#that they were rarely (dick's case) or never privy to. then that's a nice development
roobylavender · 2 years
in my little damian canon divergence thingy i have this idea that when talia manages to finesse damian out of the league and bring him back to the manor bruce suggests the two of them go into hiding and that she refuses to do so not only bc she already feels guilty enough of having robbed him of a life with damian but also bc she knows from experience if she refuses to leave the manor ra’s won’t stage an attack bc he refuses to harm her specifically.. and so she kinda damns herself to that patron saint of batman role bc the only person in the manor she actually knows deeply is bruce with whom she is on unsteady terms given everything and then to everyone else she’s essentially an outsider. but as people in bruce’s circle come together to help with damian and figure out how to stop ra’s and the lazarus pits for good she gets to know them one by one and slowly the manor changes from her self-made prison into a semblance of something she could actually call a home.. and she finds herself fighting for all of these people to know just how much bruce cares about them bc for all of her problems with him the one thing she can never deny him is his love. but in the path of all of it she comes to be loved and cared for as well yknow so that when things are over and she leaves to live her own life it’s not like she’s leaving to be completely isolated anymore. she can talk to people and have friends and embrace affection again where it almost felt lost 
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