#that missing 9 gifset going around
corrodedcoffinfest · 6 months
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Welcome to Corroded Coffin Fest!
This is a fanworks challenge/event that is all about Corroded Coffin. It will take place from July 1st thru July 31st.
Thanks so much for showing interest in this event during this post! If you have friends that you think would like to participate, please considering reblogging this announcement!
The calendar of prompts is located here:
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Since there are so many events going on (and we love to see it!) we've decided to set a word count range for this event, so the love can be spread around to more events.
Ideas for works include: fic, art, gifsets, fanvids, moodboards, edits, playlists, or anything else you can think of to celebrate Corroded Coffin!
For fics, there is a word count minimum/maximum of between 300-1000 words per drabble. We'll use wordcounter.net to check the word counts before reblogging, so make sure you stick to that range!
Do one prompt, do them all. Hell, do them all twice! It's totally up to you. You can pick and choose what you're interested in. And we're not going to police how you interpret the prompt. Just use them as a jumping off point to be inspired by the boys of Corroded Coffin, and then share that inspiration with us! (Not everything has to be band related, we encourage you to explore other parts of their lives, too!)
Submissions can absolutely be connected to other prompts from the event, or even past works, but should still be able to stand alone each day.
Every morning a new prompt card will go up, reminding everyone of what that day's prompt will be.
All submissions should include any pairings featured, content rating and any content warnings (CW) or tags that you think are appropriate. Please put the prompt you are fulfilling as well, just to keep things straightforward. A sample could look something like this:
Prompt Day 9: The Hideout, Word Count: 666, Rating: M, Pairing: None, CW: Underage Drinking, Recreational Drug Use, Tags: Corroded Coffin, First Gig, Partying, Eddie, Gareth, Jeff, Freak, The Hideout
Also, please consider putting any explicit material under a read more cut, because anything rated E that's not hidden under a cut will not be reblogged.
For the artists! Your art submission must be posted on the same day as the current prompt in order to be reblogged by this blog. Your piece of art (or other creation) must be Corroded Coffin focused, using any combination of the guys, together or solo. Of course, other characters can be included, too! But you need to have at least one of the CC band members in it for it to count for this event. Thank you!
All ships are welcome, as long as they include at least one member of Corroded Coffin: Eddie, Jeff, Gareth & Freak. (Who I look forward to learning the name of from you all, time and time again!)
Please tag us here @corrodedcoffinfest when you post your work for the day so we can reblog it!
Be respectful of your fellow participants and readers. We're all here to have fun and share the love of all parts of Corroded Coffin.
Definitely feel free to ask me anything if the rules weren't clear in places, or if I straight up forgot something (or if you just have anything else you'd like to ask). You can send an ask/message to this blog or reach out to @thisapplepielife.
Please submit your post by 11:59 PM EDT on the day of the prompt in order to not be missed for reblogging.
 If posting on AO3, please feel free to use the collection associated with this event: Corroded Coffin Fest AO3 Collection after your submission has been reblogged by this account.
Most importantly, have fun! We can't wait to see what Corroded Coffin fanworks come out of this new event!
More info below, including full prompt list with jumping off suggestions, the warm-up rounds for April, May & June, and a spreadsheet you're free to use:
First gig, first check, first award, first...anything.
How did Corroded Coffin come to be?
Who are the best friends in the band in your head? Let's find out.
We all know Eddie. Let's hear some more about him today.
Get them out on the road, in any way you see fit.
Let's have some romance. Any pairing(s) that tickle your fancy.
Let them celebrate! Maybe that's a birthday/holiday/celebration show. Maybe it's a wedding, etc.
Fight! Fight! Fight! Not everything goes smoothly all the time.
Catch them there, every Tuesday, playing for five drunks.
Let's see them celebrate Pride! Or let's see them be proud, etc.
Let's spend some time with the guitarist of Corroded Coffin.
Injuries happen. Tell me more.
Tell us about the seedier parts of being in a band! 18+ for adult content, please!
It's time for awards season. Do they win? Lose? Let us know.
Press Tour/Interviews. Sometimes they need to promote themselves.
They're working their asses off, grinding it out, but they haven't hit the big time yet. Or they're struggling in other ways...
Dedicate a song to someone special.
Whatever name you given him, let's all focus on the bassist of Corroded Coffin.
Get them in the garage. Band practice, fixing the van, etc.
Let them cover some real songs. Or, you know, get under the covers in another way...
Hawkins. How was it dragging them down? Or, maybe they hate LA...
Use your imaginations and put them into a whole new world!
They're finally gaining a little traction. Or maybe they're up...and coming. *wink wink, nudge nudge*
What's it take to get this show on the road? Or, what are they really like, off-stage? Let's get a peek behind the curtain.
Bang them sticks! Let's catch up with the drummer of Corroded Coffin.
Let's focus on a specific show.
Navigating love while on the road.
Let's go back to Hawkins and/or Indiana. Send these boys home.
You know there's drama. A story. Probably enough for VH1 to come knocking.
They've made it big! Now what?
A Corroded Coffin song? A work inspired by a song? A song that makes you think of Corroded Coffin?
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Let's get a little practice before the full event in July!
Here's a prompt each month leading up to the event to work out the kinks and get in the rhythm of it all!
It's tax day. Do they need to pay their taxes? Is this a write-off? Or, are they just taxed from being on the road? Tax them.
Put 'em to work. First jobs, side hustles, etc. Surely they've had some other jobs besides being in the band. Tell us about them.
Are they late for a gig? Running from monsters in the Upside Down? On a tour from hell?
Same guidelines as the full event will apply.
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If you'd like a spreadsheet to help you keep track of the prompts and your progress, here's the one I personally use for other events, and will be using myself for this event. If you'd like to use it yourself, just go to File>Make a Copy and you'll get a version you can edit in your own Google Sheets.
Thanks for showing interest in having a Corroded Coffin event this year! ❤️🦇🖤 - @thisapplepielife (and thanks for the help and adding to the prompt list, @wormdebut!)
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yellowhollyhock · 7 months
Hey do y’all wanna do a Raph event for March?
We could call it March for Raph.
@therebelinred and I put together a prompt list. We kind of started with the idea of exploring his goofier side more, but honestly there’s a lot of angst-leaning prompts on here as well. We just like Raph all around, and thought this would be a fun one to share
Could be any iteration, any length, you could do one for each day or one for the month. I wrote this with stories in mind but all kinds of things could work—art, gifsets, short essay answer style—the prompts are super simple and wide open.
So, prompt list under the cut so you can plan ahead if wanted. I’ll post each prompt by the day. If you wanna join you should tag whatever you post as ‘march for raph’ so we can easily find and admire it
1. Watching his favorite movie
2. Revenge
3. Surprise Party
4. Sunset
5. Video games
6. Left speechless by genuine praise
7. Prank successful
8. Because I’m the shield
9. What’s wrong with me
10. Bowling with Casey
11. Favorite novel
12. Stir Crazy
13. Worthless
14. Early morning
15. Fireworks
16. Dance competition
17. Good citizen
18. Watching sports
19. The others go missing
20. Raph vs a Volcano
21. Adopting a pet
22. Puzzling
23. Least favorite student
24. Purple Dragons at Central Park
25. Laser Tag gone wrong
26. Lonely holiday
27. Human friends
28. Broken vase
29. Ambush
30. Wrestling
31. Standing up to Bullies
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lemonlyman-dotcom · 8 months
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9-1-1 Lone Star Platonic Pairings Event
Hello! @bonheur-cafe & I are excited to kick off the 9-1-1 Lone Star Platonic Pairings Event! What better time than the month of love to celebrate the friendships of the 126 and beyond.
We invite everyone who would like to participate to create something lovely in celebration of the beautiful friendships on this show! Any medium is welcomed; fanfic, fan art, gifsets, metas etc. Any and all pairings are welcome, you can feature a canon-established friendship or you can explore a pairing that hasn’t had much screen time but you’d like to see teamed up. Your work can include a couple + friend, two couples, no couples… whatever you wanna do as long as the focus is on the friendships.
This event will go from February 1st - March 31st, however folks can keep creating for as long as they would like. We’d love to see some platonic love around Valentine’s Day 🥰
Please use the tag #911 Lone Star Platonic Pairings when posting your work to ao3 and/or tumblr and we will reblog. We will share a master list of all the art created for the event in April.
We’ve provided a list of prompts below the cut for inspiration. Please feel free to use any of the prompts, solo or a combination, or none of the prompts. We can’t wait to see what you create!
“I missed you”
“I feel like I’ve known you forever”
"You’re more than just a friend. We're family."
“Can you please pick me up?” “I'll be there in 10.” (could be fluff or angst)
"So... I met someone." "I'm sorry, WHAT."
Something just between friends (i.e. secret handshake, inside jokes, secrets etc.)
Roommates AU
Meeting each other’s parents
Camping trip
Double date!
Romantic date? No! Best friend date
Wearing each other’s clothes
The gang goes on a vacation or some kind of trip and somebody gets lost
Doing each other’s hair / Getting their hair done
Saving the other during a call / Working together on a call
An incident at a call causes a fight and the rest of the gang has to intervene
Competitive streak, maybe a bet on who can make the most saves in a shift
Red vs blue
TK & Mateo go to get tattoos together
Trying a new game or bringing someone new to Catan game night
Trying a new board game @ Catan night / Inviting new people to Catan night
Road trip to watch Marjan’s roller derby team in Houston or Dallas
Group text thread gone awry
Besties in a fight
Friend A has to bail Friend B outta jail
Friend A is suspicious of a new coworker and Friend B is the only one who believes them
Recovering together after an incident
Working through/processing a big canon event together
Dadptain Owen
Momtain Tommy
Big brother Judd
Learning to love Lou Two
Friend A has to call Friend B to come help them out of an awkward position / Catching each other in a compromising position
We're having our monthly friend meet up and you can tell I have something big to tell you, but you're waiting for me to bring it up.
No one gives a shovel talk like a friend
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tiistirtipii · 2 years
Tag 9 people you want to get to know better!
I was tagged by the wonderful @firstkanaphans 🧡🧡🧡
Three ships
1) AkkAyan from The Eclipse
2) MingKit from 2moons2 (and 2moons but I prefer when couples actually get together in the show)
3) PatPran from Bad Buddy
First ever ship
I have absolutely no clue.. so I’ll just pick my first bl ship which was AePete from Love By Chance. I saw a gifset of Ae’s heart eyes and I had to find out what show it was from. I had no idea what I was getting myself into..
Last Song
All you need to know about my music taste is I am the #1 listener to Never Too Late by Khaotung Thanawat and that is a fact I know in my heart and soul.
Last movie
Tár. Amazing movie and Cate Blanchett does a really brilliant job. Bit of a mind fuck but what good movie isn’t.
Currently Reading
Gonna be honest, I haven’t read anything that isn’t eclipse fanfiction in around 4 months. I miss them 👍
Currently Watching
My School President, Never Let Me Go, GAP and that gay chicken show 🐓
Currently Consuming
A bagel. And eclipse fanfiction.
Currently Craving
Our Skyy 2 🙏 but also for Alan to finally appear in Moonlight Chicken.
(if you want and if you haven’t already done <3)
@distant-screaming @alan-apologist @catboykacchan @hidden-joy @rythyme @seekingidlewild @kiss-your-eclipse @magicalgirlchar @sollucets
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tellmegoodbye · 1 year
For nice ask day - I'd love to know about when you first got into Lone Star, and what are other shows/movies you like and would always recommend?!
Hi!!! It's actually really interesting because I probably would have gotten into the show sooner, I was just lazy.
So my first introduction to the show was actually seeing the ads for season 3 and going hmm looks interesting, and then I proceeded to forget to actually go watch it. 😂 I then started seeing gifs on my dash a few months later, mostly from season 3. It took me until February of this year after seeing like ten thousand gifsets of the scene where TK wakes up from his coma and going "okay I am literally missing out on some delicious angst right now, I need to do something about this"
I binged the whole show and it took me from about the time 4x04 dropped to when 4x06 dropped, so about two weeks. (that's not even close to my record, I binged ten seasons of shameless in two weeks) I also then went and watched OG which I also enjoyed, but lone star is still my fave! I've mostly been lurking around here because I'm generally very shy but also wary of fandoms. But y'all seem nice so hiiii you get to deal with my annoying dumbass now ^_^
(I also couldn't contain my fic ideas, so when I'm done being the slowest writer in existence, I am also excited to jump into that as well 😊)
Obviously I'm coming here from Shameless so that's one show I reccomend. (it's also where my url is from in case some lone star people were like "huh??" I'm too attached to it to change it) I don't really watch a ton of shows, as this is only my third fandom and only my second for a tv show, but I will reccomend one show that I haven't seen much of on tumblr, which is a show called Dark. It's a German show on Netflix and if you're looking for sonething that will absolutely confuse the shit out of you in the best way possible then that's a good one to watch!
For movies, There's a couple I really love. my favorite movie of all time is August Rush. The soundtrack is amazing and it's just a really sweet movie overall.
Just listen to this shit and tell me that doesn't go hard.
Another movie I really love is Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close. It's about a kid who loses his father during 9/11 and how he navigates that grief both by himself and with his mother who he has a complicated relationship with. He also has aspergers which impacts exactly how he deals with these emotions and I really relate to him a lot in that regard. It's a sad movie with a beautiful ending, and it will definitely make you cry!
Finally, a movie I'm sure everyone knows and loves, is The Parent Trap (1998 version) It's just so fun and sweet!
Thank you for this ask! I'm having a lot of fun today :)
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sunnydaleherald · 1 year
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Wednesday, May 11
ANGEL: You ever miss it? You were turned, what... 5 years ago? HARMONY: Oh, that. Yeah. Graduation night. I don't know. It's weird. Part of me always knew life would end after high school. I was very popular, you know. The whole golden years thing. ANGEL: I don't remember what it was like... being human. It was too long ago. HARMONY: (shrugs) Not so great. Zits. Dandruff. Mortality. Although I do remember... my heart. (smiles) And the way it would thump when I kissed a really hot boy for the first time. That was cool. Angel? Something's going down, isn't it? And everybody's in on it except me. ANGEL: You're not a part of this. HARMONY: I could be. I'm your assistant, after all. I could, I don't know... assist you or something.
~~Not Fade Away~~
The Sunnydale Herald is looking for at least one new editor. Contributing to the Herald is a great way to get your Buffy on! Find out more here.
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Hanging Around by badly_knitted (Buffy, Cordelia, Tom, Machida, PG)
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Just Another Lie by NAOA (Connor, Fred/Gunn, T)
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Sineya Rambles - Chapter 1-3 by desicat (Sineya, eventual Buffy/Spike, M)
Stronger than Destiny (Stronger series: part 11) by jayme_stone (Stargate Atlantis crossover, Scoobies, G)
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Rise, Ch. 10 by CheekyKitten (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Creative Solutions, Ch. 8 by Harlow Turner (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
So One of Us is Living, Ch. 27 by violettathepiratequeen (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
Sineya Rambles, Ch. 1-3 by Desicat (Sineya, eventual Buffy/Spike, R)
Sineya Rambles, Ch. 3 by Desicat (Sineya, eventual Buffy/Spike, R)
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Postcards and Snapshots, Ch. 12 by TheSunnySlayer (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
Sparks, Ch. 7 by Dusty (Buffy/Spike/Angel, NC-17)
The Home Invasions, Ch. 28 by VeroNyxK84 (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
Dawn the Vampire Slayer, Ch. 9 by LJ94 (Buffy/Spike, R)
Boulevard of Broken Dreams, Ch. 5 by VeroNyxK84 (Buffy/Spike, R)
One Step Away, Ch. 4 by flootzavut (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
In Which the Potentials Time Travel and are Greatly Befuddled, Ch. 1 by FlightsofFancy (Buffy/Spike, R)
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Anya and Halfrek gifset by andremichaux (worksafe)
Gifset: Bangel Crossovers by bangelgifs (Buffy/Angel, worksafe)
Mermay comic: day 7 and 8 by malvymary (Buffy/Faith, worksafe)
"Touched" gifs by spuffygifs (Buffy/Spike, worksafe)
Buffy-inspired outfits by alottaoutfits (Buffy, worksafe)
Banner: Strong is fighting! by leybrain (Buffy, worksafe)
Buffy/Spike collage by mayorsquid (probably worksafe)
Video: an animatic about watching BtVS by noname-nonartist ()
Buffy Summers, a glitter edit by violetbudd (worksafe)
[Reviews & Recaps]
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watched the first 2 episodes of angel s5 and it's already so different by elliebartlets
Buffy season 6! by tuiyla
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Pop Culture Role Call: Visions of Dushku - Angel S04E15 - Orpheus
[Fandom Discussions]
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Kennedy and Rona deserve more love (and other ask responses) by juanabaloo
rationalist yimby btvs au where the popularity of single family houses... by tanadrin
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Could Willow have saved Fred? by nightshade and others
What's your head canon on why The First Evil couldn't or didn't pose as Tara to manipulate Willow? by Joshua and others
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Wesley's time as Buffy's watcher by Zealousideal_Buy1577 and others
Tara's Powers by LiviaDruzilla
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Angel Season 1: Leaving Childhood Behind - by Andrew Heard
Submit a link to be included in the newsletter!
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manny-jacinto · 2 years
I totally agree with you, TLOU and Mandalorian don't feel like binge-watching shows. I personally love watching all the discussion after each episode and can't wait to see the next one after those endings.
I am also living for all this new content from Pedro 😊 these months are going to be the best. I'm going to miss him for the rest of the year 🥺
yessss i love to space episodes, come back to moments i really enjoyed etc. etc. for some reason, i always perfectly remember series that are weekly releases vs. shows that i binge watched
a lot of my TLOU sets come from the fact that the eps are weekly releases! i could't do the facts gifsets for ex because i would not like to watch 9 episodes then 9 45min podcasts
awww don't worry pedro will still be hanging around! i started getting interested in him in 2020 and he has not done a lot of stuff in 3 years but he was still very much there and he always pops up!!!! we'll be fine. i hope he rests a little tho cause his back is gonna kill him lol
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dramacravings · 8 years
some thoughts on twy...
narrative: a representation of a particular situation or process in such a way as to reflect or conform to an overarching set of aims or values
i like ma rin but why is this drama so intent on getting me to identify her as a victim?? everyone in her life (mostly women) mocks her, berates her, uses her, underestimates her, makes assumptions of and accusations against her, tries to manipulate her by holding favors over her head or hoops for her to jump through, or just makes her life more difficult in general.
there are at least ten other ways so joon could have prevented that car accident (stopped the truck, stalled traffic, pushed the god damn crosswalk button, said “hey, watch out for that truck”) but instead we have to watch him stalk and harass ma rin down the street and into the crosswalk jfc (they really want her to be a victim).
there are a thousand other scenarios ma rin could have needed to be rescued from (ferry accident. dock accident. overhead piano accident. bridge accident. did anyone watch early edition?) but we got the street harassment version and the scene ends with ma rin unconscious in the hospital (for no apparent reason) while so joon streams embarrassing videos of her drunken public encounters online, videos she never consented to appear in let alone get spread around the internet.
so joon later uses this knowledge of ma rin’s alcohol problem against her to coerce her to speak with him after she made it clear that she didn’t want to. (but this is supposed to be a funny bc she likes to drink/has a drinking problem. side note: are women only allowed to be funny or silly (or sad) when they’re drunk? that’s a depressing thought...)
when so joon causes ma rin to feel humiliated or ashamed or he’s impressing her we get her point of view but when ma rin is making so joon’s life ~difficult~ or if he pities her we get his point of view. why is that? why are they so invested in making her a victim!?
i feel like the drama is just tearing ma rin down so that... hell, i don’t know why. she’s great but the writers are creating a narrative in which literally everyone else is in control of hers. every scene is another opportunity to bring her down, for someone else to make or break her hopes and dreams, or simply sidetrack her from just living her life and pursuing her future career in peace. /we/ might like ma rin but this drama does not like ma rin.
let’s also not forget that at this point the story ends with ma rin’s and so joon’s deaths and it’s up to so joon and his godlike knowledge of their intertwined futures to prevent it from happening. ma rin is just a piece in this puzzle with no awareness of the overarching narrative driving the plot forward, or the factors motivating this man to follow her around, to be so hot and cold with her. he couldn’t care less about her.
i’m trying to compare this to something like qihm where the couple has to figure things out together and she constantly has to teach him about her world and they form a partnership. contrast qihm with this drama where so joon travels to the future and we only get his perspective as we all discover that he and ma rin are married. ma rin is only there to answer questions. there was nothing in their interaction that was for her or her story or even from her point of view. this was all about so joon. entitled, all-knowing so joon.
since most of the other annoying people in ma rin’s life are women there’s also this layer of ma rin being the ~exceptional woman~ who gets to be fleshed out and flawed while other women are just pathetic or petty. none of her friends, coworkers, nor her mother are written in a way that’s supposed to make you empathize with them.
those we do get to empathize with are ma rin (but only as a victim), so joon (a hard-hearted asshole; a man), and so joon’s time travel buddy (also a man). the only people who are ever nice to ma rin are her friend (who’s really only there to clap for ma rin when she gets a job--this is very low investment faux female friendship positivity imo) and the reporter ma rin went on a date with, who we’re supposed to appreciate bc he didn’t berate ma rin after her terrible mother told lies about her (and i’m just waiting for him to screw her over with his article).
i almost get the feeling that we’re supposed to respect or value ma rin more because she’s a victim and reacts to being a victim in a ~humble~ way. like, i wouldn’t blame this woman if she didn’t maintain a positive attitude and instead broke down whilst literally everyone tries to make her life harder. what does ma rin get out of telling the story this way? what does this narrative accomplish for her, specifically?
we have to stop putting the onus on female characters to respond to bad treatment in the Right Way (policing women’s behavior) and instead challenge narratives that validate a world in which women don’t have control of their lives and are expected to Deal With It ~admirably~
how is this not a form of victim blaming in which we wouldn’t be expected to like ma rin if she weren’t “lively and endlessly positive”? honestly?
this is Strong Female Character posturing (behaving in a way that is intended to impress or mislead others) where they set up scenarios in which ma rin is treated like shit specifically so the writers can put on a show demonstrating how Strong she is. this drama is more interested in putting ma rin on a pedestal for her Admirable Behavior in the face of constant attacks than it is in condemning or changing others’ awful behavior toward her.
why should i want to relate to or sympathize with this narrative structure? this isn’t my idea of an appealing high stakes time travel romance. a gross part of me wants to watch this drama play out just to confirm my suspicions. they’ve already made so many questionable narrative decisions that they’re setting things up to get worse for ma rin, for her to become more of a pawn in so joon’s ~destiny~. ma rin might end up with the material things she desires--the career, the guy--but i just don’t see this process being a nice experience for her. it hasn’t been so far and i don’t have any reason to believe that will change.
i’m going to relate this back to my earlier comments re the swdbs teaser in which we’re supposed to get excited about (literally “teased” by) a woman fighting off sexual harassment on public transportation. media co-opted feminism is jtbc and tvn raking in ad money so we can watch women get harassed for fun and for free lmao. we’re deep in the matrix.
i wanted to include what @gohyunjungfun wrote in response to my comments about the teaser bc it’s better articulated and influenced some of what i wrote here: it's a special brand of pop feminism that focuses on individual women being smart/strong/whatever enough to fight off certain types of male aggression but is uninterested in the structure of patriarchy in recognizing it as a system and uninterested in men simply *not* being predators.
i’d argue this also applies to patriarchal norms in dramas that tell us any narrative or story is fair game and it’s up to female characters to just be good enough role models or interesting enough characters to deserve our praise. we have to stop ignoring writers’ motivations and instead ask why we tell stories like this in the first place. narrative choices are choices, you can’t be neutral on a moving train, etc etc.
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flufftober · 2 years
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Hello and welcome to our second annual Flufftober 🥳
We’re so excited to be back and to once again have you here!
Let’s fill the month of October with as much fluff as possible 🥰
You’ll find the entire prompt list - as well as a list of prompt substitutes! - at the end of this post so you can easily copy/paste it all. But first:
Rules & FAQ
No inc*st or p*dophilia - we can’t keep you from writing it or creating art for it but it won’t be reblogged.
No hate or ship bashing - we’re all different and we all love different things. As long as it doesn’t go against rule #1, it’s allowed.
Tag correctly! Trigger warnings (including cheating!), ships, ratings, (pure) smut, etc - it’s all fine as long as you tag it.
There’s absolutely no word count restriction, write as little or as much as you like.
In regards to art, anything goes: drawings, paintings, collages, mood boards, gifsets, videos, playlists… the sky’s the limit (though not really…)
While we can’t force you to write fluff or create fluffy art, please try to keep in mind that this is a fluff event 😉
You can start writing and/or arting as soon as you see this - but please refrain from posting before the respective day.
You can participate on as many days as you like, even if it’s just one; you can also create multiple entries for the same day.
NEW this year are our prompt substitutes! These are the five most loved prompts from the previous year, and you can use as many of them as you like instead of five prompts from the original list - or even in addition, that's completely up to you.
It’s okay to write one story/a series for all the prompts as long as it’s separated into chapters and the respective chapter/work is posted on the given day.
You do not have to stick to one ship or even one fandom - switch as often as you like to or even write for multiple ships for one day.
The ship does not have to be a romantic one! Friendship and family feels are more than welcome (but this is not a way to get around rule #1!)
This event can be combined with other events as long as the other event allows it.
Late entries are always welcome, even if it is months later.
All fandoms and ships are welcome - fanon and canon - as long as they’re of age (in case you want to add smut) and not related.
Posting to tumblr
Please use the tag #flufftober2022
Since tags are sometimes wonky, make sure to also add @flufftober in your post
We will try to catch them all, but please don't be mad if we miss a post or if it gets reblogged a bit late
If you're absolutely certain a post has slipped past us, feel free to send an ask with the link to your post
To make reblogging easier for us, make sure to add the following tags: #flufftober2022 #day [xy] #[fandom] #[ship and/or main character(s)]
If you're using a prompt substitute, instead of #day [xy] tag it as #alt 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5
Posting to ao3
You can add your creation to the collection flufftober2022 or flufftober_2022 (yes, we've claimed both because so many people added to the wrong collection last year 😅)
Late entries are always welcome, on tumblr as well as the ao3 collection! Neither will close - but like last year, reblogs will become less and less and further apart the more months pass...
1. Wearing Each Other’s Clothes
2. “You’ve told your parents?”
3. Thick as Thieves
4. Supporting Silly Quirks/Hobbies
5. “Oh no, you’re a Morning Person!”
6. Candles, Lanterns, Fairy Lights
7. Movie Marathon
8. Shooting Stars
9. Game Day (Sports)
10. Love Language
11. Poetry, Art, Music, Craft
12. “You kept this?”
13. Secret Family Recipe
14. Truth or Dare/20 Questions
15. Accidents don't just happen accidentally
16. “I hate you” – “I love you too”
17. Animal Shelter
18. Soulmate AU
19. Hot Chocolate
20. Bedtime Stories
21. Kiss for Good Luck
22. “Have you heard?���
23. POV Outsider
24. All the Hugs
25. First Dance
26. Blankets
27. Reunion
28. Picnic
29. Leaves
30. Dear Diary
31. A Sweet Treat
Prompt Substitutes
Last year, many of you asked for it, this year we're delivering 😊 introducing: Prompts Substitutes!
As explained in the rules, these can be used if there are prompts in the original list that you don't like for whatever reason. No need to explain or apologize for it, simply switch them with one of the five most loved prompts from last year. Or... you know... just add these five to your list of 31 prompts that want to be written 😉
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Alt 1: Slow Dancing
Alt 2: Caught in the Rain
Alt 3: Falling Asleep Together
Alt 4: Up Against the Wall Kiss
Alt 5: Winning a Teddy for the Other
We hope you like these lists, and now
Happy Creating 🥳
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kazoosandfannypacks · 2 years
The Killian Jones SIMP LOG:
In which I chronicle every instance of Killian simping for his girlfriend in Once Upon a time Season 4
Here's the full SIMP LOG: all 92 instances of Killian being a simp in Season 4. A masterpost of gifsets based on this post can be found here.
1. E.1 Killian trying to convince Emma to enjoy the small moments and then being frustrated when even that small moment is taken away from them.
2. E.1 When Emma sarcastically says "Yeah we'll just go see if there's anything new on Netflix" and Killian is just like "I don't know what that means, but sure!" and he just has this big, dopey smile, like "I am absolutely willing to do anything with you as long as I am with you."
3. E.1 When she gives him a kiss in the forest and she asks him to just be patient with her, and he says he has all the time in the world to wait for her, and doesn't bog her down with his passive agressive expression of "we might die first though."
4. E.2 Killian considering every adventure with Emma a special one, accepting the fact that they might not get real dates frequently, but being totally okay with any semblance of time spent with her.
5. E.2 Killian desparatley chipping away at the ice cave with his hook.
6. E.2 When Emma's voice comes on the walkie talkie and he grabs it out of David's hands and asks Emma if she's okay.
7. E.2 Okay again with the picking at the ice with his hook thing buddy you do realize that's not gonna do anything, right?
8. E.2 The smile on his face when he looks through the hole in the ice and sees that Emma is okay.
9. E.2 The hug he gives her after she gets pulled out of the ice cave is the softest, warmest, most precious hug to ever exist, just the excitement, the joy in knowing she's safe and alright, the way he holds her, as if he'd been afraid that he wouldn't be able to hold her again.
10. E.2 Killian immediately getting a heater for her the moment the power turned on. I doubt he even knew what a heater was before today, but I'm sure someone said "oh I sure wish the power was on so we could turn on a space heater" or something like that and he just remembered that so that he could help keep her warm.
11. E.2 Killian taking advantage of this opportunity to snuggle up next to Emma without her being able to protest because she needs to get warm.
12. E.3 Killian knowing that everyone Emma has ever been with has died and still choosing to be with her- and then boldly reassuring her that he's a survivor despite the obvious fact that they're just standing there and kissing in the middle of the main road which a very not survival minded thing to do.
13. E.4 The hope in his eyes when he asks Emma why she's here if it's not about Storybrooke's latest threat to society.
14. E.4 When Emma asks him out and he's so shooketh he literally misses the dartboard by four feet.
15. E.4 Killian knowing that dealing with Rumplestiltskin can mean trouble and getting himself stuck in a spiderweb of deals just so that he can hold Emma with his own two hands.
16. E.4 Killian abandoning his familiar and comfortable pirate attire so he can kind of step into her world, so to speak, and dress up right for their date.
17. E.4 Killian letting Emma wear his jacket on their way back to her apartment.
18. E.4 That little *pause, swallow, tone change* of nervousness before he asks Emma out for a second date, almost afraid she might say no.
19. E.5 Killian taking Henry sailing. Sure that's partly because he likes being around Henry, but also because he likes being a special part of Emma's family.
20. E.5 How softly Killian speaks to her in her office at the end of this episode when he stops by, and how gently he looks at her.
21. E.5 His smile when he sees her old glasses in the box, ecstatic to find that piece of her past and picture what she must've been like when she wore them.
22. E.5 Killian not being angry at her for keeping the photo of her and Neal. You can tell, he gets a little annoyed, a little hurt, it's a touchy subject, but, really, he just quietly carries any grief the picture gives him and moves right along. I also think it's important that we can tell that it does affect him- because honestly, if you see that your significant other kept a picture of them being happy with their ex, it's normal to feel a little jealous, but he makes the intentional choice not to act on his feelings of jealousy.
23. E.5 Killian just holding her hand, ready to watch the old videos with her, telling her he loves hearing about her beginning and finding out more about her.
24. E.5 Killian's smile when he sees this video of Emma, as a child, just being goofy and carefree and happy for once in her life.
25. E.6 When Regina says Emma and Killian make eyes at each other and Emma says they don't make eyes at each other and then Killian makes eyes at her.
26. E.7 Killian being so focused on Emma when that he doesn't notice that a lamppost is about to fall on him.
27. E.8 The pain on Killian's face when he's calling Emma and knows she's gonna die if she listens to Rumplestiltskin.
28. E.8 Killian recognizing Emma's handprint charred into the wooden box, knowing it was hers based on? size? the fact that it looked like it was made with magic? Either way he knows her by her handprint and that's kinda simp ngl.
29. E.8 The intense amount of stress as Emma again doesn't pick up the phone.
30. E.8 His angry voice breaking into fear as he explains Gold's plans for her on the voicemail, then into sorrow as he admits that he's been dishonest with her.
31. E.8 "I just wanted to be... a better man for you, Swan. But I failed. And now because of that I might lose you. I'm sorry, but I hope you never forgive me, because that means you get this in time to save yourself."
32. E.9 Killian doesn't have a car and doesn't know how to drive. He literally ran all the way from the pawn shop to the mansion.
33. E.9 Killian facing down the literal dark one and boldly proclaiming that he'd rather die than watch Gold hurt Emma.
34. E.9 The struggling against the ropes, the repeated angry "no," the coming all this way to save her only to be cut short here.
35. E.9 Killian trying to talk Gold out of what he's doing, hoping he can find mercy in the dark one.
36. E.9 Just the fact that he still struggles and tries to break free, even though he knows it's hopeless here.
37. E.9 His proud and overjoyed smile as he realized that Emma did it, she saved herself, again, and would be safe.
--#38-#43 happen while the dark one has his heart, and should be taken with a grain of salt on this list, as his actions are not entirely his own--
38. E.9 "I'm a fan of every part of you."
39. E.10 Rumplestiltskin says to enjoy his last day alive and Killian goes and finds Emma.
40. E.10 Killian Jones knowing what's coming and knowing the only way to keep himself from destroying everyone he cares about when this curse hits is to go restrain himself now, but taking a moment first to find Emma and give her one last kiss, knowing the dark one has threatened to kill him before she'll get back to him.
41. E.11 "Together? She used that word?"
42. E.11 Killian making a desparate dying wish to The Dark One simply asking for Emma to be safe.
43. E.12 Killian savoring every moment as best as he can without a heart, staring at her, holding her arm so tightly, unable to let go.
44. E.12 The first thing he does after Emma puts his heart back in his chest is kiss her.
45. E.12 Killian reassuring her that he's a survivor, again reaffirming that, despite the near death experience, he's still not afraid to be the savior's boyfriend.
46. E.13 Killian ready and waiting for her first thing in the morning with a cup of coffee for each of them.
47. E.13 Killian walking with her to the library even though it's such a short distance, like, you could practically see the library from there, so he really could have gone alone, but he waited for her just as he always has waited for her.
48. E.13 The way he holds her hand and looks at her while Regina is freeing the faries he trapped.
49. E.13 Killian Jones not wanting to go enjoy the party at granny's right away, but being willing to go once Emma went in with him.
50. E.13 Killian having full confidence that Emma can defeat the Chernobyl, with Regina's help, but also that look of fear after she leaves to fight it, and he's afraid he might lose her again.
51. E.13 He goes out to granny's with her, not just with Emma, but also with her son and her overprotective parents, knowing that since they matter to her they can matter to him as well.
52. E.14 Killian bringing her grilled cheese without any evidence that she even asked him to, not to mention that he also got her onion rings, her favorite side.
53. E.14 Killian being afraid to tell Emma about his past because he doesn't know if he can still be good enough for her.
54. E.14 Killian respecting that she was hurt in the past, but not letting her dwell on or wallow in the pain and reassuring her that he's always gonna be here for her
55. E.14 Sorry I can't even use words for this look he gives her.
56. E.14 Furthermore, after that moment, the little "smile and look away while shaking my head, almost with laughter, and also disbelief that this could really be real, that I could really have her."
57. E.16 Killian's reassurance that "I'm good at surviving." This has been a running phrase in this season, a declaration that he's not afraid to be with Emma, and in this case it's also a subtle reminder to Emma that it'll be okay.
58. E.16 Killian being afraid of losing Emma because he was once a villian.
59. E.16 When Emma asks him what his happy ending is and the look on his face is one of utter "Emma, love, you're one of the smartest people I know, but how could you be so stupid? You're my happy ending."
60. E.16 Killian being worried when he finds out that Gold wants to corrupt Emma.
61. E.17 Killian's worry when he tells Emma Gold wants to corrupt her, and how gently he looks at her and holds her when she assures him she'll be okay.
62. E.17 Killian being jealous of the fact that Emma and August have the friendship they do, but also doing his best not to make her feel bad about it and deflecting with sarcasm.
63. E.17 Killian trying to comfort Emma the best way he knows how to when she learns the truth about her past, and the disappointment in his eyes when she pulls her hand away from his.
64. E.17 Killian clarifying that August is in fact just Emma's friend and even though he's having trouble with it, he's letting her have friends instead of hoarding her.
65. E.20 Killian warning Emma not to make the same mistakes he made.
66. E.20 Killian's little smile when Emma affirms he's on her list of things to live for still. He didn't include himself on the list, didn't even have to add a "oh and hopefully you care about me," and I think that his reaction's so precious.
67. E.20 Kilian affirming that she's what's kept him on the right path, that she's his reason for living- he's not driven by vengeance anymore, but by love.
68. E.21 Killian going to Granny's just to talk about Emma with Gold- not because of any issue with her, but because she was good, just as he knew she would be, and because she's the key to his own happiness.
69. E.21 Pirates and the horizon go hand in hook, so Killian taking Emma to just stare at the horizon with him is like inviting her into his world.
70. E.21 He shares his rum with her. He does this a lot, he's been sharing rum with her since, what, season 2? I think it's his way of flirting, and also, rum is something else entirely pirate, and the fact that he's sharing his rum shows that he's sharing a great treasure with her.
71. E.21 He cares about what's going on for her, emotionally.
72. E.21 He's made it his job to protect her heart, but he's still a little insecure and not going to assume she wants him in that place in her life, hence the *slight pause, head tilting swallow, slight tone change* "I hope it's my job to protect your heart"
73. E.21 The only family Killian has ever had apart from Emma is dead, and he's not about to let her lose her family either.
74. E.21 Killian and Charming looking at each other knowlingly, almost as if Charming knew that he helped bring Emma back to them again, and as if Killian knew that maybe, after a season and a half of trying to impress Emma's father, he'd succeeded.
--#75-85, while absolutely still being Killian, happen in the alternate reality in which he's never even met her yet, and thus these actions as well might need to be taken with a grain of salt.
75. E.23 When Killian meets Emma for the first time in this reality, and though she already knows him, he doesn't know her, and he's just overwhelmed by what he sees when he looks at her for the first time.
76. E.23 That look on his face as she walks away, almost as if begging Henry for an explanation for why this Emma is so incredible to him
77. E.23 Killian being absolutely thrown off his rhythm around Emma, having totally lost his cool the moment he laid eyes on her.
78. E.23 "It'll take a little while to explain why I just trusted you with my life." "My schedule's pretty clear"
79. E.23 His smile and breathlessness when Emma puts her arms around him to teach him how to use his sword
80. E.23 Killian asking Emma if they're close in her world.
81. E.23 His excited disbelief when he finds out they're very close in her world.
82. E.23 Killian being jealous of this other version of himself because he gets to be close to Emma.
83. E.23 Killian making a deliberate choice to sacrifice himself for Emma and Henry
84. E.23 "Is she really worth your life, pirate?" "I'm willing to find out."
85. E.23 Emma being the last thing he sees before he dies. If you watch him fall, you can see he closes his eyes just before he turns so Emma is out of view- I think the last thing he wanted in his head before he died was Emma.
86. E.23 The first thing he did when he got back to storybrooke was check the loft to see if Henry was still there and okay/being up in the loft so he and Emma could have a private moment together.
87. E.23 His reminder again, that he's a survivor and he's going to keep on surviving for her.
88. E.23 His hopeful smile as he expects she's about to tell him she loves him, and his best attempts to conceal his disappointment as she changes her sentence to something different.
89. E.23 Killian finally owning up to being the hero Emma's seen him as for the last season and a half.
90. E.23 Killian running to Emma, almost in tears, as she faces down a tornado of darkness, to beg her not to do it, not to let him lose another soulmate to the dark one.
91. E.23 The desparate "please," the horrified "no" as he's pushed away, him standing alone and watching in horror- and he's the only one who shows any sign of shielding his eyes from what's happening, because I think he's the one it hurts most.
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daily911 · 3 years
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Welcome back to Sue!
gifset of a scene from season 4 episode 11 First Responders
gif 1: Josh escorts Sue, who is using a cane, onto the dispatch floor on Sue’s first day back after she was injured in a hit and run. Josh, holding Sue’s purse, pats Sue on the shoulder as they take in the rest of the team applauding her return. Everyone shouts, “Welcome back to Sue!”
gif 2: The dispatch team are all applauding Sue’s return. Sue gestures with her hands out to get them to stop. The caption indicates that there is “applause, cheering, whooping” going on.
gif 3: Maddie holds up a walkie talkie and says, “All units stand by. Dispatcher with ID #17, advise your status.”
gif 4: Sue takes the walkie talkie from Maddie while Josh and May look at her happily. Josh has tears in his eyes.
gif 5: Sue pauses, holding back tears, and says, “Dispatcher Blevins...back in service” while looking around at her team.
gif 6: The dispatch team errupts into applause and cheers again. Sue again surveys the team while through the walkie talkie various first responders welcome Sue back. “Dispatcher Blevins welcome back! Buck: Oh, Sue, it's good to hear your voice. Hen: Welcome back, Sue. Eddie: You rock, Blevins. Welcome back.”
gif 7: The well wishes continue, “It wasn't the same without you. Woman: We missed you. Athena: Glad to have you back, Blevins.” Sue brings the walkie talkie to her chest.
gif 8: Getting chocked up Sue responds, “Thank you, everyone. You’re not gonna get rid of me that easy.”
gif 9: Sue is smiling widely and eventually gestures to everyone and says, “Now back to work.”
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wonwooridul · 3 years
🥰 every month of 2021 🥰
i was tagged by my best of the besties @soonwnu @coupsnim and @woozi to post my favorite or most popular post from each month this year (it’s okay to skip months).
thankyou you legends <3 i really look up to y’all.
i was very new to content creation in januaray since i started creation in nov of 2020!
January: This was supposed to be posted in jan but i accidently did in dec lol. I really like this boo vs dino gfx I made for svtsource tumblr awards. Then the Jackson missing hours set. i just started making content so there isnt much to show.
February: Starting of with one of my fave sets, seokshine is better than sunshine. Then this set of smiley dino. This adorable coupsie set that i made for dreamy <3 my first time trying sparkles and hoshi for elle looked amazing, gummy smile vernon. lastly, this ot13 birthday set for my birthday twin mirelle <3
March: i wasnt active in march and i only made like two sets that arent worth showing so skip!
April: A 9-gif set of gentle sexy. personally, this cracks me up everytime, the time members were ready to send hoshi to tigercage. And lastly, my chaotic bestfriends boogyu set.
May: the time i realised i am in l*ve with jeon wonwoo. i really liked these gifs of minghao , theyre clean and also the reds in them <3 this was around the time i started getting a hang of what colours i liked and didnt. XMH fave photoshoot gfx. And ofc my beloved svt 6th anniversary gifset which took me so long.
June: starting with best set,,, svt + animals which was made for n <3 Next, this sunshine seok for mirelle <3
July: This wonwoo + flowers gfx. i wasnt very active in july too but i made shit tons of stuff in august lol.
August: i made lot here that i actually like so im just gonna link <3 wisbee with mara (i’m sorry if u don’t have the humour, this is classic), ofc coups birthday set, masterpiece xu minghao for bias swap, hoshi is cora’s bias set for carat anon, hoshi allure recolour (from b&w), moonlight jun set for al <3, prince dk set (this is by far one of my fave gifsets, i love the colouring and the gifs were very clean, sharp and smooth), VU op2 shoot recolour, wonwoo + glasses (my beloved)
September: ehm, lighthearted people are not advised to open cause jarms set, jeonghan in fear mv (finally had the courage the recolour this cursed white jeonghan in fear mv and it turned out well), jeonghan 1st look and vernon pure as melody gfx.
October: i think i did all years worth in october. when i was looking though my stuff all i could find was stuff from october lmao and these are creations that i actually like quite alot. here they are: jeonghan + monet birthday set, jun vlog, danger hoshi, changer jun & nature wonwoo with al, attacca tracks as posters, ot13 RWY set (this set got the most notes this year), missing junhao for alicia, my top 9 moments series, Mingyu racing gazette gfx, soongyu cuddle buddies, s.coups allure recoloured (from blue)
November: prolly my fave gfx, Hao birthday set, woozi birthday set (i didnt like it much but it was still cute, i spend alot of time on it), GoSe Ego posters. i was busy cause i was moving for uni so i couldnt make anything in the second half of nov.
December: lover of mine dk gfx, we fell in love in oct shua gfx, my whole svt concepts as films series <3 currently working on one shua gfx and birthday set, hoping to complete before i go back home !
i would like to take this post to appreciate all my beloved mutuals and friends on this site. thankyou for supporting me and always making me smile this whole year. thankyou for leaving cute tags under my posts. y'all were one of the reasons i kept going this year <3 i would like to thank all the beautiful souls at my carat club discord server <3 y'all are my internet family <3
i hope all of you have a great holiday and eat delicious food and spend time without loved ones <3 happy holidays my lovelies <3
tagging: (i dont know who all have been tagged so ill tag a few<3) @soonkwans @seohoshi @dearmyfeb @dearkyeom @dkymm @scoups @aquynh @dokyom @kdongyoung @elfyuta @pdwoozi @yoonzinoswife @softhyungkyun @merry-kwanmas @kingleedo @kyeomblr @kveom @sannie-hannie @wonwoosjeon @awek-s @julyprince @soonshuas (im sorry if you have done already <3)
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xviruserrorx · 3 years
*Telling my friend Tumblr drama/ fandom statuses*
Daniel Howell did "Gay and Not Proud" Youtube pride 2021
Me: Pretty much Dan did a thing and Tumblr's emotional
15-year fever dream that ended with subtle homophobic undertones and last minute gays is getting a spinoff series and the fandom is falling apart and laughing/in disbelief over twitter drama
Were just sitting around, immortal, Waiting for the prat that is The Once and Future King to come back. And waiting for season 6 after reading the script for the 50th time
Collectively composed of 9 people, a shoe lace and a old chocolate bar from last Halloween/Samhain.
.... Season 5?
Oh look at that nice picture of Hugh Dancy and Mads Mikkelson on twitter
*Gets confirmed Bisexual Loki* "That's the shrieking of the fandom behind that door. I suggest earplugs if you go in."
The Umbrella academy
Elliot page for the win first and foremost. And quietly impatiently waiting for season 3, maybe doing some rewatching. Or re reading the comic books/ catching up on "you look like death"
Doctor Who
The calm ones out of SuperWhoLock. Just sitting their quietly in the raining chaos of fire and the tsunami of tears doing re-watches and eating popcorn
Quite calm at the moment, living and thriving off of gifsets our other talented, creative and fellow Tumblr users are still making
*crying* ... It was a lot okay, i don't think anyone is ready for season 6
Revived from the dusty bookshelf, Frantically binge watching all 8 seasons. Thinking that season 9 promo might have still been a hallucination.
Good omens
*frantic* Season two? What? Is there season two? What's happening? Neil Gaiman answer us!!!
I'm still missing fandoms, feels free to add on
Edit: I added more, I couldn't resist
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buttercupbuck · 3 years
2021 fic year in review 🌟
tagged by @woodchoc-magnum @cinematicnomad @extasiswings and @elisela 🧡ilysm guys! 
Total Number Of Completed Works: 9
Total Word Count: 91,185
Fandoms I’ve Written In: 9-1-1
Looking Back, Did You Write More Fic Than You Thought You Would This Year, Less, Or About What You’d Expected? 
less, for sure. i had started out as solely a writer in fandom back in 2020 and only picked up gif-making in march of this year, but i think before where i would’ve sat down and forced myself to work on wips, gif-making became another creative outlet that i could also say something through. which - is nice, and i love gif-making a lot, but i also miss committing myself to writing and expressing things in it that i can’t really through gifsets
What’s Your Own Favorite Story Of The Year? 
oh hm. i feel like i always answer in a week because it’s my baby, but for the sake of switching it up, it’s probably either the and it’ll follow you still series, or scope of the universe. for the latter in particular, i was always interested in the idea of buck thinking of himself as cursed, and how learning about daniel and his parents’ reason for bringing him into the world would shape that even more, so i really enjoyed the concept of this one a lot. and then agoraphobic!eddie is literally my beloved, so yeah. 
Did You Take Any Writing Risks This Year? 
writing smut, for sure. it wasn’t even a lot, just a few scenes that i wrote for in a week, but it was definitely still out of my comfort zone. i was worried that it would feel incredibly lacking and mechanical just because i don’t really feel those things, so a lot of it was kind of a shot in the dark. but as it turns out, reading smut for years helped more than i thought it would, and the scenes didn’t turn out terribly, which is all i needed. 
Do You Have Any Fanfic Or Profic Goals For The New Year? 
i really do want to write more and actually finish the palm springs au (which was probably my goal going into 2021 as well but shhh). i’m hoping hiatus will kinda get me back into it, but yeah! i also love doing small one-shots even though i still take ages on them, but maybe i’ll do some prompts or something just to get back into it. i’m not very good at motivating myself via internal pressure so maybe even just a smidge of external pressure would get me back on track lmaoo 
Most Popular Story Of The Year? 
in a week, but of the rest of my fics which are all one-shots, it was and it’ll follow you still, my agoraphobic!eddie fic. which i’m actually a little surprised by just considering how short it is, but i’m very happy about that 
Story Of Mine Most Under-Appreciated By The Universe, In My Opinion 
oh huh. i think for the most part all my fics do around the same, but i’ll say if i fell, a post 4.14 nightmare + introspection fic that i’m pretty proud of :)
Most Fun Story To Write
only the ocean and you. it was a lot of fun writing buck and eddie on their first date and doing the thing of going to a fancy restaurant and trying to make everything perfect just to end the night somewhere that’s more them (the beach, in this case). i love the ocean very much and idk there’s a feeling that’s very specific to the beach at night, so i had a good time trying to capture it and put buck and eddie in it as well 
Most Unintentionally Telling Story
probably and it’ll follow you still. *victoria justice voice* i think we’re all a little agoraphobic
Biggest Disappointment
honestly, none of them? i feel like relative to last year, i’ve become a lot less fixated on how my fics perform and all that, which is definitely a relief, to say the least. i still go through phases with how i feel about my writing, and while there are probably some things i would’ve changed here and there, i’m ultimately still pretty happy with the way they all turned out. 
Biggest Surprise
that i actually finished in a week, for sure. considering that i’ve spent the last few months on a singular one-shot that’s still only at about 1k now, it’s crazy that i managed to finish a nearly 80k fic at some point this year. 
My Favorite Part Of Fandom This Year
oh it’s been so fun i don’t even know where to start. the clowning over that one still from 4.08 where we were absolutely convinced buck and eddie were arguing, buddie roommates era, the weeks all around 4.13 and 4.14, eddie getting stuck in an elevator clowning, ethical conflict clowning, etc etc. like idk it’s truly so fun coming up with batshit theories and becoming 1000% convinced they’ll happen that i don’t even care when they never do. now i kinda wanna make a little ode to all of of our wrong theories, but for another time. but beyond that, i just love being very unhinged about fictional firefighters with my friends and everyone on here. like idk this year would’ve been so sad and boring without having made the friends i did and putting in the clownergy that i did, so yeah <33 good times were had all around
tagging: @evanbucxley @zeethebooknerd @littlespooneven @capseycartwright @deareddie and @paranoidbean (also sorry if you guys have already done this, i’ve been kinda off and on the last few days and may have missed it!) 
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gimbapchefs · 3 years
Hello love.
This is my year end message to you.
First of all I want to wish you (here too) a very happy christmas. I hope the time you spend with your loved ones is fill you up with love and good vibes.
I want to take this opportunity and thank you for everything. We met in May when I was in the worst shape ever. You saw that and didn't hesitate to reach out, you even made me a Tete gifset which made me so happy. You reached out, you were kind and never let the darkness take over me. It's so rare when a person can meet someone like you. It's very rare. And the we talked more and more and more, and then you invinted me to BSS and we got even closer.
Today I can't imagine my life without you and your friendship. I miss you when we don't talk for a day because I need my daily serotonat to keep going.
You never left my side. Not even when I was the worst company ever, or when all I could talk about is me or Yoongi. Sometimes I felt like I didn't give you enough attention and that I was so so selfish and you still stayed. You are just amazing.
As I said you are like Jimin to me. Always goofing around, being dramatic and flirty, always being such a tease.... but you are the one who worries the most for their friends, who is always there for everyone, "holding our hands"... you. Not us or anyone else. You. You are the first who asks how are we, you are the one who tries to understand everyone so you can help them better. And I'm so sorry I can't do the same but believe me I'm trying. Thank you for looking after us and wiping our tears away or being happy with us when needed. You are such a light in MY and our lives.
And when you said you're not afraid to open up to me... that felt like someone just said to me I won the lottery. To be someone you trust so much is an honour. I will always be here for you no matter what.
And I just can't wait for the day we can finally meet and spend days together and just...have the best time ever.
Thank you for always helping me out with finding stuffs, for sending me cute videos, telling me aabout your day, being my sopemate.
I really feel like I found a soulmate in you. Even from far away. I really feel like this and I will protect this friendship.
Thank you for being my best friend Nat. Thank you for being my friend. Thank you for entering my life.
You made this year happier to me. When I was ready to gave up you didn't let me. You made this year complete.
I truly lob u.
i've read this multiple times through and each time it's made me tear up and smile. i'm thankful for you for everything - from u sending menacing tiktoks to talking with me through my lowest moments, you're truly one of the kindest and warmest people i know. thank you for letting me get to know u and letting me hold your hand everyday since may. trust me when i say i've never thought of u as selfish or talking too much about yourself and that you check up on me often and that i've always felt supported and cared for by you. even when you were really struggling, you still had the warmest heart and would also try to understand whatever i was going through and be there for me. and that to me shows who you are :)
even though our timezones are 9 hours off, we still somehow manage to talk for hours all the time and i really cherish it. when i started giffing i never imagined i'd make friendships like what we have. as u said, when a day would go by without us talking i felt like i was missing something and i'd go text u or find a bts meme to send u. i feel like our personalities are both very similar but also different in some ways and we compliment each other. there's moments like when you were telling me about your studies or when we were talking about how we approach situations, where i really feel like we are connected by something...yknow like sopemates hehe we're cheesy and i love it
i hope u know i'm listening to 2!3! while writing this last bit ;-; we both grew this year and we both overcame hardships. although some of those struggles will carry on through next year, we're both on an upward path and ik we'll keep growing and helping each other out :) i lob u and i can't wait to see what memories (and chaos) we bring next year. stay warm my fellow freezing bud :] 💜
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Tagged by these lovelies : @purplesigebert  @little-miss-sunny-daisy  and well this one is a menace more than lovely: @bellemorte180 
1: Why did you choose your URL?
The reason I do anything at all: Pretension, I like the way lightning looks as everyone does, but noo I couldnt just shut up and name myself something like Lightning Lover, I had to twist it away into Certified Ceraunophile which literally means the same.
2: Any side blogs? if you have them, name them and why you have them.
I dont have any sideblogs actually!
3: How long have you been on tumblr?
less than a year lmao
4: Do you have a queue tag?
#All the world’s a queue 
5: Why did you start your blog in the first place?
I wanted to meet and ferally run around with fellow KCers, I actually made this blog to specifically come and yell at @cbk1000 @bellemorte180 and @cupcakemolotov
6: Why did you choose your icon/pfp?
It’s Caroline Forbes in pink hair smiling at something she’s looking at.....do I really need to explain why?? (plus I made the icon myself and I am v v proud lmao)
7: Why did you choose your header?
It’s Caroline admiring art with Klaus while, Klaus also admires uh art
8: What's your post with the most notes?
Idk if this is a good thing or bad thing, but my covid resources post has the most notes, but other than that it’s my Klaus’s POV during the Mikaelson Ball gifset
 9: How many mutuals do you have?
more than my feral ass should probably have
10: How many followers do you have?
I actually just checked this and OH MY GOD 200?? like lads what are you doing w your life??
11: How many people do you follow?
Also had to check and 195 as of now
12: Have you ever made a shitpost?
I dont exactly *know* what shitpost means but yes probably
13: How often do you use tumblr each day?
I live here bitches
14: Did you ever have a fight/argument with a blog?
ugh this one damon stan anon who blew up my inbox, blocked their ass, but as a new tumblr user and new kcer I couldnt help but engage a bit before I blocked
15: How do you feel about "you need to reblog this" posts?
I’m ok with posts that say REBLOG. BOOST. Like commands you can either ignore or not?? bc I specifically made one like that for COVID resources in India, but posts that are like if you care about this then reblog can pack their shit and leave, performative activism never helped anybody, and guilt tripping people into doing stuff is manipulative.
16: Do you like tag games?
I do and I am very very very happy to be tagged in them I just dont end up *doing* it bc I forget....lol
17: Do you like ask games?
absolutely and bc I have copy pasted this tag game template from @kirythestitchwitch I would just like to remind her that she still very much hasnt insulted Kol Mikaelson, 9 inches, at your service darling YET
18:Which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
hMMM...Nobody? we are all just feral gremlins running around in circles hitting reblog 20 times a day screaming at each other in the tags seeing the same shitpost 11 times on our dash and then going to bed only to wake up and do the same thing again.....so like seriously nobody I *know* is famous and I honestly prefer it that way!
19. Do you have a crush on a mutual?
I am married to one! @bellemorte180
I think everyone I want to tag has already been tagged and anybody who wants to do this just say I tagged you bc I am tagging you, anybody who wants to do this was tagged by me ❤
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