#that aasim writes about louis in his journal??? okay
lesvianism · 6 months
btw im a bi!louis advocate. a ceo in fact. just look at him.
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straight people don’t stand like that.
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Top 10 favorite things about TFS?
Bold of you to assume I can narrow it down to just 10 things, but I’ll try my best. 
Here’s a list of things I LOVE about The Final Season of TWDG, starting from #10 and working my way down to #1.
10. Rosie is best girl and doesn’t die 
Listen, okay? If you give me a game with a doggo companion that I bond with only to have said doggo die for dramatic effect... you automatically lose 2 outta 5 stars on your rating. Case in point: Season 2.
However, tfs knew not to kill Rosie off for dramatic effect, knew it’d be cheap. Plus, Rosie is a sweetheart and I love that she helps Clementine come to terms with her past trauma with dogs and genuinely bonds with her. Rosie is best girl. 
9. Over the shoulder camera/controls 
They’re the best of the series, having come a LONG way since S1. Like, look... Don’t get me wrong. S1 isn’t unplayable or anything, far from it, but they’re not the greatest either. They’re pretty wonky at times, the fixed camera can get annoying when you’re moving around, and sometimes button presses don’t register. It’s definitely something I have to get used to whenever I go back and replay the entire series, and like I said, it’s not the worst controls in the world... but oh man, compared to TFS?
Have you ever played S1 and then jumped straight into TFS just to get a direct comparison of the two? Because I have and it’s jarring how much smoother, accurate, and overall better everything is in TFS.
Just... props, guys. Thank you for the over-the-shoulder, movable camera, thank you for the polished button prompts, and thank you for a run button that has Clementine go into a nice jog rather than a comical run or, eh... does nothing [lookin’ at you ANF... Javi slow].
It’s just so effortless to play. The most trouble I ever have is with doors but that’s a given- Doors make no goddamn sense in this series and I’ve given up trying to learn their secrets. Oh, and speaking of more improvements! 
The shooting mechanic in this game is leaps better than in S1. Y’all remember the Motor-Inn shootout? The one that was such a frustrating pain in the ass?? So much death and anger...
I still die sometimes when shooting the walkers with the bow, especially the ones that are on fire, but it’s nothing compared to the shooting mechanic in S1, so the biggest THANK YOU for that one. It’s actually enjoyable to shoot stuff this time around.
8. Collectibles 
You as Clementine get to pick up various collectibles to decorate her and AJ’s dorm with and it’s great. One of my favorite bits about this game is seeing Clementine wake up in this empty, lifeless room, and see it get brighter and brighter with every collectible you place throughout the game until you reach the final scene with AJ where the room is just FULL of life and personality. Like... it’s officially theirs. It’s such a good feeling! 
And the devs totally didn’t have to add the collectible system in, but I’m so thankful they did. I’m one of those people who gets every single collectible every single time I play. 
7. Ericson’s Boarding School for Troubled Youth
Y’know, I honestly can’t think of a better place for Clementine and AJ to end up than Ericson’s Boarding School for Troubled Youth. It’s awesome, I love it, what a great idea. I also love the sense of wonder when we step outside for the first time and see the inside of Ericson, as well as the others, walking around. Like even Clementine is taken back by it.
Because of course it makes sense for Clementine to end up in a school surrounded by people closer to her age rather than with a group of dumbass adults like in the past three games.
Here it feels like they’re all about on the same level. There’s no older person here belittling Clementine because “she’s just a child and doesn’t get it,” they’re just people, y’know? Hell, if anything, Clementine’s now the most experienced one!
The school’s great! I wouldn’t change a thing about TFS taking place here. The environments are beautiful and I love exploring the world. 
6. Marlon as an antagonistic character/final confrontation 
I have an entire Marlon character discussion/study so I won’t put too much time into this one, but I will say that I love Marlon’s part in tfs. I love him as a surprise antagonistic character, I love how chill he is in the beginning, I love the final confrontation at the end of ep1... I just really like Marlon, y’know?
Ray Chase gives a damn near perfect performance as Marlon, so much so that I wish he survived past ep1 just so that I could hear more of his acting. Marlon himself in an interesting look at a leader character hiding his shame and guilt while trying to maintain control over everyone [including himself] around him, only to be broken down when he’s found out. 
5. James 
I know people tend to be pretty split on James, but I personally really like his role in tfs. I love that they included a character who was apart of the Whisperers, and hell, if anything I’d like to know MORE about James’ past with them. 
I just find him and his whole “walkers are sort of people? kinda?” beliefs. Again, I know some people get annoyed with him because of his beliefs but I think he adds an interesting spin on the whole thing, y’know? Though I do love what a bitch he is if you don’t agree with him hahaha
James is a bitch and I love him, okay? I love his dumb walker mask, I love his dumb boyband hair, I love his whispery voice, and I love his backstory with the Whisperers and Charlie. I love this he’s trying so hard to be this pacifist that he ends up doing the literal thing he said he doesn’t want to do-- hurt people. Y’know... like attempting to kidnap AJ and threatening to break Clementine’s leg in the caves if he’s alive. 
Which, by the way, that whole cave scene is a thing. It’s wild and I love it but not for the reasons the devs probably wanted. Like... it’s a little hilarious? I know it’s not supposed to be! But I can’t take James seriously when he’s walkin’ around his hands on his hips all huffy and puffy, okay? It’s just wild. 
Anyway, I love James and wouldn’t get rid of him. Hell, I’m still waiting for my James with the Whisperers mini-series, Skybound. 
4. Ericson Crew
There isn’t a single character from Ericson that I don’t like, or that I’d get rid of, which is rare with these games. Thinking back to the previous games, there’s always at least one person I could do without or that I didn’t like. I adore all of them!
The Ericson crew just feels closer than previous groups. For starters, they’re way more likable than most in our previous groups. Even when there’s tension [and boy is there tension at points] you still get the sense that they don’t hate each other, unlike in our previous groups. They do in fact love each other as a family and will do what they can to protect one another.
Plus, they’re all interesting. They’re troubled youth and I love all of them! 
Aasim keeps a daily journal where he chronicles everything in hopes of learning from past mistakes to prevent future ones, he’s damn good with a bow, and he’s got a neat little soul patch on his chin.  
Ruby is the tiny yet fiery medic of the group who adamantly believes in manners yet used to chase teachers around with pitchforks. 
Brody is caught up in the twin mess with Marlon but she’s also shown to want an escape, a road trip where she and her friends can go see the beach, but she also suffers with anxiety and panic attacks and isn’t afraid to knock Marlon on his ass or swear at Clementine. 
Mitch is a grumpy, tall boy who looks after Willy like a brother, knows how to make bombs out of manure and propane, and used to fight his neighbors because they didn’t like his face. 
Omar is a sassy chef who has to have every ingredient just right otherwise he’s salty for a week and he can take a bullet to the leg like a champ. 
Willy’s a goober who can climb trees like you wouldn’t believe and he made a bomb of his own in Mitch’s honor that completely wrecked the delta’s ship. 
Tenn is a soft, naïve boy who draws and reads but isn’t afraid to stab a walker bitch if he has to. 
Violet was sent to the school after witnessing her grandmother’s dead, she used to date Minerva who is now “dead,” has abandonment issues,  tries to give off the appearance of a grumpy grump but like once she’s comfortable with you she’ll tell you her life story and do romantic shit like dancing and painting you a pin. 
Louis was sent to Ericson because he was a rich brat who broke up his parents marriage because they wouldn’t let him take singing lessons and has felt like garbage ever since, using humor to cope and push people away, and keeps the façade on until someone’s willing to see past it in which he’ll finally bare his soul to you, name a song he wrote after you, and do everything in his power to keep you and everyone else safe over himself. 
I just... Love ‘em all. 
3. Clementine and AJ’s dynamic 
To think that they almost killed AJ off, or kept him a minor character. That would’ve been a shame and an absolute waste because Clementine and AJ’s dynamic is super fucking good in tfs. 
It’s actually a little baffling that AJ’s as good as he is, from his writing to his voice acting, he’s just great. And his relationship with Clementine is definitely one of my favorites to come from this game. It’s not perfect, but I don’t want perfect. 
I love that AJ looks to Clem for guidance and I love the way our choices affect him, even when it’s a case of the bridge scene. Hate the bridge scene knowing that I gotta sacrifice a character I care about for another I love, but I can’t deny that I love how that choice is made. After everything, do you trust AJ or not? 
Plus, their conversations are so well done, their chemistry is through the roof, and I wouldn’t change it. 
Oh, and the barn scene? Gets me every time, even though I already know everything’s fine and gonna work out. Still gets me. 
2. Clementine is Bisexual
I’ve talked about this in the past, but lemme just say that I love the fact that Clementine is canonically bisexual. 
Doesn’t matter if you’re dating Louis, Violet, or no one, Clementine is still bisexual. The game confirms it through it’s text/subtext and Clementine’s actions that we don’t have control over, and the devs confirmed it. She ain’t straight, she ain’t a lesbian, she is bisexual. 
I can’t express how happy that makes me. Just... 💗💜💙
And with her being bisexual comes her two great love interests: Louis and Violet. They’re amazing, and such an improvement over the previous game’s attempt at love interests... ahem, y’know... Kate.
1. Louis as a character/his relationship with Clementine 
I mean... c’mon. Y’all knew what #1 was gonna be. Do I even need to explain? This entire blog is just me gushing about Louis/clouis. 
Look, Louis is my favorite non-playable character across the entire series. Hell, even when you factor in playable characters, he’s STILL my absolute favorite. Like, even outside of his relationship with Clementine, I find him to be such a compelling character by himself. 
Like I mentioned above, he came from a stupid rich family who gave him everything he ever wanted, but when his father wouldn’t let him take singing lessons, he literally worked for over a year to break up his parents marriage because “you get to be happy or you get to be rich, can’t be both.” 
He gets sent to Ericson where the apocalypse happens, he never gets to make up with his parents, and he ends up using jokes and piano as a coping mechanism to deal with everything, falls into a cycle of being unreliable and the butt of the joke, and lives one day at a time without much thought for the future. 
He puts on the happy jokester persona to push people away from knowing the real him and rarely shares much about himself. Hell, when Clementine does hunting and decides to take care of the walker with him, he actually does let down the wall for a minute to share his view on “this moment” before looking away like “Oof, shared too much-- HEY, GO CHECK ON AASIM :D I’LL BE OVER HERE :D FIXING THE TRAP :D and adjusting the wall ahem--” 
It’s so interesting because you’d think that he’d be more open about his past with Marlon or the twins or whatever [like Violet is] but no, he doesn’t tell you shit about his past until EPISODE 3 and you have to work to get that story. 
I just... I just love him. Could talk about and analyze his character for hours. And I love his relationship with Clementine. It’s just so good. The piano scene where they finally admit their feelings for one another?? That shit has my entire heart. Their entire relationship is my favorite. What else is there to say? 
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scullyy · 4 years
Birthday Boy
Word Count: 2.8k
Summary: It's AJs' birthday! The kids have gathered around for another rockin' hootenanny!
A/N: brUH I’ve been working on this for agesssss and it’s finally dooooneeeeee ~~and it’s still not my best but I TRIED and perfection doesn’t eXIST-~~ it’s a VERY belated birthday gift for @bluebutterfly1 cause she’s been wanting this foREVER. SHE'S AMAZING OKAY-
so yeah this is based off a deleted scene from TFS where it was AJ’s birthday and what not anyways ily and enjoy x
It was hard being a kid sometimes, not having the words to describe how you're feeling, not even knowing what it is you are feeling was also a bummer. AJ had hoped he would know when he got older, especially by Clem's age. He would know so many more words and feelings and extra stuff about the world. He had already learned so much just from Aasims' teachings.
But Aasim hadn't taught him why everyone was giving him strange looks this one particular winter morning.
Clem was the first, she wasn't as good of a liar as she thought she was. There was this...odd smile on her face. AJ recognised it as the same smile Louis makes whenever he tries to get out of trouble. Ruby, Violet and Aasim had immediately zoomed off into the school once breakfast was done, only running out to share little whispers with Clementine. Omar was cooking something in his special big pot, more focused than AJ had ever seen, but he refused to tell the kid what it was.
He hadn't even seen Louis! Not even during breakfast! The only other person outside was Willy, still stationed at the watchtower. AJ's curious mind and talkative nature tried to squeeze as much info out of the young boy, but he was able to keep his mouth shut for once.
It all led him to sit beside Clementine in an unusual silence for the two, one that didn't sneak past her. Nothing AJ did - or in this case, didn't - could slip by her radar. "Why the long face kiddo?" Clem bumped her elbow into his shoulder, attempting to steal his attention.
AJ picked at a speck of dry skin on his hand, sporting a very obvious pout. "Did I do something wrong?"
That caught her off guard. Her leg trembled from both the cold and her deeply-bundled nerves. Keeping a secret, especially one she knew AJ was going to love, was tougher than she thought. "What makes you think that?" Her eyes moved rapidly from AJ and the school doors, keeping her crossed fingers hidden beneath her thigh. The other kids better be done soon...
"No one is talking to me. Like when I shot Marlon and everyone got mad at me. I didn't like that and I don't like this." He kicked at the air, his little legs still too short to touch the ground.
"I'm sure everything is fine-"
As her hand reached out to hold him, he pulled himself away, jumping straight to his feet. "Don't say that! I know you're lying!"
His desperation near broke her heart. She could never say no to his cute face, damn him. Heaving a sigh of defeat, she gave in. "Okay fine, follow me." The other kids would surely be pissed at her for letting on too early, but she would rather that than an upset AJ.
And boy did that remove the frown from his face. He bounded around her as she got her crutches in order, kicking up sparkling snow behind him. "Where are we going?"
"The music room-"
The young boy had bolted off before she could finish, reminding her of another young boy she used to know when this all started. "Slow down, kiddo! You're not the one on crutches!"
His eagerness outweighed Clem's command, which was usually his law. He could hear muted talking from within Louis' music room, a few giggles here and there too. He crept closer to the door, utilising his amazing ninja skills. His tiny hand gripped the tinier doorknob, opening the door just a crack to find...huh?
The doorknob was set free from his hand, which had now fallen loosely by his side as he took one quiet step into the room. "What's this?" AJ disturbed the other kids, finding them in compromising positions. Louis was on his very tip-toes, tying some blue tinsel around the fireplace, Aasim and Ruby were lighting the last of the candles as Violet was gently moving the gramophone back into it's original place.
It was a real life record scratch moment.
"Oh shit," Louis broke the silence first, drawing everyone's line of sight to the intruder. He chucked the last of the tinsel up onto the mantle in a careless manner before throwing his hands into the air. "Happy birthday AJ!"
The other kids all dropped what they were doing, raising their hands in line with Louis. "Happy birthday!"
Said child stood there with his mouth hung wide open, taking in the sight. "What?" It was the only word racing through his mind.
Louis kneeled down to his level, sporting one of the biggest smiles AJ had ever seen. "It's your birthday little dude, gotta celebrate it big time."
"My...birthday?" Whatwhatwhatwhatwhat-
Willy tugged on the thick tinsel that ran from the fireplace to Louis' piano. "We managed to scrounge up some decorations from the drama class."
"And we re-used the banner from the party back when these guys got kidnapped." Ruby pointed to the banner above the doorway. The original message 'We're getting them back' had been scribbled out and somehow replaced with 'Happy birthday Alvin Junior'.
AJ spun around, his eyes bouncing between all the bright decor; the flickering candles, the weird fuzzy stuff on the piano, it was all so new. "You did this..for me?"
A slightly puffed Clementine finally made her way into the room, smiling with pure glee at how well her friends decorated the space. She stood beside her boy, trying to decipher what he was feeling. "What do you think AJ?"
"It's awesome!" He threw his hands up into the air.
Louis looked between his friends, all of them sharing evil little smiles. "So, who wants to go first?"
"First in what?" AJ questioned, nearly vibrating at wondering what else they could have planned.
Clementine gently nudged him forward with her crutch, pushing him into the centre of the room. "Gift-giving."
"Gifts?" He continued to question. So much new knowledge in such a short span of time.
Louis dead-panned, merely wanting the festivities to begin. "If you keep asking questions we're going to be here all day. Of course, we got you gifts! It's a thing you give someone to show appreciation or celebrate, and today little dude we're celebrating you."
"I'll go first since my gift is the coolest," Violet was guided over to AJ by Ruby, her smile never wavering. From behind her back she presented a roll up parchment, the corners slightly ripped.
AJ pulled it open and blinked rapidly, taking in the faded faces and text. "Green Day? What's that mean?"
"They were a really cool band, before everything happened," Violet nodded to the outside world. "I figured you could hang it up in your room. If I ever find one of their records, you'll be the first to listen, little man." Slowly guiding her hand to the curve of his shoulder, she gave him a gentle punch.
AJ was still hung up on why a day would be green but appreciated the thought from Violet nonetheless. "They look cool...but what's on their eyes?"
Green Day was a rare source of joy from Violet's sordid childhood, a fleating sense of nostalgia washed over her as she came to realise it'll do the same for him.
Ruby skipped closer to AJ once Violet took a seat on the piano stool, thankful that she got to go next. "I figured since you've become an A+ gardener, you could have this little guy," She brandished from behind her back a small pot, with an even smaller plant inside. "If you take good care of it, he'll grow big and strong."
"Just like me!" AJ was near bursting at the seams; the flower was rather dainty, small and barely purple, yet ready to flourish.
She gently pinched his cheek, gushing openly. "Just like you," Ruby bounced away on her feet, feeling another sense of pride at impressing the tot. She patted Aasim on the back, which turned more into a push when he didn't catch onto her actions. "C'mon, it's your turn now!"
Aasim shuffled over, not bothering to hide his gift. He cleared his throat before passing it to AJ. "Here dude," In his grasp laid a tightly bound book, his name carved into the leather cover. His precious journal that he guarded so dearly the night they first met.
AJ took it gently, treating the book as if it were made of glass. "But it's yours?" He questioned, remembering their first encounter. How times had changed.
Aasim shrugged, unsure of what to say. Dammit, he had this all planned out beforehand! "It's ours. Think of it as 'Ericson's History Volume One', you can finish it off if you like."
"This is cool, I hope I can write as good as you." AJ was so captured by his friend's neat handwriting, he didn't notice Aasims' sincere smile.
"My turn!" Willy yelled, pushing Aasim out of the way in the process. His gift was the only wrapped one, albeit it was wrapped in old textbook pages. A tear in the paper revealed a small piece of wood shining through. "It's a slingshot! Mitch and I used to hit walkers with them all day, now we can!"
AJ hadn't even finished tearing the paper away, but his heart still soared. "That's cool, I wish Mitch was here." He added quietly.
Willy lowered his head, gently fidgeting with his own fingers. "Me too."
Their friend's passing left a forever space in every room, an unnerving emptiness that will never go away.
"Okay Willy, my turn," Omar butted in, wanting to steer the conversation back to the joy. He handed AJ a wooden spoon with a neat little bow wrapped around the handle. "It's my best spoon. You can use it to help me cook dinner tonight."
Louis whipped his head to Omar, shooting daggers from his eyes. "You never let anyone help!"
Omar kept a strong smile as he turned to his friend, unphased. "No, I don't let you help because unlike you the kid actually listens to instructions."
"I listen, just like to take a more...casual approach to cooking." He shrugged, finding a sudden interest in his shoes.
"If by casual you mean undercooking the fish, then sure."
Louis poked his tongue out at his friend before sauntering over to AJ, ready to present the greatest gift of all fucking time. "I figured it's time for an upgrade, say goodbye to that crusty knife," Louis whipped out a small bar stool from behind him, holding it out in front of the boy.  "I present...Stoolio! Get it? Cause it's a stool."
"Nope!" AJ beamed brighter than Clem had ever seen, despite the joke flying way over his head. Louis just had that effect on people. The stool was heavier than it seemed, as it immediately hit the floor when AJ took ahold of it. The faded wood declaring the weapons' age, AJ traced the deep cracks with his fingers. "I think I'll call it CJ, Chairles Junior, like my name."
"That's a much better name. It's strong like you too. It defeats monsters, protects people and looks super cool." He purred, selling the gift as only the best of the best.
AJ looked between his new weapon and Louis, letting the weight of it settle in his small palms. It was stronger than his little knife, though not as easy to hold as his gun. But if Louis could do it, so could he. "Sounds more like you."
Clementine noticed the hitch in Louis' breath, both their hearts thumping from the young boys' sentiment. Louis could feel his heart slip up into his throat, thumping faster than his breathing could keep up. "Uh, wow, thank you. It's both of us."
If only AJ was aware of how much his statement meant to Louis, how he would hold onto it during his weakest hours. If that kid could believe in him, he must be doing something right.
Louis cleared his throat, choking back a quiet sob as his heart settled back down. "There's one final surprise, from all of us." He hopped over to a box beside the ladder, dragging Omar over with him.
The boys reached into the box and began to lift something of great weight, as they struggled to keep a tight grip. "Just don't ask how we got it." Omar heaved, forgetting just how little muscle he truly had.
From the box emeregd something AJ could only imagine in his wildest daydreams. A...giant...Disco Broccoli!
The tot stood in pure disbelief, his jaw hanging wide open. "Is that-"
"Oh hell yeah it is," Louis sneered, maybe just a little more excited than AJ.
The boys set it down besides the dusty fireplace, with Omar wiping his brow. "You like it?"
AJ wandered closer, getting a better look. It was certainly Disco Broccoli, despite there being a hole in his cartoon hand. He had the cool glasses and everything! But he looked...funny. "What...what is it?"
Louis clasped the tots' shoulder, it was always a fun venture showing him something from the old world. Seeing the wonder in his wide eyes, made the hassle Louis went through to get the damn thing worth it. "It's a pinata, bro! You hit it and stuff is supposed to come out."
Omar tapped the side of the pinata, being greeted by a soft echo. "There's nothing in it, but it's still fun to hit."
"You can use Chairles Junior there." Louis was nearly bouncing at the idea as he handed the stool leg to the birthday boy, ready for the absolute carnage he was about to witness.
AJ gripped his new(ish) weapon tightly, eyeing down the funny looking Disco Broccoli. "Awesome."
Clem watched from the piano as AJ tried to lift the stool above his head, nearly tipping over from its' weight. Her thoughts drifted to a dream she had, Lees' words at the forefront of her thoughts. "Wanting to give him a childhood, but knowing what it takes for him to survive."
"You okay, Clem?" Louis bumped his shoulder with hers, breaking her away from her memories.
Nodding slightly, Clementine hoped he couldn't notice the tears in her eyes. "Yeah, thanks for this. It's amazing."
"No problemo, it's good to see him smile."
Clem continued to watch AJ laughing with his friends, a smile tugging at the corner of her lips. "He's been doing that a lot since we've arrived here."
Louis continued to gaze at her, despite her not noticing. "You both have."
Just as it had always been, Clem and AJ sat side by side together on the steps of the courtyard, appreciating the rare beauty of the sunset. The sky a gallery of purely blue and purple. Clem disrupted the silence first, after having spent a lengthy amount of time remembering Rebecca and Alvin, wondering if they would be proud of their young boy. "Can I admit something?"
AJ curiously turned to her, awaiting with an eager tap in his foot.
"I don't actually know if today is your birthday," She pouted. "I know it's at the start of winter, but that's it. There were no calendars, no way to check the date. I just kinda had to guess every year. I also don't know how old you actually are." If she had to guess, either six or seven. Without access to a calendar, all these years trying to keep track of the fleeting months grew tiresome and redundant. Each day was the same, a date made no difference. Hell, she wasn't even sure of her own age anymore.
"Maybe I'm a thousand years old!" He bounced like the truly giddy child he was.
Clem laughed openly into the chilly air. "Sure thing, Grandpa." She pushed at his shoulder before looking back at the sky, knowing deep within her gut that Alvin and Rebecca were smiling with her.
They remained in a balanced silence for a while, until AJ turned back to her. "I don't think it matters. I get bigger and stronger every day, no matter how old I am I'll always protect us."
Clementine wrapped her arm around him, pulling him in close the same way she always had and the same way she always will. "I know you will, forever," She pressed a firm kiss to the top of his head, smiling into his thick hair. "Wanna know what we're having for dinner?"
"Beans with apple slices."
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bloodyflashlight · 4 years
Sweet Dreams- a TWDG Mix Challenge Prompt
#8 + #15 = Ruby... has a nightmare
Words: 977
@stop-breaking-my-heart-telltale I have returned and I come bearing Rusim content that was honestly pretty therapeutic for me to write, bless ur soul for this outlet
Apologies for a long scroll, my mobile fellows! Desktop users can use ctrl+J if they so please to skip the fic!
Read on AO3!
Her legs are weak, and her lungs are screaming along with the fire around her. 
It's burning. The school, the grass… everything around her has erupted into flames. And what feeds that flame is blood.
Ruby falls back, her hands digging into pointed stones of gravel as she tries to shield herself with the tall grass from the moving silhouettes in front of the fire. Her wide eyes are searching for an answer, although she finds it hard to believe an answer is present.
Where did they come from? I thought we beat them! We blew their boat to bits, they can't be back! I just went to sleep for a couple minutes!
A scream is cut short at her left, and she whips her head in time to catch Willy stumbling back with his hand to his neck, caked in crimson.
No. No, no, not you too!
She goes to stand up, but she's quickly yanked down. "What are you, crazy!?" Aasim cries, and his voice sounds so far away even though he's inches away from her face. 
Ruby takes in a deep breath, jerking her arm away from him. "I have to help!" Even her own voice sounds like it's underwater.
She ducks low and crawls towards Willy, who's choking on nothing but his own blood. Her hand flies to her side, and she takes out an old scrap of cloth- not much to help this injury, but it'll slow the bleeding at least a bit. "Here, just stay quiet," she hisses, "and just… just breathe, okay?"
Willy doesn't respond; she doesn't even realize his gasps have shortened his eyes already glazed over with death. Through the tears in her eyes, she doesn't see anything.
"Fuck– Aasim!" Ruby turns around and swipes at her eyes, trying to sharpen her vision. "I-I need your help! Come over here an–"
A gun clicks, jarring her out of her rambling, and she stares wide-eyed at Aasim.
He's stood up, been forced to with his arm twisted behind his back. Holding him is a raider, face black with shadows. "Don't you fucking move," they hiss, and what keeps her still is that the raider's voice is crystal clear, almost too loud in her ears. "Unless you want him to die right now."
She's suddenly gasping, the air not coming into her lungs deep enough as her head twirls with the image in front of her. Aasim takes in a shaky breath, and holds up his free hand. "Ruby, it's gonna be fine. Just- just stay down!"
Not again. Not again, please.
"Put him down!" Ruby begs, her voice thick with tears. "Please, take me instead! Just leave him alone!"
"I said, don't move!" The raider shoves the barrel of the gun to Aasim's temple, forcing his head to crane to the side with the force. "You think I'm playing, little girl!? I will kill him!"
"Ruby!" Aasim cries, and his voice is coming closer now. The visions are fading now, and slowly the fire is melting away. She hears Aasim's voice calling her name again.
Ruby's eyes suddenly snap open with a gasp, and the first thing she does is let one of her hands fly to her mouth to suppress a squeak.
"Ruby? Christ, are you okay?" Aasim is sitting up in bed next to her, one hand on her cheek. On the table next to the bed, a candle's been lit, and she can see his worried eyes in the light.
"'Sim?" She manages, unaware of how deep she's breathing until she fully sits up, and feels her shoulders rising with every breath. "Wh-what are you doing up?"
Aasim hesitates, rubbing his thumb along her cheek. "I was actually just about to go to bed. I couldn't sleep so, I thought I'd catch up on my journaling. Then, I heard you start breathing heavy…" He looks down only to take Ruby's hand away from her face and hold it in his own. "You were having that nightmare, weren't you?"
Ruby sighs, focusing on Aasim's hand around hers. "It's that obvious?" She shrugs and brings one knee up to her chest. "I thought I was over it. Guess not."
Aasim leans his head to the side, the storm of worry never leaving his eyes. "...You know it's okay to not be over it, right?" He shifted his weight a little as she didn't answer. "In the grand scheme of things, two months is hardly enough time to process all that."
Ruby opens her mouth, but doesn't have anything to say. She just listens to Aasim as she reaches her hands up to undo her messy bun.
"I mean, Clem is barely getting around with those crutches, Louis is still having trouble with eating… Omar's leg is still miles away from healing… we're all still recovering."
"What about you?" Ruby asks, lifting her eyes to catch his expression. "You're not still getting nightmares, are you?"
Aasim pauses, sitting back in the bed a little. "Well… kind of, yeah. That's why I wasn't able to sleep tonight. It's like… I get the nightmares before I even go to sleep." 
Ruby looks up at him, a lock of hair tangled in her fingers. "That doesn't sound good," she says. "Are you sure you're alright?"
"For now, I am," Aasim promises. "This isn't about me. The real question is, are you okay?"
Ruby takes the hair tie from around her wrist, working her curly hair back into a less-messy bun. "I mean… I guess. Maybe."
Aasim is still unsure. He takes Ruby's hand again when she sets them in her lap. "Is there anything I can do?"
Ruby nods, feeling tears pooling in her eyes. "Yeah." 
She takes him by the collar of his shirt and pulls him into a tight hug, relishing in the feeling of his arms around her.
"...Don't go."
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maybemitch · 5 years
The Walking Dead Game: OTP Challenge
Apart of @stop-breaking-my-heart-telltale otp writing challenge Reminder.
My participation to this challenge will focus around Lousim and Mitsim. And will also be set it apocalyptic world and the modern world.
Also, apologises in advance on all of them, there might be: swearing in some of these fics
Day Two: Holding Hands
Winter was the hardest time of the year when it came down to the hunting season. The food resources were limited, the small animals hibernating, the big animals hiding. It was hard. And it was stressful for those assigned to the hunting duties. It was especially stressful for Aasim… who had to deal with Louis most times.
Aasim released a frustrated sigh from his lips, as he pulled the empty rope tighter over his shoulder. Aasim was annoyed. Every trap. Every snare he checked was empty. Meaning as soon as they got home, Marlon would be at his throat, nagging that he should’ve tried harder.
Aasim didn’t enjoy the stress of hunting on most days, he didn’t like the pressure which was on his shoulder. He didn’t like being the one which determined if they ate good if they didn’t. Aasim also didn’t enjoy the look of sadness which plastered over Willy or Tenn’s face when he doesn’t come with enough food.
Aasim didn’t like how he was always the one to be blamed and then Louis… just got a pat on the back and told it would be better next time. Aasim hated that Marlon favouritised Louis. He understood that Louis is Marlons best friend. But Louis was his best friend first.
Aasim turned his head, the dreadlocked boy bobbing his head side to side as he muttered song lyrics. Aasim watched as Louis waved his chair leg by his side, the nails stabbing into the ground, a small bang echoed in the air.
Scowling Aasim snatched the chair leg from his hand, “Can you stop being so fucking annoying?”
Louis turned his gaze to his friend, a look of shock glazed over his chocolate eyes, “I beg your pardon? I’m just enjoying myself on a nice day. I mean. We are going home, are we not?”
Aasim shook his head, “No. We can’t,” his words were harsh, his eyes desperate as he looked at Louis, “I can’t. I can’t go home without anything. I can’t see the faces fall from Willy, okay? I can’t have Marlon be even more disappointed with me alright!”
Louis took a small step backwards away from Aasim, a shameful frown on his lips as he saw the enraged expression, “Marlons not disappointed in you.”
“Oh really?” Aasim scoffed. “I don’t know if you remember, but Marlon assigned me to be the hunter which is always out. It means if I come home with no food, it’s my fault. If there is no food in the safe zone. Guess what?”
Louis looked down, “It’s your fault.”
Aasim nodded, “Exactly! And having that pressure. Having that crushing pressure constantly on my shoulders is so tiring. And I hate it alright?”
“Aasim…” Louis mumbled, taking a small step forward, “Why didn’t you speak up?”
“Because no one listens to me,” Aasim chuckled, shaking his head, “They just… they see my writing in my journal and think nothing bothers me. But the thing is Louis. I’m still fucking human. And I have fears. Fears of myself… fears about you.”
“About me?” Louis asked as he leaned against the tree. He scanned the area surrounding, alert for any walkers which were drawn to the sound of Aasim shouting. Louis wouldn’t forgive himself if something happened to Aasim. He knew they didn’t get along most times - this was a prime example - but Aasim was his best friend at one stage, and then Marlon came and fucked it all up.
Aasim glared, “Yes about you. About how you’re so carefree, don’t give a shit. I’m scared that your attitude to this world will get you killed. That you won’t expect a walker to come out from behind a closed door. Or you’ll have your back turned for a moment, laughing at some half ass joke which wasn’t even funny and then a walker bites you.”
Louis tilted his head, “My jokes are funny.”
Aasim scoffed once again at Louis’ naivete, “See. That’s what I mean. You get so caught up in something you forget about everything else. Something like that is going to get you killed.”
Louis frowned, “I can handle myself.”
Aasim threw the chair leg down in anger at Louis’ feet and waved his arms in the air in frustration briefly, “I’ve heard those words before. From Erin. From Jasper. Justin, Maddie, Lamar.” Aasim was counting the deceased kids on his fingers, waving them before Louis’ face, “And guess where their handling themselves got them?”
Louis gulped, “I see where you’re coming from.”
“Tell me!” Aasim snapped, visibly shaking from anger, “Where did it get them, Louis.”
Louis sighed and looked Aasim dead in the eye before dropping his gaze when met with an uneasy look, “It got them killed.”
“Fucking exactly!” Aasim spat, “So don’t you dare tell me you can handle yourself when…”
Louis heard a sniff as he inspected the floor. The sniff was from Aasim, as if he was trying to prevent himself from crying. Louis looked up, in the moments where his attention was on the ground, Aasim had dropped everything and turned his back on Louis. Preventing him from seeing the mess he was in.
“I didn’t realise this affected you so much,” Louis whispered, pushing himself off the tree, slowly making his way round to the front of Aasim. Aasim nodded weakly. Louis bit down on his bottom lip, rubbing his hands together, “I didn’t realise my behaviour out here made you scared. I’m sorry”
“Just forget it,” Aasim sniffed, bringing a hand up to his face, wiping his eyes and nose, “I don’t want you changing yourself because of a fear of mine.”
Louis frowned reaching a hand out, clasping Aasims hand in a warm comforting grasp. Aasim looked up to Louis, his eyes glossed over with water, two faint lines of tears streamed down his face.
An innocent face looking so broken.
Aasim cocked his head to the side, blinking once at Louis, “Why are you being nice to be after I insulted you?”
Louis smiled softly, taking his ahold of Aasims other hand tightly, before bringing them both up to his lips, pressing a small kiss to each of his knuckles, “I have absolutely no idea what you’re on about.”
Aasim chuckled, and closed his hands in Louis hold. A giddy smile on his lips.
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madiletio · 5 years
Paper Cranes | Clouis Summary: Louis had never been much of writer, but for her?  He’d write her a thousand paper cranes. !!Major character death is implied
Writing love letters had never really been his strongest forte. Hell, he'd pick speaking his mind over writing a simple love letter if he could. But beggars couldn't be choosers and he had to adjust to his reality.
Truth be told, he was adjusting pretty well. His handwriting seemed to get neater as the days went on and if it meant Clem got to know that she was appreciated and loved? He’d write her one everyday- just in case she suddenly forgets.
They had started out simple too, nothing crazy or beyond cheezy. Small notes of torn parchment containing singular sentences of “You look pretty today.” or “Your smile is infectious.”
Basic cringey shit like that.
Yet as the months dragged on and as the seasons changed, so did their relationship. They became closer and bonded more; they were past the fragileness that every new relationship held- especially in an apocalypse.
But now more than ever, they were a stronger and better team.
As Clem got stronger with her crutches, the notes started to become longer and more filled out too. Often ending with some sort of rambling or heart felt joke.
In the warmer seasons, he would often fold the letters up to take shape of a paper crane, before tossing them to her when she emerged from the dorms. And despite still waking up from her slumber, she never missed catching the letter.
Late fall was starting to take a toll on everyone. Rations were getting scarce with each passing day and most of the forest creatures had hidden away to hibernate.
In his letters he often expressed how he wished people could also hibernate and if not people, then walkers. It would take the edge off of them at least. Clem would often give him a sympathetic smile, understanding clear in her honey brown eyes.
Aj had started to grow taller and stronger too. Often being the first to jump up and volunteer to go beyond the safety of the schools iron gates to hunt or to fish, with sometimes the occasion of Clem tagging along- if it was just beyond in the gates.
It never ceased to amaze him how badass Clem was, and even if she couldn’t see it, everyone else certainly did. Some nights, when he couldn’t sleep however, he’d spend his nights in the music room.
After he lost his tongue, the first few weeks back at Ericson had been brutal. Nightmares often plagued his dreams, the phantom pain feeling so real. The only thing that seemed to ease his racing heartbeat and anxiety, was his piano.
He knew the notes like the back of his hand. Every key, every placement- every scale. It brought him a comfort he couldn’t properly describe. He didn’t have to worry about what he was going to write. Didn’t have to worry about his spelling or making sure what he hate written had made sense. It was just him and his piano and even though he wouldn’t admit it to anyone, that was one of the first few things that helped him cope from the trauma.
Clem had her own ways of coping too.
Once she had been given her crutches, she was always on the go, trying to busy herself whenever she could. At first, it wasn’t noticeable. Everyone was busy after the delta raid.
But time goes on and life moves on and Clem needed to do that too.
So some nights he’d find her waiting for him at the piano. They would just sit there, playing the keys in the looming silence of the halls, no words, no letters, needing to be spoken or written.  
Just the two of them and the old falling apart piano.
It had taken a few months and lots of trials and errors, but eventually Willy and Aj (with the occasional help from Aasim) had finally succeeded in making Clem a prosthetic. It was far from perfect, and there was lots of room for improvement. But with the resources and the shit they knew? They did a pretty alright job.
That didn’t ease the anxiety he felt when she first started to go back out on scouting missions. Of course, she would always come back safe and sound, but just for extra measure, he’d write her a note.
Winter had been a brutal season for everyone. Ruby had come down with a shocking fever and some were starting to develop coughs of their own. Louis was one of them.
He knew that Clem and Aj had volunteered to go on a supply run, and as much as he protested, they didn’t have much of an option. So instead, he stayed up and wrote her a letter.
Only this time it wasn’t just a simple letter. She had to know that he loved her, and that she better come back alive. He had sighed it and crawled into his covers, the sweet embrace of sleep taking over him.
The sound of the iron gates scraping opening startled him awake. Light bled into his room and immediately he felt his heart jump into his throat.
He had slept in and missed her. By a long shot.
Muffled voices came from outside and what he could only make out to be screaming? Or was it crying? His head was so fucking muffled. He crawled out from the covers and threw on his coat, disregarding anything else.
He wished he hadn’t stepped outside.
There stood a shaken Aj, tear stains marking his small checks and already drying blood soaking in the material of his clothes. And in his hands? Was Clem’s hat.
His world slowed down completely. He could only focus on the hat.
“Louis..” Violet mumbled, reaching out to grab him.
Everything looked so blurry and overwhelming and he couldn’t stop looking at that damn fucking hat.
He had gone over this scenario multiple times in his head. Played out every worse case scenario that could happen to her. He had been through this shit way to many times before.
It wasn’t supposed to happen to her.
He felt a small weight tug on hips and finally he broke his gaze away from the hat and onto a glassy eyed Aj who looked like he had just lost his entire world.
Maybe he had.
Grief was a strange concept to him. They had built her grave, said their final goodbyes. Aj found comfort with the rest of them, and even though the small boy was very much still hurting, he was also showing signs of healing.
So why didn’t he feel like he was healing?
Guilt would often eat away at him, when he was alone. He had never been one to believe in superstitions and it was completely stupid of him to even consider it being the reason she got bit. But he couldn't help but feel like if he hadn’t slept in that morning, if he had given her that fucking letter, she’d still be here.
He hated nights like those.
The nightmares returned and so did the nightly visits to the piano room. Only this time instead of playing the instrument, he sat there on the dusty piano bench and cried until he no longer could.
Until the exhaustion from crying would eventually take over his body.
Aj would sometimes come into the room too, long after he broke down. They would just sit there, just like Clem and him had done months ago, and they would play nonsense. Melodies that felt half hearted, keys and notes that didn’t merge well together. All of It helped, for a little bit at least.
Aj was slowly beginning to smile again, even if it was for half a second. Half a second was better than nothing.
He hoped, in time, he’d be able to smile for that half of a second too.
Louis had never been much of a writer.
If he needed or had to, he would. But he never really had the desire to keep a journal like Aasim, or draw his thoughts down just like Tenn used to.
Then she happened and everything felt like it was going to be okay for once in this God forsaken nightmare but just like anything else, nothing good ever lasts forever and now she was gone six feet under and he couldn’t deal with it.
It wasn’t supposed to happen to her.
He pulled out the blank piece of parchment, careful not knock over the candle as he set it down on the desk. After all, last thing everyone needed was another fire.
Not Clem.
His wasn’t much of a writer but he needed to do this- for his own sake. He was remaining strong for everyone around him, but mainly putting on a brave face for Aj. The little shit was in their care now after all.
So he sat down and wrote until he physically couldn’t anymore. Until the tears that threatened to fall blinded him.
I know you would want us to continue on, even though you are no longer here. That’s the funny thing about all of this don’t you think? We’ve all grown up surrounded by death and yet it never really gets any easier does it? I think… I think my mind is still in some stage of denial. It’s been months and I still half expect to see you standing there, laughing or talking with someone when I enter a new room. Or to find you teaching Aj about something positive about this shithole of a world.
You’d be so proud of the little man he’s becoming Clem. I know we all are.
The piano has started to go out of tune again- I blame the weather. I would tune it but..truth be told part of me doesn't want to, as silly as that sounds.
How did it get to this point Clem? You got us back home, you came back home. You gave us. Gave me-”
Droplets fell onto the paper and when the few tears fell, he couldn’t stop the rest from falling. Everything that had been eating away at him for months on end was slowly beginning to dissipate away.
He couldn’t continue the letter. He didn’t even bother to read over it. Instead, he folded it up in a crane shape, just like all the others and placed it on his bookshelf.
For the first time in months, he was starting to feel again. There was no guarantee he was going to start feeling better soon, but he was healing. Slowly.
No amount of words on paper would ever be enough to describe all he felt about her and about her life. And even though she was gone, he could still feel her presence in the little things. Like the sun shining through the window, or when a patch of wildflowers completely bloomed in the spring. That was how he- no everyone was going to remember her.
And for as long as he was on this earth, he was going to fight like hell to survive, just like she had done.
He wasn’t going to let her down.
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theresnoturningback · 6 years
Gone Fishin’ [PART TWO]
I am deeply sorry this took so long and if there’s a mispelled word or any grammar error, I’m sorry for that too :/ I want to thank you for all the beautiful comments and tags, I read all of them and I love you guys. Writing is actually a big deal for me, especially now. It’s almost therapeutical.
So, having that in mind, keep your comments coming, any kind of feedback is very much appreciated. PS: This is pretty much what happens when you highkey ship Louisentine/Clouis but absolutely adore Aasim and lowkey want to write for him 24/7.
Word Count: 2427
Part II
Clementine opened her eyes slowly, her face was warm in a very uncomfortable way. Could it be a fever? She rolled to her left side and squinted at the sunshine.
Although the window was mostly boarded, one or two rays would be  sneaky enough to shine right on her face.
She groaned. Why must the sun shine so bright at this time of the day?
A sudden realization ended up waking her up completely. The sun was almost on its highest point, meaning she was awfully late for breakfast.
She panicked and jolted up, grabbed her hat from the desk and ran towards the benches as fast as she could.
    Of course, breakfast time had ended hours ago, everyone was doing their respective jobs. Disappointed, Clementine turned around with the intention of heading back to the dorm, only to find Brody in front of her.
‘Morning, Clem’ She said with surprise in her voice ‘I was actually looking for you. AJ told me you weren’t feeling well, and that’s why you skipped breakfast’
‘I...yeah’ Clementine scratched her head apologetically ‘I wasn’t feeling very well this morning, I even thought I could have a fever…’ She made a mental note to thank AJ for covering her.
‘Do you?’
‘No, no...I’m okay. If I wasn’t, I wouldn’t be up’
‘Listen, Clem’ Brody sighed ‘I understand you might still have pain from the car crash. I didn’t even think you would make it, to be honest. You are one tough girl, you pulled through, I’ll give you that’
‘But, if you’re really in optimal conditions to fight or hunt, you must start helping us out...retribute, you know? We all care for each other here’ Brody changed her light tone for a more stern one ‘We may still be kids, but this is not a game we are playing, understood?’
Clementine wanted to spit out some snarky comeback, but she understood where all of Brody’s concern was coming from. She would be just as worried if she had such a responsibility on her shoulders. She chose not to cause a commotion.
‘It won’t happen again, I promise’ She answered, obediently.
‘Good’ Brody exhaled deeply, as if she was holding her breath the entire time ‘Since you missed your lookout shift, we had to rearrange everything. You have the morning free. Ruby is filling in for you, and today everyone is cleaning up, resetting traps and killing stray walkers in the school surroundings. It’s a group effort, and a hard work, but they’ll be done before the sun sets’
‘Shouldn’t I go and help, too?’ Clementine asked, Brody shook her head
‘They got it covered. You should take the day, actually, to recover from whatever is hurting right now. I can feel you’re a little distraught’  Clementine was surprised, she was hoping it didn’t show. She wasn’t generally that transparent
‘Thanks, Brody’ She smiled ‘ I’ll be OK for my duties tomorrow’
‘Which reminds me’ Brody said before Clementine turned around to leave ‘Tomorrow morning you’re fishing with me, if the traps are all reset. Be punctual and be prepared’
Clementine nodded understandingly.
‘I’ll be there’ She said before heading back to the dorm. Her routine demanded her to go check on AJ  as soon as she was up, but this time she let him had his fun watching from the tower with Tenn, providing backup for the group that was already working.
Liked or not, she had other things occupying her head at the moment. Minutes passed slower than usual, she used most of her free time pacing around the school, looking at the floor,  preoccupied she might have upset Louis by not showing on time.
‘Well, you’ve screwed up big time, Clementine’ She muttered to herself, as she used to do when she knew she was alone.
She looked up and realized she had somehow wandered into one special room. She looked at the piano, and could feel it stare back at her. She sighed and walked in timidly.
The decaying wooden flooring squeaked with each of Clementine’s approaching steps. She walked around taking in the soothing sun rays that shone gently down at her, very different from the ones that woke her up before. Soon, every heavy thought in her head vanished, and she felt calm, like she hadn’t felt in a long, long time.
Maybe that was the reason Louis liked that place so much. Maybe that was why he was so laid back and would come up as care-free to everyone else. Of course, she was just assuming, but considered it would be a nice conversation topic for later, if she ever had a second chance.
She glanced at the piano again, reminiscing  the first time she listened to its off-tune keys being played, and how happy and relieved she felt when she saw  AJ alive and well.
And, of course, there was the moment she and Louis exchanged words for the first time.
She kept walking, silently noticing all the old bookshelves surrounding her. She perused some of them for a while, until a stack of books piled up under a desk caught her attention. She sat under the desk and took the book on top. They all looked oddly familiar. She read for a couple of minutes and soon realized those were Aasim’s chronicles.The first book she opened looked like a very personal journal. She then took out the book that was sitting at the bottom of the pile.
There was no title, no name. The first paragraph of the whole book was written  in a rather agitated penmanship.
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Clementine was surprised that he’d keep track of the main events since the outbreak.
‘Rosie? Is it you?...Who’s there? Come out!’ Aasim’s voice called her out from the door.
Clementine quickly put every book back where it was and came out of the desk with her hands up
‘It’s just me’
‘What are you doing?’ He questioned her with a serious tone ‘Get out of there’
‘I didn’t mean to intrude, Aasim, I’m sorry’ She walked away from the desk and closer to him. He was clearly upset, but decided not to talk, so she continued ‘I think it’s admirable...what you’re doing’
‘Admirable?’ the boy’s looked at her in disbelief.
‘To keep track of what happens everyday so consistently, how much you have, how much you lose, what you see everyday out there while hunting...I don’t think anyone could just do that. You’re very talented’
As she explained herself, Aasim’s expression softened. He wasn’t used to people complimenting his writing. He actually wasn’t used to people reading his writing in the first place.
‘Well, someone’s oughta do it’ He answered with a faint smile to thank her for her kind words ‘Just...don’t tell anybody where I keep them. I’m not used to people sneaking in to read what I write’
‘I promise, I won’t tell’ She smiled back.
‘Can I come some other time and read?’
Aasim thought about it for a moment before answering
‘Sure, what the hell…’ Clementine’s smile widened ‘Anyway, food should be ready by now. I was sent to tell everyone who didn’t know yet’
‘What about the group outside?’ Her words escaped her mouth with a certain urgency. She cleared her voice ‘ I mean...are we not going to wait for them?’
Aasim chuckled, amused.
‘I was out with them, Clem. We’re all here’ He said ‘You, Tenn and AJ are the only ones missing,  I believe’
‘Oh’ Her face went red with evident embarrassment ‘Then I’ll go get them’
‘No need, Willy and Mitch went for them. They should be already waiting for us’
They walked towards the benches in silence for the most part of the way and joined their friends, sitting together in a corner of one of the tables.
Clementine silently scouted the place with her eyes, trying to look casual as she finally found Louis at the end of the opposite side of the table, next to Marlon, his face was fixed on his plate, but he wouldn’t eat a bite. She understood immediately what the reason of his unusual behavior was and suddenly lost all appetite as well.
‘So, Clem…’ Aasim nodged her teasingly ‘Are you going to tell me why I found you all alone in there?’ Clementine glared at him, but he continued ‘Where you expecting someone else to walk in?’
‘You tell anyone about it, I’ll make sure everyone knows about a certain someone you like to write about often’
Aasim’s face went pale, realizing now how much she had actually read.
‘Nevermind. I call a truce’ He muttered, actually frightened.
Clementine resumed her train of thoughts. There was no need for her to be worried anymore. Louis was there. She glanced at him once more and their eyes met for half a second, as quickly as her anxious thoughts disappeared, a terrible guilt overcame her. She wanted to leave the table at that very moment, but she refrained. Instead, she shut her eyes closed and tried to listen to her own advice. The same she’d always give AJ when he was feeling like his fears were overtaking his mind.
‘Fuck Off…’ She muttered, without opening her eyes
‘I just called a truce!’ Aasim raised an eyebrow
‘Not you…’
‘So...the rabbit?’ He looked at her meal ‘If it’s not well cooked, you should tell Omar-’
‘No, Aasim’ Clementine sighed ‘I was talking to myself’
‘I know we’ve known you guys for just a couple of weeks, but I can feel this is not your usual behavior. Is everything alright?’
Aasim was sincerely worried about her. She decided that if he was opening up to her, she’d might as well do the same.
‘To be honest, I haven’t been feeling like myself lately…’
‘Maybe you should go to bed early’
‘Yeah, maybe’ Clementine nodded ‘Thanks, Aasim...good night’
‘Night’ He smiled at her and continued eating.
She stood up, looked at her bowl, still full of rabbit stew and decided to give it to AJ. Right after, she headed back to the dorm.
When she got there, she lay down on her bed, closed her eyes and started listing ideas to solve this mess
She took the letter Louis wrote for her out of her pocket, after fiddling her fingers against it for a  while, she finally figured it out.
She took a piece of paper and a pencil from the kids’ artwork on the desk and began writing.
The result was an almost indecipherable message with scratched out words in between and confusion all over.
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Taking advantage of the fact that everyone was still eating, she sneaked out and placed her letter on the piano, hoping Louis would find it before his morning practice.
The next morning, Louis did wake up with the intention of tickling the ivories for some minutes before breakfast, but Brody and Marlon walked up to him to change his plans right as he was heading out.
‘Hey Lou, a moment, please?’ Marlon started.
‘It depends on how long that moment really is. My day is packed, you see…If you wanted to make an appointment, you should have talked to my secretary, by the way, have you seen Aasim? I haven’t seen him since last night’
‘It won’t take long, come’ Brody walked towards the office, followed by the boys.
Once inside, Brody closed the door. Aasim was sitting on the sofa, reading a book.
‘Aasim! I see you got detention too’ Louis greeted him with a grin. The boy nodded back and returned the smile.
‘We already talked with him, but we wanted to know if you were up to the task’ Marlon began, only to be interrupted by a loud sigh from his best friend.
‘Task, Marlon?...Really?’
‘Turns out this could actually motivate you to do something around here besides sulking at the piano all day long’ Assim joked.
‘It’s called looking for inspiration, you wouldn’t understand it’
‘Yeah, I think you might be looking for inspiration in all the wrong places’
‘It’s not like I have a lot of places to actually look for it now, do I?’
‘I’m just saying’ Aasim shrugged
‘The thing is’ Brody interrupted the boys’ banter, setting a more serious atmosphere ‘We’re hunting and fishing today. I was going fishing, but I’m currently...unfit for it. I woke up in a lot of pain and I can’t even think about eating breakfast without wanting to puke. It’s probably because I’ve been more stressed out lately, you guys don’t need to worry about it, but I really really need one of you, either of you, to fill in for me. It would be just for today. I know neither of you have fished in a while…’
‘Then, let him do it’ Louis interrupted, sitting next to Aasim ‘He’s way better than me, anyways’
‘I’m flattered, Louis, I really am, but I already refused. I like hunting, not spearfishing. We all know you were very good at it until you joined the hunting party. That’s why I recommended you’
‘Come on, dude…’ Louis pleaded, looking at Marlon, who in time, looked at Brody sigh tiredly, almost painfully.
‘If it is really such an inconvenience for you to help Clem provide food for all of us, then I’ll have to ask Violet or Mitch, I know they’d help out without thinking it twice’
‘Hold up!’  Louis sat up with a sudden interest ‘Let me think about it’ Aasim rolled his eyes, clearly amused.
‘So? We need an answer, man…’ Marlon finally spoke.
‘Ya’ll know I’m just joking , right? I’ve never denied myself the opportunity to help you guys. Of course I’ll do it’
‘Good’ Brody smiled ‘I’m going to inform Clem about these changes. You can go now’
The boys left the office and headed for the benches
‘You know your piano is not this way, right?’ Aasim pointed out.
‘Oh, I don’t feel like playing right now. I’m actually feeling very inspired as we speak’ Louis gushed, displaying a wide, toothy smile. [PART 1] - [PART 2] - [PART 3]
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with you [chapter four]
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Summary: Clementine pops the question, Louis has nightmares, Violet can’t let go of the past, Mitch doesn’t know how to handle gross feelings, Ruby’s a goddamn sweetheart, Willy doesn’t ever remember to knock, Aasim can’t dance, and James is here, too.
Nothing like a wedding to bring this family together.
Note: tbh working on this story at night is the only thing holding my sanity together while I’m taking care of my grams. But also this chapter was a huge pain in the ass to fix and I’m 0.02 seconds away from punching a hole in the wall. But it’s fine because it’s finished and I ran all the way home just to quickly post this. 
Anyway, thank you for reading and your constant support. It truly means a lot to me. I hope you enjoy ch4. ❤️
Ch1 | Ch2 | Ch3 | Ch4
Read on: AO3
The page remains blank.
No matter how much Violet wills the pen to move on its own, to put all thoughts both known and unconscious to paper, it remains beside the open notebook. As outrageous as it sounds, a small part of her hopes one day the pen will magically come to life and solve all of her problems with its problem-solving ink. Then everything will be okay. 
Though she has a feeling the walkers will go extinct before her pen develops a sentient personality or therapeutic skills. 
And she’ll be dead by then, so it wouldn’t matter anyway. 
“It helps if you pick up the pen,” Aasim said, not bothering to look up from his own work. “Just saying.”
She knows even by his deadpan tone that he’s trying to joke with her, even if he’s not good at it. Laying bait for her to bite back with a sarcastic remark of her own. 
“But then I’d actually have to write something down.”
“Oh no,” Aasim smirks, paying her a brief glance. “Effort.”
That cracks a small smile out of her, and for a fleeting moment, they’re smiling at each other as if that’s a normal thing. It’s hard to maintain that connection, so damn hard, so Violet hides her smile from him by turning away to look towards the gates.
The very same gates that Clementine, AJ, and Rosie pass through. Back from patrol, if she overheard correctly. Even from a distance, Violet can see the delighted grin Clementine wears, a grin only matched by AJ’s. Far brighter than Violet’s. 
AJ hugs her tightly before breaking away and bolting towards Louis, James, and Tenn. Clementine remains, though, arms folded over her chest as she watches the group of boys with such fondness that it damn near makes Violet want to scream.
Shit, just…. Shit . 
“Hey,” Aasim reaches over, tapping on the blank page of her journal with his own worn-out pen to grab her attention. “Lucy had her babies this morning. Seven of them. Well, eight, but one of them didn’t make it.”
Violet tears her glare away from Clementine to instead glare at Aasim. 
“Who the hell is Lucy?”
“One of the pregnant rabbits, remember? Not the one that had babies last week, the other one.”
“We’re still naming them?” Violet asks. Aasim made it very clear that no names were to be used when they started up the rabbit farm by the greenhouse. 
“They’re food, not pets. No names. No attachments.” 
That didn’t last long.
“ I didn’t name her,” Aasim corrects. “Willy did, even though I’ve told him again and again not to. Now when it comes time for us to put Lucy down, he’s not going to talk to me for another two weeks, as if I’m the only one at fault. Remember Albert?”
“Ah, Prince Albert,” Violet nods. “He sure was delicious.”
Everyone agreed that the lovely Prince Albert was one of the handsomest rabbits they had with his snow white fur offset by brown feet and ears. They also agreed that he made one of the best rabbit stews Omar’s ever created. 
Including Willy. That is until Omar offered him one of Prince Albert’s lucky feet and Willy realized just who he had consumed. 
The boy didn’t speak to Aasim or Omar for a week, but Violet believes that he still carries around one of Prince Albert’s feet for good luck, despite everything. 
“Yeah, anyway, did you want to come with me to check on them? Ruby’s out there now. Maybe you could stay with her and help out?”
Violet scoffs. 
“Look, I’ll take your night shift, too,” Aasim adds. “That way you don’t spend all day out there and then have to do a night shift.” 
“I like having the night shift.”
“Every night?”
“Well,” Aasim taps his pen against the table, thinking loudly to himself. “I’m giving you the night off anyway. Ruby would appreciate your company.”
Oh, would she, now…?
It’s not that Violet minds Ruby. She’s the only girl Violet has left to talk to at this place- the only girl she’s willing to talk to, actually. 
Violet would say that she enjoys evenings spent with Ruby… most of the time. 
The problem with talking to or spending time with Ruby is she’s a lot. Not in the same way Louis is, but more in an overbearing mother sort of way. Always asking her how she’s feeling, asking about her day, if there’s anything she can do to help Violet out or if she wants to do this or that. She’s far too pushy sometimes, especially when it comes to shit she doesn’t understand. 
“Clem’s tryin’, Vi.”
As if Ruby has all the answers to make her happy. She always makes it sound so damn easy. 
“Why can’t ya just talk to each other?”
The problem is that Ruby tries to take care of everyone so that she doesn’t have to think about how to make herself happy. Why focus on your problems when you can bury your pains and wishes beneath fairy tales and other people’s problems?
At least, that’s Violet’s assumption. 
Maybe Ruby is happy. 
Maybe Violet just wishes she wasn’t. 
Fucking hell. 
Just when she thought she couldn’t be any more fucked...
“My company or yours?” Violet mumbles, finally picking up her pen, putting it to paper. 
“What? My company- oh, I see.” Aasim rolls his eyes, dropping his pen in the book before shutting it. “Ha ha, very funny. I get it.”
Violet nearly rolls her eyes, too. Speaking of those who don’t bother with their own shit-
“I was thinking that it’d be good for you to go out there and help her, that’s all,” Aasim says, tucking his notebook under his arm and standing from the table. He means to walk away on that annoying note but hesitates. Then, lowering his voice to one of disquiet, he says, “I’m worried about you. So is everyone else.”
“I’m fine, Aasim.”
“...Right,” he sighs heavily. “Please go help Ruby with the rabbits. I’m only going to be there for a little bit before heading out to check the traps with Louis, and she could really use the help. Please?”
Aasim lingers, shifting his weight as he gives her a chance to say something more, a chance she refuses. 
“Thank you.”
With that, he’s walking away, leaving her by herself to finish a doodle of a pen with curly hair and fire for eyes with a speech bubble. 
“Why are ya still here?”
“Is my neck supposed to feel this stiff?”
“Yes. It’s a sign of a good, unmoving model.”
“Well, good to hear that my career is off to a good start.”
Louis is still sitting there at the table, cracking jokes and trying his best not to move while James and Tenn draw. James points to various parts of Louis’ face before motioning to Tenn’s paper, something that brings a grin to Clementine’s face. 
“Don’t worry, Clem,” says AJ as he hugs her. “I won’t say anything. Can I go draw now?”
“Have fun, kiddo.”
She can safely leave AJ to catch up on art lessons with James. He promised her he wouldn’t breathe a word of this to anyone- even Tenn- until she had everything all planned out.
Now that Mitch has the measurements, the ring is- hopefully- being taken care of, so all that leaves is how she plans on doing this. Several lingering thoughts follow her as she spends most of the day helping around the school, doing usual repairs to the gate and their walls. 
She would’ve checked on Lucy and the other rabbits, but Aasim warned her that Violet was there with Ruby and Louis. She almost pushed him aside and went in anyway, but damn it, she knows better by this point. 
Instead, she and AJ help Omar clean out the fire pit and gather fresh wood, briefly considering letting him in on her intentions. Omar’s a trustworthy friend and while she appreciates his opinion, she decides against telling anyone else until she has the ring. She’s found that battling her eagerness to be growing more difficult with every passing day. 
So much so that she also considers asking about the progress on said ring when she finds Mitch and James near the library’s entrance, speaking in hushed whispers that she couldn’t make out. All talk stopped when she approached them, and began again when Mitch became snappy with her before dragging James away. 
Odd, and not boding well for her, but she firmly believes that if there were any issues she should know about, Mitch would tell her.
When the sky finally turns a lovely mixture of pink and orange, AJ gives her a hug goodnight before making his way over to Tenn’s room for another sleepover. 
Before retiring to her dorm for the night, Clementine pokes her head into the music room to find it empty. A slight disappointment falls over her as she hoped Louis would be up for some piano lessons, but that dissipates when she finds Louis kneeling on AJ’s desk with a roll of duct tape hanging from his mouth when she walks in, a stack of drawings placed beside him. He’s taping up one of the portraits of himself on the wall.
“Ey!” He waves at her before spitting the tape out. “Look at these!” He hops off the desk and points at the one he just hung up. “That’s the one James drew. Charming, isn’t it?”
The amount of detail in the portrait is startling, a fully shaded-in head portrait of Louis that seemingly stares right at her. Even the little details, like his freckles and the scar on his chin, are noticeable.
“It’s way weirder than I thought it’d be,” he says, “having someone stare and dissect every part of your face. Did you know I have a very angular jawline?” He tilts his head up to prove his point. “And James said I have a nice eye shape.”
“He did do you justice,” she says, still admiring the picture. “Very handsome.”
His chuckle comes out loud and anxious, not having expected her to say that. 
“Hah, yeah, except,” then Louis pushes his jacket back to place his hands on his hips, “uhm, do you think my nose is big?”
“James said I have a wider nose. He drew it bigger than it actually is, right?”  
“You have a very cute nose.”
“That’s not what I asked.”
Clementine giggles. “Your nose is perfectly fine, Louis.”
He eyes the portrait, still uncertain, only to then gasp as if just remembering something. 
“Oh, wait though, ready for this?” He searches through the pile before plucking the one he wants out. “ This is the one Tenn drew.” He proudly holds it up.
She can’t say she’s not impressed. It’s nowhere near as proportional or advanced as James’, but Clementine can see the effort and charm within the lines. Definitely Tenn’s work.
“Wow,” Clementine smirks, nudging him. “I see it now. James is right, you do have a big nose.”
“ Hey ,” Louis reaches up and playfully pinches her nose, “big talk from little button nose over here.” Louis sticks Tenn’s portrait on the wall, next to James’. “There! We’re getting quite the art gallery.”
“One’s missing, though.” Clementine grabs Louis’ picture of Rosie off the desk and tapes it up with the others.
“Seriously?” he asks sheepishly.
“Oh yeah. We’re never taking that one down.”
Louis continues to look through the rest of the drawings. He hums to himself lightly, a tune she recognizes. He sticks more drawings on the wall; ones that AJ drew of him and Tenn, one he drew of Disco Broccoli.
He pauses when he comes across the one of AJ, Clementine, and him. The one with the beach ball. He smiles fondly at it before sticking it up there with the rest.
She sits on AJ’s bed, leaning against the frame to close her eyes and listen to his cheerful humming. 
One of the few things she loves in this world is the comfort she has when he’s around. 
It’s a comfort she never thought she’d find again. Before Ericson, she and AJ never had time for comfortable peace. When it was just them, there was always that lurking feeling, that bitterness, that lingered in her thoughts. 
Now, they have a place they call home. 
Clementine can’t imagine where they would’ve ended up had she not crashed the car. They’d still be out in the world, scavenging every little bit they could to survive. They never would’ve met the people she now considered family.
She and Louis would’ve never met, where she and AJ never met anyone at Ericson. 
That’s a really shitty thing to think about.
Finding this place, their home, was the best thing that happened to them. Meeting everyone here- Louis, Violet, Mitch, Ruby, Aasim, everyone - has done so much for them. For years, she worried about her and AJ, about always being on the road in a car that constantly ran on fumes, about running across assholes who wanted to hurt them, about the dead finally getting the best of them. Nowhere to go, no direction. A neverending search. 
 She sneaks a glance at Louis. He has no idea. 
He finishes up, shoving the duct tape in a drawer. Leaning against the desk with arms crossed over his chest, he looks at her with a tired grin, but says nothing. 
She raises a brow. 
He shrugs.
It’s like the weariness of their previous night has caught up to him, like something triggered a sinking reality that weighs him down. The shadows along his face from the setting light do nothing to hide the sadness betraying his eyes.
She slowly approaches him and reaches out to grab his hand, tugging him closer to her.
“Hey,” she murmurs.
“You feeling any better?”
“Of course.”
“Really?” Clementine locks their fingers together. “It’s been a long time since you’ve had one that bad.”
He keeps his stare focused on their hands. “...It wasn’t that bad.”
“It was about that woman, wasn’t it?”
He says nothing, but she can see the answer clear in his eyes.
Yes, Clem, you know it was. It always is.
The first and only living person Louis ever personally killed, and it was purely accidental. It frustrates her that it still haunts him, and even more so that it’ll always haunt him. Even when he expressed the relief of “having it in him” to protect those he loves, there’s always a suffocating weight that comes with the first. If anyone knew that, it’s Clementine. 
That kind of guilt, no matter how irrational, never stops. 
Louis closes his eyes and leans forward to press his forehead to hers.
“Her name was Dorian.”
“I know.” He pulls back, forcing a smile. “I know.” 
His gaze falls on her nose. He pinches it again. 
“I don’t wanna talk about it right now. Is that okay?”
“Yeah,” she smiles sincerely. “Just… want to make sure you’re alright.”
“You don’t have to worry about me so much, Clem. There are more important ways to spend your time.”
More important? 
She supposes that’s a good way to put it. 
“Y’know, I was thinking about what you said this morning,” Clementine smiles. “AJ’s having another sleepover with Tenn tonight, so we have the whole room to ourselves.” 
Louis raises a brow, a slow smirk spreading across his lips. 
“Wanna build a pillow fort?”
“You read my mind.”
Without any hesitation, she kisses him. It’s a quick, soft, comforting peck that catches him off guard.
Another kiss to his lips, and then another. Clementine holds onto the nape of his neck and moves to his chin, his cheek, placing soft, intimate kisses against his warm skin. 
He looks at her with lidded eyes before his hands caress her cheeks, his thumb brushing just below her eye.
He kisses her, eager for every press of her mouth. He doesn’t stop kissing her, even when she tightens her grip on his jacket and pulls him back with her. The desk hits her hip and he’s quick to lift her up onto the surface, almost knocking over her venus fly trap plant.  
A pleased sigh escapes her lungs as she desperately moves to his jaw, down his neck. Her hands move beneath his jacket, trailing down to the hem of his shirt before bunching the material up. His skin is warm. His breathing is quick, shallow.  
“Clem! Clem!”
Louis yanks back, their lips parting quickly with a loud smack as she nearly topples over from the force of him ripping away. 
The bedroom door slams open and in barges Willy. 
She’s disoriented, lightheaded, blinking rapidly and frantically searching for any sign of danger. All she finds is Louis, who’s now over at AJ’s desk, humming incredibly loud, and Willy hurrying in with a triumphant smile.
“Clem, guess wha-!” The second he sees Louis, he stops and gasps. “Oh no!”
“Oh, look, darling!” Louis stops pretending to look at the pictures and glares at the young boy. “It’s Willy, the boy who doesn’t know how to knock! Nice of you to pop in unannounced this late in the evening !”
Willy’s face flushes a scarlet red as his gaze darts between the two, falling down to Louis’ shirt, which remains lifted to reveal part of his stomach. 
Louis yanks the material down, fake coughing.  
Willy’s face is reminiscent of a fresh tomato at this point. It seems that even he got the sense of what was happening before he ran in. 
Clementine slips down from the desk and tries to casually straighten out her own jacket and adjust her hat with an unfazed face, even though she’s positive that her skin is blotchy and red, too. 
“I’m sorry!” Willy blurts out, covering his eyes. “I didn’t see anything! I’ll knock next time! I swear!”
“Uh-huh,” Louis frowns. “Said that last time, didn’t you?”
Now she’s not sure who’s redder, her or Willy.
“Willy, what do you want?’ Clementine sighs. She composes herself and approaches the boy.
His eyes went to Louis before meeting hers. That’s all she needs.
“Is it Mitch?” 
Willy nods.
Clementine’s heart flutters. Choosing her words carefully, she asks, “Is he done?”
Willy nods once more. 
“Done with what?” Louis asks. 
“Watch,” Clementine interrupts. “I completely forgot that I have watch.”
“Seriously?” Louis asks, confused. “Wait, I thought Ruby had watch tonight.”
“I switched her,” she lies, moving towards Willy and adding, “I’ll be there in a few minutes.”
Willy leaves without another word, staring down at the floor. Clementine holds back an annoyed sigh. The previous mood is completely gone and now she’s made a mess of lies that she’s gotta detangle before Louis gets suspicious. 
Damn it, Willy. 
Couldn’t have waited until morning. 
Louis gives a thoughtful frown. 
“I’m a little worried about him,” he says, “about Mitch, I mean.”
“Oh, uh, really?”
"Something weird’s going on with him,” Louis nods. “He’s been down in the basement every day for the past week and- ...Well, I went to check on him this morning before breakfast.”
Panic shoots through her stomach and into her heart.
Louis pauses, unsure if he should continue. 
“And?” Clementine presses.
 “...Well, when I tried going down the stairs, I think- well, it was probably nothing. I probably didn’t see what I thought I saw because I could’ve sworn I saw James down there, too-”
Clementine’s stomach drops.
“-and I don’t know what they were doing but before I could even get down the stairs, Mitch threw a shoe at me.”
“A shoe?”
Oh, goddamn it, Mitch-
“Yeah, right at my face! He about hit me in my big nose!”
Clementine rolls her eyes. “Again with the nose thing?”
“I’ve accepted its abnormally monstrous size,” he says. “Anyway, then I saw him again on my way to the greenhouse and he wouldn’t even look at me. Not that he’s one for conversation or anything, but it’s like… I don’t know. It felt weird. I don’t know what he’s doing down in the basement or what they’re doing if that really was James I saw. I’m not sure I want to know.”
“I’m sure it was nothing.”
“Probably… I don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone shout ‘no!’ and ‘out!’ that many times in a ten-second time frame before hurling shoes at me. It was pretty terrifying.”
“Mitch is…” Clementine’s at a loss. While she’s thankful for Mitch’s ability to think on his feet so quickly, she wasn’t sure if she approved of the shoe method. “...Hard to understand sometimes, and he and James are friends so it’s not that weird that they’re hanging out together.”
Louis considers this, though she can tell he’s not completely convinced. 
“...Do you think they’re… I mean, it’s none of my business but if there was something going on between them-”
Oh boy.
Louis then shakes his head, changing his mind. 
“Y’know what? I’m sure it was nothing.”
She sighs. So much for not making Louis suspicious of anything. Then again, maybe this is her fault. She did tell James that Mitch was working on fixing the ring, and she should’ve known that would lead to him trying to help. 
“He’s working on a project,” she says lamely. “He probably wants a second opinion on it from James. ”
“A bomb project? I didn’t think James was a fan of explosions.”
“Firecrackers work as a great distraction for the walkers,” says Clementine, which isn’t a total lie. Mitch brought up the suggestion to James a while ago. They spent a long time discussing the idea if she remembers correctly. 
Well, better not let sweet Ruby know,” Louis says. “She’s still got a personal grudge towards Mitch’s bombs ever since that thing in the greenhouse, you know.”
“Oh, I’m aware,” she smirks. “ ‘A bomb? I will whip his ass!’ ”
Her Ruby impression gets a chuckle out of him. “Hope he knows a shoe won’t be enough to stop her. If anything, that’s just provoking the beast.”
“He’ll have to learn that for himself,” she smiles. Clementine approaches him again, fixing the collar of his jacket and apologizing, “Sorry I can't stay and help you build an amazing, comfortable pillow fort. Will you be okay?”
“Don’t worry about me, darling.” He grabs her hand and kisses her cheek. “We can always build a pillow fort another night, or, uhm, finish what we started. Maybe I’ll go tickle the ivories for a while before bed, so if I don’t see you before your finished or if I’m not awake, goodnight and stay warm.”
She gives him a long kiss goodbye before she leaves. 
One the door’s shut, she takes a moment to take a deep breath. 
Her face still feels warm after all the excitement. She’s still a little annoyed at the interruption, but if she’s right about what Willy was trying to imply, then she has to hurry. She can only hope that Mitch found a way to fix the ring.
The wait is starting to make her anxious.
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maybemitch · 5 years
DESCRIPTION: "Just come back alive, alright?"
WARNING: Mentions of Tenn’s death.
The cart came to a crashing stop, the teens in the back jerked forwards and then backwards. Their spines colliding with the harsh cold metal behind them. Most of them let out growls and hisses of pain, whereas Omar yelped out in pain from someone applying a bit too much pressure on his wounded leg. The someone either being Willy or Aasim, they were the only one close to him. It was most likely Willy, if thought about.
Louis ran a hand over his face and through his dreadlocks, his fingers tugging at a few dreads, before he turned to look at everyone. He shifted, pushing himself into an indented corner, he stretched his legs which accidentally bumped against Violet. Louis was quick to give her an apologetic smile, yet the semi-blind girl shrugged it off; she didn’t blame him for accidentally touching her just then, the cart was too cramped.
Louis nodded to himself as he shifted his gaze over to Aasim who hand his hands lapsed over Omar wound; it had started to bleed once again, so Aasim was giving a help hand. A small smile, unknowingly, made its was to Louis’ lips as he watched Aasim be a generous and concerned friend. Louis just watched as Aasim helped Omar out, the male muttered calming words to his friend, soothing the panic away.
“I hate to say this,” Ruby called as she approached the side of the mangled cage, the stowaway horse in tow behind her. Louis eyes the horse, that’s the one which caused them to crash, to be in this situation right now. Ruby’s hand tightened as she held onto the leash the horse was attached too, “But, I have some bad news...”
Violet nodded her head, she didn’t turn to face the redhead though, she knew she probably wouldn’t be looking in right place, although, she knew it wouldn’t have bothered Ruby. Violet shyly picked at the skin around her nails as she spoke up in a croaky voice, “What is it?”
Ruby sighed, as she used her free hand to gesture to the cart, “The carts toast, it won’t be moving anymore. The horse won’t be able to move it anymore,” she looked down to the ground, her foot crushing some soil beneath her walking boots, “I retrieved the horse which ran away, it’ll be nice having an animal in the yard.”
Omar slowly moved his head, his teeth digging into his bottom lip. He slowly blinked his eyes at the girl holding onto the horse, allowing himself to calm down slightly, “Did you really go fetch the horse, rather than letting us. Your friends out?”
Ruby shook his head as she made her way to the back of the cart, the horse following behind her, letting out a small neigh as it did. Ruby licked her lips over as she unlocked the latch, “The horse was in close range. I wasn’t letting it go be some walker food. That’s not very nice.”
She opened the cart door, freeing everyone. Louis was the first one to crawl out, he climbed to his feet and began to twist side to side, clicking his back slightly from the cramped condition. He eventually brushed himself down and held out a helping hand for Violet, guiding her to her feet.
Violet kept ahold of Louis’ hand for support as everyone else crawled out from the cart. Aasim helped Omar to his feet, he used one of his arms to bring Omar’s arm around his neck, and then wrapped it around his waist, being a support for him, taking the pressure of the wounded leg.
Louis looked around, the area somewhat familiar to him, therefore he pointed in the direction they should head. “The school shouldn’t be that far, we probably have too pass through a herd of walkers but that shouldn’t be a problem.”
The group nodded and began to head in the direction Louis pointed. Violet has released Louis’ hand and began to cling onto the nurse of the group, Ruby would be able to look after her better, so Louis didn’t mind at all. He just wanted Violet safe that’s all.
Louis sighed and came to a halt, his heels digging into the soil. His hands were shoved into the pockets of his trench coat as he hesitantly bit down on his lip and lowered his head, “Guys.” He called out in a hushed whisper.
Aasim was the main which heard him and paused in his tracks. He turned around - Omar turning around also - Aasim’s head was cocked to the side, curiosity coated over his eyes as he wondered why Louis had called out for them. He took a small step forwards, Omar detached himself from Aasim, not wanting to prevent Aasim from moving to Louis.
“What is it?” Aasim asked he stood slightly too close to Louis. He could feel the eyes of the rest of the group on him and gradually took a small step back, a gap now between the two males a bit larger and upsetting to both males.
Louis looked up to Aasim, smiling softly at him, he casted his gaze to the rest of the group who were watching with the same amount of curiosity Aasim had. He huffed, a small puff of air leaving his lips, “I want to go find Clementine, AJ and Tennessee.” Louis admitted.
“Clementine knows what she’s doing,” Ruby replied nudged Omar to lift his foot of the ground, “She knows how to stay alive out there.”
Louis nodded his head at the words Ruby spoke. He knew that, he knew that Clementine knew how to survive, but that didn’t prevent the guilt which lingered in his conscience. He clenched his fist out of habit and took a deep breath, before speaking to the group, “I know she knows how to survive. But that doesn’t mean she knows her way back. The school is still new to her, she could get lost. I need to go find her.”
The group nodded. They understood why Louis wanted to do this, they really did. They knew Louis didn’t want to lose anyone else, the community already lost too much. They also knew Louis wanted to be a good friend to Clementine. Maybe in a way of saying thank you for saving him when she did. Louis gave a small smile to the small group of huddled teenagers and took a step backwards and turned around.
Aasim’s left hand flew outwards, wrapping around Louis’ wrist tightly. He wanted to say something, something which would make Louis crack a smile and a teasing joke. Aasim wanted Louis to promise him that he’d return. Aasim couldn’t lose him, not after he already lost Mitch a few hours ago.
Louis turned back around, a weak pained smile on his lips as he looked at Aasim. Without hesitation, he shook Aasim’s hand of his wrist and pulled the smaller male into a reassuring hug. Aasim’s balled his fists up around the lapels of the trench coat, clinging to the taller male in a form of comfort. Aasim didn’t want to let go, he wanted to hug him for a while longer, maybe persuade him not to leave. But he knew if he asked such a thing it would be considered selfish and he didn’t want that.
Louis breathed him in, his hands rubbing Aasim’s back gently as he pulled away, “It’s okay, Sim. I’ll be back by nightfall, maybe earlier. I promise.”
Aasim sniffed and nodded his head, “I’m keeping you to that promise, you hear me? You’ll be back no later than nightfall.”
Louis nodded his head and placed a hand over his heart, a grin on his lips, “I promise. And you know I keep my promises.”
Aasim gave a small nod and dropped his head. He twisted his foot on the ground for a moment before looking back up, “Just come back alive, okay?”
Louis smiled as he moved a hand up to Aasim’s face, a thumb tracing his cheekbone in a relaxing manner. Aasim leant into the familiar touch, a content smile on his face. Louis sighed, “I’ll come back alive, you have my word. Can you be on lookout for when I come home?”
Aasim hummed, “Of course I’ll be on look out, if you want me to be.”
Louis smiled and removed his hand from Aasim’s face, so he could lace their fingers together. Aasim blushed at the action, part of him wanted to raise his other hand and bury his face in his palm. Aasim knew that their friends had probably turned their backs, to give them the privacy they probably wanted.
Louis squeezed Aasim’s hand, his thumb soothingly rubbing the back of it in slow manner. Louis gave Aasim a hearted smile before pulling his hand away, Aasim his a frown at the lost of contact, yet Louis knew the boys inside out. Louis knee Aasim was upset because of it.
Forcing a sigh from his lips he took a step back, “I’ve got to go. The faster I go find them, the faster I get to come home.”
Aasim nodded in agreement, “The faster you’ll come home to me.” Louis grinned at the sentence Aasim whispered and turned, taking off into the haunting woods in a small sprint. Aasim stood in his place for a while, watching as silhouette of Louis turned into nothing but a darkness as he got further into it. Aasim crossed his arms over his chest, trying to keep his body heat as the wind nipped at him harshly. He slowly pirouetted around, facing the group of teenagers. Ruby shot him a smile, she didn’t know how he was feeling right now, but she knew he wasn’t himself. Ruby waved her hand, gesturing Aasim to join her at her side. The male forced a smile, and joined her quickly as they began heading back to their broken home.
Aasim sat at the top of the watch tower, his arms wrapped around his knees as he looked aimlessly out into the cold bitter night. The stars had started to shine bright in the sky, illuminating the area, yet Aasim found himself sitting besides an old oil lamp, which gave him more light. Throughout his time on lookout, he had thought about fetching his journal to write the events down of which happened, so he wouldn’t forget them, yet who would forget such a foul night which had so many agonising and traumatic memories attached too it.
Removing an arm from around his knees, he brought it up and rubbed at his eyes. Sleep seems appealing right now, but he made a promise to Louis and he was going to keep that promise, despite the dreadlocked boy not keeping up to his end of the promise. Louis should’ve been back a few minutes ago, the moment the stars started to shine. But he was no where to be seen. There was another reason he rubbed at his eyes, he was allowing himself to think of the night the raiders originally came. The heart-wrenching memories haunted his mind. Delta was horrid, he was glad it burnt.
The creaking of the rotting wood made him jump as he turned to face the person climbing up. The familiar fiery red head peaked over the wooden platform, before Ruby revealed her face. Aasim moved over slightly, allowing the nurse to take a seat opposite him, making it easier to speak to him. Aasim gave her a half smile as he closed his eyes for a moment.
Ruby chuckled, “You’re not doing a good job on being look out,” her teasing words made Aasim open one eye, in a joking offended way. Ruby laughed again, “A look out you’re meant to... look. You have your eyes close.”
Aasim hugged his chest and nodded, “I know. The area is clear. I’ll take a look again in a second,” he closed his eye again, shifting getting comfortable, “What brings you up here then Rubes?”
The nurse hugged her own body, as the wind whistled around again, “I wanted to keep you company as you’re refusing to go to bed until he comes home.” Ruby stopped speaking for a moment and frowned as she witnessed Aasim sniff and use his sleeve. “Unless you want to be alone?”
Aasim shook his head, “No... If I’m alone I’ll think of the worst. Just... just keep me occupied? Talk about something?” Aasim turned to face her, desperation written all over his face, “Anything. I don’t mind, I’ll probably know something about the topic. Or just tell me I’m being stupid.”
Ruby gave a soft smile, “You're being a worry wart. That’s what you’re being,” Aasim furrowed his eyebrows at her as he moved to look out into the woods: still no sigh of Louis. Ruby tutted, placing a hand on Aasim ankle, catching his attention once again, “Louis knows what he’s doing. You know, better than anyone, that he’s serious when he needs to be. Louis knows how to survive, he promised you that he’ll come back, that he will come back alive. And that’s exactly what he’s going to do.”
Aasim let out a shaky breath and leant back, his head resting on the uneven wood. He knew everything Ruby just said was right. Louis knew how to survive, he did. But still, the panic which held a semi permanent residence in his gut was making his think all over the place.
“Hypothetically speaking.” Aasim starts.
Ruby rolled her eyes, “Oh, here we go.”
Aasim shrugged the comment Ruby made away, “As I was saying. Hypothetically speaking, what if he doesn’t make it back. What if none of them make it back?” Aasim lifted his head, his eyes securely locking into Ruby’s as tears glossed over them, making his vision somewhat misty, “What am I meant to do then Ruby? I’ve already lost Mitch. I can’t lose Louis too.”
Ruby felt her heart shatter at the sound of Aasim’s voice. His words were weak, his voice sometimes cracking when he spoke. “If you do, hypothetically lose Louis, you know we will help you. We won’t let you suffer in silence. And speaking of helping you, I suggest you eat something.”
Aasim waved a hand at her in dismissal at suggestion she made, “I’m not hungry. Honestly.”
Ruby shook his head and scooted to the ladder, climbing down it slightly, her head still peering over the wooden platform. Her eyes were stern as she spoke in a ordering voice, “You’ll eat something, whether you want to or not. All you need to do is eat a small piece of food.”
Aasim looked out into the woodland area intensely, a few walkers emerged out of the bushes, his hopes once again let down. He sighed, his eyes not shifting, “Keep me a bowl warm in the pot. I’ll eat before I got to bed. Okay?”
Ruby tutted, “You better, Aasim.” She descended down the ladder, the rotting wood making an awful sound. Ruby sighed when she reached the bottom, rubbing her hands together, ridding them off the chipped off wood. She knew better than to leave Aasim alone right now, but Aasim seemed to not want the company anymore.
Dawn came creeping. The disappearance of the moons and stars, changed into the mesmerising colours of the sunrise, the various shades of oranges were the main colour which occupied the sky, but shades of pink and purple were also present, a few shades of blue also. A few birds already tweeted away on the branches in their trees, a new day present, yet still no sign of Louis.
Aasim had been determined to fulfill his promise, he was going to be on watch when Louis returned home. Aasim had spent the night sleeping on the watch tower; a foolish mistake really, considering the breeze was constantly making him shiver. Aasim remembered when Ruby came to him again the previous night, this time staying at the bottom of the watch tower and called up to him.
“Hey Aasim,” Ruby called up, the male moved over to the ladder, looking down at the girl, his jacket zipped all the way up now rather than left open. Ruby frowned at him, he was evidently cold, “Im going to bed now. Are you sure you want to stay up there all night?”
Aasim nodded, “I’m sure Ruby. I’m keeping my promise to Louis. I’m staying here until he gets home.”
Ruby nodded her head once, “That’s fine with me,” she lied, it wasn’t fine, she wanted him to get down and sleep in an actual bed, but she wouldn’t be able to change his mind, “Just for heavens sakes, eat your dinner or god help you in the morning.”
“I’ll eat it.” Aasim confirmed as Ruby began to walk away.
He didn’t eat his dinner, he was going too, but a slumber creeped up on him soon than expected. He knew Ruby was going to be furious with him, but he couldn’t have helped it. Sitting up, Aasim stretched and yawned. His eyes watched the woodland area yet again.
However, this time, rather than his hopes being let down, they were lifted. A glimpse of the trench coat he grew to love caught his eyes, as Louis came down the dirt path.
“L-Louis?” Aasim mumbled to himself.
Aasim went as if he was in autopilot as he climbed down the ladders in a hurry and throwing the metal gate open. The metal clanged, most likely alerting every walker in close proximity. Yet, Aasim couldn’t care. Louis had been safe, Louis had come back to him.
Louis let out a sigh of relief when he saw Aasim, his pace had slowed down to a complete halt when he saw the male. A small tender smile occupied his lips, as Aasim came running to him. The impact of Aasim bumping into his chest made him stumble back, yet his arms wrapped around the smaller boys waist, holding him in a bone crushing hug.
Louis once again breathed Aasim in. The thought of finally being home made him smile, to finally be with him again also made him smile. Aasim buried his face into Louis’ chest, also breathing in his scent. A sense of familiarity filled him.
“I’m sorry I broke half of the promise,” Louis whispered into the hug, “But I kept the other half. I came back alive,” the word he spoke stung his chest. He almost didn’t make it home, if AJ didn’t make the decision he did, the who knows how he would’ve ended up. “I... I found them. Clem, AJ and Tenn.”
Aasim nodded whilst he still clung, “Where are they? Are they safe?”
Louis gulped, “I-I don’t know about Clem and AJ, we got separated by a metal fence. And then walkers came after me, so I had to leave them,” he licked his lips, the news he was about to break hurt his heart a lot, “And... Tenn. He didn’t make it. AJ... he shot him.”
Aasim pulled away from the hug, looking at Louis is shock, “AJ shot Tenn? Why? Was Tenn bitten?”
Louis shook his head and began to explain what happened whilst he was away. His hands were laced with Aasim’s, he ended up receiving a squeeze from Aasim whenever he began stumbling over his words. Aasim was there helping him, giving him the comfort which he needed a few hours ago.
Louis gave a weak smile, “I would’ve been back earlier, but there was too many walks obstructing my path. I hope you can forgive me.”
Aasim nodded, as his hands dropped Louis’ hands. He slowly moved his to the lapels on Louis’ jacket, giving them a small slightly tug. Louis gave a soft laugh, moving his hands up to cover Aasim’s.
“You came back,” Aasim’s whispered as he took a step forwards, his hands tightening on the lapels, “You kept that end of the promise.”
Louis locked eyes with Aasim, “But I promised nightfall or earlier. Not at day break,” Louis licked his lips when he realised how close they were from kissing, nerves flooded his body, “D-did you keep your end?”
Aasim nodded, inching closer to Louis, “The main part of the promise was you come back alive, and you did,” he flicked his eyes down to Louis’ lips before up to his eyes once again, “And of course I kept my end of the deal. I slept on there also.”
“Aasim.” Louis whined, “You should have wen-”
Aasim pushed himself up on his tiptoes, connecting their lips in a sweet and innocent kiss. Louis gasped and relaxed into the kiss, his hands dipping down to Aasim’s waist holding him close. Aasim found himself smiling against Louis’ lips, it was now evident Louis reciprocated the feelings. Aasim could’ve kept kissing Louis for a lot longer, he wanted too, but he knew they shouldn’t be exposed like the way they were.
Timidly, Aasim took a step back, a blush coating his cheeks as he looked up to Louis. Louis was wide eyed, as he chuckled nervously. Neither of the boys said anything until Louis took a step closer to Aasim.
“So,” Louis spoke, his foot inching forwards, “Do you welcome everyone home like this? With a kiss?” He joked, a laugh following
Aasim blushed, as he shook his head, “Only the ones I like.”
“So you like me?” Louis asked as he found his hand lacing with Aasim’s, “That’s news to me.”
Aasim gave a small laugh, as they slowly began walking towards the gate, “Do you normally kiss back when someone kisses you?”
“Only to the ones I like.” Louis replied as he smirked.
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