#thanks for the reawakening contentment
tiramegtoons · 9 months
A song for you friend! I hope you like it :)
🎵🎶ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ ᕕ( ᐕ )ᕗ
I love it!! I’ve never heard this version before
It’s more down to earth than the one from Harry Belafonte. I can’t choose, but this one is also very good
This one’s got more of a oo ahh salsa
Also some lyrics that weren’t included I thought were important to mention
“A lot of world leaders talkin' 'bout war
And I'm afraid they're going too far
So it's up to us, you and me
To put an end to catastrophe
We must appeal to their goodness of heart
And ask them to pitch in and please do their part
'Cause if this atomic war begin
They won't even have a part to pitch in…”
I think this was about the Cuban missile crisis in the sixties, but boy does it still relate today..
Also you buddy are making me wanna watch beetlejuice again ndndjd
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chloefraazers · 3 months
Can I ask why you chose what animals you did? A lot make sense but some are surprising! Fitting but not ones I ever would have thought of? Like a crocodile for Zo, I never would have connected that.
i apologise in advance because this isn’t going to be a short answer
so tumblr cut off my tags which basically said some were based on symbolism/mythology, some based on behavioural characteristics, some just vibes. for a more detailed breakdown…
please note that i googled and googled and googled, all the stats i pulled are searchable.
also many of these were brainstormed with cor ( @thunderjawsandlightning ) as it’s a similar concept to her dæmon au fic in the works!
overall for aloy i really wanted to lean into how npcs who’ve never met her typically recognise her: her red hair. it was important that all of her morphs have that attribute in some way.
ethiopian wolf: an extremely rare wolf that lives in packs of six or more. social, but typically hunts alone. i liked these commonalities with aloy. plus, their beauty and rarity made them my top pick.
red kite: gonna be honest and say this one was a vibe. the red kite was actually suggested by arbee on twitter for beta, but the second i saw it, it screamed aloy.
red fox: i could talk about foxes in mythology being perceived as clever but really… it’s hard to picture anything else.
timber wolf: while nil has a bit of a “lone wolf” lifestyle in hzd, he always calls aloy his partner, and lives among machine racers in hfw. he is a social guy, he’s just… weird. the thing about a wolf morph for nil is that his primary weapon would be his teeth (and we know he’s got a thing for teeth); it forces him to get up close to his enemy in a way personal and intimate to understand the impact of death, and truly respect it. other than fighting style, wolves are social, have a playful nature in their family groups, and are monogamous.
harris’ hawk: i debated over this guy or the bearded vulture, because it dyes its feathers red. but i went with the hawk because they have a unique hunting pattern for birds of prey: they hunt socially. this just really fit with his partnership with aloy in hzd.
jackdaw: i debated over this for a LONG time. ultimately i went with the jackdaw for… a multitude of reasons. firstly, i like that his face looks like a mask. mainly, i was drawn to their intelligence and the fact that they can read facial expressions, even communicate with eye contact (dry yearn, anyone?). they’ve also been predictors of rain or omens of death, which again fit the bandit camps. (i’m also tickled by the edward kenway connection because i love a morally grey antihero on a redemption arc.)
most of seyka’s were based on a cuteness factor, because she has such a sweet face and i wanted her morphs to emulate that.
clouded leopard: this one i knew off the bat. seyka has a feline presence and grace, but also fits the “cute but deadly” category.
swallow-tailed kite: honestly i had never heard of this bird until i researched, but knew it was seyka’s. they live largely around water, but was sold me was the tail: it looks just like seyka’s cape. sure, that’s supposed to remind us of a fish, but a lot of people still call them “fairy wings.”
asian small-clawed otter: i was considering some kind of pinniped for seyka when cor suggested otters. one quick search later and i found the one that just gives “seyka” with its face.
grizzly bear: i’m not the first to think of “bearend,” but really, i can’t think of something more fitting. a grizzly bear is raw physical power, something erend uses in a fight already. and yet it’s shaped so much like a friend that you just want to hug it.
stellar’s sea eagle: i wanted something big for erend, but i wanted something with a bit of flash to it, and something that wasn’t “obvious.” besides, i already had the golden eagle picked for petra, and it didn’t feel “erend” anyway. these birds are huge, but graceful—maybe erend doesn’t feel like he is, but he’s good enough in a fight and surefooted.
leonberger: i knew his personal form was some kind of dog just based on their behavioural traits (loyalty, eagerness to please, protectiveness, etc.) and the leonberger just has an erend look. they have all the erend traits too.
caracal: i knew i wanted some kind of desert cat, and the caracal just gives talanah vibes. stealthy, graceful, expert hunter, not the biggest wild cat out there… and those ear tufts. they remind me of her headpiece, which is just adorable.
red-tailed hawk: this is one of my absolute favourite birds of prey (thanks to the original animorphs series) and i knew instantly it was talanah’s. they also like the desert climate, but if i’m being honest, this choice is favouritism.
chital deer: deer have long represented majesty. they’re beautiful animals, and in a lot of stories, they’re symbols of hope and change. i got a vibe that talanah’s deer had spots, did a quick search, and saw the chital. funny enough, i almost went in a totally different direction thanks to self doubt, but when @/kelsochronicles also suggested chital deer… that’s fate lmao.
snow leopard: this is a no-brainer. aside from noshir himself saying he based kotallo’s movements on being cat-like, there’s more than one comic floating around depicting him with a snow leopard. the vibe is just there.
eurasian eagle owl: i wanted some kind of owl for kotallo, but snowy was too on the nose. i like eagle owls: they’re massive, and these guys like to puff themselves up to appear even bigger. cor and i tossed a few different ones back and forth before we chose this one. their markings remind me a lot of his tattoo and paint, so it was also very much an aesthetic choice.
markhor: this one was so neat. in our brainstorming, cor and i felt some kind of goat for him. i remembered markhors and looked them up, and was not disappointed. the first thing i saw was that they’re prey of snow leopards, so i liked the idea of kotallo having conflicting parts of himself, kind of reflective of his hfw journey. a quick google showed they symbolise resilience and determination, and they are also known as snake-killers—which so fits with fist option for wings of the ten and him killing regalla, since i do see at least one of her morphs as a snake of some kind.
komodo dragon: there is so much more to alva than meets the eye. she goes through the entire greenhouse mission with aloy knowing she’s the exact image of elisabet sobeck, but says nothing until she has to. komodo dragons, at first glance, may look like just a big lizard, no big deal—but they can, and will, fuck you up. i feel like alva’s morph fighting style would suit: close to the ground, almost unassuming, but quick and deadly and smart, using venom to kill instead of just sheer strength.
short-eared owl: alva was always an owl of some sort. cor suggested short-eared, and they are frickin adorable. cutest face, they almost look like they have lashes. the banding around their faces is almost suggestive of alva’s focus, which is a vibe.
tent bat: they’re cute as fuck. that’s it. they’re fuckin adorable. i want 100 like i want 100 alvas.
african painted dog: the first one i knew for sure. this was always drakka’s. their sense of pack, of community, and their whole look just gives desert clan.
sharp-shinned hawk: this was suggested by darby, because of the pattern of chest feathers resembling desert clan paint. honestly it’s such a vibe, purely aesthetic but so fits.
texas horned lizard: another darby suggestion, but the spikes! drakka is such a spiky boy, his personal morph also needs to be. adorable to look at, but covered in a layer of defence.
spotted hyena: for some reason, hyena was the first animal i thought of for petra, and it just clicked. extremely adaptable, opportunists, and one hell of a bite force. they also have an alpha female as a leader. like. that’s petra.
golden eagle: there’s a lot to be said about symbolism of eagles, especially in north america. i don’t want to go too deep into it, but mythology aside, these eagles are notably intelligent. petra is one of the top inventors we know of in horizon. seemed fitting.
moose: this was actually suggested by @/kittleskittle as a battle form, but the more i thought on it, the more it suited petra on a personal level. they’re strong and adaptable, and while they look calm and graceful, they can definitely fuck you up if you try shit.
african elephant: there is a LOT of mythology around elephants, particularly in representing wisdom and loyalty. those fit varl to a t. they’re emotional animals, very smart, and have tight family bonds. elephants also have a matriarchal culture, and for a nora like varl, that fits.
great black hawk: cor suggested this one as well. these hawks have been known to travel extreme distances outside their normal habitat—and varl chased aloy for six months far, far from home. fit the guy.
red deer: again, this one is mainly vibes. i wanted some kind of stag for varl’s personal form, and i have always loved the regalness of red deer. this choice was definitely a vibe more than anything else.
saltwater crocodile: the symbolism of (nile) crocodiles and fertility just made this stick, but i went with the saltie partially due to personal preference. another atypical fighter, low to the ground, and maybe a person would see a croc and think they either have to outrun it or just trap its jaws shut—but make one mistake and she’s got you.
osprey: i wanted to lean into the maternal side for this one, and osprey are notorious for defending their nests and young.
northern cardinal: this one was unexpected but delightful. mythology all over the world symbolises them with resurrection, as well as communication with the spiritual world. as a gravesinger, this fits zo so well.
bobcat: i knew i wanted something small for beta, but something lithe and sleek. she holds herself so differently from aloy. they can sometimes symbolise things that are hidden, and old wisdom. i really liked that for beta, and i liked that this form is one that’s small, almost unassuming.
striated caracara: the most intelligent birds of prey, able to figure out puzzles almost on par with parrots. i knew beta’s bird wouldn’t be big, but a kestrel didn’t feel right. i wanted it to be wicked intelligent, and that search led me here. their slightly reddish colouring doesn’t hurt either.
pine marten: cor had suggested some kind of weasel, and i believe arbee on twitter suggested a pine marten as a battle form. really, it fits her personal form a lot. they are associated with luck, and are curious animals, and those both fit beta. she needed to be a bit lucky to escape the zeniths, even with her plan, and any clone of elisabet would have to be curious.
i. hope that was uh. not disappointing
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luckyofthelawnvariety · 7 months
Thank fuck I am not the only person for whom one random character sparked a ranging fire of obsession.
Anyways. What do I do with my 20k words of Feemor aus.
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natigail · 8 months
"I would like to say thank you to everybody for supporting the comeback of DanAndPhilGAMES. I was going through a beef (*brief) period unemployment because I stopped creating content on my own channel and people are always like: Dan, when are you going to upload again? You think that I- Phil had to drag me! He had to drag me back on the internet and sit me down to play The Sims. But on some level, I've been enjoying it. So you guys are reawakening me. You are de-conditioning me from the dystopia and I'm enjoying my time back. Everyone is just saying 'beef' in the chat. Yeah, cheers. We're going to be beefing. The comeback fixed our timeline. I mean, yeah, it kind of did. There's very few things in this world that gives us hope."
Dan Howell during a YouTube Live with Phil Lester on his 37th birthday (x)
I'm still a sucker for those soft-voiced honest moments that come from Dan when we least expect it. And this livestream was a great excuse to break out this old Dan quotes series of mine. (Also our dork didn't realise he said beef instead of brief <3)
Quotes from Dan (147/?)
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artificerstimetable · 2 years
You get me!!
But Now I’m mad that this game is so unknown bc I need to know wtf was going on with Human Labor Union 40!! Was it a really elaborate recruiting process? If so, was the whole battle thing a really weird guilt trip?? But it leads to reset so idk—why would Chaz, if it’s Chaz himself and not some part of the merge group, literally tell us to unplug and destroy the core? Was it some suicidal rebellious person/people?
Anyways—My Bee is less chaotic n more direct! They got their hand privileges taken away because they decked so many people in their first weeks. Actually no that I remember Activitude didn’t have hands so maybe not but I’ll say so anyways because it sounds funny. Then they just glared holes at everyone n drank [insert fruity alcoholic beverage] until they eventually settled a bit. They don’t like Butters or Hernandez because they!!! Were really fucking weird!!! In a bad way!!! To them during their labor times. (Seriously if I have to hear butters moan ever again I will punt him into the abyss. Still my funny little guy though) Anyways my Bee is also very likely dead. The Board hates humans (only Butters n Hernandez were taken from Activitude to my knowledge. Butters is AI n Hernandez…is Hernandez. He’s kind of a joke— Gavin went himself) so they didn’t take Bee so they were just left to rot. They r left to stew in their newly reignited hatred, this time directed towards Gavin.
The cloud guy had hands!! Cloud guy and bee fight scene REAL
GOD WE WISH THERE WERE OTHER PEOPLE IN THIS FANDOM we honestly feel as if the human labor union was one of the other people in chaz' head, we feel as if it was possibly a call from eliza?? Or the og chaz, the real chaz. But it's just so confusing?? Because then why would eliza and hernandez be archived?? Why do the human union want you to find the archives if CHAZ is the human union???
So we're just gonna water it down to og chaz being influenced by eliza somewhat. It makes us consider eliza and hernandez' archives being staged, but that's like impossible.
We've been trying to piece together the timeliness and we made Gavin born in 2009 BUT ITS STILL CONFUSING AAAGHHH we'll just assume scottsdale's servers have ALWAYS had problems but grrrr it's just >:((((((
Imagining a feeling of bee beeing betrayed by chaz when he said he was the human union, that's really fun.
We love your bee so much already ITS SO. YES. God we genuinly feel kinda bad for them with the butter and hernandez thing like. Poor bud! Gross. Butter our beloved and all but... maybe you don't wanna uncover your memories that far butter
your bee is just so fun DIRECTLY ENRAGED AT EVERYONE AND EVERYTHING we feel like if there was enough light in a room, they'd use their chaz eye as a magnifying glass and try to light someone on fire.
Oh and eliza, Shirley, and some others were taken we believe! Hernandez states this in scottsdale right before you enter the gym!! Honestly wondering what happened to the activitude servers??? Also hernandez is ai we're p sure he states that a lot!! But he's also like.. weird.. and a mystery he reminds us of pinky pie and the lawbreaking
God it'd be so fun to have an au that brings certain activitude members back n shit!! Somewhat villian bee?? Right goals?? Wrong way to put those goals out?? AAA WE LOVE YOUR IDEAS BROOOOO
Just imagining chaz going like "Sigh. You leave me no choice! We have to do this the hard way........" *fucking REMOVES HANDS*
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gnomewithalaptop · 9 months
Transcendence AU Dash Simulator GO!!!
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🌟 lesbianstellaconifer Follow
okay but actually block me if you ship mizcor -- 'hurr durr but we age stella up' -- SHUT UPPP she's literally a minor and alcor's canonically over a million years old so how about you stop being a freak
🎩 woodsmans-left-nipple Follow
Babe I hate to break this to you but Mizcor's literally one of the most famous relationships in all of post-transcendental literature
🌟 lesbianstellaconifer Follow
I could not have more obviously been talking about Mizar the Magnificent but you know what? Yeah classic Mizcor supporters can fuck off too actually.
Everybody likes to whip out Twin Souls like some kind of gotcha but have you even actually read it??? Like it's literally supporting demon worship and pedophilia -- both of which are EXTREMELY ILLEGAL btw. So yeah if I see any of my followers reblogging that shit I'm reporting you to the Occult Defense Agency idc if we're mutuals
🐟 demonologyturnedmegay Follow
*looks at my Alcorian Literature PhD* guess we better stock up on prison shivs buddy
🍃 haveyouseenmylibrary Follow
okay I'm sorry but
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and Mizar the Magnificent isn't????
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📷 nature-pics-daily
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Los Angeles 🏝️
#sunken city of los angeles #new california #travel #ocean #photography #lmao i almost got eaten by a kelpie trying to take this pic pls reblog it
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🧁 definitely-mizar Follow
Hey guys! Just wanted to let you know that The Scepter of Vanquished Souls, the newest book in the Wanderlust Trilogy, is now available for pre order on Glamazon!
Purchasers of the hard-cover edition will also receive never-before-seen content, including a deleted scene between Princess Samia and the Shadow King!
🤷‍♂️ not-not-ian-beale Follow
Boosting because I honestly cannot recommend this book enough. Truly one of Mira's best (and I'm not just saying that because she married me!)
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⚠️ alv Follow
You are the 6 billionth user to log into Jumblr today!! This means you are eligible to win a FREE WACBOOK PRO!!!! Click here to claim your prize and win BIG BIG REWARDS!!
#twin souls #mizar #alcor #mizcor #twin souls: reawakened #twin souls: breaking circles #twin souls: newest moon #twinner #twincon3015 #not a scam
Based on your likes!
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🌞 azarath-metrion-zinthirst Follow
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So. I had a day.
📖 stanley-pines-memorial-library Follow
Okay, but consider
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🌞 azarath-metrion-zinthirst Follow
I don't remember my older brother's wedding
📖 stanley-pines-memorial-library Follow
A small price to pay for no middle school trauma
🐧 selkiebael Follow
Okay so I just read the url and--
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Asfdksfjk go off you funky lil intern
📖 stanley-pines-memorial-library Follow
I'm actually the senior librarian. But thanks!
🐈 alcorphabetical Follow
Posts that have 10k notes. To me
15k notes
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🔮 demonoftheday Follow
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Today's demon of the day is Nxlar the Antithetical! Responsible for the Florida Springs Massacre of 3007, the body count for this purveyor of madness is estimated to be over 400 (source).
🐸 that-one-half-elf-bitch
I could fix her
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🍑 lookingformygnomequeen Follow
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literally screaming crying throwing up rn I've turned off 'Based on your likes' like eight times @staff can't you just get rid of him already
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🎤 rosaslittleredboots Follow
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#i accidentally set my alchemy textbook on fire today and i don't even care AAAAAA this is going to be amazing #northwest mansion mystery #pacifica northwest #rosa darling #im about to be so insufferable about this just you wait
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👹 sexiestdemon3015bracket Follow
🐸 that-one-half-elf-bitch
#if you love me at all you'll vote for my lady love #LISTEN i could bring her to the light i nkow i could
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👻 sweetthingsaremadeofdeeznuts
Lmao so Nxlar the Antithetical totally turned my apartment complex into a pile of sentient sludge yesterday. I'm fine -- I was at work when it all went down, but uh... yeah, my situation obviously just became super not-great. I hate to ask, but I don't get paid til the 15th, so if some of y'all could float me some cash just so I can get a motel room for a couple nights, I'll fr owe you a life debt
Goal: 0/250
#fuck demons fr #like seriously what'd i ever do to them 😭😭😭 #mutual aid #pls boost #don't tag as donation
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🏳️‍⚧️ gliesssse Follow
Important PSA
So idk if y'all have been reading the news lately, but the alcor virus has been making the rounds on the interwebs again. I feel like I shouldn't have to say this but PLEASE don't click any random links rn, ESPECIALLY if they're tagged with twin souls.
I know we twinners love to joke about it, but the alcor virus is legitimately dangerous and has been known to seriously ruin people's lives. Idk. Just like be smart and practice basic caution I guess? Jumblr's pretty much dead these days, so he might skip over us, but it's always better to be safe than sorry
⚠️ alv Follow
This is a good point! It is always better to be safe than sorry! That's why if you're smart, you'll click here for a list of ways to virus-proof your computer. Stay safe out there everybody!
Based on your likes!
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🌲 discogirl99 Follow
Anyone else just randomly crave connective tissue sometimes
🧁 sparkle-glitter-sideblog
no actually i think that might just be a you thing
#also i heard screaming on the other line when i called you earlier there better not be a mess when i get home #beloved demon brother tag
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👑 sameeya
Okay guys I might be crazy but what if the Shadow King was actually telling the truth when he said Princess Samia's brother is still alive??? Like, if you think about it, there's a tonnnn of foreshadowing in Crown of Ghosts and the author tweeted that there was gonna be a surprise twist in the new book sooo 👀👀
#i've connected the dots -- YOU DIDN'T CONNECT SHIT -- i've connected them #wanderlust trilogy #mira ramachandran #crown of ghosts #scepter of vanquished souls #princess samia #samia of cleves #shadow king #ahmed of cleves #bookblr
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🪨 professionalnatural-deactivated30141227
Reminder that you are beautiful exactly as you are and there are thousands who would sell their souls to imitate what you do naturally <3
👠 mizarsfrillypetticoat Follow
I actually really needed this today 💗
🦇 plsbytemevladdyzaddy Follow
Yo quit reblogging this op is a blatant human supremacist
🪨 professionalnatural-deactivated30141227
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And? No one cares lmao
⚠️ alv Follow
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Enjoy deactivation. Lmao.
🪓 wenda-was-a-lesbian-confirmed Follow
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🕵🏻‍♂️ alcor-in-the-tardis Follow
#I sent screenshots of that one centaur post to her boss too #give you two guesses what species his wife is (tags by @alv)
Holy shit. Am I actually rooting for the alcor virus rn?
🍄 warioxreader Follow
maybe the real virus was the friends we made along the way <3
⚠️ alv Follow
No, the real virus is me. Don't take credit for my accomplishments.
🐲 retiredbus Follow
Heritage post
62k notes
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🐔 old-friends-senior-griffin-sanctuary Follow
I just want to get dicked down again =/
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chocsra · 7 months
"Eternal Damnation."
PM! dazai x fem! immortal reader
a/n: apolgies for my absence. i was planning to write but everytime i could something piled up 🙁. thank u to @cherylpoptarts for the sudden reqs which piqued my interest immensely. ill work on my pending requests another time. enjoy the angst.
summary: you, an ability user who is able to automatically heal has been alive for centuries, constantly avoiding death. in the midst of it all, you hire an assassination, not for anyone, but yourself.
content warnings: suicide, mercy killing, insanity, assisted suicide, angst, small oneshot/long drabble, pm! dazai, (i hate this sm)
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A temperature that was not too cold or hot; tepid. Little enthusiasm or indifference.
Similar to the freezing snow cooling down your neck into your back during Japanese winters. Catching snowflakes in the heat of your palm did not melt the bitter cold engulfing your being. Lukewarm was your companion throughout the tedious years of this beautiful thing we call 'living'. Lukewarm is the only comfort you know of.
There was a cut that always bled, never fully healed, the scab that you reckon to always pick off. Lukewarm water would wash over your scabbed wounds, into your eyes, and swallow you whole. You'd watch your loved ones become engulfed in a scorching heat, the bubbling fire scraping and tearing over old, bitter skin.
You'd run your fingers over the freshly new skin and everlastingly massaged joints. You never became old. You never felt hurt. You never were hurt—for long of course. For healing was your salvation, your ability, your gift—your curse.
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"Winter is over soon,"
you muttered softly, the melancholic rebirth of nature prospecting over the misty blankets of snow surrounding you. Spring. The season when flower seedlings, trapped beneath infertile soil, reawaken and sprout; revelling in rich petals and leaves, calmly drifting in the cool breeze. You've seen it one too many times; 134—to be exact.
"And that's your reason?"
Your eyelids never falter your solemn, sad look. Continue to stuff your hands deep in your pockets to escape the cooling air, huffing out as you also fidget with the origami you've been toying with. "I'm not sure what you mean," you reply, eyes gazing over to the melting body of water, a local river as you stand over its bridge. For it was a beautiful sight, nature did this annual thing called grow—rebirth, if you may. And as many others hated the cold breeze that nature gifted, somehow, you basked in it. —"You want me to kill you because winter's over soon."
Right, you forgot the predicament you were in. Merciful. Yearning. Bright. Though the man beside you excluded the exact opposite of those adjectives, you cannot help but feel this funny thing called desperation—besides, you've heard it all, no 'youngest mafia executive' is truly evil. To you, he is only just a boy, a foolish boy. "I have lots of riches. You can even take my house, it's not dirty money."
"I see,"
A harsh breeze of wind swiftly picked up the origami that you were crafting from your hands, reaching out to grab the piece—a cold hand catches it and holds the folded paper in front of you, extending his hand. "you forget that you can't approach mafiosos on the street pleading for suicide, y'know? That sort of desperation is seen as dirty."
On the surface level, his words seemed like an insult; it was utterly offensive to refer to a person's actions as filthy. However, there wasn't any hint of insult in his voice—he even seemed amused. He, was a young man wrapped around in a beige scarf and black trenchcoat engulfing his entire body; he, was practically swimming in it. He, had brown wavy locks that framed his face. He, for some odd reason, was covered in bandages. —not the gauze you'd find wrapping around wounds, one similar to a mummy. And he, who looked like he lacked self-care, though you would be able to take in his pleasant features.
"Am I pleading?—" You snatch the origami away from his hand, "It's more like a deal. Consider it a paid assassination." the brunette merely scoffs, light air huffing out of his lips as he stuffs his hand back into his pocket. "Our conduct doesn't consist of mercy killing or assisted suicide," the man chuckles, peering along the barely frozen body of water. "nor unarranged business deals. But I'd like to know one thing,"
You lift your gaze meeting his in curiosity, taking in the soft features of his face, yet he brimmed with impurity. The slopes of his cheeks were so slim, and that followed through his lanky frame - a face that didn't seem boyish at all. Merciful. Yearning. Bright. He screamed an antonym of those words —Cruel. Repulsed. Dark.
"Why is it you want to die?" he asks, watching intricately as you brush your thumb continually over the origami you were making: a crafted swan. The brunette seemed rather impressed, watching - your skills seem exactly like traditional art of origamis: something he'd see in an old painting or lost crafts book. Swans - which symbolised eternal love, you seemed anything but loving. Maybe, it had just been eternal. An eternity without love.
"My journey started with helping others live. But once you start taking the breath of living for granted, it becomes the very reason you wish to die. I. suppose I've met my limit with that. With living." you reminisce the past, the melancholic nights under blankets under the same winter—the spring, autumn, or summer. In the blessing of longevity, there was a problem; for what you've gained, there was also lost. Death of others—an eternity without love was your reality. Your resentful condemnation.
"I understand."
At this moment, the mafioso didn't seem so cruel; it was almost sympathetic, you'd think as he gazes over the river. "I've never understood the purpose of living if that makes you feel any better."
"You're not very good at comforting, are you?" an unexpected chuckle escaped his lips, "I'd at least expect an immortal to be a nihilist." you remotely scoff at his revelation. "Stupid. There's a reason why I want to die, I understand the meaning of living." the brunette rolls his eyes and clicks his tongue. "Well, I don't understand the meaning of living hence why I want to die."
You chuckle, "For a mafioso, you are sassy."
"For a beauty, you are quite rude." He smiles indifferently.
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It's almost funny, actually. How casual that conversation was.
Engulfed in the flames of this beautiful thing we call living, you finally obtain that sweet release of death the moment you intertwine fingers with a young mafioso—one who reeked of death.
The flames that engulfed you were lukewarm, but he was different. He was warm, almost scorching. Scorching an angelic heat that cascaded into the palms of your hand all the way to your shoulders and neck. The feeling was deftly abstract, and you basked in it; the way he'd hold you so close, run bandaged hands over the slope of your cheeks, whisper untangible nothings near the shell of your ear.
"Death is the absence of life, the desire I've been longing to taste since adolescence."
Mist and smoke fill around the room, almost making you feel dizzy. There were a lot of turbulent emotions circulating through your brain. First, you were relieved. You've been insensitive to death for a while, the times you did cry for someone—it was out of relief. The sweet relief that that one person would not have to suffer. You suppose it was the same for yourself. You would meet your demise in the arms of a fallen angel. Fall into the fiery pits of hell, or be welcomed by heaven's gate through a smoky embrace of whiskey and canned crab.
"I'm a bit envious of you, actually," Dazai murmurs, his thumb which was once connected to a trigger, soothingly rubbing your skin. "you'll meet this desire before me." you often wonder, what was the man's infatuation with death? He was in the mafia from a young age, he must've been associated with all forms of death. Ranging from a loved one withering away, to open guts and blood-stained lips. The absence of life can be seen through the empty carcass of one's body, the glint of vitality in their eyes disappearing.
Dazai Osamu was unique. In fact, he never had that glint in his eyes. His carcass was handsome, he was the product of love and passion. However, the eyes—his eyes, which were the window of the soul, were a dark void, abyssal, vantablack. He was unreadable. The brunette's experiences, his beliefs, his spiritual grounding. Dazai Osamu yearned for death, but for what he learned as just a boy, he did not meet death—but became it.
You had a connection. The special origami of a swan—meaning eternal love. He wanted eternal, you wanted love. In the end, none of you were happy. And so, he'll give you peace, and you'll give him understanding. The carcass you're going to become is much different from a being he merely murdered. Dazai moves a hand from interlocking with yours, to cup both of your cheeks. Warm and rosy cheeks.
"I'm sorry,"
He had fluttered his eyes shut and leaned his forehead on your temple. Despite the burning fire ignited by the candle of his flesh alone, his warm and shallow breaths gave you a balmy breather from this feeling called lukewarm.
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"I see you got what you wanted, huh?"
You stood atop a bridge from frozen water with a black scarf snuggled tightly around your neck.
A brunette man averted his gaze to you with a confused stare. The gape of which was rather familiar, one that excluded a slight glint of vitality, but other than that, abyssal. "I'm sorry, do I know you?"
He adjusted the bandage on his finger, in which you assumed he cut his finger on something. "Nope. But I made an extra origami, do you want one?"
Silence. "..Sure."
The mysterious man picked up the crafted paper with suspicion. His gaze softens as he sees a professionally crafted swan. "I feel like we've met before—actually, I'm sure of it."
"Not too sure about that."
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luminecent-sky · 7 months
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Ooo i just got called out by that (hook still at Lv.1 at e3)
Well, in the case of Hook, she thinks (and this is reinforced by all the adults) that the Aeon of Fate wants to keep her safe! Because the Aeon knows best, and obviously, this is one of those moments.
While some of the older followers are more saddened by this, Asta and other followers that have responsibilities are thankful that they were given the strength and use it to do their duties more easily.
Teens like Clara, Yanqing, and HuoHuo, however....
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Silence falls upon the teens as they take a break from training on the Astral express, seeing the adults come back from another successful adventure with their grace, the faint feeling of divinity that enveloped the train leaving it soon after they settled in. 
Yanqing looks over at the other teens in envy as they talk about the small adventures they sometimes joined their Aeon on.... Lynx looked particularly pleased as she recounted a valiant fight against a silvermane commander that she participated in.
It had only been a few hours since she became a vessel of Fate, quickly gaining power, and only a few of them could imagine of, unless you were Qingque or Pela, though the latter had confessed that her growth had been stopped as soon as a certain member of the Nameless reawakened his Vidyadhara powers.
Still, surrounded by other vessels that were younger than him, though being a teenager himself by the Xianzhou standards still stung. Was he not strong enough? Not capable enough? He knew that Sushang felt the same, but she still had something that he envied, she was at least a vessel with multiple glowing eidolons. He wasn't even chosen. 
 The Aeon was there when he fought the Stellaron hunters, when he fought Jingliu and he still lost, despite how their grace had done their damndest to help him triumph, guiding Pollux as she fought him under the control of that wicked woman, Kafka... were those battles, tests? 
Did the others have to face such things before they became vessels? Has he failed in the eyes of Fate? Was it the will of Fate that he could never be chosen? He sat there polishing his swords as doubt continued to swirl in his mind, he has to get better, for himself, and to prove that he was worthy enough for the Aeon to look upon him as a vessel worth relying on. The deep-seeded fear of abandonment rearing its ugly head the longer he dwelled on it. 
He needed to train, get his mind off of it.
Silver Wolf was getting bored, her games had gotten boring, and having no part in Elio's current script aside, she had to start from scratch, thanks to Herta and Screwllum* removing her accounts... along with the fact that she wasn't chosen as a vessel, 
It shouldn't bother her. This was fine, even Kafka wasn't chosen, the gacha didn't roll in her favour and all that. But it did sting, especially when Blade became a vessel, one of the main vessels, always returning back to base healed and with an expression of peace, unnerving to those who hadn't spent any length of time around him. 
Sending a hologram to the Astral express, she had the chance to talk to Pollux, to connect to their Aeon before the faint divinity she could feel faded away. 
She could never get used to it, the feeling of something watching you from every angle, seeing you, and through you. As the 'hacker', being unable to hide behind a screen, a hologram never sat right with her... she would only show herself when she wanted to cause chaos, or something really peaked her interest.
But lately, it seemed like the world was shifting again. The way that the other vessels moved seemed to be more.... lethargic, like their god had gotten tired and bored of them, it was unnerving to see the usually chipper and smiling members of the Astral express like this.
Until she found out the reason for this development, their god had encountered a lull in interest, much of the content had become tedious, boring, and much like a chore. But it would be alright, surely this game world would expand and bring their gaze back to her.
Just need to wait for the next update.
Clara always strived to be a good kid, caring for everyone in the vagrants' camp, making sure all the machines were in working condition and such.
It was always her dream to have everyone get along, no fighting or resentment, so she was overjoyed when the Aeon set their sights on her home, maybe they could really help unite everyone, sure they fought with Mr. Svarog, but it was a misunderstanding!
And after they came to help life had been slowly improving for everyone in Belebog.
They no longer had to fight with the other miners, and they could finally see the sunlight, feeling the breeze from the overworld. As a whole new world of opportunities opened up for her and the people of the Underworld.
But as she saw the others become blessed, blessed to help, blessed to make a difference in their slowly recovering planet, she felt empty.
Why was she not allowed the same? Was she not good enough? Had her efforts to help those she cared about lacking in the eyes of their Aeon?
Even if the other vagrants and robots assured her of the contrary, that seed of doubt would stay in her heart, taking root and slowly growing.
Nourished by the passing of time, as their Aeon moved to help other worlds, akin to a wound left to fester.
She hoped that one day she would be good enough to be seen by their god.
All she could do was wait.
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A/n: no u didn't see this posted last year, tnx
lmaoo it rotted for so long, i will make a part 2 to this i think
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servenna · 26 days
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(Art by @dayeongi)
Chapters: 1/13 Fandom: Naruto (Anime & Manga) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Nara Shikamaru/Temari Characters: Nara Shikamaru, Temari (Naruto), Asuma, Yashamaru (Naruto), Kankurou (Naruto), Kakuzu (Naruto), Deidara (Naruto), Tayuya (Naruto), Hidan (Naruto), Sasori (Naruto), Hoshigaki Kisame, Yamanaka Ino, Sai (Naruto), Uzumaki Naruto, Inuzuka Kiba, Baki (Naruto) Additional Tags: AU — Special Unit/Drug Cartel, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Romance, Drama, Smut, Explicit Sexual Content, Implied/Referenced Drug Use, BAMF Temari (Naruto), BAMF Nara Shikamaru, Torture, dislike to love, Undercover as Married, Sex & Blood & Love & Drama, forearms, Long read but worth it Summary:
Once, Temari had put her faith in him and got her trust handed back to her in shatters. But now, the need for revenge demands once again to follow the man who had snatched a peek too many behind her facade.
He had a chance to prove himself and failed — spectacularly nonetheless. 3 years later, Shikamaru is presented with another opportunity to not only right a wrong but also to redeem himself in the eyes of the one woman that he can’t ban from his thoughts. Now the only thing he has to do is bust a drug cartel on the go and provide retribution for the murder of two of their loved ones, while keeping their cover as a devoted couple protected. Sounds like a typical weekend plan for a leading agent of the Anti-Narcotic-Bust-Unit.
@sillysnowden11 thank you, for dusting off my wittered soul and reawakening creativity in me❤️. How we spiraled both our ideas (which were damn good) into something even bigger (which became epic😂) is still unbelieveable to me. 
@shikatemamonth24 have a blast. Next chapter coming tomorrow. 
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kozuwhore · 6 months
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ᘡ @reawakened-goddess || nanami & gojo's canon wife
ᘡ @silverflqmes || oikawa's #1 thigh worshipper
ᘡ @melukonova || iwaizumi's stem girlfriend
ᘡ @little-miss-chaoss || one of my fav chuuya stans
ᘡ @starchivves / @azukibeanskies || yoichi's cheerleader
ᘡ @httpshujii || hanma and ran's girl
ᘡ @kawamarii || afterglow's #1 fan
ᘡ @akqchii || one of my fav chuuya stans
ᘡ @riiwrites || the sweetest symphony
ᘡ @heiress-has-retired || lover of villainesses
ᘡ @chuuyrr || dazai's sweetheart
ᘡ @okkalo || bonten trio's angel
ᘡ @kokonoiis || the savior of reviving the tokyo rev fandom
ᘡ @berrisweet || leon kennedy's wife
ᘡ @drxgonspine || shigaraki's discord kitten
ᘡ @horrmantic || bakery owner of dark content
ᘡ @leoisgayforwriting || gojo's husband
@metsukini || dazai kisser
@sylvrs || my fellow sylus lover
@camvrin || my fellow yuuji lover
@luvlyycy || mirio kisser
@odysseuscore || scream franchise's biggest fan
@das-jaim3 || overhaul's hand holder
@tenyasblkwife || name twin who's iida's wife
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₊˚ ⊹ ♡ how in dick's fuck i managed to have amazing friends like you guys ,, i have no clue. but thank you for being part of my life and managing to tolerate the wild shit i do and say. i wouldn't trade any of you for the world ૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა
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luna-rainbow · 1 year
that ask/meta about Bucky and sleeping broke my heart. I always feel sad when seeing that scene of them manhandling Bucky out of the vault and so but to know they manhandled him while he was basically dead is just sad as hell. he deserved better than a bunch of criminals doing that to him. 😔
while writing this a question came to my mind: what do you think are all the things attached to his body in that opening scene of civil war? I always thought the mask was oxygen but if he was basically dead then he didn't need oxygen, right? plus he's not wearing a mask in other times when we saw him being put under cryo, so what was that for? and the things around his chest??
Thanks for the ask! Cryo is not at all within the realm of my knowledge because there’s complicated physics involved 😂 And to be fair, I think this is classic movie science where the creators themselves have done very little research into how cryo is achieved.
This article provides a good run-down of the theory behind cryopreservation, but it’s from 2008 and technology and our understanding of cell metabolism is likely different now.
To summarise:
The subject needs to be cooled to -120C to be held in cryostasis. At these temperatures, chemical reactions are so slow that the cells can stay stable for centuries.
Blood is removed before the subject has been cooled below 0C and vitrification mixtures are injected into the subject to prevent ice crystal formation. This mixture is toxic, so has to be tightly controlled for the temperature it is given.
Another factor to control for is reperfusion injury upon warming and re-infusing the subject with blood.
Other interesting facts noted in that article is that humans have been cooled to 16-24C with cardiac arrest of more than an hour, then reawakened without neurological damage, which is impressive given brain damage is said to occur within minutes of cardiac arrest at normal body temperature.
Importantly though, the article doesn’t seem to mention any cases where an entire mammal has been successfully resurrected from cryo, much less multiple rounds of freeze-thaw cycles that Bucky had to go through. A lot of what it discusses in theory is on the basis of maximising the preservation of brain tissue, while sacrificing other organs to potential damage (I think the article said something along the lines of “in the future stem cell technology would take care of all those damaged organs!” which…isn’t going to help poor Buck out)
What I can’t find with my (very limited) reading is how the blood is stored after it is replaced. Presumably it is also cryopreserved separately? Because transfusing someone else’s blood into the subject’s body will cause huge issues. The other major difference between current data and Bucky’s situation is that current cryo methods are for the preservation of recently deceased bodies, while Bucky is still alive when he is placed into cryo.
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So uh, assuming Bucky’s cryo is anything based in current real world science, he’s likely to have attachments for: heart monitoring and defibrillation, airway support and oxygen supply, large bore intravenous lines for rapid blood removal and replacement which would also help control the cooling/warming, some sort of real time monitoring of acid-base and electrolyte and oxygenation levels and replacement, and maybe some sort of EEG to monitor brainwaves. The blue glowing buttons are kiiiinda in the right place for heart monitor if we’re assuming a 3-lead system and the other one is hidden on his right side.
Keep in mind, this is not taking into account any magic effect the serum might have, ie maybe cryosuspension and revitalisation is only possible because of the serum, and maybe crystallisation isn’t an issue because of the serum.
And this is going to be TMI but I wonder what the effect of intestinal contents would be on cryo. Limiting his intestinal contents is partly the reason why I feel like Bucky likely didn’t have a lot of chance to eat real food, and likely got most of his nutrition as some sort of prescribed nutrition mix that would give him the energy hit he needs for the mission. Assuming that his gut will go into hibernation mode with cryo and probably won’t digest properly at least for a few days (much longer if he were a normal human), I suspect they’ll go for IV nutrition if they need him functional quickly. (* This won’t be one of his lines during cryo obviously cos he won’t need the support)
So yeah, all those fics about Bucky exploring oral textures and tastes of foods as a part of his recovery has a special place in my heart.
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rocknrollflames · 3 months
I first fell in love with Izzy in high school when my dad showed me Guns N’ Roses, now I’m in college and my love for the band has reawakened. I appreciate all the different Izzy stuff you have posted 😭
Don't Cry, sweetheart! 😭
It's hard not to - I know, lol! Thank you so much for appreciating the Izzy Stradlin content! Like you and so many others, Izzy means a lot to me. I too am a big GNR fan. They are admittedly my favorite band at the moment and have been for ... hmmm ... I guess almost 2 years? (Just in case my blog somehow doesn't reflect that.) GNR is a band you can rediscover or come back to again and again, because their songs are timeless. I hope to visit The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, and when I do, you can be sure I will post dozens of photos of the GNR exhibit.
Just in case you didn't know, Izzy was and still is the heart of GNR. I once met a guy at a GNR show who bad-mouthed Izzy and I had to put one foot in front of the other and slowly walk away. 😂 Thanks for writing, and for recognizing my blog and my love for Izzy and GNR. And thank you for appreciating Izzy. ☺️
Rock and Roll is a feeling. Not every song has to be profound or have the lyrics dissected with a fine-tooth comb - or hair pick, lol. To me, Izzy personifies rock and roll. He is rock and roll.
♥️ 🤟 Keep listening! 🤟 ♥️
Flames 🔥
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deathbxnny · 1 year
How about honkai valkyrie! reader who once taught by himeko got sent to hsr world and meet hsr himeko? Especially after her death in hi3
A/N: Hello! Thank you for the idea, Anon! Himeko's death was by far the most painful character death I've ever witnessed and I cried so hard, I'll never recover from it tbh. So I decided to make a little one shot out of this. I hope you like it!<3
Content: Spoilers for hi3 lore regarding Himeko's death, angst, mentions of death, Valkyrie reader, platonic student/Mentor relationship, kinda fluff-ish yet bittersweet ending
Most Valkyrie's are usually women, but this can be read with gender neutral pronouns as well!
((Not fully proofread, so sorry for any mistakes.))
☆《Bittersweet. (Himeko x Valkyrie!Reader)》☆
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"Are you sure, that this is what you want? You won't be able to return to this world." Welt hummed, his eyes turning to a window in the Hyperion, watching the rain and thunder rage on outside. You said nothing for a moment, your head hanging low, eyes trained on your interlaced hands and the tear droplets that slid down your gloves every time they left your eyes.
"And there is no guarantee, that she will survive in the next world either... she never seems to." The older man continued, the sound of his cane echoing through the dark room as he approached you. He took a seat infront of you, patiently waiting for you to speak. Yet you felt like you'd break, if you spoke as much as another word about what you wanted to do.
You wanted to leave this world and travel into a different one with Welt, having overheard his plan to do so on accident. He didn't judge you for your choice, he in fact understood you perfectly well. You were one of the first students Himeko ever teached. You looked up to her alot in your most darkest days and despite her faults and harsh teaching style, she always still looked out for you in her own ways. Even after you graduated, you still stayed close to her I the form of a teaching assistant, never too far from your mentor at any time.
But that changed a week ago.
Himeko had sacrificed herself in order to stop the reawakening of the Herrscher of the Void... and in turn, she lost her life. Or well, you were definitely certain that she had. The reports claimed that she was missing in action, but everyone knew that she was gone. She had left you a letter, thanking you for being her student and assistant for so long. And that was it. The only thing you had left of her.
You couldn't help her that day, as she had purposely locked you in your room during the reawakening and by the time you got out, it was already over. Nothing anyone said to you could comfort you either. You felt like an empty vessel, the world passing you by and moving on, whilst you stood there, unable to.
It hurt. It ripped you apart. Killed a part of your soul that you'd never be able to recover.
And that's what led you here now, sitting infront of the only person you knew could help you, having a new goal and purpose in mind. You didn't care how many worlds you had to go through to make it happen, but you were determined to save her in at least one and give her the life she deserved to have. It was your way of thanking her for being your mentor and idol for so long. It's the least you could do. But it wouldn't be an easy feat to achieve... yet you had nothing to lose anymore.
Finally, you looked up at the man with teary, red eyes, your heart pounding in your chest from the determination and passion, as you spoke. "I'll do my best to keep her alive. And if it takes me centuries or even losing my own life to do it, then so be it." You said with surprising strength. Welt looked at you in silence for a moment, before giving you a small smile and nodding.
He helped himself back up onto his feet, stretching a hand out to you carefully. "Very well... let's get going." He simply said. You took a moment to look out of the window, silently bidding this world a goodbye, before taking Welt's hand. He had done this plenty of times before, returning only rarely to your original world to see Himeko here. But now that she was gone, there won't be any need for it anymore.
The world grew dark and you felt yourself being pulled through time and space itself. You closed your eyes in hopes that you will see your mentor soon.
"-The Astral Express will be leaving in 10 minutes. Please make sure to step away from the platforms for your own safety." You gasped softly, when your eyes snapped open again. You blinked rapidly, your ears ringing with the announcement, as you tried remembering what happened. When your vision finally cleared, you noticed that you weren't wearing your battlesuit anymore. You were dressed in foreign clothing and kn further inspection, you seemed to be in a... train station? You looked up at the massive train infront you in awe, shifting to get a better look from the bench you were sitting on.
You remembered then what had brought you here in the first place. Was this your new world? If so, where was Welt? Your eyes focused on the people around you and then on the large glass windows, that showed you an endless galaxy and it's bright stars. It was breathtaking, despite you still not knowing where exactly you were.
But you froze, when you heard a familiar voice speak in your to you. Your mind went still, all thoughts leaving your brain, as you slowly turned your head at her. You nearly didn't catch her words from the shock and pain that filled you. You thought that you could be normal and strong when seeing her again... but it seemed that you were wrong.
"So you must be our new Trailblazer member, hm? Welt has told me alot about you." Her voice was so gentle and elegant, her appearance so different from what you were used to seeing her in. She looked at ease and content. It was your dear mentor, despite her drastic differences. "My name is Himeko and I hereby officially welcome you onto the Astral Express- Oh my, are you alright?" The red haired woman gasped softly, instinctively pulling a Handkerchief out of her pocket and holding it out to you. You shakily reached up to touch your cheek, flinching at the tears you were unknowingly shedding.
"Sorry." Was all you could say, as you took the handkerchief gratefully. Himeko gave you a gentle and encouraging smile. "It's alright, I understand. It must be a little overwhelming, but I can assure you that you'll fit right in." She chuckled, as another announcement of the train leaving soon came in. Himeko held out her hand to you, a kind and reassuring look in her eyes.
"Come on, let me introduce you to the rest of the crew, alright? I'll always be there for you, if you need help or guidance." The woman said gently and for a moment, you saw your old mentor standing over you with a stern, yet encouraging expression.
For once in a very long time, you smiled as well. It was bittersweet in a way. You might've lost your old mentor, but you regained her here. And you were going to keep her alive and well this time, no matter what.
You took her hand, letting her pull you to your feet.
"I know you will be, Himeko."
A/N: This lowkey hurt to write haha! But I hope it wasn't bad, I get so insecure about my writing sometimes. Anyhow, thank you very much for the request again, Anon!
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luimagines · 3 months
That Dragon Au Part 12
Flowers are a love language. @cafecourage
First Chapter/ Previous Chapter/ Next Chapter
Content under the cut!
Chapter 12: Pasts Reawakened
Wind smiled and pulled Enno out of the store as fast as he could just in case.  "That guy likes to over sell the flowers all the time. The build-your-own-bouquet doesn't have set prices since they sell by the ounce. He likes to over charge and get as many people on those as he can. That being said, if it was  another person, I would have let you go for it. Those you can enchant and get the flowers to glow in the dark or repeat messages and stuff. There's a lot more but I remember those the most."
"Figured much. I recognized that tactic." They started swinging their hands together. "Either way, thank you for having my back, Sailor." It's a nice time overall now. "Wanna go back and finish training with Twi and Sky? I probably should be in the room when the chest arrives."
Wind gladly swung their hands back and forth with exaggerated movements. "Hmm... Maybe? That sounds like a good idea for you. Warrior should still be working. He said he wouldn't finish until some time around dinner time. Apparently it was worse than he thought."
Enno hummed in agreement. They needed to also talk to Warrior about what the doctor said. After he finishes, of course. "Ok! Then let's go back."
"Alright." Wind loses himself to his thoughts and absentmindedly leads Enno through Castle Town and back to the castle. They both ended up back in the garden where Twilight and Sky were now fighting against Wild and Legend. This group smelled bad.
Wind's frowns and makes a face. "You all should shower."
Wild grins. "Wind! Your turn! Let's go! You and me!"
Enno gave Wind a push. "Have fun, don't push yourself too hard." 
They waved the others goodbye and headed up to the room. They wanted to beat the furniture people but also get there with enough time to annoy Warrior. Both are equally important.
Wind grinned and waved them off as well. By the time Enno reached Warrior's room they could hear a minor commotion on the inside.
They closed their eyes, sighing for a moment before knocking on the door and opening it "I'm baaaack!"
"Enno!" Warrior calls out gleefully. "You're just in time! I forgot you wanted to go shopping. The guys here are just setting it up."
He walked over to them and kissed their forehead. "Did you have fun?"
"Mhm. Here, we got these for you since you've been holed up in your room." Enno gave him the flowers and peaked behind him to see the movers putting the ottoman down. "I was hoping to beat them here just in case you still were working."
Warrior looked taken aback by the gift. He hesitated to take them.
"Oh.... thank you..." Warrior gets a bit choked up and teary eyed. "They're beautiful."
He laughed a bit and nervously scratched behind his neck. "My favorite. …Umm... The desk and vanity should be done soon as well. They had to take it apart and reassemble the both of them for easier travel. Good colors, sturdy wood. You picked well."
“It’s not really a custom where I come from but I like the idea of getting your partner flowers occasionally.” Enno was too busy trying to explain the flower before they registered what else Warrior had said. They blinked at him, confused. “But I only bought-….”
Enno remembered then, that they left Wind loose in the store. “That sneaky little-” They laughed out loud, not mad at all. They smiled. “Wind went to look at other things. I didn’t expect that he would buy things.”
"Oh Wind did that-?" He snorts and covers his mouth with one hand, holding the flowers in the other. "I guess he really wants you to stay."
Warrior softened and turned to go back to his desk. "So do I to be honest."
He placed the flowers on his desk, moving some papers around so that he'd have the room. "Daffodils....." He mumbles. "Mom, you would have loved these."
Enno paused for a moment, seeing the workers out and paying them if they weren’t already. Once they closed the door, I turned back around. “It’s funny. When Wind suggested Daffodils, I thought about how me and my dad would look after the wild ones we had growing in the yard.”
They came over to hug him from behind. “I was happy to find something with Tulips since we always made a day out of picking the bulb and planting them. Seems like we have a little more in common than we thought.”
Warrior gets a bit choked up again. His hands rest on theirs.
"My mother had a patch of daffodils next to our house before.... It was her pride and joy. We didn't really have much compared to other families but she took good care of it. My sister actually has tulips by her house. She lives with our grandmother. Daffodils... were my mothers favorite flower and I'm inclined to agree with her."
Warrior turned and hugged them properly. "No one has gotten me flowers before. Thank you."
He kissed their hair.
“I noticed your attempts with dragon courting so I wanted to do my own thing.” Enno held him, purring in an attempt to comfort him a bit. “I am happy that they mean a lot to you.”
They swayed a bit, trying to not make him cry. “You.. mention your mother a lot. I won't ask about what happened and will wait until you tell me, but I want you to know that I’m here for you if you need a moment to let your emotions out. It's ok to cry no matter how long it's been.”
Warrior's breath hitched and he held them tighter, tensing up. He laughed a bit. "I love you."
Something wet landed on their shoulder. "I still miss them. It was my fault."
He took a deep breath. Enno was inclined to think that he wiped his eyes from where they couldn’t see it. "You're incredible and amazing and sweet and I'm so... happy that I met you... that you like me back."
He giggled and swayed with them some more, peppering their head with kisses. "You're so important to me."
They wanted to argue that it wasn’t his fault, no matter what happened but they didn’t want to pry further. “It’s bad to hold in things, but I know that it's hard to open up to someone.” 
They spun him around so he could sit in his chair. They sat on his lap, making it easier for themselves to hold him. “Your amazing, you know? I don’t think you realize that. Not everyone has the balls to run out into battle without thinking. You also make Wind really happy now that he can call you Dad more freely. There’s so much you do even with the other boys. You take care of them all.”
Warrior choked on his spit when Enno had just placed themselves onto his lap. A blush bloomed across his face and he struggled to maintain eye contact.
"A part of me wants to argue with that, but you won't hear it, will you?" He softened and gently placed his head on their shoulder. "I know you’re right... I just wish...." Warrior takes a breath. "I never got to grieve."
His arms came up to hold them and he pulled them in close. "What's your family like? You mentioned your father and you planting the flowers."
Enno didn’t respond right away. “Well… it’s just my dad, my sibling and my mom.My family has been pretty chaotic.” They said simply as this wasn’t a conversation yhey really wanted to talk about freely. “It was always fun to have my sibling around in middle school as I was pretty stupid in my choices.”
Enno looked away so they could look out the window. “Anyway, right now it's calmer. My dad and sibling and I  are all still close-ish. He would tease the hell out of you as My dad would just be shocked to see me socializing.”
"Hm..." Warrior began to rub their back and purred. "I'm sorry it wasn't as peaceful as it should have been. Our fathers might have gotten along.. My sister is still around. She doesn't remember much, but I bet she'd love to meet you.....But what's a middle school... or a high school?"
“It’s basically how we do our education. I was like… 14? When I started middle school? My memory is pretty bad from back then. High school is like 16 - 18 years old. I would love to meet your sister. A warning if you meet my dad. He tends to talk a lot. Get him going and he can keep up a one sided conversation, big technology guy.” They purred with him as they pulled back, calming themselves down in the process.
"That's alright." Warrior laughed some more, easier and lighter this time. "Sounds like my sister. If they're anything alike then I'm sure we'll get along just fine."
He hummed a bit and started to play with their hair. "You never told me how your check up went. I want full details."
“Ah…. Right so… basically what I have is called Chronic Magicailial syndrome? From what I can tell, the gland I have that stores the magic, loses magic too much before I can produce more to replenish. There is apparently a low risk surgery I can get but I didn’t really want to make a decision just yet. The doctor also wants to see us tomorrow in the morning, and by us I mean me. I just need to bring someone along.”
Warrior nods. "I thought so... I know a guy. He had a similar thing. More mild though. I... don't know what to say about the surgery to be honest. That gland plays a role in dragon flight but I don't currently remember what it does exactly." He sighed and leaned against the chair. "What time tomorrow?"
“Ahahahaha- I aammm terrified of heights.” Enno laughed awkwardly. “Honestly, she just told me to arrive before sun down since it takes 18 hours after the collection to get the results. Going in the morning is probably the best bet since we do leave tomorrow. I was actually thinking about getting surgery later if we come back here.”
Warrior nodded. "Well whatever you decide. I don't know what we'd have to do for a surgery if you choose it. You have to set a date for those and we might not be here for that."
He tries to think for a moment. "Did they give you any other options to deal with it? Or is it the only thing to fix it?"
“I have to take magic potions, I believe on a schedule. They took that sample to see what type I am before deciding on the said schedule.” Enno laid their head back down on his shoulder, giving a few kisses to his neck. “After getting that, I would want to tell the others about my other condition. That's what I normally do just in case.”
"That would be a good idea." Warrior admits. "In that case, we should stock up before we leave on potions. Hyrule would need a few but I'd like to know if your going to be ok until we can make it to the next town or city."
Warrior arches his neck to give them better access to his neck. "Did you have anything planned today? It sounds like all there is left to do it wait."
“Nope, I did everything I wanted to do today.” Enno continued their venture lazily since they didn’t want to move their head too much. “I was hoping you’d let me spend the rest of the day with you while you work. I can start moving your horde into the ottoman if you want.”
Warrior purrs louder. "I'd love that. It might get a bit boring here though."
He ran his jaw against their shoulder. Enno felt a surge of his scent waft into their nose in the process. "Where's Wind by the way? You leave him all by his lonesome?"
They buried their face into his shoulder, purring up a storm. They were very happy right now. “He is with Twi, Sky, Wild and I think Legend? They were all still practicing in the garden.” With more energy, they give him more affection, “I just want to spend a little more alone time with you before we hit the road.”
Warrior purrs at their tempo in response. Satisfaction was radiating off of him. "I'd like that."
He took a deep breath. "I'm not done though..."
He made no moves to get back to work.
Enno doesn’t move either. 
“How much do you have to do?” They asked, starting to kiss his jaw and face. “I can wait until you're done. It's not that much to put away.”
Warrior took a deeper breath, relaxing under their touch as they spoke. "I have at least five more pages to write. I'm almost done but there have been times in the past where I’ve miscalculated. I assumed I'd be done by dinner time but with lunch up and gone, I don't know how much I actually left to do."
Underestimating how much they missed him, Enno didn’t let up on the attacks of affection. They rubbed their wrists and hands up into his hair, getting their scent on him in a possessive claim. “How about you check to see how much longer it will take and I will get started on getting all the horde together in one place? Then we can take a break for dinner and see what to do from there.”
He growled before it fell into a purr and rubbed more of his jaw against them before pulling away. "Alright...ok... That sounds like a decent plan."
They finally noticed the scent coming from his jaw. "Is this your scent gland?" I asked, tipping his head up, giving his jaw a few extra kisses. "Anyway, time for work, Soldier Boy." 
Enno moved to get up.
A deep and low growl ripped through Warrior before he could stop. He didn't look upset....more like- "That's a sensitive spot, Sweetheart."
His face was red and his features were soft. "You are a tease."
Enno could see him fighting the grin from his face. He's losing.
They cupped his face in response. "What are you going to do about it?"
They used their thumb to give his jaw a soft rub. "Ok, I think it's time for work for real now." They let go and officially got up. "We can continue that later."
"I'll look forward to it." Warrior's gaze turned heavy before he forced himself around and back into his work.
Enno heard him take in a long breath before he fell silent.
Enno started to put the other dragons' (the noble dragon that Time had all but ripped to shreds) stuff away, since it was less meaningful than the other things. It then came to their realization that Warrior didn't know that they knew where his horde actually was.
Warrior filled the silence with gentle scratches against the paper as well as the occasional flip.
After an hour or so he sighed and stretched. He looks back at them and smiles. He turned back to his work and finished up the document relatively quickly all things considered.
The organizing was all that bad honestly since they put everything in piles earlier. Enno got rid of the gold pile first and moved over the extras. They weren’t paying attention to what Warrior was doing in the meantime.
Warrior finished the document at last and put all of his papers in order. He shoved them in a folder before he stood, popping his back as he went. 
"I'll be right back Sweetheart. I have to turn this in."
"Mhm, when you come back I need you to show me where your actual horde is. I don't want to move it without you here." Enno looked up from where they were. "Also be safe."
Warrior paused by the door and he turned to look at them. They could feel him physically hesitate before he spoke.  "It's the top and bottom two drawers of my dresser. It's not much. There should be space."
He opened the door. "I'll be back."
Enno waited until he left before continuing their organizing again. Like they told him, they weren't going to touch what he already had in there until he was there to oversee it. Not their sentimental stuff though. Why bother moving it? They do know now, however, where the horde is.They would be able to protect it, just in case.
Moments passed and suddenly, without warning someone tried to open the door.
It doesn't work.
Like it's been locked.
Enno could hear a muffled sound from the other side before the person on the other side tried to open it more forcefully.
They weren’t successful.
Enno let out a sigh and shut the ottoman loudly at the first sign of people. Annoyed, they shout. “Links not here at the moment, have some patience please before almost hitting someone with the door."
Enno opened the door before they had the chance to attempt to force the door open again. They nearly collided with each other.
"Oh my goodness, that boy!" Zelda sighed and cursed.
Very unlady-like.
"Would you be so kind as to tell me where he is?" She said afterwards. "I have an urgent matter to discuss with him. Is he in his office? He hates the place but I must find him."
Enno struggled to hold back their amusement at the princess.
“Link said that he went to file the documents he just finished so I can only assume yes. Is this something I should worry about or-?…” They asked, wondering if they should be concerned or not. It seemed like something was always happening in this castle.
Zelda sighed and rubbed circles into her temple. "Im.... not at liberty to say. But... You're his lover, yes? Im aware this little group of yours leaves soon enough bit please be careful. Cia is nearly fully healed and she's still intent on running rampant through my castle."
She turned and bowed a bit. "Well, I'll have to track him down I suppose." She paused before she left. "....He means a lot to us.... Please look after him."
And then she walked away.
Enno once again closed the door and relocked it, sighing. Already knowing that they had to finish up fast before Cia gets out, they wished that there was a way for them to contact Pinky throughout all of this but they didn't think their phones would work since there was no wifi or cell service. It had been days since they had talked decently and there were clearly some very important things happening where neither of them could see each other. They went back to putting things away, knowing full well that Warrior wasn’t coming back anytime soon.
There was a smaller knock on the door and it opened easily. "Moma? Are you in here?"
Wind walked in hesitantly. "Dad?"
"I'm here, Sweetheart." Enno called from their spot on the floor. "Are you done sparring?" They asked, dropping the rest of the gems in the ottoman before patting the floor next to them for Wind to sit. "Did you take a shower yet?"
Wind jogged over and sat down. "Nope!" He grinned. "I had fun though. I got to throw Wild around."
"That- sounds fun." Enno continued to put the treasure into the ottoman once Wind was situated. "I see you bought more furniture while we were at the store. You are a sneaky little pirate."
Wind grinned and laughed. "Now you have stuff for you!"
He rocked back and forth subtly. "I didn't think you'd want to mess with Warriors stuff even if he would be ok with it. So you get your own space."
Enno teared up  but looked away, trying to not let Wind see their emotional state. They hugged him. “Thank you, Wind. That means a lot more than you think.” They let go quickly. “But you need a bath. Go wash up, mister.”
Wind groans. "I don't stink that bad."
"Yes you do." Warrior snorted, startling the both of them. "Did you have fun?"
"Yup!" Wind grinned and stood up to greet him.
"Good." Warrior ruffled his hair. "Take a shower."
Wind pouts. "Fine."
“Oh- Hello sir.” Enno looked up at him, smiling. “Zelda was looking for you. Did she find you? Also, I didn’t move your horde yet, I wanted you to take care of it since it’s sentimental.”
Warrior's smile was wiped off. "She was-?.... oops... Well Lana found me. And uhh..." He waited for Wind to get in the bathroom before he took his spot next to you. "Cia is expected to make a full recovery... yay.... and also, she's threatening homicide. So that's fun."
He sighed and looked at Enno pensively. "....I... don't want to make your life difficult. If..." He took in a struggling breath and lowered his voice. "I want to think about this... us... I would have you by my side in a heartbeat but it seems unfair to you to deal with all of this."
“Not the first time my life was threatened.” Enno put their head on his shoulder. “Nor is it the first place I’ll live in where someone threatened me so it's fine. Honestly I don’t think you realized this but I’m not leaving your side. Yeah, there's Cia, but honestly I’m not scared of her like… someone else… If anything I  find her sad because I know she wasn’t always like that. I’m afraid you need to break my heart to the point of it being unusable to get rid of me.”
Warrior tenseed and wrapped his arms around them tightly. "Hmmm... alright. I'll have to take your word for it."
He nuzzled them closely with his head and sighed. "It just feels selfish on my part. I can't give you the life I'd want to.... not with Cia in the picture, I'm afraid." He kissed the top of their head. "I wouldn't ever give a reason for your heart to break.... I just didn't want my baggage to push you away. Emotional or otherwise."
“Honestly, there have been moments where I’ve been tempted to flat out ask you to mark me. I don’t think your baggage is an issue at all.” They hugged him back, purring. “We both need help and a bit of tender love and care. But that's ok. We can take it one day at a time. Cia will have to get used to it.”
Warrior started to purr at their first sentence alone. "That's.... quite the declaration, my dear.... That's virtually the human equivalent of marriage."
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ye4gerism · 4 months
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word count 1k
content warning you guys might get mad at me🧍🏾‍♀️
author’s note finally over! as i mentioned, this was my first smut based story. i had been playing around with this particular plot since my bachelorette series ended and now i finally brought it to life! thanks to everyone who interacted with this story and gave me something to look forward to every time i uploaded! i will be putting this story on ao3 as well :) my requests are open, so do feel free to request some more aot content! enjoy :)
synopsis after the rumbling, you found yourself on your feet in your home town. you have a completely new life - you’re watching your country be built again and now you have a partner! what happens when a man from your past reaches out to you via letter?
Winter 859
I am so sorry but you are no longer a peace ambassador for the Alliance.
After much consideration, your actions are a threat to the work we've been doing and we can't risk losing our rising credibility over an affair. Your relationship with Mrs. Abe is not worth fighting Mr. Abe's influence.
Again, I'm sorry. As your friend, do know you can still talk to me if you need any support. I will send a future, more official letter very soon.
All the best,
Armin Arlert
Dear Jean,
Armin has recently told me about your termination from the Alliance. I'm really sorry - I know you loved that job and that it made things easier for you after what happened with Eren. I understand that you're currently stuck in Paradis and looking for a new job. I know you have a big heart, so I spoke with Historia and pulled some strings. She is offering you a position at the nursery. A secretarial job.
I hope you say yes and work with us until everything dies down. I know the news isn't public yet but it's going to be and your job search will get even harder.
I'm sorry about what happened with Y/N. She seemed like a really nice girl - no wonder you fell for her.
Please feel free to visit often. It's quiet on my end.
Thinking of you,
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Jean decided to make a grown-up decision and court Mikasa. After receiving her letter, he quickly took up the job at the nursery. Things between them started casual - she was his friend first after all. She always told him good morning and they'd take their breaks together. Over time, his once dormant crush on her reawakened and she honestly began to like him back too.
By the spring, they said, "I do". It was an intimate wedding - all of their friends were invited and even Levi had made an effort to witness their nuptials. June was so much happier than she was in months - her son's reckless affair was no longer hanging over her head and now he was with a respectable, beautiful girl.
As the idea of you faded away, things slowly went back to normal. Jean never got his job with the Alliance back (which was fine, he loved his job at the nursery. His wife worked there and the kids were great) and his relationship with his friends was so much better. They were even finding success in negotiations with Marley and Mainland Marley. He lived with Mikasa in her cabin and was regularly visited by Connie or his mom. Everything felt settled after so many years of secrets.
Summer 861
Hi. It's been a while. I assumed you didn't write me because of the drama of everything that occurred two years ago. I'm sorry it cost you your job.
How have you been? Sebas and I separated. He initiated the divorce. I lived in Anahg for a while and he replaced me with a much younger girl. I think he had been seeing her during our own marriage. Of course, everyone pitied him and praised him for trading me out with someone "better". I pray she has a better experience and doesn't treat her the way he treated me.
As much as I love my home, I couldn't stay in Anahg any longer because of the stares and people always constantly talking about Sebas. He's not even from here, so I don't understand the sudden hype. I think that article, which wrongly lists his ethnicity, is the reason why.
I ended up moving to Shiganshina. I managed to get myself a job as a seamstress at a very popular boutique. The owner was kind enough to help me get my own place as I continued to build my own life. I've been here a year now. I haven't been recognized, thank goodness.
I went to Trost to see if I could see you but I saw some individuals that I didn't know approach your apartment. Did you move out?
Anyway, I hope you're well. I really really do. And again, I'm sorry. Please, if you get this, let's have lunch together. I would really like to see you.
Wow. So she lives. THE Y/N L/N. I didn't think I'd hear from you again. The way Sebas was so angry, I thought he dragged you off to some mysterious darkness. All jokes aside, I was seriously worried about your safety. No one would tell me anything.
I have a pretty good job. Nothing heavy. I work with Historia's nursery. I just do a lot of paperwork about the kids and spend a little time with them since my main job is really low maintenance.
I'm glad you're out of that marriage. I don't know if you're happy but I am. He wasn't good for you. And I applaud you for your honesty and humanness; I'd wish Hell on her if I were you.
And you're here in Shiganshina, wow! I know you talked about liking the busyness of it. I hope you feel at home since Shiganshina is up to speed. You're lucky; I do miss the city sometimes. I'm glad you were able to do better for yourself here. Maybe you'll own your own shop there!
Yes, I no longer live in Trost. My mother does though. I got married last spring. The woman I'm married to actually helped me get my job. My favorite part is being able to watch her and her students bond. We’re expecting. I'm really excited to meet our first child. I'm hoping for a little girl. She wants a boy but everyone knows our little one will be a girl. Maybe the next one will be a boy, so we can have the best of both worlds.
Y/N, my time with you was something. It wasn't good or bad...it was just something. You gave me some of the most exciting times of my young adulthood. I will always remember you for that. But I think it’s best to leave our story where we ended it.
Mikasa was already past marriage and childbearing age and so was I. I also got fired from my job, remember? I’m halfway to thirty. I needed to start a family. I need a way to support myself, my wife and our child.
Y/N, I loved you once but I have moved on. I don’t think we should be on speaking terms, let alone writing terms. Our chapter has ended. Please make the rest of your time here the best. Thank you for everything.
Jean Kirstein
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that is the end of all is fair in love and war! i hope you enjoyed it and i thank you for taking the time to read! pls feel free to repost and stick around for whatever’s next <3
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chaosteddybear · 23 days
❛ it’s okay, you can touch me. ❜ and ❛ i shouldn’t allow myself to get this close to you.❜ for Turgi and Astarion, hehe. 💕
I have NOT been in the mindset for these two in a long, long time. Thanks for the ask, it was really fun to reawaken that...
Setting is act 3 at the rivington campsite (no spoilers otherwise, just describing visuals for those who have seen it).
Turgi laid on a long rock, having gathered some extra clothing as a pillow. She listened to the sounds of the stream, the wind. Her bare arms stretched out to enjoy the sunshine she had grown to love so much. In the evening sun, shadows played along her toned biceps and forearms.
Suddenly Astarion plopped down beside her, resting his head in the crook of her arm. It wasn't unlike him, and it wasn't unlike her to welcome it. He was always overly familiar with her in a way she knew not to mirror.
Still, her eyes widened when she turned her head to him, careful to keep her arm still to support him. His smug smile was worth it.
He turned onto his side and watched her closely, studying her facial movements, confused by the lack of engagement, yet pleased. He smirked before speaking.
"You need to bathe darling.. you smell as if you spent the whole day wiping viscera off you."
"I did," she chuckled, "and I thought you loved that smell." She smiled widely, fingers twitched, and her hand raised towards him instinctively before she let it fall back down to the rock. She sighed as she waited.
"Hungry?" her eyebrow raised in curiosity, guessing why he was here. He didn't usually interrupt her before her bath.
He whined and nodded aggressively. She bent her arm to ease him closer and stretched out her neck. Seeing him so vulnerable tugged at her, making her leave behind her regular rules.
One gentle hand propped himself up from her chest while the other snuck into her hair, somehow not ruining her braids at all as he cradled her, keeping her still for a precise bite. She bit her lip and held in a moan, the pierced skin she healed that morning reopening again as it did every night. There was no way he didn't feel the vibrations of her breath, her chest, her voice. But he didn't react.
As he suckled from her, she thought about their time together. His lips felt cool on her skin. Her hand was wrapped around him, ready to help if he lost his balance. She fiddled with the fabric of his shirt, her fingertips just barely meeting his skin through it periodically.
Pulling off her with a sigh, he let his body fall on top of her and wiped his lips gingerly with his middle finger before dirtying them again to lick up the leaking blood. She chuckled at his hunger, his greed. It cost nothing for her - not with the necklace she had taken from the druids - and she relished the contentment she was able to provide for him.
He rested his head on her clavicle, his top leg between hers, and his arm on her torso. He ran his fingers along the flat space in the middle of her chest idly. She didn't move but to keep playing with the fabric, until her finger lingered against his skin too long, and she apologetically let it fall away from him quickly in response.
He poked his head up and looked at her deeply, meeting her eyes, missing the caresses. He raised a hand to her chin and traced it before gulping, quietly letting out words he had said with a much different sentiment not too long before.
"It's okay, you can touch me."
GASP. Okay, anyway, here's the second prompt now.
This one takes place in Act 1. Sorry, no smut, this one I couldn't find a way to work into their dynamics that way 🤭
Astarion gasped and squirmed as Turgi pushed herself in front of him. His knife met her back but she didn't budge. She held him still. Just as he opened his mouth, she interrupted him.
"I know, I know, I shouldn't allow myself to get this close to you," Turgi whispered and all but rolled her eyes as she assured Astarion that her movements were chaste and well-intentioned, "but I can't have you walking over there and interrupting the conversation. Let's wait and see what happens. Nobody over there looks happy or amenable to meeting new people, especially not ones introducing themselves the way you do."
Astarion blushed and scoffed.
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