#that one clip of seungmin saying ‘hey guy I have it- bang chan is so OLD’ I hate that clip -.- I hate when it’s included in comp edits
linoguy · 1 year
while we’re complaining about things. I don’t like how much chan is teased about being old. he tries to accept whatever teasing comes his way but we shouldn’t be expected to take everything
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jeonqqin · 4 years
man up. [m] | pt. 2
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h. jisung x reader | netflix teen rom-com au
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— ❝Even with classes, annoying brothers, and an unrequited crush, you still figured your first year of college was going pretty well. Until you managed to get your first boyfriend, and suddenly your brother and his stupidly attractive best friend were attached to your hip for the whole damn ride.
or alternatively;
Why did Jisung care about you so much, and had his eyes always been that pretty?❞
CONTAINS: brothers best friend au, teen rom-com au, sorta crack fic, love triangle au, college au
WARNINGS: nopee, well ji looking at readers butt?
A/N: are u team Chan or team Han?
▸ request
CHAPTERS:  01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 +
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blog masterlist | ⟲ fic song
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© jeonqqin 2020
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After your afternoon class with Jisung, he quickly noted that you were absent for the rest of the day.
Sure, you didn’t have any other classes, but normally you would be hunkered down in the library with your nose stuffed in some sort of book, or wandering around campus with Felix at your heels. You were either cramming due to your procrastination or roaming around procrastinating. Jisung also knew you weren’t a fan of staying in your small dorm room since your roommate loved flaunting the fact that she had a boyfriend and how she wasn’t shy about anyone witnessing their ‘acts of love’.
So he really had no idea where you were, and it bugged him a little more than he would like to admit.
But outwardly, he didn’t want to show just how worried he was. You were his best friend’s sister, it wasn’t his job to make a fuss about something so trivial. It would be weird if he went looking for you… but if Minho just so happened to get word of his little sister’s sudden disappearance, Jisung would have to help his dear friend search for you.
It was only common courtesy.
“Minho, I think Y/n was kidnapped.”
“You WHAT?!”
Okay, starting the phone call with that probably wasn’t the best choice, but what other choice did he have. Jisung was an impatient guy.
“Yeah, I don’t know what happened.” He replied casually, already able to hear the panic on Minho’s end of the call. “She was here and then she wasn’t.”
Not only was he impatient, he was a(n idiot) songwriter; his words articulate and poetic.
Minho was silent for a second before cutting back for the call.
“I texted Changbin and he said she just ran off.”
Jisung frowned. “Do they know where she went?”
“Apparently to beat some sense into me.”
The two friends knew then where you were and a rush of panic filled their chests all at the same time.
Jisung nearly dropped his phone in the process of hanging up, immediately taking off towards the familiar apartment.
His worst nightmare was coming true—Chan was an unknown in Jisung’s mind. He was handsome, charismatic, and an older guy, so it was realistic to imagine you falling head-over-heels if you were to ever meet him. Unfortunately, it seemed like fate wasn’t in his favor and he was in deep shit if you were really at the apartment alone with Chan.
Alone with Chan.
He shivered at the thought.
The only brightside to the ordeal was that Minho was also aware of the dangerous situation. Out of everyone, he would be the only one to prevent any feelings from sprouting between you. Jisung counted on Minho every time and he never once failed to preform.
Dear god, he hoped he didn’t decide to stop now.
Arriving at the complex, he almost rammed full speed into Minho, who was also going as fast as his legs could take him. They only shared one glance before trampling over their feet to get up the stairs, no doubt bothering the neighbors along their way.
Minho was the one to swing the door open, his head on a swivel as he walked in. He was ready to break up any inappropriate business with as much force necessary—he didn’t care if Chan’s bicep was twice the size of his head, he had leg power on his side. And if he saw your tongue anywhere near Chan’s, Minho was going to be swinging.
There was a crash behind the closed door of the office, and both heads perked up at the sound.
Minho hurried forward, arm outstretched to grab the door, “No. No no no—”
Jisung never wanted in his life to see you involved with someone else. With your pretty eyes hooded and shining with desire, and your chest heaving heavily against the tight fabric of your blouse. It had been difficult enough to watch you fill out and grow into an attractive woman, he didn’t want to acknowledge the fact that you were old enough to meet other guys and moan their names.
He certainly didn’t want to hear you moan Chan’s name—of all people, why Chan?
“Shit, Chan—”
Jisung felt his face heat up as Minho pushed the door open, ready to pull his friend away to avoid the scene on the other side.
“—get your head away from my ass! The power strip isn’t even near there you prick!”
“Hey,” Chan defended with a laugh. “In my defense, all you said was it was over here somewhere. How do I know that somewhere isn’t next to your ass?”
The position that the two of you were in was compromising—though not in the way that Jisung had originally expected. It caused the two newcomers to freeze, their brains struggling to really understand what was happening.
The two of you were surrounded by thousands of cables and wires, black foam scattered across the floor as well. You were on your hands and knees, the only visible part of you was your bottom half with your head tucked underneath Chan’s mixing table doing who knows what. As for Chan, he was crawling around same as you, on his hands and knees with an extension cord wrapped around his shoulders.
“Uhm…” Minho gaped, eyes unable to focus on one part of the scene.
Jisung had no trouble at all, his eyes locked solidly on your raised ass.
You turned your head to look over your shoulder, eyes locking with Jisung’s and immediately widening. You couldn’t be in a worse situation—fucking hell.
In your haste to get out from under the table, you slammed the top of your head against one of the sturdy table legs and winced as Chan cracked up from your side.
“Aren’t you supposed to be in class—Jesus, ow…” You asked, your hand moving up to rub the forming bump.
“What’s going on?” Minho asked, his eyebrows brushing his bangs.
“Y/n wanted some help with her stats class and I needed someone to help me upturn this room and make it into a recording room.” Chan snorted at your little dramatic groans, completely unfazed by the growing frustration on Minho’s face.
But before Minho could say anything to Chan’s statement, Jisung stepped in.
His lips twisted sourly, “I thought Seungmin was going to help you with your stats stuff?”
You shook your head with a huff. “I will not subject myself to that kind of torture and I refuse to let anyone convince me otherwise.”
“Well you could’ve asked me.”
Defeated and jealous; Jisung could no longer hide it.
The two older boys could see it clearly in the way he looked at you with big sad eyes, though neither of them said anything. Chan’s brows furrowed in thought, it looked like you had someone else infatuated with you.
You laughed. “Uh-huh, because you’re the resident genius here. Jisung, you dropped two of your classes last semester because both professors were minutes away from giving you an administrative failure.”
“Yeah, yeah. Jisung’s head is full of rocks—” Minho dismissed, unsympathetic towards the scandalized boy next to him. “Why the hell are you turning my storage room into a junkyard?”
Chan finally stood, pulling the cord from his neck and throwing it to the side in favor of helping you up.
“It was already a junkyard, bundle-boy.” You said, voice clipped and annoyed. Who wouldn’t be after smashing their head against a solid piece of metal? “We were renovating.”
“Like hell you were. I thought I said no to the recording room?”
Minho’s rage was just about completely directed towards Chan, but to your surprise, the guy gave minimal to no reaction. His face stayed indifferent, wide shoulders relaxed and eyes set.
You’ll be dammed, the fucker wasn’t scared.
Chan wasn’t afraid of your brother.
There was someone on the planet who didn’t go running when Minho looked at them funny, and he was standing right next to you in his beautiful sleeveless glory. If you weren’t currently suffering from a possible concussion you would be dropping to one knee and popping the question then and there.
“Oh, so what you said earlier was a no?” Chan (very unconvincingly) feigned innocence. “Sorry, the phone connection must’ve been bad.”
“I was yelling to you from the other room.”
“These walls are very thick, Minho. It’s your apartment, you should know that.”
“Do you want to be homeless?”
“Define; home.”
That was it, he was your one true love.
As Minho began to cross his arms over his chest, squaring up to Chan with the glare of a certifiable killer, you slid out of the way to avoid the oncoming fist fight.
Or explosion, whichever route Minho decided to take.
But then the unthinkable happened—Minho sighed, dropping his arms to his sides and turning towards you.
Both you and Jisung stood speechless, because you just witnessed someone give Minho an attitude and not get beat down afterwards. Hyunjin had once attempted the same thing and had been chased around the quad for a good forty minutes until the taller man had gotten tired and your brother had become uninterested.
Felix told you that they were both reemed during dance practice that night for being too tired to execute their choreography.
Minho shook his head, “You and Changbin were probably going to convince me anyway. Might as well save the wasted time and get it done now.”
Either your brother had a fat crush on Chan, or the Lee Minho was afraid of someone.
You knew Chan was older than him, but someone had to have some sort of super power to keep Minho from kicking their shins and shoving a knee in their face.
“What is happening…?” Jisung wondered, eyes wide and mouth open.
Chan smiled, striding over to clap Jisung on the shoulder, making the shorter boy jump in surprise.
“Good news. We’re getting a recording studio.”
And you would like to get married to one Bang Chan please.
You joined Chan’s side.
“Now you can finish that song you were working on.” You said, nudging Jisung’s shoulder.
He was just going to ignore the sudden wave of excitement at the fact that you remembered that he was working on a song.
“Yeah, I guess so.” Jisung laughed tensely. “Looks like I’ll be around more often.”
“Yeah, definitely…”
You nodded absentmindedly, eyes locked on the exposed skin of Chan’s arms. Chan himself didn’t acknowledge your stare, but couldn’t help the smug smile that slid onto his face.
Jisung watched the exchange and groaned, looking over to glare at Minho for failing him the only time it truly would end badly for him. Because of course Minho had to be soft for Chan and of course Chan had to be moving in.
Why couldn’t Chan just be ugly?
“Okay,” Chan sighed, placing all the wires he held into a pile on the floor. Suddenly, he turned to you, “You held up your end of the bargain. Let’s work on some stats, huh?”
Your eyes widened for a second, caught in headlights.
“Oh,” was your smart reply. “But we didn’t get to finish?”
Chan waved it off. “The only reason we tried to get it all done was to make sure Minho couldn’t say no. Now that he’s accepted it, we don’t have to rush.”
As much as it bothered him not to finish a project.
You laughed at the little punch Minho threw at Chan’s shoulder on his way out of the room, mumbling something about “going to bed before Changbin comes home to beg for food”. He also made sure to pinch your cheek before leaving.
After swatting at Minho’s hand, you grinned.
“Okay, well… Let’s figure out how we’re going to do this.”
Chan mimicked your smile with a nod.
No way, Jisung thought as you followed his older friend out into the living room, no fucking way.
You just left him without an acknowledging glance his way, and all of a sudden he had a really terrible feeling about leaving you and Chan alone together. Anything could happen—kissing, fucking, god forbid you talk to him. You could become closer and gain feelings for the guy, which would not be a hard task considering Chan was basically the human embodiment of the sun and every damn person seemed to be pulled into his orbit after the first meeting.
Dammit, it was even difficult for Jisung to be mad at him. The guy was too lovable.
Cursing under his breath, Jisung all but ran into the living room to prevent any and all touching or deep talks, because heaven knew how much Chan talked about deep shit.
Ew, he sounded like Minho.
“You don’t have any notes at all?” Chan asked, eyebrows raised. “What do you even do in there?”
You let out a sigh.
“Stats is where I usually do my biology work.”
“Then what do you do in biology?” He questioned bluntly, his eyes skimming all the lost files on your computer that you had given up on ages ago.
“That’s where I write all my essays. The teacher—”
“—never stands up from his chair.”
With wide eyes, you laughed in surprise. Your mouth formed many words but nothing stumbled out, perhaps for a good reason because what you had in your head wasn’t very coherent on its own.
So you just pointed at the snickering Chan, “You…?”
His head shook and your mood dropped.
“I don’t do work for other classes,” he corrected, the mischievous smile slowly sliding onto his lips giving you a little hope back. “I actually produced a whole song in that class.”
Was Jisung dreaming or were you looking at Chan with those big bewildered eyes? Was that what was happening right in front of him? Could he be seeing things?
For once he really hoped he was going insane.
“I knew I wasn’t the only one that slacked off in that class!” You chirped, bouncing a little in your seat.
“And I still got a one-hundred on my exam.” He told you pointedly before passing on the laptop and leaning back on the couch.
Normally, smugness wouldn’t have been attractive to you but on Chan it was something else. His eyes lit up in a way that was almost pretty.
There was a pull towards him as he just sat there and looked at you. It was something that set you on edge in the same way it put you at ease, he just had such a conflicting presence and you really didn’t know how to process it. So your body pushed you forward on it’s own, and with no complaints from him, you felt your hand come to rest on his knee—
But out of the fucking blue, Jisung was throwing himself between you two, his thinner body fitting snuggly in the unfilled space. You sputtered and Chan nearly yelped, holding his hand to his chest to placate his thudding heart.
“Jisung—what the fuck?”
“Did you just jump over the back of the couch?” Chan frowned looking over his shoulder to really determine the path Jisung took to get there.
Jisung smiled obnoxiously, “I just figured I’d help you guys out. Considering I’m also in that class.” He wiggles a little more to separate the two of you even more. “And three brains are better than two.”
“Not when yours is nonexistent.” You quipped, feeling your lips pull into a pout at the intruder.
“Ah, how I love your humor.”
Jisung poked your nose with a tight lipped smile.
Sending Chan a look of apology, he shrugged, falling back further into the couch.
“Sure, why not?” Was his response, shoulders lifting up and falling back down with a huff. “Let me help you set up some proper notes.”
Jisung brought his hands together once to create a near deafening sound that had you even more irritable. His happy-go-lucky mood wasn’t funny when you were on the receiving end of the annoyance.
One nice thing—you couldn’t have one single nice thing ever.
Between your brother and his dumb best friend (that you may or may not have sorta feelings for) you couldn’t do anything. Your prime years were being wasted on sucky romance movies with Felix and Hyunjin and cat fights with Jisung. You couldn’t afford such bullshit for much longer.
“You know I love you, Y/n.”
“Stuff your love up your ass.”
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The rest of the week passed by smoothly with minimal conflict on your end and grades that didn’t have you contemplating slamming your face into a wall. On weekends you usually spent most of your time at Minho’s apartment while Changbin dicked around at the gym and your brother slept for the forty-eight hours that he had to himself. You could watch movies and finish your homework with no distractions.
That was until Chan decided to move in and steal your attention every moment he could. You were even starting to suspect that he was doing it on purpose after the time he walked out of the bathroom in only a bath towel and responded with a “oh, I didn’t notice you there”.
You also concluded that Felix was a snitch and no longer deserved your friendship, because once you shared with him your encounter with Chan, everyone in your group of friends was wired in to everything that concerned you and Chan.
Especially Jisung. Which eventually caused—
“Jisung why the hell are you following me?”
The boy in question didn’t bother to acknowledge you, instead he simply continued to walk at your side, hands stuffed deep in his pockets and hair just a little messier than usual, “What do you mean? This is how I get to my next class.”
You snorted. “Last time I checked, you had dropped your two-thirty class. And even then, it was on the other side of the building.”
Jisung couldn’t help but roll his pretty brown eyes.
“Says the guy who’s been up my ass all day.” You chirped, taking pride in the way he glared at you.
Jisung threw his hands up in frustration. He knew what he was doing was out of character, sure. But did he want to be called out on it?
“Can I not hang out with you? God, Y/n. We’ve known each other for years, I’d think you’d get used to me being around.”
You merely shook your head with a laugh, continuing forward.
“You’re really something else.”
He snorted, “So you’re being an adult now?”
“When am I not the adult when I’m with you? There’s no room for stupid energy with you around.” You replied cheekily
“Well I’m sorry for hogging all the ‘stupid energy’, damn…”
The way that Jisung held up the air quotes for “stupid energy” had your cheeks aching from how hard you smiled.
“Well, I’m going to lunch with Felix and Hyunjin right now. So unless you want to be subjected to their combined stupidity, I would suggest you go back to your dorm.” You sent him a small smile over your shoulder, just barely missing the way he tripped over his feet because of it.
Felix had called you in a rush right as you were getting out of your last class of the day and asked you to come eat lunch with him and Hyunjin. It was a one sided conversation that lasted almost ten seconds but you figured you had no other choice but to comply. Whatever reason he had for being in such a hurry was enough for you to listen.
“But you can come if you want, Sungie. I’m sure they won’t mind.”
It had been a while since you last called him that nickname—possibly way back when you were in primary school. It sent chills down his spine to hear you call him that again.
Jisung caught up to you easily, slinging his arm around your shoulders just as he used to when you began calling him Sungie. Over the years it had started to put a strain on him since he found it hard to differentiate what was friendly and what was too friendly. He had a girlfriend after all, and there were only so many things he could do with other girls that was acceptable.
But of course you were just Y/n. The little sister that bothered them all day and called him Sungie.
He didn’t have to feel embarrassed to hug you or tease you or hide his insecurities behind stupid pick up lines. Now matter how much it made his heart pound in his chest, you were still Minho’s baby sister—you were Jisung’s baby sister.
“I’d like that, my dear.” Jisung said, stuffing his free hand into his pocket and pulling you closer.
So close that it almost felt domestic.
Y’know, as domestic as it could get with someone who was like a little sister to him. He had a beautiful girlfriend too, so the domestication was more like a… family comfort and less like how it would feel if you were married and he was allowed to hold you as close as he wanted—
“Ah, you’re warm,” you hummed, making a small fuss of tucking yourself further into his hold. “It always looks like it’s going to be nice outside, but it seems like the weather changes its mind just as much as Hyunjin.”
You didn’t notice but Jisung was completely lost to everything you said after “you’re warm”. He just continued to hum and nod as if his brain wasn’t completely fried.
Jisung was in the midst of a mental breakdown when you somehow managed to lead him to the small restaurant right outside of the university. It was a popular place since it was so close and dolled out cheap food in a matter of seconds, which definitely appealed to its main demographic.
You spotted Felix’s head of purple hair immediately, a bright smile etched onto his face as he spoke animatedly to the waiter standing at the ready. The boy was cute, black hair and pretty dimples that made him appear younger. He also looked friendly with Felix with how he spoke with a wide smile that showed his perfect teeth.
You approached the table, shrugging Jisung’s arm off of you and ignoring his whine in protest.
“I made it,” you announced, gaining the attention of your friends—
And fuck.
You met eyes with Seungmin sitting in the seat beside Felix, and felt your shoulders slump as he flashed you a smirk.
“Glad you could come, Y/n.” Seungmin all but sang at your visible distress.
But Felix had a hold on your arm before you could respond with attitude, tugging you dangerously close to the waiter at your side.
“Y/n, this is Jeongin—” Felix gestured towards the boy who lifted his hand to wave. “He’s a school friend of Hyunjin’s.”
“It’s my last year.” Jeongin added with a shy laugh.
Peeling your eyes away from Seungmin, you got a good look at the boy in front of you. The unexpected cuteness both startled you and made your stomach flip. You really had to withhold from squealing and pinching his cheeks. He was so cute.
You smiled genuinely, “It’s nice to meet you, Jeonginnie.”
A small wave of red covered his ears at the sudden nickname, his long eyelashes fluttering in surprise.
Jisung just about combusted in his spot. He was getting pretty sick and tired of keeping tabs on all the boys you managed to hook around your finger, it was starting to get out of hand. Okay, maybe he was the stalker.
In a bout of frustration, Jisung grabbed your hand and interlaced your fingers, sliding into the booth beside Hyunjin and tugging you after him. You made a noise of surprise as your ass connected harshly with the cracked red cushion of the booth, sending Jisung a glare.
Though, he kept his eyes on the table, avoiding the amused looks on everyone’s faces, even going as far as swatting away Hyunjin’s poking fingers. But for whatever reason, he couldn’t bring himself to release your hand from his.
Jisung’s palm was sweaty in your hold, but strangely enough it was something that you didn’t mind.
Jeongin looked between you and Jisung for a moment before quickly coming to some sort of realization that only Felix seemed to understand. His mouth formed an ‘o’ shape and a small smirk was suddenly on his lips as he asked what drink you would like.
Whatever that was about, you didn’t like it.
“I’ll just have a water.” You answered skeptically, finally managing to pull your fingers free of Jisung’s grip.
“Water for me too.”
Jeongin didn’t bother to write down your orders, instead he just nodded and left with that same goofy smile on his face.
Why did your friends have to corrupt the poor kid?
You sent a glare towards Felix, ready to grill him about what the hell just happened but his eyes were on something else above your head, his lips forming into the same smirk that Jeongin had on. Whatever what’s either above you or behind you was either a stupid compilation video of League of Legend funny moments or your next victim.
“Care for one more?” Came from behind you.
And both your and Jisung’s heads swiveled around at a dangerous speed to see the beautiful image of Chan, and damn was he beautiful. He was dressed for the weather, arms now covered in a long black sweater that hugged every one of his muscles so so nicely, and instead of sweatpants, he was wearing jeans. You could definitely tell the difference between a casual day around the house and one where he was going to be seen out in public—was that makeup?
And Jisung frowned. It had been going so well.
It was his turn to send Felix a glare.
The purple haired boy mouthed something along the lines of “girlfriend”, but Jisung couldn’t (could) really make it out.
“Sit down.” You managed to choke out, motioning toward the table.
“Hey!” Felix greeted, standing up to fully embrace Chan in a hug.
You were floored.
“You know each other?”
Felix’s eyes flickered towards you, “We both grew up in Sydney.”
And you thought your eyes were going to pop out of your skull.
“You’re Australian?” You gaped, watching Chan as if he had sprouted a new head.
He then proceeded to spout off some heavily accented words that you could barely make sense of, and you could feel your heart practically flutter in your chest. After meeting Felix, you never thought you’d ever find an Australian accident sexy as hell—but Chan’s was, in fact, very sexy as hell.
“Wow,” Hyunjin whistled. “What does it take for one to become Australian, because fuck.”
You didn’t think you would ever agree with Hyunjin so much in your life.
Chan snorted. “I think you have to be born in Australia unfortunately.”
“Or you know,” Felix tossed sarcastically. “Live there.”
“Damn. Always the catch.”
You sighed, almost going as far as face-palming yourself and/or slamming your forehead against the table.
Instead you just sent Chan an embarrassed smile. “You can sit down if you aren’t planning on running away.”
“Thanks.” He laughed.
Unfortunately for you, there were already three people in your booth and he wouldn’t be able to fit beside you.
Fortunately for Jisung, there were already three people in your booth and Chan wouldn’t be able to fit beside you.
But when Chan began to slide in the seat next to Felix, Hyunjin suddenly jumped with a yelp, glaring at the suspicious looking Felix in front of him. The two had a very strange conversation with their eyes before Hyunjin was huffing a sigh and maneuvering himself to slip under the booth and (clumsily, you may add) pop out on the other side of Seungmin, ignoring the spectacled boys' complaints as he sends Chan a smile.
Stupid plotting assholes.
“Just wanted to sit next to my… uh—”
“Boyfriend?” You supplied, blinking at him dully.
“Yeah, my boy—hey, fuck you!”
“Sorry, were you waiting to tell people?”
He took the liberty to be the kicker instead of the kickee and sent his foot into your ankle, making you hiss with a glare.
Felix nudged Chan’s hip to direct him into the spot beside you, his mouth open in a wide smile as you are further squished between both Jisung and Chan. With one boy being very broad and the other being very clingy, you barely had any room at all.
“Y/n, you look a little cramped, why don’t you scoot over here a little more—?”
“Jisung, if I get any closer to you, I would be on top of you.”
Hey, he wasn’t completely opposed to that plan.
Jisung certainly would rather have you on his lap than Chan’s. He couldn’t even think about that without grasping for your hand again, though you were too fast and managed to wiggle out of his grip.
“Yeah, Y/n. Why don’t you just scoot over?” Hyunjin sang, his mouth curled up in a coy little smirk that he always had carved onto his face.
“You scheming little—”
But your words were cut off by the clearing of a throat.
Seungmin leaned over the table, and the way his sleeves were rolled to his forearms was suddenly very noticeable. He looked at you with the intention to kill, and had he not been a prudish reincarnation of the devil, you would’ve thought he looked hot as fuck.
“Do you want me to retell the little incident that took place at last year’s Christmas party?”
A collective gasp went around the table, Chan being the only one who was absolutely clueless.
Felix whispered something under his breath about how “that was sworn to secrecy”, and Hyunjin’s wide eyes stuck to the side of Seungmin’s face like glue.
Even Jisung broke out of his jealous stupor to gulp.
“You wouldn’t dare.”
“I would.”
That was the true form of Kim Seungmin. 
“What? Do dinners like this happen all the time?” Chan asked. “Do you ever actually eat?”
As if on queue, Jeongin stepped up to the table, notepad in hand and wide eyes sparkling. “Are you guys ready to order—?”
But Felix was dragging the boy down to his height, whispering something quickly into his ear, causing his eyes to widen. After enlarging, his gaze flickered back and forth between you, Jisung and Chan. 
“I… will give you guys a few more minutes.”
Jeongin scurried off and you wanted to kill everyone at the table. 
“Well, I’m going to answer my own question here and say no. There will be no eating food today.” Chan hummed, tossing his menu onto the table similarly to a petulant child. 
You huffed. What did you ever do to deserve any of this?
With both boys at either side of you, it seemed to create a visual representation of the conflict in your mind. And Seungmin looked like he was ready to pass out with how hard he was trying to hold in his laughter as Felix and Hyunjin simply smiled your way. 
To say that the two boys were completely clueless, would’ve been an understatement—
With Chan too busy thinking about all the food he wouldn’t be eating and Jisung preoccupied trying to grab ahold of your hand, they didn’t once notice the way that the three little devils stared holes into their heads. 
“I literally can’t stand any of you.”
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k-llama-llama · 5 years
Stray Kids AU: 10th member
Tori x Stray Kids
Tori has to step up and prove why she’s one of the best.
A/N: Please check out my PATREON (patreon.com/kllamallama) for exclusive posts you can’t get anywhere else, as well as lots of other cool benefits!
Requests are OPEN and your feedback is still greatly appreciated!
Masterlist and other Follow Me links in bio!
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“You aren’t wearing sunscreen, are you?” The stylist sighed as soon as Tori walked into the room.
Tori smiled sheepishly. “I want freckles?”
Deciding it wasn’t worth arguing, the stylist turned away. “You should hurry out there, though, they’re starting to work thinks out with the new dancers.”
“Going.” Tori dropped her gym bag in the corner. They were starting the first rehearsal for their tour today, and that meant figuring out choreography and positioning with a lot of dancers that they didn’t normally work with.
“You’re late.” Seungmin hissed as she hurried out onto the stage.
“I had to stop by the pharmacy.” She patted down her pockets. “Shit, I don’t have a-”
“Scrunchie.” Jeongin held out out.
She took it with a grin, bopping him on the nose. “You’re a peach.”
“I know.” He beamed.
Tori knotted her hair into a bun as she moved through the dancers to the front, where Hyunjin, Felix and Minho were talking with Chan. Her bangs were getting a little long, but she was under strict orders not to handle scissors, and so she had to deal with the hair just hanging in her face.
“Tori!” Hyunjin exclaimed. “Where have you been?”
“Uh, here the whole time, obviously.” She winked, coming to stand in their circle. “So, what’s the sitch?”
“We’ve got forty dancers,” Minho began, “And we need to cut it down to twenty. They’re going to run the choreo a few times, and we’ll just watch and coach as we see fit before we talk to the choreographer and figure out who we’re cutting.”
“We’re figuring it out?” She gasped.
“You guys are.” Chan clarified, pointing at them. “We’ll be doing the choreo so they can practice formations.”
“We’re like professionals, or something.” Felix laughed.
“Tori take the far right, I take the left, and Hyunjin and Felix in the middle?” Minho suggested.
“Sounds good.” The spread out.
“Have fun leading a dance practice, Leader.” Tori winked as she walked away.
“Yah, can you even see with those bangs?”
“I’ll trim it when I get home.”
“You will not.”
Tori took her spot at the end of the dancers as Chan and the other boys started to lead them through the choreography for Double Knot. She studied the dancers carefully as they moved, trying to see who she thought fit and who didn’t. They each had a number pinned to their shirts, and a few started to stand out.
For all that she joked around, she was pretty confident on her ability to dance. And judge dancing. And while everyone here was a great dancer, some were just not fitting well.
“Number 18...and 4.” She said to the staff, who jotted it down on a clip board. She saw a couple of numbers on there already, likely suggestions from the boys.
She noticed one dancer, number 24, who was standing out in a different way. Though he was obviously talented, he was putting way too much into each move. She couldn’t even see his face from where she was standing, but she imagined his expressions to be exaggerated. He danced like he was in the centre, making his rhythm completely different to the others around him.
The staff called for a break, and everyone walked over to get some water. Tori decided to go and speak to Number 24. He was good, and if he calmed down she didn’t see a reason to cut him.
“Hey.” She said, walking over to where he was sitting with a couple of other boys. Two of them jumped to their feet, bowing in greeting, but the one she was speaking too just nodded politely.
“Hi, sunbae.” One of the other boys said.
Tori shook her head, not used to being called sunbae. “How was it? You all didn’t find it too hard?”
“No, we’ve been practicing.” One of them said earnestly
“Piece of cake.” Number 24 said.
“Hmmm,” Tori gave him a smile. “I hope you all won’t mind some advice from me?”
“No, please!” 
“We’d love your advice!” They sounded excited at just not being one of the boys that were being quietly pulled away by staff and asked to leave. Input from her meant she cared enough to speak to them.
She directed her words at all of them as she knelt down. “Just make sure you’re following the crowd. You’re all talented, but your job as a dancer isn’t to stand out individually, it’s to look good as part of a group. Make sure you feel the energy of the group and don’t-”
“That threatened by me, huh?”
You could’ve heard a pin drop in their little circle as Tori turned her head towards Number 24.
“I beg your pardon?” She asked.
“Sorry, but I could tell you were staring at me. Was I that good, or am I just your type?” 
Tori considered him for a moment. She had a feeling he wasn’t trying to be a jerk, he was just naturally arrogant. 
“Actually, Park Jaehyun,” She read his name off of his tag. “You’re stood out so much that I thought I’d warn you.”
“Warn me?”
“Yeah. That you’d better cool down by the next round or you’ll be out.” She wasn’t sure where her nerve was coming from, maybe too much time with Zoey, but dance was the one area where she refused to be pushed around or talked down to, not anymore.
“So what I said, threatened by me,” He grinned.
“Jaehyun-ah.” One of his friends hissed. “What are you doing?”
“I don’t need to calm down.” Jaehyun insisted. “I just have stage presence. Which you would know nothing about.”
Tori clenched her jaw, standing quickly.
He stood too, and was much taller than her.
Their sudden movement drew attention, as everyone could clearly see a confrontation going down.
“Tor? Everything okay?” Chan appeared next to her.
“Yeah, everything is fine.” She tilted her head. “I was just telling Jaehyun here that he can leave.”
“Yah, you just wish you were on my level.” Jaehyun rolled his eyes.
“She’s our main dancer for a reason, you-”
“Chan.” Tori held out a hand to prevent him from stepping in front of her. “I’ve got this.”
“You’ve...got...oh, okay.” He looked both concerned and very curious about what was going to happen.
“I’ll leave.” Jaehyun smirked. “But you’ll regret this.”
“Sure, but can I give you one more piece of advice?” Tori gave her sweetest smile.
“Sure, baby, do whatever you want.”
“Okay, I-”
“That thing you called stage presence?” Tori crossed her arms. “Yeah, what it actually is shitty compensation. You know the moves, sure, anyone can learn those, but you have zero sense of balance and it shows how you have to compensate by throwing more into each move. Your complete lack of control  might work in a solo, but when you’re dancing with skilled dancers, like everyone else here, you look like a rookie. So maybe you should focus less on your stage presence and more on your skill, because you can only compensate for so much, you know?” She let her eyes drift downwards just enough for him to get what she was implying.
“What the hell are you....I....” He sputtered for words.
“We’ll escort you out.” A staff member appeared next to him. 
“Oh, and-” Tori stopped him before he turned away. “Apologize.”
“What, to you?”
“No, to your fellow dancers.” She gestured lazily around. “Since you seem to think their job is so easy.”
His mouth dropped open.
Tori winked. “Better luck next time?”
She turned easily and marched over to where the rest of Stray Kids was waiting.
“Yah Noona, you’re so cool.” Jeongin gasped.
She snorted. “Hardly, but that guy was an asshole.”
“And a terrible dancer.” Minho grinned. “You tried to be nice about it, but I saw him from over on my side.”
“Just too arrogant.” Tori shook her head. “And I know I marched away like a badass, but I actually left my water bottle in the dressing room. So I’ll be back.”
“Don’t yell at anyone else!” Changbin called after her.
Tori hurried down the hall to the dressing room, finding it empty. Her gym bag was still in the corner, and she knelt next to it and pulled out her water bottle.
She heard the door slam behind her and stood up with a start.
“Sorry.” Chan apologized. “I didn’t mean for that to be creepy.”
“Well, it was.” Tori laughed, feeling her heartbeat slow down. “I almost had a heart attack.”
“I’m sorry.” He said again.
Tori took a big swig of water. “I’ll forgive you. Why’d you follow me?”
“Because,” He walked over, a cheeky grin spreading on his face. “I needed to do this.”
“Do wha-” She was cut off when he pressed his lips against hers, and pulled away before she could even blink.
“Chan!” She scolded. “Someone could see us!”
“I closed the door for a reason.” He took the water bottle from her hand and put it on the table. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her close, pressing another kiss to her lips. Tori allowed herself to melt into him, her eyes closing and her arms coming up to his shoulders.
“So sneaky just for a kiss?” She breathed, pulling away by only an inch.
“Well, I also wanted to tell you that you’re a total badass and I’m completely in love with you.” He grinned. “But I thought that -”
“What?” Her mouth dropped open.
“What?” He blinked, not sure of why she looked so shocked.
“You just said that you’re in love with me.”
“I say that I love you all of the time.”
“You also say that you love Felix all of the time. You’ve never said that you’re in love with me before.”
“Oh,” He pulled back slightly. “Is that not okay? Because I am. I really, really am.”
Tori was pretty sure her face was going to explode from how big her smile is. “It’s more than okay. Because I’m really, really in love with you too.”
“Really?” Chan beamed. “You mean it?”
Tori nodded. “I mean it.” He stood, pressing a kiss right onto the tip of his nose. “But we really need to go back out before they wonder where we are.”
“I thought we were having a moment.” Chan protested. “You can’t make me go back out there now.”
Tori picked up her water bottle, before giving him the quickest kiss she ever had. He didn’t even react to it. 
“I love you. But I have a reputation as a serious dancing lady to maintain.”
“Urgh, fine.” He grabbed her hand. “But if another dancer gives you trouble, let me know.”
“Why, I didn’t terrify them enough with that one?”
Chan snorted. “I think you terrified all of them. Including Jeongin, for the record.”
Tori’s eyes widened. “But he’s baby, he isn’t allowed to be scared of me.”
Chan held open the door for her. “You can comfort him after you finish picking out dancers. We need professional Tori for another hour or so.”
“Admit it, you like professional Tori the best.” She teased.
“I think...I like my girlfriend Tori the best.” Chan smiled down at her.
Tori sighed. “Yeah, she’s pretty cool too.”
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Stray Kids reaction to you coming from Quebec and having a French Canadian accent
Hwang Hyunjin
So, Hyunjin doesn’t know a lot of English, but he would be in awe of your accent. he would love it so much. His face would get a bit red, and he’d get kinda flustered when you called him ‘cute,’ or ‘sweetheart,’ in English. When the two of you are tired, and he comes to visit, you normally just sit on the couch and listen to you talk.
“자기야 (darling)! I love you!”
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Bang Byungchan
This actual polar bear would be so surprised when you first spoke to him in English. Chan would hear your accent and his forehead and eyes would crinkle as he smiled. Since he already speaks English, it would be even better. Sometimes he would tickle you until you agreed to tell him stories.
“(Name)! You’re so adorable!”
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Han Jisung
This boy is such a sweetheart, oh my god! You know how he likes to do impressions, one day, you would play him a clip of a TV show in English, and you would imitate it. as soon as you started to speak, his eyes would start to twinkle. He would want you to speak to him every single second of the day.
“(Name), say that again! Please! Just one more time!”
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Kim Seungmin
Seungmin is young and still playful. So, you would be with him, Jeongin, and Woojin, just listening to them sing and figure out lyrics, and then you would say something in in English with your accent. All of the boys would look over to you, just plain amazed. But, Seungmin would get up, take your hand, and lead you into the hallway … where he would give you one huge kiss on the lips.
“Too cute …”
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Kim Woojin
Woojin is the oldest, so he’d be a bit more mature, but he still doesn’t know a lot of English. So, when you spoke to him for the first time in your native tongue, he would be shocked to silence. He would just stare at you, and smile like an idiot. This boy would be so giddy whenever you would say anything, because when he fell for you, he fell for all of you.
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Lee Felix
Lee Felix is the sweetest person to ever be created. Since he already speaks English, and he’s learning Korean, it’s a nice change. For him, he loves to hear you speak because he can reply fluently. This boy also adores your accent. He would love it so much that he would ask you to just ramble on about stuff sometimes to calm his nerves.
“Just a few more minutes, (Name) … I’m still a bit nervous.”
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Lee Minho
(just gotta say something real quick—nInE oR nOnE jYP, nINe oR nONE—)
Anyhow—this boy is so cute. Lee Minho is a gift from above. Your accent kinda makes him nervous. But, only because of how beautiful it is. His palms start to sweat and his head gets a little fuzzy. He can’t think straight, because all he’s looking at is you. Minho is head over heels for you, and your accent just adds to his “reasons why I love (Name) (L/N)” list.
“야 (hey)! Stop being so great! You’re making me sweaty!”
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Seo Changbin
Oh yes~ This dark boy would absolutely melt into a pile of mush when he heard your accent for the first time. He would keep stealing glances at you from across the room, and wait ‘til you guys were alone (because even though he’s a dark boy, he’s also a shy boy) to tell you that he loves you and your native language.
“Ah! (Name), I’m supposed to be dark, not cute! Stop making me like this!”
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Yang Jeongin
(on this blog, we love, support, and take care of baby jeongin because i adore him and his braces~)
So, this baby would get super shy when you called him anything in English. If you called him ‘sweetie,’ or ‘baby,’ his heart would start to go a hundred miles an hour and his face would turn firetruck red. The boys would tease him whenever he said anything remotely cute about you or your accent, but he would talk about it nonetheless. Because, after all, he loves you …
“Gah! (Name), the boys will tease me about this y’know?!”
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~ Admin CJ
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