#thanks for the ask liiilyevans
athenasparrow · 1 year
Also P for Jily
Smut Headcanon Game
P: Playlist (A playlist for getting down and dirty; will probably include a lap dance song, a song for making love, and a song that represents their sex life)
Haha, you're killing me! This required thinking 😂
Lap Dance: Earned It, The Weeknd
Making Love: Make You Feel My Love, Adele or honestly just some romantic jazz with no lyrics.
Sex Life: Let's Get It On, Marvin Gaye or Love to Love You Baby, Donna Summer
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four2andnew · 1 year
Writer's Asks 🖌️
Thanks for the tag @honeydukesheroine! I too am nosey and skirting my responsibilities!!
What are you most proud of your writing right now?
Is there something you're specifically working on to improve your writing?
What is your process for going about writing a new chapter?
Describe your editing process.
Is there a character's voice that you struggle with? What about one you find easy to write?
Where you do find yourself "hung up" while writing?
What methods do you use to get out of "hang ups" while writing?
What piece of advice did you hear/read recently that's been helping you to improve your writing?
What do you feel that you are naturally talented with in terms of creative writing?
Do you have any personal pet peeves about your writing that you're working to change?
How do you plan out your story writing process? For chapters and/or the entire story?
Who/what is your greatest inspiration for your current story?
Do you have anything you are self-conscious about in your writing?
Is there something you wish readers would pick up on more in your stories?
Talk to me about how you go about word choice. Do you have an example of your writing that you're particularly proud of clever word choice?
Where are you currently at in your writing mindset? Frustrated? Excited? Focused? Other?
How do you use reading material to help you with your own writing?
Are there emotions that come to you easily while writing? Or ones that are difficult for you to describe?
Who is another author (fanfic or otherwise) that you admire? Why?
When do you get most of your ideas and inspiration for writing?
Reblog if you'd like to participate and tag some friends! (No pressure/hard feelings)
@liiilyevans @hinnyfied @lynnelupin @sweeethinny @brightlybound @thenicestthingiveseen
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Thanks for the tag @liiilyevans! I do love an ask game.
What are you most proud of your writing right now?
Is there something you're specifically working on to improve your writing?
What is your process for going about writing a new chapter?
Describe your editing process.
Is there a character's voice that you struggle with? What about one you find easy to write?
Where you do find yourself "hung up" while writing?
What methods do you use to get out of "hang ups" while writing?
What piece of advice did you hear/read recently that's been helping you to improve your writing?
What do you feel that you are naturally talented with in terms of creative writing?
Do you have any personal pet peeves about your writing that you're working to change?
How do you plan out your story writing process? For chapters and/or the entire story?
Who/what is your greatest inspiration for your current story?
Do you have anything you are self-conscious about in your writing?
Is there something you wish readers would pick up on more in your stories?
Talk to me about how you go about word choice. Do you have an example of your writing that you're particularly proud of clever word choice?
Where are you currently at in your writing mindset? Frustrated? Excited? Focused? Other?
How do you use reading material to help you with your own writing?
Are there emotions that come to you easily while writing? Or ones that are difficult for you to describe?
Who is another author (fanfic or otherwise) that you admire? Why?
When do you get most of your ideas and inspiration for writing?
(Never pressure) tags: @merlinsbbeard @charmsandtealeaves @kay-elle-cee @athenasparrow @quotidian-oblivion @jfleamont @itsjamespotter
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practicecourts · 1 year
Wip Snippet Shares
Thanks for tagging me @charmsandtealeaves
None of my wips have anything worth sharing atm, so I'll give you a few random lines from the one I'm looking at the most these days. Head Over Handlebars For You (chapter 13 and beyond.)
“Yes Mum, we were just talking about Lily’s atrocious taste in men. And how she’s not to bring the loser she hooked up with in Amsterdam to my wedding, because I won’t have it.” Rose Evans looked at Lily in surprise, even if Petunia had not said anything nice the words still brought a smile to their mum’s face. “Lily, is that right? Did you meet someone over there?”
“So why are you really asking me all these questions?” “I met someone in Amsterdam.”
“My reasons? What is this? Are you asking what my intentions are with James?”
“I’d like to make a toast to the bride and groom.”
Tagging @turanga4 @liiilyevans @kay-elle-cee @suzyq31 @blitheringmcgonagall @mabeltothknows & @maraudersftw with zero pressure (as always)
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meles-merrivale · 1 year
WIP Wednesday
Thanks for the tag @liiilyevans! I love all things Bill Weasley so excited to see your story posted! Tagging @cindle-writes. @vdoshu, @rudehellion, @mrviran, @corneliaavenue-ao3, and @danpuff-ao3
Not a lot of time to write this week, but managed to slowly keep chipping away at my current long project.
They make it through the rest of the summer without anyone else dying, which really shouldn’t make Harry feel as relieved as it does. What Tom did was horrifying, inexcusable and unforgivable. But maybe it was a one off. All of his family is dead now. Maybe it’s over. 
(It sure as hell isn't over. But at least this way Harry can sleep at night.) 
There are strange creatures pulling the carriages this year, great skeletal horses that look entirely dead except that they’re moving. With their giant bat wings and milky white eyes, they look like something straight out of a horror flick, and Harry can’t help but stare, first at the not-horses and then at the students who are walking right by them without so much as a second glance. 
“Keep walking,” a voice hisses in his ear and Harry starts at the unexpected closeness, then does a double take because Tom is talking to him here, at Hogwarts, like that’s something they do. 
“Walk,” Tom says again. “Before people start to notice.” 
Harry gapes. He can’t help it. “Notice? T-Riddle, there are giant ghoul-horses. I’d think people would notice.” 
Tom just sighs and grabs Harry’s arm, bodily dragging him into the closest carriage. Harry could probably stop him if he pulled his wand, but he doesn't want to spook the horse-things. There’s something unnervingly dragon-like about their heads, and the carriages are wood. 
“Thestrals,” Tom says once they’re settled in the carriage. A couple of Slytherin seventh years make to climb in after them, then seem to think better of it.
“Bless you.” 
“No, they’re thestrals,” Tom huffs, waving at the horse in front of them. “They’re a relative of Abraxans that can only be seen by those who have witnessed a death.” 
Harry freezes for a second, staring at the thestral, this clear evidence that he watched a murder, then turns back to the murderer. “I see why you didn’t want me shouting about them.” 
“Well,” Tom replies coolly, pulling a book out of his bag. “We don’t want people asking who you saw die while living with suspected murderer Sirius Black, now, do we?”
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call-me-the-cassie · 3 years
The Tale of Two Lovebirds
Written for @jilytoberfest's Collab Companion with @liiilyevans and @deadlysansa
Sirius Black was, in many ways, too smart for his own good. He did well in his classes without trying too hard. His best mate was Head Boy and he could do whatever he wanted. However, there was one thing in Sirius’ life that was not perfect. And that was that his best mate was in love with the Head Girl and Sirius was pretty sure the Head Girl was in love with him. But for being the smartest kids in their year, they were as dumb as a doorknob when it came to their feelings for each other.
Honestly, Sirius was sick of watching them pine after each other when they thought the other one wasn’t looking. Sirius didn’t understand why they didn’t just kiss and get it over with. Merlin, they were bloody annoying.
Sirius was in Charms when he got the bright idea about how to get them together. Jessie Collins was sitting across from him as he waited for James, mummering to his friend. The only word Sirius could catch was ‘pregnant.’
His head whipped toward Collins. “What? Who's pregnant?”
Collins frowned as he answered, “My mum. Why are you asking?”
“Thought you were talking about someone else,” Sirius mumbled, turning away from the Hufflepuff.
Collins perked up. “Do you know someone who is pregnant?”
That’s when the idea was born, admittedly it was a very bad one, but still. What better way to force Lily and James together than to make everyone think they were having a baby together?
Sirius hid his smirk. “You didn’t hear it from me, but Lily Evans is pregnant.”
Collins’ eyes got wide. “Are you fucking serious? There’s no way.”
“Oh yeah,” Sirius continued. “And it’s James’ kid. But like I said, you didn’t hear it from me.”
James walked into Transfiguration with a pip in his step. He just knew that Gryffindor was going to win the cup this year. His training sessions were going well and everyone on his team was giving a hundred and ten percent. No more slackers like last year. As he was taking his normal seat, Betty Morrison tapped him on the shoulder. James turned toward the Ravenclaw.
“Hey, James,” she said with a smile. “I just wanted to say congratulations.”
James grinned, though he was confused as to why a Ravenclaw would be congratulating him on a possible Quidditch win. “Thanks. We’re planning to go all the way with it, so that means a lot.”
“You’re so brave,” Betty sighed. “I don’t know what I’d do if I were in your position.”
She turned and walked away after that, leaving James with his brows furrowed in confusion. Betty didn’t even play Quidditch. Brows furrowed, James turned back to his desk and pulled out his Potions essay, deciding to work on it a bit before class. His attention was drawn away from his essay when Lily Evans appeared next to him.
“Hi, James,” she said, tucking a piece of dark red hair behind her ear. “How’s your essay going?”
James glanced at his paper then Lily. “Oh, it’s good.” She’s fucking beautiful, he thought. “Not as good as yours I’m sure.”
Lily laughed. “Slughorn makes my essays sound better than they are.”
Reaching up, James ruffled his hair. What was he supposed to say to that? All he could think about was how beautiful she was. Her perfume kept distracting him, too; he thought it smelled like vanilla and cinnamon. Merlin, he knew he was going to say something stupid.
“Hey, Evans,” Sirius said as he slid into the seat next to James.
“Hey, Black,” she said. “I’ll see you around, James.”
“See ya,” James called as she turned to walk to her seat. That was when he noticed that she was getting a lot of curious stares; there were people whispering behind their hands as she walked by.
He turned to Sirius. “What’s up with Evans? Everyone’s talking about her.”
Sirius didn’t bother to look up from his parchment. “She’s pregnant?”
“What?!” James exclaimed. A few heads turned his way. Embarrassed, leaned closer to Sirius. “What?”
Sirius hummed. “That’s what everyone’s saying.”
“Oh, Merlin,” James said. “That’s terrible. Er, I mean.” He shook his head. “Fuck, is she going to keep it?”
Sirius shrugged. “Why don’t you ask her?”
“I can’t ask her that, Sirius. That’d be . . . well.”
“Yeah, rude.”
“And insensitive?”
“Yes. Exactly.”
“Never stopped you before.”
James shoved Sirius then, causing the boy to almost fall out of his seat. Sirius glared at him before straightening his robes. Glancing over at Lily, James saw her leaning on her desk talking to Mary McDonald. Merlin, she must feel so alone. Determination filled his chest. James was going to be helpful. He was going to offer her whatever support she needed. After all, she deserved it.
James finally cornered Lily after their Transfiguration class, pulling her away from her friends over her protests.
“This is important”, he insisted, taking her arm and dragging her to a secluded corridor.
“James, I’m having a really bad day-”
“I know,” he interrupted. “I heard the rumours, Lily, and I had to talk to you-”
“There are rumours?” Lily asked, disbelieving. “This is ridiculous. This really isn’t anyone’s business. Do people have nothing else to talk about but my…”
She trailed off, waving her hand.
“I wasn’t sure it was true. I had to talk to you,” James started.
“Is it that impossible to believe?” Lily demanded. “I’m only human, these things happen. There’s no need for everyone to point and ask questions!”
“I know,” James soothed. “People really should be more considerate about this kind of situation. The gossip will die out soon, Lily, I promise, I’ll hex anyone who bothers you.”
“I don’t care about the gossip, James. They can think what they want to. I have bigger problems!”
“I know,” he said again, still using that calm, placating tone. “And I want you to know that you’re not in this alone, Lily. I’ve got your back. Anything you need, anything at all, you just have to ask. I’ll support you no matter what you decide.”
“That’s sweet of you, James. I don’t know what to do anymore,” she sighed. “My mum is going to kill me when she finds out.”
“Listen, if your parents don’t take it well, you can live with us at Potter Manor as long as you need. Mum will be thrilled to have you.”
Lily looked confused.
“I don’t think-”
“Oi, Lily, Potter, McGonagall is looking for you,” Mary called out, appearing suddenly at the end of the corridor and disappearing just as suddenly.
Lily turned to James, about to demand an explanation about what he’d done and roped her into, as well, but he started talking again as soon as Mary was gone.
“You should talk to Madam Pomfrey, she’ll be able to help you decide what to do and how to deal with this.”
“How can Madam Pomfrey possibly help?” Lily asked harshly, starting to feel rather muddled up and annoyed.
“She’s been here forever, Lily. She must have seen situations like this before. She’ll know just what to do,” James said. Another time her tone would have started an argument, but today he was nothing but patient. “Promise me you’ll see her today?”
Before Lily could reply, Professor McGonagall herself appeared at the spot Mary had vacated a minute ago.
“Mr. Potter, Miss Evans, I requested your presence in my office. Did you not receive my message?”
“We were heading there, Professor,” James replied, sneaking a glance at Lily. “We just needed a minute to talk.”
“I have a great deal to say to you both as well, Mr Potter,” she said dryly. “In my office, now.”
James and Lily followed her to her office in silence, Lily shooting accusing looks at James while James tried to look as reassuring as possible.
“I assume the news I have heard is true?” McGonagall asked once they were seated in her office.
“Professor, this isn’t a big deal,” Lily started, while James nodded.
“I disagree, Miss Evans,” the Professor said. “And I must say that I am extremely disappointed that you should think so, or, indeed, that you should get yourself into a situation of this kind at all. I had thought better of you both.”
“I don’t know how this happened,” Lily said, suddenly looking like she was on the verge of tears. James took her hand, squeezing it comfortingly.
“I just realized this morning, and I don’t know what went wrong. But I’m trying to fix this Professor, I really am, and James is, too,” she continued.
McGonagall’s face softened a little.
“Miss Evans, I know you feel terrible about this. I have called you both here today to talk about how this will affect both your futures. We can find a way forward for you, but you must see how this makes things harder.”
James nodded solemnly.
“We know, Professor, but we’ll make this work. We really will.”
“Professor, surely it shouldn’t change things much. This was just a small mistake, and James wasn’t even involved,” Lily said.
McGonagall paused as the second half of the sentence sunk in.
“You are not the father, Mr. Potter?” she asked, surprised.
“No, but Professor, I support Lily completely in this if she wants me to, I’m-”
“Wait a minute,” Lily interrupted. “Father? What are you on about, James?”
Confusion clouded her features for a moment, and then her eyes widened.
“You thought I was pregnant! That’s what that was all about, outside, with Madam Pomfrey and Potter Manor and how this is a big deal? Professor, you think I’m pregnant?” she screeched, her volume rising with every word.
The other two occupants of the room were too taken aback to respond. Finally, James broke the silence.
“You’re not pregnant?” he asked carefully.
“No! How could you think that? I just lost a necklace, James, I’m not having a child! Where did you even hear this? How could you think that?”
Professor McGonagall allowed herself a small smile as she realized what had been happening.
“I believe my involvement is no longer necessary,” she said. “I am pleased to know that my information was false, for both your sakes. Miss Evans, I admit I had my reservations about you getting yourself into such a scrape. I apologize for the misunderstanding.”
“It’s all right, Professor,” Lily replied, looking a little flushed.
“I wouldn’t have gotten myself into such a scrape either,” James protested.
“I see that you both have much to clear up, so I shall not keep you any longer,” the Professor said, ignoring James’s remark. “I will see you in class tomorrow.”
Lily left the office, and James trailed after her, shooting McGonagall a final injured look. Neither noticed that their hands were still linked together.
As soon as the door clicked shut behind them, she spun to face him.
“Lily, I need to say-”
“You thought I was pregnant!” She hissed again.
James winced at the words and the distress in Lily’s tone. He was still recovering from the honest to Merlin selfish relief that she wasn’t having some total idiot’s baby. “It doesn’t sound great now, but when Sirius said-”
Lily held up a hand. Her eyes narrowed so slightly James only noticed because he noticed everything about her. “Sirius told you this?”
“Yeah. Somebody probably told him.” James paused, and Lily waited with raised eyebrows. He sighed, “You’re right, Sirius definitely made this up.”
Lily practically dragged James through the corridors, the blush on her face only deepening at every worried or judgemental glance she got which now made total, mortifying sense.
“I can’t believe him!” Lily said for the fifth time as she ran up the still moving staircase, James’ long strides keeping up with her furious march.
Lily imagined each step she stomped on as Sirius’ favourite body parts but it barely calmed her down. Not with James at her back, distractingly warm and probably pleading with her not to murder his best friend. She frankly hadn’t been able to listen over the roar in her ears.
They stopped in front of the portrait hole.
“Say what you like, Potter. You can’t stop me from vanishing every hair on his head.”
They skidded to a halt at the portrait. James looked at Lily indignantly.
“Stop you?” He repeated. “Lily, he told people you were-” James was so incredulous he couldn’t say it. “We can shave his sodding head the muggle way if you like,” was all he offered.
Lily was livid, but the corner of her mouth twitched.
Sirius was luckily for them — rather unluckily for him — sat on an armchair near the fire. He grinned at the two of them.
“Ah! Did you lose this, Lily? It was down the side of the sofa.” Sirius held up her pendant necklace.
Lily plucked it from his grasp. “Did you lose your mind?”
“Have you been running?” Sirius asked, assessing her heated face.
“Padfoot,” James said in warning.
But Lily didn’t wait. “Are you worried about me running in my condition?”
Sirius had the decency to look guilty. “Ah. Look-”
“I am looking!” She pointed at him. “I am looking at someone who is clearly desperate to be hexed into next week.”
Sirius stepped back half a step, and James had to admire Lily’s power. “Can we have a nice chat about all of this, dear?”
Lily’s nostrils flared dangerously. “A baby. A baby! I mean, are you unwell? Professor McGonagall spoke to us privately. It was horrendous. I don’t think she’d mind if we lobbed you out of the window, actually.”
“And why’d you tell people it was mine?” James couldn’t look at Lily. “We’re not - you know.”
“I know.” Sirius was torn between sheepish and smug. “But if you’re not anything, why did everyone instantly believe it was yours? And why are you holding hands?”
James’ fingers loosened immediately, regretfully. Lily could very well start hating him now everyone thought they were starting a bloody family.
Lily, however, considered the hold, her mind clearing as she stared in surprise at their joined hands. It felt too natural. She lifted her gaze and emerald met hazel.
“Oh my Merlin,” Lily said suddenly, her mind going over the day with new eyes. “James, you thought I was having somebody else’s baby, and you offered me a place to live.”
His free hand jumped to his hair automatically, and Sirius choked back laughter. James thought he heard the words, “Of course he did.”
“I thought you were going to be kicked out of your house,” He reasoned, completely embarrassed at what he’d said. “Anyone would do the same.”
“No, James, they wouldn’t,” Lily’s fingers tightened around him and James looked back at her in surprise. “You really care about me.”
It wasn’t a question. It was more of a wondrous, confused statement.
James nearly laughed, “I have been trying to tell you that. For a few years now.”
Lily suddenly smiled so sweetly it physically pained him. But it was nothing compared to what she did next.
“Will you go out with me?”
James’ heart nearly damn stopped. Even Sirius shut up.
Only one second passed. “Yes,” He said. James didn’t even consider making her repeat the question.
She was grinning now. So was he.
“You are welcome.” Sirius chimed.
“I still hate you,” Lily told him, but her heart wasn’t in it anymore. “Shouldn’t you be taking a grand tour of the school and telling everyone you’re a horrible little liar?”
Lily spoke to Sirius, but she glanced at James every other second, like she couldn’t help it. He stroked a finger down her palm. Holy Merlin, he had a date with Lily. And she had just snuck a glance at his mouth.
“Get lost, Pads,” James cut off his mate’s tirade.
Sirius, at least, could take a hint, and he winked at James’ buoyant face as he walked away whistling happily.
Lily’s heart thrummed as she closed the gap between her and James, emboldened by the fact that he had said yes to a date after months of catching his stare across the room and at dinner, wondering why he’d stopped asking. His thumb trailed back and forth across hers in the same soft way he watched her.
James took her free hand, too, barely breathing as she stepped into his space.
“What about everyone else?” He said, mostly because she smelled so good he had nothing clever to say.
“James,” Lily’s mouth was a whisper away from his. “They already think you’re the father of my child.”
It was so ridiculous that James started to laugh, until Lily’s own smile caught his lips.
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WIP Game!!
I was tagged by @theroomofreq, thank you very much!
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have wips. (You can make your own post or reblog this one!)  I have deemed that this isn’t just for writing either. Sketch titles? Comics? Dnd campaigns? If you have an unfinished project, it counts!
I don’t really have a lot (or a wip folder I’m just a savage that saves everything to my desktop) but here we go:
Champagne Problems
Plants (let’s garden together)
Bread (let’s bake together)
Molly and her grandbabies
James was falling
Becca blinked
Willow wedding? CS
Tagging: anyone who wants to do this, but also @petalstofish @hillnerd @annabtg @constancezin @liiilyevans @foreverginevra @constitutionalweasleymonarchy
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starlingflight · 3 years
WIP game
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it!
WIP doc titles:
1. A Bad Idea
2. The Five Disastrous Dates of Neville Longbottom, As Told By Hannah Abbott
3. I Don't Know You (But I Want To)
4. When I Saw Her Standing There
5. Harry & Lily Luna
6. Molly buys stamps
7. All a Bleur
Thanks for the tag @lanaturnergetup
I'm tagging: @sedge64 @thecat-isblogging-blog @liiilyevans
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theroomofreq · 2 years
wip game
I was tagged by @narukoibito and @ashotofogdensoldfirewhiskey thank you both xx
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have wips. (You can make your own post or reblog this one!)  I have deemed that this isn’t just for writing either. Sketch titles? Comics? Dnd campaigns? If you have an unfinished project, it counts!
oh my friends, oh my dear friends, there are so so many - with half ideas and just absolute chaos all around.
utter nonsense - bday
jealousy wip
fem jily feb
feb challenge - twiggy
as one does
exes to lovers
the train station
texting fic
pen pals
i tried to get over you
scuff up our shoes
angst wip
the idea is that its chatting and flirting
venmo wip
tagging anyone who wants to & @harryissuchalittleshit @liiilyevans
@zephyrcove @thegobletofweasleys @abby10fanfic @resilientlittlething @wearingaberetinparis @joyseuphoria @chierafied @hogwartslivy @sirenicc @mlw10 @isahorcrux @jilyss @jilyism @firefeufuego @bellmel @secretkeeper13
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nah-she-didnt · 4 years
100 Followers Celebration!
Tumblr media
Thank you all SO much for following my blog! I’m incredibly excited that I’ve reached 100 followers in just under a month. Joining this community and being a part of the Jily, Hinny, and Romione discords has been so fun, and I’m so grateful to everyone who has welcomed me with open arms :) 
A special thank you to everyone who’s read, commented on, and shared my work. There’s too many people to properly thank, but here’s a shoutout to a few wonderful souls who have gone above and beyond: 
@women-inthe-sequel, @clarensjoy, @theroomofreq, @maraudersftw, @yoyoheyyy, @blitheringmcgonagall, @joyseuphoria, @liiilyevans, @secretsongdeer, @jilyevans, @cellularphoneexplosion, @zephyrcove, @moonpuup, @hinny-potter, @drreidhjp, @sweeethinny and so many more, literally anyone who has supported this blog, you all are absolute stars  You can read my writing, including my Tumblr prompts and one shots, here, and you can find me on AO3 here. Also, please feel free to send me asks and prompts here!
Thank you all!! 🤩🤩🤩
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hiinnys · 4 years
Hi! (WIP Tag!)
I was tagged by the amazing @liiilyevans! Thank you for the tag, you’re too sweet <33
rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. send me an ask with the title that most intrigues you and I’ll post a little snippet of it or tell you something about it! 
i’m not nearly organized enough to have an actual WIP folder, so this really is just a look into my really messy brain :) 
famous au: harry’s an actor, ginny’s a singer. they’re really good friends that have been denying any dating rumors, much to the disappointment of the general public. but when ginny’s new album references ‘green eyes’ one too many times, the rumors start anew, and harry and ginny are forced to deal with something they’ve been avoiding for longer than either of them care to admit. 
what epilogue?: my ideas on what life after the war is like, not following the epilogue timeline because i really have a hard time believing that badass quidditch-playing ginny weasley would hang up the hat after five years of playing to pop-out a couple of kids and her number one fan harry james would just shrug at the whole thing. it’s mostly harry/ginny centric, but the other characters turn up every now and then. 
uni au: this is a muggle au. harry and ginny have their shit together. ron and hermione don’t. harry and ginny are sick of all the pining. what else is new? 
the ts series: a series of one-shots, based off my favorite taylor swift songs. 
again, i’m not particularly organized in my writing, so feel free to send me a prompt too! i’d love to try my hand out at anything you’ve got in mind! 
what you up to @clarensjoy, @ballerinaroy, @sweeethinny, and @better-than-firewhisky 
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athenasparrow · 1 year
Do you prefer writing one-shots or multi-chaptered fics?
15. How do you write smut scenes? Do you get very visual or detailed? How important is it to be realistic?
16. How many fic ideas are you nurturing right now? Share one of them?
Get To Know Your Fic Writer (or send me a random ask!)
1. Do you prefer writing one-shots or multi-chaptered fics?
Starting with the tricky things! The eternal debate of one-shots vs multi-chaptered fics! One-shots, with their concise nature, often offer a refreshing dive into a little world. I rarely find myself growing weary – I usually write my one-shots in one sitting and then come back and edit later. Instant gratification, you know?
Multi-chapters are an entirely different beast. The satisfaction derived from creating an extensive narrative – I was euphoric upon finishing DWOHT – surpasses any joy I've experienced with a one-shot. But there's also so much frustration that comes hand in hand with these longer works. DWOHT flowed effortlessly from me – it was flirty and mirthful and open (I was in my element) – and was a blissful journey (bar the midnight edits). I could have kept going for another 20k if I'd given myself the time. That was my first "proper" multi-chap and I hadn't experienced any frustration. Then came Miles From Nowhere (my current WIP baby), which is hopefully destined to break 60k. In its infancy, writing it was a familiar bliss (probably because I indulged in crafting my favourite moments first) and then it got tricky. I felt uninspired for a month, kept only adding sentences at a time instead of paragraphs. I got really tired of it and put it aside for a bit. I'm hoping being away from Uni will help me relax into it and get back into the zone. I have a feeling that since it carries a slightly more sombre tone than DWOHT that's why I'm struggling with it. Keep your fingers crossed for me!
My point? Who knows... love them both for very different reasons : D
15. How do you write smut scenes? Do you get very visual or detailed? How important is it to be realistic?
Ohhh this is a good one!!!! The imagery of Lily and James' smutty encounters is always vivid in my mind, but I don't always delve into every explicit detail when transcribing my thoughts to paper. The decision hinges on whether I desire a graphic exposé of carnal delight or a more poetic depiction with a graceful time skip.
For realism... I'm going to approach this from two angles:
(1) I strive to portray Lily's orgasm as a realistic experience, emphasizing James' adeptness in eliciting such pleasure through touch. Most women need clitoral stimulation to orgasm and I like to incorporate that at every opportunity. James is a gem because he's naturally so generous - he makes it easy!
(2) My skill in smut-blocking is not impeccable lol. At times, I gleefully indulge my characters in acts that *might* be improbable, but hey, who's to say I can't sprinkle a touch of fantasy into the mix? I definitely lean towards indulgence – focus on the euphoria and flirtation – and sidestep the mundane aspects of the act itself.
16. How many fic ideas are you nurturing right now? Share one of them?
Oh boy! A grand total of 19 WIPs with a myriad of short scenes to boot! It's my first day of respite from the hallowed halls of University (lol) and I've set my sights on unveiling Miles From Nowhere before I return to class : )
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four2andnew · 1 year
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descript or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Ooo, thanks for the tag @honeydukesheroine this one looks fun! Ok, here goes -
Unpublished - Tear You Apart (answered here)
Unpublished - Their Most Closely Guarded Secret (answered here)
WIP - A Father's Confession
WIP - A Rose in Winter
WIP - Date Night
WIP - Hedwig is a Great Dane (answered here)
WIP - Rebel
WIP - Taken
WIP - Werewolf!Harry Crack (answered here)
I don't think I can tag nine people, but... @corneliaavenue-ao3 @takearisk-ao3 @hinnyfied @liiilyevans @seriouslysam8 @gryffindorhealer
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ballerinaroy · 4 years
wip title game
Thanks to @sweeethinny , @liiilyevans , and @narukoibito for the tag!
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Send me an ask with the title that most intrigues you and interests you and I’ll post a little snippet of it or tell you something about it!
(y’all know I come up with a title as I’m posting so here’s just a bunch of snippets) 
He began kissing the back of her neck, his hands..
Order of Merlin, First Class
If he had known, really known what it would do to her-to them-then he never would have given his blessing.
It was Neville who noticed it first. “The plants aren’t growing.”
Since starting her magical career it had been one disaster after another and every time their lives began to settle…she supposed she should have gotten used to the chaos of it all by now.
Wanna know more? Just ask :) 
Tagging @warriorlid14, @adenei, @isidar-mithrim and whoever else wants it!
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jilyarchive · 7 years
Hey, i love your blog😍😍😍 I wanted to ask if you know a fanfiction about the marauders- since their first year till their last.. with jily of course😅 Thank you❤
These are the only ones we know!
Title: The Story of Four Friends Author: Star of the NorthRating: TGenre(s): Romance, DramaChapters: 50Word Count: 324,870Summary: Twenty years before Harry Potter entered Hogwarts for the first time, four young men had made that self-same journey. Twenty years before Harry Potter there were the Marauders. Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs. This is their story. Post HBP. Complete.
Title: Lily and James Potter: Their StoryAuthor: Little House GirlRating: K+Genre(s): RomanceChapters: 32Word Count: 241,610Summary: This is the story of Lily and James Potter. From an earlier hatred, they grew to respect and love each other, aware of their future son and the terrible fate that lay before them.
Title: AlwaysAuthor: aterriblebeautyisbornRating: K+Genre(s): Friendship, TragedyChapters: 117 [WIP]Word Count: 601,548Summary: After all this time? Always. The friendship of Severus Snape and Lily Evans. (Eventual James/Lily)
Title: Six Times Lily Tried to get James to Like ChristmasAuthor: liiilyevansRating: Not ratedGenre(s): Romance, Humour, FluffChapters: 1Word Count: ~Summary: “you’re kind of a scrooge and it’s up to me to show you thetrue meaning of holiday spirit hallmark movie style au”
Title: For the First TimeAuthor: Junebug617Rating: K+Genre(s): Romance, FriendshipChapters: 11Word Count: 91,436Summary: A compilation of one-shots that examine a series of Lily Evan’s and James Potter’s interactions from their First Year at Hogwarts until beyond their Seventh Year. Each chapter is centered around a different “first” in their lives, such as their first kiss, first meeting, and first date.
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athenasparrow · 1 year
“you left your underwear back at my place.” Jily
Because this made me laugh when I read it
I hope this makes you laugh too @liiilyevans 😂
Rating: M
Send me a prompt
When Lily wakes up, it’s to a pounding headache and a bitter taste in her mouth that informs her – in a voice that sounds eerily like Petunia – that she shouldn’t have downed the five flaming vodka shots at the end of the night. But Marlene had already ordered them and it would’ve been such a waste.
Lily groans and reaches for her phone, determined to tell Marlene off for making her feel so damn horrible, but she's rather distracted by the message that blinks innocently at her on the screen.
Unknown: Hi : D You left your underwear at my place. Let me know when you're awake - I can drop them off.
Lily stares at the message...someone has obviously typed in the wrong number; it was hazy, but she remembers getting in the cab alone. And her underwear was still–
Oh no.
Lily frantically yanks up her dress, staring in horror at her very knickerless–
Lily: Who is this?
Had she shagged the cab driver? She couldn’t remember if he was cute or not. Oh god, what if she’d given in to the building super who had been hitting on her for months. He was like fifty! That would explain why he had her number. Shit, double shit. 
Lily: Is this Horace? 
Unknown: Wait, you're shagging Slughorn?
A wave of pure relief swept through Lily; she was not – thank god – shagging her super.
Lily: No! No more questions!
Who are you?
I’ve woken up with no knickers and am now checking the opening hours for my nearest chemist so I can go buy a fucking pregnancy test.
And get an STI screening!
I do not have time for games right now!
Tell me who you are and return my knickers at once!
Woah, hold on a sec
You don’t need a pregnancy test or an STI screening
At least not because of last night
And how would you know that genius?
Unless you’re infertile and a virgin there’s a chance of both!
Again, who am I speaking with?????
Unknown: I am neither infertile nor a virgin
Lily: Then you don’t “know” shit, do you?
Unknown: But we did not have sex last night
Lily: Oh!
Unknown: And this is your neighbour, James
Lily: I don’t have a neighbour named James!
James: I beg to differ. Listen, can you answer your door?
Even with that warning, Lily still jumped when a sharp rap sounded in her apartment. She had quite a few things to say to this man! She didn’t have a neighbour named James; she would know, she’d been living in this apartment for three years. Alice and Frank lived down the hall – they were looking for a bigger place since the arrival of their little one – in number seven. Arabella – a lady who had more cats than square metres – lived in number six. Number five held a charming set of twins – Gideon and Fabian – who Lily was happy to flirt with every time they got mail at the same time. She was in number five and number four–
Oh no.
Lily doesn't have time to stop her hand as it reaches out in front of her and opens the door.
Fit bloke from number four.
He looks even more delicious and Lily is suddenly rather regretful he’d said they hadn’t shagged. But she’s distracted from that thought by the sudden assault of memories.
“Pads?” James calls, hearing the door slam shut. He barely glances up from his phone as he frowns at the latest next his mother’s sent him. 
He does jump up at the ensuing crash – and rather loud silence in place of his brother’s usual greeting – running to the hallway and greeted with a rather strange sight.
The beautiful redhead from number five is sprawled out on his floor and seems to be giving her shoe a rather harsh verbal lashing.
“What are you making me trip for, you stupid thing!”
“Are you sure it’s the shoe that made you trip and not the several glasses of whatever you’ve been drinking?” James interrupts with a laugh.
She spins around, obviously caught by surprise, before letting out a triumphant yell as she yanks one heel off, then the other, tossing them carelessly over her shoulder. James winces at the mark the first one leaves on his wall but decides it’s nothing when her second shoe narrowly misses the vase his mother had gifted him.
“I think you’re in the wrong apartment,” James says kindly. She looked quite plastered. “Would you like me to–”
“I’m not in the wrong apartment!” Lily interrupts confidently. “You’re fit-man!”
“I’m James actually?” James says, rather bewildered. “And if anyone is fit here, it’s you!”
The redhead looks rather delighted at his compliment. “That’s excellent that you think so! This will work rather nicely then!”
“What will work nic– Hey! What are you doing?” 
Jame thinks it’s a fair question since she’s hiked up her dress – he was not going to look – and was tugging her deep blue lacy knickers – no looking! – down her pale legs. 
“Well, how are we supposed to do it with them on?” The redhead says, shooting him a look that James thinks is supposed to mean duh when in reality, he’s quite far from understanding anything at the moment.
“It?” James asks, clearing his throat and happy she doesn't appear to notice he sounds like a frog.
“Don’t you know what sex is?” And now she’s giggling at him, bright and free and drunk.
“I know what sex is,” James feels the need to clarify. “But we can’t do it right now.” No matter how much I wish we could.
“Why not?” She demands, her eyes wide – and mesmerising – and horrified as she stares at him.
“Because you’re drunk,” James breaks to her gently, fighting back a laugh. “And I don’t even know your name.”
“Lily.” A pause. “I suppose it would be odd to have sex with me when you don’t know my name.”
James nods vigorously, glad she’s seeing some sense. Hopefully he can convince her to go back to her apartment so he doesn't have to keep telling his cock to stay the fuck down. 
“It’s a pity I’m drunk,” she tells him. “I was really hoping for an orgasm before bed, it really helps me sleep, you know?”
James chokes on the very air he was supposed to be breathing. He does know but he’s not going to tell her that. “I suppose you’ll have to sort that out yourself."
Lily heaves a long sigh like he’s announced Christmas has been cancelled. “Are you sure you can’t help me?” she pouts.
You’re sure James, he tells himself sternly. 
“I’m sure,” he confirms. “You’re drunk.” He says this out loud for his benefit as much as for hers.
“So you would help me if I wasn’t drunk?” 
I would bury my face between your legs and make you cum over and over again.
“Would love to,” James says instead. “If you still want to of course.”
“I’ll still want to,” Lily declares surely and James hopes so, but he won’t hold it against her if she doesn’t. “Oh no!”
“Oh no what?” 
“I’m going to be sick.”
Well shit. 
James scrambles to his feet, thankful the bathroom is in the hallway as he helps her stand and rushes her to the toilet. He holds her hair as she retches into the toilet and offers her a glass of water when she’s done. 
“Now I’ve ruined it” Lily sighs regretfully as she leans her cheek against the toilet seat.
“Ruined what?”
“My sexiness! This is decidedly un-sexy.”
He shouldn’t be flirting – she's drunk – but James can’t help but reassure her. “You could throw up in my toilet all day long and I’ll still think you're beautiful.”
“You would?”
“I would. But let’s talk about this tomorrow, okay? I think you could use some sleep.”
“You’re fit and nice. Do you think I could marry you someday?”
“How about we go on a sober date first,” James proposes, shoving aside the image of her in a white dress that his traitorous mind procures.
“If we must,” Lily hums, letting him pull her up. She grabs a pen off his console and – rather neatly, given how drunk she is – writes her number on his arm. “Now you can find me again!”
She looks so pleased with herself that James doesn’t remind her he only needs to walk three metres to her door. Instead, he grabs her shoes as he guides her out his door and down the hallway. When he sees her safely to bed – her eyes are already heavy – he slips out to leave her in peace. 
Damn. Her knickers.
He grins as he reaches into his pocket for his phone, typing in the numbers neatly scrawled on his arm.
James: Hi : D You left your underwear at my place…
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