#that he didn't lie
springs-hurts 6 months
Thank the Gods the great dragon never reappeared, what a blow it'd have been...both Camelot and Arthur, because killing a dragon is big thing, especially one who harmed their city so much, imagine them seeing the Dragon again and thinking their king lied to them, imagine Arthur... :(
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asweetprologue 3 months
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this is so devastating. laois should have just shot him with a gun
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srfiv 3 months
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there's one lie on his profile and it's the age. based on this post
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mikewheeler 3 months
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I will always look after you, Penelope.
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ncutisgatwas 6 months
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New Girl 聽1.12 | The Landlord
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ruubesz-draws 5 months
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It's really not his hand.
Mothra shouldn't have left them alone together...
From this:
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halflifebutawesome 4 months
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I am a good person. I am a powerful person, I don't believe in evil. I think that evil is an idea created by others to avoid dealing with their own nature. I understand my own nature, good and evil have nothing to do with it.
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opshizt 3 months
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sanji ranking number 1 in the men's choice popularity poll in japan was definitely not in my bingo card
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woolysstuff 10 months
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Evil!Sun my beloved (Edit// This Evil!Sun is from TSAMS and is not an AU of mine guys)
Bonus doodle
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fillejondrette 3 months
it's pretty funny how men complain about male loneliness as if loneliness is a sex-specific condition meanwhile you can't even be nice to a man because he'll make it weird
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uncanny-tranny 1 year
Love disabled people who just lie about their disabilities to nosy, intrusive questions. Sorry, yeah, I lost my arm in the wash one day. It's funny how that happens! Oh, I got back pain from saving nineteen children from a burning fire department <3
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screamsofanoutlawbrain 5 months
You know, the cookies of darkness is kinda like a cult. Cause most of them were taken in at their lowest of lows or had no other choice but to join. So here's what I think of em. (under the cut)
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And I'll name most of em off.
Licorice Cookie: Dude was literally an outcast in every sense, it's assumed that his tribe literally fluffing DIED and that the magic he was good in (necromancy) is relatively frowned apon. He was an outcast, and likely starved of attention due to having no peers around him that he could really connect to beyond VERY surface level things, and Dark Enchantress probably took advantage on it, I could see him being given praise for his magic early on, but never getting any of that attention later. That very want for attention from one of the few who actually expressed any interest in his talents being the only reason he's still around.
Poison Mushroom Cookie: That's a child, probably an orphan, possibly alone because of their poisonous shroomies driving most away. Similar case to Licorice, the kiddo got attached to the ones around them and doesn't want to leave.
Red Velvet Cookie: He was born into this, came out the oven without an arm, and is (what I'm assuming) part cakehound, he was born an outcast, and likely has nowhere else to go. Red Velvet clearly cares about the cakehounds and soldiers more enough to keep him to stay. He has little other choice at this point.
Pomegranate Cookie: She was literally trained to be a high priestess to her village, and then learned that she was fated to effectively destroy it. I'm betting my right leg that she was probably DEVASTATED when she learned that, to learn that everything she has worked up to, she would betray. She trusted the mirrors vision over her own wants, and so she left to serve darkness, and (like Licorice Cookie) was given praise at what she done to her village, but that praise became less and less frequent over time. the combination of her having no other place to go, effectively destroying all allys she could have, the same starvation of praise, and her blind trust in Dark Enchantress Cookie leaving her unable to leave, not without a fight.
Dark Choco Cookie: I think this one was pretty simple. He was already pretty vulnerable and broken down on his own after losing everything to a sword he's stuck with. He got manipulated and brainwashed into thinking he had no other chance and that he was stuck forever. No lovebombing, no praise, just manipulation from somebody with a silver tongue. (His abandoning of the C.O.D. is something that could happen to any of the rest, but his already fragile connection made it a lot easier for him to break ties.)
Strawberry Crepe Cookie: A (possibly robot) child who thought they were abandoned by their kingdom(and which they sadly kinda were). They were alone with only robots to comfort them, do I even need to explain this?
Matcha Cookie: Like Red Velvet, but kinda worse. She was deemed a failure and had EVEN LESS TIME TO GROW OR DEVELOP BEFORE BEING THROWN INTO WORKING FOR THEM (At least, I'm guessing she didn't), plus she didn't have cakehounds to connect with, just her plants.
Butter Roll Cookie: Dude was kiddnapped. Need I say more?
Affogato Cookie: If he didn't join, he would probably be dead. Again, need I say more?
So far, I think this kinda matches up with a cult, but if anyone has a better definition for it, do tell in a reblog or comment.
That's about it, if any more of these guys come out, I'll update this.
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nelkcats 2 years
Spirit Guide
Constantine is showing Billy Batson how to use magic (after discovering the kid doesn't have a mentor and again, IS A KID), they are entering into "Black Magic" and all that, Constantine is moraly grey so Billy don't care.
For practice they summon a Spirit to help Billy with his next classes, Constantine expected it to be dangerous cause you know, champion of magic and all that, but is surprised when into the summoning circle is a 驴Teen? (his age seems to change at times) in a hazma suit judging them. Honestly he is just happy Billy didn't summon a world threat (as far as he knows).
Billy explained Danny the situation and he accepted to help him with magic, he doesn't know a lot about it but can ask Desiree or Ghost Writer for knowledge. He also agreed in helping Billy when needed after heard about the "I am Captain Marvel/Shazam" mess and told him he is a protector spirit himself.
Constantine was amused cause that kind of ghost is rare, maybe the kid just have good luck. After that, Danny goes back and forth to Billy's lessons, helping him in both magic and being a kid hero (with some lessons about ghosts, dimensions and everything useful he can remember), he sees him as an apprentice of some kind. Billy even started calling him "Teacher Phantom".
He told Clockwork about it, completely proud of the boy's progress. Clockwork just judged him for not telling his supposed apprentice that he was the Ghost King but Danny didn't see the point in doing so.
Or at least, he didn't see the point of mentioning it until Constantine summoned the Ghost King for help with one of his subjects and as most of the heroes prepared to fight (cause this was supposed to be an unknown threat and probably hard to convince) Captain Marvel/Shazam was shocked and yelling "TEACHER PHANTOM?"
Which of course made Constantine curse his luck as the league misinterpreted everything. Danny might have made a miscalculation or two, but he didn't want to lose their friendship or tell them he was immortal, he was cut off from humanity for a long time.
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THE ON1Y ONE (2024) I 1.06 They were like: "Oh my, that back is so handsome."
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radiance1 1 year
The members of the Justice League sat in silence, joined by a few members of Justice League Dark.
They were almost ready to start their meeting.
"Where is John Constantine?" Batman stared at those gathered around the table, one spot currently vacant. Zatanna spoke up. "He's coming."
Batman narrowed his eyes.
"I don't know how," Zatanna nodded. "But he's coming."
The table was silent for a few moments, before Superman hesitantly spoke up. "Maybe he's running late?" At Batman's look Superman felt the need to add. "You know, he could've gotten stuck up with another magic user, or something."
Superman brought a hand up to rub at his neck as he laughed awkwardly, before promptly shutting up at the look Batman sent with an even more awkward smile. The silence was notably loud, such that it made it quite easy to determine who and where the sound of crunching came from.
Flash swallowed. "What?" He dug his hand in the bag of chips, only to pout at it being empty. He quickly ran from and to his seat in, well, a flash. Laying down his armful of chips, he picked up one and opened it, back to stuffing his face. "It's not like we're starting yet or anything."
Batman's eyes narrowed.
Flash blinked, looking down at the chips in his hand, the one on the table, and then back at Batman. He picked one up and held it out in his direction. "Want one?"
Batman glared.
Flash hesitantly brought his hand back down, before sticking his hand in his chip bag and eating some more, this time quietly.
Minutes passed by with the various League members gathered around sitting ramrod straight. A few more minutes passed, and they started to relax (except batman), a couple more and some of them started up conversation with each other, with some others joining in.
Batman took the time to work through a few files, giving the occasional grunt and hm whenever Superman and Wonder Woman tried to drag him into their conversation.
It was then that a noticeable heat spread inside the room, rising in temperature with each passing second until it was no longer ignorable. Just then, when the heat reached its highest point, with the members of the League already standing from their seats, a wave of black flame appeared in a circular pattern and the League tensed, magic gathering at the fingertips of some and battle stances being fallen into by others.
The circular flame shot up, high enough to reach the ceiling and not a second later, in its place was a giant mass of flaming feathers curled into a ball.
A groan came from the middle of it, and a few seconds later-with what sounded like a huff- did the mass uncurl just enough to see the owner of said groan.
"Ello." John Constantine raised a hand and gave a two fingered salute. Everyone in the room blinked at the man currently leaning against the- creature? Being?- in just pants. "I would say this isn't what it looks like, but its exactly what it looks like."
Zatanna's eyes narrowed, before she inhaled sharply. "Constantine." She hissed out quietly, as if trying not to draw the being's attention. "What is-" She gestured at the creature. "-He of all beings doing here?!"
"Being used as a living heater."
Zatanna blinked again in surprise as she stumbled over her words. "I- what-?"
"You heard me. It's colder than Santa's tits in our house, and I'm not paying even more money for a heater when I have a living one right here." Constantine deadpanned, very shamelessly sinking back into the mass of feathers behind him and giving a most certainly exaggerated sigh to prove his point.
"But- But he's," Zatanna gestures at the phoenix again, this time with both hands. "Him. How are you okay with this!?" That time she spoke to the phoenix, rather than Constantine.
The being in question peeked open an eye, before huffing in annoyance and closing back its eye.
"So uh," Flash spoke up, rubbing his hands together. "Not to interrupt, but uh, do you mind explaining for the rest of us not in the know?"
Zatanna blinked, staring at the other League members in surprise as if she forgot they were there. She awkwardly coughed into her fist. "Right, yes." She cleared her throat, before gesturing towards the giant mass of feathers. "That being is one of the more infamous of those heralding from the Infinite Realms, because that's its goddamn Duke." Zatanna rubbed her head, as if she were getting a migraine just thinking about it. "Constantine, how did you even-"
"We met on a rainy night, and he lit up my cig and proposed his love for me." Constantine said simply.
The League stared in bafflement. Zatanna had a skeptical look all over her face. "I'm not believing that. It's too much of a stretch, even for you."
Constantine shrugged. "Okay so would you believe me if I said I sold like half my soul and conned this other guy by swearing my soul to this big guy for his protection?" Constantine deadpanned.
"Yes, actually." Zatanna matched Constantine's deadpan with a look of her own.
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mintjeru 2 years
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rough day?
open for better quality | no reposts
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