#thanks for the ask stag!
blastburnt · 7 months
8, 13 and 25 (>:3) for the art asks!
art asks waow
8. What is your favourite piece that you have done?
eeee it's hard for me to pick with digital pieces, but traditionally it's my baby the minotaur from 2022! i've never been able to paint anything as clean since. a teacher wanted to buy it off me but i loved it too much to let it go :P
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13. Are you looking to pursue a career in art?
mmmm a very uncertain yes? mostly because my brain is stuck in thinking of 'art career = commission artist' only - which i honestly think i would only enjoy as a side gig - even though i know there are a lot more roles in the industry. that's something for me to explore at uni i guess!!
25. Draw a picture!
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>:3 indeed....
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cecils-dragons · 28 days
I hope things will get better for you!
as for a question about characters, do you have any that have any cool prosthetics? or mobility aids that theyve decorated/made more fun for themself?
I've been sitting on this because I wanted to draw my new guy Rhys for this because he has two prosthetics that are stylized to be like porcelain. Not pictured is his cane that is also rose themed(wooden with roses carved into it). He's a retired hunter who now runs a small nursery/flower shop so he has a brand and is staying on it haha. (I also missed his glasses but that's just me being lazy and forgetful). In my lore and stories, prosthetics are powered by magic, allowing them to be more intricate then current ones, so customization can get more intricate, but most still have to retain to the shape of the part they're acting as so the user's body can still operate them properly.(so no tentacle instead of arm as a practical use prosthetic as it would strain the user's mind and energy)
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I have a good handful of characters with mobility aids and prosthetics, but another that comes to mind for customized is Stag, who has a custom arm made by his son who specializes in making custom pieces like that.
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deer-a-day · 7 months
Deer are literally so cool! I am quickly becoming obsessed with your page!!
Could you maybe draw a deer with foliage stuck in its antlers or a roe deer?
of course! :D
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a wonderful darling with foliage stuck in it's antlers
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within-its-cave · 3 months
11, 40, 42?
ask game
11. If you had three wishes, would you use them?
Assuming I don't have to worry about it getting twisted, something like not needing to eat (but still able if wanted), financial security, and a ridiculously large sash of my favorite chocolates would be nice
40. Who's voice do you enjoy?
Friends. Yours, @deluxinn 's, @omelevate 's...I like hearing those that are close to me
42. What's one thing you wanna do but haven't yet?
Where do I begin? For the life of me I can't get myself to sit down and attempt to meditate
Also, saxophone
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deepspacedukat · 7 months
Ask/part 4: Consuls, the Proconsul, and the vice-Proconsul
Consuls - Each major coalition is headed by a consul. These consuls speak for and represent their coalitions on the Continuing Committee. Consuls are often political target, because weakening/killing a consul will weaken their coalition’s position.
A consul who has suffered loss of influence is expected to resign. Coalitions can vote in new ones at any time. Key governorships and ministries are in the hands of consuls of major coalition, though they can exercise other powers (said powers not elaborated upon).
The Proconsul - Leading the Senate is the proconsul. Who is elected by the Senate. The proconsul is normally from a leading coalition of the Senate. This position lasts for 10 years and can be renewed by the Senate’s will. There are no limits to the terms a proconsul can serve. Rising and falling with their coalition’s power. Although, as you may expect, the Senate can vote them out, normally due to illegal activities or scandal.
The proconsul controls a large portion of political power within the Senate. They set the Senate’s agenda, deciding what matters will be discussed and what will be voted upon. They can stall legislation indefinitely or bring it to a quick resolution. They are either the biggest alley or greatest enemy of the Praetor. Either using their power to endorse or bring pressure upon the Praetor’s attempted programs.
One of the primary roles of the proconsul is diplomacy and holds much sway in how the Empire deals with its neighbors.
To quote D’era as show just how important the proconsul is: “While many Romulans want to become Praetor, the truly ambitious aspire to the office of proconsul”
The Vice-Proconsul - Also voted in by the Senate. They can be either of the same or different coalition to the proconsul. Often, it is different. They assist the proconsul in the day-to-day running of the Senate and handle matter that the proconsul may not have time for. When of a different coalition, the vice-proconsul also serves as a watchful-eye, ensuring the proconsul does nothing to compromise the interests of the vice-proconsul’s coalition. Typically, this leads to alliances between the two coalitions for share of power, and keep other coalitions (especially smaller ones) down.
Bless you for taking the time to type all of this out! I know I'm super late responding to this, but I really do appreciate all your hard work regarding Romulan research! 🫶💜🫶💜🫶💜🫶💜🫶💜🫶💜🫶💜
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ahurumustdie · 3 months
theo I’m obsessed with your inaya art. it’s GORGEOUS especially the clothes. where do you get your references from to make them look so detailed?
i have a pinterest board that i add to like. constantly haha - any time i see anything interesting, whether its jewellery or fabric or whole outfits, i slap it in there 🤷‍♀️ ive been thinking of making a seperate section just for tbos bc i think at this point tbos references make up like. half the board 🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️
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fenharael · 1 year
🍫 , 🦖 , & 🔮 ?
🍫 Cheese or chocolate?
Probably cheese! It's so versatile, it can be sweet or savory and there's so many textures and ways it can be used. I had this cheese dish at a restaurant a few weeks ago that was a Brazilian farmer's cheese baked with honey, IT WAS SO GOOD.
🦖 Favorite extinct animal?
My first answer is Archaeopteryx because seeing the National Geographic cover spread of the fossil is permanently lodged in my brain. Second is probably Direwolves. They were just really big wolves that hunted large, prehistoric mammals.
🔮 What’s your dream job?
Doing something I find worthwhile and engaging, something I can at least feel good about or interested in. It used to be wanting to be an animator working at Pixar, now I don't really know. I want to go back to school but I've said that for years and haven't done it. I just feel like at this point I'd fail and maybe all I want is structure and a sense of purpose. Maybe if I could muster the willpower and energy owning a cute Coffeeshop/bakery/bookstore, maybe doing art conservation. I dunno, sorry this answer was a bit of a bummer.
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Tumblr user stag doesn't use she pronouns. :-) just thought you should know.
Shit, thank you for the correction and thank you for being so kind about it!
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dracocheesecake · 10 months
I feel like Colin in your Modern AU, if he exists in there, would probably be a spy from MI6 and would be definitely a fan of spy films, both the realistic and superspy movies. Also, would he encounter Jade Tusk sometime soon in the Modern AU?
Oh definitely! I feel that he would also love romcoms. And yeah, I think he does, probably during a mission. They ended up having the same target and hunting him down together, during the course of which Colin sort of fell head over heels for her.
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keithsandwich · 11 months
Less than 12 hours before Keith's route drop out (As I'm typing this). How are you feeling? Free therapy-flavoured cookies for you and Keith after reading his route.
Thanks for checking, Aki! I've been all over the place since yesterday lol
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Thank you so much for the cookies, we're gonna need them!
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stagmalinay · 1 year
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Yeah, well you're the best bi buddy so...
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cecils-dragons · 10 months
Hey babies,
I am fascinated by Maneesh's design. Can you tell us more about him?
Babies??? But also thank you! He's one of my older designs but he still hits so hard. I am still in the midst of reworking his lore so it's not set in stone at the moment but what is sticking is that he's not a good guy at all. Like most other wolf imps, he spends most of his time alone and wandering, but unlike others he has a fascination with lesser imps and humans. This interest is not in good faith tho, more so in a patronizing watching lower creatures way, but also in a sexual way. The guy is horribly charismatic, so despite him being an entitled asshole, he get around when he wants. He's more ego then man, or imp I guess.
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I'm still working on so much with him and wolf imps in whole because they're related to some larger lore in whole. Wolf imps are commonly viewed as majestic, otherworldly, and near holy creatures due to their extremely long lifespans, rarity, and high magical frequency. There's a large group of imps who believe and follow in the idea of the White Stag, a legend of an ancient giant wolf imp, which adds to their mysticism even more.
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sapphic-saionji · 2 years
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send me a 👀 and i’ll post a snippet of art/writing that i never got around to finishing this year!
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within-its-cave · 2 months
23, 32
Artist Asks
23. "Talk about a WIP?"
Another one would be a close-to-done work of by Bloodborne OCs: Alathasis and Emlyn. I am being a bit more experimental with shading brushes and Al's design and it's turning out really well! Very proud of it so far and can't wait to finally show it off!
32. "What piece do you wish got noticed more?"
Probably a mix of Vyn's portrait and Surprise Adoption's cover. I'm just really proud of both
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deepspacedukat · 2 months
Ask/part 6 - Final: The Continuing Committee
With the seemingly confusing relationship between the Praetor and Senate in mind, let’s look at how the Romulan Government makes it work.
The Continuing Committee serves as an executive board to determine policy. It is comprised of the Praetor, the chairman of the Tal’Shiar, three military officers, the proconsul, the vice-proconsul, and the leaders of the political parties. Should the Senate disapprove with the Praetor’s action, Senate leaders can bring up their concerns here. Should the Praetor object to legislation making its way through the Senate, they can make their case here. Military leaders and the Tal’Shiar can weigh in their opinions as well.
Each branch reports matters of import. Any disagreements or decisions are put to a vote, after each side has had their say. Simple majority votes settle the matter.
The military often sides with the Praetor (most admirals are appointed by the Praetor). Though the Praetor is first among equals, with a greater say, wise Praetors do not act should the mood in the Senate run against them. However, Praetors can make life hell for those senators who oppose them. Examples including dragging their feet on a senator’s pet project, among other things.
Senators outnumber the Praetor on the Committee; however, they are normally loathed to vote against them and usually refrain from publicly questioning them. Not wanting to be seen obstructing a popular ruler. Instead, senators are known to use ultimata - such as the ultimate threat of removal from office - while behind the closed doors of the Committee.
Eyyyy, finally got the last part done! If there are any clarifications needed, I can try to provide!
Omg okay, the timing for this one is perfect (for "Praetor's Pride" reasons) so an extra lorge "Thank you" for you, Stag!!! I'm so appreciative of all the info you've sent my way! This will be put to good use!! 💚💚💚💚💚���💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚
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lgbstims · 2 years
doe and stag are really racist terms that many woc have stated make them very uncomfortable due to being compared with antiblack-symbolizing animals. i'm white so i won't speak further than what i've heard, but i would recommend dropping them for now (or at least letting bisexual individuals decide for themselves if they'd like to use doe/stag rather than pushing them onto the bi community yourself).
i would instead use damme/tomme! they aren't dehumanizing and put us on an equal platform with lesbians without taking their terms and appropriating them. plus, they actually have a cultural meaning that defines us away from the eyes of straight society.
if you accept this suggestion, i might come back to request a tomme stimboard or something like that 👀
I have in the past stated that doe/stag isn't for everyone and I get why black people in particular would feel iffy about it. So idk where you get the idea that I'm "pushing" those terms on the bi community. My position on this has always been that bi women can make up whatever microlabels they want on the internet but ultimately masc/butch or stud (for black women) and fem/femme is what ppl who aren't chronically online use.
Sorry, I don't feel comfortable engaging with terms that were created by an anti-feminist.
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