#that said tho this makes it all the MORE FUN when someone finally puts two and two together
rxttenfish · 2 years
What’s a fun fact about your world that you as the worldbuilder are dying to share, but nobody ever thinks to ask? 
tbf the most Fun Facts im just WAITING for people to ask about are tied to, like, the Big Things and Big Horrors and Big Twists, and i cant just go around REVEALING those
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mxtantrights · 5 months
Hello there, ‘tis I again! Soo happy you enjoyed the boxer!jason request!! I know, i love him too :)))
Today i bring forth another boxer!Jason ask, maybe you introduce him to your friends and they can’t see past the fact he kinda looks like a brute (even tho he’s such a big softie, i truly believe this man reads romeo and Juliet while waiting to get on the ring), and so at the end of the night he’s feeling insecure cause he could see how your friends looked at him and he starts wondering if they are right and you deserve someone who’s softer and more approachable. And obviously reader shows him just how amazing he is!!
Today i yearn for some good hurt/comfort, if you couldn’t tell lol
Hope you have fun writing this one!! Marvellous works 🩷🩷
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Everything goes right before the two of you get there. Thats how Jason knows something is gonna go wrong at this hang out. You told him all week that if he felt like not going, you could cancel. But he didn't want it to seem like he was blowing your friends off. So he trudged through.
He trudged through and is sitting side by side with you in a booth. And three of your friends are crowded into the other side of it. They've had a couple of drinks before you came. You weren't really in the mood to play catch up so you stick to your one while Jason goes dry because he's driving.
They have conversations about the recent news, the latest gossip, and then they ask about your life. Particularly your life with Jason. You start gushing about him, as if he isn't there, and tell them about how you met and how he treats you.
"This guy? This six foot tall, three hundred pounded brick wall?" one of them asks.
You scoff, "How he looks has nothing to do with how he treats me."
"Yeah, but doesn't he-don't you box?" another one of them asks him.
Jason clears his throat and sits up straight. But you notice it. You notice how he is trying to make himself smaller. He did it at the very beginning of your relationship, to make you less scared. You talked to him about it when the two of you got closer, and you haven't seen him do it since. Until now.
"I'm a boxer, yes. But I don't bring any of that home with me." Jason answers.
"Isn't it hard though? When you're angry? I mean who's to say you won't-" the third friend starts.
Hell. This has to stop.
"Enough." you speak.
They all look at you, at a loss for words. While it's true the four of you grew up looking like people who were afraid to tell others no, and looked like doormats, you were far from that person. Those days are over.
"I'm not gonna let you speak to him like that. He has been nothing but kind and open with me, and not that it's any of your business, but he has never laid his hands on me, or raised his voice." you say.
Then you're getting up from the booth, holding your hand out for Jason. He looks between you and your friends and then he's getting up from his seat. He takes your hand in his.
"He's my boyfriend. I want him in my life and I wanna be a part of his. So either you get that or you get lost." You put finally.
You turn around and walk right out the door with Jason. Jason who hasn't said a word yet. Jason who is holding onto your hand in a way that tells you he's not completely paying attention.
When the two of you cross the threshold of the doors, you squeeze his hand.
"Baby?" you ask him.
Jason looks at you then. Like everything is coming back into focus for him. He has a sad smile on his face.
"I'm sorry." He says.
"Don't ever be sorry for being you. If my so called 'friends' couldn't see past what you look like and what you do for a living then they don't need to be my friends." you explain to him.
Jason shakes his head, "You've known them longer than me. It's not fair that-"
"Jason Todd, I am not willing to give you up. For anyone. Ever. You got that?"
Jason lets out a small sigh. "Okay."
You let go of his hand to hold out your arms. He pouts a bit before stepping closer to you and wrapping his arms around you completely. You nuzzle into him more.
"I'll spend the rest of my life proving it to you. I hope you know that." you add on.
"Yeah?" he asks.
"I swear it." you answer.
a/n: thank you so so much for sending this in! <333 I love some good hurt/comfort too!! I hope you like it!!
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papa, me want more yandere jjk zombie apocalypse!!!
no pressure tho lol love your writing
Me when someone calls me Papa:
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But seriously thank you Hope you enjoy! 🖤🖤🖤🖤
Zombie Apocalypse: Yandere Jujutsu Kaisen (3)
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When you awaken it’s Nobara and Megumi who retrieve you for another tour
This time taking the time to let you partake in the activities with some of the residents
But it’s all to pass the time before Suguru comes to retrieve you
“Hey (Y/n) we have a few more tests to run and after that, I’ll let you go have fun with Satoru.”
Despite your reluctance to deal with the boisterous man you follow Suguru back to the lab where you first met him in
Chatting about anything you could 
“So I finally wanted to inform you about why you can’t go to the other neighborhood and why you have that wristband.”
“Finally! Even if I can’t be with them I want to see them still–”
“...(Y/n)...I’m so sorry.”
Setting you on the patient table Suguru informs you that your blood is the key to immunity against the zombie disease
Using some advanced technology to find you and put the wristband on you to label you among your group of friends
But that wasn’t all 
Holding you close he confides in you that in separate interviews your friend group had proven to be willing to go to extremes to get their hands on the cure
Said extremes were violent and alarming
all suggesting they’d abduct you and make you a living blood bag for them
It was actually not that far-fetched to you
You knew your friends were loosening their morals
You had to 
Especially after the betrayal from one of your members
It was likely that they may have come off that way
But you wonder if that would’ve applied to you as well
You really had no way of knowing
“(Y/n) I understand that this is difficult to take in…just know that me and Satoru are here for you. We’re going to protect you, no matter what.”
He was holding your chin as he looked into your eyes with promise
Letting him hold you in a hug
Suguru has a hard time holding in a smile that twitches widely on his face
After this Suguru takes the day off joining you to experience the different activities 
Satoru joined you both shortly thereafter
“Yay! My two favorite people are baking so adorably! It’d be a shame if someone came and tickled one of them relentlessly.”
“Sorry (Y/n).”
“Wait what—Ahhhh! Hahahaha!”
They’re pretty persistent when it comes to chasing away the thoughts of your friends possibly being as dangerous to you as they were to the zombies you’d been running from 
Enough for you to miss them when you once again say goodbye to Nobara and Megumi after they lead you to your room 
But before you can completely settle on your bed to sullenly stare at the ceiling the door to your room clicks open
“Heyyo you ready for me to show you what movies we’ve got? Of course, you are! C’mon, sweetcheeks!”
“Hope we didn’t wake you but we figured we’d hate to leave you alone.”
“Uh, thanks, you guys.”
“It’s no problem, the mind on its own is a scary place.”
“That’s why we’ll never let you go there! Now are you ready for the ultimate movie night? You’re not going to get a wink of sleep!”
That being said by the time the sun rose you were already resting on the couple your head in Satoru’s lap while Suguru held the rest of your body up
Completely oblivious to the second time the lock to your door opened up 
“You two look cozy!”
“Do not yell someone is clearly asleep.”
“So? I have the key to this door so it’s practically mine too.”
“The urge to decimate you always returns with a vengeance.”
“Ouch so cruel~!”
Suguru groaned and rolled his eyes at the both of them checking if you stirred at all
 while Satoru smiled at the blonde one of the duo only to receive an annoyed push of his glasses
“Nanamin you came back earlier than I expected.”
“Yes, my…partner took a very impulsive approach this time around.”
Suguru figured he’d chime in too, “Mahito did you bring any of them back alive?”
Mahito made a face putting a peace sign up as he posed mocking the anime signage now left as relics of the world before
“What do you think?”
“I don’t necessarily care, it’d just make things easier for them.”
“It is unbecoming of you to lie Doctor Geto.”
“Yeah, I could tell you were just itching to get your hands on those pigs!”
Suguru chuckled reaching to brush his hand against your cheek
“Maybe I was hoping to…enjoy a roast. It’s unfair if you’re the only one to enjoy the results of our labor.”
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brattyfork · 10 months
i haven’t
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summary: matt feels insecure still being a virgin, his best friend helps him out
warnings: sex obviously, matt being kind of a sub, nothing super crazy, very long tho sorry
i havent 💚3
matt and i have been best friends since high school, he was always more of the shy one in our friendship. this resulted in us having two very different high school experiences, i had the very stereotypical “ideal” experience, parties, drinking, sex, all the lame school dances, football games, you name it, i probably did it. matt, however, had almost the complete opposite, unfortunately his anxiety usually got the best of him and he ended up hanging out with a few close friends (including me) and his brothers, which was still super fun but he stayed in his comfort zone. i convinced matt, with chris’ help, to come to a few parties but aside from getting high once he didn’t really participate in them. all of this to say, i was pretty experienced while matt was a sober virgin. i know that sounds harsh but it never bothered me or him as far as i knew. i obviously wanted to have fun with my best friend but it never distanced us, it was his choice and i respected it.
this brings us to now, i’m 20 and living with matt and his two triplet brothers. matt had come out of his shell a considerable amount but still never felt the need to do anything crazy.
we were sitting in our living room bored out of our minds when nick suggested we play a game. i suggested truth or dare but none of us wanted to get up so chris said we should play never have i ever. nick made fun of him for picking something so middle school but no one had any better ideas so we went with it.
it started out pretty tame, “nhie pooped my pants” “nhie cried at school” “nhie fallen down the stairs” before chris raised the stakes. “nhie kissed someone” i was confused why he asked this because we all had and we all knew that. i put my finger down, turning to matt who was red in the face and realized why chris asked.
senior year, matt was feeling really bad about not having had his first kiss before he graduated high school. he was complaining and moping so much that i finally suggested i could be his first kiss. he turned beet red and began asking me a dozen questions.
“won’t it be weird?”
“not if we don’t make it weird”
“what if i’m bad?”
“you can’t really be bad at it, plus if you were i wouldn’t care”
“are you sure about this?”
“yeah if it’ll make you stop sulking in self pity”
he rolled his eyes at me, “you’re not gonna make fun of me are you?”
i tilted my head at him, “matt, have i ever genuinely made fun of you?” he shook his head.
“just close your eyes, i’ll take the lead”
he took a deep breath before closing his eyes. i leaned over, a little nervous myself, took his face in my hands and pressed a soft kiss to his lips. he kissed back for a moment before i pulled away, him subconsciously chasing my lips. it was actually one of the nicest kisses i’ve ever had, his lips were soft and he was gentle, most guys just tried to eat my face. once we had both pulled back and opened our eyes we started giggling which turned into stomach-churning laughter. we just couldn’t help it, it was funny. we didn’t talk about it anymore after that, other than him updating his brothers on what had happened.
chris could be a dick sometimes, giving his brothers a hard time and unfortunately, matt was an easy target. i kicked chris’ leg, giving him a stern look.
“ow! what the hell dude?”
“don’t be a dick”
we moved on, more questions about embarrassing things and a few rounds later it was chris’ turn again.
“nhie had sex” chris giggled
chris and i put a finger down, while nick and matt’s stayed up.
“did someone slip asshole pills into your pepsi?”
they all chuckled at my comment, but it wasn’t really a joke.
“i think we should quit while we’re ahead, are you guys hungry?” they all nodded. nick and chris began bickering about where we should eat while we were all getting our shoes on.
“do you wanna drive or do you want me to?” i asked matt
“i don’t care” he didn’t sound angry, more defeated
“okay, i can drive” i gave him a soft smile.
we loaded into the car, nick taking his usual spot in the back. chris tried to sit up front, he normally sat there when matt drove and sometimes when i did. i shot him a glare, him letting out a sigh and scooting in next to nick. matt took his seat in the front, sometimes he would ask for aux but he just went on his phone and said nothing. chris chimed in from the back.
“can i…?” he asked referring to the music, i nodded my head at him, seeing as i didn’t wanna pick anything and matt was occupied.
we decided on a coney island, wanting to sit down opposed to getting fast food. we got a booth, chris and nick sitting across from matt and i. matt was particularly quiet tonight and i could tell something was wrong. i noticed he was twiddling his thumbs in his lap and quickly grabbed his hand, interlacing our fingers and resting our hands on his thigh. this was normal for us, we held hands sometimes when one of us noticed the other was stressed. he looked up from his lap and gave me a small smile before slowly joining the conversation. matt seemed to be acting like his normal self again but i could tell something was still bothering him.
we finished our food and made our way back to the house, chris and nick decided to retire to bed while matt and i weren’t super tired yet. we grabbed a few snacks before heading to my room, which was on the first floor while the boys’ were on the second, mainly so we didn’t have to worry about waking up nick and chris.
we turned on adventure time and matt rested his head on my lap while we both scrolled aimlessly through our phones. after about two episodes, matt put his phone down and just stared at the ceiling.
“are you good?” i asked, concerned about his strange behavior.
“when did you lose your virginity?”
i was taken a back by his question but answered nonetheless.
“uhh summer after sophomore year i think”
he didn’t say anything.
“why do you ask?”
“do you think it’s weird i’m still a virgin?”
“no matt, not at all”
“i think it’s weird”
“do you think it’s weird that nick is a virgin?”
“no but he’s at least done stuff, all i’ve done is kissed you, no offense”
i giggled, “none taken matty, the time just hasn’t been right yet. you’ll meet a girl and hit it off, you’ll know.”
“yeah…” he trailed off, like he had more to say.
“you know you can tell or ask me anything right?”
“if you don’t want to, you can tell me to fuck off and we can forget this ever happened…” he paused for a moment “w-would you have sex with me?”
“are you sure you want to? we don’t have to do anything you don’t want”
“yes i want to, i’m sick of being a 20 year old virgin” he chuckled. i let out a few giggles too before our laughter died down.
when i looked at him now, his eyes were dark with need and desperation. i took his face in my hands and pulled him into a deep kiss. i hadn’t had a kiss like matt’s since senior year, i tried to push it out of my head but it was hard. it was like fireworks were going off inside my head when our lips touched, i had never felt that with anyone else.
the kiss got more heated, i wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled myself onto his lap, causing him to whimper at the pressure. i smiled into the kiss, his noises giving me more confidence as i ground my hips into his lap. he almost completely pulled away from the kiss as a desperate whine escaped his lips. i smiled at him before making my way to his neck, placing wet kisses along it up to his ear.
“i love the noises you make” i whispered before sucking a purple mark into his neck, more beautiful sounds leaving his lips while his hands trailed down to my ass, pulling me into him.
i came back to his face kissing him again before bringing my hands to the hem of his shirt and pulling it over his head. i then took off my shirt and bra so he wouldn’t feel so exposed. his eyes bore into my chest, his mouth hung open as if he wanted to say something.
“you gotta use your words to get what you want matty..” i teased him.
“c-can i touch you?” he asked, moving his hands up towards my boobs.
“of course you can, such a polite boy”
he blushed before placing his cold hands over my breasts, causing me to shiver. i kissed him while he played with my boobs, gaining more confidence and playing with my nipples. i let out a moan that was swallowed into the kiss before i pushed him onto the bed, leaving me on top of him.
i quickly got up off of him before taking off my leggings and moving to pull down his pants. he protested slightly, causing me to pull away before he spoke.
“can i make you feel good?”
“you will baby, i’m gonna take care of you right now tho, just relax” he let out a deep breath, giving into my instructions. i crawled up to his lap, palming him over his boxers before placing kisses up his shaft over the fabric. he began squirming under me when i decided to take his boxers off. he wasn’t huge but a decent size: proportional in length and width. i licked my lips, excited to have him inside me before taking him in my hand and licking a strip up the underside of his dick. he jumped a bit at the new feeling before letting out a loud groan from my warm tongue on his cock. i licked up the side of him before finally taking him into my mouth, sucking on the tip lightly causing him to buck his hips into me. he shot me an apologetic look while i took the rest of him in my mouth, the tip of his dick hitting the back of my throat. he gasped, all the air leaving his lungs as i began to bob up and down on him.
“holy fucking shit” he whimpered. i couldn’t help but giggle around him, the vibration causing him to buck up again. i continued sucking him, swirling my tongue around his dick until i felt him twitch in my mouth. i pulled off, followed by a loud whine of protest coming from him.
“mmm i was close” he pouted.
“don’t you wanna cum inside me?” his eyes lit up at the suggestion before nodding his head. i climbed up him, planning to ride him before he stopped me.
“um, can i do something to you?”
“you wanna finger me sweet boy?” he quickly nodded his head making me chuckle again at his eagerness. i grabbed his hand, pulling his pointer and middle finger out before taking them in my mouth, running my tongue all along them while keeping eye contact with the boy under me. i could feel his dick twitching under me, causing me to moan around his fingers. i pulled his fingers out of my mouth before moving them down to my pussy. he moved his fingers around, just getting a feeling for the area before stating “you’re so wet” i kissed him as he continued to feel me, rubbing his wet fingers on my clit making me moan into the kiss. he found his way to my entrance, pushing just at the beginning before stopping. i opened my eyes, realizing he was waiting for my consent. i nodded my head and he pushed one of his slender fingers into me, in turn pulling moans out of me. i moved to his ear. “you can put the other one in too” i whispered to him. he pushed the other in before i kissed him, pushing my tongue into his mouth and quickly dominating. he slowly got his footing, picking up his pace, my noises egging him on to repeat his actions. i felt myself nearing the edge, now grinding down onto his fingers. i pulled away from the kiss.
“fuck matty, you’re making me feel so good. please don’t stop” he said nothing but continued his motions until i fell into my orgasm, my legs shaking on his lap, still moving his fingers in and out of me. i had to grab his wrist for him to stop, not realizing he was overstimulating me.
“sorry” he murmured.
“you dont have to be sorry goof. you want me to ride you now?”
“yes please”
i spit on my hand, stroking him up and down a few times before lining him up at my entrance. i looked at him for approval, him nodding his head for me to slowly sink down. the noise he made when i pushed him into me is something i wish i could have on replay in my head for the rest of my life. like i said, he wasn’t huge but he filled me up in all the right places.
“fuck matt you feel so good”
“you’re so fucking tight holy god” i chuckled at his response, sitting there for a minute longer to let us both get used to the sensation.
“ready?” i looked to him, he nodded. i lifted myself up on my knees before sinking back down onto him. he placed his hands on my hipbones, helping guide me up and down while i bounced on his cock.
“hnng holy shit i think i’m close”
“me too baby, let go whenever you’re ready, i’ve got you” i reassured him, picking up my pace a bit, his whines getting more and more broken with every movement. before i knew it i could feel his hot cum coating my insides, sending me over the edge, fucking us both through our highs. once we both stopped twitching, i laid down on him, getting comfortable while he caught his breath.
“god i could stay here forever”
“we could sleep like this you know”
“are you sure?? is that sanitary?” i laughed at him.
“yes it’s fine matt, just go to sleep, i know you’re tired”
“as long as you’re comfortable, okay. goodnight, thank you for that”
“of course matty, goodnight” i said wrapping my arms around his neck and falling asleep with him inside me.
a/n: hi hope yall enjoyed :3 sorry the end is kinda rushed i didn’t rly know how to end it.
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lovecoree · 4 months
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pairing: idol!heesung x blackfem!reader
synopsis: a trip to a beach villa leads you and Heeseung to express y’all true feelings for each other.
warning: smut! mdni , smut tags under cut! , enemies to lovers trope , arguing , drinking , fluff , angst , reader is kinda mean ( but so is heesung ) , Heeseung is down bad for reader , reader is black coded , reader uses she/her prns !
smut tags: unprotected sex ( don’t do this ) , oral ( f receiving ) , heesung gets caught masturbating , heesung has a breeding kink ( sorry not sorry ) , degrading , pet names ( princess & baby ) , pussydrunk!heesung , kissing , marking , after care !
requested by: @penny44224
a/n: omg this only took long because my phone has been acting up lately, i finally got it fix yesterday so i was able to finish the rest of it today and yesterday. This is the longest oneshot I’ve ever done so i hope it’s ok. I barely proof read this 😭 so any misspelling or mistakes, im truly sorry !!! 🩷
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You found it frustrating that you had a crush on Heeseung.
Normally when a person have a crush they feel shy or nervous around the person they like or just flirt to see if they could become more than just a crush, that was the opposite for you. Why have a crush on him if you’re clearly annoyed about it.
It’s fairly simple, you simply think you’re not good enough to date someone like Heeseung due to the fact that he is an idol and have little experience with love or dating in general. The longest relationship you had lasted two months, would’ve been three if the guy you dated wasn’t such an ass.
You tend to overthink things, Heeseung is a very attractive person with a good personality, he would never see you in a different light. You told this to yourself every day and every night, leaving you to feel bitter and so that bitter behavior passed on to you being kinda mean towards Heesung. Especially during the whole trip at the beach villa.
And poor Heeseung couldn’t understand why, but that doesn’t mean he’s not going to give the same energy back.
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Heeseung couldn’t help but make subtle glances your way, watching as you interact with your two best friends Jurin and Harvey or playing fun games with his band mates. God you look beautiful, the outfit you wore all day from going out made Heesung loose his focus. He simply wanted to be close to you, but the way you’ve been trying to avoid him like the plague bothered him.
“We’re heading out later to eat, you coming right?” Sunghoon walked up to Heeseung aware to the fact that his friend was focusing on you and how you laughed and smiled so beautifully, but not at him tho? All he get is an irritated face from you and mean comments. “Ridiculous,” Heesung said shaking his head, “huh?” Sunghoon looked at Heesung confused causing Heesung to blink a few times as he finally looked at Sunghoon.
“Huh? Sorry you said something?” Heesung scratched the back of his neck watching as Sunghoon looked at him weird. “I asked are you joining us to go out to eat later tonight.” Heesung was quick to shrug his shoulders, he honestly didn’t feel like going out because you’ve been stressing this man out this whole trip and needed alone time with his thoughts. “I might or might not, don’t wait up if I’m not out my room when yall are ready.” Sunghoon nodded his head, keeping that in mind.
“Oh by the way, stop staring…you look like a creep.” Sunghoon joked watching as Heesung eyes went wide causing Sunghoon to laugh before walking over to the rest.
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It was currently 9:20 at night and your friends were getting ready to go out. After taking a shower and doing your skin care routine, instead of dressing up to go out you put on a regular tank top and shorts to sleep in. You told Jurin and Harvey you were staying in tonight, not feeling like going out and just be alone since you had a lot on your mind. Relaxing while watching tv sounds good right about now.
“Are you sure you don’t want to come?” Jurin asked putting on lipgloss before checking her makeup for any flaws, Harvey was doing the same. “Yea, I’m too tired to go anywhere to be honest.” You plopped on the bed, searching for your phone amongst the covers to scroll on Instagram.
You could hear Harvey sigh as she glanced your way. “Is it because of Heesung?” One thing about Harvey she could read you like an open book, she knew you like Heesung since day one. You rolled your eyes finally finding your phone under the covers. “No I’m not staying back because of him.” You partially lied. Yes you were staying back because of him, but you also wanted to relax and distract yourself by watching your favorite movie.
Harvey squinted her eyes, not really believing you, but she let the topic died down at she looked over her outfit before standing up with Jurin. “I’ll send a picture of the menu so I could order you something and bring it back here when we come back.” Jurin smiled coming of to give you a hug. You smiled, excepting her hug. “Thank you, you’re the best.” You glanced over at Harvey who had a pout on her face, “I love you too Harvey.” You laugh as she immediately smiled coming over to give you a hug.
“Ok we’re gone, don’t forget to text me.” Jurin shouted making her way downstairs along with Harvey trailing behind her.
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Halfway through the movie you felt hungry, pausing your movie you got out of bed and put on your slippers before leaving the room, on the way down the hall you couldn’t help but hear rustling and faint noises coming from on of the rooms, which so happened to be Heesungs and Jake’s assigned room. You were confused because you thought everyone had left already, the door was slightly cracked open. You slowly peeked inside and was immediately shocked to see Heesung body was resting against the headboard of the bed as he masturbated.
You were about to gasp but you quickly covered your mouth, not letting a sound pass your lips. You blinked a couple of times, maybe your seeing things, but then again the way he was moaning while stroking himself sounded too real. It was like your body couldn’t move from your spot as you watched Heesung eyes go shut while resting his head back on the headboard, his long hands wrapped perfectly around his cock as he moaned, clearly unaware of your presence.
You felt like a pervert, but you slowly backed up to give him privacy and try to forget what you just witnessed. Before you could even fully turn your body around you heard Heesung deep voice moan once again. “Fuck y/n.” Your whole body freezes, did…did he just say your name. You couldn’t sworn you had whip lash as you look back to see Heesung moving his hand up and down even faster, feeling close to his release.
Heesung mouth went slack as he finally opened his eyes, looking down at his cock as he came, he quickly moved his shirt up reve his chiseled abs so it wouldn’t ruin his shirt. “Fuck.” Heesung hissed, calming down his breathing.
You almost stumbled back as Heesung finally acknowledged your presence, his eyes went wide before quickly tucking himself inside his sweatpants. Before you could even think about running back to your room, you felt him pull you into his room by your arm. “Let go” You yanked your arm back as Heesung got in your personal space, eyes glaring at you as his voice was laced with venom.
“The fuck is your problem!?” Your faced scrunched up as you pushed him back off of you to form some kind of space. “You ever heard of privacy?” You had no words to say, Heesung scoffed form your lack of response. “Explain your—
“I admit I was watching you, but why were you moaning my name.” You don’t let him finish his sentence, crossing your arms over your chest. Heesung was amazed on how you flipped the script on him.
Heesung ran his fingers through his hair before laughing. “Is something funny?” You looked at him irritated, Heesung shook his head feeling frustrated. What is he supposed to say, I was moaning your name while jerking off because I can’t stop thinking about you and like you. You would’ve looked at him crazy, he thought.
“I’m waiting..” Heesung swallowed the lump in his throat before replying simply with, “it was random, first name that popped up.” Heesung shrugged causing you to smack your teeth. “Stop lying.”
“Fuck, I don’t know what else to say!”
“The truth—”
“I like you! That’s the truth, I fucking like you!”
You felt your heartbeat increasing at his words. He watched you go silent and it was nerve wrecking for him. “Sorry forget I said—” “Since when did you start liking me?” You cut him off quickly feeling your mind racing with so many questions. “Since we first met at my concert backstage.” Heesung couldn’t even look you in the eyes anymore, he felt embarrassed that he shouted those words that could cause him rejection.
You couldn’t help but crack a smile, trying your best to muffle your laugh. Heesung took offense to that, “I’m glad you find my feelings for you funny.” He sarcastically said, ready for you to leave his room.
“I like you too, I’m just relieved that’s all.” You finally said watching Heesung face go from hurt to surprise. Heesung stepped closer towards you feeling confused. “Wait..you like me back? So why have you been an ass lately towards me.” You looked him in the eyes feeling nervous all of a sudden.
“Like I said it’s because I like you..” Heesung wasn’t quick to catch on and you can tell by the way his eyebrows furrowed waiting for you to continue. “…I thought I wouldn’t be your type, you’re an idol who could have any girl you want…and I’m just an ordinary girl with little dating experience.” You felt your voice suddenly grow small as tried to fight tears that welled up in your eyes.
“That’s why I was being mean to you..to try to get over my feelings for you.” Heesung felt his heart ache seeing the single tear that finally left your eye and grace your soft face. He moved closer to wipe it before lifting your head up to look at him.
“Stop crying, you’re too pretty to cry.” He softly said. “And stop thinking like that, the only person I want is you y/n. You don’t understand how much I like you, I could care less about any other girl in this world.” He smiled watching you try to look anywhere else but him, you weren’t use to receiving compliments especially from a guy you liked.
“You’re just saying that to be nice.” You tried to pull yourself together, but Heesung was quick to pull you right back to him. His arms wrapped around your waist as he practically stared into your soul. “I mean it seriously….in fact, I could prove it to you.”
You didn’t miss how his voice turned seductive as he smirked at you. You felt your stomach doing flips and body grow hot. “Prove it to me how?” He glanced down at your lips before looking back up at your brown eyes. “May I?” He whispered, feeling his face come closer towards yours, nodding your head yes like you were in a trance.
Crashing his lips on yours, you whimpered at the feeling. His lips felt soft as he cup your face to deepen the kiss. You place your hands in his hair, keeping up with his movements. A moan slipped past your lips causing Heesung to grin a little while kissing you. Coming back for air, Heesung was the first to break the kiss, smiling from seeing you try to chase his lips to kiss him more.
“Does that help you or do I need to prove myself even more?” Raising an eyebrow waiting for a response, whatever answer you give him he would kindly respect it. “I need you, please.” Heesung felt like he was in a fever dream, the way you begged just now had blood rushing straight to his cock.
“You don’t understand how sexy you sounded just now.” Heesung was quick to pick you up and carrying you to his bed, gently placing you it. You looked up at him with doe like eyes waiting for his next move. He gripped your ankle to pull you closer by the edge of the bed. “We can stop this now if you want?” He reassured you only for you to shake your head. “I want this, please.”
Heesung smiled before leaning down to kiss you again, but this time more rough. His hands moved down to your shorts and tapped your hip, signaling you to lift up a little. You lift up your body letting him pull down your shorts along with your soaked panties. He slowly slid his hand between your legs, “Fuck.” Your body jolted slightly from him using his fingers to rub your clit in circles slowly. Wasting no time, he got on his knees, prying your legs open for more room.
You felt your body melt in his touch. “You’re so wet.” He said already mesmerized, but it only made you feel shy, before you could even think about closing your legs he was quick to press a kiss on your clit before sucking on it harshly causing your jaw to go slack and eyes glancing down at him in surprise.
Heesung hummed, satisfied with the taste of you as he used his two fingers to spread your lips open. He released your clit with a loud pop sound before glancing at your exposed hole, more of your essence leaking causing Heesung to loose his mind. “Only I make you feel like this, huh?” Heesung glanced up at you seeing you trying to slow down your breathing.
“Answer me Princess.” He softly said, but stern. “Yes, only you Hee.” The cute pet name made Heesung smile before diving back in lapping at your pussy like a starved man who hasn’t eaten in days. Your moans filled the room as you rest your elbows behind you on the bed so you can sit up properly. His noses brushed your clit perfectly while he suck and lick on your folds. The pleasure was so intense he had to use both of his hands to keep your legs from closing, eyes shooting up to look at you to give you a warning.
You did your best to hold your legs open for him, feeling your mind go blank. “F-Feels so good.” You begged feeling your legs shake. Heesung licked up every drop you gave him, he hummed against your clit before backing away slightly. You whined at the sudden loss of his mouth. He only smirked before standing up and bending back down towards you to kiss you deeply. You moaned at the feeling of tasting yourself.
Heesung brung two fingers to your pussy, pushing them inside your hole before curling his fingers, going in and out in a fast pace. You broke away from the kiss moaning loudly, glancing up at him as your mouth went slack. All he did was watch you with lust filled eyes. “It’s too..fuck, it’s too much.” All Heesung did was nod his head not stopping until you cum on his fingers. “I know baby, and you can take it, hmm?” You felt your body shudder at his words.
Heesung placed his free hand beside you on the bed to keep his balance steady so he can lean down and kiss up on your neck, moving your head back to give him more room while you close your eyes. You felt close to your release as your legs threatened to close.
“Hee.” You cling tightly onto his shirt can’t find your voice, only blissful moans leaving your lips. “I know baby, cum for me.” Using the pad of his thumb to rub your clit and just like that you felt the knot in your stomach finally break.
The rest of your clothes were quick to be on the floor, Heesung climb on top of you as he placed soft kisses on your brown skin. The feeling of his body heat and him being this close felt like a dream. You tangled your hands in his hair, kissing him with so much love.
“You don’t understand how long I’ve waited for this.” Heesung confessed breaking away from the kiss, he leaned back as he took his cock in his hand pumping it a few times. You watched him intensely, loving the sight. “Hee please just fuck me already.” You felt embarrassed on how needy you were getting, and who can blame you it’s Heesung we’re talking about here. “Such a needy slut aren’t you.” Tapping his cock against your clit teasingly, “m’not sure you deserve it, the way you’ve been acting.” He grin hearing you whine.
“You wait until I’m needy to tease me.” You felt on the verge of tears, it was ridiculous. “Beg and I’ll give you the best fuck of your life.” Heesung said seriously always ready to fulfill his promises. And you believed him.
“Please Hee I need you to fuck me, I’m so sorry for the way I’ve acted— fuck, just please fuck me.” Quick to beg not caring how pathetic you sounded, you just needed him to fuck you and so he did. He smiled from ear to ear as he finally entered inside of you. Your jaw went slack as you felt every inch of him enter inside of you. “Breathe baby, Breathe.”
You didn’t even realize you was holding your breath until he said something, you felt him hit your sweet spot immediately once he finally pushed in all the way. “F-Fuck your so tight.” He needed to take his own advice because he was close to breaking his slow pace.
“Please Hee g-go faster.” You whined when you felt him grip your love handles before slipping out only leaving his tip inside you, “shouldn’t have said that baby.” Before you could even ask what he meant he, he slid inside you again in one quick motion, grip never faltering on your hips. “Fuck Heesung!”
Heesung watched as your mouth went slack and eyes rolled back, you let out the most prettiest moans he ever heard. He thought he was dreaming, but no it’s all real, you’re real. “You feel so good— shit, wrapped around me.” Heesung moaned feeling himself loose himself inside you.
His hips pounded into you even faster creating loud clapping noises in the room. He leaned down leaving kisses along your neck, leaving hickeys on your skin. You could hear him moaning against your neck causing you to grow weak, if he was in love with your moans you were surely obsessed with his.
Heesung couldn’t help it, you felt good wrapped perfectly around him. “Hee, s’too m-much.” You moved your hand down his abs, trying to slow down his movements causing him to move away from your neck to look at you with serious eyes. “Move your hand or on everything I love, I’ll stop.” The way you quickly moved your hand was hilarious, but you earned a kiss against your lips as a reward before he continue feeding you deep strokes.
He glanced down at the sight of his cock pumping inside of you, a thick layer of yours and his cum creating a ring at the base of his cock. Heesung has went slack at the sight, he couldn’t help but moan. “Fuuck you’re amazing baby.” He bit his lip feeling like he was on cloud nine.
“Perfectly made for me…only me.” He said watching as your back arched off the bed from intense pleasure, missionary is definitely Heesung’s favorite because you look so beautiful underneath him. “Hee, I’m so close.” You felt the same knot from before building up in your stomach.
“Me too.” Heesung voice came out small, mostly in a whine, he didn’t want this to end. “Fuck baby, need to cum inside you, please.” You found it so attractive how he was begging, “please, I’ll fill you up so nice and good baby.” Heesung pounded faster inside of you feeling himself tipping over the edge of his release.
How can you deny him when he looks like this and beg like that. His hair sticking to his forehead from the thin layer of sweat, eyes dazed by lust and tears, mouth going slack as he moaned, abs tightened from being close to cumming. He was perfect.
You were quick to shake your head, “please cum inside me, n-need all of you.” Heesung eyes rolled to the back of his head before he focused back on you, happy about your words. He moved his thumb to your clit, working expertly on your clit causing you to jolt a little from the attention on it.
“M’gonna give you every last drop, put a fucking baby inside you.” Heesung couldn’t help his words, too far gone and let his intrusive thoughts out. “You would like that huh? Just me and you knowing I filled you up perfectly with my cum.”
Your legs started to shake, his words and him fucking you was getting to your head. “Shit, I’m close.” You looked up at him with tearing eyes, nodding your head to agree, feeling the knot in your stomach ready to explode and he could tell.
He leaned down giving you a gentle kiss on the lips, “cum for me baby.” That’s all it took for you to cum around his cock, “Fuck!” Heesung gripped your hips helping you calm down from your orgasm. He felt his hips start to falter and abs tighten. You pulled him in by his neck kissing him, your soft lips on his was what tipped him over.
You felt him cum deep inside you causing you to moan inside the kiss. Heesung couldn’t help but whine form empty every drop inside of you, hips flushed against you as you held each other, feeling clingy.
You were the first to break away from the kiss only to see Heesung open his eyes slowly. You giggled before pecking his lips one last time. “That was— wow.” He Finally spoke up, smiling from ear to ear.
“I agree.” Heesung moved away from you completely, pulling out of you slowly. He hissed at the sight of his cum leaving your pussy and on to the bed. Heesung got up off the bed going to the bathroom to grab a warm towel to help clean you up.
You both sat in a comfortable silence as he helped you. “What does this makes us?” You whispered, breaking the silence. Heesung glanced up at you. “In a relationship, if that’s ok with you.” Heesung felt nervous again, but your smile made his heart flutter. “I like that idea.” Heesung smiled back, finished cleaning up he helped you up off the bed taking you to the bathroom to take a shower together.
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“Yo! Love birds time to wake up.” You could hear Jake knocking hard on the door, not wanting to walk in on anything. Heesung stirred in his sleep after feeling you lightly shake him so he could wake up. “Y’all better be out hear in five minutes or breakfast will be gone.” Jake left after that to go downstairs.
You glanced at Heesung to see him rubbing his eyes before stretching. He looked at you and gave you his cute signature smile, “good morning princess.” His sleepy voice made you feel butterflies. “Good morning.” You smiled back moving strands of his hair out his eyes.
“We need to get dress before Jake comes back up here and drag us out.” You laughed before climbing out of bed, Heesung whined not wanting to get up, but did so anyway.
Heesung came over to you giving you a kiss on the lips. “Can’t we just stay here.” He said pouting. “I would love to but after breakfast we got to pack and leave.” You said sadly, coming back to reality that both of you will be parting ways.
“Don’t say that, it’s hurting my heart already.” Heesung ran his fingers through his hair before walking towards his opened suitcase. “I know I know, but it’s the truth.” You sighed getting ready to walk out. “I’m going to go change.” Heesung hummed in response already finding a outfit to wear.
You did your whole morning routine before settling on a nice yet comfortable outfit to wear since you’re going to the airport after breakfast. You packed the rest of your clothes and items inside your suitcase and took it downstairs with you to place it by the doors where the rest of your friends suitcases lined up.
Walking into the kitchen you felt eyes starring at you. You realized after grabbing a plate that was next to the food. Slowly glancing up, your friends smiling at you or looking at you with the ‘anything you want to tell us’ look.
Sunoo couldn’t help but laugh at your confused expression. Jurin and Harvey staring at you with shock written all over their faces. “I was curious on why you didn’t text me back last night, but after what Jake told us now I know why.” Jurin said coming closer to you.
“You were getting dick down.”
“I’m trying to eat here.”
The guys all looked up from their plates in disgust by Jurin words only for her to wave her hand at them, dismissing their protest. “I thought y’all hated each other.” Jungwon said taking a sip of his water.
“Clearly not, they had the time of their lives last night.” Jay said shaking his head only for Sunoo to nudge his side before telling him to be quiet.
“I had to sleep on the floor in Ni-ki and Sunghoon.” Jake complained, “you could’ve slept on the couch.” Harvey said looking at Jake like he was slow.
Before jake could respond back, footsteps was heard coming into the kitchen. “Uh oh speaking of the devil himself.” Sunghoon said causing Ni-Ki to hold in his laugh. Heesung was dressed comfortably in a grey hoodie and grey sweatpants and wearing his black prescription glasses.
Heesung looked at everyone confused on why they was smiling at him, but he ignored them going straight to you, placing a kiss on your cheek before grabbing a plate as well going to the food. “Y’all knew this would eventually happen, let’s not act brand new.” Heesung said, placing bacon on his plate.
You tried your best not to smile, but you couldn’t help it. “We did, but I wasn’t expecting to come back and seeing y’all half nak—” Jungwon went over to Jake, stuffing his mouth with a piece of waffle to shut him up. “Just say you’re happy for them and eat your food.”
You giggled at Jake’s sour face before grabbing some food for yourself.
“All I got to say is, hurt my best friend I will fly to Korea and beat your ass.” Harvey said pointing her fork at Heesung. You looked at Jurin, signaling with your eyes to get Harvey. Jurin only shrugged her shoulder.
“I was going to say the same thing, she just said it in a nicer way.”
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ranhaitanisgf · 9 months
May I request Ran with “enemies/rivals to lovers” where Ran accidentally hurts reader (with his words), he goes too far. Usually they tease and make fun of each other but this really hurt y/n, maybe it was one of her insecurities. Anyways, he makes it up too her by taking her “star gazing” and apologizing to her. Thanks!!!!!!!!
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— ran haitani // enemies to lovers // stargazing
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☆ ˎˊ˗ did i go overboard. well yes. but i chose this one in honor of changing my username ! im in love w this man ur honor. srsly tho i loveee writing the silly little banter with the ran fics its actually so fun :D hope yall enjoyyyy xoxo
☆ ˎˊ˗ fem!reader implied
☆ ˎˊ˗ wc ; 2.0k+
masterlist || 2k masterlist
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you’re not exactly sure what’s going on right now. 
one moment, you were lazing around your apartment, watching a drama and eating all the junk food you could see, and the next moment you were slung over ran haitani’s shoulder. 
if you’d known that answering the door would have resulted in this, you would have just ignored it. 
“you stupid motherfucker!! let me down right now!!” you yelled, wiggling around trying to escape. ran’s grip around you was iron tight, making it next to impossible to try and get out. “can you just leave me the hell alone?! i was watching my drama!!” 
“god, you’re such a douchebag sometimes.” you sighed, feeling defeated. there was probably no way you were going to escape back to your apartment if you hadn’t by this point, so you gave up. “what do you even want from me?? i thought you said you don’t like to talk to girls who are nerds ‘cause they freak you out or something.” 
“are you even going to tell me where we’re going??” 
“ran haitani!! answer me!!” ran said nothing once again, completely ignoring you as he exited your apartment building. as he kept walking, you heard the faint rumble of an engine, the rumble getting louder as he kept walking. 
finally, his grip loosened around you, though you were a bit caught off guard by how gently he let you down from his shoulder. his hands held you steady by your waist as you stumbled a bit, feeling a bit dizzy from being upside down. 
“ran, seriously, what’re you doing…?” you muttered, brushing his hands off from you. “it’s like 9pm! why are you here?!” 
“get on.” 
“what?” you got no response, instead watching as he settled himself in the front seat of his motorcycle, which you now realized was the cause of the rumbling sound. 
“are you going to get on?” ran asked, turning his head a bit to look at you. you think that your big mistake here was looking him in his eyes; when you saw the emotion and turmoil swirling in his hazy purple irises, you couldn’t help but to oblige. 
“fine, but only ‘cause you’re acting weird. if someone breaks into my apartment, you have to pay for everything since i know you didn’t lock the door.” you muttered, getting on the back seat of his motorcycle. 
you waited for the bike to revv up and for him to start driving, but he paused for a moment, seeming to be thinking. after a moment, he turned around and reached behind you, searching for something in the back compartment. that same cool expression was on his face, making you feel a bit dumb for feeling so flustered at the sudden lack of space between the two of you. for crying out loud, his face was right next to yours! how was he so calm? 
you couldn’t help but notice that he had foregone his usual braids, instead leaving his hair down. the way that his hair framed his face now covered the sharpness of some of his facial features, making him seem a lot less intimidating and more soft than he normally was. 
he let out a small hum when he found what he was looking for, leaning back from you holding a helmet in his hands. he gently put it on your head, looking at you for a moment longer than was probably necessary before turning back around, his back to you. 
what the hell…
as ran started drive off, you realized that there was a con to him having his hair down; as he started to speed up, his hair whipped right in your face, making you sputter as you tried to avoid it. 
“if it’s bothering you, come closer.” you heard him say. you had no idea what kind of face he was making right now, though it was probably the same cool and collected expression as always. what did he even mean by that? does he know how suggestive he sounds? 
as much as you didn’t like him, you also didn’t like having his hair continuously assaulting your face, so you scooted a bit closer to him. as he said, it was a little bit better, though his hair was still getting in your face. 
you were finally given a break at the next stoplight, giving you a moment to take in the cool night’s air. despite the strange circumstances, you had to admit that being on a motorcycle always gave you a sense of comfort in some kind of way. you enjoyed feeling the wind on your face and seeing everything passing by; it made it seem like nothing else in the world mattered except for that moment. 
suddenly, you felt yourself being pushed forward a whole lot more than was considered ‘friendly’. your chest made contact with ran’s back, your head awkwardly propped near his shoulder. looking to the side, you realized that ran had hooked his arm around your back and had pushed you forward, which you found to be somewhat of a feat considering the distance between the two of you, (you supposed he had his lanky arms and stature to thank for that). 
“hey! what the hell was that?!” 
“just helpin’ you out, doll.” 
despite the flippant way you muttered the word, you could feel the nervousness all bundled up inside you, twisting your stomach into knots. you weren’t sure what to even think at this point; what was he even trying to do here? last time you’d seen him…
“you freak me out when you talk like that; you’re really gonna be single forever if you keep acting like that.” 
so what the hell was he doing now? why was he suddenly acting like nothing had happened? 
although your thoughts were troubled by his strange behavior, you felt a bit awkward just leaning against him like a noodle, so you hesitantly wrapped your arms around his waist, keeping your grip loose. there were no words exchanged between the two of you for the rest of the drive, which gave you plenty of time to try and decipher his odd behavior. 
you weren’t sure how much time passed before ran pulled over to the side of the road, slowing down and coming to a stop. your arms unwrapped themselves from around his waist and you leaned back, looking around. 
he had brought you to a quiet part of the sumida river, the land around you slowly dipping until it met with the edges of the river. looking around, you couldn’t see any part of tokyo or any city buildings closeby, making you wonder just how far away he had taken you. 
“hey, where are we right now?” you asked, getting off of his bike and stretching a bit. “it feels like we came kind of a long way.” 
“i just followed the river for a bit. we aren’t too far from tokyo.” ran answered, flipping the kickstand down as he got off his bike. he pocketed his keys and slipped his fingers through his hair, fixing it a bit after the wind messed it up a bit. 
“so, are you going to tell me why we’re here?” 
“come on.” ran walked in front of you, walking down the steep grassy hill towards the river. you reluctantly followed, jogging a bit to catch up with his long strides. 
“y’know, with the cryptic way you’re acting, i could think that you brought me here to murder me or something.” 
“uh, ran? you’re not actually gonna murder me, right?” 
“okay, right.” the two of you reached the bottom of the hill, standing there for a moment before ran laid down. you were unsure of what exactly was going on, but you laid down next to him, getting a bit worried. 
“hey…did something happen? is everything alright?” you were facing the sky that was littered with stars, but you could tell that ran was taking a moment to think before saying something. 
“you could say that.” 
“huh? what-?” 
“you’ve been avoiding me, haven’t you?” 
“...” now you were the one who was silent, unsure of how to respond to his question. he was right; you had been avoiding him. it wasn’t his fault that you had gotten butthurt over what was supposed to be a joke, but you hadn’t been able to help your feelings. the two of you joked and insulted each other all the time, so why was it that you were so hurt over that one comment? 
you already knew why, but you weren’t going to tell him, not in a million years. 
“you know i didn’t mean it.”
“i don’t know, maybe you did.” you answered flatly. “i don’t know why you even hang out with me. i’m always wondering if you’re gonna just up and leave one day and never talk to me again.” 
“i wouldn’t do that to you.” 
“you can’t say it’s not outside of your character though, can you? you’ve done that to other people, no?” 
“it’s different with you.” you laughed coldly at that, choosing to ignore it. 
“why are you even bringing this up right now? why come all the way here to talk about this when we could have just talked outside of my apartment?” you peered over at ran, feeling a bit infuriated to see the same damn expression on his face as always. 
“am i not allowed to do something to try and apologize?” he asked, suddenly sitting up and looking towards you. “you’re right that i’ve done that to other people, but you’re not other people. you…” for the first time, you saw his face screw up in frustration, eyebrows scrunched together and lips pressed together. “fuck…you’re just different, okay? i felt like shit after i said that crap, and i felt even more shitty when you started avoiding me. so-” he took a breath, his face going back to his usual calm expression. “-i’m sorry.” 
what. just. happened.
for a longer time than you would care to admit, you laid there staring at him with your mouth wide open, wondering if you were in the real world. to be fair, how were you supposed to believe this was real? the ran haitani, apologizing? to you? 
“you…you’re not fucking with me, right?” you questioned, sitting up slowly. 
“...no.” ran murmured, his gaze fixed on the river in front of you. “i can take you back home now, if you want.” 
“no!” ran quirked an eyebrow at you at your sudden response, his violet gaze turning to you. “i mean, uh, it’s fine. i like it here.” ran smirked a bit at your explanation, laying back down. 
“y’know doll, if i didn’t know any better, i would say that you’re nervous right now. why’re you nervous, hm?” the teasing lilt to his words made your cheeks feel warm, making you lay back down to avoid his gaze. 
“you think i’m nervous? i’m not nervous, i don’t know what you’re talking…about…” your words tapered off as ran moved closer to you, his arm slipping under your frame and pulling you against him. he tucked your head under his chin, his arm moving to rest around your waist. 
“hm, i guess you’re not nervous then. what a shame. you’re pretty cute when you’re nervous~” the close proximity allowed you to feel the vibrations of his voice rumbling through his chest as he spoke, making your heartbeat speed up exponentially. 
“what…what do you think you’re-?”
“shh, look at the stars. that’s why i brought you here.” for some reason, his words immediately shut you up, your emotions being too extreme to say anything snarky back. all you knew at that moment was ran; his voice and the teasing tone he always has, his hair that’s splayed all around him making it seem like he’s an angel, his lazy purple eyes that are looking at you right now despite him saying to look at the sky. 
you supposed that you could just look at the stars for now.
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itsjustrosee · 5 months
Part 2 for stranded please😔 that call made me lose my mind tbh😔😔thx<3
yes of course I will make a part two!! I really just wanted to say thank you for all of the support on the first part, I'm really happy that you guys liked it <3
I've never written anything as um- graphic- as this before, so if it's bad I'm sorry
But since yall asked, here it is
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Stranded pt.2 (Minho x fem!reader)
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Pt.1, Pt.2
Context: Go read the first part, that will explain everything (u could read this as a one shot tho I guess)
Warnings: cursing and lots of smut 😖
Word count: 2.8k
! I proof read but there might still be spelling mistakes !
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As Minho hung up the phone you couldn't wait to pull his lips back on to yours. Once he did so, he quickly put his phone back in his pocket and turned all of his attention back to you. You drew towards him again, putting your chest right up against his, eliminating any previous space you had from each other.
Your lips merged onto each others again and it resulted in a long, hungry and desperate kiss. You felt heat radiating off of Minho's body as you continued to put your hands all over him. He did the same as he kept his left hand on your ass to keep you propped up on the wall as he continued to kiss you. His other hand found it's way up your thigh, inching higher and higher up. You could feel yourself throbbing between your legs, and eventually you started to become more and more desperate for Minho.
You moved one of your hands to the back of his neck and the other traced down Minho's defined chest and eventually to his lower mid drift, and you gently slipped your fingers under the waistband of his sweatpants. You could feel him grow even harder between your legs because of the sudden contact.
The tension in the room was thick and heavy and you could sense that you were both longing for even more of each other.
"Wow someone's a little eager, huh?" Minho said breathlessly while pulling away from the kiss. The deep rasp in his voice sent shivers down your spine and you couldn't help but feel even more turned on by him.
"Oh shut up Minho." You say while panting. I mean, you'd be lying if you said that you weren't eager, and you'd also be lying if you said you hadn't woken up after dreaming about moments like these with Minho for months.
However, you had always chided yourself for thinking about him in such a way. But why would you even want to admit that you had a crush on the guy who enjoyed making fun of you?
Still no matter how wrong you thought it was, you knew deep down that he was the only boy at your school that you had ever felt any sort of attraction towards. Something drew you to him and you were just so used to denying it and how you felt about him. But now, after admitting out loud that you liked him, it felt as if a pressure in you that was building up by the day had finally disappeared. You didn't even know how long you had been waiting to say it but when you did, it just felt right.
Minho on the other hand didn't have to try and convince himself otherwise. He knew that he liked you, but he could never find the right way to tell you. He was always worried of how you would react if he did. If you would laugh at him or tease him, or if you wouldn't even take him seriously, if you would just think he was joking with you. The thought of ruining any chance of talking to you again, even though the only talking you guys did included insults and teasing the other person, scared him regardless. But he could only avoid telling you for so long. He knew he would end up breaking and saying something to you one day.
After sharing another brief kiss you pulled away from Minho again, "Come on, let's go up to my room." You said while unwrapping your legs from his waist and putting your feet back on the floor, holding his hand in yours as you led him upstairs and into your room. You entered your room and Minho walked in after you, closing the door behind him.
You took off your tights and Minho stepped forward, helping you take off your shirt. He crashed his lips onto yours once more and you had one hand on his chest while the other was futzing with your skirt, desperate to get it off.
Once you had stripped off your remaining pieces of clothing, you remained only in your bra and underwear. Once of your hands traveled lower again and you began to pull down on the waist band of Minho's sweatpants once more. He soon got the hint and pulled down his sweatpants, leaving him in only his boxers. Articles of clothing were scattered around the floor as you and Minho stood close to the edge of your bed. He continued to kiss you as you palmed him through his underwear, causing him to exhale a soft moan as you did so.
You drew away from Minho, one hand lingering on his chest as you dropped down to your knees. You used your other hand to pull down Minho's boxers and they loosely fell to his ankles as his cock sprung out, hitting his stomach. Beads of precum glittered his cock as you took his length in your hands, steadying yourself by removing you hand from his chest and placing it on his upper thigh.
Very quickly, you had to mentally prepare yourself for what you were getting yourself into because Jesus, he was big to say the least.
You could hear Minho's breathing hitch as you slowly began rubbing him up and down, thumb gliding over his tip softly as you looked up at him. "Who's eager now, hm?" You say in a seductive tone that makes Minho's mind spin. You hear him let out a scoff in response.
You let out a giggle as you bring your head closer, littering kissing on Minho's cock as you licked him up and down. He groaned quietly and flung his head back, taking one of his hands and putting it on the back of your head. He tugged at your hair as you kept kissing and rubbing his length up and down, changing your pace from fast to slow in order to tease him slightly.
He moaned once more, "You're really never going to stop teasing me, huh?" He said with a soft chuckle while pulling his head back up, allowing himself to look at you. He was making a joke but it was obvious that he was desperately waiting for you to give him more.
"I'm not teasing you Minho." You said in an innocent voice before pausing, "Just tell me what you want me to do."
"Oh- come on. You know what I want you to do." He says while continuing to let out soft moans due to you to licking him up and down, taking his tip in your mouth and swirling your tongue around it before pulling away once more.
"Maybe I do. But I want to hear you say it." You say while grinning up at him. You knew you were being a bit unfair to him but you just loved seeing him act like this, the way he turned into putty at your touch. I guess you could say you finally liked having some power over him, after he was the one teasing you for so many years.
You could hear in his voice how impatient he was getting, "I want my dick down your throat," he said while beginning to grip your hair harder. "Is that clear enough for you Princess?" He said. His tone more desperate and pleading this time.
"Your not even going to ask me politely?" you questioned, knowing that you were definitely pushing your luck, but you wanted to see how far he'd be willing to let you tease him.
Minho sighed before he continued, "Please." And that was all you needed to hear.
You took Minho's cock in your mouth all at once, choking on his length as the head of his dick hit the back of your throat. He let out a groan and threw his head back once more. You pulled your mouth away and then kept sucking him off. The way you swirled your tongue around his dick warranted whimpers and moans from Minho that he was clearly trying to hold in.
Minho was a popular guy and he had been with girls previously. Maybe he had gotten drunk at a party or two and gotten lucky with some random girl, but nothing compared to how you took him. You were gentle yet so passionate with him and he was absolutely losing his mind. He was sure he would never be able to feel this good from anyone else's doing but yours.
He mumbled words of praise to you as you continued to quite literally, suck the life out of him, and you enjoyed seeing how pleasured he felt by your touch.
Minho used the hand he had on your head to guide your movements as you continued to move your mouth up and down his cock. And sooner then even Minho imagined, he was almost over the edge.
"Oh- fuck- I'm close." Minho said breathlessly, yet despite his warnings you kept your movements the same. And when he finally came in your mouth, you swallowed every last bit of him up.
"You did so well for me baby." Minho said while helping you back up, bringing you in and kissing you again. He took a handful of your ass in his large hands, making you moan into his mouth at the sudden contact. Then suddenly, he picked you up and tossed you onto the bed and he began to climb on top of you.
"What are you doing?" You asked with a mix of confusion and excitement in your voice.
"What do you mean? Did you really think that I'd be done with you already?" He questioned again as he looked down at you with a grin that you couldn't help but to reciprocate. "It's your turn now princess." He said while sliding off your panties.
You would be lying if you said you hadn't been soaking wet this entire time. The ache between your legs was prominent as Minho slid his fingers into you, making you moan loudly.
"Wow looks like someone's already excited, huh?" Minho said, teasing you slightly as he continued to pump his fingers in and out of you. He was being agonizingly slow and you cursed at yourself mentally for teasing him earlier because now he planned on doing the exact same to you.
"Well your one to talk." You said with a bit of an attitude, but in actuality you were just trying to pull yourself together. You couldn't help but moan as Minho used his free hand to squeeze your breast and used his mouth to kiss the skin along your bra line.
"So you're giving me attitude now, hm?" He said softly as he brought his mouth up to your ear and whispered.
"N-no I'm sorry, just please-" You said, voice breaking because of how Minho's thumb began circling your cunt.
"Please what? Use your words sweetheart." He said against your ear as he began kissing you down your neck.
"Please Minho you know what I want you to do." you say before continuing, "please don't make me say it." you said, basically begging him. I mean, it was bad enough how eager you were to let his hands explore all over your body, you weren't trying to loose the last ounce of pride and dignity you had left.
"Fine. I'll let you off easy just this once princess. But next time I'm making you beg for it." Minho said slowly and you could tell he wasn't lying.
He took his fingers out of you and moved his way down your body, his head stopping at your thighs as he used his hands to spread them apart. He kissed the skin on the inside of your thighs before turning his attention to your throbbing pussy.
He licked a strip through your folds and then his mouth began to attack your heat. You moan and throw your head back as he continues to devour you. Each lick sending shivers down your spine, making your back arch, further incasing his head between your thighs. He kept both of his hands at your hips firmly to keep you from squirming out of your grip. And as he continued to go down on you, he worked magic with his tongue and you could soon feel heat rising to your core as he did so. He ate you out as if he were a starved man who hadn't eaten in days, and you couldn't help but continuously moan his name while he did so. You kept your hand on his head, ruining his perfectly styled hair while doing so, while your other hand on your mouth, trying so desperately to silence your loud moans.
You feel yourself on the brink of an orgasm as you gasped out, "Minho I'm- I'm really close." But before you could cum, Minho pulled his face away from your pussy making you whimper, "What? why- why'd you stop?" you said while panting.
"Sorry baby, but if your going to come, then it'll be around my cock." Minho says with a smirk as finds his way back on top of you, legs between yours and his hands resting on either side of you. He was already rock solid again as he lined the tip of his dick up with your entrance.
He began pushing in his head slowly and you let out a sharp gasp. You hadn't actually processed how big Minho was, not until he was about to go inside you. "Your too big." You could barley mumble out.
"You're alright baby. I know you'll be able to take it, right?" He asks, waiting for you to give him an actual confermation. He wasn't going to ever force you into something you didn't want to do.
You let out a nod but Minho just looked at you once more, "Words sweetheart." Minho reminded you as a soft smile tugged on the edge of his lips.
"I-I will be." You say before gulping, "I'll be okay." He brushed his hand against your cheek and moved a piece of your hair behind your ear as you said this.
"Good girl. That's what I thought." Minho cooed, and with one swift push he entered you fully, allowing his thick cock to stretch out your walls. You moaned loudly and the quick pain you felt turned into pleasure as you enjoyed the feeling of being filled up by him.
"Fuck- your so tight." Minho said as he let out a groan, slowly pulling himself back out of you and then in again.
You had been with only one other boy before and though you had thought of it as a good experience, comparing it to the one you were having with Minho right now, it was nothing. Minho knew exactly what he was doing and he was great at doing it. He knew just the right ways to make you squirm and moan his name, and it was safe to say he definitely knew how to get the right reaction out of you. You could do nothing but savor the feeling of him in you, he made you feel whole.
Your moans only got louder as Minho continued to pump deeply in and out of you. Again, you felt yourself growing closer and closer to an orgasm and Minho could feel this by the way your walls began to tighten even more around his cock. He slowed his thrusts down and would then speed up again, edging on your orgasm.
"Minho please.” you said desperately as he continued to pound into you.
"please what baby?" Minho said while panting. You had to give it to him, he had the stamina of a god. I mean shocker he's on the track team, so that's to be expected.
"Please just let me come- I'm so close." You said, your tone even more desperate then before as you basically begin to beg him.
"Alright princess, since you asked nicely." Minho said with a chuckle. God he still managed to be cocky even in situations like these. You could tell that he was close by the way his thrusts ended up become harder yet more and more sloppy. You felt waves of euphoria coming over you as one last thrust on Minho’s end was able to tip you over the edge. You finally unwound under him, moaning and overstimulated as he finished in you with one last thrust. “You’re so good for me.” Minho said while he kept his cock in your pussy for a moment longer. He gently kissed you as he pulled out and laid down next to you on the bed, slinging his arm around your shoulder. “You did so well baby, you know that right?” He said breathlessly as you both lied there panting. It definitely sounded like you had just ran a marathon now.
You looked at him and smiled as turned to your side and rested your hand on his chest.
“come on princess let’s take a shower and get you cleaned up,” Minho said while kissing you once more on the forehead before getting up and offering his hand to help you up from your bed.
God, you loved this man.
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@minminho0 (Im proud of myself for not forgetting to tag u lol)
okay yall this is it and I really hope you guys liked it. It took me a while to finish this because Ive never rlly written anything like this but uh theres a first time for everything right?
Also I have seen ur guys requests and I'm going to start working on them now but I will be doing a kind of first come first serve typa thing.
anyways I just wanted to say thank you again for all of the support that you guys have been giving me, it really means so much ❤️
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spencer-sweets · 2 months
Marvel Fic Recs | Peter Parker/Wade Wilson
so i have been a part of the spideypool fandom on and off since... 2019? some of these are really old and I might not remember details other than I thought it was great at the time - and when i started reading spideypool i didn't bookmark as liberally as i do today. got back into it after Deadpool and Wolverine (feel free to send me fics you think will get me more into that ship). How well these stand up against the test of time... can't be certain on all of them but at least they brought me joy the first or second time around.
let me explain by jilliancares Gen 8,505 Wade scoffs, shaking his head and elbowing Peter in the side. “Sure,” he says, sarcastic. “That’s why your spidey-sense doesn’t see me.” Peter’s on the verge of laughing, wanting to join Wade in his amusement, but he freezes. His entire body goes still. He finds himself staring at a roof three buildings over, not even looking at anything. Two blocks away, a car alarm finally shuts off. “I never told you that,” Peter says, the realization startling him. Or: Peter's starting to realize just how much Wade knows about him.
this was cute and fluffy.
I'm Something of a Scientist Myself by fancastical Explicit 11,422 Wade decides to start dousing himself in various synthetic spider sex pheromones before meeting up with Spidey, because why wouldn't he? They have some… interesting results. Wade feels downright scientific.
its smut but wacky. as i noted in my bookmark (very rare of me) "Fucking awesome and I dont usually bookmark pure smut... However there was so much effort put into this one it is definitely going down in history."
Freefall by Wilt Explicit 37,557 It's been a long time since Peter took off his mask in front of someone he loved, cracked a nervous smile and said, “This is me”. He swore to himself he'd never do it again, and he's been making a good run of it by spending more time as Spiderman than Peter Parker for the past few years. But for some reason, being Spiderman also means spending a lot of time around Deadpool. And, like clockwork, that same old turmoil comes creeping back again.
i bookmarked this in April of 22' (gonna re-read it and i'll update this). its got mutual pining and an identity reveal tho so its kind of hard to fuck that up.
Allostasis by ruralfishingcat Mature 42,434 Peter had a tendency to put up walls to isolate himself; even as Spider-Man, he could only suffer through so much death and destruction. It was precautionary, really, and those he'd pushed away would thank him were they aware of the circumstances. Of course, Deadpool had his own tendencies, one of which was to break down said walls (fourth ones included). As grating as it was, a small sliver of Peter hoped the mercenary would be able to succeed.
no memory of this but i bookmarked it back in 2022 and i didn't bookmark much back then.
fall out, boy, so i can fall in(to you) by TheMadKatter13 Explicit 81,041 Deadpool keeps having sex with Peter and Peter… Peter keeps letting him.
smut... pure smut.. with a side of plot and pining
we're on a highway to hell (with a little bit of heaven) by dabblingwithwords Mature (I would say Explicit) 107,557 Hydra has had Peter in their custody for three years. Deadpool is hired to break him out. Throw in an alien symbiote, motels, and superhero explosions and things get gay.
I don't remember a lot of the details of this fic but it is THE spideypool fic for me. this fic stuck with me for so long. i read it when i first got into spideypool - then the second time around - and i might read it again it was that good.
Dissonance by stuckybarnes Mature 121,395 Wherein Deadpool is reluctantly hired to protect Peter Parker from an organization out to hunt him, with varying success on both ends and quite a lot of feelings, revelations, and identity crises.
i recently re-read this and its fun. its a bodyguard fic with spideypool and secret identities.
Dead Men Walking (series) by doctorestranged Explicit 235,937 When a series of murders take place, Peter Parker goes undercover in Sister Margaret’s to get intel on Tony Stark’s prime suspect: Deadpool. Peter goes in hoping to get enough information so that Spider-Man can save the day, but like everything in Peter’s life, it becomes a bit more complicated than that and it soon becomes apparent that he might not be the best fit for the job.
I remember very little about this series other than this made me spend a week hyperfixating on book binding because i was willing to kill to get my hands on a physical copy of this.
The Amazing Deadpool by harrytiptoe Mature 481,270 Basically a rewrite of the first Deadpool movie mixed with The Amazing Spider-Man movies (AKA what if they were the love interest in each other’s movies). What if Wade had changed his plan and Peter had been the one delivering pizza to Jeremy the stalker.
hear me out on this one - it set pre-deadpool and during the amazing spider-man. its a self indulgent fic for those who wanted to see more of mercenary wade wilson who threatens the pizza guy and more gayness from tasm. the sequel does go into deadpool 1 but it hasn't been finished yet. this is an epic length fic that i have finished twice and started over again i love it that much but its definitely not for everyone. its got a weird age gap with peter being 18 and not out of high school and i know some people don't like wade with no scars. don't come at me lol.
thats all for now folks.. will probably update this in the future
originally posted: 8/13/2024
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canirove · 7 months
My neighbour Rúben | Chapter 13
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“This is quite nice, isn’t it? I think I could get used to it” grandad said when we arrived at the VIP area at the Emirates.
“It is surprisingly nice, yes.” I may have to give City’s a chance and see if it is as good.
“Oh, there you are!” a man said behind us. “Not bad, eh?” he said before hugging grandad.
“Not bad at all. That’s what I was telling my granddaughter.”
“This is her?” the man asked. 
“The very same. This is Mr. Ramsdale, love” grandad said.
“Very nice to meet you, miss” he replied, kissing my hand.
“Nice to meet you too, Mr. Ramsdale.”
“Would you like a drink while we wait? I usually don’t have anything, I get too nervous. But maybe you are in the mood for it.”
“I think I’ll pass” grandad said. “You?” he asked me.
“I’m fine, thank you.”
“That was a hell of a game, wasn’t it?” Mr. Ramsdale said after the final whistle.
“It definitely was. I don’t know how you manage to do this every weekend, Aaron is nuts” I said.
“He is, isn’t he?” Mr. Ramsdale chuckled. “But it usually works out. Usually.”
“I could do with that drink now that the game is over” grandad said. “What do you think?”
“I like how that sounds. And Aaron said he’ll be joining us here once he’s done.”
“So you are my future wife, uh?” someone said behind me.
“I beg your pardon?” I said, turning around.
“Sorry, sorry. That sounded like a really bad pick-up line” a blonde boy with a big smile replied. No, not just a boy. Aaron Ramsdale himself.
“It actually did, yes” I said. 
“I know we literally just met and that I may have not made the best first impressio, but would you like to come to a party with me? Ben is throwing a late Christmas one at his house, everyone is attending and I don't want to miss it, so maybe you’ll like to join us?”
“Parties aren’t my thing, to be honest.”
“Oh, c´mon. It’ll be fun! And think about my dad and your grandad’s reaction when we tell them that we are leaving together. They’ll start getting things ready for the wedding!” 
“It’s very likely, yes” I chuckled.
“So? What do you say? Are you coming?”
“Ok, fine” I sighed. I couldn’t say no to that smile. It was impossible.
When Aaron and I arrived at Ben’s house after a car ride that flew by thanks to all his jokes and anecdotes, it was already packed with people. 
“There you are!” someone I didn’t know but that looked very familiar said. He definitely was one of his teammates. “And you brought company.”
“My future wife” Aaron said with that big smile of his.
“Oh, Manchester girl?”
“Manchester girl?” I said.
“That’s what we call you on the changing room” Aaron’s friend said. “Because you live in Manchester.” 
“You’ve told them about me?” I asked Aaron.
“I’ve told them about this girl my dad wants me to date, marry and have five children with, yes.”
“Five are way too many.”
“Fine by me” Aaron said, shaking my hand. “Should we get a drink?”
“Do they have anything without alcohol on it?”
“I’m afraid not” Aaron said. “But here, try this. It is what I usually have, it is very light.”
“I’m not used to drinking, tho. Even the lightest thing can make me drunk.”
“This won’t, I promise” Aaron said with his big smile. And again, it was impossible to say no to him.
“Has anyone ever told you that you have the best smile in the world?”
“I’ve been told that I have a great smile, but not in the world” Aaron said.
“Well, you do. You are like sunshine.”
“I do wear yellow when a play for a reason.”
“Because you are the Teletubbies sun!” I giggled. The drink Aaron gave me turned out to taste really nice, and we ended up having more than one. And two. And maybe three.
“No one had ever called me that.”
“Then you’re welcome” I giggled again.
“You are really cute when you laugh, you know” he said, leaning forward.
“Woah, woah, woah. Stop there” I said, putting my hand on his face.
“You can’t kiss me.”
“Why not? Aren’t we going to get married? We should start with the basics” he said, leaning forward again.
“I have a boyfriend” I blurted out. “Well, not really. We like each other and have kissed a few times.”
“Then you can still kiss me if you aren’t official.”
“I’m not going to kiss you, Aaron. I want to be faithful.” The moment those words left my mouth, we both started laughing like crazy.
“Ok, fine, no kissing” he said once we manage to stop. “But tell me about him. What’s his name?”
“Wait, Rúben? Like Rúben Dias, the City player?”
“Not like him. He is the Rúben Dias.”
“Nah, you are making fun of me.”
“I’m not! Look!” I said, taking out my phone. “Let’s call him and see what he is up to.”
“Hello, neighbour” Rúben said over facetime. “Where are you?”
“I’m at a party at Ben White’s house. And look!” I said, turning my phone so he could see Aaron. “It’s Ramsdale!”
“It is him! The Rúben Dias!”
“Told you I wasn’t lying” I giggled.
“Hello, mate” Aaron said, waving at the screen. “You have a very nice girl, she’s been behaving. I wanted to kiss her and she said no, said she wanted to be faithful.” And again, Aaron and I bursted out laughing.
“Are you drunk?” Rúben asked.
“Just a bit tipsy” I said. “Aaron’s drink tastes so good… You should try it. What did you say it was?”
“Can’t remember right now. Something pink.”
“I like pink” I said. “I need to buy a pink dress. Do you like pink dresses, Rúben?”
“What I like is seeing you sober.”
“I am sober. Or almost sober.”
“You should go home.”
“Oh, don’t be a party pooper, Rúben. Rúben. Such a nice name… Rúben. We should call our first kid like that!”
“Love the idea!” Aaron said. 
“What do you think, Rúben?” I asked him.
“I think that tomorrow you are gonna regret this.”
“I think not, Rúben” I said, giggling again. “Oh, that song! I love it! Let’s go dance, Aaron! Bye, Rúben.”
“Bye” Aaron said, waving at my phone before I hung up.
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givethemsmut · 5 months
Dom Mysterio x Reader
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Chapter Two | Where it all started…
Shorter chapter incoming…
Expect some time jumps
Don’t own anything WWE 💪🏼
In no way, shape, or form do I edit. This story is for fun and entertainment purposes.
“Two days. Our flight is at 4 AM. Gives you time to dump the flavor of the week.” The bitterness in his voice hurt. 
“Dom. What we did- I’m sorry. Every second felt amazing, I just couldn’t commit. I was scared.”
“I haven’t been pinning, hermosa. You moved on and so did I. No hard feelings.” He was distant still, cold and vicious.
I knew about the other girls. All of them. He had made it his mission to parade them in front of me. He wanted to make sure I knew he had gotten his dick wet after me.
“No hard feelings? Tell your slut of the month to keep it down this time.” I said walking past him in my bikini as I climbed out of the hot tub. 
I wanted him to see every part of me he could. Dom followed me inside, dry as can be. “It’s not going to work, whatever bullshit you have planned. Parading around in practically nothing and rubbing your boyfriends in my face. It’s not going to make me feel bad.”
“Feel bad? We fucked, Dom. That’s not my fault you can’t get over it.” I shouted back. 
“You’re a fucking bitch for that. You wanna play games? We’ll play. Don’t come crying to me when it finally hurts the same way you hurt me.”
We had taken one leap forward just to hustle back to cruel. 
Dom had no idea there hadn’t been anyone else. No one. He just knew what it looked like and it looked like I was a slut but in reality those moans were faked and nothing went past feeling me up.
I deserved his cruelty tho so I took it like a champ.
Rey had got us a two bedroom condo only this time we didn’t share a bathroom. Dominik was kicking off training and everything WWE the very next day.
The frost melted between us enough for us to eat pizza in our mess of boxes. I wanted to badly to apologize but nothing could take back how I broke him heart.
Eventually we got over it, slowly and started being friends again. I even went to his practice matches and training sessions to support him. Our hormones and not having to share a bathroom truly helped, suddenly we could deal with that tension much easier.
I got meaningless jobs, here and there. Enough to pay for  living, rent if Rey would ever take it from me, which he declined more than once. Every penny I had went to stocking the fridge for Dom who was eating his body weight in food with the training burning extra calories.
We got extremely close again, inseparable most days and boundaries of friendship that made people uncomfortable. It made relationships hard to have and harder to keep. We both went through a period of less serious relationships with minimal risk to our friendship again.
We did have one slip up our twenties after getting drunk. None of it planned and all of it something that didn’t please his fling of the month. 
It was Randy Orton’s birthday, something we never thought we would be invited to but a lot of the roster was so we went. Dom hardly knew anyone and I was just as invisible, only I had boobs that distracted everyone. Least the horny men traveling almost the whole year. No one expected Dom to have anyone with him. He was new, inexperienced, and hadn’t paid any dues in their eyes. It was bullshit. He was the hardest working man I knew who wasn’t letting his dad’s legacy determine anything for him. If I could do anything it was making people believe he was someone before they knew him.
I put in a skin tight dress, a black thong and jean jacket that all fit every curve of my body perfect. Linking arms with Dom I could feel the respect climb the more people saw my hand in his. “Just trust me, okay? You’re gonna leave this party a superstar.”
“Why am I scared right now?” He laughed and smiled but held me closer.
Laughing into his chest I handed the bouncer our invite and breezed by without stopping. That was the night I met Randy, who was married still and raising a toddler. I had no business entertaining his flirting. I had no business letting myself be turned on by the entire night enough to convince Dom to fuck me for the second time.
The head of WWE made his way over to us, extending his hand and introducing himself. “Vince, who are you son?”
I stepped in, “Dominick Mysterio, future of WWE, respectfully.”
Vince laughed placing his hand on my arm and I was prepared to valid every rumor if it meant Dom’s hard work was paying off. “You have balls.”
“Enough to convince you to see what he can do? He’s not his dad, he’s better.”
Dominik’s hands smoothed around my waist, nuzzling his face in my hair, finding my ear. “Mi amore, he’s the owner. Slow down.”
“No one is gonna hand you anything, Dom. You have to want it enough to take it.” 
I smiled, forcing him to talk shop when his hand smoothed down my ass before squeezing. “Remember that later.”
Dom was a flirt, a great talker, dedicated to making it in the same industry his dad did. I was proud of him. 
Talking him up to everyone I let him touch me like I was his at least for the night. When we went back to our condo it was hard to turn it off when he cradled my hips asking me, “Why do you believe in me so much?”
“Because I know you. No more deserves it more.”
The way his mouth covered mine, determined to take me right along with his dreams felt out of my control. I wanted him even tho I shouldn’t have. 
Yanking my dress up to my waits he dipped down to his knee in the middle of the living room. Draping my leg over his shoulder I whimpered in desperation. “Dom. We shouldn’t.”
“Don’t say it. I already know. It’s a mistake. No one finds their soul mate at fourteen. I’ve heard it. I’m not asking you to marry me. I’m asking you to fuck my tongue.”
That’s all he had to say for me to melt and make that mistake all over again.
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boulette-of-paper · 2 months
YU-GI-OH “Historical” Headcannon
Hello, it's been quite some time. But finally, I took time to finish this draft!
Small necessary disclaimers :
⚠️ Excuse my english, I'm not native.
⚠️ It's hard to find the balance between historical and fun to write. So somethings I might have said in my previous post won't technically matter here.
Fandom : Yu-Gi-Oh (manga + anime)
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His mother died during childbirth. That would explain the absence of brother and sister.
He had a nurse, potentially Maana's mother since it was said they knew each other since childhood.
Aside from that he had a pretty lonely childhood, he is the future pharaoh, a god among the humans. So every relationship starts with a massive imbalance.
He lacked connection with people basically. (Except Mahad and Maana)
Pharoh used to be disconnected from their people, they were symbols before humans
He had and still has an issue with eye contact. Either he doesn't look at people at all or just fixes someone intensely. No in-between.
Young Atem couldn’t stay put unless someone was brushing his hair.
Even older he has a very soft spot and liking when he gets pampered. He loves long baths or when someone does his make-up or again brushing his hair.
Atem has no issues with nudity, again the clothes were very reviling,
Atem might be anxious when completely alone. He’s so used to being with all his servants, advisers etc. ect that when the silence finally arrives and his alone in his bed he tends to feel weird.
He adores cats. But, he used to be a bit too enthusiastic and a cat scratched him and since then he let them come to him but never engaged with them.
Atem would pass hours at the temple, and his surroundings would think of him as a very pious man, but it was for the cats AND for Priest Seto.
Priest Seto
Priest Seto has the longest and lushiest (?) hair known to exist.
He loves cats and cats love him back.
Priest Seto knows his eyeliner, he does it in the first stroke and it’s always perfect
Child Seto because of his blue eyes was looked at a lot, not in a bad way but more like he was unusual looking.
Seto’s eyes allowed him to be noticed by priests as a “Child of the Gods” since some shades of blue seem to be linked to the sky and the divine in ancient Egypt.
Seto loves to read, and temples were known to be filled with a lot of scriptures.
Seto is more in touch with the people than Atem, since priests were also magicians and doctors
Priest Seto is so loyal to the Pharaoh not only because Atem is the heir of the gods he worships but also because younger they both used to pet the temple’s cat.
Priest Seto is good at what Atem doesn’t like to deal with. That’s why even tho he’s young his one of Atem’s favourite ministers.
Seto likes to walk alone at night under the stars.
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Relationship Headcannons (I know you were looking for it)
But how do we end up in a relationship with those two cuties, and still be accurate historically ?? Well, my friend here is what I could think of.
Atem :
To be 1st wife material, sadly you’ll have to from the family OR a very very influential heir/heiress of a nobleman.
If you’re not 1st wife material > You’ll have to be part of his harem as either: a skilled person or maybe an heiress of an enemy tribe who has been vanquished or is in alliance.
Wait let me explain, Harem in ancient Egypt isn’t what we commonly think. The pharaoh’s harem was, surely to entertain the Pharaoh but also to showcase skill and the Egyptian culture in a way.
So we can imagine here so very skilled shadow game players or very beautiful dancers etc.
Seto :
Find no source to say that priest took a celibacy oath so you can imagine anything you want.
(Personally, I have my small fantasy of forbidden love between him and an OC priestess because I love drama)
Here you have it. It’s not much but hope it at least entertains one or two people. I might have one or two more ideas but who knows. Have a lovely day
If you have any questions please to ask me and if you need sources again ask 😽
Bisous Bye <3
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happypeaceperson · 2 years
Mickey Altieri x male reader.
Takes place around the time of the party and Cicis death in scream 2. I wanted to write a jealous Mickey so i threw this together. I also gave a motive towards Cicis death because getting killed because of your name is wild 😭
(If you sent me requests for other stories I promise I'll get to them soon. I just wanted to do another Mickey fic first! )
Anyways Enjoy!
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The lunch hall was filled with chatter. Your own thoughts being drowned out by the noise around you. You felt someone grab your arm. Looking down you see Cici. She gets up from her chair, smiling. "Hey" She pulls you into a hug. It's a well known rumour that Cici has a crush on you. Many don't even call it a rumour with how well known it is. This doesn't stop you from talking to her though. She's been a great friend to you, you couldn't ditch her for some dumb rumours. 
Anyways, Cici knew about you and Mickey. She wouldn't try to take that away from you or him. "Omg hey" you said, pulling away from the hug. Your hands rested on her shoulders. "We haven't talked in ages" You added, smiling back at her. You had been so distracted by your college work and life in general that you forgot to catch up with most of your friends
"I know," She said, laughing. "How have you been?" 
"I've been good, been pretty occupied with school work that's all." You moved your hands to cross over your chest. 
Hallie looked over from the table where all your friends sat "Oh look at that, Cici trying to make her move again" She said sarcastically, eating her lunch. Mickey turned to see Cici pull you into another hug before you went to walk over to their table.
"Hey" You said to the group, pulling out the seat beside Mickey. You leaned in, planting a kiss on Mickey's lips. In front of you sat Hallie, Sidney and Sidney's boyfriend, Derek. "How's everyone been?" You asked, stealing a bit of food from Mickey's tray. 
"Where the hell have you been?" Hallie asked, leaning over the Table. You looked at her, a confused expression on your face. 
"Um, I had work to catch up on?" You said, looking around the table. 
"For a week?" Sidney asked,joining in on the conversation. 
"Yeah I went a bit without doing much work, sorry" You put your hands up defensively. 
"Mhm" Hallie sat back down in her chair. "You had time for Mickey tho." Mickey turned his attention back to the conversation. He had been looking over at Cici,he hadn't stopped looking over since he saw you two talking. 
"Well if a guy climbs in through your window, it's gonna catch your attention." You elbowed at Mickey. He laughed. The three in front of you went on to talk about something you didn't care about. Instead you turned to Mickey, he looked distracted. "Hey" You put your hand on his lap. "Is everything ok?" You asked. 
He turned to face you. "Yeah" He muttered "Perfectly fine" He smiled at you. 
Your attention switched from Mickey to Sidney. "Are you going to the party tonight?" She asked you.
You laughed. "Yeah, if i didn't i think he'd kill me" You motioned towards Mickey, getting a laugh from the group. 
Time skip to after the party. 
You stood by Mickey for most of the party, both of you dancing around. You drank every beverage you could get your hands on. You only stopped when Sidney came to get you. "Y/N i think it's time you go home" She said, her hand on your shoulder looking up at Mickey. 
"What?" You said, the music blocking any other form of sound to enter your ears. 
"I think we should head home now." Sidney said, a bit louder. 
"Ahh, ok." You replied, relieved you were finally leaving. You didn't hate the party, it was fun but you don't like being in a house with a hundred or more students all drunk or high. You, Sidney and Mickey walked out outside, meeting with Hallie and Derek. 
"We're heading home," Sidney said to the other two. Derek offered to give everyone a ride back.Mickey declined,suggesting that you and him just walk home. You agreed. You only lived a bit away, a 15-20 minute walk. 
You said your goodbyes to your friends before heading home. "Oh shit" Mickey said, his hands moving over his pockets. 
"What?" You asked, turning to look at him. 
"I forgot my.." He paused. "My lighter, I gave it to someone back there." You didn't remember Mickey having a lighter, he didn't even smoke. You brushed it off, Mickey always had the most random things with him so it wasn't that strange. 
"You want me to go back with you?" You asked, walking forward. 
"Uh no, it's fine. I'll just run back by myself. I'll meet you back at yours." He leaned in, giving you a kiss before heading back towards the party. You looked at him for a moment. He was acting weird. You shook your head,thinking to yourself that it was probably the alcohol. You began to walk home. 
Time skip to the next morning. 
You lay in your bed, Mickey's arm's wrapped around you. You felt his bare chest raising on your back. You loved this feeling, his arms over you, his breath brushing against your neck. You felt safe, like nothing could hurt you. 
You sat up, accidently waking Mickey in the process. "Good morning," He said, rubbing his eyes. 
 "Oh shit, sorry." You apologised. "I didn't mean to wake you" 
"It's ok" He sat up at the edge of the bed, climbing out of it. You watched as he went into your bathroom. You got out of bed, heading towards the kitchen. You grabbed a glass cup before filling it with water. You took a sip from it as you heard the phone ringing. 
You walked over, answering it. "Hello?" You asked, taking another sip from your glass. 
"Turn on the news right now." It was Hallie, she sounded worried. 
"Oh um ok?" you said confused. You went over to the couch, grabbing the TV remote. "Is everything ok?" You asked. 
"Just watch it." You sat down, looking at what was happening. You watched the news report. It was outside on of the college houses. You watched in horror as you heard them report a death. You felt your heart drop when you heard Cici's name. "What the fuck?" You said, still on the phone. 
"I know, it's awful," Hallie replied. "I've got to go, Sidney's probably going crazy over it." She said before hanging up. 
You heard footsteps behind you, seeing Mickey. "What's wrong?" He looked at you. At the tears forming in your eyes. 
"Cici was murdered last night." You got up from the couch. You walked towards Mickey as he took you in for a hug. 
"Oh my god. I'm so sorry." He said. His voice sounded off to you, something about it felt weird. 
You pulled away from the hug. "Where did you go when you left me?" You asked, looking at him. 
"What?" He looked at you, his eyes not leaving yours. "I went back to the party. You don't think I did this, do you?" 
"I don't know." You said a tear falling down your eye. "You were acting strange last night." You looked away from him,turning back to the news report. 
Mickey grabbed your shoulder. "I was drunk, that's all" He said. He pulled you in for another hug "I wouldn't do such a thing" He added. Your head rested on his shoulder, looking behind him. You felt uncomfortable. He was definitely acting weirder than usual. You pulled away, heading towards your room to get dressed. 
Time skip to the police office. 
You sat beside Sidney, waiting to be called into the office. Everyone who had any relations with Cici was called in. Mickey was in the office. He looked calm,too calm for what just happened. You watched as he got up, walking out. They called your name. Sidney rubbed at your back as yiu stood up. 
You walked past Mickey, he gave you a smile, one you didn't return. You sat down on the seat that sat in front of the desk. There were 2 officers in there with you. 
"So, where were you last night?" One of them asked. 
"At the party, like everyone else." You said looking in between them. 
"And after that?" the officer sat on the desk. 
"I went home." You looked up at him. "With Mickey." You motioned out the window, towards Mickey. 
"You two went home together?" He asked. 
"Well kind of. Mickey forgot his lighter so he went back to get it." You said, not realising how suspicious it made Mickey look. 
"So you two split up than?" You nodded. "And you went straight home?" 
"Yes." You sat up in the chair. 
"How far is your house? You didn't get a ride home from someone?" The other officer asked, leaning on the wall. 
You turned to face him. "It's like a 15 minute walk, and I was offered a ride but Mickey suggested that we should just walk." 
"Mickey suggested that?" The officers looked at each other. "It's a strange coincidence he suggests that just to forget something and want to head back huh?" 
You looked at them both. "Officer, I don't know what your trying to say but Mickey wouldn't kill anyone." You said. You didn't fully believe your statement, but you also didn't want Mickey to get into trouble. 
"And you're sure of that?" The officer unfolded his arms. 
"Yes. He's a nice guy, he wouldn't have a reason to kill anyone. Especially Cici." You looked at the officers. 
"We were told Cici had a crush on you?" The officer said, getting up from the desk. "And Mickey, he's your boyfriend, correct?" You nodded. "I think that could be a very valid reason to kill someone." The officer turned to face his partner, pointing to him. "Don't you think? Jealousy is one of the main causes of murders" 
You sat there staring at the two. You never thought of that. Was he jealous? Why would he be? He knows how much you love him. "He wouldn't." You said. You felt anger rise in you. You couldn't sit there as the officers accused Mickey right in front of you. You looked out the window, catching eyes with Mickey. You turned away, you couldn't look at him. 
They both looked at you. "Ok." He went to open the door. "You're free to go" He motioned towards the door. 
You stormed out the room, muttering a thanks under your breath. You headed towards where Sidney and Mickey sat. "What did they ask you?" Sidney said, sitting up. You sat down beside Mickey. 
"Nothing just the basic questions of where I was" You didn't want to go into detail, all you could think about is what the officers said. Mickey placed his hand on your leg, rubbing it. You looked at him, providing a weak smile. You didn't trust him. He was your boyfriend and you loved him but the officers had a point. You rested your head on his shoulder. All you could do right now is wait. Wait for them to find out who did this. Wait to see if your suspicions towards Mickey was just you overthinking or if he really was a killer. 
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lilac-den · 8 months
I hope you don't mind and if you'd feel like it, you could entertain me a little. ROs scenario ask incoming, for both series. But first, a little explanation where it comes from.
So, ever since last weekend started, I've been dealing with a big headache made by a toothache. and only today I finally have a dentist appointment. I'm tired from five days of barely sleeping, taking a little too much strong painkillers, and overall feeling dizzy and just too much, as well as being nervous as hell, since the last dentist visit I had (a few years ago) left me a little traumatised. I had a wisdom tooth removed waaay sooner than anesthesia kicked in (basically, I started feeling numb only after getting home). it hurt so much I left the dentist crying, with some adults looking at me like I'm crazy and kids looking scared. and I might be lucky the dentist didn't take it against me when I was so close to touch them myself (in attempt to take their hands off of me). so, today I wouldn't mind some little... fluff? comfort? anything, really, as I'm already standing in a store choosing my comfort plushie for today. (I may be 25 this year but I'm also adult enough to admit I need it).
anyway, the scenario? lets say MC is dealing with all that: a cheek so swollen they look like a hamster, toothache so big it leaves them either crying or dozing off in between, dizziness both from pain and as little (or as much) food they were able to get. add to that that little bit of trauma/being scared of dentists. and for whatever reason they need to wait a few days before meeting with a dentist. how would ROs help them, maybe comfort them in meantime? especially if all that could make even the calmest, kindest of MCs snap a little? (and they'd apologize either right after or once the pain is gone, depending on MC character)? 🥺
It's a bit rough for me to write answers for ROs from both series (cuz it's a lot) but I'll try my best XD
Pls try not to send me asks of both series at once though. It's a bit much for me 😢
(But I'm sorry to hear about your dentist visit ;u; if it helps - I never got to visit the dentist till about a year or two ago for the first time and jesus fuck was it a disgusting experience ._. I'm just glad my dentist was patient and informative) [And no judgement here - pretty sure being an adult means you got to have a horde of plushies if anything XD]
Zeus: They'll treat MC like how you would treat a feral pet: Carefully and slowly approach them from the rear. XD But for real, they would start learning a whole new system for this rare event to get the pattern worked out.
Zeus wouldn't feel like MC needed to apologize - in fact, they had fun discovering this new side of MC.
Hermes: As someone who has medical knowledge and experience in the medical practice...Even they agree that dentistry sucks. But Hermes, while they would be pretty peeved about getting snapped at, is pretty up-to-date MC's state and understands the pain MC is in isn't their fault (that, and they know better than anyone that the snappy words MC said were out of the pain from the toothache, not from Hermes themselves). But mark my words, they'll be the ones to record MC being under loopy world from the dentist procedures of putting patients under anaesthesia with their phone and then show it to MC when they apologize to Hermes.
Dionysus: They'll be fretting so much - and also be sensitive with MC's mood, trying their best to not overstep anywhere. They would be the most comforting presence, but they'll also end up walking on eggshells around MC in fear of accidentally pissing them off. ^^"
Moment MC apologizes tho, Dionysus would relax and reassure MC that it's fine.
Ares: They're the most steady presence for MC but they're also not afraid of replying back to MC's snappy tone - just in a more of 'yes, dear, whatever you say' sort of manner (not in a careless one, but more like a spouse that's just so used to chaotic shit that this is their new normal XD) But Ares would go instinctive, protective mode of sorts - MC feels some discomfort? Ares tries to find out what's causing it then adjust it till MC is satisfied. MC's feeling dizzy? Ares ends up picking MC up to either let them rest on the bed or, if MC wants to, let them cuddle against them on Ares's lap.
Dolos: Huh...Kinda hard to picture how Dolos would do. Farthest I get is that they would already have things prepared, like they know MC just before MC asked - at least, stuff that's part of MC's routine/common choice of comfort/relief.
Maverick: Considering his ability to wield ice, he's the endless supply of ice packs for your swollen cheek! He'll personally tend to MC too - at least, until the staff had to convince him of the paperwork and stuff that's been piling up, which Maverick would work on it if it seems like he's suffocating MC a bit too much.
Rydigan: Unlike Maverick, he's gonna end up being attentive and maybe overprotective? I can picture MC being both exasperated but also nostalgic about Rydigan fretting over them.
Ittania: She'll help out if MC asks for it - not because she's uncaring (far from it!) but because she trusts MC to know what they need. Only time she'll put a hand in is if MC tries to do something that they shouldn't do in their condition - basically a limiter for them?
Enid: Hrm...She'll probs be pissed if the doctors try to do the procedure before the anaesthesia even kicked in, an amateur mistake since the House of Scales is known for having the best knowledge of medicines, including how long it takes for the anaesthesia to kick in for both susceptible or resistant to it. You can imagine her picking a fight with the doctors who's dumb enough to remove MC's wisdom tooth without the anaesthesia (even when MC tells her that it's not that bad, given how high MC's pain tolerance is).
Then...I guess she tries her best to care MC? (Tho she's pretty bad at this, so Ittania would take notice and try to help her when she can XD)
Thank you for the ask!
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greenteaanon · 2 years
I have risen from the depths of slumber to propose the idea of.... (I'm so fixated on Splatoon in case you didn't notice)
What if the creator(you) can go to different game worlds but is not treated like a god in those world, what would happen if your were to transport to Splatoon with the acolytes
GN!Creator!Reader, No specified Inkling species (I'm an octoling tho), Splatoon 3 spoilers
2/18 requested fanfics
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You were so tired from the constant worship, so tired that you might just run to the one place with the freshest style and where you can just have fun.
The more you thought about it, Man the more you wanted to go. Then you settled it,youre going to play Turf war. Getting ready to transport yourself from one world to another, you felt as if someone is watching you, though yu thought it was just paranoia from sneaking around to find a good place to transport yourself.
Launching what you thought was just yourself high up. Landing with perfect balance with 3 other inklings flat on the floor like they fell from high up...
You messed up, you accidentally brought 3 of your acolytes here.
"oh...yikes...hello" you waved shyly at the now getting up and now inkling versions of your acolytes.
"Your grace!?" One of them, Tighnari looked at you in shock. "yess..." Playing with one of the tentacles as you elongated the s. You all hear a tune playing from the high up lcd tv,looking up it was a broadcast.
"HELLO SPLATSVILLE! How are you! The Lobby is now officially O-PEN! SO GET YOUR SPLATTERSHOTS AND GET SPLATTING!!" A yellow very upbeat tan Squidling cheered. "Everyone! Please be careful, And have fun!" The blue octoling fanned herself" "Yah! Ah! (What they said!)"a gigantic stingray said.
"Just in time!" You cheered "But your Grace Where are we? And what are we supposed to be?" Zhongli said grabbing your hand before you super jumped to the lobby.
"Well how do I explain this.... specifically to you...Zhongli don't freak out. Welcome to Splatsville...where there's 2 dominant types of species called, Octolings, and Squidlings..." You dropped to look at his reaction he looked curious "—Which is a species of humans mixed with Octopus, and squids respectively, and judging by your tentacles....you're a Squidling" now all hell breaks loose he looked upset is one way to put it. Deciding to
That was the most concerning thing you could say out of context.
Leading them to the lobby (since they don't know how to super jump), you showed them to the locker room where you brought out spare weapons, like your old splatana, Tri-string, splattershot jr, Roller. Even your old outfits was there, your dapperling suits because ofc. Finally having everyone choose their new swag and weapons;
Zhongli Ink brush
Venti with a Tri String
Little Nahida with a Bamboozler
You continue to drag them to Re-con training. "So bassicaly you just have to cover the arena with as much color of your ink as you can, and splat or just shoot at the opposing team so they don't take your turf, therefore Turf war" teaching them how to play and how to move around. They seem to understand, somehow. At last, finally you can go Play Turfwar!
Without hesitating you decided to look dapperlings, swinging your splatbrella as you wait for the others to finish changing and setting their player tags.
"Now don't worry about how you guys are going to swing at the start it's going to feel natural, and I'm going to teach you Stuntin' for when we win" you said all gift excited to make the best dapperling group.
You were too excited and too adrenaline pumped to start, it was time to show your team's off. Swing Swing pose! You instructed to yourself. Nailed it. As everyone did Nahida now being the same height as all of you looked very happy.
And the round began, Everyone splitting up...oh boy this is going to definitely be a challenge. Luckily Peepaw started to get some ground coverage already, You saw Little Leek getting snuk up on by an octoling,god you can't with their player tags, you quickly swam to block the shot, opening your splatbrella in time.
(player tag) splatted Boberto 1-X
Suddenly you realized who you just splatted. Everyone in your team expecting to hear a booyah! Instead heard a "OMG WE'RE PLAYING WITH THE RANBOO LIVE"
"Are you ok, your grace?" VentititiFRAGILE asked very much concerned. You just sobbed out a "No.... I just splatted a famous streamer.." after the round, you somehow by some miracle WON by a DECIMAL, which made the whole encounter with a famous streamer a whole worse. "let's take a break..Im scared..jokingly" whispering the last part. Which luckily everyone agreed so you Al decided to go out of the lobby for some snacks. You led them to the big window near a tv recording place.
"Wait here..I'm gonna go get snacks from a vending machine" you said as you pointed to the vending machine behind you, they all turn to look to inside the recording studio to see a octoling in a "Inazuman" attire and a Squidling in "Sumerian" Attire and a giant sting ray? They seem to notice them looking at them and waved at them. They alwardly waved back. "So I got 2 dessert bars and a fizzy drink for each of us" you started to hand them out. The yellow Squidling seemed to notice you and patted the octoling, you looked to the window to see them enthusiastically waving at you, You waved back just as energetic.
"You know them your holiness?" Nahida asked. "Of course they're famous idols here, and my friends, technically, co workers...also technically Subordinates?? Since they work with someone whos in the same Splatoon as me but oh well..."
Their all creator are friends with famous idols when they're a simple inkling and not a god, it's such a shocking revelation.
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a/n: ooh charlatteo's back!! but they're ✨in the past✨! divider credit to @cafekitsune.
warnings: PREFACING THIS BY SAYING IT’S POC APPROVED – DON’T YELL AT ME PLEASE! or charlotte, for that matter. she was younger and wasn’t taught how to be respectful. other than that, i don't think there's any warnings! tell me if there are tho, i might've missed one or two lol.
word count: 705
wattpad link
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✦ 𝙹𝚘𝚞𝚛𝚗𝚊𝚕 ✦
I sit at my desk as the ship sways with the sea.
The rest of the crew left for the land to the town near here a few hours ago, and I opted to stay behind, for fear that I’ll be recognized and brought back to the palace.
I sigh and stare, boredom filling me to the brim.
There’s suddenly a more aggressive wave and the ship sways a little harder. I hear something clunk loudly inside a drawer, and I open it curiously.
A beat-up journal with a bright pink cover lays inside and I grin lightly: it’s my diary from when I was little– maybe five or six?
The first page says, in huge, messy cursive letters:
I leaf through the pages, cringing slightly at my obnoxious joy in most of the entries.
One in particular catches my eye.
It’s maybe midway through the journal and is titled JUNE 13. I guess I didn’t think putting the year was important…
The entry reads:
Dearest journal,
Today was a really fun day!! I went dress shopping with Miss Cynthiaッ! I got a really pretty yellow dress that sparkles a lot. But then afterwards Miss Cynthia sent me to the playgrounds while she traded and stuff. But!! While I was there I met this boy…
The bun that Miss Cynthia put my hair in hurts.
A lot.
But I’m not allowed to take it out because it’s rude… I think that’s really stupid.
I sit on a warm wooden bench and kick my legs back and forth.
I have to wait here for Miss Cynthia and it’s really boring because all the parents of the kids are telling their kids that I’m the princess and to leave me alone.
I’m not even wearing my crown!!!!!!
Someone taps on my shoulder.
I turn my head to see a short, messy haired boy with freckles and skin that make him look like an almond chocolate piece.
Chocolate Boy says, “Hiya! D’you wanna play??”
I’m kinda surprised! He’s the only kid here who’s actually talked to me instead of saying something dumb like “Your Highness” and doing a little bow.
“Okay!” I tell him enthusiastically and jump off the bench, chasing after the boy, who ran away almost as soon as I first said yes.
We run around the playground for what feels like forever until Miss Cynthia comes back.
She sees me running with my new friend, Chocolate Boy, and has this look on her face I’ve never seen on her before.
She looks… angry.
But why? I’m finally having fun with a kid my age. Is it so wrong for a princess to be friends with a regular kid?
“Princess Charlotte!” she calls, and everyone in the vicinity turns to look at me and Chocolate Boy. Everyone bows except for the boy and I try to hide behind the blonde strands of hair that fell out of my bun while we were running.
“Hiya, Miss Cynthia!” I say with a smile, hiding my embarrassment as well as I can.
“Oh, dear, there you are! I was wondering where you had gone. Come now, we must be going back to the palace,” Miss Cynthia says as she drags me away from my friend and back to the carriage.
“But…” I trail off when I realize I won’t be able to stop Miss Cynthia. “I want to say bye to my friend!”
“Oh, sweetheart…” Miss Cynthia sounds a bit funny and I don’t know what the emotion in her voice is. “He’s not your friend. A wonderful princess like you has friends that share her status. He’s a commoner, not nearly good enough for a friend of the heir princess.”
“Well, then I don’t want to be the heir princess anymore,” I grumble, crossing my arms as I get in my seat in the carriage.
A soft smile spreads across my face as I realize the “Chocolate Boy” as I had – mildly rudely, might I add – dubbed him is really Matteo.
I wonder if he still remembers this.
He probably does.
He remembers a lot of things about me.
It’s one of the things I love about him.
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©baguettes-and-biscuits | do not repost, copy, or translate on any other platform.
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pretendfan · 9 months
It’s the most wonderful time of the year…{2}
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{This wasn’t supposed to be happening right now, Chris Smith had been all set to leave his trailer and head out into the night for his date, but when Adrian Chase comes knocking at the door there is always trouble.
Bored with patrolling around Evergreen Adrian knew exactly where to go, hang out with his bff at his place only things don’t go to plan, and next thing he knows he’s offering to decorate Peacemakers trailer for the holiday season but there is a small catch attached.
There were bad ideas and then there was this one stupidly agreeing to go out with a work friend, leaving you zoning out of the conversation because instead you were thinking of someone else the whole time, but then a chance falls into your lap to win back the night only it’s hanging out with the very last person you wanted to see right now.}
Part Two under the cut
Standing by his most prized possession the car of his wettest dreams Chris still loved his Ford Comet, even after all this time it was just that he hadn’t planned on taking his eagle with him, on this undoubtedly sexy date slash hook up.
But there was no chance that he would leave him with you and Adrian, so instead he had to drive here despite having drunk several beers already, but Chris knew that eventually he would need someone to come get Eagly if the evening took a turn.
“I’m definitely getting laid tonight!” Chris announces to his eagle, who dips his head in indifference to the whole statement.
“In the meantime I will leave you with some chips and maybe someone from the team can get you later.” Chris nods as he opens a bag of Doritos and the eagle spreads his wings in delight.
Hopping back into his car Chris leaves the passenger side window ajar, many people knew this was his vehicle so no one would fuck with it, especially if it had Eagly in there because nothing would come between him and his chips.
“I will check in on you soon buddy.” Chris waves at his eagle who ignore him, as he locks up his car ready for the fun to finally begin.
A quick check of his phone shows no missed calls from either the nurse or Adrian, meaning that you two could finally be getting along the very idea makes him chuckle, because he knew you both had it bad but neither knew how to proceed.
Maybe this was the kick in the gut that both of them clearly needed, only he doubted that anything would happen tonight, meanwhile he had more chance with a blonde who was in his line of sight.
From afar he could see a passing resemblance to Harcourt, the very thought makes him smile but Chris let’s it pass when now stood in front of her, he sees no signs of the badass blonde who he worked alongside.
“Finally, I didn’t think you were gonna show up?” The blonde questions with a grin as she asks him “I thought you would be wearing your suit tonight.”
“I’m off duty, and ready to party.” Winks back Chris placing a large hand on the lower back of the curvy blonde, who giggles as they head into the bar walking closely beside one another.
Pretty soon with beers in hand they head on over to the nearest table, several people glancing in their direction but Chris put it down to the American flag dress that his date was wearing, yet he didn’t care because she looked amazing in it.
“Fuck yeah!” Shouts Adrian causing you to turn round, and see him holding up a mostly full bottle of vodka, complete with two plastic cups and a wide excited grin on his face.
“This is exactly what we need right now!” You cheer walking over to take the cups as he places the vodka on the messy glass coffee table.
“Plus I’ve found the tree and some lights so we can finally decorate!” Adrian nods happily walking out of the living area to retrieve said items.
“What about tree decorations? Couldn’t we just cut up some of those magazines you found.” You joke with an eye roll aimed at Adrian, as he reappears dragging a small box into the centre of the room.
“I think Peacemaker would kill us both because some of those actually looked vintage.” Adrian shrugs as he drops the box down onto the floor and starts opening it, whilst you suddenly noticed how tight his black long sleeve was when he wasn’t wearing his armour.
“I wouldn’t touch them without gloves anyway, especially if some of the pages are stuck together.” You joke back causing Adrian to look up and pull a face, but it’s closely followed by a cheeky smirk.
“We can look at them together later-“
“But first we need to sort this tree out and to do that we need some vodka!” You cut off Adrian before he said anything flirty, because you wasn’t sure what you would do if he even did.
“Good idea!” Adrian winks in your direction as he picks up the bottle, thankfully looking away at the same time you feel heat spread across your chest.
Several badly measured shots later and you were both ready, switching the TV to a music channel on cable that was playing festive hits it was time, cue lots of playful bickering as the tree was placed in the middle of the room with swaths of gold tinsel almost covering it completely.
“Shouldn’t we have put the lights on first of all?” You question with a smile whilst feeling warm, and it definitely wasn’t just because of those two shots of vodka.
“Let’s just go with the flow!” Adrian announces pulling large white lights out of a carrier bag, luckily not knotted up too badly, but he was totally gonna need your help with that though.
“Another drink-“
“Are you trying to get me drunk?” Adrian asks playfully which both pleases you, and makes you giggle which was an unpleasant surprise.
“I don’t know why I just made that noise!” You groan in embarrassment.
“It was cute that’s what it was!” Cuts in Adrian with a grin his green eyes, holding your gaze right back which makes everything else fall out of focus.
Until you quickly look away first pulling on the lights to signal that you were ready, a few moments later Adrian gets the idea and proceeds to chuck them at the tree.
“That is not how you-“
“Chuck the lights on first and then tidy them up after it’s quick and painless.” Adrian cuts you off with a snort.
“Why not just wind them round we can pass the strands to one another and get it done.” You state back firmly knowing that your idea would get this done a lot quicker, and onto the fun part actually decorating the tree.
“But you’re shorter than me.” Adrian declares with the a cocky smile.
For what feels like hours but is merely minutes the pair of you argue, when in that time you could’ve easily fixed this, but both of you were stubborn it appeared and neither wanted to back down it was fucking ridiculous.
In the end you leave Adrian to his own devices heading to the bathroom instead, checking your reflection in the grubby mirror and its exactly what you thought, large pupils and a warm smile on your face because despite it all you were actually enjoying yourself.
Glancing around the small bathroom you clock three plastic tubs, pushed up against the wall brazenly sticking out because they looked full of Christmas decorations, just the thing that you were looking for it was a festive miracle.
“Look what I found!” You begin having dragged one of the tubs out into the living area, spotting Adrian when he returns with two bottles of beer in his hands and a small grin on his face.
“Cool, here take this peace offering!” Adrian brandishes one of the beers in your face, which you happily take with a nod and a muffled thanks as you take a long gulp of drink.
It’s also then that you notice the lights were still half hanging off the tree, almost as if Adrian had given up, but that just wouldn’t do because this was his damn idea after all.
“Do you need a hand?” You ask subtly motioning to the tree, but glancing back you spot the wide eyed look on your teammates face.
“Are you flirting with me again? We both know what happened the last time.” Adrian chuckles deeply, which causes you to choke on a mouthful of beer, which escapes from your mouth and ends up all down your tank top.
“I was joking.” Adrian looks at you in alarm once again, whilst you move your wet top from your bare skin, suddenly finding it very warm in here when you clock the look on his face.
“It will dry out does Chris have anymore beers around here or what?!” You ask loudly the last word in that sentence coming out as a girly squeak, hurriedly rushing off towards the fridge, somewhere you could go and bury your head for five minutes.
Clearly the answer to this mishap was more alcohol, also some food because you hadn’t eaten in a while, and you needed something to soak up the imminent drinks that you would be consuming pretty soon.
Despite having lost count of the alcohol you had you were doing pretty well, the festive spirit was well and truly in your bloodstream, resulting in you feeling a little lightheaded but you could hold your own.
Grabbing a large bag of chips off the side you pick out as many beers as you could hold, tucking them under your arms and against your chest, as you purposefully head back into the living area watching Adrian just as he finishes with the lights.
“Looking good!” You announce with a sly smirk unable to help yourself, especially when you were around this guy.
“See! I told you that I could make this place festive-“
“I didn’t mean the tree, never mind!” You shake your head with a soft chuckle that causes Adrian’s lips to part slowly.
“Oh! You meant me? Well sure I definitely look good cause I’m always working out you know.” Adrian nods with a smirk, looking quite pleased with his rebuttal, despite the fact that it was unwarranted.
“Could you use those muscles to go and grab the other two plastic tubs, unless they have more porn in them otherwise just leave them there.” You ask Adrian in a sweet voice that makes him silently nod, then dart out of the living area hurriedly.
Making sure not to spill more drink over yourself, you pay attention to your actions by drinking carefully and trying to open the chips with your other hand, a feat you perform with the help of using your teeth and telling yourself to relax.
This was kind of fun whatever this was with Adrian just the pair of you hanging out, definitely not some kind of date why would that thought cross your mind, and even if it was a date there would be far better places to go than Peacemaker’s trailer.
Watching Adrian return carrying both of the plastic tubs on top of one another, you fail not to notice how his arm muscles flex plus he had pulled up the sleeves on his shirt, revealing his forearms and we all know that is basically what catnip is to cats but for women.
“What’s wrong?” Adrian asks thankfully interrupting your thoughts before they turned x rated, causing you to look up and shake your head real quick.
“Nothing, I’m just surprised at how much stuff Chris has in way of decorations!” You exclaim a little louder than planned, whilst placing a hand on your cheek in mock shock which was really going a step too far.
“I know right?!” Adrian replies thankfully ignoring the fact, that you’ve had a short leave of your senses, please return back to sender by December twenty fourth.
Dipping his head into one of the plastic boxes, you take this moment to shove a large handful of chips into your mouth, because then there was no way you could say something stupid if you had your mouth full with food.
“There is some good stuff here!” Announces Adrian pulling out a box of baubles, adorned with the American flag which was typical Peacemaker you decided with a grin.
Setting to work the pair of you decorate the tree in all kinds of festive trinkets, even some homemade ones made from Matchbox cars with string glued to them, both silent to a point until a song on the TV has you humming along.
“This song is a classic-“
“It will remain stuck in my head till the day I die.” You joke back breaking into the chorus of rocking around the Christmas Tree.
“Somebody’s finally feeling festive!” Grins Adrian as he watches you shaking your hips, whilst you sing off key for all to hear, but it’s definitely a very cute look.
“Well.” You begin with a blush having gotten a little too carried away there, it was definitely because of the beer adding “It now looks like Christmas in here!”
“It does doesn’t it!” Adrian cheers proudly folding his arms across his chest which makes you instantly look away.
Instead you focus on the extensive use of tinsel, hanging it all around Chris’ living area hoping that he wouldn’t just pull it all down, because you two had spent a whole hour or so throwing it all around the place.
“Peacemaker better appreciate this.” You mutter quietly under your breath so Adrian couldn’t hear your voice.
Eyes narrowed Chris cannot believe the utter audacity of this dude at the bar right now, approaching the blonde named Lita who was supposedly here with him, as he watches her embrace the douche bag and a jolt of annoyance spreads across his face.
“What the fuck?” Chris grimaces not usually the jealous type, but even from here the guy looked like a hot mess what the hell was going on here.
Pushing his seat back as he stood up Chris slowly wandered over to the bar, trying to look like he was uninterested in what was happening, despite the fact that his hands were both balled up.
“Hey Peacemaker!” Lita exclaims excitedly at the same time that Chris notices the look, heavy in meaning that passes between his date and the guy next to her.
“Where’s my beer?” Chris questions with a laugh but it falls flat as Lita’s face turns into a scowl and her friend coughs awkwardly into his right hand.
“Hi, I’m Jonah!” The guy next to Chris announces with a smile, nodding his thanks to Lita as she places a beer in front of him.
“You have to work for yours baby.” States Lita with a wink, that ugly grimace from earlier disappearing, as a pretty smile replaced it thankfully.
“So, how do you two know one another then?” Chris questions which he hopes in a nonchalant voice, causing Lita to tug at the bottom of her short strapless dress not meeting his eye.
“Old friends-“
“We used to date!” Lita practically shouts cutting off Jonah who gives her a wide eyed look.
“I could use that beer right about now.” Chris deadpans back with a dark look on his face.
“Are you jealous?” Questions Lita with a laugh.
“Have you ever saved the world?” Chris asks Jonah in a serious voice, clearly knowing the answer already but he hoped the guy would humour him.
“That’s a negative-“
“Well then nope, I’m definitely not jealous of this guy!” Chris cuts Jonah off with a deep laugh.
“I like this guy!” Jonah winks at Lita but then he does the same to Peacemaker, who just nods back with an awkward smile.
Heading back to their seats Chris is a little surprised, when Jonah sits down opposite him with a wide grin on his face, which matches the one on Lita’s face as well causing a weird gut feeling to hit his stomach hard.
This feeling doesn’t improve when Jonah clearly won’t get the hint, Chris wanted him to leave them alone, but Lita’s arm was currently draped across the back of his chair whilst her ex grinned back smugly in her direction.
“So, do you like to wear your uniform outside of work?” Jonah asks Chris in a tone that he swears was suggestive, and it’s confirmed when he follows this question with yet another wink.
“You mean like for public appearances?” Chris replies with a smile at Lita but she was too busy staring back at her ex.
“I mean in the bedroom!” Jonah laughs back whilst Chris’ eyes widen, especially when he notices that Lita was stroking his hair.
“You’re so bad Jonah!” Lita laughs breathily whilst her chest rises rapidly, which distracts Chris momentarily from what was happening right now…whatever that was.
With practically all of the decoration’s they could find up around the trailer, you start placing some of Peacemakers “specialist” magazines in obvious places, catching Adrian leafing through one when you return to the couch.
“Clit, fact or fiction?” You read out loud in a bad newscaster voice adding “Please tell me that’s-
“A joke? Sadly not but this magazine is from the early nineties.” Adrian cuts you off with a cute side eye that makes you smirk back happily.
“Yet still men are confused as to its whereabouts!” You joke whilst nudging Adrian with your right shoulder, as you take a seat on the couch next to him.
“Pfft, I know exactly where it is!” Adrian states like his life depended on it, giving you a wide eyed look in the process.
“You know it’s not like the name of an obscure sci fi character-“
“Oh I know, believe me woman I hook up with are fully aware of my immense skills!” Adrian exclaims complete with a self satisfied smug look on his face.
“If you’re trying to make me jealous it isn’t working.” You deadpan back leaning your face closer to Adrian who in turn moves his away hurriedly.
“So you’ve thought about it then? Especially after our kiss-“
“Hey! Let’s watch a movie!” You cut off Adrian whilst locating the TV remote, still on the messy coffee table complete with empty bottles of beer and scattered chips for added decoration.
“Er, sure.” Adrian replies at the same time you get the channel map up, on Peacemaker’s screen trying to locate something to watch.
“Die Hard! A Christmas classic.” Adrian nudges you by sitting forward on the couch, his arm brushing against yours which makes you sit statue still from the connection.
“Welcome to the party pal!” You quickly reply in a ridiculous Bruce Willis voice, that makes Adrian grin back and you just stare at him lost in your own sordid thoughts.
“Are you ok-“
“Vodka, where is the vodka?” You question with a shake of your head, feeling yourself lagging and now especially wasn’t the time to fall into your teammates lap, no matter how inviting the idea was.
“I think we should cool it-“
“No can do!” You cut off Adrian getting up from the couch, grabbing his long forgotten Santa hat on the way whilst in search of a good time.
Because drinking would helpfully stop making you overthink shit, you were having a good time tonight and the last thing you needed, was to embarrass yourself or cause another scene.
Dropping the magazine down beside him on the couch, Adrian secretly hopes that Chris doesn’t come back to the trailer at all, just you and him alone together was all he wanted right now without a single interruption.
“That’s my only wish this Christmas.” Adrian states quietly to himself, because maybe after saying it out loud it would actually come true.
Sure Peacemaker would be teasing the fuck out of him right now, but Adrian was biding his time because he recalled the look on your face after he had kissed you, hell it’s all that he’s fucking thought about ever since.
Watching as you walk back into the living area mid length hair messy across your face, Adrian flexes his fingers as the urge to touch you is very strong, but instead he grips onto his leg as you take a seat close to him on the couch.
Tucking your legs under your bottom you sit comfortably next to Adrian, despite the fact that he felt tense beside you, like at any moment he was going to run off and leave you here alone.
Despite it only being after eleven at night you felt wiped suddenly, alcohol had a way of doing this to you, plus you were enjoying your company and the silence because usually the pair of you bickered so intently.
What would Peacemaker think if he came back to you two sitting here? Of course he would have something sarcastic to say, but you felt safe here despite sitting next to the Vigilante right now.
Smothering a yawn when gunfire starts on the TV you sink down into the couch, your foot nudging Adrian who doesn’t move a muscle probably too invested in the film, but you couldn’t help but feel the need to cuddle into your teammate.
Adrian was warm and smelled of pine and candy, you could swear his body was leaning closer in your direction unless it was you in fact doing the same thing, unable to resist the heavy feeling in your head courtesy of a good night.
There was nothing else for it but to rest your head on one of Adrian’s wide shoulders, seconds later you do just that letting gravity win as you feel the softness of his long sleeve, not to mention hear the sharp intake of breath which makes you close your eyes and smile.
What was he supposed to do now?!
Adrian thinks to himself all the while he could smell the vanilla shampoo, you used in your hair and the warmth of your breath near his neck, as you lean closer into him your tank top brushing against bare skin which was driving him insane.
“Am I more comfortable than the couch?” Adrian questions in a low voice which makes you lift up your head, only a couple of inches but you nod back in agreement.
“Oh definitely-“
“But it’s too early to go to sleep yet!” Adrian interjects whilst moving from the couch, without telling you as you end up face first in the cushion which clearly wakes you back up.
“It’s been a long day so maybe I should-“
“You can’t go!” Adrian cries holding up both of his hands as if to stop you, despite the fact that you had only just sat back up to see the look of disappointment on his face.
“I’m tired-“
“Let’s put some music back on then!” Adrian practically shouts, at the same time that you find yourself nodding back in agreement.
Watching as he soon starts blasting out Mariah Carey whilst she sings about Christmas, the pair of you soon start singing along not knowing all of the words, but it’s enough to wake you up and make you want to stay a bit longer.
Laughing you soon stand up and join Adrian in some ridiculous dancing, pogoing like your lives depended on it not necessarily in time to the music either, but with Adrian watching you carefully the whole time.
“I will stay for a while longer!” You shout in a singsong voice, which makes Adrian fist pump the air happily.
“Awesome! Hey watch this sweet move real quick.” Adrian states breaking out into some poorly timed robot style moves, but then he speeds up and breaks out into the running man which makes you laugh.
“I cannot do that-“
“Look it’s super easy, hey I can go even faster!” Adrian explains with a shout over the music as he starts to run even faster, pulling an intense looking face until he decides to spin round quickly on the spot.
One minute he was upright dancing like a robot all for you, until his boot slipped on some tinsel which sends his feet in different directions, feeling himself fall almost as if in slow motion directly onto the coffee table but it happens within seconds.
“Oh fuck!” You practically shout when you watch Adrian smash the glass coffee table, falling on top of it which causes empty bottles and other various detritus, to come crashing at your feet.
“Ouch!!!” You hear Adrian cry out sharply as you bend down close to your teammate, calling out his name in a panic when you see him lying face down on the floor.
Helping Adrian sit up right you replace his glasses which have somehow survived, but there are now some small cuts on his face not to mention the death of the coffee table, but all you cared about right now was the guy in front of you.
“What happened?” You ask Adrian with alarm in your voice, when you notice he is holding his head in his hands cursing to himself ever so softly as you switch off the TV with the remote.
“Slid over on some stupid tinsel.” Adrian declares in a low voice, which has you placing a hand on one of his shoulders.
“It’s a good thing the butterflies never found out about tinsel then or we would’ve all be fucked.” You joke getting a small laugh from Adrian, who goes to stand up whilst simultaneously, brushing off your help at the same time.
Watching him fall forward and almost ending up on the floor again, you order Adrian to sit on the couch because he had hit his head pretty hard, which worries you as you go to your purse which always had a couple of medical supplies in there.
I’m fine!” Adrian declares batting your hands away, as you sit down on your knees in front of him, but then he notices the way that you were looking at him.
“Lucky you were here to save me.” Adrian smiles in a small voice, causing you to look up into his green mischievous eyes.
“Well, Peacemaker did mention about keeping you from getting hurt yet here we are!” You joke back, switching on your pen light at the same time flashing it swiftly into Adrian’s eyes.
“He’s going to be so pissed about his coffee table-“
“Does your head hurt?” You ask Adrian cutting him off because you were starting to get worried, seeing how he wouldn’t keep his eye’s open and he was rocking on the spot unable to keep still.
“Yeah but it’s nothing that a little nap won’t fix!” Adrian declares with a yawn, as he proceeds to go lay down on the couch but you stop him.
“Nope, you can’t lay down!” You inform Adrian helping him back up, as he scoffs back in annoyance.
“Why not?” Adrian questions back adding “All I need is like half an hour of sleep and then I will be fine!”
“I’m worried that you have a concussion-“
“I’ve hit my head many times on missions, but fuck I’ve met my match with a stupid coffee table!” Adrian snorts loudly then scowling at the tree lights, when he glances that way he shields his eyes with his hands.
“We’ve both been drinking so I think you should go and see someone to check, also get cleaned up-“
“Waste of time!” Adrian laughs as he explains to you “I’m fine but I definitely need to tidy up though before Chris comes back.”
“Let me go grab a broom.” You inform Adrian rushing out to the kitchen areas, spotting what you were after leaning against a wall ready to be used.
It’s when you spy Adrian asleep that you rush over to him, dropping the broom with a clatter as you try to wake up your teammate, but he is either a heavy sleeper or he’s passed out.
“Wake up!” You shout at Adrian wishing that you hadn’t pushed to drink so much, this was all your fault maybe you should’ve left sooner but what if he had hurt himself another way.
There is nothing else to do but call Chris he could meet you at the medical centre, where you planned to take Adrian, sure you had been drinking as well but you just wanted him to be safe.
Sure Adrian had met fates much worse whilst on missions and such, but currently he was very groggy and kept closing his green eyes, causing you to shake him until he opened them back up again.
“You look so pretty-“
“I’ve looked this way all night.” You cut Adrian off with a weak laugh.
“That’s what I mean, you are so kind plus you kiss really well, and I think we should do it again!” Adrian deplores with a cute pout his eyes thankfully open, but wide with something akin to longing framing them perfectly.
“You really are delirious Adrian!” You begin with an embarrassed laugh adding “I don’t think you should be doing anything energetic right now.”
“But us making out would totally make me feel better!” Adrian whines back in a silky voice.
“Let’s focus on getting you checked out-“
“Just check me out here instead!” Adrian states in cocky voice and a wiggle of his eyebrows, which makes you smile despite the situation.
There was only one place that you could take Adrian the local healthcare centre, the one that at least half of the team ended up in after fighting it out with butterflies, the staff were used to seeing them crashing through their doors at all hours so it would be fine…wouldn’t it?
Now this was what Chris had envisioned after receiving a message from Lita, the blonde who was currently dirty dancing with him against the bar, having ditched her ex Jonah he now had the sexy woman all to herself.
Enjoying the feeling of her ass brushing against the front of his jeans, this was more like it his mood had since improved, clutching a large hand against the blonde’s curves as she rewards him with a sexy look.
The bar was packed but all he cared about was Lita, until the blonde stops gyrating to check her phone, which quickly puts Chris out so in return he does the exact same pausing for a moment when he notices several missed calls.
Having asked, well mostly bullied Economos into taking Eagly home he had also trusted the dude with his car, so tonight better go somewhere and quick because otherwise Chris would be finishing his date alone with his right hand.
That idea was shelved as a last resort because Chris hoped that Lita would take him home with her, no way was he taking her back to his place where you and Adrian were up to fuck knows what…
Chris groans when he notices that you have been calling him missing five calls, which of course meant that something was wrong but then he looks up to spy Lita, giggling happily at her phone screen whilst loud Christmas music muffled his thoughts.
Choosing to ignore the calls Chris decides that they would both be ok, it was probably the nurse getting pissed at something Adrian said, the pair of them definitely had some things to work through but he couldn’t care less right now.
“Come here, sexy.” Chris calls out to Lita who finally looks up from her screen, a grin smothering her lips like she was up to something.
“I’ve got a surprise for you.” Lita states with a wink making Chris smile back, now this was exactly what he needed, to get the hell out of this bar and tryout some new moves.
“Show me-“
“Not yet!” Lita shouts over the music with a laugh, but then she resumes to checking her phone making Chris want to grab it and throw it far away.
This was supposed to be in the bag, a literal meet and fuck situation, but maybe by allowing Lita to call it a date things had got lost in translation, even though he had the patriotic blue balls to prove it.
It was official he was desperate, and short of dragging Lita off to a nearby alleyway he would have to continue playing the waiting game, at least no one he knew was here to see him practically becoming a simp.
Hearing his phone chime Chris picks it up off the bar to see that Economos, had sent him an update of his eagle the one who was sitting on a kitchen counter, whilst he could see half of his teammates face both of them looked happy.
Smiling to himself Chris then freezes when he spots a gorgeous redhead, over at the pool tables wearing denim pants, ones that looked like she had been poured into making him lick his lips in delight.
There was no harm in approaching the hot redhead especially when Lita was now taking a call, standing with her back facing Chris,he could just go and introduce himself real quick cos maybe this was her lucky night.
Lita was now ignoring him waving a hand above her head as she spoke, so Chris had to look after himself and getting a back up, was pretty much self care at this point cos he was desperate to hook up with someone.
Sitting down on the floor beside Adrian who was still on the couch, you watch him with one eye whilst the other is on the Lyft app waiting impatiently for your car, looking fully at your teammate when you hear him muttering to himself.
“Can’t we stay here and have some fun-“
You arch an eyebrow as you can’t make out what else he says, clearly having a dream conversation with someone, whilst you were unsure on the plan of getting Adrian from the couch to the car that was supposedly four minutes away.
“I want you so bad it hurts-“
Biting your lip playfully you briefly find yourself imagining that Adrian was in fact saying this to you, not randomly shouting out things deliriously to someone else entirely, clearly he had caught his head quite hard.
“Hey! Why are you dressed?” Adrian questions in a muffled voice his eyes opening, quickly followed by a yawn as he stretches his arms above his head.
“What? I’ve been dressed all night-“
“Oh! I must have been dreaming!” Adrian declares without an ounce of embarrassment on his part, as he winks back at you with a cheeky grin on his face.
“About little old me?” You question back playfully, whilst Adrian nods like it’s a no brainer.
“I’ve had a lot of dreams and thoughts about you nurse it’s insane!” Adrian laughs at the very idea whilst you roll your eyes, trying to ignore the fact how happy that statement made you.
“Well that’s interesting!” You nod back awkwardly, wondering how tonight took this turn but at least Adrian was now awake.
“If only you knew how much-
Adrian is cut off when a loud horn announces itself and you stand up, it was the Lyft car here to take you both to the health centre, despite the fact that your teammate seemed ok but you still wanted him to be checked out.
“Do I really have to go?” Adrian questions with a groan adding with a sigh “I hate going to see anyone else but you!”
“That’s sweet but I’ve been drinking too, and you did pass out-“
“I was having a nap!” Adrian cuts you off with a snort.
“Please do this for me.” You look up at Adrian as he stands directly in front of you, his eyes softening as he catches the pouty look on your face.
“Fine, I will do it just for you!” Adrian states with a nod but not without adding “I’m glad you care about me enough to do this.”
“Oh, Adrian!” You sigh seconds away from enveloping him in a hug, but instead your phone starts to ring it was the Lyft driver ruining a possibly cute moment.
“Let’s go.” Adrian nods as you both leave the trailer, slamming the door hard because the last thing you needed was someone breaking into the place.
Sitting close to you in the car, Adrian knew he felt fine now courtesy of a short nap including dreams about a certain nurse, glancing left to spot the woman in question staring into space.
It was both so kind and damn right baller that you had been there for him, yet again injured through no fault of his own this time, but he knew that he wouldn’t want anyone else to be here than you.
Of course this was a wasted journey because Adrian knew his body, but if you were adamant that he should get checked out then off he would go, hell he would go and jump off the HQ roof if you told him to because he was obsessed despite what he had told Chris previously.
Lost in his own thoughts rather than talking where there were silence between you, Adrian has to nudge you when the car stops outside the health centre, his worst nightmare but he would suck it up with you by his side.
“We’re here.” You announce looking beside you at Adrian who nods back with a small smile.
Exiting the car you head through the large sliding doors straight into reception, which was busy for the holiday season with burned limbs from cooking the Christmas Turkey, to a guy dressed up as an elf complete with green tights currently holding onto an inflatable Santa whilst yelling.
“Happy fucking holidays!” You mutter to yourself, despite it being your idea to come here in the first place.
Reaching the desk you recognise several of the staff on tonight, no one you were truly friends with, so grabbing some forms and a pen you follow Adrian to a set of free seats round the corner.
“I wonder what the hell was up with that Elf guy?” Adrian asks out loud, causing a couple of people to look up and glare at him.
“I have no idea.” You shrug back handing Adrian the forms whilst adding “Just fill these out and I will go grab us a coffee.”
“All I have is a headache-“
“Don’t make me beg for you to go see someone.” You cut off Adrian whilst folding your arms in your coat, trying to look menacing but it wasn’t working.
“I would like to see you beg-
“Please!” You cry in a soft voice that makes Adrian look up from the forms, so you pout your lips and try to look as cute as possible.
“Are you ok? You look constipated.” Adrian questions which makes you tut back at him, but then you go off in search of coffee.
Hopefully you wouldn’t be too long here, but going by the sheer volume of people you weren’t holding out much luck, unless you could spot a familiar face someone who would do you a festive solid.
Damn tinsel ruining what you would easily remember as a good evening, knowing for a fact that hearing the Mariah Carey song again will obviously make you think of Adrian, when in fact an awful lot of stuff already reminded you of the guy who was never too far from your thoughts.
Reaching the ancient coffee machine you hit the black coffee button three times in succession, before it actually starts working making sure to add lots of sugar and cheap creamer in one for Adrian, because that was exactly how he liked it.
Eventually with drinks in hand you make your way back past reception, into the waiting area where you spot Adrian talking to the guy dressed as an elf, who looked glad to have your teammate by his side.
“So, what’s going on here?” You ask Adrian whilst ignoring the bemused look from the elf guy.
“This guy won’t tell me what the hell happened to him-“
“Let’s just go back over here.” You announce trying to get Adrian away, but it’s no use because he hadn’t finished questioning the guy beside him.
“So, bro what happened-“
“I can’t answer that!” The guy cuts off Adrian with an exasperated voice but then glancing in your direction adds “But what’s happening here with you two then ?”
“Let’s go-“
“Oh, we are just work friends why do you ask?” Adrian questions whilst readjusting his glasses, which makes him look adorable at the same time.
“I specialise in tarot readings and aura’s and I can totally see that you are hot on her!” The guy claps his hands together excitedly as he explains “Your aura missy is very warm and dare I say it rated eighteen at the very least!”
“How can you see my aura-“
“Don’t interrupt!” Adrian cuts you off as he listens to the elf, with a mixture of glee and insanity written across his face.
To say you were surprised that Adrian cared about tarot and aura’s wouldn’t cut it, you knew he liked blowing shit up of course but leaving things to fate and horoscope charts, nope that definitely wasn’t on your bingo card this year.
Silently handing him his coffee you take back the forms that Adrian had filled in, talking to the receptionist as you asked who was working here tonight, not getting much out of her as she heads off for more doughnuts instead.
This was it then a waiting game that you had put yourself in, whilst Adrian sat and chatted with the elf guy making you want to snap a quick pic of the moment, but you leave them to it instead thinking up another plan to get this over and done with quicker.
Because the lack of food was making you grumpy, and the amount of alcohol you had consumed was making you feel shaky, not to mention feeling a whole abundance of new things for Adrian which wasn’t very shocking to say the least.
Having approached the redhead twice already but being ignored completely, Chris only had it in him to try once more and then he would just call it a night, seeing how Lita was acting funny which meant he was soon gonna be out of luck.
This was not how tonight was supposed to go it had all been planned out in his head, and now he was playing catch up on wasted time, hoping that this time the hot redhead would notice him.
Glancing once more at Lita who had glowy cheeks and a sexy grin on her face, but this was addressed to her phone screen not Chris, because she had been blatantly ignoring him in favour of the stupid handheld device.
Finishing his beer Chris stands up and proceeds to belch loudly, just like the dude that he was ready to go and rock that redheads world, over and over until she was screaming out his name…what a thought.
There she was all alone just waiting for Chris to finally approach her, plastering his most winning smile on his face he stops in front of the hottie, who was leaning sexily against one of the pool tables.
“Hey there-“
“Not interested.” The redhead stated with a scoff aimed directly at Chris.
“Can’t I just say hi?” Questions Chris with a sexy grin.
“You just did-“
“Well now it’s your turn.” Chris presses taking in the redheads blue eyes and pouty lips.
“Let’s just cut all this bullshit and skip to the part where you tell me what you want!”The redhead demands in a bored voice that Chris didn’t appreciate right now.
“Well I was flirting-“
“Pretty badly dude, so you should just try again.” Redhead winks back with a teasing grin playing on across her mouth.
“How many chances do I get? I think you should tell me your little name first.” Chris replies with a laugh.
“My little name is Mia and you’re on thin ice already Peacemaker.” Mia retorts whilst brushing some red hair away from her face.
“So you already know who I am Mia I did suspect, when I saw you looking over at me earlier did you like what you saw?” Chris questions innocently whilst flexing his muscles in the redheads direction.
“I did, until I realised it was the great Peacemaker and my panties untwisted themselves.” Mia replies with a shrug whilst stepping away from the pool table.
“Well luckily for you tonight I am just Chris Smith and I’m here to rock-“
“Who the fuck is she?!” Cuts in Lita practically screaming at Chris, who glances from the nonplussed redhead back to his fuming date.
“I’m not interested-“
“Was I fucking talking to you bitch?!” Lita retorts back cutting off Mia sharply.
“Let’s just calm down everyone.” Chris holds up his large hands up but Lita bats them away angrily.
“I thought we were going to fuck?!” Lita demands whilst Chris clocks the look on Mia’s face in front of him.
“Sure thing-“
“Only I don’t really think that you truly deserve me.” Lita states with a flick of her blonde hair.
“Yes I do! Because I could easily worship you all night long-“
“Oh please!” Mia gags making her escapes which distracts Chris enough, because that was a pretty hot missed chance, one that he would save in his head for future jerk off sessions.
“Would you do anything for me?” Lita asks him whilst batting her eyes and licking her bottom lip.
“Yes, I’ve been hard most of-“
“Wait for me outside of the bar, and you will get your wish I’m pretty good at working with hard things.” Lita explains with a quick wink and a wiggle of her ass, walking away from Chris who was practically drooling at this point.
Hoping that she would hurry up Chris now stood impatiently outside, wishing that he had worn a jacket or something but knew that whatever Lita had planned, it would soon help to warm him up and make him forget.
Seeing that this is what he wanted all along, heading back to a large bed with Lita whilst maybe also picturing the redhead, because he was a hot blooded guy and incredibly weak around sexy women…were they his Kryptonite?
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