#thanks for lacey for the link to the photos!!
hayden-christensen · 6 months
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HAYDEN CHRISTENSEN attends the lighting of the Empire State Building to celebrate ‘Imperial March: March to May the 4th’ in New York City on March 21, 2024.
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sjsmith56 · 7 months
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Life Changing, Chapter 6 - Eyes of the Father
Summary: Lacey’s pregnancy progresses well. When she goes into labour Steve shows up to see her through it. A bag of fan mail for her latest book includes a special letter.
Length: 4.7 K
Characters: Lacey, Laura, Clint, Steve.
Warnings: description of childbirth
Author notes: The picture referred to was a picture of Bucky taken at the Bucharest market. His vulnerability was evident in the photo and it’s kind of hinted that it may have influenced Clint to help.
<<Chapter 5
🚜 🤰📨
It didn't take long for Lacey to tell Laura Barton everything.  Her calm and kind nature impressed Lacey immediately as did her assurance that if Lacey stayed there long enough to have her baby that they would both be looked after.   After being stressed while trying to stay safe and worrying about the future of her baby it felt good to have a motherly type looking out for her. 
Her own mother hadn't been helpful when Lacey returned home to Wilmington, Pennsylvania for her brother's funeral.  Still blaming Lacey for not preventing her brother Tom from leaving had caused a rift between her mother and herself.   Even the presence of her oldest brother Terry and her sister Nancy hadn't tempered her mother's anger at her.  Nancy had been sympathetic but because of her own emotional issues over her divorce wouldn't stand up to their mother.  Terry, who had brought his entourage with him told her to stop being a selfish brat and apologize.  As soon as Tom was buried Lacey packed up and left, leaving a note for her mother that made it clear they had nothing more to discuss.  She drove to Philadelphia, rented her furnished bachelor apartment and sold her car, discarding the last piece of property that could be legally linked to her. 
She poured all of this out to Laura Barton in the day after her arrival in a catharsis that seemed to last for hours.  Laura listened patiently realizing that Lacey had kept this bottled up for weeks.  She was exactly what Lacey needed, a sympathetic ear with no connection to her, who wouldn't judge her for things out of her control.  Once Lacey had it out of her system she found her fears subsided and she was able to look forward to staying on the Barton farm for the near future. 
The following day Clint landed the quinjet on the farm and brought the rest of the Avengers inside the house after the disaster of their mission in South Africa.  As Laura came out and was introduced to the team Lacey held back for several minutes before coming out of her room and down the stairs. 
"Hey guys," she said, raising her hand in greeting.  "Surprise."
Natasha and Steve hugged her affectionately while the others expressed astonishment at finding her there.
"She needed a safe place to hide while we went on our mission," said Clint.  "This place is off the books so I offered to hide her here with my family.  You can still stay here Lacey, as long as you need to."
"Thanks, Clint," replied Lacey.  "I'll consider that.  I talked Laura's ear off yesterday and I wouldn't be surprised if she's already had enough of me."
"You can stay as long as you want," repeated Laura.  "You needed to unload and I was happy to listen."
As the others milled around and Lacey looked closely at their faces she realized that something disturbing had happened to the team.  Thor left almost immediately and Steve went outside to work off his frustration by splitting logs.  Tony joined him and she watched from the steps as no one else seemed willing to tell her what had happened.  Even Clint was unusually quiet about what went down, telling only Laura.  When Laura asked Tony to get their tractor working Lacey approached Steve.
"What happened to you out there?" she asked.  "You all seem shaken."
He sighed and looked at her, debating how to describe it.  "We had our minds messed with," he finally replied.  "A girl, maybe 18, with the ability to enter our minds and show us things that shook us.  She showed me a future that I wanted, with a woman that I loved during the war but never told her.  The others had more disturbing visions.  Only Clint's intervention saved us.  Ultron also got control of a large amount of vibranium ... enough to make a very big weapon that could cause an extinction level event.  So yeah, we are shaken.  We failed."
"I'm sorry," she said.  "What will you do?"
"Find where he is and try again," he said.  "What choice do we have?"
Tony appeared at the door and called Steve in for a meeting.  Turning towards the house Steve put his hand lightly on Lacey's back, wanting her to be part of it.  Inside was Nick Fury, who looked briefly at her but gave no indication they had met on her flight to the farm.  He encouraged the Avengers to come up with a plan to stop Ultron explaining there was no one else capable of handling it.  It must have hit a chord with them because they made the decision to return to Stark Tower and determine where Ultron had disappeared to.  As they made preparations to leave Steve sat with Lacey on the couch.
"Are you coming with us?" he asked, looking intently at her.
"No, I'm going to stay here," she answered.  "I feel at peace here.  Laura's been a mom twice and is expecting her third.  I feel like there's a lot I can learn from her on being a mom.  When you beat Ultron, you get hold of me and ask me again.  I'll decide then."
He hugged her.  "Look after yourself," he said.  "I don't have much family.  Just Bucky, you and the baby."
"That's what Natasha said," replied Lacey.  "That's good because I kind of broke it off with the rest of my family.  They weren't giving me much support."
Steve hugged her again and stood up, smiling at her before he left the house.  Lacey and Laura went out onto the porch and watched the quinjet take off and fly into the twilight.  Then Laura turned to her.
"Tomorrow I see my obstetrician," she said.  "I'll introduce you to him.  We have to keep you healthy, don't we?  Fury gave me some new IDs for you and a wedding band to wear if you want it.  Your name is now Lacey Chapman.  I hope that's okay."
"It's fine," said Lacey.  "I'm not sure I ever want to use the Williams name again.  If I can get published under the new name then I'll be good.  Except maybe I'll use my initials.  L.C. Chapman.  What do you think?"
"Lots of authors use pseudonyms," replied Laura.  "It will work out."
The next day Lacey met the obstetrician and he agreed to take her on as a patient.  Her first appointment was set up for the following week.  When the women returned to the farm she helped Laura can some fruit and vegetables.  They laughed and talked of all manner of things and by the end of the day Lacey felt gloriously tired and slept well.  It was several days before they heard anything from the Avengers and that was only when Laura got up to start the coffee and smelled Clint's aftershave.  She turned around and saw him there.  He embraced her, announcing he was done, retiring.  Lacey came downstairs and hugged him as well, after learning what had happened.  She was sorry to hear of the death of the young man who had saved Clint's life, knowing it had shaken him.  She was also sorry to hear that Bruce Banner had disappeared in his Hulk persona and they had no idea where he was.  Then Clint turned to her and gave her more news.
"They've moved the Avengers out of Stark Tower and into a secure compound in the countryside," he said.  "Steve and Natasha are taking over training for some new recruits.  He wrote a letter to you.  I don't know what it says but no matter what you can stay here.  I can build you a suite for you and your baby.  It won't take long."
Laura rolled her eyes at that pronouncement but she repeated the offer.  Lacey thanked them both and went to her room with the letter, opening it and sitting on her bed.  She smiled, seeing Steve's penmanship was as nice as Bucky's.  They were definitely a product of their time.
Dear Lacey,
By now you know the results of our battle with Ultron.  We lost some people but we were able to prevent him from destroying the world.  Natasha and I will be training our new recruits and I expect to be very busy here.  You are welcome to come and live here with us but I will understand if you choose to stay at Barton's farm.  You seemed much more relaxed there than you ever were in Stark Tower. 
I meant what I said about you being family.  If you choose to stay there I want you to call me when you're in labour and I will be at your side, helping bring your baby into the world.  I owe you and Bucky that much.  I will visit when I can.  Until I see you, know that I think of you two often.  The search for him will continue, I promise.
With the highest regards,
Lacey choked up a little bit.  Steve was right.  The farm felt familiar and comfortable.  She wasn't sure she would fit in at the Avengers compound.  Right then and there she decided to stay with the Bartons.  When she told them of her decision they both hugged her and assured her they would make it work.  Just at that moment Laura felt a twinge in her back.  Clint noticed it and looked at her with concern, then made sure she laid down for a while.  A few hours later she called him to say it was time and Lacey told them to go, that she could look after the kids.  When Clint returned a few hours later and confirmed that his son Nathaniel had been born Lacey felt even more sure that this was the place she needed to be. 
Over the next few months Clint was as good as his word.  He built a suite, with its own bathroom for Lacey and her baby.  Lacey insisted on paying him for his work but he refused, saying it would become their new bedroom if and when she moved.  He built a cradle while Laura sewed bedding for it.  Lacey had an ultrasound at four and a half months that confirmed it was a boy.  That evening she laid in her bed and looked at the ultrasound picture then touched her abdomen.  She imagined Bucky lying behind her, spooning so he could have his hand on her belly.  They would look at the picture together and kiss at the prospect of their son.  Try as she might she couldn't keep the tears away and she pulled a pillow close as she wept, wondering if she would ever see Bucky again.
When she told Steve he did visit and brought a box of boy things for the baby.  She showed him the ultrasound picture and he told her how thrilled Bucky would have been at the technology behind it.  At five months of pregnancy Lacey received an acceptance letter from a publisher for a manuscript she had submitted through her literary agent.  They offered her a sizeable advance and asked her to come to New York to work with the editor.  She declined, citing agoraphobia.  Instead she asked if they could it edit it together online.   After some back and forth with her agent as intermediary they agreed and Clint showed her how to hide their location on the computer so they couldn't be tracked.  She worked with the editor for a week and they both were happy with the resulting manuscript.  The editor brought up her author picture asking if they could send a photographer to take her picture.  Muting her for a moment Lacey ran to get Clint.
"What do I tell her?" she asked.  "I said I had agoraphobia and that I couldn't leave the house.  But we can't have a strange photographer coming here either."
"I know a photographer in town," he replied.  "Ask if you can provide your own professional headshot.  I trust him to come out.  He can take pictures of the baby and the kids.  It's been a while since we had a portrait done."
Lacey ran back to the computer and unmuted the editor.  "I have a photographer that I'm comfortable with," she said.  "He's a professional.  Can I get him to do a headshot and then send it to you electronically?"
"I don't see why not," said the editor.  "I'll find out what their settings are for a photograph and email that to you."
"Thank you," said Lacey.  "It's been so hard dealing with this disorder and I know it's made extra work for you.  I'm so pleased that you've accommodated me."
"Well, your novel is worth it," said the editor.  "I'll get that information to you as soon as possible."
Two days later the photographer came out and took pictures of the family then set up for head shots of Lacey.  Clint introduced her as his cousin.  He took several poses and asked what format she needed to send to her publisher.  After confirming he could do it he said he would email them to her within a couple of days.  When he did she sent them on to the publisher and left it to them which one they wanted.  Clint set her up with a post office box a few towns away and they used that as her mailing address, knowing that the publisher would be sending out galley copies for her approval. 
At seven months into Lacey's pregnancy the publisher announced the publication date of her second published book The Woolf Howled.  They sent her a link to their website where it was described as a fictional account of a troubled young woman who found solace in the writings of Virginia Woolf.  When she began to identify too strongly with Woolf and started to imitate her life she realized she lost herself to the mythology of the author and had to fight to regain her sanity.  One critic who had reviewed a galley copy called it a bold re-imagination of the life and death of the famed author written for a modern audience.  Another called it a harrowing account of losing oneself in the life experiences of another person.  The book came out when Lacey was 8 ½ months pregnant.  A week later she went into labour and Clint phoned Steve before he drove her to the hospital.  Steve flew a quinjet to the hospital, which Clint flew back to the house, leaving Steve his truck keys.  He entered the maternity wing and told the receptionist he was there to be the support for Lacey Chapman.  Realizing she recognized him he asked her not to spread it around that he was there as Lacey was a very good friend whose husband, his best friend, was missing.  Smiling nicely at her she agreed to keep his visit quiet then led him to where he could change.  A nurse came for him and he entered the delivery room.
"Hi sweetheart," he smiled when he entered.  "I told you I would be here for you.  How far along are you?"
"8 cm," she said, as another contraction started.  He held her hand as she breathed through it.  "It shouldn't be long before I can start pushing.  Are you sure you want to be here for this?"
"I'm sure," he said.  "I owe it to you and Bucky.  Have you come up with a name yet?"
"I want to name him Thomas James," she said.  "Thomas is my brother's name, the one that was murdered."
Steve nodded.  "I think Bucky would like that," he said.  "You okay with me calling him Tommy?"
She smiled then grimaced as another contraction started.  Steve grasped her hand again as she breathed through it.  For half an hour he told her stories of growing up with Bucky that made her smile and laugh.  When a contraction happened he held her hand and helped her breath.  After checking her cervix the nurse assigned to her told her that it was almost time to start pushing and she would advise the doctor.  Lacey looked at Steve and started to cry.
"What's wrong?" he asked gently.
"I wish it was Bucky that was here," she admitted.  "I'm glad you're here but it should be him."
"I know," he replied sympathetically.  "If we had found him I would have brought him here myself.  I know you wanted to wait to tell him but he would have wanted to be here as well."
Another contraction started and this one overwhelmed her making her cry.  Steve did his best to calm her and the nurse ran in, hearing her cries from the hallway.
"The doctor will be here right away," she soothed.  "He's just scrubbing in.  I'm here to help you deal with these final contractions.  They're doozies, aren't they?"
Lacey nodded and Steve wiped her tears away gently.  When the next one started the nurse told her to pant and not to stop until the contraction eased.  Then the obstetrician entered and put on his gown and gloves.  He and the nurse talked Lacey through the next contraction and another then announced the baby's head was crowning.  As the head was born after she pushed on the next contraction Lacey panted as if her life depended on it.  They suctioned the airways and then asked for another push to birth one shoulder.  Turning the baby slightly the other shoulder came out followed by the rest of the baby.  Lacey cried out in gladness then watched as the doctor rubbed the baby's back.  When the baby cried out the doctor laid him on her abdomen.  Hesitantly she touched him and started to cry when he looked at her.  When the umbilical cord had stopped pulsing the doctor offered Steve the scissors to cut it and he refused.
"I'm just the father's best friend," he explained.  "He's missing.  You cut it doc."
The doctor cut it and explained they were going to examine him, wrap him up and put a cap on him then they would bring him right back.  Steve hugged Lacey.
"Did you see that hair?" he exclaimed.  "That's Bucky's hair.  He's beautiful, Lacey.  Bucky would be so proud of you."
"I can't believe I did it," said Lacey.  "That was so hard but once he was born it was like all the pain just went away."
"I'll pass on the word to Tony and Natasha that you've had the baby," said Steve.  "I'm sure you'll be receiving something from them."
"No word on Bruce yet?" she asked.
"Nothing," replied Steve.  "It's like he disappeared off the face of the Earth."
"I hope he's okay," she said.  "Hard to reconcile that gentle man with ... you know."
"I know," replied Steve. 
They brought Tommy back to her and Lacey looked at Steve.  "This is where I get to breast feed him," she said.  "I don't mind if you stay.  I mean, you are his godfather ... you know that, right?"
"Thank you," blushed Steve.  "If you're okay with me being here I would like to stay for a little longer."
The nurse showed Lacey how to offer the breast to the baby and get him to latch on.  Steve stayed, while averting his eyes as she and the nurse worked out the logistics.  When Tommy finally started successfully nursing he put his hand on Lacey's shoulder. 
"You'll be a great mother," he said softly. 
After assisting Lacey with the feeding and the afterbirth, the nurse announced she would be moved to a hospital room soon.  Lacey asked if he wanted to hold Tommy before she was moved and he smiled, then let the nurse show him how to do it.  Steve kissed him on the head and stood up walking around with the baby for several minutes, talking softly to him.
"I have to go," he said reluctantly after his time with the baby.  "I wish I could stay longer."
"It's okay," replied Lacey.  "Clint and Laura will take care of us.  Thank you for being here."
He gave Tommy back then bent over and hugged her, kissing both of them on the head.   Leaving the room, he changed out of the scrubs and drove Clint's truck back to the farm.  Laura made him something to eat and he told them about the birth.  He also filled them in on what was happening at the Avengers compound.  His face must have shown something as Clint looked sharply at him. 
"What else is going on?" he asked.
"There are rumours that the Avengers are going to be put under the control of the United Nations," said Steve.  "The feeling is that we have too much freedom to go on missions and that we're not capable of determining which missions require our attention.  They want an oversight committee to decide for us."
"That's bullshit," said Clint.  "Sometimes you have minutes to get out there.  You can't be waiting for an oversight committee to decide for you."
"Exactly," said Steve.  "Tony is really pushing for it.  It's caused some friction between us.  If we don't agree to it then we have to retire."
"Good thing I'm already retired," replied Clint.  "Keep us posted.  Any word on Lacey's situation?"
"I had a visit with the FBI agent in charge of her brother's case," said Steve.  "I didn't say anything to her as the guy is a bit of a jerk.  He demanded to know where she is.  Apparently he still thinks she's planning to meet up with Bucky somewhere.  I told him she's in seclusion.  There is still a powerful Russian criminal who wants to make an example of her."
"She stays with us, then," said Barton firmly.  "Poor kid."
Steve finished eating and stood up.  He thanked Laura for the meal and walked outside with Clint to the quinjet. 
"This UN thing is going to get messy," said Steve.  "It could tear us apart."
"You know, I respect Tony," said Clint.  "But when he gets on his high horse he just doesn't see anyone else's point of view.  I guess that's what happens when you're a genius."
Steve didn't respond but he did shake Clint's hand and the latter man watched as the quinjet rose into the sky and flew off.  He was well out of it and glad that he was.  His life revolved around his family now and he liked being a farmer.
Neither Clint nor Laura said anything to Lacey about the FBI agent or the problems at the Avengers compound.  It was just as well as she was consumed by baby Tommy and by the response to her book.  With Laura's guidance Lacey learned how to be a mom.  Never in her life did she think she could ever love someone as much as she loved this baby.  As Tommy's eye colour came in and the bright blue of his father's eyes developed she was glad she decided to proceed with the pregnancy.  When she wasn't looking after him she was learning how to be a farmer, insisting that she earn her keep.  Clint taught her how to drive the tractor and how to plant crops, sharing everything he knew about running a farm. 
In the meantime Lacey's book was selling reasonably well, even internationally as foreign language editions were published.  The post office two towns away called to say she had fan mail that needed to be picked up.  Clint drove out to get it and brought back a mail bag full of letters.  Lacey was flabbergasted.  Her first book had some good reviews but she never received a single fan letter and made only the minimum from the first and only print run.  She began to read some of the letters and was touched by the sentiments in them.  Realizing that some of the writers had poured their hearts out to her she began to answer the letters, writing responses on her laptop, printing them off, signing them and sending them off. 
One morning when Tommy was almost eight months old Clint came up to Lacey's room and knocked on the door.  She opened it to his grim face.
"You better come downstairs," he said.  "There's something on the TV that you should see."  Picking Tommy up she followed him to where Laura was watching a news channel.  "There's been an incident in Nigeria.  The Avengers were trying to stop a HYDRA cell from stealing a biological weapon.  It went wrong and there was an explosion that killed several people.  They're blaming the Avengers for it and actually want to arrest one of them, Wanda.  She's just a kid."
"What will it all mean for them?" asked Lacey.
"They want to put the Avengers under the control of an oversight committee," said Clint.  "It means they can't respond to anything without someone's say so.  You know yourself that sometimes the fight comes to them.  They wouldn't even be able to defend themselves without permission."
"How are the team taking it?" she asked.  "Have you heard anything?"
"Steve told us when he was here for the birth that it was rumoured then and it was causing friction," replied Clint.  "I can't see it getting better."
Lacey watched the coverage for some time until they all decided to turn it off.  She decided to answer some letters and dug into the latest mail bag.  After answering six letters she pulled out one more and looked at her name written on the envelope.  The writing was familiar and she opened the envelope noticing a picture fall out face down on the floor.  Picking it up she gave out a cry and Clint came running.
"What is it, what's wrong?" he asked.
"Bucky," she whispered.  "He wrote me a letter."
Clint looked at the picture seeing a long haired man with bright blue-grey eyes and unshaven face.  He glanced at Tommy, noticing the eyes of the father were the same as the boy's.  The longer he looked at the picture of Bucky the more he realized he was looking at a man trying to find himself.  He seemed vulnerable and alone.  Lacey was reading the letter, her face absorbing every word.  Then she looked up at Clint.
"He saw a poster of me in the window of a book store," she said, her voice tight.  "He bought my book and read it.  He's proud of me for persevering in my writing and hopes that I'm happy."
"Where's the envelope postmarked?" he asked. 
She looked at the marking on the envelope.  "Romania," she replied. "He must be there.  We have to tell Steve."
"I will," said Clint firmly.  "Is there anything else in the letter that gives a hint where in Romania?"
Lacey scanned it again while Clint looked closely at the picture to see if any landmark stood out. 
"Nothing, except that he goes to a large market in the centre of the city," she noted.  "He says city, not town or village."
"Could be Bucharest," guessed Clint.  "HYDRA might have had abandoned safe houses there that he could hide in."
Clint left to contact Steve while Lacey studied the picture.  Bucky's hair was still long but he looked almost the same.  The biggest difference from when she last saw him was he seemed tired and sad in the picture.  She picked Tommy up and walked outside with him.  Looking out over the farm she lowered her face to Tommy's and breathed in his baby smell.  He reached out with his hand and touched her face.  Somehow they would find Bucky, and unite father and son.  Somehow they would be a family.
That night she laid in bed, looking more closely at Bucky's picture.  His eyes seemed haunted and she wondered who had taken the picture that caught him in such a vulnerable pose.  She focussed on his beautiful lips, remembering them on her own and wondered if she would ever feel them on her again.  After a few more minutes gazing at him she put the picture in her nightstand drawer and turned off the bedside lamp.  Wishing on a picture wouldn't find him, nor would it bring him back to her.  Only fate would do that.
Chapter 7>>
Series Masterlist
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thereaderinsertlady · 3 years
For the Valentine's prompts, could I have one with Bill Cipher x female Reader, where Bill (human or triangle, I'll leave it up to you) finds the reader's sexy lingerie and makes her wear it for him? Thank you!
Yeah, of course! I'd love to do something for Bill. Some of the ideas in here are the same ones I had for the multi-chapter Bill fic. In this oneshot, he can be seen as either a triangle or as human; you get to decide which one he is. Personally, I like to see him as a two foot tall trangle walking around lol. Here's the link for this on ao3. I may have taken it in a different direction than you were expecting, but I still hope you enjoy!
Bill Cipher x Reader - Lingerie of Good Times
Bill Cipher realized several things about himself a few months after he received a corporal body. One, he was fragile. Just last week he slammed his elbow into a doorframe, and he still felt an ache in his elbow! Everything seemed to be out to get him, especially the things that are too high up on the darn shelves! The worst feeling in the world was having to grab a chair, or to ask you for help.
Two, having an actual body wasn’t as fun as he thought. Due to... how he received a tangible form, his magical abilities had been effectively cut in half. He had to walk from place to place, and he could only float for a few minutes at a time!
And three...
He liked snooping around your house.
Since he was unable to leave your abode, he had nothing better to do while you were away at work. You had video games, but it wasn’t any fun playing by himself! Sure, he could learn how to play better, and beat you at every game you had, but again, it wasn’t as fun as having you play with him.
So now here he was, looking around in your attic with nothing better to do. Your attic wasn’t very big, and he had already searched through some of the boxes, but there were still a couple of things to look at.
He picked up a box from the large pile, and sat in front of himself while sitting down, rubbing his little hands together. “Alright, alright! Contestant number twelve, what’s inside you?”
With a knife he got from the kitchen downstairs earlier, he sliced the tape off, revealing...
Bill Cipher gasped, and his single eye ‘grinned’ in amusement. “Baby photos?” He picked up one of the photos from the top of the stack, turning it every which way. It was a photo of you as a baby, swaddled in a cocoon of blankets. “How cute,” he cooed, before spending the next thirty minutes sifting through all the photos in the box.
However, as he reached the bottom of the box, some of the pictures he saw were... strange. They were older pictures of you, and you didn’t show your face in any of them, but there was one notable feature about each of the photos.
You were wearing lingerie.
Bill squinted at a particular photo, where you were wearing a very skimpy dress that would reveal your ass if you bent over. Due to how the photo was angled, he could see a hint of lacey yellow underwear peeking out from under the hem of the dress.
His first thought wasn’t why you wore those things, nor why you even had photos of you like this, but rather, his first thought was— “Why don’t you wear things like this for me?” He mumbled with a pout.
He placed the photo back in the box, knowing fully well that he’d return to it later, and stood up from the floor while lightly grumbling to himself. You should be arriving home soon from work any second now, but... Bill just had to know if you still have lingerie laying around in your closet!
Carefully, Bill Cipher made his way out of the attic, making sure to hide any evidence that proved he was up there in the first place. You forbid him from going into certain places in your house, which includes the attic and your bedroom, but did that stop him from snooping around?
Bill Cipher lightly giggled to himself as he opened your bedroom door, feeling quite mischievous in that moment. He went over towards your wardrobe, peering inside. “Alright, what do ya have in here, darlin’...”
Bill sifted through your clothes for a few good minutes, humming a small tune under his breath. His eye ‘grinned’ widely when he pulled out some lacy black lingerie, and held it out in front of himself with a whistle.
“Ooh, what do we have here?” He toyed with the soft fabric for a good moment, not hearing you sneak up behind him.
“I believe that’s my lingerie you’re holding there, Bill,” you hissed lowly.
...Slowly, Bill turned around to face you, but he wasn’t embarrassed nor sheepish, oh most certainly not. Instead, he thrusted out the fabric to you, and said— “Wear this.”
You... narrowed your eyes at him. “What?”
“Wear this,” he repeated... “Please.” The only reason why he said please, however, was because he knew humans liked hearing that word when asked to do something.
You stared at him for a bit longer, before groaning loudly, rubbing tiredly at your face. “You’re lucky I like you,” you grumbled, taking the lingerie from him. “Stand right there, I’ll be back momentarily...”
Bill Cipher watched as you left the room, and— and giggled when you returned, no longer wearing your work clothes. “Oh my...”
“Don’t ‘oh my’ me,” you grunted, folding your arms over your chest. “I’m only doing this because I know you’ll pester me about it later, and I’d rather get it over with now!”
“Don’t act embarrassed,” Bill cooed at your expression— “I’ve seen the photos in your attic!”
You stiffened. “I-I was low on money at the time, and I knew some people who’d love to have photos of certain—” you paused in your explanation, slowly squinting at him. “Why were you in the attic? And, actually, why the hell are you even in my room right now? Get out!”
Bill laughed loudly, and walked towards the door. “Fine, fine, I’ll leave! But just know this— you look reeeally cute in that lingerie set!”
You glared at him as he left your room, hearing his laughter echo down the hallway. Oh, one of these days, you were going to kick his ass...
Last week...
Bill Cipher walked into the kitchen, letting out a large sigh. “Hey human, what’s for—” he yelled when he smacked his elbow into the doorway, squeezing his eyes shut in pain.
“...Are you okay?” You asked after a pause, and— and bit your bottom lip, obviously trying not to laugh at his misfortune.
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cloverque · 4 years
departure (haiba lev)
出发 (灰羽 リエーフ)
a departure doesn’t always guarantee a return
4128 words
post time skip! model lev, fiances, angst, concept of waiting, alt ending (w/ closure)
a (reuploaded) req for a certain lev lover <3
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Haiba Lev wasn’t the most level headed person. He was blunt, foolish, assertive, and sometimes, a simpleton. And yet, despite his innumerable flaws, you loved him.
You adored the discordant, entwined, looping threads that made up for who he was, his strengths and weaknesses, every fibre of his being. Furthermore, your love was unyielding; a delicate yet persistent wild flower, sprung from the cracks in concrete.
Your love for the male stemmed from your starting days in high school. It was a random encounter, in which he bumped into you in a hallway, and then somehow, you began fawning over the half Russian.
Inconspicuously, you would watch him from afar: walking by the gym to sneak glances, matching up your schedule with the volleyball club’s, just to catch glimpses of him during their laps around the school.
You were fascinated with the long limbed teen’s energy and presence on the court. He was handsome too, his facial and body structure flawlessly sculpted by God himself to be the epitome of masculinity.
Your puppy love and admiration for him motivated you to travel far and wide to watch his volleyball matches, with hopes that maybe one day, Lev would notice you.
Lev wasn’t the brightest with a few things, with consciousness of his surroundings topping his list. Your encounter with him had slipped his mind, since it meant only so little, and he never realised you were in the same cohort, for pete’s sake.
If it weren’t for Kenma, who had pointed you out among the spectators, he wouldn’t have realised you always watched their matches. So he decided to approach you after one, and asked if you were from Nekoma High. You were momentarily stunned, then gave him a radiant smile, one so bright he would never forget.
After that, the two of you hit it off effortlessly. Within a few months, your freshly sprouted friendship with Lev blossomed into something more. Years passed, both of you graduated, and the two of you were still going strong, happily dating. The now esteemed model and you even began contemplating on a larger milestone, one which would change both of your lives forever.
That is, until Lev received an ominous phone call that presaged the end of your current chapter.
It happened too quickly to say for sure what was going on. He had told you the night before, as he held you in his arms, that he would be gone for a while. That he needed to attend to some personal matters back at home.
Lev’s tone was a little too quiet when he broke the news. “I… gotta leave for a while, (y/n).“ He was holding you close, arms draped around your waist and legs tangled with yours.
You stopped circling your finger around his bicep to glance up at him. Studying the distant look in his green orbs, you raised your brows. “Okay, where to?”
“Russia. My grandma wants me to return immediately.” Lev’s attention shifted from the ceiling to your curious gaze. His warm, minty breath fanned your face as he exhaled. “I think I’ll take a while.”
“Oh…” You rest your cheek on his chest, lashes fluttering close as you murmured. “I’ll miss you, but I can wait. Just don’t keep me waiting for long, alright?”
“Mhmm, okay.” Smiling tenderly, Lev peppered your skin with kisses, making you giggle. You slowly opened your eyes to take in the way the moonlight from the balcony glossed over his flawless, pale skin.
Lev’s fingers hovered over the silver band on your ring finger, lingering there before taking your hand in his. His own matching ring clinked against yours softly when you laced your fingers with his, your warm palms heating up his cold ones as you dozed off, flushed against his chest.
When morning came, he was gone. You had failed to bid him goodbye as Lev‘s egression was committed silently. The days passed like any other, and you would text him once in a while to check up on him. However, you never received a response. Not on SMS. Not on social media. Nowhere.
Days trickled to weeks, months, and by the third one, you were too overwhelmed with paranoia. After deep recollection, you realised he never told you when he would return. Surely, his departure meant a return, right?
You had asked the Nekoma volleyball club alumni and his friends of his whereabouts, and they all told you the same thing: they didn’t know. Desperate, you attempted to contact his sister Alisa, but to no avail. Both Haiba siblings were uncontactable, and the calls always went to voicemail.
Over the days, your fear and anxiety manifested into dark rings, rimming your puffy eyelids. Life went on whilst your heart and mind ran rampant, and eventually, you stopped appearing at work.
Not a day went by without you thinking of him. Your fiancé plagued your mind and heart 24/7, and it was impossible to stop thinking about him.
Where is he? When will he return? What’s taking him so long? Why is he not home yet? Has he forgotten about me?
Did Lev forget that I’m still waiting for him?
The front door to your shared apartment creaked slowly, and a raven haired man in a dark suit shuffled in. He closed the door slowly, his pupils dilating to compensate for the lack of light entering the apartment. The once bright green plants lining the balcony were drooping in their eternal shade, signifying that the curtain had not been drawn in days.
The man slipped off his shoes and socks, taking notice of the unworn, white slippers by the front door, then shuffled in. You glanced up from the blankets when you heard the soft padding of feet.
Your heart threatened to leap out of your chest as your eyes grew wide with anticipation. “Lev?” You croaked, hauling yourself to a sitting position. “Is that you?”
The door slowly creaked open to reveal your colleague and good friend, Kuroo Tetsurō. Your smile faded away, and your lips pressed into a thin line.
“Sorry I’m not who you think I am.” The male stood by the now open doorway, rubbing the back of his head sheepishly.
Ever since you stopped showing up at work, Kuroo would check up on you every weekend, and sometimes the posse would tag along too. The ex-captain had your apartment’s spare key, thanks to Lev, who randomly picked the holder during your home warming party.
You glanced down at the crumpled bed sheets as he walked into the dusty bedroom. Kuroo drew open the curtains leisurely, filling the room with a dim, blue light whilst multi coloured lights from the skyscrapers across the balcony twinkled with animosity. Specks of dust scattered in the air, latching onto the nearby furniture while some drifted aimlessly. The end of the bed dipped as he sat down, and you looked up to find him scrutinising you with a furrowed frown.
“Have you been eating well?” His eyes trailed over your sunken cheeks and jaundiced skin. Your face was devoid of your usual, radiant glow.
You glanced away from his piercing amber eyes. The eyes in the photos atop the nightstand bore holes into your soul as you rasped, “Why are you here? If it’s about work, I already told you that I asked my section manager to let me work from home–“
“(y/n), that’s not why I’m here.” Kuroo interrupted with a huff. Cloth rustled as he fished his phone out of his jacket’s inner pocket. With a few soft taps, he turned to you, and showed you his screen. You squinted your eyes and unconsciously leaned closer to read the blurry, digital print.
Your eyes threatened to pop out of their sockets as you absorbed the image below the title. It was indeed your fiancé, you could recognise his broad shoulders and otherworldly jawline a mile away.
Dressed in a crisp suit, Lev’s arm was linked with a dainty woman, whose diamond necklace scintillated under the harsh glare of camera lights. The pencil skirt clinging to her wide hips had a scandalously long slit that stopped at her upper thigh, exposing her red lacey panties by a hair length.
Both of them had sunglasses on, but only the woman had a gleeful expression, while Lev’s lips were pressed together tightly. Just like the title had stated, they seemed to be walking away from an edifice constructed of solely glass panels, and you instantly recognised it. It was a renowned, five star hotel. In Japan.
You were too stunned to say anything. Even your mind, which had been incessantly filled with nothing but your lover, was now blank. The information overload was overwhelming.
This is all too much.
Suddenly, Kuroo withdrew his phone, pulling you back to reality with it. “So, I’m guessing you didn’t know?” He raised a dark brow as he pocketed his electronic device. “The article’s from some lowly paparazzi, so I doubt anything’s true… But it’s blowing up on Twitter.”
Your eyes flickered from your trembling hands to the bed sheets as you began quietly. “I… I thought he left for Russia…” Gripping the covers on your lap, your eyes silently brimmed with tears as you continued shakily, “I don’t know what’s going on anymore. I’m so confused…”
Kuroo‘s gaze never left you as you began shaking uncontrollably. He knew that you were desperately fighting back your tears. It was something you did often back in high school: you would try not to cry in front of the team when they won a match, despite your voice breaks and your glassy eyes. It was something the boys found endearing, especially Lev.
The raventte cursed inwardly at his junior’s stupidity. How could he make such a lovely girl like you cry? Wordlessly, the male shifted closer and pulled you into his chest, surprising you but you didn’t retreat.
Kuroo’s gesture was nothing but friendly, after all. He patted your back reassuringly, and your bottom lip trembled as you clung onto his shirt.
Pitter patter.
Your tears fell like torrents, gushing endlessly as you buried your face into his chest. Gripping tightly onto his dress shirt, you cried into the fabric, wailing the pent up emotions you had kept at bay the past few months. You wept like tomorrow would never come.
A few days had passed and you finally decided to confront Lev. Seeing how he wouldn’t respond to your messengers, you decided to hunt him down and talk to him face to face. It was easy to track him down, thanks to the ‘lowly paparazzi’ website, which constantly updated his whereabouts. For once, you were grateful for his overbearing fans.
To be fair, you felt a little bad about his own privacy, but you were also too engulfed in a mixture of confusion, jealousy and infuriation to sympathise with him.
You had everything planned out, what to say and retort, and you had to remind yourself that as much as he deserved to be heard out, you also had a right to be upset with him. Especially after the emotional and mental torment he intentionally (or unintentionally) subjected you to.
But it was impossible to deny that you had hoped that he had a good explanation for everything. You prayed fervently that he would return to your arms, like he always did. Memories of past, better days solely stabilised you during this emotional period.
When the weekend arrived, you threw on a your coat and hopped into your car and drove off. Apparently, Lev and Khristina, were dining at a high class café, located in the fancier suburbs of Tokyo. When you reached there, you parked your car by the sidewalk and sauntered in, ignoring the valet who glanced at you then at your vehicle.
Honestly, you never thought you would see the day when you would resort to stalking your fiancé, just to have a talk with him. But this was no ordinary talk, and the half blood knew when he saw you walk into the café.
You were fuming, brows scrunched up with the angriest expression he had ever seen in his life. Lev jumped up in his seat, like he had seen the ghost of Christmas past, and quickly excused himself.
As he shuffled towards the entrance, he met you halfway and tugged you outside by the wrist. His strides were quick, and he hissed when you dug your fingernails into his hand in defiance.
“Let me go!” You snapped fiercely, like a tigress baring its jaws at its adversary. He released you from his hold when he reached his destination: the back alleys of the shops.
The silver haired man didn’t back away. He was looking at you with shock, hurt and something else. Was it fear, nervousness? You couldn’t tell. You were too frustrated with him.
“(y/n)… I can explain–“ He began, a hand outstretched but you cut him off.
“I told you I‘d wait, didn’t I?” You glared up at him with narrowed eyes. His aghast expression wedged the knife deeper in your heart as you inhaled. “You… You said you had to leave. And I believed you! But four months passed and you didn’t bother to contact me. Not even once…”
Lev ran a hand through his now disheveled hair, which was pushed back until now. “Please, let me explain. I had my reasons, I swear.”
You realised the engagement ring on his finger was nowhere to be seen. Your lover opened his mouth to explain when you deadpanned.
“Where’s your ring?”
Lev’s eyes widened, from fright or concern, you weren’t sure. His usually bright, green orbs would he glowing with love whenever he gazed at you, but not today.
“(y/n), I–“
“Love, who’s that?” Came a sweet, enchanting voice at the start of the alley. It was Khathrina, a long legged lady with platinum blonde hair that cascaded down her back in voluminous waves.
She blinked her thick, wispy lashes at you curiously, and you clenched your jaw in retaliation. Glancing at Lev, you hoped that he would put her in her place. Anything along the lines of ‘she’s my girlfriend’ or ‘fiancé’ would have suffice, but no. It was a far fetched dream.
“No one, my dear.” Came Lev’s response, and he walked past you, bumping shoulders into you in the process. You gasped quietly when he cast you a cold, once over behind his broad shoulders.
He had looked at you as if the two of you had never met before. It burned a hole in your stomach, and you were too stunned to react. Frozen in your spot, your facade crumbled with every step he took, further away from you and to someone else.
When he reached the woman’s side, the duo linked arms and departed without another word.
You fumbled with your keys for the hundredth time. It took you a whole five minutes to enter your apartment, and when you did, you slammed the door shut behind you and slumped to the floor.
What on earth was that? How could he do that to me? How is that the same boy I fell in love with?
You had driven over to confront Lev, but in the end all you got was a deeper scar. Everything made no sense, and your mind throbbed with confusion and fatigue.
Everything became blurry as tears overwhelmed your vision, and you tugged at your shirt, at the thorn embedded in your heart. It was so close yet so far and out of reach. Drawing your knees to your chest, you cried your heart out once again.
Moments passed with you laying at the entrance, gazing at the unworn white slippers speckled with dust.
Like before, days spun into weeks, months, and even a year. Eventually, you deserted your shared apartment and rented a place, one far away from your previous home. You had only taken your clothes and necessities, leaving behind the photo frames and everything else as everything reminded you of him.
It would be a lie to claim that you didn’t miss him, but you had partially given up when the news stated that supermodels Lev and Khathrina were now married.
It made no sense, really. Perhaps this was all a bad dream, you reasoned, fiddling with the silver band around your ring. Maybe you were in a coma, and this was all a lengthy nightmare that you would soon wake up from.
Yes, when you wake up, your fiancé would be next to you, lying in bed, chest rising in steady rhythms whilst the morning sun shines on his handsome face. Haiba would turn around to greet you good morning through half lidded eyes, and he would tuck your hair behind your ears with a cheeky, yet gentle smile.
There’s no way any of this is real…! We’ve come so far, and he loves me more than anyone can imagine.
But as time passed, you began to realise that, perhaps Haiba Lev had departed long ago.
(ALT. END)        
You fumbled with your keys for the hundredth time. It took you a whole five minutes to enter your apartment, and when you did, you slammed the door shut behind you and slumped to the floor.
What on earth was that? How could he do that to me? How is that the same boy I fell in love with back then?
You had driven over to confront Lev, but in the end all you got was a deeper scar. Everything made no sense, and your mind throbbed with confusion and fatigue.
Everything became blurry as tears overwhelmed your vision, and you tugged at your shirt, at the thorn embedded in your heart. It was so close yet so far and out of reach. Drawing your knees to your chest, you cried your heart out once again.
Out of nowhere, your phone began vibrating.
Sniffling, you fished it out of your coat and accepted the call blindly. “H-Hello?” You stuttered, rubbing away your tears with the back of your hand.
“It’s me, (y/n).” The familiar warm, low voice of Lev’s filled the silent room. Your eyes grew wide in shock, and you glanced at the caller ID to realise it wasn’t his usual phone number. “I don’t have much time, I’ll be gone by tomorrow, love.”
“Tomorrow? What?” You parroted, albeit dumbly as you raked your foggy mind for clarity.
You could almost imagine the frown on your boyfriend’s face when he blabbered. “Are you crying? I mean, were you…?” His voice trailed off, and you quickly blurted out that you weren’t.
A soft chuckle graced your ears and you felt the frustration and sadness from before ebb away. Leaning against the door, you listened attentively as he directed you to a location where he had agreed to rendezvoused. No sooner had he ended the call did you fly out of the apartment.
When you reached the park, you realised it was already midnight. You waited by a willow tree he had mentioned to you, and within a few minutes, he showed up.
You had lost all your fight and gave in to temptation. Throwing your arms around Lev, you held him in a tight embrace as you buried your face into his neck. Grinning widely, the ‘skyscrapper’ wrapped his arms around your back and rest his head atop yours, humming softly.
“I missed you, (y/n).” He had whispered softly, as if he was afraid that you would disappear any moment. “I’m always thinking of you, your smile, your smell…”
Shamelessly, he pressed his face against your head and inhaled it greedily. You giggled at the warm air tickling your scalp then looked up at him with glossy, doe eyes. “I missed you too. More than you can imagine.”
“Hey, I’m here now,” and Lev’s smile began to fade as he set you down onto your feet. Taking your hand, he guided you to sit under the beautiful willow tree. “I promised I’d tell you everything, and I will.”
As the moon waned in the night sky, you listened intently as the silver haired man explained to you what had happened the past few months. He went into detail that he had received a call from his tragically ill grandmother, that she had requested for him and his sister to return to Russia to see them one last time.
And being the filial grandson he was, he accompanied Alisa back to Russia. But upon their arrival, he realised that she was perfectly fine! Her real motive was to introduce him to a fair maiden, whom she had taken a liking to, and so she did. The girl just so happened to be another model, and one of pure Russian descent.
Lev explained animatedly how upset the old lady was when he told her that he was already engaged.
Your lover raised his ring finger to show you his gleaming band, and you almost teared up at the sight. He continued with a sigh, shaking his head as he relayed that she wanted Lev to give the girl a chance.
And in the end, he was forced to be engaged to her temporarily, until the octogenarian passed on.
So for now, they were spending some time in Japan, as the girl was determined to sightsee with her short-term fiancé. But eventually they would return to Russia, so that they could spend time together with his grandma.
It was, without a doubt, a peculiar situation. But a huge burden had been lifted off your shoulders, now that you knew why they were involved for a while.
“At first I didn’t contact you because I was unsure of myself. What to say, and to think…” He took your hand in his, and raised his head, green orbs gleaming with guilt.
He was threading carefully, something he hardly did, and your heart swelled. “But then it slowly turned into something bigger than that, and I feared that you would leave me because of this mess.
“I know what I did was awful and I don’t deserve your forgiveness, but I hope you know how much I love you and that I think about you every single day.” Closing his eyes, he brought your hand to his lips to kiss your knuckles tenderly. When he reopened them, he gave you a dejected, lopsided smile. “I always have.”
“Then why did you act like you didn’t know me earlier?” You dipped your head, sideways. “You know, in front of her?”
“I had to put on an act, just to please my granny… I didn’t mean to hurt you,” He squeezed your hand, “This is only temporary. Once it’s over, I’ll return to Japan as soon as possible.”
You swallowed the forming lump in your throat. He was about to depart again, the man you had loved for a decade.
“Promise me you’ll come back. Back to me.” Placing a hand atop his, you locked eyes with him, “Please.”
He brushed back the stray strands of hair to glimpse at your sparkling irises. Lev’s heart clenched at the eyebags under your beautiful orbs, and he leaned forward to press his forehead against yours.
“I promise.”
The willow branches hid two of you from the world as the two of you conversed for hours, catching up on everything that had happened. You spent the rest of the night holding each other in the secluded park, fingers entwined silently.
Lev departed for Russia once again when the sun rose. You had bidded him goodbye tearfully, knowing you wouldn’t be able to speak to him in, possibly, a very long time. Nevertheless, you believed in the promise the two of you had made, and that kept you going.
It was still a little sad to wake up every morning without him next to you. Sometimes, you would even mistake a morning zephyr for his breath against your skin. Watching your favourite drama series alone without his ignorant comments and boisterous laughter pained you with a smile. But despite the lonely moments, you pushed forward.
Haiba Lev wasn’t the most level headed person. He was blunt, foolish, assertive, and sometimes, a simpleton. And yet, despite his innumerable flaws, you loved him.
You adored the discordant, entwined, looping threads that made up for who he was, his strengths and weaknesses, every fibre of his being. Furthermore, your love was unyielding; a delicate yet persistent wild flower, sprung from the cracks in concrete.
And you knew that one day, he would return. After all, his departure was not permanent.                 
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tipsydipsydo · 4 years
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Requests are currently closed!
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Do you wanna play naughty truth or dare with the boys?
...then send me one dirty question for a member and we will see how they will answer~
I bet we will have muuch fun! 💜
(I got this Idea from the lovely @pinkcottonmochi 💗 and her breathtaking filthy and indecent answer to my own request inspired me to try it as well! ...just in the very naughty version, how Tipsy likes it~ Please check her blog out 😈💦) 
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18th May 2021
Usually I answer the Truth or Dare requests on my phone and post them over the day. To add the links to this masterlist, I need my Laptop or my Ipad and I don’t have them always with me. 
So it could be possible that I’ve finished some new requests but they’re not added to the list until now.  I’ll try my best to update this list on a daily basis but when you’re curious if I answered some new Truth or Dare questions, just look through the newest posts of my blog ;)
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» Gender «
Male Reader: ♂️
Female Reader: ♀
Gender neutral Reader: ☮
» Genres «
Soft Smut: 💋
Hard Smut: 😈
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❥ Daddy? 😈 | ♀ ▸ Truth: Does Jin like being called Daddy?  ▸ Dare: I dare him to finger the reader till she squirts!   ❥ “Erotic Thoughts”💋 | ♀ 
▸ Truth: Are you really one of the most perv out of the boys? You seem so shy... ▸ Dare: If you are, then I dare you to prove it to me, I just can’t believe it!  ❥ Cream filled 😈 | ♂️ ▸ Truth: What gets you hard almost instantly?  ▸ Dare: Stuff me full with your cum, please Daddy!  ❥ Not so pure thoughts  😈 | ♀ 
▸ Truth: Jin do you prefer to dom or sub?  ▸ Dare: I dare you to eat me out with your sweet sweet lips!  ❥ Aftercare 💋 |  ♂️ ▸ Truth: what’s your favorite type of aftercare you like to give to your sub?
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❥ Is that weird? 😈 | ♀
▸ Truth: What’s your weirdest fantasy?  ▸ Dare: Let me suck you off while you facetime someone!  ❥ For the audio 😈 | ☮
▸ Truth: do you feel better jacking off to porn or thoughts of me? I know you watch it quite often, especially when you’re off on tour. ▸ Dare: I dare you to fill up every hole in me. 
❥ Mistress | 😈 | ♀ ▸ Truth: Would you let me eat your ass? ▸ Dare: Get under the table and eat me out while I’m sitting withe the boys.  ❥ Deserved Spanks 😈 | ☮ 
▸ Dare: I dare you to bend me over your studio table and spank me!  ❥ Language Lesson 😈💋 | ♀ 
▸ Truth: Have you ever fantasized about role playing with me?  ▸ Dare: Wake me up by eating me out!  ❥ Erogenous Zones 💋 |  ♂️
▸ Dare: I dare you to let me give you neck kisses!  ❥ Fuck me awake 😈 | ♀
▸ Truth: Joonie Baby, what do you think about somnophilia?  ▸ Dare: I dare you to cockwarm me until this game ends!  ❥ Corrupting you...  😈 | ♀ 
▸ Truth: joonie do you have a corruption kink?  ▸ Dare: i dare you to put your fat cock down my throat!
❥ Home alone 😈 | ♀ 
▸ Truth: namjoon, how do you get yourself off when im not there?  ❥ More Stamina needed 😈 | ♀
▸ Truth: First time we had sex, is my pussy felt that good you’ve never felt that way??  ▸ Dare: i dare u to make it up to me right now in front of them, baby boy i wanna see how long you last!  ❥ Until the other come... 😈 | ♀ 
▸ Dare: Joon, I dare you to go out with a pair of vibrating panties. Both of us, so we can tease each other under the table. Whoever cums first has to go down on the other!
❥ Possession  😈 | ♀ 
▸ Truth: Hi Daddy do you miss me and can you show me how much?  ▸ Dare: Hm would you ever let any of the other members fuck me? 
❥ Blowjob Addiction  😈 | ♂️
▸ Truth: Do you like seeing me drool all over your cock?
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❥ Restraints 💋😈 | ♀ 
▸ Truth: have you ever gotten off to the thoughts of me in restraints, completely under your control?  ▸ Dare: please manhandle me!  ❥ Your Voice 😈 | ♀ 
▸ Truth: Do you have any kinks you haven’t told me about?  ▸ Dare: Do your best to seduce me! ...or not, it’s up to you.   ❥ Exhibitionist 😈 | ♀ 
▸ Dare: I dare you to fuck me in front of the other members!  ❥ So sensitive 😈 | ♂️ ▸ Dare: I dare you to suck on my Nipples!  ❥ Bangtan’s Whore  😈 | ♀ 
▸ Truth: What’s your dirtiest Fantasy about your Babygirl?  ▸ Dare: Ruin my ass, Daddy!  ❥ Confession 💋 | ♀
▸ Truth: Be honest, you love getting cuddles from me?  ▸ Dare: Tell me all your dirty fantasies you want to experience with me in that raspy voice of yours!  ❥ Ice Cubes 💋 |  ♂️(trans* male! Reader)
▸ Dare: Yoongi, pop an ice cube in your mouth and go down on me for 30 seconds.
❥ Hand Fetish 😈 | ♀
▸ Truth: would you rather have me suck on your neck or your fingers? ▸ Dare: And I dare you to face fuck me!  ❥ Daddy or Sir? 😈 | ♀
▸ Truth: do you prefer daddy or sir?  ▸ Dare: choke me! 
❥ Breakfast in bed 😈 | ♂️(trans* male! Reader) 
▸ Dare: I dare you to wake me up by eating me out 
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❥ Cuddles? 💋| ☮
▸ Truth: is that true that you prefer to have a long cuddling sessions with soft kisses over quick make out? ▸ Dare: I dare you to show me the last search on your phone.
❥ Would you? 😈 | ♀
▸ Truth: what’s your honest opinion on skinny girls? ▸ Dare: I dare you to ruin yourself with a sex toy.
❥ Sensitive 😈 | ☮
▸ Truth: Are you afraid for me to find out that you like to be ruined? Afraid that I might find out you liked to be called baby boy while you’re completely fucked out over a dildo? ▸ Dare: I dare you to leave this prostate vibrator in for the entire day
❥ Such a tease 😈 | ♀
▸ Truth: do you often look at all the photos you took of me, whether it be in lingerie or not when on tour? ▸ Dare: I dare you to remind me of my place. I even have your favorite plug in and that white Lacey lingerie you love so much. I’m all stretched out and prepared for you~  ❥ A half an hour 😈 | ♀ 
▸ Truth: What’s in your opinion the most attractive on me and why?  ▸ Dare: You have a half an hour to do everything you want with me without taking care~  ❥ Inacceptable 😈 | ☮ 
▸ Dare: I don’t think you can bend me over the table right now, I dare you to try it though.  ❥ Lap Dance 😈 | ♂️ ▸ Dare: I dare you to make me hard!  ❥ Hold you tight 💋 | ♀ 
▸ Truth: what helps you relax after a long day? ▸ Dare: if you'd like to, then show me how can I help with it?
❥ Watching from a safe distance 😈 | ♀
▸ Dare: play with me in front of the others!  ❥ 5-Minutes Orgasm Challenge 😈 | ♂️
▸ Truth: What's your favorite body part for me to suck on? ▸ Dare: Try to make me orgasm in 5 minutes.
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❥ Body Shot 😈 | ♀
▸ Truth: What's your honest, sexual opinion of plus sized girls? ▸ Dare: I dare you to do a body shot off your bff.
❥ Insecurities 😈 | ♀
▸ Truth: Have you ever thought of fucking other girls than me? ▸ Dare: Fuck me until I forget my name.
❥ Taking care 😈 | ☮
▸ Truth: Will you let me take care of you? Will you let me take care of your pretty cock and hole? Would you let me completly dominate you?
❥ Confession 😈 | ☮
▸ Truth: Have you ever wrecked yourself with a thick dildo in your room when the members are only a couple rooms away?  ▸ Dare: I dare you to stick a vibrating egg up you and edge yourself. 
❥ Most secret Kink 😈 | ♂️(transmale! Reader)
▸ Truth: What’s something you’ve wanted to try and put into your ass? ▸ Dare: Tell me your most secret kink and do it to me! 
❥ Strip Tease 😈 | ☮ 
▸ Dare: I dare you to strip for me!  ❥ Make-Out Session 😈 | ☮
▸ Truth: Do you have a crush on someone?  ▸ Dare: I dare you to go him/her and then make out with them!  ❥ Massages 😈 | ♂️
▸ Dare: I dare you to give me a massage!  ❥ Eat that ass!  😈 | ♂️ ▸ Dare: I dare you to do something you’ve been fantasizing about doing to me!  ❥ So pure and fertile 😈 | ♀ 
▸ Truth: What is your favourite way of ruining your partner?  ▸ Dare: I want you to look at me and touch yourself. Show me how much you want to do those things!  ❥ Threesome?  😈 | ♂️ ▸ Truth: Jimin, if I gave you the chance to choose someone in this room for us to have a threesome with, who would you pick and why?
❥ So shy and nasty 😈 | ♂️(transmale! Reader)
▸ Truth: who would you rather watch fuck me: taehyung or yoongi? ▸ Dare: i dare you to fuck me until i can’t walk
❥ Against the window 😈 | ♀
▸ Truth: Jimin, what do you think about my small boobs? On top of having small ones, I even have freckles on the right one which I'm a little bit conscious about. ▸ Dare: I dare you to breed me like a bitch in heat in front of the floor to ceiling glass window where people from other building can take a peek.  ❥ Public Make-out Sesh 😈 | ♂️
▸ Dare: Jimin, I dare you to play with my nipples!  ❥ Let’s sub together 😈 | ♂️ ▸ Dare:  So, I dare you to pick a member and let him ruin us both. 
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❥ Fantasies 😈 | ♀
▸ Truth: have you ever masturbated to one of my nudes? ▸ Dare: Fuck my ass. hard. 
❥ Cum Painting 😈 | ♀
▸ Truth: where do you love to cum? on my ass, face, stomach? in my mouth? or inside me?  ▸ Dare: fuck this pussy up, please daddy.  ❥ X-Position 😈 | ♀ 
▸ Truth: Would you fuck me in the X-Position?  ▸ Dare: I dare you to rub your dick against my clit for as long you can take it without entering me.  ❥ Love Making 💋 | ♀
▸ Truth: Do you love me? Do you prefer to make love to me or have sex?  ▸ Dare: Fuck my pussy with all the strength you have... until you break me in two... 
❥ Wax Play 😈 | ☮
▸ Truth: What sex act you’ve done that you’ll never do again?  ▸ Dare: Imitate my most flexible sex move!  ❥ Cream Tube 😈 | ♂️ ▸ Truth: What are some of your favourite Toys to use when Daddy is not around?  ▸ Dare: Send me a Video of you using it.  ❥ Kitten 😈 | ♀ 
▸ Truth: do you prefer me wearing a cat tail plug or in cuffs? ▸ Dare: Ruin me! 
❥ Exhibitionist or Voyeur?  😈 | ♂️ ▸ Truth: do you like watching or being watched? ▸ Dare:  i dare you to cover me in hickies! 
 ❥ First Time 💋 | ♀ ▸ Truth: How would you make my first time special?   ❥ My everything 💋 | ♀ 
▸ Truth: What's your favourite song to dance to with me?  ▸ Dare: Paint me like one of your Austrian girls 
❥ The Butter Concept Photo 😈 | ♀
▸ Truth: Why the fuck did you choose this outfit and this pose for the new concept photos?! Why the fuck did you do that?! ▸ Dare: Fuck me. Fuck me in any way you want me, just fucking take care of the problem you've caused! Is that clear?! 
❥ Good Boy? 😈 | ♂️(transmale! Reader) 
▸ Truth: Do you like giving out punishments or rewards better?  ▸ Dare: I dare you to overstimulate me until one of us can take it anymore...
❥ Milking the Bull 😈 | ♂️ ▸ Dare: I dare you to jerk me off until I can't cum anymore from being overstimulated!
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❥ Nipples on Display 😈 | ♀
▸ Dare: JK! I dare you to convince y/n to go braless and shirtless the whole day so you could suck her nipples anytime you wanted ( when shes studying, lying down, cooking etc) Tell me how it went ;)
❥ Bad Joke? (Hybrid AU) 😈 | ♀
▸ Dare: I dare you to fuck your cubs into me!   
❥ Enough? 😈 | ♀
▸ Truth: How do you feel about my small perky boobs? Are they satisfying enough for you?  ▸ Dare: Maybe... you could fill me with so much cum until I’m carrying your healthy and beautiful Baby? 
❥ “Morning Sex” 😈 | ♀
▸ Truth: Have you ever fucked y/n while she was asleep (consensual) so hard and it felt so good?
❥ Naughty wife 😈 | ♀
▸ Dare: I dare you to fuck me beside your wife who is sleeping!
❥ Names  😈 | ♀
▸ Truth:  Am I your dirty little slut?
❥ In class 😈 | ♀
▸ Dare: I dare you to finger me in the classroom and them lick your fingers!  ❥ Favourite toy 😈 | ♂️ ▸ Truth: Describe your favorite -special- Toy to me!  ▸ Dare: Bring the toy and let me use it right in front of everyone!
❥ Consent is sexy!  💋 | ♀ ▸ Truth: What’s your favourite part about sex with me?  ▸ Dare: Be a good boy for me and show me how good you can please me!  ❥ Dirtiest Dream  😈 | ♂️(transmale! Reader) 
▸ Truth: What’s the dirtiest dream you’ve had and would you wanna reenact it?
❥ Unique wax play  😈 | ♀ ▸ Truth: I caught you watching waxing porn, is there something you want to tell me?  ▸ Dare: You See the Wall over there? Show me what those toned arms can do!
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❥ Mirrors 😈 | ♂️(transmale! Reader) [ Yoongi & Taehyung] 
▸ Dare: There is this room that has a mirror on the ceiling. I dare you both to fuck me under it!  ❥ Watch us 😈 | ♂️(transmale! Reader) [ Hoseok & Jungkook]
▸ Truth: Have you ever thought about fucking me with another member? ▸ Dare: Feed Kookie your cum and let me watch!  ❥ Cutest Bunny 😈 | ♂️(transmale! Reader) [ Hoseok & Jungkook]
▸ Truth: If you had to decide who is the cuter Bunny, Jungkook or I? ▸ Dare: I dare you to edge me to the point of tears, in front of the members and call me your bunny or baby boy.
❥ Ride it 😈 | ♂️(transmale! Reader) [Jimin & Jungkook] 
▸ Truth: When I’m not around, do you help each other out?  ▸ Dare: Can I ride your Thighs? 
❥ Wanna join, Tae? 😈 | ♂️[Namjoon & Taehyung]
▸ Truth: How would you feel if Taehyung started playing with me? 
❥ Please destroy me!  😈 | ♀ [Jin & Yoongi & Jungkook]
▸ Truth: Tell me everything you three want to do with me!  ▸ Dare: Please destroy me! 
❥ Tag team me! 😈 | ♀ [Hoseok & Seokjin]
▸ Dare: I dare you two to tag team me!  ❥ Thigh-Riding Contest 😈 | ♀ [Namjoon; Jimin & Jungkook]
▸ Dare: Joon, Jimin and Kook… what about a thigh riding competition? It should get tested which man has the best pair of thighs and knows how to use them. The winner is who made me cum on the fastest way… he can have me for the rest of the evening and fuck me like he desires. The losers have to watch the scenery as a punishment…
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In Total: 85  ToD-Requests! 
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katahnisharma · 5 years
the press tour [5] | t.h.
Word Count: 2.5 K
Warnings: none, i don’t think??
Summary: You’re a new, inexperienced actress plucked from the obscurity of everyday life to play the lead in the reboot of a famous British Jane Austen novel, and Tom Holland just so happens to be playing your love interest.
A/N: This one is a mini chapter so it’s shorter, but next week’s will be longer. Also Tumblr apparently won’t let me link things so if you’re looking for my masterlist, playlist, taglist, or writing challenge it’s in my bio <3 
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Tom Holland and Zendaya Officially Together! Is Marriage on the Cards?
“Ugh! It’s on BBC too?! I thought they had journalistic integrity!!”
For the past two days, every news channel had been carrying Tom and Zendaya’s whirlwind romance. Everywhere you looked, there were pictures of the two of them being cute somewhere. Out to lunch, taking a stroll in New York City holding hands, kissing in Paris, even posing for photos with fans at Central Park. It hurt every time you turned on the TV, it was like you were intentionally trying to see the new reports. You were shocked Tom had moved on so quickly, and with the girl he had always said he felt nothing for.
Guess that was a lie.
There were so many thoughts running through your mind about Tomdaya that you didn’t hear Bailey come down the stairs and stand next to you with her hands on her hips.
“That’s it, you need to leave the house. You haven’t moved from this couch in two days. You need to get out and date.” She said, pulling the blanket off you. You winced and glared at her, snatching the blanket back. You were also clutching a near empty tub of Haagen-Daz cookie dough ice cream, but you had mixed reactions about it because the brand was apparently Zendaya’s favorite.
Wow, you were petty.
“Really? What, just like that?” You muttered, poking around the tub with your spoon. You’d been picking out the cookie dough bits, and Bailey used to tease you for it. She thought it was stupid that you bought ice cream just to pick at it, but now it just made her sad. You looked so tired and upset, it was killing her.
“What, like it’s hard? You’re Y/N Y/L/N! All you have to do is bat your eyelashes. flash a smile and you’re set!” Bailey cried, sitting next to you and throwing the tub over your shoulder. You let out a yell, but she pulled you back before you could go find it. She looked at you and you felt yourself shrink from her eyes. You knew she was right, but you weren’t over Tom yet. Your heart needed time to heal.
“Fine, give me some time to get over him and I’ll do it. But I’ll only date on one condition.” You said, and Bailey let out a sigh of relief. If it meant you would finally leave the house and get out a bit, she would do whatever it took. She leaned forward and motioned for you to continue.
“You have to date too.” You smiled, and Bailey immediately recoiled. She jumped up from the sofa and began to pace around the TV. You watched her, rolling your eyes at how dramatic she was being.
“Yeah, no. No, absolutely not!” Bailey said, standing in front of you shaking her head emphatically. You got up and threw the tub in the trash. Surprisingly, you felt a little lighter having done it, and you turned back to see Bailey staring out the window.
“Too bad then. Bumble would have been perfect for you. The women get to pick the men, which is perfect for a powerful, independent woman like you. No more creeps and losers. Plus, I mean Priyanka Chopra created it so....” You said, and you swore Bailey perked up a little. She turned to look at you and she pursed her lips.
“Shut up, you’re just trying to flatter me. And you know I love Priyanka.” She whispered, and you laughed for the first time in a while. You had almost forgotten what that sounded like.
“Well, duh. Is it working?” You giggled, and Bailey threw a pillow at you which just narrowly missed. You threw it back and it hit the vase that held Tom’s lilies. They were dying anyways, and the vase hit the floor and shattered. You weren’t one to believe in signs, but it seemed like one.
“Yes. Alright, I’ll think about it. Now get up, the Met Gala is in three days and you need to meet with designers.” Bailey said, giving you a dress to change into. You took it and realized it was the same one you had worn on the date with Tom. Bailey saw the look and gave you a “come on, just wear it” look, and you weren’t about to argue with her while she was considering dating for the first time in five years.
“On it, boss. I’ll be back in a bit.”
Three days later and you were standing in front of the mirror, completely taken aback at your appearance. There you were, looking ethereal in a custom Maison Valentino gown and your makeup done to perfection. The theme for the Met Gala was Ethereal Fairytales, and Pier Paolo Piccioli had outdone himself. Your inspiration was Rapunzel, and you couldn’t be happier with it. The dress was a light purple satin that draped to the floor in a long train. The sleeves were a light chiffon that extended into a lacey, embroidered cape in the back. The rest of the dress was done in brocade, with jewels and flowers sewn into the fabric. With the lace and embroidery, the gown looked much heavier than it was. In reality, it was so light that you felt you were wearing feathers.
“You look so beautiful!” Bailey squealed, clapping her hands behind you. You turned and smiled, thanking Pier for his handiwork. Bailey looked gorgeous herself. She was wearing a strapless pale pink Stella McCartney dress with clear sequins. When you had asked her to come with you to the gala, she’d nearly had a heart attack. And then she had pulled out the only formal dress she had, and your heart nearly broke. Bailey hadn’t bought a new dress in years, though you knew you paid her enough for designer clothes. All the money she made went back to her family, keeping only what she needed to survive.
So you bought the dress for her, whatever she liked. At first, Bailey protested and refused to wear it. She thought it was far too extravagant and she felt embarrassed that you were spending all this money on her. But you assured her that she deserved it, she was the world’s best personal assistant. Plus, Priyanka Chopra was going to be there and she had to look stunning in case they bumped into each other.
They weren’t actually going to “bump into each other,'' you'd asked Priyanka if she would mind meeting Bailey at some point in the night. But Bailey didn’t have to know that. As far as she knew, the meeting would be purely kismet.
“You think so? I feel like a goddess.” You whispered, and Pier nodded in agreement. Bailey took your hand and twirled you around. The dress moved with you, and it made the most beautiful sweeping motion. Your hair was curled slightly and left half up and half down, and somehow Christian Louboutin had gifted you a pair of Degrastrass. Bailey had done her own makeup, she insisted upon it, but you bought her a pair of nude Sandale du Deserts which you wouldn’t let her refuse.
“Well, you look like one. And thank you for letting me come, and spending all this money on me. You shouldn’t have.” She whispered and you slung and arm over her shoulder.
“You don’t have to thank me, we’re best friends first and foremost. I wanted you here, and as for the money it was no big deal at all. I’m just glad you actually agreed to wear everything.” You laughed, and she nudged you slightly. You asked Pier to take a picture of the two of you, and he agreed graciously. You’d post it to your instagram later. After Pier had taken a picture of you and you’d grabbed your clutch, the three of you were planning to leave.
That is, until something on the TV caught your attention.
Pier had turned on the live red carpet updates for the Met Gala, because you loved seeing what everyone was wearing. There were some big names at the event, and Bailey had screamed when Nick and Priyanka arrived. The couples of course looked amazing, and you found yourself wishing that you had a date too. You wished you were here with Tom.
And that’s when you saw them.
Tom and Zendaya had stepped out of a limo, and your heart stopped. You almost weren’t breathing as you realized they were wearing coordinated outfits. Law Roach guided them up the steps and Bailey rested a hand on your shoulder to console you. They looked so beautiful together, you almost cried. Then you remembered Nina Park had done your makeup, so you couldn’t cry. Zendaya was wearing a gorgeous blue gown in the style of Princess Tiana’s from the Disney movie The Princess and the Frog. Except it had been elevated, so that the dress was a modern take. The left sleeve was satin and hung from her shoulder and the bodice was lace to match the lace trimmed hem. Tom was so handsome it hurt. He wore a cream colored suit that was trimmed with gold around the edges. A blue sash went across his chest and it accentuated his body. Tears pricked your eyes and you physically willed them away.
You cried for days over Tom, but you refused to do that today.
“You okay?” Bailey asked, and you nodded, straightening up again. Pier stood by the door, giving you a sympathetic look. You knew he meant well, but it rubbed you the wrong way. You didn’t want people to pity you, you wanted them to just see you.
“Yeah, I’m fine. Let’s go, we’re holding everyone up.” You said, and Pier took your arm to lead you out. Bailey walked behind, making sure your train wouldn’t catch and keeping photographers at a distance. There were lights everywhere, and you could barely focus as the cameras flashed. People shouting your name, telling you to turn, asking you about Tom, it was almost too much. Thank God for Pier, or you would have fainted on the spot. A particularly bold photographer moved forward, jostling to get your attention.
“Y/N! Y/N! How do you feel about Tom and Zendaya?” He yelled, and for a brief moment Bailey looked as though she was about to physically throw him out. But you held up your hand, and tried your best to plaster a smile on your face. Pier steadied you and you gave the photographer a defiant look.
“Why, am I supposed to say something scandalous?” You laughed, and the photographers laughed with you. For the first time in a while, you felt as though you had the upper hand. The photographer went red, but he persisted.
“I mean, how do you feel after Tom dumped you for Zendaya?” He shouted over the noise and your face went slack. You felt sick to your stomach, hearing someone say it for the first time. Sure, you had never officially dated each other, but the man was right. Tom had dumped you for one of the most beautiful women in the world.
“I’m happy for them, Tom and I are just friends. Nothing more. That salacious enough for you?” You asked, and the photographer went silent. Bailey came to your aid and told the photographers to stop asking questions. This wasn’t an interview, she said, and they needed to respect your privacy. Pier took your hand and lead you farther up the carpet. You were still shaking from the encounter, but you forced yourself to smile. Your father had always told you to never let your detractors know they hurt you.
It was a sign of weakness, and you weren’t weak.
“Alright, this stretch is just cameras, Pier will be answering the questions.” Bailey said, and you breathed a sigh of relief. You didn’t think you’d be able to endure any more questions about Tom and Zendaya. Pier stood with you as you posed and looked on as Pier talked about the process involved in creating your dress. From the corner of your eye, you could see Beyonce and Saoirse Ronan climb the stairs behind you. Bailey was watching, completely starstruck.
“See Priyanka anywhere?” You asked and Bailey shook her head.
“No, she’s probably inside with Nick already. It’s fine, it was cool just getting to see her on TV.” Bailey gushed, and Pier helped you up the steps to the top to take your final picture. Bailey stood next to you, because you made her, and you both looked down onto the street below.
“I would never have imagined I’d be here.” You said, and Bailey looked at you. She had more faith in you than you had in yourself, and though she wouldn’t say it aloud, she was extremely proud of you.
“Well, I would have. I know I don’t say this often enough, I’m really proud of you Y/N.” She said, and your mouth dropped a little. Bailey wasn’t one to talk about her feelings, so this was a big deal.
“I love you, you know that right?” You said, and Bailey rolled her eyes. You could see her eyes start to well up, and she dabbed at them lightly.
Awww, what a softie.
“Yeah, yeah. Stop making me cry, my makeup actually looks good today.” Bailey whispered, and she helped you up the stairs as Pier followed. The carpet began to get thinner, until you reached the doors of the Metropolitan. One more step, and you’d be inside one of the biggest events of the year.
“Ready?” Bailey asked, and you smiled at her and Pier.
“As I’ll ever be.” You replied, and with that you walked out of the frying pan and into the fire.
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teaespensonawards · 5 years
T.E.A. Nominations Are Open!
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It’s 2020 T.E.A. Nomination time!
Dearest Rumbellers, at last it’s time to go back and look at the fics and artwork that you enjoyed during the last year and let us know which of them you want to see on the 2020 T.E.A. ballot. 
We have just a few updates in regards to categories again this year. Rumbelle Revelry and May Day Menagerie are not on the list this year because they didn’t happen. Best Post-Ep Fic will be staying this year, but the Ratings category is gone. The Anyelle category is open for all Anyelle pairings, including Ogilvelle and Sutherelle. There have been a few additions thanks to both the poll and reviving older categories from previous years - you’ll find those when you have a look at the Nominations list below.
As for the dates you’ll be able to nominate between…
Nominations begin January 3, 2020 Nominations are due by January 20, 2020, 11:59 pm (CST)
Just in case you may need a refresher on the T.E.A. Rules, there's the link.
Here is the Submit Page, where you’ll send in your nominations. Don’t forget to include the work’s title and its creator when nominating fic and art! And please be sure you have the creator correct.
Keep in mind that during the nominations phase, you can submit as many nominations as you like. You are not limited to one nomination per category. Nominate out the wazoo, if you feel like it! And if you forget something, you can come back and nominate more creations all the way up to the due date.
Hit up our Ask Box if you have any questions!
And now, the categories for the 2020 T.E.A.s! Below is the list you’ll copy and paste into the blank on the Submit Page to send in. Please click through the read-more here to see the full list of categories for which you can nominate fandom creations for this year. Look out below!
Best Child Fic (fluffy fic centered on children in the Rumbelle family)
Best First Time
Best Afterlife Smut
Hurts so good
Best Date (Overall)
Best Hamburger Date
Best Courtship
Best First Meeting
Best RomCom
Best Bathing Scene
Best One-Shot
Best Drabble
Best Post-Ep Fic
Best Comedy Fic
Best Movie AU
Best Book AU
Best TV Show AU
Best AU Inspired By Other Media (including but not restricted to video games, musicals/plays, and graphic novels)
Best Historical AU
Best AU
Best Series
Best Novel Length Fic (does not have to be finished, but must be a minimum of 40k words to qualify)
Best Holiday Fic
Best Remix
Best Crossover Fic
Best Dark Castle
Best Storybrooke
Best Travel (taking place outside of Storybrooke or Dark Castle)
Best “Missing Years” Fic (taking place between Gideon’s birthday party and That Thing that happened in ‘Beauty’)
Best Argument (Angst)
Best Argument (Fluff)
Best Golden Lace
Best Woven Lace
Best Woven Beauty
Best Rumbelle Poly Ship (ex: Golden Swan Beauty, Mad Golden Beauty)
Best Background Swanfire
Best Side Pairing
Best Afterlife Fic
Best Crack!Fic
Best Drama
Best Supernatural
Best Sci-Fi
Best Horror
Best Creature AU
Best Unexpected Twist
Best Dark One Lore Fic
Best Bobby Squared (a fic featuring more than one Bobby character, including multiple instances of Gold and/or Rumple)
Best Trope
Best Trend
Best Meta
Best Prompter
(All fics in these categories are limited to 2019 events only.)
Rumbelle Secret Santa
Rumbelle Christmas in July
Monthly Rumbelle (Non-smut)
Monthly Rumbelle (Smut)
Rumbelle is Hope
Rumbelle Monsterfuckers Ball
Rumbelle Big Bang
Best Belle
Best Dark One!Belle
Best AU Belle
Best Lacey
Best Detective Weaver
Best Dark One
Best Mr. Gold
Best AU!Gold/Rumple
Best Spinner!Rumple
Best Woobie!Rum
Best Wish!Rumple
Best Gideon
Best Baelfire/Neal
Best OC Rumbelle Child
Best (Worst) Villain
Best Fan Art
Best Cover Art
Best Graphic Art (GIFs)
Best Graphic Art (Still Images)
Best AU in Art (encompassing traditional art, gif sets, still photo sets, etc.)
Best Fluff Art
Best Angsty Art
Best Smutty Art
Best Comic/Graphic Novel
Best Dark One Form
Best Use of Color
Best Video
Best Artist
Best New Artist
- Rumbelle Fandom Lifetime Achievement Award Awarded to a person who has done something spectacular in the fandom. Either by making people feel welcome, organizing events, or simply embodying the Rumbelle fandom as a whole.
- Newbie Spotlight This award goes to people who began contributing to the Rumbelle fandom since the last T.E.A.s. Those eligible include new writers, artists, gif-makers, etc. Anyone who creates content for the fandom. This category is not voted upon - every newbie whose name is put forth is added to the Spotlight list so that older members of the fandom can get to know them and their work!
And that’s it! Those are our categories for the 2019 T.E.A.s!
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laceyblayze · 2 years
The Lacey Blayze App with FENIX360 from Lacey Blayze on Vimeo.
I am releasing a BRAND NEW app today where you can essentially find the majority of my content all in ONE place. The Lacey Blayze App acts as a hub for some of my main content, such as photos, videos, Instagram posts, NFTs, links to all my platforms, links to my favorite songs on YouTube, & much, much more! FENIX360, the company who has made this possible, is still adding more features, such as being able to go LIVE to my followers via my app; and it’s all completely free! What’s the benefit of downloading my app? Not only do you get more content in a much more centralized and organized place, for every fan that downloads my app and the coinciding FENIX360 app from the App Store/Google Play store (again, both completely free!), I will be closer to being able to make a living as a content creator off the revenue that will generate from ads. Yea, we all know ads are annoying. But you only have to spend 15 minutes a MONTH checking out my content on my app in order for me to start monetizing. Which means more $ that I can put back into creating more content for you guys to enjoy! So if you’ve always wanted to support me as a content creator but don’t have the cash, if you could spare 15 minutes 12x a year, you would be supporting me greatly! Please watch this tutorial of how to download the app and how to add me on in the app as the creator who your time is “supporting,” and if you have any questions, please feel free to email me anytime at [email protected]. Thanks so much!! ❤️ Lacey
0 notes
shaniahnoel · 6 years
Everything Has Changed: Chapter Four
Word Count: 2060
Warnings: None.
Master List
Author’s Note: this is a suuuper slow build romance. I wanted to experiment with really building an OC and truly developing the romance. Feedback on how I’m doing with that would be AMAZING. And, if you need a few more cute moments to get you through the build up, let me know, I might edit a scene or two ;)
“Are you done with the truck, Riles? I’m sorry I forgot that I needed to replace the tires on that van before we close so I need the bay.”
“Yeah, we’re done here,” Sweet Pea answered for her, his voice a little gruffer, “Thanks for letting me use the shop, Mr. Evans. Thank you, too,” he added, glancing at Riley. He got in the truck and left without another word. Her dad hesitated for a minute.
“Need to talk about it?”
“I’ll wait for mom.”
“Oh, thank goodness,” he smiled, and she swatted him with the oil cloth. “This won’t take too long. Can you finish up inventory?”
She nodded and slipped into the main shop. Slipping her headphones in she called Iris to talk as she marked down the stock. Fortunately, Jake had just left so the conversation was private. Iris squealed repeatedly as Riley debriefed her what happened and made a noise of sympathy as she concluded. She waited patiently for her to finish before beginning her interrogation.
“Did you want to kiss him?”
“How do you ‘kind-of’ want to kiss someone? Wait, is this your dumb dating thing?”
“It’s not dumb to want some sort of commitment before you start kissing people,” Riley said pointedly.
“Okaaaay, if you say so. Anyways, your weird morals aside, you definitely wanted to kiss him?”
“Yes,” she groaned, “But I think I ruined any chance of that.”
“Well… maybe,” Iris said, seriously, “Or… you may have gotten him more interested with your little tease.”
“I wasn’t trying to tease him! I was trying to breath with him all over my personal bubble.”
“You know that, and I know that, but…”
“How does one flirtatiously say, ‘I don’t want to kiss you unless we’re dating, which I’m not sure I want to do because I only know that you’re hot and nothing else’?”
There was a solid minute of laughter before Iris choked out a response, “Riley, I love you, but you have to know that was singlehandedly the most awkward thing you’ve ever said in your fifteen years of life… and that’s including when you tried to explain to Mr. Bird that you had your period and needed to leave class.”
“Will you ever let that die?”
“Never,” she promised, laughing again. The bell rang, signaling an entering customer. Riley said her goodbyes and went to offer him assistance. The rest of the night at the shop went by the same as usual and at seven her father came into the main room.
“Ready to go, kiddo?”
“Actually… is it alright if I hang out in town for a little bit?”
“Meeting up with Iris and the twins?”
“Maybe, I’m not sure yet.”
“Alright,” he answered, eyeing her speculatively. “Let me know if I need to come pick you up.”
 The evening air was cool as she set off down the sidewalk. It’d been a while since she’d strolled through town like this, but she liked the solitude. Briefly she contemplated going past the White Wyrm, but that felt too bold. Instead she settled for heading towards the quarry, strategically roaming around the twins’ house to avoid stopping. Kieran and Jake were outside with a few friends. As she watched, a girl wrapped herself in Kieran’s arms and he kissed her neck. Surprise flickered in her eyes as relief flooded through her—maybe she’d keep his attention from Sweet Pea.
There was a spring in her step as she continued forward. As she passed the trailer park she was stopped by a few of the older ladies who would come into the shop, and after chatting for a few minutes she continued on her way. A muffled crying pulled her attention to the alley she was passing, and her concern for someone hurt outweighed her sense of self-preservation.
“Hello,” she called out, slowly proceeding down the alley. There was a choked sob, and then a slender figure straightened up. “Toni?”
“What are you doing here,” Toni snapped, wiping her eyes.
“Checking in on an old friend,” Riley answered coolly before remembering the last time she’d seen Toni cry. “Is it your parents,” she asked then, warming her tone.
“You remember?”
Riley nodded, stepping closer to her former friend and tentatively placed a hand on her shoulder. Toni melted on contact, the sobs coming stronger. It was like they were kids again with Toni curled into her side while Riley smoothed her hair. After a few minutes, the tears stopped, and the girls separated slightly.
“Thanks, Riles,” she said quietly, wiping her eyes fiercely. “How bad do I look?”
“You’re a bombshell, as usual. With a little mascara on your cheeks,” she added, making her laugh.
“C’mon,” Toni muttered, linking arms with her. They walked a few blocks back until they reached the trailer park. The old ladies had gone back inside. It’d been a while since she’d been to Toni’s, but her uncle’s place looked the same, complete with Grandpa Tom sitting in his favorite chair. He smiled, looking surprised to see her, but readily held out his arms. They talked a few minutes before Toni reappeared in the doorway, gesturing her to follow.
Her room was transformed. Gone were the frilly blankets and pink walls, replaced by soft cotton and deep purple. The closet hung open, revealing the black tops and lacey numbers which filled it. Funky shoes littered the floor, along with her jean jacket and discarded tights. A cork board above the desk was a time capsule of the girl before the Serpent and Riley was surprised to find her face among the polaroids, tongues over their teeth and celebrating the removal of braces. The photo was tucked behind that of Toni’s parents and Riley turned to her.
“Eight years is a long time.”
“I know, I should just be over it, right?” Toni snarled.
“No, it’s a long time to miss somebody, especially your parents,” Riley replied quietly. She moved to sit next to her on the bed. “Do you talk to anyone about it?”
“No,” Toni said, reluctantly, “If I could hide it from Gramps I would, but he hears me.”
Riley placed a hand on her knee, turning to look her in the eye. “Toni, I don’t care if we haven’t talked in a century—if you need me on this day, I’m here—no questions, no judgment, alright?”
She nodded slowly in response and leaned her head on her shoulder.
“Now do you think you’ve squeezed out all the tears,” Riley asked, smiling gently. Toni’s answering smile was full of childhood memories.
“I’ve made room for a milkshake, if that’s what you’re asking,” she replied with a faint attempt at a smile, brushing under her eyes again. Riley led the way out of her room, feeling lighter somehow.
“Off to Pop’s?” Thomas Topaz asked as they walked past. They nodded in response and a warm smile crossed his face. Riley thought he seemed pleased.
 Over milkshakes and fries, the girls caught up on life. Seventh grade was the last that they’d truly spoken and much had happened in the three years since. At first Toni was hesitant to talk about the Serpents but relaxed as the conversation went on.
“So, what’s the deal with you and SP?” Toni questioned with a knowing look.
“I swear, you’re as bad as Iris,” Riley growled with an eyeroll. “There isn’t a deal with us. He talks to me now, I guess you probably know more than I do.”
“See, that’s the thing, I’m sort of the expert on SP—calming him down, getting him motivated, the whole shebang, but he’s been weird lately.” Toni sipped her milkshake with a pensive look on her face.
“When you figure it out, let me know,” Riley answered with a laugh.
As Toni sucked the last of her milkshake from her cup, Riley went to the bathroom. She washed her hands with a smile; the friendship with Toni was something she hadn’t realized she was missing until now. As she exited the bathroom her step faltered. Fangs and Sweet Pea had joined Toni in their booth. Steeling her shoulders, she went forwards, mentally chanting that all would be fine. Fangs turned at her approach, eyebrows raised in surprise as Riley slid into the booth beside him. She smiled and grabbed her milkshake, taking a nervous sip of the remains.
“This is your date,” he asked, flabbergasted.
“I never said I had a date, stupid. I said I was with an old friend,” Toni laughed, shaking her head.
“Riley,” Riley said, offering Fangs her hand. A look of understanding crossed his face. He took her hand, lingering a second longer than necessary, a playful glint in his eye. The way his eyes flashed to Sweet Pea told her that the display was for his benefit. Riley sat back comfortably in the booth, watching Toni and Fangs bicker like siblings. Sweet Pea was pensive again, gaze trained on the lot outside.
“Are you guys ordering anything,” she questioned, glancing between the two boys.
“Nah, saw Toni through the window and decided to investigate,” Fangs chuckled.
“We were headed to the Quarry,” Sweet Pea added.
“Let’s go,” Toni said excitedly. “You in?”
“Uh, yeah, sure. I’ll come.”
It wasn’t until they’d exited to the parking lot that Riley found the flaw in her day. Everything had been going wonderfully from the unintentional reconnecting with Toni, to the milkshakes, and finally the guys showing up. The problem was two wheels and the small leather seat between them. Fangs straddled his bike, and Toni debated only a moment before joining him. Sweet Pea grabbed the helmet, the only helmet, from his handlebars and offered it to her.
“Oh, uhm, do we have to ride there?”
“No,” she said defiantly, “I’m just not allow—” She cut herself off realizing how uncool those words sounded. A smile tugged at Sweet Pea’s mouth while Fangs laughed openly. Toni shoved an elbow into his ribs and turned to Riley.
“I’ll walk over with you,” she offered, but Riley felt the heat in her cheeks.
“Nah, I should probably get back now anyways. Definitely another time though,” she promised.
“Do you always listen to what your parents say,” Sweet Pea taunted, and the embarrassment shifted to anger in a blink.
“Yeah, I try to. They consider me trustworthy, and I’m not going to break that,” she said, angrily.
With that she turned on heel and went to walk away. Toni snarled something at Sweet Pea, but he seemed to ignore her. Instead Riley heard his steps crunching gravel behind her.
‘’Y’know if you’re always this serious, I dunno if we could be friends,” he said drily.
“Who says I want to be friends with you,” Riley seethed, whirling around. She was surprised to find him smiling and annoyed at the emotions it stirred within her—spiking her anger and her heart rate.
“Funny,” he said quietly. “I said the same thing the other day, but here we are.”
“And where exactly is that?”
“Well, that building there is Pop’s and over there is—ouch, rude,” he complained as she swatted his arm.
“Are we friends?”
“Depends. Are you allowed to be friends with a Serpent?”
“I decide who my friends are.”
“And you want to be my friend?” Sweet Pea stepped closer, close enough that she could smell his cologne. There was a strange look in his eye and Riley couldn’t help but think she was missing the deeper question.
“I don’t know,” she answered, truthfully. Sweet Pea’s eyes tightened the smallest bit, the corners of his mouth turning down. Before she could continue, he turned and headed back to where Fangs and Toni waited. “Especially not with that attitude,” she added under her breath.
It seemed like Sweet Pea hesitated a second, but then he continued back to his bike. Riley rolled her eyes at the amused expression on Fangs’ face and smiled reassuringly at the concerned Toni. She watched as they drove out of the lot and then walked herself home. There was a feeling of relief that seemed out of place flowing through her. Sweet Pea’s interest had made her anxious. He radiated self-assurance and overconfidence. She couldn’t figure out what had drawn him to her, but part of her hoped it was done.
Taglist:  @ella-full-of-secrets @my-ships-have-sunk @54fangirl @everheart12@inspiredbynewt @poolpartyingwithjaws @southsidesserpent @lynniev
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sjsmith56 · 5 months
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The Cruelest Animal, Chapter 20 - Eyes of the Father
Summary: In the 24 hours taken since the kidnapping to assemble their forces, the Avengers learn that Tommy has been taken by the Power Broker, while Lacey has been sold to human traffickers. Splitting their force in two, Bucky leads the team staying in New York, finding out where the traffickers are based and attacking them.
Length: 5.1K
Characters: Bucky, Terry, John Walker, assorted Avengers.
Warning: Details of human trafficking and its effects on its victims, violence causing injury.
Author notes: Human traffickers come in all shapes and forms and are often indistinguishable from regular co-workers or neighbours. The ones in this story are Russian-based and are not intended to be representative of the typical criminal type.
<<Chapter 19
🏨 🏙️
"We have good news and bad news," said Fury when he resumed the briefing.  "We have located where Lacey Chapman and her son were taken after their kidnapping.   Thanks to a picture that Carter provided to taunt us Bucky Barnes noticed a logo on a coffee cup linked to a specific coffee kiosk in Greenwich Village.  Using satellite footage we were able to identify the arrival of our kidnap victims to a location in the Village on the same day of the kidnapping.  Barnes also pointed out his belief that the memory suppression machine in the photo had been used on Miss Chapman.  Our analysis concurred with that belief.  Yesterday afternoon that machine was dismantled and removed piece by piece from the premises.  Miss Chapman was seen leaving in the custody of individuals associated with Russian mafia human traffickers.  Young Tommy was seen in the custody of Miss Carter as she also left the premises.  They are no longer in the Greenwich Village location."
Bucky's lip curled.  They had missed their chance while assembling their team.  Several people touched his shoulder in support and he took a deep breath.  Fury looked directly at him and gave him a grim smile.
"We believe that Carter has taken the boy to Madripoor, where her base of power is," he stated.  "The memory machine has likely been transported there as well.  We are going to send select individuals there with nano masks to infiltrate Carter's base of operations.  Cap has been there before and will be heading up that team.  Barnes will be heading up the team that will locate Miss Chapman.  We have identified two of the men who were with her when she left the Greenwich Village location."  He looked up at the screen.  "Sergei Dendrov, and Anatoly Maksimov are both high ranking members of Black Cat, the trafficking arm of the Black Dog mafia.  They both have eye tattoos on their hands which is indicative of them watching their prey."
Bucky stood up.  "Dendrov is one of the men who attempted to find a flash drive in Lacey's house in 2014," he said.  "At that time he also recognized me as the Soldier meaning that Black Cat were providing subjects for HYDRA experimentation and had access to their facilities.  It's likely he has been planning to abduct Lacey since then, although the FBI arrested him in 2014.  I put a knife through his palm in subduing him so I'm sure he remembers her very well."
"That may be a fair assessment," said Fury.  "He disappeared during the Blip and was accidentally released upon his reappearance due to the confusion at the time.  He immediately went underground.  We do know that the current incarnation of Black Cat take their captives to the docks, keeping them in a shipping container until they have enough numbers to be profitable.  The container is usually transferred to a Russian registered cargo ship and they are transported over to be slaves, or put into the Eastern European sex trade.  It's a filthy business and we wish to shut them down completely and for good.  If you have a preference for which team you're on now's your opportunity.  Team Cap will stay here.  Team Barnes will reconvene in another location which Miss Hill will lead you to."
Sam and Bucky both stood up and gave each other a pound shake then Bucky followed Hill to another briefing room.  He was followed by Walker, Torres, Belova, Van Dyne, Bishop, Parker and Ayo.  When they entered the next briefing room Hill also stayed.  Terry Williams walked in a moment later.  Walker eyed Ayo nervously when she sat next to him, while she gazed at him impassively.
"We are on the same team, John Walker," she said in her serious voice.  "You have nothing to fear from me."
Bucky stood in front of them and breathed out before speaking.  "I have some memories of the viciousness of the Russian traffickers from when I was the Winter Soldier," he said quietly.  "They are cruel to their captives.  Physical punishment is a given and they will not hesitate to mentally intimidate them into complete submission.  Lacey, having her memory wiped, will be at their mercy, which she won't get.  She will likely be in a state of complete confusion and submission.  My fear is they will use it as an opportunity to abuse her physically and sexually for they will see her condition as weakness and they prey on the weak.  If Dendrov recognizes her which is quite likely he'll be inclined to give her extra cruel treatment."
"So we need to locate that shipping container as soon as possible," said Yelena Belova.  "Those men are cut from the same cloth as the men who ran the Red Room in Russia."
"Red Room?" asked Walker.  "What's that?"
Nearly everyone looked at him incredulously.  "It is what the training facility for Black Widow operatives in Russia was called," said Bucky.  "The operatives were taken from their families as small children and grew up with a foster family who helped train them in spy craft and martial arts.  When they were old enough they began their real training in the Red Room.  Physical punishment and intimidation was the order of the day.  They survived it and moved on or they didn't and were culled."
"Culled?" repeated Walker, shaking his head slightly.  "You mean killed?"
No one answered and he let out a big breath.  Torres broke the silence.
"I can go up in the Falcon suit and activate Red Wing to search for hidden heat signatures inside the shipping containers.  The only trouble is I won't know if it's the Russians or another trafficking outfit until we get visual confirmation.  Are we doing anything about the other outfits?"
Bucky looked at the women who had volunteered for his team, knowing they had their own reasons for being on this team.  "We concentrate on the Russians first, then we go after the others.  Shut them all down.  Hope, can you go with Red Wing and do your own reconnaissance, be our visual confirmation?"
"Can do," she replied.  "I can also place a marker on the container from above so if they move it we can track it.
"Peter, can you web the base of the marked container so it can't be moved?" asked Bucky.
"Yeah, no problem," said Peter.  "What do we do once we locate and free the women?"
"They will need much kindness and compassion," said Ayo unexpectedly.  "They can be extremely emotional, or completely shut down, and may cower from others, especially men.  It would be advisable to have emergency services in the form of ambulances there to transport them to hospital as they are likely to be suffering from injuries caused by physical or sexual abuse.  If you can engage the services of trauma counsellors to begin treating them immediately their chances of recovery are better." Her piercing eyes gazed at everyone.  "I have experience from similar cases in Africa."
"I think both Bucky and I want to be there for Lacey," said Terry, then his voice broke.  "Just make sure you take all of those bastards down and make sure they never get out of prison."
"Agreed," said Bucky.  "Torres and Van Dyne,  please start your reconnaissance.  Meet back here in one hour."
Those two left right away and Maria approached Bucky.  "I'll set up the emergency and counselling services," she said calmly.  "We'll find her Bucky."
She touched his arm reassuringly and went off to set them up.  Yelena looked at Ayo appraisingly.
"I've heard of the fighting prowess of the Dora Milaje," she said.  "Want to spar?"
Ayo smirked.  "I've heard of the fighting prowess of the Black Widows," she replied.  "I'm up for it if you are."
Bishop followed the two women out.  Peter looked at Bucky. 
"Mind if I do some satellite surfing?" he asked.  "I'm good at computers.  Maybe I can locate the trafficker's hangouts."
Bucky nodded and Peter went off to find an open terminal.  Walker looked at Bucky and Terry.
"So, we just wait?" he asked.
"We're muscle, Terry is emotional support," said Bucky.  "Our time will come in just over an hour.  We want these guys alive, John.  They need to pay for their crimes."
"Even if they've raped her?" he asked then he looked at Terry quickly.  "No offence."
"I don't kill," replied Bucky, looking at Walker in a decidedly cool manner.  "I haven't killed a human since 2014.  It's what keeps me sane.  You should try it."
Walker smirked, thinking Bucky was joking, then realized he wasn't.  "I wish I had known that before I agreed to come on this mission," he said sullenly.
"There's the door," gestured Bucky with his hand, irritated and disappointed with the man.  "I asked you because I needed your super soldier abilities.  When your wife said you shut down some traffickers in Afghanistan I thought you might be interested in pursuing similar justice in your own country.  If that's too much to ask of you then leave.  I'll still answer the call if Carter ever comes after your wife and child."
"I'll stay," said Walker, sounding surly.  "Wouldn't want you thinking you're a better man than me."
"You don't get it, do you?" said Bucky, becoming angry.  "I don't care if I'm a better or worse man than you or anyone else.  My morals are mine and mine alone.  You goaded me in Europe about the serum flowing through my veins and all that power I keep suppressed.  You know why?  Because if I don't suppress it I will overdo it and hurt someone, possibly someone I love.  That's why I don't kill because if I did I wouldn't stop.  I was a killer against my will, John.  I won't be a killer again because of my will.  My choice, my decision, my cross to bear.  I hope you never reach a point again where you hurt someone because you reacted with rage or without control, especially someone you love.  It will destroy you probably more than your PTSD is already doing."
Bucky got up without waiting for a reply and Terry followed him, not wanting to be in a room alone with Walker.  He followed Bucky all the way outside where he watched as Bucky paced like a caged animal, waiting for the others to do their reconnaissance.  After a few minutes Bucky noticed him and stopped pacing.  Terry approached him then.
"That's why you left her," he said.  "You had a PTSD flashback and thought you would hurt her."
Bucky nodded then took a deep breath.  "I should have stayed and confided in her so she could understand what I go through," he admitted.  "But I panicked and left instead.  I was ashamed of what went through my mind while we were in bed together.  I know I hurt her and Tommy, and I will regret that my whole life.  I don't expect her to take me back.  All I can hope for is her forgiveness."
"For what it's worth I forgave you right away," said Terry.  "I figured it was something like that.  If you ever need someone to talk to you can call on me, anytime.  I'll listen."
Bucky nodded and smiled grimly.  "Thanks Terry," he replied.  "I appreciate that."
They both sat on a nearby bench and Terry told him about his job coaching.  Bucky could hear the pride in Terry's voice as he described the satisfaction the position gave him.   It made him contemplate his own future after this mission was over.  For so long he had been consumed with staying under the radar, then focused on undergoing treatment.  Getting involved in the Flag Smashers case had been a spur of the moment thing but his actions had felt natural once he was involved.  He found a sense of partnership with Sam that he hadn't felt since Steve and to him that was a good thing.   Perhaps becoming an Avenger for real could be the calling he was looking for.  It might even allow him the luxury of a family.  Clint seemed to have been able to have both.  But until they found Lacey and Tommy he couldn't allow himself to think that far ahead.   Bucky stood up while looking at his watch, noticing almost an hour had passed.
"Let's see if we have any intel to go over," he said to Terry.
They returned to the meeting room, where John Walker still sat.  Ayo and Belova returned from their sparring session, both of them displaying a sense of satisfaction.  Within minutes the rest of the group arrived and Bucky received the information he had been waiting for.
"Start telling me things," said Bucky.
"I've located three different shipping containers with people inside," said Torres.  "Hope put a tracker on each of the containers."
"I flew close to each one to establish visuals," added Hope.  "The one that is a Black Cat container is in a dock in Brooklyn.  They have several guards on that dock and more men in a building just beside the dock."
Bucky's jaw clamped down firmly when he heard the location but he said nothing. 
"They also operate out of a hotel near the docks in Brooklyn," said Peter, hesitantly, knowing that Bucky was from there.  "In fact, all of the groups known for trafficking have set up operations in the various boroughs.  There are some in Queens and The Bronx.  Most of the groups traffic in teenage girls, setting them up in the hotels.  The Black Cat bring European women in and ship American women out to meet the demands of their customers in many different countries."
"Hope, were you able to get inside the container?" asked Bucky.
"Yes, but it wasn't lit inside," she said.  "I had to use my infrared to maneuver and I couldn't tell if Lacey was in there."
"So, we have two different sites where she might be," said Bucky.  "In any of your reconnaissance did you see Sergei Dendrov?"
Both Torres and Hope shook their heads.  Bucky looked at Peter who looked back at him with compassion.  "Yeah, he was at the Brooklyn Hotel.  I hacked into traffic cams and identified his car.  He had a woman with him but she was dark haired, not blonde like Lacey.  I took a screen shot but I couldn't tell if it was her with her hair dyed.  Friday, can you show the screen shot?"
A display on the wall showed the image of a woman.  Both Bucky and Terry leaned forward trying to determine if the grainy image was of Lacey.  They both sat back unable to confirm the woman's identity.
"We'll split up," said Bucky decisively.  "One group will hit the shipping container while another group will hit the hotel.  I'll be with the hotel group.  I want Hope and Ayo with me.  The rest of you will take the container and deal with the men on the dock.  Maria, am I right in assuming that the sorcerers are here to open portals for us?"
"You're right," she said.  "I'll alert Wong.  When is go time?"
"Thirty minutes," said Bucky.  "Gear up and meet outside, south entrance."
Bucky went straight to his quarters and changed into his black combat pants, black singlet, and leather jacket with one sleeve.  He strapped on two gun holsters, and two knife sheaths, one on his right leg and one on his right wrist.  At his weapons storage locker he pulled out two handguns checking the magazines and putting several more in a pocket on the left leg of his pants.  Then he pulled out his knives, twirling them on his fingertips.
"I want to come with you," said a voice and Bucky looked up to see Terry.
"Too dangerous," he replied.  "These guys are hardened killers.  You have no fighting skills, no offence."
"Then I'll wait outside," said Terry.  "I'll act like a tourist and can let you know if anyone comes to help Dendrov."  Bucky looked hard at him.  "Please, I already feel impotent.  Let me do something, even if it's just as a lookout."
"Okay, but you stay out of the hotel," said Bucky.  "If you see anyone with Russian gang tattoos stay out of their line of sight.  They won't hesitate to kill you.  Get a comms piece fitted for your ear."
Thirty minutes later they all assembled on the grass at the south entrance of the building.  Wong was there and Bucky explained that a portal was needed for the docks and also for the hotel in Brooklyn.
"Which one would you like me at?" asked Wong.  "I'm not just a pretty face.  I'm a master of many martial arts disciplines."
A small smile creased Bucky's face at Wong's declaration.  Those pudgy guys were usually the ones you had to watch out for. 
"Can you stay on the street outside the hotel?" he asked,  "If you could deal with any reinforcements that show up that would be great."
The sorcerer nodded and opened the first portal to the docks.  Everyone except Bucky, Ayo, Hope and Terry went through.  Then he opened the portal to the hotel and stepped through with Bucky's team, staying on the street with Terry as the other three entered the building.
Hope had shrunk down to wasp size and immediately began flying up the stairs to search room to room trying to locate Dendrov.  She sent back information on the guards for each floor as she ascended.  The desk clerk looked with alarm at Bucky and Ayo, trying to activate a panic button but Bucky was much faster and put his hand around the man's throat, pushing him up against the wall high enough that his feet dangled.
"The dark haired woman," he demanded, "where is she?  What room?"
The man shook his head.  Bucky squeezed harder and the man finally spoke.  "She's Dendrov's personal property," he gasped.  "He keeps her in his suite, top floor."
Bucky tossed the man aside as if he was garbage and began running up the stairs followed by Ayo.  Several guards challenged them on the way up but were no match for the two, as they worked seamlessly as a unit.
"Hope, top floor," said Bucky.  "Dendrov has a suite."
"On it," she responded.
Outside Terry and Wong saw a black SUV race up to the hotel and several men get out, fully armed.  Terry alerted Bucky on comms.  Wong smiled a grim smile then brought up magic that levitated each of the men and threw them repeatedly against the side of the hotel until they were unconscious before he dropped them on the street. 
Hope arrived at the top floor and flew from room to room, finding Dendrov in the bedroom of his suite, about to enter the bed where a woman was cowering.  Tapping Dendrov on the cheek she made him try to brush her away then she aimed a kick at his face that staggered him.  He looked confused, not seeing what hit him.  Flying straight into his mid-section, Hope pushed him against the window.  She could hear signs of a fight outside the suite doors and flashed into full size, punching Dendrov in the face then shrunk again and retreated to the ceiling.  The action rattled him and he looked everywhere in confusion.  The sound of the suite door being broken open alerted him and he raced to the bed, grabbing the woman, holding a knife to her throat.
"Oh no, you don't," said Hope, firing her blasters at Dendrov in a narrow beam, hitting his knife hand.
He dropped the knife in pain and staggered back.  The woman he was holding turned around and kicked him between the legs sending him to the ground.  Then she jumped on him and began beating him with her fists, hitting every sensitive point on his head; his ears, nose and throat.  Bucky and Ayo came into the room, watching the woman get her revenge on her captor with a certain sense of satisfaction.  It was only when she turned to face them in triumph that Bucky realized she wasn't Lacey.  Advancing towards her he offered her his hand to help her up.
"I need to speak with him," he said then turned his attention to Dendrov and addressed him in Russian. "We met once before.  Where is she?"
Dendrov looked at Bucky as recognition slowly came to him.  "Soldat," he said, then he sat up and spat on the floor before giving Bucky a smug smile.  "She should never have given the flash drive to the FBI.  You will never find her.  She is already on her way.  So compliant and a complete blank slate.  She will fetch a good price."
Bucky punched Dendrov, knocking him out then stood up, his nostrils flaring as he spoke into his comms.  "She's not here," he announced.  "Dendrov said she is already on her way, meaning she's probably in a ship on the Atlantic.  We need to find that ship."
"What about the other two containers?" asked Torres on his comms.  "We've taken this one and the women are in bad shape."
Bucky thought for a moment.  "Give the NYPD the locations of the other two cargo containers and let their Special Victims division handle it," he said.  "They were already alerted we were targeting the Black Cats."
"He didn't specifically say ship," noted Ayo.  "He knows who she is.  She may be on a private jet for all we know, Sergeant Barnes."
"What would you have me do, Ayo?" He turned to her with his eyes blazing.  "Give up?  Let them have her?  I thought you knew me better than that."
She put her hand on his arm.  "Of course not," she said calmly.  "He said she would fetch a good price which means they plan to auction her off.  I can find out where the next auction takes place and can hack into their online catalogue.  Then we take a force in there and release all of their captives.  It is something that has already been discussed in Wakanda by our anti-trafficking unit."
"What aren't you telling me?" he asked.
"It is better that you let us do this tracking part without you," she said.  "You are too emotionally involved at this time.  We already have operatives that can impersonate being a buyer if we find her.  The brother can come with us, to support her when we recover her.  You and the rest of your team should now concentrate on finding and rescuing your son.  The other two Dora Milaje will stay with that team."
Hope watched Bucky process this latest proposal, feeling his turmoil as he wrestled with doing what was best for Lacey.  After what seemed like an eternity but was really only a couple of minutes Bucky's shoulders slumped and he looked beseechingly at Ayo.
"Alright, you find her," he said.  "The moment you find her you call me, day or night.  You get them all."
Ayo nodded and left the room.  Bucky followed.  They met the police coming up the stairs as they went down. Hope told them Dendrov was the man responsible for trafficking in Brooklyn.  When they got down to the street it was full of police cars and ambulances as the women who had been locked up in the hotel rooms were led out in blankets.  The dark haired woman who was with Dendrov came out wrapped in a blanket and spat on each one of his men.  Wong looked at Bucky with understanding.
"I'm sorry she wasn't there," he said.  "Ayo is right.  Let her take up the search for Lacey.  You will be more useful in Madripoor where Carter is."
He brought up a portal and the small team stepped through to the compound where the rest of the larger team had already returned.  Ayo went to make arrangements for her and Terry to go to Europe to rendezvous with the Wakandan anti-trafficking team.  Bucky went to Fury's office sitting on the chair across from him.
"We freed many women but Lacey wasn't one of them," he reported.  "Dendrov said she was compliant and a blank slate.  It means they've wiped her memory completely.  Anyone could buy her and do anything they wanted to her.  She wouldn't know if it was good or bad.  Hell, they could turn her into an assassin if they wanted."
"I understand you are letting the Wakandans take over the search for her," said Fury carefully.  "I think that is the right course of action at this time.  You and the others should go to Madripoor."  He hesitated for a moment.  "I spent some time with Miss Williams during the time you spent in Wakanda.   She is a strong woman and if your experience with the memory machine is anything to go by there is a residue, if you can call it that, of a person's basic personality that stays with them.  It helped you throw off the yoke after 70 years of programming.  It may also help Miss Williams maintain her core identity."
Bucky gave a smirk of acknowledgement.  "I still killed for them," he replied.  "I fought them all the time but once they said the right words I was their puppet.   I think you give me too much credit.  In many ways, I was an outlier.  I fought them but they could still control me.  The ones that willingly took the serum couldn't be controlled."
"That may be true," stated Fury, "but those who took the serum willingly were already out of control, being the killers and deviants they already were.  When you did break with them you did it well and completely.  I followed your case closely, Barnes; tried to find you, in fact.  For two years you stayed under the radar, not killing or hurting anyone, except when the Russians came to Miss Williams' house.  A true killer wouldn't have lasted a fraction of that time without resorting to violence.  When this current rescue mission has concluded please consider staying on with the new incarnation of the Avengers.  You have qualities and skills that we need.  Your personal moral code is strong and we need that more than anything."
Bucky didn't agree or disagree but he did acknowledge the offer.  When he came out of the office the others were waiting for him. 
"We're going to Madripoor," he said.  "Get a bag together, weapons in a separate bag.  Ayo and Terry will continue the search for Lacey.  Wong, is there a safe house there where we can base our operations?"
"Yes," replied Wong.  "Dr. Strange has put a protection and concealment spell on it so that Carter can't find it.  I will give you a portal into it.  I cannot join you as I must stay to protect the Sanctum but I will do what I can to assist you from here."
"Alright, meet outside in 20 minutes," said Bucky, then he turned to Terry.  "I want to talk to you while I'm getting ready."  Terry followed him into the weapons storage area and stood listening as Bucky put his weapons back in their satchel then pulled the entire bag out.  "The memory suppression machine wipes away all previous memories by destroying the synapses between brain cells.  The Wakandans believe the cells themselves hold the memories but without the synapses they can't be accessed.  In my case, they believe some synapses did begin to rebuild.  Maybe it was part of the super soldier regenerative process ... I don't know.  You have to accept that Lacey may have no idea of who you are.  She may have no memory of your parents, your childhood, Tommy ... it will all be gone.  It's going to distress you but what she needs from you is proof of her identity.  If you have pictures on your phone, show them.  Tell her stories of growing up together.  Tell her both the good stuff and the bad stuff.  If there is a chance that her synapses have started rebuilding then she may have a flash of a memory.  Help her to hold onto it and build it.  I kept memory books, where I wrote down things as I remembered them, both good and bad.  I wanted to remember all of it."
"How long did it take you?" asked Terry, his brow furrowed.
"I'll let you know when I'm there," said Bucky, smiling grimly.  "For me it started with one word, "Bucky", said by Steve Rogers as I was trying to kill him.  Just the way he said it triggered something in my mind.  Not even an actual memory at first, just a realization that I had known him and that we had been close.  They wiped my memory again and sent me after him once more.  I was so close to killing him and he said something else, something that I remembered saying to him when he was 18 and I was 19.  That memory burned like a flame in my mind and stayed my hand long enough for me to realize that the killer I had been wasn't me, the real me.  That's when I ran.  For two years I was under the radar.  I met Lacey during that time and she was so kind to me.  She gave me food, and shelter before she gave me herself."
Bucky looked away from Terry as he remembered that night.  Terry could see the emotion in Bucky as he remembered the night he spent with Lacey.  In his mind, he saw a man who was very much in love with his sister.
"She got pregnant that night," continued Terry.  "She told me about the four Russians who came to the house in the middle of the night, and that you handled all of them easily.  Then you told her to phone the FBI and you left, blowing her a kiss from outside, leaving her an origami heart on the dresser.  You made an impact on her, Bucky.  You accepted her as she was, just like she accepted you as a man, not as a killer.  I'll make sure she remembers you."
Bucky closed the door of the weapons locker and looked at Terry with emotion.  Then he clapped him on the shoulder and wished him good luck, returning to his quarters to get his go bag.  He made his way outside where the rest of the team already was.  Wong opened a portal to the safe house in Madripoor and they all walked through.
Chapter 21>>
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2018 TEA Nominations
Here’s what I’m nominating. I hope this helps you. I’m not as awesome as @thestraggletag by providing links, but if I jog your memory and that’s helpful, great. Also, thanks Strag, for nominating me in places I didn’t think of, so I copied those, because, why not? That I made it to your list once would have floored me, but more than a that just makes me weepy.
Yes, there are holes in my nominations. I hope to fill those and post them for you to see as I do a little (OMG A LOT) of reading, but some holes will remain because I don’t read all kinds of fics. If I commented on your fic and forgot you here, please drop me a line with the story I commented on. No promises, but I forget A LOT and a reminder could mean a nomination for you. Thanks everyone for your FCYs they really do help. Especially artists.
Without further ado-
Family- Love is a Layered Cake @worryinglyinnocent
Gold in the Afternoon @nerdrumple
Always One More Time- @bad-faery
A Dozen Roses - @ladybookwormwithteeth
Hurts so good-
The Most Beautiful Mistake @worryinglyinnocent
The Unresolved @Of_Princes_and_Savages
Best Date
Best Courtship
Best First Meeting-
The Boston Hour @ifishouldvanish
Ghosts in the Snow @theoneandonlylittlebird
Best One-Shot
Best Drabble
Best Post-Ep fic- Our Better Decisions
Best Comedy Fic:
Best Movie AU
Best Historical AU-
The Reluctant Guardian- @smartgirlsaremean
Love and Marriage @bookwormchocaholic
Winds of Change @barpurplewrites
Best AU- Family Politics @annievh
Disrupted @theoneandonlylittlebird
Best Series
Best Holiday Fic
Best Remix
Best Golden Lace
Best Crack!Fic
Best Drama- Skin Deep @bookwormchocaholic
Best Supernatural- The Witch Doctor on Main Street @Brillador
Best Trope
Best Prompter
(All fics in this category are limited to 2017 only)
Rumbelle Secret Santa-
Not Another Cinderella Story @Hikari_no_Chibi
Ghosts in the Snow @theoneandonlylittlebird
Rumbelle Christmas in July-
The Politician’s Heart @theoneandonlylittlebird
Her Heart @lotus0kid
Rumbelle Revelry
May Day Menagerie
Monthly Rumbelle (Non-smut)
Monthly Rumbelle (Smut)
Best Belle-
The Politician’s Heart @theoneandonlylittlebird
Best Dark One!Belle
Best Lacey
Best Detective Weaver
Best Dark One
Best Mr. Gold
The Boston Hour @ifishouldvanish
Always One More Time @bad-faery
Best Spinner!Rumple
Best Woobie!Rum-
The Boston Hour and Alterations: @ifishouldvanish
Best Rumbelle Child
Best Cover Art
Best Graphic Art: Gif sets, photo sets, etc.
@doctorrsong -“Rumbelle Week, Day 3— One Colour (gold)— Belle, you can’t just tell The Dark One his shiny gold castle is tacky. Best Comic/Graphic Novel”
Best Fan Art:
@licieoic - “Rumbelle Sunset”
@virgiedearie - “All I want is a life with you”
Best Video
Best Artist @doctorrsong
The Unresolved @Of_Princes_and_Savages
BEST ANYELLE FIC- My Heart’s in the Highlands @smartgirlsaremean
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perksofwifi · 4 years
A Dually Delight: Top 5 Craigslist Diesel Trucks in Birmingham
What started as a story about an ad for a gas-powered, four-wheel-drive 1994 Ford E-350 that has a presidential history has turned into a recurring topic over at TruckTrend.com. Great feedback on that article was the catalyst, and we now are five (counting Birmingham, Alabama) cities into what has become an epic search for diesel trucks and cars being sold through Craigslist around the U.S.
One of the things that draws diesel enthusiasts to Craigslist is not only the wide variety of trucks and cars, but also engines, tools, and other related mechanical bits and pieces found in its pages. Very cool stuff, and thanks to negotiating, it usually can be had for a song.
Thus far, we’ve highlighted oil-burners being sold privately in Miami, Charlotte, North Carolina, Boston, and the New York metropolitan area. Please note that diesel-powered pickup trucks, while plentiful almost everywhere, are not the primary target of our searches. In an effort to have some fun with this project, the uncommon, unique, or even quirky diesel vehicles, equipment, parts, and so on are what we’re seeking out. However, there certainly will be instances—like in this report, for example—where the late-model diesel pickups get top billing.
Birmingham actually had us second-guessing ourselves about the choice. The same “diesel” search that serves us well in other areas only produced one page of offerings (45 total)—three of which were gassers. The poll also failed to produce an abundance of the different types of vehicles that we like for these rundowns. However, one thing is certain: Late-model duallys definitely rule the roost in Birmingham, at least at the time we conducted our search.
And speaking of searches, if this series inspires you to conduct similar research to find diesels or whatever, we also suggest giving Crazedlist a try. This new site is fast and allows users to search by an entire state, rather than only by city, and it queries eBay and Facebook Marketplace, too.
As always at this point, we admit that our selections might be somewhat subjective, but the finds are pretty cool nonetheless. So, read on and see what Birmingham and environs have to offer. Let us know if you move on one of these deals; also, let us know about cool diesel deals you come across on Craigslist. Send info and a link to: [email protected].
1982 GMC Sierra
According to the seller, this Lacey’s Spring-based OG runs, but, “it needs more care than I have the skill to do.” Although the Sierra’s 6.2L Detroit Diesel V-8 only musters a weak sauce (by modern standards) 130 hp and 240 lb-ft of torque, there’s a small degree of cool in the nostalgia of 1982 being the first year for Detroit’s four-stroke powerplants, and it was also GM’s initial foray into outfitting pickups (and Suburbans) with diesel engines. Thinking with the glass half full, a caring, skillful enthusiast can have it for $1,500 or best offer, and probably pull down ridiculous fuel economy once it’s running. “One man’s junk…”
2007 Dodge Ram 3500
Per photos, dually No. 1 appears to be brilliantly clean for having 218,000 miles. However, the claim that it has a Duramax engine that “runs great,” according to the seller, is the lone quality that’s beyond intriguing for us. Of course, a 6.7L Cummins I-6 is the original mill, but it’s not abnormal for Allison automatic transmissions—which are paired with Duramaxes in GM trucks—to be swapped into Dodge Ram pickups like this one. So without actually seeing the powerplant, we’ll buy into the engine claim (for now) and hope that whoever picks it up for $13,900—or less—gives us a shout to confirm exactly what’s under the hood.
2011 Chevrolet Silverado 3500HD
The next six-wheeler checks all the boxes for a Best Diesel Deal on Craigslist. The original owner claims the rig is in excellent condition with approximately 89,146 miles, has four-wheel drive, leather inside, an exhaust brake on the Duramax. This one, located in Opelika, being sold for $32,500 or best offer, and we can’t forget to note that a “lifetime XM Radio subscription” comes with the purchase. That alone is interesting, as Sirius XM Radio nixed the pay-once program in 2005. #rollovermusic
1984 Ford Centurion
So you’re looking for a vehicle that will give you diesel’s torque and efficiency, the utility of a pickup truck, and comfort like that of a plush conversion van? Say less! This mechanical version of a centaur is the rig you need. It’s powered by a 6.9L IDI V-8 and sports new wheels, tires, steering gear and an A/C compressor. With only 115,000 miles, we believe there’s still plenty of life left in this one. And, for $3,500, it certainly would be neat to have something so different.
2002 Ford F-350
The last of this group’s three duallys is located in Townley, has 188,000 miles and is powered by Ford’s venerable 7.3L Power Stroke V-8. While that’s all well and fine, the custom CM Truck Beds flat deck, large auxiliary fuel tank and gooseneck hitch are the items that caught our eye. That, and the seller’s claim that “it’s very nice and clean, and runs great.” This rig is a worker, and will probably recoup your $15,000 outlay very quickly.
Best Deals on Craigslist Diesel Trucks from Truck Trend
Miami: The used-diesel market is hot at Florida’s southernmost point. Charlotte: Pickups, Class 8 tractors, nice TDI-powered sedans, and more! Boston: “Barn-Find” 1984 Nissan (Datsun) 720 and others. New York: Sedans and SUVs are abundant in the NYC area.
The post A Dually Delight: Top 5 Craigslist Diesel Trucks in Birmingham appeared first on MotorTrend.
https://www.motortrend.com/news/best-dually-diesel-trucks-craigslist-birmingham/ visto antes em https://www.motortrend.com
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johnlarens · 7 years
my great comet experience (act i + intermission)
okay so I wrote a lot so it’s gonna be split into two posts and I’ll edit this and provide a link to act two!
- So where you stand in line waiting be let in (and where you pick up your tickets) is decorated in Russian propaganda to make it look like a war bunker/safe house! And on one of the doors it says “strobe lights and haze!” (a pre warning for the show I believe?) with a hammer and sickle underneath it
- the theater is so beautiful
- decorating the walls were tons of russian paintings and my god it was absolutely stunning - okay so the lady who showed us to our seats was hilarious!!! My mom and I spent a good chunk of our time before the show talking to her- her name was Marylin! She was a cranky old lady who took her job so seriously but hey, she’s quick and efficient and I liked her! - okay so Brad Giovanine came around with dumplings and was like “who wants dumplings!” and honestly, i don’t think I’ve ever shot my hand up so fast
- i was the first one to get a dumpling in my section,,,,i feel blessed - Brad came back around and started telling us about the strobe lights and all!       But the other cast member who was talking the section in front of me was all:   “if strobe lights bother you then just close your eyes!” *closes his eyes* still to bright? *covers his eyes with his hand" - when the show started war sirens aired and it was such aN AMAZING TOUCH MY GOODNESS!!!! - And then the announcer with a deep Russian accent goes: “ladies and gentlemen, attention please! Cellphones!” - Cast: NYET! - announcer: texting! - Cast: NYET! - And one guy who was sitting in the section in front of me STILL had his phone out???? Even when the cast in my row pointed to him!!!!! - Announcer: googling? - Cast: NYET!
- Announcer: tweeting, photos, videos!
- Cast: NYET! NYET! NYET! - Announcer: no talking during the show! Violators are moved to security guards and KGB. Repeat offenders are sent to Siberia.
PROLOGUE - during the sick accordion provided by Pierre there’s a heart wrenching ‘NO!’ from Natasha as she’s seeing Andrey off to war - Andrey gives her a golden necklace and places it around her neck before going off through #the door - “what about Pierre?”
PIERRE - “I used to be better” he’s so upset with himself and who he his - he’s so sad and he hates himself and I love Pierre so much - “I’m married but not in love” the light shines on Hélène who’s looking down at him - “he is charming! he has no sex!” the ladies dance around him in a circle almost as if they’re making fun of him :-( - “you empty and stupid, contented fellows, satisfied with you place!” he makes a sharp turn and practically jabs his finger at Anatole - he just wants to do more and be more and do SOMETHING with his life I love him
MOSCOW - Natasha and Sonya are dressed in pretty white coats and hand warmers I love them - Grace McLean played such an amazing Marya, she looked to happy to see them - “then a game of Boston, and you’ll read to me while I knit!” Natasha and Sonya look so,,,,shook and 'no thanks’
THE PRIVATE AND INTIMATE LIFE OF THE HOUSE - those in favor of keeping Mary away from Prince Bolkonsky and loving her forever say 'I’ - As Bolkonsky is yelling at Mary she shrinks away in fear and is shaky - Andrey’s father was hilarious (minus the yelling at Mary part - “Everyone enjoys me” and he nods to an audience member - when he pats his powdered wig powder flies in the air ajdbdkdbdk - Abskdbdk this man is so shaky as he wobbles about the stage - And his servant,,,,honey I’m cackling he’s shuffling around the stage, bent over in the shape of an L
NATASHA AND BOLKONSKYS - Natasha’s 'hello’ to Marya is too abskdbdkd the way Denée delivers this line is so humorous - “says the mean old man in his underthings!” I cackled - as Natasha tries to leave, Marya follows her about the stage :-( she just wants a friend
NO ONE ELSE - natasha misses and loves Andrey so much I cry - the blue is so beautiful Denée is so beautiful I love her and her voice - the fake snow is such a nice gentle touch - Standing at the bottom of the steps, Andrey is reading (I’m assuming) Natasha’s letters and looking off in the distance, probably eager to get to her - Close to the end of the song, Andrey starts to walks off and Natasha chases after him before coming to a stop - At the end she positions herself next to an audience member and says “maybe he came today and he’s sitting the drawing room, and I simply forgot” :-( she misses him so much - but that doesn’t last for long :/
SUNDAY MORNING - when Sonya and Natasha do the candle in the mirror and Natasha sees a man lying down, she looks away, but the ensemble member that’s holding the mirror, follows her for a moment. Excellent touch - after Marya finds out how rude Bolkonsky was to Natasha she got SUPER angry and stormed off - and abskdbdk as Natasha is getting undressed, Hélène walks in and it’s gay time
CHARMING - Natasha is so shy and blushy when Hélène compliments her it’s so cute - for a little bit Natasha struts around in Hélène’s green coat and she looks so tiny in that big furry thing my goodness - When Hélène says “you will be the prettiest there” Pierre nods - When Hélène takes off the necklace that Andrey gave Natasha, and replaces it with her string of pearls, she dumps Andrey’s necklace on Pierre who fiddled with it and is like “what am I supposed to do with this??” until placing it on his desk - “She knows that I’m engaged, yet she talks to frankly, so it must me alright :-)” my mom called Natasha a dingbat and I snorted
THE OPERA - “Natasha smooth your gown” she looks so offended when they say that, my poor girl!! - I’m not sure what it symbolizes (or if it’s just part of the outfit), but as Natasha is saying how she’s not a little girl anymore, she puts on some lacey white gloves and they’re so pretty I love Denée so much I’m so gay - okay let me just take the time to say just how much I love Dolokov???? I’d let him assassinate me - before offering his hand for an audience member to kiss it- he kisses his own hand ajdbdidbdk, and then kisses her hand - “-Pierre the cuckold sits at home, the poor man!” from his desk, Pierre does a 'raise the roof’ motion before saying that he’s enjoying himself at home - Natasha is so enchanted by Hélène before Marya comes over and talks about Pierre before pulling Natasha away and brushing away Hélène - The satanic hooded figures??? A mood. The strange performers??? A big mood - Natasha’s response to the opera was hilarious ajsbdkfn first she’s roasting it then she’s praising it saying it’s the best thing ever - When Anatole enters through the door striking in different poses with the bass I nut right there right in my seat - Andrey’s guts spilling out is a good representation of me nutting over the intensity of this song
- first off Anatole is a soggy crocodile and needs to stay away from Natasha >:-(
- Natasha is feeling herself when she knows Anatole is enchanted with her - “when looking into his eyes I am frightened.” Natasha them kinda runs away from Anatole to try and regain herself - abskdbfkfbfkfbf kkay when Anatole grabs Natasha and kisses her on the neck, it’s so loud wtf it was a real deal kiss like, I bust a nut for that shit - when Anatole takes Natasha’s flower she looks so offended like girl!! - Anatole and Natasha’s kiss was,,,,,w ow
THE DUEL - so many strobe lights. so many colors. so amazing!!!!!!! - the ensemble was amazing oh my goodness - Grace McLean in the suit and the whip………dare I say…….mommy - when Pierre refers to Natasha as 'dear andrey’s betrothed’ Anatole shrugs and makes a 'yeah, sure, whatever’ kind of face while doing the so-so motion with his hand - “ I have known her family for years, and long carried affection for her” he puts his hand over his heart - when Anatole asks for 50 rubles Pierre coughed up a wad of cash, hands Anatole 50 and just leaves the rest (which is way more that (50 rubles) in his other hand, only to have Anatole take the larger sum of money from his right hand ! - again,,,,I love Dolokov he just saunters on in with a tray of glasses and starts pouring drinks - some (most?) of the ensemble had those light up bottom sneakers and were dressed like teens at their first rave it was cute! - pierre was drinking through the first good couple lines of it and he’s a funny + sad drunk - when Pierre is proclaiming his 'I used to love I used to be better!’ the demeanor in which he shouts it is so heartbreaking and hélène’s response is so twisted and gnarled - Dolokov is feeling all up on hélène and then they kinda made out and pierre EXPLODES - After Pierre realizes that he’s actually hit Dolokov he looks absolutely - during Dolokov’s turn to fire at Pierre, Pierre stand there arms wide open, head hanging low, waiting to be shot, and when Dolokov fires and misses, Pierre just stand completely still for a good couple moments, before realizing he’s alive - Anatole is so fucking andkdbdkbfkf as he’s saying “we love to love another day” he’s like……prancing around aND HE GIVES PIERRE FINGER GUNS until he goes off stage I’m!!!
DUST AND ASHES - I said it once and I’ll say it again: Scott was an AMAZING PIERRE - When Pierre goes “and if I die here tonight-” he picks up the gun that he used to duel Dolokov with and fiddled with it for a bit, “-I die in my sleep” and my heart broke - he’s so upset that he just slams down his book when he talks about not knowing a thing - “was a happiness within me the whole time?” he’s finally realizing that he can be who he wants to be - “they say we are asleep until we faALL iIN LOOOOOOoOoVVVVE! aaAND II’M SO REEeAADY, TO WAAaaaAAKE UuuuUUP NooOooOOWW” let me tell you I was fucking close to tears - when the song ended the crowd went crazy it was truly stunning
- i love scott
THE BALL - “Oh how I adore little girls, they loose their head at once!” Anatole you little nasty soggy crocodile get away from Natasha!!!!!! >:(((( - when Anatole presses Natasha’s arm and she says that he’s hurting her I wanted to bite Anatole’s hand off :/ - the kiss they have is insane like, it felt like it lasted forever like……..how they breathin???? - “I love you. how else could we have kissed? How else could this have happened?” - “I wiiillll loooove youu, Anatoooole,” Denée’s voice……………me? bust a nut? yes. - Abskdbfkf Anatole does a 'hell yeah! good job, anatole’ face after she says that and I……
- not much to comment about during intermission, i just stretched my legs some and walked to the merch table
- i wanted to buy a shirt but lmao i spent all my money on the ticket 
- when the three minute warning was called, the war sirens sounded and it was so amazing
okay so that was part one of my great comet experience! get ready for part two (act ii and stagedoor)
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trendsdresscom · 5 years
Michelle Keegan looks sophisticated in a chic jumpsuit as she leads the stars at Sky Up Next 2020
She always puts on a stylish display. 
And, Michelle Keegan looked sophisticated in an asymmetric jumpsuit as she led the stars attending Sky Up Next 2020 at Tate Modern, on Wednesday night.  
The former soap star, 32, showcased her slim figure in the unique check print all-in-one, which boasted long sleeve and one bardot sleeve. 
Gorgeous: Michelle Keegan, 32, looked sophisticated in an asymmetric jumpsuit as she led the stars attending Sky Up Next 2020 at Tate Modern, on Wednesday night
Letting her long brunette locks fall loose down her shoulders, Michelle opted for a subtle yet flawless make-up look.
The Our Girl star boosted her height in a pair of slip on stilettos and carried her belongings in a small champagne gold top-handle bag.
Finishing off her look, Michelle accessorised with a gold pair of double hoop earrings and a burgundy mani-pedi.   
Stunning: Letting her long brunette locks fall loose down her shoulders, Michelle opted for a subtle yet flawless make-up look
Svelte: The former soap star showcased her slim figure in the unique all-in-one, which boasted long sleeve and one bardot sleeve
Fun with friends: Michelle posed happily alongside her Brassic co-star Joe Gilgun, 35
Wow! Maisie Williams, 22, put on a sensational display in a corseted black gown
Quirky: The Game Of Thrones star sported a pastel manicure and a plaster on her finger
Pretty: Maisie wore a rainbow of coloured eyeshadows and accessorised with gold jewellery
 Last month, Michelle announced she is leaving BBC drama Our Girl after four years.
The actress played British army medic Georgie Lane on the show for three seasons but plans to leave in order to spend more time in her home country.
The demanding filming schedule of the show has seen the Stockport-born star travel to South Africa, Nepal and Malaysia for several months of filming a year.
Sublime: Billie Piper, 37, slipped into a sleek black gown with pretty lace detailing
Gorgeous: The actress went braless beneath the plunging frock, and boosted her height with a classic pair of black pointed stilettos
Here come the boys: David Schwimmer, 53, arrived with comedian Nick Mohammed, 39
Dapper: The gents looked smart in their suits as they smiles for photos
When speaking with The Sun about her decision the ex-Coronation street star said: ‘I’ve had the most incredible four years on the show and I want to thank the BBC for giving me such an amazing opportunity.
‘Playing Georgie has been a life changing role for me. I’ve loved every second of the adventure so it was a very hard decision to make not to return.
‘I feel it is the right time to explore other exciting opportunities but I’m so happy to be part of the new series coming soon so it’s not the end just yet.’ 
Stunning couple: Chloe Lloyd, 27, put on a leggy display in an animal print mini dress alongside husband Josh Cuthbert, 27
Having a laugh: Jamie Redknapp, 46, arrived with Freddie Flintoff and Tom Davis
Smile! Jamie looked delighted to be there with his father Harry and mum Sandra
The show producers are currently looking for another female to play the lead in the hit series, which starred former EastEnders actress Lacey Turner, 31, for its first run in 2014.
Meanwhile, Michelle’s husband star Mark left his dream presenting role in ‘lonely’ LA to be back with his gorgeous wife in February last year.
The stunning couple met on a New Year’s break in Dubai back in December 2012, with the pair tying the knot in an idyllic ceremony in May 2015.  
Moving on: Last month, Michelle announced she is leaving BBC 1 drama Our Girl after four years (pictured)
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ladystylestores · 4 years
Hong Kong, Dominic Cummings, New Zealand: Your Monday Briefing
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Good morning.
We’re covering protests in Hong Kong as China tightens its control, outrage against a top British aide who violated lockdown, and The Times’s front page on the loss of nearly 100,000 lives in the U.S. to the coronavirus pandemic.
The protest underscored the outrage of residents after Beijing on Friday proposed new security laws that would tighten its control over Hong Kong.
The proposals, which were unveiled at the opening of the National People’s Congress, also highlighted the challenges facing the pro-democracy movement. Attendance was far lower compared with the huge rallies in 2019 against a bill that would have allowed extraditions to mainland China. Some protesters feel more hopeless and afraid.
The police have shown that they plan assertive action to stop mass gatherings from gaining force.
Quote of note: “I wouldn’t use optimistic,” one resident said of her outlook on the protests. “But I would say that if we do not insist, we will not see hope. It’s because we insist, that hope will remain out there.”
Analysis: President Xi Jinping’s move against Hong Kong has echoes of President Vladimir Putin’s seizure of Crimea from Ukraine in 2014 — a brash move by an autocratic leader risking international condemnation to resist what he sees as foreign encroachment, Steven Lee Myers, our Beijing bureau chief, writes.
The push to reopen churches
President Trump is pressing U.S. officials to allow church gatherings — a step that other countries have already taken, sometimes with regret.
In Germany, for instance, where religious houses of worship have been reopened for weeks, 40 churchgoers have tested positive for the coronavirus after a Baptist church service in Frankfurt.
Other places are just now lifting restrictions. In France, a court last week ordered the government to allow in-person religious services, making the country one of the last in Western Europe to reopen churches, mosques and synagogues.
Large gatherings of worshipers have been linked to the spread of the virus in some places, most notably in South Korea, where a single church group accounted for more than half of the country’s early infections.
Outrage grows against top British aide
Prime Minister Boris Johnson resisted calls on Sunday to fire his most influential adviser, Dominic Cummings, after reports that he had violated Britain’s lockdown rules.
Mr. Cummings had driven 260 miles to his parents’ house in Northern England after he had contracted the coronavirus. A statement released by Mr. Johnson said that Mr. Cummings had been unable to line up care for his young child after he and his wife began showing virus symptoms.
Official remarks: “I believe that in every respect, he has acted responsibly, and legally, and with integrity,” Mr. Johnson said. But a spokesman for the opposition Labour Party disagreed, saying, “The British people do not expect there to be one rule for them and another rule for Dominic Cummings.”
If you have 7 minutes, this is worth it
Leading a ‘team of five million’ in New Zealand
Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, a global progressive icon, has been strikingly effective in coaxing New Zealanders to suspend their lives because of the coronavirus pandemic. (She even interviewed through an earthquake.)
As New Zealand prepares for an election in September, our Sydney bureau chief writes about Ms. Ardern’s leadership style, including her deft use of Facebook to relate to a population of five million that is “less saint and disciples, more friends or teammates.”
North Korea’s leader: President Kim Jong-un convened the country’s top military-governing body to outline “new policies for further increasing” its nuclear capacities and promoting weapons officials — the first public activity reported by the North’s state-run media in three weeks.
Snapshot: A famed family-owned circus in Italy, the Rony Roller Circus, has been sitting out the pandemic in a field outside Rome since March. “I miss the applause, the tent, the colors of the lights,” said Daniela Vassallo, part of the family. Above, Megan Vassallo, 13, practicing the aerial loop.
European football: By recruiting only local players, Athletic Bilbao has forged a unique identity that its fans embrace.
What we’re listening to: The “Terrible, Thanks for Asking” podcast. “This episode,” says Lance Booth, a photo editor, “is about a writer who becomes unemployed after landing her dream job, and the ever-revolving gate of unemployment.”
Now, a break from the news
Cook: Melissa Clark’s classic yellow cake is whisked in one bowl and frosted however you like (or smothered in strawberries and cream).
And now for the Back Story on …
A front page unlike any other
As the United States approaches 100,000 deaths from the coronavirus, our editors wanted to mark the grim milestone. So, instead of the articles, photographs or graphics that normally appear on the front page of The New York Times, on Sunday there’s just a list: a long, solemn list of people whose lives were lost to the coronavirus pandemic.
The names, nearly 1,000 of them, were gleaned from obituaries in hundreds of U.S. newspapers and conveyed both the vastness and the variety of lives lost.
“We knew we were approaching this milestone,” Simone Landon, assistant editor of the Graphics desk, told Times Insider. “We knew that there should be some way to try to reckon with that number.”
But Ms. Landon and her colleagues realized that “both among journalists and perhaps in the general reading public, there’s a little bit of a fatigue with the data.” Putting 100,000 dots or stick figures on a page “doesn’t really tell you very much about who these people were, the lives that they lived, what it means for us as a country,” Ms. Landon said. She came up with the idea to compile obituaries and death notices of Covid-19 victims from newspapers large and small across the country and selecting vivid passages from them.
“I wanted something that people would look back on in 100 years to understand the toll of what we’re living through,” Marc Lacey, the National editor, said.
That’s it for this briefing. For those celebrating, Eid Mubarak. See you next time.
— Isabella
Thank you To Theodore Kim and Jahaan Singh for the break from the news. You can reach the team at [email protected].
P.S. • We’re listening to “The Daily.” Our latest episode is on how a woman named Genie Chance covered the biggest earthquake to hit North America in recorded history. • Here’s today’s Mini Crossword puzzle, and a clue: Poker action (three letters). You can find all our puzzles here. • Last year, The Times published around 900 articles about the climate, including dispatches from around the world showing the effects of climate change and identifying solutions.
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from World Wide News https://ift.tt/3d0ek67
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jaidengooding-blog · 6 years
Anthology Project
Jaiden Gooding
Engl 212
Kimberly Lacey
Technology has been proven to be a influential factor in our everyday lives. We are becoming more dependent on technology. We use various technologies to achieve daily tasks such as locating a unfamiliar place or chatting with a friend who lives in a different time zone than us. Emerging of new advancements in technology can impact our lives in various ways. As the world keeps developing, so will technology. Technology is being implemented in every aspect of the worlds, including our lives, and other things like business functions. It’s best to embrace these advancements in technology and learn how they work and what they do. Some people will gravitate towards those advancements, and others will shrink away in fear. There are many different opinions and perspectives when technology becomes the topic of discussion. In the sections we will be discussing what is techno panic and why/what people fear about technology. We will also be discussing how technology influence and impacts our lives.
In the first section, we will be discussing and defining techno panic. In the first link, ”Techno panics and the Great Society Networking Scare”, defines the word as an response driven by fear of normality being represented by new technologies. This fear comes from the modernity of technology. Techno panics have 3 characteristics which are focusing solely on media forms which take form in computer technology, worrying how technology will affect young people's minds, and they develop cultural anxiety. Which leads them to attempting to supervise and manage young people's behavior. In link 2, “3 reasons why we fear technology”, pinpoints three reasons why technology can seem so scary and threatening to people who view it as such. Fear comes from a rational response when things are unknown to you or it impacts your life without your understanding or agreement. Human beings are afraid of learning new things and the challenges that may come with it. They also fear losing your job to a robot and looking out of place or not knowing how to handle a new device, for example a touchscreen computer. In link 3, “Fear of technology - techno phobia” goes more in depth in defining techno panic. It also illustrates causes of the phobia and symptoms that some people may show. For example, one cause of techno phobia is ignorance towards new technology and not welcoming the benefits it may provide. In link 4, “Top 6 fears of future technology”, Humans biggest fears are economic collapse, losing jobs, and killer robots. We are programmed to be afraid of the unknown. The common saying for that is “ignorance is bliss”. People believe the less you know the happier you’ll be. Technology may have some cons, but the pros outweigh the cons. These 4 links connects to how technology will be beneficial in our lives,because even though this is giving reasons to fear technology, it also shows us why we should accept technology. Most of these fears are based on fearing the unknown. Not knowing what to expect can seem scary, but some benefits can come along with that.
In the second section, The Future is our Body, we talk about how technological advancements have improved our life and will continue to do so in the later future. In link one, “ Artificial organs: We’re entering an era where transplants are obsolete”, explains how human lives are being saved by artificial organs. Artificial organs are a technological hero, known as 3D printing. According to the British Heart Foundation the number of patients on the organ transplant waiting list in the United Kingdom has gone up 162%. According to Steven Wesby, “Within the next 10 years we won't see anymore heart transplants, except for people with a congenital heart”. 3D printing would be able to save many lives by answering the call to donor shortages. 3D printing would be more reliable and affordable for patients because doctors are able to print artificial organs on demand. In the second link, “how can technology transform the human body” by guest speaker Lucy Mcrae, explains her fascination with the human body and how technology can transform it. Her works involved building odd structures on the skin that symbolizes human evolution. She explores the thought of how technology and the human body may merge in the near future. Lucy embraces new technology advancements because she believes it will modify and biologically enhance our bodies for the better. This would lead to many opportunities of technological advancement. In link 3, “How technology is changing our bodies”, discusses artists who see technology advancements as a way of art and expressing themselves more creatively and freely. For example, the neuro hacker Neil Harbisson, is the first human to be legally recognized a cyborg. Since a child Neil was diagnosed with achromatopsia, in others words complete color blindness. This led him to become interested in things he couldn’t sense, such as colors. Neil co-created an antenna which is implanted in his lead. This device allows him to perceive colors. In the last article, “Scientists have 3D printed the most artificial cornea ever using human cells”, explains how scientist created this new technological advancement. A artificial cornea is created by 3D printing and bioink. These 4 articles connect with each other because they show how technology advancements impact our lives in a positive way. New technology changes our drastically and takes it to a new level. Technology serves a purpose of a new way of thinking and doing things more faster and hassle free.
In the third section, Intelligent systems, gives us a more in depth view on how technology improves our daily lives. Artificial intelligence is the creation of technology that promotes machines and computers to work in a intelligent matter without human interference. In the article, “10 advantages of autonomous vehicles” pinpoints 10 reasons how driver-less cars can positively impact society. The first positive impact is reduced accidents. Autonomous cars have the potential to eliminate human error such as driving distracted. 9 other pros of autonomous cars would be reducing traffic congestion, reduced CO2 emissions, increased lane capacity, lowering of fuel consumption, providing first/last mile services, transportation accessibility, reduced travel time and costs, effective and affordable taxes, and efficient parking. In link 2, “10 powerful examples of artificial intelligence we use today” explains what exactly is artificial intelligence and gives us 10 examples of A.I. technological advancements. Artificial intelligence ( A.I.) are advanced machines that able to perform human tasks that requires human intelligence, such as decision making, speech recognition, and translating different languages. These machines aren’t realistically getting smarter but they are improving their skills to be able to better  benefit human needs In link 3, “Artificial intelligence finally entered our everyday world”explains how intelligent systems penetrated through the normality of what we did in our everyday lives. For example, Dulight. Dulight is a device that has a tiny camera implanted inside of it that allows you to capture photos/videos of what's in front of you, which then sends that image to a app on your phone. The app is able to analyze images and generates a audio description that can be heard through a earpiece. This would be used in everyday life for a person who has limited vision or none at all. In link 4, “AI in the video games: Towards a More Intelligent Game”, describes how artificial intelligence is the foundation of all video games. AIs purpose in video games is to enhance the players gaming experience. AIs are in control of non player character which is a character in any game that is not and cannot be controlled by a player. Another method that's used to advance a players gaming experience is the Monte Carlo Search Tree (MCST) which is a strategy used to solve problems. This was first used in 1997, in the computer program named Deep Blue.
In the fourth section making of things, this is how technology is created or made for other uses in the world. In link 1 “You could soon be manufacturing your own drugs- thanks to 3D printing”. Scientist have discovered a way to even further advance 3D printing. This type of technology has already been able to create objects such as shoes, car parts and even blood vessels.
3D printing main focus is improving safety and efficiency. In link 2, “Practice makes perfect -- fake organs guide the way for ‘impossible’ cancer surgery, an assistant professor named Ghazzi partnered up with Jonathan Stone to create a system which fabricated artificial organs. Which would be beneficial to surgeons because it allows them to perform and practice complex cases. The process begins as images are obtained by MRI, ultrasounds, and CT scans into computer-assisted designs. The computer assisted designs are then transformed into molds. The molds are then injected with hydrogel that makes the mold assemble a solid state. In link 3, “3D printed organs offer alternative to animal testing”, researchers make the first 3D printed organs on chips. 19.5 million animals are test subjects for human made products were killed each year in research. Harvard University researchers created organs on chips with senses integrated. The organs on chips can mimic the function, structure, and structural tissue of organs. This new technological advancement of 3D printing should reduce animal testing done by pharmaceutical companies and labs. In link 4, “One step closer to cyborgs: the development of artificial nerves”, vascular diseases are the number one cause for amputation procedures.About 185,000 undergo that surgery every year throughout the United States.Thanks to technological advancements, lost limbs can be replaced with prosthetics that have the same functions as a regular body part.
In the last and final section, cyborg and bioart, describes how technology can enhance our lives. In link 1 “The LUKE arm: Fulfilling a promise to wounded warriors”, is a new prosthetic technology than can help veterans and many others amputees. This device is intended to give amputees independence and improve quality of life. The LUKE arm was funded by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, also known as DARPA for short. In link 2, “Artificial vision: What people with bionic eyes see”, bionics eyes main goal is to provide vision to people who are visually impaired. The device has two microelectrodes that are placed in or near an eye which is along the optical nerve. These two microelectrodes stimulates functional parts of the visual system. The vision that is provided by bionics can be used in identifying things or detecting a person. The vision used with bionics is very basic. In link 3 “mind-controlled bionic legs are here. Welcome to the future”, a orthopedics company known as Ossurs, located in Iceland, created a tiny device that that has myoelectric sensors. This device is surgically implanted within the leg muscle tissue. A receive that’s installed in a prosthetic limb is able to connect to the myoelectric sensors. This technological advancement paves the way for more inventions that can help gain amputees independence by creating devices that are able to send signals between the muscles and the prosthetic limb so they are able to control their prosthetic limb. In link 4, “10 new technologies that will make you you a cyborg”, points out 10 technology inventions that merges man with machine. Technology has been moving in the opposite direction. Rather than creating technology for human use, its created to enhance human beings. This serves as a daily reminder that humans are slowly approaching the future of cyborgs.
Technology will always continue to advance, innovate, motivate, and change our lives as long as there is new ways to connect with it. There are many inventions of technologies that will soon be able to do things we couldn’t have ever imagined. As society, we are going to always be fascinated with the latest technology. It’s something that we have never been able to live without. The long term effects of technology can be looked down upon because of how it has provoked the older generations. Everything We do on a daily basis is related to technology wise, whether it's watching the news or watching a movie. As it continues to become such a popular and mainstream topic, the way technology changes everything is cosmic. These new technologies will alter life in many different ways, but with the constant advancements, the change will be better than expected.
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