#that happen when you shove a bunch of people who aren't fit for civil society in the same valley
thesummerestsolstice · 7 months
Part four of my series on Rivendell's guards! Wherein I finally talk about why Hrivossa and Celecoll keep getting into arguments. You might want to read parts 1, 2, and 3 first for context.
So we pick up after the siege of Rivendell is broken by Gil-Galad's forces
Among those forces is Hrivossa and her Feanorian faction, who weren't in Eregion when it fell (they were supposed to go as reinforcements later, but never had a chance)
So Hrivossa is very relieved that her lord is alive, obviously, and fully approves of Elrond creating his own little haven in the valley
Anyway then she meets Celecoll
Let me be clear; it is absolute loathing from first sight for those two
Hrivossa is decked out in Feanorian stars, Celecoll is still wearing some old Iathrim armor, they know what they're dealing with, and they're not happy about it
They are both just sensitive enough not to start yelling obscenities at each other in the middle of Rivendell's main courtyard
Especially when Hrivossa finds out that Celecoll has been an impromptu guard for Elrond during the siege (and Celecoll finds out that Hrivossa is normally Elrond's guard)
As far as Hrivossa is concerned, Celecoll is a coward who hid behind the girdle and shamefully ran away when her kingdom needed her most, all while keeping the Silmarils from their rightful owners, and who has no business around Elrond, a good Feanorian lord
As far as Celecoll is concerned, Hrivossa is a remorseless murder who's probably still extremely dangerous, and definitely crass and improper, and who also maybe kept Elrond prisoner(?) and who has no business around Elrond, a good Sindar lord
(Sidenote: a lot of people had issues with Elrond's former jailers basically becoming the basis for his house as a lord but that's another post topic)
I want to be clear both of these people almost immediately made peace with the actual orcs they were now living with and they still hated each other
After a few loud arguments (because a few cups of elvish wine can easily overcome both their abilities to not start yelling at each other) Elrond decides he's had enough and separates them
Alternating schedules where they don't have to see each other, and now they live at opposite ends of the growing city
Problem solved, right?
Celecoll moves next to Hrivossa and they start fighting again
I feel like I should note that half the time they aren't even arguing in the same language
Subjects for discussion include: whether or not Thingol was bad, who the Silmarils rightfully belonged to, and most importantly, who gets to guard Elrond
Can you become a toxic divorced couple without ever being romantically involved? Local elves sure are trying
This cycle repeats several more times before Elrond decides that they clearly, like, need the enrichment from arguing or something
He gets their rooms soundproofed so that their fights don't wake anyone else up and just kind of lets it happen
For some ungodly reason yelling at each other a few times a month actually seems to help both of them be more calm and relaxed the rest of the time
Some things are unknowable, even to the wisest minds, and the reason why they're like this is one of them
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