#thanks for the ask Rachel!💜
cakeyouareoh ¡ 6 months
22, 38, 49
22. Do you have a secret talent? If yes, what is it?
I don’t know if it’s a secret talent exactly, but I taught myself to solder from youtube so I could build lightsaber guts (like sophisticated toy ones, not actual laser prototypes). (funnily enough I just realized I learned every hobby I currently have from youtube videos😂) I also am really good at remembering little details that people tell me or mention about themselves. I sometimes have to pretend to remember less than I actually do, since it sometimes weirds people out. But if I love you or even remotely like you I’m gonna remember it, I have no control over that😅.
38. What is the color of your socks?
currently they are black and grey and sadly they are developing a hole in the heel. alas, another pair of good socks that will have to be thrown out😔.
49. If you could breed two animals together to defy the laws of nature, what new animal would you create?
this one stumped me for a minute. everything that came to mind at first was too cursed lol. I think any mustelidae crossed with birds because I think it’d be funny. Can you imagine a badger with wings flying over you? Or a weasel😂.
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specialagentlokitty ¡ 8 months
Rachel green x male!reader - perfect together
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Hiii, how are you doing? I wanted request a Rachel green x male reader story in which she starts dating Monica's and Ross' younger brother (he'd be the youngest Geller being 21) and Ross is jealous that his ex is dating his little brother. Just write it if you like the idea lol, thanks! - @benjibing 💜
You were still fascinated by the city, even though you had been there for nearly a year, there was still so much you hadn’t seen or done.
You didn’t have much free time to start with, most of it was spent working and trying to get through your course work.
Which was why you spent a lot of your time swapping from staying with your brother to staying with your sister, just couch surfing between their places until you could get a place of your own for a good price.
It was how you met all their friends, got to hang out with them every now and then, and it was how you caught the eye of Rachel.
Normally she would have just looked right past you, saw you as nothing more than a friend, and at first she did, but when she came to you crying her eyes out over everything that had happened between her and Ross, you just held her as she cried.
You didn’t defend your brother, you didn’t offer any sort of advice or force her to talk about it, you just sat her on your couch, holding her and letting her cry into your shoulder.
That’s when she began to see you different, and it just kept going from there, she noticed how polite and respectful you were, you were a proper gentleman around her.
Maybe that’s why she was standing in front of you now, after having a rough date, extremely drunk, a slight grin on her face.
“Rachel, what brings you by?” You asked.
You stepped aside to let her into your apartment, closing the door as she entered.
“I think you should go on a date with me!” She beamed.
You laughed a little bit, placing your hand on her shoulder.
“I think you’ve had a little too much to drink.”
“No! No come on!”
Smiling softly, you placed your hand on her shoulder, guiding her to your room, getting out some spare clothes you set them down on the bed.
“Get changed, I’ll come through soon, then we can talk, yeah?”
Rachel huffed a little bit nodded her head.
You didn’t go back into the room that night, you closed the door and left her in there while you slept on the couch instead.
You woke up early to make breakfast, and set her plate down as you picked up some of your papers while she padded through.
“Water and headache medicine are on the table next to your breakfast, and I washed your jacket because I have no clue what you spilt on it but it was gross.”
“I want to say tequila but at this point I’m not even sure…”
You laughed a little, looking up from your papers.
“Do you remember why you came here?”
Rachel thought for a moment, trying to figure out through her hungover state why she came to her apartment but she shook her head.
You nodded, sitting down at the table with your coffee as you set your papers down.
“Do you know why I came here?” She asked.
“Yup, but I’m not going to tell you. I’m not sure if you want to know why.”
“Oh god… what did I do…?”
“You came in, told me something, then I sent you to bed and that was that.”
Rachel looked up at you.
“What did I say?”
You just grinned a little bit at her, but refused to say anything.
“Keep thinking, maybe it’ll come to you.”
Getting up, you took her empty cup, taking it over to the coffee pot.
“Oh god…”
You looked over to see her looking mortified.
“(Y/N) I am so sorry! I.. I just… oh god.. I’m just going to go…”
Walking over to her, you set her cup down and you took a few steps away from her.
���So you remember?”
She awkwardly nodded her head.
“I’m flattered by your statement, and dont get me wrong Rach, you are absolutely stunning, you’re so beautiful and anybody would be lucky to go on a date with you. But I’m younger than you, you’re my sisters best friend and my brothers ex.”
“No! No I know! Oh my god…”
You smiled softly at her.
“You deserve somebody who will treat you right Rachel, my brother clearly isn’t that guy, but there’s so many other guys out there.”
“I know.. it.. it’s just hard.. you think somebody is the right one and then it all messes up… or.. or they’re just not a good person…”
“You’ll find that person.”
Rachel nodded her head.
She hasn’t ever been turned before, and she had definitely never been turned down in such a polite and respectful way, but she understood.
“If you still want me to go on a date with me, then ask again in a few months, think about this. Because you’re amazing Rachel, I just want you to know if this is what you want or not.”
So she thought about it, for months, sitting in the idea of asking you out on a date.
She was so used to people asking her that she had never considered the possibility of her having to ask somebody.
But here you were, giving her full freedom with it all.
You were leaving ever choice in her hands, letting her decide where all of this was going to go.
Finally she had made up her mind, she made her way back to your apartment and knocked on the door, waiting for you to answer.
“I think we should go on a date.” She said.
You smiled brightly, grabbing your jacket from behind the door and your keys, pulling your door shut behind you.
You swung your jacket on, and you held your arm out to her.
“I know just the place, let’s go.”
“Like right now?”
“Are you busy?”
“Well no… I.. I just thought maybe you needed time to think about this?”
“Nope, no thinking needed. How does Italian sound?”
“You thought about this?”
You led Rachel down the stairs and opened to door for her, then returned your arm to her once you were both out in the street.
“Of course I have, I mean I’d be pretty stupid if I didn’t.”
That’s how you two started seeing each other.
What started as just a few casual dates turned into a blooming relationship that nobody else knew about.
Rachel didn’t want the others to know too soon, she was worried about what they would think, especially Monica and Ross, and you were okay keeping it on the down low.
You just liked being with her, so if she wanted to keep it hidden you were okay with that too.
It just meant most of the days she spent her time at your apartment if she could, usually on a weekday claiming she was working late.
Today was one of those days where she told everybody she was working late, and she walked into your apartment to find you fast asleep on the couch.
Laughing a little, she set her things down, kicked her shoes off and padded over, laying herself down between you and the back of the couch.
“Try again…” you mumbled.
You moved your arm, wrapping it around her, letting her manoeuvre herself so she was laid on your chest instead.
You smiled as you felt her press a kiss to your jaw, and you lifted your head a little, leaning down so you could kiss her properly.
After a moment you pulled away, placing one hand on the small of her back, the other on her head, gently messaging her scalp.
“How was your day?” You whispered.
She let out a noise of annoyance.
“I swear if it could go wrong today it did! I mean it was ridiculous! How hard can it be for somebody to order one specific fabric!”
Rachel began to ramble about her day, and you lay there listening to her.
When she was done, she let out a heavy sigh.
“Don’t be sorry, I get it. You had a stressful day, you know? You have to get it all out of your system, rant about it, yell about it, whatever you’d like.”
“God you’re so perfect…”
You laughed a little bit.
“I’m far from perfect Rach, but you on the other hand are absolutely divine.”
Rachel buried her face into your chest, and you snickered a little, pulling the blanket from the back of the couch to cover you both up.
“But, you have tomorrow off, and so do I, so you know what that means?” You asked.
“I have to go home?”
You hummed a little bit.
“Nope, it means that there’s a fair going on that has our names on it, what do you think? We can eat that weird food the sell, and you can watch me fail horribly at winning you prizes and then give me kisses out of pity for my terrible aim.”
This made her laugh a little bit.
“Well, I just can’t say no to watching you embarrass yourself for me.”
You grinned proudly.
“Of course you can’t, I’m adorable!”
“Oh yeah you keep telling yourself that.”
“Ouch, wow. Who thought my girlfriend would be so mean to me.”
Rachel smiled, resting her head on your shoulder instead, and you smiled softly, closing your eyes.
Both of you fell asleep there, neither of you had the effort to get up and move, which was a mistake on both your parts.
You hadn’t heard your door opening, but you did hear the hushed voices, and Rachel whisper yelling at somebody.
“Darling, I feel like whisper yelling isn’t as affective as actual yelling.”
You opened your eyes and turned your head to see her stood there with your sister.
“Seriously? My best friend?” Monica asked.
You grinned sheepishly and sat up, watching as Rachel paced back and forth, running a hand down her face.
“I would say sorry but I’d be lying.”
“Is this where she keeps sneaking off to?”
“Oh my god Mon please! Please drop it!” Rachel begged.
“I just found you asleep with my brother! Don’t you remember what the other brother did?!”
“Of course I do Mon! But I.. I mean (Y/N) he’s.. he’s different.. he makes me happy..”
Monica looked between you both.
Rachel walked over, sitting next to you and you wrapped the blanket around her shoulders, letting her lean into your side.
“Like it or not Monica this is happening, I love you, you’re my sister, but you can’t control who I date. I’m going to keep seeing Rachel.”
“I know because you’re as stubborn as anything…”
Monica looked at you both and she grinned a little.
“Tell me everything!”
“Yeah, that’s my cue to leave.”
You stood up, giving Rachel a quickly kiss, and you took Monica’s jacket from her as you left the room.
You didn’t want to be part of whatever gossip they were going to do.
You went for a shower, changed into some clean clothes, made them both breakfast, and began to sort through your work.
“Mon we’re going to the fair! You want to come or can we actually go alone?!” You called.
“No I have work!”
You made your way back into the living room.
“I’ll drop you at your apartment, come on you two gossip birds.”
You took them back to their apartment and sat on the back of the couch while you waited for Rachel.
The door was opened and you grinned a little at your brother.
“Hey big bro, what’s up?”
“I was actually looking for Rachel, is she here?”
You nodded your head, standing up as he walked further in.
“She’s in her room right now.”
“Thanks, why’re you here? No work?”
“Day off actually. I’m dropping Monica off at work first though.”
Ross nodded and you both just stood there chatting away.
Rachel’s door opened and you looked over to see her coming out in a dressing gown, holding up a white and a blue dress.
“Honey, which dress should I wear?” Rachel asked.
“Honey?” Ross asked.
“Oh crap…” you whispered.
You quickly walked over to Rachel, and you stood in front of her, your back hiding her form from your brother.
He looked furious.
“You’re dating Rachel?! My ex?!”
You turned to Rachel.
“The white one looks perfect on your darling, go get dressed, I’ll talk to him…”
She nodded her head, pressing a kiss to your shoulder blade.
“Good luck…”
She went back in her room and closed the door.
“Look Ross, I get it okay, you’re pissed, I’m dating your ex. But I never asked her out, okay? She asked me, I gave her that choice, and you have no right to be pissed at her when you cheated on her.”
“We were on a break!”
You shook your head.
“Nah, you cheated on her, even if it was ages ago, you still did it. You can’t be getting all pissed at her for looking for something new. Come on man, you know I’ll look after her.”
“She’s my ex! You’re my brother!”
“I love her Ross! Okay?! I love her, and I’m going to do right by her unlike you!”
Ross stormed over and he stood right in front of you, fury in his eyes.
“You can’t see her.”
“You don’t control who she or I date Ross. I don’t care if you’re okay with this it’s happening. You want to hit me? Go for it. I don’t care.”
He clenched his jaw, and you heard Rachel’s door open again.
Looking over, you immediately smiled softly at her, eyes lighting up with pure happiness when you saw her step out in the dress you chose.
She looked a little nervous.
“You look so beautiful…” you whispered.
Walking over, you placed your hand on the side of her face, leaning down to kiss her forehead.
“Absolute perfection…”
“Really? It’s not too much for a fair…?”
“No, no it’s perfect.”
She smiled gently at you, rushing over to Monica’s room for something, and you turned to Ross.
He still seemed furious, but his face softened up a little bit.
“Hate it all you want Ross, I’m sorry but this is happening.”
Rachel walked out of your sisters room with her, and you walked to the kitchen to get a bottle of water.
Ross made his way over to Rachel.
“You’re dating my brother?! Seriously?! Just to get back at me?!” He hissed.
“What?! No!”
Rachel stepped back from him.
“Ross how dare you! How could you even think such a thing!”
Rachel began tearing up a little at the accusation.
“I would never use your brother like that! I’m with him because he.. he’s so different from all the other men! He actually cares, and he loves me for me!”
Rachel took a deep breath, wiping a few tears from her face.
“I would never use anybody, how dare you say anything like that.”
Rachel stormed away from him, and she tapped your shoulder.
Turning around, you saw her face and immediately wrapped your arms around her, letting her bury her face into your chest.
You looked over at Ross, narrowing your eyes a little as he stared at you in jealousy.
He was never okay with Rachel dating other people, he thought he still stood a chance, but now he realised he didn’t. He didn’t stand a chance against you, you were everything Rachel deserved and more
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nowritingonthewall ¡ 4 months
Hi guys, it's not Wednesday (at least I am like 42 % sure that it isn't) but a few people have been asking for this video, so here you go 🥰
It was originally posted in Rachel's IG stories 😊
Also I would like to thank each and everyone of you who keep reblogging that post on Wednesdays, it makes my week every time 💜
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kimmiessimmies ¡ 8 months
List 5 facts about a favorite sim of yours, and send this to simblrs whose sims you adore 💜
Thanks for asking 💜 This time, I chose to bring you five facts about FINN.
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Finn is a thrill seeker. He loves big roller coasters, and bungee jumping, skydiving, and rock climbing are on his bucket list. At the same time, Finn also loves to just go for a hike or fishing.
Growing up with Jill was sometimes quite exhausting for Finn. Not only is her energy pretty much always high, she has also always been very overprotective of him, while he has actually never been incapable of fighting his own battles.
For the longest time, Finn didn't really have any close friends. Not because he's shy or antisocial but simply because he's always been fine hanging out by himself. However, since his "special arrangement" with Sadie, he became quite good friends with Rachel too. She's kind and easy to talk to, and they have a lot of laughs together.
Finn is studying to be a P.E. teacher.
Even though he didn't see it coming, Finn truly did fall head over heels in love with Sadie. He was shaken up to learn she slept with James, but in his heart, he still wants to be with her. He knows he should probably tell her that soon, but he's afraid she'll now reject him. After all, everyone knows where Sadie spends her nights lately...
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risestarkissomega ¡ 7 months
Hello, I saw your post and I am just kicking my feet, giggling excited for this. My question is if Donatello ever watched Bernadette Banner and what his opinions are on her considering she is also a fashion designer but makes “historic” clothes but is knowledgable on the fashion?
Yes, he's aware of Bernadette Banner 😌....as well as Morgan Donner, Abby Cox, Cheyney Mcknight, Rachel Maksy, Karolina Żebrowska, Mariah Pattie, Ora Lin, Vincent Briggs-the list goes on and on. 😁
If you don't know where the clothing of the past came from, how can you create the clothing of the future? There are trends, patterns, and concepts that cannot be erased. Understanding the history of clothing is essential to design, just like understanding the first lines of digital code in computer science, or how the first telegraph made way for modern cellphones.
The echoes of history infuse the present with purpose and pave the way for the future, especially when it comes to fashion!
So, to answer your question, he's grateful for such detailed YouTube channels that solely focus on historical clothing and the sewing techniques used to create them. It actually cut his research in half as the channels did much of the heavy-lifting.
He realized that he didn't have to "rediscover the wheel," in that, he never had to stumble through figuring out things like what are the best felling stitches for hand sewing or what boning is best used for what purpose. Instead, he could stand on the knowledge of the clothing historians at his fingertips and carve his own path for his haute couture and street wear, if that makes sense! (BTW I'm kicking my feet for this as well! I can't wait to post what I've been working on!!! 😆)
Thanks for the ask! 😁💜
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blush-and-books ¡ 3 months
what do u think donna does in Seattle
hehe I AM SO GLAD YOU ASKED. Bc while I absolutely don't know, I see it so clearly?? Buckle up here we go!!!!!
First of all, her and Harvey live on Queen Anne. I don't give a fuck where Mike's firm is, they literally belong in the Queen Anne neighborhood.
Now, as for what Donna does - I'm assuming you mean for employment. LMAO. While it would be super cool for her to continue as a COO, and that's what I manifest for her, I do think it would be cool to see her tap into her COO skills and mix them with theater. I'm thinking Managing Director of the Seattle Rep (aka the Seattle Repertory Theatre) or the 5th Avenue Theatre. If she did continue with law firms or whatever, then I think she'd at least be on a board of directors or a committee chair for these theatre organizations!! I just really like the idea of her trying to be more integrated into the arts in Seattle, even maybe her and Harvey getting passes to the Seattle International Film Festival when it rolls around in the spring.
She goes to a yoga class in her neighborhood but on weekends, her and Harvey drive to Green Lake to go on runs together. They find nice restaurants in Belltown and try new bars in Pioneer Square, and their new anniversary spot is The Pink Door. Donna goes to Pike Place Market to get new flowers for their home whenever their current ones die, bc she always is trying to bring new life into their home (like she tried to do with bringing Harvey a cactus lmao). Her and Rachel go to drag brunches in Capitol Hill when they need girl time. She also likes to plan little weekend getaways with Harvey that require ferry trips to the islands right off the mainland!!
She also finds out about the neighborhood art walks and drags Harvey with her to go to them until they narrow down the main ones they regularly visit. He acts like he doesn't like it but it's a way he still feels connected to his mom by supporting local artists!!
Even though Seattle isn't as much as "the city that never sleeps" like New York is, I think that she starts to appreciate being able to live life at a calmer pace with the core four. She loves the view of the Puget Sound she gets in the morning and all of the greenery in her neighborhood. I also think she bitches to Harvey CONSTANTLY about how many tech workers there are in the city that won't look up from their phones and it drives her crazy, also she bitches about the lack of as many luxury stores as there were in Manhattan. Additionally, she ends up driving herself and Harvey places more often than he drives them because he repeatedly and accidentally almost hits cyclists on the street and Donna at least tries to be a little more considerate of the others on the road.
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galedekarios ¡ 9 months
Hello hello! First off, I love your blog and I'm always happy to see you defending the best boy 💜 But something caught my attention recently. I know you and a lot of others have said Gales writer is Jan Van Dosselaer, and that's what I thought too, but in a recentish interview with Tim Downie, he talked about meeting Gales writer for the first time and referred to them as a woman?? So now I'm really confused. Is there anywhere to check if all of the writers for each character have been stated, if you know?
I hope you have a really good day 💜
you're very kind! thank you for your message.
i don't know which interview with tim downie you are referring to, do you have a quote? i'd be interested.
sarah baylus was at first assumed to be gale's writer since because she touched on some of the characters more in-depth in this pre-release videos.
she was asked on twitter if she wrote for gale, and she said that she does not and also clarified who gale's writer is:
"Jan Van Dosselaer. He isn’t on social media, too busy doing wizard things."
i sadly can't find the tweet to provide a screenshot for you since her account appears to have been deleted since then. the most i could find is this reddit thread now.
the other writers are so far as we know may be:
Naaber - Chrystal Ding The Dark Urge - Baudelaire Welch Halsin and Shadowheart - John Corcoran Karlach - Sarah Baylus Minthara - Adam Smith Astarion - Stephen Rooney Wyll, Laezel and Kagha - Kevin VanOrd Gale - Jan Van Dosselaer Alfira and Auntie Ethel - Rachel Quirke
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nikatyler ¡ 8 months
List 5 facts about a favorite sim of yours, and send this to simblrs whose sims you adore 💜
Thank you! I felt like answering for Caleb this time. Probably some long time followers will remember some of this but I haven't talked about him in a while sooo yeah, nothing too obscure today :D
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Caleb very rarely raises his voice. He's always very quiet, it's just how his voice is. He often has to repeat what he said because people didn't understand him the first time, which he hates and he's very anxious about it, but at the same time, talking louder is just so hard.
In his brief teaching era, he was really nice to his students, maybe too nice sometimes. He found it difficult to engage them in some activities and he often let it slide. They rarely misbehaved in his classes but joked about him a lot behind his back. But then there was also a small number of people who actually really liked him and his classes and felt sorry for how people viewed him. (Shoutout to my favourite uni professor, you were the goat even if you seemed like you were scared of us, you didn't deserve half the things people said about you)
He literally didn't believe in aliens until he gave birth to one. Sure, he thought there is intelligent life out there somewhere, but not that they'd be the classic Earth depiction of an alien or that they'd even want to make contact with humans, let alone pollinate them (and in his case, also fix his infertility issues by that)
Speaking of that, in the old original legacy, he eventually had twins with Rachel, it took a while, but whatever the aliens did with him, years later it kicked in and well Caleb and Rachel found the hard way lol. I'm not sure how to go about it now. Do we keep the twins even in the new canon, what do you think? I feel like I should keep them but also, I just don't know. How about them adopting instead? Or they have one biological child and one adopted -- oh hold up yeah what if they decide to adopt and then surprise, you're actually expecting too, so they end up having two kids. Or is that cheesy. Idk. I mean it's the sims so it can be cheesy I guess. Thoughts?
He's got this aura of a smart mature soft person around him, people would actually be surprised how full of swearing his inner monologue is :D They're always shocked when it comes out and he's just like -- that's normal, stop freaking out? 🤨 And then it hits him that he normally doesn't speak like that out loud.
Thanks for the ask! ♥
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thisbuildinghasfeelings ¡ 6 months
hi hello anne! i hope you're having a lovely thursday afternoon, i just returned from the post office and i am SCREAMING. your BEAUTIFUL art in my home, i am so honored. thank you so so much :)
anyways, im here to ask, how do you recommend to store/display/care for it? (is this a stupid question? i'm sorry if im being dumb lol i dont know what im doing lol but i want to keep it beautiful!)
okay done being annoying in your inbox im sorry you can take me to jail now lol
Rachel! I'm so happy it arrived!!
There's definitely no one way to display a cross stitch, but if you don't do anything with it and just leave it as is, the edges will start to fray, so it's probably a good idea to do something.
I washed and ironed the piece before I mailed it, but if it got wrinkled in transit, you can get it damp, flip it over, and iron the back of it on low to get the wrinkles out. You don't want to iron directly on the front of the stitches, so only iron the back side. The thread is color fast so you don't need to worry about getting it wet, it will be fine and the colors won't run.
As for how to display it, there are lots of different options. The way I usually go with for the ones I display is to just stick it in a frame. I think that's probably the best way to keep it protected and keep it from getting dirty. Usually I will also buy some adhesive mounting board like this. You can cut the mounting board to the size of the frame, stick the cross stitch on it and then pop it into the frame! That's what I did for all of these:
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I use variations on this technique for framing as I think it's the easiest, but there are actually lots of different ways people do it, just google "how to frame cross stitch" if you want some different options!
My other favorite way to finish a project for display is to have my aunt turn it into a pillow (I can cross stitch but I'm not great with a sewing machine, so I have to go to my aunt for this part). This is what she did with a Schitt's Creek project I finished a few years ago:
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There are other ways to finish a project for display, including sticking it in an embroidery hoop and covering the back (or not, that's not necessarily required if you don't mind the back showing). I did that for my cross stitch ornaments that I made for my Lone Star tree. I just put them in these little hoops and glued some felt onto the back.
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This youtube video shows a fairly simple way of doing this, and again there are a million different ways people do it, so you can google for different options!
Feel free to ask me any follow up questions or send me any and all messages because AS WE'VE ESTABLISHED, YOU ARE NOT ANNOYING!! 💜
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cakeyouareoh ¡ 11 months
Top 5 snacks?
Oreos, chips and salsa/cheese dip/guac, ritz crackers with cream cheese and smoked chipotle raspberry sauce(specific I know, but there’s nothing like it), Combos(idk why, but I’ve really been craving them lately), and any kind of chocolate covered fruit.
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literateowl ¡ 5 months
hi r!! i hope you're having a nice day :) for the ask game please!
🧃 ⇢ share some personal lore you never posted about before
🍬 ⇢ post an unpopular opinion about a popular fandom character
🐝 ⇢ tag your biggest supporter(s) and say one nice thing about them
Thank you Rachel!! My day was good! I hope yours was too 💖
Questions are from this writer asks list
🧃 - personal lore (not sure what exactly counts as lore?)
This one is on my mind because I just bought more plants over the weekend. But I think I'm good with plants and have a green thumb but that gene definitely skipped my parents because they can barely keep anything alive 🤷‍♀️
🍬- unpopular opinion
Buck and Eddie having the great friendship that they have now is also compelling and good to see on TV. They don't need to be together romantically.
🐝 - tag your biggest supporters
Well my dear Rachel, one of them is you! - you're so nice and always down to yell about our thoughts and you're one of the first people I started interacting with on this little side blog of mine and I really appreciate you for that🩷
If I ever fail to tag @lemonlyman-dotcom in one of these posts then assume I am dead! Lemon is so cool and welcoming and supportive and I would more than likely still just be lurking and quietly reblogging things in this fandom if it wasn't for her. I appreciate her even when we're arguing and teasing each other about the semantics of what to call the beach. 💜
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specialagentlokitty ¡ 2 years
Who I write for/Rules;
This is a list of fandoms and characters I write for (some may be missing) and some rules, if you’re curious about a fandom or character please message and I’ll let you know if it’s someone I’ll write for or not! If you’re looking for prompts please search the tag Lokittys prompt list
Please if you’re requesting use some manners, say please and thank don’t demand I write something from you
This blog is for all ages, do not be hostile towards any member of this blog as you will be told to remove yourself immediately and if you don’t I will remove you, hate will not be tolerated this is a safe space regardless of age, sexual orientation, gender/pronouns, disability and such
If you’re wondering about a request you have but you’re worried or confused if I’ll write it or not or you’re just curious please reach out through inbox or asks and I’ll let you know! I write both romantic and plutonic requests for a wide range of characters!
Some things I will NOT write include; teenage pregnancy, smut(or related themes), underage!reader x older characters (these will ALWAYS be plutonic either a parental or sibling relationship). If you’re wondering about anything else just message! 💜
Fate the winx saga
- Saul silva
- Farah Dowling
- Jake
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brybryby ¡ 1 year
I completely agree that Miles Upshore is queer, and Waylon is on the spectrum as well! If you have your friends analysis still plzzzzz link! I crave the content!!!
I wish I had his analysis still!!! aarrrrgh it's been so long ;-; But I can try to relay some of the points he made (and add some of my own)!
This gets pretty lengthy so be prepared :')
I also added external links but they’re only there if you want to read more about the point I’m making! Feel free to skip them!
also // TW for mentions of SA
Story-wise, my friend found it interesting that Miles was the perfect host for the Walrider. Wernicke and Alan Turing were friends/lovers who worked on the technology that culminated into Project Walrider, so there's already a sense that the Walrider was founded on Wernicke and Turing's love for each other.
So, before I move on, I'll talk a bit about Alan Turing. In college, I had professors praise him for being the “Founder of Modern Computing”, cracking Nazi code, and also for being an advocate for gay rights.
More details here:
Out of every prominent scientist during the Cold War Era, Alan Turing was selected to play a role in Outlast's stories. And he didn't just happen to be openly gay—JT Petty purposefully made this significant to Wernicke's character. Not to mention, Wernicke made allusions to Frankenstein, allowing us to inspect the parallels between Wernicke & the Walrider with Frankenstein & Frankenstein's monster. When it comes to gothic & queer literature, Frankenstein is on the forefront of it, and I'm confident that JT Petty would be familiar with that (since he's a writer who's well-versed in horror/gothic art).
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With Frankenstein, there's this idea to create life without heterosexual means (under the impression of cis-heteronormativity). Frankenstein's monster was also a sexualized creature—supposedly a representation of the “ideal man”—described as “beautiful”. Additionally, the novel was a critique of patriarchal norms through elements of sexualities. These aren't too different from Wernicke & the Walrider. The Walrider is arguably created through homosexual means in its abstract (Wernicke & Turing). This particular version of the Walrider that possesses Billy & Miles is stated to be the “masterpiece” by Simon Peacock—its appearance is also fairly sexual. And similarly, Outlast critiques patriarchal norms through its grotesque visuals of “masculinity”.
Frankenstein queer analysis:
Frankenstein sexual suppression analysis:
With all these story elements, there's certainly a queerness about the Walrider AND Outlast, which the devs openly embrace.
There's also many parallels between Frankenstein's monster and Miles. In the United States (and westernized countries in general), there are societal standards that function around cis-heteronormativity. Think of the traditional American nuclear family: A husband/father who's the breadwinner and patriarch, a loving wife/mother who cooks and stays at home to take care of the kids—they're mostly white, Christian, and American citizens. [WARNING: TRIALS SPOILERS AHEAD] The ideal American man is further illustrated in Officer Coyle's dialogue: “If only they were upstanding citizens like myself. Pay your taxes, do your job, fuck your wife, put a little something in the plate at service. America don't ask much.” Miles is arguably the antithesis of this, which is likely the reason he doesn't have any close friends/family—he was likely rejected by society. Frankenstein's monster follows a similar arc: he is also rejected by society and seeks refuge in seclusion. (The concept of “rejection by society” is inherent in queerness.)
With these parallels, it makes sense for Miles to be the ideal host for the Walrider. Additionally, Miles embodies queerness that isn't strictly homosexual—I mean his whole background/lifestyle is already, by definition, “queer”—but questions regarding his sexuality arise when inspecting other details of his character.
My friend pointed out the whole “Manhandler Hairspray for the Active Man” detail in Miles' apartment. There are a lot of homosexual undertones in the label, and it's hard not to think otherwise. “Manhandler” and “Active” are terms which indicate the “top” role in gay culture. I mean, it's possible that Miles is just embodying the “metrosexual” identity (basically straight men who embody characteristics associated with homosexuality) but metrosexuality is rooted in consumerism, which doesn't exactly align with Miles' character since he is openly critical of capitalism. I think the hairspray hints at queerness (or at least gender non-conformity).
Article on “metrosexuality”:
The most revolutionary detail that my friend pointed out was the fact that Miles went out of his way to roast the ever-living shit out of everyone he came across at Mount Massive, begging the question: why is he so fixated on the appearances of other men? This could stem from his own insecurities of being rejected by society or insecurities of his own vanity (considering the hairspray he uses and the fact that he goes jogging…and if he's just trying to be healthy through exercise then he needs to explain his self-destructive alcoholism…idk…jogging for mental health? It’s open to interpretation…WAIT I mean he could just be keep up his physical fitness also with all the investigating he has to do anyways fjshshkdhd). It was just interesting that Miles was so fixated on physical appearances that it makes me wonder if he'd make similar comments about women—I don't believe he would and I'll explain below.
I know that we need to take Red Barrels' tweets with a grain of salt—they're known for deleting tweets that detail misinformation about the protagonists—but I find this tweet particularly interesting. I may be looking too much into it, especially since it's just a tweet and not presented in the games/comics, but it certainly is reflective of Red Barrels' values of respecting women and not viewing women as sexual objects, along with the notion of dismantling cis-heteropatriarchy/chivalry. It certainly doesn't mean he's not straight, but he doesn't particularly view women as sexual objects either (and I know that straight men are capable of not viewing women as sexual objects). Food for thought.
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Some extra stuff:
Anti-conservatism and punk ideology (which Miles explicitly embodies) are pillars of queer culture in the political sphere.
The Germanic folklore, which the Walrider is based off of, exhibits notions of sexuality (though, probably not in the best light).
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[TRIALS SPOILER] Wernicke’s dream therapy is associated with Dr. Easterman’s queerness—Easterman would be distracted by Wernicke’s handsomeness (and they both explicitly critique heterosexual relationships). Again, this supports the Walrider’s themes of sexuality.
As for WAYLON, even though there isn't concrete evidence in the games to intentionally indicate queerness, that isn't to say he is entirely heterosexual (because assuming he's heterosexual is yet another product of the “ideal American man” image in a cis-heteronormative society, and Outlast's narratives are about dismantling this notion). In fact, now that you bring it up, I agree that Waylon can be considered on the queer spectrum/under the queer umbrella.
Regarding the “dismantling the ideal American man in a cis-heteronormative society” concept…the devs, artists, writer(s), actors, and contributors to the games' development are not only open/accepting of things outside of society's norms/expectations, but many are social activists. Chimwemwe Miller (VA for Chris Walker) is outspoken about being Black, Black history, and racism—he also narrated an audiobook which discussed racism, colonialism, & imperialism. Erika Rosenbaum (VA for Lynn Langermann) organized provisions for refugees and is active in environmental causes and feminism—she also spoke out during the #MeToo movement. Shawn Baichoo (VA for Miles, Waylon, & Blake) is also vocal about feminism/racism and was a huge advocate for his character Wrench's bisexuality from Watch Dogs 2, which became confirmed in a later installment of the Watch Dogs franchise.
I bring this up because Red Barrels actually entertains the idea of Waylon x Eddie (in the hypothetical that Eddie wasn't an antagonist like he was in the game…so like, erasing his problematic features baha…this deserves an analysis of its own) without mentioning sexuality or anything like that. Obviously, this can be seen as a way to entertain the fanbase, but I think it's worth mentioning that Waylon isn't opposed to homosexuality. After all, Waylon never makes homophobic remarks in his notes nor comments on male sexuality—he's just fearful of being assaulted (as anyone would be, regardless of gender/sexuality). He would, in fact, engage in a homosexual relationship according to this hypothetical.
(Note: the term “insane” is a harmful descriptor in this context, which is why I wrote “wasn’t an antagonist like he was in the game”)
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So yea! I definitely think there's queerness with Waylon's character. And I don't exactly mean this to be “representation” because there's a lot of responsibility that comes with that, but ultimately I think it adds to what the franchise and the devs are trying to do—normalize queerness and dismantle the notion of the “ideal American man in a cis-heteronormative society” (and if you've studied socioeconomics/social theory, you know that this notion is a product of capitalism, which is another important theme in the franchise).
Here are some resources about the intersectionalities of cis-heteropatriarchy, capitalism, & queerness if you'd like to read more about it :)
(this one below is quite lengthy, but goes VERY DEEP)
All in all, my interpretation is that the franchise operates on the idea that “queerness” is normal or innate, but social structures are what label it otherwise. I've seen a lot of discussion surrounding Outlast characters' queerness, and it's interesting to me that the antagonists' sexualities get more attention amongst casual players than the protagonists' sexualities (and I think I can understand why, it's just a lot to unpack).
Just as many of the antagonists can be read as queer, the protagonists should arguably be read through the same lens. I truly do think Miles and Waylon (and even Lynn and Blake!) deserve to be inspected under queer lens. Doing so aligns with the franchise's philosophy/narratives. Also the idea of “queer characters taking down capitalism” is super empowering (and actually very identifiable hehe).
(Sorry, I think I projected a lot of my own personal values and biases into this post LOL hhhjdsfh feel free to critique anything I've written!)
This is my first time inspecting Waylon through a queer lens, so thank you for the ask!! I had a lot of fun writing this up :D
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kimmiessimmies ¡ 8 months
List 5 facts about a favorite sim of yours, and send this to simblrs whose sims you adore 💜
[I know you’ve done this one a couple times already, so feel free to ignore it if you’re bored of it, lol!]
I'm definitely not bored of this! Since I have no update to share for a while, this is a nice intermezzo. So thank you for asking. 💜
Here we go for five facts about RACHEL.
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Though I don't really pay much attention to it in the story, Rachel comes from a Jewish family. Her mother is Jewish, and her father converted when he married her (I added their wedding picture below as a bonus). References to Rachel's background are sometimes made and might come up more as her part in the story increases.
Rachel became vegetarian when she was six. She cried at the dinner table every time meat was served. Her parents supported her in her beliefs, making sure that from then on out there was always a vegetarian option available.
Because her mother is allergic to animal hair, Rachel never had a pet growing up. She'll definitely change that once she graduates from university and gets her own place.
Rachel's friendship with Sadie works well because, on the one hand, they have a lot of similarities, but on the other, they each have something the other lacks. Rachel can be Sadie's voice of reason and guiding light when she gets lost in the forest of her emotions and can't find her way out. While Sadie, in turn, is always the one to give Rachel a little push and hold her hand when she's afraid to dive into new experiences by herself.
Many people have advised Rachel to get contacts, but she quite likes her glasses and doesn't want to go without them. Plus, the idea of sticking her finger in her eye scares her.
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Bonus picture under the cut: Rachel's parents on their wedding day
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racheljoyscott ¡ 3 months
Hey i love your blog<3
Do you know how to make friends , i got bullied in 8th grade by my group of friends because i defended a girl from being body shamed and i lost all my confidence to talk to people and making friends im a freshman going into sophomore year and i want to make friends this upcoming school year<3 i’ve been inspired by rachel to become more friendly like she was for the upcoming school year like reaching out to people bc ik whats it’s like to be bullied but i get really scared to talk to people bc i feel like im gonna get judged💜
Hey Anon! Glad you came across my page. I'll give you two sets of advice, my own and what I think Rachel would tell you.
You are almost the age I was when I started this blog so many years ago! I still, to this day, am thankful every single day that I learned of Rachel's story. I found her at the most pivotal stage in my teenage development. It shaped me more than I can express, and she completely altered my character progression. Rachel is extremely inspiring. Just listen to her stories and I promise it'll have some good effect on you. It's worth every second.
With that being said, this is my advice. The hard truth is, there will always be mean people tearing you down. Whether it's mean girls at school, a mean boss, or even your roommates in college. To make friends, be yourself. Learning to follow your own interests and live through your values will take you so much farther in life. And you'll be happier. Friends will come. I didn't have many friends in middle school or for a good chunk of high school. But looking back, I think I was better off having my few close friends than forcing friendships with the popular kids. Be a friend to everyone (with limits), but don't worry too much about having/not having friends. I promise you, being yourself and being kind to all people will give you confidence and bring you so much value to your future self. I think these early years are really impactful on your future. Put good out there, build a foundation for your career, and do your best in school. But given you are already following Rachel's footsteps, I'd say you're on a very good path :)
Based on what I know about Rachel, I'd say she'd be proud of you for sticking up for that girl! Please, please, never let other girls, especially mean or judgemental girls, take away any bit of sparkle or strength you have. If you are already using your voice for good and to help others so young, keep making it stronger. No matter what you say, you'll learn someone has an issue with it or judge you for it. Everyone has a bit of social anxiety when it comes to things like this. Especially at your age in high school. To combat it, Rachel wore really funky and eccentric outfits that kind of forced her to get used to discomfort and judgement. (Also because she was really cool!) To combat mine, I learned that people don't remember or care nearly as much as you do when you think you embarrass yourself. I even think of Rachel when I have trouble approaching someone. Because really, you never know what people are thinking or going through. She asked God to use her to reach out to people and to help others. Maybe that person sitting alone wants someone to sit with them, or maybe they don't! But it's for you to find out. Either you make a friend in the process, or learn more and more on how to approach people and make small talk. Life's all about chances but they're usually worth taking.
My advice to overcome the fear of being judged is to do your best. Whenever I fear how I'm being perceived or judged, I tell myself I did the best I could today. Even if I did screw up, at least I helped someone out. I was kind to a stranger. I put a smile on someone's face. Held a door open. Etc. At least I tried to be good and did something small to positively impact the people around me. Because truly, that's all that matters. And that's all because I found Rachel's story. :)
Please reach out to me if you ever need anything else, and I encourage you to use my blog to learn more about Rachel. She was always a friend when I didn't have one. There is truly so much you can learn from her! Good luck! xx
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i-can-even-burn-salad ¡ 6 months
For Aurelia
2. What kind of skills did they learn in childhood and adolescence?
16. What's something they'd spend significant money on for themself?
For Laurent:
4. How often do they dance? Do they dance by themselves? Significant dancing moments, if any?
27. Have their morals changed over time or stayed relatively the same?
Thank you for the ask 💜 from this ask game.
Meh, it's gonna be long *snips*
For Aurelia
2. What kind of skills did they learn in childhood and adolescence?
As a child, she learned the normal things children in a major city with access to schools would learn — reading, writing, calculating, basics of history and some natural sciences (don't come at me with worldbuilding). She already had bad vision, so she struggled with some things, and when their parents got a third child, they kind of... dropped her.
They didn't bother teaching her any but the most basic life skills. In a way, they're still convinced she won't make it on her own — and she's 44, hasn't lived at home in over 20 years, and runs her own store. On the rare occasions she visits home, they still ask her if she's found a man yet to take care of her 🙃
When she was around 12, she began to hang out at a candy store and befriended the owner, Rachel. Rachel let her help for fun at first but quickly realized that Aurelia really loved what she did. So she began to teach her for real, and When Aurelia became of age, Rachel let her move in.
Finally out of her parents' house, she grew much more confident. She found a group of other blind people who shared their knowledge with her, she learned how to navigate the city, and how to live on her own. When Rachel's health began to decline, Aurelia took over more and more responsibility, ultimately inheriting everything.
The latest thing she learned is this world's equivalent of braille. It started to spread widely a few years back, and since she now has barely any usable vision left, she gladly embraced it.
16. What's something they'd spend significant money on for themself?
She loves her store, but I don't think any kind of rare ingredient or machine she doesn't have yet is really in the spirit of this question 😂 She totally would.
For herself, there is little she needs or wants. She inherited everything from Rachel, store, living quarters, furniture and all, and sees little reason to replace anything. She likes to buy nice clothes, but she also would not spend *significant* money on them.
She would probably pay people do to some things for her. At the moment, she pays to has her laundry done and her store windows cleaned, but she would gladly get someone to do all paperwork for her, clean everything else, or perhaps cook, because she doesn't like cooking. She would also love to hire and teach an apprentice, to keep the art of candy making alive and have a pair of helping hands around.
If she didn't have a contact in the Order of Fire, she might buy some of the assistive devices they make. That would probably take a while longer though; many are still prototypes and it's unlikely she would have access to one to figure out what she likes and can use if Cecelia didn't keep her updated with the newest developments.
For Laurent
4. How often do they dance? Do they dance by themselves? Significant dancing moments, if any?
He dances occasionally. Yvan refuses to show up at any pompous parties, so Laurent sometimes accompanies Cedric. He did learn it to fit in, or perhaps to get close to someone for information, it's been a while. Whatever the reason, he realized he liked it, though he prefers smaller occasions to the grand balls of Caldeia's elite.
There's something about the rhythm and pattern of steps and movements he likes, and it gives him a reliable framework of established rituals to interact with people oh no, please can one of my chars stay NT for once.
Significant dancing moments, you say? *giggle*
27. Have their morals changed over time or stayed relatively the same?
He has been friends with Cedric for over 20 years. Let's just say, with time, I think all their morals changed. In their 20s, they were much more idealistic, but they quickly figured out that being good gets you nowhere.
I think at the core, there's still the fact that they would never willingly hurt innocents—it's just that their definition of hurt and innocents has become, uh, flexible. Stealing some small things from rich people won't really hurt them, and someone who's a threat to them or their friends isn't innocent 😅
I would love to say that they're helping those in need and shit like that, but while that sometimes happens, their primary goal is their own lifestyle and the lives of those close to them.
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