#that thrill of showing how in sync people used to be. how even when they're nasty you can feel the wistfulness
merge-conflict · 9 months
The appeal of starting from the ending and working back is that you put a cap on every Might Have Been, every wandering tangent, etc. that your drafting mind might otherwise wind down. And there's nothing more irritating then having a good idea when wrapping something up only to realize you didn't have time to foreshadow it like you did the other 2 or 3 recurring consequences (TV writer woes).
Everything in the final conversation Abernathy has with Valentine has to be doing the work of two or three callbacks. Right now I've only hit the initial callbacks, and as I sketch out the ideas mentioned her in passing, which evoke certain strong emotions, then I know I need to do something with V's work involvement with Biotechnica, with some sort of clash with Jenkins, with what Valentine is like when she loses her temper. And I know that because it's what Abernathy is fixated on trying to control this breakup conversation, and also reveals what Abernathy herself is concerned about, and perhaps has been concerned about for a long time and never shown. (Or has she?)
Anyhow I love talking process, so this is the kind of skeleton script I'm going to be working backwards from. It will most certainly not survive exactly like this, but it's a good anchoring point:
“If you tell anyone about anything, I’ll have you removed and handled as a double agent. You have been awful involved with Biotechnica lately.” - “I’m not going to warn you again. Do you understand?”
(dully) “You do that and they’ll know I was telling the truth.”
“It doesn’t matter what they know, it matters what they can prove.” (you know this. we've talked about this. don't be stupid.)
“I suppose next you’ll be asking me to use my new position to spy on Jenkins for you.” (petulant. bitter. a tool, you were always a tool, do you understand?)
“No. I know how you get when you’re angry.” (thinking. malicious. flippant.) “Besides, I thought you’d enjoy a chance to get your claws into him.”
(silently angry. is the implication that she’d do for him what she’d done for her? that she’s just a dangerous beast? that she knows her and her anger so well?)
“What do you want me to do? Beg for leniency? Make some emotional plea? You want me to ask if you ever even gave a shit about me? You want me to put on a show?” - “You wouldn’t believe a word I said anyway. Give me a cigarette.”
(hands one over, lights it. finally makes eye contact. this is real.) “Don’t look so glum. You wouldn’t have gotten half as far as you have without my help. You can cry into your bank account if you want, but it’s not like I’m kicking you out on the street.”
“Alright.” (inhale. peace. emptiness. drains her drink. drops the cigarette into abernathy’s.) “It’s done.”
Re-reading this I already know I need to work in some reference to Valentine's mother and some warning/advice/celebration they have near the end of this reverse story. Something that ties back to her own failed marriage and divorce and dashed expectations. Something about finding a reason to keep going on until you can't bear to any more. Something that echoes the familial stubbornness which means Valentine in the damn things overlap will endure anything so long as she knows the expiration date.
The most fascinating part of writing these two to me is that Abernathy has this very strict rule about never admitting guilt or regret directly, but she'll say something like "I'd apologize but it's already done, isn't it?" and it's like YOU COULD STILL SAY IT! But she sees that as weakness. And Valentine picks up that same attitude here "What do you want me to do? Beg for leniency? Make some emotional plea?" They're mocking each other for the very normal human desire for acknowledgement. They're intelligence agents who think they're just making sure they're not fooling themselves (they're fooling themselves). Sincerity is only useful for pre-empting someone else trying to expose your vulnerability.
Anyway, they're operating on a certain set of fucked up toxic social rules that are in some respects even harsher than the normal corpo set. They're self-policing, because Abernathy is obsessed with gaining favor with someone who is a misogynistic homophobe, and she's playing for keeps against people who aren't reviled by this person. The idea might also come up that she doesn't NEED to be doing it to this degree, but she's warped her own idea of what she needs to do, and what kind of person she needs to be, and applied that to Valentine as well. The tragedy is that they love each other. They work well together. It's never going to work out. It didn't work out. But look at what they had, and how fucked up and funny and exciting it all was before it went to shit.
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gladiolidiaries · 2 years
Must Read explicit DNF fics
In no particular order, I just wanted to share the best NSFW fics I've had the chance to read lately. 🫶
there was something in everything about you by snakeinaboyband
Teasing words, “You like my face?” His hips are being squeezed, Dream fully pressing against him, hot breath on his neck. He tries again feebly, “Let’s go watch something.” One step and then Dream loops arms under his, pressing him into a hug from behind. Words against his jaw, the press of a smile there, “George, c’mon. You like me?” Or, George loses a Mr Beast challenge but wins something else instead.
 look up at me (i'll look down at you) by effervescentwolf
“You could- you could measure me,” George offers softly, giving permission, trying to keep his thoughts from chasing fantasies. “See how much bigger you are.” “Bigger?” Dream echoes, eyes roving down, stopping to linger on certain spots that make George’s heart beat frighteningly hard in his chest. “What, should I check every inch of you?” George’s mouth runs dry. “Yes,” and it comes out as a whisper. “You- you can.” - aka Dream likes being big. George likes being small. It's a good combination.
it could be worse by dizzy
Dream and George have been sleeping together since George showed up in the US, but George wants a definition for what they are that Dream just isn't giving him.
shifting lines by alisonsomething
It starts in L.A., this thing between Dream and George.
That's how we play it by jestbee
They both agree it's just until Christmas, just while they're in London. What could possibly go wrong?
ignore my heart and lie to the truth by minecraftbed
“I just think it would be a waste,” George reasons, like this is some kind of problem he has to solve, “to not keep doing this. If we know that it’s good, and we’re not seeing other people… I don’t see why we shouldn’t do it again.” “You wanna be like… friends with benefits?”
grown fluent by falsettodrop
Going back and forth as they always did, arguing for the sake of riling each other up, for the thrill of it—there weren't power plays here. It was just Dream-and-George, as it forever had been; it was both of them giving and taking in equal measure, sharing turns with it, revelling in the ease of which they spoke to one another. - A recurring 'joke' becomes reality.
come lay me down by jestbee
"Why are you still up?" George asks. Dream shrugs. If it seems noncommittal it's only because he doesn't really know. Before, when George had still been thousands of miles away, when time and a sleep schedule meant absolutely nothing beyond being in sync, Dream might have been able to answer that question. Now, he's without excuses, without a need for his disquiet. - Four in the morning is the perfect time for a confession
Close Enough by BirbWatcher
At first, Dream managed to halfway convince himself that his attraction to George was purely physical - a reaction to his late sexual discovery that guys could be hot, too, actually, combined with a longing to experiment with the nearest specimen. But after two months of unbearable tension followed by the first couple of times hooking up, Dream realised that he was doing George a huge disservice. George had never been someone to experiment with, even though he’d been more than willing from the first night he snuck into Dream’s room - no, the longer they spent in each other’s presence, the more Dream realised that George reached far deeper than he’d ever understood before. - Dream wants more than George is giving him, but maybe it's close enough.
For The Bit by biboyhalo
George always knew moving to Florida would bring changes into his relationship with Dream. He expected the changes to be minimal, though. Being able to talk more in person, being able to spend time in each other’s proximity, and, of course, being able to see him. What he didnt expect, was the changes that came with their usual jokes. What he didn't expect, was them being able to follow them through with actions. - or 5 times Dream and George get distracted during sex and the 1 time it actually matters.
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thelost-in-time · 2 years
hii!! may i request beidou, lisa and eula with a reader who doesn't show much emotions, please? english isn't my first langauge so i apologize if this doesn't make sense. have a nice day!
Hi, Anon! Thank you for your request ^^
But also, I wanted to add Ningguang, Zhongli, and Xiao if that's alright?
If anyone has any issues about me adding characters, please specify in your requests, because I'll usually add more. And requests are open again.
Ice Cold
How Beidou, Lisa, Eula, Ningguang, Zhongli, and Xiao would act with a reader who doesn't show much emotions
Warnings: none
Genre: fluff (and a sprinkle of angst for Eula)
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Captain Beidou of the Crux had met a lot of different people and probably every type of person
So having you not show a lot of emotions? She's not as unnerved by it as one may think.
Seeing that you don't show as much emotions as others, she finds you interesting.
Time previously spent trying to beat Ningguang in chess is now spent with you.
She can pick up when you're happy, when you're sad and more.
"Hey, look who it is. You seem quite thrilled today. Care to share?"
"Oh? Well, I guess I am feeling good today."
And she listens as you talk about what it was you saw.
It may have made the Crux confused at one point.
Seeing you talk about something while showing no emotions, but now they're used to it.
They look forward to it.
Beidou takes you places with her to introduce you to new sights that may interest you.
If you speak in a monotonous tone as well, that further intrigues her.
But she gets it.
She assumes you're doing this to not appear vulnerable to people to protect your heart.
And she relates to that.
But if that's not the case, then she just finds it rather cute as well. All the subtle signs you show.
And yet showing no emotions at the same time.
Honestly more attracted to spending time with you because of how you are.
'How unique you are.' As she puts it, but she doesn't mean anything bad by it at all.
But on nights when Beidou's mind lingers on the past, she doesn't seek you out.
She's instead focusing on the ocean, before catching a glimpse of you.
A smile graces her lips as your emotionless face saves her from her thoughts.
"Hey there, partner. You have something on your mind?"
And if you ever hug her to physically show her your concern.
She'll be clinging to you that night, and returning the favour in the morning.
"Hey there, cutie. I see you've come to give me a visit."
Lisa says in her classic flirtatious tone and a wink thrown to you.
And she's amused when there's no sight of embarrassment coming from you.
Not even your cheeks heating up when she caresses your face, cooing at how adorable you are.
Lisa sees you as completely the opposite of her, but that's what she loves most about you.
Feels like you balance each other out, and is the type of person to go like that one meme.
"My partner asked for no *insert food item here* and now you're in for a little shock."
Very attentive to you though, especially since you're not usually showing much emotion.
The last thing she wants is to make you spiral when you're already hurting.
Lisa thinks it's honestly impressive that you're not very emotional.
She thinks it's beneficial for you to not show much emotion as well, despite the struggle.
She can and will shock anyone who insults you.
She's not one to mess with, especially when it comes to you, someone she cares about.
Whatever emotion you don't show, Lisa will show it for you. That makes no sense but I mean that she is in sync with you.
If you're happy, she's happy, if you're mad, she's mad, if you're— you get the idea.
Kaeya loves to tease you for being emotionless (with your permission), and Lisa loves to give him little shocks when he does that.
Jean.... she's Lisa's best friend, but Lisa won't even show her mercy if she scolds you for being emotionless.
If it's not something you can help, sparks will fly in a bad way when someone mocks you.
If it is something you can help, sparks will still fly in a bad way when someone mocks you for it.
"Oh cutie, nobody who insults you should be expected to get away without some static shocks."
Her shocks are harmless enough to be static shocks for the entire day.
Still super annoying and painful (or... shocking) though.
Safe to say that people get the message.
And you? Well, you are still the center of her affections.
"Cutie, how ever do you manage to not get flustered by my flirts? Hmm?"
Wonders if you're secretly embarrassed deep down but just can't show it.
The Queen of hiding her true feelings behind a mask of irritation or anger.
Breaking apart every single day, but nobody can tell.
That's why she completely understands you when she sees you're emotionless.
She's more understanding of how you're feeling than Lisa because she's the same.
Sixth sense for your emotions, even when you're not with her.
"Something's not right. I can feel it."
Eula goes through her day showing no emotions, but cries alone in her bed at night when nobody is around.
Her chest heavy as she sobs, trying to be quiet as she's under her blanket, releasing her pain.
What makes you think she won't help you when you're in pain but don't show it?
She'd never want you to suffer like her, so anytime you're feeling down but can't show it, she hugs you.
Eula is also most likely the only one to ask you whether you've not been showing emotions since your childhood, or if it's a more recent matter.
If you say it's from your childhood, Eula holds back tears, and instead hugs you.
Because Eula Lawrence had a strained relationship with her family growing up, causing her to distrust and have a strong resentment to adults.
Hence why she too, had to hide her emotions as a child.
But if you say that it's more recent (since adulthood or your teenage years), she's still concerned, but doesn't sob.
If you happen to live with Eula and catch her during her nightly breakdowns and comfort her?
She in love with you. Like, even more than she already was, even if you have no emotion when comforting her.
She knows. She knows you're worried, and she's happy you're with her.
So, Eula also likes to give you little gifts too. Whether she bought it, or she made it, she likes knowing it makes you happy.
Eula loves dancing with you. And singing with you at random times.
She doesn't miss the slightest surprise that emits from you when she suddenly pulls you close to dance.
Nor does she miss the slightest smile that almost spills onto your face that's almost invisible when she randomly sings along to a song.
"Come on, my love, please dance with me."
She asks with a smile once you two are alone out at a scenic place.
Her eyes will sparkle and a genuine smile breaks out on her face when she's with you.
She knows.
You're not as ice cold as others claim you to be.
For a heart of ice, is just a shield to protect itself.
Asks you if you've ever considered doing business, especially by her side, because you not showing your emotions is an advantage.
No? Okay, no issue. She's fine with having to keep you all to herself anyway.
Ningguang, listen here for a moment, has many talents.
This woman can do anything and everything.
She bakes for you.
You heard me right.
Ningguang bakes goodies for you, because she wants to keep you happy.
She may like money (or still mora if we canon), but she knows the value of homemade stuff too.
She doesn't wanna half-ass anything when it comes to you, so baked goods for you are what she adores.
She will buy things for you, don't get me wrong, but she mostly bakes for you.
You are the only one who can get Ningguang in the kitchen tbh
"Darling, doll, my beloved. Do you want to taste this to see if it's too your liking?"
She will hold you a spoon of something with a smile on her face to feed you.
She's not trying to fluster you or anything, but if she senses you're slightly flustered, she won.
Ningguang is just as bad as Lisa at trying to flirt with you to make you fluster or happy.
She's just more subtle about it.
But she also wants to see a mischievous look on your face too, or even hear a mischievous tone in your voice
Encourages you to tease her back, she wants to surprise people who make her blood boil.
They make her blood boil by acting as if you're not a normal person, so if you ever tease her in public?
She's both blushing, and relishing in their surprised expression at your monotonous way of teasing her.
"If you ever say anything hurtful to my beloved partner, remember that Lady Ningguang is a powerful woman."
She's threatening them while covering your ears so you don't hear her words.
And people won't harass you because they know that Lady Ningguang is not just bark and no bite.
No, she's all bite and less bark.
But she gives you an innocent look as if nothing happened, asking you if you want her to make you some ice-cream.
"Geo daddy" according to some people and "Geo grandpa" to others.
But to Venti? He is "rocks for brains"
Yet even this rocks for brains will smile fondly at you looking at something of interest with an emotionless face.
"Ah, my gem, you seem to like this. Let me tell you more about it."
He says, acting like he hasn't gotten hold of Childe's wallet— he brought his own wallet for once?
He uses his own money to buy you a few things, happy at your interest and your own happiness.
Mr Zhongli gives you the warmest hugs when he senses you're down, holding you to his chest and staying silent.
Yeah, you still have to remind him to not forget his wallet though, like "Zhongli, leave Childe alone. Get your actual wallet please."
Zhongli, most of the time, forgets that you don't really show much emotions.
He just doesn't even notice you're completely blanked face until Childe asks him.
"Mr Zhongli, have I offended your partner? I'm seeing absolutely no reaction to what I said."
"No, Childe, my partner just doesn't show much emotions most of the time. I assure you, my gem is more amused than anything else by you."
Constantly tells you he loves you while looking in your dull eyes, finding it the most stunning thing ever.
Your eyes may seem dull to everyone, but Zhongli sees your eyes as having the light of the stars.
Or just reflecting the light of the stars.
Zhongli, Mr gentleman over here, will look at you after you tug his arm to get his attention, and give you his jacket.
He knows your social cues too, if you're one of those quiet people who have trouble showing emotions.
Asks you what he should cook for you, and suggests stuff if you're unsure.
Alternatively, he likes to try your stuff (if you cook or bake) because not only is he fond of your culinary skills, he also likes seeing the light in your eyes when he tries your food.
You could feed this man burnt toast and he will still tell you that it's delicious.
"Zhongli, that's a piece of burnt toast, how is it delicious?"
"Because you made it especially for me, dearest."
"That's not an excuse."
"...I just like the taste of burnt toast?"
Modern Xiao, who is friends with modern Venti, now wants to punch modern Venti.
Because modern Venti, being interested into anime as he and Xiao are, asked if you're a kuudere
"Venti, you idiot! Don't be rude to my partner!"
Xiao adores the everlasting heck out of you, and you not showing much emotions isn't stopping him.
Xiao will reassure you that he loves nobody except you, if you ask if he prefers a more expressive partner.
"Honey, I don't care if you're expressive or not. I love you as you are, you're perfect."
He's the biggest cinnamon roll ever, always looking for subtle cues about how you feel, and actually asking you about how you feel.
Honestly, Xiao seeing you expressionless wouldn't phase him at all.
He, like Eula, shows mostly irritation over other emotions because conveying emotions is hard for him.
Xiao can and will point out when you're teasing him, but he loves it.
"Hey, Xiao? You know have a leaf in your hair, right?"
"Wait what? How? When? I— you're teasing me, aren't you?"
No, he doesn't say you have no respect for the Adepti if you tease him or fluster him.
He does say that you're bold to try such a stunt, though.
Xiao has nightmares sometimes, and he seeks you out for comfort.
He knows you may be concerned and trying to comfort him, and he does feel comforted by you.
When Xiao panics, he needs someone to be calm to ground him.
You being unable to show emotions help him to be grounded.
He loves you even more in those moments, because he trusts you to catch him if he slips up
Hand holding with Xiao is you being the same as ever to everyone, expressionless.
Xiao likes to keep it to himself that you initiated the hand holding (unless asked about it, then he says so)
And he does this because he can just gaze at you with a lovestruck look without you noticing.
He thinks you're not noticing, but part of him knows that you know.
"I know you're not ice cold. You just have a hard time expressing yourself, and that's okay. I love you, and you're perfect."
Reblogs and positive comments are appreciated.
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rachello344 · 8 years
kaishin soulmate au where sonoko is the first person who finds out that they're soulmates and flips a lid bc kid is supposed to be her soulmate. kaito and shinichi are mildly terrified bc lbr sonoko is kinda scary and doesn't know when to quit. ran is laughing her ass off. (so is aoko if she knows???)
hm, I’m gonna have to make a feeeeew changes to this for Plot Reasons, but I like it.  Very good.  XD  I hope you enjoy where I take it.  ;D
Shinichi fidgeted with his watch in an effort not to touch his tattoo.  The tattoo–the four suits from a deck of playing cards, clover and heart atop diamond and spade–had appeared on his wrist shortly after he was born.  He’d never seen their match before.
“I’m telling you,” Sonoko said, leaning into his space, “I saw the same tattoo on Kaitou Kid.”
“And I’m telling you,” Shinichi snapped, “I think I would notice if my soulmate was Kaitou Kid.”
“Would you?”  Sonoko raised an eyebrow, looking every inch a princess, her hip cocked and her head tilted.  Royal pain, more like.  “Would you check a criminal for your matching tattoo?  One of us wanted him to be their soulmate, and that person wasn’t you.”
“She has a point, Shinichi,” Ran said reasonably.  “What if she’s right?”
Shinichi scoffed.  “What does it matter?  It’s not like I can just waltz up to his house and let him know.  Besides, what kind of thief would want anything to do with a detective?”
Kaito sneezed, rubbing his nose with his sleeve.
“Someone must be talking about you,” Akako said.  “Nothing good, I’m sure.”
“Ha ha.”  Kaito rolled his eyes, leaning back in his chair.  The heist last night had been close.  That Suzuki girl had been hot on his heels, and Kudou had almost gotten him with that nasty watch of his.
He knew he should lay low for a while, but there was something about being chased by Kudou that was just thrilling.  His heart kicked up a notch just remembering how in sync they’d been.  Kudou was always just a step behind him, occasionally throwing him for a loop long enough to overtake him before Kaito could get his bearings back and return to the lead.
He sighed.  Hakuba had found him so quickly, so why didn’t Kudou?  He wanted to see if they got along as well as he hoped they would, damn it.  And, well, Kudou was gorgeous, all long legs and confident superiority.  Kaito wanted to ruffle his feathers like nothing else.
Kaito was halfway to his favorite coffee shop when he realized that he’d left the bracelet he usually wore on his desk.  He glanced down at his tattoo, plainly visible in black and red.  Well, nothing for it.  It was a little unusual to see people with their tattoos showing, but not unheard of.  He was a well known eccentric anyway.
No one paid it any mind until he was pouring creamer into his coffee.
“Kaitou–” a girl gasped.
Kaito raised his eyes with a frown, schooling his expression quickly when he put a name to the face.  What the hell is Suzuki Sonoko doing here?
“Sonoko, who’s this?” Mouri Ran asked, smiling politely.
“This is him,” Suzuki hissed.  “See?  His tattoo is the same, just like I said.”
“My…?”  Kaito froze.  He’d forgotten his bracelet at the heist, too.  He hadn’t even thought about it, but he’d run out of concealer the night before.  How had Suzuki managed to get a long enough look to recognize it days later?
“Wait, you mean he’s–?”  Mouri covered her mouth, eyes wide.  Did they both know?  How did they make the connection?
“Come sit with us,” Suzuki said.  It wasn’t a request.
Kaito frowned, but allowed her to lead him to their table.  “Look, miss, I think you must have me mistaken for someone else.”
“Don’t play coy,” Suzuki said, sitting and taking a sip of her tea.  “You’re cute, but that’s not going to work on me, even if I am a fan.”
“A fan?  Look, I really think–”
“I know who your soulmate is,” Suzuki interrupted.
Kaito opened his mouth, but couldn’t think of anything to say.  He touched his wrist, unthinking.  If Suzuki Sonoko knew who his soulmate was, it had to be someone she was close to.  Her two best friends were Mouri Ran and…
His face felt hot all of a sudden.
“Figured it out, have you?” Suzuki looked smug.  “Then you should realize that I don’t want to turn you in.  Quite the contrary.  This isn’t a ‘quit your night job’ talk, it’s a shovel talk.”
Kaito’s brow furrowed in confusion.  “Shovel talk?  So what, you’ll hurt me if I hurt my soulmate?”
“Oh no,” Suzuki said, shaking her head.  “I supply the comfort food.  Ran will hurt you.”
Mouri smiled politely.  “I’m a black belt and my school’s captain of the karate team.”  Her voice was sweet, but it promised nothing but malice.  Kaito shivered.
“You haven’t even told me who you think my soulmate is.”
Suzuki huffed.  “I know for a fact that Kudou Shinichi’s soulmate is Kaitou Kid,” she said.  Her voice was low, but confident.
“Well, my name is Kuroba Kaito, not Kaitou Kid.”  He took a drink of his coffee, cheeks still warm.  “I’ve never met this Kudou Shinichi, but…  I’d like to.”
“Then you’re in luck,” Mouri replied cheerfully.  “He’s meeting us here.”  She looked over Kaito’s shoulder and waved.  “Speak of the devil!”
Kaito couldn’t bring himself to look, concentrating on drinking his coffee.  He’d taken two long drinks when he heard Kudou walking toward them.
“Who’s this?  You didn’t tell me we were meeting anyone else here.”  Kudou’s voice was smooth and cool.  Kaito turned to meet his eyes.  He’d never seen him without something between them–a disguise, a monocle.  Kaito was hyper-conscious of how small the distance between them was.
Kudou’s gaze dropped to the inside of his wrist, exposed through Kaito’s grip on his mug.  His eyes went wide, and his face went red.
“Good,” Suzuki said, “now that you’ve figured it out, Ran and I can leave you lovebirds to get to know each other.  Kuroba Kaito, meet Kudou Shinichi.”  Suzuki stood.  “Shall we, Ran?  I want to go shopping.”
“Of course.  It’s not every day I get to tell the detective otaku I told you so.”  Suzuki paused in collecting her things.  “That reminds me, Shinichi:  I told you so.”
Without further ado, she and Mouri strolled out the door, pastries in hand.  Kudou seemed to fall into the chair across from him.  He covered his face with his hands, muffling a groan.
“What the hell,” he mumbled into his hands.
Somehow, seeing Kudou so off-balance made him feel more stable.  Whatever happened, he wasn’t alone.  If everything went well–no, best not to get his hopes up.
“Imagine how I felt.  I was just minding my own business, getting coffee, when your blonde friend blindsided me and accused me of being Kaitou Kid.”
Kudou snorted.  “I’m surprised she left so easily.  I expected her to give one or both of us a hard time.  I mean, she was really hoping you’d be her soulmate.  She has a soulmate, but she’s always been interested in you.”
Kaito bit his lip, dropping his eyes shyly.  “And… what about you?  Are you… interested in me?”
“I thought that was obvious,” Kudou said.  “I don’t make a habit of chasing thieves.  Just you.”
“You never tried to find me.”  Kaito hesitated.  “I mean–”
“It didn’t seem fair.  I know Hakuba found you outside of the heists, but it doesn’t really count, does it?  He doesn’t have proof or anything.  It’s only a win if it’s during the game.”  Kudou looked out the window, playing with the band of his watch.  He was blushing again.  “And anyway, I think the rules have changed for us.”
Kaito reached forward, touching his wrist just below the watch.  “Can I see?”
Kudou jolted, but nodded quickly, undoing the strap and setting it aside.  Kaito turned his hand over, comparing the tattoo to his own.  A perfect match.
“Does it bother you?” Kudou asked.
Kaito looked up to meet his eyes.  “Does what bother me?”
“This,” he said, gesturing between them.  “My being a detective.”
Kaito rubbed his thumb over Kudou’s wrist.  “Does it bother you?”  Kudou shook his head.  Kaito smiled, letting go of the last of his tension.  “Good.  And no, it doesn’t bother me.  Even though we’ve never really had time to talk, I feel like you understand me.  Your being a detective doesn’t negate that.”  He laughed a little.  “Besides, soulmates can’t be forced to testify against each other in court.”
Kudou snorted, taking Kaito’s hand and rubbing his thumb over the matching mark.  Kaito shivered.
“Go out with me?” Kudou asked.
Kaito grinned.  “Of course.”
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