#thanks for the chat!
violent138 · 6 months
I had the hc that Dick did go to the Olympics, got a gold medal and never told anyone, but your hc about team usa trying to recruit him is so funny too
I love that headcanon so much actually, it fits with this crazy man and his shenanigans. I bet that medal is just chilling on his mantle or whatever in Blüdhaven.
Part of what made me go the other way was the willingness with which Dick abandoned uni and anything that wasn't crime fighting, and the potential humour of having Team USA go ballistic when they can't recruit him..
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peccantumaskrp · 3 months
Ah, that's fine. Thank you for allowing me to enthuse about music with you. Enjoy your evening! 🕊
"Enjoy yours as well. Thank you for stopping by the hotel."
"...I feel like I somehow failed that conversation. What a weird bird."
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systemserendipity · 11 months
about this post
from one pro-endo to another, i absolutely agree that a ton of anti-endos really need to educate themselves more than just one biased google search. and since you're against people being biased in the info they choose to look at and accept as fact you'll be open to listening to me. so, as gently as i can possibly say this, i ask that you also do some research that's not just a biased google search
the caard that you linked does have a lot of good points! but it also has a lot of harmful misinformation.
for example, it tries using diagnostic manuals as 'proof' that DID/OSDD-1 aren't trauma disorders. bear with me on this! this isnt bs youd usually hear after a sentence like that! but i gotta address the misinfo before clarifying what i mean
diagnostic manuals are diagnostic manuals. they exist to help medical professionals diagnose patients. but its not a be all end all of whats True or False about disorders, especially not to people like you and me who aren't professionally practicing psychologists. its a tool to aid these professionals, but these professionals arent basing their entire understanding of the disorders on the manuals. if that was all there was to it, anyone could use it to diagnose anyone
now about did/osdd-1 being trauma disorders, its important to understand what they are. they are developmental disorders. in childhood there are things known as critical periods, where a child must reach a certain milestone by a certain time in order to be able to reach it. in did/osdd-1, something disrupted the child's ability to integrate their identity into one cohesive sense of self prior to the critical period. and, whatever that thing was, counts as trauma in the context of did/osdd-1
trauma is a word that has a ton of different definitions depending on what context its being spoken of. in medical contexts it has very specific definitions, and those definitions arent the same even across different disorders. what counts as trauma in PTSD isnt the same as what counts as trauma in DID/OSDD-1
for example, if say there was an autistic child who found moving to a new house so disruptive and stressful that they formed did/osdd-1, moving house would count as trauma in their case. because trauma in this context refers to whatever it was that caused the disruption in their development that lead to did/osdd-1 forming
do i believe that there's a problem with endogenic did/osdd-1 systems? no! well, it's a bit complicated, but ultimately no! there's a lot of different definitions for trauma, and an endogenic did/osdd-1 isn't using the kind im talking about here!
when i say its a bit complicated, i mean that i dont think endogenic did/osdd-1 systems are bad, as much as i think we could be a lot better as a community educating on what trauma means in context of did/osdd-1. i think itd really help bridge some communicative gaps and help create a more unified community. i also think itd help endogenic did/osdd-1 systems understand themselves a bit better! did/osdd-1 doesnt just form out of nowhere, something does cause it, and not having what youd personally consider 'trauma' doesnt mean that there wasnt something that caused it! i know personally that educating myself about all this helped me understand my system better, and stopped me falling into denial spirals of 'what if it wasnt really trauma'.
now that i've finished most of what i have to say, i have to address the elephant in the room: ive linked no sources. i want to bold and emphasise that, because i believe its important to take everything with a grain of salt when its just baseless like this. personal experiences dont need a source, but in depth convos about disorders like this do! and we all should be very mindful not to just believe anything without sources backing it up!
why didnt i include sources? because its 4:23am. its way too late for me to go gather all of them, especially when im not sure if youll be receptive to what i have to say. but! if you are! please let me know! i have done a lot of studying into research behind did/osdd-1 and i have sources in mind for everything ive written here. if youre open to all this, i can track them all down and make an edited version putting them where relevant!
second to last thing i have to add that i think is really important is that there's a ton of proof for did/osdd-1 being related to trauma (remember, the definition in context!). that was always the strongest evidence we had for did/osdd-1 existing, and brain scans have given further evidence! im going to link the resource i think is the absolute best to look at in terms of brain scans and our findings, but fair warning its quite long!
and the final thing i have to say is psychology isnt an exact science. it could be possible for someone to fit the diagnostic criteria for did/osdd-1 perfectly without anything at all causing it. but! that doesnt mean that it isnt a science and that there hasnt been a lot of research into it, or that we should just discount it altogether. i still believe its misinformation to say did/osdd-1 arent trauma disorders, because even with that chance of what happening and other definitions of trauma, it is making people really misinformed about what trauma even is in did/osdd-1
Thanks for your good-faith conversation. We genuinely appreciate it. 🤝
Let's meet in the middle here. We think a lot of y'all's points are valid and concise. Despite the time of posting! lol
And we agree that there's a lot of nuance when it comes to dissociative disorders of any kind, let alone DID and OSDD. That's why a lot of discussions end up becoming essays! Ya can't easily summarize the spectrum of plurality, nor the medical diagnoses of such.
So, when trying to discuss it in-full, research can get mirky rather quickly. And we don't get things 100%, 100% of the time-- ofc not. We're huge advocates of self-education and, so, when we see responses like this that are constructive-- rather than destructive-- we really like to pay attention.
TL;DR-- make sure that you double-check your sources and take online conversations about plurality with a grain of salt. Misinformation's a-plenty. And, at the end of the day, we're all just trying to voice our opinions.
If you feel any of what we have to say about plurality strikes a chord, then educate yourself however best you can. And speak about if you'd like; *any* plural representation-- from the range of freshly questioning to the veterans-- is better than none imo.
Make sure to supplement that by actually talking to people, and accepting feedback.
You don't know what you don't know, and every day is a chance to learn something new-- even if the subject is one you're passionate about. Everybody's got a voice and you're not always going to completely agree. But listening to your peers is part of growth.
And, again, addressing this anon poster, thanks for reaching out to us, and being so honest. DM us if ya wanna chat about this more; we'd be delighted!
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irrealisms · 7 months
i've seen a lot of people talk about mcyt as a constantly burning library of alexandria recently, and to some extent that's true. people are constantly deleting their blogs, going scorched earth with animatics, fanfics, etc., that they made. but i've also seen people (three in the last few days!) make this claim about VODs, when talking about large fandoms like DSMP and QSMP, and.... guys. that was true in 2020. that's not true anymore. archivists have been working tirelessly for years now to make sure that isn't true.
the dsmp VOD masterlist is here. in november 2020, it's missing 16 VODs, if i am counting correctly--which is still a fairly small minority, but it's a lot, and it sucks!--but in november of 2021, it's missing one, and that's because the cc of that VOD does copyright takedowns, not because the archivists didn't save it. no one in the archivist project is deleting VODs off youtube with no backups the way people are deleting fanfics. three months ago, one of my dsmp archivist friends finished coding a tool that let them reconstruct VODs out of twitch clips, and reconstructed six tubbo dsmp VODs from 2020. not only are we basically not losing VODs anymore, we are actively gaining VODs that have been lost for years, that were thought to be lost forever. the library isn't burning anymore; it's being rebuilt.
the qsmp VOD masterlist is here. it is usually a month or two behind the present day, to give creators time to archive their own VODs, but... look at it. in january of 2024, every single qsmp vod was archived. the same is true of december of 2023, and november, and the vast majority of months for the past year.
i'm not going to say that there isn't a problem. just a few days ago, i realized that a lifesteal VOD from last year was missing--that its youtube upload was messed up somehow, and no one noticed and it wasn't mirrored on the internet archive and the person who uploaded it deleted the original file. and now it's gone forever. this made me super sad! like i said: i'm not going to say that there isn't a problem.
but... look at the lifesteal VOD masterlist here. lifesteal's a smaller fandom than qsmp or dsmp. open the 2022 tab and you'll see months and months of lost VODs, of no one's VODs being saved, because there weren't any archivists saving them. then open the 2023 tab and see: they lost four VODs, over the course of a year. even in smaller fandoms, archivists are working. they're making progress. they're saving VODs. in 2024, lifesteal archivists screenrecorded five streams on tumblr live to make sure they would not become lost media. mcyt may be a constantly burning library of alexandria, but the people with fire extinguishers are dedicated. they're making incredible progress. i know people with petabytes of VODs saved, who have spent money on extra storage for this. i know people who are constantly running up against their storage limits as they download/upload to the internet archive/delete for space/rinse and repeat. a decent fraction of the time, my internet at home is slow because it's downloading VODs.
and these aren't the only mcyt fandoms with archiving projects! the outsiders smp VOD masterlist is here. origins smp VOD masterlist is here. smp earth VOD masterlist is here. rats smp VOD masterlist is here. there are so many others that i just don't happen to know about. the older and smaller a fandom is, the more likely it is to not have an attached archiving project, or for the archive to be missing a lot of VODs. but... guys, we've saved a lot. there are people out there, working tirelessly to save even more. yes, mourn what we have lost--the archivists i know are also the ones mourning the most for the VODs that are, in fact, forever lost media. but don't dismiss how much people have saved. we are making progress. we are losing less and less every month. the vast majority of the dsmp and qsmp still exist, i am not going to say they're the same experience as watching live because they're really not, but.. they're out there. people have put in a lot of work to save them.
if you have publicly available VOD masterlists or other mcyt archiving projects that aren't on this post, please add them in a reblog. i want this post to serve as a reference for how much archivists have saved in this community; unfortunately, i'm not super connected to every community. but i know that--for every person deleting things, there are people working, tirelessly & with little external reward, in so many different mcyt fandoms, to save things. and we should appreciate that more often.
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sweetgaleria · 8 days
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passed out and this was on my screen when i woke up
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sillysiluriforme · 3 months
Your Miraculous Ladybug au/rewrite is sooo interesting omg!! Question: do those who were akumatized have side effects after being freed from HM's control?
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who said anything about being freed ?
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“but they know they're not ACTUALLY an animal or a fictional character!!! they know they're actually a human, they just-” I'M GOING TO PUNCH YOU
that is an ACTUAL wolf
that is an ACTUAL fairy
that is an ACTUAL doll
and that is ACTUAL hatsune miku
that Being is ACTUALLY the Being they say they are
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rad-roche · 5 months
Bad Habits
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tragedy-machine · 3 months
After Edwin's confession Charles tries to figure out his feelings and in the process starts to unconsciously treat Edwin a little differently, and he doesn't even notice the change because it just feels so right to him.
He was already protective before, but now it kicks up to a whole other level. He volunteers to do the most dangerous parts of cases with Crystal, starts opening the door for Edwin and often when he goes to grab the other ghost to move him, instead of going for his arm, he goes for his waist, his touch extra gentle (and perhaps lingering).
Edwin overanalyzes the shit out of this and thinks that somehow after Hell Charles thinks of him as weak. He keeps catching Charles constantly glancing at him, as if making sure Edwin's still there and still okay. He nearly pulls something, rushing to pick Edwin up when the older ghost falls over after a particularly complicated mirror travel.
Edwin finally gets fed up after his friend's yet another unnecessary and dangerous move to protect him during a case and confronts Charles about it and poor, mortified Charles (after finally coming to the realization that he's definitely in love with his best mate) has to set the record straight:
"I'm not treating you like someone weak, I'm treating you like someone I fancy"
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murdrdocs · 2 months
logan who’s like, super handsy but not in the way that it’s super PDA, but like he’s sticking his hand UP ur shirt in public, he’s got his hugeass hand around a titty in the middle of the night, he’s rubbing his beard against ur neck. i need to have him knock me up this actually cannot run
the sickest part is that, according to him, it often isn't intentional.
when he's standing in the store with you, impatience leaking from every inch of him, his mind just wanders. he's thinking about something he saw on TV a few weeks ago while you're trying to choose between two items, standing just a few inches in front of him. and whenever you ask his opinion, he steps forward, humming as he slides his hand around your hip. you don't think much of it, leaning back against his chest and holding up the two—admittedly, extremely similar—items.
but then his pinkie latches underneath your shirt and you flinch when his palm presses against your stomach. when you try to push his hand off of you, it's only because he's reaching inappropriate territory, leading up towards your bra and bringing your shirt with it.
"in public," you curtly remind him, putting one item back on the shelf and taking the other in your hand.
logan just shrugs, lowering his hand to your waist as you begin to walk away with him practically on a leash behind you. "then take me home."
and when you are home, it's basically the same. his hands are everywhere, always.
tucked under the waistband of your shorts when he has you curled up under his arm while he cooks, gripping the back of your neck when you're sitting on the couch together, holding your tit beneath your shirt while you're sleeping.
he always tells you, "it just happens," but his smirk makes you wonder just truthful that is.
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ohwormwood · 2 months
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i had to do it
it was all i could think of for 2 days
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kimtaegis · 6 months
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FRI(END)S for @thv-hyung ♡
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mewtillidae · 15 days
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posting a kremy every single day until new episodes of OUAW are out DAY 100
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birdykane · 7 months
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"I found you..."
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hydrachea · 1 month
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Oh yeah, the polycule is poly-ing.
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puppetmaster13u · 10 months
Prompt 95
Captain Marvel, new Den-Mother (despite the fact he himself is a child even if the league isn’t aware of that fact) for the Young Justice team blinks. Klarion, so-called chaos lord, blinks back in the middle of a spell. 
He tilts his head. The other baby realms-being mirrors him. His own magic-fueled core pulses, and a chaos-core vibrates back. Oh. Ah. So that’s what’s happening. 
“They can’t play right now,” he explains to the barely-younger ancient-in-training, ignoring the team’s incredulous looks at his words with the practice of someone who had to deal with the voices of gods all the time. And Batman’s narrowing eyes. Scary. 
The chaos-core thrums in a distinct pouting-sensation, alongside a whine unique to young ghostlings. A whine that he replied with, even if only they could hear. Come play later, busy now, he insisted again, even if Klarion’s pouting was turning visible before it shifted to a scowl. 
“Fiiine…” And then the chaosling was gone, his familiar with him. Billy really wished he could join in disappearing, seeing the info-hungry look in the others’ eyes.
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