#that literally doesnt have to be that way
blackknight-kai · 2 days
Hello there, greetings!💗💗
Sincerely hoping it doesn’t make you uncomfortable or anything of the sort, how would The Destined One and Wukong (separate) react to you asking to sit on their face?😏😏🙂‍↕️
P.s- only answer if you feel like it of course❣️
Hehehehehehehehehehe I like this question. I’ll do my best 🫶 I hope comes out okay!!!!
I feel like at their core Wukong and Destined One are the same. And what I mean by that is more so that they are unequivocally attracted to you and while they will react differently both would 100% LIVE to please the ever living fuck out of you if you asked them. They are hungry for you and your pleased sighs and sounds. While they may be focused on other things 90% of the time the moment you flip that switch you better be ready because that intense focus and drive they have for battle and questing/adventure etc? Yeah that’s gonna be on you.
(Gets spicy but not overly explicit so be warned, minors DNI!!!!)
Destined One
Regardless on if you just ask out of the blue or it’s during spicy time, I feel like he’d be surprised/flustered by your request. Not expecting such a bold question
His expression would go slack as your words caught up to him, his heart would be pounding and his blood would feel like its boiling with how HOT his body just got - I bet he shudders JUST a little, enough to send a slight ripple in his fur from the top of his head down to his toes.
He doesnt have a grand reaction outwardly but by the slow lazy swish of his tail starting to flick sharply behind him, you know he’s effected by your words
His surprise wouldn’t last long whatsoever, he’d regain composure, or well, his surprise would turn into laser focus. His expression now one of hot stoic intensity making you shiver at the volume of HEAT his eyes speak to you and the way his body tenses just like when hes readying himself for a fight
You’d hear one heavy breath leave him and hed give you one very pointed nod and then its game on
Moves VERY swiftly, you almost dont see him. One moment he’s a few feet away and with a blink he’s RIGHT THERE. Hot hands gripping your waist tightly
He will NOT waste time. Nope. You lit this fire youre going to have to let the flames lick you until it burns out - heh
He is STRONG so he’d absolutely manhandle you but he’d do it with gentle impatience.
If he’s REALLY impatient his claws might accidentally rip a little hole in your clothes and he’d give you an apologetic look but is he stopping? No.
As he lays on his back, your thighs on either side of his head, his face is set with intense determination, it would be kinda funny if he didn’t look so….hungry.
You can hear his tails thwacking the ground (or bed whatever) as it flicks to and fro. He is READY for this meal
He wont force you down on him, but his eyes will flick between your face and the naked heat between your legs, silently begging you to take your seat
His claws would flex, clenching and unclenching against your the skin of your hips as he holds you literally holding himself back from taking
His heavy breaths would make you shiver as you finally decide to give you both what you need
As you settle down over his eager mouth he groans, its heated and desperate like he’d been waiting eons to taste you
He’s going to make it so good for you
Might be a little sloppy at first in his eagerness but once he gets going damn does he focus on the places that feel the best for you
His eyes would never ever shut for more than a quick rare blink. He’d be watching your every move his gaze roaming over you from your blissed expression to your wet heat
His hands at first would grip just your waist but over time they’d slide to your thighs holding you to him as you twitch and grind against his mouth and expertly flicking tongue
He will not be stopping, by the way, his simian nostrils will flare as he breathes heavily but he’d rather suffocate then stop hearing your moans or tasting your pleasure
You’re gonna cum? Good. Do it. He’ll take it and more
Pride and possession would fill his chest as you shudder above him gushing over his tongue, HE made you do that.
He’s gonna make you do it again, adding his fingers this time for extra stimulation as he coaxes you to start moving your hips against his mouth again
At some point though hes probably going to push you on to your back as he continues eating you whole
He is in LOVE with tasting you and hasn’t had his fill yet
By the time he allows you a break your going to be a shivering panting filthy mess and the fur on his face soaked with your pleasure
He’d crawl up your body leaving wet kisses in his wake and while he expects NOTHING of you but to lie there and relax as he takes himself in hand, if you reach out to assist him he would needily groan a desperate sound in your ear as he buries his face against your neck
Wukong our fav monkey king!
This cocky little asshole.
He is an absolute menace and a tease on a good day as it is
You asking if you can sit on his face? Oh boy
Be ready for some bullshit as his face slowly morphs from pleasant surprise to a very large cocky as fuck smirk
He would definitely tease you, his body language relaxed as though hes unbothered, his words taunting as he tries to act as though your question didn’t stir something in him
His tail would lazily flick and swish but the growing heat in his eyes gives him away
Would make you say it again, just because it feeds his ego and he likes being a little shit. Plus, seeing you get impatient or flustered is his favorite pastime
You’d think he would be impulsive and jump your bones, but no. One of his worst traits after being alive so long is learning patience and self restraint in moments like these
Dont mistake his playful teasing nature though
He is FAMISHED the minute those words first left your sweet sweet mouth
Looking closely you’d notice the turbulent possessive heat in his eyes. He’s like a predator who has locked on to his prey
He wont make you wait long or push your buttons too much though, not wanting you to change your mind and prevent him from getting his meal
He’d lazily lie down for you to take your rightful place BUT from how taut his body is you can tell he’s eager and excited. Clearly holding himself back from just taking
A hum of contentment and interest would leave his throat as you settle yourself with your knees on either side of his head
Wukong would definitely lick his lips, his mouth watering in preparation for what is about to come
He is a tease so instead of getting to work or letting you just fall onto his face he would grip your hips preventing you from moving.
His strong hands would hold you in place effortlessly as his rubs his furry cheeks against your thighs enjoying the feel of your skin against his face as he smirks up at you knowing what you want but not ready to give it to you juuuuust yet
He’s mouthy and cheeky so expect him to not shut up as he teases you for how ready you are for him as his eyes roam over you
Filthy words would tumble out of his mouth just so he can watch as you get wetter with anticipation
Just to watch you squirm he might lean up and flick his tongue against you before laughing as your body twitches
If youre listening you can hear his tail thump against the ground (or bed whatever) displaying that although hes exercising new found patience right now, he truly is just as needy as you are.
Wanting to make you even more desperate he’d teasingly flick his tongue against you here and there, no pattern and as though he has no care.
Your thighs would be nipped and sucked too as he chuckles up at your pouting needy face
When he finally lets you take your throne he is like a monkey STARVED
He’s messy, not afraid to get in there, but his mouth works with purpose
He’d be groaning at your flavor as though you tasted just like an orgasmic sweet juicy peach that he loves so much
His hands would wonder stroking from your thighs up your hips to squeeze at your chest possessively as you move against his mouth and tongue
He’d growl low in his chest as you moan and sigh his name, his claws grazing your skin and plucking at your nipples as he makes it his one and only duty to make you reach your peak
A possessive groan comes out of him as he feels your thighs tremble knowing youre close
But at the last second he lifts your hips from his drenched furred face with a devilish smile, laughing as you give him the dirtiest look he’s ever seen
He’d coo at you teasingly before leaning up and kissing wetly from your thigh to your heat, sucking noisily as he goes. you shiver and goose bumps break out over your skin but he doesnt let you budge as he takes his time worshiping you
It’s when he guides you back down, expert fingers starting to join his tongue that youre given free rein to move as you please again
He keeps his heated focus your face, his eyes demanding that you dont look away from him as finally brings you to orgasm
Watching you come undone and moan his name sends ripples of pride and hunger through him. Possessiveness rears up inside him as he knows only HE can bring you this
He’d watch you intently and rub your thighs and stroke his hands up your body as you both breathe heavily for a moment trying to catch your breath
He wont let you rest long though, oh no.
He’s fired up now and its as though he MUST watch you fall apart over and over until HE is satisfied that hes proven his worth as your provider of pleasure and satisfaction
He is a KING and demands your pleasure and he will get it
Wukong would yank you back into place above his mouth and would get to work, this time with a fierce determination, one that makes your toes curl as his eyes bore into you
He’d ignore his own raging need (for now), unless you happen to take pity on him and reach back to slip your fingers under his clothes and stroke him to return the favor and attentions he’s bestowing on you
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First off your writing is incredible. I was in literal tears reading your Daryl fic.
But I thought I'd send in a request, a jealous Daryl. Doesnt have to be established reader, pretty easy. I just like it when he's all riled up. 😂 Please and thank you
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Summary: He could have just told her, couldn’t he? That would have been simple. He’d had to yell at her instead though, because Daryl can never do things the usual way round. Hand down her skirt and about to run away for the second time really was more his style.
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Reader (No use of Y/N)
TW: Nervous!Daryl. Angst. Fluff. Friends to lovers. Alexandria era. Vague, very short smut.
A/N: Thank you for this request and the beautiful compliment! I may have rushed the editing a little so if you notice any errors please tell me!
It’s not that she’s been avoiding him, it’s the complete opposite, she’s absolutely, inarguably, infuriatingly normal. He’s clawing at the walls of his own brain and she’s acting as if everything is fine. Maybe it is, he thinks, maybe she’s over it, maybe she’s been over it since the second he screwed it up and he’s the only one still hanging on to whatever it was in the first place. He can’t even claim he’s hanging on to much, they’d barely even kissed and it was months ago, but he hadn’t exactly been good at this kind of thing before the world threw a damn apocalypse into the mix.
He’d loved her since the moment he’d heard her laugh. He’d found her in a cabin in the woods on a run, just after Woodbury had fallen, back when the prison was still strong. He didn’t want to bring her back, one more mouth to feed, one more person to keep an eye on, but she’d saved him from a rogue walker he hadn’t seen coming, shrugged like it was nothing, like she’d have done it for anyone. She’d offered him food and water, a rundown but relatively safe place to lay low for a few hours, she was kind. The words were tumbling from his lips before he’d really thought about them.
He’d avoided her for a good while, despite her efforts to befriend him, he’d lost so much already he didn’t want to let her in. But then he’d said something sarcastic, something snappy and prissy and she’d laughed; an honest to goodness belly laugh that had her head throwing back and him smiling from the side of his mouth despite himself and something deep in his chest felt warm.
So he’d loved her, quietly and from a distance. Safe. Until she’d kissed him.
He watches as she laughs, the same laugh, big and warm and real. It’s not aimed at him, and he hates it. After he’d run away from her, he worried he wouldn’t hear it again, but he’d been wrong, and this was worse. He taps his fingers against his thigh, trying to keep a scowl from his face. Failing. He thinks steam would come out of his ears if it were within the realm of possibility.
He’s always too late. Always takes too long to get comfortable. Always spends so long waiting that he misses out on the thing he wanted, and she’s not a thing but his blood is fucking boiling. At the man she’s talking to, at himself, at her too if he’s a little honest.
The man, who’s name he doesn’t know and now never wants to, is handsome. If you’re into that suburban, well groomed, boring kind of thing. He has a punchable face. Daryl is not allowed to punch people unless its necessary anymore, Rick has told him that explicitly but surely flirting with his…flirting with the woman he’s in lo…flirting with her makes it necessary.
He can’t stand the thought that he might not be the last person to kiss her lips. He can’t stand looking any longer, but he doesn’t mean for his knife to clatter loudly on the floor as he tries to flee. He doesn’t dare turn around, but he’d be able to tell she was looking at him even in pitch black. Knows she’s watching the solid, tense set of his shoulders as he retreats.
She startles at the sight of him sitting on her porch, quickly schooling her face into the nonchalance she’s been practicing around him since they arrived. It was easy enough, on the road, to pretend he hadn’t hurt her. They were so busy trying to survive, so busy being busy that she could avoid an inevitable conversation where she’d had to apologise for getting their wires crossed.
But since they’ve been behind the walls of Alexandria? She can’t stop herself from searching him out, finding excuses to be near him, trying to act like they were back at the prison. Friends. She can do friends. She has been absolutely nailing being just friends, as long as she can ignore the tightness in her chest and the way she feels like she’s going to cry every time she walks away. Friends.
She flips the knife in her hand with ease, shielding his hand from the blade as she passes it back to him. He nods his thanks as he squints up at her.
“What crawled up your ass tonight?” She asks, but there’s a teasing smile on her face as leans against the railing to her house. The porch light is dim, warm golden yellow illuminating them. Daryl hasn’t been one for a lot of words in a long time, but he intends to bat the question away, distract her with something funny, something acerbic but good natured. Friendly, he can do friendly. He can’t, could barely do it on the road after everything happened. Now though, when she’s showered and brushed her hair and dressed up, lit up by a damn porch light? He doesn’t stand a chance.
“Dun’ kiss him”
“What the fuck?”
Fists clenching to calm himself down, unfurling them when he feels more grounded, he looks up at her again, daring to lock his eyes onto hers.
“Ya like him…tha’ guy?” He tries to keep his voice steady, hopes she doesn’t understand he’s begging her to say no, begging for her to give him a chance, but how many can one man have?
“Why are you asking me this?”
“Dun’ kiss him, please” He asks again, with a shake of his head, knocking his hair in front of his eyes as the ground in front of him becomes the most interesting thing he’s ever seen. She sighs quietly, but the sound reverberates in his brain, he can hear the disappointment that weighs it down, the disappointment he’d hoped to avoid by avoiding talking about this thing between them entirely.
“I’m not having this conversation with you on the porch” She pushes herself off the railing, turning to open the front floor. She means for him to leave but he follows her inside, tapping his fingers nervously against his thigh as he closes the door behind him. Every part of his body is telling him to run.
“I know I ain’t got no right t’ ask”
“No, you don’t. Why are you asking?”
“‘cause I can’t stand it”
“Why do you care?”
“’cause ya shouldn’t be wit’ him!”
“Who should I be with then, Daryl? Huh?” He doesn’t respond, not that she expects him to, head hanging low toward the ground “You have no answer, because it’s not you, is it? You didn’t want me!”
“I didn’t-what?”
He’d tried to make it obvious, had given her extra food, had nudged her shoulder with his, had talked to her more than anyone else. But she’d tried to kiss him and he’d fled, had retreated safely back into the comfort of his walls. Then he’d come back. He’d kissed her and again he’d fled. Daryl Dixon is the human embodiment of emotional whiplash. He knows he’s not easy, but he thought at least he’d been clear, he can’t imagine the way he looks at her has ever been subtle.
“I did want ya”
Her mind thinks over the weeks he’s been standoffish, the time he’s spent avoiding her touches, thinks back the first week they’d arrived here and he’s barely spoken a word, all the while watching her with an intensity that would have been uncomfortable if she hadn’t wanted his attention.
“I can’t do this, you can’t play with my head because you’re jealous all of a sudden”
“Ain’t jealous” He argues, knowing they both know he’s lying, but he still, even now, won’t let himself be vulnerable. “I know I fucked up, ‘kay? I know, but I’m ‘ere now!”
He snarls, frustrated and bordering on vicious, practically diving towards her as his hands grip her hips tight enough to bruise. He smashes his lips against hers, unpractised and clumsily before his brain catches up and he goes to pull away. Her response is so fast he doesn’t get a chance, dragging him back in as his brain shuts down.
The kiss is hard, angry and fast, all hip bones pressing into hip bones and teeth clacking against teeth. It’s not the romantic, affectionate start she was hoping for. It’s not the gentle steady and slow he was. She’s angry, he is too she can feel it in his body as he presses it against her.
The room spins, air thick and foggy with months’ worth of frustration, tension so thick it could be cut, it’s only when he swallows a heady, deep moan from her that he realises he needs more. Tongue sweeping into her mouth he grips the fabric of her skirt in his hand, bunching it up until he can reach an insistent, rough calloused hand inside her underwear, ripping his lips away from hers to heave a breath in. She’s soaked, dripping around his fingers and he’ll have time to be absolutely fucking floored by that when he recounts this later. His forehead sticks to hers as she moans.
It’s not that he hasn’t had trysts before, it’s just that they were short and unimportant, he’s barely been confident enough to use his hands. He wants to touch her in the right way, wants to know what he’s doing but she’s snaking a hand into his trousers and wrapping her fingers around his cock so thinking isn’t the top of his priorities right now.
It feels incredible, and in the vague recess of his brain he thinks he should have done this at a pace he'd be more comfortable with but he hasn’t done this in years, and barely successfully then so its not long before he comes all over her hand, whining as his head dips down to pant heavily against her collarbone. His fingers still, embarrassed and suddenly full of crippling self-doubt. She knows he’s going to remove them about a second before he does.
A thud echoes through the suddenly too big room as she tips her head back to hit the wall behind her.
“You leaving?” She lets out an incredulous laugh, hurt, betrayed, surprisingly unsurprised. The zip on his trousers seems louder than anything she’d yelled at him less than an hour before. It feels like an eternity before she lowers her head to look at him, doesn’t bother to mask the absolute disappointment on her features.
She can practically see the walls slamming back up around him, the walls she’s been watching for weeks. A tear rolls down her cheek as he turns away from her, heading towards the front door.
“You don’t get another chance with me, Daryl” the finality in her voice makes him pause, hand on the doorknob. She sighs, hating that she’s about to give him the grace she is “You need to make up your mind, because I’m not waiting for you, not again. If you’re not certain by tomorrow you need to leave me alone”
The shaky nod from him is so small its almost imperceptible.
She’s not expecting the knock on her door as soon as the sun is up, really she isn’t. The whole night has been sleepless and filled to the brim with dread, knowing for sure that he wants her but fully believing he will never be able to let himself have her. She isn’t unaware of Daryl’s tendency to self-destruct. Maybe this is it, she thinks, maybe he values her enough as a friend if nothing else, to tell her face to face, but he’d never been able to before and the tiniest hint of hope lights her up as she treads carefully down the stairs.
Daryl stands there with a small, nervous but hopeful smile on his face. The hope hasn’t missed him, either. He doesn’t know what he’s doing, so out of his depth he might as well be drowning, but the knowledge that she wants this too means he’d rather fumble his way through this with her than do well without her.
“I’m a’ idiot”
“Yes you are” She laughs, setting him alight on the inside. The laugh that started al of this, almost. Doubt underneath her voice is the thing that finally settles it for him, makes him pull her towards him, gentle this time, the way he’d wanted. He’ll never let her doubt his feelings even when he doubts himself.
“I always wanted ya” he murmurs against her lips before closing the distance.
“You’re not going to run away again?”
“Ain’t runnin’, ain’t ever runnin’ again”
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aurawra21 · 1 day
Is there anything about the flipside you liked? My favourite thing about it was the sharing trauma ending and it is my headcanon ending for the series as it shows how Nicole is good for Jecka and is in character to how Nicole bullied jeffery to get in trouble with the pedo just to Jecka could smoke in peace.
yes, there are parts i liked!
I liked the route where we saw Jecka's pov when Nicole committed. i wanted it so badly like i wanted to know her side of it b/c those texts messages from the previous game had me spiraling. Jecka going to Nicole because she didn't feel safe at home or at school. Nicole wanting Jecka to hangout with her more so she doesnt have to hangout with other people who make her depressed, quite literally BEGGING her bc she's her only real friend:
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like, the two of them at their lowest just wanted to be around each other. they both sought each other out bc they needed each other so bad
i liked the Jecka and Kelly dynamic, they were funny af trying to figure that riddle out, they just wanted their paychecks uwu, we do not talk about the ending
i liked that in the ending where jeffery d!es, Jecka is literally like, people may hate Nicole but she's kind of necessary to me, in a fucked up way, she helped me, the little smiley face she put at the end was cute, despite the context
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the little gay comments they would make, ex: "but will you be my girlfriend after?"
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Jecka having kissed Ari AND Kelly is like yes ty i know she's a girl kisser but more confirmation never hurt
Emo Jecka route and we get passenger princess Nicole, like we KNEW THAT but i love the confirmation. like, it's funny that even in that moment, no matter how drunk out of her mind Jecka is, Nicole is nOT giving up her passenger princess rights. a passenger princess that backseat drives Jecka LMFAO
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anyway yeah, there were stuff i liked. this is how i played the first games anyway, take what i liked and run with it!
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pressplay-if · 2 days
Zima is normally who'd i'd go for, but I'm obsessed with Angel here 😫 its all that earnest verbal and physical affection dammit, its so friendly and warm 🥺 the hugs on demand... letting us play with his hair even if he doenst like it just cuz we're anxious... all the compliments - i go with the flowy pants and billowy sleeves outfit every playthrough just so he will call my MC a beautiful hippie. My MC is smitten. Fell first, and fell harder 😮‍💨 the friends-to-lovers of it all is killing me
and also Angel is so normal its captivating?? I'm enchanted. We never get ROs like him in IF 😭 he's canonically average looking! he's not over 6'0"! He doesnt have abs! he gets acne!!! literally just a dude 😢 i could go outside and find him rn
my MC is his biggest fan istg everybody cheer and clap for Angel rn or i blow this building up etc etc
this is my favorite Angel-appreciation ask so far 🩷 I agree that he's a wonderful friend to have (in the beginning of the story at least 😏). And he just loves giving ppl compliments 🩷
I love that you love his normalness (he's literally like "I'm just a guyyy" 🥺). I actually abhor overly attractive ROs, so I was kind of beating myself up about how most of the Press Play ROs are super pretty. I mean Angel is very average and he's like the least attractive of them (omg that sounds so harsh). With Zima and MC being objectively STUNNING, Stevie being pretty in an earthy, hippie kind of way and Lin being really polished and attractive, albeit tiny (which is a hit or miss for folks).
So yeah I'm really happy you love Angel and his mediocre height and his acne and his lack of abs 🩷 so no need to blow anything up nonnie
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mythalism · 1 day
still just verbally processing my own feelings about this but i think the crux of it for me is less the decision itself and once again the way it is being sold to us. if you want a blank slate - fine. do it then. set the game 100 years in the future when all of the characters are already dead. dont put varric and harding in. maybe we meet an old, gray kieran with mythal's soul, idk it doesnt matter but anyway you can have the exact same story with solas and rook and all of the companions and have the "blank slate" you so desire. market it as such; not a direct sequel, but a solas-centric spinoff. i would have loved that game and enjoyed it immensely. but they didnt do that. the foundation of the marketing since 2018 has been solas and varric- returning characters from past games. the devs have said over and over and OVER AND OVER that the inquisitor is integral to the story. that its the "inquisitor's story too". that it was always going to have to involve solas and the inquisitor. but........ also that nothing the inquisitor did was relevant? what? its literally the writes wanting to have their cake and eat it too. you cannot make a disconnected blank-slate game about a new cast of characters when literally 1/3 of your cast is RETURNING CHARACTERS. you have been using those returning characters as the face of your marketing campaign for over 5 years. you have emphasized how much it serves as a direct sequel to inquisition's DLC. you have been banking on our attachment to these characters and our emotional investment in this world to win our attention, and eventually, our purchase. and now... a month before release, you pull out the rug from under everyone and say... actually we wanted a blank slate :). its duplicitous. i will still undoubtedly play and enjoy this game. i love solas and i have no doubt i am going to love learning more about him, a game that explores his history like this is pretty much my dream. but they should have sold me this game as THAT from the start. it is a drastic deviation from one of the core components of the dragon age franchise, and whether you believe that is for the better or for the worse, to only reveal the extent of that deviation 36 days before release is unfair at best and unethical at worst.
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starzzmissthesun · 1 day
i think you should totally drop whatever hc/ideas you have lying around honestly...i would love to see more into ur brain...pls <33
Hi!!!! Sorry this is a little late, I got so distracted with an animatic im working on(😈) and then a stupid essay😭😭 being honest rn... Almost all of what I've been thinking about is my fic.. 😔
But!! I can still go a little into that without spoilers. I've finally figured out The Perfect ending for this story that I feel fits with the overarching themes I wanted to tell. I've been making sure that every little detail fits with the themes I wanted to show, I wanted it to overlap Regulus and barty's characters and their overarching themes with PD. I also didn't want to just replicate PD cause I feel like that doesnt have the depth or commentary I want to out into it. Idk ive always thought it's super fun to put everything as some sort of symbol or metaphor or foreshadowing. I'm like literally so close to being done drafting and then I can actually talk about it a little more😭
Anyways! I've also been thinking about barty post regs death 😔(when am I not) But more specifically how every memory he had would almost be tainted, everything now would have an air of questioning and unsureness. Even memories where Regulus isn't there, just wondering where was he? What was he thinking? Am I remembering this right? What could've I changed? What was the domino that caused all of this to happen? Eventually finding it hard to accept the way it really was, having the "I guess it was" and feeling it, but overintellectualizing it. His logic and reasoning is his downfall in this situation, that's what makes him go crazy. (Side note I NEED to make a little post about his intersection between intelligence and madness) Hes doing a complicated version of when there's a task that seems so simple that you think it's a trick, but it's not, it's just that. What happened with Regulus was just that.
Also, I've recently self reflected and realized that a lot of my barty characterization is similar to how I think of Leonard Cohen's art(who I LOVE LOVE LOVE) Idk if you've listened to him or read any of his work, but I HIGHLY suggest it, it's perfect for fall. Anyways, a lot of his songs and poems carry themes of having a twisted self image, not completely self deprication though it may seem, but something else. It's closer to understanding and knowing that you are. Different. And unconventional. It's an uncomfortablility he has with himself. Being soemthig twisted from what you should've been. A lot of his stuff is also to do with tragically losing someone, out of their own choice, and still feeling very loyal yet bitter. Also of loving something so much that it turns dark, or it goes too quick, it spirals. Also his love songs are very barty's perspective on bartylus to me. And like, obvious war mentions. I could give some specific recs similar to barty or them if you'd like.
Another thing is of Regulus and his relationship with his dad. Though I see it completely reasonable if his dad was just kind of, not there and neglectful, it could give very interesting implications to his character, I like it the other way around. Orion seeing what a more carefree attempt at raising a child does and keeping Regulus even closer than he did before. I think Orion always liked Regulus more, despite him being the second, because he was a model son. I don't think he wanted this life or even to have kids, so Regulus being so complacent and in line with what he was supposed to be as a pure blood made him the decided favourite(as much as he could have one). He was always keeping a close eye on Regulus and he could feel it, but he didn't do anything out of place anyways. Orion could tell when he was even thinking something he wasn't supposed to. I believe that, no matter how much she tried, walpurga was too caught in her own head about her duty as a mother to see S+R as anything other than Her Kids, as property that she was supposed to care for and tend to, she obviously loved them, but couldn't see through them. But Orion was there around every corner looking through regulus' eyes into his soul to search for any thing out of his perfect kid.
Anyways.... That's all I can think of rn😭 but if you have questions about ANY of them lmk!!! I love yapping about my little thoughts 😁😁
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Ayoo! A question for your monster falls au. Did the twins' parents know about the monstrous aspects of the town prior to sending the twins there?
And, before Tourist Trapped with the kids turning into monsters, did Stan & the gang disguise themselves magically in anyway? Same for when the agents arrived; is the monster-aspect of the town a well-kept secret or do only a few people know?
their parents did not!
so i imagine the town of gravity falls in monster falls is kind of, like, an open secret to the rest of the world? yknow, since gravity falls in canon has LITERALLY a bunch of anomalies, unicorns, gremloblins, GHOSTS, SCANDALS ABOUT PRESIDENTS, MULTI-BEARS, and yet somehow nobody really talks about that much weirdness contained in one town? yeah, that applies to monster falls too.
heres what people will usually tell you about the town.
theyve never heard of it (doesnt matter if there would be amazing things happening in town, if they havent heard of it in canon, why would they hear about it here?
anyone who passes by the town assumes that the monster curse is a local myth, and that anyone who looks like monsters is dressing up and being gung-ho about the myth. usually to drum up tourism. (think like how point pleasant in west virginia has a mothman statue and mothman musem, and salem massacheussets is pretty much only thought of as 'the town where the witch trials were'). the agents dont believe dipper that he is "LITERALLY A DEER-TAUR YOU GUYS DO YOU NOT HAVE EYES???".
see, i like purposely keeping this vague, much like gravity falls the show likes to keep gravity falls' barrier/natural law of weirdness magnetism purposely vague (they never answer their "chicken or the egg" question with regard to the UFO crash!) but i definitely have been implying that the curse is almost "sentient" in a way, and works in a specific manner to keep people it thinks are staying in town in town, and will actively work to keep tourists as tourists if theyre not "cursed" enough. so there's almost a SUPERNATURAL amount of plausible deniability. remember too in boss mabel where dipper showed tourists a gremloblin and they went "honey you can see the strings" while pointing to the gremloblin hair. THATS THE VIBE! its ridiculous how little the outside world notices whats going on here.. BUT THATS THE POINT!!
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daisylolesbi · 3 hours
"grrr im such a hardcore radical feminist and i hate men so much!!! just ignore the fact that i can only cum by bouncing on the largest dildo i could find that jut happens to be shaped like an actual mans cock, but im doing it for myself so it doesnt matter! plus its not about the dildo with veins moulded into the shaft, its about my pleasure and what makes me feel pleasure just happens to be this toy that looks exactly like the sex organ of the sex i ferociously literally and totally hate so so so much! i swear this anger isn't just built up sexual frustration at my equally feminist lesbian girlfriend who's fingers are fine but dont reach right at that... t-that spot- unlike my cock dildo always does and if i could just... set it up to thrust into my pussy automatically... all day.... non stop... then.. it would be perfect~~~ but i dont wanna have sex with a fucking man are you crazy?! no, im a feminist dyke all the way!! I totally don't need cock to cum!! i just... need my hyper realistic, vein moulded, 10 inch dildo to slam against my cervix til im screaming to make me cum.... that's all..."
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eternalera · 23 hours
i love watching people go insane over gojo and gege mentioning him. like my pfp is literally him and i love him a lot too but like-
srsly some of y'all are scaring me lol. acting like you abouta shoot up gege's house or smth and not in the funny joking way. CHILL.
anyways this is just a friendly reminder to not get overstressed about that. he's one of my favs too and yes if gege doesnt mention him its a loss on his and the mangas part. on the plus side tho we have fancontent!! so go wild :)
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i wanna submit shuri from black panther for one of my favorite Black characters
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the first time i watched the movie, she was instantly one of my favorite characters. shes smart, funny, and she doesnt let people walk over her. at the same time tho, shes still young and relies on the adults in her life
i hadnt been planning on watching wakanda forever, but my little sister wanting me to watch it with her and im so glad i did. the movie takes shuris anger and grief so seriously, and the rest of the characters stand with her on that, and even when they warn her about the desicions shes making, they still back her up. it was incredible to watched the ways shuri has changed from the first movie, and how shes stayed the same. the scene at the end where she finally processed her grief was so cathartic, and im glad they let her have that healing. im not really a fan of marvel stuff anymore, but they did pretty good with the black panther movies
Shuri! Her introducing Colonizer to the lexicon as something to call condescending white people remains iconic.
Tbh, I still haven't watched Wakanda Forever. I know it's good, I know it's well written, I just 😭 I was a bit shattered with Chadwick's passing. Plus, yeah like you said, I kind of don't care about Marvel anymore. Losing Chadwick was kinda it too, because I was looking so forward to this entire legacy and then... Suddenly gone. Heartbreaking.
She needed to mourn, her and Leticia, I'm sure. I can't imagine having to act through an actual loss of somebody, and from what I've heard of the movie, even more. Yeah I'm still not ready 😭 But Shuri was always gone be the one to don the suit. I remember people acting like she shouldn't have 🙄 it's literally in the comics. Corny "we don't wanna follow women" ass men, fr.
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solisaureus · 2 days
I remember when Will said "I could never live here" while they were in the Underworld and Nico was immediately like "well that's rude. wtf is his problem" and then coming in here and seeing so many people agreeing with Nico. But I was confused because it's an objectively correct statement? Being in the Underworld was literally killing Will and also making him severely depressed. That's kind of a major plot point. He's cold and weak and sick and experiencing major brain fog and none of those things have ever happened to him before. Yeah he could've worded it better but. In his mind he's just stating a fact and not really thinking about the implications beyond that.
He's always been really accepting of and completely undeterred by Nico. His best friends, Lou Ellen and Cecil, are also the children of Underworld gods (if you're counting Hermes' role as a psychopomp) so I'd even argue that Will has a type! It's just that Will himself isn't really built to be in the Underworld.
yeah it kind of boggled my mind that people took so much issue with will's aversion to the underworld when it was quite literally killing him. theres a scene where a huge gash just opens in will's torso despite him suffering no wound, and nico said it seemed like the underworld itself was trying to hurt will. like....yeah no shit he could never live there akjshdfkjhsd that doesn't mean he doesnt love or accept nico the way he is, or wants nico to stay away from the underworld
obviously him saying that was hurtful to nico, but it was also hurtful that nico didn't try very hard to see things from will's perspective. this is something that gets addressed and resolved so there was literally no reason for people to be so angry, its like they saw upsetting nico at all as an unforgivable crime which like. is not how healthy relationships are sdjhfkj
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morganafayes · 1 day
gonna be honest i dont think EYE am the one being insane here ok. just. can u imagine. marrying the guy who arrested you and your father on multiple occasions and then his father has your father murdered for absolutely no reason other than because he's an insane tyrant. and then you start falling in love with his son which is okay because you think he's way better than his terrible dad except then he talks about how much he cares and worries about his dad in front of you all the time and you're never supposed to feel uncomfortable about it ever. in fact you have to comfort him about it. and then you almost get banished because of his dad discovering youre in a relationship with him and half the episode is spent showing how unfair and terrible this is because youre a single woman with nowhere to go and now you're being exiled from the only home you've ever known. and then one season later your now fiancee does the exact same thing to you he exiles you for kissing your ex one time and then you have to take refuge in your friends hometown because you literally have nowhere else. because your fiancee didnt consider that before. checks notes. exiling you to nowhere on the pain of death!!!! a normal engagement thats like a breakup but yikes tough luck turns out he's the king so he's allowed to do that to you! this is the same guy who likes to pretend that he's above 'class' but apparently also doesnt understand the concept of it. also the narrative will act like he was kind of justified in doing this to you because his feelings got hurtsies :( with no consideration of the power dynamic involved. also the entire time he's king as well as after you get married he will spend considerable amounts of time talking about how much he idolises and hero worships the legacy of his dead insane father. the guy who literally murdered your father and also almost had you burned to death multiple times. and youre supposed to be okay with all of this btw
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sneppu · 1 day
but watch out, dearly beloveds bc im bouta strike again
The one and only Severus Snape™ as we all know, is alternate as hell. we joke about him being emo/goth but literally he absolutely would have been. He would've been considered alt in the muggle world AND in the wizarding world, and so it stands to reason that he absolutely 10000% would've painted/charmed his nails black. We all know and understand this deep within our souls.
Teen Sev, obviously goth as hell - but then he returns! As Young Teacher Sev - STILL goth and - get this - by now the goth subculture is absolutely boomin! Its all the rage with the muggleborn kids and here is Severus Snape, the epitome of everything a goth strives to be, WITH the attitude to match?? im telling you this man has fans. I'm telling u the muggleborn Hogwarts goth kids are swooning everytime he stands there menacingly or glides around ominously, and I'm telling you they think he's sick as hell.
But the problem: He Doesnt Realize any of it
Because Severus Snape, bless his tortured little heart, has no idea or concept of what Goth is. He never set out here deciding to be goth, and this - all of this - is purely circumstantial. He doesn't Know wtf alt subcultures are! he doesn't know what the hell these kids are talking about! He may be halfblood, but he spent most of his years so far specifically trying to distance himself from muggle culture. This man is out here accidentally being goth, simply because he happens to like all of the same things.
and the thing is, all the purebloods and halfbloods who have been raised in the wizarding world? They dont know either.
So what ends up Happening?
All these goth muggleborns adoringly call him terrifying, they call him The Dungeon Bat in genuine admiration. He's so scary and cool. but everyone else hearing this doesnt know what the hell is going on so everyone, including Severus himself, just assumes it's derogatory. and Eventually it does become that way, because the others use it that way. Because those muggleborns come and go, but the students who were there when he was still a student, and those purebloods/halfbloods who had older siblings at hogwarts are able to pass on their negative views of him.
...and ain't that some nonsense? Over time, The Dungeon Bat fanclub learns to be quieter about their affectionate terms, but make no mistake - they're still around.
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rotthepoet · 1 day
Pookie pookie lemme tell u ☹️ I ughhh like Lorenzo so much (not as much as I like u ofc wink wonk w rizz 🌚) but I would neverrrrrr irl entertained the idea of being w him (bros a s-tier asshole)
There's Lorenzo who's...well Lorenzo. And then there's us 😻 the it-girl 😻 academic weapon, got our life together, ambitious n too smart to fall for Lorenzo's bs and won't give him the time of our day🤞😩
Essentially I'm saying I'm craving for a girl boss x pathetic Lorenzo trope n headcanons ☹️
Btw that new Mattheo fic was so intense got me fanning my face
- 🎹
Because Lorenzo thinks he is ALL THAT and some, when in reality hes just a pretty face with rizz. Hes not a genius, and his personality doesnt offer any redeeming qualities, so when he sees you??? God youre so perfect. Absolutely everything he wants, everything he wants to be. You’d make him look perfect, he’d be perfect next to you
Lowkey his pining after you is a power move before it fails and he becomes unequivocally whipped.
He’s literally on his knees begging for you, offering to carry your bag or books between classes, i mean he is TRYING SO DAMN HARD
But you’re independent, pookie. You are a GIRL BOSS!! YOU DONT NEED HIS SHIT!
And so Enzo tries a different approach. Buying your love! Every single day, without fail, you have a new present. A new necklace, a new perfume, a new dress, and these things are not cheap in any way. He is trying to SPOIL YOU and when you so humbly ask him to take it back, he refuses, and says he’ll only take them back if you agree to a date with him.
At least the gifts are cute, because thats not happening.
And fuck he’s becoming so pathetic for you, going out of his way to be a gentleman for you. Holding open doors, paying for your bill at the three broomsticks.
Maybe if hes lucky, you’ll give him a little kiss on the cheek for being so sweet.
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pumpkinsy0 · 3 days
What is your hcs on how Purly sleeps together (literally). I think they are polar opposites. Pony just steals all of the fking blanket in his sleep and curls up in it like a rolly Polly. He does this no matter how cold or hot it is in the room. And curly doesn’t even care since he sleeps like it 90 degrees in the room regardless, no blanket with his entire body sprawled out across the bed n shit. Curly more restless in his sleep too but at least Pony got a blanket of protection 💪
okok heres the way i see them sleeping together
•kinda???? unrelated???? but they dont fully make their bed, they just throw the sheet over the bed n call it a day, the sheets r never distributed evenly
•pony does hog the sheets, he cannot sleep without the sheets, and it doesnt bother curly TOO much bc he pushes it off him anyways, but sometime it annoys him so bad
•generally speaking tho if hes cold he literally just pulls pony towards him, thats just the first thing that comes in mind for him, not the blankets, he pats his hand out, finds pony and pulls em for that #bodywarmth
•u r so right about curly rolling up like that in bed, he acts like hes a fetus warm in the womb, and alternatively, ponys flat like a pancake, he loves laying on his stomach
•pony went to bed on his back once n he woke up to curly laughing at him saying he looked like a sick victorian child
•their legs get tangled up like theyre wired earbuds in a pocket, its not even like theyre cuddling, their legs r literally just tangled up
•they both mumble in their sleep, sometimes, they respond to each other, its equal parts sweet and scary
•curly jerks in his sleep, pony WILL wake up to a cut or bruise sometimes and he just has to live w that
•curly will catch pony staring at him while he sleeps but pony doesnt know that curly knows hes watching so curly will mumble for pony to stop that and it will scare the hell out of pony
•they can both sleep like a log, sometimes cuddling will just turn into suffocation bc one of em rolled a lil too much on their side and their while body weight is on em
•they both have a thing for having their hair played w, they scratch each other like dogs n go to bed, what goated individuals
•they both drool on each other
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chrisoncrack · 1 day
HERE is MY (not so) personal take about diddfee- i meant vevfe because she and her minions wont understand
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Before starting, if you dont know who vevfe is, in short she is a fictiosexual (which is an invalid sexuality) adult attracted to christopher pierre, who is a minor, and wrote a necrophiliac fanfic (by the way, if you didnt know, necrophilia is literally a form of $A) which, even worse, involves our silly christopher pierre of course.There are actually some other small things other than this, but ill explain them in the comments.
Now, what i HATE of her is her complete immaturity when also being an adult.
She keeps on blocking people who call her out AND keeps on making points that are pretty stupid and repeats them EVERY SINGLE TIME just like they do make sense. She does all of this instead of apologizing for the things that she has done.
"but you cant hate me on something i made four years ago!! this is why ghosts hates people who bring back his old stuff!!" First of all, Ghost's old stuff isnt even HIGHLY disgusting,but most of all he actually doesnt bring it back or talk about them anymore and asks people to not do so aswell, EVEN if they like it. Vevfe on the other hand, seems to not be even ashamed of the fanfic she made, never apologized for it and EVEN brings it back occasionally.
Also her other excuse ("People have done worse!!!") doesnt make sense at ALL: we infact dont like the people that have done worse, we never said we did. And just because people have done worse doesnt mean that you can do disgusting stuff.
Well...thats all i have to say for now..
Thats all Folks!!!
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