#that title goes to the girl who said her family disowned her for being gay
fingertipsmp3 · 1 year
I think the weirdest lie I’ve been told by a pathological liar was when this friend I had in secondary school told us all she got kicked out of her house and was living in like a random shed and didn’t have access to a bathroom or electricity, and everyone was somehow believing her, and I was just looking at her like.. your hair is straightened, teeth brushed, you washed your face and you smell of soap
#it was just such a blatant; blatant lie#if she’d even tried to cover it by saying ‘oh i snuck in and used my parents’ bathroom’ or ‘i used the leisure centre bathroom’ i wouldn’t#have said a word. but like. this was someone who had showered within the past 12 hours; straightened hair; done a skincare routine#and brushed her teeth#if she’d even said ‘there was a sink in the shed’ i probably would’ve believed all of this lol. we were 14!#but she didn’t even try to make it a realistic lie. didn’t show up looking like shit or anything#i think she had makeup on. your shed has a mirror? your parents let you grab your makeup on the way out?#anyway this person also pretended to be pregnant at least twice that i know of and one of the fathers was supposedly famous#i heard secondhand that she lied so much about being pregnant that no one believed her when she ACTUALLY got pregnant#she gave birth and people were like ‘oh’#still somehow not the biggest liar i’ve encountered#that title goes to the girl who said her family disowned her for being gay#when actually SHE cut THEM off after she ran up £20k of credit card debt and they paid it off for her but wouldn’t give her any more money#even after her girlfriend threatened to KILL them#i only found out about this recently and idk what to do with this knowledge lol. i feel like i’m sitting on a powder keg#it’s all just so weird. i mean yeah i’m not the most truthful person in the world but most of my lies have PURPOSE#i’d never pretend to be pregnant.. i just lie and say i have an appointment whenever i don’t want to do something#personal
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melonoverlord · 6 years
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Second round of space gays feat. Princess Fish Mom
A: Aptitude
1. what are your oc’s natural abilities, things they’ve been doing since young?
All the royal family has excelled at magic for the longest of time, and Nivviah is not exception. She’s been a natural magic user since her birth, as well as a strong swimmer, fighter, and public speaker. Anything that you need as a political figure, Nivviah can do.
2. what activities have they participated in?
She’s been the first mate on the Freedom Vessel for about ten years, after she took the title away from Tam when they both agreed that she had more leadership skill than he did. Nivviah also participated in all the political ceremonies on Theuthida when she was still the crown princess, such as weddings, funerals, and even executions.
3. what abilities do they have that they’ve worked for?
She’s worked hard to be first mate, especially since for a long time, she tried to push being a leader aside because she equated it to the monarchy on Theuthida.
4. what things are they bad at?
Nivviah can’t cook for shit. She is one of those people who burn cereal. Partly because on Theuthida, you can just hunt and eat without worrying about cooking, so living on the ship, she’s had to learn to eat cooked food. Partly because she’s a princess so most of her hunting was done for her. Mostly because she’s a gay who can’t cook.
5. what is their most impressive talent?
She is an amazing magic user. She hasn’t been on many missions with the main three, but there is a reason you keep your strongest item until the end of the game.
B: Basics
1. what is their hair color?
Dark blue and then it gets lighter as it goes down.
2. what is their eye color?
3. how tall are they?
6′2. She’s very tol. She’s actually the third tallest person on the ship, after B3rT13 at 7′3 and Oberon at 6′4.
4. how old are they?
She’s going to turn 405 by Month 7 (February)
5. how much do they weigh?
200 lbs. All that height has got to come with some girth.
C: Comfort
1. how do they sit in a chair?
Like a princess with one ankle crossed over the other. She is disaster in gayness, but distinguished in fashion.
2. in what position do they sleep?
She sleeps with one arm under her head and the other wrapped around Luna.
3. what is their ideal comfort day?
Just wearing her sweater and skirt while eating junk food with Luna and reading together.
4. what is their major comfort food? why?
Chocolate peanut butter milkshakes. It was one of the first human foods she’s tried and it is heavenly.
5. who is the best at comforting them when down?
Her best girlfriend (and maybe soon to be wife) and her captain, Luna Sorrotai.
D: Decoration
1. how would they decorate a house if they had one under their name?
Although she doesn’t like her family, she still has ties and love for her culture, so she would want to emote a sea theme, tile floor, and a giant library for curling up and reading.
2. how would they decorate their child’s room?
Before Ciri arrived, Nivviah sort of took the role of the “mother” on the ship, so she actually helped Ravi and Crumb with their room as well as Val’s. For her own children, she’d want it to be a calming color palette so they can relax in their room and have another room to play in inside the house, and would give them lots of little trinkets to keep about because Theuthidans still like shiny things.
3. how do they decorate their own room?
Nivviah’s room is very homely with a lot of couches for lounging and reading, a lot of pictures of the og Freedom Vessel crew (Luna, Tam, herself, Oberon, Venus, and Gabriel), pictures of the kids, and more recent pictures of herself and Icio.
4. what type of clothes and accessories do they wear?
She tends to wear more “classic” clothes like skirts and sweaters and finds the perfect match between coziness and beauty.
5. do they like makeup/nail/beauty trends?
She likes painting her nails, and does minimal makeup, but doesn’t like hardcore beautifying like Venus or Flor do because she was forced to wear makeup during her time as princess.
E: External Personality
1. does the way they do things portray their internal personality?
Nivviah’s internal personality is actually very fiery and adventurous, which isn’t very apparent by looking at her. She’s been taught her whole life to be reserved and regal and aloof, so she does things more calmly and orderly than her internal dialogue would suggest.
2. do they do things that conform to the norm?
Nivviah literally electrocuted her family and entire planet just to save the girl she loved and disowned herself from her royal heritage, so 
3. do they follow trends or do their own thing?
Nivviah has always done her own thing since her conception. She escaped her oppressive homeworld because she was bored and wanted adventure. She is the secret boss ass bitch.
4. are they up-to-date on the internet fads?
God no. Nivviah is probably the person with the least amount of internet experience. She still uses tons of emojis in her texts and just learned what spoogle images is. She is very bad with technology.
5. do they portray their personality intentionally or let people figure it out on their own?
She is still unlearning how to be loud and boisterous, so a lot of people think she is a very calm and serene person when she is mentally cursing out people every fifteen minutes, so really only the people who know her best get her inner snark.
F: Fun
1. what do they do for fun?
She likes reading a lot and spends a lot of time in the library and reads to especially the snids when Icio’s out.
2. what is their ideal party?
Everyone dressed to their casual best, lots of music playing, dancing, and sneaking off with Luna in the middle while everyone is dancing.
3. who would they have the most fun with?
Luna, Tam, and Icio.
4. can they have fun while conforming to rules?
Theoretically she can, but if she really doesn’t like rules, she’ll say fuck the rules and do what she wants.
5. do they go out a lot?
She was very much a shut in when she was on Theuthida, but she likes going out when she can. It’s hard as a very visible member of the Freedom Vessel, but if she can take a couple days to explore, she will.
G: Gorgeous
1. what is their most attractive external feature?
Nivviah is a very classic beauty, but probably her hair. She very much has Ariel hair. Always bouncy and shiny no matter where she is.
2. what is the most attractive part of their personality?
She is a gentle giant who just wants her family to be happy.
3. what benefits come with being their friend?
She gives the objectively best hugs, she will always be ready to take a beating with her giant squishy body (she actually has 110 HP because she’s level 14 but she’s still a Solari), and she is the voice of reason of the ship.
4. what parts of them do they like and dislike?
She loves her tallness because they she gets to get all her loved ones’ best angles, but she always has to duck under low doorways.
5. what parts of others do they envy?
As much as she loves her gorgeous blue skin, it is a little hard to match things to it. Plus its very hard to blend in to crowds unless she uses a spell slot.
H: Heat
1. do they rather a hot or cold room?
Cold. As a fish, she doesn’t like being anywhere too hot.
2. do they prefer summer or winter?
Winter is just prettier to be in. It’s Luna’s birthday, the kids are happier, and she can wear her cute sweaters and skirts.
3. do they like the snow?
She’s only seen the snow a couple times on Helios, but she thinks its one of the most beautiful things she’s ever seen.
4. do they have a favorite summer activity?
Swimming with Luna and having a water fight.
5. do they have a favorite winter activity?
Making snow angels. She is a tall sexy skyscraper.
I: In-the-closet
1. what is their sexuality?
Fish Jesus is a lesbian. She really is Hayley Kiyoko but with gills.
2. have they ever questioned their sexuality?
There’s not really the concept of sexuality on Theuthida, just whatever the crown wants you to marry. But the first time she saw a non-Theuthidan her age (since Luna was still 17 when they met), she did bust a huge nut.
3. have they ever questioned their gender?
No, she’s always been pretty femme.
4. would/was their family be okay with them being LGBT?
Theuthida doesn’t have many strict laws when it comes to sexuality since there have been same sex relationships, but all relationships have to be approved through the crown, which is why bastard children (aka Icio) is a terrible thing. Whoever Nivviah married would have to be approved by her parents.
5. how long would/did it take for them to come out?
She never came out to her family, but she lowkey came out to Luna when they both said they would want a girlfriend, stared at each other for about a full minute, and then went their separate ways because they’re useless.
J: Joy
1. what makes them happy?
Reading, taking naps with Luna, teaching Icio about her culture, and being a good influence on the younger crewmates.
2. who makes them happy?
Luna, Tam, Oberon, Venus, and Icio. And of course the rest of the Freedom Vessel.
3. are there any songs that bring them joy?
Literally every Hayley Kiyoko song.
4. are they happy often?
She’s not necessarily sad, but she is constantly worried for her sad crewmates. She tries to cheer them up, but her most present emotion is “long worried sigh”.
5. what brings them the most joy in the world?
Being with her found family.
K: Kill
1. have they ever thought about suicide?
No, the only way she would think about killing herself would be if something happened to Luna.
2. have they ever thought about homicide?
She slaughtered her entire planet. She’s thought about getting back at her family more than once. Especially Dillon because fuck Dillon.
3. if they could kill anyone without punishment, would they? who?
She would singlehandedly slaughter Queen Genesis and her inner circle for what they’ve done to everyone.
4. who would miss them if they died?
Everyone on the Freedom Vessel because she is a beautiful soul.
5. who would be happy they died, anyone?
Probably all the Theuthidans she’s killed, and Genesians.
L: Lemons
1. what is their favorite fruit?
Oranges. She loves her citrus. It’s why she never gets colds.
2. what is their least favorite fruit?
She just doesn’t like grapes for some reason.
3. are there any foods they hate?
The higher up the seafood food chain you get, the more the line is blurred because for seafood, Theuthidans are at the top of the food chain, but sharks and other meateating sea creatures are very close to them. So it’s not cannibalism, but it’s like a human eating lion. It just doesn’t feel right.
4. do they have any food intolerances?
It’s like the human equivalent of someone being allergic to soy, but she’s allergic to seaweed.
5. what is their favorite food?
Tam makes a really good chocolate peanut butter molten lava cake.
M: Maternal
1. would they want a daughter or a son?
She’d probably get along with a daughter more, but she also loves her pseudo sons Ravi and Crumb (and Castor), so she would be fine with kids of all genders.
2. how many children do they want?
She has all her children on the ship, but if it was just her and Luna in a household, she would probably want two or three.
3. would they be a good parent?
She is already a great parent and anyone who disagrees is cancelled.
4. what would they name a son? what would they name a daughter?
She likes the name Arthur for a boy and Gwen for a girl, but she would be interested naming any child Icio after her favorite cousin.
5. would they adopt?
She’s pretty much adopted the entire ship. Even the people older than her. Icio may be older than her in body, but she is taller and therefore more valid.
N: Never Have I Ever
1. what would they never do?
Be a ruler on Theuthida. Even though she is the only possible person to rule Theuthida, she doesn’t want to be a leader. She likes being the right hand fish.
2. what have they never done that they want to do?
Marry Luna.
3. is there anything they absolutely can’t believe people do?
Think that manifest destiny is actually a thing that people should do.
4. what is the most embarrassing thing they’ve done?
Fell asleep in Luna’s lap when they were younger. It was super cute from Luna’s end, but in her sleepiness, Nivviah called Luna “adorabluna”.
5. have they done anything they thought they’d never do?
She’d never thought she’d return to Theuthida only to electrocute all of her people just to save her new family. She also never thought she’d get such an amazing girlfriend.
O: Optimism
1. are they optimistic or pessimistic?
She’s more optimistic that most of the people on the ship, sans the kids. She believes that the war will end in at least a human lifetime and that they will find someplace safe to live.
2. are they openly optimistic, throwing it on others?
She tries to be optimistic to kind of encourage others, but if someone wants to adamantly be depressed, she will back off.
3. are they good at giving advice?
With the exception of gay affairs, Nivviah is one of the few people on the ship who isn’t a hypocrite when it comes to advice. She gives great advice and actually receives advice well.
4. is there anyone in their life that throws optimism on them?
The kids tend to be a very positive influence when it comes to optimism, but really she is the optimist on the ship surrounded by negative Nancys.
5. were they always optimistic?
Nivviah was always idealistic (she is a legit Disney princess), but got a surge of optimism when running away with Luna and the Freedom Vessel.
P: Personality
1. what is their best personality trait?
She is the ultimate young mom, kind and caring, and is just so sweet to everyone.
2. what is their worst personality trait?
She’s fairly secretive and reserved, and doesn’t really say her true feelings, even if she trusts someone wholeheartedly. It’s not wanting to keep things from others, but just that she doesn’t see why she should share her feelings.
3. what of their personality do others love?
Luna loves her giant heart and gentle nature, Tam loves her determination and sense of adventure, and Icio loves her compassion and moments of sass. 
4. what of their personality do others envy?
Luna and Tam both envy her optimism and fearlessness, and Icio envies her connection to her family (despite them sucking ass) and her ability to see reason even in stressful times.
5. do they hate anything about their personality/about other’s personalities?
She wishes she could be more boisterous and energetic like some of the other people, especially the girls, since she doesn’t really like being reserved. She doesn’t like people who are too hoity toity or narcissistic since that reminds her of Theuthida.
Q: Questions
1. do they ask for help?
She uses it as a last resort to not burden the other crewmates, but she will ask for help if it helps her do the job right. She also uses it to bond, since she’ll ask how their day is going and if they need anything.
2. do they ask questions in class?
When she was first taken on the Freedom Vessel, Nivviah asked about everything, even if it had nothing to do with lessons Oberon was giving. She’d ask about the technology on ships, she’d ask about why humans don’t have gills, and if Harry Potter is based on real events.
3. do they answer questions that make them a little uncomfortable?
There are couple topics that are off-limits such as her time as a princess, but otherwise, she’ll answer most questions.
4. do they ask weird questions?
Nivviah asked every single question under the sun when she first came aboard. Then she met Val and learned that some questions should remain unanswered and unasked.
5. are they curious?
She’s a Ravenclaw. She’s curious about everything.
R: Rules
1. do they follow rules?
Nivviah is the polite version of “Fuck the Police”.
2. would they be a strict or laid-back parent?
She’s fairly strict and tries to make sure the children are safe and respectful to others, but she’s more of the parent that watches close by than actually manually intervening. She’ll step in if something’s going wrong, but she wants to give them the freedom to make their own mistakes.
3. have they ever been consequenced for breaking a rule?
She had so many rules she had to follow as a child as a princess of Theuthida that she was often consequenced by either being trapped by the sea serpents or being locked in her room.
4. have they broken any rules they now regret breaking?
She does regret going into the sea serpent den while they were guarding Iwione’s statue because it caused her to have flashbacks, which Dillon laughed about for days.
5. do they find any rules they/others follow absolutely ridiculous?
Anyone who follows Genesians and/or allowed absolute monarchy in either Genesis or Theuthida.
S: Streets
1. are they street-smart?
She wasn’t very street smart when she first came aboard, but it didn’t take her long to be wary of everyone she meets.
2. would they give money to someone on the streets?
Yeah, especially on the poorer planets she’s been on.
3. have they ever gotten in a fight on the streets?
A lot of the og Freedom Vessel got in a fight with hired thugs by Helian Parliament members.
4. has anything happened to them on the streets?
The above, and the first time she went to Scylla, they had to fight off a Deforestation Committee, which is where they met a young Venus for the first time.
5. are they cautious when out?
She’s a very tall regal fish lady on planets where there is usually one Theuthidan at most. And she’s the first mate on the Freedom Vessel. She is extremely cautious when she’s out of the ship.
T: Truth
1. are they honest?
Nivviah kept her secret from most of the newer crew (everyone from Val/Ravi/Crumb on) about being a princess and even lied to the players when they first met, but for the most part, she is very honest about herself (except when it comes to revealing gay feelings). What she isn’t honest about is other people’s secrets.
2. can they tell if someone is lying?
Nivviah lives with a ship full of liars so she is pretty decent at telling who is lying. She just knows that people have their reasons for not telling the truth so she rarely calls someone out on it unless it’s urgent.
3. is it obvious when they’re lying?
She gets a little visibly nervous about her own secrets, but she’s gotten pretty good at keeping a straight face about others’ secrets. 
4. have they lied about anything they regret lying about?
She doesn’t regret lying about her heritage, but she does sometimes wish that the secrets she’s keeping for other people could come out in the open so they don’t have to worry about it being found out.
5. have they told truths that have been spread against their will?
Everyone on the ship was pretty good about her secret, and it took until they actually arrived on Theuthida that her secret of being the princess was spread.
U: Underdog
1. have they been bullied?
She was imprisoned for a month and sentenced to die. And that was just on one trip to Theuthida.
2. have they bullied anyone?
She can say with pride she has tripped Dillon on a number of occasions as a child.
3. have they been physically attacked by a bully?
Although she was always taller than Dillon (and he was also technically a bastard child), he was older and would trick her into situations where she’d get hurt. So he took the art of surprise to physically bully her.
4. have they ever been doubted?
Big time. Especially by her immediate family. 
5. have they surprised people with being good at something?
Oberon had his doubts about Nivviah being first mate because she spent the beginning of her life pampered, but he was pleasantly surprised when she stepped up and helped her through the transition.
V: Vomit
1. do they vomit often?
Nope. Theuthidans tend to have stomachs of steel and very rarely get sick except for Eel Pox which basically leaves you paralyzed for days and it feels you have eels slithering up your body. It’s lowkey the worst but luckily Nivviah never caught it.
2. do they get lots of stomach aches?
Nah, unlike some people, she doesn’t do much to fuck up her stomach. She eats healthy and trains.
3. are they good at comforting someone ill?
Yeah, she’s had to take care of Val and Luna a lot when they get sick.
4. what do they like as far as comfort goes?
She would like back rubs but since everyone she loves are shorties, she settles for lower back rubs or rubbing the back of her hand.
5. do they burp, cough, or hiccup most when nauseous? when vomiting?
She gags a lot when she’s nauseous, which scares her because that’s the next worse thing to vomiting. When she actually does get stomach aches, it’s because she’s having a panic attack.
W: Water
1. do they drink enough water?
Nivviah’s one of the few people on the ship who actually gets adequate water intake. It’s why she has such glowing skin. 90% of it is water, the other 10% is space magic.
2. have they learned to swim?
Yeah. You can’t really live on Theuthida without learning to swim.
3. do they like to swim?
She likes it well enough. She likes doing it with Luna more, but when she’s alone, it just reminds her of how much shit she went through on Theuthida.
4. can they dive?
Yup. Every time she and Luna swam together and Luna watched Nivviah dive, it made her nut.
5. can they swim without holding their nose?
Yeah, she has gills and can pretty much do anything underwater.
X: Xylophone
1. what is their favorite genre of music?
Celtic instrumentals or soft pop. She doesn’t really like anything too loud or harsh.
2. do they have a favorite song?
‘Waterfalls’ by TLC
3. do they have a favorite band/artist/singer?
Enya or Hayley Kiyoko. She’s a fan of both Celtic and Lesbian music.
4. can they sing well?
Yes, she was trained in singing on Theuthida. She really only sings though when she’s doing another task like doing laundry or helping around the infirmary.
5. can they rap?
Luna says she’s heard her rap, but no one has any proof. And anyone who says they have proof has that proof mysteriously disappear. She’s Captain Holt with the hula hooping classes.
Y: You
1. how old were you when you created them?
19. She was the second npc I made for the Genesis Campaign.
2. what inspired you to create them?
I wanted to make a distinct “alien” character so boom. Blue Fish Titties was born.
3. were they different when they were first created?
Oh yeah, she was just going to be strong Theuthidan who happened to be a little soft but now she’s a princess and she’s gay for Luna and she’s Icio’s favorite fish cousin.
4. do you enjoy writing them more than other characters?
I love doing her accent and how gentle she is, so she’s a really fun character to play.
5. what’s your favorite thing about them?
She is a powerhouse of protection and has had some of my favorite scenes (especially where she electrocutes Theuthida) and has some good ones coming up. She is so good but also extremely wise and powerful. Also she’s a useless lesbian.
Z: Zebra
1. what’s their favorite animal?
Panda bears. She likes how round and gentle they are.
2. do they like animals?
She likes them well enough and thinks they’re cute, but she has had bad experiences with the animals on Theuthida and Dryas to make her wary of them.
3. cats or dogs?
She tends to have an aversion to cats just because of Adrian, but Ravi has been showing her pictures of what Earth cats look like and she thinks they’re cute. She likes their little noses and tiny paws.
4. what’s their dream pet?
She really wants a chinchilla. Val showed her one on Space Google and she spent fifteen minutes going through the Spoogle Images.
5. do they have any pets at the moment?
No, but she takes care of Noodle when Castor’s out doing stupid shit on different planets.
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