#that said. definitely about to go sink 6 more hours into that game
emblemxeno · 5 months
Xenoblade 1 DE Main Story/Game Thoughts
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Finished the main story! I didn't go full completion but I got full affinity for all areas and saw every Heart-to-Heart. More detailed thoughts-including spoilers-under the cut!
-For starters, DE is a great update to the original. Many QoL improvements trims the extra menu time down a lot (inventory management, art books, equipment/gems, etc.), especially swapping gems. Also hell yes to including the appearance feature from X, as someone who prefers the default outfits for everyone!
-Same applies to battle stuff and general gameplay. Quest tracking, gauges on things like Break and Topple, clearer status effects, chance arts being highlighted, even something as small as the scroll between Talent Arts/Running/Chain Attacks being more streamlined had many great returns on me not pressing the wrong thing.
-However... why did they not just go all the way with more changes? The two big ones that come to mind are trading and Colony 6 collecting. First, why can you not bulk trade? It is such a time sink having to constantly open the menu again and again. And since trading and skip travelling share a button, I clocked probably over a hundred instances of opening the damn map menu instead of trading since there's a second of cooldown before the option appears for the NPC again! It's an annoyance that is easily ignored once or twice, but absolutely brutal after the tenth time.
-Jumping ahead a bit, but I speak not just criticizing DE but XC1 as a whole. It's probably an unpopular opinion but I don't like the ongoing Colony 6 reconstruction sidequest. The first time I completed it-about half a decade ago I think-was magical! Seeing a ruined home blossom into a lively city due to my hard work was something I'll never forget as an RPG fan. But I don't have that kind of time on my hands anymore (or I simply have better management of time now that I don't stay up til 4 am playing video games anymore lol). Exploring Bionis and Mechonis is an undeniably wondrous and beautiful experience, but only when doing normal quests (well most of the normal quests) and progressing the story. Jogging around places trying to find each item is incredibly unfun and tedious. The big offenders are typically Ice Cabbages (luckily I got all the ones I need by playing through the Valak portion of the story), Rainbow Slugs (I spent an entire hour on the Fallen Arm ugh), and the Black Liver Beans. The last one was the breaking point, I can't stand the Bionis Interior and after an hour in there just trying to find one, I said fuck it and did the Time Attack trials to get them that way. It was just not... good! I don't like it a bit.
-Last thing on DE specifically, I found that the graphics are apparently controversial among fans? I'm understanding of the position, as there's definitely a charm that the original artstyle had, especially being on the Wii. But to me the original has more issues in its visuals than just being a different artstyle. Poor resolution, blocky models, souless faces when not in an important cutscene, absolutely diabolical pop-in. And some say that the original gave its characters more personality during cutscenes, which... I don't get whatsoever. Did we watch the same scenes, cuz it's very hard to distinguish emotion in the original, whereas DE has better mouth, eyebrow, and facial movements. Certain scenes may "look" more emotional in the original, but things get exaggerated all the time to compensate for poor resolution or graphics.
-Now on to the just XC1 in general! Holy fuck the main cast is better than I remember. Shulk, Fiora, and Melia were already my favorites, but honestly... Dunban is probably my absolute favorite out of all of them now. His story is just so succinct and he's just so cool and hot and kind and just ughhhhhh!
-Egil is still best villain in the game, no surprise. Revisiting this game honestly made it really fucking clear why I loved Dimitri from 3H so much cuz the two are so similar (to the point where you can pull line's from the game about Egil and put them in 3H). The others fair less well. Metal Face/Mumkhar is delightfully hammy and an amazing threat for the first half of the game, but is as deep as a puddle. Dickson and Lorithia I found I dislike even more, for the wrong reasons; they lack charisma, and it's noticeable in places where the game gets really anime in its hammy villainy, but they're written and played a bit too straight for it to come off as anything other than lackluster. Though at least Dickson has presence as Shulk's caretaker and the guy who everyone knows and respects; Lorithia though? Throw her away. Honestly if Yumea took her place and retained the bigotry against Homs it'd be much more entertaining IMO.
-Zanza himself is a definitive mixed bag. Were I ignorant to Klaus' entire story from XC2, I'd honestly write him off as a by-the-numbers arrogant (but secretly imperfect and prone to "human" folly) god figure that happens in many, many RPGS. But I can't dislike him because I do know the entire story, and Zanza being an utter dickwad is explained in great detail and makes sense. Honestly, he does work for the story that XC1 is telling without playing XC2 as well, but ehhh. I guess it's just really difficult to be the main villain after Egil does such great things in a limited time.
-Narrative is great, just as it was the first time I played. Highlights for me:
Singlemindedly fighting for revenge is destructive not just to your enemies, but to yourself and your friends. Ignorance and unwillingness to look beyond your own world or history means you may be hurting innocent people without realizing it. Chaining your life to the deaths of others rather than supporting the survivors is unhealthy and can lead you down a path of misery and disaster.
Ether is not just analogy for carbon/other base elements in our world. Philosophically it's analogous to light and fate as well. Shulk unlocks the Monado's powers when he stops treating it as a tool with functions, but rather as an extension of his will. He wills his wishes into his heart, and they are made manifest. He protects Reyn with Shield not cuz the Monado lets him, but because he desired it. Same with Sharla and Speed, and it's how Alvis taught him to unlock Purge. It's how he resists Apocrypha, and later gains Cyclone once the Apocrypha is destroyed. His will is so strong, it becomes resistant to Zanza's influence, hence why he starts suffering the more he learns of Mechonis' history. The truth being brought to light is painful internally and externally, as Zanza physically rejects anything that challenges how he sees the world. Shulk brings himself back to life, begins having visions without Zanza, and gains his own Monado-which looks purely made of ether and light-through pure willpower and the desire to create his own future.
Shulk's duality and inner turmoil when he realizes his yearning for revenge is destructive; Fiora's endless strength of heart when dealing with a machine body and carrying on Meyneth's wishes; Melia going through hell and back trying to find a balance between her sense of self and sense of duty (I imagine Future Connected is gonna touch on that more as well); Dunban grappling with his moniker of being a hero and mentoring the party despite being imperfect and lamenting his disability; Reyn's goal of being a protector developing into being a supporter once he becomes insecure over his strength and character compared to Shulk; Sharla trying to keep hold onto a sense of hope that her love is alive before coming to terms with the fact that she needs to cherish her life and love those within it; Riki just being the fucking best dad and friend in the world.
Having played XC2 and XC3 makes all these things even richer as well.
-Last but not least, gameplay:
-Most quests are good. Most. The generic quests weren't ever fun for me, and they cause significant bloat that could've been trimmed IMO. Especially since lots of quests ask you to kill monsters and collect items anyway.
-The method to get quests started though? Awful. I know that things like Community in Torna and Field Skills in XC2 are hated, but man I can't stand having to change the clock and track the damn NPCs in XC1. Especially since there are many areas separated between towns/villages and "wild" areas (Colony 6 and Bionis Leg, Frontier Village and Makna, Alcamoth and Eryth + Valak), it just makes things so drawn out. Going back and forth, changing time and all that, is a sour point on this game.
-Like I said a few weeks ago, the Xenoblade series as a whole is unmatched in gameplay story telling. Beautiful and large environments make curious exploration a treat, especially as you start getting pieces to puzzles that can get completed later. I payed a lot more attention to the High Entia and Giant related sidequests due to the fascinating lore, for example.
-The fights are great, if a bit centralizing. Shulk, due to Monado arts, is the best character to have in the party and is sorely missed when switched out. I have pretty standard opinions on the rest of the characters, so no need to speak on each individually. I will say though, holy fuck is the AI just as bad as I remember. Shulk wastes his Monado gauge, Sharla is terrible at using arts and always puts herself into cooldown, and Melia for the love of god, stop firing elementals as soon as you summon them you're made of tissue.
Topple locking is deffo the prime strategy, cuz there were fights I wouldn't otherwise have won were it not for it, and thankfully Reyn and Dunban have pretty good AI.
Two major gripes though. Spikes are a terrible mechanic, gross. Second, I hate that the enemy tags affect accuracy, it makes certain quests extremely brutal to complete without grinding. And I just hate having to fight tough/overlevelled enemies as a whole, it becomes routine and simple after a while.
As a whole, I like the gameplay still, but it feels very restrictive going back to it after seeing all the crazy tricks I could do in 2 and 3. And also auto-attack arts > timer arts forever and ever.
-Overall a very great experience getting to replay this game like this. Though more rough points than I remember, and with certain things that have not aged well whatsoever , XC1 is still a good game that I'm glad introduced me to this series. I'm taking a break before playing Future Connected.
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television-bodies · 11 months
fic writer tag game
thank you for the tag @palmviolet ! love things like this. blessings upon you and all your sheep
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
five! my ao3 account is but a baby
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
63k. in approximately ten days this is going to jump by ~15k so perhaps i should have waited to do this tag but alas. impatience
3. What fandoms do you write for?
currently only les mis. so many themes to explore... so many characters to sink my teeth into... so many dynamics to look at and so many situations into which i can drop people...
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
i mean. this is going to be all of my fics but here's the ranking
visiting hours
restoring the balance
tech week
the two sides of monsieur valentine (the perils of rarepairs)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
yes!!! i love comments. fuel. life blood
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
well. there's a major character death marinating in my drafts, yet to be unleashed
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
currently all of them have pretty happy endings, which is something i'm sort of trying to change because i'm starting to get a little bored of writing that all the time. sorry. scared of getting myself into a funk! all things considered though, it's probably tech week. those final lines were in my head from the very start of the fic, and with the whole christmas vibe... yeah. that one, i think
8. Do you get hate on fics?
not so far! hoping that will not change!
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
not as of yet and i can't see myself doing so if i'm honest but i'm also a big believer in never saying never because i don't know who i am (or more importantly, who i will be). so. not at the moment. but in ten years maybe i'll look back at this and laugh. you know
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
again, not as of yet! not a full crossover, with characters from each thing intersecting, anyway. i've got some AUs for les mis that are specific to other interests, but nothing closer than that.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
i don't think so.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
i don't see many fics in the les mis fandom getting translated at all anymore! the fandom is so lovely but it's definitely quieter than it has been in the past, so it doesn't surprise me. i'd love for it to happen, but no, not yet.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
nooo. i like the idea of it, if there was someone i think i worked well enough with -- but i don't know anybody over here well enough for that yet, i don't think. i am currently bad at messaging people/interacting on any level deeper than reblogging posts or commenting on their fics, which is really something i should work on. open to the possibility though!
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
enjolras and grantaire, oh my god. living in my brain for goddamn YEARS now. years upon years. with that said, i do have certain Feelings about them -- maybe i'll go more into detail with this someday on some other post but really i think that the way they're done in canon is kind of perfect, which is why i don't write canon era fic for them. there's nothing i can do to that that would make it worthwhile, to me. but putting them in different time periods or situations? ohhh yeah
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
i've got bits and pieces of a les mis AU for the BBC series race across the world which i am still sort of attached to but can't see myself doing anymore, purely because writing the logistical parts of how the race etc functions in that show was boring me, and i don't want to be bored by something that i'm doing for my enjoyment. but maybe i'll do a post at some point laying out the main plot points if anybody's interested because i do still like the concept
16. What are your writing strengths?
probably still nailing this down, if i'm honest. i like descriptions.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
i always think i'm not great at dialogue, but i've been told the opposite, so who knows! i think my issue with it comes more from wondering where the conversation should go/what should go in the middle of two points i want the characters to make, rather than making it sound realistic. i think i'm fairly good on the realism front.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
occasionally i'll make characters say the odd phrase in another language, but nothing more than that. i'm not fluent in any language other than english, so unless it's something i'm sure of in spanish i think i'd just be worrying if the translation is correct, which isn't worth it to me (and there isn't much use for spanish in what i'm currently writing lmao)
19. First fandom you wrote for?
fanfiction dot net days are ones we do not talk about... a haze in my mind... banished to the darkness... but i actually do know the answer to this -- it was dracula, for some fucking reason. (i know the reason. but i'm not sharing)
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
i'm quite fond of suckerpunch, just because i think it's sort of speedrunning my personal exr manifesto, but i don't know! seriously no answer to this! taking that as a good sign: maybe my favourite is yet to come.
no pressure tags go to @pumpkinspice-prouvaire @sereendy @shamedumpster and anybody else who wishes to do it!
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monotetratri · 8 months
A Rare Valentine’s Day
February 13, 2024
The day before Valentine’s.
It was a normal day for me. For us.
I didn’t slept the whole night for the nth time and as days go by, I noticed that I am starting not to be bothered by it at all — definitely not a healthy habit, I guess. To be productive, I started cooking something for breakfast. As usual, I’m not that great of a cook but thru continuous effort and by pouring all of my heart to it, I can say that I have been managing to make dishes with decent quality. I hope so. After preparing the food, I made him a coffee.
At 7:30 AM, I brought the food and coffee to his work station. Oh, and before I forget to mention, he works remotely. As usual, he said ‘Thank you, Babi.’ while smiling. He smiled with his eyes that was full of appreciation and gratefulness. It warms my heart heart to think that I am doing this almost everyday and he never fails to make me feel appreciated.
At around 12 NN, I started to feel sleepy. He entered our bedroom and started to rub my back to help me fall asleep. Yup, he does that, even for an hour. Few minutes later, his phone rang and he answered. From what I heard, it was a delivery. The next thing I knew, I had already dozed off.
I woke up around 6 or 7 in the evening and went straight to the bathroom to pee. While I was washing my hands, I noticed something unusual inside our washing machine which is located beside the sink. I flipped the cover open and to my surprise, it was a bouquet of preserved flowers — what a beautiful sight to behold. It made me giggle like a toddler who received something he wished for, I kid you not. For context, he rarely gives me flowers or do any kind of romantic stuff. To help him not to ruin his mini surprise, I closed the washing machine cover again and decided to open it at 12 MN.
February 14, 2024
At 12 MN, we were both still awake, as we often spend time together doing our own things side by side—he plays DOTA 2, and I play The Sims 4. Pausing for a moment, I asked him when his game would end. He replied that I would have to wait for about 10 minutes. I nodded and waited patiently. A few minutes later, I opened the washing machine, retrieved the bouquet, and walked towards our main door. 'Babi, tara! May gagawin tayo,' I said, inviting him. I escorted him out the door and handed him the bouquet. Closing the door, I immediately reopened it, and he understood my playful gesture, playing along. 'Oh, hindi pa ako nakatok,' he quipped. So, we did it once more, and I acted surprised again. We burst out laughing afterward. He then kissed me on the lips and said, 'Happy Valentine's Day! I love you.' Truly a magical moment.
It’s the little things, indeed.
Happy Valentine’s Day, y’all! Hope you get to experience something magical today as well. ❤️
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ragnars-tooth · 2 years
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[ID: Lucy is an older teenager with a ginger mullet. She sits at her laptop with a small green dragon. The dragon’s tail is plugged into the computer like a USB. Lucy says “Yess, #women in stem vibes”. End ID.]
Maybe I’ll re-edit this or upload it again with some more lucy doodles but i just really liked this one
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allywritesforfun · 3 years
hey i really enjoyed your nightly routine post with wilbur? i was wondering if you could do something similar but in the morning instead?
awe my love! I'm glad that you enjoyed the nightly the routine... here is the morning routine!
{Morning Routine} Wilbur Soot x Reader
summary: you and wilbur made a nightly routine video that blew up more than you have thought, so now its time to do a morning routine!
pronouns: not mentioned
word count: 2280
trigger warnings: swearing, mention of a knife for going chop chop, this was too cute for even me to handle and it came from my hands
a/n: my god is this long! I really got carried away. I could've made this into two parts but whatevs
a/n pt 2: takes place after the “Nightly Routines” but not directly connected 
regular masterlist
wilbur masterlist
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You deeply groaned as you fluttered your eyes open. This was not a great time to wake up. You really wanted another hour of sleep, but you knew you had work to get done today.
You looked behind you. You smiled at the sight of Wilbur in his sweet slumber, his arm lazily draped over your waist. Wilbur very much loved to be in bed with you. If he could, he would spend all day there, just you in his arms and some soft lofi in the background. 
That was something very rare to get. Being a streamer and musician, Wilbur was busy almost all the time and rarely took a day off. Mornings and nights were dedicated to you. However, there were times that you would stream with him, or stop by the office to give him food, but nothing was compared to waking up with him.
“Oh shit,” You whispered, “We’re supposed to do morning vlog today.”
You looked around for Wilbur’s camera, which was no where to be found. You settled on stretching over to nightstand and unplugging your phone. You looked back at Wilbur to make sure he was still sleeping. You could tell he was by the gentle raise and fall of his chest and subtle “Ah-woo”. You just knew that was the perfect way to start the vlog. You recored him for about ten seconds of him doing his ‘not really a snore but definitely something’ and giggled almost the whole way through.
You would think that after living with him for two months and the multiple sleepovers that you’ve had with him, that you would be used to it by now. But even today you still giggled just like you did when you first woke up with him. 
You snuck yourself out of bed and made your way to the kitchen. Once arrived you did the intro, “Good morning chat! It is currently about 6:30 in the morning, and as you realize, I am the only one awake. As you saw, Wilbur is still sound asleep and that how it is every morning. So we’re going to vlog our morning routine today, which I promise is way more interesting than the nightly routine vlog. So, Wilbur is literally the best person ever and deserves the world. And his world, besides me of course, is his morning coffee. So I’m going to use our Keurig to get his coffee started.” 
You stopped the recording and decided to get some of your creativity out. You weren’t musical like Wilbur and can't draw for shit, so videography was your way of being creative. You set your phone the in the corner and opened up the blind to let a little bit of light through. It still looked basic so you moved your plant to the background, which added the perfect look. You started brewing and hit record. 
While that was going, you measured out the creamer and syrup and grabbed your sippy cup for your chocolate milk. No judgement here. We all know chocolate milk tastes better in sippy cups. 
The brew came to a slow stop and you grabbed the camera, “Wasn't that a satisfactory angle chat? Now, I am more of an iced coffee person, so in the morning I have water or chocolate milk, and today is definitely a chocolate milk day.” You raised your cup to the camera and fake ‘clinked’ it, cutting the recording when it was closest to the camera. You finished up making Wilbur’s coffee and set it on the living room table. 
You looked at the time, 6:50 am, now was a good time to get Wilbur up. You always let his coffee sit out for a little bit, that way he could drink it the second that he woke up. You threw some napkins under your drinks and moved another plant over there. You wanted your place to look aesthetically pleasing, even if it was a little bit staged. You did a transition with your cup, this time now on the table.
“Okay chat, we all now mr. simpbur is a snuggler so we don't have breakfast in the kitchen, instead we share on the couch, that way we can get all of our snuggles in before he has to leave for the office. I have everything set up, normally I would prepare breakfast too, but I feel like cooking with Wilbur this morning. We’ll do this about once a week for some bonding time, so let's go get him up,” You decided to keep recording, just in case Wilbur woke up from your loss of presence. 
You creaked the door open, Wilbur was still asleep. He adjusted his body for that he was hugging a pillow, who you assumed was your replacement. You laid down next to him and just took a moment to admire him. It was moments like this that you forgot that you were internet personalities. This was you. This was Wilbur. Both of you living your life without needing to exaggerate yourself. This was Wilbur at his purest form. He was all relaxed, not even aware that he was being recorded.
You scooted closer to him and intertwined your legs with him. You brushed his bangs with the back of your hands and gently placed your lips on your forehead. He stirred a little bit, but not enough to wake him up. You took the pillow from him and wrapped your body around his, “Wilbur, my love, it's about seven, you need to get up.”
You could tell he woke up by him pulling you closer and burying his head only you neck. You gently massaged his head and twirled his curls between your fingers, “Come on Will, I got your coffee made already. We need to start breakfast.”
He shook his head and kissed your shoulder, “Mine.”
You laughed, “Yes Will, and ‘yours’ is hungry, let’s get up and eat.”
He slowly nodded and pulled you closer, “Mmmm... I love you.”
“I love you too, simpbur.”
He snapped his head up at the nickname and saw the camera, “Fuck-that’s today?”
You giggled and detached yourself from, “Say good morning to chat.”
He shook his head and buried it in his pillow out of embarrassment. You stop recording and put your phone on the stand. Just seeing Wilbur all flustered was enough to make you go back to bed. You laid back down with him and pulled him on top of you.
“We’re gonna have to re-record that part,” Wilbur mentioned.
You rubbed his cheek with your thumb, which he happily leaned into, “No bubs, we gotta keep it in. It was a very cute moment.”
He shook his head aggressively, “No! That was embarrassing!”
“Too bad, it’s on my phone so I get to chose what goes in.”
He huffed and grabbed your hand, accepting defeat, “You said you made my coffee?”
You two got up and sat down on the couch. Wilbur took you into his arms the second he took his first sip, his personal way of saying ‘thank you, you’re the best person to ever exist’. 
“What are you feeling for breakfast?” You asked.
“You,” Wilbur joked, kissing your temple. 
You gently pushed him, “No actually, I really want yogurt, so pick something that goes well with that.”
“Can we just make a fruit plate?”
You excitedly nodded, if it wasn't for Wilbur, you would not be eating healthy. He really made sure that you were going to live as long as he did. Neither of you could live without the other. If something crazy didn't happen to you, you were going to die from a broken heart.
Wilbur grabbed your phone and started recording, “So um, good morning chat, I’ve had some coffee and more awake now. What you just saw- no you fucking didn't. We’re on the sofa right now and we decided on a fruit plate with yogurt this morning, trying to be a little healthier considering we had ice cream at one am last night. So we’re gonna make that off camera, because if you guys get us to six million subs, we’ll do a cooking stream!”
“Oh we are now?” You questioned. “I was never told about this.”
Wilbur laughed and kissed your temple, “Well you know now, that's good enough innit?”
You shook your head and placed your hand over the camera, Wilbur stopped the recording. You go the fruit out while Wilbur prepared the sink for rinsing and knives for chopping. 
You made the plate look all nice and took it back to the couch. Wilbur placed his arm back over you and grabbed the remote with is free hand while you centered your phone.
“Okay chat, we’re gonna eat and watch tv for a bit, then you're gonna get ready with us. Wilbur has a test shoot at the office today, so we gotta make him look all pretty and obviously personal hygiene is a must... so yeah, brb.”
You two set up another game show to watch, it sorta became your go to show. Especially because there was no storyline and you could talk when you wanted. This was a pretty chill morning, you two enjoyed each other's presence. 
When you finished up, Wilbur took the dishes and you went to the bathroom and cleaned up a little bit. You heard Wilbur go into his closet, so you started recording, “Okay chat, last thing we do before he leaves is actually get ready. Wilbur is getting changed right now so I’m gonna brush my hair out. I can get a little aggressive with the snarls and Wilbur always thinks I'm ripping my hair out so I always do it when he's not around to make sure he doesn't get worried.”
You set the phone in the corner and set it up to record a time lapse. You heard off in distance some light pop type of music, so you knew that Wilbur got his speaker out.
“Are you playing copyrighted music?” You called.
“It’s released Lovejoy!”
You smiled, you always got giddy seeing how happy Wilbur was able to make himself with his own music. You set your brush down and started to wet your toothbrush, Wilbur slid into frame, already jamming out to his own music.
You covered your mouth with your hand stifled your laughter. Wilbur laughed with you and tugged on your waist, trying to get you to dance with him. You aggressively shook your head no, you hated dancing. You would think by now that you would be used to Wilbur and his random dance breaks, but you never came around. 
You looked down in shame as Wilbur attempted to get you to spin around. Once you made it clear that you were not in the mood to dance, Wilbur turned down the music and waddle over to the counter.
You grabbed the camera, “If someone wants a very tall British man, you can come get him. Warning: not fun dance outbreaks.”
“Oh come on now, y/n!” Wilbur wrapped his arms around your waist and placed his head on yours, “Stop pretending like you don't like to dance.” “You know I hate dancing,” You reminded him.
“Well chat, apparently I’m not allowed to have any fun in the morning? But anyway, that was a joke, but- we do really have to get ready. Should we do this Disney Channel style?”
You laughed and shook your head, “No, I think I just want to make sure you don't miss your meeting.”
“That’s at nine! We have time! Please let me have fun with you! It’s going to be such a stressful day!” He pouted with the cutest puppy dogs eyes.
There was no way that you could say no to him, “Alright, what fun we having?”
Wilbur said nothing and prepared his toothbrush like yours, “Last one to finish brushing their teeth has to do the dishes tonight.”
You hated dishes. You were winning this one. You didn't even wait for a countdown. You instantly grabbed your toothbrush and turned on the water with lightening speed. 
“What?!” Wilbur yelled. “That’s not fair!”
You did your best to bump him away, but it literally did nothing. Both of you were laughing very hard but Wilbur quickly caught up. You both fought with your hands, trying to cup a decent amount water. You both managed to get the water into your mouth and you turned to face Wilbur, it came down to who could rinse the fastest. You two just stared at each other, wishing the water around. You were dead serious. You were not doing the dishes tonight. Wilbur kept flaunting his hands around trying get himself to go faster, which ended up in him completely breaking out in laughter and spitting all over your face. It took you by surprise and all that you could you do was laugh to yourself, you eventually spit the water out in the sink, raising your hands in victory. 
“I am so sorry, love!” Wilbur took your hand and guided you into his arms, gently running his hand up and down your back, “I didn't think that would be that hilarious.” “It’s okay,” You laughed and looked back in the mirror. You were completely drenched shoulder up, “It was fun. Better to happen to me than you, you look really nice today for the shoot.” “Thank you,” Wilbur blushed and turned you around, “I think that is enough recording for today. All that we have left to do is leave so... thank you for watching! Subscribe now and remember, cooking stream at six mil! Bye guys!”
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the-bau-quinjet · 3 years
Plum Cobbler
Steve x Barnes!reader, Bucky x platonic!reader
Summary: What happens when Steve confronts the woman who's been sitting outside the compound every Saturday for a month?
Warnings: mentions parental death, some cursing
Word Count: 6315
a/n: This really took on a mind of its own. I was going to make it a series, but I feel like this is the whole story.
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Nervous didn't even begin to describe how you were feeling. Sitting in your car, just outside of the entrance gate to the Avenger's compound was never somewhere you thought you'd be. Not until two months ago, when you found your grandmas old scrapbooks.
Of course, you don't know how to get inside. Honestly, you should have seen this coming. Why would just anyone be able to walk up to their door?
"Who are you?" The sudden question startled you, causing you to jump and hit your head on the roof of your car. You turned to look at the source of the voice, shrinking under her watchful gaze.
The one and only Natasha Romanoff was standing outside your car, glaring at you as if she was ready to drop everything to take you out.
"Oh, um. My name is Y/N L/N. I just wanted to talk to Bucky..." Her glare only grew stronger as you revealed why you were there.
"Barnes doesn't talk to strangers." Before you could explain why, she was gone. You watched her walk into the compound until she wasn't in your view anymore.
"Well, that went horribly." You mumbled to yourself. Now what? Should you just sit there until someone else comes out? Will anyone come out?
"So who is she?" Clint asked as soon as Nat got back inside.
"Why is she here?" Sam added on.
"Said her name is Y/N L/N, and she wants to talk to Bucky." Nat rolled her eyes.
"Friday, run a background check on F/N L/N." Tony asked of the AI. "What? You can never be too careful, and people shouldn't know how to get here." He explained given the questioning looks from the rest of the group.
"Y/N L/N, 27, daughter of the deceased Kathleen and Grant L/N. She owns a bookstore in Brooklyn, passed down through her family. No criminal record." Friday responded quickly.
"Sounds normal enough, probably a fan?" Tony suggested, looking around the room.
"A persistent one. She's been here for hours." Steve looked out the window, still seeing your car just outside the gate. "How did she find the entrance?"
Everyone shared similar looks, unsure how a seemingly normal civilian found the gate.
"Excellent question, Capsicle. Friday, got any ideas?" Tony, as usual, turned to the AI for answers.
"Based on GPS data from her car, she drove around upstate New York for eight hours every Saturday for the last 6 weeks until she came across the side road leading to the compound."
"Either she's really good at looking normal, or she's just normal." Nat added on, still slightly suspicious.
"Well, she just left. I guess we're not getting any answers today." Steve said from his position still looking out the window.
You came back every Saturday for a month. You didn't know if anything would come of it, but you'd be damned if you didn't try. After your parent's deaths, you thought you had no family left. Finding out you were related to Bucky gave you a lifeline. Something to cling to when you felt alone.
So far, nobody else had come to talk to you. You didn't even know if Bucky knew you were there for him.
The fifth Saturday, you pulled your car up to the gate at 9 am, sticking to your makeshift schedule of waiting outside for the entire day. They had to at least be curious as to why you kept coming back.
Unfortunately for you, the weather upstate today was not the same as the weather in Brooklyn.
Around 10:30, it started to rain. Just a sprinkling, nothing you couldn't handle.
You listened to music, read, ate the lunch you packed, played games on your phone, anything to pass the time. You weren't going to force your way inside, but you were definitely going to show that you were interested.
Typically, you would leave at 5:30. It gave you enough time to drive home and heat up dinner, plus you had to check in on your cat.
Today, however, was a different story. Around 5:15, it started pouring. Sheets of water were coming down around you, completely cutting off any visibility through the windshield.
You figured you'd just wait out the rain, but when it didn't let up by 6, you were getting nervous.
"She's still here." Steve walked into the kitchen, announcing his news to the room.
"I'm not surprised. It's not exactly peak driving conditions out there." Sam easily responded, glancing out the window.
"Aren't you the least bit curious as to why?" Steve asked again, pushing the same conversation as always.
Nearly everyone in the room rolled their eyes, sick of repeating the same things.
"Look, we figured if we ignored her, she'd eventually stop. Clearly, that might not be working. If you're so curious, feel free to go ask her." Tony gave in, eager to move on from the discussion of you.
Steve contemplated his choices for all of 2 seconds before grabbing an umbrella and walking down the driveway.
You had your head leaned back against the headrest, eyes closed, listening to the rain. Of course you would get stuck here. Why didn't you ever check the weather?
You shrieked when a knock sounded on your passenger side window, not having expected anyone, especially in the rain.
Mr. America himself pointed to the door, gesturing for you to unlock it. You sat up quickly, rushing to hit the unlock button.
He quickly opened the door, shutting his umbrella and lowering himself into the small car.
You were utterly speechless. After your brief encounter with Natasha, you didn't really expect anyone to come talk to you.
Sure, you came back every week, but it was more so to fill the lonely hours you would have normally spent with your parents at the bookstore.
You had other employees to run the shop on Saturdays, allowing you to come here instead.
"Why are you here?" He sounded more curious than anything. Clearly he didn't perceive you as a threat, which was good because you had zero fighting experience.
"To talk to Bucky." Your voice was quiet, unsure how much you should share.
"I know that. Why?" He had fully turned in his seat to look at you, his large frame filling nearly the entire car.
"Well, I found something a few months ago that I thought he should know." You stuttered through your response, mildly intimidated by the man in front of you.
"And that something is?" He questioned further, genuinely curious as to what you want to tell his best friend.
You hesitated, eyes flitting around the car, looking at anything but him. He sighed and ran his hand through his hair before speaking again.
"Look, if you ever want to actually talk to him, you should tell me. Buck's been through hell, he won't just talk to anyone. Especially if he has no reason to."
During your conversation, the rain finally let up. You decided to take that as a sign.
"Can I show you something?" You finally looked him in the eye, nearly forgetting why you were even here at the sight of his bright blue eyes.
"Is it the reason you've been out here every Saturday for over a month?" He joked with you, helping to calm your nerves.
You nodded in response, unsure if you could even speak while still looking into his eyes.
"Then please."
You tore your eyes from his face, throwing the car into reverse and backing out of the spot you've claimed as your own. You turned around, heading back to your apartment in Brooklyn.
"Wha- where are we going?" He's clearly surprised by your actions, but he doesn't seem worried.
"I'm going to show you what I found, and hopefully you'll let me talk to Bucky." You paused for a minute, thinking. "Although, really I guess it should be his choice. Maybe you can just give him a message for me, and if he doesn't want to talk I'll leave you all alone."
The idea of never getting to know Bucky, you're only remaining family, hurts, but it's got to be his decision.
Steve just nods in response, still slightly wary of your reasons for wanting to talk to Bucky.
When you're a few minutes away from your apartment, you decide to give him some context.
"You probably already know a lot about me, but let me explain a few things." He silently nods, encouraging you to continue.
"My parents died three and a half months ago." You immediately felt like crying, but did your best to hold it in. Of course, Steve didn't miss the break in your voice. "It was a car accident. The weather was bad. They lost control of the car. They were both pronounced dead on the scene." You parked the car, turning slightly to look at him.
"They were the only family I've ever had, and the were both just gone." You turned and opened the car door, taking a moment to wipe the tears from your eyes. You gestured for him to follow you, locking the car and heading inside your apartment building.
"We were really close. I spent every Saturday at the bookstore with them." You wiped the tears again as the elevator doors closed.
You didn't chance looking at Steve, knowing you would break down at the look of pity.
"I had to go through the stuff at their house. You know, decide what to bring here, what to put in storage, what to get rid of. I found some old scrapbooks, I think from my great grandma."
You lead him into your apartment, locking the door and immediately heading to the kitchen to feed your cat. After you set down the food, you moved to the couch. You had the scrapbooks on the coffee table, having taken every opportunity to look through them.
"I never knew her. My parents didn't talk about her either, I'm not sure if they knew who she was. Her name was Rebecca." You waited a beat, to see if he would understand. When he remained quiet, you handed him one of the books, open to a page with a picture of Steve, Bucky, and Rebecca. "Rebecca Barnes."
You waited again, letting the information sink in for him. After a few minutes he smiled.
"I remember this day." He looked at you, a wide smile on his face. "It was a few days before Bucky was enrolled. We had a picnic." He continued to reminisce, looking through the other pictures in the scrapbook.
"Maybe it's selfish, maybe he won't want to know me, but when I found out I had more family, I wanted to find him." Again, tears pooled in your eyes. "I, I just don't want to be alone."
Steve's smile faltered as he realized what you've been going through, and how you've been doing it alone.
"Hey, I'm sure he'll want to talk to you." He reached out to place a hand on your arm, trying to comfort you.
"Really?" Your eyes were still watery, but a small smile grew on your face.
"I think so. Bucky was really close with his sister when we were young." This time, Steve's eyes grew watery, memories of his youth playing through his mind.
You couldn't take the sight of him being sad, so you pulled him into a hug. He came willingly, letting you bury your face in his chest. He lowered his head so it was overtop of yours, relishing in the comfort of your hug.
You pulled away a few minutes later, not wanting to overstep, but the feeling of his arms around your waist didn't let you go far.
"Thank you for coming out to my car." You laughed, trying to lighten the mood. His face was so close to yours, you could make out the individual shades of blue in his eyes.
"Thank you for sharing your story with me." He whispered back, not wanting to break the moment.
You're not sure how long you would've stayed like that, but a loud crack of thunder jolted you apart.
"What the-" You mumbled, walking over to the window to look outside. Steve followed close behind you, also curious about the weather.
It was now pouring, lightning and thunder cracking overhead.
"I guess the storm followed us to Brooklyn." He joked, rubbing the back of his neck.
"I guess so." You looked at the clock, taking in the late hour.
Steve must've followed your line of sight, because he spoke up. "It's getting late, I should probably go."
You immediately shook your head, your fear of travelling in bad weather shining through. "I can't let you leave when it's like this. It's not safe. You, um, you can stay here tonight. You can sleep in my room. I'll sleep on the couch." You grew more confident as you kept talking.
"I couldn't impose like that." Steve shook his head, not wanting to make you uncomfortable.
"Steve, it's not safe to travel when it's raining like that. I would never forgive myself if something happened to you." Your voice grew tighter, trying not to flashback to the day your parents died.
Steve seemed to realize why you were so worried about the weather, ultimately deciding to agree to stay so you wouldn't worry about him.
"Okay, okay. I'll stay here, but you sleep in your bed. I'll be fine on the couch." He refused your offer, not wanting to force you to spend a night on the couch.
"First of all, thank you. Second of all, you are sleeping in the bed. You're like two feet taller than me." You exaggerated your height difference, but you were trying to make a point. "You won't even be able to lay down on the couch. I take naps here all the time, it's super comfortable." You argued back, unwilling to allow Captain America himself sleep on your tiny ass couch.
"You know, I should've expected you to be this stubborn. You spent five weeks waiting outside the compound with no contact. Plus you're related to Bucky" He laughed to himself, slightly shaking his head. "Fine, I'll sleep in the bed."
You smiled victoriously, jumping up from the couch. "Yay! Do you need anything? I have spare toothbrushes under the sink, and I can probably find you some clothes to sleep in. There's some snacks in the kitchen if you get hungry. Oh! And Carrot might try to lay in the bed with you, but I'll try to keep her out here." You rambled, trying to make sure he was comfortable.
"Carrot?" He smiled at your rambling, finding it adorable.
"Yes! Carrot is my cat. She's a cuddler, so consider yourself warned." You paused, eyes growing wide. "You're not allergic to cats are you? I think there's probably cat fur all over my room."
He laughed again. "No, I don't think the super soldier serum left any room for allergies." He quipped.
You smacked a hand to your forehead. "Duh! Anyway, do you need anything?" You asked again, trying to calm your beating heart.
"Some clothes would be great, thank you." The way he smiled at you did nothing to soothe your nerves.
"Okay." You breathed out, finally taking a deep breath. "I'll go grab some, the bathroom is right here if you need it." You pointed it out on your way to your room. "I'm just gonna get changed real quick, and then I'll be back with your clothes."
He nodded again, watching as you turned and walked into what must be your room.
You quickly changed into a t-shirt and sleep shorts. It took a few minutes of searching through boxes, but eventually you found an old pair of pajama pants and a t-shirt for Steve to sleep in.
You made your way out of the bedroom, handing him the clothes.
"Here ya go. Like I said, there are extra toothbrushes under the sink in the bathroom, and don't hesitate to grab anything you need from the kitchen."
He eyed the clothes in his hands, wondering where they came from, but not wanting to ask.
Luckily for him, you could tell what he was wondering. "They were my dad's." A sad smile graced your face. "I- I sleep in them sometimes when I really wish I could talk to him."
"Thank you." Steve turned to go to bed, but changed his mind last minute. He set the clothes down on the couch, pulling you into another hug. "You know, I can tell your related to Buck. He always looks out for people too."
You blushed at the compliment, grateful he couldn't see your face. "Thank you, that really means a lot." You stayed like that until Steve pulled back to talk to you again.
"I can take you back to the compound tomorrow, if you want. Maybe introduce you to Bucky."
"Really?! You don't want to talk to him first? Or double check anything I told you?" You were shocked at how willing he was to introduce you to Bucky.
"I trust you. Plus, I think you should be the one to tell him." Steve didn't say it out loud, but he also thought you and Bucky would be good for each other.
Bucky had Steve to connect his past and present, but another person for him to rely on wouldn't hurt. And you clearly were looking for a family connection.
"I would love to. Thank you!" You hugged him again, although quicker this time. You jumped back, excited to collect everything you wanted to show him. "I have to find all the scrapbooks to show him!"
When you turned to start collecting things, Steve put a hand on your shoulder, essentially preventing you from moving.
"Why don't we get everything together in the morning? It's getting late and you should get some sleep." He understood how emotionally and physically draining it could be to relive a loss like yours.
"You're right. I should sleep." You tried to slow your mind down, but the prospect of meeting Bucky tomorrow filled you with a mix of excitement and nerves. You gathered your extra blankets and pillows, setting up a bed for yourself on the couch while he went into the bathroom.
You were snuggled in bed, ready to sleep when he came back out.
"Goodnight, Steve."
His heart contracted at how adorable you looked buried in blankets on the couch, but he did his best to ignore it. He'd only just met you after all.
"Goodnight, Y/N."
The next morning Steve woke up at 5, per usual. He didn't want to wake you up though, so, despite his natural tendencies to run 10 miles every Sunday morning, he stayed in bed.
That is, until he heard you shuffling around the apartment.
He poked his head out of the room first, trying to verify that you were indeed awake. When he saw you in the kitchen, he fully emerged intent on helping you with whatever you were doing.
"Good morning, you're an early riser?" His question was completely ignored. Granted you couldn't see him yet, but he didn't know why you would be ignoring him.
He made his way closer to you, tapping you on the shoulder to try and get you to interact with him.
You, in a mixture of surprise and fear, turned and threw an egg at him.
He looked at you in shock, while you stared in horror at what you had just done.
You took headphones out of your ears, explaining why you hadn't heard his question.
"Oh my god! I'm so sorry!" You reached toward him with a dish towel, trying to wipe the egg off his (your dad's) shirt. "You just surprised me! I can get you another shirt!"
"It's fine, don't worry-" You ran out of the room anyway, grabbing another shirt of your dad's from the box in your room.
He couldn't help but laugh, oddly relieved that you weren't ignoring him.
When you reentered the kitchen, a shirtless Steve Rogers was washing your dad's shirt in the sink. You froze, taking in the sight of the man before you.
When he turned back around, your eyes took on a mind of their own, soaking in his toned chest and arms. You cleared your throat, shaking yourself out of your stupor to hand him the other shirt.
"Thanks." He smirked, but still blushed slightly before he put it on, ringing out the other shirt before handing it to you. "I didn't want the egg to stick to it since it was your dads, so i rinsed it off..." he trailed off, unsure if it was the right thing to say.
"That's really sweet, thank you. Especially because it was my fault there was even egg on it in the first place." You laughed, trying not to blush with embarrassment.
"Don't worry about it, really. I shouldn't have snuck up on you." He laughed as well, clearing any lingering tension. He took a look around the kitchen, taking in just how much stuff you had out.
"What are you making?" He smiled when you blushed again.
"Oh, I was making plum cobbler... I just, I read online that Bucky likes plums, so I thought I would bring him a cobbler." You blushed again, embarrassed by the admission.
"He does." Steve smiled, completely enamoured with your personality. "Did you want some help?"
"Actually, the cobblers are in the oven already. I was going to make breakfast next, though, so you can help with that." You smiled, noting how easy it was to spend time with him.
"Cobblers? I know Bucky's a super soldier, but one would have been plenty." He joked with you, moving to help scramble some eggs.
"Well, yeah. One is for him, but then I thought the other Avengers might be there and I didn't want to not have enough so I made three."
"You're too cute." The words slipped out before he could even think about what he was saying.
You blushed again, a frequent occurrence it seems when you're with Steve.
You uttered a quick thanks, trying to change the subject. "Do you always get up this early?"
He chuckled again. "Yeah, typically I don't need much sleep. I usually run in the mornings, try to clear my head."
The two of you fell into easy conversation, moving around each other effortlessly to make eggs, sausage, toast, and smoothies for breakfast.
When you finished eating, you collected the scrapbooks Bucky might want to see. You added his mom's wedding ring, the one your mom wore as well, to the box.
"What's that?" Steve pointed to the box, unsure if his assumption was correct.
You pulled out two scrapbooks, pointing to the near identical pictures of Bucky's mom and your mom after having been proposed to.
"My mom always told me her engagement ring was a family heirloom. I think it was his mom's ring too. I thought he might like to have it. As something to remember her by, ya know?"
You got teary eyed again. Thinking about how much he must miss his family combined with how much you miss your own parents was too much to handle.
You finished gathering everything, putting it all in a box to make for easier transportation. You took the cobblers out of the oven, packing them as well.
With a deep breath, you followed Steve back out to your car, ready to talk to Bucky.
"Where the hell is Steve?" Bucky nearly stormed into the kitchen.
"Whoa, calm down tinman. What's up?" Sam replied casually, pouring cereal into a bowl.
"Where is Steve? I was supposed to run with him this morning, but he wasn't in his room when I went to find him. I don't even like running this early. I literally only do it because it's what he prefers."
Sam laughed, enjoying anything that annoys Bucky. "Dude, chill. He probably just forgot you were going with him."
Tony walked into the kitchen as well, trying to tune out the whines coming from Bucky, but failing.
"That's what I though, but he's always back by now." Bucky huffed, annoyed with Sam for laughing.
"Who?" Tony asked, now slightly intrigued.
"Steve. I haven't seen him since yesterday." Bucky replied as he angrily ate an apple.
"Really?" Tony sounded mildly concerned, immediately alerting Sam and confusing Bucky.
"You don't think?" Sam asked, ignoring Bucky for the time being.
"I don't know!" Tony looked bewildered. "Friday, where is Capsicle?"
"Captain Rogers left yesterday evening with Y/N L/N." The AI easily replied.
"Who?" Bucky questioned the room, never having learned your name.
"You know the woman who's been sitting outside every Saturday?" Bucky nodded to Sam, unsure why he was bringing it up. "Well, Steve went to ask her why she was here last night."
"Nat told me she was just some fan, wanted to see you all." Bucky furrowed his brow, thinking over the new information on Steve's wearabouts.
"Well, yeah that's what we thought. Look, she said she wanted to talk to you specifically." Sam explained, ignoring the pointed glare from Tony.
"What? Why didn't you tell me?" Bucky rose from his chair, annoyed at everyone now. "Now she's got Steve?"
"Relax, Steve can handle himself. She cleared her background check. We really don't have any reason to believe he's in danger." Tony's words were more to convince himself than anyone else. He's the one who said Cap should go check it out if he was so curious.
"Steve's too trusting. What if it was a trap?" Bucky questioned, glaring daggers at the other two men.
Before they could respond, Friday chimed in with more information.
"Captain Rogers just entered the elevator from the parking garage."
"See, he's fine." Tony glared back at Bucky, secretly relieved that Steve was fine.
Bucky just rolled his eyes before leaving, heading for the elevators to yell at Steve for ditching him this morning.
When the elevator doors opened, however, Steve was not alone.
"Hey, punk, why'd you ditch me- Oh. Who are you?" Bucky eyed you suspiciously, looking between you and Steve.
Before Bucky interrupted, Steve was trying to reassure you that everything would work out. He had a hand on your back, rubbing up and down to soothe your nerves.
His other arm was occupied by the box of scrapbooks, or else he probably would have hugged you again.
You were holding a large sheet pan, three pie dishes sitting on top.
Steve was blushing, a surefire sign Bucky had seen something he wasn't supposed to.
"Oh, um. Hi. My name is Y/N L/N." You froze, not thinking you would have to see him so soon. You could see the family resemblance between him, your great grandma, and your mom.
"The car girl." He nodded, trying to piece together the events of last night.
"Yep, that's me." You laughed nervously, unsure of what he already knew.
"Buck, do me a favor? Let us out of the elevator." Steve eyed him, mildly annoyed with the ambush.
Bucky moved to the side, allowing you and Steve to exit the elevator. You followed Steve down the hall to the kitchen, where you put the cobblers on the counter.
Sam and Tony were still there, eating various foods.
"Well, hello there." Tony greeted when he spotted you, intrigued by the development. He looked at Steve for an explanation.
"Y/N made plum cobbler." Steve said instead, moving his hand back to the small of your back.
Bucky's eyes lit up at the mention of plums, enough to momentarily distract him from Steve's actions.
"Oh, right!" You took a cobbler out of the dish, moving toward Bucky. "This one's for you, because I read that you liked plums." You handed him the dish, quickly moving back to the others. "I also made a peach and an apple for everyone else." You smiled at Tony and Sam, unknowingly leaning slightly into Steve.
"Why does he get a special cobbler?" Sam whined, eagerly reaching for the other dishes.
Suddenly, all eyes were on you. Well, except Sam's who were on the peach cobbler.
"Oh, um, well, I was hoping I could talk to you." You looked at Bucky nervously, unsure of how he would respond.
"Anyone who bakes me a plum cobbler can talk to me, Doll." Natasha chose that exact moment to enter the room.
"Who made plum cobbler?" She looked around the room, eyes narrowing in your direction. "How did you get in here?"
"I brought her." Steve smiled at you before walking over to Natasha. He whispered in her ear, just loud enough for her to hear, but nobody else. "She's not a threat to your relationship, trust me."
Nat nodded her head, trusting Steve, although not for the reasons he thought. She could clearly see the blonde's affinity for you.
"So, what did you want to talk about?" Bucky asked between bites of cobbler.
"It's really a private conversation." Steve answered for you, seeing how unsure of yourself you were.
"Then why do you know, punk?" Bucky countered.
"Well, I had to tell someone so I could finally talk to you. Steve's the one who asked." You smiled at Steve again, trying to convey how grateful you were with just a look.
Steve smiled back at you, while everyone in else just shared a knowing look.
Eventually, Steve cleared his throat. "Buck, can you just come with us?"
Bucky nodded, moving to follow Steve while still eating the cobbler. You followed the two of them as well, growing more nervous with each step.
Steve lead you to his room, placing the box of scrapbooks on the bed.
"Do you want me to stay?" Steve looked to you for an answer.
You took a deep breath, in all honestly you would love for him to stay, but you think you should probably just talk to Bucky first.
"No, that's okay. Come back in like, 30 minutes?" You scrunched up your face, unsure if 30 minutes was long enough, but knowing you would need the deadline if you were ever going to explain it all to Bucky.
Steve nodded, squeezing your shoulder as he passed you to leave the room.
"Um," you turned to Bucky, trying to think of where to start. "I don't know what you already know about me, but-"
"Nothing really. Except that you make a delicious plum cobbler." He smiled, helping to ease your nerves. Food really was the way to this man's heart.
"Oh, I guess I'll start where I started when I told Steve." You smiled at the mention of his name, unaware of your own actions. But Bucky noticed.
"My parents died a few months ago." Bucky's eyes went wide, trying to think of what this could have to do with him. "Um, it was a car accident. They both died on the scene." You took a deep breath, trying to push through the sad parts.
"I had to clean out their house, and I found some scrapbooks that lead me to you." You shifted closer to the bed, looking through the scrapbooks you brought.
You pulled out the one with the first picture you showed Steve, opening it and gesturing for Bucky to take it.
He set the cobbler on Steve's nightstand, cautiously reaching for the book. He looked at the picture for a long time before saying anything. And when he did talk, it was a whispered "Becca..."
He ran his fingers over the picture slowly, just staring. A few minutes later, he eagerly flipped the page. He spent a good 10 minutes just looking through all the books you handed him.
"Where did you get these?" He questioned, although not accusingly.
"I found them in my parents house. They were with a bunch of my grandma's stuff that she had from her mom." You wanted to ease him into it.
"So your great grandma..." He trailed off, disbelief clear across his face.
"Was Rebecca Barnes." You finished the sentence for him, nerves clear in your voice.
You weren't sure what to say next, so you waited for him to make the next move.
"So you're my... great-grand niece?" You nodded at his question, still unsure if he was happy with the news. "God, that makes me feel old."
You nearly cackled, surprised by the joke. He smiled when you laughed, glad to have cleared some of the tension.
"Why did you want to find me?" He questioned, the mood turning more serious again.
"Well, I was really close to my parents. They were the only family I had. When I found out you are family too, I just... I knew I needed to at least tell you." You shrugged at the end, unsure if you really answered his question.
"You wanted to tell me so badly that you sat outside the compound every Saturday for five weeks even after being ignored?" He was in shock that anyone would spend that much time and effort just to talk to him. You started panicking immediately.
"I'm so sorry if you didn't want to know! It was selfish of me to force this on you. I can go, if you want. You don't have to talk to me." You started questioning everything. You moved to put the books back in the box when he stopped you.
"Oh, um. I'm sorry, you can keep those. If you want!" Tears were threatening to fall down your cheeks when you remembered the ring. You froze with your hand in the box, not knowing if you'd want to part with it knowing you'd never see Bucky again.
"Y/N..." Something in the way he said your name made you look at him. "I- I'm glad you told me. Really glad. I, uh, I never thought I would have family, well besides Steve. You know what I mean." He ran a hand through his hair, and you noticed the tears in his eyes.
"I don't want you to go. It's just hard for me..." he paused, trying to figure out his emotions. "It's hard to believe that someone would care about me that much."
"Bucky, I don't know you." He frowned at your statement. "But, I would love to get to know you." You smiled at him, trying to be reassuring.
"I'm not so sure you would." His face was hard, staring at the ground.
"Bucky, you aren't a bad person. I mean, sure you've done bad things, but it wasn't your choice. You were forced to do those things. You can't let yourself be defined by them. You're here aren't you?"
"Here?" He questioned.
"Working with the Avengers, I mean. You go on missions to help save people. That's your choice. That's who you are. I would be honored to get to know that person."
You smiled, waiting for him to say something.
"Are you sure?" He still looked unsure.
"God, maybe I get my stubbornness from you." You both laughed at that. "I am 100% sure."
"Wow." He shook his head, still in shock.
A knock sounded on the door before Steve came back in. "Is now a good time?" He asked, still standing in the doorway.
You nodded appreciatively. "Thank you." You pulled him into a hug, needing the emotional support.
"Of course. I'm happy I could help." He rubbed your back, reciprocating the hug. "Did you give him the ring yet?" He asked when you took a step back.
You shook your head, reaching into the box for the last item. "I, um, I thought you might want this." You handed him the box, nerves peaking through again.
He opened it, a soft smile on his face when he recognized it. "My mom's engagement ring."
You smiled, happy that he recognized it. "It was my mom's as well."
The two of you stared a the ring for awhile, reminiscing on time spent with your parents.
Eventually, Bucky picked the cobbler back up, not wanting to let it go to waste.
Steve couldn't help but roll his eyes at his friend. "Wow, jerk. You're just gonna go back to eating."
"Yes, punk. My great-grand niece made me a plum cobbler, and I tend to fully enjoy it."
"Great-grand niece. Ha, that makes you sound so old."
It was fun for you to see the two interacting like this, especially after the emotional hurdles you just ran.
"It's fine, Stevie. Let him enjoy the cobbler." Your face went red, not having meant to use the nickname.
"Yeah Stevie, let me enjoy the cobbler." Bucky couldn't help but poke fun, knowing there was an unspoken attraction between the two of you.
Somehow your face got even redder. Steve just rolled his eyes.
"Fine, eat your cobbler. Only because I had some of the apple one and it was delicious. It would be a shame to waste any."
You smiled at the compliment, embarrassment subsiding a bit. Steve sat down on the bed between you and Bucky, eager to ask his friend about some of the pictures. Steve put his arm around you, squeezing your shoulder as he spoke to Bucky.
You felt your eyes growing heavy, exhausted since your nerves kept you up most of the night. You rested your head on Steve's shoulder, soaking in his warmth as you cuddled closer.
Steve just rubbed your arm like it was the most natural thing in the world. Bucky narrowed his eyes at the interaction, realization dawning on his face.
"Oh my god. My best friend likes my great-grand niece. And she likes him." He said it so matter of fact, the two of you didn't bother denying it. You just smiled, and cuddled closer together.
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get-shiggy-with-it · 3 years
Ch. 3
Tumblr media
Pairing: Shigaraki x Dabi (just this part), Tomura Shigaraki x fem!reader (very brief and vague reference to Dabi x Hawks)
Word Count: 3.4k
Warnings: smut and feels, it's literally just smut, blow jobs, friends(?) with benefits, blow jobs, anal fingering, light degradation (both for shigs and reader), could maybe be interpreted as slight dubcon, dirty talk, slutty dabi, dabi is an asshole, so is tomura, reader has gender neutral pronouns, I'm keeping it fem cause Shigs hates women and calls them that
Ch. 1 | Ch. 2 | Ch. 3 | Ch. 4 | Ch. 5 | Ch. 6
Summary: In which the boys share in some good ole roommate bonding activities and Tomura has a blow job induced epiphany.
AO3 Mirror
Taglist: @dillybuggg (shoot me an ask if you want to be tagged and make sure to check my rules!)
Dabi’s mouth was wet and so fucking warm as he swallowed around Tomura’s dick.
“Oh fuck…” he groaned as Dabi hummed around his length and did that thing where he flicked the ball of his tongue ring over Tomura’s slit.
Bright blue eyes stared up through deceptively long lashes, smirking at the way Tomura drooled as he got his soul sucked out the tip of dick. The mattress underneath him creaked despite the negligible weight of both their bodies. Dabi settled on his stomach between Tomura’s pale thighs leaving fingerprint bruises in soft flesh.
They did this sometimes, though he wasn’t quite sure when exactly it started. Dabi had been his randomly assigned roommate freshman year and he grew so used to living with him that the two of them had just silently, yet mutually agreed not to fuck something up that wasn’t broken. They both berated each other for their strange and somewhat disgusting habits—Dabi would say that Tomura was a gross shut-in creep who needed a fucking shower and Tomura called Dabi out on his slutty pastimes and obsession with piercing the hell out of every available inch of skin.
And sometimes they sucked each other off.
It was overall not a terrible arrangement—Dabi got his fill of dick and Tomura could no longer be made fun of for being completely inexperienced. Plus, as much as he was loathe to admit, Dabi was really fucking good at oral. Like, demonically good. He’d been going down on Tomura for so long now too that he’d learned all the things that had him spilling onto that pierced tongue in minutes.
Tomura jerked from his thoughts when two, lube slicked fingers prodding at his ass.
“Dabi, what the fuck are you—” he protested, wiggling his scrawny hips up the bed and inadvertently letting his cock slip out of the inviting heat between his roommate’s lips.
He couldn’t see much other than the shaking mop of black hair and pale hands with chipped black nail polish digging into his legs, yanking him back.
“Shut up freak,” Dabi slurred, words slick with spit and Tomura’s precum. Dabi said it tasted like battery acid, but it never stopped him from guzzling it like he did with cheap whiskey and cigarettes on the weekends. “I know you like it.”
He did like it, but Tomura wasn’t about to contribute to the fucking evil grin Dabi was giving him as he circled the tight ring of muscle, slipping in a finger to the first knuckle.
Tomura’s head flopped back on the pillows as he bit back a low moan, “Fuck off.”
“If you say so,” Dabi shoved his finger in roughly, squeezing a second in behind it and letting Tomura bask in the burn of being stretched too quickly before ripping his hands away.
“No!” Tomura wailed pretty fucking shamelessly and grabbed the retreating wrist, placing Dabi’s tatted hand back on his dick that throbbed and leaked painfully.
“Dude, what’s gotten the fuck into you?” his roommate asked, smirking still, but pumping Tomura's cock loosely nonetheless. “Our walls are thin as hell, you know I can hear you jerkin' it in here every night, and now you’re practically begging for me to suck you off. Usually I gotta come to you.”
He was infuriatingly right again.
Tomura had indeed asked for him to do this, which was definitely out of character for him. Most of the time when they ended up in this position, it was because Dabi spent hours hounding him about it or just fucking dropped to his knees and whipped Tomura’s cock out in the middle of a movie night or snuck into his room while Tomura was gaming and swallowed him whole just to laugh at the way his online friends reacted to the noises.
He’s just been so pent up lately, and you insisting on fucking touching his arm or sitting on the floor between his feet at League meetings was really not helping it.
“I don’t know,” Tomura lied, both to Dabi and himself in the hopes that the head of black hair would just go back to bobbing on his dick like he so desperately needed it to.
“Bro, I have fucked with enough people to know when they’re wishing I was someone else,” Dabi scoffed and ran a blessedly hot tongue from base to tip and suckled softly at the blush pink head before pulling back with a wet pop. “So who is it?”
“I’m not fucking thinking about anyone,” Tomura hissed, fisting Dabi’s spiky, black locks and thrusting into his mouth till he felt the contractions of Dabi gagging around his length. “Usually you're jumping at the chance to get dick in your mouth, so why does it matter?”
Dabi pulled back, wiping the silvery string of spit leaking past his lips away and scowling as his fingers ghosted over Tomura’s balls and sank back into his pliant ass.
“Seriously creep, I’m five seconds away from ghosting and you can fuck your hand like the sad little bitch you are. So tell me their name or I’m walking right now.”
Tomura huffed as he felt Dabi’s long, rough fingers pulled from him again and the heat of his mouth growing farther away.
“Ugh fine, it’s that bitch I’ve been working on the English thing with.”
Dabi made a face like his brain was buffering.
“Seriously?” he asked, mouth gaping in a way that had Tomura even more furious his dick wasn’t buried in it.
“Yes!” he shouted and grabbed Dabi’s cheeks in both hands, sinking past his waiting lips and practically purring when he felt them close around the base as his long tongue massaged the shaft. “Oh god yes…”
Dabi rolled his eyes, managing to look smug even with a cock stretching his lips taught against the piercings. He used to try and tease Tomura about how small his dick was, but it was hard to believe him. Especially with how he choked sometimes when Tomura got rough with him despite his boasts of lacking a gag reflex. Not to mention how he looked now, jaw probably aching with the stretch and loving every second of it.
Tomura lazily bucked his hips up and whined high when the fingers in his ass curled and thrust against that fucking spot he hadn’t known was there until Dabi found it for him.
The pleased sound he made tapered off into a growl though, when his roommate with questionable benefits pulled off again to run his slutty fucking mouth.
“Tell me about it,” he mumbled, kitten licking at Tomura’s cock and running the ball of his piercing through the slit again. Tomura gulped when he pulled it back into his mouth to swallow the bead of precum he’d collected. “I’ve seen your fucking paramour around before, pretty serious about school though. And kinda out of your league too, not gonna lie. So, what would you do if your cute little partner was here instead?”
Tomura bristled at the insult but couldn’t keep his pissed off look when Dabi went back to sucking his cock like a pro and curling those fucking fingers against his prostate. When he did speak, he blushed hard at the way his voice cracked and sounded like he was crying.
“I don’t fucking—holy shit—know,” he gasped and Dabi hummed both to egg him on and to get a whole new wave of precum gushing out of Tomura’s dick.
“C’mon man,” Dabi groaned, and Tomura distinctly heard the sound of a pants zipper and felt Dabi’s hips canting against the sheets.
That fucking masochistic whore. He would get off to Tomura dirty talking about someone else while he sucked his dick.
He considered stopping the whole thing right there, but then Dabi was sinking a third finger into his ass and thrusting hard while he hallowed his cheeks around Tomura’s cock and sucked—
“Tits!” Tomura cried and covered his burning, red cheeks with his hands. “I want to put my fucking face in them and taste them in my mouth. Sometimes I can see the outline of their nipples when we’re working and the air conditioning comes on and I want to suck on them so fucking bad I can’t think about anything else the whole night.”
Once he got started, Tomura found the words just spilled from him like a dam had burst. Dabi, the depraved bastard, groaned loud and ground his pierced dick harder against the mattress as he continued to deepthroat Tomura’s cock and fuck his ass at that perfect angle.
“Sometimes when they drag me to their stupid club I lose the rounds cause I—oh god, oh fuck—just imagine them in my lap, sitting on my cock and fucking writhing and squeezing me while we face off. Such a fucking—Dabi more!—stereotypical try-hard, bitch but I want to be inside them so fucking bad,” he felt actual tears stinging the raw corners of his eyes when Dabi sped up on his dick.
Tomura scrapped his nails against Dabi’s scalp, holding on for dear life as his breathing became even more ragged than usual. His friend’s cruelty streak reared its ugly head as Dabi sensed the tensing of Tomura’s balls and the clench of his tight ass and slowed down a fraction, keeping him teetering on the edge of an explosively pleasurable release.
“Fucking asshole,” he growled, but didn’t dare try to fuck Dabi’s face lest he make good on his threat to leave Tomura high and dry. “I just—shit, ah, don’t stop—they talk to me sometimes and I just wanna suck their tongue into my mouth so they shut up and I need to hear them fucking falling apart or using that stupid, stuck up teacher voice on me and fucking my ass—Dabi Fuck—is that what you wanted to hear?”
Dabi, because he got off on being a little shit, gave him one last delicious swallow before pulling back and fisting Tomura’s sopping wet cock. The fingers had stopped thrusting and were now pressed hard against his prostate, sending shocks through his body and making him twitch violently as his blood rushed with endorphins. He never stopped grinding his own dick against Tomura’s cotton sheets the whole time.
“You got it bad huh, don’t ya creep,” he mused, letting a fat glob of spit fall from his lips and keep his palm slick. “That’s the most I’ve ever heard you talk about fucking anything, much less another actual person.”
“No I fucking don’t, “ Tomura writhed against the pillows, giving in to the undeniable urge to simultaneously fuck up into Dabi’s hand and ride his fingers.
“Who knew you were such a desperate whore, falling for the first person to show you a modicum of attention,” Dabi jeered and squeezed the tip of his dick hard, listening to Tomura let out a choked sob. “I’m actually kinda proud of you, bro. My little incel baby’s growing up.”
Dabi cooed at Tomura, sinking sharp teeth deep into the meat of his thigh and sucking a bruise into the flesh.
“You’re the one—nghh—getting off on it,” Tomura clapped back but didn’t bother denying it again.
There was a sense of dread growing in his gut alongside the mounting pleasure of his orgasm that Dabi was currently holding hostage. Dabi may have had a dickish personality just as massive as the actual dick that was currently painting his comforter in stains, but he knew Tomura.
And he did, admittedly have much more experience with these types of things.
“Fuck yeah I am,” Dabi grunted. “Last time I let you return the favor you bit my fucking cock. I gotta get off somehow.”
“Don’t say rude shit to me and I won’t bite you.”
“Watch it, Tomura,” Dabi huffed and nipped at his thigh again. “You should be thanking me for my services.”
“Not if you’re gonna keep running your mouth instead of sucking me off,” he tried to sound intimidating but he was well and truly wrecked and couldn’t find the energy to give his words an edge.
“You should ask them out,” Dabi continued, ignoring the failed attempts at banter. “Bring ‘em over or some shit. Maybe then if I lock down that blonde piece of ass I’ve been talking to, we’ll both have much more interesting things to go down on.”
“Your whore ass is the one always jumping me, don’t act like it’s a fucking chore,” Tomura groaned as Dabi started licking at his cock again, pressing sloppy, half kisses on the tip as he jerked it in his fist.
“Not my fault I get bored sometimes,” he replied and closed his eyes as Tomura clenched particularly hard around Dabi’s relentless fingers. “But seriously, you should go for it. I’d kill to find out if you’re just as bad at eating pussy as you are sucking dick.”
“Fuck y—” Tomura started to say when Dabi reared up till they were chest to chest and their foreheads knocked together.
“I fucking will if you don’t shut up, creep, and I think it’d be so much better if you handed your fucking virginity to that pretty little partner bitch instead,” he said and stunned Tomura into silence when he licked into his mouth.
Dabi had kissed him before, but Tomura could count the number of occasions on one hand and almost all had been when his punk ass roommate was drunk as hell and in his feels about some tortured past. But Dabi’s eyes were bright and lucid now, blinking down at Tomura as he dragged their tongues together, flooding his mouth with the faint taste of cigarettes and jizz.
Their cocks brushed together too, the stimulation making Tomura whine into Dabi’s lips, who dropped a merciful hand down, taking them both in his fist and began pumping.
He didn’t stop as he pulled back, grinning down at Tomura like a fucking maniac—all shitty tattoos and silver piercings. The little barbels that stuck through Dabi’s nipples brushed against his own and made him moan at the cool metal and hot skin on his sensitive chest. Tomura was fucking sensitive everywhere, as Dabi had helped him discover, probably from a lifetime of being touched more by cheap sweatshirts than human hands.
“Now,” Dabi grunted as he thrust loosely against Tomura’s cock and his own fist before pulling away to settle back between his legs. “Shut up and cum down my throat—gotta give your virgin ass a refresher on mind shattering orgasms, so you know if that bitch is any good or not.”
Tomura’s tongue was halfway around a witty comeback when Dabi swallowed him to the hilt once again and started working his ass even harder. He really fucked hoped the neighbors were not home to hear him get his shit rocked at 2pm on a fucking Tuesday, cause Dabi might have been flunking out of his classes but he’d get a goddamn A plus for sucking dick.
The hand on his thigh, spreading him open, migrated to his hip so that Tomura could snap his legs shut hard around Dabi’s ring littered ears as he guided Tomura to grind down on his hand. The pressure in his gut built up exponentially higher now that Dabi wasn’t trying to hold him on the edge of climax. It took an embarrassingly short amount of time for him to acquiesce to Dabi’s request, as he tightened up in a full body clench before gripping Dabi’s hair and spilling rope after rope of hot, sticky release straight onto his roommate’s tongue.
Dabi, the fucking slut, made a show of swallowing every drop that spilled from Tomura’s abused cock, milking his prostate the whole time and only letting Tomura slip from his mouth when he was soft and finally spent.
The fingers in his ass remained though, still for the most part and slowly dipping in and out every so often. Tomura whimpered and clenched but was somewhat thankful for the remaining feeling of fullness.
“So, did you really mean all that?” Dabi asked with his signature smirk. “You really want your group project partner to cockwarm you and fuck your tight little ass?”
“Fuck off,” Tomura scowled and smacked Dabi hard across the face with an errant pillow.
Dabi yanked it from his grasp and tossed his ammunition onto the floor. “Hey, it’s not actually too bad in here,” he wiggled his fingers for emphasis which elicited an embarrassingly high gasp from Tomura, “give ‘em my number if you need a reference for asshole tightness.”
“Get the fuck out of my ass and my room,” Tomura kicked at Dabi’s back as it shook with laughter that lacked it’s usual jeering bite.
“What? Saving the cuddles for your new S/O?” he shot back, nuzzling his cum and spit covered face into Tomura’s neck.
With their chests pressed together, Tomura could feel the cooling, sticky remnants of Dabi’s own release coating his stomach. He squirmed against the sensation and pushed at the offending chest until his friend flopped down onto the scant space left between the mattress and the wall.
“Ew,” Tomura ran a finger through the mess Dabi had left smeared on him. “I’m taking a fucking shower.”
“God, finally!” Dabi exclaimed, throwing his hands in the air and producing a cigarette from god knows where. He let the paper rest between his lips unlit. “I should have thought about getting you fucked out on the reg earlier, creep, if it’ll stop you smelling like ass.”
Tomura launched the discarded pillow which hit it’s mark with a dull thump.
“You better be fucking gone when I get back,” he hissed and stumbled naked, on shaking legs into the hall and to their shared bathroom.
Dabi’s cackling followed him until the door shut and the lock clicked behind him.
Tomura turned the water on quickly, letting steam cloud the mirror before he jumped under the spray. The only products on the shelves were Dabi’s for the most part with the exception of a store brand bar of soap and some 3 in one shampoo, conditioner, and body wash.
Tomura knew he should clean himself more often, but his skin was so fucking raw all the time it hurt to do, so he mostly avoided it unless the smell got really unbearable—or Dabi was painting him in jizz whenever the opportunity presented itself.
He tried to get in and out as quickly as possible so he didn’t have the opportunity to think too hard about the admission his fuck buddy roommate had pulled from him mid blow job. Because if he did—in his post nut, clingy state—he’d most certainly imagine you were with him, tits pressed against his back and your soft, insistent tongue dipping past his lips, tasting like fruit gum and expensive cafe drinks instead of nicotine and cum.
And he really couldn’t handle that. Cause Dabi was right, he had something fucking bad for you and the thought of another rejection loomed large.
When he did towel himself off and shuffle, still naked back into his bedroom Dabi was nowhere to be seen. Tomura’s phone however, was left sitting right next to the jizz stain on his sheets. He frowned at the open balcony door where Dabi was no doubt smoking and snatched the device before tumbling onto the pillows.
He powered it on and scrolled through his notifs before one caught his eyes. You and Dabi were really the only people that ever texted him, but the contact name above this one had changed.
bitch (endearing)
— hey, starting an impromptu round of Smash soon if you’re interested <3
The stupid text heart made his chest throb and he stared at Dabi’s new nickname for you, not even noticing the fucking grin that tugged at his cheeks.
He bit his lip to stop the twitching when it pulled too hard at the chapped skin and scrambled for his clothes before shooting a quick confirmation text back. Tomura opted for his only pair of black jeans this time instead of sweats and the least stained sweatshirt he owned.
Dabi peaked around the corner when he heard the clink of Tomura’s keys. The bastard was smoking in just a pair of underwear that left half his ass on display for all the whole fucking street. He smirked, quirking his eyebrows and bringing his hands up to slip his index finger through the circle he made on the other hand in a silent, vulgar gesture.
“Screw off,” Tomura shouted over his shoulder and made for the door.
“Wrap it before you tap it, bro!” Dabi called after him, cut off by the subsequent slamming.
Tomura took the stairs two at a time, pulling out his phone and tucking the hood over his damp hair, this time to hide the growing smile playing at his lips.
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worminstuff · 4 years
The Balcony of the Treehouse Pt.6
sleepy bois x reader au
no warnings:)
also merry christmas:)
“Is that good or bad” Y/n asked Techno, her gaze soft.
“I'm not sure. He was really cool but..” Techno shrugged his shoulders.
It was currently the next day, and Y/n was accompanying Techno in the treehouse. They were currently discussing Techno’s new friend as of yesterday, Bo. Sam's older son.
Apparently Bo was sorta like Techno in some ways. They were both pretty shy at first but then found some common interest, and became rather comfortable pretty fast. Bo even let Techno ramble about Y/n for a bit and also said he would totally wanna meet her too.
“He's just not me.” Y/n grinned cockily and Techno pushed her shoulder.
“Right.” he rolled his eyes. “How was it with the other boys?”
“It was alright. Surprisingly very chill. I guess Tommy and Tubbo had really tired themselves out in the morning beforehand.” she shrugged. She was telling the truth, they slept for quite a while and were only awake for about an hour before everyone else got back.
“What about Will?” Techno wondered how she handled being around him while he was still..angsty.
Y/n shrugged again. She didn't really want to tell him about the kitchen and how they talked for the whole tiny Tommy and Tubbo napped. Or the cigarettes.
She couldn't stop thinking about how she was sitting on the counter and how he seemed so calm and sweet as if nothing happened.
She just had no idea, he was doing it on purpose. Will figures, if he can ignore his protective and jealous feelings, and maybe just try to get a connection with her. He may actually be able to get somewhere. Techno has the higher ground, he spends all his time with her and he has for years. Wilbur's only just started to in the past year and a half or so.
Wilbur doubts Techno actually has genuine feelings for Y/n. He has no way of genuinely knowing. It's just sort of a hunch. Or a hope maybe.
“He actually asked if i wanted to go to that bonfire thing with him..” her voice was almost a mumble. Just after she said she thought it would be fun, Wilbur explained the next evening they were going down to the beach to have a bonfire and hangout and chill. He said they do it often and it's always really fun.
Techno looked at her, slightly surprised. She wanted to hangout with Wilbur? No way.
“And you said..no..right?” his brows furrowed.
“Well..wait why would I say no?” she looked at him. Her brows furrowed also.
“Well obviously..I- he- what?” Techno shook his head.
“What do you mean what? Why would I have said no? It sounds fun.” she crossed her arms.
Techno stared at her for a moment. He slid a bit forward, so he was a bit closer. He leaned his elbows on his knees and rested his head on his hands. Y/n stared back questioningly.
“Odds.” he stated, staring right into her eyes.
“Techno!” Y/n pushed his leg a bit, and looked away, slightly mad. “What the hell?!”
Odds was something they created when they were young, similar to the game odds, it ends with saying a number between certain odds to help decide something.except that's usually for something like a dare. In this case, they used it in sort of flip of a coin situations, but only when one of them thought it was really really important. And the person that calls odds, gets to pick the odds, ex. 1 through 5 or 1 through 10 etc. they did this so they didn't argue about situations sorta like this.
“If you say the same number as me, 1 through 4, you stay. If not, you can go. odds on your side.” he had 0 emotion to his features.
“That's not fair!” she frowned.
“It is though. I called it.” he shrugged, almost smiling. Almost.
Y/n huffed. “Fine.”
Techno counted them down and on the count of three,
“Two.” they spoke at the same time.
“Fuck!” Y/n hit his knee as Techno grinned. Crisis averted. Or so he thought.
Techno grinned as she huffed and crossed her arms with a pout, shooting daggers with her eyes.
“Hey, it's not that bad! Now I can read you that book you got me.” Techno had a happy little grin on his face.
“Oh no, i'm definitely going.” Y/n said. His smile disappeared instantly.
“What? But- but odds?” his shoulders sank. Y/n alone with will in a car, and then alone with him and his friends, at a bonfire. There would be beer and shit everywhere! He just wanted her with him, safe away from Wilbur's scummy friends.
“I told Will I would! I can't go back on that. That's so rude.” she looked at him with puppy eyes.
Techno glared slightly, looked away, then looked back. She knew the eyes work, he acts all tough but he's too soft for it not to work.
“Okay. but i want you back here, when it's over. Not your house, not inside our house. Treehouse.” he pointed to the floor.
“And then normal sleepover?” Y/n smiled a little.
Techno's face softened as he saw her smile. He tried not to match her smile while shaking his head a little.
“Who's going this time?” Phil asked Wilbur.
It was around 5 or 5:30 and everyone was sat around the dining room table having dinner like they always do. Phil was currently discussing the bonfire with Wilbur, because he wanted to make a guesstimate in his head for how long Will would be gone using context clues. Because Will was never really home by the times he says he will.
“The usual group” Wilbur pointed his fork at his plate. “Oh! And Y/n”
Wilbur looked to her with a grin. Phil, for a lack of better words, looked as if one of his kids just had a pregnancy scare.
“Sorry, “ Phil shook his head slightly, “say that again?”
“Or don't.” Techno mumbled, Y/n jabbed him in the side with her elbow.
“I'm going along! I haven't done anything fun lately so Wilbur offered to let me tag along. It'll be fun.”Y/n shrugged.
Wilbur was beaming, Techno was silently livid, and Phil was looking in between the two very nervously.
The reason Techno was so genuinely angry was because Wilbur looked so smug when they sat down at the table. His grin was from ear to ear and he was excited to talk to Y/n about when she wanted to go and if she needed anything from her house, and the entire time Techno sat and felt his anger levels rise. His ears were hot, his shoulders tense and not a smile in sight.
He wanted to smack the smirk of his brother's face to be frank.
Techno knew what was going to happen. She was going to go with him, and have an amazing time. Great, right? Wrong. Clear to Techno, this was some evil master plan. Wilbur was going to give her more friends she would only go see with him. So when she wanted to spend time with these new people she had to also see him. And obviously at first she'll be all she so he gets to confront her and break her out of her shell. Techno knows how social Y/n can be, and she loves meeting new people! He hated to say it, but his brother was a genius.
Techno's fingers were starting to tremble.
What if she did like them? And wanted to see them more? What if they're cooler than him and what if they do drugs? Y/n wouldn't do drugs..would she?
His breath was slowly starting to catch up on him. He excused himself quickly and made his way off to the bathroom.
The crisp sound of the door creaking filled his ears as his back slid against it till he was on the floor.
His mind was running rampant.
How well does he really know Y/n? What could she possibly want with a bonfire when she has him and the treehouse? Is he not enough for her? Should he try to make more friends?
What was wrong with him?
He clutched his leg as he silently shook and took tiny shallow breaths.
Soon enough, just as he was starting to be able to allow more air into his lungs there was a soft knock on the door.
“Techno?..” Phil's voice was soft on the other side of the door.
Techno sniffled as he stood, he brushed himself off, and took a deep breath pushing all emotion from his features. He reached over and flushed the toilet a few feet in front of him, then he ran the sink for a moment before opening the door with one hand wiping on his leg.
“Hm?” he raised his brows.
Phil stared at him, analyzing his face fully. He looked fine, sort of. He looks normal to anyone who isn't his father per say. Phil could see behind his cold eyes he had been crying. No matter how much he pushed his emotions down, he couldn't push away the puffy eye bags or the glossy sheen, though they were actually very subtle.
A simple arm was raised and Techno immediately fell into him, deadweight in his arms. Phil held him tightly, silently. He pressed his cheek onto Techno's head, brushing down the unruly tangles in his hair.
There were no words spoken, they stood silently. Phil knew Techno wasn't going to tell him anything so he did not bear to try.
A little bit of time passed, and they broke apart to make their way back when Phil leaned over,
“Laugh with me like we said something funny. Trust me.”
Techno stared at him for a moment, and then giggled softly. Phil joined him and their laughs were terribly fake which caused more laughter and soon it became real laughter as they were walking into the dining room.
Y/n was staring at a babbling Tommy, while Wilbur was on his phone. Y/n immediately looked to Techno once he was in the room, a worried look on her eyes that disappeared as she saw his face. She was worried for nothing.
Phil patted Techno's back softly as they both picked up their plates to clean them, Tommy following suit with his father and older brother. Will and Y/n stood to do the same.
“Alright dad, think we're gonna head off.” Wilbur said, his grin authentic.
Phil nodded, “Right, don't forget to send me a ping when you get there and on your way home.” he pointed a winger between the pair, both nodded.
Techno stared aimlessly as he watched his girl walk out the door with his brother.
He hoped she was going to have fun.
As soon as both doors to the front seats of Will's car closed, Wilbur looked at her excitedly.
He turned the car on and pulled from the driveway, “Are we excited?”
“You can say that.” her smile was small.
“Don't be nervous, you're gonna love them and they're gonna love you. It's gonna be great.”
Y/n stared at him for a moment, he read her so easily. He looked so giddy. Was it because of her? She didn't want to get cocky but she'd never seen him this excited to see his friends before.
Wilbur's mind was running wild, he was alone with her for once, and then she got to hangout with his people. He even had a small surprise for her that he was even more excited for.
Y/n was progressively getting more and more nervous as they drove silently. She was starting to overthink. As she listened to her thoughts quietly, she failed to notice her leg start to bounce.
Will placed a gentle hand on her knee, “None of that. Nothing to be worried over. I wouldn't have asked you to come if i didn't know for a fact they'd like you.” his eyes broke away from the road momentarily. Y/n nodded. She trusted him.
Soon the smell of saltwater filled the car. Y/n took a quiet deep breath. Letting it fill her lungs. She slowly calmed herself, trying not to think of the hand on her knee, it would only fuel her nervous fire.
Y/n felt strange being here without Techno. It felt wrong. She rarely ever goes anywhere he isn't. He's practically glued to her 85% of the time.
Which was why when she was first meeting Wilbur's “crew”, she felt like a fish out of water.
Even with Wilbur's comforting hand holding hers, she felt stiff and awkward. They were all intimidating, the dudes were tall and confident and the girls were all gorgeous and sweet. Confident too.
She did notice, one of the boys seemed much more approachable. He stood at the back of the group while introductions were going around, she learned his name was Eret and he was one of Wilbur's newer friends but he was really cool.
Wilbur beamed at Y/n as he told her about his friends, his hand was still gentle and it made her smile.
Wilbur was happy she was getting a bit comfortable.
Once they felt everyone had been thoroughly introduced, they all started placing blankets on the sand around the large fire they'd made before Will and her had arrived.
Wilbur set down a blanket he brought and motioned for her to sit with him. When she sat down, he leaned over to speak into her ear, “See, nothing to worry about, yeah?”
He leaned away, showing her a grin. She smiled and shook her head at his silly little grin.
This was really fun.
She loved hearing these kids talk, there was even one girl like her whose parents were also never home. She liked her. The girl even offered that they go drive around some time! When she said that, Y/n of course nodded eagerly.
Wilbur, well he couldn't keep his eyes off her. He loved seeing her like this, it was like she was in her element. Meeting new people and making connections. It's a shame Techno has hogged her from people for so long. He resented him for that. To be fair, it's been like that since they've met. Wilbur saw her all the time, but only in brief interactions up until highschool.
She was so sweet, excited to talk to all of them even though he knew she was nervous, and Wilbur knew his friends loved her already. How could they not?
Wilbur was about to try to get her to talk to him for a little, seeing as how they'd been there for almost 45 minutes already and had barely spoken to him, but he was taped on the shoulder as a signal there was about to be a cigarette break out in the parking lot.
Wilbur stood, and leaned down to Y/n whispering to her where he was going. Just before he was about to go, he placed a soft kiss to her forehead.
Her eyes were wide.
“Look a bit..surprised there?” it was Eret, he sat down on the blanket next to Y/n just after seeing Will was about to go for a butt. He didn't want Y/n to sit all alone.
“I um..no yeah he just..its nothing.” Y/n laughed at her own lack of words, and Eret did too.
“I take it you two aren't official or anything?” his voice was low, and almost gravely but it was still so comforting.
Y/n knew he didn't mean it as if he were trying to make a move on her, he sounded genuinely curious.
“No it's..complicated. Very complicated.” Y/n stared at the fire.
“If I'm not prying, how so? You both seem..really..content together.” he looked from her to the fire.
“I..well his brother is my..best friend and he..”
“He..?” Eret leaned in a little.
“Well i don't know what he is to me really.” she looked at him, her face in question at her own realization.
“Well I know for a fact, he's infatuated with you.”
Y/ns eyes were wide again, “what?”
“Oh he's always going on about you.” Eret had a cheeky grin, almost like Will’s she thought, “He's been talking about you meeting all of us since he asked you yesterday. Not to mention he’s..” Eret stopped himself. He got carried away in his little ramble.
“He's what?” Y/n was confused why he stopped himself.
“No no, I really shouldn't have said anything.” he waved his hand as if he were brushing away his words.
Y/n groaned and threw her head back, “You can't do that!”
Eret laughed, “I'm sorry!”
“Tell me please.” she looked at him with pleading eyes.
Eret stared at her for a moment and sighed. “He's in love with you. But i don't know if you know that or not..so..” she did not. “I think I'm the only one hes told, but he was so...I don't know how to explain it. When he told me he sounded like he was pouring his heart out.” Eret’s eyes were on the fire.
He was in love with her?
Y/ns heart ached. No wonder he was so...hurt. It was her fault too.
As if on cue, (this boy was terribly good with timing) she felt a familiar hand on her shoulder as it slid around her shoulders. Will pulled her to his chest as he sat behind her. He smelled of smoke, but it was comforting. Before she thought about it, or what they were doing, she leaned back into him. The rest of the group took back their seats and conversion rose again.
Y/n an Wilbur sat listening quietly until she heard Will's voice in her ear.
“Chatting it up with Eret while I was gone?” his arm was still across her chest, his hand on her shoulder.
“I was, he's really nice.” she turned to look at him.
“Yeah?” he smiled at her in the dim light of the fire. She smiled back and nodded.
Wilbur stared at her a moment, “How about..we get out of here, and I show you another pretty place?” he was still smiling, but his eyes were nervous for a response.
“Sure. Sounds fun.” she gave him a reassuring smile.
Wilbur was quick to get up. Telling the group they were heading off, a little too excitedly.
Before Wilbur could pull her away, she quickly got all of the girls numbers and was even added to a group chat. She was beaming once they reached the car.
“And she even told me that i could go and hangout when they went to her house! Isn't that so sweet.” she looked at Will towards the end of her sentence to see he was already staring at her, his hand on the wheel in front of him.
His lip was in between his teeth, “Mhm. I knew you'd get along swimmingly with them.”
Y/n giggled.
“So where are we going?” she smiled to herself as Wilbur put his hand on her knee.
“Not saying, but, it's not far at all. We're practically there.” he was exaggerating, but the ride wasn't long at all.
Even though he wasn't, Wilbur felt as if he was driving slow. He felt like time was still, and he was glad. He wanted this to last as long as it could.
Y/n would have never expected what she saw, she was expecting a pretty clif with a view, or something like that.
He brought her to a flower field.
He parked the car on the side of the road towards the middle of the field.
Once they'd both stepped out, Wilbur went to her side.
“Up you go, turn around.” he motioned up at the top of his car. Y/n stared at him for a moment before turning around and letting him hoist her up so she could climb on top of the car. He climbed up after her and sat beside her.
For a little while, Y/n stared at the way the moonlight was casting a blue white onto the field and all the flowers. Wilbur stared at her. They sat this way for a little while but Y/n was the first to break the silence.
“A little birdy..told me something interesting.” she looked at him.
“Hm?” he hummed.
“Is it hard?” Y/n was staring at the moon, her hand was picking at the seam of her jeans.
“Is what hard?” Wilbur stared at her feet as they swung back and forth.
“..being in love with me.” she looked up at him, her eyes starry.
“Maybe. But it doesn't have to be.”
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butwhyduh · 4 years
Holiday Party
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Damian Wayne x reader
He’s about 16 yrs old here.
Warning: Christmas? Kissing
Christmas series 4
You were early. Damian looked out his door to see no one around and he rushed downstairs to meet you at the door. You were being dropped off by your older brother who gave Damian a look from the front seat of his car that all but said he’d mess Damian up if he hurt you. Funny to think about your brother trying to beat him up but he would never consider it. Damian opened your car door for you.
“Beloved, you’re early,” he said with a grin. Your brother gave a rough hey and Damian’s face dropped and he gave a curt nod. “I’ll have Alfred drop her off so you won’t have to pick her up,” Damian told him. Your brother nodded again before leaving.
Damian barely held your finger with his own as he walked you up to his room. He didn’t want his brothers to see him being affectionate. He pulled you into his room and engulfed you in a huge hug. He wasn’t short little Dami anymore but had been hit by puberty like a bus and was almost 6 foot tall. He smelled like cologne and his sweater was so freaking soft. You felt the fabric on his chest with your hand and he stiffened and coughed a little. Oh yeah, he could feel that. You flushed.
“So you want to watch a movie?��� Damian said pulling away.
“Yeah. Sounds great,” you said sitting on his bed pulling your shoes off. You slid up the bed to lay on his pillow as he grabbed his laptop.
“Drake doesn’t know but I’ve set it up that every film he downloads, I get a copy too so I’ve got a bunch. Though his taste is pretty sappy for some of these,” Damian said wrinkling his nose.
“Probably to watch with his girlfriend. Or maybe he’s a sap,” you laughed. Damian climbed on the bed and laid the laptop on the other side of you. His arms temporarily caged you against him and you couldn’t help but think of him on top of you. Damian laid back as the film started playing. He put two pillows behind his head to watch from behind you. You laid on your side and he wrapped an arm around your waist loosely.
The film was probably great. All you could think of was how close your boyfriend in the softest boyfriend sweater was right beside you. You slid farther back until your back hit his chest. He inhaled audibly but didn’t move. Damian cursed himself. You had definitely heard that.
You ran your hand along the arm of his sweater as the movie went on. He smelled a little like soft cologne and spiced tea. Everything was fine until there was a sex scene. Nothing graphic but enough to where you were both very aware of your situation. Damian slid his body a little back from you making a little space between you and him.
You turned to look at him and he couldn’t help but brush his lips against yours. You slowly turned in his arms until you were making out while laying on your side. Damian held your face softly with one hand. Your fingers slid into his hair. His tongue slipped into your mouth gently just exploring you.
The door to his room opened.
“Master Damian, your father needs you in his study at your earliest convenience. Also... do take care with your visitors. You are only 16,” Alfred said, looking pointedly at the ceiling before leaving. Damian flushed on his tan skin. you covered your mouth and giggled, embarrassed.
“At least it wasn’t your dad,” you said. He nodded as he stood up.
“I won’t be long. Just watch the movie and I’ll be back as quick as I can,” Damian said and you noted that his lips were pink and maybe even a little swollen from kissing.
“Yeah, no problem.”
It took all of 1.7 minutes for Bruce to notice his son’s lips. His eyes narrowed a little and he looked critically at Damian who was staring at the computer screen.
“Damian, you are of the age where sexual education is important. You are practicing safe sex, yes?” Bruce asked in an even tone as if almost casually but really he wanted to seem calm. Damian twisted so fast to look at his father.
“I am not,” he said quickly.
“You aren’t??” Bruce asked shocked. “That’s very dangerous-“
“I’m not having sex. At all,” Damian said completely red. Bruce calmed.
“None? Because condoms-“
“Father, I’ve been taught. And if I do have sex I will be safe but I’m not now,” Damian said. He refused to look anywhere but the screen. “How did Alfred tell you so fast?” He complained.
“Tell me? Is there something to tell me? You know what? Don’t answer that. I trust you. There is a bowl of condoms under the sink in the bathroom off my study. All of the boys use it and it stays full. No questions asked. And the family doctor is very discreet for any questions you might have,” Bruce said delicately.
“Okay. I got it. Thanks. But please stop. Tell me about the case,” Damian practically begged.
It was not a few minutes but a full 2 hours later that Damian came back to his room. You were asleep. A movie played in the background and you hug his pillow. Damian smiled a little before waking you. It was almost time for his brothers to arrive. You sat up quickly. You’d never fallen asleep at his place.
“Sorry I was so long. Family stuff,” he said vaguely. He did that all the time. “It’s almost time for the party.”
“Oh I need to get ready,” you sat up. You’d planned to get started a little earlier. You didn’t dress fancy around Damian; he didn’t care. But his family’s Christmas was fairly formal.
“Is this okay?” You asked 20 minutes later. Damian nodded with a little smile.
“You look beautiful in anything, beloved. But this is exceptional,” he said and you flushed. His way with words. “It’s time to go down stairs.”
Damian took your hand and you walked downstairs. His eyes lingered on you longer than necessary. Somehow Tim and his girlfriend and Duke had beat you both downstairs. Damian pulled out a chess board and Tim and Bruce once again dragged work into every room they entered.
“I won’t go easy on you,” Damian warned. He was far better at strategy but your moments on the board were incredibly erratic to the point that he couldn’t predict your next move.
“I wouldn’t expect anything else. If you did, I’d expect a body snatcher,” you said and he hazarded a small smile. Damian didn’t want to appear too pleased. Bruce was watching him while maintaining conversation. You understood his weird stoic family dynamic enough to ignore it.
Damian won 3 out of 4 games. You could admit that your win was more luck than skill but you took it. Dick and his girlfriend arrived and the party moved to the dining room.
After a few minutes, a man you had never seen showed up humming to introduce himself and his date. The butler seemed very happy and for a minute you wondered if it was his son. No, this was the mysterious brother who was always fighting with the family.
“Dami, who is that?” You asked whispering.
“Jason Todd, one of my father’s wards. And I suppose his girlfriend,” Damian said. You nodded and watched as they sat down. Later in the evening, the eldest, that Damian had even called his brother, proposed to his girlfriend.
You were given a small glass of champagne and you looked at it quietly. Did they forget you and Damian were 16? Not exactly legal. But you didn’t say anything and you both drank the tiny amount of alcohol with everyone else. Damian squeezed your hand and gave you a tiny smile.
The party moved to the parlor with a billiards table and a dart board on the wall. The adults were served more alcohol and pudding was served informally. A tasty sticky cake that you dare not asked the ingredients was quickly eaten. You and Damian sat on a loveseat in the corner where you could watch the others play billiards and other games. Tim and Jason played a heated game of 9 ball. Jason was a natural. Tim was all strategy.
You leaned against Damian’s shoulder as the storm raged outside. You were full and the room was warm.
“It’s far too dangerous to drive out tonight. It’s turned into a blizzard so you all will stay here. There are plenty of rooms and beds for everyone and anything you could need,” Bruce announced to the group. Jason sighed and Damian opened his mouth. “I’ll call her parents to let them know. Don’t worry Damian.”
Damian relaxed and wrapped an arm around your shoulder. You began to doze as the pool games played. He ran his fingers along your outer arm and watched from the corner of his eyes as you fell asleep. He enjoyed your body warmth and soft sweet scent subtly.
An hour later you woke as you were slowly being moved. Strong arms cradled you and you could smell Damian’s pleasant unique scent strongly. You gripped his arm as he carried you out of the room. He hushed softly to let you go back to sleep.
“You got him shot?!” One of the women in the room yelped and you jolted awake.
“It’s okay. Go back to sleep, beloved. Don’t mind my stupid brothers,” Damian said quietly. He gently laid you on his bed and pulled you in the covers. His soft sheets quickly lulled you to sleep.
While you slept, he grabbed blankets and settled on the floor. Half an hour later, right as Damian was falling asleep, Bruce opened the door quietly. He saw the boy on the floor, nodded, and shut the door.
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lottiebagley · 4 years
Traditions- Draco Malfoy
The girl can't help the scowl on her face, her eyebrows raised and her jaw set, a glare that would strike fear in even the bravest man shooting from her eyes.
"What's got your wand in a knot?" Blaise's voice questions as he drops onto the bench next to her.
"Nothing," she mutters, not bothering to pull her eyes away, he scoffs following her line of sight to see what's upsetting his friend.
Draco Malfoy had been her best friend since she was 6 years old. Her mother had been friends with Narcissa her whole life and when her family moved back to England, as their oldest child was starting Hogwarts, from their Parisian home they had moved into an equally large mansion next door the Malfoy Manor.
Being excited to see her oldest friend her mother had happily dragged her two daughters and her son along with her to the afternoon tea Narcissa had invited them too on their first full day in the new home.
The pair of friends had been overjoyed to throw their son and youngest daughter into a living room and watch them become best friends.
They had been inseparable ever since that day and even now considered each other the best thing in their lives. Not that they ever said that it was just a given, it was an unspoken fact they both knew, there was a lot of those in their friendship. She was starting to wish she plucked up the courage to say something.
"Oh I see, Parkinson is your problem," Blaise smirks. Eyes scanning the way Draco and Pansy flirted, sitting much too close together and leaning into each other's touch.
"It's not Parkinson it's Dray," she shrugs, aware her voice sounds bitter as she turns back around, rolling her eyes at the pity in her friends eyes.
Blaise Zabini considered himself vastly lucky for the things in his life and that had always included his friends. Draco Malfoy was his closest friend and he was a good friend despite his obnoxious and self centred personality. Y/N Y/L/N was like the sister he never had and he could read her like a book. That's why he was so aware of the feelings they each held for each other. He wasn't alone in being aware of course, the whole world seemed to know, the only people blind enough to register their feelings were the two people who needed to be aware of them the most. Blaise was just unlucky in that he had to listen to them both pine after each other. He was glad when Draco seemed to realise his feelings for the girl were way more than platonic but she was yet to have the same epiphany.
"And what has Draco done?" Blaise questions
"Abandoned me!" She lets out dropping her head to the wooden table, her dramatic flare definitely something she picked up from her best friend. "Draco and I have these unspoken rules, we meet in the common room and get breakfast together every day. We always have. 8:15 on the dot. And yet, when I arrive in the common room this morning I see him clambering out of the door and get here to see he's sitting with pug face," She expands, although she has no doubt that Blaise knows all of this.
"It's just one day," he counters with a mile "chin up buttercup," he grins.
"I'm fucking freezing," she complains, trying to contain the shiver threatening to take over her body.
"Not surprised," her roommate smiles sympathetically, eyeing her long sleeve top "you should have brought a jacket or a jumper at least," she reprimands gently. Her eyes flirting between the angry girl next to her and the quidditch game in front of her.
"Yeah. I should have," the girl mutters
"Where's Draco's? Doesn't he usually give you his jumper to watch quidditch in when you go wish him luck before the game," The roommate questions her friend, well aware of the tradition the pair of best friends share.
"I didn't catch him before the game," she grumbles
"With Parkinson again?" The sympathetic smile is enough to make the girl feel like she spoke about this whole situation too much
"Yup," she nods, regretting looking for Pansy in the stands immediately as she sees a jumper she recognises as Draco's hanging from the brunettes body.
She can't really explain why it hurts so much. Watching how Draco's arm holds his girlfriend close to him by her waist, pressing a kiss to her cheek.
It did though. It killed her when she would be forced to spend time with the couple, when her one on one time with her best friend felt like a rare occurrence. Maybe that's why it hurts so much this time.
She storms through the common room, past the couple who are surrounded by their friend group, the group she should be sat in, blinking back the tears in her eyes. Vaguely aware of her friends calling out to her but not stopping for a second. She can hear someone following her to her dorm, she can tell by the voice calling to her that it's Draco.
The door slams behind her as she locks it in a rush.
"Alohamora," she recognises come through the muffled wood, the lock easily moving.
"Do not come in here!" She shouts, her voice easily giving away that she's crying
"What? I can hear you're crying, darling, of course I'm going to-" she cuts of his call
"No! I'm serious Draco! Just- just leave me alone!"
"Why are you so mad at me? You never don't let me in," he reminds "I can't help you if you won't let me," he adds. His hand is pressed in a fist against the door. His head resting against it, he hates that he can hear her muffled sobs. He is angry a lot of the time but seeing the look on her face so briefly made his blood boil, ready to kill whoever hurt his best friend.
"Just fuck off back to Parkinson. Clearly you are too busy with her to care about me anymore!" She's trying to sound angry but they can both hear how hurt she is. It's when the realisation hits him. It's Wednesday. They study together ever Wednesday night in the library, they always have, and he missed it.
He lets out a sigh. Turning so his back is pressed against the door, she hears the way he sinks to sit with his back to the door and does the same. Neither of them can stop themselves from thinking, one piece of wood is all the keeps them apart.
"Love, I am so so sorry I missed out study session," he admits. He wants to scream, he can hear a whimper from her at the reminder. "I'm the worst best friend ever. I know that,"
"You're not, just a bit shitty sometimes," she returns, she hates how he always puts himself down.
She was always too forgiving, Blaise told her all the time that it was why people treated her like shit. That's why she had to tell him that she was mad.
She hadn't even meant to forgive him that night but the next day he had seemed so upset that she couldn't not give his cheek a peck and squeeze his shoulder on her way past after breakfast to assure him they were okay. She spent the whole day wondering if he had even noticed they don't eat breakfast together anymore.
She pounds on the door with a heavy hand. Leaning against it to support her intoxicated body, god there was no way she would be doing this if it wasn't for the spiked punch she had been downing for the past three hours.
The sound of a girls giggle makes her body feel cold as the door is pulled open, she stumbles into Draco's chest after the support of the door is gone, he's quick to grab her and steady her.
"Wow love, how much have you drank?" He questions gently, unable to stop the warm feeling in his chest as he pushes some hair from her face.
"No! No don't you call me love and play with my hair!" She demands, stumbling into his private dorm. Ignoring Pansy who is sat on the green leather sofa, clearly fresh from making out with Draco.
"What do you mean?" He questions, reaching out for her, heart breaking at the way she turns away.
"I'm mad at you Malfoy! And I needed you to know! I will not let you treat me like shit! I will not be too forgiving! You're a rotten best friend and I'm mad!" She shouts. He feels his heart break as he looks at the love of his life with tears in her eyes.
"Pansy you should leave," he states, looking at the sour girl on the sofa
"No. Stay. I've said all I want too," the girl cuts, before leaving, the door slamming on the way out.
Her finger pressed against the door bell tentatively. Having woken up tucked in her bed, unaware of how she actually got there she had avoided Slytherin's newest couple like the plague, sitting with her Ravenclaw friends on the train and leaving the platform as quick as possible.
But now, three days into summer break she couldn't deny how much she was missing her best friend. She wanted this whole thing behind them.
"Good morning miss y/l/n," a house elf greets, after the door is pulled open.
"Oh y/n, I didn't know you were coming over," Narcissa's familiar voice calls as she enters the hall from drawing room.
"Hey Aunty Cissa, I'm sorry for dropping by uninvited,"
"Nonsense, you're always welcome here sweetie, not that I've seen you yet since you got back," she assures, wrapping the girl in a warm hug.
"I was hoping to see Draco, we got in this silly fight and I wanted to come and apologise," I explain surprised he hasn't mentioned the fight to his mother.
"I'm sorry dear, Draco isn't spending his summer here, he's at his girlfriends, Pansy I think her name is. Did he not mention it to you it's been planned since may," she informs. Her heart drops at the news.
"No. No, he- he must have forgotten to mention it. I'll just be going then,"
"Nonsense, lets me and you have a catch up, you can tell me all about this fight so I can lecture my son for whatever stupid thing he's done," she smiles, the girl nods in agreement and allows Narcissa to lead her through to the conservatory.
Clad in a tshirt that belongs to her brother and a pair of pj shorts with cupcakes on. The girl lets out a groan as she drops back onto the bed behind her.
Reaching for the book on her bedside table, opening it and beginning to scan the page, re-reading sentences as she gets distracted in her own head, only minutes later  interrupted by a knock at my door. She is surprised as none of  her siblings or mum ever knock and she assumes the house elf will be preparing dinner. Perhaps it's her dad, he knocks whenever he comes in but it's rare he's not at work, maybe her mum mentioned how little she'd  left her room all summer.
"Come in!" she calls, placing a book mark in her book and tossing it to the side
"Hi," the familiar voice sounds. Draco stands in front of the girl looking nervous as he closes the door behind him
"Hi," she states back, aware how scruffy she looks and not sure why she's embarrassed.
"Think we might be way overdue on a chat," he comments
"Shouldn't you be at Parkinson's?" She snaps
"I was hoping you would guess Zabini's," he comments
"Your mother told me," the girl informs, standing up and crossing her arms over her chest
"She mentioned she'd seen you,"
"Don't avoid the question,"
"Look Pansy doesn't matter right now. What matters is us. What's happened love?" He questions, moving closer
"Are you kidding me?"
"We've drifted so far apart, I don't know why, are you mad at me?"
"Yes I'm mad at you! When did you become a fucking idiot!" She shouts
"Why? Darling, what have I done?"
"You want a list! Cause there's a lot!" She's practically growling and he can't help but feel the temper rising up in his chest despite only really being mad at himself for hurting her.
"Oh go ahead!"
"You stopped waiting to go to breakfast with me! You stopped sitting with me at meals! You stopped meeting me before your quidditch games and left me to freeze cause I thought I'd be getting a jumper! You stopped coming to Wednesday night study sessions! You stopped dragging me away from our group to get butter beer when we are in Hogsmede! You stopped saving me the seat next to you! You stopped telling me anything! You spent the last night of term with her when we always spend it together! You stopped caring Draco!"
"Merlin, I got a girlfriend that doesn't mean I stopped caring about you!" He shouts back, he's walking closer to her, barely any space between them "why doesn't all that stuff matter so much?"
"Shit- Draco- I- it- I think I love you Draco and it fucking kills me to see you do all our stuff with her!" She admits, her eyes are teary as she stares at the floor, refusing to look at him.
It's instant, his heart erupts with joy as he takes her face in his hands, pulling her to him and pressing his lips on hers. She kisses back instantly, arms wrapping around his neck as he gently guided her back to press her back to the wall, hands roaming her body, scared he may never get the chance to feel it against his own again. Her fingers tugging gently on his hair.
He pulls away for breath, his heart skipping a heat at the sight of her, lips puffy and clothes dishevelled from him.
"I never stopped caring about you. I could never, ever, do that. I watched you at every meal to make sure you were eating enough. I left you a jumper at the end of your bed before every game, it was your choice not to wear them. I missed one, I'll admit it, but I went every week after and waited for you and you never came. I couldn't exactly pull you off on our own when Pansy was right there but I paid for your drink every time even though you thought it was Blaise. I always left a seat open next to me, you chose not to take it. You avoided me so much it was impossible to tell you anything and if you're talking about me not being here for summer I did tell you. I told you when I put you in bed on the last night of term, it's not my fault you got too drunk to remember. Well, I guess it is, I should have been there. I should have done and a lot, and I'm sorry,"
"Draco Malfoy I just told you I was in love with you. You wanna comment on that?"
"Darling, how can you not realise I've been in love with you my whole life?" He laughs, his lips on hers once more
"What about Pansy?" She questions, he rolls his eyes taking her hand and dragging her to lay on her bed next to him
"You're aware it's still summer right?" He questions, pulling her close to him and wrapping his arms around her, everything fits just right, feels natural.
"I'm not stupid,"
"And I'm here, when I should be spending the holiday at-"
"You guys broke up?" She questions, cringing at how excited she sounded
"Don't sound too happy about it,"
"I just told you I'm in love it's you Dray, clearly there's only one person I want you to be in a relationship with," she smiles, rolling over to face him
"There's only one person I would want to be in a relationship with," he smiles back
"I'll let Goyle know, he'll be ecstatic to hear you feel the same," she teases. He laughs rolling his eyes before pressing his lips to hers again.
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watchmegetobsessed · 4 years
VALERIE - Part VI. (Harry Styles)
part 6 omg!!! ahh, these christmas chapters are my favs, i hope yall will like them asmuch as i do! as always, feedback is much appreciated!
word count: 4.1k
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“So how did you two exactly meet?” your dad asks over the dinner table. You are all sitting around the long pine table, the tremendous amount of food lining in the middle as the plates are going around, getting filled.
“Oh, um, we were set up, actually. It was all Rosa,” you admit with a soft chuckle, sharing a look with Marcus beside you. 
“I just thought they would be a good match, guess I was right,” Rosa grins, clearly satisfied with the work she’s done.
“What do you do for a living, Marcus?” Jeremy chimes in while helping Margaret cut her meat beside him. She is the youngest of the cousins, only five, but she can boss around anyone as if she was Meryl Streep in The Devil Wears Prada. 
“Oh, I work in sales. We had a project with Steven’s company, that’s where we met.”
“That sounds interesting,” Joe nods, but at the same time you hear Harry huff on the other end of the table. Looking in his way you see him with his eyes fixed on the plate. He hasn’t said a word since Marcus arrived and his silence is quite worrying if you’re being honest. You haven’t seen him be silent for this long ever, you’re afraid he might be plotting something. 
“It’s so weird that all four of us are here with a significant other this year. I remember when we were all just kids, running around in our backyard,” Etta sighs with a nostalgic smile.
Your eyes wander over to Harry, who is still relentlessly staring down at his plate, as if he wasn’t even there. 
“Yeah, now there are just two single people sitting at the table. Aunt Monica and Harry,” you say and his head finally snaps up, eyes meeting yours, but you can’t read them. 
“You’re single?” Lily asks Harry, leaning forward a little so she can see him since they are sitting on the same side of the table. 
“I, uhh--I am, yeah,” he nods, clearly uncomfortable he is being discussed all of a sudden.
“Would have sworn you have someone waiting for you at home.”
“No, it’s just me,” he shakes his head. “Maybe I could pair up with Aunt Monica so there wouldn’t be any single people,” he jokes, making everyone laugh at the table. Aunt Monica looks up from her plate and winks at Harry.
“I’ll leave my door open for the night,” she cheekily comments and Harry almost chokes on his wine as another round of laugh runs over the table.
“Monica, he is not a lonely soldier,” your mom tells her, but she just shrugs her shoulders grabbing her glass and downing the rest of her wine. Joe is quick to refill it for her, knowing well she was about to ask someone to do that for her. 
“Thanks for the offer though,” Harry nods shyly and you think it’s hilarious how his cheeks have turned red from a nasty comment your aunt made. 
His eyes find you again right when Marcus reaches over and squeezes your thigh gently under the table and you catch Harry’s grimace before you turn to your boyfriend and share a short peck on the lips. 
For your biggest surprise Harry doesn’t try to drop any nasty comments about you during dinner, not even after, when all adults gather in the living room while the kids leave to play video games in their room. Rosa is sitting on Harry’s thigh as he is supporting her back, letting her curiously look around in the room. You’re sitting on a loveseat with Marcus, curled up to his side and he has an arm around your shoulders. Occasionally you catch Harry’s eyes on the two of you, but you try to pay little attention to him and just enjoy the evening.
“I should get going soon,” Marcus tells you, checking the time. It’s past ten and he has to leave early in the morning.
“Why don’t you stay for the night?” Teresa asks when she sees the two of you getting up from the sofa.
“Oh, I didn’t want to bother too long, it’s my first time meeting you all, thought a dinner would be just enough,” Marcus chuckles and you bite into your bottom lip. Does he believe this or did he want to stay, but only tells this everyone because you didn’t invite him to stay the night? You’re not sure if you want to know the real answer...
“Silly, you don’t bother,” you mom huffs. “Isn’t it too late to drive home?”
“I’m fine, but thank you. I didn’t bring my stuff so I would have to leave extra early in the morning to make it in time. But thank you for having me, it was wonderful meeting you all.”
Marcus goes around and says his goodbye to everyone before the two of you head to the front door. 
“Drive safe, text me when you get home, alright?” you tell him as he throws his coat to the passenger seat before turning to face you. 
“Yeah. Have fun with your family and I’ll see you in a few days.” A genuine smile stretches across his face and it immediately triggers your guilt. He could have stayed the night avoiding to drive back to the city so late, but even now, standing out on the driveway you don’t feel like you want him to stay for longer. 
What you keep telling yourself is that it’s all because you haven’t been together that long and it would have been a too big of a step just yet. Seemingly Marcus is fine with your choice, but something is telling you that it bugs him deep inside. 
Leaning down he kisses you softly, a hand sliding to your waist and pulling you closer before you part your ways. Standing on the side you wave at him as he backs out of the driveway and disappears in the darkness of the woods. 
You stay out there for a little longer, the spicy coldness of the night feels numbing in a soothing way. Chewing on your bottom lip you contemplate if you’ve made the right choice by not inviting him to stay. You don’t find an answer for that before you head back inside.
Not much has changed since you left, but you notice that Valerie is back in Rosa’s hands and Harry is nowhere to be seen.
“Where’s Harry?” you ask sitting on the ground next to your sister, eyes on Valerie as she is adorably babbling at you.
“He said he’s tired, went to bed.”
You look in his room’s way. That sounded like absolute bullshit, but you don’t have a right to question it. Maybe he truly was tired, he probably had to wake up quite early to pick you up and be here in time.
Nodding you reach for Valerie and take the little girl into your arms, making yourself busy with her.
Tossing once again in the bed you growl in annoyance. You haven’t gotten an ounce of sleep since you’ve come to bed hours ago. Turning to your side you tap on the screen of your phone and it shows you that it’s already past two in the morning. No position feels comfortable anymore and you’ve flipped your pillow way too many times, there are no cold side anymore. 
On cue, your stomach growls and you let out a sigh staring up at the ceiling. Maybe if you had a late night snack your body would finally relax and let you rest. Kicking the covers off you put on a pair of fuzzy socks and throw a hoodie on before heading out to the kitchen to find something you could feast on. 
You stop in your way surprised when you see that the lights are on in the kitchen and someone is clearly out there, probably with the same intention as you. Walking down the hallway you hear a plate getting placed on the kitchen island and soon enough the person starts eating, the fork meeting the plate.
Harry is sitting at the kitchen island in a plain white t-shirt and checkered pajama pants, a plate of mashed potatoes and meatloaf sitting in front of him. His head snaps up immediately when he hears that someone has joined him and you stop at the door.
“Hey,” you smile softly. “I see I’m not the only one having trouble with sleeping,” you chuckle shuffling your way to the fridge. 
“I don’t sleep too well at new places,” he admits, eyes following your frame as you pass by him before he turns his attention back to his plate. 
Grabbing the milk you are about to close the fridge when your eyes lay on the absurd amount of eggnog. Hesitantly you grab a bottle and take it out as well, thinking that a few sips might help you fall asleep easier. Then you grab the cookies the kids decorated this afternoon and sit on a stool next to Harry.
“Woah, in need of having some fun?” he chuckles seeing the eggnog and you just shrug your shoulders, pouring milk into a regular glass, then some eggnog into a smaller one in hopes you won’t go overboard with it. 
“I’m just… having a hard time falling asleep.”
“Empty bed?”
“What?” you ask taking a bite from a cookie.
“I mean, Marcus left. You must be used to sleeping next to him,” Harry explains and you look back at him with furrowed eyebrows. 
“Well, I do sleep better with someone next to me, but it’s not like I’ve done that a lot with Marcus,” you admit, turning your attention back to the cookies.
“What do you mean?”
“Nothing,” you shrug, not really in the mood to get into it, because it’s a whole spiral that would bring you down into depths you definitely don’t want to talk about right now. 
“You haven’t slept with Marcus?” he asks, and you notice how it could mean two versions. Either he is only talking about just sleeping or he is nosily trying to find out if you’ve had sex with him.
“That is… none of your business,” you tell him with a soft chuckle. Harry holds his hands up innocently before returning to his plate. 
A few minutes pass by in silence, just your munching and Harry’s chewing breaking it. As you pour a little more eggnog to yourself Harry stands up from the stool upon finishing his food, and after putting his plate to the sink he gets a glass for himself and sits back, holding the glass in your way.
“Want to have some fun too?” you ask, but pour him some eggnog anyway.
“Might help me fall asleep too.”
“Sometimes I feel like mom is right saying that I have a drinking problem,” you snort finishing up your cookie.
“Don’t think that’s true,” Harry tells you with furrowed eyebrows. 
“Well, you have seen me drunk quite a few times, but it’s nice that you think it’s alright.”
“What’s wrong with having a few drinks occasionally? It’s not like you blackout every other day.”
“My mom would want me to never blackout in general, but I don’t seem to know my boundaries with alcohol,” you tell him with a sigh.
“Happens to everyone, I don’t think you have anything to worry about.”
“Thanks, but I’m sitting here at two in the morning, drinking eggnog for no specific reason, because it surely won’t help me sleep, so... Maybe there is some truth to it.”
Harry thinks to himself a little before pouring some more to himself and some into your glass as well.
“I literally just said that I should stop,” you say, giving him a puzzled look.
“It’s fine if you have a reason,” he answers with a cheeky smile. “We’re gonna play never have I ever.”
“Oh hell no!” you chuckle looking at him with wide eyes.
“What? Are you afraid I might find out something nasty about you?” he challenges you, clearly trying to push you to play. “I don’t think you can surprise me with anything.”
“Excuse me? That’s pretty hurtful you think I don’t have surprising secrets,” you say putting a hand to your chest. “I think I’m the one who can’t find out anything surprising about you.”
“Hah, we’ll see, Y/N. All you gotta do is play,” he smirks and you already know you’re fucked. Sighing you take your glass and look at him with a murderous look, but the corners of your mouth are curling up. “You can start, just so you see how generous I am.”
“Oh, what a gentleman,” you mock him. “Okay. Never have I ever… gotten into a physical fight,” you say and watch Harry raise his glass to his mouth, but at the same time you do the same, already sure he is gonna be shocked.
Just as you expected, he freezes seeing you take a sip from your eggnog.
“Alright, rule is that we gotta explain them, because there’s no way you’re leaving without telling me about who you got into a fight with,” he tells you pointing a finger at you, but then adds: “Fighting with your sister does not count, Y/N.”
“It wasn’t Rosa,” you chuckle. “I had a huge fight with my best friend in third grade and we somehow ended up kicking and punching each other in the middle of the gym in class. We were both sent to the principal’s office.”
“Who would have thought you were a feisty little kid!” Harry chuckles and you just shrug with a proud smile.
“See? I told you I can surprise you. Your turn.”
“Okay. Never have I ever had a threesome,” he easily says and brings his glass up to his mouth as you stay put this time.
“If you think I’m surprised, I’m not. It’s literally written on your forehead that you’re the kind who enjoys that kind of stuff,” you scoff.
“Oh, please. Don’t pretend like you haven’t even thought about having one.”
“I’m not admitting anything outside the game. You have to ask that next if you are that interested,” you smirk, but you’re certain your eyes give you away, because Harry is chuckling and shaking his head. “Never have I ever cheated on someone,” you say and watch Harry’s glass stay on the counter.
“I’m not that bad of a person.”
“Never said you are, I was just curious,” you shrug and nod at him letting him know it’s his turn again.
“Never have I ever had a crush on a teacher of mine.”
You both drink.
“My finance professor, junior year in college,” you inform him.
“English teacher, senior year in high school,” Harry replies and you are already picturing him sitting in the first row just to be close to her during class.
“Did you write poems to her too?”
“You said no questions outside the game!” he retorts laughing and you roll your eyes at him.
“Alright, I have thought about having a threesome before, now your turn, spill the tea!”
“I wrote a song about her,” he admits and you raise your eyebrows at him. “Even planned on showing it to her, but my friends talked me down, luckily.”
“It’s kinda sweet and romantic.”
“Yeah, and very inappropriate,” he adds chuckling. “Alright, enough of Miss Hastings, your turn.”
“Never have I ever stolen something.” You both raise your glass and you smile at him swallowing the alcohol. “Virginities do not count,” you tease him, earning a laugh.
“Still would have drank. I was a little kleptomaniac when I was a kid. Liked to steal small things in the store just to see if I would get caught.”
“And were you ever?”
“One time, yeah. My mom was so mad at me, I got grounded for a week, never stole anything again,” he admits chuckling. “What about you?”
“It wasn’t regular, but I definitely have stolen candies when I didn’t have enough money to pay.”
“What a rebel,” he teases you and you just smack his upper arm jokingly. “Never have I ever snuck out.” Only Harry drinks and you roll your eyes at him.
“Again, not surprising.”
“I just wanted to know if you have ever snuck out, chill,” he smirks. “Guess you were a saint.”
“Never have I ever said the wrong person’s name while having sex.” A devilish smile sits on your lips as you watch him drink while you do the same. You see his eyebrows rise over the glass.
“Nasty,” he huffs. “When did that happen?”
“First year of college. I was casually seeing a guy, but I wasn’t really over my last ex from high school and accidentally called him Ethan.”
“And what was his real name?”
“I don’t even remember,” you admit with a laugh, clearly feeling the alcohol slowly kicking in. Harry’s mouth hangs open before his expressions turn into that iconic ‘not bad’ face.
“Never have I ever had a wet dream about a friend of mine,” Harry asks and you feel your cheeks heating up right away, eyes snapping down at your glass. Unwillingly, but you drink as Harry does the same. “Who was it?”
“I’m not answering this one,” you shake your head. 
“Come on! I promise it’ll stay between us. Was it Steven?” he grins at you, clearly enjoying your embarrassment. “I bet it was Steven.”
“Shut up, it wasn’t!” you snap at him rolling your eyes.
“Okay, then who? I won’t sleep tonight if you don’t tell me!” he begs, but you shake your head stubbornly. “Do I know him?” Oh, all too well, you think to yourself. “Is it someone who was there at the bar last time?”
“Can we move past it?” you sigh painfully.
“No, no way. I’m not leaving you alone until you tell me!”
“It was you.”
The words slip out fast and a little quiet, but he hears them clear. His lips part, a truly stunned look pulls on his face and you just wish you didn’t say a word.
“Happy? Now you know,” you snap running a hand through your hair.
“Was I any good in your dream?” he then cheekily asks and you gasp at the nosy, nasty question.
“Now that I won’t answer.”
“I have to know if I did good!” he protests and you laugh.
“It wasn’t even you, well, not your real version, why does it matter?”
“I’m a maximalist, I have to know if my dream self did good,” he pushes further and you can’t believe this is really what you’re talking about.
“Jesus fucking Christ, it was good!” you admit throwing your hands into the air, giving up to keep anything to yourself. He is just too damn annoying and stubborn to ever have anything other than his way.
“If that makes you feel better, I’ve had a few about you as well,” he admits with a straight face and the heat is back in your cheeks immediately.
“A few?”
“I didn’t count, but yeah. And you were awesome, if you’re interested.”
“Thanks, but I was not,” you say with a meaningful look, but he just smirks at you. “You’re such a pig, Styles.”
“Says the girl who was probably moaning my name in her dreams.”
“If you keep talking about this, you’ll be the second person I get into a physical fight with,” you warn him and he chuckles, but takes the hint and finally moves on. 
You easily forget about time as you keep playing for quite long. Question after question, some shocking and surprising things come up, but there are some absolutely ridiculous facts too. You’re definitely over the line of being tipsy, but you’re not at the drunk state yet. 
Harry clearly enjoys asking questions that make you nervous, but you don’t shy away from risky questions either. By the time the bottle empties out you are both laughing on something he said, your eyes are teary and you gasp for air, holding onto the edge of the kitchen island.
“Oh fuck!” you breathe out when your gaze wanders over to the windows and you see that it’s starting to brighten out there. “The Sun is coming up, what time is it?” you slur, having a hard time to get off the stool and keep your balance at the same time. Harry fishes his phone out of his pocket and his eyes widen.
“It’s six in the morning!” he whisper-yells and you almost faint.
“Shit, mom is usually up around six thirty, she can’t find us here like this! Quickly, we have to clean up!”
Harry takes care of the empty eggnog bottle while you wash the dishes and then the two of you head back to your rooms, but you just really don’t want to go to bed alone. Alcohol tends to make you clingy and you need the presence of someone next to you.
“Harry,” you whisper as the two of you stop in the hallway.
“Hm?” he hums, looking back at you with glassy eyes.
“Can I… sleep at yours?” you shyly ask.
Part of you expects a smart comeback, something dirty, but he looks down at you for a long moment as if he is debating what he should say and you start to think he is about to reject you, but then he takes your hand and pulls you in the direction of his room.
“It’s strictly friendly, okay?” you tell him once the two of you are in his room and the door is closed behind you.
“Like the dream you had about me?” he cockily asks grinning at you and you’re quick to smack his hard chest, making him chuckle.
“Shut up! I just really don’t want to sleep alone.”
“Chill, it’s all good,” he chuckles and stepping to the nightstand he plugs his phone in to charge as you crawl up to the huge, comfortable bed.
Tugging a pillow under your head you turn your back against him, only hearing as he lies down next to you, tugging some of the cover off you since there’s only a big one. He shuffles a bit more until you both stop moving, but you still have your eyes open. 
Knowing that he is right there behind you irks your mind and the urge to cuddle to his side is stronger than you will to stay still. You want to feel his body heat, his touch, hear his heartbeat under your face as you curl up to his side. You are dying to listen to his steady breathing from up close and your self-control is slowly but surely dissolves. 
Before your rational side could talk you down, you find yourself turning around and snuggling to his side, a soft chuckle emitting from his lips.
“It’s totally friendly, wipe the satisfied grin off your stupid face,” you mumble as you lay your head to his shoulder, bringing a hand up to his chest. One of his arms curl around your shoulders as he stays silent, letting you snuggle up to him all you want. 
It’s even better than you remembered. Last time the two of you were like this, the morning ruined everything and it had a whole different antecedent than now. You can only hope history doesn’t repeat itself and you don’t have to go through the same embarrassment like last time.
“Y/N?” he whispers and your eyes open at his voice.
“Yeah?” There’s a short pause before he speaks up again.
“Do you really… think that… there was not much Etta was missing?”
You can’t stop yourself from smiling at how self-conscious he just sounded, still thinking about the joke you made in the car on your way here. For a split second you think about lying again, but it’s clearly been bothering him, so much he felt the need to ask after several rounds of eggnog.
“No. I was just joking,” you admit and he lets out a relieved sigh. “Harry?”
“Do you really think I have a fat ass?” you ask referring back to the time the two of you encountered at the hospital when Valerie was born. You feel him huff as his hand on your shoulder squeezes you gently.
“You have a great ass, Y/N. The best I’ve ever seen.”
“Are you just exaggerating?” you ask, lifting your head up and narrowing your eyes at him in the dark.
“No,” he smiles. “Swear to my sister’s life it’s the truth.”
Knowing well he wouldn’t bring his sister into it if he wasn’t telling the truth, you put back down your head, finally closing your eyes.
“Good night, Harry,” you mumble, feeling yourself drifting to sleep.
“Good night, Pretty Eyes.”
let me know if you’d like to be added or taken off!
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twistedlymad · 4 years
Hi!! I really love your Twisted Wonderland stories!! They make so happy!! I love the way you write the characters! If you’re still taking requests could I plz have a story of MC and the gang playing truth or dare where Grimm asks MC if she has a crush on anyone to get at the boys? And MC won’t tell so the boys try everything they can to see who she likes? I leave the ending in your hands! I understand if you won’t accept this request but if you do then I’ll be so happy!! Ok thanks YOUREAWESOME!!
Okay, let’s settle something first. And that is: I am NOT awesome.
You guys are the true awesome ones! You guys have so many ideas! My inbox is filled with requests of which I never knew could happen! Thank you all <3
Also, I have never fully immersed myself into a game of truth and dare :’) And now I’m writing a story on something I’ve played but not full heartedly. The irony is strong :’)
Thank you for requesting this story! I do hope it lives up to your expectations! Thank you again and have a lovely day!!
What if you played Truth or Dare? (Ft. Grim, Ace, Deuce, Sebek, Jack and Epel) (Riddle, Vil, Lilia and Ruggie are mentioned)
“Fgnaaaaa (Y/N), I’m bored.” Grim said while laying on your lap. You and him were doing your homework in your dorm.
“I know, but, when we finish, we can go out and meet up with the others. I’ll even throw in a can of tuna or two. How does that sound?” You said, trying to coax the furball into doing his homework.
“When you put it that way!! Fgnaaaa!” And the furball was more excited to do his work. You gave him a head pat and continued on your own work.
After about an hour or two, you two had finished your homework. You sighed and closed your book, you turned to see Grim dozing off to dreamland. You shook your head, giggling and gently nudged him awake.
“Come on you furball, it’s almost time to get dinner, we don’t want the others to worry about us right?” You said, picking Grim up and placing him on your head. Grim yawned a little before going to sleep on your head.
You had a nice little walk to the crowded cafeteria, when you arrived, you saw your friends sitting at a table not far from you. They were chatting with smiles on their faces while you went and grabbed yours and Grim’s food. After doing so, you went over to the table where your friends were sitting and sat yourself down.
“(Y/N)!!” The others called for you and you just shushed them. They were puzzled until you pointed to the sleeping furball on top of your head. They looked at each other before nodding and snickering. You smiled and slowly set the sleeping furball down on your lap and took a bite out of your dinner.
“So, how is everyone doing?” You asked your friends and multiple groans were heard.
“Riddle made me feed the flamingos wearing pink again today!!” Ace said with a sigh.
“I had to change the color of roses in the garden to white for the whole day.” Deuce said, taking a sip out of his drink.
“Ruggie-senpai dragged me around the whole school looking for Leona-senpai… Turns out he was sleeping in a tree at Main Street. I wasted a whole afternoon doing that.” Jack said.
“Hah! You guys don’t even know what is true hardship. Vil and Rook taught me on ‘fine dinning’ and ‘proper table manners’ the whole day! I don’t get it! IT’S FOOD SO YOU SHOULD JUST EAT IT.” Epel said, the last part in anger. You patted him gently as a gesture to calm him down.
“Malleus-sama was nowhere to be found when school ended, so me and that stupid Silver spent the entire day searching for him. We could’ve been done earlier if that human wasn’t so slow. I can’t believe he can let Malleus-sama out of his sight!” Sebek said.
“Ehh? Didn’t you also let Malleus-senpai out of your sight?” Epel asked the Diasomnia first year. The latter froze a little.
“N-No. Malleus-sama’s class wasn’t near mine at all today. It’s clearly that human’s fault.” Sebek said.
“Sebek, I’m sure Silver-senpai didn’t mean it. It’s just that Tsu- I mean, Malleus-sama likes taking walks around the school without anyone knowing, right?” You said, in hopes of calming down your friend.
“Hmm… Maybe you’re right, but still-” Sebek tried to argue but you cut him off.
“Sebek, it’s alright, mistakes happen all the time, let it go.” You said and sent a smile to him.
“A-Alright.” Sebek said, going back to his meal.
“You know what? Since you all had such a terrible day, let’s do something after dinner to clear your minds of it!” You suggested to your friends, their eyes lit up after you’ve said so.
“Yea!! But, what should we do?” Ace asked.
“How about a game?” Deuce said.
“What game?” Jack immediately asked. The 6 of you were brainstorming until Epel decided to speak up.
“How about Truth or Dare?” The Pomefiore first year piped up. You all took looks at each other before nodding.
“Sounds fun!” Ace said with a smirk.
“I’m in.” Deuce said, taking a bite out of his dinner.
“W-Well, it is just a game… I guess I’ll join since I have nothing better to do.” Jack said, his ears drooping slightly.
Alas, the only one who didn’t give a response was Sebek. So, you, Ace and Epel looked at him with the most adorable puppy eyes the 3 of you could muster. Jack was slightly confused but he has a gist of what you all were trying to do. Sebek looked at the 3 of you, his face slightly paling.
“W-Wha-“ Poor Sebek couldn’t even finish asking before you cut him off.
“Join our game Sebek!” You pleaded.
“It’ll be fun! We promise!” Ace continued after you. After the two of you had said this, you, Ace and Epel bombarded Sebek with the word ‘please’ over and over again.
“F-FINE! STOP YOUR PLEADING!” Sebek said, finally caving in to you, Ace and Epel’s chants of ‘please’. The three of you high fived each other and did a little cheer. Your cheering just so happened to wake Grim up from his nap.
“Fgnaaaaa…. What’s wrong with you people? Can’t you let a monster like me take a good nap for once?” Grim said as he sat up and rubbed his eyes. You giggled and petted Grim.
“Sorry Grim, but we were just excited! We’re playing truth or dare later.” You said, running your fingers through the creature as if you were to groom him.
“Truth or Dare? What’s that?” Grim asked you. You let out a small gasp.
“Grim… You… You don’t know what’s Truth or Dare?” You asked back the creature. He looked at you tiredly and shook his head.
“It’s like, the most common game ever to play with friends! You must’ve heard of it before!” Ace said to the furball.
“No, I have never heard of such game.” Grim replied the orange-haired student with a yawn.
“Well, you can see us play around before joining in later.” You said, handing him a can of tuna. “I remember owing you this.” The furball’s eyes lit up with sparkles.
“Fgnaaaaaaa!! Yes!!!!” Grim did a little happy dance and started to work his way into the can.
“So, where are we going to play later?” Sebek asked you all.
“Not Heartslabyul.” Ace said. “I cannot imagine enjoying the game with Riddle there.”
“Not Savanaclaw either. We can’t have a peaceful moment to ourselves there.” Jack said, shaking his head.
“Definitely not Pomefiore, unless you want our game session to turn into a makeover session.” Epel added on.
“Diasomnia isn’t the best option either. I’m pretty sure Lilia-senpai would interrupt us constantly.” Said Sebek.
“Well, I guess that just leaves my dorm right?” You said, laughing a little. “Then it’s settled then! We’ll have a small game session at Ramshackle Dorm. Now, hurry up and finish your dinner guys.” You ordered the boys as you finished your own dinner.
When they did, you all walked back to your dorm together, along the way, you guys had a nice little chat about what Professor Trein’s homework and how Lucius has a big influence on the class. The cat couldn’t help but meow at the end of each of the professor’s sentence. Ace even made fun of Deuce who meowed along once because he was half asleep then. When Deuce tried to defend himself by saying it was actually Lucius who made the sound and not him, Ace fired back at him saying that he was literally looking at him while he made the sound. Poor Deuce immediately turned red as the rest of you laughed. It’s okay, you comforted him after laughing for almost a minute.
Soon after, you arrived at your humble Ramshackle Dorm. You let everyone into the lounge and you guys started to discuss about the game that you were going to play. You guys decided to draw sticks to see who will go first. In the end, you had drawn the longest stick therefore you would start the game first.
“Alright then, let’s begin! Epel, truth or dare?” You asked your first victim and so the madness had begun.
After a few rounds of Truth or Dare, you had ended up with Epel being punished to wear a pink dress and his hair was in an up-do. Ace and Deuce had been punished to switch places, their personalities, the marks on their eyes and even their clothes had been switched. Jack was dared to have makeup on his face, from mascara to lipstick, you name it, beauty products littered everywhere on his face, his tail was in a big braid as a dare. Sebek’s whole body was covered in glitter, everytime he moved, glitter would flutter off from his body, he was also punished to speak in hushed tones.
Yeah, let that sink in.
And for you, you just had to be in an uncomfortable pose. You were feeling pretty sore too, who would’ve thought you would have to do the game standing up with only one leg supporting you while one of your hands were stuck to your waist and the other on top of your head. This was a dare made by Sebek out of all people, and you can only leave the pose when someone else calls out your name. So, yeah, you were ABSOLUTELY SORE.
“I think I know how to play this game now!!” Grim suddenly yelled out.
“Final- I mean, good for you Grim! I have to be nice to everyone if I want to be an honor student!” Ace said to Grim, mocking Deuce who was clearly irked by this.
“Fgnaaaaaa! Why wouldn’t I know how to play? I am The Great Grim after all!!” Grim laughed out.
“Well, I guess you should get a turn, go on then, pick a student and ask them Truth or Dare.” Epel said.
“Hmmm… (Y/N) then!” Grim looked at you and you finally collapsed onto the ground.
“Thank you Gri-“ You were cut off by the furball.
“Truth, or Dare?” You looked at him with widen eyes.
“Hmm… I’m never doing dare again… So, truth!” You said, not moving from your position at all because you were too tired.
“Alright, Truth eh?” Grim said, putting a paw underneath his chin to make it look like he’s thinking of something. After a few seconds of ‘thinking’ the furball had come up with the question.
“I got it!!” Grim yelled. “Who do you have a crush on in this school?” Everybody froze.
Grim, no, you just… You just started a war.
“Hey! How about I switch okay? I choose Dare instead!!” You frantically yelled out.
But Grim already made up his mind.
“Alright then, I dare you to tell us your crush.” Grim said to you and your eye twitched. You got to hand it to the furball, that was one smart move.
“Argh! NO! I won’t say anything!” You said, crossing your arms and turning away from your friends.
“Hey! You didn’t let me do anything else than wear this stupid dress!” Epel argued with you.
“Guys, guys, no. If (Y/N) is acting so defensive, it must mean she has a crush.” Ace said. The boys looked at you while you slowly shrunk yourself.
“(Y/N), it is a dare.” Jack barely said for his face was too heavy with the amount of makeup on.
“Yeah (Y/N) come on, tell us! I as the troublemaker need to know because I’m dumb!” Deuce said, mocking Ace.
Truth be told, the boys treated each other like enemies when Grim asked the question as they each wanted to be your ‘crush’, they knew that everyone had spent their fair share of time with you and you must have a favorite, right?
So, with what Deuce had said, it seemed like a direct attack to Ace. And let me tell you, Ace was not happy at all.
“HEY! I HAVE BETTER GRADES THAN YOU!” Ace fired back to his dorm mate.
“GUYS STOP.” Sebek said, getting in between them.
“Fine! Just because I don’t want to be covered in glitter as well.” Ace said.
“Hmph! Me neither!” Deuce said.
“Wait… Where’s (Y/N)?” Epel asked out. Everyone turned to where you sat only to find air there.
You see, while everyone was busy watching/stopping the fight between Ace and Deuce, you had sneakily taken off and ran straight for your dorm’s front door.
“(Y/N)!!! YOU CAN’T ESCAPE!!” Epel yelled as he and the others started to run after you.
“NO! FREEDOM IS NEAR!” You yelled and opened the door and ran out of it. As you just left your dorm’s front yard, you saw the boys were already on their way chasing after you. Grim was also with them but he had a spot on Deuce’s shoulder.
So, you ran, with a bunch of ridiculously looking boys on your tail.
“Guys, we should circle her instead, so, split up!” Sebek told his friends. The others nodded and branched off. You turned your head to see only Sebek running at you at full speed. You gulped slightly before picking up your pace.
“(Y/N)! This could’ve been easier if you’ve just did the dare!” Sebek yelled at you.
“Over my dead body!!” You shouted back and took a sharp left at the end of a hallway, leading you to Main Street.
But when you arrived, you saw something pink slowly walking towards you. You widen your eyes as you realized that it was Epel in front of you. You turned your head to the left to find Jack slowly approaching you from that side. Your right was being approached by the two Heartslabyul boys so escaping from there isn’t an option. You also felt a presence behind you and you already knew who it was.
And with that, you were trapped. Escape was impossible then.
Or so you thought.
“Now, (Y/N), be a good little student who accepted a dare and tell us…” Ace said smugly.
“Yeah, no backing out (Y/N).” Deuce continued. You were overwhelmed.
“F-Fine! I’ll talk, I’ll talk!” You said, covering your blushing. The boys all thought you looked adorable in that state. Could you blame them? You were looking all flustered and red and adorable while hiding her blushing face. Nothing could stop them from blushing slightly as well.
“Okay…” You said, taking a deep breath. The boys leaned in to you, wanting to hear more of your slightly trembling voice.
“My crush is-“
Ah, you were cut off. By a few voices actually.
“Jack!! I need your help back at Savanaclaw!! Leona isn’t helping me!!”
“My oh my, if it isn’t Sebek, you know, Malleus would be disappointed.”
Yes, two dorm leaders and two vice dorm leaders were slowly walking to your group.
“Dorm Leader Rosehearts!” Ace and Deuce yelled to a red-looking Riddle.
“You two! It’s already curfew! If you don’t get back to your dorm in the next five minutes… IT’S OFF WITH YOUR HEAD!!” Ace and Deuce’s eyes widen and ran at full speed to their dorm.
“Bye (Y/N)!! We’ll see you tomorrow!!” Ace and Deuce said as they ran back to Heartslabyul with Riddle following behind them, but of course Riddle walked slowly instead.
“EPEL!!!” Vil had yelled for his first-year. Epel let out a small groan before turning to look at Vil.
“What?” Your friend responded to his dorm leader.
“What in tarnation are you wearing?!” Vil questioned.
“Are you blind? It’s a dress.” Epel said with a straight face.
“Don’t make me slap you again. Come, we must go back to Pomefiore and get you out of this horrible outfit.” Vil said and dragged Epel away.
“I’ll see you tomorrow (Y/N).” Epel managed to say while being dragged back to his dorm by Vil.
“Jack! Didn’t you hear what I said?!” Ruggie was approaching Jack. “I told you that- HAHAHAHAHAHA WHAT’S GOING ON WITH YOUR FACE?!?!” Ruggie couldn’t help himself as he turned Jack around only to be greeted with a makeup filled face.
“Yeah, yeah, you need my help right? Let’s just go now.” Jack said, dragging a laughing hyena upperclassman with him. “Bye (Y/N).” Said the wolf to you.
“My… Sebek… What a sight to see you like this.” Sebek froze for a good few seconds before turning around.
“Lilia-sama…” Sebek muttered in a low tone.
“I wonder how Malleus would react to this.” Lilia said and Sebek’s eyes widen.
“Then, I suggest you better hurry back to your dorm before he catches you.” Said Lilia with a small smirk on his face.
“We will meet again tomorrow (Y/N)!” Sebek said before rushing back to his dorm.
“Bye (Y/N)~” Lilia said to you before going back to his dorm himself.
After everyone were gone, you let out a breath you didn’t even knew you were holding.
“Fgnaaaaa… I only played one round though.” Grim said, as he plomped himself on your shoulder.
“I think one round is enough for you.” You said and started to walk back to Ramshackle Dorm.
“But seriously (Y/N), who is your crush?” Grim asked with curiosity.
“I don’t need a crush, I have you after all.” You said to Grim, patting his head.
“But but!” Grim asked further.
“No buts, either you stop asking about my crush or you don’t get to have tuna for the next few days.” You said with a stern tone.
“Fine…” Grim said and the two of you slowly made your way back to Ramshackle Dorm.
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GAMES. — Zed Necrodopolis
Pairing: Zed X FEMALE Reader
Requested: Yes / No
Requested By: @gummybee12 Thank you so much for being my first submission. Sorry for not posting immediately i recently transitioned semesters so i had too focus on school the past two weeks but i hope you enjoy it! Also, their might be an extensive part to this one-shot so please don’t be worried if it ends abruptly! 
Summary: When Y/N moved to SeaBrook she is warned by her friends to stay cautious of Zed, who’s only goal is to get with every girl and then drop them. One night at an annual zombie mash could change her expectations.
Prompt: #64 — “Your who they warned me about”.
Warnings: regular teens cursing. 
IT HAD BEEN ONE DAY SINCE ZED had called it quits with Addison. The blonde girl was utterly heart broken as she sobbed quietly in the beige colored stall in the SeaBrook High girl’s lavatory. Bree stood outside of the small stall consoling Addison and trying to comfort her sad friend. Bree’s arms crossed over her chest in annoyance she breathed out a huge huff and began slowly pacing around the sink area. “I’m going to kill him”. Bree spoke in a utter tone as her white teeth gritted together in anger at the thought of the green haired zombie.
Zed Necrodopolis. Everyone at SeaBrook knew the name if you’d ask they’d point you in the direction of the sly zombie who stood at 6’3 with vibrant green hair, piercing brown eyes and mahogany colored converse. He was your all average stuck up playboy. You’d either find him at raging house parties and annual zombie mashes completely sucking the face off some human girl in the corner while loud music blasted over the speaker, practically trying to get her clothes off.
 Zed arrived at SeaBrook High as transfers from zombie town along with other students almost 2 years ago, and since then the disgusting misogynistic peer pressures of being popular has taken over his mind. He had bright goals and ambitions to make SeaBrook a better place dude to the wide discrimination and violence against zombies — he had joined the football team, became student body president and from their, Y/N knew it was only a matter of time before her childhood best friend dissolved into the crowd.
Y/N was a hybrid. She was born to a human father and zombie mother, which at the time of her birth wasn’t a normal thing that was looked upon in the town of SeaBrook. She had human like features, her eyes, nose, teeth although her hair was born and curly the other half of her head was a vibrant neon green and she inherited a diamond shaped birthmark on her wrist. 
She learned from an early age how to stand up for herself due to growing up in an all human town and going to a human elementary school. The kids laughed and taunted her but scaring them off didn’t stop her. Instead of being forced to wear a bulky wrist band that has to be covered in plastic every time a zombie takes a shower, Y/N was given a green jeweled necklace handed down by generations in her family to help contain the full zombie impulse.
She and her family moved to SeaBrook back in the summer — which was about a month ago, on her first day she was utterly lost and couldn’t find her way around the school she soon befriended Addison and her friend Bree, who quickly accepted her with open arms. With Addison out of sight, who was still dating her at the time made sure to warn Y/N about Zed’s sick tendencies. “He just broke up with Zia about 3 weeks ago”. Bree told Y/N as she sat with her at lunch surrounded by Bree, Bonzo, Lacey, and Bucky. Y/N squinted at the laughter to green haired teens shared sitting at the back table in the cafeteria while eating lunch. 
Zed not failing to flirt and compliment Addison every second only causing her to swoon more and more. “He’s going to break her”. Bree spoke taking a bite of her pizza , to which the group murmured in agreement. “It’s only a matter of time before he continues the cycle so it’s best we all stay away from him — including you Y/N”. Bree tried to lecture but only earned a scoff from Y/N who rolled her eyes.
“Pfft, as if zombie boy over there even has a single chance”.
It had been three weeks since Zed had broken the blonde’s heart. The last bell for the hour rang as Y/N took her seat on the small wooden stool in the science class. The bell had rang and Y/N let out a content sigh pulling out her lime green spiraled notebook and a mechanical pencil. “Good Afternoon class”. Y/N’s eyes adverted to the welcoming voice of Mr. Eeurk, the science teacher who stood at about 5  feet and 9 inches with very pale skin and brown eyes a bright smile on his face as he walked over to his large desk and set down his leather bag taking a sip of his coffee. 
20 minutes had soon passed when Mr. Eeurk was lecturing the class about the plants cycle of photosynthesis. The large door creaked open as a tall built figure walked in flashing a shiny white smile. “Hey Mr Eeurk sorry i’m late i was using the bathroom!” Mr. Eeurk didn’t seem impressed - or amused at the fact that one of his careless students was late to class -- again.
“I don’t want to hear it Necrodopolis, take a seat and get out your worksheet”. Mr. Eeurk nonchalantly answered with his back turned to the 6 feet 4′ athlete reading the answer pages on his clipboard. Zed sighed and scanned the room for a place to sit his eyes met the eyes of the quiet and innocent looking students -- most of them the zombie knew because of his high popularity on school grounds, but some he did not.  
He smirked to  himself as he eyes down the candy that was Y/N. He didn’t care about anything except keeping his name in check which meant staking out the class for fresh meat. He was an asshole, which meant he cared about no one, only himself and his needs. 
Y/N had felt an unusual pit of wary grow in her stomach, a light finger tapped the upper right of her shoulder. Breaking her attention away from her science worksheet that she had almost finished she eyed a paled face boy who she had heard many things about. Y/N was smart, so she knew he was up to something the minute he batted his eyes innocently and said; 
“ can i sit here?”
he licked his lips and smiled like an angel. ‘So he thinks he’s really fooling me huh? Yeah not today dude.’  Y/N chuckles lightly and shakes her head picking up her finished worksheet. She gave him a moment of ambition and curious silence when she flashes a flirty smile and spoke, “no but you can go sit your ass in the back”. 
She giggled evilly as she watched the sly expression on the player’s face immediately drop to disappointment. He nodded slowly and pursed his lips not expecting the ‘ohs” and enjoying laughter from his football buddies and classmates. 
Y/N had stood up from her seat and slowly strutted up wards towards the small plastic paper box that laid on the teacher’s desk. Placing her completed paper in with a smile she made her way back to the small desk in silence. Zed’s eager eyes following her every move, he licked his dry lips in anticipation. Y/N however, smirked at her recent actions, proud of the rejection she gave the notorious fuckboy moments earlier. 
The time had somehow consumed her thoughts as the last school bell for the day finally rang as a release for the captive students. Packing up her things Y/N walked out of the science room and up the grey stairs of SeaBrook High feeling like she had just won a grammy. She chuckled swaying her hips as she made her way over toward’s Bree’s pink colored locker. 
Two can definitely play at this game. 
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watermelonsugar2612 · 3 years
Okay- I'm sorry but I skipped some of the story, like wedding prep. I really wanted to write about their bachelor parties. In the story now, they're getting married in a week. Also, now the story is from Ginny's POV. I read a bunch of fics from her POV and fell in love. Sorry its so late too, I had exams. Now read on.
Ginny’s bachelorette
“I can’t believe we’re getting married in a week, fiance dearest!” I smiled as Harry and I sat in the kitchen of Grimmauld Place. We had just finished breakfast and we had our bachelor and bachelorette party tonight. “Me too fiancee,” Harry grinned, gave me a little peck on the lips and took his dish to the sink. He put it down and washed his hands. “Are you all set for your bachelorette tomorrow?” I asked him as I washed the dishes and he changed into a shirt. “Yeah. A few of the blokes are going for drinks.” he said unimportantly. “Cool,” I said and put away the last dish. He stepped away, his shirt was buttoned except the top two buttons, and his raven locks were messy as usual. “Bye baby, I’ll see you tomorrow. I love you, I’ll miss you” he said, gave me a short kiss. “I love you too, I’ll apparate to Grimmauld if I can’t sleep okay?” I made a cute face. “Of course baby, I probably won’t be able to sleep without you anyway, I’ll miss you,” he gave me another little kiss. “Me too, I’ll miss you so much Harry,” I said again and kissed him. After a few seconds, he pulled away, “I’ll miss you, I’ll miss you, I’ll miss you!” I chanted. “How will I sleep without your little caresses and without your hand in my hair?! Gin-” he said with a raspy voice. By now, I was pinned to the back of the sink and my legs were between his. “Harry, do you think Kingsley would mind if you were a little late?” I smirked as he pulled my skirt and knickers down. He kissed me really hard. Fuck. I thought it would be the end of me. I made my way to unbutton his shirt as he kissed my neck. I tore his shirt off and he did the same to mine. I winced because of the few seconds of missed contact. He continued kissing my neck and made his way down. He kissed my collarbone and unclasped my bra, kissing my breasts. I moaned loudly. He continued his pecs and licks as my hand traveled to his junk. I stroked it a few times.“Fuck- I need to be inside you,” he groaned and I could distinctly feel his huge bulge between my legs. I quickly unbuckled his belt and took his pants off. I was already naked, so he pulled away for a brief and slammed inside me. “Harry!” I moaned at the top of my lungs. “Fuck Gin, you’re still so tight!” he said in response. He thrust at high speed and I whimpered and moaned at the pleasure. “Harder Harry! Go faster!” I moaned again and he followed my command. He thrust and continued to kiss my neck, now fondling my breast. He made way to clit and massaged it. I felt my insides tighten and he stopped massaging at once. “I’m coming, Harry! HARRY-” I clenched around him and a huge wave of pleasure overtook me. “Ginny!” he moaned and came on his high. He slowly rode us out back low. “That is going to be one to remember! I think we came in like record time,” Harry grinned. “You git, if I told you, you wouldn’t believe how much I got turned on when you told me you would miss me.” I blushed as he pulled out. “No fiancee dearest, you wouldn’t believe how much the fact that I wouldn’t have you in my arms to sleep was a problem. I really will miss-” and I cut him off with a little kiss, I didn’t want to be turned on again. Though honestly, what I was doing would probably turn us on too, so I bit his bottom lip and pulled away. “You have to get to work darling,” I grinned and pushed him away. “Ugh! Fine,” he rolled his eyes and put on a fresh set of clothing and so did I. We were in the bedroom and he apparated away with one little kiss and said, “I can’t wait to make it up to you in the bedroom tomorrow. We’ll go nonstop for hours. I’ll miss you so very much baby.” FUCK! How dare you Harry James Potter, you git! He turned me on again. I mean, me and Harry, on average would shag twice a day, but we because we weren’t going to be able to do that tonight, we’d shagged like 4 times the previous night and once in the morning, in the shower and well, the kitchen. Oh god, I’m blushing like crazy. Someone save me from this man.
Well, for my bachelorette as I had already told Harry, me, Hermoine, Luna, Hannah, Fleur, Angelina, Audrey and mum would have a few drinks at the burrow and gossip.
We were starting celebrations early, we would make dinner and make some treacle tart. Dad would be out for the night, with Harry. Oh, that little piece of eye candy, I thought about Harry and closed my eyes. Ugh, I need help. I wasn’t supposed to think about him, not today. Okay deep breaths. I spent the rest of my day definitely not thinking about Harry and the way he touched me, the fact that he had chosen me of all women, and we were about to get married, nope. Oh! And by the way, I didn’t have quidditch practice because I had taken leave for the wedding and honeymoon, so for like 2 months. It was about 6 pm, we were going to make dinner, I remembered and apparated to the Burrow. I was greeted by all of my bridesmaids (and mum). We made a big dinner and treacle tart for dessert. Now, it was about 10pm and we had all taken our seats in the large living room of the Burrow. I sat in the settee in which I would generally sit in Harry’s lap. He would softly play with my hair and give me little pecks during conversation with my family. He would feed me cookies during Christmas- “Ginny, Ginny, Ginny, GINNY!” my mom interrupted my thoughts. I had an unavoidable blush on my face. “Sorry mum! Yeah, I’m here now,” I said. “Okay, let’s play never have I ever, each time you have done something, you take a shot of firewhiskey” Angelina suggested and everyone nodded. “You go first Hermione,” she continued. “Okay, never have I ever, shagged in public.” Hermione blushed. “You gotta be more specific ‘Mione! Like a restaurant, or a clothes shop-” I was interrupted yet again by Hermione, “Okay, a restaurant?” she finished her question. “Ha! That’s simple, I have, a bunch of times!” I shrugged and I felt a tinge of blush as those memories came back to me, but I shut them off and gulped down a shot. My mum looked at me with a deadly look. “Well I haven’t!” Luna said and Audrey, Hannah, Hermione and mum chimed in and said, they hadn’t either. Fleur and Angelina downed a shot, oh my god! I had to ask Bill and George myself later. “Well, next question!” my mum interrupted before we could get really deep into conversation. “Never have I ever,” Fleur said, “ditched someone for my husband, or vice-versa?” she finished. “Tons of times!” I said as I lifted a glass high up in the air and drank it. “Wait! The time you said you got “emergency practices” or Harry or you had gotten very sick or you had to go to a team meeting or Auror function were all excuses to ditch us?!” Hermione said with her mouth agape. “Not always, but yeah most of the time, we were probably shagging,” I shrugged and took another shot. “Hermione looked furious and honestly so did everyone else, I gave a slight smile. “Never have I ever bought anything from Lady Lilac’s Lingerie,” I asked with a grin and immediately downed a shot. Everyone else looked at me with pure shock. “Do we even want to ask how many times you have bought- lingerie from there?” Hannah said with a disgusted expression. “I mean, I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve had it ripped off myself, so no probably not,” I said, suddenly in horror as I saw the number of shocked faces turned toward me. I. should. not. have. said that! It should be illegal for me to talk even when I’m slightly drunk. “Uh-uh next question?” I said with a confused smile. The faces didn’t turn away for quite a long time when mum finally spoke up, “Oh god, everyone, this is her night, let’s not be shocked by my daughters sexual appetite!” everyone laughed. “Never have I ever, had sex in the burrow, this only applies to after you moved out!” mum questioned. I downed another shot, no one else did, and the horrified expressions returned. “I can’t believe I’m asking this, but with which room, Ginny Weasley?!” mum almost screamed. I wasn’t sure if I should answer this question but my drunk brain did anyway, “Ron’s, and even the living room, when we were staying here for Christmas!” I grinned. “You are a dead woman Ginny!'' Mum got up and walked toward me. “Fuck. Sorry mum! We scourgifyed it later?” I said as I winced. Mum rolled her eyes and
sat back down. “Okay, this game is a little too much for some of us to take right now, let’s play something else,” Hermione said. “Yeah sure, let’s play 21 truths.” Angelina suggested. “Perfect!” I said. How this game worked was, we would go in a circle and say numbers, one person could say three numbers max in one turn and the person on which ‘21’ landed had to answer a question. The first few rounds went easy and I wasn’t asked anything. It was like the 6th round when, unfortunately, the 21 landed on me. “Okay, shoot a question, who wants to ask me one?” I said accepting defeat. “Well, I think since Ginny is the bride and everyone will have tons of questions for her, everyone gets to ask her one.” Hermione suggested. Everyone grinned and nodded. Fuck. I was so dead. “When was the first time you and Harry had sex and where?” Luna asked. “The room of requirement, sixth year.” I said. That one was easy, thanks Luna. I thought and turned to Angelina. “With who was the best you ever had- wait, let me reframe it, it's pretty obvious its Harry, where was it?” she asked. “Oh! Wow, that's difficult! I mean, all over Grimmauld Place I guess! The kitchen, bedrooms, living room, balcony, bathroom. The locker rooms at Quidditch pitches. And… sorry about this, but at Hermione and Ron’s wedding, in the bridesmaids room, after the ceremony, before dinner. Also, maybe in the Great Lake-” I continued but I was interrupted by mum, “Next person!” she laughed a bit and Fleur continued, “Have you ever had sex on a broomstick?” she said with a little contemplation. “Well, we tried- but it didn’t really work, we kinda tumbled to the ground and finished there, but yeah, no.” I replied. “When you were living at the Burrow, how often would you sneak into the boys room, when I had asked you not to?” mum asked. Shit. “Well…” I cleared my throat, “every night?” I said with a slight shiver and continued, “Harry would switch places with Hermione to sleep with me and at one point all of our belongings were shifted and we didn’t go to the other couples’ room.” I finished. Mum looked at me with those eyes that scared the crap out of me. Her expression softened, “oh well!” she rolled her eyes. “What is the longest you and Harry have lasted while having sex?” Hannah asked. “This is an interesting one, basically we had this bet of who could last longer and I came first after we had sex for like 2 hours. No big deal.” I shrugged as I finally took another shot of firewhiskey. “Wow!” Hannah sighed. “I’m gonna regret asking this, but how many times have you had sex in last night and this morning?” Hermione said, twiddling with her fingers. “Fuck. Do I have to answer that, you are probably going to think I’m insane…” I said insecurely. “Yeah, actually…” Angelina said softly. “Ugh. fine. No one judges me. Like six times- only because I wasn’t going to spend the night with him, so we had decided that we could do it like an extra time at night, and, and, we kinda got carried away, so we did like 3 extra times. Then in the morning, Harry had woken up late and I was in the shower, washing my hair, when he came in to brush his teeth, he saw me and got in, and it kinda just- happened. Then again, we had finished breakfast and Harry was saying that he would miss me, that he couldn’t sleep without me and I was saying it too, somehow it really turned on the both of us, so then, it's pretty obvious Harry would be late for work.” I finished, realising I had said too much. “Wow. I bet you and Harry can’t go till your wedding without having sex!” Hermione spoke up. “Of course we can!” I said loudly, but somewhere, even I knew we couldn’t, but what was wrong with a little friendly argument. “There is no way you could Ginny.” Angelina chimed in. “How can you say that?!” I said as I stood up. “Because you and Harry are like bloody rabbits! We’ve seen you at the Burrow, you cannot be kept apart from one another! Hell, you had sex like 4 extra times because you wouldn’t spend one night togehther!” Hermione said again. “That’s- different!” I said unsurely. “Okay, then prove it
Ginny!” mum said, “You can’t have sex till your wedding night, six days.” she grinned as she finished. “FINE!” I said as I took the bottle of firewhiskey and went to my bedroom. I would be sharing my room with Hermione, Angelina would be with Fleur in Bill’s room, mum would be alone, in her own room, and Luna would be with Hannah in Ron’s. I had started drinking from the bottle directly and was really drunk by now. Then realisation came rushing to me, I wouldn’t be able to have sex with Harry for six days, SIX FUCKING DAYS! I’ll probably go insane, and what about Harry’s promise to me, to ‘make it up in the bedroom’. Fuckkk!! Someone needed to kill me, this very instant. While I was mourning on the floor of my bedroom, Hermione walked in. “You are the worst Hermione! Get out!” I screamed. “What’s up?” she asked unknowingly as she came in and opened her hair. “I bet Harry and Ginny can’t go without having sex till their wedding! Meh,meh,meh,meh.” I said mockingly. “Well, I bet you can’t!” she said normally. “You bitch! I know I can’t but what will I say to Harry?! ‘Harry I can’t have sex with you for a week because my bridesmaids are such bitches for betting on my sex life!’' I continued mocking her. “Ginny, it was harmless, you don’t actually have to do it!'' She continued her business and I continued downing shots. “YES, I DO! It is now on my pride Hermione Granger!” I screamed. “Well then, do it I guess?” she said again. “Fine!” I said, pouring another shot. “But what about his promise?!” I muttered to myself but I guess I was louder because Hermione heard. “What promise?” she said as she sat down beside me and took the bottle of firewhiskey from my hand, pouring herself a shot. “Well- uh, in the morning, after we had sex in the kitchen. Ugh wait. Let me tell it to you from the beginning.” I said, sighed and continued, “We were just talking randomly about our bachelorette party tonight. We had just finished breakfast. Harry was standing near the sink of the dining room putting on a shirt, he came out, looking… What's the word, yummy? Properly buttoned up shirt, messy hair and those green fucking eyes… He said something like ‘Bye baby, I’ll miss you.’ and boy was that hot. Then I said that I would- apparate to him if I couldn’t sleep. He said, ‘I probably won’t be able to sleep without you anyway.’ I said I would miss him too, a lot. Then I was chanting into the kitchen that I would miss him. Then he was like how would he sleep without my hand in his hair and the tiny caresses I would do on his bare chest. Fuck, that chest. Mmmmm…” I said getting lost in the imagination of his chest. I was bought back from the world of imagination by a nudge from Hermione’s elbow. “Yeah sorry. So yeah the tiny caresses. He pinned me to the back of the sink and well, then we just had sex there, standing. I’ll skip the details, afterwards, we both got dressed and I said that he was a git for having me so turned on by the tiniest things and he said that it was true, he couldn’t sleep and would be thinking of me. When we were done he made a promise, ‘I’ll make it up to you in the bedroom tomorrow. We’ll go nonstop for hours. I’ll really miss you’ he said something like that and apparated away!” I finished. “Wow, you two have some serious issues. Do you have any idea why he still has that effect on you, you’ve been dating for 4 years, you're about to get married?” Hermione muttered. “I have no fucking idea! But that’s not even the problem! How will I tell him?!” I said. Me and Hermione chatted for a while and went to bed soon enough. I woke up the next morning, hungover as fuck. I had dark circles and my hair was all messy. My breath, yuck. I brushed my teeth and took a bath, went downstairs to find everyone except Hermione (who was in the shower) dressed and having breakfast. The hangover potion lay on the table and I took it and got almost instant relief from the constant throbbing of my head. “Morning guys! I just wanted to inform you that I am taking the bet!” I said proudly. “Great, we bet 100 galleons, together.” Angelina said as
Hermione walked downstairs. “Great!” I said and grabbed a piece of toast and egg. I finished and said. “The party was great! Thanks, I will see you all later.” I said as I apparated to Grimmauld Place.
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fumbling-fanfics · 4 years
Nestor Oceteva x Reader - Walk In's Welcome
Paring: Nestor Oceteva and Reader
Warnings: None really, there is a mention of blood. Nestor being cute
I have a part 2 to this sort of in progress...if people even care about part 1.
I don't recall any requests for tags, so I'm copying from an old fic.
Please let me know what you think. Ans yes, there will probably be smut in part 2
"Your man's here" Clara's sing-song tone was accompanied by a nudge that was delivered so hard it nearly sent your phone flying onto the salon floor.
With a quick fumble, you recovered your phone in your hands and looked up. Nestor Oceteva was walking through the salon door, his familiar yellow glasses on. You said nothing to Clara not wanting to give her any more reason to tease you.
As usual the mood in the salon immediately changed, everyone spoke a little quieter. Waiting to hear what he would say. Your cousin, Ava, looked at you in the reflection of the mirror as she stood at a salon chair, braiding a client's hair. You slightly nodded at her as you slid off the stool behind the front counter.
When your cousin had asked you to help her out 18 months ago, you said yes without hesitation. You too were close, almost like sisters and itbwas only weekends which you had free.
While Ava did the hair and the hiring of other hairdresser's, you mainly saw to the book keeping, counting the money and keeping the shop tidy. 
You'd slightly been promoted to children's hairdresser - after offering to step in and simply braid a young girl's hair at the desperate peel of the mother. From then on the other girls in the shop were more than happy to pass the children client's your way.
And then Nestor walked in one day. Everyone, including you, knew of him and who he worked for. It was no secret. 
The atmosphere changed as he stepped into the shop and up the desk in the reception area. When you first looked up at him, he hesitated but didn't remove his yellow glasses.
Your cousin, Ava, stepped up beside you to hear what he had to say. After all it was her business. 
"You got anyone who can do these again" he pointed to his hair. You looked to all the stations in the salon, the girls who were working were all suddenly very quiet, heads down, nothing to say or once. 
"Probably not for a while, how long you got?" Ava asked, adjusting the synthetic braiding hair on her shoulder a little.
"How long I gotta wait?" Ava looked around her shop herself. "Maybe a few hours at least" she looked apologetically at him. He sighed.
"I can do it, it'll mean no one will be up here, but I can do it" Ava looked at you in surprise. 
You smiled at Nestor. "Take a seat over there" you pointed to a chair in the waiting room section. He nodded and did as you asked.
"Y/n, are you sure" Ava stepped in front of you as you slid off the stool. She seemed worried.
"Yeah, it's fine" you smiled and stepped past Ava. Everyone in the shop watched you as you walked towards Nestor.
"Did you want a wash as well?" Nestor paused and then nodded. "Yeah"
You directed Nestor into the wash chair towards the back. You draped a towel around his neck and the salon across his front and got him settled in the wash chair.
"Do you use anything in particular on your hair?" You asked your undid the first braid. Nestor shook his head. "Use whatever" he shrugged. He removed his glasses and tucked them under the salon gown.
And it started from there. Every 2 or 3 weeks Nestor would turn up at the shop. You take him through to the back, undo his braids, wash and condition his hair, and re braid his hair.
Nestor enjoyed the whole process. He'd been to hairdresser's before, but this shop and this experience was different. He especially loved when you washed hair. 
He loved how you made the water perfect temperature.
He loved how your fingers felt when you really got stuck in and massaged his scalp. It was sometimes too good.
He loved when you leaned over him, you smelt so nice. He was jealous of whoever got to smell you and be that close.
He loved when you did the parting down the middle of his hair. How you took at least 5 minutes to get it straight - sometimes asking for another opinion from one of the other girls or your cousin. Even though it was perfect.
He loved how you braided his hair damp, taking time to work in moisturiser. How your fingers felt against his scalp and running through his hair.
He loved how you worked in silence, giving him a break. He was free to just lay back and listen to the low sound of whatever music was playing. Or even sleep a little.
He especially loved that time he turned up a week early and when you washed his hair the water ran a dried blood red brown. He watched your face for an expression when you paused. "That's not mine" he mumbled. "Okay, so long as you're good" he nodded and closed his eyes. No one had asked if he was okay. No one but you.
He hated the end, when you'd finished braiding his hair and your hands fell away from his head. Sometimes he wanted to say he didn't like it so he could have you do it again. But he realised that was a silly idea and would get you into trouble no doubt.
As you tidied up and Nestor sorted himself out to pay and leave, he took the courage to ask you 1 of 2 questions he'd been dying to ask you for a while now.
"Don't you have a chair up front, like the other girls?" While your cousin's salon had 14 seats out in the main area, and 5 sinks for washing, you never did Nestor's hair out in one of the front seats. It was always done in a back seat, past the washing sinks.
"Technically I'm not a hairdresser" you laughed. Nestor frowned, confused. If you weren't a hairdresser what had you been doing for the last 6 months.
"I'm only meant to be helping my cousin out with the books and when it's busy really. I only kind of got lumped doing kids hair because no one else really has patients for them but I like them" you tossed the used towels into the used basket on the industrial washer.
"Ava employed a barber for a minute, until they started messing around and then his pregnant girlfriend showed up. She almost trashed the shop. Anyway, Ava never replaced him, and it's the only chair free so I use it. Plus the kids can play their games or shows as loud as they want back here and not bother anyone" Nestor had more questions now but was silenced by the arrival of one of your other usual clients.
"I maded you this" Aaron shouted waving a piece of paper in the air and he ran towards you through the shop. Not wanting to hold you up any longer Nestor slipped you the money he owed, winked at you and left.
He'd never winked at you before, and he even wondered why he did it.
Without a word Nestor walked through the salon to the back like he's done a million times before. He took his usual seat and waited for you to follow.
Nestor undid his blazer and shrugged it off. He took off his waistcoat too, just leaving his gun holster on. He took a seat in the chair "Could you trim my hair today too?" You paused, hands still on his shoulders over the towel, a little worried at the new request.
"I've never trimmed hair before" you frowned. "I think we'd have to do it dry"
The trim wasn't as terrifying as you expected. You just went with it, cutting to get rid of split ends.
It was a quiet day so when Nestor left, you took a seat up behind the front counter. Just as you were about to ring up the money the door chimed and Nestor walked back in.
"Can I ask you a question, and don't feel like you have to say yes or anything?"
"Yeah, sure…"
"Erm, I was...I was just wondering if you wanted to go for a drink and something to eat? When your finished, later"
You paused, your heart rate increasing. Heat flushing to your cheeks. Nestors, shifted on the spot. You mouth was a little dry.
"Of course. That would be really nice" you smiled. 
With a smile himself, he nodded slowly and then left the salon. Again.
Ava appeared behind you at the counter.  "What happened, why did he come back in? Did he leave something?"
You pressed 'sale' on the register, entered the amount Nestor had given you and pressed enter. The register chimed and the cash tray shot out. You added the money and closed the cash tray.
"No...he asked me if I wanted to go for a drink" 
Ava looked at you and for a split second it was like time stood still. She slowly opened her mouth, but you interrupted her.
"It's fine. I said yes. I want to too" Ava's shock turned into a devious smirk.
"Oh, gurl! You like like him" she whispered the last part, looking over her shoulder.
"Don't tell any of these bitches here, they'll sell you down the river quick" she clicked her fingers.
"Use my place to get ready...and if you want you can take him back there too" Ava poked your ribs with a laugh.
You grabbed her hand "I'm not doing that! I think I like him, so I'm definitely not doing it" you whispered.
@ellixthea @lovelymari4 @chaneajoyyy @honeychicana @beaminglife @amelatonin @themyscxiras @my-rosegold-soul @lady-olive-oil @jojolu @endless00paradise @est1887 @cajunpeach @melinda-january @profoundlynerdywolf @deathonyourtongue @designerwriterchic @itsbqueenthings @alicesfracturedmirror @joebob15274 @write-fromthe-start @islanddgal @tarashari-tfp @dc41896 @princess-evans-addict @amethyst-dreams-and-candy-canes @c-qcat @crushed-pink-petals-writes
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btsqualityy · 4 years
Heaven Sent; Part 6
Jin x Reader
Genre: Angst, hurt/comfort, fluff
Warnings: Emotional manipulation (at least, that’s what I think it would be catergorized as).
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Month seven was a month of exploration. After you and Jin admitted to being attracted to each other and deciding to try things out to see what happens, you were seemingly thrown into the deep end with how open Jin became after that.
You learned that he loves to cook, and that he would’ve been a chef if he hadn’t taken over the business end of his father’s restaurants. He double majored in both business and culinary arts, and he was Hae-il’s roommate and the first person that he met during their first year. He loves trot music, and you’ve unfortunately been on the receiving end of him serenading you with a song numerous times. He also loves video games and you were willing to bet that if he didn’t have to work, then he’d been stuck behind a computer screen playing games all day. 
There was just so much more to Jin and his personality that you never knew about, and you couldn’t believe that you found yourself liking him more and more as the two of you spent more time together. 
“Uncle Jinnie, can I get the songpyeon?” Aera asked Jin from her place perched on his shoulders and you couldn’t help but to laugh at the way that she pronounced the word. The three of you had met for brunch at a little café down the block from his office, where he had been doing some work.
“Little Heart, we’ve talked about this,” Jin chuckled as he patted her feet where they swung lightly by his chin. “Just say rice cakes.”
“But I’m a big girl and that’s what the sign says!” She shot back and you smiled as you looked up at her.
“Don’t remind me,” you chuckled. “You’re growing up too fast Love.”
“Can I get them uncle Jinnie?” Aera asked again, and you and Jin could both hear the impatience that had creeped into her tone so he rapidly nodded before turning to the cashier.
“Can we have two pink lemonades, an iced Americano, a songypeon and two dasiks?” Jin ordered and the cashier nodded. Jin then reached down, pulling his wallet out of the pocket of his slacks and taking out his card, handing it to the cashier. After he got his card back, the three of you moved further down the counter so that the next person behind you could place his order.
“I hope that we didn’t pull you away from anything too important,” you spoke up as you looked at Jin. 
“Nah, I was just filling out some paper work and signing off on some things, so it was mostly procedural stuff,” he told you. “And even if it were really important, I don’t mind taking a break for you guys.”
“It’s also Saturday, so you shouldn’t be overworking yourself anyways,” you smiled gently, trying to hide the way that your cheeks had warmed up from his words. 
“Order #353,” a voice called out and you and Jin stepped up to the counter, grabbing your drinks and snacks. After finding a small table in one corner of the café, the three of you sat down, Aera perched on Jin’s lap as she ate her rice cake. 
“Did you have a good week at school Little Heart?” Jin asked her and you watched as her little eyes widened.
“Yes,” she whispered and Jin looked down at her, his eyebrows raised in confusion.
“What’s wrong?”
“She had an issue with a boy in her class on Wednesday,” you told him and he looked up at you. 
“What happened?” He wondered.
“The little boy made a comment about Hae and Aera stomped on his foot and hit him in the stomach,” you revealed. 
“Aera,” Jin called disapprovingly and Aera’s head whipped up at the utterance of her real name from Jin. 
“It wasn’t my fault!” She exclaimed. “He said Daddy died because he doesn’t love me and I know that’s not true so I hit him!”
“Of course it’s not true sweetheart,” Jin cooed, lifting his hand and wiping away at the hot tears that had started to gather in the corners of her eyes. “Your Daddy loves you so much and he wouldn’t have left if he had the choice so that boy shouldn’t have said that. That doesn’t mean that you can just go around hitting people either though.”
“Mommy said the same thing,” Aera pouted.
“That’s because Mommy’s pretty smart,” Jin smiled. “So no more fights, ok?”
“Ok,” Aera nodded before going back to eating. 
“Thanks,” you said and Jin raised an eyebrow as he brought his cup of coffee to his mouth. 
“For what?”
“For backing me up,” you replied. “She’s always better convinced if more than one person tells her the same thing.”
“Just like Hae,” Jin laughed as he shook his head. “Anyways though, what do you guys have planned for today?”
“Me and Mommy are going to see grandma and grandpa today!” Aera interjected suddenly. 
“Your parents?” Jin asked and you shook your head.
“Hae’s,” you told you. “I think it’ll be good for her to see them, especially after what happened this week. We’re gonna go catch up and then Aera is gonna stay the night.”
“Good idea,” he agreed. “So does this mean that our regular Saturday movie night is cancelled?”
“Only this one,” Aera told him and he smiled before reaching down and tweaking her nose. 
“Good,” he said, making her giggle as you watched them fondly.
After finishing your drinks and snacks, Jin walked with you and Aera back down the block to your car. He put her inside, helping her strap herself into her booster seat before shutting the door and looking down at you.
“So, are you and me still on for our movie night?” Jin smirked and you reached out, smacking his chest lightly as you rolled your eyes. 
“You’re gross,” you giggled. “But yes, we’re still on. I’ll only stay with Aera for about an hour and then I’ll be home so you can just come over whenever.”
“Alright. I do have to finish up some stuff but I don’t think it’ll take me long at all,” he responded. “Still, I’ll text you when I’m on my way.”
“Ok,” you smiled and the two of you stood there in silence for a few seconds, just looking at each other. 
“Is she looking?” Jin asked and peaking your head around his arm, you saw that Aera was looking down at one of the books that you kept in the car for her.
“Nope,” you told him and suddenly, his lips were pressed against yours. You kissed him back, sighing contentedly before pulling away.
“I’ll see you tonight,” he whispered, and you nodded.
“Oh, hi my baby!” Jin-joo exclaimed, leaning down so that she could catch Aera in her arms as Aera rushed up to her. You shut the car door, smiling as you walked up to the front steps of Hae-il’s parent’s house.
“Hi Y/N-ah,” Gun greeted you and you stepped forward, pressing a soft kiss to his cheek before pulling back. “Is that little one’s bag?”
“Oh yeah, it has all of the things that she’ll need,” you nodded, pulling Aera’s small backpack from over your shoulder and handing it over to him.
“We still have some of her stuff here though,” Gun mentioned.
“I figured but she’s hit a growth spurt in the last two months or so,” you told him with a smile. “It seems like she outgrew every single piece of clothing that she owned all at the same time.”
“That just means you’re eating well huh?” Jin-joo smiled at Aera, who nodded rapidly in her arms. “Well, both of you come on in.” You followed behind Jin-joo and Gun, watching with a smile as they both helped Aera take off her jacket and her shoes. As you worked on taking off your own shoes and jacket, Jin-joo handed Aera off to Gun.
“Why don’t you show Aera some of the new things that we bought for her?” Jin-joo suggested and Aera’s eyes instantly lit up. 
“New toys?” She wondered excitedly.
“Why don’t we go see?” Gun chuckled, turning off and carrying Aera off down the hallway. Once they were gone, Jin-joo turned to you with a wide smile.
“Tea?” She offered.
“Please,” you nodded, following behind her into the kitchen. You sat down at the small table that was there and you watched silently as she grabbed a kettle, moving over to the sink and filling it with water before moving over to the stove. 
“How have you been getting along dear?” She asked you and you sighed lightly, thinking over your answer. 
“Honestly, I’m doing a lot better than I thought I would be after only 7 months,” you admitted. “I haven’t burst out crying in a good three weeks or so, which I consider to be progress.”
“That’s definitely good progress,” she chuckled with a soft smile as she moved to sit across the table from you. “And Aera?”
“Oh, she’s been doing amazingly,” you smiled. “Well, of course besides the incident on Wednesday.”
“I felt so bad when you called and told us about that,” Jin-joo sighed. “I bet she misses him so much.”
“She does,” you confirmed. A few seconds of silence passed over the two of you before you heard her take a deep inhale. 
“I have to say Y/N-ah, and I really hope that you don’t take extreme offense to this, but I began to think after you called Thursday,” Jin-joo began. “And I couldn’t help but to wonder if Aera acting out that way has to do with Seokjin?” Your eyes immediately widened at her words, not expecting her to say that.
“What would he have to do with that?” You questioned.
“Well, I know that she’s been spending an increased amount of time with him, with the both of you, together,” she corrected herself. “And with her being so young, I can’t help but to be concerned about what that’s doing to the memory that she has of her father.”
“Jin-joo, you’re skirting around what you really want to say, and I’d prefer if you would just say it,” you told her.
“Alright, fine,” she nodded. “In my opinion, it is much too soon or you to be moving on and seeing other men and Aera is clearly suffering from it.” You couldn’t help the chuckle that you let out then, the disbelief almost overwhelming you.
“First off, the relationship that I have with Jin isn’t anything like you’re thinking,” you said. “Secondly, you know me Jin-joo. You know I’d never do anything that would carry even the slightest risk of harming Aera in any way, shape, or form.”
“But you’re grieving, and grief can make us do things that we normally wouldn’t,” she noted.
“I can see that,” you replied tersely. 
“Look Y/N-ah, I’m only concerned about your and Aera’s well being,” she insisted. “Hae-il’s death has greatly affected all of us but more than anyone, it’s affected Aera the most. Now, I know Seokjin and I know he more than likely has the best of intentions but I don’t think it’s a good idea to allow him to get too comfortable in Aera’s life.”
“But he’s already been around since she was born,” you shot back. 
“Which makes it even worse that he’s pursuing you not even a year after her father’s death,” Jin-joo explained before exhaling harshly. “I’m going to ask you a question and I would like an honest answer.”
“Did you love my son?” She asked and your jaw dropped slightly.
“Of course I did, and you know that better than anyone,” you spat harshly.
“Then for the sake of that and the sake of the wellbeing of my granddaughter, who is the only tie that any of us have to Hae-il, you should wait to involve yourself in any other relationships,” she advised you and you hated to admit it, but you really began to think about what she was saying. Things with Jin had happened very quickly and even though you had been concerned with how your relationship with him would look to others, it hadn’t been at the forefront of your mind.  
Even though you didn’t like how she approached the topic with you, you had to admit that just maybe....she had a point.
Your thoughts only began to run away with you even more after you left Hae-il’s parents house and made it back to your own. 
You never wanted your love for Hae-il to be doubted but you could understand why Jin-joo would ask you a question like that. You had been spending a lot of time with Jin but you had always justified it by saying that if he makes you and Aera happy, then there was no harm in having him around.
But did he really make Aera happy though? It seemed like he did and she definitely loved him, which no one with eyes could deny, but she was also an easily distracted 6 year old who would be happy if you gave her a sucker. You had to think about if having Jin around so much was causing her to act out or not, because maybe she felt like she was loosing touch with Hae-il and that was absolutely the last thing that you wanted. 
Once you got home, you decided that you wanted to be close to Hae-il so after taking a shower, you changed into a pair of his old jogging pants and one of his button up flannel shirts. After making yourself some ramen, you settled down with it on the couch, making sure to grab your photo album on the way. Grabbing a blanket, you pulled it over your lap and opened the photo album, choosing to look through some of the photos while you waited for your ramen to cool down. 
The very first photo you saw was from your and Hae-il’s engagement photo shoot, where he was sitting in a chair and you were standing behind him, your arms wrapped around his neck. Your engagement ring was on display, a dainty ruby rock that fit around your left ring finger perfectly. You’d always loved that ring, even sometimes favoring it over the gold wedding band that you exchanged with Hae-il a year after that engagement photo shoot. You hadn’t worn it since Hae-il died though, not being able to stomach looking at it for more than a few seconds at a time.
The next photo was of you and Hae-il on your wedding day, your eyes shining with tears as Hae-il read his vows to you at the altar. That day was amazing, the love that you were feeling for him almost overwhelming you at times throughout the ceremony. You laughed to yourself as you remembered how Hae-il almost spilled wine on your wedding dress at the reception later that night, getting slightly too tipsy on soju as he tried to whisk you around the dance floor.
As you continued to look through the photo album, you hadn’t even realized that tears had been welling up in your eyes until it rolled down your cheek and onto the photo album, splashing right onto a photo of you, Hae-il, and Aera that had been taken on her first birthday. 
“I’m so sorry,” you whispered. “I can’t believe that I even thought that I’d be able to do this.” As you continued to look through the album, your phone buzzed on the table and when you leaned forward to pick it up, you saw that you had a text from Jin.
“On my way out soon,” it read. “We still on for tonight?”
Biting your lip as more tears rushed down your face, you huffed harshly as you realized what it was that you needed to do. 
“No,” it stated simply. After making sure that it sent, you then turned your phone off, setting it back on the table before looking back down on the photo album. 
“I love you,” you whispered as you ran your finger over a photo of Hae-il holding a baby Aera and smiling brightly at the camera. “And I’m so sorry if I made you think that I didn’t.”
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