#that neitehr of them know how what to do with
the-crimson · 1 year
Ok ive read many takes on both sides and gathered my thoughts on the whole Dream vs Quackity war in reguards to his tweet.
Dream should not have made this tweet. The entire way he presented the tweet was intentionally written to stir up drama and anger within his fans. Adding a “don’t harass anyone uwu” at the end does nothing to placate the anger he deliberately stirred within his fans. He created this tweet to elicit a negative response from the fan base to force Quackity to respond. It’s immature and irresponsible considering how massive both of their fan bases are.
80% of his tweet was personal information that has zero purpose being in this tweet other than to stir emotion and rage. He cold have literally just said:
 “I’ve been trying to talk to Quackity about our SMPs so that they can coexist and be unique from each other but he hasn’t responded. I don’t want there to be any conflict between our two servers or fan bases and the sooner we work this out the better.”
And even then, he would still be using social pressure to get Quackity to respond - which is not how the situation should be handled - but it gets the exact same message across without all the emotional manipulation.
Quackity’s silence in regards to the USMP and the lack of leadership he’s shown with the QSMP is also making the situation worse. This drama has been building for literal weeks and Quackity has not addressed it or taken steps to prevent it.
First, his refusal to acknowledge the USMP at all caused his fans to lash out at Dream for being a copycat (i don’t have an opinion whether or not this is true, i don’t have enough information, but their reaction was completely inappropriate regardless) which caused a huge schism in the fandom over literally something that could have been prevented with a single tweet or retweet.
Then, Quackity does the bare minimum of removing a racist mod but doesn’t hold any of the cc’s accountable for how they interacted with the mod and doesn’t address the fact that the mod caused harm within his community. Many fans rally behind this silence and deny that the mod was racist at all which alienated even more people in the fandom. Quackity needed to address these fans and the growing toxicity within his fan base as the leader of this fandom he created but he didn’t
And now we are brought to the current storm. Dream fans and some neutral parties are whipped up by his intentionally pathos heavy tweet and pitted against fans who have blind loyalty to Quackity. Unstoppable force vs immovable object. And all the neutral parties in the middle being drowned in the drama.
This is an entirely avoidable situation and both Quackity and Dream played a part in making it worse. Both fandoms need to seriously go outside and touch some grass. Dram stans and Quackity stans are equally toxic and terrible and yall need a serious reality check.
You don’t know Quackity or Dream. They are not your friends. You are literal pawns in their personal conflict. Wake up.
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acourtofthought · 5 months
I just saw an Elriel post that highlighted the "mating bond is a bridge between souls" line and then showed Feysand quotes to emphasize the point. They then showed the Elriel quote, "the only bridge of connection between them...that knife" and a quote that says how Lucien had "done nothing to bridge the gap between them" 
I find it ironic that they used that specific quote for Elriel since it literally says that the ONLY bridge of connection between Elain and Azriel is truth teller, and then Elain gives truth teller back. Meaning there is no more bridge connecting them.
Also, I will never understand how they bash Lucien for apparently not trying hard enough to connect with Elain, but as soon as he does try anything, they scream that he's possessive and taking away Elain's choice. So, what exactly do they want from him?
Also, there is a quote from Lucien where he literally says that the bond between him and Elain is real, "it's a read thread." So, is there an emotional gap between Lucien and Elain right now? Yes, which is completely understandable. But is there also a mating bond, a bridge between souls, between them? Also, yes. 
To your point at the end, it is ok there's an emotional gap between Lucien and Elain. I don't want them connecting in someone else's book, I don't want Elain's feelings to be evident for him where I'm not getting to experience it all from her POV. I don't want a flashing neon sign proclaiming "they're in love!" rather than seeing it happen in their story. SJM left me enough hints to feel confident while still looking forward to their romance playing out in real time. Also, this wasn't in the novella for shits and giggles: "Stay out of it. She's not ready, and neitehr is he, no matter how many presents they bring." "Let him live with his Band of Exiles. Let him deal with Tamlin in his own way. Let him figure out where he wants to be. Who he wants to be. The same goes with her." "Just be patient. It'll sort itself out. It always does." "I want them to be happy. All of them." "They will be" She said the simple words with such unflagging conviction that I believed her. That covers it all. The reason Elain and Lucien are currently at odds, the reason Lucien still has not attempted to bridge the gap. Neither is ready, they still have too much of their own problems to figure out before they can turn to romance. Elain needed to accept becoming fae, needing to consider the possibility of actually being with a fae (and not jumping right into an intense mating bond), Lucien needed time to really think about what he wants from his future, where he wants to live (it's not going to be the human lands forever), how he wants to deal with his relationship with Tamlin. Now that SF has ended they've had 16 months to do exactly that and there's a good chance that Mor's prediction is about to take off. The funniest thing is they'll destroy Lucien's character for keeping his distance from Elain while applauding Az for doing the exact same thing. Lucien can't stand being near Elain because he sees her current distance and it hurts him. It's evident he still thinks about her, he asked Feyre how she was doing, brought her a present, asked if she still mourned Graysen (which means he is respecting the love she had for someone else). We know an unfulfilled bond can drive males mad and that is another reason it's a strain for him. Az avoided Elain because he can't stand the scent of her bond. Did she ask him to stay away? Did she ignore him? Lucien is doing what he's doing because he's respecting Elain's clues for space and time though it pains him to do so. Az is doing what he's doing for his own selfish reasons. Elain could have used a support system in the NC over the past year but Az chose to focus on his own needs instead of what would have been best for her. The scent of her bond isn't going anywhere and he chose to make that the driving factor of whether to spend time with her or not which means he'll never spend time with her unless the bond suddenly disappeared. That's not a worthy male. And yes, "the ONLY bridge of connection, that knife." Which means, after Elain returned TT, there was no remaining bridge of connection. Sure they were willing to make out but the author is LITERALLY telling us there's nothing to support their pairing long term. The one thing that seemed to connect them is not the foundation that true love is built on. It makes me laugh when this line is used romantically but when the other hints that are used throughout the series also receive the blinder treatment, I guess I shouldn't be surprised. Like Elain and Az outside, his leathers SO AT ODDS with the beautiful garden. Or Elain with spring blooming behind her and death on the other side. Elain sitting in the sunniest windows, as if "any bit of darkness was abhorrent", Elain in black, "no matter that she declared herself part of this court, it sucked the life from her."
A near kiss and a few glances mean nothing when the author is continually feeding us line after line about how Elain is not where she's meant to be and she's not ending up with the guy who is completely at odds with her in every way despite her efforts to distract herself from her problems by engaging in a crush on him.
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therewas-a-girl · 7 years
wow they kissed. 
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monstersqueen · 7 years
ok sure most of palpatine’s grand plan was political.
so what if HE was only a politician? no new sith lords in tpm - wui gon lives and probably teaches anakin. since palpatine’s not a sith lord shopping for the perfect powerful and maniplable sith apprentice anakin DOESN’T get his special attention. so anakin’s relationship with the order is less strained than canon but. still very strained.
what else changes in palpy’s plans? well i kinda think he still allies with dooku - originally he doesn’t intend to kill him but it does come into his plans because it’s obvious the man is never going to consider an alliance with a non-sensitive as equal. so dooku’s death is still more or less programmed. probably the droid army is also programmed to turn on him just as the clones are overridden to turn on teh jedi.
but ARE the clones programmed to turn on the jedi? maybe. but for a non-sith!palpy it’s just a contingency. after all he gets into power legitimately - do teh jedi turn on him still? maybe maybe not but it’s a necessity for him to get rid of them as it is for canon!sidious. order 66 is probably still programmed in the chips i think.
anyway since the clone wars happens the same way -minus fake kidnapping attempt of the Chancellor checking to see how his corruption of the Chosen One is going - it also starts the same way - ie Padme and Anakin STILL get married.
...maybe he does still have a close relationship with anakin, but he’s not trying to corrupt him to the dark side? h initially really just checked on the kid who thwarted the naboo invasion, but then he sees an opportunity? someone with force sensitivity being loyal to him above the jedi could be useful. plus if he molds him earlu enoough he won’t have that pesky superiority complex that is so annoying in dooku. And he could protect him from teh jedi should they decide to do a coup when it becomes obvious tahthe’s intending to become emperor... and like in canon they’re doing half his job of alienating young anakin
still since the sith are dead in this AU, i’m pretty sure neitehr dooku nor anakin fall? dooku 100% went Dark out of wanting power and feeling sidious gets him, so he’s probably. just an asshole ex-jedi but not dark nor fallen (look he just. has too much control over his emotions to fall by accident). Meanwhile fallen!anakin would be dangerous to non-sith!palpy, which he probably realises early in empire years if canon is more or less the same. he probably uses what’s left of teh trust anakin has in him to help him stabilise in a not-fallen state (though anakin is probably going to be rather too dark to be a jedi)
IF that happens. which is not sure because. Padme is probably not going to die? non-sith!palpy has to resort to conflicting loyalties to get anakin on board here - the jedi decides that nope, the senat doesnt have th rigth to appoint an emperor (which i hope it doesn’t but who knows) and proceed to start a military coup (they WERE thinking about it in canon before thy found out he was the sith master); which anakin, full of conflicting loyalties, gets in the way of, with help by the brain-washed clones. ok but, what is padme doing meanwhile? is that loyalty conflict -as long with the part where paly as legality if not legitimity on his corner - enough to turn him on the jedi? enouigh to provide protection for palpy, maybe, butwithout the threaton padme’s lif not enough to send him slaughtering the order and th youngling. no way. suggesting it - or even oredering the clones to do it - would go too far to keep him by his side.
but once again - no-sith!palpy is not trying to exterminate teh jedi. he’s completely on board with having them be his personal military force. so, exterminating teh leaders and threatening the otehr? indocrtinating teh younger ones so tey would follow him and spy on th rest? i think h can actually spin it in an acceptable wya to anakin;
but once again, taht’s if padme’s out of the pictur. but a dead padme has such an huge impact on anakin’s psyche - there’s too much of a chnce he would devote himself to her ideals and he knows she wouldn’t stand for this;
no i don’t think he can manage to turn anakin on the jedi. he might though keep an eye on the situation through the years to see if it’s possible - then decide thatit’s not worth it;
...well a non-sith!palpy might not be aware of anakin and padme’s marriage.hm. so he might miscalculate here due to padme’sinfluence on anakin  - maybe? he is very prceptive the first time he realizes that someone is fighting his words to anakin who’s not a je di he’z going to know somethin’s up and a regular investigation will tell him what it is.
(also of course a non-sith!palpy means that the Force is unclouded. that probably changes a lot on the jedi side...)
yeah no i’m pretty sure a non-sith!palpy works if he doens’t try to turn anakin. he dies with the rest of the jedi in order 66, he gets declared emperor because he baited them into attacking him like in canon but his defense is brainwashed clones, , dooku after capture before he could spill the beans (he thought he was going to get rescued i guess), and padme gets to raise her children outside of the vue of the empire. maybe on tatooine but i don’t think she would give up on the republic?
anyway while most of palpy’s plan is political thtere’s a ot of key elements (ven taking anakin’s corruption out) thatdo rly on thehim being a sith i think... (mostly what to do with the jedi. how can he control his alliance with dooku.
...or maybe he doesn’ bother with dooku? he can have direct contact with the separistwithout involving a stuck up arrogant ex-jedi who ends up being more troubl than he’s worth. yeah. since ‘how does he get rid of dooku’ is a problem when you take anakin’s out.
of course teh jedi are stillnot going to take his power play well. plus with the Force unclouded they’re probably much more able to fight back.
...maye instead of his nd move getting rid of them is much more of an opening move. hm)
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