#that hear a slightly toned down version of these characters in dub
jestpoll · 3 years
JUST found out that the usual Lupin III dub cast recently dubbed part one and let me tell y'all it's certainly A Trip
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kiwikipedia · 2 years
would love to hear your thoughts on the other tcw or whichever voices 👀
also have to agree that the did cin dirty in the show, i think they used dbb actually ajsbhdbssj
ok ok ok ok
so Cin's actually voiced by Robin Atkin Downes, who actually is pretty close to Nick Gillard's actual voice and accent: See here [Downes in TCW] vs [Gillard in RotS Interview]
Now before, I mentioned like half a year ago that i personally like the voice for the Yellow Kyber in Galaxy's Edge's holocron see [here]— but apparently, this guy has a name and its Kolloma Ree and he's my son now, thanks.
Keeping with my trend of redesigning Cin Drallig, my first pick for a new voice for him would be Tony Leung because a.) it fits the redesign (because thats him!! or my attempts at baseing it off of him) and b.) well, it fits. The tone and the vibes are just the best.
I think the mid-low register range that Tony Leung has works best, so around that range for any other voice actors but I cant think of any more off the top of my head right now. Perhaps Ryōtarō Okiayu or Ray Chase who both voice Vlad III in Fate/Apocrypha and Grand Order (And Extella for Okiayu? I think)
I have so many words about using fucking James Arnold Taylor for fucking Plo Koon though. Beppi asked me about it before and i just AAAAAAAAA
I hate it. So much. I understand why they did it, but In my opinion, if you're going to have an important reoccouring character like Plo Koon dont use a repeat voice actor with a voice modifier and a slightly lower pitch.
I have a lot of options that I mentioned before but essentially my two top picks are literally any voice that Jouji Nakata has done though im very partial to his (English) Kotomine Kirei and King Hassan voices, and Kunihio Yasui's Li Shuwen Lancer. Crispen Freeman's English Dub of King Hassan and Alucard (who is also played by Nakata lmao) are also very good options. You can find more on my thoughts for Plo Koon [Here]
obviously, Temura Morrison is forever the voice of the Clones, mhm!
I did actually like Phil Lamar as Kit Fisto though! I thought it was very well done, I wouldn't change much there. Loved the accent fhdjhfjd
I do think its bullshit that Tholme's dead in TCW so I hand him Bill Butts' work as Kyosuke Hori
DBB is fine for Saesee Tiin, he did a good job there, but I still really adore TC Carson's work as him from the 03 series more. You really cannot beat the "It's time to get a new one" from that series.
For most of the TCW i actually dont mind, but also since so many of my favorites are not canon / dont speak at all its a bit tough. Like Tholme here are some takes for some of my others:
The Grand Inquisitor (Baby ver): Lucien Dodge as Lord El Melloi II (Obvs, Jason Isaacs did a fantastic job but Dodge sounds a bit younger than Isaacs and we do know that TCW was a good few years before Rebels. I very much do not like the Kenobi version though fhjdhfjd)
Sha Koon (English ver): Genevieve Simmons as Bort (I did her and Bultar Swan's JP Dub voices [here] same with Bene's !!)
Voolvif Monn: Kaji Tang as Kouen Ren
Oppo Rancisis: I think his voice was pretty OK in the 03 series, but I do like Motomu Kiyokawa's Walter C. Dornez from the original Hellsing Ultimate Sub
I also have OC voice claims/HCs if you're intersested lmao
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dukebeelthazar · 3 years
Blood Omen 2 Review
Hey everyone!
I know it's been a while since my last post, but Taonpest and I were busy finishing our Legacy of Kain Marathon with Blood Omen 2. And I've beaten Blood Omen 2, hell, I've COMPLETED IT by drinking every single character's blood and opening every chest from every chapter! And to anyone who wants to make a LoK marathon, do yourself a favor and skip this game. There's nothing for it.
When I started playing BO2, I thought it was fine. I thought it was one of the most basic action game you would find on PS2 and I was fine with this. But that impression of low-budget yearly action game soon dissipated and became motoneous, frustrating and overall boring. Just to make things clear, I played the PS2 version of the game which is apparently considered the worst port of that game. And you wouldn't know how overjoyed I was when I read that.
One thing that strikes the eye is the graphics. They're okay for a 2002 PS2 game, but, the atmosphere, the aesthetic. There's nothing LoK about it. I know it's technically supposed to be a transition between Blood Omen and Soul Reaver, but to me, it looked more like a WarHammer Fantasy look-alike. The characters are...what they are. Kain and his massive man-tits looks pretty okay, but Vorador looks like an estranged cousin of Shrek who decided to live in the sewers instead of the swamps. Janos looks good. Another thing that sort of annoyed me were the FMV cutscenes. Soul Reaver and its sequel had beautiful FMVs that set the tone of the game and hyped you up. Unlike Soul Reaver, BO2's FMVs were made with the in-game models which makes some shots absolutely ridiculous. Once again, I like to think this is a budget stuff that happened.
Then, there's the actual game and story. Gee, I wonder what the plot could be this time. Oh? It's another revenge story, what a surprise. No surprise here, the story is not only barely existant, but somehow, even the dialogues are actually terrible. All that poesy and Shakespearian-talk from the previous entries? Gone. And it tries so hard to be serious that it's actually hilarious.
The actual gameplay can go fuck itself. The fighting mechanics especially are the biggest pain in the ass. It's clunky and unresponsive and most annoying of all repeating way too much. Every single fight (with the exception of some bosses) are down to the exact same method. You parry 3 to 5 attacks, dodge, attack, knock your enemy down, wait for him to recover, rince and repeat. So imagine spending hours doing the exact same thing with boring puzzles and frustrating platform sequences. I did like the Eternal Prison however with its claustrophobic approach that kinda reminded me of Resident Evil. And then Magnus came in, and what could have lead to a Nemesis-like encounter just fell flat because the AI in this game is as dumb as a brick, which means there are no actual consequences for you to mess around with Magnus. This leads to the boss fights, and if you've played any Legacy of Kain game then you won't be surprised when I tell you that they suck. If Soul Reaver's bosses are on the same level as Crash Bandicoot then Blood Omen 2 is Wrath of Cortex. They are that bad.
I guess I should also mention the sound. Just so you know we played the game in French. Jean Barney and Benoît Allemane reprised their respective roles from the previous Soul Reaver installments (Vorador and Janos for Barney and Kain for Allemane) and it's great to hear them again. We also get VAs new to the franchise like the amazing Phillipe Dumond (voice-over actor of Keith David in French) as the Sarafan Lord and basicaly almost every male NPC from the game.
Unlike SR1 & 2 however, I thought the French Dub to be very hit or miss, making the poor dialogue looking even more dumber than it already is. I like to think this because of direction issues (voice acting for video games in France is very different than in the U.S or Japan) because you couldn't sound as deadpan and monotone as Uma. Maybe this is an adaptation choice? I don't know, but this makes her death scene almost funny to watch. Allemane is playing his dialogue in his usual Kain-fashion (though slightly less "jovial") but some of his lines sound wrong. And then, there is the actor that actually outshines Benoît Allemane: Phillipe Dumond. This man is 90% of the game's dialogue and each time, he delivers especially as the Sarafan Lord. There's also something weird around the end of the game where Vorador changes voice actors in the same cutscene or even mid-sentence. I think the voice-acting for this game was rushed.
That's all I'll say about Blood Omen 2. This game made me feel empty. It actually made me wish I played games I don't like because I think the problem comes from me and not the games themselves.
Blood Omen 2 is a 3/10/. Stay out of its net, brethrens.
P.S: I wish I could stream games, but I don't have the setting nor the actual physical place to do it.
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Film soundtrack: Camelot
I have not seen this film or listened to the album before, so here are my live thoughts as I listen for the 1st time.
NEVER HEARD BEFORE | want to listen to | the worst | BAD | whatever | not my thing | GOOD | great | favorite | masterpiece
01. "Prelude and Overture"
Something about how this begins - it feels like they cut an intro, it just starts and I feel out of the loop. Also, as is usual with Broadway-film adaptations of this era, the orchestrations are larger and a little bite'ier. Pretty strings. Got that 20th Century Fox string sound - but wait, this is a Warners movie -OOOHO WAIT IT'S Alfred Newman conducting [longtime head of the Fox music dept.] heheh so I *am* right. Pretty ballads - "If Ever I Would Leave You". OOH these strings on "If Ever I Would Leave You" are GORGEOUS. And tail out. Beautiful!
02. "I Wonder What The King Is Doing Tonight?"
Richard Harris is a lot friendlier than Richard Burton was in the role of King Arthur on Broadway - and I'm into it. Also, I dig the brighter tempo here - makes it feel like we are indeed on the eve of a momentous occasion (wedding). Okay I wish they'd play with dyamics more - especially on lines like "he's wishing he were in Scottland fishing tonight" or "he's searching high and low for someplace to hide". Missed opportunities for text-painting.
03. "The Simple Joys of Maidenhood"
I can't help compare Vanessa Redgrave to Julie Andrews. Redgrave doesn't have an unpleasant sound, but she's lacking personality. I dig the 'Bolero'y millitaristic snare drum. Much of the joy in Julie's performance is how she mixes surface-level sweetness, and conniving seduction (think Betty White as 'Sue Ann Nivens' on THE MARY TYLER MOORE SHOW). But Redgrave's performance doesn't seem to be all that thoughtful. Also, not a fan of that ending, it doesn't feel like an ending, "Oh, it's over! That was it?", but perhaps it makes more sense with picture.
04. "Camelot and the Wedding Ceremony"
Nice bassoon. ?harpsichord?? So far this arrangement is the closest to the Broadway. I wish the strings were legato/slurred on "by order Summer lingers through September". Maybe I am too mickey-mouse'y with the text painting I want, but I prefer specificity. I like the pulling back the tempo a bit there. Love these woodwind lines! Oooh love it again, we're pulling the tempo down, dynamics, and slurring. Love it. Build. Build back up! YES! Lovely! OOoh this little Medievel winds passage! And the chorus! Oh those woodwinds are gorgeous. I need to learn more about them - recorders??? At first the singers didn't sound especially English, more American. As I listen more, their pronunciation is pretty English. But perhaps the harmonies are very American - like what you'd hear in a Disney movie or Mancini score of the era - so even sung with appropriate pronunciation they sound American?
05. "C'est Moi"
Frano Nero. Never heard of him. He's fine, but feels like a step-down from Robert Goulet. He lacks that clear strong edge that Goulet has. He's not as commanding. When Goulet praises himself, I buy it. Like he has the confidence and strength to really sell what he's singing. This man isn't selling me. Maybe that's a choice - maybe they want us to see him as a phony who's over-selling himself. But I feel like I still have that with Goulet and it's better because you feel like you're reading beetween the lines a little more - like resisting an extremely good/slick car salesman.
06. "The Lusty Month of May"
Nice opening. Pretty. I love the slower tempo for this - enhances the seductivness. Gorgeous strings. And we accel! Nice! Good ?harpsichord? Now I still don't like her as much as Julie, but Redgrave works better here than in "The Simple Joys of Maidenhood", staightforward lustiness is a little easier. This 3' section is nice, though I wish it were faster - a merry-go-round, but slightly unhinged.
07. "Follow Me and Children's Chorus"
Gorgeous, tinkly. Gorgeous chorus. They're stereo ping-ponging the choirs!!!! It's really effective. Oh and the childrens chorus is so sweet. This is a completely different approach than the OBC, but it works so well. Helps that this is an utterly divine song. Favorite track on the album so far, probably to remain so. HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS TRACK.
08. "How To Handle A Woman"
Oooh he's upset and we're fast! This works! Even if he's generally warmer than Burton, Harris can still do angry! And pull it back, sweet and intimate. Oooh this whisper'y smolder bit O.o and now we're past the intro. I kind of like Harris better than Burton - his warmth is really an asset for this character. Oh yikes that Merlin line is very sexist :/.
09. "Take Me To The Fair"
The tempo is - not sure if it's even slower, but it's looser, and I don't like that. The precisely on-the-beat phrasing of the OBC (both vocally and instrumentally) communicates that Guenevere has this all planned out, it's an act, it's a trap, she's manipulating these silly men. Oh, the transition from "well, Sir Sagramore" to "you may sit BY me at the ball" is awful - either she just keeps going through it (but in a weird way) or they did a pickup and spliced her in there so she's slightly overlapping. Sorry Alfred Newman, but this is not IT. Who cast Redgrave? Who thought casting a non-singing actress in a role originally played by a remarkably strong actress-singer? I like the little harpsichord section. Worst Redgrave number so far. An insult to the OBC. I promise this is a good song, got listen to the cast album
10. "If Ever I Would Leave You"
Oh, so we're right into it! Nero's lack of boldness as compared to Goulet kind of works here - sweeter and softer for this intimate love song. Lots of this arrangement is just imitative of the vocal - which is nice but can get a little tiresome when it's not really in-the-pocket. Still this man doesn't have the presence that Goulet does. He just doesn't command your attention. Like this string interlude. Different. Flute :) adding ?oboe? under it. Violins. Now violas? I like it. Oh and I think the violins are doing finger tremolos. Great! The new interludes on this album are gorgeous, when the film people really get to go off and do their own thing, it's great. And are we back to the vocal? Yes, this works. Oh these strings are GORGEOUS. I miss the ?timpani? hits of the original, but actually given that Nero is not as powerful a vocalist, letting the strings lead those hits is a good choice.
11. "What Do the Simple Folk Do?"
Oigg Redgrave. Like the harpsichord and very 'royal' woodwinds. And tambourine. Very medieval. Yay, we DO get a whistling section! This is adorable :) I like this. BOOO Vanessa!!! Oh, I like the "their own folk - throne folk" rhyme, don't remember that from the OBC. Oh and Harris can get big and bold too!!! I really love Richard Harris in this. HE HAS THE RANGE. Oh, is that Marni Nixon? Sounds like her. Did you know the film composer Bronislau Kaper gave her her first break? He needed someone to dub ?Virginia O'Brien?'s singing voice for some picture, and looked in vain until some paige at the studio recommended her fellow-paige, Nixon, and the rest is history! I like this ending! Harris really carries this song on his back.
12. "I Loved You Once In Silence"
The guitar is neat, very different from the OBC - though I confess I don't remember this song as much as the others. See this is something Redgrave can do. Her soft kind of weak voice works for something intimate and straightforward like this. Still, I don't like her voice and every once in a while something in her tone feels so amaeturish that it bugs me. Oh dear, only Redgrave and Nero together. :( they just both seem like space-cases. They're not compelling. Perhaps they have screen presence, but they don't have audio presence.
13. "Guenevere"
Oooh love these ?string harmonics?! Eerie. Like this! The studio chorus is great. Some of the strings are too loud - I suspect that's just a mix issue. Oh I love the tambourine on 2 and 4! I love how large this sounds! That ?horn line? kinda steps on the male vocalists there. Oh I really love every spot the tambourine is here, huh! OH YES! BUILD! GLORIOUS!!!! Oh and the bell.... let the bell toll....... yesesssssssssssss........ fade..... Second-favorite track!
14. "Finale Ultimo" [Camelot (Reprise)]
Aww, Dicky Harris is sad :'( but I love the harp here playing the brass/w.w. figures we heard in "Camelot". Nice clarinets. And the guitar. Nice snare rolls. And here's the big finale! Big chorus! Oooh these harmonies have such body. Love hearing them linger. Get soft. BIG AGAIN! BIG DISNEY MOVIE ENDING!!!!!!!!
Ultimately it's not as tight or well-cast as the original Broadway cast album. Vanessa Redgrave is not a good Guenevere - she lacks the spark, sacharine underhandedness, deliberateness, and vocal chops that Julie Andrews brought to the role; and she doesn't supply anything meaningful in their place. Franco Nero is a watered-down Lancelot and lacks the commanding presence and powerful voice that made Robert Goulet so effective [I did some research and it seems Lancelot's singing voice was dubbed by Gene Merlino]. -2 for them, but +1 for Richard Harris, who brings a warmth to King Arthur that Richard Burton lacks, and yet he is powerful, commanding, even angry when he needs to be. The studio chorus is GORGEOUS and truly one of this album's great strenths. The arrangements/orchestrations are very pretty, though don't always feel as thought-out as the OBC. It's likely a larger orchestra, so I understand that things might not be as tight and you might want to take tempos down for that reason, but it really waters down a few numbers. Ultimately this is an uneven album, the OBC is far better. But at the very least I recommend this version of "Follow Me".
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textsfromthetofu · 4 years
8 Things We Might See in Wakfu Series 4
I sometimes get asked what I think will happen in series 4, and I have genuinely never thought about it much. So I’ve taken a little while to watch the last few episodes of series 3 to refresh my memory and take some time to write down my thoughts and predictions. Given the questions that the end of S3 brought us, this could all be way off base, but I’m going for what I think is most likely to happen. This is quite long so click below to read the whole lot.
1) A darker tone
As ToT mentioned in his blog, the series was dropped by France Télévision in part because it had become too adult, and series 3 continued in that vein - we had Pinpin literally murdered in front of his family, a pregnant Eva impaled by a ‘spell’ and a lot of violence. I think series 4 will go further. I didn’t watch the original OVAs (Noximilien L’Horloger and Goultard le Barbare) until much later after Wakfu, and I was surprised at how dark they were. Nox’s descent into madness in the former is genuinely disturbing, and Goultard le Barbare is full of blood, stabbing and his dead wife and kids hanging from the ceiling WHAT THE HELL ANKAMA.
While I don’t think Wakfu will go quite as dark as those, it’s an indication that, when free from the restraints of a TV channel or Netflix, the creators will lean to a slightly less kid-friendly audience. So I’m expecting more violence (and possibly blood), more mature themes and almost certainly more sex jokes.
2) No English (or any non-French) Dub
This one is something that I pray won’t happen, but I can easily see it. The limited budget for S4 means that Ankama will need to keep their costs to a minimum, and I fear this means that not hiring VAs for overseas dubs will be a way to do this. I’m sure there will be an English subbed version, so it won’t be entirely French-only, and maybe some dedicated fans may step in. But I’m not expecting to hear it in English. 
That said, it’s not all bad. The French VAs are brilliant - even if you don’t understand them, the sound of their voices and the way they speak give you a real sense of emotion and the character.
3) Yugo’s fear
Throughout S3, Yugo’s story has been plagued by the negative effects of him trying to do the right thing. The fallout from using the Dofus in the OVAs (both in terms of the argument with Adamaï and the creation of the Eliotropes), the mind games Oropo played with him over defeating Nox (and feeling responsible for his death) and banishing Qilby will have given him so many regrets. 
That’s why I think the big struggle of S4 will be that of Yugo with himself. He’s still a kid, yet wields huge power that has the potential to destroy lives - he’s saved countless lives too, of course, but he has (indirectly) killed because of it, and that’s what he focuses on. Yugo wants to save everyone, and those he doesn’t haunt him. His fear of doing the same again will make him reluctant to fight, maybe even refuse to get involved, and he’ll need to beat his inner demons and use his power for good to help the rest of them. But he won’t be the only one who can help...
4) The Gods
Since S3 ended with our heroes and the Brotherhood stranded in Inglorium, the realm of the Gods, it’s very likely we’re going to meet them. Initially, I think this will give us a bit of light relief (I mean, imagine Ruel meeting Enutrof!), but ultimately, its their power that will be needed to help return everyone to the World of Twelve. I can’t imagine convincing them to use that much power will be particularly easy.
5) Return of the Eliatropes
I’m not entirely sure how this will link into their being in Inglorium, but I’m reminded of what Balthazar said at the end of S2: Yugo is not ready to rule over the Eliatropes, and the World of Twelve is a dangerous place to have the Eliacube. Well, great news Balthazar, the Eliacube was destroyed (I assume). I think that Yugo ultimately winning the battle with his fears, and being instrumental in saving the gods will become proof that he is ready to assume the responsibility of being King again.
6) A happy ending... but definitely an ending
I love a good happy ending, and I’m sure we’ll get one, unlike S3. Here’s why - the season 3 we got, according to ToT, was the first half of the season he had planned, so the ending was written with the intention of it being continued. Of course, it wasn’t, so we got a real cliffhanger and that’s why everyone’s so desperate for closure! 
Season 4 will be written with the intention of ending Yugo’s story. There almost certainly won’t be a season 5, so they’ll need to wrap up the story. That, to me, means a happy ending - it’ll happen, but we’re going to go through a lot first. But eventually, everything will return to a peaceful, happy life.
7) Yumalia Endgame
Come on, it’s going to happen. Yugo’s rejection of Amalia during S3 really hurt, but that smile he gave her right at the end... he loves her!
I think they will sort out the awkwardness fairly early on, but Yugo will remain adamant that he and Amalia can never be together. As the season progresses, I think either he’ll change his mind, or the power of the gods will come into play. Could they make Amalia age as slowly as Yugo - remember the time trap where Oropo tells her that her beauty can never be tarnished by time? Maybe she already has the slow aging thing down!
Either way, I’m fairly certain that they will be together by the end of the show. And talking of the end, I’m afraid to say that I think Amalia will return to find her father has died. I’m not sure how the monarchy of the Sadida works, but could she become Queen? And with Yugo King of the Eliatropes, their relationship would be a united force!
8) If it doesn’t happen...
Of course, all this is dependent on the upcoming crowdfunding being successful. I hope to God it is, but I worry that the amount it takes to create even half a dozen episodes will be more than we can manage. However, if it doesn’t, I can imagine there being a graphic novel or something similar to round off the story. I know ToT wants to finish the story as much as we want him to!
The downside to this is that, in common with the last couple of books of Wakfu: The Manga, it’s unlikely to be released outside France or in any other languages. The upside is that I’ll probably translate it in some way (doing a whole scanlation of Book 5 of the manga was a time-consuming task, so whether I’ll do that again is debatable), so in the event they substitute the series for the printed word, if Ankama won’t do it, I will make sure the English-speaking fans won’t go without.
So that’s what I think. I’d love to hear what you think will happen (and why you think I am so very wrong about everything!)
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jenna-ortega · 5 years
Captured (A Jonathan Wolfe Story)
Summary: Jonathan Wolfe, a 1984 AHS inspired character, killing anyone who gets in the way of his mission. And his mission is you.
Warnings: 18+, dub-con, abuse, manipulation, and other adult contents. Plot heavy at first. Please DO NOT READ if you are triggered easily. This is incredibly dark, read at your own risk. 
Word Count: 11.5k
Authors Note: Hello lovelies, here it is. Heads up, the POV changes to third person when the hash slinging slasher does his thing. Thank you to everyone who sent in asks, i’ve used some of your ideas and words for our blessed Jonathan. 
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“Mom!” you screamed from the top of the steps,
“Did you move my bags?” you rushed to find the three bags you had packed for your camping trip, packing lightly? you tried, but to no avail. Your friends parents had a cabin up in Lake George, NY. Fancy, but still woodsy. You and a group of your friends were going away as a farewell to high school. The summer right before you go away to college was promised to be a memorable one, and with this camping trip, you knew one thing for sure. You and your friends would be leaving each other, but at least you had one last time to go over all your high school endeavors.
You’d been looking forward to this camping trip all summer long, running into your room, you sat down at your vanity, thinking over all the details of the trip.
“Y/n, get your ass over here!” your head swinging to the left to see your friend Ana calling you over from her locker. You rolled your eyes playfully, walking over to her calling out a low “what”,
“You’re coming to the cabin this summer right? everyones going. Even Jackie’s weird ass cousin. If you’re not coming i’ll kill you, so keep that in mind.” she shoved your shoulder slightly, smiling wide at you for your long awaited reply. She’d asked you about the cabin a few months back as well, but you still weren’t sure if that’s actually what you wanted to do. I mean, alone getting drunk and crazy with a bunch of juveniles wasn’t the scene you wanted to be in, you wanted to try and turn yourself into a responsible college kid, but…never the less,
“i’ll be there, Ana. Swear.”
“Cross your heart and hope to die swear?”
“Yesss, cross my heart and hope to die.”
~Flashback end~
Ever since then, you were held to it. You never liked flaking on plans, the pressure of fitting in constantly in your head. If you skip enough events, they’ll forget about you. If you don’t put in enough effort, they’ll leave you behind. So here you were, 3 packed bags deep and a Jeep outside filled with your friends, honking for you to come outside.
Your bedroom door creaked open, your mom standing there with your bags,
Were you ever ready? To drain your social battery with a weekend in the woods. To have to put on a false facade of confidence, to pretend like you weren’t terrified of the future and what it holds. Ready?…
“As ready as I can be.”
You walked outside, struggling with all three of your bags as every single person in the jeep watched you,
“Get in loser! we’re going camping.” Cheye screamed to you, giggling alongside your other friends. Your eyes zoomed at Jackie in the drivers seat, Ana in the passengers. Cheye, Evan, and Billy in the backseat.  
Billy reached over, hanging out the window looking you up and down,
“We’re all filled up here, looks like you’ll be sitting with our bags in the trunk, but if you’d rather sit on my lap…we can have that arranged” his voice sultry, winking back at you, bitting his bottom lip as you continued walking to the car.
“Ew! shut the fuck up billy, you’re gross” Jackie turned from the drivers seat, reaching back to pull him by the shirt back to his original spot in the car, slapping his arm for good measure,
“What?? i’m just fucking joking!!”
You could barely hear them arguing as you lost your balance, tripping on yourself, with only your bags catching your fall. “fuck” you whispered to yourself, not long after you felt yourself dragged back up, you took in a breath, surprised at the sudden help up.
Once you were back on your feet, your eyes met the gaze of his. His eyes icy blue, the waves in his dark brown hair as prominent as ever, and you could see he barely had any stubble, but it was there. You were surprised to see him, it’d been so long since the last time.
“Jonathan!” you wiped the bottom of your dress down, fixing yourself after your fall.
“Y/n, you alright?” he had you by one arm, eyebrows furrowed as he was quite obviously worried. You were staring into his eyes, not even hearing what he was saying, just flustered from his touch. Oh how reactive you were to it.
“Oh..um, yeah. Yeah im alright, thank you” you spat out, stumbling over your words as he smiled while you did so. Chuckling to himself as he noticed your anxious ways.
“Stop jerking him off and get in the car!” Ana screamed, an eruption of laughs following behind. You breathed out loudly, clearly not in the mood for the joke. Already embarrassed, you picked up one of your bags, quickly being stopped by him while you tried to go for the second one.
“I’ve got it, y/n. You know, you could ride with me? I’m driving in with my own car, and you’d have leg room. You wouldn’t have to sit with the bags…in the trunk. Or on that losers lap.” he joked, already going to lift your bags up. You were nervous to say yes, but honestly it seemed like a better deal than having to deal with billy or the trunk.
“I mean, who could say no to leg room, right?” you laughed out, walking with Jonathan to his car. Your answer eliciting a slight smirk from him, you watched as he nodded his head, “Right.”
He opened the trunk to his black Mercedes Benz, throwing your bags into it, unlocking the passengers door and opening it up for you right after. He slammed your door shut, securing you in his car as he walked up to the drivers side door of the jeep, your guess was to talk to Jackie.
“Jackie, we’ll follow your car. Send me the address too, i’ll see you there”
You heard his words faintly, watching him tap the side of the car as he walked back to his drivers side, getting in slowly. You admired his profile, he was always a looker, even when you were younger. You always thought he was cute, but he always thought of you as his cousins younger friend. You knew he was just nice. But you weren’t the only one who had thought these things.
“Damn he’s fucking fineeee” Ana drew out her words, looking over at jackie with a shit eating grin.
“Fuck off, he’s my cousin.”
“And? You can’t tell me you wouldn’t climb that man like a tree if tomorrow ancestry told you he was 3 times removed?”
“Ew Ana…shut up” jackie laughed, putting the car into drive and speeding off.
Just about halfway there, the car ride’s been mostly silent, with just some small talk. You didn’t really know him that well, only knew what Jackie told you. And outside of one or two personal experiences with him you couldn’t say you’d got any sort of vibe from him. Other than lowkey crazy.
“So, do you think he likes you?” Ana pressures you to speak, you’d just finished explaining what went down between you and some guy you met out at a club you snuck into. He kept blowing up your phone, sending you snap after snap, even going through the lengths of calling you.
“Well, duh he likes her! the question is, does she like him?” jackie chimed in from the other side of the kitchen, you’d all been in her house for your version of taco tuesdays. A sort of tradition after awhile, it’s really just an excuse to be in the same room at the same time without having to worry about anything else.
All eyes were on you to answer the question. You’d just met him, barely even got a good look at his face, it was so dark in the club,
“I mean, i think he’s cute? i’m not sure. I don’t even know the guy. He’s been blowing up my phone, a real wierdo if you ask me. He even left me 4 voicemails!” you admitted, eyes glued to jackie as she pours a little too much taco seasoning onto the impression beef.
“Don’t you think that’s a bit much?” your head swiveling to see where the voice came from, your face already bunched up with annoyance at the opinion nobody asked for. Who does this guy think he is commenting on shit he didn’t know?
“Don’t you think that’s a bit much seasoning?” he corrected himself, staring at Jackie, “Well, maybe that’s what you need when you’re eating fake meat, but i guess that’s none of my business.” his eyebrows raised slightly, smirking at the blonde haired girl standing tall above the counter,
“Nobody asked you, Jonathan. What happened? My brother kick you out of his room? you felt the need to bless us with your unwanted presence.” she sassed, making sure to throw a sarcastic smile back at him,
“I came down here cause something smelled good. And of course i love a good gossip session. Introduce me to your friends.” you watched as he leaned against the wall, arms crossed, giving us a better view of his toned arms.
“Jonathan, this is y/n and ana, y/n and ana, this is my cousin, Jonathan. Pay no mind.”
“I’ll pay all the mind i want, hello Jonathan. What a pleasure it’s been, you want some tacos? we have options…” ana flirted, winking at him from across the table. You zoned out, turning back to face Ana, leaning on your hand. Your phone buzzing again,
“Fuck, it’s him again.”
You watched the room sigh, looking down at the 4 messages, you were just about to open them up until you felt a slight nudge of your seat, your phone pulled from your hands,
“Hey!! what the f–”
“Ah-ah-ah, i’m helping you.” you turned to see Jonathan scrolling through your messages, concentrating on reading everything this random guy sent you. He scoffed, shaking his head at your phone,
“Men like this will never learn. Fucking animals. I’ll fix this problem for you.” he played around with the phone a bit longer, finally bringing it up to his ear, and at that point you lunged for the phone,
“No!! no what are you doi-”
“Hello? Yeah. This is y/n’s boyfriend, if you contact this number again i will fucking find you and rip your limbs off piece by piece until only your dick is left, then i’ll blend it up and feed it to your family. Got it? got it.” your eyes widened, mouth hanging open as he pressed the end call button, handing you your phone back.
“Don’t let these assholes treat you like that. You deserve better.” his words kinder than you’d thought. You grabbed your phone back quickly, looking down at text thread stunned.
“Holy shit Jonathan, that was awesome…” Ana’s reaction of pure shock,
“Jonathan, you’re a psycho” Jackie turned around, pushing his shoulder so he’d lose balance slightly.
“What can I say? People like that need to be scared straight sometimes.”
~Flashback end~
You stared at Jonathan, watching him squeeze the steering wheel as your intense gaze got longer. You just couldn’t keep your eyes off of him, something about him was so…mesmerizing.
“You know staring is rude” he didn’t even have to turn his head to look at you to feel your eyes on him.
“oh god–..i’m sorry” your flustered words barely comprehensive, looking straight back to the road feeling your hands sweat from anxiety. You turned in your seat awkwardly, picking at your thumbs to do anything but look back at him.
“It’s okay doll, you don’t have to be sorry, i’m only kidding,” you felt his hand pat your thigh, causing you to jump up slightly at the sudden touch.
“Yes y/n…”
“Where have you been? I mean…i haven’t seen you since i was like 16, i just–..sorry, sorry, i don’t know. It’s none of my business anyway.” you sighed, regretting even asking the question you’ve been wanting to ask for the whole car ride. He just virtually disappeared, after going to college you thought maybe he just deaded everyone around him.
“Don’t be sorry, y/n. I’ve been around. My-” you watched him stop his sentence, taking a deep breath in and exhaling, changing his position on the steering wheel,
“My parent’s passed away my freshman year in college, i just, kind of disappeared after that. Dropped out, had to deal with a lot of family stuff. I’ve just been reconnecting with my other family this year. I still think this was a pity invite, but i kind of needed a weekend away from everything.”
You looked him up and down, realizing how much more you regret asking him,
“Jesus, Jonathan i’m sorry. I didn’t mean to bring this up for you. Jackie didn’t even tell me, i had no clue.” you placed your hand on his shoulder, trying to comfort him in the littlest way possible.
He took your hand off his shoulder, grabbing it to his chest, holding it there for just a second before bringing it up to his lips and leaving a light kiss on the back of it.
“You’re fine, i like talking to you. You were always my favorite.” he turned to you with a smile, letting your hand go as he turned his blinker on to take the next exit.
“Almost there.”
All you heard was the car driving over an abundance of leaves and branches, finally looking over to see this long awaited house sitting right on the lake. Your heart rushed, excited for what’s to come.
You watched as all of your friends hoped out of their cars, still staying idle with Jonathan, waiting for him to make the first move out,
“Why don’t you go with them, i’ll get our bags and bring them inside.” Jonathan offered, leaning down to pull the latch for the trunk as you turned the knob to your door, hurrying out,
“Sounds good! i’ll see you inside,”
And with that, you ran up the stairs of the house, opening the door to find a two level cabin, at least 4 rooms on the second floor, huge living room with a fireplace, everything you could have imagined,
“Shit Ana, this is amazing” exclaiming excitedly, running towards the moose head centered right above the fire place, examining it thoroughly,
“Yeah, it’s been in my family forever. We just built up, this shit used to be a one level,” quickly cut off by Cheye, grabbing Evans hand and running straight up the stairs,
“DIBS ON THE BIGGEST BED”, she looked back, winking at the group. A flushed red color soon appeared on Evans cheeks, he could never keep up with Cheye’s sex drive.
“You kids have fun,” jackie dropped her bags off, pulling her hair up in a bun.
“Let’s explore.” billy pulled you by your arm, dragging you off towards the kitchen, having to catch your footing halfway through.
The kitchen was decently sized, a huge window above the sink outlooking the backyard, the view of trees and woods made you feel so small. Like, the whole word is back there, and we’re in this cabin. If you looked to the right, there was a small lake, a dock attached with wooden planks scattered everywhere.
You got lost looking out the window, not even noticing Billy sneak up behind you, grabbing your hips steady. Your body jumped up, pushing back as you swung around to face him,
“Dude, what are you doing” you brought your hands to his chest, pushing him away further.
“What?–” his voice raising in pitch defensively, “I’m just looking at the beautiful view, don’t you wanna go for a swim later?” his eyebrow raised, shining his pearly whites at you.
“I’ll go for a swim, but not with you.” you crossed your arms, putting all your weight onto one foot, perusing your lips as a fuck you to him.
“Awe,” Billy brings his hand to your face, rubbing your cheek in circular motions as you’re pinned to the sink, wishing you could pull back further,
“Always playing so hard to get, huh?”
Before anything else can be said, the kitchen door to the back swings open, hitting he wall with a loud “thud” that can be heard throughout the house.
You both look to the door, a tall handsome man standing, not saying a word just eyes locked to billys, the tension in the room was sharp, you could cut it with a knife.
“Who’s this guy again?” he turned to you, leaning over you as he placed both his hands on the sink on either side of you.
“I’m jackie’s cousin, Jonathan.” his voice monotoned, completely still in the same spot he’d walked in.
Billy finally relieved you by raising his posture, walking away from you and closer to Jonathan,
“Well…Jackie’s cousin,–” you watched as Billy moved closer to Jonathan, getting right in his face. Jonathan standing up straighter than before if that was possible, a slight smirk on his face that angered Billy even more.
“It’s been a pleasure.” billys sarcastic tone was accompanied by him brushing shoulders with Jonathan, pushing him back slightly as he walked out back, completely leaving you and Jonathan alone.
You let out an audible breath of relief, rolling your eyes as you turned to your side, leaning against the counter, watching Jonathan’s features lighten up as he looked at you.
“Your phone, it was on the floor of my car.” he handed you back your Iphone, smiling as he placed his hands in his back pockets.
“Thank you! i honestly thought i had it on me…but-anyway, don’t pay mind to billy. He’s an asshole.” you confessed, shrugging your shoulders casually.
“Oh trust me, i see that now.” he laughed slightly, humming at the end of his statement, walking closer to you, this time you weren’t cornering yourself, letting him walk directly face to face with you.
“Let me know if he bothers you again, y/n.” his large hand moving from his back pocket to your jawline, moving his finger along it. You felt yourself push into his touch, goosebumps rising to your skin.
You thought back to how he helped you with your problem all those years ago, wondering if he was the same old him or if his parents loss really did change him in some way. You wanted to figure out what happened, although he’s been nothing but amazing, you just, feel, something out of the ordinary. A sixth sense.
“I will, Jonathan. I’ll tell you.”
The slight breeze of the summer night was unlike any other. The perfect night. You and your friends circled around a fire pit, you had at least 3 s’mores by now. Laughs echo’ing through the woods as everyone had enough alcohol in their system to make them feel good.
You had a cup of some godforsaken drink Cheye had made, tasted like every alcohol on earth mixed together to create a death juice.
You had taken just a few sips, before putting it back down at your feet, you were the only sober one there, not caring to be trashed out of your mind.
“What? you don’t like my finest quality beverage?” Cheye asked, sipping her drink and leaning into Evan.
“I love it!, just, not really in the mood to drink.” you admitted, taking a bite of your s’more.
Billy moved closer to you, his hand falling on your thigh, causing you to adjust yourself, pushing him off.
“Why don’t you have fun, y/n, come on. Don’t be a buzz kill.” billy pressured, he grabbed the drink from the ground, bringing it up to your lips for you. Pouring it basically on you, forcing you to take huge sips.
“Billy, stop, if she doesn’t want to drink fuck off” Ana pulled the cup away from your face, grabbing it away from billy.
You coughed up a bit, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand,
You heard billy mumble under his breath, swore he said “losers” following it up by being more obnoxious,
“Speaking of, where’s that Josh kid?”
“Don’t be a dick. His name is Jonathan and he’s my cousin, take it easy on him. He’s had a…rough few years.” her voice lower as she spoke out the last few words.
“I saw him go up to his room before we came out, he’s not a very social person it seems.” Evan quietly added, Cheye sitting directly on his lap, hand tangled in his hair.
“But you aren’t either baby” she teased, kissing along his neck, leaving bruise like marks everywhere.
“Get a room!” Ana joked, sticking her finger in her mouth suggesting she was going to throw up.
“Well…we just might”
Cheye jumped up, jogging towards the back door, turning back to look at Evan,
“Last one there is on top!” which caused Evan to rush over, trying to beat her inside.
You smiled through the ache, feeling more lonely than ever seeing how they interacted. It’d been awhile since your last boyfriend, losing hope after every guy treated you the same. Nobody matched your love language, nobody.
“I’m gonna go too, Jackie come with I want to show you where we keep the good whiskey.”
Soon after that, it’d just be you and Billy alone, just what you needed.
You got up, ignoring him next to you, walking to the lake, finally getting to the boardwalk, lifting your jeans to leave room for your feet to dangle, getting down to feel the temperature. Ohh, cold. You still sat, your feet grazing the water, leaning back on your hands to look up at the stars. Everything would change after this summer. This was your last summer of feeling free, feeling like you had your whole life ahead of you, feeling like you actually had things figured out. Go to college, get a job, live your life. What you’d been taught since you were young. You weren’t one to ditch the status quo.
You felt yourself being nudged, almost losing your balance at the edge of this dock,
“Ugh! Chill the fuck out” you looked up at the man, short brown hair and a patchy beard,
“Let’s get in. I told you we’d swim,” he began taking his shirt off, halfway through unbuttoning his jeans, you sat up, walking back from the lake,
“Swim yourself, asshole.” you ran inside, the screen door slamming behind you, you walked in to an empty house, Cheye and Evan upstairs doing god knows what, Jackie and Ana somewhere hidden finding her parents stash of expensive stuff, and Jonathan…who was..in his room?
Sounded like a good idea to you as well, running to the empty room you had decided was yours, shutting the door behind you. You jumped on the creaky bed, getting comfortable against the headboard. Putting your beats headphones on, nothing would interrupt you and your playlist now.
“I FUCKING WILL THEN!” Billy replied, screaming at the girl who’d walked off from him and into the house. He still continued to rid himself of his clothes, stripping down to his boxers, “fucking stupid bitch”
He jumped in, splashing water everywhere in his path, shivering from the temperature. He dunked his head in the water, getting his face wet, soon returning to the surface, his hands wiping his eyes, snap
He turned his head to the sound, smiling thinking he’s gotten what he wants.
“So, you are gonna join me after all? I knew you’d come to your senses babe.” his smug response echo’ed as he swam to the source of the sound, just a bit further down the lake. Arriving at the land, he was just out of distance from the site of the house, nothing but trees if he walked a few feet.
“Baby?” he called out, looking around at the pitch black woods, smiling, you’re just hiding from him, he thought.
“Don’t hide baby, come to daddy–” he used his upper strength, about to hop out of the lake,
“I’m right here babe” a deep low voice coming out of the woodworks, billy’s eyes widened, looking up at the surprise, “what the f-” trying to finish his words before Jonathan’s hand pushed him back down, keeping him under the water, gripping his hair so he couldn’t swim away.
“I swear i’ve never heard you so quiet.” Jonathan laughed to himself, Billy’s thrashing under his hand, feeling the intrusion of water into his lungs, filling his body, nowhere to go but further down. Soon blacking out, his thrashing completely halted, taking his last breath, his grip on Jonathan’s hand falling, signaling his demise.
“Now what am i gonna do with you? hmm?” Jonathan’s first kill of the night such a satisfying one, but will anyone else be on his list for the night?
You’re in and out of consciousness as your playlist is on it’s final song, threatening to repeat for the second time that night. You could barely stay awake, yawning as you turned over on your side, facing away from your door, trying to let sleep take over. Jackie and Ana still in her parents private separated shed like house, absolutely nothing going on as far as you’re concerned.
You could barely hear anything, that included a few doors down, Cheye and Evan going at it like rabbits, fucking each others brains out. Evan was last up to the bed, unfortunate for him,
“Fuck Evan,” Cheye panted, digging her nails into his back, dragging them down as she giggled,
“Deeper” she begged, wanting to feel him fill every part of her, but instead, she sighed at the sudden feeling of emptiness, opening her eyes to see Evan being dragged off of her,
“WHAT THE FUCK MAN” Evan screamed, dropping to the floor as he tripped over the bed frame, his shaggy hair in his eyes, barely able to see his attacker,
Cheye pulled the blankets over her naked body, a sense of absolutely dread washed over her as the shine from the large knife accompanying Jonathan caught her eye.
“Wh-what are you doing man? hey, hey–” Evan’s voice cracking as Jonathan strolled over to him, evan crawling backgrounds to try and get as far away from him as possible,
“You know….” Jonathan began, leaning down to grab him by his thick curls, looking from Cheye to him, smiling at the fear stamped onto her face, making sure all eyes were on him.
He swung the knife around, so everyone was aware of it, “I really liked you two. So fun-” he adjusted the knife to sit at evan’s throat, causing him to jump, whining in fear, silent sobs and “please’s” dripping from his lips.
“Young love i suppose.” his hair falling as he looked down at evan, smirking at his next victim,
“Since i like you, i’ll make this fast” the next thing heard was Cheye’s scream, watching as Jonathan sliced evan’s neck to the bone, blood squirting out all over, staining the hardwood floor.
“PLEASE! Please you don’t have to do this Jonathan, please don’t do this, please i won’t tell anybody! let me go i won’t–” Jonathan launched at her, pulling the blanket from her body to reveal all of her. Crawling on top of her, hovering as she fell deeper into the bed, tears staining her cheeks as she turned her head away from him.
“Oh, but i do have to do this, Cheye.” his hand traveling up her leg as the other was positioned right next to her head, knife in hand. He rubbed small circles on her thigh, looked down at the masterpiece he had in front of him. His hands closing in on her heat, feeling her shaking underneath him, “please-”
His eyes snapped at her, feeling him throw daggers at her, she cried loudly,
“Just keep it down, sweetheart. I just need you to keep it down.” She listened for now, closing her eyes tight as he reached her center, slightly parting her legs so he could have a better look. “I’ll spare you if you show me what you’re all about.” but he knew he wouldn’t spare her. He just loves to see the hope in her eyes, still jumping at his every movement not knowing what he will do next.
“P-please, d-don’t hurt me” Cheye pleaded, arms at her side, still as ever, still not facing him, but opting to face to the side, getting a glimpse of the light shimmering off his blade. Sharpened just for her.
“I’m not gonna hurt you yet, darling. Do as I say and I’ll keep you alive.” He lied effortlessly, laughing at her small cries. Screaming out, she betrayed his word, knowing he warned her to be quiet.
“Didn’t I say to keep it down?” He spoke between his teeth, getting up just to grab the tape he had left at the edge of the bed, unraveling it as Cheye began screaming louder,—“PLEASE DONT DO THIS!!” the last words she got out before he placed a large strip of tape over her mouth.
Cheye’s muffled screams were now the only thing filling the room, barely anything audible due to the tape. Squirming in bed against the sheets, paralyzed with fear as she watched him grab a red marker from the counter. Her eyebrows furrowed as he walked over, straddling her once again, bringing the sharpie to her bound lips. Marking it up in the oddest way, not realizing what he could have been drawing.
A pair of red lips,—
He leaned over seconds after marking up her tape. Leaving a small peck on the grey strip.
“I had to make sure those pretty little lips weren’t hidden from me.”
Without a warning, he shoved the knife into her neck, her squirming automatically ceasing, choking on her own blood, feeling it seep from the duct tape over her lips, dripping down her chin, the last thing she felt before everything went black, the last sight of her killer burned into her head.
Jonathan’s third murder of the night. Look’s like there’s no stopping him on his road to you.
You’re woken up out of a dead sleep, wondering if it was the night after, feeling your head pounding, your head feeling heavy even when you look to the side to check the the time, 3 a.m. Fuck. You didn’t even know when you’d fallen asleep, all you know is your headphones are still on and your phone battery was on 5%.
You fixed your hair down, yawning as you stretched out of bed.
“Cheyeeee,” you called out, opening the door to your room to look out in the hall.
You waited a few seconds before you didn’t get an answer to walk out, looking over the banister, finding nobody in sight. Not bothering to call out her name again, you walked to her room.
Nothing. You looked inside, just saw the sheets and blankets messed up, clothes everywhere, and not one person to answer your calls. You figured they went for a late night swim, walking into the room to look out the window, hmm, nobody outside? you thought to yourself. Thoughts swaying in your mind of where people could be. It’s so weird of everyone to just ditch you, but you remembered Jonathan being in his room. At least he still has to be here.
Wrong. Walking to his room, you were yet again let down by the silence. Shit.
“Jonathannnnn? Jackieeeee? anyoneeeee home?” you once again called out, this time over the banister, but no answer….you did however notice the front door wide open, “Was that door always open?”
Jackie and Ana, drunk on the floor of the shed, instead of a wall of tools, just bottles and bottles of collectable whiskeys, giggles coming from the dimly lit shack.
“Jackie, o h my god … is it hot in here?? fuck im hot. Fuck…i think we…i think we drank just a weeee bit too much” her words slurred, leaning against Jackie as she closed her eyes, the world spinning behind her lids.
“No my darling, you, drank too much. Nobody told to down 3 glasses of very politely sized Macallan 15 year.” she joked, pulling Ana back up to sit against the wall,
“That’s where you are very. very wrong.” she pointed at Jackie, or at least tried to. Pointing at the door instead,
“I definitely told myself to drink those glasses.” she winked, downing her last glass of the evening.
Jackie turned her head, eyes squinting looking out of the shed,
“What?” Ana notices her small pause,
“Did you just hear my name? I swe-” Jackie panicked, but Ana put her finger to her mouth to shush her,
“Looks like i’m not the only drunk one after allllllll” her voice higher pitched, laughing at her own comedic genius. Jackie figured she was maybe a little drunk, ignoring the clear yelp of her name.
You walked down the steps, careful of your every movement, constantly looking behind you, paranoid someone was just trying to prank you. You walked curiously around the steps, slowly making your way to the back door. A small light caught your eye, a door slightly cracked open in the kitchen, across the the window outlooking the backyard, and adjacent from the backdoor. You hadn’t even noticed it the first time you were in here.
You opened the door, barely able to see, the light had to be almost out, you looked down, it was the moonlight shining from a small window in what you thought was some sort of basement. “Helloooo, anyone down here??” you called out, taking it upon yourself to begin to walk down the steps, creaking each step down.
At the bottom of the stairs, you looked to your left, seeing nothing but one small window, shining light on a whole lot of nothing. Your hairs standing as you begin to feel your breathing pick up,
“This isn’t fucking funny, guys.” you crossed your arms, huffing out the statement, turning to your right to see the shine of a string attached to what looks like a bulb. You follow the string, determined to get to it, barely able to reach as you slipped back. Your elbows catching your fall…fuck, you grabbed your head, rubbing to soothe the dull ache. Bringing your hands back to the front of your face, feeling some sort of substance on them. what the fuck?
You wiped your hands on your pants, figuring it was some disgusting water. Finally reaching up,  pulling the string, immediately lighting up the room and showing you your red stained hands.
You jumped back, gasping down at your palms, only later picking up your head to noticed the three bodies laid atop each other in the corner of the basement.
Grey. Your vision going grey as your heart started to palpitate, getting out one scream, “JACKIEE–” before you felt a hand cover your mouth, grabbing your whole body against theirs. A pinch to your neck, a pull of your hair. Grey. Or was it black? You couldn’t remember. The needle you wouldn’t remember later being injected into your neck carrying a substance that’d knock a black bear out. Last thing you’d remember was leaning against a warm body, passing out as if you never even woke.
“Ana!!! shut up…i swear to fucking god i just heard it again.” now fixing to stand, Jackie grabs the counter to lift herself up.
“Heard whaaaa?” Ana’s eyes closing as she leans against the wall, still in the same sitting position as before.
“My name! jesus, Ana, no more drinks for you. Stay here, i’m gonna go see what’s up.”
“Stay here im gonna go see whats up” Ana mimics in a high squeaky voice, squinting her eyes and waving her hands around, “Whatever, you do that…but in horror movies you’re the one who dies…i don’t make the rules” she said nonchalantly, Jackie rolling her eyes, “ok drunkie” she mumbled under her breath, leaving her there to sober up.  
15 minutes or so goes by, what feels like an hour to Ana. Her eyes closed as shes trying to keep herself awake. She barely heard the door of the shed slam back shut as if someone entered,
“Ohhhh so i see miss sober is back and still alive…” she begins, eyes still half shut as she works to get herself up off the ground, “I guess my horror movie knowledge is shit,-” she stood facing the door now, realizing who she was looking at was definitely not “miss sober”
“Look who it is. Mr. tall and handsome. What a lovely surprise.” she sloppily walks over to Jonathan, swinging her hands around his neck, bringing him down for a kiss he didn’t pull back from.
Their lips stuck together, the taste of high end whiskey now transfer’d to his lips. Soon she’d move to kissing his jaw line, somehow both of them moving backwards. Her leather skirt rising up as her back hit the table under the whiskey shelves. Humming in approval, she pulled away from Jonathan, looking at his dark eyes,
“I guess i’m lucky tonight, baby” she went back to attaching herself to his neck, kissing and sucking at the skin, leaving all of her love bites for him, “I guess you are” he replied, watching her stop for a minute to smell him slightly,
“mm..you smell..you smell like Japanese cherry blossom…uhh..have you been fuckin Cheye too?” Ana pushed against his chest, too drunk to have any sort of filter,
“Shhhh, stop talking, i was just having fun.” he turned Ana around, pushing her head onto the table, lifting her skirt to rip off her black thong, her body shook as he did.
She shook her butt slightly, teasing him as she looked back to him. Watching him smile in victory, he begins to unzip his pants, releasing himself to line up with her core. Fucking her instantly, gripping her shoulder for leverage as he began his violent thrusts, shaking the whole table.
Her moans loud as he took what he wanted, pushing her face into the desk further, growling at the way she hugged him.
“ah fuck,–” one brutal thrust and the table shakes enough to knock over several whiskey bottles, crashing and breaking onto the table around her, one even hitting her in the head, but not hard enough to crack,–
“OOOWWW” she went to raise her hand, a bump rising faster than she could think, her wrist now gripped by Jonathan as he slams it back down,
“I got that for you, sweetheart” gripping the slender bottle, and pulling back on it, slamming it back down onto her head. Shattering it everywhere, blood pouring from her scalp as she starts to scream. Jonathan pulling out of her, tucking himself back in as he gets a handle on her. Grabbing her by the hair and pulling her up, smashing her face back onto the broken shards of glass all around the table. Multiple times, over, and over, and over, until her body fell limp in his arms, falling to the ground in a puddle of blood.
Jonathan kicked her body, making sure she was as dead as she could be, leaning down to pull her shoulder back, taking in what he’d done. Glass buried deep and contusions everywhere on her face. He was always silent when he was ready to kill, never letting people get him distracted. He picked a particularly large piece of glass from her skin, examining before flicking it to the side and bringing his eyes back to her.
“Oh…you were right. You do have shitty horror movie knowledge.”
Jackie walked inside, investigating the house, upstairs, in every room, but nothing. Her path the same as yours, each room, Jonathan’s room, down the stair, to the kitchen…hmm…a door? She went to reach for the handle, instantly jumping back as Jonathan opened the back door, out of breath, falling to his knees.
“WE HAVE TO GET OUT OF HERE THERE’S A KILLER, EVERYONES GONE, THEY’RE ALL DEAD, JACKIE, THEY’RE ALL DEAD,” his breathing heavy, his hand to his heart as Jackie rushes to him, kneeling on the ground with him, holding his shoulders steady,
“No…no, jonathan, what are you saying? did you smoke that sativa shit again? You know what–”
“NO I DIDN’T FUCKING SMOKE. JACKIE. PLEASE, I WAS CALLING YOU, I THOUGHT…i thought you were gone too.” he cries to her, falling into her chest as she’s still trying to put the pieces together,
“You’re joking? I know, i know it’s almost the anniversary of their death. But everything’s okay, see i’ll get Ana, we can just have a chill night, watch movies, okay?” She hugged him into her, running her fingers through his hair before he began to get back up, dragging her with him.
“I’m not fucking joking. I saw blood…i–i don’t know where anyone is,” he began as Jackie took his hand, dragging him back outside,
“Ana is drunk, Cheye and Evan are fucking somewhere, and Billy probably finally convinced y/n to sleep with him. Everything is–” she reached the shed, opening the door to see Ana laying in a puddle of blood, a scream echo’ing throughout the woods erupted from Jackie.
Jackie falling back, hands covering her mouth, crying into them, “oh my god”
“We need to get the fuck out of here,” Jackie got back up, grabbing Jonathan to run, but he stopped as they both got inside the house.
“You go. Take the keys, go. I called the police, i have to see if anyone else is alive.” Jonathan basically pushes Jackie out, dragging her to her car, a string of “no”’s as Jonathan gave her no choice when she was at her drivers side door, him unlocking it and shoving her inside, the door still open as his one hand leaned against the top of the car.
“Go. I have to stay. I’m going to be fine, like you said. You need to get out of here. I don’t know what i’d do if i lost you too. Get out.” he shut her drivers side door. She rolled the window down, tears streaming down her cheek, sobbing to him,
“I can’t leave you here” she pleaded, not yet ready to accept that this wasn’t him offering, this was a demand.
“You have to get the fuck out of here.” he grabbed her gently by the back of the neck, bringing her in as he kissed her forehead,
~1 week later~
Was it days? Months? You hadn’t been able to tell. Your wrists swollen around the handcuffs attached to a ratty pole in what looked like some sort of dungeon. This wasn’t…real? You knew you hadn’t been in the same cabin you left. Do your friends know you’re alive? is anyone looking for you? How could you be so dumb to trust–
“JONATHAN!! PLEASE, PLEASE LET ME GO” you screamed as you watched the door at the top of the stairs open. This was about the time he fed you, judging from the light outside.
Silence. He never was a man of many words. You had been down here for awhile, still in the same clothes, blood all over your pants and shirt from…wait, you thought, my friends…they’re dead.
Your red and puffy eyes looking into his baby blue’s, trying to plead your mercy, but maybe it worked? You watched as he searched for a key in his back pocket, unlocking you from the pole.
“Let’s go. We’ve gotta get you nice and clean.”
No. No. You thrashed as soon as he unlocked you, him having to stabilize you by gripping the back of your head, screaming as he ripped at your scalp.
“Don’t make me angry, y/n.”
He dragged you up the stairs, blind folding you first so you’d be ignorant to what the house looked like. By how long it took you to get to what was a bathroom, you knew it must have been huge. You heard the shower running, your thoughts running as you realized what he was about to do.
Ripping your blindfold off, you were standing in front of a porcelain tub. You watched him as he shut the water off, feeling the temperature for you,
“Take off your clothes.”
You shook your head violently, backing up until you hit the door, grabbing the handle from behind you,
“N-no, i don’t want to”  you stuttered. Still in shock from everything. Your brain didn’t even process that Jonathan was the one responsible for all of this. You feel like you aren’t even in your body, dazed out, looking at a man you barely know.
“That wasn’t a suggestion, y/n, but i see now you like doing things the hard way.” you squealed watching him rush towards you, grabbing your wrists and slamming you against the sink positioned next to the door. You screamed slightly, the feeling of being crushed under his weight as he began lifting your shirt up, you put your arms against his chest, pounding and screaming, but he was too strong for you.
“Stop, fucking STOP MOVING” you felt a sting on your cheek, the force of the slap flinging you to the floor, blood pouring from your lip as you looked up at Jonathan with doe like eyes,
“P-please, no, please let me go” you cried out lowly, holding your lip as blood continued to trickle down your chin, wincing while he came down to your level, hovering atop your body that was now pinned to the ground,
“It’s too late for all of that. You’re mine now. And i need to make sure you’re good as new” he ignored your silent cries as he pulled out his small pocket knife, your screaming slightly louder once your eyes met the blade. This was it. He was going to kill you. But maybe that was better than living at this point.
He put the knife under your shirt, cutting down the middle, and noting to cut the sleeves. Your shift falling off of you like butter, leaving you in only your bra up top. “please” was the only thing out of your mouth as you rocked back and forth on the ground, audibly crying out out to him. But he didn’t listen as he forcibly removed the rest of your clothes. Leaving you vulnerable on the ground under him.
He grabbed you by the hand, standing up with you,
“One leg at a time, come on.” he helped you in the tub, sitting you down as your bruised body welcomed the warm water, bringing your knees up to your chest as your eyes fell to the water. Too scared to look at him as he began using a rag to clean your body. It felt…nice, his gentle strokes on your back. Jumping whenever put the rag in the water, scared of his touch.
You finally had the courage to raise your head, making eye contact with such a beautiful villain. You both halted your movements before him brought the rag up to your lip, wiping the residue of blood of your face, smiling at you softly. Much to your dismay. Seeing that softness still in a man so cruel, you didn’t understand this. Why any of this was happening.
“J-..joathan” barley whispering to him, too frightened if you spoke up too much he’d hurt you.
“Yes, princess?” your body instantly repulsed by the nickname.
“Why are you doing this to me?” you sobbed out, hearing him sigh, you looked into his eyes. No emotion behind them, looking right through you as he smiled at you, pushing your body back against the tub to separate your chest from your knees, whimpering as he did so, you felt his hand slide down your belly, cupping your pussy in the process. You squirmed just enough to get him to hold you down by your hair, crying out at his force once again.
“Because i can, sweetheart.” the retched taste of your own bile coming up at his words, crying out as you felt his long digit enter you, your hand flying to his wrist between your legs to grab it, barely able to look down from the way he was holding your hair back against the tub,
“Shhhh, shhhh” he shushed you, pushing in and out of your cunt as he hummed in satisfaction, oh how incredible tight you were when you were resisting his attempts.
“Didn’t i tell you to be quiet? You and your friends have a serious noise issue, hm? Well darling, don’t make me have to gag you now.” he spoke all too calm, watching as your volume was brought back down, terrified of what he’d gag you with. You relaxed against the tub, letting go of his wrist as he worked you open with his fingers, giving up the protest as he curiously rubbed your spongy walls, meeting spots inside of you that made your toes curl.
His hand still parked in your hair, you looked to the side at him, resting your face on his arm,
“Please Jonathan,” you pleaded, “please just let me go!” He just shakes his head. “Why would I do that pet? You’re too valuable to get rid of,” he smiles. Twisting his fingers inside of you, triggering your legs to close around his arm, feeling yourself let go around him unknowingly. He ripped an orgasm from you, forcing you to contract around him, biting your lip to stifle the moans.
“Don’t worry, they’ll be more where that came from.”
He put you in a baggy T-shirt of his, you watched as he opened up a bag of underwear,
“I don’t know what size you were, so i hope these fit” throwing a pair at you to put on in front of him, doing so slowly, feeling your pelvic bone throbbing from what he’d done to you.
He put the blindfold back on you, walking you around for a bit until you heard a door slam shut behind you,
“Wh-where are we?” you asked softly, letting him take the blind fold off. You saw black noise canceling foam around the room, and just a bed in the middle of it. Nothing else. Windows boarded up, nothing but a bed.
“We are at your new room.”
He pushed you onto the bed, you fell on your side, crawling up and sitting in the middle, it was a decent sized bed, a queen you’d say. Only the light from the ceiling glowing, and the room was freezing cold. You were in nothing but a t-shirt and underwear, ready to go under the blankets to protect yourself from the cold.
“Why is it so cold,” your voice breaking as you asked. At this point you were going to ask whatever you wanted, knowing you were going to die anyway. Losing hope, nobody was looking for you.
He leaned over to you, grabbing your ankle and sliding you to the side of the bed. Your heads above your head as your heart began pounding, he was so unstable. You didn’t know his next move ever. He opened your legs, grabbing your waist to pull you slightly off the bed so his crotch was flat against yours, lifting your shirt to reveal your breasts, nipples hard and goosebumps all over them.
“I keep it cold so i can see your pretty nipples at all times,” he brought his thumb and pointer finger to your left nipple, squeezing and pulling as he smiled at your scream.
“Such a good girl.”
It’s been at least 2 weeks, and he seems to have gotten away with everything. He’s neglected to tell you any details of the rest of the night, nothing, you’re just gone. Captured. You don’t know what to call it. Crying to yourself in your new room. How can you get out of this? Can you manipulate him, try and run? No. You didn’t even know where you were. He’d been feeding you alright, checking in on you about once every hour. But nothing else, not since the day he bathed you. Figuring he probably had to lay low for awhile, assess all of his avenues after kidnapping a fucking human being. Not just some animal that can’t take or fend for itself, you’re a person.
The door opened up, causing you to sit up straight on the bed, he was in a black dress shirt, place jeans, taking off his pea coat and dropping it the ground.
“What a shitty fucking day.” you watch as he starts unbuttoning the shirt, pulling it from out of his pants, unbuckling his belt in the process. You took a sharp breath in, worried for what he’s going to do, confused at why he suddenly started talking to you,
“W..what happened?” you weren’t sure what to do, how do you speak to your captor,
He let no time go by, huffing out, “I went to your slut of a friends memorial service. They gave up on finding the bodies so it was an empty casket. Took them long enough to give up.”
Your heart stopped, barely able to focus, realizing how real this had become. Your friends are gone, everyone. You immediately started to cry out, a barely audible scream coming from your lips as Jonathan rushed over to you, turning you over to your face was smushed into the mattress, removing your shirt from your backside, revealing one of multiple pairs of panties he’d bought for you.
“SHUT THE FUCK UP OR I’LL KILL YOU TOO” he lashed out, ripping your underwear down as you screamed into the mattress, feeing the first of many whips, his cold leather belt hitting your skin and ripping through it multiple times. Feeling the bruises form as he went along, pushing your face further down as he decided on the last strike being the worst. Your scream muffled by the blanket, sinking your pelvis in to try and relieve some of the pain.
Your voice eventually strained as you suddenly felt pressure inside of you, all too in your own world to realize he’d released himself from his pants, lining up with your cunt and pushing in devilishly. Groaning as he bottomed out in you as you were laying on your belly,
“Hmmm…what happened?” he asked as you cried out, your pussy not as wet for him as he felt that day in the tub. You felt the burning sensation along your vulva, feeling sensitive, your cunt was throbbing around him.
“Am I not doing it for you anymore?” You winced as his hands grabbed at your hair, pushing your skull further into the mattress, moving your hair to one side as he attached himself to your neck. Licking and biting his favorite spots.
“Jonathan—please” your voice was shaky, broken, insecure, knowing his mood jumps too well by now. Nothing you said to him was safe. He’d find a way to blow up over anything, and it didn’t matter how you meant it at that point. Punishment would be looming ahead, but he just laughed at your plea. Humming along your neck as he began pumping inside of you. Your back meeting his stomach as you arched up off the bed trying to find relief from the burn.
“You’re nothing but a pussy to me. You’re lucky i didn’t kill you like the rest of them.” None of your screams being heard, echo’ing into the blanket.
He’s ruthlessly fucking you, feeling him twitch inside of you as his eyes closed, getting lost in how well you fit around him, finally warming up to him.
“I’m gonna fucking kill you when i’m done with you.” his voice a low growl, your squirming beneath him, crying loudly,
“PLEASE- NO, PLEASE DONT KILL ME,–” you managed to get out as you turned your face to the side, your cheek now smushed against the sheets.
You never stopped screaming, even after you felt him release inside of you, shaking atop you, groaning and moaning as you hugged him while he released, warm and wet all for him.
He fell on you, your cries finally subsiding, terrified of what he was going to do next, getting ready for the pain.
But suddenly, he flipped you over, placing himself between your legs as he looked in your soaked eyes, bright red, biting your lip to hold back more sobs,
“I’m sorry, y/n. I-i don’t know…i don’t know what i was saying.” he stared at you for a moment, bringing his lips down to meet yours in a kiss that was not requited.
“I’ll never hurt you. I was just..overwhelmed. Please,- i’ll make it up to you! i will, you can stay with me this weekend. So you won’t be alone.”
You breathed in multiple times, catching your cry in the back of your throat. Wondering if he really that that’d be any better than this. Too terrified to respond to him, you just nodded, closing your eyes and pretending you weren’t there.
He kept his promise, one night waking up in a huge master bedroom, his sheets felt softer, pillows fluffier, the light..oh god, the light. You were alone, you fell asleep in your own room, woke up in this room. You ran up, straight to the windows. Looking outside to see nothing but woods, fuck, you were at least three stories up, the house was huge. You wanted to open the widow but it looks as if they’d been nailed shut, trying to push it open, suddenly jumping at the unexpected noise from behind.
“So i see you’re enjoying yourself.” beads of water falling from his chest, his hair wet and stringy, only in a white towel tied at the waist.
You nodded fast, putting on a fake smile for him, “thank you”
It didn’t take long for you to understand lashing out every day wouldn’t help you. You needed a plan, and to play along for as long as you could until you found a way to get help for yourself. You needed to figure him out, what his deal was, why he picked you, why are you still alive?
“Put on the TV, sit, I’ll get you water.” his words sounding more stern than anything, you listened to him. Whatever he said, you listened. It felt like there was more to him, this was all..this was all so odd. How could he be so human? It’s like his emotions are fighting with themselves, if he harms you too much you see the regret in his eyes. But why? He’s a murderer. He’s the bad guy..right?
You nodded to him, sitting down on his bed, until he arrived back with a plastic cup filled with water for you. Setting it down beside you on the nightstand, walking back around the bed to lay down with the pillows piled behind his head,
He noticed you didn’t touch the remote, too scared to do anything to upset him until he decided to turn the TV on, the station tuned into FOX,
“Still no discovery of the missing teens from Long Island, NY. They took a trip to Lake George, looking to have a last hurrah before the summers end, but unfortunately, met theirs instead. If you have any information about the missing persons, Cheye Jenkins, Billy Baker, Evan Fields, and Ana Winters, please contact your local police department.”
You gasped, looking into your own lap as you pretended to ignore what you just heard, watching him from your peripheral vision have no reaction, change the channel as if he’s never even heard of them before.
“Monster.” you couldn’t hold your tongue, speaking under your breath as he continued flicking through channels,
“What’d you just call me?…” you hadn’t thought about him hearing you, too caught up in your own head to realize the consequences of your actions, but feeling stupidly bold as you always did, you puffed up your chest, turning to your side,
“You’re a monster, Jonathan. A cold blooded monster.”
A pin dropping. That’s what could be heard, the silence in the room scary enough to make you want to run. But where was there to go?
His hand around your throat, squeezing until you wheezed out for breath, pinning you under him just as he’s done over and over again, your face beginning to turn red, feeling him let up only so you’d be able to answer his question,
“HOW? how am i a monster, y/n,” he screamed louder, “HOW AM I A MONSTER?”
You began seeing stars dance along your vision, if this was it, you’d be happy. Finally able to rest, even if you were dead, you barely squeaked out,
“You’re a murderer, you killed with no reason, is Jackie even alive? you must not be above killing family since your parents are dead. They’d love to see the man you turned out to be–” you spit out, venom coming from you, you really angered him, his grip relentless as he squeezed the life out of you, shaking you and slamming you back and forth on the bed as he choked the life out of you,
“I’D NEVER HURT MY FUCKING FAMILY–” lashing out, he released his grip, instead punching you across the face, feeling your eye instantly swell, reopening the almost healed wound on your lip, you could barely feel the pain, almost passing out breathing in and out, not able to give him anymore answers.
Your eyesight in and out, not paying attention to him dragging you down the bed, handcuffing your wrists together behind your back, feeling the all familiar click of the tightening bounds,
He pulled you atop him, your clothed cunt teasingly seated on his soft dick, he’d removed his towel in the scuffle, your body flimsy not understanding what he was trying to do.
“You know what. Why don’t i prove to you Jackie’s alive and healthy, hm?”
You felt him push your underwear aside, inserting his slightly hard dick into you, the stretch almost too much for you, he seated fully inside of you as he held onto your hips, moving you back and forth a couple of times. You gave up, letting him use you, you had no more energy, you just want death at this point.
He slapped your ass, encouraging you to move up and down before he put the phone up to his ear,
“Keep my cock hard or i’ll slit your throat to the bone, y/n.” it seemed like a good way out, you were asking for death. You wanted it, but the delicious sting of his cock inside of you, taunting your body for being so wet around him, you’d get off around him one last time.
You heard ringing from his end of the phone, “if you make any noise i’ll make sure you and your family die.”
You took his threat seriously, holding as much as your breath to make sure you were quiet, hearing him at the other end.
You heard her voice on the other end, he really did make sure she was alive. He was silent for a few seconds before you heard what sounded like small cries on the other end, you watch him wink at you, thrusting up roughly causing you to whimper out, going to cover your mouth with your hands, your wrists stinging from trying to pull them apart while in handcuffs.
“I know, i can’t believe what happened. I know–i know, i miss them too. Do you think they’re dead?” his fake concerned voice as he smiles at you, running his tongue along his top lip, rolling his eyes to the back of his head with pleasure as you’re lifting yourself up and down on his cock, feeling yourself dripping down his shaft.
You want to make any noise, feeling him twitch inside of you, his fat cock stretching you and straining you until it hit your cervix, wincing at the slight dull pain, he kept thrusting up to hurt you, one hand on your hip as the other holds the phone to his ear.
“Don’t cry, it’s going to be okay. Wherever they are, alive or not, we’ll be praying for them, we’ll be praying for all of them.” a particularly hard thrust up as he spoke his last sentence caused you to groan out, crying slightly at the pain.
His hand seated now at your throat, holding it while you slid back and forth on his dick, him squeezing your voice box hard enough so even if you wanted to moan you couldn’t.
“Just know that I love you, and we have each other.” the last words you heard before you felt him coat your walls with his cum, pumping you full and to the brim, eyes squeezed shut biting his bottom lip as he ravages you, breathing as heavy as he could with someone on the other end of the phone, letting go of your throat as he rested his hand on his chest, trying to catch his breath,
“I’ve gotta go, i love you Jackie”
You were now permanently rooming with Jonathan, handcuffed to the bed on days he wasn’t able to really be able to keep you in check. You learned the date finally, it’s been a whole month. You were supposed to start college. Were people still looking? Were people still hopeful you were alive. You couldn’t believe he’d kept you around this long, being his fuck buddy at night, forcing his way into showers with you and taking you from behind. It’d been a journey with him, a journey you were ready to end the day he loosened your handcuffs a little too much when he decided to leave the house.
It’s your chance. Leave now or die later. What was your choice?  
Stay, you may die,
Leave now, you may die,
Death the outcome of both. So you went with the latter.
Sneaking your one wrist from the handcuff, ready to do this in just a t-shirt and underwear, someone has to find you. Someone has to be looking.
You went to open the door to his room, everything falling perfectly into place as it opened up with no trouble, no lock in sight. You took in the views, fuck his house was huge
Not paying too close attention, you walked past the few rooms on the third floor, running down the steps as fast as you could, running until you hit the bottom level, the stairs dropping you off into the kitchen…
Your eyes went straight to a long white wire, plugged into..what? your phone?
Your heart lit up, he couldn’t be so dumb? Could he? you grabbed your phone, looking up at the top right, 8%,
Fuck, you had to take it with you. This creep was going through your phone? You almost dropped it unplugging it, going to your contacts to find he’s deleted them all, your text messaged, all gone, fuck, who’s number do you know? fuck, fuck, fuck it,
You dialed out, 9-1, hearing footsteps come from behind you, your turned around, seeing Jonathan rush to you, moving out of the way, he hit into the counter, doubling over in pain which gave you enough time to run, not thinking about finishing your phone call, you went straight to the front door, opened the screen door and running out bare foot, feeling leaves crunch under your foot and rocks indent into your skin, “HELPP ME, SOMEONE HELP ME” you screamed, running straight, finding yourself continually stepping on branch after branch, looking back once you’ve found yourself a distance away.
You sat up against a tree, catching your breathe, looking back and noticing no house in the distance, you ran far enough to get his house out of distance. He lived in the middle of nowhere, scared for your own life, you picked up the phone. Clicking it open, having it automatically go dead, FUCK,
You cried to yourself, throwing it on the floor as you put your hands into your hair, sobbing as you found yourself once again lost, in pure fear, this was it. You’d die in these woods, nobody looking. Nobody caring,—
You heard leaves snapping behind you, turning to look back from the tree,…nobody there,
You decided your best bet was to continue your travels, you can’t just lay down and die now after all of this, but there were other plans for you.
Turning around, walking ahead only a half a second before you screamed, bumping chests with Jonathan. He held you to him as you hit him to get away, screaming and carrying on, fighting for you life, this time he’s going to kill you. He’s going to kill you.
“Give up, y/n. Stop fighting. You’re mine forever now.”
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thdorkmagnet · 5 years
Light of the Sun and Star Chapter 32: Bump in the Night
A/N: Okay so this was originally written for Halloween but it is important to the story so I’m posting it now despite it being January. Also it’s gonna be a two-parter, just so you know.
Summary: His whole life Marco Diaz has been raised by monsters, living under the cruel rule of their leader, Toffee. But one day Marco escapes into Mewni where he meets a magical princess and Mewman like himself, who begins teaching him all about her world. Together they will learn about life, love, and the lights within each of them, as they change their world forever.
Chapter Synopsis: Marco is woken from a terrifying nightmare by the twins who insist that there is some sort of ghost haunting the castle and giving everyone in it bad dreams.
Check out my other stuff on Fanfiction! 
Disclaimer: Star vs and all its characters are owned by Daron Nefcy and Disney. All rights go to them.
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Marco whimpered in his sleep, tossing and turning as his covers were thrown about, his subconscious mind deep in another dreaded nightmare. These would happen to him every so often and he hated whenever they showed up, since most nights his dreams were safe and warm, especially when he was with the twins or occasionally Star. But then some nights, his safe bubble would be broken and he would be hit with a dream far more disturbing and cold, making his body shiver and shake with fear as he tried to endure the horrid visions that his mind created for him. The nightmares usually all carried a very close pattern to one another, almost always reoccurring the same way every time, with only a few changes here and there.
And this one was no different.
It started out okay (they always did) because at first he was enjoying time with dream Star, which he had dubbed the subconscious version of his gorgeous girlfriend who frequently appeared in the realm of sleep. It wasn't really surprising to him that she followed him into the dream world, she was pretty awesome like that. Plus, he had read somewhere that your dreams were influenced by your thoughts which made sense to Marco as she was almost always on his mind. But these dreams were by far his favorites, because whenever they happened it filled him with a warmth that made him feel safe and loved even in sleep. But that also meant when they would suddenly shift into a nightmare they were that much worse, as his peaceful sanctuary was shattered and engulfed in black.
The two were dancing at the Orphan's Ball, a feeling of bliss and weightlessness as the boy just clung to his beautiful bestie, laughing as they swayed back and forth across the dance floor without a care in the world. Marco suddenly tripped and fell into Star's waiting arms the two hitting the ground as one. They lay against the cold stone of their favorite balcony, the picturesque setting sun illuminating them in soft colors as they just stared at each other, lovingly. Star opened her mouth, eyes shimmering and a bright, infectious smile making everything around the couple seem to glow a brilliant and beautiful shade of red. “Marco,” she said gently, her voice like silk and music all at once.
“Yeah, Star,” Marco whispered, breathing out slowly at the wondrous image of the girl in his arms.
She opened her mouth to answer, her eyes somehow full of twinkling stars and stardust. “I-” But before she could tell Marco whatever thing was on her mind, her loving gaze turned to one of horror as she looked up at something above them, Marco followed her gaze, seeing nothing at all, not even a hint of the moon or a star before looking back down and seeing that his arms were now empty. Panic overtook him as he cried out in terror, “Star? Star, where are you?!”
His hands began to numbly feel around himself, searching, looking. She had to be here, she had to be. He couldn't be alone. He was no longer on the rooftop, now he was in darkness, eery utter blackness that consumed and suffocated the world around him. He whimpered, the hairs on the back of his neck standing on end in fear. He was afraid. Terrified. He didn't want to be here, he didn't want to be here, he didn't want to be here.
He looked up and felt his heart stop beating. There before him, hidden in the shadows was a pair of glowing sinister eyes, trained on him and him alone. Marco felt the breath catch in his throat as he scooted away from the eyes, his legs too shaky for him to stand and run. He couldn’t seem to break his gaze from them, they were... horrible... and familiar. Yes, familiar. He had seen these eyes before.  But... where?
Suddenly, a light in the darkness, a sickly green glow that was both entrancing and sickening all at the same time. He felt a wave of nausea and his head span, Marco falling back and feeling himself land against something soft. He opened his eyes and he was back in his old room, the one he grew up in and stayed locked away in whenever Toffee didn't want to deal with him. Toffee. The eyes. They were Toffee's eyes. He had to get away before he found him here.
He was up and off the bed in a heartbeat, trying to run for his door, but suddenly he felt pain enter his body and he stumbled and fell back to the ground. His arm and back stung, feeling like fire on his skin, while his stomach ached making him cough and gasp for breath.
Breath. Breathing. He couldn't breath. Marco was being strangled. The boy's eyes finally took in the sight of a familiar and dreaded claw latched onto his neck. He tried to struggle, tried to fight, tried to scream but he couldn't shake the horrid claw as it drained him of his life and energy. He was in the darkness once more, alone. No one was there to save him, no one was there to stop the awful and feared Monster from killing him.
He tried to scream for help- for Star- but had no voice, every word was swallowed up by the black until only he and Toffee remained. He felt a sob escape his weak voice as he realized he was going to die. Tears streamed down his face as he looked over at the cause of his misery and end, the same pair of eyes lay on him, showing no remorse only hatred and viscous satisfaction. I'm sorry Star. I wasn't strong enough. There was a heavy wight on his chest now as he heard a voice echo through the dark confines of his mind, full of bitterness and venom and Marco felt his heart ache.
“Your useless.”
“Big Brother, wake up!” a voice shouted, reaching into the confines of his mind and forcefully pulling him out of the realm of sleep with a start. Marco awoke with a gasp, panting and now coated in sweat, his body pumping with adrenaline and his heart hammering a mile a minute. His eyes darted around his dark room, searching for the dreaded lizard that had just been strangling him a moment ago, hearing the soft pitter-patter of raindrops as a stormed seemed to have rolled in after he fell asleep. But seeing nothing, his body began to relax and he let out a long, shaky sigh, looking over at the two figures hovering over him. Daisy and Violet were both sitting on top of him, which explained the weight that he had felt in his dream and he shuddered as images of the fresh nightmare still clung to his tired mind.
He sat up slightly, blinking as his eyes struggled to adjust to the low lighting, saying in a soft whisper, “Girls?” His voice cracked slightly and he cringed at the sound of his own voice. It was almost hoarse, like he really had been strangled, though it was more than likely from having just woken up.  
The two gave him concerned looks, Violet asking with an uneasy tone, “Are you okay, Big Brother?”
“Did you have a bad dream?” the cutesy twin questioned, the two leaning in closer to the teen.
Not wanting the two to worry, Marco swallowed back his fear before putting on a bright smile, reassuring them, “Yeah, but I'm fine now that you two are here.”
The two didn't look convinced, Daisy muttering under her breath, her eyes full of fright, “Are you sure cause you sounded pretty upset, you kept screaming.”
“Yeah and there are tears in your eyes,” Violet pointed out, the boy quickly wiping them off of his face, before examining the liquid on his fingertips in shock.
He let out a long sigh, before laying back against his pillow. “It was... pretty scary,” the boy admitted, closing his eyes as images of the dream flashed into his mind and he shuddered. He looked back up at the two, who's own eyes seemed to be alive with terror, too much to just be worrying about Marco so he hesitantly asked, “Did you two have a nightmare too?” He knew they wouldn't be in his room in the middle of the night unless they were scared by something, usually they either started in his room or migrated there after a nightmare, regardless of whose it was. If Daisy or Violet had a bad dream they would usually wake up their sibling and drag them along down the hallway to Marco's room so they didn't have to walk through the dark corridors at night alone. They then would enter his room, usually loudly announcing their presence and rousing the boy from his slumber, before snuggling into bed with him, sleeping the rest of the night away in peace. But it was also not uncommon for the two to have a nightmare at the same time, Marco unsure if that was due to their Trait or what Jackie and Lily referred to as 'a twin thing' when he asked, whatever that meant.
So he wasn't surprised when the both of them slowly nodded yes. Seeing their adorably faces scrunched up into a frown, Marco couldn't help but breath out a long, “Awww.” His own nightmare was forgotten, pushed into the back corners of his mind, as his focus remained only on comforting the little Mewman girls he loved like sisters. Luckily, 'Big Brother Marco' knew just what to do in these situations and he wasted no time in wrapping his arms around them and pulling them closer to him, bringing them into a protective hug. “Well don't worry, it was just a bad dream,” Marco said as soothingly as possible. “It can't hurt you.”
The two cuddled against his chest, Daisy asking in a quivering voice, “B-But what if it comes back and gives us another nightmare?”
Marco froze, something about what the girl said sending shockwaves to his mind and leaving his head spinning for answers. “It? What do you mean?” he questioned, holding the two at shoulder length so he could read their expressions.
Daisy cocked her head to the side, while Violet said nonchalantly, “You know, the mysterious creature that goes around the castle giving everyone bad dreams.” She sounded so sure and positive in her answer, as if she was merely stating a fact and this caused Marco to reach a new level of uncertainty, as he questioned his own knowledge of how the world worked once more.
“C-Creature,” he whispered under his breath. Was that true? Was there really some... thing that went around giving bad dreams to everybody. He had never heard of such a thing, but then again he had been wrong before. Or a lot. His knowledge of Mewni was still pretty limited due to his sheltered upbringing. Even though he had mostly gotten the hang of things, there were still new concepts and things that Marco was continuing to learn on a daily basis, it was part of what he loved about living in Butterfly Castle, his thirst for knowledge never fully quenched. Was this just another example of him not understanding how something in Mewni worked? Was he just out of the loop once more on something that was common knowledge to everyone else?
Marco's naïve mind spun, curiosity kicking in full force as he tried to make sense of this new revelation, especially after the two nodded to him one again, confirming the truth of what they were saying. So apparently nightmares were given to people by a creature of some sort. That was pretty weird, but then again so was most things on Mewni he figured. After all ever since Star had explained to him what a toilet was and its inherent magical properties, nothing should surprise him anymore.
“Yeah, me and Violet have been calling it the 'Ghost of Butterfly Castle',” Daisy explained to the perplexed but intrigued Marco.
“What's it look like?” the boy asked, wondering if maybe he had seen it before himself.
The two shrugged, Violet saying, “We've never actually seen it before, Big Brother. That's why its mysterious.”
Marco scowled, deep in thought as he tried to decide what he should do about this. He didn't want the twins or himself to suffer anymore nightmares, wondering if there was some way to convince whatever this 'ghost' was to stop. “Well maybe we can find whatever it is and talk to it, find some sort of agreement so it won't haunt us anymore.”
The two's eyes widened with fear at this suggestion, Daisy whispering softly under her breath, as her small body began to shake like a leaf, “I-I don't think th-that's a good idea.”
“Why not?” Marco asked causing the cutesy girl to bite her lip while her sister, who was clearly trying to look braver than she felt, explained in a terrified tone,  “I heard it makes you go crazy if you look at it. Trapping you in an endless nightmare.” Her eyes narrowed with every word, making Marco's pulse race and Daisy to cling onto Marco in another hug.
Marco swallowed, his mouth suddenly dry at the very thought of it, feeling the peach-haired girl squeezing the front of his nightshirt tightly in her hands, seeking comfort from the boy. But he had none to offer just then, equally afraid of this 'ghost' as much as his pseudo sister was, the idea of having to endure an endless string of nightmares petrified the boy as he felt a cold creeping fear run up his spine. “I-Is that... true?” Marco asked hesitantly, wrapping his arms around the shaking girl to try and calm both her and himself down.
Violet just shrugged but the fear was still very much there. “Don't know, that's just a rumor, I think.”
Marco let out a shaky sigh, taking a few seconds to let his body ease up some and relax his tensed muscles. He needed to figure this out. If what the young Butterflies were saying was true, then he had to try and do something to fix the problem, right? But he was out of answers and now consumed by fear almost as bad as he had felt during his nightmare. Almost. “O-Okay then, talking to it is out of the question,” Marco said, thinking out loud to try and help himself focus better and maybe even relax himself some, as he tapped a finger to his chin. But the only thing he could think of that could provide him with any form or sort of relief was the one person who always seemed to know how to comfort him in his time of need. And she usually knew just what to do in situations like this. “Let's go wake Star and see if she can help us,” Marco said to the two, who smiled at the idea, feeling instantly safer at the idea of Star being around.
“Yeah, let's get Star, she'll protect us!” Daisy squealed in both relief and joy.
“I bet she'll use her wand to it destroy with just one spell!” Violet shouted, her eyes shining with mischief as she seemed to be imagining said deed, while her and her twin crawled off the teen so he could get up. Once he was free to do so, Marco ripped off his covers and kicked his legs off the bed so he was now sitting on its side, his bare feet touching the cold floor and making him shiver. His feet felt around in the dim lighting for something and nearly sighed in relief when his feet reached the pair of fuzzy, brown (nearly gold) slippers Star had bought him. He had loved these the most out of the all the ones he saw at Quest Buy because these had adorable looking puppy heads on the top of them, Star explaining to him that they were a Mewman breed of dog simply known as “laser puppies”, due to their magical ability to shoot laser out of their eyes. Still this hadn't deterred Marco from his purchase at all and he still enjoyed slipping them on his feet every chance he got due to how soft and warm they always were at all times.
He stood up from his bed and walked over to the closet, ignoring the slight chill in the air before pulling out a light blue robe that he had bought alongside the slippers, putting it around his shivering form and tying it tightly in place. Once he was ready to go, the boy walked over to the twins asking, “Did you two bring a flashlight or something?”
The two just shook their heads and Marco let out a sigh, saying in a regretful and slightly anxious tone, “Guess we'll just have to go without.” He looked over to the door and a feeling of dread instantly filled the boy's room. “What if it's on the other side of the door, Big Brother?” Daisy asked, voicing all three's fears out loud and their eyes all widened even more.
Marco sucked in a breath, trying to look and act brave as he said, “Well then, we'll just have to... close our eyes.” The boy willed his feet forward, even the comfortable slippers doing little to dissuade his fear. Marco walked slowly over to the door, step by hesitant step. His hand reached for the handle before stopping short, taking a quick glance back at the twins. Daisy had slapped her hands over her eyes the second the teen had suggested it, while Violet had wrapped her arms around herself and was staring uncertainly at the door, clearly trying to hide just how frightened she truly was.
The boy took in one more shaky breath, before willing a short bout of bravery, closing his eyes and  grabbing the handle, twisted it, and then pulling the door open in the span of a second. There was a beat, then another as the three just stood stiff and unmoving with their eyes sealed shut waiting for something bad to happen to them, only the sound of rain and their shivering breaths could be heard. But after a moment or two of calm, Marco decided to risk insanity as he slowly peeked open an eye, looking around for any sign of a ghost but saw only an empty hallway.
“I-Is it out there?” Daisy asked fearfully, still not uncovering her eyes to check herself.
“Is your brain mush?” Violet added, trying to hide the quivering edge to her tone, closing her eyes as well when the door opened.
“No, just the hallway,” he said, leaning forward out the door so he could check both directions but saw no sign of any sort of creature lurking in the shadows. The two girls sighed, before opening their eyes and running over so they could be by Marco's side. They each clutched onto his robe, keeping as close to him as they possibly could. “It's so dark,” Daisy observed, her voice nearly a whimper. “Anything could be hiding out there.”
“I know but we need to tell Star what's going on so she can fix it,” Marco said as strongly as he could. The teen cleared his throat in an attempt to rid it of its nerves before continuing, “Okay.... here we go.”
The twins waited for the boy to take the first step forward, out into the hallway, but weirdly he didn't move an inch, his body frozen in fear. “Big Brother?” Violet asked, looking up at him with a raised eyebrow.
“Just one little step forward like you've done a million times before,” he muttered to himself, trying to calm his racing heart and will his unresponsive muscles into action. Nothing. Marco groaned in frustration, telling himself, “Come on, this is no big deal. Why won't you move?!” He practically glared at his leg, sending fierce thoughts to take a step. Still nothing.
“Do you want us to give you a push?” Daisy suggested but the boy shook his head, a look of determination on his face.
“No, no, I want to do this myself,” he said, gritting his teeth, before finally lifting his leg and taking a single step forward, breaking through the threshold of his room and into the hallway. The three all sucked in their breath, pausing for a moment, before all letting out a sigh. The boy looked down at the two, giving them a reassuring smile and telling them, “See. Told you there was nothing to worry about.”
The girls smiled, seeming to relax, before there was a loud crack of thunder, making all three of the scared Mewmans scream and slam the door shut. Marco leaned against the door, with the twins now each squeezing his arms in a death grip, while they all panted after the scary moment. “Or maybe we should ask one of the guards to escort us there,” the boy suggested and the two nodded their heads in agreement to the idea.
Marco whipped out his phone and quickly dialed the number of the only knight he knew, not daring to open the door again to call for assistance from one of the night guards. He put the phone up to his ear and waited, listening to the soft ringing and muttering under his breath, “Come on, come on. Please pick up.”
Higgs was awoken from her restless slumber by the sound of a ringing tone and she sighed instantly recognizing the cheerful, upbeat song as none other than Marco. She rolled her eyes, snatching the phone off her nightstand and answered it with a low growl, still groggy and half-asleep but angry, “What?!”
“Um, hey Higgs, sorry to wake you but I need to ask a favor,” came the sheepish voice of the same hooded idiot she knew and... tolerated. She cast a furious gaze at the small clock on her nightstand, snapping into the phone's tiny speaker, “Do you have any idea what time it is, idiot?! Some of us need our rest and aren't allowed to sleep in.”
“Yeah, I know, but I just realllly need your help,” the boy said in a near begging tone, but this did nothing to convince Higgs in the slightest as she was about to tell him to leave her alone and deal with it himself for once and then hang up on him. But she stopped at the added and heart wrenching, “Please.”
This instantly swayed her decision, the boy's innocent and helpless voice weakening her resolve more than she would care to admit, and she just pinched the bridge of her nose, already knowing what answer she was gonna give him, “Fine! But you owe me big time for this.” She tried to sound as annoyed as possible but it was halfhearted after her previous snappish behavior. It's not like she was getting to sleep again soon afterward, anyways. Not after-
“Oh thank you, Higgs! Thank you, thank you!” the boy shouted, sounding pleased and Higgs allowed a smile to grace her lips in the safety of her empty room, her cheeks turning the slightest tinge of pink. She scoffed, trying not to let her smile leak into her voice as she said smugishly, “Yeah whatever, pipsqueak. I know how helpless you are without me. So what is it you need me to do?”
Marco quickly explained the situation and the girl rolled her eyes at the boy's nativity for believing such a baloney story. Seriously? Was he really this stupid? Next he'll be telling her that he actually thought the stump was for real. There was a crack of thunder outside and the girl felt a shiver go up her spine as the temperature seemed to drop a couple of degrees. Well, that was strange, she thought.
Still, despite how dumb this whole thing was, she was a knight and it was her duty to obey whatever request she was given, especially by royalty (or future royalty in Marco's case) and so she knew she couldn't back out now, her honor was on the line here. Plus, she wanted to help one of her only friends out, touched that he would come to her in his time of need, though she would never, ever say so out loud, her pride too strong to get all mushy over stuff. She quickly interrupted the now annoying ramblings of  Marco, who kept apologizing over and over again, while also begging the girl to help (even though she had already agreed), saying, “Yeah okay, I'll be over in a minute.”
She didn't give him time to respond as she just snapped her phone shut and stretched out her aching limbs, climbing out of bed and quickly changed out her pajamas (which consisted of an overly large red nightshirt with a yellow star on the front, only one sleeve covering her shoulder, the other hanging loosely over her right arm, and a pair of wrinkled yellow shorts) and into her uniform. She opened the door to her room and tried to silently sneak down the hallway without waking her dad, but the door suddenly opened and the figure of Dex came into view, smiling brightly down at his daughter, wearing his civilian clothes. “Who was that, sweetheart?”
Higgs sighed, hating the nickname her dad refused to stop using on her, and snapped out, “None of your business!”
“Was it your boyfriend or something?” The teasing tone in her dad's voice made her cheeks flush a bright red and she turned he head away from her father to hide this fact as she growled low in her throat.
“No!” she hissed. “Just someone from work. They need me to meet them at the castle.” She knew better than to say Marco by name since her dad and Jak were quite fond of him and he would probably insist on coming with if he knew.
“Ahh, okay, well have fun with your little friend,” Dex said, giving his daughter another bright grin, which only made Higgs scowl back in return.
“It's work, dad! It's not supposed to be 'fun'!” she shouted, throwing her arms wide. Seriously it was at times like this she wondered how her dad had ever even become a guard when he took nothing seriously. Though his failure at becoming a knight was justified she guessed.
“Oh right, well then... uhh, just try and not work too hard, sweetie,” he said with the same level of positivity as ever. “And remember to lock the door when you leave,” he added as she walked past his room and toward the stairs. She made a small grunt in reply and he went to close his door before adding, “Oh and remember to bring your umbrella, it's raining pretty hard out-”
“Daadd!” Higgs shouted in annoyance and he grimaced, knowing his protective nature had kicked in too strongly and he had pushed his daughter too far. She hated to be coddled, wanting to be independent and do everything on her own and Dex tried his best to respect that, his late wife had been the same way, but sometimes he couldn't help himself.
“Right, sorry,” he muttered, before adding in a much louder and more upbeat tone, “Well I'm proud of you, Higgs. I know you'll do a great job on whatever it is!”
Higgs paused, glad she was out of sight from her dad as she smiled fondly and her cheeks turned as red as her hair color once more. “Yeah, okay dad, whatever,” she said quickly before running out of the house so she didn't have to deal with anymore parental outbursts from her dad.
The second Dex heard the front door shut and presumably locked, the Mewman chuckled to himself, saying in a proud, loving tone, “Just like her mom.”
Marco and the twins were still camping out in the boy's room, trying to fight sleep as they grew bored with wait listening to the soothing pittering of raindrops outside, before they heard a soft knock on the door and the three nearly jumped out of their skin at the sudden fright, the girls clinging to the teen once more as they stared at the door wide-eyed. “Who-” Marco started to say, before clearing his voice of the embarrassing crack it had just made a second ago. “Who is it?”
“It's Higgs moron. open up!”
Marco was on his feet in a second, racing over to open the door for his impatient friend, practically dragging the two girls across the floor with him as they refused to release their death grip on him. Without a pause, he quickly opened the door to let her in, not nearly as worried about said ghost with his well-trained friend there.
“Higgs,” Marco breathed in relief, looking deep into her wide green eyes, taking in the slight bags he spotted hanging underneath and cringing openly. “Uh, sorry to make you come all this way.”
“Well I'm already here,” she muttered, though she didn't seem too upset, mostly just tired and grumpy from lack of rest. Higgs took a moment to examine the three frightened Mewmans before her, her eyes flicking over to the two small royals who stared up her curiously, before smirking at the sight of the fuzzy slippers on her friend's feet, before locking eyes with him once more, spotting the deep fear that were present both beneath and within his brown gaze. It seemed like he was afraid of something more than some spooky ghost story, she observed but decided it was best not to say something. She knew better than to press him about stuff that could upset him, the last thing she wanted was a scared and crying Marco to babysit. The girl suddenly turned on her heels and began walking toward Star's room, saying, “So let's just get you to your girlfriend so I can go back to sleep.”
“R-Right,” Marco replied and he pried the girls grip off of his clothes so he could hold their hands and walk down the hallway with them without having to drag them. The four walked in silence for a few moments, Higgs looking bored and annoyed, while the others just cast nervous glances around them, seemingly jumping at every little noise in the quiet hallways. It was very strange to Marco how different the castle felt all of a sudden, the normally peaceful and pleasant halls now eery and off-putting. And it wasn't just from his fear, Marco realized, everything was just... too quiet. Even in the dead of night there was always something to distract from the deafening silence, a night guard patrolling the halls, King River's loud and obnoxious snoring that seemed to reach every corner of the castle, something. But now even the heavy rain shower that continued to pour down onto the rooftops just sounded like a backdrop to the quiet, a dull roar against the emptiness of the night and leaving Marco feeling hallow.
The boy wanting a break from the disturbing stillness, asked Higgs, “So... uh, Higgs did you have any trouble getting over here?” He tried not to jump at the unexpected echo that vibrated around the massive halls. Although this was perfectly normal, it was far more noticeable now and made it all the more startling after such a long break in speaking or sound altogether.
Still Higgs didn't seem to be effected at all, shrugging and saying, “Nah, not really.”
“Really, I thought the guards didn't let anyone into the castle after dark?” Marco asked, tilting his head in confusion.
“Well they made an exception for me,” the young knight replied, shooting the boy a cocky grin. What she didn't mention, out of fear of scaring him, was that she had met no resistance whatsoever. In fact she hadn't even seen a sign of any guards since getting there, the idiots slacking off from their duties and leaving the castle basically unguarded. Normally she would be livid at the guards for blatantly ignoring their duties, but right now she was too tired and just wanted to go home and back to bed. She just made a mental note to tell Skullnick in the morning. She would put all those lazy bums in their place and Higgs couldn't help but smile in cruel satisfaction at that thought.
It had grown silent once again and Marco, desperate to keep his friend talking, blurted out the first thing he could think of, “Sorry for asking you to help us. I know you aren't really getting enough sleep, so waking you up and making you lose even more sleep must be really annoying.”
The girl looked over her shoulder at the boy, saying, “The only thing annoying is you apologizing all the time. Knock it off.”
“Sorry,” the boy instantly replied and Higgs just let out an annoyed sigh in return. Marco bit his lip as the atmosphere grew awkward, only adding to the discomfort he was feeling, while also making it even harder for him to think of what to say to strike up another conversation. He had already struck out twice now, he wasn't sure he wanted to risk failing a third time.
Luckily this time it was Higgs who initiated the conversation, saying, “What makes you think I'm tired?”
“Well, you have bags under your eyes and your always so busy and stuff, I just figured that you weren't getting much rest,” Marco explained.
Higgs smiled to herself, saying to the boy, “That's pretty observant, Marco. Especially coming from an idiot like you.” Her voice was playful, almost proud as she spoke and her tone somehow seemed to get even sweeter as she added, “But if it makes you feel any better you aren't the reason for the bags. To be honest, I wasn't having the best sleep myself and I'm kinda glad you woke me up when you did.”
Marco and the twins' (who hadn't been invested in their conversation up to this point) eyes all widened at the young knight's statement, feeling a shiver run down their spines all at once. “You mean you were having... nightmares?” Marco asked, his voice shaking with fear he could no longer hide, the twins now instantly invested in the conversation as they just shared a look with their honorary brother, all coming to the same startling conclusion. The ghost. Somehow it was effecting the redhead too, even outside of the castle's boundaries. But why? How? And if whatever bad dream it had given to the strong-willed knight was enough to make her lose sleep, that just begged the question. Just how powerful was this specter?
“Nah it's not like that, knights like me don't get nightmares,” Higgs lied, trying to wave it off like it was nothing and the three seemed to visibly relax, though not quite convinced.
“Then how come your having trouble sleeping?” Violet asked, calling the girl's bluff and speaking for the first time since Higgs had arrived.
“I'm not. It's just sometimes my dreams leave me feeling... drained, “Higgs said to the little girl who she had forgotten was even there. It was at this moment Marco realized that Higgs' cheekmarks looked more faded than usual, lacking the normal, vibrant glow that all Mewman birthmarks retained. The boy opened his mouth to say something but was cut off in an instant by the young knight who stopped dead in her tracks and nearly making Marco run into her back, before loudly proclaiming, “We're here.”
Marco looked over to see the door to Star's room easily in sight and felt a deep relief fill him, his muscles relaxing at once, feeling much safer just being this close to his girlfriend's presence. The two girls both screamed, “Star!” at once and ran into the blond's room before Marco could stop them. He cringed hoping they didn't startle her too much and went to join them but paused knowing there was still one thing he had to do, turning to thank Higgs for the help. But to his surprise she was already gone, marching off the way they had come without a word clearly eager to leave before Marco could question her further, but he wasn't sure if that was because she was annoyed with him and wanted to leave as soon as possible or was too embarrassed to speak any further on the subject.
Marco decided not to think about it too much, although he was worried and concerned for his friend, he didn't want to push her and knew how closed off she could be over some things, her worries and insecurities one of them. He still wasn't sure if she was telling the truth or not but he was inclined to believe her so rather than chasing the knight down and making sure she was okay, he just quickly entered Star's bedroom, a rush of fear awakening as he became distinctly aware that he was now all alone in the hallway, slamming the door shut behind him, making the sound echo around through the dark and foreboding corridors.
There was a beat of silence in the halls as they seemed to be settling after the loud noise, even the sound of rain nonexistent for a second. Then all at once the rain showers returned at their regular pace and the dark shadow floated away from the blond's door, following after the idiot girl who dared to not fear it. The 'ghost', who had kept close track on the children who had easily deduced its presence, had debated back and forth for a while on whether or not it should stop them from reaching the blond girl and warning her of its presence, after all that could complicate things. But then, where was the challenge in doing this the easy way? The 'ghost' liked games and was so excited to add a new player, especially the one with the wand, she would make the game so much more entertaining. The dark figure caught sight of the lone redhead walking far too quickly down the hall almost aware of the extra presence lurking behind her and watched as she shivered when the air grew a few degrees colder.
Yes, this was going to be so much fun.
Dark. The room was dark and suffocating. Star couldn't breath in there. How long had she been in there now? There was no way to know but to her it felt like a lifetime had passed since she had been locked up in the room.
She beat on the door, screaming for help, for someone to let her out but no one listened to her. No one ever did here. She could yell until her voice was raw and scratchy but still they wouldn't let her out. The monster wouldn't let them, not until she learned her 'lesson'. But Star didn't know what she was supposed to be learning, all she knew was that she was cold and afraid and couldn't breath. But no one cared about this here, they all listened to the monster here and did whatever she said, no matter how much Star and the others begged.
The darkness was so thick in the tiny space and Star wasn't sure what she would give to be blinking in the light once again. With one last desperate attempt to get out of the room, she banged her aching fist on the door and screamed so loud that it made her already sore throat hurt, “Please, I'll be good, I promise! I'll do whatever you ask, just let me out, please!” Tears were beginning to fall out of her eyes at this point, as she continued to shriek and beg for them to release her from the dark. “I'll listen to all of your lessons and I'll never disobey anyone ever again. I won't play tag around mom's priceless artwork ever again!  I'll be a good princess, I promise! Just let me out, please!”
Her voice broke on the last word, cracking and turning into a whimper. She listened for any sounds of footsteps or noise of any kind, waiting impatiently to see if there was any change, but after a few moments of nothing happening, Star felt her will break.
She gave up, knowing there was no escape from this, as she curled up into a ball on the floor and sobbed. She shot accusations at herself over and over again, hating herself for being the cause of her own pain. She heard pounding footsteps down the hallways now, rumbling the cold floor she lay against, but she ignored them, they would probably just hurt her anyways.
If she had just listened and behaved she wouldn't be in this mess! But instead she had been selfish and done whatever she wanted and now look where that had gotten her. She could hear voices now, calling out the names of the many princesses there. They sounded worried. But she didn't say anything. Her voice hurt too much to make a noise. Besides she didn't deserve to be rescued, not after what she had done, she just...hated herself. She hated herself. She hated herself!
There was the sound of a struggle just outside her door, before a calm, almost kind voice called out, “Princess?” Star just whimpered in response and curled up even tighter. She didn't want this voice to see her this way, to see her so weak and scared.
The door was flung open and the dark room flooded with light, blinding Star.
“Star!” a voice screamed and the blond slowly opened up her eyes as she was freed from the memory, her vision blurry with tears and her pillow damp from the pools of liquid that had leaked from her eyes and soaked her pillow. It took a moment for her to become aware of her surroundings once more, the memory she had just relived so real and vivid that it had been like a little window into time, one she would gladly break if it meant never dreaming that again. But she soon realized that she wasn't being forced through one of the worst moments of her life again, but was safe in bed in the castle and she had a small audience at her bedside, casting her worried expressions. “Star, why are you crying?” Daisy asked fretfully. Though she hated to make her cousins worry, she still couldn't help but she feel slightly better to have them here, the idea of being alone in the dark sickening to her after what just happened. So seeing the two familiar faces gave her a small sense of ease and she took whatever was given to her.
Not wanting to dread on what just occurred or raise Daisy and Violet's concerns anymore she quickly pulled herself together as best as she could, ignoring her sudden and emotional exhaustion she felt, swallowing down the annoying lump in her throat and using an arm to wipe the tears from her eyes. Once she was done and in a decent state of mind again, she finally answered her young cousin's question from earlier. “I-It's nothing, don't worry about it,” Star said, giving the two a weak smile while mentally cringing as her voice cracked against her will. But the twins weren't convinced, giving her disbelieving looks and seeming almost on edge, which was confusing to Star. Sure her crying in her sleep was certainly not normal behavior and the twin's would obviously be upset, but why did they look so nervous about it? She figured the two must have had a bad dream, hence why they were up this late and so tense. Still that didn't make any sense either, since normally when that happened they went to Marco not her.
Before the blond could question them about this, or vice versa, there was a sudden slam from Star's door. The blond instinctively reached for her wand and held it out in warning, while the twins screamed and jumped into their cousin's lap, clinging onto her with a death grip. Star was startled by this response to say the least but not as much as the sight of her Marco leaning against the doorframe, panting and shaking, looking as pale as a sheet. In that same instant Star felt a racing heart in her chest drowning out the more steady beat of her own. “Marco, are you okay?!” Star asked wishing she wasn't being held back by her cousins so she could go and check on her boyfriend, instead all she could do was lower her wand and pat the two young royals on the back in the hopes of calming them.
“Y-Yeah,” Marco said, finally pulling away from the door and taking in full sight of his girlfriend, his face switched from one of fear to concern as he noticed the dry tears on her cheeks. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah, yeah, I'm fine,” the girl muttered in a not at all convincing tone, her eyes refusing to meet his.
Marco looked at her face closely for a second before asking, “Were you thinking about...” He paused, giving a quick look at the two royals still curled up in Star's lap. “... 'that place' again?” He didn't dare say the name of that school out loud, out of both fear of upsetting Star and to keep the twins in the dark about the horrible place, they were too young and innocent to know what their cousin had went through. The girl nodded and gulped, hating how pathetic she felt right then. “More like a bad dream, I guess.”
Daisy and Violet, had curious looks on their faces over whatever the two teens seemed to be hiding from them,but not really saying anything. But once they head Star confess to having a nightmare, their eyes widened in terror and they nearly chocked Star as they tightened their grip around her neck.
“Oh no! The ghost got Star too!” Daisy shrieked.
“We're all doomed!” Violet added, equally as terrified.
“Girls stop!” Star scolded in a strangled tone while she tried and loosened their grip. Once she finally managed to pry the two loose, she stared down at them with a quizzical look. “What are you two talking about?” she asked in exasperation.
“Uhh, the ghost! The one that's been haunting the castle!” Violet exclaimed in aggravation.
“The what?” the blond questioned, raised a skeptical eyebrow.
Marco moved forward sitting on the end of Star's bed as he clarified, “You know, Star, it's what's been giving everyone bad dreams.”
Star stared blankly at Marco for a moment, before shooting the twins a scolding glare. “Alright, what have you two been filling Marco's head with?” she said in a lecturing voice similar to the one her mom or Lily would use. “You know he'll believe pretty much anything he hears, scaring him isn't nice-”
“No, there really is a ghost we swear!” Daisy insisted, looking desperate to make Star believe her.
“Yeah, it's really real and Marco believes us so there!” Violet exclaimed, her cheeks puffing up in annoyance at their cousins doubt.
“Your mom already told you two it wasn't real,” Star reminded them and the sisters just sighed and crossed their arms in front of their chests looking upset. Marco however, was confused, his brain spinning as he struggled to understand what Star was saying.
“So wait, there is no ghost?” Marco asked his girlfriend, completely stunned.
Star finally met his gaze and seeing the puzzled expression on her Marco's face she nearly giggled at how cute the face he was making was. But the blond contained herself, shaking her head, and comforting the boy by saying, “No, it's just something the girls made up after they thought they saw something in their closet. Sorry if they worried you, Marco.”
“But it really was there!” Violet shouted.
“Yeah, and then we both had really bad dreams, so how do you explain that?!” Daisy added, standing on the bed and putting her hands to her tiny hips.
Star let out a sigh, seeing the doubt and fear written on all three of their faces, before telling them as gently as she could, “Look people just have nightmares sometimes. It happens, that doesn't mean there is some supernatural thing behind it.” She gave the twins and her bestie each a comforting smile, before adding, “Besides, even if there were ghosts out there that could do the things your saying, they couldn't get into Butterfly Village. It's completely protected. So your safe, okay?”
And that was it, Star had just told him that he had nothing to worry about so Marco should just let it go, right? Any other situation Marco would say yes. After all, he trusted Star and believed whatever she told him, never doubting what she said to be truth. But for some reason, he didn't feel relieved, no matter how much he wanted to. His insides were in knots both from the fear he had experienced earlier and the fact that something about this just felt... wrong to him. Something wasn't adding up. Marco was confused, torn between what Star was telling him and what Daisy and Violet had said, and he wasn't sure who he should believe this time. And on top of that, his own instincts were telling him that there was something more to this than what he was being told. And while a couple of weeks ago he would have just blamed that on himself just being too freaked out and let it go the moment Star told him he had nothing to fear, now the boy had some self-esteem to go off of and that helped him to realize that he couldn't just ignore his feelings, he had to trust them.
“I-I don't know, Star,” Marco suddenly spoke up, though he seemed a little nervous about voicing his thoughts out loud, worried Star might reject him if he argued with her. But all Star did was raise a puzzled eyebrow listening to him closely as he continued, a bit more confident now that he knew Star wasn't upset. “It's just, even if a ghost isn't behind it, there's something going on here, right? I mean don't you think it's a little weird that all of us had a nightmare at the same time?”
“Hmm, well it is... pretty strange,” Star admitted, tapping a finger to her chin in thought.
“Exactly!” Violet exclaimed throwing her arms into the air in exasperation, before crossing them huffily in front of her chest with a pouty look.
“That's what we've been telling you and mom but nooo you didn't believe us!” Daisy shouted, looking equally as frustrated as her twin, stabbing an accusing finger into her cousin's face.
Star raised her hands in an innocent gesture, saying in the most apologetic voice she could, “Okay, okay, I'm sorry.” She then locked gaze with her boyfriend, her blue eyes searching his unwavering brown for a moment before she said, “Alright, well I trust you, Marco.” She gave the twins a quick glance before adding, “You too girls. If you think something is going on then I believe you.”
Marco's face widened into another bright smile, his eyes shimmering with warmth and gratitude toward his girlfriend, so happy to know the level of faith she had in him. The girl returned the grin with one of her own and Marco felt all his insides flutter, an almost beating sensation in his chest for a moment. “So uh,” the boy started to say, coughing after his voice cracked, he hadn't realized just how chocked up he had gotten over that. “What's the plan then, exactly?”
There was a pause as the four thought this over for a minute, a collective, “hmm,” passing through the room. Finally, Star spoke up saying, “Well I think first of all we should investigate this a little further, see if we can figure out what's causing these nightmares.”
“That's a great idea, Star!” Marco shouted, practically tackling his blushing girlfriend in a hug.
“Um, I-I don't know,” Daisy said nervously, wringing her hands in anxiety. “W-What if the ghost is real? What if it gets us?” Her eyes were wide with fear and she bit her lip in hesitation and stress.
Star and Marco shared a look, before smiling soothingly down at the young royal, Marco placing a hand on her shoulder. “Well, I'm still pretty sure there isn't a ghost,” Star said softly. “But if your worried about it you and your sister can stay here.”
“What, no way I'm waiting here like a baby!” Violet shouted, a look of determination on her face as she hopped off the bed and puffing out her chest with her hands to her hips. “I'm not afraid!”
Daisy now looked even more frightened, with the idea of being completely alone, but then felt a gentle squeeze on her shoulder and looked up to see her big brother giving her a warm and comforting smile. “Hey, don't worry, if there is something out there me and Star will keep you safe,” he told her and the girl's tense muscles and face seemed to relax just a little.
“You promise?” the girl asked, her eyes near pleading at this point.
Marco nodded and pledged to the girl a wholehearted, “I promise.”
Daisy looked relieved now, moving a little bit closer to Marco and his protection as she said in the bravest voice she could manage, “Okay I trust you, Big Brother.”
Marco gave her a quick grin, before turning his attention back to Star and asked in a serious tone, “So Star, where do we start?”
“We go talk to the one person here who is an expert on this kind of weird stuff,” Star said matter-of-factly.
Marco didn't even have to question who she was referring to, there was really only one person who fit this description, both him, Star, and even Violet saying at the exact same time, “Janna.”
Daisy on the other hand, said, “Glossaryk.” Her eyes widened as she realized she had said something different from the others and when the three Mewmans turned to her with looks ranging from confusion to skepticism she instantly flushed bright red and shrugged, muttering under her breath, “Well it could have been Glossaryk.”
The four walked quietly down the hallways, trying not to wake anyone up as they all huddled close to each other in a group, Star using her wand to light a path where they were going. The twins seemed extra tense as Daisy clung to Marco while he carried her and Violet hovered near Star, trying to fight the temptation to hold onto her sleep dress. The sound of thunder was now coming on a regular basis as the storm grew closer, making the twins jump every time and causing Marco to become disoriented, though his was mostly from the flash of lightening that kept lighting up the dark halls and rendering him blind for a second. Star seemed unaffected by any of this as she just swept her wand back and forth across the hallways looking for anything out of the ordinary, so far with no luck. But Star didn't drop her guard for even an instant, feeling remarkably on edge. She now understood what Marco had been talking about, something about this just feeling... off. Though she couldn't quite put her finger on what was causing her discomfort. She only new that with every step the uncomfortable feeling seemed to grow.
Star sucked in a breath, trying to get a hold of herself. Come on, Star, she berated herself. Stop acting like a scared kid, you have to stay strong, Marco and the girls are depending on you.
“So how close are we to Jan and Jacks' place?” Marco asked, having trouble navigating in the dark, but was eager to get out of these halls as fast as possible. Ghost or no ghost, this place still felt really creepy all of a sudden. Plus he couldn't shake the feeling that something was watching them.  
“Should just be a little farther up ahead,” Star told her nervous bestie, looking back at him for a second, before returning her gaze back up front. As soon as she did she stopped her tracks, causing Marco to bump into her due to how close he had been to her while walking.
“Um, Star what is it?” Marco asked, trying to hide the nervous edge to her tone as she stared ahead blankly.
“N-Nothing, just thought I saw something,” she said quickly, before resuming her walk forward. She figured she must be getting paranoid cause she could have sworn that the large gleaming stone that had been sitting on a pedestal on the left of the hallway, had moved all of sudden to the right. She paused, holding her stream of light on the object for a couple of seconds, taking in the gleaming light reflected off its surface. It looked like some sort of moonstone or something. And the more she looked at it, the more she realized she had never seen it before.
Before the blond could investigate further, there was a muted crash behind them, causing Star and the others to nearly jump out of their skin and whirl around to see whatever had made the noise. “Wh-What was that?” Violet asked in a voice barely above a whisper, no longer caring about who saw as she clung to Star's sleep dress.
“I-” Star started to reply before there was a flash of lightening, followed by the loud, ear-slitting crack of thunder. And for a split second, as the room was flooded with a blinding beam of light, they could make out some sort of figure standing in the hallways, a pair of glowing sinister eyes hovering on them. They all screamed, Star and Marco hugging each other in their panic, Daisy uncomfortably squished between the two and Violet now latched onto Star's leg with a death grip. They watched in fear as the silhouetted figure creeped closer, Star holding out her wand in a shaky grip, preparing to fire at the thing before them. “We're dead!” Voilet screamed.
“We're going to be go crazy with terror!” Daisy squeaked out, closing her eyes as tight as she could to try and prevent the horrid stories she had been told from coming true.
But then, just as the four were all convinced they were going to be goners, a light came on, illuminating the face of a very mischievous looking Janna. “Boo,” the half-Monster said with one of her devilish smirks. There was a beat of silence as they all took in the form before them, before Star and Marco screamed at the top of their lungs in anger, “JANNA!”
“Nice shoes,” she added now aiming the flashlight down at Marco's feet making him blush.
“Janna,” Star said with a warning tone, still not letting her previous actions go.
“What?” she said as nonchalantly as ever, shrugging as if her scare was no big deal.
“You nearly gave us all a heart attack!” Star scolded, her and the others left panting after such a scary ordeal.
“Aw, come on, I saw you guys acting all freaked out and everything and I thought a little laugh would do you all some good,” Janna replied playfully, messing with the switch on the flashlight as she made the beam turn on and off again in her face, almost bored with the conversation.
“It wasn't funny,” Marco stated and Janna just shrugged again.
“Was to me,” the creepy teen replied.
Violet quickly jumped to her idol’s side, her eyes shimmering. “Well I thought it was a good joke,” the girl lied, letting out a little fake chuckle. “In fact, I knew you were there the whole time, I was just pretending to be scared.”
“No you weren't!” Daisy argued, which caused her sister to scowl.
“Uh, yes I was!” Violet hissed, hands now on her hips.
“No you weren't!”
Violet stuck her tongue out at her twin but said nothing more.
“So what are you doing out here in the middle of the night, Jan?” Marco asked, ignoring the twin's arguing for a moment.
“Same reason you guys are out here, I'm guessing,” Janna replied in a bored monotone, flashing the light on them for a second.
“Were you having nightmares too, Jan?” Star asked with concern.
“Yep,” the girl said. “In fact, the whole castle it seems is having them.”
“Oh, we were actually just on our way to ask you about that, since your kinda the expert on this stuff,” Marco said.
“You flatter me, Diaz,” Janna said, looking away and pretending to be humbled by the boy's compliment, while also flipping the flashlight up into the air and catching it. But she shot him an arrogant grin a second later before saying, “But you were right to come to me.”
Violet gasped, saying in an energetic tone, “Does that mean you already know what's behind all this?!” The girl couldn't be anymore devoted toward Janna then she was right then, she was just so cool!
Janna nodded. “Sure do,” she said simply.
“Then what is it?” Star asked impatiently.
“Is it the Ghost of Butterfly Castle?” Daisy suggested curiously.
“Nope, worse” she said calmly. Janna held the flashlight up to her face to create a scary look, her eyes growing dark and menacing as she hissed out, “It's a Cipher!”
There was a long moment of silence as the group of Mewmans just stared at the creepy teen in confusion, Marco finally asking, “Who?”
Janna let out an exaggerated sigh, before muttering in annoyance, “Seriously, what is you guys' problem with dramatic reveals?!”
“Well, I'm sorry, but we don't know who that is,” Star said defensively.
“Geez, you are all so uncultured,” Janna stated with the click of her tongue. She then went on to explain to the four, “Okay, so basically there's this extremely rare race of creatures from this bizarre dimension called 'Ciphers' and there whole thing is that they draw power from people's dreams and more so from nightmares. They get inside your head and make you go crazy.”
“Ah ha!” Violet loudly interrupted, giving the others a gloating look. “I was right!” she pumped her fists in the air in celebration.
“Congrats,” Janna said with genuine pride, smiling down at the little Mewman girl, which made her nearly glow with praise.
“Okay so these Ciphers or whatever you call them, what are they doing in here?” Star asked.
“Don't know,” Janna replied with a shrug. “That's the big mystery actually. Usually they can't just show up to places unless they're summoned from their dimension and as far as I know nobody here is dumb enough to summon one. Even me. Honestly I thought they were all extinct.”
“So how'd it get in, then?” Marco questioned with a frown, more to himself than to Janna as he looked thoughtfully in the distance.
“More importantly, how do you get rid of it?” Star spoke up, her tone grave.
“Well luckily, I just happen to have a trick up my sleeve for that very thing,” Janna said, her smirk incapable of growing any wider.
“How?” Marco asked, both him and the girl in his arms leaning forward in curiosity, all ears.
“Easy, I make a barrier that forces it out,” Janna replied.
“Wait, is it really that simple,” Star said in shock. She figured something like this would take a lot more work.
“Pretty much yeah, though some of the ingredients are hard to find,” Janna said. She suddenly reached into her jacket pocket and pulled something in a little baggie out for them to see. “In fact, I just popped over to the Cloud Kingdom to get this.” She shook what looked to be a small clump of pink hair inside.
“What is that?” Marco asked, cocking his head to the side.
“Unicorn hair, duh?” Janna responded with a roll of her eyes.
“Wait, what?!” Star screeched, unable to believe what she was seeing. She marched over and snatched the bag out of Janna's grasp, looking closer at the contents as she realized she recognized that particular hue. She gasped, before saying in disbelief, “Is this Pony Head's hair?”
“Well, yeah, I'm not a weirdo who goes around shaving random unicorn's hair off,” Janna scoffed, looking offended by the accusation.
“I can't believe Pony actually gave you some of her hair,” Marco said, equally as shocked as his girlfriend was by this. It seemed very unlike the vain horse to part with some of her mane, since she seemed pretty fond of it, flipping it around in a showy way every time you were nearby.
“Wellll, 'gave me' isn't exactly the right word,” Janna said hesitantly. “Since she wasn't, y'know, conscious when it happened.”
“You cut it off while she was sleeping?!” Star screamed incredulously.
“Relax, she won't miss it,” Janna said nonchalantly, snatching the bag back quickly from her friend's palms.
“Not the point, Janna,” the blond hissed at her friend.
“Uh, stopping the Cipher is,” the creepy girl pushed. “Trust me, you don't want it sticking around here. Those things are nothing but trouble.”
Star let out a tired sigh, but actually let this go for now, saying, “Okay fine then, what else do you need to get rid of it, Jan?”
“Well, I'm down to one last thing, actually,” the creepy girl replied, the smile on her face showing she was enjoying herself far too much. “Just need to gather a sprinkle of Star light.”
Daisy's eyes began to twinkle as she asked, “How are you gonna do that? Are you gonna catch a shooting star and use that to vanquish the Cipher?”
“I'm pretty sure that's impossible Daisy,” Marco pointed out.
“No, no, not 'starlight', Star light,” Janna corrected with a roll of her eyes. “I need Star to give me some of her magic.”
“Wait, really?” Star said in shock, her eyes widening.
“Yeah,” Janna said and pulled out a small opened vile and held it up. “Hit me up, princess.”
Star pulled out her wand and looked down at it skeptically, before hesitantly aiming it in the direction of the glass, taking a second to let the magic gather. “O-Okay,” Star agreed hesitantly, using her simplest and least destructive spells so as to not injure her friend, a stream of magic going from the wand to the vile before it was filled and Janna sealed it up with a rubber stop covered in unreadable symbols. “Perfect, now we're ready to go,” the girl said brightly.
“Great!” Violet cheered in excitement, unable to contain her excitement over seeing her super cool role model vanquishing a powerful inter-dimensional being. Janna really was the best! “Can I help?” she offered, sounding almost pleadingly, desperately wanting to prove herself to her idol.
“Sure, kid, hand me that moonstone over there,” Janna said quickly, pointing it out to the girl. Violet obeyed instantly, running over to the gem, grabbing it up a little too quickly as she fumbled it around in her hands and brought it over to the beanie-wearing teen.
“Wait were you the one moving that thing around earlier?” Star asked with a raised eyebrow.
“Yep, I was trying to find the most effective place to use it at, since it usually has to be very precisely placed, but since I'm using magic instead of mercury, it's not as big a deal where it goes,” Janna explained, handing off her flashlight to her young assistant, while sprinkling a bit of magic and unicorn hair onto the object making it glow a bright blue color and creating bizzare looking symbols all over it. She scoffed, saying smugly, “Whoever came up with the original recipe didn't realize how much more effective using magic is.” The creepy teen shook her head in disappointment of whoever had failed to create the perfect recipe to stop the Cipher.
Janna concentrated on her work for another minute, the others watching in silence so as to not disturb her, until she nodded in satisfaction, indicating she was finished with it. She picked the now enchanted moonstone back up and set it onto the same pedestal it had been on, saying, “But just to be safe...” She fiddled with it for a moment, trying to make sure the powerful object was in just the right spot. Once she felt it was properly in place, she took a step back, admiring her work. “There done.”
The others all sighed in relief, their bodies growing heavy as the weight of exhaustion overtook them, Marco stretching his limbs out for a moment, ready to trudge back to bed and try and get as much sleep as he could before morning and the others felt the same.
“... with that one,” Janna finished and the rest of the Mewmans froze on the spot.
“What, there's more?!” Star screamed in exasperation.
“Well, yeah,” Janna said sarcastically. “These have to be placed all over the castle in order to create a barrier. Otherwise there's no point.”
“How many more do you have to do?” Marco asked, hoping it wasn't too many.
But this was crushed a second later as Janna replied, “About nine or ten.”
Star, Marco, and the twins let out disheartened groans and sighs, looking sadly and tiredly at the ground. So much for getting any sleep tonight.
“Your welcome to come with if you want,” Janna added, not at all affected by the miserable sight of her friends, taking her flashlight back from Violet. “Might go faster with some help.”
“I'd love to!” Violet screamed in an instant, her cheeks slightly flushed.
“B-But what if the Cipher thing hurts us!” Daisy asked fretfully.
Janna just waved a nonchalant hand in the air, saying, “Relax, it's harmless unless your asleep or someone makes a deal with it.”
This line caught Marco's interest, something about it sparking a memory in his head, one that was just out of reach. That sounded... familiar. Where had he heard that before?
“Soooo, I'm gonna head out, you four are welcome to follow or don't,” Janna said, shrugging in indifference and turning on her heels. “I don't really care.”
As she started down the halls, Violet stuck to her like glue as she followed along, Star and Marco shared a look, the boy asking his bestie, “Should we go with?”
“Well it's not like were going to get much sleep until she finishes up,” Star pointed out and Marco nodded.
“That's true,” he agreed.
Star bit her lip, still unsure. “What do you think?” she asked and Marco was caught off guard by this. Usually Star did the decision making he realized and Marco would just go along with it, only suggesting stuff here and there to her, but now she was asking him directly what they should do. She was trusting him with this important decision and he swore he wouldn't let her down. He thought his answer through carefully, playing out all the pros and cons for going with Janna, before deciding that their friend might need backup just in case things went awry. Plus he was still really curious about what connection he possibly had to this Cipher thing and wanted to see if he could learn more.
“I think we should go,” he said as firmly as he could and Star just smiled and took his hand in hers, making the places where her soft skin brushed his tingle.
“Okay then, let's go,” she said almost instantly and Marco smiled ear to ear as he and Star started after Janna together, who seemed to be taking her time as she waited to see if they would follow. But they had only gone two steps when the peach-haired girl still in Marco's arms shouted, “Wait!”
“What is it, Daisy?” Marco asked in worry, as the girl began to quiver in his grip.
“I-I don't wanna go,” the girl whimpered under her breath.
Star and Marco shared a look, before the blond said in a soft voice, “Okay then, you don't have to.” The boy set the girl back down on her feet, while Star bent down to her level saying, “Jackie's room is just down the hall. Go stay in there for a little while, okay?”
The girl nodded and ran off without a second thought, the young couple watching her until she made it to the door in question and entered in without a word. Knowing Daisy was now safe, their duties now fell on Violet to protect and look after, as well as try and aid Janna with banishing the annoying creature that had snuck into their home. They turned back in the direction, seeing Janna and Violet now nearly out of sight and their faces switched to one of mutual determination.
Star and Marco's hands locked once more, providing each other strength and warmth as they followed after their friend. With every step their grip only grew more tight as if in defense in case someone tried to separate them. But the two besties wouldn't have that. They knew that their partner was safe so long as they stayed linked. And as they continued on, like an unbreakable barrier, they seemed to be silently indicating the true weight of this decision, sending out a message loud and clear that said, Nothing can hurt us, so long as we stay together.
From the shadows the dark figure couldn't help but chuckle to himself, “Challenge accepted.” It was funny to Bill Cipher to watch as they tried their miserable attempt to put a stop to him. He would allow this to go on for a little while, after all what was the fun in the game if there was no challenge in it. And when he did win, it would be all the more crushing knowing how far they had come. Oh yeah, this was gonna be one heck of a party! 
Additional disclaimer: Bill Cipher belongs to Alex Hersch and Disney. All rights go to them. 
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quartings · 6 years
PokeSpe English fancast!
These are the voices I usually try to imagine in my head whenever I read the manga! Some of these I came up with myself, others I just accepted after looking up videos of the same topic on YouTube. I also know most, if not all of these castings would be impossible, since some of the listed actors have aged out of the roles and others would not conceivably work for an anime.
Try these out whenever you next read the manga! And if you have any suggestions for voices you think fit better, feel free to tell me about it!
(Long post, so it’s under the cut!)
Red (Gen 1-2): Veronica Taylor (Original Ash Ketchum)
- Since they start out pretty similarly and are counterparts anyways, why not?
Red (Gen 3+): Bryce Papenbrook (Origins Red)
- I’m not a hardcore fan of the guy’s work, but he fits well enough and is easy to recall!
Blue (Gen 1-2): James Cathcart (Gary Oak)
- He definitely isn’t the best choice for his more edgy counterpart, so any generic shonen rival voice would also be just as good!
Blue (Gen 3+): Johnny Bosch (Origins Brock)
- Taken off a YouTube suggestion, I think this one’s pretty fitting!
Green (Gen 1-2): Tara Strong (Kitten Walker- Teen Titans)
- I think this one fits very well with Green’s cheeky and flirty personality!
Green (Gen 3+): Michelle Knotz (May- Pokemon AG)
- I feel Green could keep Tara Strong as her voice actress throughout, but I included this for equality in case anyone wanted to see!
Yellow: Laura Bailey (Maka Albarn- Soul Eater)
- Another YouTube suggestion which really impressed me! Laura has a lot of range, which is needed to play Yellow!
Gold (Gen 2-3): Maddie Blaustein (AJ- Pokemon episode 8)
- While his accent was a bit much, I like him as a spunky counterpart to Ash! Any better versions of a similar character would be appreciated!
EDIT: Now that I think about it, Ben Schwartz would actually be a good choice for Gold!
Gold (Gen 4+): Scott McCord (Dan Kuso- Bakugan)
- (YouTube suggestion) There’s probably many other voices that’d fit here too!
Silver: Julian Rebolledo (Paul- Pokemon DP)
- Any super-edgy anime guy would fit (I saw Sasuke as one suggestion and agreed), but I’m going with the closest existing Pokemon comparison!
Crystal: Janice Kawaye (XJ9, Ami Onuki, etc)
- I think Janice’s peppy voice and strong “voice of reason” tone would be perfect for Crystal!
Ruby (Gen 3): Scott Menville (Robin- Teen Titans)
- Scott’s capability of playing both a campy loon (Er... thanks, TTG?) and a young badass was what really motivated me to choose him!
Ruby (Gen 6+): Todd Haberkorn (Hikaru- Ouran Host Club)
- While I still think Scott could voice Ruby all the way, the many occurrences of Todd on other people’s list and the voice clips they provided convinced me to begrudgingly put him here for his sheer skill.
Sapphire: Carolyn Richards (Sandy Cheeks, Cindy Vortex, etc)
- I think she would pull off Sapphire’s tough attitude, southern (?) accent and semi-tsundere nature based on the two roles listed above!
Emerald: Tara Strong (Ben Tennyson- Ben 10)
- Maybe I’m biased because he also has the green and #10 motif, but I think Ben 10′s voice would be a perfect for a spunky little kid like Emerald! I don’t think most usual anime dub voices would fit him very well otherwise...
Diamond: Zach Eisen (Avatar Aang)
- For a pure boi like Diamond, I think he’d 100% need an actual kid actor voicing him. And for ease of imagination, the rest of the Sinnoh Trio’s voices will also line up with the Gaang’s, because they actually fit quite well!
Pearl: Jack DeSena (Sokka)
- Barry’s voice also fits really well since the two are almost identical characters, but this works pretty well, too!
Platinum: Mae Whitman (Katara, many other roles)
- I think Mae Whitman’s impressive repertoire of wise and strong girl characters speaks for itself. For more anime-oriented folks, I’ve also seen the great Christina Vee on other people’s suggestions!
Black: Michael Reisz (Takuya- Digimon Frontier)
- For the longest time I imagined Black played by Yuri Lowenthal, but when I saw Michael’s voice clips from a YouTube suggestion, they immediately won me over!
White: “Miss Paradox Space” (White, PokeSpe BW Fandub)
- While certainly not the most professional actress on this list, hearing her in the YouTube fandub series for the manga was a great pleasure! She has a very unique voice that fits the role very well! If you know a similar and better actress, make sure to tell me about her!
Blake: Yuri Lowenthal (Sasuke Uchiha, teen Ben Tennyson, Mercury Black, etc)
- Similar to Scott Menville as Ruby but more adult, Yuri has the range of playing both a badass and a dweeb (for Blake’s campy playboy facade.)
Whitley: Haven Paschall (Serena- Pokemon XY)
- Haven’s amazing skill at conveying “sweet anime girl experiencing despair” was what led me to choose her for this role!
X: Mike Erwin (Speedy- Teen Titans)
- I know there are many roles that fit better than this, so let me hear them! Personally I never liked that X and Y were aged down for the manga, so my choice here might be a bit biased.
Y: Ashley Johnson (Ellie- The Last of Us, many many other roles)
- One of the best tough girl voices for one of the toughest Dex Holders!
Sun: Jacob Hopkins (Original Gumball Watterson)
- It was super-tough deciding whether or not to give Sun a kid actor or not (I was dead-set on Ben Schwartz for a while) but I think this probably fits? Gumball’s personality of a well-meaning kid with a slightly askew moral compass should work well for Sun! Any better suggestions?
Moon: Kimiko Glenn (Peni Parker, Lena DeSpell, etc)
- Kimiko’s voice really fits a friendly and composed yet badass girl like Moon!
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gameting · 6 years
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“If you haven’t heard of this game already then that’s okay, but if there’s room under that rock what’s the rent like?”
Minecraft Review - Perfectly crafted
Originally created by Markus Persson in 2009, published by his own company funded by the game's huge success Mojang in 2011, and bought out by Microsoft in 2014, the original Minecraft is a far cry from the most current release. Having been in constant development for a decade it's safe to say that Minecraft has only grown mightier as the years have gone by.
The charming pixelated sandbox has gained a following akin to other gargantuan franchises like Star Wars or Disney, striking a flame with the first Minecraft convention dubbed 'Minecon' in 2010. The game itself is very much a love child of the now billionaire Markus' favourite games of the time, and what started out as a passion project has since become a staple of the gaming world.
Story: As a completely open world experience the 'story' of Minecraft is entirely in the players hands; Want to spend the next three weeks farming? Go for it! Want to focus on finding that sweet spot to build your next house? Build away! Wanna murder some tall purple-black dudes who steal your stuff and then use their eyes to find and jump into a portal to then fight a massive dragon? Yeah, me too! The story of Minecraft is non-existent; it's a truly open 'sandbox' experience where the player has total freedom.
As time has gone by however there have been updates that add end goals, such as the aforementioned dragon, but there's no “Nice one for completing the game!” screen so to speak. So what is there to do in Minceraft if there's no story, no tension, no drama or purpose? Well...
Gameplay: The gameplay can be stripped down to four basic functions: kill, eat, build, sleep. At least that's what the alpha version could have been described as. Now, however, you can ride pigs, plant wheat, breed animals, fly, enchant weapons, fish, that's right I did say fly, kill under water zombie dudes, ride horses, keep cats, ride carts, and of course mine AND craft.
It isn't very telling from the list, but there is a lot to do in Minecraft that I haven't even mentioned. So much so that if you leave the game for a few months you could come back to entirely new items and features that seemed inconceivable in the past. I mean the fact that you can fly now? I don't even know how to do that I just saw a friend do it and I've already poured the last week into trying to find out how.
I mentioned that you can enchant weapons, but you can also enchant yourself, albeit temporarily, through the use of potions. Get some glass, make a bottle, and you're one step closer to being able to see better in the dark, jump really high, do more damage or even swim faster under water. The amount of stuff to do in Minecraft can be dizzying, but part of the fun is trying to figure out how to do everything as hard as you can before turning to the wiki.
There are of course baddies in the game outside of dragons and block stealing weirdos; zombies, creepers (the green thing that go boom), skeleton archers, drowned (wet zombies), slimes, blazes (hot shooty boys), spiders, baby zombies and drowned (the worst), Ghast (big white screamy memey shooty boys) and of course other players, the latter of which is one of the best ways to experience the game.
The world in which you inhabit in any video game is just as important as the baddies you slay. Some games push you down linear corridors, some games even tie you to a single path and all you can really do is aim and shoot, and while some games give you large sprawling maps for you to explore at your leisure, in Minecraft, well, the world is made of “chunks” as we pros call it, and it never ends. No, really, it never ends, the game world is procedurally generated, which means you can pick a direction and keep going until you find the perfect mountain to make your home.
There are also a variety of landscapes in the game: taiga (snowy bois), deserts, giant mushrooms, dark woods, regular woods, birch woods, mountain ranges, swamps, igloos, flat plains, and sometimes it's just a lot of water. Whatever your favourite flavour of the real world is, Minecraft has it, and with the ability to pick your seed (the combination of numbers generated when a world is made) you can customise the world you inhabit.
The following of Minecraft also came with game altering mods that can add new blocks, features, animals, bad dudes, good dudes, currency, heck you can even mod in completely different game modes which have since become easily accessible outside of the modding community.
All of this is wrapped up in an easy to learn control scheme with hit, not hit, jump, other not hit, crouch, move around and change your characters perspective between first and third person.
Graphics: Imagine really cool pixel art. Just loads of squares dude.
Sound: The sound design in Minecraft is just so good. Open a door? Mm chunky door sound. Walking on some snow? Crunchy snow sound. The sound effects for items in the game are top notch, but the game really shines with the sounds of the enemies, specifically the creepers. Casually mining and you hear that hissing sound? Well, you were mining.
The music in the game is, as it always has been, gorgeous. Subtle tones that chime in from time to time, gentle piano as the rain starts to fall, ominous noises that can only be described as “bwam” while exploring the depths of the world, all of it works together to create a cohesive sound scape that peacefully fits to whatever you're mining, crafting or slaying. Every thing sounds as it should, and the music has a mind of it's own so it never feels noisy or excessive.
Personal experience: My first real experience with Minecraft was after I 'legally' downloaded it with 'money' on 'my' computer in my own home with my 'hands' on a 'keyboard.' It was an early alpha build and I remember running away from zombies and the hissy green boys by hiding in a mountain. I figured, y'know, wait until day, hang out, then dig my way back to the real world. Only, I'd forgotten which way was out, I wasn't paying attention and ended up spending half an hour punching my way out of an endless wall of dirt.
Between then and now I'm only slightly better at building a 9x9 wooden house, and the green boys don't scare me (as much) any more. Minecraft has been a game that I've left and returned to multiple times, and now as I write this review I find myself playing online with a friend and more invested than ever; when do we fly I ask, I don't know maybe after the dragon my friend replies, and we continue to routinely murder the same bloodline of cows until we're both wearing pink boots and hats. I'd say play it with friends, but sometimes going it alone is just as fun.
Score /10: To be honest I was going into this review with a number in mind, but now that I've finished it I have to say I'm going to keep the number: it's a 10/10. From the timeless gameplay, to the addictive nature of mining and crafting, and figuring out how the hell to fly, I find myself captivated by the simplistic depth of Minecraft, the allure of dying all my sheep the same colour and making all my tools shiny. Definitely leaving my Minecraft world in my will/10.
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drewxmay · 7 years
Contestshipping Review - Part Eighteen - Spontaneous Cumbusken
-The Title-
For this episode I actually finally figured out how to correctly spell “Cumbusken” and for a little fun fact about this episode, when it was originally released the people who made the episode title also accidentally misspelled it at “Cumbuskin” This was later corrected, though the error remained on the DVD version, foreign language dubs and when it re-aired several other times.
-Episode Link-
-The Review-
The episode starts out with the narrator explain how everybody has finally arrived on Chrysanthemum island.
And Ceptile still can’t use any attacks due to last episode.
Ash: Hey c’mon you can do those moves, you just have to try harder! Get that stuff out of your mind and do it!
Drew: You’re just making it worse y’know.
Everybody: Huh?? :turns over to see Drew:
Drew: You’re not thinking about it from Ceptile’s point of view.
22 seconds in and he’s already here to scold somebody on their training ability.
and now the theme song was immediately finished when that happened.
So now it’s back to that scene like the theme song never happened.
So Drew
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Drew: Telling your Pokemon to try hard just gives them more stress, and you don’t need that.
Like if you just listen to the tone of voice he is saying this is he isn’t acting rude or anything he’s just giving advice and overall acting nice. Granted, that might be the new voice actor not knowing what he was supposed to do although I highly doubt it becuase of the music playing in the background.
May: Uh, hey Drew, :hold up letter: did you send this to me?
Drew: Huh?
May: See, I’d love to be in the contest with you... but mark me words! I’m gonna beat you!
Drew: Except I didn’t send that.
May: Huh?
Drew: Come on May. :flicks hair: You should at least know that that isn’t my style.
Everybody: We should, huh?
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I don’t get the joke what does the Japanese version say
Drew: Truthfully I’m not even going to be in this Contest.
May: Huh? You’re not?
Drew: I’ve been in so many Contests lately my Pokemon have been wipes, so we came to Chrysanthemum island for a little RNR.
He’s been in more than five contest lately I wonder who he lost to them.
May: RNR? Go figure... :looks back down at her letter: But if you didn’t send me this... I wonder who did.
Now for the Team Rocket scene. skip to  1:59 if you don’t want to hear it.
So Jessie wants to enter herself and Mime.JR into the contest.
Also, James:
James: Jessie the point of a Pokemon contest is to show of your Pokemon not how you look in an evening gown.
James: If you’re going to be a fool must it involve the children?
So May is using Cumbusken and Munchlax to win the contest, so before she is trying to train. When Munchlax tries to use focus punch on Cumbusken, he jumps into the air and how of the way, but Munchlax keeps going forward with the focus punch, already being in the air and all, and:
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I think it was intended that she ducked but it looked like Munchlax was just a little off to the side.
May: I’m so sorry! Are you okay?
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Briana: Ya! But I’m not too sure about your Munchlax.
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“Naw I’m fine"
May: “chuckles” Me and that Munchlax. I guess we’re a little overly hyped!
Briana: That’s becuase you lost in the Wisteria Contest and Munchlax wants to make up for it, right?
May: Now, how did you know about the Wisteria contest?
May you seem to forget that there are thousands of people watching contests live and probably even more on re-runs.
Briana: Yup! I was there, I really wanted to meet you becuase I thought you might’ve been feeling bad after the contest, but I couldn’t find you and I left the rose and card instead!
May: :Hold up card: So this card from from you?
Briana: Yup! and now I get to meet you face-to-face in person! Oh ya! I’m Briana here’s a ro-
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May: Munchlax how rude!
Hopefully they don’t do this to all of May’s roses. The roses are flowers that butterflies eat and the rose was meant for Beautifly.
It was totally meant for Beautifly.
Briana: Well at least we know that Munchlax likes roses too!
May: About the card, the confusion started becuase you forgot to put your name on it.
Briana: Huh??? :takes card: Oh! that’s awful! I’m sorry!
You know what I’d also like to point out that she only wrote one sentence on the letter put nvm that...
May: That’s okay! I thought it was from a friend of mine named Drew and I just asked him about it.
You know what it was only back in “Hi Ho Silver Wind” that he was Rival zoned now he is Friend zoned.
But seriously she considers Drew as a friend now.
Briana: you did???
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Briana: You mean Mr.Drew’s here right now???
You know what May is being so nice to Briana she wanted to meet Drew :)
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Also look at how anti-nipple this show is. Like he doesn’t need a towl shouldn’t he be swimming?
My brother: Why is nobody in the pool?
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The water is completely still wtf.
May: See there he is!
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Briana: You were right!  I’m actually breathing the same air he is!
Not from that distance you aren’t, unless you mean you’re breathing oxygen.
May: I could introduce you.
Briana: That’d be awesome!
May: :Both May and Briana start running over to him: Dreeeew!
Drew: Huh? :Looks over and sees May then sits up: May what’s up?
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May: I’ve got a new friend! Her name’s Briana, and she’s a big fan of yours who became a coordinator after watching you preform!
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Drew: :stands up: Wow you did?
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Drew: Hey thank you!
You know what everybody keeps saying Drew is a douche and although he said some “rude” stuff to May that I’ve explained multiple times before to anybody else (That isn’t taking advantage of May like Harley) he is actually an extremely nice boy and he just seems to be trying to be nice to people, like for example Briana right here. He knows that he is a fan and probably has a lot of anxiety from meeting him so he’s just trying to be nice and all that.
Briana: It-it’s nice to meet you...
May: And it was Briana who sent me that card!
Briana: I didn’t sign my name and I feel like such a total fool!!!
Drew: You didn’t do anything wrong. May just made another silly mistake.
Back to the contestshipping I know and love. Just Drew poking fun of May.
May: Well there’s only one person like that that i know would send me something like that Mr.Rose!
Drew: Mr. Rose??? :blushes:
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Rosellia: :Starts laughing:
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Drew: Rosellia!
Rosellia: Throws arms up into the air: Rosellia!
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I think Rosellia likes seeing her trainer in flustering situations
Did you see that blush?
I don’t even have to explain it DID YOU SEE THAT BLUSH WHEN MAY CALLED HIM MR. ROSE.
4:15 May: :turns to Briana: Y’know, If you’d like to shake Drew’s hand I’m sure he’d love to!
Briana: Ya! Really...?
Drew: I’d be happy to.
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Briana: It’s so awesome to meet you...
“You’ve done this before right?”
“And you talk too much.”
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This is the most popular Contestshipping gif becuase of how out of context it can be taken.
Drew: Starts walking off: Bye! Good luck at the contest!
Max: :watching from a distance with and Ash Brock: Drew is such a weenie.
Those of you who read these and have never watched any of these episode will not believe how popular that line is.
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Briana: Wow... he’s cute!
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Briana: :turns over to May with angry face and tone of voice: So! It’s you and me!
May: Huh?!?!
Briana: I’m aiming for you in this contest and I’m gonna win!
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May: But why me???
Briana: Look. I’ve seen every contest that you and Drew have entered and I know for a fact that you’re the only female coordinator he has respect for!
He also has respect for Robert who is a guy so
Also what about Solidad?
Actually know Briana doesn’t know who she is
And nor did the writers at this point I bet she was just a really ruched in character.
May: I didn’t know that!
Briana: Duh! I may be inexperienced and haven't won a single ribbon yet but one day I’m going to be a top class coordinator and Mr.Drew will respect me! And I figured that the quickest way to get his respect is to beat you in a contest!I’ve been training for this moment like crazy and I’m ready to go! So get ready for a fight!
You know Briana, you might’ve seen every contest that they’ve went to but you haven’t seen their conversations backstage or the exact reason why Drew respects May so much. Last time he fought he she was extremely inexperienced, the reason she respects her isn’t just becuase of how her capabilities have grown but actually talking to her and figuring out her personality outside of battles, and backstage conversations are also an important thing here too.
Max: Wow, someones after May again.
Like in order to undertand this you need to watch it just listen to max.
“Someones after May again...”
“This happens every episode...”
Yay! The contest has started!
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Drew is sitting next to May’s friends for the contest.
I find this notable you can figure out why.
And now for Jessie’s appeal round.
So it starts out with Jessie running onto the stage with some Hawaiian outfit or whatever. She announces herself as “Jessiebella”
James: Now there’s a stretch Jessiebella.
Okay I feel like I need to explain this joke becuase most people reading this don’t get it.
Every time Jessie enters a Pokemon contest she changes her name slightly, we all know this. “Jessiebella” doesn’t seem like too much of a stretch, but actually let me explain.
As everybody knows James comes from an extremely wealthy home, but what confuses people is “Well if that’s true then how come those three are always broke and how comes James is a team rocket member in the first place if he could just live with his wealthy and loving family?” and there is actually a very realistic answer to this.
So when James was around ten years old he has a Growlith. This will be important later. He met a girl named “Jessiebella”and being ten he got a playful crush on her. At one point he was playfully chatting with her and he playfully asked her to marry him as ten year old do.
Somehow they actually got engaged and would marry once James becomes Eighteen (He is Seventeen if you need my indefinite proof on that I’ll tell you if you ask), but Jessiebella is actually a bitch and at one point she tries to make him get red of his beloved Growlith. After that James was able to realize what a bitch she actually is and isn’t able to call off the marriage so he ran way from home and if he tries to go home he’ll have to marry the bitch.
Also, this is how she looks:
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The only difference between her and Jessie is what she wears, her name, her personality, and she has green eyes not blue like Jessie.
So then Jessie releases Mime.Jr and it comes out spinning on their head. Hopefully Jessie got some cuteness points from that. After that Jessie and Mine.Jr do the tango and we get this funny scene:
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James: Groove Mime Jr. !!!
Now for May’s appeal!
May sends out Munchlax and immediately tells him to use Solar Beam. Because the sun is visible he is able to pull it off immediately. Brock explains this, and Drew says “It would’ve been a god attack for a resort like this.”
I wonder if there was any way for May to know that the sun would be out.
May calls out for Metrenome.
Max: Oh why is she calling for that attack at a time like this!
Ash: It’s a chance!
Drew: It’s a chance, but I think it’s worth it. If she pulls it off it’s a showcase. It puts your Pokemon in a great position.
Once the attack finally pulls off it becomes rest. Munchlax falls asleep. May doesn’t seem to worry too long when she pulls out her Pokeblock it immediately wakes up Munchlax and he jumps into the air to catch it, and in order to have a soft landing he uses focus punch right above the ground. Her rounds ends.
And now for Briana’s appeal.
Briana sends out a Sirskit who uses Ice beam on the ground and turns it completely to ice. Sirskit uses Agility to glide across the ice, until it jumps into the air and starts spinning like a top. this gives it a soft landing on the ice and once it does get on the ice it continues spinning like a top. it suddenly stops and poses signifying that the turn has ended.
May and Briana backstage.
May: Briana! That was awesome!
Briana: Thanks! After I remembered Mr.Drew was watching, I got so scared. I bet I’ll never made it to the second rounds after that!
Well based off of your preformence you seemed to have complete control over your nervousness and that must’ve what made your amazing preformence.
May: You’ve got to be kidding! You had the audience in the palm of your hand! You’re going to the second round for sure!
and now for the scores!
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How did May and Jessie get a higher score than Briana?
I’m seriously judging the judges becuase of this choice,
Max: Drew, how do you think May’s going today? (preformence wise)
Drew: Is she using Munchlax is round two?
Brock: I think she said that she’d be using Cumbusken.
Drew: Aww give me a break! Doesn't’ she remember that Munchlax’ Solar Beam Recharges quicker in the sun? Well that’s too bad. It would’ve given her a huge advantage. Sorry guys, it seem that May messed up again.
Brock (In mocking voice): Gee Drew why don’t you tell us how you really feel?
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I swear my soul Brock HAS to be talking about Contestshipping.
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May: Watch closely Drew, you’re going to see a win you’ll never forget!
Briana: We’ll see...
May: I’m finally going to be able to show Drew I’m a winner!
Briana: Come on May!
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May: huh?
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Briana: It seems to me your feelings for Drew go way beyond Contests and battling!
May (voice a bit shaky): Huh? Me and Drew? He’s just a rival!
Briana: Oh ya??? Well I wanna know if you like Drew!
May: Like him? To be honestly... I haven't given it much thought...
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Briana: Well after I win this contest I’m going to tell him that I love him!
May: That’s fine with me aside from the “When I win this”  part!
Okay so this is the scene I’ve been waiting to review, waiting to talk about, waiting to explain what I’ve been saying sense the 12th review.
In the final scene of “Rhapsody in Drew”, May and Drew were talking. Drew said that he hoped to see her in the next grand festival, and told how how he and many other coordinators deal with loss. As he walked off May just stood there staring, and was extremely startled when Ash offered her the Ice Cream.
That is what Started what I’ve been calling “The unknowing crush”. She likes him, but hadn’t realized it. Little things like the letter. May was exited from the next contest, and that note made her even more exited becuase she’d finally have a chance to gain the respect from Drew, that in the back of her mind already knew she had, she just wanted to impress him, and didn’t really know why, or even realize it. That letter made her way more exited.
She gets exited to see Drew again, and feels as if she needs to impress him, even if she doesn’t know why, or even realize why. She knows she already has his respect, but her mind tried to make up a reason for why she was even more edited to go to the next contest. It never hit her that she liked him, until Briana had to point it out.
I could go on with this for much longer, but I’ll stop here. I think I’ve gotten my point through.
Jessie: All spare in love and war, but don’t you think you should save it for the battle?
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Jessie: Ah young love. I’d pay to see a battle between you two!
May: This should be good, you’re be second round opponent y’know.
And now for Jessie and May’s fight.
May sends out Cumbusken and Jessie sends out Mime Jr. May starts it out by using Fire spin. When the fire spin starts going towards Mime.Jr, they dodge and uses Mimic. Mime Jr.’s Fire Spin hits and May looses points. Cumbisken uses quick attack and it’s a direct hit to Mime. Jr. Mime Jr. counters by jumping onto Cumbusken’s back and tickling him. May lost an extremely huge amount of her points by that. Mime Jr. uses Fire Spin again. When it hits Cumbusken it actually heals him, becuase he is a fire type. Cumbusken then uses Sky Uppercut on Mime Jr. and wins the battle at 13:35.
Small scene of Briana beating her opponent with Vibrava.
Food for thought: Sirskit evolves into Masqurain and Vibrava evolves into Flygon.
She might have a Budew as well but you are only supposed to use two Pokemon in this Contest.
Small scene where May defeats somebody by using quick attack.
Small scene where Briana’s Vibrava defeats somebody by using Dragon Breath.
And finally time for May and Briana’s battle!
The battle starts off with May releasing Cumbusken and Briana releasing Vibrava. May starts off by using Quick attack, but it is quickly stopped when Vibrava uses Screech. In order, to make the Vibrava stop, Cumbusken uses Fire Spin. This land a direct hit, and Vibrava then slowly pushes the Fire back with Dragon Breath before it dissapeares. When it does dissapear, Vibrava uses sand Tomb, which completely covers  Cumbusken's entire lower body in sand, making him unable to move. May begs for her Pokemon to get out, and suddenly, Cumbusken's top feathers and the sand starts glowing blue, and then Cumbusken jumps out of the sand with his feet also glowing.
*Cumbusken learned Mega Kick!
Vibrava uses Dragon breath which gets a direct hit on Cumbusken. Cumbusken then tries using Sky Uppercut on Vibrava, but misses. Vibrava attempts to completely cover Cumbusken in Sand Tomb, but Cumbusken uses Mega Kick which makes all of the sand go away, and while Cumbusken is falling back to the ground he plants his foot on Vibrava and slams the ground/dragon type Pokemon into the ground, knocking them out.
May wins the battle at 17:25.
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You know what sometimes you just need to appreciate the backgrounds in Pokemon they are so beautiful but sadly don’t get much attention.
Briana: You were great, really great! I can see why Mr.Drew has total respect for your talent!
May: Thanks, that really means a lot to me Briana.
Briana: Tell you what, when I get my first ribbon then I’ll tell him how I feel!
Max: Hey you guys!
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Brock: I had a feeling we’d find you two over here.
Briana: Oh no May it’s Mr.Drew! :hides behind May:
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Ash: You two sure know how to have a great battle!
Max: That was a great win too May!
Brock: That makes three [ribbons] right May?
May: :nods: Hey Drew I was wondering you you thought of my battle skills sense you last saw me!
Drew: To tell you the truth, I think you got lucky with that Mega kick, so if I were you :flicks hair: I’d be really grateful.
May: Thanks.
Drew: Briana, that’s your name right?
Briana: Uh- yes sir!
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Drew: You were good. Very good. It’s obvious you’ve trained your Vibrava well. It’s hard work making it all the way to Flygon, but I’m sure you’ll make it.
Briana: Gee thanks! I’ll work extra hard! :faints:
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Max: He sure knows how to make an impression.
Brock: Like fingernails on a blackboard.
That made me burst out laughing but where did this sudden hatred Brock has for Drew come from?
Drew: Hey May.
May: Huh?
Drew: Just two more ribbons.
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May: Just... curious... how many do you have?
Drew: What counts? I just figured in your case you might need somebody to remind you! :walks off:
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“I’m hoping to see you back here next year to May.” - Rhapsody in Drew
“Hey, May, just two more ribbons.” - Spontaneous Combusken
May never forgot what Drew said after the Grand Festival. She never forgot how kindly he had said that to her. Now, she is blushing like “Oh my god I’m falling in love” blushing. After Drew has reminded her about those two ribbons, she was also reminded of what Briana had said and what he had said all the way back then. What Briana had said earlier made her finally start considering the fact that she has feelings for Drew. If I had to say anything about this episode, I’d say that this is the scene where May finally realizes her feelings for Drew.
Drew didn’t forget what happened after the Grand Festival either. He actually reminded her that she needed two more ribbons before the next Grand Festival he was hoping he’d meet her at. Their first serious romantic moment was on the beach after the Grand Festival, and now their here again with a whole new revelation on May’s part. Instead of being mystified at Drew’s sudden kind words she is standing there acting like a schoolgirl in love with her crush who is standing right in from of her. Just look and compare this scene to the scene after the Grand Festival, there has been character development, and there will be so much more.
To be completely honest no other ship in the entire Pokemon anime has come this close to being canon. Not Pokeshipping, not Penguinshipping, and not even Armorshipping, where they actually kissed. Pokeshipping came close, but it was more of a joke to the writers. Sure they had their moments, but it was mainly a joke. Penguinshipping felt forced in, like it came in during the episodes where Dawn was about to leave the show, and Dawn even rejected him in the end. Armorshipping is a similure story, Serena is about to leave the show and she kisses Ash right before she leaves. It felt like her crush came from almost nowhere, and it also felt like to most standered love story for a kids show. “This girl has a crush on this boy and as she is about to go she kisses him”. It isn’t even confirmed is Ash likes her back.
I honestly have no idea what to add onto this. Consider this the ending of the conclusion. :)
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SFP25 - Editing and Narration
First Cut - 28/11/2017
I went to see how Amber was making progress with the editing this morning and it looks great so far. We discussed the idea of potentially filming more cutaway shots, especially of Ellie’s room as she is the central character and those shots seem a slightly rushed. I reckon we need to go over camera movement and angle with these cutaways so that we can create a much stronger sense of the characters through their bedrooms. Also, Amber is going to edit the audio levels as some dialogue is slightly muffled. Along with diegetic sound, Amber suggested that we use music in the scenes that aren’t interviews but she needs to discuss this with Jess as she was as unsure about what genre of music to use. We’re also adding in music to the Wire toilet scene as we need to recreate how it would sound on the night out and not at 5pm when we filmed.
After editing a rough cut, Amber has suggested that we move the script around and put Lindsey’s interview before Ellie’s as Lindsey introduces the other two girls and it makes the narrative flow better. Lucy will be colour grading once Amber has finished which is exciting as it may completely change the tone of the film.
We’re currently finding a narrator for the film which is really important as it’s heavy dialogue and we want to get the clearest sound possible. Amber’s keen to get this narration done as it makes editing harder when she can’t match the pace to the voice of the narrator.
Second Cut - 01/12/2017
I sat with Amber again today to see how her editing is coming along. It looks great and the music that we’ve bought really fits the feel of the film. We definitely need to film some more filler shots around Hyde Park and of Brudenell Social Club which shouldn’t take very long. On Sunday night, we’re recording the narration which should be the final touch for the film to come together. 
I’m really sad that we’ve had to cut out the Blue Rinse scene due to being over the 5 minute limit but Amber has said she’ll edit two versions and we’ll just submit the shorter one. I really love the dubbed sound of music that she’s put over the scene in Wire as I almost forgot that we filmed during the day, it sounds so realistic! 
Final Cut before colour grading - 05/12/2017
Today was the final day of editing for Amber. The two of us booked out the camera and filmed a few filler shots around Hyde Park which really work in the title sequence. We’re so happy with the final result! The audio is a bit funny in places, especially in Ellie’s interview scene as Amber had to raise the audio levels so there’s static noise. It’s also a shame that we had to cut the pre drink scene down a lot as it wasn’t as strong as the other scenes and we had too much footage to keep to the 5 minutes maximum. However, we have brought the Blue Rinse scene back which I’m delighted about as I think the reaction shots are particularly good. 
When watching it back with Amber, we were both slightly unsure about the male narration as we were used to hearing Amber’s voice as a temporary narration to help with editing. Despite this, I do think we will keep the male voice as it does sound more professional.
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Example of Amber’s Edit Log
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purposeful procrastinating
hey kids, so, there are things i really want to watch this season but i don’t want to torture myself week-to-week? especially with nobody to excitedly yell about anime at. i got a couple hours of it when my brother visited and we sat around talking weeb shit, but just like sleep debt, i have a lot of pent-up weeb babbling leftovers. 
because i want to keep myself away from the urge to watch the things i want to watch RIGHT AWAY RIGHT NOW OH MY GOD, it was time to go back to the to-watch list and the number generator to decide. the random number told me it was time for Makai Ouji: Devils and Realist. and shit, the character designs were generically pretty boys, and it had all that weird Very Christian Bullshit. it should have been a good time, but mostly it was annoying and full of recycled animation and stills on roller skates. have thought about it exactly none since finishing, probably never will again.
after that disappointment, Hotarubi no Mori e was a tiny huff of fresh air. i love the shit out of Natsume Yuujinchou, so an adaptation of a manga by the same author was always gonna be great. a short little movie about growing up and forest spirits and a gentle blending of two worlds and there’s a masked person and for some reason i love the intrigue of a character being masked and only getting to see their face in tiny flashes and special moments. i was crying as it got to the end, and then cried harder when i realized that it was over and sometimes life is just bittersweet like that. please give me all the youkai/ayakashi stories, forever and ever, amen.
let’s go right from spirits to demons, and specifically, demon business hell. Hoozuki no Reitetsu takes the idea of hell and makes it a some very organized Japanese business. hell on your hell sundae. i thought it was a good time, but probably more of a good time if you already have knowledge about Japanese folklore and mythology? the second season is airing now, and it’s probably just as funny-to-a-specific-set-of-people. 
right, so there’s tons of the “normal dude gets sucked into his video game fantasy world” genre, right? Sword Art Online will never fucking die, after all. in spite of the popularity of “omg video games anime,” i think Quanzhi Gaoshou got massively slept on. granted, it’s about actual people PLAYING a fantasy video game competitively, as opposed to going into one to collect a harem of waifus. but really, i think it didn’t get watched because it was a Chinese anime. it was certainly difficult for me, because i’ve gotten used to my mediocre understanding of Japanese carrying me through not paying continual attention to the subtitles? not only do i not speak Chinese, but also Chinese is a FAST language. it was sometimes hard to finish reading a line before the subtitle needed to change to the next one. in spite of needing to focus more than i’m used to, it was still good, though. fun, nice animation, and hey: nobody went into the fantasy world. maybe “e-sports anime” will be a trend?? no, no it won’t, there’s no waifu collecting, what’s the point.
i feel like i talked about Seikaisuru Kado before? i put it on hold to finish airing, and only just came back to it. right, so, the first episode was mostly animated traditionally, and then it changed into this lovely 3D animated magic time? i know tons of people want nothing to do with 3D anime, but shit. this was NICE to look at, all the time. the music was nice too! the whole show seemed to be going along at this atmospheric but weirdly grounded pace, and everything was GOOD. and then everything changed when Unnecessary Heterosexual Romance attacked. there was just this point where it was time for a romance subplot, and from there, everything went off the rails. the tone was lost, the in-universe rules were smashed, and relationships that had been building and changing were just left off, because Time For Heterosexual Romance. i really enjoyed most of this show, so the end was.. extra disappointing. ugh.
after that SUDDEN HETERO ROMANCE FOR NO REASON, i figured it was time for some hetero shit done well. i was always gonna enjoy Nodame Cantabile because piano, so watching every single episode and OVA and special was easy. it’s cute and silly but still dramatic and full of lovely music. this is the classic shoujo shit i do like, and also i got to listen to my husbando Seki Tomokazu for a bazillion episodes. with tons of piano. i can’t wait to try to get my girl to sit down and watch this, because she’s a musician and it’s just full of technical music shit. 
Higashi no Eden came highly recommended and apparently won awards and shit, and yeah: it’s pretty. but it’s also confusing and weird and doesn’t seem to care about answering questions or.. any kind of satisfying resolution. which, sure, that’s.. a thing you can do with your anime. but uh. probably just a show to watch to say that yes, you’ve watched it, stop recommending this to me. i took this screencap, because unnecessary and bad English on signs in anime is still funny. 
i think probably i hadn’t watched or read anything from CLAMP since i watched the X/1999 movie on VHS in high school? and mostly, after watching every sliver of xxxHolic, i just wanna watch that movie again. i still think about some of the lightning/power animation from that movie. xxxHolic was honestly pretty good, full of the youkai/ayakashi shit i love, but just. just slightly too silly, at points, to go along with the more serious tone it kept trying to hit? if you can handle the ridiculous anatomy that tends to go along with CLAMP works, you’ll probably enjoy the shit out of this show. my favorite part was the last two-episode OVA, because older characters, but it was pretty much good all around. a warning that it ties into Tsubasa Chronicle, but it’s really optional to enjoying xxxHolic by itself? it was just really nice to hear “Syaoran” pronounced properly, after having last heard it in the dubbed version of Card Captor Sakura. 
i remembered to go back and score a couple idol shows from a while back (Tsukiuta The Animation and B-Project: Koudou*Ambitious, both of which i’d describe as “fine, i guess”) and so, since there are a few idol shows in the current season, i decided to go ahead and give one a shot. friends, i really enjoy the general awfulness and cheese of idol shows, but i dropped Dynamic Chord like a hot sack of rocks. i don’t think we’re allowed to actually know the names of most of these characters? and there are so.. so very many. in addition, the animation was mostly.. awkward and stilted. hard pass, hopefully the other idol shows will be watchable. 
i watched Boku dake ga Inai Machi in a total rush yesterday, and man. most of it was pretty compelling, but the end was exactly as bullshit as i’d seen everyone saying it was. it did some interesting things, and is probably worth watching, but.. i was just glad that i was going into it expecting disappointment, after the hype was over and ruined. i cried, but then i totally expected that i would? predictable-chan.
HAHA WOW THAT’S A LOT OF ANIME but in my defense, i’m knitting a shrug? lots of background noise needed. 
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