#that Does actually raise some flags of caution and worry for a time in which pretty much all news and communications tech
shorthaltsjester · 4 months
i say this with all the kindness i can muster. the way some of y’all take with complete earnestness the statements made by characters who have been proven to be unsavoury/villainous/evil/(insert other suitable adjectives here) to be word-of-god factual is deeply concerning actually. like fiction is fiction and this is far from being an accusation about the morality of those who are curious about/compelled by the motivations of immoral characters. this is a deep concern i have for people who exist in a time where media of all kinds, fiction and nonfiction, is used to embed values in its audience. a concern i have for existing among people who don’t even question the truth/accuracy of statements made by the textual villains of stories before accepting them.
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ultyso · 3 years
(Censoring words solely because I’m not sure the word itself can be used on tumblr.)
T/W Mentions of p*dos
T/W Mentions of gr**ming
Tldr: As a CSA Survivor, voicing concerns of things I have heard people talk about on these topics in online spaces that does more damage than good to victims, survivors, and minors. I am only one voice, so please listen to all csa survivors, victims, and minors about this topic.
I don’t speak for everyone who is a CSA Survivor. We all have different experiences and feelings, some things may be less triggering or concerning for some more than others. Other CSA Survivors feel free to talk about your own feelings, experiences, and things you wished others knew as well since every CSA Survivor’s voice should be heard, not just my own.
These are my thoughts and some of the grievances I’ve had, the invalidation of my trauma, the things that have triggered back the trauma I thought I was able to heal so long ago, and I’m tired of it.
P*dophilia is not a term where you can just throw it around at anyone and everything. Be mindful where and how you use it. Do not let the severity of this word go down. It is not a joke. It is not some fun trendy buzzword. It is not a topic just for fictional media. It is a serious issue that harms so many children in the world.
Do not invalidate the trauma of victims by focusing on just fictional characters. Reporting fictional content as CP is not as helpful as you think. Investigators are on the look out to help save real children. Putting thousands of fanart/fanfics of fictional characters at the top of their feed lets p*dos hide easier and thus causes real children to still be trapped in their situation. If the fanart/fanfics is of real minors though, action should be taken.
You need to be a protector for real children. Learn the warning signs. Learn the prevention. Learn how to act if a real child has been harmed so you can help them. If you just treat it as a joke and use the word willy nilly on things that it does not actually pertain to it is immensely performative, makes it harder for investigators to find true perpetrators, and thus only hurts more kids than helps.
Clothing ≠ p*dophilia
Jfashion such as lolita and fairy kei is not p*dophilic or p*do-baiting. I don’t know why this has become the trend to call it that.
When you say this it sounds like victim blaming. “Well it’s what they wore.” Which is terrible. If you think wearing “childish” clothing is inherently sexual YOU are very much the problem.
Clothing is not what grabs p*dos attention. Clothing doesn’t do anything. It is a self expression for the wearer and that is it. For p*dos, it is the child themself they’re grossly invested in, not the clothes.
If you look at the origin of jfashion styles such as lolita, one part of the meaning is the resistance of sexualizing a person’s body. It also has nothing to do with the book so, stop equating them as the same.
Watching kid tv shows or movies, playing kid friendly video games, owning plushies or other kid toys ≠ p*dophilia
If you see an adult who is into movies/shows, toys, games made for kids chances are it could possibly be a CSA Survivor and this is their coping mechanism as a way to heal. To reclaim what was taken from them. Giving back to that inner child that never got the chance to live it. Even if they are not a CSA survivor, it could be an adult finally getting that doll they’ve wanted since they were little but could never get. Giving back to their inner child in that way. For me personally, KH is part of this for me. It has been my coping mechanism/safe haven since I was little. It is something I know I can always go back to that doesn’t bring harm to me. It’s an escapism from trauma and anxiety.
Height differences ≠ p*dophilia
An adult who is shorter than their significant other who is also an adult is not p*dophilia. A short adult is not “minor-coded.” They are just a short adult. A taller adult liking a shorter adult does NOT mean they like children. Joke or not this is inappropriate. Some adults just are not able to grow taller then others, so it feels like you are infantilizing a whole group of adult short people just because of their height. Not only that, but for survivors this can make them second guess their appropriate and safe relationships they have even more, which for some CSA Survivors it is already so hard to trust to begin with, this then can make them further associate even more things and people with their trauma that never needed to be and can cause further ptsd reactions.
A minor dating a minor one month/year younger/year older than them ≠ p*dophilia
This undermines the severity of what p*dophilia is. P*dophilia is an adult person who sexually fantasizes about, exhibits inappropriate and sexual behavior towards, has urges towards, and/or arousal towards minors. They are a sex offender/m*lestor as well if they act on those urges on a child. Thus becoming CSA.
This part is ONLY talking about minor + minor relationship: As cited from DSM-5 (wiki that has excerpt) “A person must be at least 16 years and at least 5 years older than the prepubescent child, for the attraction to be diagnosed as p*dophilia.” A 15 year old dating a 16 year old is not p*dophilia. If a 15 year old did inappropriate and non-consensual things to another minor the same age as, slightly younger than themself, or older than themself, that 15 year old would be more towards being called a juvenile/adolescent sex offender. Don’t use these terms willy nilly either, they are severe words too. Do not use them lightly for fun internet jargon.
In regards to fandom spaces. Just because someone on the internet labels themselves as something specific, does not mean this person can’t be a p*dophile based off of whatever the label is. You must always be careful with whom you interact with. They very well could be under the guise of feigning innocence and pointing fingers away from themself. Some may pretend to be one or the other and self-proclaim themself as the “good” adult. And HEAVILY emphasize this all the time. Which for me often raises a warning flag. Especially if they are in heavy contact with minors on a daily basis. Be always careful with anyone you interact with online no matter what they label themself as. You do not know who is behind the screen, so exercise extreme caution with the information you give to anyone, even if an account labels themselves as the same age as you. It could be someone pretending to be the same. Having a father who is a p*dophile, I can say, these gross people want to blend in. They’re going to feign innocence. They want to be in your line of trust. They may say things like “you don’t have to worry about me. I’m not that group of people” or “don’t trust them, trust me.” Be aware of the signs of gr**ming. This is a first tell tale sign that someone could be harmful. Some examples of warnings signs an be found here.
LGBTQIA+ ≠ p*dophilia
While there may be people who happen to be LGBTQIA+ that are a p*do, that does NOT mean everyone who is LGBTQIA+ is one. The community makes it explicitly clear that MAPS/p*dophiles are NEVER welcome in the community. It is harmful to associate them with the community too.
P*dophiles can be anywhere. In my my own experience, mine was my own father. They are in the most obvious spot and invisible to other’s eyes. They will if not often, be someone who has gained yours and other’s trust and preys heavily off of it. Such as a family member, a teacher, a doctor, a family friend, etc… They hide under this guise because what is the first thing anyone says? “Oh it couldn’t possibly be them. I know them. They’re good.”
I get wanting to know all the facts before putting a label such as p*dophile on someone. I get that some people do fake saying they were abused. I get it. When there’s a huge amount of evidence of someone being nefarious with children though, you can’t keep hiding from that truth and you need to stop supporting that person. Continuing to support those perpetrators just tells other scummy P*dos that as long as they’re well-liked enough, they too can get away with it. This only harms more children then helps.
Please put “T/W”s if you mention p*dophilia. CSA Survivors have different triggers and seeing the topic brought up willy nilly in spaces without it can be very harmful and may cause ptsd. Please be respectful to us all. Do not make a joke out of all of our suffering.
I’ve made a linktree of information on warnings signs, what to do, hotlines for victims, and more. Take action to protect real kids not just the fictional ones. That is all I ask: https://linktr.ee/CSA_Prevention_and_Help
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ladynightmare913 · 4 years
Secrets of the Darkened Seas
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Welcome to Chapter 2! I would like to say thank you to Olivia (@asunshinepuff​), for inviting me to work on this story with her. 
As always there is mermaid lore hidden with in the story. The included lore on different types of merfolk will be taken from the book “The Secret World of Mermaids” by Francine Rose. We are taking no credit for her work. 
Now without further ado,    
Chapter 2: The Dragon’s Pearl
The man and the young boy made their way to the far side of the docks, the sun was beginning to make it’s descent to the sea. The water rippled below the hull of ships, anchors being lowered or weighing anchors to begin their sails back at sea. Some of the townspeople were making their trek home. Quinn and Remus approach the ship that Remus had seen earlier in the day from a distance. But up close, it was truly a sight to behold. The masts that were open, were a starking white, wooden haul, a rich brown mahogany, spotless with not a barnacle in sight. The railings were painted gold like the sun, freshly polished and not a splinter out of place. The bow had a golden nautical figurehead of a creature that Remus had never seen before. With a long serpentine body fully covered in scaled, and large horns protruding from it’s head. A white spherical object clutched in one of it’s clawed hands. It’s jaws open as if to strike.
Remus’ eyes widened as he gazed upon the ship he had studied earlier. Glancing to Quinn, he couldn’t help but ask, “How has no one tried to steal this ship?”
Quinn chuckles, “Oh they’ve tried, but never got very far. My brother, the captain, is a force of his own that is not to be reckoned with.” He says with a smile. At Remus’ growing concerned face he quickly adds on, “Don’t worry. He might seem a bit… well, rather cold at first. To put it lightly. But he’s not a bad man.”
“How far have they gotten?”
Quinn muses for a moment in silence, as they make their way up the loading dock to the ship’s deck, thinking of the many times pirates - including the Blacks - have tried to take over the ship. “Never past deck.” He smiles at the crewmen preparing to sail as he stands in the middle of all their work. “Anyone seen the Captain?” 
“Last we saw him, he threw Ethan overboard.” A sailor responded courtly. He was dressed in black pants and boots, a white shirt and a gold sash around his waist. 
Quinn looks to the sailor in bewilderment, “Again? What is that, the fifth time now?”
“Seventh actually, Ethan told the joke about the donkey.” 
“I told him not to do that.” He shakes his head with an exasperated sigh. “Never learns does he?”
A young man with short curly dark brown hair, brown eyes, tanned skin was soaked to the bone in water as he marched back up to the ship. He looks to Quinn.   
“Don’t look at me like that, I told you not to tell that joke. You’ve brought this upon yourself.” The young man rubs his necks as he walks below deck to change. Quinn shakes his head before he turns to Remus as he claps his hands and rubs them together. “It’s harmless really.” The man groans in pain, as if to contradict Quinn. “Eh, mostly.” 
Remus watches the man in pain walk below the deck with widened eyes. He looks back to Quinn and the sailor, “Does that happen often?”
Quinn tilts his head back and forth with his arms crossed, “I’d like to tell you no, to ease you, but that’d be a lie. It happens on more than one occasion, though less often than you’d think.” He chuckles under his breath, “Now come along. I think it’s time to introduce you.” He then turns behind him and just smiles. “Hello Min-Jun.”
Remus turns to follow, and nearly jumps in surprise. Lo and behold, said Captain was standing right behind them. The Captain was a tall young asian man, around the age of twenty-one, with an expressionless face, he had short straight black hair with part bangs, fair skin, and dark eyes. He was dressed in a well-tailored black coat with a dark forest green vest on top of a white shirt, black pants and boots. At his hip was a wide sword with a dark forest green sheath with gold accents. But no captain’s hat was anywhere in sight. 
“Quinn.” He says in a deep monotone. His posture was as straight at a board, his hand at his side, his left hand on the hilt of his sword. His gaze lowers to the boy beside Quinn, narrowing a fraction before he looks to Quinn. “You were at the Taverns again weren’t you?”  
“I will neither confirm or deny.” 
“So that’s a yes.” A brow rises ever so slightly before it’s gone in the blink of an eye. The captain turned his head lightly to look over the boy. “Apologies for any idotic schemes my First mate may have dragged you into. He is not the brightest, but his heart is in the right place. Usually. He has the unfortunate ailment of defying gravity. I once caught him upside down on the masts so there’s that.”
“And who put me there Min-Jun? Cause it certainly wasn’t me. I may do many schemes you might consider idiotic-”
“Because they are.”  His head leans to look at Quinn in a bored expression but his eyes held amusement. 
Quinn raises his eyebrows, giving a pointed look before continuing, “But I wouldn’t do that out of my own volition!’
The captain simply looks away, fully content to ignore the auburn haired man. “I am Min-Jun Hua. The crew call me Captain Hua. What is your name?” He looks back towards Remus. 
Remus was silent during the whole exchange, internally studying the interaction closely. He was uncertain whether the Captain and First Mate actually got along or if they hated each other, however, he caught the amusement in his eyes within their banter. They did get along. It was as if they were teasing each other. Maybe they actually consider each other siblings. He noted with his own amusement now that his initial caution has about this new Captain has diminished. They’re so very different. How did they become companions?
“My name is Remus Lupin, Captain.” Remus replies with a curt nod, as he was trying to contain his nerves and seem content in the situation. He was uncertain if it was effective or not, but he seemed to take comfort in the fact that Quinn was so relaxed with the man.
Captain Hua says nothing for a long while as he stares silently at Remus. Completely motionless for what seemed to Remus, eternity, before the asian finally looked like he took a breath. The Captain turned his gaze to his First mate. “He’ll be under your care for the meantime. Have him bathed, dressed, and fed before you send him to bed for the night. Tomorrow he can begin.” The captain says nothing more before he looks to Remus once again. “Welcome aboard the Dragon’s Pearl.” He gives a curt nod to Remus before he walks away to resume his duties. 
Remus lets out a breath he hadn’t realized he was holding before looking to Quinn in surprise, “Why didn’t he ask any questions? Wouldn’t he want to know more about me before deciding to let me aboard?”
Quinn merely shakes his head before looking to Remus, “The Captain is an incredibly loyal soul, he respects privacy. If you wish to talk about your past then he will listen, and he will never mention it again without your approval.” He says with a smile. “He cares, deeply. He’d rather have you upon this ship then let you be on your own. That’s what happened to Ethan as well, he’s actually not that much older than you, Remus. He’s turning seventeen next moon.” Looking to the ship, he runs a hand upon the railing gently before continuing. “This old vessel has seen many stray boys board her, and she’s seen many of them become family. The captain only asks for loyalty, truthfulness, bravery, and devotion to family.” 
Remus smiles, comforted by his words. There was always more than meets the eye. He looks around the ship in surprise, “This ship looks brand new. How long has it been sailing waters?”
“Quite a long time. Practically hundreds of years. It’s been passed down through the generations of his family.” 
“That’s incredible.” 
“It is.” Quinn remarks with a nod in agreement, before looking back to the boy, “Now, we’ll be embarking at dusk. You want to watch the ship be put to sea?”
The two got situated at a good viewing point for the departure after taking care of duties below deck. It felt rather strange, yet refreshing to Remus to dawn a new set of clothes. Yet his scarf stayed tied around his waist as usual, at least he could take some part of familiarity with him. The Captain began to call out orders to the crew before he took his place behind the keel, the crew lowered the masts, catching the wind. The colors were hanged, where Remus could see the emblem on the masts and flag of the ship. A gold circle and in the center was the same creature that Remus had seen on the bow of the ship, but from the side. Only without the sphere. 
What sort of creature was that? Remus couldn’t help but wonder in curiosity as he watched the emblem upon the masts and flag of the ship.
“It’s a dragon. An eastern dragon.” Quinn says in reply, with a smirk upon his face as he looked to the boy. It seems Remus accidentally spoke aloud, and for once, he was alright with that. 
                A loud shout echoed from a grumbling man who was making his way to The Dragon’s Pearl  loading dock. Remus flinched as he recognized the voice of the drunken man from earlier, while Quinn moved defensively to shield the fourteen year old from sight. 
 “I know he’s up there! Where is he?!” The slurred words from the drunk captain all but screech out. The hooked nose man stumbled his way on board, his eyes locked onto the auburn haired man who stood defensively in front of the former deck boy. “You!” 
“Me.” Quinn answered easily with a faint smirk. 
“Where’s that deck boy!?” The drunk captain practically roared into Quinn’s face. To which Quinn’s nose simply twitched at the smell of alcohol that reeked off the man. “Behind me, though I doubt you’d be able to grab him.” 
“Where’s your captin’, I ought to have a word with him. You goin’ ‘round stealin’ deck boys, ought to be ‘shamed of yeself.” The man nearly tumbled over.   
“Not stealing when he willingly came aboard. If anyone’s to be ashamed it’s you for your actions.” He retorts with a roll of his eyes then simply tilts his head, “ You sure you want to have a word with my captain? You can hardly hold a proper conversation in your state. He won’t take too kindly to that factor.” 
“I wan’ see yer captin!” 
Quinn doesn’t respond for a moment, only looks behind the drunken captain with a bored look upon his face. “Turn around mate.”
“Wha’?” The drunk captain frowns with his mouth hanging open before he turns, nearly falling down when he sees someone standing behind him. Remus couldn’t help but hold a snicker back from behind Quinn as the drunk man flinched at the mere sight of the tall and sober captain. 
Captain Hua looked down at the drunk captain with an emotionless stare but his eyes held a look that screamed ‘How dare you bring your dunken arse onto my pristine and clean ship.’
“You wished to speak to me?” Was the leveled voice of Captain Hua. 
“You are not qualified to speak to me.”
The drunk captain staggered at the impassive tone. His face grew red. “Ye think you’re bet’er than me?” 
“To ask that question offends me.” Captain Hua raised a brow. 
“Where’s ye captin’s hat?”
“I don’t need one, I do not need to parade my status on my own ship, nor to ensure the respect of my own crew. They know who I am.” The Captain looked to his First mate. “Please escort this, man back to his ship.” Calling the drunk captain a man was incredibly respectful. Remus thought, truly Captain Hua had class that was unfortunately being wasted upon this drunkard. But then again, Captain Hua didn’t acknowledge him as a Captain either. 
“That’d be Captain Barclay ta ye.” He shrugs the hand that grips his arm.
“No. I think the Captain is right. Mr. Barclay.” Quinn contradicts with a smile, “Now, allow me to escort you back to your ship. I’m sure you embark soon.”
“Not without that boy.” The drunk captain glared at the boy.
Captain Hua looked at the drunkard, then at the boy. “First Mate Sandoval, please step aside.” The drunk captain’s eyes widen at the title.
Quinn ignores the surprised look upon the drunkard’s face and instead looks to Remus. Giving him a small smile of comfort and a look that says Trust us. You’ll be alright. Then looks back to his Captain, and with a nod, he steps aside. 
Captain Hua looked to the drunk man. “You can take this child to your ship, if you answer one question. If you answer correctly, you’re free to take him. If not,” His dark eyes narrowed, his left hand gripped the hilt of his sword, this sword was red compared to the first one Remus had seen. It was sheathed in a red case with gold accents. A strong pulse emitted from the sword as the pulse rippled through the ship. The ropes freed themselves from their knots, moving very much like serpents slithering up trees. The crew have stopped working and watched openly. “I will throw you overboard.”  
            The drunk man didn’t notice the pulse of gold energy, nor did he notice the ropes begin to move on their own. Remus’ young eyes watched in amazement at Captain Hua, who’s sheer presence became overpowering, his aura seeming to infect the ship. Stupidly, the drunkard agreed. 
“What is the child’s name?”
“...” The drunkard frowned, Remus could practically see the mental strain on the man’s face. His brain was too far gone from the rum. “... Bernard.” 
Captain Hua did not look impressed. Not at all. He simply raised a brow before he looked to Remus to correct the man’s answer. 
Remus simply smiles and shakes his head. “Wrong.”
What happened next happened rather quickly, it was really a blur to be completely honest. Captain Hua wordlessly grabbed the drunkard by the collar of his shirt, lifted him off the ground and proceeded to walk, not in any hurry, effortlessly to the side of the ship, and threw the man overboard with ease. Remus’ jaw dropped a bit. 
“Why didn’t you just use the ropes?” Remus couldn’t help but ask in curiosity. 
Captain Hua merrily gazed down at the swimming crew members from the drunk captain’s ship who threw themselves overboard to ensure the man didn’t drown. “And deprive myself of the pleasure of doing it myself? Never.” Captain Hua’s stoic face gave a smirk in delight. “I would never disgrace The Dragon’s Pearl to so much as even touch that drunk. It was painful to watch an alcoholic parade around with a captain’s hat and acting like a child throwing a temper tantrum.”  
“... How did you know he didn’t know my name?” 
Captain Hua looked down to Remus. “I have two answers. One; most people who make port hardly ever ask for a deck-boys name.” The captain began to walk away from the railing, Remus followed. “Two; even if by the off chance he did know your name, he would not have the sentimentality, nor the intellectual capacity to remember your name, especially while drunk.” He turned to look at Remus. “I would not have made that wager had I believed for a second he would be able to say your name. Not when he preferred to think with an organ that he did not have instead of his brain. Not to mention your name is unusual. I am not one to gamble. Especially with someone’s life.” 
Remus pauses for a moment taking in the Captain’s words, before asking the question he was truly reluctant to hear. “... What if he did say my name?”
Captain Hua looked at Remus for a long time before he looked away to the setting sun. “Then he would have won.” Captain Hua looked back to Remus. “It may seem cruel, but I will not lie to you Remus. I do not break my word.” Captain Hua looked to the sunset once more. “I would have just challenged him to a duel if that was the case. The man couldn’t even walk straight let alone hold a sword.” Without another word, he walked away.  
Remus stood silently as he watched the Captain walk away, and looked out to the sunset once he was out of view. There was no relief of tension like he had initially anticipated when he first heard the words of the wager, as if he already knew he was safe. How exactly he determined that conclusion, he had no clue. But in his heart he knew that was the case. He watched the shore line of the port town he had always known, grow smaller and smaller with every glide of the ship, until it vanished from view- it was the start of a new life. A new chapter. Like each morning rise and evening set of the sun upon the sea.
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karazor--el · 5 years
TV Insider
Nicole Maines & 'Supergirl' Take on Violence Against the Trans Community
Supergirl flies into new and socially relevant territory tonight with an hour that explores the impact of violence against members of the trans community.
As the home of TV’s first-ever transgender superhero in Nicole Maines‘s Nia Nal, aka Dreamer, the show has already excelled at raising awareness of matters key to the LGBQT community, but this time, it’s literally a life-altering storyline. Per the Human Rights Campaign’s website, “2020 has already seen at least three transgender or gender non-conforming people fatally shot or killed by other violent means. We say at least because too often these stories go unreported—or misreported.”
A look at stars like Stephen Amell, Ruby Rose, and Melissa Benoist who’ve appeared on the big screen before, during, or after CW superhero gigs.
In the episode, entitled “Reality Bytes,” Nia’s roommate Yvette (Roxy Wood), who is also a trans woman, is brutally attacked by an ignorant stranger who can’t handle Dreamer being a transgender hero. Stunned at first, then shook into action, Nia refuses to stand silent, leading to some serious and important conversations with Kara (Melissa Benoist) and the superfriends about exactly what Nia—and Maines, herself—face on a regular basis.
Here, the always enlightening actress and advocate opens up about the need for TV like this and what can be done to hopefully save lives in the future.
How are you doing? Because you have all done really well by this character.
Nicole Maines: Yes. I’m so happy with how Dreamer has really become her own superhero. I was just looking at her yesterday and she really has kind of become her own unique hero. Dream Girl [the comic-book version] is one hero, but I feel like Dreamer just has such a really different feel from Dream Girl. She’s become, in the past two seasons, her own entity and her own person, and that makes me really happy.
This character showed up with a lot on her shoulders, as far as what she stood for socially and for the trans community. But the writers have given her an entirely fleshed-out life, with romance and personal relationships, all that stuff. It’s really cool that it wasn’t just kind of putting down a flag and making a statement, it was actually creating a character and giving her a life.
Yeah, totally. She is a three-dimensional, fully fleshed-out character, and I have just come to love her so much.
The couple shared the news in fun posts on Instagram.
Now, this episode looks at violence against the trans community, which is a real thing — it’s insane how underreported this is.
Absolutely, and that’s something that we touch on this episode: exactly how common this is and how no one really understands that. And of course Supergirl, as just a beacon of hope, is coming to Nia and saying, “Listen, you know, we do this every week, we’re going to get this guy,” and Nia’s like “No, we don’t do this every week. I do and the community, they do this every day. You do this never.”
So it’s showing Dreamer as a member of the trans community and as a guardian of the trans community that is going through this and understanding exactly what she’s going through. And it shows Yvette knowing what she’s gone through and understanding her situation as a trans woman.
And how does Kara take this attack on Yvette? Because you know Kara always beats herself up for not being Supergirl enough.
Yeah, she’s panicked and worried for Yvette and for Nia. Her first instinct is “Are you okay? I came as soon as I heard!” and then it’s “We’re going to get this guy” and “You take care of Yvette, I’m Supergirl, I’ve got this.” But then Dreamer is saying “No, I’ve got this.” And she’s also working with William (Staz Nair) to make sure that this is reported accurately.
And the attack on Yvette isn’t by a meta, correct?
No, and that’s what’s so scary about it and so different about this. It isn’t some supervillain, this isn’t a metahuman, this isn’t an alien, it’s not someone with a tragic backstory, you know, “a love lost so I have to become a villain.” This is just someone whose narrative we’ve heard a bunch of times before.
L.A. is still the entertainment capital of the world, but a surprising number of TV shows film outside of California, too.
I just saw it the other day…people online were talking about this episode and they were like, “Oh, well Dreamer’s just, you know, tricking dudes into thinking he’s a girl, yadda yadda,” and I’m like, “that is exactly who this supervillain is.” And it just made me laugh so much because they were trying to s**t on this episode and on this storyline and I’m like, “all of the points you’re making are exactly who this villain is and what he says.” And that’s what’s so scary for Dreamer, that this is just a guy who could be anybody, some average—well not average because he’s deranged—but just some physically normal person who is capable of inflicting that much devastation.
I hope that there is a point where you address the fact that Yvette’s attacker represents so many ignorant humans out there whose minds can’t be changed.
Oh, yeah. And that’s really what we talked about [with the writers]. We talked about giving him a backstory, we talked about “Who is this guy?” I pitched making him one of the Agent of Liberty goons and then we decided that it doesn’t really matter who this guy is, it doesn’t matter where he came from, and it doesn’t matter what tragic backstory he has that made him want to attack people.
The point is he set out to attack someone because of who they are. And so it doesn’t really matter who you are, because your actions define who you are and your actions are defining you as a villain. And so Dreamer has this confrontation with him and it is so not what Supergirl normally does. Supergirl is kind of like, “You don’t have to do this, you can still be good.” But this is Dreamer. She is not on a mission to redeem this person.
Dreamer has her powers to help with this situation, but as an advocate for the community, what would you tell members of the trans community facing this? Because they don’t have superpowers.
You have to protect yourself. It is just a matter of caution because it’s scary, especially in the online dating world, which is kind of where this [story] takes place. You do see Yvette in the end trying to take some [precautionary] steps. If you’re going to meet a stranger, bring a friend, go to a public place. But you know it still happens, so it’s about trying to protect yourself, making sure you are surrounded by people you trust, dropping pins on your phone so people know where you are. It’s taking every possible step to try and protect yourself.
Even still, as we see in this episode, bad things do happen. So trans women, we have to protect ourselves because it is a scary world out there and there are so many people who don’t understand and there are so many states where you’re still able to plead “gay panic” in a court of law. It’s almost always thrown out immediately because it’s, pardon my French, a f***ing stupid excuse, but the fact that it is still legally permissible in court is absurd.
So it’s a matter of protecting yourself, but also telling stories like this and doing what we can to try to educate the community about these issues, about the dangers we face. Because one of the other things that I saw people talking about online [is that] they don’t believe the story we’re doing. They were like “This is ridiculous! Who’s attacking trans people because they’re trans?” I’m like “Are you kidding me!?” That’s why this is so important that we’re doing this episode, because people really don’t even comprehend that people are attacking, let alone killing, trans women brutally for who we are.
So you did get to work with the writers to make sure certain points were covered?
Oh yeah. We had a series of points that we made sure were covered and were addressed. Of course, you never know what’s going to wind up on the cutting room floor but we said, “these are the points that we need to make sure are said.”
We made a point to mention the increased risk that trans women of color are at and when we wrote the episode, we talked about how many trans women in 2019 had been the victims of hate-related violence and how many have we lost. And I think at the time of filming it was something like 23 or 24, so we tried to use that actual number and also point out that the real number is actually probably much, much higher because it does go underreported.
Guess Who’s Coming to Dreamer? Nicole Maines Brings ‘Supergirl’ Home for Nia’s Big Episode
Nia and Kara head to a small town where aliens and humans keep it chill.
And how was it for you after the episode wrapped? I imagine this is really close to the bone for you.
It felt good to do. It felt exciting to do this story because, while it is such heart-wrenching material, I was doing it with people who understood, who were excited to be telling this story and to shed some light on this. And of course, getting to do this with Roxy was amazing because just having her on set is always a blessing. And Pierson, despite the character he plays, he’s actually awesome.
And our director, Armen [Kevorkian] was just so… bless him, he and the writers were so open to talking to me. Armen was just so good about talking to me about any little thing and checking with me, making sure I felt like we’re doing things right. And he had the patience of a saint because I had no business, just peering over his shoulder the whole time, especially when they were doing the scene where Yvette gets attacked. I was there right next to the director, I had my headphones on and was like, “What’s going on? How are we doing?” I was so overprotective of this episode. [Laughs]
That’s hilarious. Next thing is you’re going to be directing an episode next season.
Oh god, I don’t think I’m ready for that. I think I’m better at micromanaging people against their will. [Laughs] I say that, but there wasn’t anything to micromanage because Armen totally understood what we were doing, he understood the importance of this episode and he’s just a fabulous director otherwise. So, doing this with him was just phenomenal and he did such an amazing job. We’re all so excited for people to see this episode.
Supergirl, Sundays, 9/8c, The CW
TV Insider.
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qqueenofhades · 5 years
I love the term militant idealism from your last post. I wonder how you think about the ongoing removal of names on buildings and statues as Americans become woke about eugenics, systemic racism and sexism, and other fuck ups across white American history?
A couple years ago in August 2017, at the height of the furor over removing Confederate statues/imagery from public places, and after the Charlottesville white supremacist riots, I wrote this post in response to a similar question. It outlined extensively what the rationale for the “we should preserve history and keep those statues up!!!” defense is (i.e. racism and systematic amnesia). My position hasn’t changed much, and I think it demonstrates the depths of white fragility in this country and the utter inability of white Americans to think about what their history really consists of and what the construction of this geopolity has entailed, apart from all the fuzzy feel-good stuff and giant flags and slogans about Freedum!! and so forth. We… we realize that we live in a hyper-capitalist fasciso-patriotic militarized nightmare land, right? The giant flags and flyovers and the fact that the entire month of November in the National Football League is now “Salute to Service,” after they couldn’t stand one black man taking a knee for the national anthem? Where coaches wear camo on the sidelines and everyone acts like they actually give a crap about veterans aside from their use as convenient propaganda? We… we know this isn’t normal, right?
See, I do think there is a useful application and a genuine need for militant idealism. It just isn’t in throwing slogans or personal attacks at each other on the Twitter echo chamber, or any argument at all on social media about politics, culture, entertainment, fictional ships, etc. Most people picking fights on social media really aren’t doing a whole fuck of a lot of anything useful in the real world. The internet has brought a lot of use into our lives, and indeed we cannot function without it, which is a little terrifying (turn off the internet for 24 hours across the entire world and welp, nice knowing you civilization). But it’s also morphed into a giant, ravenous beast that you really, really have to approach with caution in a whole different way from the “oh no you might meet a pedophile” panics of the 90s. (And I mean, there are still trash men everywhere, so it’s just with extra Terrible now. Winning?) You are not going to change this overwhelming, violent, omnipresent system by holding hands, playing nice, and singing Kumbaya. Sometimes, a little violence and militancy is needed in return. You need to stand up and play hard and not back down. And since the general liberal ethos is that “violence is always bad!!!/if you use violence you’re Just As Bad As Them!!!”, that is cut off and stigmatized in the name of social order.
The thing is, this is the first time in American history that there has been even any kind of visible and sustained public debate on whether these things that we’ve just all gone with for so long are actually acceptable. That’s why we have “OK Boomer” and similar movements, because young people are taking a long hard look at what they’ve been left with and are understandably being like are you fucking kidding me. But as I have also been discussing, a certain subset of young people are also extremely insistent on having the Right Opinion and Only The Right Opinion, and that demonstrating any uncertainty or looking like they’re not sufficiently Woke is Unacceptable. This is why I can never get students to talk in class. They have been raised in a culture where they will be mercilessly punished for being Wrong, and it’s hard to conceptualize a space, i.e. a university classroom, where you’re allowed to start at zero and work your way up with dialogue and engagement. That just isn’t how it works anymore, and frankly, we have to blame social media for a lot of it. Especially when combined with CEOs (why yes, I am looking at you, Twitter not banning Nazis and just all of Mark Zuckerberg) who are more willing to cater to the alt-right in the name of “freedom” than to enforce any kind of standards for public discourse or try to tell 21st-century Americans that they can’t have something they want. Our society is built on the maxim that All Consumption Is Good Consumption, Consume More Now. And… that’s a problem.
I feel like I may be getting away from the point of what exactly you asked, but these things are all interconnected. If someone is going to actually translate internet outrage to real-world action, and actually put some skin in the game and fight against the terrifying normalization of these narratives: please. We need more people to do that. But real life is scary in a way that the internet isn’t. You might face immediate consequences for something. You might have someone tell you that you’re wrong and you can’t just block or mute them. How do you change someone’s mind without the two of you just yelling pithy, polarized slogans at each other? It’s fuckin’ hard work. So it’s easier to just retweet someone that you agree with, to other people who agree with you. And so the cycle goes.
Obviously, I 100% support any and all efforts to bring to the collective American conscience just how fucked up American history actually is. But I sometimes worry that the shortcomings in the methods used to do so make it easier for the tired old class of establishment bigots to dismiss as “snowflakes.” After all, I’ve just been ripping into the self-righteous infighting and tendency to rigid ideological purity and insularism in the left, and… what do we do about that? I don’t know. We can’t just immediately remove people from the entire contextualising framework in which they’ve grown up and made meaning and understood themselves. We can try to educate them, but presenting people who have already made up their minds with conflicting information really does not do much. It usually makes them double down on the positions they already hold, because they can feel unfairly victimized by the people who Just Don’t Get It. It can oftentimes feel hopeless, but we have to do it anyway.
So yes. We should take down statues of Confederate generals. This goes without saying. The “we shouldn’t pretend it never happened” defense is functional only to a point. As I said in the other post, Confederate statues can go into storage. They don’t have to be destroyed, if it’s really so vital that we keep them. But their enforced presence in public life is an act of white supremacist violence, and their defenders know it. Besides, how about, uh, we try goddamn being able to talk about what the Confederacy really stood for first, instead of clinging to it as a token that is specifically intended to deflect public debate or constructive discourse on the issue?
This also reminds me of the recent backlash happening on historic plantations in the South. These are often beautiful manor houses with grounds, and they are tourist attractions. They are also, brace yourself for grossness, popular locations for weddings. (I don’t know why, but White People.) The tour guides at these places have finally been empowered to talk somewhat more honestly about how all this beauty was built by slave labor, and white tourists hate it. They tie themselves into knots about how slavery wasn’t that bad or how the Civil War was about “states’ rights” or why are you bringing this up now, that was Just What Our Bad Ancestors Did. This… this is the level we are still at. It’s bad. The white tourists seem to feel that they can go to, again, a plantation in the South and just enjoy the beauty and not to be “forced” to hear about slavery. It spoils the illusion. They want to keep living this way, so they throw fits, and why shouldn’t they? The entire establishment of this country thus far has supported them. It threatens their whole identity. It must be destroyed. And I just… sigh.
Anyway. This has gotten away from me, and I’m still not sure if I answered your question. Sorry. But there you have it.
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Who we can talk to!
Last night I got into a big argument with my boyfriend 'R'. We were on the way home from a party and I was very drunk. He has been a bit weird with me because one of his female friends, 'B', has taken a liking to me and keeps inviting me out with her friends, and for some reason he feels uncomfortable with me hanging out with her without him. I am not exactly sure why, and I felt a bit hurt when he said this, as I do not have many female friends and didn't really want to turn away a potential friend, but I was very calm and reasonable, I don't want to do anything to upset him, so I said I would just turn down any of her invites and told him I would never do anything to make him uncomfortable.
But somehow we ended up talking about this whilst we were drunk in the taxi and I just started raging. I am not 100% sure why, but I think it was a mixture of:-
a) sadness and annoyance over him telling him who I can hang out with and
b) a feeling of injustice, because he still talks to his ex, 'P', even though she has been making me feel uncomfortable (she is in the same college club as us and keeps bringing up their relationship in front of me) and he hasn't done anything really to stop my discomfort.
I was still raging when we got into his house, kept threatening to leave even though it was the middle of the night, kept getting up in his face. My memory is really hazy but last thing I remember is crying a ton and him having to hold me until I fell asleep. When I woke up this morning I couldn't get back to sleep cos I felt so awful. I can't believe I reacted so horribly. I've really upset him, but when I tried to apologise he said he didn't want to talk about it. He still says he loves me and kissed and hugged me properly when I left, but I know I have hurt him pretty badly.
I just want to make it right, I hate upsetting people, but is it too pushy for me to seek reconciliation straight away? And am I wrong to be angry and upset too? I feel like a horrible person, I love him so much. I don't want to upset him, but I also want to know if my feelings are justified, even if my behaviour was not.
I don’t think it’s too much to ask to approach him for an apology. It seems that he’s being mature about it by still showing you affection and whatnot. I think your best course of action here is to contact him at your earliest convenience, and say, “Hey, I want to talk about my outburst. Can you let me know when you’re free and able to?”  
Notice the wording there, because it’s important. This statement does two things. Firstly, it puts the responsibility on you. You are admitting fault in what you did, which is the mature thing to do. You had the outburst, you need to apologize. You then immediately ask HIM when HE is free and ready to discuss this. This gives him agency over the situation, meaning if he’s not ready to deal with you yet, he doesn’t have to. 
Once you actually get into the situation where you sit down and talk to him, you should basically relate the same things that you said here. Apologize for what you did, explain that you shouldn’t have done that under any circumstances, and explain that you had that outburst because of underlying stuff underneath. 
Now onto the actual problem here. 
I do think your concerns are valid. At the end of the day, people have the right and ability to speak with whoever they want to, even if it upsets their partner. In this sense, he is fully free to speak to his ex, just as you are fully free to speak to your friend. There are obviously boundaries around exes, and communication with them. But that’s a conversation to be had during this talk. 
Your main goal in this conversation is to try and understand why he’s not happy about you making friends with this person. You need to explain that you don’t have a lot of female friends, that you really want them, and that she seems to really care about you. Treat your boyfriend on his merits. Maybe he knows something about B that you don’t know. Maybe she’s a huge asshole to everyone around her and is exploitative. Maybe he just has bad personal feelings for her - maybe they got in a fight in the past or something. It’s impossible to know without asking him, so you have to ask him what exactly is wrong with you hanging out with her unattended. 
Try to find that reason out, because what he has to say will affect what you do with that information. 
If he has personal disagreements with B, you’re going to have to weigh whether it is or is not in your best interest to continue being friendly with her. Maybe it is, and maybe you really value that friendship. Good, continue to do it. Try to find concessions with him. “How can I still hang out with her as a friend while making sure you’re comfortable? What can I do to help?” 
If he is worried about you cheating or something, ask him why he has that worry, and if there is anything that you have done in the past that could give him that preconception. Then try to lull those fears and worries he has, and remind him how much you care about him. 
If he is just totally authoritarian, and simply says that you’re “not allowed” to be friends with her, this is a red flag, and you should proceed with caution. This may be a time to rethink your entire relationship with him, and although this may not be a deal-breaker, it’s definitely some time to critically think about where your boyfriend stands on social autonomy of you as a person. 
Then, it’s time to discuss your issues, after you’ve talked out all his concerns. Explain that you’re jealous of the way he talks to his ex. This is a more understandable concern. Whereas you’re talking to a friend, who is clearly being friendly, he is talking to someone who he was formerly romantically attracted to. It’s good that you give him the autonomy to do that; that is his right. But it’s understandable that it may make you uncomfortable. 
You’re going to have to decide HOW uncomfortable that makes you feel. How much of a deal breaker is this? Is it just annoying because he is allowed to speak to her, but you’re now allowed to speak to B? Then that’s fair, and you should express that. Is this just something that upsets you; are you simply jealous? That is also fair, and that’s a you thing, so you’re going to have to express that you don’t like it and try to deal with it, while also trying to reach a consensus with him on how he can make you more comfortable in those situation. 
Also, is this just a deal-breaker for you? Is it, in your opinion, completely unacceptable for people to talk to their exes? If this is a case, that’s fine, but it’s also a concern that needs to be raised with him. If you’re not okay with this, he needs to know. You should give him a chance to know, and express that this is not okay in a relationship with you. This gives him the ultimatum of deciding whether that is something he wants to deal with in this relationship, or whether you both might be best suited for speaking to other people.
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fearexit-blog · 5 years
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It’s normal to have fears.You may expertise worry once you ride a motorcycle for the primary time or once you begin a replacement job. However, when fears begin to take over your life and affect your functioning, they become a problem. If your fears feel overwhelming, the distress from the fear can interfere with your ability to function and you may experience intense anxiety or nervousness. Reflect on your fears and spot what quantity they have an effect on your life. Are your fears keeping you from moving forward with what you wish in your life?
 Fears usually manifest as phobia, which can include situations (fear of public speaking or raising your hand), animals (fear of snakes or spiders), blood, injections, etc. When you experience fear, physiological, mental, and emotional reactions occur Reflect on any traumatic events. If you’ve experienced a car crash, driving a car may become fearful or you may avoid it altogether. Or perhaps you were robbed walking home, and the thought of walking home again creates panic. There are many ways that fears develop, and it’s natural to avoid previously harmful experiences. There are many types of fear
• While a fear response is natural for this kind of event, some events may be unavoidable. Recognize that your worry is valid, but also needs to be addressed. Consider that origins can begin young. You may have an intense fear of snakes but not know why. Some evidence suggests that fears can be shared between parents and children with a biological link. Other evidence suggests that children in particular decode environmental information and develop fears based on what they observe may be a threat. By watching adults interact with an object or situation, the child learns to create associations such as “fearful” or “potentially harmful” regardless of an actual posed risk.
Fear is associate adjustive perform that prolongs our lives. Do you walk up to a cliff’s edge and suddenly feel fearful? This is adjustive worry, and it tells you, “This could be dangerous and cost you your life. Take caution.” worry triggers a “fight-or-flight” response, that readies our bodies to require action so as to shieldourselves.
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 It's easy to ignore or deny your fears, even to yourself. But spirit cannot get play unless you've got a concern to face down. By owning your feelings you have taken the primary step toward acquiring over true
 Is it one thing obvious, like the sight of a snake on a trail?Maybe passing your career counselor's office door sends your mind into a downward spiral when you walk down the corridor in your high school. Figure out everything that triggers your fear. The additional you'll be able to perceive your concern, the better.
 Does your concern cause you to remain in bed rather than obtaining up and planning to a category you arefrightened of failing? Do you avoid visiting your family in another state as a result of you do not wish to induce on a plane? Figure out precisely what power your concern has over your mind and behavior.
 Now that you simply higher perceive your concern, have faith in what precisely you wish to vary. Think about yourself experiencing life without your fear. How do you feel?
 Many fears square measure based mostly in false beliefs or ruinous thinking.
When you see a spider, you may immediately have a belief that says that the spider will harm you, and that you will die. Identify these patterns of thinking, and start to question them. Do some online research and understand your actual risk versus perceived risk. Recognize that the worse-case scenario is highly unlikely. Begin to re-structure your thoughts to not engage in catastrophic thinking, and start to talk back to those thoughts
 After you've got confronted your false beliefs, begin to expose yourself to the fear. Oftentimes we're afraid of something because we haven't been exposed to it very much. "Fear of the unknown" may be a normally used phrase to explain the automated aversion folks feel to one thingthat is totally different
  The power to label your emotions is beneficial for self-understanding and emotional intelligence. It conjointly seems that participating with a concern and verbalizing your concern has unimaginable power to assist you overcome fears and regulate emotions. Researchers had spider-fearful people exposed to a spider, and participants that labelled their fears  had a lower fear response the following week when exposed to a different spider.
 When your body experiences concern, lots of triggers ready your body for a “fight-or-flight” action response. Learn to override this response by counteracting with relaxation techniques. Relaxation tells your body that there's no danger which you're safe. Relaxation can also help you cope with other stress and anxiety in your life
 The same things we have a tendency to worry additionally incite feelings of joy and even passion.
That's why people enjoy extreme sports, horror movies, and swimming with sharks on vacation. Try to re-frame your worry in a very positive light-weight and acknowledge the fun it offers. When you begin seeing worry as a supply of energy, you may even embrace its role in your life.
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Fear can have incredible power in life-or-death situations. People report the sensation of time slowing down, senses becoming highly acute, and having the ability to instinctively know what to do. While different communication inside our bodies takes concerning [*fr1] a second to achieve awareness, the worry system works way more quickly. Fear also deadens our awareness of pain
 Fear is United States of Amerced as a tool to assist us determine issues and solve them effectively. It's a guidepost, a red flag that warns us when something needs attention. Once the discomfort of the initial wave of worry passes, examine it a lot of closely to visualize what you'll be able to learn.
 Thank you for reading and do comment and share if you like the informative and for more such blogs, stay tuned and for any other info Click Here à fearexit
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jobsearchtips02 · 4 years
Trump’s brand-new coronavirus tone is about his re-election
President Donald Trump began to acknowledge the growing risk and effect of the coronavirus pandemic throughout Tuesday’s coronavirus job force press rundown.
However, his change of tone appears to come from his concern over his ability to be re-elected in November.
According to CNN, Trump and his team discussed polls that showed him tracking behind presumptive Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden the morning of the rundown.
Despite that modification, it’s not clear for how long this evident acknowledgment of the pandemic will last and if it can reverse some of the damage of his action in the first 6 months.
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President Donald Trump seemed on Tuesday to comprehend the seriousness of the coronavirus pandemic throughout his first coronavirus task force press instruction since April.
But while news outlets and experts praised the president for his “mournful tone,” the switch from greatly concentrating on resuming (regardless of the caution of public health specialists) to an abrupt advising of the general public to wear masks and prevent bars, Trump’s change of tone appears to not be a reversal on his rejection of the risk of the pandemic, however rather an awareness that the denial might cause him to lose the upcoming governmental elections.
According to CNN, Trump and his group had actually gone over election surveys that showed him trailing former Vice President Joe Biden prior to his briefing on Tuesday. Individuals knowledgeable about the conversation informed CNN that some assistants raised the fact that taking a severe tone on the coronavirus has in the previous achieved success for Trump.
” This is a case when you line it all up, it’s the last season of ‘The Apprentice,’ we’ve got 100 days left and the reality TELEVISION star simply got held up by truth,” Rahm Emanuel, who served in Congress and as White House chief of staff to President Barack Obama told The New York City Times
” I think he is lastly starting to get it,” one Trump consultant told CNN about the president’s understanding of his reelection and the pandemic, “However can he do this for the next 100 days? I believe if he does, he wins.”
CNN reported that in approximately recent national surveys, Biden is leading by an average of 12 percentage points. Biden is likewise leading in several essential states like Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Minnesota, a series of Fox News surveys from today revealed.
Medical employees utilize a nasal swab to evaluate a person for the coronvavirus on July 22, 2020 in Florida.
Joe Raedle/Getty Images).
Aides also showed Trump a series of surveys that revealed that a growing number of citizens are disapproving of his handling of the pandemic, CNN reported.
A Washington Post-ABC News poll discovered that 60%of the 1,006 participants disapproved of Trump’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic.
However, as Service Expert’s Sonam Sheth and John Haltiwanger pointed out, while Trump may have finally acknowledged that the coronavirus is a genuine danger, he hasn’t taken any duty for how his policies and actions as president have affected the course of the pandemic in the US, and he is also very likely to alter his tune on the topic really rapidly.
As of Friday, the United States had over four million coronavirus cases with more than 145,000 deaths. The World Health Organization reported the biggest single-day increase for cases worldwide with 284,196 cases, of which nearly 70,000 came from the US alone.
While Trump might have canceled the Republican politician National Convention in Florida, he did so since assistants informed him the relocation would show leadership, CNN said, pricing estimate 2 sources acquainted with the matter. The New York Times later on reported that the relocation might have been also motivated by financial resources.
” I thought I had a responsibility not to have large numbers, massive varieties of individuals crowded into a space,” Trump stated during an interview on Fox News.
Michael Neel, funeral director of All Veterans Funeral and Cremation, wearing complete PPE, looks at the U.S. flag on the casket of George Trefren, a 90 year old Korean War veteran who died of the coronavirus illness (COVID-19) in an assisted living home, in Denver, Colorado, April 23,2020
Rick Wilking/Reuters.
Just last month, despite public health recommendation, Trump held a rally in Tulsa, and several members of his security detail were asked to quarantine after two Secret Service representatives tested favorable for the virus. Health specialists have stated the rally more than likely contributed to rising cases in the nation.
While mainly sticking to a script throughout his coronavirus briefings this week (other than when he wished Jeffrey Epstein partner Ghislaine Maxwell “well”), it’s tough to inform how long it will last or if it might eliminate the previous 6 months of mainly denying the hazard of the pandemic.
The president up until this week had actually pressed for a financial resuming regardless of the danger it positioned to the public.
And while Trump has motivated public-health-expert-backed mitigation strategies like masks, and not going to bars, the administration still does not have an extensive national screening method and has mainly abdicated federal responsibility beyond CDC standards, which has led to an irregular reaction by individual states.
Meanwhile, states across the country, especially in the South and the West, are having a hard time to get cases under control and some locations are facing shortages of healthcare facility beds to deal with serious cases.
The primary design used to estimate the impact of the coronavirus outbreak in the United States now forecasts close to 220,000 deaths by November 1. Experts have consistently stated that correct procedures taken early on might have prevented health center systems from being overburdened, which would have resulted in less deaths.
It’s not clear for how long Trump can keep this tune, or if it will help his re-election project, but the pandemic in the US isn’t decreasing, and professionals are still worried what that indicates when a likely 2nd wave hits in the fall.
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from Job Search Tips https://jobsearchtips.net/trumps-brand-new-coronavirus-tone-is-about-his-re-election/
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vsplusonline · 4 years
White House shifts from raising alarms to reopening country
New Post has been published on https://apzweb.com/white-house-shifts-from-raising-alarms-to-reopening-country/
White House shifts from raising alarms to reopening country
For weeks, the Trump administration played up the dangers of the coronavirus as it sought to persuade Americans to disrupt their lives and stay home. Now, as President Donald Trump aims for a swift nationwide reopening, he faces a new challenge: convincing people it’s safe to come out and resume their normal lives.
It’s a defining question for a cloistered nation – and a political imperative for Trump, whose reelection likely rides on the pace of an economic rebound.
Can the country move beyond a crippling fear of the virus and return to some modified version of its old routines, doing what’s possible to mitigate the risk of Covid-19 but acknowledging it may be a fact of life for years to come?
“We need to create the kind of confidence in America that makes it so that everybody goes back to work,” said Kevin Hassett, a White House adviser and former chair of the Council of Economic Advisers. “And that confidence is going to require testing and confidence that your workplace is a healthy place, but also confidence in the economy.”
At the White House, officials believe they’ve entered a new chapter of the pandemic response, moving from crisis mode to sustained mitigation and management.
It began last Thursday with the release of guidelines to governors for how to safely reopen their states. Trump and Vice President Mike Pence celebrated Americans for successfully “flattening the curve” of the epidemic.
A day later, a phalanx of the administration’s top medical officials sought to reassure the nation that there were plenty of tests available to safely begin easing restrictions.
Governors have been lifting restrictions each day since then, including aggressive moves announced Wednesday in Montana and Oklahoma. The Montana governor gave schools the green light to open their doors in early May, and Oklahoma will allow salons, barbershops, spas and pet groomers to reopen Friday.
Trump, in his evening news conference, did take issue with Republican Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp’s bold reopening plans. “I disagree strongly,” he said. “I think it’s too soon.”
The governors’ moves coincided with lingering bleak news around the country. The death toll in Massachusetts eclipsed 2,000 on Wednesday, doubling from just a week earlier. About 16,000 people remained hospitalized across New York. A meat plant in Iowa that is vital to the nation’s pork supply is the latest slaughterhouse to shut down because of outbreak. With the economy in for a long, brutal slump, Congress was on the verge of passing an almost $500 billion relief bill to bolster small businesses.
Trump flatly promised Americans that there will no repeat of the national lockdown. “We will not go through what we went through for the last two months,” he said.
It’s a sharp shift in rhetoric after Trump and allies stressed the threat of an “invisible enemy” to persuade people to abide by social distancing recommendations. The American people have also been scarred by the daunting death toll and images of body bags piled up in refrigerated trailers.
Moving from fear to acceptance will take confidence in government, medical professionals and businesses at a time when faith in those institutions is low. White House aides say restoring confidence will require the same “whole-of-America” approach that slowed the virus spread.
“It’s one thing for government to say, ‘OK, it’s safe to go out,”’ New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, a Democrat, said Tuesday. “If people don’t believe it’s safe, they’re not going to go.”
While there have been isolated protests in states aimed at lifting aggressive stay-at-home measures, most Americans don’t believe it will be safe to ease the restrictions anytime soon, according to a new survey from The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research.
Trump predicted earlier this month that the economy would take off like a “rocket ship once we get back to business.” But experts say the recovery will be far slower.
“It’ll be a very gradual process regardless of what a governor says or the president says,” said Dr. Robert Blendon, a Harvard professor of health policy and political analysis. He said the history of lockdowns, particularly the quarantine of more than 25,000 people around Toronto in 2003 to slow the spread of SARS, shows that it will take weeks, even months, for people to develop the confidence to resume normal activity.
Blendon also warned that a predicted second wave of COVID-19 could reverse any gains made in the interim.
It’s not just government, but individual businesses that will need to convince employees and consumers that it’s safe to return, once they decide to reopen.
The White House expects businesses “will advertise to the public” about the safety measures they are putting in place when they reopen, said Larry Kudlow, the director of the National Economic Council. He said the White House is also considering asking Congress to provide liability protection for employers in case their workers or customers fall sick. “We want small businesses to have some confidence that if they do reopen, they’ll stay open,” Kudlow said.
The outbreak has infected over 2.5 million people and killed about 180,000 around the world, including more than 46,000 in the U.S., according to a tally compiled by Johns Hopkins University from official government figures, though the true numbers are believed to be far higher.
Mark Schlesinger, a Yale professor of health policy, said it’s going to take time “for people to re-equilibrate emotionally, and it’s very hard to predict how long.”
Even if people worried about their economic situation want to get back to work, “There may be permanent behavioral changes in how people do business and interact as a society.”
At the White House, the administration is adjusting its posture away from drastic containment measures to managing virus “flareups” and bottlenecks in testing or supplies.
And officials hope to use the daily White House briefings to inundate Americans with facts and figures on testing and therapeutics, blanketing television with graphics of flattening and declining curves and statistics on the number of testing kits available.
White House officials also are planning to step up travel in coming weeks as a visual representation of reopening. Pence has traveled to Colorado and Wisconsin in recent days, and Trump is pushing aides to get him back on the road.
There are still plenty of caution flags.
“There’s a possibility that the assault of the virus on our nation next winter will actually be even more difficult than the one we just went through,” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Robert Redfield told The Washington Post in an interview Tuesday. “We’re going to have the flu epidemic and the coronavirus epidemic at the same time.”
“We’ve got to be very careful,” Trump said Tuesday of a potential second wave, which in some predictions could hit just weeks before the November elections. “We don’t want that to happen; it could happen. I think we stamp it out if it does happen.”
Instead, White House aides hope that people accept a “new normal” that envisions short-term disruptions when there are COVID-19 cases, causing routine week-long school or office closures but not panic.
But Blendon said, “People will watch the cases and listen to the major public health leaders, and if there’s a conflict, that will slow things even greater.”
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June’s New Moon In Cancer by ladyoftheabyss June's New Moon In Cancer
a message from Lynda Hill To view more of Lynda's insight, please visit her website, Lynda Hill's Sabian Symbols It is easier to sail many thousand miles through cold and storm and cannibals, in a government ship with five hundred men and boys to assist one, than it is to explore the private sea, the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean of one’s being alone. Henry David Thoreau
Patience serves as a protection against wrongs as clothes do against cold. For if you put on more clothes as the cold increases, it will have no power to hurt you. Leonardo da Vinci
If you’re going through hell, keep going. Winston Churchill
A man never reaches that dizzy height of wisdom that he can no longer be led by the nose. Mark Twain
The state with the highest percentage of people who walk to work is Alaska. Trivia.net
June's new Moon in Cancer falls on the 23rd in the US and the 24th in Australia. Occurring just after the Summer Solstice in the northern hemisphere and the Winter Solstice in the southern, it brings with it a time some changes. New moons always have the potential for ushering in the new, but, falling on the heels of the Solstice, it is even more so. The Sabian Symbol for this Solstice is Cancer 1: SAILORS ON A SHIP LOWER AN OLD FLAG AND RAISE A NEW ONE. This can show, or bring about, the completion of some things in our lives, leading to new situations, possibilities, relationships, realizations, etc. Affirmations made now can be particularly strong as we have a new 'flag' to raise (and, the Karmic Condition of Pluto at the moment is one of 'flags' too, we are being asked to recognise, to see, to realize, etc, who, what or where we are showing our allegiance to).
These 'new allegiances' can be further shown by Venus and Pluto, in earth signs, in a lovely trine aspect to each other. The Sabian Symbol for Venus is also showing a new birth, a new beginning, new possibilities, new relationships, new realizations. Venus is on Taurus 19: A NEW CONTINENT ARISES FROM THE OCEAN. Whatever is working in your life can be strengthened while whatever is not may need to be let go of now. And, it could feel relieving and refreshing and very real.
Although this is quite a 'lunar' new Moon (being in Cancer), Mars is very highlighted at this time with a close square to Jupiter followed by a close trine to Neptune, and, in the week after the new Moon, an opposition to Pluto. Mars' message seems to be that it is great to have strong ideals, strong feelings, beliefs, dreams, etc, but, we may need to temper them a little while remembering that not everyone sees things in the same light. Mars/Jupiter in square aspect can bring up issues to do with arguments over politics, religion, beliefs, etc, and, we might be pushed to stand up for, defend or announce our beliefs. As always, it may be prudent to count to ten before launching into any arguments as they could just be time wasting and not at all productive. This is made even more so by the Quest Degree of this new Moon - Cancer 4: A CAT ARGUING WITH A MOUSE, and, the Karmic Condition of Mercury - Cancer 5:AT A RAILROAD CROSSING, A CAR RACES WITH A TRAIN (otherwise often known as the 'car wreck degree' - please note though, if you have Cancer 5 in your chart, it does not have to show car accidents or being 'wrecked'. It is more likely to show how you might 'take on society - go against the normal rules and ways of society', etc). These degrees of early Cancer can be quite difficult unless we are reasonably cautious about which 'battles' or 'fights' we take up. With caution, we may make progress, if we're being reckless, we could leave considerable 'rubble' in our wake. After all, Mars is not all that effective in Cancer; we can find ourselves being emotional, irrational even, when we would probably prefer to be in control of our responses.
This new Moon, though, does have some excellent aspects -most notably the grand trine between Saturn and Uranus and the Moon's nodes. With concentrated attention, we can make some great progress now, and, find a true sense of direction by not succumbing to the bad or difficult news around us. Through planning and right action, we can achieve many goals that might have long been on the back-burner.
There's more that can be said about all of this, but, it is covered in the list of Sabian Symbols for the planets below.
The new Moon each month marks a time of new beginnings and realisations. It's like a birth after a time of gestation or being 'in the womb'. Here, the light begins to return and we can see new beginnings and possibilities. A new Moon means that the Sun and the Moon are both together - bringing a synergy of their energies together. The new Moon is a perfect time to set your intentions for the future. This period is wonderful for planting seeds of whatever kind. What do you want to manifest in your future? Whether you write it down, sing about it or just hold the thought forms in your mind, doing this at the new Moon can realise some fabulous results around the things that you want to draw into your life.
The new Moon is on Cancer 3: AN ARCTIC EXPLORER LEADS A REINDEER THROUGH ICY CANYONS - the following is from my book The Sabian Oracle: 360 Degrees Of Wisdom -
Commentary: ‘An Arctic Explorer Leads a Reindeer Through Icy Canyons’ shows a situation of risk and hard slog to get to a destination. There are two elements here: the ‘Arctic Explorer’ who is prepared to seek out new possibilities even at great risk to his life, and the ‘Reindeer’ who may have been quite content where it was, but does not have the possibility (or the imagination) to find new pastures or the will to assert its own desires. They have somehow become dependent upon each other for mutual success and survival. There is no way of knowing exactly what is going to happen or if they will, indeed, reach their objective. The ‘Reindeer’ may regret being roped into this endeavor, but what has been started can’t be abandoned or stopped mid-journey. However, it is actually the ‘Reindeer’ that is naturally suited to these conditions, enabling it to push onward if the ‘Explorer’ finds it too difficult.
Oracle: It is through adapting to changing needs in the environment and being constantly aware of the difficulties involved that success can be achieved. You need to persevere and progress slowly. There is probably no going back; there may be little value in retracing your steps. Further, there is probably no possibility of stopping as the situation could freeze-up in an instant. You may be surprised by “icy” feelings and cold responses from yourself, or others. However, these “cold winds” may indeed have been building up for some time. Although you may have help from those around you, it is more a time of struggling through an unusual difficulty rather than worrying about creating any proper appearance. Be prepared to use warmth and love, as this will bring more light and joy. Keep going – indeed it may be your only option.
Keywords: Using animal instincts to get through tough times. Facing bad weather and hardship. Following the leader without knowing where one’s going. Unfamiliar surroundings. The point of no return. Being in a cul-de-sac. Being led around by the hand (or the nose). Treading carefully. Icebergs. Glaciers. Snow and ice. Risky ventures. The Titanic story.
The Caution: Taking those unfamiliar to the situation and unwittingly heading towards danger. Putting one’s self through hard times when it’s avoidable. Restrictive outlooks on life. Frozen responses. Frigidity. Feeling lost, alone, frozen with fear or forsaken. Willingly going the hard way. Lack of provisions.
The Moon symbolizes: Emotions, moods, mother, family, clan, domestic issues, relationship to home and country. Feelings, sentiments, nourishment, emotional nurturing, monkey chatter mind, lunar and menstrual cycles, clarity of emotions or lunacy. Female energy - yours and others.
A field cannot well be seen from within the field. Ralph Waldo Emerson
This Symbol implies a state of rising above what’s going on and transcending the reality. You might be periodically unable to proceed, or maybe you feel in a state of limbo. Are you often disconnected from reality? On the other hand, you may have a heightened level of awareness and a broad overview of situations, giving you an opportunity to plan for future action. Try to accept the positive opportunities that are being offered to you as you move through life with an exalted, or possibly escapist, attitude which allows you to escape unscathed from things that bother others.
Keywords: Elevated observations and heightened feelings. Having faith in the good things of life. Not wanting to see the ugly truth of reality. UFO's and aliens. Escapism. Perspective and imagination. Out of body experiences. Dreams. Seeking transcendence. Astral projection. The dream of far destinations. Film and video.
The Caution: Feeling above everything and unaffected by situations. Losing touch with reality. Missing the point. Trying to avoid what’s going on. Peter Pan attitudes. Not feeling responsible for anything. Longing for something ‘magic’ to happen. Bugging devices. Living in a fantasy world.
The Quest Degree for the new Moon is Cancer 4: A CAT ARGUING WITH A MOUSE
The lion and the calf will lay down together, but the calf won’t get much sleep. Woody Allen
The mouse is a magician with only one trick: it can cast an illusion that it is as big as an elephant. Jessica MacBeth
This Symbol often implies arguing, taking on opponents regardless of size and the ability to win, and, sometimes, being unable to let things just be. Along with bullying, this can show bickering, which is time consuming, often immature and useless. What is the central issue around what's going on and what are the old values that require reassessment? There is an imbalance at work. There can be a desire to justify to the other what should be done and why. This Symbol can show a selfless advocate for the underdog; prepared to protect others. Try to stop useless mental monkey chattering.
Keywords: Aggressively and actively taking advantage of situations or people. Hide and go seek games. Aggression vs. innocence. Harassment. Standing up for one's self. The David and Goliath story. Questioning established power structures. Looking out for one's best interests. Shock and fear. Cats. Mice. Hiding. Waiting.
The Caution: Time-wasting arguments and bickering. Being aggressive because one can. Picking on those smaller. Fighting dirty. Being patronizing. Power trips. Hiding away to avoid being targeted. Feeling like someone’s prey. Feeling victimized and bullied. Antagonism. Unfair battles. Those who think they know more. Mental, physical or emotional torment. Beating yourself up.
If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put the foundations under them. Henry David Thoreau
This Symbol speaks of building or decorating a 'Nest' somewhere that is safe and comfortable. Although there is a good feeling about the future and new life coming, perhaps there is an inherent danger that you will not have somewhere to nest or that you could actually be somewhat expendable. Be careful not to become either too complacent or to react in fright at any sudden surprises. You could jeopardize your situation as others may judge whether you are qualified to stay where you are or are able to maintain your situation. Concerns with safety, security and a comfortable life can lead to having to move on a periodic basis
Keywords: Instinctive dedication. Laying the groundwork for those to come. Creating a base to feel safe. Nurturing. Endangered habitat. Raising money. Making yourself or someone else comfortable. Interior decoration. Preparation. Home building. Landlords and tenants. Noisy or nosy neighbors. Renting vs. owning. Watching for danger. The nesting instinct. Renovations. Babies' rooms. Working to pay the mortgage or rent.
The Caution: Being unnecessarily afraid to venture out on “one’s own”. Taking over other people’s territory. Feeling unwanted. Danger. Fussing over small details. Over-preparation. Not knowing how long one can hold out in a situation. Being vulnerable to change. Being at the mercy of others. Endless housework.
The Karmic Degree for Mercury is Cancer 5: AT A RAILROAD CROSSING, A CAR RACES WITH A TRAIN
I couldn’t repair your brakes, so I made your horn louder. Bumper Sticker
This Symbol implies the desire, or the ability, to compete with or take on society as if life were a race or something to be conquered. The ‘Car’ is a vehicle for the individual and the ‘Train’ a vehicle for the masses. There is often a need for caution; the individual will not always survive a collision with the more powerful collective. It may not work to be insisting bravely that your individual needs should be considered. The collective has too much momentum. If someone pits themselves and their energies continually against society, sooner or later they are likely to lose.
Keywords: Not looking to the consequences of actions. Recklessly going for an objective. Not considering the ramifications. Lots of people causing problems with scheduling. Having the guts to go against society. Cars, trains. Individual rights. Rebelling. Crossroads. The need for good timing.
The Caution: Recklessness. Sacrificing individuals for larger gains. Working until one drops. Not looking left or right for possible trouble. Going in the wrong direction. Working at cross-purposes. Not nourishing one’s self. Putting the desire for gain before one’s more basic personal needs. Valuing possessions before people. Talking so no one gets a word in. Going off the rails. Upsetting or obstructing others. Wreckage. Emotional panic. Spinning out of control.
They dined on mince, and slices of quince, Which they ate with a runcible spoon; And hand in hand, on the edge of the sand, They danced by the light of the moon. Edward Lear
This Symbol implies enjoying the company of like minded people and sharing moments of fun, fantasy and celebrations. Moments spent together are likely to be very enjoyable, but you could be wanting to escape reality, especially the reality of what’s possible in your situation. Your intuition and imagination are heightened, with a strong sense of your emotional and spiritual center. Whilst keeping things real, you’ll want to let go of the rational and enjoy the experience of being with others, or, at least, one very special person. Allow your relationship to flow but you may find things look different in the clear light of day.
Keywords: Usually invisible astral realms. Reconnecting with the feminine. Dancing. Avoiding harsh reality. Slipping away somewhere unnoticed. Seeing what's usually hidden. Romances that have difficulty in the real world. Dreams and fantasies. Sharing common ground. Full moon celebrations. Moonlight. Sunlight. Couples inspirited. Women celebrating. Other realms. Invoking fantasies. Moondances.
The Caution: Losing one’s self in emotional dreaming. Not seeing the reality of the other you’re “dancing” with. Lacking responsibility. Escapist attitudes vs. serious decisions. Relationships with no earthly reality or substance. Something too good to be true. Finding it hard to connect with others.
Mercury symbolizes: Mind, thought, communication, memory, expression, intelligence. News, exchanges, chatting, conversations, short journeys, connections with others, telephones, emails, siblings, neighbors, the reasoning mind. Day-to-day activities. Cars, keys, small animals.
One does not discover new continents without consenting to lose sight of the shore for a very long time. Andre Gide
This Symbol shows the rising of a new place, a place to be, a new country or somewhere to strive for a new life. It implies that you can find that extra spark to create a brand new, original opportunity. This pictures the beginning of something that holds enormous potential for the future. There is much work to be done developing this into something fertile and productive. A whole new field of activity is coming to light. What you have done in the past has led you to this, but these new beginnings need to be met with a fresh sense of purpose and possibility.
Keywords: Enormous potentiality emerging. New trends and ways of being. Sudden eruptions of talent or fields of endeavor. The greenhouse effect. Global warming. Atlantis and other ancient underwater cities. Evolution. Patience. Developing slowly but surely. Emerging generations of people. New environments. Things feeling suddenly foreign. The birth of a nation. Migration. Land masses. Endeavouring to hold life together under the enormous pressure of the new.
The Caution: Continually seeking “new worlds” rather than finding a place in the existing one. No responsibility for the birth of the new. No respect for the old or established. Not shifting or evolving. Staying stuck in old realities.
This Symbol speaks of clearing up clutter, washing and purifying and bringing air and light to situations. It often symbolizes psychotherapy and other self-help disciplines that cleanse and purify the mind, emotions and soul. There is often the need to clean out your cupboards, along with your old habits and routines. By keeping everything in your inner self, you can cause a clutter that is restricting. Bring these things to the outer world and see if they are still relevant in the light of day, discarding those that don't measure up.
Keywords: Psychoanalysis. Past life regressions or memories. Doing domestic chores with a feeling of purpose. Work shopping ideas. Bringing light and freshness to old feelings. Renewal. Throwing out the old or outlived. Cleaning out rooms. Renovations. Letting the sunshine in.
The Caution: Expecting others to take responsibility for cleaning up and airing out. Hanging on to outworn things and memories. Airing one’s ‘dirty laundry’ in public. Rehashing old situations. Going over the same ground over and over. Bringing up issues when it’s inappropriate. Depressed attitudes.
Venus symbolizes: Relatedness, cooperation, what attracts you. The experience of sweetness, beauty or delight. Social interactions, love, friends, how you reach out to people. Feminine persona, relationship with mother and females. Money, possessions, sense of values.
You can’t shake hands with a clenched fist. Indira Gandhi
It is easier to point the finger than to offer a helping hand. Anon
This Symbol implies the rewards and the necessity of having a firm will and being willing and able to meet others with a strong handshake and a friendly attitude. Reaching out to others is shown here along with the need for being approachable and open to introductions to friends both old and new. Extending yourself to others can have many rewards, such as new friends, new opportunities, etc. Although a degree of flexibility exists it will inevitably be strength of character that succeeds.
Keywords: Openness and willingness to extend oneself to others. The handshake and the need for it. Being approachable and friendly. Palmistry and palm reading. Having a firm will. Introductions. Strong character. Flexible behavior. Hitchhiking.
The Caution: An aggressiveness and overbearing nature. Feeling that one is better, or stronger, than others. The smooth handshake that manipulates to impress one’s personality. Unbending and dominant behavior. Taking over situations regardless of what others want. Defensive, insecure, unsure, introverted. Blocking human exchanges.
This Symbol shows someone who is young or inexperienced but is more possessed of greatness than might at first be apparent. Like the woman nursing this child, being able to recognize brilliance, truth and beauty in others, or in your own self, can bring many rewards. There is often the sense that someone’s an ‘old soul’, even though they’re young in years or experience, ahead of their time or have talents beyond the norm. Dane Rudhyar said of this degree: it's... 'The promise to all men that God may take birth within their souls.' Good nourishment and care will nourish this great potential.
Keywords: Nurturing innocence and its rewards. Reincarnation and past lives. Charisma and presence. Channeling entities. Tibetan mysteries. Monks and the Dalai Lama. Ancient knowledge. Child prodigies. Seeing greatness ahead of its time. Indigo children. Discovering latent talent. Visions. Holistic perceptions. Potential. Nurses. Nannies. Finding "the one". Auras. Special people.
The Caution: Being unable to see simple messages. Overcome with complexity. Demanding to be noticed. Precocious behavior. Being pushy and demanding. Under or over-estimating the potential of youth.
Interestingly, according to modern astronomers, space is finite. This is a very comforting thought—particularly for people who can never remember where they have left things. Woody Allen
There’s none so blind as those who won’t see. Old Saying
This Symbols shows that you may be looking for some help or spiritual guidance, but it may be difficult to find through the usual channels. As we become more enlightened there is a greater ability to see spiritual truth in unexpected places. There needs to be a trust and courage that your inner wisdom is in touch with the higher truth. The ‘Vast Dark Space to the Northeast’ is often the direction one looks for this spiritual guidance and looking towards that direction in the sky can bring an influx of creative and spiritual energies. Further, this symbolizes the desertion of native people’s by their governments.
Keywords: American Indians and other native peoples that have been left in the dark. Losing faith in the future. The dying out of cultures or languages. Washington DC. Staring into a void. Blindness. Searching for answers. Sirius—the Dog Star. Magnetic shifts. Compass directions. Stargazing. Navigation. Faith. The earth's poles. Astronomy. Vast dark arenas. Wisdom that comes with age. Feeling old before one's time. Seeking purpose and direction.
The Caution: Seeing nothing. A lack of purpose. Abandonment, rejection, loss and darkness. The exploitation and abandonment of native people. Myopia. Voids. Emptiness.
Mars symbolizes: Drive, determination or agenda, how you get to your goals. How you express and handle anger, ambition, assertion of self and ability to step forward. The male principle, sexuality, the ability to step up to the plate when one needs to. Fight or flight.
Jupiter is stationary direct on Libra 14: IN THE HEAT OF THE NOON, A PERSON TAKES A SIESTA
Have you been feeling tired, rather discouraged, wanting to lay on the lounge with the remote in your hand? Finding it hard to get motivated, or, working too hard and not seeing much in return? Jupiter recently stationed direct on this degree, and, this can be a time of needing to reconnect with our energies through taking some time off, meditating, doing things for ourselves and remembering that we are not machines that can run on empty. Time to refuel with a little R & R, however that is found. On the other hand, you may feel that you’ve been doing that long enough and that you need to get going with the things that need to be done, especially repairs to your body, mind, spirit, life, relationships, etc. Further, Jupiter is in a ‘Finger Of God’ formation – a yod to Neptune and Venus, so, it may take a little time to really get going with our plans, but, of course, this shouldn’t stop us from planning, dreaming and working out the details. The time to push through may not be quite right yet, but it is surely coming as there is so much potential emerging now. Taking it one step at a time helps.
This Symbol speaks of taking a rest when one needs to. At times, you may feel the need to take a break even though you are in the middle of a situation. To relax and recuperate will often serve to give you greater strength to complete the task at hand, also, being always on the go can be rather wearying. However, being lazy and unproductive is not the answer either. Taking a “Noon Siesta” can end up meaning taking hours and hours off work and not managing to make progress or get anywhere. Striking a balance between working too hard and not working hard enough is definitely the key.
Keywords: Meditation. The need to take time out. Sleep apnea and other sleep disorders. Midday rushes. Recuperating or laziness. Hammocks. Long lunch hours. Rejuvenation. Knowing when to call a halt. Taking breaks. Looking after one's health. Tiredness and yawning. Hot and demanding days leading to inertia or exhaustion. Dreams and fantasies.
The Caution: Wasting time. Being disinterested in things. Losing energy or interest when one should be at the peak of activity or achievement. Refusing to take a break. Going past the bounds of what should be done. Working so hard that one is forced to stop through exhaustion or ill-health. Always being on the go while others sit back and enjoy. Losing one's grip on reality. Unwinding after toil or trouble. Withdrawal.
Jupiter symbolizes: The big picture, expansion, exploration, aspirations, religious and philosophical ideals, issues to do with traveling, foreign lands, people and traditions, culture, education, generosity, luck, abundance, support, optimism. Insight through knowledge and wisdom.
Faith is a bluebird you see from afar. It’s real and sure as the first evening star. You can’t touch it or buy it or wrap it up tight. But it’s there just the same making things turn out right. Margery Sharp
This Symbol shows the promise of domestic bliss or making a house into a home. The “Bluebird” brings a sense of “Good Luck and Happiness” and is a sign of good fortune, a comfortable home, and a sense that one belongs, is safe and cared for. This is the archetypal cottage with the picket fence; the vision that many have of owning their own home. It also speaks of natural, positive, good will towards the inhabitants and, probably, towards the neighbors. There is a clear omen of good fortune at your door. Love and happiness come by being warm and inviting. Respond to your higher hopes, spread love to all who enter your house or live nearby.
Keywords: Calmness and rewards. Promise (or promises) of 'Happiness'. Love and happiness available by acknowledging its presence. Real estate, house boundaries. Reminders of joy. Cottages and picket fences. Waiting for invitations to enter. Omens of good luck. Blessings. Front doors and back doors.
The Caution: Denying happiness or good news. Feeling that the grass is always greener somewhere else. Putting on false shows of happiness for all to see. Thinking that buying things will make one’s life happier. Wanting what’s not available.
Saturn symbolizes: Authority, rules, discipline and obligation The heavy stuff. What we fear, loss, karma, aging, the establishment, orthodoxy, tradition, status, the concept of time, walls, boundaries, limits, older people, restrictions, patience, conquering difficulties.
Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free. Emma Lazarus—Verse inscribed on the Statue of Liberty.
This Symbol shows finding a new way of life, a new country or nationality, or new place to live and raise a family. It shows the possibility and hope for better things and a new way of life. Whether you are an “Immigrant” or someone looking to move onto new territory, you need to be prepared to venture out into new adventures for the promise that’s offered. Once you’ve “Fulfilled the Requirements”, you can move into this brand new life and reap the rewards. There may need to be adjustments about the way one communicates one's thoughts and ideas - be receptive to this new way of life and you'll learn much. Reorientation of self. Learning new languages or customs. Passing tests (or not). Asylum. Immigration. The Statue of Liberty. Papers. Qualifications. Refugees. Laws. Borders.
Keywords: Reorientation of selfhood. Needing to change things in order to accept a new reality. The necessity of learning new languages or customs to fit in. Visas, passports, papers. Illegal immigrants. Boat people. Customs officials and regulations. Baggage and luggage. Shipping. Qualifications and certifications. Identification. Asylum. Immigration officers. Papers and qualifications that include or exclude. Refugees. Laws. Borders. Ellis Island. Throwing away the known in pursuit of the unknown.
The Caution: Entering new situations with inflexible traditions. Issues of social or racial prejudice, or the suspicion of it. Red tape getting in the way of enjoying life. Those not living up to requirements. Not getting successfully through the paperwork. Being untrue to oneself in order to be accepted. Being rejected or sent back.
The Quest Degree for Saturn retrograde is Sagittarius 25: A CHUBBY LITTLE RICH BOY RIDES UPON A HOBBYHORSE -Saturn has just recently spent a few weeks retrograde on this Symbol.
Nothing is so hard for those who abound in riches to conceive how others can be in want. Jonathan Swift
Are you doing what you want to be doing? Are you concentrating on those things that don’t feel rewarding, creative, useful in your life? Saturn on this degree can show this, but, it can also point to the realization of the inequality that we see in life around us where ‘the rich’ get to play while those who are not have to work, work, work. We do well to remember to stick to our own agendas and make our lives more of what they can be, especially when it comes to doing things simply because we enjoy or get a kick out of doing them. Saturn is retrograde, but, it is in a nice grand-trine with Uranus and the Moon’s north node, so we are being asked to get organized and to throw out those things (emotions, memories, possessions and/or relationships) that we no longer need. We are in a big process of re-aligning with spirit.
This Symbol shows someone who has everything in life playing and enjoying doing whatever they want in a safe and comfortable atmosphere – the ‘Boy’ does something he feels like doing, something easy and natural. He plays and may not be thinking too much about what’s going on in the real world as he is shielded from the more harmful elements of society because he is ‘Rich’. You may feel that you are doing what is necessary, but this is more like a training situation and will lead to greater ability in the future, although you should watch out for the propensity to be ‘flogging a dead horse’. Practice and play, but one day you're going to have to prove yourself in a more rigorous, demanding situation. Protected practice. Imaginative play. Going on and on about something. Hobbies. Playtime. Toys being provided. Exercise. Boys and their toys. Unrestrained passions.
Keywords: Hobbies and their pleasures. Unrestrained, imaginative play that can lead to truly wonderful creations, physically, emotionally and spiritually. Protected practice. Having to have one's sexual needs fulfilled before one loses energy. Exercise, doing something because one can. Constantly going off on distracting schemes. Boys and their toys. Unrestrained passion.
The Caution: Someone spoilt and shallow. Feeling that one can take on anything without thought of the actual consequences. Playing when one should be more serious about life. Not doing one’s work, avoiding it by doing ‘fun’ things instead. Having no friends to play with.
Uranus is on Aries 28: A LARGE DISAPPOINTED AUDIENCE - Uranus is spending quite a few weeks on this degree, now, and, in a few week's time it again transits over this degree retrograde.
A lot of people are feeling this sense of ‘Disappointment’ in what’s going on personally, locally and in the entire world. We are seeing this disappointment because there are so many things that need changing. The message from Uranus seems to be that we need to change our tune in order to see more of the things we want to see. Changing our responses to the things we see, or, choosing to not pay so much attention to the things that bring that sense of alienation, remorse or difficulty, can bring about a change in the world around us. Our ‘imaginations’ may need tweaking. How better to respond to what’s happening? We have a right to feel put off by the things we’re witnessing, but, perhaps it’s time for us to dream a new dream.
People ask for your criticism, but they only want praise. Somerset Maugham
Plato was a bore. Friedrich Nietzsche
Stupid TV. Be more funny. Homer Simpson
This Symbol shows a sense of being an observer or a spectator, sometimes more than being a participant. You may have an inner critic that analyses things. In fact you might feel as though you, or someone else, have failed and left something wanting. But how much is this because too much was expected in the first place? The ‘Audience’ sometimes only remembers the last performance, so get up and try again. Be aware that you may be your own ‘audience’. Do you feel that things have or haven’t lived up to expectations? Are you missing out through negative projections? Perhaps your need to feel satisfied, to perform or be fulfilled should be more realistic.
Keywords: Adjustments of expectations bringing realizations about what is really possible. Expecting the response of others. Walking out during a performance. Not listening to something through a lack of interest. Anticipating a different result from what is delivered. Relying on feedback. Lines and queues of people. Criticism. The need to inspire and enthuse.
The Caution: Feeling sad, sorry or letdown because of defeat and frustration. A lot of people left feeling emotionally “wiped-out”. Shattering of illusions. Fickleness. The attitude that one can’t do anything. Everything being out of one’s control. Watching what’s going on and not participating. Being at the mercy of the whims and fancies of others. Judging and analyzing oneself or others. Too many people crammed into one spot. Not getting a seat. Refusal of entry. Booing and hissing.
Uranus symbolizes: The unexpected, things that are individual or 'different'. Charged, energetic dynamics, electricity, light, lightning bolts, sudden changes, those who live on the fringe of society. Sudden turns and twists of fate. Rebellion, surprises, liberation, freedom.
Neptune is stationary retrograde on Pisces 15: AN OFFICER DRILLING HIS MEN IN A SIMULATED ATTACK -Neptune is spending weeks on this degree as Neptune retrogrades on it.
Neptune stationary direct on this degree can bring up feelings of ‘what next?’ It can be important to sort out what is really happening in our lives and not falling into the trap of ‘the sky is falling’. Neptune on this degree can have us going over and over thoughts, emotions, fears, etc, and, some of them are likely to be ‘false flags’ – we need to be discerning about what is real and what is false. Fake news, fears of ‘attacks’ and the like can have us off center if we’re not careful. Some of the things we fear are not at all useful. The saying ‘worrying is praying for the things we don’t want’ comes to mind.
It is hard to fight an enemy who has outposts in your head. Sally Kempton
This shows being well rehearsed, prepared and ready for anything that life throws at you. When you’re well rehearsed, you are able to spring to attention when situations warrant it. You may feel that you need to rehearse or prepare for difficult situations. There is wisdom in practicing to reduce the chance of error or failure. However, are you going over and over possible positive or negative outcomes thereby losing the joy that can be found in relaxing and letting down your guard? Sometimes the things we think are going to happen don’t happen at all. Choosing where, when and how to be ready and willing to go for objectives is half the battle.
Keywords: Taking orders to better respond to situations. The higher self training the lower self. Exercises. Marching and going through the motions. The need for defense. Seeing ahead. Planning strategies. Fire drills. Smoke alarms. Being prepared. Issuing orders and expecting them to be followed through. Discipline. Martial arts of all kinds. Going over and over possible outcomes. Safeguards put in place. Gas masks and bomb shelters.
The Caution: Rigid routine for no real or valuable purpose. Feeling that one has always to be on the defensive. Being under attack, whether real or imagined. Overreacting to things. Feelings of unworthiness in the face of battle or confrontation. Victim consciousness. Fearful responses. Getting others to respond through spreading fear. Scare tactics. False flags.
Neptune symbolizes: Mystical, "out there," spirituality and con artists. Dreams, mysteries , mystics and religious issues. Intuition, clairvoyance, seeing into the invisible. Addictive, chaotic, charming, deceptive, illusory, co dependent, sensory awareness.
A child of five could understand this. Fetch me a child of five. Groucho Marx
With Pluto here, we may be carrying loads that feel heavy or demanding. We may be seeing some people being asked to take on too much responsibility, and, we may be feeling that ourselves. We are also witnessing some in power who are not up to the task; they are acting immaturely, not standing up to their responsibilities, children taking on the load of their families, etc. Still, it is by assessing what we will do and what we don’t want to do can show us what we need to shoulder and what we don’t.
This Symbol shows having to “Carry” heavy loads, to shoulder responsibilities, do chores and jobs and help others, sometimes because there’s no one else who can or will do it. Often, the “Child” gets these responsibilities because they are the one who others know is going to take it seriously, completing the task, taking care of details. You may feel that you have been burdened with responsibilities beyond normal expectations and possibly beyond your capability. Despite being keen and enthusiastic, you must be careful not to try to take on too much, or do too much, or too quickly. Like a child, you need to play, be creative and rest.
Keywords: Being the one everyone counts on to do the job. Feeling weighed down. Having to carry the "bag". Lifting heavy weights and bearing the consequences. Taking on things above and beyond what one should. Acting the grownup. Maturing quickly. Looking after paperwork. Running errands. Providing food and sustenance for everyone.
The Caution: Overloading the innocent and the inexperienced without thought of the consequences. Taking on too much. Not allowing for fun and carefree activities. Never being “off-duty”. Joint, back and shoulder problems. Growing up too fast. Having a serious attitude. Lack of childhood. Dropping the bundle. Carrying the family's responsibilities.
The Karmic Degree for Pluto is Capricorn 18: THE UNION JACK FLIES FROM A NEW BRITISH WARSHIP
Britain is not a country that is easily rocked by revolution . . . In Britain our institutions evolve. We are a Fabian Society writ large. William Hamilton
We stole countries with the cunning use of flags. Just sail around the world and stick a flag in. "I claim India for Britain!" They're going "You can't claim us, we live here! Five hundred million of us!" "Do you have a flag …? "No..." "Well, if you don't have a flag, then you can't have a country. Those are the rules... that I just made up! Eddie Izzard
This Symbol talks about supervision, border protection and control. There can be a feeling of having to oversee a large ‘empire’ where reliability and leadership are vital. This can be a tiring responsibility, but there can be an awareness of the protection of 'all who went before'. However, political and social restraints from the past could be causing you to feel that you’ve somehow got to ‘wage war’. Issues to do with the government can come up, whether you agree with what they do or not. You may be confronted with having to make your presence felt and guard your territory. Effective supervision will help you to relax.
Keywords: Colonialism. Protectionism. The government, big business and the media. Class-consciousness. Power and political displays. Displays of "law and order". Border patrols and protection. Strength and might. Nationalism. Royalty. The ruling elite. Supervision. The armed forces. Patrols. Pitting people against each other. Empires. Victory bringing riches. The mother country. The struggle against decline. Flags. Imperialism. The Commonwealth. The rule of law. Brexit.
The Caution: Artificial shows of strength. Bullying from the “big guys”. Being armed “to the teeth”. Strong-arm tactics. Disrespect for authority. People or institutions that throw their weight around. Anarchy. Traitors. Being anti-establishment. Social disintegration. War games. Civil wars. Feeling squeezed by authority. Rebellion. Civilian lives lost for political causes. Governing forces that deny individual rights. Invasions. Being defensive.
Pluto symbolizes: Unconscious motivations, depth psychology, history. Sex, procreation at a deep level, intensity, profound emotions, taking hold of one's power. Being king or queen of one's underworld. Strength, survival mode instincts. Big money. Big power. The Plutocracy. Power vs power struggles.
Chiron here can have us analyzing things a little too much, especially with Neptune on the ‘Simulated Attack’ degree. However, we can learn a lot by really looking into the ‘stories that we tell ourselves’ (Chiron is known as The Wounded Healer, but, it’s about The Stories That We Tell Ourselves). However, it can be that by breaking down things into their component parts and seeing what’s really going on that we can see our ‘wounds’, our concerns and worries, our stories, from a new and brighter perspective.
It’s a good thing that when God created the rainbow, He didn’t consult a decorator or He would still be picking colors. Sam Levenson
This shows analyzing things, considering and drawing conclusions from available data and being perceptive of colors, light refraction or reflection, auras and light. You probably have the ability to break situations down into the simplest components in order to see the full picture. This can and often does lead to a greater understanding of the relationship between the whole and the many parts. Just be careful not to overanalyze, thereby losing the joy that's inherent in the simplicities of life. Taking a single vision and turning it into many individual streams can be rewarding, but it can also confuse and distract.
Keywords: Spectrum analysis. Color and crystal healing. Rainbows. Light refraction. Side effects. Considering many facets of a situation. Endless opportunities. Optics. Sight. Seeing. Copying and sharing ideas or things. Disseminating information. Auras and aura photography. Triangles. Polarization of light. Reflection. Laboratory tests. Diffracted personality.
The Caution: Locked in to a set of parameters. Over analyzing things. Being blinded by ambition. Daunted by the task ahead. Mirages. Microscopes and binoculars but not seeing things as they really are.
Chiron symbolizes: Our wounds, Chiron is known as The Wounded Healer. The wounds are The Stories That We Tell Ourselves, it is where we have to focus on healing, it can show things that are out of shape or misplaced or in need of repair.
The Moon's North Node is on Leo 26: AFTER A HEAVY STORM, A RAINBOW APPEARS
The North Node on this degree is showing us that after each ‘storm’ comes the ‘rainbow’. We can be assured that the difficult times will always pass and that we can count on the beauty and benevolence of the ‘rainbow’. Seeing ‘sunshine’, concentrating on the light can clear up any feelings of disappointment, doubt, alienation, etc.
This Symbol shows the relief and beauty that a rainbow can bring after a storm has cleared. A sense of relief can flood over you as you realize that the sun is coming out and the birds are beginning to sing again. This may be a time of difficulties and obstacles, but take heart as it seems that the end result will be O.K. Still, you probably need to be periodically reassured by a clear sign that better times are coming. Remember, without the storm there would be no blessing of the rainbow. Try wearing colorful clothes, open the windows and the doors and get into the sunshine.
Keywords: Release from stressful situations. The light of spirit returning to infuse with energy. Euphoria. Rushes of endorphins. Relief. The sun coming out whilst dark clouds are still in the air. The joy of survival. Rainbows and light. Piercing through darkness. Reminders of the good things in life. Peace restored.
The Caution: Having selfish thoughts about the rewards inherent in every external sign or “pot of gold”. Seeking storms or arguments and trouble to stir things up. Enjoyment and promotion of conflict. Violence and destruction. Carnage. Not seeing the beauty around. Blocked drains and emotions.
The Moon's North Node symbolizes: This is known as quite a 'karmic point' (although all planets and points in a chart can be 'karmic'). One's destiny in this life. The things you are meant to integrate, move towards, become. Destined relationships and relationship issues can show up here.
The South Node on this degree tells us to really tune into our intuitions, our senses, what our inner feelings are telling us about what is really going on. We may find ourselves being more sensitive to events in the world and our outer and inner realities. Tuning in can have us finding where we may need to make some adjustments to our lives so we can function in a smoother, more reliable and effective way.
This Symbol shows the need to pick up problems and diagnose what might be wrong whether it’s mechanically, physically, spiritually or emotionally. The “Car” can be a car, or it can be your body; your earthly vehicle, and it may need some “Testing” to see how it’s coping with life’s pressures. Perhaps you need to use some type of gauge on your emotional reactions. There is often a need to take a more intuitive or psychic approach to problems, although an objective or inventive view will also bring results. Figure out any malfunctions so your life can proceed in a smoother, more efficient manner. Performing necessary checks and balances to ensure your life is working properly are part of the everyday maintenance of society.
Keywords: Testing the earthly vehicle for its roadworthiness. Situations that have "boiled - over", bringing all to a stop. Breakdowns and the need for repair. Checking water levels. Anticipating future problems. The need for good batteries. Cars being serviced. Oil, petrol and grease. Check ups and tune-ups. Bringing forward movement to a halt.
The Caution: Bad health. Lack of water or not looking after one's self. Breakdowns from lack of care. Missing vital signals. Causing distress by constantly analyzing people or situations. Bad breath or dry skin. Not taking time for repairs or tune-ups. Running on empty.
The Moon's South Node symbolizes: Past karmic patterns to be overcome, can be habits that are good, but can describe things, relationships, issues that you need to let go of, or, hold you back from manifesting your true destiny. Relationships that feel karmic and difficult, memories from the past.
ladyoftheabyss | June 23, 2017 at 5:02 pm | Categories: Articles, Daily Posts | URL: http://wp.me/p8edJu-GeI
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toponlinestoragetk · 7 years
How banks lost the ear of Britain’s government over Brexit
Banks used to have a comfortable association with Britain's legislature. Presently they say they are attempting to be heard as the nation gets ready to leave the EU.
LONDON - One evening in mid-January, Prime Minister Theresa May strolled into a meeting room in the Swiss resort of Davos to face Wall Street's most effective investors.
May had conveyed her vision two days prior for hauling Britain out of the European Union's single market. Presently the Wall Street banks, dreading Britain was set out toward inconvenience, needed to hear more about her technique.
In question was London's future as a worldwide money related focus. Among those present were Lloyd Blankfein, CEO of Goldman Sachs, Jamie Dimon, CEO of JPMorgan Chase, and James Gorman, CEO of Morgan Stanley. Blankfein, a previous gold dealer brought up in the Bronx who worked his way up to lead one of the world's most intense venture banks, was the most direct amid the discussions, as per two financiers and an administration official with learning of the meeting.
"Lloyd asked where does the money related administrations industry remain in her rundown of needs," as per one senior saving money official informed on the dialog by his supervisor. "We contribute a twofold digit rate to Britain's GDP. We're the greatest citizen in the nation."
Intuitive: Banking's ascent as a share of UK economy
Europe's budgetary life saver in uncertainty
Banks put "hard" Brexit arranges enthusiastically
May gave an answer about the significance of budgetary administrations yet declined to answer the question straightforwardly, the sources said. A portion of the investors left scrutinizing her dedication.
May and the banks declined to remark on the meeting.
In the course of recent decades, Goldman, in the same way as other of the other 250 remote claimed banks in Britain, has combined its European operations in London to exploit the EU's $16.5 trillion-a-year single market.
They are set to lose this totally open access to a market of 500 million individuals after May flagged her primary need is to limit movement, which must be accomplished by leaving the exchanging alliance.
Senior financiers expected unique treatment from the legislature after Britain voted to leave the EU. They anticipated that clergymen would champion their cause, above different enterprises, to hold unhindered access to the single market for budgetary administrations. It isn't playing out as expected. A progression of different gatherings amongst financiers and government pastors have likewise finished gravely, Reuters has learned.
Brokers say May's clergymen don't comprehend the business and what is in question, and would prefer not to hear negative news about Brexit. "We have entered a time of extreme threat," said a Wall Street official who runs the European operations of a worldwide venture bank. "Parts of the administration are by and large much excessively careless."
May's office, in an announcement reacting to the discoveries of this article, said the administration didn't "perceive this form of occasions." The legislature is drawing in seriously with the budgetary administrations industry, the announcement said.
Government officials say the financiers are misrepresenting the risk. Some rebalancing of the economy far from money related administrations – which represents around 12 percent of Britain's financial yield - will be great over the long haul, they say.
"It is all simply campaigning. They make a brouhaha," said Peter Lilley, a genius Brexit Conservative legislator and previous lender, who sits on the parliamentary advisory group looking at Britain's exit from the EU. "They generally greatly misrepresent."
The crack is in stamped differentiation to what's going on in the United States. There the populist backfire that made Donald Trump president has brought no less than four previous Goldman Sachs administrators into senior positions in the new organization. In any case, in Britain, the patriot drive that created Brexit conveyed a PM decided not to be in thrall to investors.
The outcome is that banks are get ready to move extensive quantities of staff from London, and Germany and France are attempting to bait occupations to their monetary capitals.
A few financiers trust the enormous champ from Brexit will be New York since some business at present completed in London would actually return to U.S. central station.
HSBC, UBS and Morgan Stanley have chosen to move around 1,000 staff each from London in the following two years, as per sources acquainted with their arrangements. This week Goldman Sachs said it would start moving many individuals out of London as a major aspect of emergency courses of action for Britain leaving the EU.
Since Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher's "Enormous detonation" money related deregulation set off a huge development of the business 31 years prior, investors have depended on being a powerhouse of Britain's economy to locate a responsive ear in government.
Be that as it may, in the repercussions of the vote to leave the EU, the part is pondering another reality. A year ago's vote set off an adjustment in initiative and tone at the heart of Britain's administration. May vowed a mechanical restoration and to construct an economy that works for everybody, not only the tip top.
Reuters addressed more than 40 senior financiers from enormous British and universal banks, lawmakers, government authorities and lobbyists to sort out how the connection between these mainstays of Britain's foundation wound up noticeably stressed.
Those individuals say there are clashing feelings in regards to what the long haul aftereffects of Brexit will be for the world's fifth biggest economy and whether fund ought to remain the greatest driver of its riches.
The administration is making two estimations, these individuals say. The first is that bank administrators are feigning over moving occupations. The second: The EU is so reliant on London to administration its obligation that EU mediators will give UK budgetary administrations an exceptional arrangement to keep on operating unhindered over the single market. EU authorities counter that back is portable and business will move to different areas.
Leave: Britain's Prime Minister Theresa May leaves an EU Summit in Brussels, December 15, 2016. REUTERS/Yves Herman
England's back industry contributed a record 71.4 billion pounds ($88.7 billion) in corporate and representative expenses to the administration a year ago, as indicated by the City of London Corporation. That is a sum equivalent to Britain's yearly spending on essential training, the police, and the armed force. Put another way, back contributes nearly as much in duty as all citizens in Scotland and Wales consolidated.
In any case, May's pastors started telling investors in the harvest time they would not get any unique treatment in the Brexit transactions.
The second most intense official at one of Britain's greatest banks said he and his associates felt wrong-footed. The official said that he no longer gets telephone calls from British bureau clergymen or solicitations to Downing Street gatherings as he did under past governments.
"With May there is no intrigue or warmth. She is avoiding us at all costs," the official said. "I will presumably never meet May."
Brexit serve David Davis, who will choose the business needs in the up and coming Brexit talks, slammed home the message that the administration's association with the monetary division was changing in his initial couple of gatherings with brokers.
Davis, an Eurosceptic from an average workers foundation, abounds at being instructed by financiers, as per associates and individuals who communicate with him. Davis declined to remark.
In an early telephone discussion, he disclosed to one official that the back business had harmed its association with the administration by saying the economy would experience the ill effects of lessened migration. The EU vote had conveyed an unmistakable message that migration must be checked, he said.
Davis openly assaulted banks in October in parliament. He blamed them for "an exceptional overflowing nearly of pain, a 'point the finger at Brexit' celebration," and of lying that they would fire staff in view of Brexit. Davis' associates additionally cautioned officials they should be more positive about the chances of Brexit if the administration will hear them out, two saving money sources said.
Bank officials grumble they feel they can't talk unreservedly. "Everybody is stressed over feeding up the Brexiteers, fuelling the blazes," said the administrator of one of Britain's greatest insurance agencies.
An administration official said the brokers' depiction of the relationship doesn't precisely mirror the character of the gatherings or the tone of the Davis group's engagement with budgetary administrations firms. The authority declined to go into specifics.
Feedback: David Davis, Secretary of State for Exiting the European Union, imagined here in October 2016, has blamed banks for "a remarkable overflowing practically of anguish" over Brexit. REUTERS/Dylan Martinez
"London doesn't have a heavenly ideal to keep being a world driving budgetary focus. We shouldn't be self-satisfied about it. Everything relies on upon whether we keep up the correct condition."
Check Boleat, seat of arrangement at the City of London Corporation
The arrangement of Simon Kirby as priest in charge of money related administrations additionally raised worries among a few brokers. They questioned that Kirby, who established a radio station and a chain of clubs before going into legislative issues, was appropriate to be the principle government contact to the business, these investors said.
In November, a considerable lot of the most senior officials and administrators of Britain's fund organizations met him surprisingly. Kirby neglected to answer essential inquiries regarding the administration's arrangement towards budgetary administrations, as per individuals who went to.
"It was practically similar to he didn't recognize what a bank is or what it does," said one of the general population exhibit.
Kirby declined to remark.
Half a month back Kirby was unobtrusively expelled from his Bre
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phynxrizng · 7 years
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June’s New Moon In Cancer by ladyoftheabyss June's New Moon In Cancer
a message from Lynda Hill To view more of Lynda's insight, please visit her website, Lynda Hill's Sabian Symbols It is easier to sail many thousand miles through cold and storm and cannibals, in a government ship with five hundred men and boys to assist one, than it is to explore the private sea, the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean of one’s being alone. Henry David Thoreau
Patience serves as a protection against wrongs as clothes do against cold. For if you put on more clothes as the cold increases, it will have no power to hurt you. Leonardo da Vinci
If you’re going through hell, keep going. Winston Churchill
A man never reaches that dizzy height of wisdom that he can no longer be led by the nose. Mark Twain
The state with the highest percentage of people who walk to work is Alaska. Trivia.net
June's new Moon in Cancer falls on the 23rd in the US and the 24th in Australia. Occurring just after the Summer Solstice in the northern hemisphere and the Winter Solstice in the southern, it brings with it a time some changes. New moons always have the potential for ushering in the new, but, falling on the heels of the Solstice, it is even more so. The Sabian Symbol for this Solstice is Cancer 1: SAILORS ON A SHIP LOWER AN OLD FLAG AND RAISE A NEW ONE. This can show, or bring about, the completion of some things in our lives, leading to new situations, possibilities, relationships, realizations, etc. Affirmations made now can be particularly strong as we have a new 'flag' to raise (and, the Karmic Condition of Pluto at the moment is one of 'flags' too, we are being asked to recognise, to see, to realize, etc, who, what or where we are showing our allegiance to).
These 'new allegiances' can be further shown by Venus and Pluto, in earth signs, in a lovely trine aspect to each other. The Sabian Symbol for Venus is also showing a new birth, a new beginning, new possibilities, new relationships, new realizations. Venus is on Taurus 19: A NEW CONTINENT ARISES FROM THE OCEAN. Whatever is working in your life can be strengthened while whatever is not may need to be let go of now. And, it could feel relieving and refreshing and very real.
Although this is quite a 'lunar' new Moon (being in Cancer), Mars is very highlighted at this time with a close square to Jupiter followed by a close trine to Neptune, and, in the week after the new Moon, an opposition to Pluto. Mars' message seems to be that it is great to have strong ideals, strong feelings, beliefs, dreams, etc, but, we may need to temper them a little while remembering that not everyone sees things in the same light. Mars/Jupiter in square aspect can bring up issues to do with arguments over politics, religion, beliefs, etc, and, we might be pushed to stand up for, defend or announce our beliefs. As always, it may be prudent to count to ten before launching into any arguments as they could just be time wasting and not at all productive. This is made even more so by the Quest Degree of this new Moon - Cancer 4: A CAT ARGUING WITH A MOUSE, and, the Karmic Condition of Mercury - Cancer 5:AT A RAILROAD CROSSING, A CAR RACES WITH A TRAIN (otherwise often known as the 'car wreck degree' - please note though, if you have Cancer 5 in your chart, it does not have to show car accidents or being 'wrecked'. It is more likely to show how you might 'take on society - go against the normal rules and ways of society', etc). These degrees of early Cancer can be quite difficult unless we are reasonably cautious about which 'battles' or 'fights' we take up. With caution, we may make progress, if we're being reckless, we could leave considerable 'rubble' in our wake. After all, Mars is not all that effective in Cancer; we can find ourselves being emotional, irrational even, when we would probably prefer to be in control of our responses.
This new Moon, though, does have some excellent aspects -most notably the grand trine between Saturn and Uranus and the Moon's nodes. With concentrated attention, we can make some great progress now, and, find a true sense of direction by not succumbing to the bad or difficult news around us. Through planning and right action, we can achieve many goals that might have long been on the back-burner.
There's more that can be said about all of this, but, it is covered in the list of Sabian Symbols for the planets below.
The new Moon each month marks a time of new beginnings and realisations. It's like a birth after a time of gestation or being 'in the womb'. Here, the light begins to return and we can see new beginnings and possibilities. A new Moon means that the Sun and the Moon are both together - bringing a synergy of their energies together. The new Moon is a perfect time to set your intentions for the future. This period is wonderful for planting seeds of whatever kind. What do you want to manifest in your future? Whether you write it down, sing about it or just hold the thought forms in your mind, doing this at the new Moon can realise some fabulous results around the things that you want to draw into your life.
The new Moon is on Cancer 3: AN ARCTIC EXPLORER LEADS A REINDEER THROUGH ICY CANYONS - the following is from my book The Sabian Oracle: 360 Degrees Of Wisdom -
Commentary: ‘An Arctic Explorer Leads a Reindeer Through Icy Canyons’ shows a situation of risk and hard slog to get to a destination. There are two elements here: the ‘Arctic Explorer’ who is prepared to seek out new possibilities even at great risk to his life, and the ‘Reindeer’ who may have been quite content where it was, but does not have the possibility (or the imagination) to find new pastures or the will to assert its own desires. They have somehow become dependent upon each other for mutual success and survival. There is no way of knowing exactly what is going to happen or if they will, indeed, reach their objective. The ‘Reindeer’ may regret being roped into this endeavor, but what has been started can’t be abandoned or stopped mid-journey. However, it is actually the ‘Reindeer’ that is naturally suited to these conditions, enabling it to push onward if the ‘Explorer’ finds it too difficult.
Oracle: It is through adapting to changing needs in the environment and being constantly aware of the difficulties involved that success can be achieved. You need to persevere and progress slowly. There is probably no going back; there may be little value in retracing your steps. Further, there is probably no possibility of stopping as the situation could freeze-up in an instant. You may be surprised by “icy” feelings and cold responses from yourself, or others. However, these “cold winds” may indeed have been building up for some time. Although you may have help from those around you, it is more a time of struggling through an unusual difficulty rather than worrying about creating any proper appearance. Be prepared to use warmth and love, as this will bring more light and joy. Keep going – indeed it may be your only option.
Keywords: Using animal instincts to get through tough times. Facing bad weather and hardship. Following the leader without knowing where one’s going. Unfamiliar surroundings. The point of no return. Being in a cul-de-sac. Being led around by the hand (or the nose). Treading carefully. Icebergs. Glaciers. Snow and ice. Risky ventures. The Titanic story.
The Caution: Taking those unfamiliar to the situation and unwittingly heading towards danger. Putting one’s self through hard times when it’s avoidable. Restrictive outlooks on life. Frozen responses. Frigidity. Feeling lost, alone, frozen with fear or forsaken. Willingly going the hard way. Lack of provisions.
The Moon symbolizes: Emotions, moods, mother, family, clan, domestic issues, relationship to home and country. Feelings, sentiments, nourishment, emotional nurturing, monkey chatter mind, lunar and menstrual cycles, clarity of emotions or lunacy. Female energy - yours and others.
A field cannot well be seen from within the field. Ralph Waldo Emerson
This Symbol implies a state of rising above what’s going on and transcending the reality. You might be periodically unable to proceed, or maybe you feel in a state of limbo. Are you often disconnected from reality? On the other hand, you may have a heightened level of awareness and a broad overview of situations, giving you an opportunity to plan for future action. Try to accept the positive opportunities that are being offered to you as you move through life with an exalted, or possibly escapist, attitude which allows you to escape unscathed from things that bother others.
Keywords: Elevated observations and heightened feelings. Having faith in the good things of life. Not wanting to see the ugly truth of reality. UFO's and aliens. Escapism. Perspective and imagination. Out of body experiences. Dreams. Seeking transcendence. Astral projection. The dream of far destinations. Film and video.
The Caution: Feeling above everything and unaffected by situations. Losing touch with reality. Missing the point. Trying to avoid what’s going on. Peter Pan attitudes. Not feeling responsible for anything. Longing for something ‘magic’ to happen. Bugging devices. Living in a fantasy world.
The Quest Degree for the new Moon is Cancer 4: A CAT ARGUING WITH A MOUSE
The lion and the calf will lay down together, but the calf won’t get much sleep. Woody Allen
The mouse is a magician with only one trick: it can cast an illusion that it is as big as an elephant. Jessica MacBeth
This Symbol often implies arguing, taking on opponents regardless of size and the ability to win, and, sometimes, being unable to let things just be. Along with bullying, this can show bickering, which is time consuming, often immature and useless. What is the central issue around what's going on and what are the old values that require reassessment? There is an imbalance at work. There can be a desire to justify to the other what should be done and why. This Symbol can show a selfless advocate for the underdog; prepared to protect others. Try to stop useless mental monkey chattering.
Keywords: Aggressively and actively taking advantage of situations or people. Hide and go seek games. Aggression vs. innocence. Harassment. Standing up for one's self. The David and Goliath story. Questioning established power structures. Looking out for one's best interests. Shock and fear. Cats. Mice. Hiding. Waiting.
The Caution: Time-wasting arguments and bickering. Being aggressive because one can. Picking on those smaller. Fighting dirty. Being patronizing. Power trips. Hiding away to avoid being targeted. Feeling like someone’s prey. Feeling victimized and bullied. Antagonism. Unfair battles. Those who think they know more. Mental, physical or emotional torment. Beating yourself up.
If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put the foundations under them. Henry David Thoreau
This Symbol speaks of building or decorating a 'Nest' somewhere that is safe and comfortable. Although there is a good feeling about the future and new life coming, perhaps there is an inherent danger that you will not have somewhere to nest or that you could actually be somewhat expendable. Be careful not to become either too complacent or to react in fright at any sudden surprises. You could jeopardize your situation as others may judge whether you are qualified to stay where you are or are able to maintain your situation. Concerns with safety, security and a comfortable life can lead to having to move on a periodic basis
Keywords: Instinctive dedication. Laying the groundwork for those to come. Creating a base to feel safe. Nurturing. Endangered habitat. Raising money. Making yourself or someone else comfortable. Interior decoration. Preparation. Home building. Landlords and tenants. Noisy or nosy neighbors. Renting vs. owning. Watching for danger. The nesting instinct. Renovations. Babies' rooms. Working to pay the mortgage or rent.
The Caution: Being unnecessarily afraid to venture out on “one’s own”. Taking over other people’s territory. Feeling unwanted. Danger. Fussing over small details. Over-preparation. Not knowing how long one can hold out in a situation. Being vulnerable to change. Being at the mercy of others. Endless housework.
The Karmic Degree for Mercury is Cancer 5: AT A RAILROAD CROSSING, A CAR RACES WITH A TRAIN
I couldn’t repair your brakes, so I made your horn louder. Bumper Sticker
This Symbol implies the desire, or the ability, to compete with or take on society as if life were a race or something to be conquered. The ‘Car’ is a vehicle for the individual and the ‘Train’ a vehicle for the masses. There is often a need for caution; the individual will not always survive a collision with the more powerful collective. It may not work to be insisting bravely that your individual needs should be considered. The collective has too much momentum. If someone pits themselves and their energies continually against society, sooner or later they are likely to lose.
Keywords: Not looking to the consequences of actions. Recklessly going for an objective. Not considering the ramifications. Lots of people causing problems with scheduling. Having the guts to go against society. Cars, trains. Individual rights. Rebelling. Crossroads. The need for good timing.
The Caution: Recklessness. Sacrificing individuals for larger gains. Working until one drops. Not looking left or right for possible trouble. Going in the wrong direction. Working at cross-purposes. Not nourishing one’s self. Putting the desire for gain before one’s more basic personal needs. Valuing possessions before people. Talking so no one gets a word in. Going off the rails. Upsetting or obstructing others. Wreckage. Emotional panic. Spinning out of control.
They dined on mince, and slices of quince, Which they ate with a runcible spoon; And hand in hand, on the edge of the sand, They danced by the light of the moon. Edward Lear
This Symbol implies enjoying the company of like minded people and sharing moments of fun, fantasy and celebrations. Moments spent together are likely to be very enjoyable, but you could be wanting to escape reality, especially the reality of what’s possible in your situation. Your intuition and imagination are heightened, with a strong sense of your emotional and spiritual center. Whilst keeping things real, you’ll want to let go of the rational and enjoy the experience of being with others, or, at least, one very special person. Allow your relationship to flow but you may find things look different in the clear light of day.
Keywords: Usually invisible astral realms. Reconnecting with the feminine. Dancing. Avoiding harsh reality. Slipping away somewhere unnoticed. Seeing what's usually hidden. Romances that have difficulty in the real world. Dreams and fantasies. Sharing common ground. Full moon celebrations. Moonlight. Sunlight. Couples inspirited. Women celebrating. Other realms. Invoking fantasies. Moondances.
The Caution: Losing one’s self in emotional dreaming. Not seeing the reality of the other you’re “dancing” with. Lacking responsibility. Escapist attitudes vs. serious decisions. Relationships with no earthly reality or substance. Something too good to be true. Finding it hard to connect with others.
Mercury symbolizes: Mind, thought, communication, memory, expression, intelligence. News, exchanges, chatting, conversations, short journeys, connections with others, telephones, emails, siblings, neighbors, the reasoning mind. Day-to-day activities. Cars, keys, small animals.
One does not discover new continents without consenting to lose sight of the shore for a very long time. Andre Gide
This Symbol shows the rising of a new place, a place to be, a new country or somewhere to strive for a new life. It implies that you can find that extra spark to create a brand new, original opportunity. This pictures the beginning of something that holds enormous potential for the future. There is much work to be done developing this into something fertile and productive. A whole new field of activity is coming to light. What you have done in the past has led you to this, but these new beginnings need to be met with a fresh sense of purpose and possibility.
Keywords: Enormous potentiality emerging. New trends and ways of being. Sudden eruptions of talent or fields of endeavor. The greenhouse effect. Global warming. Atlantis and other ancient underwater cities. Evolution. Patience. Developing slowly but surely. Emerging generations of people. New environments. Things feeling suddenly foreign. The birth of a nation. Migration. Land masses. Endeavouring to hold life together under the enormous pressure of the new.
The Caution: Continually seeking “new worlds” rather than finding a place in the existing one. No responsibility for the birth of the new. No respect for the old or established. Not shifting or evolving. Staying stuck in old realities.
This Symbol speaks of clearing up clutter, washing and purifying and bringing air and light to situations. It often symbolizes psychotherapy and other self-help disciplines that cleanse and purify the mind, emotions and soul. There is often the need to clean out your cupboards, along with your old habits and routines. By keeping everything in your inner self, you can cause a clutter that is restricting. Bring these things to the outer world and see if they are still relevant in the light of day, discarding those that don't measure up.
Keywords: Psychoanalysis. Past life regressions or memories. Doing domestic chores with a feeling of purpose. Work shopping ideas. Bringing light and freshness to old feelings. Renewal. Throwing out the old or outlived. Cleaning out rooms. Renovations. Letting the sunshine in.
The Caution: Expecting others to take responsibility for cleaning up and airing out. Hanging on to outworn things and memories. Airing one’s ‘dirty laundry’ in public. Rehashing old situations. Going over the same ground over and over. Bringing up issues when it’s inappropriate. Depressed attitudes.
Venus symbolizes: Relatedness, cooperation, what attracts you. The experience of sweetness, beauty or delight. Social interactions, love, friends, how you reach out to people. Feminine persona, relationship with mother and females. Money, possessions, sense of values.
You can’t shake hands with a clenched fist. Indira Gandhi
It is easier to point the finger than to offer a helping hand. Anon
This Symbol implies the rewards and the necessity of having a firm will and being willing and able to meet others with a strong handshake and a friendly attitude. Reaching out to others is shown here along with the need for being approachable and open to introductions to friends both old and new. Extending yourself to others can have many rewards, such as new friends, new opportunities, etc. Although a degree of flexibility exists it will inevitably be strength of character that succeeds.
Keywords: Openness and willingness to extend oneself to others. The handshake and the need for it. Being approachable and friendly. Palmistry and palm reading. Having a firm will. Introductions. Strong character. Flexible behavior. Hitchhiking.
The Caution: An aggressiveness and overbearing nature. Feeling that one is better, or stronger, than others. The smooth handshake that manipulates to impress one’s personality. Unbending and dominant behavior. Taking over situations regardless of what others want. Defensive, insecure, unsure, introverted. Blocking human exchanges.
This Symbol shows someone who is young or inexperienced but is more possessed of greatness than might at first be apparent. Like the woman nursing this child, being able to recognize brilliance, truth and beauty in others, or in your own self, can bring many rewards. There is often the sense that someone’s an ‘old soul’, even though they’re young in years or experience, ahead of their time or have talents beyond the norm. Dane Rudhyar said of this degree: it's... 'The promise to all men that God may take birth within their souls.' Good nourishment and care will nourish this great potential.
Keywords: Nurturing innocence and its rewards. Reincarnation and past lives. Charisma and presence. Channeling entities. Tibetan mysteries. Monks and the Dalai Lama. Ancient knowledge. Child prodigies. Seeing greatness ahead of its time. Indigo children. Discovering latent talent. Visions. Holistic perceptions. Potential. Nurses. Nannies. Finding "the one". Auras. Special people.
The Caution: Being unable to see simple messages. Overcome with complexity. Demanding to be noticed. Precocious behavior. Being pushy and demanding. Under or over-estimating the potential of youth.
Interestingly, according to modern astronomers, space is finite. This is a very comforting thought—particularly for people who can never remember where they have left things. Woody Allen
There’s none so blind as those who won’t see. Old Saying
This Symbols shows that you may be looking for some help or spiritual guidance, but it may be difficult to find through the usual channels. As we become more enlightened there is a greater ability to see spiritual truth in unexpected places. There needs to be a trust and courage that your inner wisdom is in touch with the higher truth. The ‘Vast Dark Space to the Northeast’ is often the direction one looks for this spiritual guidance and looking towards that direction in the sky can bring an influx of creative and spiritual energies. Further, this symbolizes the desertion of native people’s by their governments.
Keywords: American Indians and other native peoples that have been left in the dark. Losing faith in the future. The dying out of cultures or languages. Washington DC. Staring into a void. Blindness. Searching for answers. Sirius—the Dog Star. Magnetic shifts. Compass directions. Stargazing. Navigation. Faith. The earth's poles. Astronomy. Vast dark arenas. Wisdom that comes with age. Feeling old before one's time. Seeking purpose and direction.
The Caution: Seeing nothing. A lack of purpose. Abandonment, rejection, loss and darkness. The exploitation and abandonment of native people. Myopia. Voids. Emptiness.
Mars symbolizes: Drive, determination or agenda, how you get to your goals. How you express and handle anger, ambition, assertion of self and ability to step forward. The male principle, sexuality, the ability to step up to the plate when one needs to. Fight or flight.
Jupiter is stationary direct on Libra 14: IN THE HEAT OF THE NOON, A PERSON TAKES A SIESTA
Have you been feeling tired, rather discouraged, wanting to lay on the lounge with the remote in your hand? Finding it hard to get motivated, or, working too hard and not seeing much in return? Jupiter recently stationed direct on this degree, and, this can be a time of needing to reconnect with our energies through taking some time off, meditating, doing things for ourselves and remembering that we are not machines that can run on empty. Time to refuel with a little R & R, however that is found. On the other hand, you may feel that you’ve been doing that long enough and that you need to get going with the things that need to be done, especially repairs to your body, mind, spirit, life, relationships, etc. Further, Jupiter is in a ‘Finger Of God’ formation – a yod to Neptune and Venus, so, it may take a little time to really get going with our plans, but, of course, this shouldn’t stop us from planning, dreaming and working out the details. The time to push through may not be quite right yet, but it is surely coming as there is so much potential emerging now. Taking it one step at a time helps.
This Symbol speaks of taking a rest when one needs to. At times, you may feel the need to take a break even though you are in the middle of a situation. To relax and recuperate will often serve to give you greater strength to complete the task at hand, also, being always on the go can be rather wearying. However, being lazy and unproductive is not the answer either. Taking a “Noon Siesta” can end up meaning taking hours and hours off work and not managing to make progress or get anywhere. Striking a balance between working too hard and not working hard enough is definitely the key.
Keywords: Meditation. The need to take time out. Sleep apnea and other sleep disorders. Midday rushes. Recuperating or laziness. Hammocks. Long lunch hours. Rejuvenation. Knowing when to call a halt. Taking breaks. Looking after one's health. Tiredness and yawning. Hot and demanding days leading to inertia or exhaustion. Dreams and fantasies.
The Caution: Wasting time. Being disinterested in things. Losing energy or interest when one should be at the peak of activity or achievement. Refusing to take a break. Going past the bounds of what should be done. Working so hard that one is forced to stop through exhaustion or ill-health. Always being on the go while others sit back and enjoy. Losing one's grip on reality. Unwinding after toil or trouble. Withdrawal.
Jupiter symbolizes: The big picture, expansion, exploration, aspirations, religious and philosophical ideals, issues to do with traveling, foreign lands, people and traditions, culture, education, generosity, luck, abundance, support, optimism. Insight through knowledge and wisdom.
Faith is a bluebird you see from afar. It’s real and sure as the first evening star. You can’t touch it or buy it or wrap it up tight. But it’s there just the same making things turn out right. Margery Sharp
This Symbol shows the promise of domestic bliss or making a house into a home. The “Bluebird” brings a sense of “Good Luck and Happiness” and is a sign of good fortune, a comfortable home, and a sense that one belongs, is safe and cared for. This is the archetypal cottage with the picket fence; the vision that many have of owning their own home. It also speaks of natural, positive, good will towards the inhabitants and, probably, towards the neighbors. There is a clear omen of good fortune at your door. Love and happiness come by being warm and inviting. Respond to your higher hopes, spread love to all who enter your house or live nearby.
Keywords: Calmness and rewards. Promise (or promises) of 'Happiness'. Love and happiness available by acknowledging its presence. Real estate, house boundaries. Reminders of joy. Cottages and picket fences. Waiting for invitations to enter. Omens of good luck. Blessings. Front doors and back doors.
The Caution: Denying happiness or good news. Feeling that the grass is always greener somewhere else. Putting on false shows of happiness for all to see. Thinking that buying things will make one’s life happier. Wanting what’s not available.
Saturn symbolizes: Authority, rules, discipline and obligation The heavy stuff. What we fear, loss, karma, aging, the establishment, orthodoxy, tradition, status, the concept of time, walls, boundaries, limits, older people, restrictions, patience, conquering difficulties.
Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free. Emma Lazarus—Verse inscribed on the Statue of Liberty.
This Symbol shows finding a new way of life, a new country or nationality, or new place to live and raise a family. It shows the possibility and hope for better things and a new way of life. Whether you are an “Immigrant” or someone looking to move onto new territory, you need to be prepared to venture out into new adventures for the promise that’s offered. Once you’ve “Fulfilled the Requirements”, you can move into this brand new life and reap the rewards. There may need to be adjustments about the way one communicates one's thoughts and ideas - be receptive to this new way of life and you'll learn much. Reorientation of self. Learning new languages or customs. Passing tests (or not). Asylum. Immigration. The Statue of Liberty. Papers. Qualifications. Refugees. Laws. Borders.
Keywords: Reorientation of selfhood. Needing to change things in order to accept a new reality. The necessity of learning new languages or customs to fit in. Visas, passports, papers. Illegal immigrants. Boat people. Customs officials and regulations. Baggage and luggage. Shipping. Qualifications and certifications. Identification. Asylum. Immigration officers. Papers and qualifications that include or exclude. Refugees. Laws. Borders. Ellis Island. Throwing away the known in pursuit of the unknown.
The Caution: Entering new situations with inflexible traditions. Issues of social or racial prejudice, or the suspicion of it. Red tape getting in the way of enjoying life. Those not living up to requirements. Not getting successfully through the paperwork. Being untrue to oneself in order to be accepted. Being rejected or sent back.
The Quest Degree for Saturn retrograde is Sagittarius 25: A CHUBBY LITTLE RICH BOY RIDES UPON A HOBBYHORSE -Saturn has just recently spent a few weeks retrograde on this Symbol.
Nothing is so hard for those who abound in riches to conceive how others can be in want. Jonathan Swift
Are you doing what you want to be doing? Are you concentrating on those things that don’t feel rewarding, creative, useful in your life? Saturn on this degree can show this, but, it can also point to the realization of the inequality that we see in life around us where ‘the rich’ get to play while those who are not have to work, work, work. We do well to remember to stick to our own agendas and make our lives more of what they can be, especially when it comes to doing things simply because we enjoy or get a kick out of doing them. Saturn is retrograde, but, it is in a nice grand-trine with Uranus and the Moon’s north node, so we are being asked to get organized and to throw out those things (emotions, memories, possessions and/or relationships) that we no longer need. We are in a big process of re-aligning with spirit.
This Symbol shows someone who has everything in life playing and enjoying doing whatever they want in a safe and comfortable atmosphere – the ‘Boy’ does something he feels like doing, something easy and natural. He plays and may not be thinking too much about what’s going on in the real world as he is shielded from the more harmful elements of society because he is ‘Rich’. You may feel that you are doing what is necessary, but this is more like a training situation and will lead to greater ability in the future, although you should watch out for the propensity to be ‘flogging a dead horse’. Practice and play, but one day you're going to have to prove yourself in a more rigorous, demanding situation. Protected practice. Imaginative play. Going on and on about something. Hobbies. Playtime. Toys being provided. Exercise. Boys and their toys. Unrestrained passions.
Keywords: Hobbies and their pleasures. Unrestrained, imaginative play that can lead to truly wonderful creations, physically, emotionally and spiritually. Protected practice. Having to have one's sexual needs fulfilled before one loses energy. Exercise, doing something because one can. Constantly going off on distracting schemes. Boys and their toys. Unrestrained passion.
The Caution: Someone spoilt and shallow. Feeling that one can take on anything without thought of the actual consequences. Playing when one should be more serious about life. Not doing one’s work, avoiding it by doing ‘fun’ things instead. Having no friends to play with.
Uranus is on Aries 28: A LARGE DISAPPOINTED AUDIENCE - Uranus is spending quite a few weeks on this degree, now, and, in a few week's time it again transits over this degree retrograde.
A lot of people are feeling this sense of ‘Disappointment’ in what’s going on personally, locally and in the entire world. We are seeing this disappointment because there are so many things that need changing. The message from Uranus seems to be that we need to change our tune in order to see more of the things we want to see. Changing our responses to the things we see, or, choosing to not pay so much attention to the things that bring that sense of alienation, remorse or difficulty, can bring about a change in the world around us. Our ‘imaginations’ may need tweaking. How better to respond to what’s happening? We have a right to feel put off by the things we’re witnessing, but, perhaps it’s time for us to dream a new dream.
People ask for your criticism, but they only want praise. Somerset Maugham
Plato was a bore. Friedrich Nietzsche
Stupid TV. Be more funny. Homer Simpson
This Symbol shows a sense of being an observer or a spectator, sometimes more than being a participant. You may have an inner critic that analyses things. In fact you might feel as though you, or someone else, have failed and left something wanting. But how much is this because too much was expected in the first place? The ‘Audience’ sometimes only remembers the last performance, so get up and try again. Be aware that you may be your own ‘audience’. Do you feel that things have or haven’t lived up to expectations? Are you missing out through negative projections? Perhaps your need to feel satisfied, to perform or be fulfilled should be more realistic.
Keywords: Adjustments of expectations bringing realizations about what is really possible. Expecting the response of others. Walking out during a performance. Not listening to something through a lack of interest. Anticipating a different result from what is delivered. Relying on feedback. Lines and queues of people. Criticism. The need to inspire and enthuse.
The Caution: Feeling sad, sorry or letdown because of defeat and frustration. A lot of people left feeling emotionally “wiped-out”. Shattering of illusions. Fickleness. The attitude that one can’t do anything. Everything being out of one’s control. Watching what’s going on and not participating. Being at the mercy of the whims and fancies of others. Judging and analyzing oneself or others. Too many people crammed into one spot. Not getting a seat. Refusal of entry. Booing and hissing.
Uranus symbolizes: The unexpected, things that are individual or 'different'. Charged, energetic dynamics, electricity, light, lightning bolts, sudden changes, those who live on the fringe of society. Sudden turns and twists of fate. Rebellion, surprises, liberation, freedom.
Neptune is stationary retrograde on Pisces 15: AN OFFICER DRILLING HIS MEN IN A SIMULATED ATTACK -Neptune is spending weeks on this degree as Neptune retrogrades on it.
Neptune stationary direct on this degree can bring up feelings of ‘what next?’ It can be important to sort out what is really happening in our lives and not falling into the trap of ‘the sky is falling’. Neptune on this degree can have us going over and over thoughts, emotions, fears, etc, and, some of them are likely to be ‘false flags’ – we need to be discerning about what is real and what is false. Fake news, fears of ‘attacks’ and the like can have us off center if we’re not careful. Some of the things we fear are not at all useful. The saying ‘worrying is praying for the things we don’t want’ comes to mind.
It is hard to fight an enemy who has outposts in your head. Sally Kempton
This shows being well rehearsed, prepared and ready for anything that life throws at you. When you’re well rehearsed, you are able to spring to attention when situations warrant it. You may feel that you need to rehearse or prepare for difficult situations. There is wisdom in practicing to reduce the chance of error or failure. However, are you going over and over possible positive or negative outcomes thereby losing the joy that can be found in relaxing and letting down your guard? Sometimes the things we think are going to happen don’t happen at all. Choosing where, when and how to be ready and willing to go for objectives is half the battle.
Keywords: Taking orders to better respond to situations. The higher self training the lower self. Exercises. Marching and going through the motions. The need for defense. Seeing ahead. Planning strategies. Fire drills. Smoke alarms. Being prepared. Issuing orders and expecting them to be followed through. Discipline. Martial arts of all kinds. Going over and over possible outcomes. Safeguards put in place. Gas masks and bomb shelters.
The Caution: Rigid routine for no real or valuable purpose. Feeling that one has always to be on the defensive. Being under attack, whether real or imagined. Overreacting to things. Feelings of unworthiness in the face of battle or confrontation. Victim consciousness. Fearful responses. Getting others to respond through spreading fear. Scare tactics. False flags.
Neptune symbolizes: Mystical, "out there," spirituality and con artists. Dreams, mysteries , mystics and religious issues. Intuition, clairvoyance, seeing into the invisible. Addictive, chaotic, charming, deceptive, illusory, co dependent, sensory awareness.
A child of five could understand this. Fetch me a child of five. Groucho Marx
With Pluto here, we may be carrying loads that feel heavy or demanding. We may be seeing some people being asked to take on too much responsibility, and, we may be feeling that ourselves. We are also witnessing some in power who are not up to the task; they are acting immaturely, not standing up to their responsibilities, children taking on the load of their families, etc. Still, it is by assessing what we will do and what we don’t want to do can show us what we need to shoulder and what we don’t.
This Symbol shows having to “Carry” heavy loads, to shoulder responsibilities, do chores and jobs and help others, sometimes because there’s no one else who can or will do it. Often, the “Child” gets these responsibilities because they are the one who others know is going to take it seriously, completing the task, taking care of details. You may feel that you have been burdened with responsibilities beyond normal expectations and possibly beyond your capability. Despite being keen and enthusiastic, you must be careful not to try to take on too much, or do too much, or too quickly. Like a child, you need to play, be creative and rest.
Keywords: Being the one everyone counts on to do the job. Feeling weighed down. Having to carry the "bag". Lifting heavy weights and bearing the consequences. Taking on things above and beyond what one should. Acting the grownup. Maturing quickly. Looking after paperwork. Running errands. Providing food and sustenance for everyone.
The Caution: Overloading the innocent and the inexperienced without thought of the consequences. Taking on too much. Not allowing for fun and carefree activities. Never being “off-duty”. Joint, back and shoulder problems. Growing up too fast. Having a serious attitude. Lack of childhood. Dropping the bundle. Carrying the family's responsibilities.
The Karmic Degree for Pluto is Capricorn 18: THE UNION JACK FLIES FROM A NEW BRITISH WARSHIP
Britain is not a country that is easily rocked by revolution . . . In Britain our institutions evolve. We are a Fabian Society writ large. William Hamilton
We stole countries with the cunning use of flags. Just sail around the world and stick a flag in. "I claim India for Britain!" They're going "You can't claim us, we live here! Five hundred million of us!" "Do you have a flag …? "No..." "Well, if you don't have a flag, then you can't have a country. Those are the rules... that I just made up! Eddie Izzard
This Symbol talks about supervision, border protection and control. There can be a feeling of having to oversee a large ‘empire’ where reliability and leadership are vital. This can be a tiring responsibility, but there can be an awareness of the protection of 'all who went before'. However, political and social restraints from the past could be causing you to feel that you’ve somehow got to ‘wage war’. Issues to do with the government can come up, whether you agree with what they do or not. You may be confronted with having to make your presence felt and guard your territory. Effective supervision will help you to relax.
Keywords: Colonialism. Protectionism. The government, big business and the media. Class-consciousness. Power and political displays. Displays of "law and order". Border patrols and protection. Strength and might. Nationalism. Royalty. The ruling elite. Supervision. The armed forces. Patrols. Pitting people against each other. Empires. Victory bringing riches. The mother country. The struggle against decline. Flags. Imperialism. The Commonwealth. The rule of law. Brexit.
The Caution: Artificial shows of strength. Bullying from the “big guys”. Being armed “to the teeth”. Strong-arm tactics. Disrespect for authority. People or institutions that throw their weight around. Anarchy. Traitors. Being anti-establishment. Social disintegration. War games. Civil wars. Feeling squeezed by authority. Rebellion. Civilian lives lost for political causes. Governing forces that deny individual rights. Invasions. Being defensive.
Pluto symbolizes: Unconscious motivations, depth psychology, history. Sex, procreation at a deep level, intensity, profound emotions, taking hold of one's power. Being king or queen of one's underworld. Strength, survival mode instincts. Big money. Big power. The Plutocracy. Power vs power struggles.
Chiron here can have us analyzing things a little too much, especially with Neptune on the ‘Simulated Attack’ degree. However, we can learn a lot by really looking into the ‘stories that we tell ourselves’ (Chiron is known as The Wounded Healer, but, it’s about The Stories That We Tell Ourselves). However, it can be that by breaking down things into their component parts and seeing what’s really going on that we can see our ‘wounds’, our concerns and worries, our stories, from a new and brighter perspective.
It’s a good thing that when God created the rainbow, He didn’t consult a decorator or He would still be picking colors. Sam Levenson
This shows analyzing things, considering and drawing conclusions from available data and being perceptive of colors, light refraction or reflection, auras and light. You probably have the ability to break situations down into the simplest components in order to see the full picture. This can and often does lead to a greater understanding of the relationship between the whole and the many parts. Just be careful not to overanalyze, thereby losing the joy that's inherent in the simplicities of life. Taking a single vision and turning it into many individual streams can be rewarding, but it can also confuse and distract.
Keywords: Spectrum analysis. Color and crystal healing. Rainbows. Light refraction. Side effects. Considering many facets of a situation. Endless opportunities. Optics. Sight. Seeing. Copying and sharing ideas or things. Disseminating information. Auras and aura photography. Triangles. Polarization of light. Reflection. Laboratory tests. Diffracted personality.
The Caution: Locked in to a set of parameters. Over analyzing things. Being blinded by ambition. Daunted by the task ahead. Mirages. Microscopes and binoculars but not seeing things as they really are.
Chiron symbolizes: Our wounds, Chiron is known as The Wounded Healer. The wounds are The Stories That We Tell Ourselves, it is where we have to focus on healing, it can show things that are out of shape or misplaced or in need of repair.
The Moon's North Node is on Leo 26: AFTER A HEAVY STORM, A RAINBOW APPEARS
The North Node on this degree is showing us that after each ‘storm’ comes the ‘rainbow’. We can be assured that the difficult times will always pass and that we can count on the beauty and benevolence of the ‘rainbow’. Seeing ‘sunshine’, concentrating on the light can clear up any feelings of disappointment, doubt, alienation, etc.
This Symbol shows the relief and beauty that a rainbow can bring after a storm has cleared. A sense of relief can flood over you as you realize that the sun is coming out and the birds are beginning to sing again. This may be a time of difficulties and obstacles, but take heart as it seems that the end result will be O.K. Still, you probably need to be periodically reassured by a clear sign that better times are coming. Remember, without the storm there would be no blessing of the rainbow. Try wearing colorful clothes, open the windows and the doors and get into the sunshine.
Keywords: Release from stressful situations. The light of spirit returning to infuse with energy. Euphoria. Rushes of endorphins. Relief. The sun coming out whilst dark clouds are still in the air. The joy of survival. Rainbows and light. Piercing through darkness. Reminders of the good things in life. Peace restored.
The Caution: Having selfish thoughts about the rewards inherent in every external sign or “pot of gold”. Seeking storms or arguments and trouble to stir things up. Enjoyment and promotion of conflict. Violence and destruction. Carnage. Not seeing the beauty around. Blocked drains and emotions.
The Moon's North Node symbolizes: This is known as quite a 'karmic point' (although all planets and points in a chart can be 'karmic'). One's destiny in this life. The things you are meant to integrate, move towards, become. Destined relationships and relationship issues can show up here.
The South Node on this degree tells us to really tune into our intuitions, our senses, what our inner feelings are telling us about what is really going on. We may find ourselves being more sensitive to events in the world and our outer and inner realities. Tuning in can have us finding where we may need to make some adjustments to our lives so we can function in a smoother, more reliable and effective way.
This Symbol shows the need to pick up problems and diagnose what might be wrong whether it’s mechanically, physically, spiritually or emotionally. The “Car” can be a car, or it can be your body; your earthly vehicle, and it may need some “Testing” to see how it’s coping with life’s pressures. Perhaps you need to use some type of gauge on your emotional reactions. There is often a need to take a more intuitive or psychic approach to problems, although an objective or inventive view will also bring results. Figure out any malfunctions so your life can proceed in a smoother, more efficient manner. Performing necessary checks and balances to ensure your life is working properly are part of the everyday maintenance of society.
Keywords: Testing the earthly vehicle for its roadworthiness. Situations that have "boiled - over", bringing all to a stop. Breakdowns and the need for repair. Checking water levels. Anticipating future problems. The need for good batteries. Cars being serviced. Oil, petrol and grease. Check ups and tune-ups. Bringing forward movement to a halt.
The Caution: Bad health. Lack of water or not looking after one's self. Breakdowns from lack of care. Missing vital signals. Causing distress by constantly analyzing people or situations. Bad breath or dry skin. Not taking time for repairs or tune-ups. Running on empty.
The Moon's South Node symbolizes: Past karmic patterns to be overcome, can be habits that are good, but can describe things, relationships, issues that you need to let go of, or, hold you back from manifesting your true destiny. Relationships that feel karmic and difficult, memories from the past.
ladyoftheabyss | June 23, 2017 at 5:02 pm | Categories: Articles, Daily Posts | URL: http://wp.me/p8edJu-GeI
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