sebastianvettel and 14k others
y.nhorner i'm so sorry for my social media absence my lovelies except for a few instagram stories here and there but college was kicking me in the rear end real good and i also may have finished my very first album in my first year at american college in my newly redecorated dorm room at hpu that will be getting released worldwide tonight at five minutes to midnight...
for those wanting an album breakdown since it is my first ever one, i will do the full thing for the songs in a separate post. however, in short hand i will say that there are six originals (including me and noah's song) and four covers of my favourite songs from some of my very well loved artists! thank you so much for all the love and support you gave to me and noah about our single, it's been incredible stepping back and just seeing at how much you guys really love it, it's truly humbling and rewarding! but now saying that, it makes me even more proud to finally be able to release my first ever album because i have worked so hard on it and the reason it's come out so quickly it seems is because all six of my originals had already been written and drafted, i just needed to finish and record them which thankfully didn't take too long. also good to mention that whilst i did finish writing them in my dorm room, every song except for you're gonna go far was recorded in my dorm room! so the acoustics are no joke my lovelies! in saying all of that though, i hope you loves all enjoy my first album, 'little life' 💌
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yourbff so this is what you were talking to me about that day when you left me on read when i finally realised you had mentioned it because i was distracted in letting your dad go off on ex.bff? liked by y.nhorner
y.nhorner yourbff yes....please don't kill me i'm sorry!
christianhorner i'm so proud of you my darling girl! both me and your mum knew you could do it when we were telling you to continue on creating new music and writing new songs whilst at college! liked by y.nhorner
y.nhorner christianhorner thank you daddio! and yes, you and mumma were very much correct and i'm glad that you were!
gerihalliwellhorner well done my darling! you should be so proud of yourself for releasing your very first album! it's going to do well, i'm sure of it! liked by y.nhorner
y.nhorner gerihalliwellhorner thank you mumma! and i am, i'm really proud of myself for what i've done! and i'm glad someone thinks that it's gonna do well!
redbullracing after making all of us cry with you're gonna go far, we'll make sure to stock up on the tissues when it's released because you best believe it's going to be blasting for everyone to hear in the paddock at the next grand prix! liked by y.nhorner
y.nhorner redbullracing omg admin, are you ok? but, thanks i guess for the free promo though!
maxverstappen1 i'm literally standing in my bathroom in shock right now, y.n! how could you do this to me, to us?! you know we're not ready for this! liked by y.nhorner
y.nhorner maxverstappen1 i'm sorry maxie but i was too excited and i couldn't keep it a secret anymore! you know i hate keeping things from people!
landonorris well, there goes all my tears for the rest of the year and next year! liked by y.nhorner
y.nhorner landonorris even though i usually call you dramatic or sympathise with you, this time i'm gonna have to agree with you and say yes after hearing these songs your tear ducts will be dry for years!
oscarpiastri oh crapola! this was not the announcement i expected after getting the notification that you've finally posted again after awhile! liked by y.nhorner
y.nhorner oscarpiastri i know and i'm sorry oscy! but i won't ever be gone for this long again!
carlossainz55 hermana, are you seriously just gonna go away for ages and then hit us with this announcement and think all of us are going to survive? liked by y.nhorner
y.nhorner carlossainz55 yes and no? i'm sorry carlitos but i promise though that you'll love the album though!
sebastianvettel this is fantasic news bubs! i'm so proud of you and i cannot wait to hear this new album after loving your recent single with noah kahan! liked by y.nhorner
y.nhorner sebastianvettel sebby! i've missed you so much and thank you! i can't wait for you to hear it!
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liked by maxverstappen1, noahkahan, taylorswift, logansargeant, charlesleclerc and 14k others
y.nhorner 'little life' album breakdown in 3...2...1:
song one: 'little life' is the title track. it's a cover of cordelia's song 'little life' and like the hook and title suggests, i really do like this little life hence why i decided to cover that song, put it on my album as the top track and then title the album the same thing.
song two: 'you're gonna go far' ft noah kahan is the first single of this album and i have already mentioned briefly what this song is about. but, for those wondering the full story, it was basically a culmination of trashed songs that both me and noah wrote years ago but never came into fruition because it never worked out at the time. that was until we had our very first meeting and i told noah about me wanting to write a song about me leaving england for america for college and showing him the texts between me and my parents. it was funny though because unknowingly, we were both writing the same song that we just smooshed it into the one that we all know and love now! it's truly one of if not my favourite song on this album too, hence why it's the first single!
song three: 'lacy' is what i would call the fine line between envy and homoeroticism. in one lens of the camera, i'm embracing my inferiority complex by personifying the beauty of a girl i used to be intimidated by in school who's been named 'lacy'. i then succumbed to my habit of comparing myself to other women to an extent so extreme that it seemed like it was a crippling romantic obsession. thankfully though, this was when i was in the middle of high school and figuring out my sexuality and i did that by literally hating that specific girl in my class because i thought she was so much better, prettier and inferior to me. hence why the song was created but i do not feel that way anymore but i knew i needed this song on the album so i could also let people know that i'm not perfect and i also have the same thoughts as them.
song four: 'slipping through my fingers' is the second cover song on this album. for those who know me and know me well will know that 'mamma mia' & abba are some of my favourite movies and singing group to ever exist! i could have chosen any abba/mamma mia song but this was the one i chose because it really fit the theme of me leaving home and moving out of the country permanently for college. and also because it was a movie i'd watch with my mum geri when i was younger right up until my last couple years of high school and before i left for hawaii. i also cried my eyes out whilst recording the song in my dorm because that was the night that i was the most homesick i had ever been and when i posted those three stories on my instagram story sharing my first ever cry online since leaving for hawaii.
song five: 'never grow up' is the third cover song on this album. another artist that i absolutely adore with my whole life is taylor swift. and similar to slipping through my fingers, the reason why i added never grow up to this album was because it was the same song to stmf but through a different lense almost. i remember when i was younger, always telling my parents that i always couldn't wait to grow up and get older whereas they were always telling me to slow down and let myself be that young for as long as i could and stay that age and not worry about wanting to be another year older. and now, looking back, especially when i recorded this song for this album, i really wish i listened to my parents when they told me to slow down and never grow up. because now it feels like it's going by so quickly that it can no longer slow down and i hate it but i also have to embrace it because i can't get any younger, i can only get older but that doesn't mean i can't pretend and wish to never grow up.
song six: 'what was i made for?' is the last cover on this album and it's by the beautiful billie eilish. obviously, we all know that this song was part of the new barbie movie soundtrack and as soon as i heard it for the first time, i knew i had to include it into my first album and here we are! similar to the other cover songs, this resonates with me because there are moments in my life, especially recently, when i've been sitting in the dark, on my bed, in tears asking myself 'what was i made for?' 'what am i doing here?' 'why was i even born?' and i was tearing me apart because i was all alone on the other side of the worl away from everyone i love and i was scared to death! before moving to hawaii, i never had to think about the things i have to now because i was still living with/near my parents and, shyness and modesty out of the door, they provided everything for me so i never had to lift my pretty little fingers or feet for anything. they provided my food for me, they made sure i had clean clothes and a clean room, they made sure i was always entertained, they made sure i always had free things, free paddock passes to every grand prix that i wanted, when i wanted them. and then, the second i touched down in hawaii, i had no idea what to do and how to do it. i'm surprised the lovely girls that are my roommates and fellow sorority sisters didn't laugh at me or call me a spoilt brat because they knew who i was as soon as i walked into that sorority house. but what did they do? they taught me everything and they didn't make fun of me, they didn't laugh at me or put me down and tell me i had to do it myself. they realised that from the way i grew up, i wasn't being snobby or a brat whenever i didn't do something. they knew it was because i didn't know how to do it. so this cover is a nod to my lovelies at hpu and in my sorority that helped me find who i was again.
song seven: 'hope ur ok' was a song i actually wrote years ago when i first met a certain red bull driver, mr verstappen and other friends of mine around the same time. even though i've lost contact with most of the friends i have referenced in this song, this song gives them a reminder that nothing is as bad as it seems and i wish them well and reassure them of how proud of them i am and what they've become. this was another song that had me a little emotional because, fun fact, when i recorded this song, max decided to have a cheeky facetime so he watched as i bawled my eyes out to him, telling him that the first verse and the hook of this song was written about him before he sweetly told me it was okay to cry and that he'd love it if he could stay on facetime with me whilst i recorded it. and obviously, i can never say no to maxie so, he watched me and screen recorded the facetime whilst i recorded it and that recording made it into the album.
song eight: 'happier' is a song that whilst many would think is about an ex boyfriend is actually about an ex best friend. and we all know how painful a best friend breakup is however, this ex best friend was someone that was always what someone would call a frenemy. this girl was never actually my friend and it wasn't until just recently, at the beginning of my journey of college life in hawaii that i realised this and cut her off. even though i say in the song that 'she's moved on and found someone new' i mean it in the most pettiest way possible to the point that i hope that new friend she's made realises just how awful she is and leaves her in the same way i left her. this song is basically a best friend break-up song that has the disguise of a relationship break-up and i love just how petty i play it when i practise it live. the song is basically letting her know that i hope she's happier even though i know that she knows she could never be happier when all she spreads is negativity and plays pretend. hence why i ended the song with the lyric 'so find someone great, but don't find no one better. i hope you're happy, but don't be happier' because i was basically the best person she had in her life but she destroyed it because of her own selfishness of not allowing herself to stop being so rude, narcissistic and fake.
song nine: 'jealousy, jealousy' is a song about the unrealistic standards that society has set for young people, young women particularly on social media. in the track, i sing about the constant comparison and self-hatred that social media can often lead to. before i wrote this song, i released a snippet of an unreleased song with a similar theme which also discussed the warped version of reality that social media presents. this was another song that i wrote years ago during a time i was borderline addicted to being on social media and felt crippled by the comparisons i was recieving. thankfully though, i have recovered from this period in my life but it was still a song that i knew i needed to have on this album since i'm an awful liar and there was no way i'd feel proud of myself if i released an album, my first ever, and didn't let people know what was once happening within myself whilst growing up in front of the entire world whilst they were watching me at every formula one grand prix.
song ten: 'enough for you' is the last song on this album and this is another song about the same ex best friend that is mentioned in happier. all throughout high school, i worshipped this girl and looking back, it was depressing and heartbreaking because of how awful she was from the beginning and i never noticed. and then when i did start to notice it as i got older, i tried to do every little thing i could because, like the title of the song suggested, i just wanted to be enough for her. all i wanted was for her to like me and actually treat me like i was her best friend and not like i was the dirt on the back of her shoe which was the way she treated me. and then in my last year of high school, she started to realise that as it got closer to applying for universities within england and internationally and wouldn't be able to control me anymore like she could at school, she got even worse. her biggest thing was she needed to be in control all the time, every single day and when she wasn't and something didn't go her way, she'd take it out on me and the friend group. and it wasn't just verbally it was also physical. to the point i'd come home with bruises because of how many times throughout the last year of high school she'd lose control over me and the other friends.
song ten cont.: and then, i hit a breaking point and i cut all ties with her before our graduation. as it had now been announced, by me publically, as to where it was i was going to for college and that i was indeed moving to hawaii like speculated by those in the f1 world. she got real mad at that that she decided to publically comment and ask me, as though we were still buddy-buddy, as to why i didn't tell her that i was going to hawaii pacific. and i told her, straight up, as many people saw, liked and replied to, that i knew she'd react horribly, been a jerk and tell me to come back home. with the reasoning being that she can't handle not having the same control over me in college that she had during high school. like the song says in the end 'you say i'm never satisfied, but that's not me, it's you. cause all i ever wanted was to be enough but i don't think anything could ever be enough for you. enough for you, oh. no, nothing's enough for you' and it's true because nothing could ever be enough for her no matter how hard you try you can never be enough for her and that's fine with me because i don't want to be enough for her because i don't need to be anymore and quite frankly, that is more than okay. i just hope that she's enough for herself because once she figures that out, i think she'll realise just how awful she is as a human being and maybe think about changing the way she views everyone around her instead of just making everything about her above everyone else.
so, that is the album breakdown of my debut album 'little life'. i really hope you guys enjoy this album because it has been a pleasure to write this and to be able to finally share it with you all! also, comment down below which track number/song title you are claiming (i claim five, six, two and ten btw) 💌
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maxverstappen1 this is an amazing album breakdown and i cannot wait to finally hear it when it's released here in monaco! i claim five, six, seven, two and ten!
y.nhorner maxverstappen1 thank you maxie and good choices of track claiming but just so you know, you guys on the grid can claim the whole album ;)
noahkahan this is such a good tracklist and an amazing album breakdown! i am so incredibly proud of you for your debut album release! and tracks two & four are mine to claim!
y.nhorner noahkahan thank you noah! you know i couldn't have done it without you and, classic choices!
taylorswift omg i am so proud of you, y.n and thank you for covering 'never grow up' so of course that is the track i claim but i also claim track two!
y.nhorner taylorswift thank you so much tay! i love you so much and good choices
logansargeant this is an amazing feat, n.n and i cannot wait to hear this when it comes out! and can i cheekily claim the entire album???
y.nhorner logansargeant thank you logie and of course you can claim the whole album, the entire grid can!
charlesleclerc bursting with pride for you mon ange! and every single track is mine thank you ma'am!
y.nhorner charlesleclerc thank you cha-cha! and yes, every single track is yours mon ange!
landonorris can i claim the entire album under the act of proudest best friend ever?!
y.nhorner landonorris yes you can lando hehe
christianhorner proudest dad ever! i have to claim slipping through my fingers and never grow up of course!
y.nhorner christianhorner thank you daddio and of course, what great songs to claim!
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y.nhorner has posted to her instagram story
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[caption 1: wait, where am i going lovelies🛫💌. caption 2: where's my redbull at babes? caption 3: home sweet home all way in japan with daddio and a max, lando and oscar 1,2,3💌]
landonorris has replied to y.nhorner's story i still cannot believe you surprised us like that!
y.nhorner was it a good surprise at least?
landonorris abso-fucking-lutely, y.n! that was probably why max, oscar and i were on the podium, we had our lucky charm!
y.nhorner aw, i love you sm lando! glad this made you all happy!
maxverstappen1 has replied to y.nhorner's story welcome back little shit! that was so sneaky of you!
y.nhorner hehe, it really was sneaky but i'm glad i got to see win another grand prix, maxie! it felt so much better being there live then watching it on my tv in my dorm room with the girls in the sorority house
maxverstappen1 do you know when you have to go back if i have to bring it back down a sec?
y.nhorner not until after last race of the season, there is no way i'm missing out on you getting your fourth consecutive championship! the one year i could potentially miss it will not be happening! can't break the winning streak now maxie!
oscarpiastri has replied to y.nhorner's story well this was a nice surprise to see after getting a podium in japan!
y.nhorner glad to hear you appreciated it oscy! i am truly fighting jet lag though right now that all the adrenaline has left my body from the race so i think i might go to sleep soon
oscarpiastri if you're tired n.n, you don't have to keep responding, you can fall asleep sweets! i won't be mad and i'm sure the other drivers that you haven't responded to yet won't get mad and they'll understand
y.nhorner thanks oscy...goodnight 💌
wowza, that took way longer than i thought it would to write but i am so proud of myself because this truly came out of nowhere! also i do apologise if anything is incorrect like i know that the podium photo was from a couple years ago but pretend it's from this year lol. and i know i copied some of the album breakdowns from olivia's legitimate genius page because it made sense to do so! if you guys want a part two, i'm sure i can do that since i really did love writing this and would love to if i can find more ideas for this to make it into a little mini series!
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bueckersstrap · 2 months
disclaimer : to the mutuals i don’t mention i love u all sososo much and all my followers i love u so much thank u for like 700 i think we’ve grown sm in like 2 months !!! i love all my moots and i appreciate every single one of you thank you for always supporting me 🤞🏽 - xoxo cel
@iminlovewithpaigebueckers alora!! my sweet precious peoples princess! i love this girl to pieces and id truly be so lost without her that’s my girl frfr. she’s always there for me and even though i was a tad bit scared of her when i didn’t know her (don’t gas urself up too much bro😒) she’s genuinely the epitome of positivity and love and light. she graces everybody with her presence and i could never have anything bad to say about this women.
@thecameronshow my favourite trollop🤗🤗 i love this girl so much she’s so fucking funny and i remember seeing you on somebody’s page and i thought u were so sweet! you added me to ur bio and now we’ve been locked for so long 😘 thank you for always giving me advice and your insight always means the world even tho were usually in the same situation ..
@goldfades my beautiful sweet lovely wife. i am so inlove with this girl i can’t even imagine tumblr without her. she’s the epitome of beauty and love and even tho she hates on me 😢😢😢 i still love her to pieces. she sticks with me through everything and is one of the most understanding people i know. she’s always there for me and i always support her in her sassy ass actions but it’s okay i love the attitude! i love this girl so much words don’t cut it but it’s okay im always shakespeare for my sunny
@aaliyg my fav grandma right here 😘 my fortnite master and literally one of the funniest people i know im not even kidding. i love our convos when we have the same opinions on things bc we are the funniest people ever! i love when u send in asks u make my days w them 😘
@lucespeaks tumblr it girl as id say😝 my fav controversial blog (it’s not u it’s the softies i swear)!! you’re the funniest person on here i swear and whenever we’re haters we are a great duo !!! i was so scared of u when i first followed u but the sweet angel luce agenda is spread between the masses !!! i love ur blog and ur always cracking the funniest jokes cuz we have the same brain im convinced 💆🏽‍♀️ anyways i love u to pieces friend (no allegations pls!)
@arlertwhore one of the best writers on this app i swear. i started following u for ur sneaky link series and there’s nothing but constant praise there from me!!! you’re so funny esp about the espys thing 😭😭😭 i’ll try and start up writing again just for u bae
@barbspeaks MY BARBBBBB😘😘😘 that’s my girl right there and were locked 🔐🤞🏽 !!!! you’re the sweetest girl ever and i always enjoy when we talk and u always have me laughing esppp about the catch a predator videos 😭😭 ur actually my bestie i love u sososo much
@clairosrealwife LIVVY!!!!! my bestie!!!! my fav 12 year old (i’m kidding 😭) whenever we talk it’s always about those stupid anons that get on our nerves but it’s okay bc we always have the same takes and bless u for that!!!! ily😘😘😘
@makethemhoesmad … first impressions were u TRAMUATIZING tumblr w papi ivan or ur other freaky ass ao3 stories. but ur so funny and i love when we talk 😘 mwah mwah
@lowgothree MY BAE JJ!!!! i literally love u so much ur the sweetest and i always enjoy when we talk cus ur sososo funny 😘 im so sorry i left u on delv that one time i swear it wasn’t on purpose baeski💔 ilysm xoxo
@fruitbasketball mina!!! i was soooo scared of u i cannot lie. i always saw ur recaps on my feed and i loveeddddd ur blog im honoured to b ur moot 😘 but you’re a sweetheart and i love ur basketball recaps and the knowledge you have is unmatched on this app ! ily
@wanderlusturous my bsf jojo!!!! i stole u off evs page and ur such a sweetheart to have as a moot!!! i love when u send in asks ur the best!!!!!! mwah ily
@latenighttalkinqwp jazzie baby omfg this was added bc i realized i didn’t tag u in the final draft . don’t shoot me babes! you’re literally so fucking funny whenever we interact i’m always laughing i love being ur moot😘
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gojorgeous · 8 months
Just read that Alpha Gojo fic and I think at some point, maybe after the heat is over, readers gonna have to be like “I Am American And This Might Be A Problem” like do mates get automatic citizenship in Omegaverse? Is there a precedent for having to uproot your entire life because you got caught off guard and bonded to a guy in a different country? Moneys not an issue bc Gojo is rich as hell but a looong conversion awaits them.
i am, once again, about to discuss omegaverse lore on my blog. i'm gonna put a cut cause i think it's gonna be long and people don't need unwanted omegaverse on their feed LMAO:
yesssssss, i think reader goes through a lot directly after the end of the fic. I think she's going to have a lot of moments of crisis and it will really put both her and gojo to the test. I think they would both realize fairly quickly that she has to move to japan and, seeing as they're freshly bonded, i don't think gojo would even let her go back to america to arrange her moving. he'd just hire a bunch of people to pack up her apartment OR he would insist on going to america with her because it would be physically and emotionally dangerous for them to be parted for that long. i think that would end up being one of their first arguments.
i also unironically think omegaverse is really cool for the political/social contexts that it brings about (LMAO WHAT AM I ON ABOUT) cause it creates like an entirely separate category for people to be shuffled into and creates new societal problems. I would think that citizenship for reader wouldn't be too hard to get, even if it wasn't already guaranteed. Gojo would just hire a team of outrageously expensive lawyers to get it done asap lol.
i also think that gojo and reader's relationship is a bit tense and rocky for a while. they dance along this weird line of not being able to live without each other, but also understanding that they really don't know each other at all. granted, i think reader is the one with the biggest hangups. gojo is down to just love her off the bat lol.
i do feel really bad for reader because i think she'd have a full blown identity crisis. she goes from fully believing she's a beta to suddenly finding out she's an omega AND she bonds some guy she doesn't know AND he's satoru fucking gojo LMAO. i think anyone would feel overwhelmed. i think she really struggles with knowing if her feelings for him are real or if they're just caused by their dynamic. i think it takes lots of patience and gentleness from gojo to convince her that it's real and not just a biological thing.
in the end, i see it all working out for them, though :) happily ever after LMAOOOO
i hope you enjoyed my analysis bestie, thank you for the ask ily!!!
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Hey bestie! Oh my god I saw you’re taking requests for Wednesday, sooo I was wondering if you could write a Wednesday x reader where r is enid’s sibling, maybe they keep ‘bothering’ wednesday with smalltalk, chatting, etc (basically, they’re down bad but even they don’t know it) until enid basically tells them they need to ask her out or she’ll tell Wednesday for them. Thank you so so much, sorry if this sounds insane it’s literally 1 am and I need sleep. Anyway, have a fabulous day!
The way I literally ran to my drafts so I could get started working on this asap- you always have such good ideas, thank you for sending this in ily ❣❣
The Other Sinclair (Wednesday Addams x reader)
Warnings: reader is a huge simp, Enid is the perfect wingman (wingwolf? Is that even a thing?), Wednesday is oddly sentimental, basically you're all just huge dorks
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As soon as Wednesday found out Enid had a sibling she knew there was no way she'd ever get peace again.
To say you were bothersome was an understatement. Often times Wednesday wished you and your sister weren't so close, because maybe then you wouldn't constantly be hanging around when it was least welcomed (which, Wednesday being Wednesday, was pretty much all the time).
You would visit her every single day, bringing your constant cheerfulness with you as though it was the only thing keeping you alive. Wednesday saw it to be quite the opposite; the mere thought of you and your never fading smile was enough to make her hair stand on end while she broke out in a cold sweat, and not in a good way.
The only times she got any peace was when Enid decided to leave and visit you in your room instead. In fact, it was during one of those very visits that she spoke to you about something you'd been cleverly hiding for quite some time: the crush you had on Wednesday. Although if we're being completely honest here, you clearly didn't hide it as well as you thought if Enid knew about it.
"Come on, you have to tell her!" Enid insisted, trying her best to convince you.
"There's no way that's ever going to happen," you replied, crossing your arms over your chest. "Wednesday actively dislikes everyone, and I'm no different from the rest of them."
"I simply refuse to believe that's true. I mean, come on, the way she looks at you-"
"-is with the same glare that she gives everyone else. Face it, Enid, Wednesday wants nothing to do with me."
"If she wanted nothing to do with you, then she would have verbally eviscerated you a long time ago. I know that's what she did to me," Enid mumbled under her breath. "You'll never know until you ask. Plus, if you don't fess up and admit your feelings, I'm just gonna go ahead and tell her myself, so..."
"Wha-? Enid, you can't do that!" You all but screech, grabbing ahold of her shoulders in an effort to both convince her otherwise and ground yourself.
"Look, I don't want it to have to come to that, but I will if I have to. Now, promise me you'll talk to Wednesday as soon as we get back." Enid raised her eyebrows at you, almost in a threatening manner.
"Okay, fine," you conceded, letting go of her. "I'll give it a shot."
"Wonderful!" Your sister joyfully cried out, clapping her hands together swiftly while jumping up and down. "Now, let's work on what you're going to say."
Meanwhile, back in Ophelia Hall, Wednesday was experiencing an intense session of writer's block. As much as she wanted to be writing, she couldn't help but wonder what you were doing instead.
She didn't understand it; the hold you had on her was unnatural, but not necessarily uninviting. She often found herself thinking about the way you laughed whenever Enid told one of her horrible jokes, and how you always greeted Thing whenever you arrived.
Not to mention you always asked how her day was, even if you knew the answer was going to be something along the lines of 'pure torture'. In fact, any time you bumped into her on Nevermore's campus you actually looked happy to see her, and were never polite simply for the sake of it.
Wednesday was beginning to feel things she'd never felt before, and it made her quite unsure of herself. And if there was one thing Wednesday hated, it was being unsure of herself.
Could it be... was this love?
She'd heard other people talk about it- how their hands would get abnormally sweaty and they'd begin to suffer from heart palpitations- but she'd never felt it first hand, and it was a rather strange feeling that was quite difficult for her to place as she had never experienced it before.
Even after having it described to her by her parents about how they fell in love at a young age multiple times, she still had no idea just how it happened and what it felt like. In fact, if anything, having heard of Morticia and Gomez's own romantic romps from their youth did nothing but further confirm what Wednesday was quite certain of: falling in love was nothing but a gigantic waste of time.
And yet, there she was; she could practically feel her pulse quicken by the second at the mere thought of you.
Just then, the door opened, and in skipped Enid, with you in tow. You weren't feeling like your usual cheery self at that moment, and you were certain you couldn't be looking like it either.
"Heya, Wednesday!" Enid delightfully greeted the blank faced girl, who's attention was focused solely on you instead. "My dear sibling here has something they'd like to say to you."
She nudged you with her elbow and gestured towards Wednesday. "Well, go on," she whispered.
The braided brunette raised her eyebrow at your sudden shyness. It usually took her ages to get you to shut up, so this complete 180 in attitude was a shock.
"Um..." you started rather awkwardly. "Well, you see, I- I've liked you for quite some time now, and was just wondering if... if maybe you'd like to accompany me to The Weathervane? This weekend, perhaps?" You asked, your voice barely above a whisper. "I- I completely understand if it's a no, I mean, it is on such short notice-"
"Yes," Wednesday stated as soon as she noticed the hesitation begin to creep through your voice. "I'd like that."
"I- really?" You couldn't hide your excitement at her response, not that you wanted to.
"Of course. If I didn't, I would have said so," she replied curtly. "I expect you to pick me up at 3 pm sharp, and don't be late."
"I- okay," you immediately agreed, a little stunned by her answer. "I'll see you then."
She nodded swiftly before turning her attention back to her typewriter. You turned around to see Enid standing there with the biggest grin you'd ever seen on her, her arms opened wide.
You let her pull you in for a tight hug, embracing her happily. "I can't believe that worked! I mean, she said yes! She actually said yes! We're finally going out, and it's gonna happen this Saturday!"
"I know! I'm so happy for you!" Enid squealed, wrapping her arms around you even tighter. Because you were so preoccupied with your own excitement, you both failed to notice the faintest smirk that had crept its way onto Wednesday's face.
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