#that follower count fluctuates regularly. in august i had like 215 usually inactive followers and now i'm overwhelmed by your love
metazensae · 7 years
I was tagged by @miss-oktober & @ace-of-dreams
Answer 30 questions and tag 10 blogs you are contractually obligated to know
Nicknames: Izzy
Gender/pronouns: Cute / they
Star sign: Capricorn
Height: 5′6″
Time: 7:10 EST
Bithday: JANUARY 1ST
Favorite bands: RN? Purity Ring
Favorite solo artist: Micael Buble
Song stuck in your head: Begin Again - Purity Ring
Last movie you watched?: National Lampoons: Christmas Vacation
Last show?: The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel
Why did you create your blog?: Because facebook had juuuuust opened up to non-college/business professionals and my family members all got on there and I had to hide my shitposts. Idk dude. It was 2009.
What do you post?: Shitposts and reblogs and NOW A LOT OF ARCANA STUFF. I used to draw a lot of my OCs but that’s been on hiatus since I discovered the Arcana in August.
Last thing you googled?: Cobalt color palette
Other blogs: @raedleas-the-djinni @wine-papa @my-artfriends the others are secret or have very little content, so lol that’s it. I put everything on this blog tbh, but I may make an art blog soon so people don’t have to suffer thru the spam I post on main.
AO3: no
Do you get asks?: Rarely
How did you get the idea for your URL?: Long story, but Meta bc I’m pedantic af, and Zensae is a nerdy corrupted spelling of Sensei. I’m a teacher btw.
I follow: people whose art inspires me and people I feel I can learn from.
Followers: 928 atm.
Average hours of sleep: 6 hours
Lucky number: 9
Instruments: Piano & Flute. These old dang built-in windpipes too!
What are you wearing?: long sleeved shirt and jeans. It’s cold. I’m cold.
Dream job: I wanna do comics ;A;
Dream trip: I want to see all the ancient cities. I’m a big archaeology nerd. My last trip to Korea was FANTASTIC bc we saw lots of historical villages, so many museums, and Buyeo/Baekje sites. Also, anywhere I can get good food is a good place to go.
Favorite food: Samgyeopsal tbh. gimme that grilled pork belly!
Significant other?: Oh yeah
Last book I read: Magic, Witchcraft, and Ghosts in the Greek and Roman Worlds.
Top 3 fictional universes: The Arcana, my original universe of Fyr ond Brynstan, Final Fantasy IX
Tagging: whoever wants to
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