#thanks jungmin!!!!!!!
thequeenviana · 4 months
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Chapter 4
Pairings:Kim Taehyung x OC x Jeon Jungkook
(A short chapter)
Warning: This story is a work of fanfiction and is purely a product of the author's imagination. It does not depict any real-life events or individuals. While some characters may be inspired by real-life idols, their portrayal in this story is fictional and not representative of their true selves. Please note that this story may contain triggering content, including themes of abuse, gore, murder, humiliation, bullying, rape, and other mature and dark themes. Reader discretion is advised, especially for those under the age of 18. If you are uncomfortable with such content, it is recommended to refrain from reading and kindly disregard this story.
"Thank you for joining us."
Jungkook's mother, Ella, expressed her gratitude to the new guest who arrived, with her husband, Jeon Ji-Sook beside her. Ji-Sook wore a bright smile as he interacted with the guests at their son's birthday celebration.
But then Ella turned abruptly to her husband, who passed on the gifts to the guard behind him. An expression of displeasure crossed her face.
"Where is he? He should be here greeting the guests!" Ella whispered sharply at Ji-Sook, who paused and scanned the room before catching the eye of his assistant, prompting the assistant to hurry over.
"Where is he?" Ji-Sook's tone was icy, making the assistant gulp nervously. Witnessing Ji-Sook's imposing presence, it was no wonder their son inherited his commanding aura.
Ji-Sook, a highly successful businessman alongside Kim Jungmin of the Kim Empire, was renowned not only for his wealth and status but also for his striking appearance. Despite his age, he still possessed a mature and attractive resemblance to a more seasoned Jeon Jungkook. Ella, once a top model, crossed paths with Ji-Sook, and their friendship blossomed into a widely known romance.
In his youth, Ji-Sook was a cold but a handsome figure, attracting numerous admirers who failed to capture his attention. He focused on his career, eventually reaching the pinnacle of success. Ella was the one who thawed his icy exterior, leading him to fall in love.
It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say Ji-Sook spared no expense to lavish Ella with gifts. He even went as far as eliminating any potential suitors who vied for her attention.
Deeply in love with Ella, Ji-Sook had committed countless sins for her and their family, determined to protect their bond at all costs.
"He'll be down shortly," the assistant assured Ji-Sook before heading off to fetch the man in question.
Turning back to Ella, Ji-Sook encountered her gaze. She had overheard their conversation but redirected her attention to the arriving guests, flashing a practiced fake smile.
The grand mansion buzzed with high-class guests exchanging pleasantries. Soft music played in the background as some guests swayed to the rhythm, savoring the evening together. The atmosphere was filled with joy and celebration, creating an ambiance of warmth and camaraderie as everyone enjoyed the night away.
"Hey, what's up with you? It's your special day, but you look like you're at a funeral."
Jungkook turned his head slightly from the royal blue couch where he was seated to see who had interrupted him to see one of his friends,Jung Hoseok, a 27-year-old who owned the Jung Hotels. He was not only rich but also a handsome actor with a charming personality that drove girls worldwide crazy for him. Who wouldn't be madly in love with him? With his good looks, fit body, and being a billionaire at a young age, everyone wanted a piece of him, and no doubt even mens were impressed by him.
But behind the camera, ofcourse he was a very different person,known to be ruthless and cruel and only the closed persons to him knew.
"Nothing," Jungkook replied in a bored tone as he turned back to the event happening at the bottom of the stairs, looking uninterested.
"Oh, no one's fawning over you today, huh?"
A smirk formed on Hoseok's lips as he stood near the staircase railing, scanning the crowd below. His focus, however, was on the grumpy Jungkook beside him.
It was surprising to Hoseok that every time he visited the Royale Mansion, he heard gossip about a woman named Yana. The rumors painted her as a promiscuous and possessive woman who was involved with two men at once. Despite the negative talk, Hoseok felt a strong desire to meet this woman whom everyone was talking about. Even though he had seen her before, she always ignored him, which bothered him deeply. She was the first woman to disregard him, despite his fame and allure that captivated women worldwide.
Jungkook sighed in annoyance and continued to sip his expensive wine, ignoring Hoseok's teasing remarks.
"Where's Nara? Why weren't you with her? Got bored, huh?" Hoseok's teasing tone made Jungkook frown in annoyance and let out a scoff.
"I'm just not in the mood, hyung. Stop it," Jungkook replied, trying to brush off the topic.
Hoseok chuckled and scanned the crowd below before his gaze landed on Nara, who happened to be looking their way, causing him to smirk. "Well, it seems like your woman really wants your attention."
Jungkook quickly clarified, "She's not my woman."
Hoseok turned to face Jungkook, a hint of concern crossing his face briefly before he reverted back to his carefree expression that charmed everyone around him. "That's new... I always thought she was, especially since you seem to defend her more than anyone else, especially to 'her' who was always there by your side."
Hoseok's words hit a nerve, causing Jungkook to stiffen in his seat, lost in his thoughts, and ignored what he had said and got quite in his seat, ignoring further conversations with the older.
"What were you two talking about?"
Just then,a new voice entered, making the two man snap their heads in its direction to see, Taehyung with his usual blank expression who seems to be always masking his true emotions, as he observed the interaction between Jungkook and Hoseok with his deep, calculating brown eyes.
It's fascinating how despite his intimidating demeanor, every woman seems to be drawn to him. With his sharp looks, intimidating personality, and billionaire status at a young age, he could easily be a character straight out of a fiction book - the ultimate dream man.
"Oh, here you are. We were just talking about that woman," Hoseok chimed in, drawing Taehyung's attention.
Taehyung's expression briefly soured at the mention of the woman who had been occupying his thoughts lately, driving him to distraction.
"And who was 'that' woman?" Taehyung probed as he joined Jungkook, poured himself a glass of wine, and settled in, waiting for an answer.
Hoseok, with a mischievous grin, leaned against the railing before responding, "Yana," teasingly. His grin widened as he anticipated Taehyung's reaction, which was evident as Taehyung tensed and averted his gaze.
"Where's that woman though? Didn't see her at the party, especially since it was Jungkookie's birthday," Hoseok teased, earning glares from the two men, knowing he hit a nerve.
"Shut it, hyung," Jungkook warned in a deep voice, but Hoseok simply chuckled before spotting a woman in a red dress in the corner, a smirk playing on his lips as he excused himself, "Well, gotta go. Have a woman to take care of, folks."
Fae had lost track of time, curled up in a ball in a corner of the room, sobbing in distress. She had been locked in the room for hours, feeling abandoned and forgotten.
Those two were the worst!
I hate them!
Fae cried out softly, burying her face in her hands, overwhelmed with emotion. However, her cries halted abruptly when she heard footsteps approaching her room.
"Wha—help! Please open the door!" Fae shouted in panic, her heart racing.
She heard the footsteps stops and then the doorknob began to shake as someone attempted to open it.
"Yana?! Is that you?"
"Yes! Please help me, Namjoon!"
"Oh God! Who locked you up here?!"
Namjoon's distressed voice reached Fae's ears as he tried to unlock the door.
"Wait, I'll call a maid to open it, okay?" Namjoon assured her, sensing her panic. He sprinted down the hallway, urgently seeking out a maid with a spare key to unlock the door to the room where Yana was trapped.
As Namjoon made his way to the room where Yana was locked up, he couldn't help but sigh in distress, wondering what had transpired and who could have done such a cruel thing.
Finally, the maid arrived with two guards and swiftly unlocked the door. Namjoon entered the room quickly, his heart breaking at the sight of the woman weeping on the floor. As she looked up, she rushed into his arms, seeking comfort. Namjoon's anger simmered beneath the surface as he tried to contain his emotions, focusing on calming the distraught woman in his embrace. Moved by her sorrow, the maid and guards quietly left the room, allowing them privacy.
"Young master," a guard greeted Jungkook, bowing respectfully before whispering something that ignited a fire within Jungkook. He stood up abruptly and stormed off, his fury evident in his hurried steps, leaving Taehyung puzzled. Taehyung stands up and followed silently, curious about what made his cousin this mad.
"That despicable woman, how dare she!" Jungkook muttered to himself, his pace quickening to a jog as he stormed down the hallway in a fit of rage.
Oh he will really thought that woman a lesson.
As Jungkook turn left in the corridor to the room where he Locked her down, he suddenly stopped in his track when he saw the door opened. His eyes darkened.
"What's wrong?"
Taehyung's deep voice heard next to him as Taehyung's eyes too followed Jungkook's,and see the opened door in the hallway.
He raised his eyebrows in confusion and looks back at his cousin who again walks faster towards the room,he didn't move first but then a scream was heard both men and a woman's,and it's really familiar to him, especially the woman's voice as he suddenly runs to the door to see the scene that was happening.
He's cousin on top of the tutor of his brother,Namjoon beating him to a pulp as he delivers continues punches fast that the man under him can't even move.
"Stop!please get off him!"
He turned his eyes slowly towards the woman who was thrown on the floor who had probably twisted her foot as she grips it in her hands while crying in pain as she shouted towards Jungkook to stop.
At first he didn't move and just watch the scene unfolding before his eyes, before striding out to the two mans who were beating up each other on the floor and separated his cousin while he signaled the bodyguards to get Namjoon off the floor who was now bloody and was half unconscious.
"You fucker! Don't you ever dare to step foot here again!!"Jungkook yelled furiously with murderous eyes glaring at the man.
Aware of Jungkook's simmering rage and the potential danger he posed, Taehyung realized the severity of the situation. Despite his cousin's seething anger, Taehyung knew the depths of Jungkook's restraint, acknowledging the dangerous path that could have been taken if not for his intervention.
As the maids and bodyguards arrived at Taehyung's request, Namjoon, now unconscious from the powerful blows delivered by Jungkook, was attended to. Jungkook's history as a trained underground boxer, known as "the killer," spoke volumes of his formidable skills. In the ring, there was no room for mercy, and Jungkook's opponents knew the consequences of challenging him. The aftermath of his wrath was testament to his prowess in combat and the repercussions of crossing him within the confines of the ring.
Aware of Jungkook's simmering rage and the potential danger he posed, Taehyung realized the severity of the situation. Despite his cousin's seething anger, Taehyung knew the depths of Jungkook's restraint, acknowledging the dangerous path that could have been taken if not for his intervention.
As the maids and bodyguards arrived at Taehyung's request, Namjoon, now unconscious from the powerful blows delivered by Jungkook, was attended to. Jungkook's history as a trained underground boxer, known as "the killer," spoke volumes of his formidable skills. In the ring, there was no room for mercy, and Jungkook's opponents knew the consequences of challenging him. The aftermath of his wrath was testament to his prowess in combat and the repercussions of crossing him within the confines of the ring.
One of the maids attempted to assist the woman who remained silent, her gaze fixed downward. When Taehyung raised his hand to halt the maid, he approached the trembling man himself, noticing the woman shift back slightly.
With a decisive motion, Taehyung lifted the woman into his arms, noting her quiet demeanor and the unspoken pain that weighed heavily upon her. Carrying her through the hallways, he made his way to his room, signaling his men to transport the injured man to a hospital away from the mansion, cognizant of the looming threat posed by his enraged cousin.
"When will you listen,huh?"
Taehyung whispered to the silent woman on his bed, noting her distant gaze and deep in thought expression. Despite her ignoring him, he remained unperturbed, understanding her pain and the turmoil within her.
"I've called the doctor; he'll be here soon," Taehyung assured her, sitting beside her and emmidiately she distanced herself,at this he grows annoyed and grips both her arms tightly that made Fae cried in pain and started pushing him off her.
"Didn't I told you to stop whoring around?!"
In a stern and intimidating tone, Taehyung questioned her actions, accusing her of behavior he found unacceptable.
"What's wrong with you?! Isn't this what you want,for me to leave you alone?!"
Fae, bewildered and frustrated, questioned his sudden aggression, struggling to comprehend his tumultuous dynamic.
She suddenly screamed, startled when Taehyung pinned her in the bed and climbed on top of her.
"There's nothing wrong with me,but what's really wrong is you whoring around!"
Fae closed her eyes in fear when Taehyung shouted violently at her and his face closed to her that made her turn her head to the side.
"P-please stop!Get off me!"
She started pushing him but in no vain as Taehyung only chuckled at her weak state under him but his eyes suddenly stops at her lips who was trembling along with her crying and hairs sprawled under her on the bed that made her a crying mess under him.
A beautiful mess.
Taehyung thought in his head.
And then suddenly something in him snaps at the thought to claim her, right there, right now as his eyes darkens at the thought as he can feel himself getting hotter by the second especially by the position they were in and before he can stop himself he slammed his lips on her luscious ones as Fae froze on her struggling.
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nochukoo97 · 1 year
Hi! What if you write dad!Jungkook x mom!yn, when yn and their son prank jk with the prank "shut the hell up, mom" ?
omgg the moment i saw this i had to write it immediately HAHAHA even though i dont’t normally write jungkook being a dad, this was pretty fun to write, here it is 😊😊:
Pairing: Dad!Jk x Mom!Reader
Summary: (request) You and your son come together to play a prank on his father, not knowing how your husband would react.
“Okay Jungmin go and sit at the couch and use your phone, when Appa comes I’ll pretend to nag at you for using the device okay?” You laugh with your son as the two of you set up the prank for your husband who is yet to return from work.
Soon enough you hear the sound of a car pulling up into the driveway, both of you get into your positions to act out the prank, excited yet also scared about how Jungkook would react.
Jungmin was a fairly well behave child, here and there he would playfully jump around and make noise, but he knew to never disobey and disrespect his elders, thanks to you and Jungkook bringing him up well. You were slightly worried Jungkook would start chiding him immediately the moment he showed a small bit of disrespect but yet also excited to see how he reacts.
The front door opens and Jungkook shouts a “I’m home,” shuffling out of his shoes and taking off his coat, he enters the kitchen to see you cooking, or you’re pretending to stir the soup that was finished thirty minutes ago, but he doesn’t have a clue.
“Hi Jagi, missed you so much at work, didn’t see you the whole day,” Your husband slightly whines in your ear as he wraps his arms around you from behind. You laugh and reciprocate a kiss from him, then he leaves the kitchen to go find his son, who was currently sitting on the couch looking extremely engrossed in his game.
“Hey,” Jungkook slots himself next to his son as Jungmin puts down the phone to hug his father. Your son decided its the right time to slowly start the prank, so he speaks, “Appa can I tell you something?” Jungkook replies with, “Of course, what’s up?”
“Mum is being really annoying today, she keeps nagging at me the whole day,” Jungmin fake-complains, and your husband only sighs in return and says, “It’s for your own good Jungmin-ah, and she means well when she does this, try and listen to her okay?” Jungmin only mumbles a half hearted reply when he goes back to looking at his phone.
“Dinner’s ready, come to the table,” You call your son and husband as they approach the dining table and take their seats.
“Looks so good Jagi, thank you for cooking,” Jungkook groans as he smells the warm food on the table.
You decided that it was the perfect time to start the prank, seeing Jungmin was burried away in his phone
“Jungmin-ah, put your phone away, it’s time to eat,” You scold your son, nagging at him and acting as if you were extremely exhausted from having to keep reminding him.
What happened next took you by surprise by how well Jungmin had acted out, you had to take a second before realising he was only acting.
Jungmin slammed his phone on the table, causing Jungkook to whip his head towards the noise. “Mum, just shut up! I hate you! All day you only have been nagging and nagging at me! You’re honestly so annoying!” He yells at the top of his lungs, and you act shocked, placing a hand on your chest.
“Jeon Jungmin. That’s enough. You don’t talk to your mother like that. Go to your room right now and reflect on your actions.” Jungkook’s loud and stern voice echos through the dining room.
Jungmin looked genuinely terrified of his father at the moment, scurrying up the stairs and shutting the bedroom door.
“Jagi, I’m so sorry he said all that, you don’t deserve it, I’ll go deal with him after you feel better ‘kay?” Your husband stands up from his seat and embraces you again, but you can only laugh as you realised how serious Jungkook was.
You were touched by how much Jungkook valued and cared about such things, but at the same time it was hilarious seeing how he had no idea that this was all a prank.
“Jagi- what? Why are you laughing, hey this isn’t funny he shouldn’t be disrespecting-” You cut Jungkook off by wheezing out a “It’s a prank” between your uncontrollable laughs as he can only frown at you in confusion.
“Oh my god, Jagi, I was so mean to him, wait here I need to go apologise what if he’s crying,” Jungkook rambles as he scurries up the stairs and opens the door to find Jungmin laughing on the floor after eavesdropping on what had happened downstairs.
“You were in the prank too??” Jungkook can only look at the two of you in disbelief.
In the end, all was good and Jungkook felt really bad for shouting at his son, but they made it up by watching a football match together and staying up late.
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bangtaninborderland · 2 years
JHS- Twisted Feelings (6)
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Summary: After working at an award show for 2 years everything had become normal, idols were no longer exciting to see, performances became dull and every day blended together, that was until an unexpected man asked for your help.
Genre: idol!hope × fem!reader, angst, fluff, strangers to lovers, ongoing series
Warning: none for this chapter!
A/N: so…thoughts?
Ch.05 <Series Masterlist > Ch.07
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By the time you got home, it was dark, in normal circumstances you’d be angry for getting home so late but the dinner Hoseok had provided you with meant you didn’t need to do anything else for the day.
You placed the bag he had gifted you gently on the floor before heading to your room.
Throwing your body in your bed you pull out your phone, checking a few useless Instagram notifications before clicking On Naraes contact, swiftly selecting the “call” button.
It rings a few times before her voice fills the line. “How was your first day?”
“Not even a hello?” You sigh.
She laughs. “Shut up, tell me everything.”
“I signed an NDA I can’t tell you much.” You explain you’d bargained to be able to share things with your parents after lengthy assurance that you needed to be able to share things with those closest to you and that they wouldn’t share whatever you told them but unfortunately you were still limited to what you could tell Na-Rae.
You can hear the clicking of a pen coming from her, she must still have been working. “I can’t believe you won’t tell me anything.”
“I didn’t say I couldn’t tell you anything, I said I couldn’t tell you much.” You giggle.
“Spill.” She demands.
“They are renovating the building and I knocked paint over, it went all over his shoes and I’m sure they were expensive expensive. More than my rent for the month.” You cringe at just how mortifying the entire experience had been.
You can hear the surprise in her voice. “Was he angry?”
“No, he told me it wasn’t my fault and even gave me a spare shirt because mine was ruined by the paint.” You explain, unconsciously pulling the fabric of the shirt towards your nose once again.
“You could sell it. Make your rent and his shoe money.” She offers, although you aren’t sure whether she’s entirely serious.
“No. That’s fucked up. I hope you’re joking.” You chide.
The line falls quiet for a minute before she laughs. “Of course I am, when do you work next?”
You groan. “Tomorrow but only in the afternoon.”
“You wanna get breakfast?”
Just like that the conversation falls away from your day, you were thankful your best friend didn’t push more than you allowed her to as you began discussing your breakfast plans along with all the drama she felt necessary to fill you in from since you quit.
The conversation lasted more than an hour before you excused yourself to clean up for the day. Feeling somewhat reluctant as you slip off Hoseoks shirt and put it into the wash.
You’d see him again tomorrow and in a non-weird way ask what he uses to make it smell so good if you can muster the courage of course.
You arrived at the cafe an hour earlier than you and Na-Rae had arranged. Wanting to finalise some flash cards you had been working on for Hoseok.
You’d made them bright, the borders of each card being a pastel green, the writing being various shades of colours all in italics.
Just because it was learning material it didn’t mean it had to be ugly.
“Pretty.” A voice called from behind you, temporarily scaring you shitless.
After calming your breathing in an orderly fashion you twisted around, giving you a better sight of the person - the man - in front of you.
“Hello?” You question with a raised eyebrow at the unfamiliar face.
“Oh..oh yes.” He fumbles around awkwardly, extending a hand to you. “Hello I’m jungmin, everyone calls me min.”
If he hadn’t been somewhat creeping over you then you may have found him otherwise endearing. However, he was creeping. “Can I ask why you were watching me?”
“Oh no, I was waiting for my coffee, I was waiting and my phone died so I was looking for a place to charge it and then I see your flashcards and I thought they were pretty, I didn’t mean to scare you. Can I buy you a coffee to make up for it?” You took a second to observe him, he seemed well put together, donning a black suit, shoes shining which in your mother's opinion meant a man took pride in himself, his story seemed plausible.
“Okay, I'll accept one coffee.” you nod. “I'll just take a latte.”
His smile grows tenfold. “Classic, I like it. I'll be right back.”
It only took him a few minutes before he was seating himself into the chair opposite your own, placing the to-go cup on the table. “Latte.”
“Oh, Thankyou.” You slide the drink closer to you, shutting your laptop. It didn’t hurt to make friends.
“So, what do you do for work?” He questions.
“I’m an English teacher.” It wasn’t a lie. “And you?”
He sips his drink despite the steam, so he was that kind of man. “I help run a company.”
Wow, important. “What one? Would I have heard of them?”
“Probably not.” He chuffs. “I run the media department in a publishing company, we deal with distribution.”
Now your interest was piqued. “Do you like to write?”
“I do, I am fond of poetry.” He leans in further, his attention focused on you. “Do you write?”
Avoid, Avoid, Avoid.
“I teach English.” You sip your drink, a useful distraction. “This tastes so good.”
He doesn’t push further, his smirk saying more than words possibly could.
“So you replaced me for lunch?”
Fuck, Na-Rae.
You whipped your head around, eyes wide and apologetic. “No, of course not. Jungmin-ssi here just brought me a coffee that’s all.
This is my best friend, Na-Rae. ”
She nods sceptically, offering a nod of the head before taking the spare seat.
Jungmin checks his watch letting out a quiet “ah” before standing. “I should be off anyway, I think my employees would scold me if I kept them waiting at another minute. It was lovely to meet you both.”
He is already walking away before you can respond, you call him instead offering a small wave. “Thanks for the coffee!”
“He brought you coffee?”
You turn back to her, the scowl she was wearing gone. “Yes.”
“I can’t stay as long as I’d like I have a meeting, there’s been some massive issue with the broadcasting, someone made a mistake and published the wrong articles for different groups. You’ll never guess who got mixed up!”
You weren’t one for gossip but you always loved the free entertainment. “Who?”
“So we had to publish the BTS, stray kids, ateez, and Blackpink artist articles the same day, someone mixed them up and the entire thing was a mess. It seemed almost like it was done on purpose, BTS’ speech looked so bad. One part said “we don’t care about the hate we receive because we have army.” but it was changed to “we don’t care about our fans because we hate them.” She threw her head back laughing, intermittently explaining all of the other mistakes. Only pausing when she notices your panicked expression. “What?”
“What the fuck?” You breathed, shoving your laptop into your bag. “I have to go.”
She frowned. “What why?”
“Because I was the one who finalised the articles before I changed jobs!”
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dojae-huh · 1 year
Forgot that NCT new team was introduced during NCT Nation Osaka concert. They performed pre-stage, when fans were still gathering.
Video reel, pre-debut song Hands up, performance cut, another one, close up, the ment and the list of cities for the showcase tour, a sea of people.
Eh, or just go to this thread.
Only 6 members though. Jungmin is missing? Daeyoung's mic wasn't on when he introduced himself. Already problems, heh.
I like the song and the choreo. Simple "nice to meet you" song for fanmeets. Sounds NCT enough thanks to the use of some particular instruments in the chorus, yet doesn't sound like a Dream song.
Ryo doesn't look really needed to complete the line-up. Either SM wanted a 7-member group, or he was added to balance out Sakuya, to have two cuties. I think SaRyo will be often put in mirror positions and have content like ChenJi.
Why did they omit the second "U" in "Yushi" in Latin, it bugs me. (It's a long vowel, the name is Yu-u-shi not Yu-shi).
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upside-down-uni · 1 year
Hypothetically, you are only able to keep 20 of your books. Only one book per author/series. So what books are you keeping?
thank you for tagging me @the---hermit, i hate it here this is evil >:(
I present in no particular order, my 20 books to keep:
Harrow the Ninth - Tamsyn Muir (I'm guessing I'll be allowed to borrow GtN from you from time to time)
When The Angels Left The Old Country - Sacha Lamb
Middlegame - Seanan McGuire
Blutbuch - Kim de l'Horizon
Bartimäus: Das Amulett von Samarkand - Jonathan Stroud
Neverwhere - Neil Gaiman
The Humans - Matt Haig
Snapdragon - Kat Leyh
(Un)Sichtbar Gemacht: Perspektiven auf Aromantik und Asexualität - Annika Baumgart, Katharina Kroschel
Hell Followed With Us - Andrew White
The Tarot Sequence: The Hanged Man - K. D. Edwards
Smoke Gets In Your Eyes (and other lessons from the crematory) - Caitlin Doughty
A Cruelty Special To Our Species - Emily Jungmin Yoon
Radio Silence - Alice Oseman
She Who Became The Sun - Shelley Parker-Chan
Reckless - Cornelia Funke
Detransition, Baby - Torrey Peters
Yolk - Mary H. K. Choi
When Women Were Dragons - Kelley Barnhill
Hunger Pangs: True Love Bites - Joy Demorra
i am inflicting this on (aka tagging): @smallfrenchstudyblr @edify-notes and @study-clouds
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saintlupin · 2 years
15 Questions
ty @jalesidor for the tag!
Nickname: tzi tzi, said quickly
Height: tall(?) short(?), depends who you put me next to
Last thing googled: cats holding hands
Song stuck in my head: The Look by Metronomy
#followers: with the porn-bot influx i'm honestly scared to check
Amount of sleep: enough 🙂
Wearing: hello kitty jumper + brown slacks + doc marten stompers
Movie/book that summarises you: fallen angels
Favourite song currently: I Hate U by SZA
Aesthetic: cute but deadly? i hope. it is what i am always going for. @jalesidor please confirm.
Favourite authors: emily jungmin yoon and natalie diaz, two fantastic poets i adore with all my heart
Random fact: over 300 species of fruit depend on bats for pollination, including mango and avocados! thank you, bats!
no-pressure tagging: @softlystarstruck, @oknowkiss, @wolfpants, @short666bread, @amorsindolor, @anzukero, and anyone else who wants to :>
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heizelnutlatte · 4 months
💬 [24112022] Esquire Korea: Why Actor Ryu Kyungsoo, an INFP type A, always stays till the end at shooting parties." (Part 2)
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An actor who is type A and INFP. He is shy but always stays until the very end at after-parties. He believes that acting is incredibly significant, just as every job in the world is, and that the process is as important as the result. We explore the sincere thoughts of Ryu Kyungsoo at the beginning of winter.
Q: The first part of Daemuga was performed a long time ago. As an actor, you might have wanted to reshoot it...
(Continuing) I did want to reshoot it. (Laughs) But the director was very determined. He really liked the outcome of the short film. He wanted to keep his work that way, and since I'm not the director, I couldn't change it. However, I think it would have felt different if we had reshot it. I'm in my 30s now, and I've been through various experiences, so I've definitely changed. I might have improved, but the 'han' (a deep, unresolved sorrow) that I felt back then wouldn't be present now.
Q: With the transition to a full-length film, there’s a new highlight where actors playing shamans have intense confrontations. Do you still learn new things on set?
Absolutely. Growth often comes from trial and error. When something doesn't work out one way, you learn to try another. I gain a lot of energy from the conversations I have with other actors, or simply from spending time together. I ask a lot of questions, and I did so while filming Daemuga, especially with Park Sungwoong and Yang Hyunmin.
Q: You ask a lot of questions.
Yes, I ask my fellow actors a lot. About their lives, how they think about acting. What I'm most curious about is whether acting is still fun for them. 'Even when they reach a master's level, is it still enjoyable?' It's probably because of my own fears. I'm scared that I might find acting unenjoyable someday. Fortunately, many actors respond that they continue to find it enjoyable.
Q: It seems you talk about acting even at shooting wrap-up parties. (Laughs)
I tend to stay till the end because I have so many questions. At those gatherings, there are senior actors whom I didn't know well before. I want to ask them various things, but I'm quite shy, so it's difficult for me. I also worry that it might be impolite to ask about acting when they just want to relax and have a drink. So, I end up asking a lot of questions to the people I meet while working.
Q: Actor Park Sungwoong, with whom you shot Daemuga, said this to you: "I wasn't as good an actor in my twenties as you are. But I'm not sure if you can be as good as I am now when you reach my age."
That was something he said over drinks.
Q: It does sound like something one would say while intoxicated. (Laughs)
(Laughs) The point was, 'You don't know if you can be as good as I am when you're my age, so always stay the same.' He said, "If you change, I'll come after you." I took it as him telling me to keep my current mindset and continue to work hard.
Q: What do you think? Are you confident?
Actually, I don't think there's such a thing as being better or worse than anyone else in acting. But I think I will be better than I am now. I will definitely be different in my forties. I felt different in my thirties compared to my twenties.
Q: So, you're confident about the essence of what Park Sungwoong said.
"Don't change but grow." Yes, I am confident.
Q: On the other hand, actor Hwang Jungmin, with whom you worked on the movie Hostage, commented on your face, saying you have a good face.
When I was in my twenties, I often thought about that. 'Would I have gotten more work if I were better looking?' But I'm thankful he said that, and now I like my face. It's ordinary. Having an unremarkable and neutral face helps a lot in portraying different characters. While you might think it's only about how well an actor performs, the face is important. I see it from the audience's perspective, too. Sometimes, the face conveys more than the acting. It's not about being good-looking or not; it's about whether you can give off a certain feeling.
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Q: You have many villain roles in your filmography. Would you consider taking on villain roles again if offered?
It's the same as I said earlier. It just has to be fun and new for me. If a character has a similar tone and manner to characters I've played before, then I probably won't take it, regardless of what it is, because it wouldn't interest me. It's similar to how I feel when someone asks me to go surfing. It might be cold, and I'm not sure if it would be fun. But if there's a new feeling that seems like it could show something new, then I'm drawn to it. At that point, whether it's a villain role or not doesn't matter.
Q: Considering your pursuit of new characters and projects, I thought you might feel constrained by a villainous filmography since it tends to lead to similar roles.
That's why I often say in interviews that I want to show different sides and do new things. Once I've said it out loud, I have to be aware of it, right?
Q: (Laughs) It's like you've put a golden headband on yourself, like the one Sun Wukong wears.
Of course, I would have worked hard even without saying those words, but once you say something out loud, it makes you think about it more. It's like having someone constantly poking you and telling you to get up.
Q: Actress Lee Jooyoung, with whom you worked on "Itaewon Class," entrusted you with the lead role in her first directorial effort, "Left at the Door Bell X." Writer Kwang Jin also chose you for the leading role in his first full-length directorial project, "Cabriole." Why do you think that is?
I'm not sure. I never asked why...
Q: So, you're not the type to ask those kinds of questions.
Right. With Jooyoung noona, for instance, she just said, "I have this thing I’d like you to do," and I just said, "Okay, I'll do it." I've always been curious about Jooyong noona's career moves and thoughts, and the projects she’s involved in always have interesting aspects.
Q: Director Yeon Sangho has cast you again for his upcoming projects, "Jung Yi" and "The Bequeathed," following "Hellbound." Could we say this makes you part of the 'Yeon Sang-ho troupe'?
Director Yeon Sangho seems to dislike that term. He thinks it sounds too much like a power dynamic, and he feels that saying that might make it seem like he should keep working with the same people. I always enjoy working with Director Yeon Sangho; we have so much fun together, joking around to the point where it almost seems too much. His sense of humor is among the top five of all the people I’ve met. He has a broad sense of humor and really gets me laughing, and we mesh well in that regard. Someone once said, "Yeon Sangho seems to turn into a middle school kid whenever he's with Kyungsoo."
Q: Then, would it be accurate to call you 'Yeon Sangho's muse'?
I would love that. Whether as a member of his troupe or as his muse. It’s only him who dislikes the term, not me. (Laughs) He just doesn’t like to be boxed into something specific.
Q: Today, you seem quite shy, but you also seem to joke around a lot.
I am quite shy and a bit timid. I'm a type A and an INFP. But I do want to get to know people, so I’m happy when someone talks to me first. I love it when someone asks me to grab a meal. Once we start working together and I get more comfortable, I joke a lot. I really like joking around.
Q: Are you funny?
I like to try to be funny. I have a big desire to make others laugh.
Q: Is this a form of self-deprecation or modesty? Do people often burst into laughter because of what you say?
Well… sometimes they do. (Laughs) But it has to be the right match, right? I think I tend to attract friends who share my sense of humour rather than being universally funny.
Q: So, having a compatible 'code' is important to getting close to you.
Definitely. Since I'm quite shy, it usually takes time, but if the 'code' matches, things can progress quickly. Recently, this happened with Kwak Dongyeon on "Youth MT" (a TvN variety show). We became close in just three days. I even joined him when he was a special DJ on the radio, and that was really fun too.
Q: I’ve heard that some actors focus continuously on their roles even during breaks on set, but that doesn’t seem to be your style.
I prefer to make it fun.
Q: Fun?
Because the process is as important as the outcome. Life is tiring enough, and portraying a character and filming is challenging. Once you hear 'cut,' that's literally it. Then, you joke, chat, have meals and drinks together after. Of course, the outcome is important, but I think this part is crucial too. At least for me, I tend to remember the projects where I was happy during the process the most.
Ryu Kyungsoo x Esquire Korea, 2022
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superstarsupporters · 6 years
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this is what heaven looks like! 🥰
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kook-jimin · 6 years
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Soulmates AU: In a universe where on your eighteenth birthday you receive two tattoos, one matching with your soulmate and the other with your enemy. (55/55)
Based on these ask:  x x
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chakytron · 4 years
U-KNOW 유노윤호 'Thank U' MV
U-KNOW 유노윤호 'Thank U' MV
U-KNOW 유노윤호 'Thank U' MV Category Music Description: U-KNOW’s 2nd Mini Album “NOIR” is out! Listen and download on your favorite platform: https://smarturl.it/UKNOW_NOIR Warning: This video contains intense … TopTrengingTV Hunting the most trend video of the moment, every hour every day 24/7. Youtube Video Data Published At: 2021-01-18T09:00:12Z   Tags:  [‘toptrendingtv’, ‘trend video’, ‘trend…
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commajade · 2 years
hello do you have any recs for contemporary korean literature? i havent read much but what ive read ive enjoyed so i want to read more nd u seem to have rly good taste!
hello thank u!! i'm not super well read in korean cuz i like to read things side by side with korean and english translation and it takes me an extremely long time to get through things but here's some stuff i like!
-anything han kang has written but especially human acts and the vegetarian. human acts by han kang literally rearranged my brain a little definitely a formative experience. i also have a book of her poems but i haven't finished it. next on my list is the white book and her newest book about jeju i'm so excited.
-kim hyesoon's poetry translated by don mee choi, sooo good. absurd abstract philosophical challenging gorgeous work.
-choi seungja's poetry i read some in an anthology and it floored me she's so bold and gritty and her images are so visceral. one of the most influential feminist poets in skorea for a reason. i don't think translations capture her voice very well but still worth it.
-love in the big city by sang young park! breakthrough mainstream lgbt lit it's making quite a splash. i haven't read it but i liked his short story on similar topics from a while back. heard anton hur did a great job translating!
-please look after mom by kyung sook shin i didn't read it all but i watched a reading she did of a passage from it and it made me cry so i think i can recommend it. no one does grief and yearning and undidactic contemplation of regret like koreans do it!!!
-drifting house by krys lee i think this english short story collection is the book i've read that most thoroughly traverses korean lit vs korean diaspora lit like she's US gyopo but she lives in korea and it shows in her literary voice.
-kim jiyoung, born 1982 by cho namjoo. the single most mainstream controversial piece of korean feminist literature everyone has an opinion about it i haven't read it but if i had a copy i would read it just to see what all the fuss is about. a stark depiction of the life of a typical korean woman under the patriarchy.
highly recommend looking at the work of the small circle of very cool korean literary translators. anton hur and soje are my fave queer translators and i follow jack jung and emily jungmin yoon on twt as well. also check out chogwa magazine! lots of delicious poems and cool translation process notes and details i love that zine.
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hamsterclaw · 3 years
Rota Issues (Part 2)
You are bossing it after becoming a single parent to your nephew. Yoongi isn't convinced. Featuring Taehyung.
Pairing: Yoongi x F!reader
Rating: 18+
Genre: Non-idol AU, smut, angst
Word count: 14k total
Warnings: Sexually explicit scenes, explicit language
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Part 1
Part 2
You kick at your tyres in frustration. Somehow you have managed to get a flat whilst your car was parked in the car park. It must have happened on your way in, and stupid you didn’t notice.
You quickly arrange for your neighbour to pick up Jungmin from school, then set about changing it. Another expense you would rather not have, but you have made a lot in tips this month, so you will be able to cover a new tyre. You are just pulling your tools out of the boot when you hear a car pull into a space across from you.
‘Hey, need a hand?’ you hear someone ask.
You look up to see Taehyung walking towards you.
‘Just changing a flat,’ you explain, waving your hand at the offending tyre.
Taehyung looks at you thoughtfully. ‘I don’t know how to do it, but if you do you can talk me through it and I can do the physical labour,’ he offers.
‘Oh, don’t worry, it’s not too difficult,’ you say.
He squats down in front of it. ‘Let me,’ he says, holding out his hand.
Together you change it in record time.
‘Thanks,’ you say, slightly breathless.
Taehyung shrugs. ‘Thank you. It’s a useful skill to have.’
‘Hey,’ he says, as you replace your tools. ‘Do you want to grab some food?’
‘Oh, I can’t,’ you say. ‘My neighbour is picking up my nephew from school and I should get back.’
‘Oh, is your nephew visiting?’ Taehyung asks.
‘Uh, my nephew lives with me. I look after him. His mum is away,’ you explain quickly. He doesn’t need your life story.
‘Well what does your nephew like to eat? We can go out to dinner together,’ Taehyung says. He looks at you, and he looks so genuinely curious you can’t help but smile.
‘Ok,’ you say. ‘Why don’t you follow me to mine and we can pick up Jungmin and go.’
You park on the street outside your apartment building and wait for Taehyung to get out of his car. You never quite realised how shabby your building looks from the outside. You can’t imagine what Taehyung is thinking. He is always impeccably dressed.
By the time you get up to your tiny apartment you turn to give him an out. ‘You know, it’s kind of early for dinner,’ you say.
Taehyung just smiles. ‘I can eat anytime.’
You thank your neighbour for watching Jungmin whilst Taehyung introduces himself.
‘Do you want to go out for dinner?’ you ask Jungmin.
Jungmin beams at you. ‘Can we go to McDonalds?’
You smile back, charmed. ‘Sure.’
You turn back to Taehyung again. ‘Final chance to get out of this,’ you say.
Taehyung is already heading for the door. ‘I love McDonald’s,’ he cheers, and he sounds so genuinely pleased you giggle as you and Jungmin follow behind him.
Taehyung demolishes a burger whilst Jungmin watches, impressed. ‘You eat fast,’ he says admiringly.
Taehyung grins at him. It’s funny, you have never been attracted to him, but watching him mess around with Jungmin you notice how the rest of his face is as gorgeous as his intense eyes.
Taehyung helps Jungmin construct the Pokemon toy that came with his meal. You watch, transfixed by Taehyung’s large hands and beautiful skin. Fuck. Are you really going to go there? It’s been too long since you last slept with someone. Single parenting your nephew isn’t really conducive to romance.
Taehyung clears his throat and you realise he is looking at you. The smirk he gives you makes your cheeks flush. It’s as though he knows exactly what you were thinking.
You concentrate on your fries until you feel a little less flustered. ‘Want my milkshake?’ you offer Jungmin.
Jungmin shakes his head. ‘Can I have your fries?’
You push them towards him and smile affectionately. In the interim you hear loud slurping and realise Taehyung has stolen your milkshake. You can’t help but chuckle.
Taehyung drives you back to your apartment after dinner. ‘I’ve had a nice time,’ he tells you, once Jungmin is off to the bathroom to get ready for his bedtime.
‘Yeah, me too,’ you say, and you really mean it.
‘Maybe for our second date we can go somewhere fancier than McDonalds,’ he says smoothly.
You just laugh. ‘I don’t know if you’ll get a second date. There are loads of people lining up to date me you know. A single parent with a 7-year-old. I’m a real catch.’
Taehyung just smiles at you. ‘Well, if you decide to give me a chance, I’d love to take you out.’
You smile back, a little flustered. ‘Sure, I’ll let you know if a slot becomes available.’
Taehyung’s lips quirk in a half smile, and he nods. ‘You do that.’
You are swamped. Dr Kim is organising a course on bronchoscopies and you have been tasked with helping. What this actually translates to is you taking Dr Kim’s stream of consciousness and making his vague concepts a reality. This is on top of your usual workload and also having to cover a colleague from a different department who has gone off sick.
You have taken to skipping lunch and subsisting on coffee and water. This new diet is doing wonders for your waist but is making you decidedly grumpy. You are NOT in the mood for Min Yoongi when he drops by your office.
You haven’t seen him since his date when he turned up looking like a stunning avenging angel.
Yoongi starts the conversation with one of his usual blunt observations. ‘You look like hell.’
‘Oh thanks,’ you reply. ‘I was just thinking to myself I wonder what Yoongi is thinking right now.’
Yoongi frowns at you. ‘Are you eating?’
‘Did you come here for me to help you with anything?’ you counter.
‘Yeah. I need some annual leave sorting for August.’
‘Sure. You can email me if it’s easier. You don’t have to physically come and find me every time. But since you are here, you can just tell me and I’ll put it in the rota.’
You quickly close up the email you are writing and pull up the master rota, making the changes Yoongi is requesting.
When you are done you look at him expectantly. ‘Anything else I can help you with?’
Yoongi looks like he isn’t going to move anytime soon. ‘How’ve you been?’
‘I’m ok. Just a little busy with this new course I need to organise. And you?’
‘Yeah good,’ Yoongi replies.
‘How’d your hot date go?’ you ask, when he still doesn’t move.
‘It was good. I don’t know if we’ll go out again.’
‘She’s pretty hot. Almost as hot as you,’ you say, biting your lip as you pull up another email. Shit. How many times can someone email about the same thing?
Yoongi laughs. ‘Can I invite myself over to dinner on Monday?’
You shake your head. ‘Sorry, Yoongi. I’ve got to work at the bar on Monday night.’
‘I thought you only worked at the bar at weekends?’ Yoongi says, and the frown is back between his eyebrows.
‘I’ve just got to do a few extra shifts this month, it’s a new school year soon so I need to buy a few extra things for Jungmin. Books, uniforms, stuff like that,’ you explain, quickly firing off another reply.
‘Hey I can lend you some money if you need it,’ Yoongi offers.
You stop what you’re doing and sigh. ‘We’re doing fine, Yoongi. I don’t need your money.’
Yoongi’s gaze is steady on yours. ‘Look, I see you working all the time. You look like you’ve lost weight. You don’t even sleep on a bed. You’re my friend. I want to help you and Jungmin if I can.’
For a moment you just stare at him, caught between humiliation and anger.
‘Firstly, my sofa bed is the best,’ you say glaring at him. ‘Don’t even act like you didn’t love it. Secondly, Jungmin is doing fine. I’m providing for him. There isn’t anything he needs that I don’t get him. Thirdly, we’re friends but I’m not a fucking charity case you need to donate to so you can feel like you’ve done your good deed for the day. Spend your money on your hot girlfriend, Yoongi.’
Yoongi looks like he is about to argue, and you need to get him out of your office before you burst into tears.
‘Get the fuck out of my office, Yoongi. I can’t even talk to you right now. I don’t need you to feel sorry for me.’ You voice is firm.
You turn away from him to look at your screen, and you manage to hold back the hot tears filling your eyes until the door closes behind him.
You sniffle and rub at your eyes tiredly. You had allowed yourself 10 minutes of crying over Yoongi’s embarrassing offer, and a further 10 minutes of mindless social media scrolling, and now you were back to organising Dr Kim’s course.
There is a knock on the door, and for a second you contemplate pretending to not be in.
Taehyung pokes his head around.
‘Yes?’ you ask, hoping your voice only sounds trembly in your head.
Taehyung studies your face. ‘What’s wrong? Can I help?’
‘That’s my line,’ you reply, pulling your lips into a smile that you think probably looks more like a grimace.
‘What happened?’ he asks.
You sigh. Does no one feel like not getting up in your business today?
‘A friend offered to lend me money. They feel sorry for me because they think I don’t have enough money.’
Taehyung lets out an empathetic sound. ‘You’re upset because they feel sorry for you,’ he says.
‘They’re my friend. I don’t need their pity.’ Despite yourself you can feel your lower lip wobble.
Suddenly, unexpectedly, Taehyung is coming over to you and engulfing you in his arms. He smells so good you let yourself cry on his shoulder for a bit.
‘Thanks,’ you mutter, pulling away. You know you probably look a mess. What a fucking day this is turning out to be.
He squeezes your hand, and there is kindness in his eyes. ‘It’s ok. I always thought flowers were an inadequate way to thank you for how you looked after me when my grandmother was taken ill.’
‘I only did what any decent human would have done,’ you say.
Taehyung looks serious. ‘You did more than that,’ he replies.
‘Oh well,’ you say uncomfortably. ‘Did you come for some help?’
‘No, I just came to say hello.’
‘Well, thanks for letting me cry on your shoulder,’ you say, forcing a watery smile. ‘I’ve got to sort this course for Dr Kim.’
Taehyung nods. ‘No worries. You know you can text me anytime if you need anything.’
You are sure at this point your smile looks more like a grimace. ‘Thank you,’ you say, looking down.
Thankfully he gets the hint.
On Monday night you have gone out back to load some glasses in the dishwasher when you hear someone entering the bar. You pop out to see. You are the only person serving, Jin is in the back room doing paperwork.
You keep your expression as neutral as possible when you see Yoongi.
‘Hi,’ you say. ‘What can I get you?’
Yoongi takes a seat at the bar and orders a whiskey, which you pour out as quickly as you can.
‘Hey,’ he says. ‘Can we talk?’
You don’t really have any excuse not to. The bar isn’t busy – the only two other customers are playing pool and you have just served them drinks.
‘Sure,’ you say, guardedly.
‘I’m sorry I made you feel like I see you as a charity case,’ Yoongi says, blunt as ever.
The bluntness of his words makes you flush. ‘I work hard, Yoongi. Loads of people do. There’s nothing wrong with that.’
Yoongi rubs the back of his neck, sighing. ‘I just hate seeing you working so hard. I feel guilty for not helping you. We’re friends. I haven’t seen much of you since you left medical school, and I never realised what a tough time you’ve been having.’
‘It has been tough, but I don’t need anyone to feel sorry for me,’ you say pointedly. ‘We’re friends, you’re not here to give me money. I liked spending time with you.’
‘Can I take you out sometime? Like for dinner, or a coffee? Outside of work?’
You raise an eyebrow. ‘I don’t need a handout just because things are tight right now.’
‘You stayed up with me all night when I was studying for my special study module. You went through anatomy with me until we both memorised every single muscle in the forearm. You went halfway across town to get me the soup I wanted when I was unwell,’ Yoongi blurts out, and he is talking so fast it takes you a while to process it.
‘You did so much for me when we were together at uni. And when you left, I didn’t really make the effort to be there for you. It’s been years and I’ve only just now realised what it’s been like, for you.’
You sigh. ‘Yoongi. There is nothing to atone for, nothing you need to make up to me. You don’t owe me anything. I just want your friendship. I don’t want to feel like anyone’s personal charity case.’
Yoongi is quiet a moment. ‘I don’t pity you. I just have the capacity to help you and I want to because you’re my friend.’
‘Then be my friend,’ you tell him. ‘Be there for me instead of just trying to throw money at me.’
‘Not even a tip?’ he asks, and he gives you a half-smile.
‘Yeah tip me obviously. I make minimum wage,’ you joke.
Jin comes out of the back room, then. ‘Minimum wage?’ he asks, indignantly.
‘I am paid well,’ you say hastily, giving Jin a comforting pat on the shoulder.
Jin cocks an eyebrow at you. ‘I’m reconsidering your Christmas bonus right now.’
You snort. ‘Please I’m the best worker you have. Jungkook’s only here as eye candy.’
Jin leans over you. ‘You’re both useless eye candy. But you’re better at loading the dishwasher than Jungkookie.’
Yoongi gazes at both of you. ‘Is Jungkook the tattooed guy?’
You nod. ‘Incredibly good looking? Muscles like a Greek god?’
You see Jin eyeing you and quickly say, ‘Jungkook finds it tough being the second most good looking one here. After Jin.’
Jin beams at you. ‘I am unbelievably handsome,’ he agrees. He refills Yoongi’s whiskey and then pours out some for himself and you. ‘Cheers to that.’
You catch Yoongi’s eye as you toss back your drink.
By the time it is time to close up, you are more than a little tipsy. Jin has decided that he and Yoongi are firm friends and kept pouring drinks for all three of you.
You bid Jin a good night and walk out with Yoongi. Yoongi walks with you to your apartment. He pauses at your door, then looks down at you, eyes bright, cheeks warm. You gaze up at him, and you are already halfway to forgiving him before he leans down to give you a kiss.
As soon as his soft lips meet yours, you are lost. Yoongi is a good kisser. His lips are warm, his tongue teasing at the seam of your lips until you part them and he slips in, licking inside your mouth. You moan. It has been so long since you have last been kissed.
As soon as he hears you, Yoongi’s hands press against the small of your back, and you realise his arms have somehow found their way around you. You pull back slightly. ‘Yoongi,’ you say, and somehow your voice already sounds breathless, needy. He looks at you, and you realise he is breathing a little heavily too.
‘You’re beautiful,’ he says.
‘I thought I looked like hell?’ you tease.
‘You look like you belong in my bed, under me,’ Yoongi says, his eyes dark.
At that, you kiss him again, your kisses deepening and getting more urgent until he pushes you against the door of your apartment, pressing his hips to yours.
You could almost cry at the feel of his erection against your stomach. You stroke a hand over his groin, just wanting a feel, and he almost growls as he bucks against your hand.
‘Yoongi,’ you breathe, overwhelmed by his proximity, his head, the sounds he is making.
He swears under his breath as he kisses you again. ‘Can I?’ he asks.
You aren’t going to tell him no. ‘My mum is sleeping in Jungmin’s room,’ you tell him. ‘We’ll have to be quiet.’
Yoongi lets out a half-laugh, half-groan. ‘God, I feel like a teenager.’
You press a finger to your lips as you unlock the door to your apartment. As soon as the door closes behind you, Yoongi is on you, lips seeking yours, arms reaching around to cup your ass. You take a few steps back and then you are both on your sofa bed, and you whimper at the slow, purposeful roll of his hips against yours.
Yoongi rests his forehead against yours. ‘I’m so fucking hard right now,’ he mutters.
You are already unbuttoning your jeans, slipping them down over your hips, reaching out to unbutton his. He hisses as your hand brushes against his hard length. Encouraged, you reach into his black briefs, and the feel of his cock in your hand makes your mouth water.
‘Yoongi,’ you moan, and his dick twitches.
‘Fuck, stop saying my name,’ he breathes. He slots himself between your legs, and in a smooth thrust he is inside you.
The feel of him in your makes your eyes roll back in your head. He presses close, mouth against your ear. ‘You’re so fucking wet,’ he tells you. ‘You feel so fucking good.’ It has been so long since you last had sex, and the stretch of his cock in you feels so fucking delicious, you can feel yourself clenching around him.
Yoongi starts to thrust, and it isn’t long before you are close to the edge. ‘Yoongi,’ is all you can say, and somehow he knows, thumb slipping down to press firmly on your clit as he rocks into you.
‘Cum for me,’ he tells you, his voice so deep now you are lost, cumming around his cock, hand pressed to your mouth to silence yourself. His eyes meet yours and then he is cumming too, thrusts getting slower, sloppier until he stills, coming to lie by your side.
You press a breathless kiss to the hollow of his neck. ‘Admit it,’ you say. ‘You love my sofa bed.’
Yoongi gives you one of his rare smiles then, all gums and perfect teeth. ‘Yeah I fucking do.’
You admire the programme for Dr Kim’s course that you have just typed out. It looks like an excellent course, with well-respected speakers and even one world expert who is tuning in from halfway across the world. You compose an email to the course delegates (it is sold out), including the programme, and have just clicked send when there is a knock on your door.
Before you can even respond Kim Taehyung's head appears, followed by the rest of him. He is carrying a cardboard tray with two coffees.
You smile at him. ‘Is this bribery, Taehyung?’
He grins back at you. ‘ Yes.’ He reaches into his pocket, and pulls out a packet of biscuits. ‘I’ve just been on a study day, and I snagged us some fancy biscuits,’ he tells you.
Charmed, you take a coffee and one of his biscuits. ‘Custard creams,’ you say, delighted. ‘The best.’
Taehyung smiles at your enthusiasm. ‘Did I do well?’
‘Sooo well,’ you praise him. ‘Aren’t you a good boy?’
Taehyung laughs. ‘I’m on another study day tomorrow. I’ll get us more biscuits then.’
For a moment you both drink your coffee in silence. ‘How’s Jungmin?’ asks Taehyung. ‘I found this new pizza place on my road, he loves pizza doesn’t he? Maybe I can take you both to it next week?’
‘Sure, he likes your company,’ you say easily. You are just deciding on a date when Yoongi walks into your office.
He nods to Taehyung, who nods back. There is a bit of an awkward pause before you and Taehyung agree on Tuesday and he leaves your office.
You look up at Yoongi. ‘Hey,’ you say. It’s been a few days since your tryst on the sofa, and you haven’t heard from him since he snuck out of your apartment the following morning before Jungmin woke up.
‘Hey,’ he replies. ‘What are you doing on your birthday?’
You raise an eyebrow, surprised. ‘Where is the real Min Yoongi? You never remember my birthday.’
He rubs the back of his neck. ‘I always remember. I don’t always remember to greet you, though.’
You roll your eyes as his non-response. ‘It’s on Friday. I’m doing dinner with Jungmin and my parents, and we’re getting a cake. Jungmin’s got an overnight school trip that weekend, so I’m dropping him off on Saturday morning and picking him up on Sunday evening. I’m working Saturday and Sunday night.’
He looks at you thoughtfully. ‘You have Saturday day free?’
You nod. You love Jungmin, but you have been looking forward to spending all of Saturday in bed after you drop him off. ‘I’m spending Saturday in bed. I can’t wait,’ you tell Yoongi.
Yoongi gives you an interested look. ‘Want company?’
You can’t help but laugh. ‘In bed?’
Yoongi just looks at you, and you flush as his meaning finally becomes clear to you.
‘Oh,’ you say, and you try unsuccessfully to stop the smile spreading across your face. Yoongi’s lips quirk in a half grin.
‘I can come with you to drop Jungmin off, and we can take it from there,’ he suggests.
‘A daytime booty call, huh,’ you say, considering.
‘Well I’d like to take you out too but you don’t seem to want me to,’ Yoongi says.
‘Maybe I can spend Saturday with you. I have to leave for work around 6 though,’ you tell him.
Yoongi nods at you. ‘It’s a date.’
Jungmin looks at you worriedly. ‘Did we pack everything?’
‘Yes,’ you say. ‘I’ve checked the list your teacher sent. Do you need the bathroom before we go?’
Jungmin shakes his head.
‘Are you excited? Remember if you’re worried let your teacher know and she can call me, ok?’ you say, smoothing his hair fondly.
He looks up at you, a smile creasing his face. ‘Judah says he’s bringing a toy.’
‘Do you want to bring one too? Just one,’ you say.
Jungmin disappears into his room and returns with the Pokemon figurine he got from his trip to McDonald’s with Taehyung.
‘OK, pop it in here,’ you say, unzipping a pocket of his backpack.
There is a knock at the door. You go to let Yoongi in. He looks really good today, in a white t-shirt and jeans, his hair styled back over his forehead. ‘I didn’t realise we were dressing up for booty calls,’ you mutter to him, and he chuckles.
‘It’ll be off soon enough,’ he promises, and you roll your eyes.
Yoongi gives Jungmin a nod. ‘You ready?’
Jungmin nods excitedly.
You feel a pang of worry as you see Jungmin run off to join the rest of his friends.
‘He’ll be ok,’ Yoongi says, hand rubbing your back reassuringly. ‘Don’t you remember having fun on your school trips? He’ll be back tomorrow.’
You nod, giving Jungmin a wave. He waves and smiles, and you leave before you embarrass yourself.
Yoongi starts the engine. ‘Where would you like to go?’
Instead of replying, you lean across and pull his face to yours. You kiss him on the lips, slow and sweet.
When you pull away, Yoongi is staring at your lips. ‘I’m taking you to breakfast,’ he says.
You smile. ‘That’s not really a booty call thing to do.’
Yoongi gives you a side-eye as he pulls away from his parking space. ‘I’m going to feed you and then destroy you,’ he says darkly.
‘Looking forward to it,’ is all you say.
Yoongi is kissing down your neck, his breath warm, his lips soft. You run your hands over his shoulders, cradling his neck to you. His hands lift the hem of your t-shirt up over your head. He takes a minute to stare at your chest so openly you can feel your whole face getting warm.
‘I used to fantasize about these tits,’ he tells you.
You wave a hand. ‘No way.’
‘Yes way,’ he says, so emphatically you believe him. ‘Remember when you used to wear this silky blue top whenever we went out. Always gave me a raging boner.’
You laugh, but he tilts his head to kiss the tops of your breasts, and suddenly you aren’t laughing anymore. He slips the straps of your lacy bra off, one hand coming up to unhook it from behind so seamlessly you barely realise until he is placing your bra on the arm of the sofa. For all the care he is taking with your clothes, his eyes never leave you. You cross your arms across your chest self-consciously, and he just smirks at you.
When you feel his mouth on you, your arms fall away. He just laughs, placing warm open-mouthed kisses on your tits, tongue laving your nipples. His mouth centres over a nipple and you feel his warm breath as he sucks, hard. ‘Oh,’ you cry. Your hands come up to clench in his hair. ‘Yoongi.’
‘Mmm?’ hums Yoongi, switching to the other nipple. ‘Do you like this?’
You realise one of his hands has slid its way up your thigh, thumb brushing over your core. One finger slips under your panties, and he groans. ‘You’re so wet.’ His mouth leaves your breast, and then he is sliding down your body. He hooks his fingers over your panties, and you lift your hips to help him. He squeezes your ass with his big hands as he pulls them off.
Yoongi looks up at you, hair mussed, eyes dark, and his tongue comes out to lick at his bottom lip. ‘I wonder what you taste like?’ he muses, and, not waiting for an answer, he decides to find out himself.
Yoongi eats you out like he loves it, messily, sloppily, murmuring his appreciation. When you clench around his tongue you can feel his lips curve in a smirk. He pushes two fingers into you, starting a slow rhythm that has you clutching at the blanket under you.
‘Oh my god, Yoongi,’ you cry.
Yoongi’s voice is low, almost mocking as he says, ‘Yes, baby? Wanna cum on my face?’
‘Fuck yes,’ you cry out. His eyes flash up at you an instant before his lips close on your clit and he sucks. His fingers haven’t stopped moving, and they keep up their steady rhythm until you are cumming over his fingers and tongue.
‘You look so pretty when you cum, I can’t decide if I want to protect you or destroy you,’ Yoongi says, coming up to kiss you. You feel the length of his cock against your pelvis.
‘Destroy me,’ you reply. You slip down, encouraging him to turn over. You admire his gorgeous cock, your hand coming up to grasp him. There is pre-cum slipping over the head of his cock, and you lick a firm stripe up from the underside of his cock to lap it all up.
When you look up you see Yoongi’s throat working, his head thrown back. ‘Fuck that feels amazing,’ he tells you. You slide him into your mouth, trying to fit all of him in. His dick twitches in your mouth as his tip hits the back of your throat and you swallow. You can feel his hand in your hair, pulling your head back. ‘Stop, I don’t want to cum until I get inside you,’ he tells you.
Yoongi lines himself up with your entrance, and just like the first time you had sex, slides inside you with a smooth thrust. You both moan when he is all the way in. He moans. ‘I want to be inside you forever,’ he says fervently, grinding his hips against yours. ‘You feel so fucking good.’
You wonder how he is still forming sentences when you can barely form words. His name slips from your lips in breathless pants as he slides in and out of you.
‘Wanna fucking destroy you,’ Yoongi pants, snapping his hips against your pelvis. You lift a leg up to his shoulder, and he pauses to kiss the muscle of your calf. He looks amazing, hair pushed back, face and torso sweaty, eyes dark as he pushes you both to the edge.
‘Yoongi, I’m gonna ..’ you cry out.
Yoongi looks down at you, your beautiful eyes, your swollen lips, your tits that he has fantasized about for years, and he says, ‘Go on, cum for me.’
You do, and it is not long before he is cumming too.
Yoongi buries his face between your tits. ‘Why did we wait so many years to do this?’ he asks.
‘Fuck knows,’ you reply. You turn over onto your front, and Yoongi sucks in a breath as the sight of the curve of your naked ass.
‘Can we do it again?’ he asks. All you can do is laugh.
You snooze for a bit, then realise that it is coming up to the time you need to get ready for work. You look over at Yoongi, wondering if he is awake. His eyes meet yours.
‘Hey,’ you say. ‘I need to go to work. I’ll be back around 1am. You can stay if you want, make yourself at home. There’s some food in the fridge.’
Yoongi props himself up on an arm. His hair is endearingly mussed, and he looks strangely young without his shirt on. ‘Can I ask you something?’ he asks.
‘Sure,’ you say, searching for your underwear. Yoongi runs a hand over his face.
‘Hypothetically,’ he says, ‘If Jin gave you the night off because I rang him last week to ask him to, would you go out to dinner with me?’
You look at him. ‘Is this hypothetical?’
‘I told him it was your birthday,’ Yoongi confesses. ‘I’d otherwise never go over your head like that. I won’t do it again. I just wanted to take you out for your birthday.’
He looks worried. ‘I have reservations at a little Italian place.’
You kneel in front of where he is lying on the sofa. ‘I’d love to go to dinner with you for my birthday. Please don’t ring Jin to reschedule my shifts again.’
‘I won’t,’ Yoongi promises. ‘But just so you know, he was happy to. He really likes you.’
‘Do I have to dress up?’ you ask.
Yoongi shrugs. ‘Don’t feel you have to cover up those magnificent tits on my behalf.’ He leans over to kiss each breast thoroughly, and it isn’t long before you are moaning under him.
‘Do we have time?’ you ask, when you feel his cock hardening again.
Yoongi just chuckles. ‘We can make time.’
You open the door and step into the living room.
Yoongi looks up from where he is scrolling his phone on the sofa, and he lets out a low whistle.
‘I chose this because of how you said it affects you,’ you say boldly, quirking a smile at him.
Yoongi runs a hand through his hair. ‘You can come and feel for yourself.’
You are wearing the blue silky top Yoongi referenced earlier, and his eyes drop to your exposed collarbones as you step closer.
You brush your hand over his groin, eyes snapping up to meet his when you feel his hardness.
‘I wasn’t lying,’ he says, voice low, husky.
You just look at him, eyes wide, and he brushes a thumb over your lower lip. ‘Stop looking at me like that or we’ll miss our reservation,’ he warns.
It’s been ages since you’ve been to a nice restaurant, dining out reserved for special occasions like Jungmin’s birthday. You sigh with pleasure as you sit back in your seat, looking around at the warmly lit interiors, the wood panelling, the stone floors.
‘This is lovely, thanks for taking me here,’ you say to Yoongi.
Yoongi looks at you, and there is affection in his eyes. ‘I thought of you the first time I came here,’ he tells you. ‘You always liked Italian food.’
You reach across the table to cover his hand with yours. ‘Thanks,’ you say, warmly.
Yoongi nods at someone over your shoulder and you realise that you have company. You turn to see Taehyung and Yuna.
‘Hey,’ Taehyung says, smiling at you. ‘Fancy seeing you here.’
‘Yeah, it’s my birthday so Yoongi took me out,’ you say. You nod to Yuna, who gives you an impersonal smile.
‘Oh happy birthday,’ Taehyung says. Unexpectedly, he leans in to give you a hug. ‘You look beautiful.’
You thank him and they move on.
Yoongi looks at you, amused. ‘He’s an interesting guy,’ he says. ‘I think we’d get on if he wasn’t so busy eye fucking you all the time.’
‘Please. He has no interest in me. I helped him when his grandmother was unwell and he’s just nice to me because of it,’ you say.
Yoongi lets out a bark of laughter. ‘He spent so much time ogling you I was worried that Yuna was going to punch him. And I’d be right behind her.’
You blush.
‘Not that I blame the man,’ Yoongi says, more gently. ‘You’re so pretty I can’t wait to get you back home.’
‘What would we do?’ you ask.
Yoongi laughs. ‘Stop it. I need dinner before we can go again.’
Your mother is helping you clear the table after dinner. Jungmin has wandered into the living room to play video games.
‘Soomi came to see us last week,’ she tells you.
‘Oh?’ you ask, starting to wash up.
‘She says she’s thinking about having Jungmin live with her again,’ your mother says.
She steps closer and you can feel her hand on your shoulder.
‘She hasn’t seen him for more than a quick visit in years,’ you say. ‘She’s a stranger to him.’
‘He’s her son. She has a new partner now, they’ve been going out for a couple years. She’s in a good job, they’ll let her go part-time to look after him. It would ease your burden.’
‘He’s not a burden, mum,’ you say. ‘I’ve had him since he was a baby. He’s part of my life.’
‘I asked him,’ your mother says, and for the first time since the conversation started, you look at her.
‘What did he say?’ you ask.
‘He says he will think about it. He’s always wanted a dad and a mum.’
You feel a wave of sadness. Jungmin has been a part of your life for so long it hurts to think he has been pining for his parents this whole time.
‘He doesn’t mean he doesn’t love you,’ your mother tells you gently. ‘He just wants to be like everyone else.’
That night as you’re tucking Jungmin into bed, you give him a goodnight kiss and settle in the comfy chair beside his bed.
‘Grandma says you might be able to live with your mum again, with a stepdad,’ you say.
Jungmin looks at the ceiling. ‘Yeah.’
‘Do you want to? I don’t mind if you do. But you can also stay here with me. It’s up to you.’
Jungmin looks at you. ‘I don’t want to hurt your feelings.’
You smile at him. ‘You won’t hurt my feelings, you know. Besides you can always visit me even if you stay with your mum. Or I can visit you. You’ll always have me.’
Jungmin looks at you searchingly, and you look back at him. Finally he turns over. ‘Can I visit anytime?’
‘Yeah,’ you say. You turn off his bedside lamp so he can’t see your tears. ‘Anytime you want.'
Yoongi walks into Y/N’s office but she isn’t at her desk. Instead Dr Kim is there, frowning over her computer.
‘I was looking for Y/N,’ he says, when Dr Kim looks at him curiously.
‘She’s taken two weeks off,’ Dr Kim says sadly. ‘I don’t know how I’m going to get by.’
Yoongi is perplexed, but has enough presence of mind to offer a commiserating nod.
You hadn’t mentioned taking time off during your weekend together.
He dials your number as he leaves your office. It goes straight to voicemail.
After work he drops by your apartment. Taehyung opens the door.
Yoongi raises an eyebrow. ‘Is Y/N in?’
Taehyung steps out, closing the door behind him.
‘I’m glad you’re here. She’s pretty upset.’
‘Is she ok?’ Yoongi asks, concerned. ‘What happened?’
‘Jungmin’s moved to stay with his mum,’ Taehyung tells him. ‘Did she get in touch with you?’
‘No,’ says Yoongi shortly. But you had contacted Taehyung.
As if reading his mind, Taehyung says, ‘I dropped by to take her and Jungmin out for dinner. She’d forgotten to cancel our plans after Jungmin moved.’
The door opens, and the men turn slightly awkwardly.
You look from Yoongi to Taehyung. ‘Hey,’ you say. You are aware you must look a mess. You haven’t really slept or showered since Jungmin left over the weekend.
Yoongi steps towards you. ‘Hey, let me fix you some dinner,’ he says.
You shrug. ‘I’m not really hungry.’
Yoongi can’t bear to see your devastated face. ‘Please,’ he pleads.
You snort then. ‘You can’t cook, Yoongi,’ you say quietly.
‘I’ll get take out,’ suggests Taehyung.
‘I’m not very good company right now,’ you say flatly.
Taehyung looks at you, and his eyes are sad. ‘And that’s ok. You don’t have to entertain us. We just want to make sure you’re ok.’
You just look at him.
‘It’s what any decent human being would do,’ says Taehyung, and the memory of you saying those words to him makes your eyes fill with tears.
Yoongi reaches out for you and you step into his arms. Taehyung’s eyes meet Yoongi’s over your head and Taehyung steps back. ‘I’ll grab some food and be back in a bit,’ he says. He gives you a pat on the back before he leaves.
Yoongi’s arms are strong around you. ‘I smell.’ You say to him, suddenly self-conscious.
‘Only a little,’ Yoongi replies.
‘I’ll take a shower,’ you say, shuffling off to the bathroom.
By the time Taehyung gets back with food Yoongi has set the table, and you are just emerging from the shower.
You join them at the table, accepting the bowl Taehyung passes you with a smile of thanks.
Yoongi and Taehyung carry the conversation and you sit, content to continue eating.
‘Dr Kim looks a wreck,’ Yoongi tells you.
You almost smile. ‘I left him instructions for everything.’
‘Is that why he was trying to use your computer? He couldn’t crack your password,’ Yoongi says.
‘It’s stuck to the screen on a post-it,’ Taehyung and you say, at the same time.
You smile then. ‘How many times have you used my computer, Tae?’
Yoongi tries not to bristle at the nickname.
Taehyung laughs. ‘You have such a great desk setup,’ is all he’ll say.
After dinner, Yoongi puts on a film whilst you and Tae tidy up.
You sit on a corner of the sofa, belly full, warm in your baggy t-shirt, Yoongi’s thigh pressed into yours. You don’t know when you fall asleep.
It’s been two months since Jungmin moved out to live with your sister. You’ve seen him every weekend, and you love how happy he looks and how happy your sister looks. It seems to be working well, and the void in your chest is gradually becoming less cavernous. You are thinking about the future, and for the first time in a long time, you are making plans for yourself.
Dr Kim stops by your desk one morning. You run over today’s schedule with him. His bronchoscopy course was a great success, and you now have a framework of contacts for the next course in six months’ time.
Dr Kim pauses before he leaves. ‘I spoke to the Dean,’ he says to you.
‘Yes?’ you say, pulling up your email contacts.
‘He says you’d be a shoo-in for the next academic year if you decided to re-join medical school. You could join the graduate entry medicine course for a year to get back up to scratch, then return to fourth year.’
You suck in a breath, eyes widening as you take in what he has said.
‘It would give you another 9 months to save up for the fees,’ Dr Kim says. His eyes are so kind you could cry.
In an instant you are up and giving him a hug. ‘Thank you,’ you say.
Dr Kim pats your back awkwardly as you pull away. ‘I’m not sure how I’ll cope without you,’ he says regretfully. ‘You’ll have to train up a replacement.’
You smile. ‘You’ll barely even notice I’ve left.’
Dr Kim smiles. ‘And of course Mrs Kim and I will need to take you out to dinner before you leave.’
‘I’ll make a reservation,’ you say.
For a moment you smile at each other. You hope he can see how grateful you are, and you think he can. He has been a good mentor to you over the years. And now here he is, offering you something you had only just realised you wanted.
‘Well now,’ says Dr Kim, and he gives you another smile before he leaves.
You are behind the bar serving drinks. Yoongi, Taehyung and their cohort of doctors are moving on to new jobs, and they're throwing a leaving party.
You slide Taehyung’s drink across the bar to him and he beams at you. He is already halfway to completely wrecked, and to your surprise, Taehyung is a delightfully charming drunk.
‘You are too stunning to be behind the bar,’ he tells a bemused Jungkook.
You pat Jungkook’s hard shoulder. ‘Need me to tell him to leave?’ you ask.
Jungkook pouts at you. ‘I don’t know whether I feel violated or amused?’
‘Welcome to the duality of being a woman in front of an expert flirt like Taehyung,’ you say sagely.
Taehyung just smirks at you. ‘There’s enough of me to go round,’ he tells you both, and you and Jungkook exchange another look. Taehyung just laughs.
When Jungkook goes to take another order, Taehyung leans over. ‘Don’t let Yoongi monopolise your company,’ he tells you. ‘You’re too lovely for him to have all to himself.’
You roll your eyes, patting Taehyung’s arm. ‘You just want me around so I can sort your life problems out.’
Tae beams at you so charmingly you can’t help but smile back. ‘I meant what I said. I love sharing.’
His eyes gleam at you and suddenly you feel a rush of heat in your cheeks.
Yoongi’s arm claps over Tae’s shoulders. ‘I don’t like sharing,’ he says firmly.
Tae’s outrageous eyes don’t leave yours. ‘Try it, you might like it,’ is all he says, and then he ducks under Yoongi’s arm to rejoin the party.
Yoongi tilts his chin at you. ‘I seem to remember you said you like this look on me,’ he says to you.
It is your turn to smirk, taking in his styled hair, his silvery dangly earrings, his leather jacket, his exposed collarbones. ‘You look pretty damn good, Min Yoongi,’ you say to him approvingly.
Yoongi leans over the bar. ‘Can I come home with you later?’
‘Say you love my sofa bed,’ you purr.
Yoongi laughs. ‘I love fucking you on your sofa bed,’ he says, voice low. You bite your lip, and his smug laugh echoes in your ears.
You pull out your phone, and pull up the email detailing your acceptance to medical school from the fall. You pass it to Yoongi, who takes it with a quizzical look on his face.
His face is lit blue from the light of your phone, and you see the exact moment he realises what it is. He pushes himself up and over the bar in an uncharacteristic display of athleticism, landing in front of you.
‘Fuck,’ he says, pulling you into his arms. ‘We’re going to need to celebrate this.’
‘Yeah,’ you say. He looks at you for a second, eyes bright, arms strong around you.
‘Yeah,’ he agrees. He kisses you then, and you feel like you could kiss him forever.
©hamsterclaw 2021
273 notes · View notes
dojae-huh · 1 year
It's the only account I have seen talking about LASTART. With my little knowledge, I agree with her; Jungmin sounds like he is struggling.
Another anon
Based on that performance, I think Jungmin is kinda the same level as early debut Doyoung to me and predebut Doyoung is far better than early debut Doyoung. I'm kinda thrown off by their expression lol, their face (esp Minjae) look too relaxed for those notes they're hitting.
Link, Link2
Thank you, anons, for the answers. I'm pretty gullable when it comes to vocals and don't trust myself, I only need to like the tone (and if I don't like the tone, a technical powerhouse won't make me interested (all EXO members)). That being said, I don't trust most online "specialists", who divide into too many categories, either.
I'd like the new unit to have strong vocals to differ from Dream and produce vocal heavy songs like 127 as well.
I'm actually getting invested. The pre-selected trainees don't interest me (they are kind of bland?), but the others look promising personalities wise.
Readers, what are your thoughts on the prospective neos?
3 notes · View notes
sync-rendipity · 7 years
BTS Group Chat
jimin: if i was a mirror i’d be looking at you all day
jungkook: no, i’d be looking at yoou
jimin: lol, ew
jungkook: 😘
jimin: 🖐✊👊
jimin: caught it 😉
yoongi: this is the group chat you idiots
86 notes · View notes
sweetestofchaos · 3 years
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𝙎𝙩𝙤𝙥 𝙁𝙧𝙤𝙣𝙩𝙞𝙣❜ 🍻 3,171
Trope: Enemies to Lovers Waring(s): NSFW. Slight Angst. Cheating. Mentions of alcohol. Suggestive as fuck (not sorry). Fighting. Blood. Cursing. Fluff (just a little) Chapter(s): One  Description: When your boyfriend cheats on you at a party, Mark is the last person you thought you would want to comfort you. Paring(s): Frat Boy!Mark Tuan & Fem!Reader
For the Anon that sent in the request to base a story off the prompts  "I'm gonna fuck you so hard you'll forget you ever met that asshole" and "I'm not going to touch you unless you beg" I really hope you like it. Thank you so much for sending in this request. I enjoyed myself while writing it!
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“Hey, babe?” Arms wrap around your waist from behind and you smile as your boyfriend rests his chin on your shoulder as you continue to apply your makeup. “Almost ready?”
“Yeah, give me a sec. I’m just finishing up my highlighter.”
“I’ll be by the door.” Your boyfriend, Jungmin kisses your shoulder and hurries out the room with a dopy smile on his face. You roll your eyes with a small laugh and quickly finish up your makeup. You look over yourself in the mirror and smile, you look good. It’s just another frat party tonight hosted by one of Jungmin’s friends, so you didn’t bother to get too dressed up. A white top, high waisted black skinny jeans with a green belt and your famous butter timberland heels. Your makeup is pretty simple, green eyeshadow, mink lashes, a little mauve blush and gold highlighter close to your temples and on the tip of your nose. Your hair is pulled back into two puffs on either side of your head with your edges laid down in small waves.
“Let’s go!” Your heels click on the vinal flooring as you walk into the entrance way of your dorm and Jungmin grins as he takes in your full outfit. Pulling you close, Jungmin presses his lips to yours and you giggle as he tickles your side. “Minie stop!”
“Mmmm…baby you look too good.”
You playfully shove Jungmin away and grab hold of his hand, “Come on lover boy.”
An hour into the party you take the red plastic cup that Jungmin offers you and take a sip of the orange liquid, it’s sweet, but burns your throat on the way down just like all the other drinks. You crinkle your nose at the taste and Jungmin smiles as he kisses your temple.
“Jungmin!” One of Jungmin’s friends calls his name and he glances down at you.
“Go head, I’ll be fine.” You peck his lips, and he hurries off to do whatever it is boys in a frat do. You spot a few of your friends across the way and they wave you over. Nodding your head, you start to make your way over to your friends and you crash into someone’s back sending your orange drink splashing all over your white top and the back of the stranger’s light-colored shirt as well.
“What the fuck?!” The voice shouts and you inwardly groan the moment you recognize who the voice belongs to. Taking a step back, you sigh as the taller boy turns around and his brown eyes seems to be on fire as he glares down at you. “Watch where you’re going!”
You suck your teeth, “Shove it, Mark. It was an accident asshole.”
“You really expect me to believe that princess?” Mark looks around and smirks. “What your little boy toy ran off so you come throwing yourself at me?”
You roll your eyes, “Not even if you were the last man on Earth, Tuan.”
“Says the needy little girl flashing me her tits.”
“Wha…” You glance down and sure enough your white top is now completely see through and your lace bra is visible along with your nipples. You quickly cover your chest, and you can feel heat attack your face. “You’re a fucking pig!” You hiss and storm off in the direction of where your Jungmin went.
The smug smirk falls from Mark’s face as he notices all the eyes on you, and he sighs before he hurries after you. The last thing he needs on his conscious is you getting hurt because he was too much of an asshole to offer you a dry shirt. Mark didn’t expect to find you so easily as you come crashing right into his chest.
“Again? What? Can’t keep your hands off-” Mark’s words catch in his throat when he feels a warm wetness soaking into the front of his shirt. “A-are you crying?” Mark pulls you away from him at arm’s length and tears are running down your face.
“L-let me go Mark.” You manage to force out as you weakly push his hands off you. Mark looks over in the direction that you came from and his jaw tenses when he sees your boyfriend, Jungmin with his dick buried in another girl against the wall. Mark hisses in pain and quickly lets you go as you kick him and run off. Mark ignores the pain and runs after you, catching you at the bottom of the steps as you leave the frat house. “Get off of me!” You cry and try to push Mark away, but he tightens his hold and pulls you into his arms. The warmth of his arms breaks your will, and you cry into his chest.
“Come on, I’ll take you home.” Mark unwraps the jacket from around his waist and quickly drapes it over your shoulders to hide your body from prying eyes. The two of you walk back to your dorm in silence, your sniffles the only thing shared between the two of you. You reach your dorm and wipe at your eyes, feeling stupid for crying in front Mark of all people. Mark wasn’t a bad guy, you guess. The two of you just started off on the wrong foot. You had just starting dating Jungmin when you meant Mark and he was smooth with his pickup lines. When you turned him down, he wasn’t fazed, but when he saw who you were dating it was like a flip was switched and he became an asshole who always had something smart to say.
Standing at the door of your dorm building, you bite your lip. You really aren’t sure what to say to Mark in this every moment. Do you thank him? Do you threaten him? Mark can see the internal battle going on in your eyes and he sighs, “Can I use your washer?”
Your stare at Mark confused by his words and he rolls his eyes, “This shirt wasn’t cheap and I’m 99% sure that the laundry room at my place is being use for an orgy.”
You open your mouth to refuse but choose to just close your mouth and nod your head. You lead Mark into the building and up to your dorm room. You place your key into the lock and glance back at Mark, “Wash your shirt and keep your hands to yourself, Tuan.”
Mark licks his lips and laughs, “I'm not going to touch you unless you beg.”
You sigh at his words and unlock the front door. You push it open and step to the side to let Mark enter first. You step inside after him and close the door, making sure to lock it. Mark follows your lead as you take your shoes off, a habit you picked up from Jungmin and he sets his sneakers next to your heels. You walk farther into your dorm and flick the light switch on the wall. The small space lights up and Mark looks around with a smirk on his face.
“Cute,” Mark remarks and you show him to your laundry room. Mark pulls his shirt off over his head and he winks when he sees you checking him out.
Heat spreads under your skin and you clear your throat, “Do you want something to drinking?”
“Got any beer?” You shake your head and Mark purses his lips as he looks at you. “Water is fine…do you want to wash your shirt too?”
“I said I wouldn’t touch you unless you begged.” Mark waves you off as he tosses his shirt into the washer. “It’s a waste to run the washer for just one shirt.” Mark has a point, and you bite your lip, you don’t want to admit he is right.
“Turn around,” You mutter and Mark smirks.
“It’s nothing I haven’t already seen.”
“Mark!” Laughing, Mark turns his back to you, and you slide his jacket off, setting in on top of the dryer before you pull your stained shirt off and toss it in the washer with Mark’s shirt. “I’m going to change. The cups are in the cabinet on the right in the kitchen.” You leave the laundry room and escape to your room. You shut the door behind you with your foot and look around your room. Jungmin’s hoodie and shorts are piled on the floor, there are a few of his shirts hanging in your closet and you can see some of his shoes hiding under your bed. Tears burn your eyes as you think back to what you saw at the party, how could Jungmin do that to you? Not only did he cheat, but he cheated out in the open where any and everyone could see…did you really mean that little to him?
You cover your mouth with your hand to muffle your cries as you lower yourself onto your bed. Your heart hurts, it feels heavy and…empty all at the same time. You can feel a headache starting to form from the number of tears you have shed, and the effects of the alcohol have long gone. Mark can hear you cries from his spot in front of your door. He was walking past to get some water from the kitchen, but he heard you curse and saw that your door wasn’t shut all the way. Mark peeks his head in, and he frowns when he sees you curled up on the bed, crying over that loser. Mark tried to warn you, Jungmin may look like a nice guy, but his nice guy act was all fake. He only wanted sex and he bragged to everyone who would listen when he scored another notch in his headboard. Jungmin was hellbent on putting your name on his ever-growing list and Mark knew that the two of you never fucked because Jungmin complained about it all the time.
Mark steps into your room and makes his way over to your bed. He licks his lips and hesitates for a moment, should he be doing this? You are vulnerable right now, but you also need someone to comfort you. Mark has been cheated on before and it fucking sucks. Throwing all caution to the wind, Mark crawls onto your bed and lays beside you on his side. You try to quite your sobs, but you can’t. The emotional pain you are feeling is damn near physical.
“P-please hold me…I-it hurts.” Your voice is soft as your broken words fill Mark’s mind with rage. Silently, Mark slides his body flush against yours, the warmth of his bare chest against your back is soothing and as he wraps his arms around you, you find your tense muscles relaxing in his hold.
“I knew you would beg,” Mark tries to lighten the mood and you give him a choked laugh as you turn around in his arms. Your burry your face in the crook of Mark’s neck and inhale his scent; a unique mix of amber, white wood and mint fills your senses and Mark giggles as your hair tickles his chin. Mark’s large hands run up and down your spine, goosebumps rise, and Mark’s breath catches in his throat when your nipples harden against his chest. “He’s a fucking idiot for hurting you.” Reaching up, Mark grabs your chin between his finger and forces you to look into his eyes. “You didn’t deserve that, princess.”
“Like you’re any better,” You sniffle, and Mark raises an eyebrow.
“Yeah, actually I am.”
You stare at Mark, and you can feel his breath on you lips, he has always been handsome, but up close…up close you can see all the little imperfections that make him look so damn good. You never noticed the light eye mole he has under his waterline or the number of natural blemishes that litter his skin. Your eyes are drawn to the mole above Mark’s lip, and you reach out to gently touch his face. Mark leans into your touch and his eyes flicker down to your plush looking lips. Mark’s tongue darts out to wet his lips and he doesn’t miss the way your face heats up in his hand.
“I-I…” The buzzer on the washer goes off and you quickly pull yourself away from Mark. You wipe at your face with the back of your hands and clear your throat. “I’ll switch over the clothes.” You hurry out the room and Mark sits on the bed staring at your open door. Shaking his head, Mark stands up and rolls his shoulders.
“You’re not getting away that easy princess,” Mark mutters to himself and he follows after you into the laundry room. You are standing in front of the washer staring at the shirts, checking if the orange drink you had stained. You hear Mark’s footfalls and glance over at him, feeling heat attack your face as you catch another view of his bare chest. Damn…this boy is fine. Turning your attention back to the clothing in front of you, toss the shirts in the dryer and your body tenses when Mark stands behind you. Mark places his hands on either side of you as he leans forward, and you can feel the body heat radiating off him.
“I know you want me.” Mark’s voice is right next to your ear, and you shiver.
“Girl, stop frontin’.” You bite your lip as one of Mark’s hand trail up the length of your arm and wraps around your neck, holding you in place lightly. “Say it.” Mark orders and your core clenches at the sudden command. Mark traces the shell of your ear with his nose and presses a teasing kissing on your lobe. “Say it, princess.”
You take a breath and lean your head back, giving Mark more access to your neck, “Take the pain away…” You close your eyes as Mark presses his lips to your jaw just under your ear.
“P-please…please Mark. I-I…” You groan when Mark presses himself flush against you, the length between his legs settling nicely between the split of your ass.
Mark laughs at your failed words and shakes his head before he rests his forehead against your shoulder, “I'm gonna fuck you so hard you'll forget you ever met that asshole."
The next morning you are woken up to shouting and you are confused. Your body is sore, and your head is pounding. What the hell is going on? The savory scent of bacon is thick in the air, and you jump out of bed as the event from last night come to the forefront of your mind. Your legs almost give out under you, but you are quick to catch yourself. Reaching over you grab Mark’s jacket from last night and slip it on, zipping the front up before you step out of your room. The shouting is getting louder, and you hear was sounds like skin on skin.
“Yo?! What the fuck?!” You shout as round the corner only to find Mark on top of Jungmin bashing his face in. “Mark stop!” You catch Mark’s arm mid swing and pull him off Jungmin who is seething on the floor.
“What the hell Y/N?! What is Mark doing here?” Jungmin wipes the blood from his mouth with the back of his hand and he narrows his eyes as he takes in your clothing…or lack thereof. “D-did you fuck him?”
Mark looks down at Jungmin with a disgusted sneer on his face, “Get your shit and get out asshole.” Mark growls as he throws an arm around your shoulders. You wrap an arm around Mark’s waist and place your other on his cheek to check where he got hit.
“Y-Y/N?” Jungmin stutters as he gets up and crawls over to you. You start to back away, but Mark makes you stay firm in your place. “Y/N baby…I-I know I messed up, but we’re even now. I can forgive this; it was a stupid mistake.”
You look down at Jungmin and shake your head, “I don’t make stupid mistakes.” Mark cracks a smile at your words and Jungmin’s face turns red as he starts to lose his cool. “I have a few boxes that you can use for your stuff. Leave my key on your way out and Jungmin delete my number.”
Jungmin staggers to his feet and glares at you, “Fucking sl-”
Mark grabs Jungmin’s face and pushes him away, “I would watch your fucking mouth if I were you,” Mark warns as he cracks his knuckles and Jungmin gulps. “Go chill in the kitchen princess. I’ll make sure he gets everything.” Mark kisses your temple and gives you a gentle push towards the kitchen. You give him a look and Mark smiles, “Go.” He pats your butt as you walk past, and heat attacks your face. Mark watches with a smile on his face as you walk away and when you are out of sight his smile drops as he looks at Jungmin who is scowling like a spoiled brat. “I told you from the jump if you hurt Y/N I would kill you.” Mark narrows his eyes and sighs as he scratches the side of his face, wincing at the tender spot where Jungmin punched him.
“Piss off, Mark,” Jungmin grumbles and pushes past Mark to grab his stuff.
Mark is quick and slams Jungmin against the wall with his forearm pressed tightly against his neck, “Delete her number. Forget her fucking name. If I see you even look her way…well a bust lip will be the last of your worries.” Mark steps away and Jungmin hurries to gather his stuff. Jungmin isn’t stupid, he has heard the rumors of Mark Tuan’s anger issues and he does not want to be on the receiving end again. Mark watches Jungmin like a hawk as he packs his shit and once, he is done Mark watches as Jungmin deletes Y/N’s number from his phone and all the photos of her that he took. Holding his hand out, Mark looks at Jungmin and Jungmin rolls his eyes as he slaps Y/N’s apartment key into Mark’s waiting hand.
Jungmin leaves the dorm without a word to Y/N and Mark smirks proud of himself. Walking into the kitchen Mark pouts when he sees you sitting at the counter with a first aid kit all laid out. You motion for Mark to sit down, and he does with a pout still on his lips.
“It’s gonna hurt.”
You suck your teeth and start to clean Mark’s cuts. “Says the man that just bashed my ex’s face in.”
Mark giggles and laces your fingers together, “You know you liked it.”
“No, Mark I didn’t. If that’s how you’re going to act than you can get the stepping too.”
Mark’s eyes widen at your words, “I’m not going anywhere, princess.” Mark kisses your lips, and you melt into the kiss. “Now, let me get back to the breakfast that was so rudely interrupted.”
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jikooksgirl19 · 4 years
My Soulmates I 2
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Genre: Soulmate AU, fluff,angst,eventual smut
Pairing: Idol Jimin x Lawyer Reader x Idol Jungkook
Warnings: mentions of death and abortion
AN: Thank you for your patience with this chapter. Not only did I delete it prior not once but twice, I had a personal loss happen that caused me to take some time away from writing. But I’m back on track and writing this story again. I hope you all enjoy this chapter. It’s short but I have some big stuff coming in chapter 3. Please let me know your thoughts and give feedback. I love talking to y’all.
The three of you found yourself on the Top floor in Bang SiHyuks office. He sat across from you, hands clasped tightly just staring at you all. He hadn’t said anything in the last 15 minutes after you and the boys explained what happened, except to call on his personal secretary. The silence was deafening and you were so so tempted to tell a joke just to break the silence. Just as you were about to open your mouth his secretary Kim Hyunjae came into to office with a stack of papers with all the information about poly soulmates. He began to explain in detail about how the bond between you three is deeper than a normal soulmates, and it plays a huge part in the emotional side of things. Not only do multiple partners have a stronger connection to each other but their emotions, feelings, even moods can be affected by the other people in the relationship. It had been documented that on some occasions each party could physically feel what his or her mates were going through during moments of heightened situations. For example if one party had a headache or got hurt or even was sexually active the others could feel this both physically and emotionally. They also could not be parted from each other for long periods of time without it causing harm to themselves. Though extremely rare the pull of the bond would act as a tether and bring all participants back to each other, or risk crippling illness and the eventual death from the one that left or was left in the relationship. Unlike a normal Soulmate bond it could not be broken except through death as the universe had decided that these were the most sacred of bonded mates hence why they were so rare.
Only one case with no death of the separated mate has ever been documented, and that is in the case of Korean Soulmates Song Jungman, Jong Ara, and Im Jinna . The group had decided they wanted children so both Jong Ara and Im Jinna had tried to conceive but only Ara was able to do so. In a jealous fit Jinna claimed that Ara somehow caused her infertility and wanted to break the three apart. She played the victim so well and convinced Song Jungmin to leave Ara. Together they would start a new life with just the two of them leaving Ara behind. Ara was devistated as she was expecting their child and knew if they left her with the intention to not come back she could get sick, lose their child or even die. She pleaded with them both claiming her innocence but unfortunately Jungmin did not believe her and they left her to move to Japan. Ara waited to fall ill knowing that the separation would be too much but her overwhelming love for her child triggered a new bond that allowed her to survive the loss of both soulmates. After several years it was discovered by Jungmin that Jinna had once had an abortion before meeting her soulmates and as a result she became infertile. He was destroyed by this information because he didn’t try to listen to Ara and wholeheartedly believed only Jinna. He threw away part of his heart because he believed the other so willingly knowing that it would lead to the death of Ara. He believed Ara to have passed away after they abandoned her all those years ago. He left Jinna to go home to Korea and accept his fate wishing to be buried next to Ara and their unborn child only to discover that Ara not only survived but had twins, a son and daughter and was married to a man that had lost his soulmate years earlier. Though he tried to make amends with Ara it was difficult for her to forgive him as their bond had been broken beyond repair. They were both still connected but since they had been separated for over fifteen years it wasn’t as strong, in fact it was like meeting an old acquaintance instead of a lover. Unfortunately his separation from Jinna became too much and he succumbed to debilitating illness and died only three months after reconnecting with Ara and his children. It was later found out that Jinna died the same day in a hospital in Japan. Ara was of course sad at this news, but the love of her children allowed her to continue living and she was able to find peace.
You had tears in your eyes and noticed that you were holding on to both Jimin and Jungkooks hands during the story. You were so wrapped up in this that you didn’t even realize you three had unknowingly gravitated towards each other for comfort. They were both choked up as well. Someone cleared their throat causing you to refocus on the gentlemen in front of you. You sat up straight and decided to get straight to the point.
“So where do we go from here? I don’t even know what I’m supposed to be feeling at the moment, and now you’re telling me I have this life altering, can’t change a thing, you now have not one but TWO soulmates, and oh yeah, you will feel all their emotions and feelings and you can’t even be away from them for too long or you might just up and kick the freaking bucket situation going on...this is what you are saying to us right now?” You couldn’t help the panic rising in your voice. Your professionalism was flying right out of the proverbial window. Jungkook just looked at you, and then Bang PD and said “What she said.” You couldn’t help it you started to giggle at his brief statement then the boys started giggling with you.
Bang SiHyuk cleared his throat and got right to the point. “First we get you moved into the boys complex. You will have an apartment on the floor below the dorm along next to Jins soulmate Yuna. This will allow visits between you three without risk for now. Only essential staff will be told about this arrangement. Y/N you will be hired on as a permanent staff member within our own legal team. Also because you are also multilingual you will assist with our translation team while the boys are traveling, as well as help teach English to to boys. This will help with the questions the public might have about you being around the boys all the time. This is going to take some preparation before we can put this information out to the public. We are also going to have to get you started on the path to Citizenship here in Korea.” Said Bang SiHyuk loudly while clapping his hands together as though he just solved all the problems in front of him. “Now I suggest that you three get to know each other and settle anything else you might need to attend to quickly. Y/N I will have your apartment ready in two days. Is that enough time to get you packed up and ready to move?”
You sat there with your mouth open like a fish trying to digest everything that was being said. This was going too fast and you needed to pump the brakes on whatever this was that was happening. Realizing you needed to answer you opened your mouth to vehemently deny any of his requests and spoke up with a resounding. “Yes Sir.” It came out of your mouth like it was nothing. You immediately slapped your hand over your mouth and thought what on Gods green earth is wrong with me? I have lost my ever loving mind. While you and your inner bitch-demon continued to argue in your mind, the others started making arrangements for you.
You noticed that Kim Hyunjae didn’t seem as though he was fond of you or this situation you had found yourself in. He didn’t out and out say anything rude or with tone but your gut told you he was not happy with this relationship between you, Jimin and Jungkook. You chalked it up to the amount of paperwork this was going to cause him so you tried your best to let him know you would be as much help as you could and you would do your best for the boys and the company. At this point you were giving Jimin and Jungkook your current address and contact information so you could meet tomorrow morning for a “ Get to know you meal”. You excused yourself and prepared to go home when Jungkook caught up to you. “ I know this is a lot Noona and we are all a bit overwhelmed and know absolutely nothing about each other, but please know that I am so blessed to call you my soulmate. You seem very kind and you are beautiful and smart and amazingly funny even when you don’t mean to be.” He smiled at you and your heartstrings tugged in the most peculiar way. You were already becoming attached as you could feel a pull towards the younger man. He took your hand and shook it in a very businesslike manner and said “Till tomorrow malady” and bowed in a funny way causing you to laugh again. Jimin came out and grabbed your other hand and said he was looking forward to breakfast and getting to know more about you as well. You said your goodbyes and turned and left the building hailing a cab to take you home so you could process the events of today. You had not been prepared for the absolute crazy that happened today but deep down you were getting excited at the prospect of having and loving two adorable soulmates.
As Jungkook and Jimin were getting ready to leave Jungkook looked at Jimin and asked “What are you going to tell Somi?” Jimin just looked back at Jungkook with sadness in his eyes and shrugged his shoulders and replied “I have no idea.”
To Be Continued...
Taglist: @mrcleanheichou @itsminniekat @dreamescapeswriting @seaoffangirling @4evahevah @sonderkook @bisexualmess007 @chxustuff @aviwasabi21 @skyys-universe @ally22042000 @ramblingsofawolfgirl @eunoiavante @angelic-lawyer @purpleheartsfortae @the-obsessive-fangirl
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