#that was the loudest and proudest song I could find
“🏳️‍🌈” (AshYuki, ShorYuki, SaboYuki, or AceYuki, your choice!)
Send 🏳️‍🌈 for a pride-themed starter.
Post: Here
Ash, Whiskey, and Eiji, you are suffering from a case of music stuck in head. It's not quite the Spice Girls plot I told you about but it's a Spice Girls plot.
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mouthpiece-simp · 2 years
can i please get some Major Player x reader?
Major Player x Reader Headcanons
Time for your performance with Dave!
🎹You were captivated by him. He really was a one man band and an excellent performer, and you found yourself always coming to see his performances.
🎹Dave noticed he has a number one fan {that's you!} and invited you backstage after a show one night. The two of you became friends and eventually he gave you a permanent backstage pass to come see him before and after his performances whenever you liked. You used it a lot.
🎹Eventually, the two of you became close enough to meet outside of a show setting and became casual friends. Well, as casual friends as you can be with Dave. You found yourself falling in love with him, so you decided to confess to him one day while strolling around Mezzo Melodyland.
🎹He made a big dramatic performance about it on the spot just to show that he was saying yes!
🎹And thus you two started dating...
🎹You know how he calls everyone babe all the time? Well now he calls you babe like twice as often.
🎹He also likes to call you the star of the show.
🎹Even if you don't have any talent in the performing arts, you're now part of the show so you better start learning! Don't worry, Dave will teach you. And hire you a teacher.
🎹By the way, he made an entire album of love songs about you.
🎹If you kiss his piano teeth, it sounds like someone slamming a bunch of piano keys. If you're careful you could kiss him at just the right tempo with the right keys to play a simple tune. {Do it. He will be very impressed and flattered.}
🎹Dave is SO proud to be dating you. He's made befriending and even dating toons now a socially acceptable thing for Cogs to do with his influence and how much he just doesn't shut up about how much he adores you.
🎹Some Cogs are extremely apologetic when they fight you now because they're fans of you and Dave's performances.
🎹He likes to make spontaneous performances to you about how much he loves you. He's REALLY good at improv, so it all just flows together really smoothly. Then he'll pull you "onstage" {usually his living room floor lol} and make you improv with him.
🎹Want literally anything? If you talk about wanting it to any degree of interest, you now have it. Dave will buy you ANYTHING you want. He says that he has to spoil you "sometimes," but it's more like all the time.
🎹He loves dancing with you at home until you're both tired and just cuddling afterwards... and then dancing again once you have more energy.
🎹He finds rhythm and beauty in a lot of things you wouldn't have assumed he would even care about. It's started rubbing off on you too and now you feel like you live in a world filled to the brim with music, inspiration, and life.
🎹Perform for him in the living room. Even if it sucks he will be so proud, impressed, and flattered. And maybe pull him "onstage" after a little while but take the lead, dude will go WILD with praise for you.
🎹Your relationship is pretty much the loudest, proudest Cog ever shouting off mountain tops that he loves you so the whole world can know about it too.
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indecentpause · 1 year
7 Snippets, 7 People
tagged by @thegreatobsesso to share seven lines and tag seven others to do the same! these are from The Black & Blues
cw: suggestive (in snippet seven)
And when you both wake up in your dorm on the first day of classes, you and Danny hug each other tight, because it’s going to be hard, and it’s going to cost a lot, and you’ll have to live cheap for a long time, but you did it. You got out, and now you can start the rest of your lives.
The place Austin and Kris take you and Danny is part club and part dive bar. The air is thick with smoke. They bring along a woman, too, a tiny blonde barely taller than Kris, named Sara. They look completely different than they did the day you met them, all ripped jeans and combat boots and patched up t-shirts, and you realize it’s because they were wearing the equivalent of pajamas; oversized band shirts and sweatpants. Sara has a bright blue streak in her blonde hair, and it matches her eyes. When she thinks you’re not looking she holds Austin’s and Kris’s hands. When Austin and Kris think you’re not looking, they hold each other’s. You don’t get it, but they do it in front of each other, so everyone must be okay with it, and it’s not really your business.
You have work to do. Essays to write and books to read and math to solve. But your guitar, on its stand by your bed, is calling out to you, and, you know what, just taking a thirty minute break to play should be fine. You haven’t had much of a chance since you got here. The way the strings vibrate under your fingers always relaxes you, even when you’re playing the loudest, most upbeat music. You’ve never written a song before, but you should try, especially if you actually want to get this band thing off the ground. So you pull out a notebook of blank sheet music and start picking and strumming and scribbling things down. It takes an hour and a half, and it’s not much. It’s not a full song by a long shot. It has no lyrics, it has no other accompaniments. No drumbeat or bassline. But you made it, and it’s yours, and even though it kind of sucks, it’s the proudest moment of your life.
You don’t expect to hear anything for a week or two, but the day after you’ve taped [the flyers] up, Josephine finds a moment to extricate herself from her counter and approaches you both, waving the flyer in the air. “Was this you two?” she asks. At the bottom it says to call Danny Yazdi’s or Meara Ryanne’s number, so you can’t really lie about it if she’s mad. “Are we not allowed to put up flyers in the cafeteria?” Danny asks. “What? No, that’s fine, I was just wondering, are you looking for trumpet players? My… um, my boyfriend and I both play.” “Yeah!” You perk up now that you know you’re not going to get yelled at. “Definitely, we need brass the most! Give one of us a call and we’lll set something up on the weekend.”
You’ve been watching him sleep on and off since the first incident with your mom. He’s so confident. He’s so sure of himself. He’s funny and flirty and gorgeous. He could have anyone he wanted. So of course he wouldn’t want you. You bury your face in the pillow and groan softly in frustration. Kris said you should shoot your shot. But if Danny felt that way about you, he’d have said so. He has hang ups about dating, too, but not as bad as you, and he knows he can trust you not to laugh at him. What if he’s thinking the same thing about you? “Oh god,” you mumble into your pillow. You smush your face into it a little harder and are about to scream when you hear the rustle of Danny’s sheets. You peek back over your pillow to see him shifting around. The sheet he uses as a blanket has fallen around his hips. At least he’s wearing a shirt this time. He doesn’t always. It drives you insane.
“So, we invite them on?” you ask, just to be sure everyone’s on the same page. Everyone looks around at each other again. Everyone nods. Danny claps his hands together and you jump at the echoing sound. “All right then. Shall we?” He opens the door for the rest of you and you all crowd back inside. Josephine and Morgan are sitting on the edge of the stage, feet crossed on the ground below them, talking quietly and anxiously. When you enter, they both perk up, and Morgan asks, “Well?” You grin. “Welcome aboard,” you say. Josephine’s eyes go wide, like she’s surprised. Like she expected only Morgan to get an offer. “Both of us?” “Both of you.” They both grin and share a high-five and a hug, and when they pull away from each other, they turn back to you so Morgan can ask, “So, when do we all start?”
You wipe at your forehead with the back of your hand. Danny hands you a gray handkerchief. You don’t think much about it until you’ve cleaned the sweat off your face and he sticks it in his back pocket with another one, gray and black striped. You finally realize he’s been flagging this whole time. Not for you guys here in the music room, of course. But around campus, maybe. He’s looking for someone to be with. And that someone isn’t you. You swallow hard and force your tears back, force the knot in your throat to come undone. “Just be safe,” you finally say. Danny turns to you and asks, “What?” “I see what you’re doing,” you say. It’s not accusatory. It’s just a statement of fact. “Just be careful. I don’t want you to get hurt.” Danny’s whole face softens and he runs his hand through your hair, ruffling up the curls. “Thanks, Meara,” he says softly. “Thank you. That means a lot.”
tagging @lynnedwardswrites @winterandwords @vcaudley @drippingmoon @oh-no-another-idea @enchanted-lightning-aes and @abalonetea to share seven snippets from a project or projects! (if you don't want to that's fine too)
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Question, since you got me into the idea of nick and magnolia: how do you think the other companions (and Jas) would react if they did get together?
Question answered for ya anon!!! I believe you are referring to this recent set of screen shots that I took of the couple, but I also made a quick little writing about them a few months back. I’ve got some ship names written down, but idk how these things work plz send help I love these two together but don’t know what to do with them.
I wrote this as Nick and Magnolia announcing to the companions that they are now an official couple after they danced around each other for a few months without knowing that their fondness for the other was mutual. (For a detective Nick was really bad at picking up signals)
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Nick Valentine: Not sure why someone as beautiful and talented as Magnolia would choose him, a battered up and broken toaster, to be her lover. She’s the kind of woman who can have anyone one she wants in the world, it makes him feel a bit insecure. But after some assurance from his new ladylove that he’s “man enough” for her and she’s not looking for someone “better and human”, he grows more confident in their relationship. He’s the one clapping the loudest and proudest in the crowd at the Third Rail after each of her songs.
Jasmine: Overly ecstatic that her Dad found himself a loving partner who cares about him just as much as she and Ellie does. The girl is more than willing to talk and bond with Magnolia over anything from stories to games, opening up to her quicker than she does with most. Her entire face lights up when she and Nick stop by to visit Mags or she comes by the office for dinner and to stay the night. She ends up slipping here and there by referring to Magnolia as Mama on occasion, which everyone finds absolutely adorable.
Magnolia: Always had her eyes on Nick from the moment she first saw him march into the Third Rail hot on a missing persons case. He stuck out to her, not because he’s a mechanical synth but because of his kind demeanor and overall gentlemanly personality. She found herself drawn even more to the detective after watching him interact with his daughter, the soft tenderness he had while speaking to her, then the firm protectiveness he got when he had to defend her. (Mags really saw him be a father to his daughter and went, “Ah yes, boyfriend material.”)
Piper Wright: Laughs a “Finally” under her breath when she first hears the news. Being a reporter and close friends with the two, she picked up on their budding chemistry pretty early on. She had to start nudging the topic of Nick and Magnolia becoming a couple when it became plainly and almost painfully obvious that there was attraction, even speculating with Jas on the subject and making plans to get the two to interact more.
Codsworth: It brings a metaphorical tear to his three eyes when he hears that Nick is courting Magnolia and he sees them waking hand-in-hand. One of the things he misses about the old world is watching new couples walk with their arms linked down the sidewalk or through the park, enwrapped in each others eyes and their young, blooming love.
Preston Garvey: Claps Nick on the back and gives the pair a hearty congratulations, wishing them nothing less than good fortune and strength to get through any hard times that may come. It’s comforting to know that folks are still able to come around and find each other in the Wasteland, he’ll be the one to help make sure it’s safer for more people to settle down.
Curie: Claps her hands and cheers with delight when the good news comes her way and she watches them come by with their arms linked together. She goes on a rambling on the positive effects love can have on a persons overall physical and mental health, the happy couple smiling at her rambling and patiently listening to every word.
Cait: Says that it’s about damn time those two became a couple! Even a blind mole rat could tell that they both took a fancying for each other, and she almost outright yelled “just kiss already” on several different occasions when the pair looked moments away from doing so.
Deacon: Proudly proclaims that he knew from the start that Maggie and Nicky would eventually get together and that he even did some influencing to get the two to bond. He’s like their fairy godmother in a way, made sure their relationship stayed on the right path.
Danse: (Post Blind Betrayal) Congratulates the new couple with a sincere smile. Nick had been one of his biggest support when he had to come to terms with his new identity as a synth, despite the fact that the former paladin hadn’t exactly always been friendly to him. He can only hope that one day that he can find his special someone to call his own.
Hancock: Couldn’t be happier for his good friend the old circuitboard and jazz singer when he sees them get all lovey-dovey with each other. He jokingly pokes Nick on his shoulder with his finger and question if he’s planning on stealing away Goodneighbors sweetheart from under his nose and leave the Third Rail without its main source of entertainment.
MacCready: They kind of remind him of when he and Lucy first got together. Except that he isn’t a badass synth detective who goes around the Commonwealth doing good and making his family and partner proud, but his Lucy was lovely and beautiful just like Magnolia is. He just hopes the new couple can have more time together than he and Lucy did, it’s very precious and can slip away before your eyes. (I’m not crying, you’re crying!)
X6: At first he assumes that both synths are malfunctioning when he hears about their relationship and sees for himself that they are indeed walking hand-in-hand and referring to each other as their lover. It’s a bit difficult for him to understand the concept that two synths can indeed have real romantic feelings for others. He comes around soon enough once he observes several occasions where the two interacted with each other with affection. Besides, Nick already has shown he loves his daughter dearly, so who can say that he can’t love Mags?
Strong: Bro doesn’t care.
Dogmeat: Notices that his favorite synth detective has started spending more time with the nice lady with the pretty voice, and they are very happy when they are together. He can sense that they have something special between them, and he loves seeing them so happy! It makes him jump up on his hind legs and wags his tail with barks of joy. He wants to join in and will leap in-between them while they are walking side-by-side, bombing them with puppy kisses!
Moral Of The Story: “Oh come on, just one little kiss! I've had all my shots!” Is one of the worst yet funniest pickup lines ever. (Please don’t try this while drunk, and probably not while sober either)
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silkylious · 4 years
Of Cold Soba and Rose-gold Vows (Todoroki Shoto x Fem!Reader)
Pairing: Todoroki Shoto x reader Warnings: ANGST, mature themes, suggestive content, fluff A/N: ughhh its finally here, honestly this took way too long to finish because im a lazy cunt but here it is finally! Hope you enjoy!
Also feel free to request stuff!
Click. Clack. Click. Clack.
The footfalls of heeled shoes propagated throughout his office, each echoing step flooding his chest with dread and accelerating the previously calm rhythm of his heartbeat. Three consecutive knocks sounded before her sickly-sweet voice followed suit. “I have more paperwork for you, sir,”
Despite the lump accumulating in his throat, he managed to croak out a response, ushering his secretary into his office. The door clicked open, closing shut after she stepped in. He didn’t dare lift his eyes from the sheets of paper lining his desk, grasping on what little self-control was left in his morale. A hefty stack of paper was slammed right in his field of vision, causing him to snap his head up, ready to berate his assistant on her lack of professionalism. The lecture he was prepared to give her was shoved to the back burner in his mind once he made eye contact with her figure. Shit. A dress shirt way too tight around her bust, the first couple buttons left open and a body-hugging pencil skirt, accentuating her already exaggerated curves. Fuck. He winced at the audible gulp he couldn’t help but take, hoping she didn’t notice his frazzled reaction. His fleeting attention was brought back to her face, mentally cursing himself when he caught sight of her smug visage. She definitely noticed.
She took his silence as compliance, deciding it was finally time after so many failed trials to raise the stakes a bit more. Her self-satisfied attitude only augmented as she made her way around her boss’s workbench, stalking the way his shoulders tensed and the formation of sweat beads on his temples. With the pen now long forgotten, his hands clenched into fists atop his desk, two contradicting thoughts wreaking havoc through his conscious. He felt her feminine stature press into his back, her dainty fingers hugging his broad shoulders, compressing the taut muscle. All hell broke loose in the corners of his mind, his vision blurring at the peripherals. He could almost hear his subconscious screaming at him to push her away, to do something! But right now, he could only focus on the soft touch encasing his shoulders, the short breaths enchanting his ears.
“You seem a little tense, sir,”
Todoroki was well aware of the flirtatious lilt in her words, well aware of how wrong this was, but he couldn’t help but silently indulge in the prohibited intimacy. His resolve was rapidly cracking, her heinous antics doing a number on him. He’d resisted so many times before (her little game of cat and mouse lasting way longer than he should’ve allowed) but something about this moment propelled him to the edge of caving in. Just as he was about to pluck the thinning thread holding his restraint together and finally fall victim to her adulterated wishes, his phone rang, snapping him out of his indecent trance, giving him an exit out of this situation and he damn near bolted out of it. He wasn’t a religious guy, yet he still internally thanked whatever higher being was looking down at him right now.
He took the cue handed to him by the heavens gladly, his scarred hand darting out to clutch his cellular device. Urging his frisky secretary out with the excuse of taking this phone call, he watched as a sour expression overtook her features. She clearly wasn’t pleased about this, making it a point to stomp her way out, slamming the door behind her retreating figure. With her presence far away from his personal space, he let out a breath he’d been holding for way too long, taking a moment to steady his pulse. Mismatched eyes tiredly descending onto the device that had saved him, sliding his finger across the screen to accept the incoming call.
“Pro-hero: Shoto, we need your backup right now,”
The villain he was called in to capture had caused a ruckus in the city’s mall, one thing lead to another and devastating damage had been dealt to the city square. The villain was arrested with the help of the many Pro-heroes on sight, Shoto doing most of the dirty work with little to no harm inflicted to the surrounding area. Not many civilians were injured and there were no fatalities, the rest was smooth sailing from there (aside from a little squabble with a certain explosive hero claiming he had stolen the last blow, which Shoto honestly couldn’t give less of a fuck about). He couldn’t wait to take a shower, clock in and call it a day. 
The hero carved his way through his agency, muscle memory dragging him to his office while taking off various support items during the short walk. He paused in his steps when a dire thought crossed his mind. Would she still be here? It wouldn’t be the first time she’d tried to get some alone time with him by staying well past her work hours. And if she was here, what would he do? He wouldn’t know how to respond after what happened earlier that afternoon. Whatever fucked up odds were in his favor for the second time that day as he didn’t hear a single noise in the agency, save for a lone janitor mopping the floor. Relief brought him back down to earth and away from his anxious thoughts. He briskly made his way into a stall, thoroughly enjoying the cold water enveloping his skin.
While under the showerhead, his thoughts ran amuck. That afternoon had been a close call, he despised himself because he knew that had his phone stayed silent, he would have indulged in the disgusting fantasies she’d created. A concoction of guilt and self-deprecation settled deep in his gut, he knew he had to stop these risky incidents, it wasn’t right. But every time he found himself ready to pull the plug and repent, she lured him back in like a sailor to a siren’s song. These sordid happenings had to come to an end, he knew that like the back of his hand, he just didn’t know how to stop luxuriating in the bittersweet taste of this forbidden fruit. He briefly contemplated firing her, frankly her skills weren’t even all that awe inducing, he could easily find a less problematic, more efficient replacement for her. But the wicked part of his being quickly squashed that option, even though he was fully aware that it was the correct option, the right thing to do.
The half and half Pro shut off the faucet, cutting his train of thought short in the process, and stepped out of the stall into the locker room. What was supposed to be a nice quelling of his worries had only spiked his self-hatred up a couple notches. Diligently drying off his candy cane hued strands, he could only hope that his mind would ease up with time.
By the time he’d made it to his surprisingly humble apartment, he’d relaxed enough to not look like he had a stick shoved up his rectum. All his tranquility was defenestrated the second he heard the voice that had been causing him so much inner turmoil the past few weeks.
“Welcome home, Shoto.”
The words that would typically soothe him, now caused him immeasurable pain. The guilt he’d been able to muffle, now ringing louder than any alarm ever could in his brain. Oh, how badly he wanted to tug you by the waist, desperately hold you against his larger frame. Yet Shoto couldn’t bring himself to do that, hell he couldn’t even meet your eyes, too afraid that he’ll taint your being with his grimy hands. The shame welling up was eating him alive, that vile scene playing on repeat before his heterochromatic irises as he tried to match your stare, a singular thought plaguing him. You don’t deserve this; he doesn’t deserve you.
He hadn’t been expecting you to be at home as you usually be snoring peacefully in bed right now. The uneven timing between both your careers had made it near impossible to spend time together, but you’ve coped with it throughout your relationship.  
“Sho, you okay?” He was pummeled back to reality when he heard your concerned voice, lord knows he didn’t deserve your sympathy. He managed a small smile and a kiss to your forehead.
“‘M’ fine, just tired. Long day at work.” Was his simple response, leaving out all the details that would surely bar him from sleep that night. You hummed lightly, enjoying the sensation of his puckered lips on your forehead, which had become quite scarce lately.
“I made dinner, your favorite. You want some?” The hopeful glint in your stare amplified the hurt in his chest. How could he do this to you? Shoto didn’t take long to decline, ignominy brutally killing his appetite. He resigned to bed with you in tow, he could practically sense the disappointment radiating off you, but he wouldn’t be able to bear looking at your face a moment longer.
This has been the formulaic dynamic of your relationship recently; he’d leave early, hurl himself at work in hopes of avoiding any interaction with the two causes of conflict in his life then arrive late into the night, either to find you cocooned with all the blankets in bed or on the rare occasion that you were awake, he’d forgo dinner and b-line it for the bed. The distance between you made you perturbed. Sure, you saw the amazing work he does daily on the news (and you were the proudest and loudest of his fans, supporting him from day one unconditionally), but that didn’t mean he had to marginalize your existence for the sake of his hero career. Besides, this only became a problem recently, you tried to brainstorm any shifts or events that could have birthed this unreasonable drift between the two of you, but you came up with nothing, unaware that what had caused the drift wasn’t an event, rather a person.
All sleep eluded him that night, sleepless and cloaked in despair. His mind going back to its chaotic state. He didn’t know why he was enabling his secretary’s inappropriate behavior, maybe due to the lack of intimacy between you two? No, he couldn’t lie to himself, he was painfully aware that he was the one to cause the shortage of affection in your relationship. Todoroki didn’t understand why he wouldn’t just stop her like any good-natured, faithful boyfriend would. No matter how hard he berated himself, he could never find the will to stop wallowing in her passion, the passion of a woman that wasn’t you. God, how pathetic he was. He, at the very least, prided himself in being able to reject her advances up until now, but he knew that was the bare minimum of what he should do, but what he didn’t know was much scarier in contrast. He didn’t know how long he’d be able to turn her down. He watched the rhythmic rise and fall of your chest, which eventually lulled his mind into a turbulent slumber.
Todoroki woke up at the ass crack of dawn the next morning, as per usual, yawning while he went through the motions of his morning routine. Now fully dressed and presentable, he paused beside your side of the bed. His cold knuckles brushed over your face, smoothing some of your follicles away to get a better look at your expression. Even in your sleep, you leaned into his touch, longingly seeking out his comforting, cool caresses with a soft, dopey smile. His heart stuttered violently, both with mirthful adoration and overwhelming penitence. With that, he abruptly halted the loving contact and headed towards his agency.
His day had been going pleasantly for the most part, a fairly easy patrol with some small-fry villains here and there, and barely any run ins with his dreaded secretary. All was looking well, he could finish paperwork and surprise you with an early visit, you’d absolutely love that! At least, that was the plan until she came barging into his office. His eyes expanding as he took in her disheveled figure. Her top buttons all undone, giving him an ample view of her cleavage, she had ditched the thigh-high stockings deciding to go bare-legged, her pencil skirt skin-tight around her curves and he could have sworn it was hitched up a bit. She wasn’t messing around this time. He prayed, begged for a way out like what had happened last time, yet he could somehow tell that wasn’t going to happen. Fate had already dealt its cards, giving him chance after chance, and now he was all out of chances, all out of luck. He gulped in preparation of what would come, for better or worse.
Meanwhile, you were sat at home, with a laptop in your clutches. After typing out a few overly formal and redundant emails, you stretched your arms above your head, hearing a satisfying pop. Unlocking your phone, your eyes scanned the number displayed on the lock screen. 5:32 PM. Shoto had informed you that he would be arriving early, the mere thought bringing a smile to your face. Your attention diverted from the numbers on your device to the background picture, a picture of you and Shoto on the beach, your lips caressing his cheek as he held onto the phone, a serene smile lighting up his expression. You missed those days, you knew you had to have a talk with him about the direction of your relationship, you just didn’t know when. You’d rarely see him throughout the day. And when you did, he was either too exhausted to function or already knocked out in bed. Your faith was firmly planted in him, it really was, yet you couldn’t help but speculate why his absence was more frequent these days. Shaking those thoughts away, you head to the kitchen to start preparing dinner.
Shoto eyed her with a mixture of anticipation and fear, the way her hips swayed purposefully, her petite fingers curling around the lock and clicking it shut. She stalked her way over to his desk, leaning over it and bringing herself face-to-face with the object of her desires. Her pride was wounded way too many times to count, each rejection only increasing her sense of entitlement. She knew that her boss wasn’t single, he had a goddamn picture of you on his desk, yet that didn’t hinder her in the slightest. In fact, she took it as a challenge, at first it was fun to get a reaction out of him but his consistent refusal to her advances was getting tiring. She was treading on thin ice, one small slip up and she’d be engulfed in icy waters, but she confided in the fact that he hadn’t fired her yet (for whatever goddamn reason). Her stern expression met his own stoic one, a façade he wasn’t sure he’d be able to keep holding up much longer.
“You left me hanging last time, sir. Let’s continue where we left off, shall we?”
She slid behind him, noiseless as a cat, taking the position she had been in the day before, this time with no interruptions. And there were no objections coming from him, which surprised both of them. She’d been expecting even a little bit of resistance on his part, yet there was none. Her abhorrent hands snaked their way down his built pectorals, relishing in his lack of defiance, whispering to him all the foul fantasies she’d dreamed of, and he didn’t say no.
“See, sir, once you let go, it’ll feel a lot better,”
As her fingers danced across his abdomen marveling at his muscles, she shifted a bit so she can stand beside him, watch all the resilience drain from his face as he gave in to her sick pleasures. God, he wanted to stop her, to shove her away, to do something, anything! But despite his subconscious crying out for him to take action, his body didn’t budge an inch. He felt sick to his stomach, he was enjoying this. He reviled himself over and over again in his head, yet he couldn’t deny her sensuous touches. He was already planning to penance for his sinful consent, never in his life did he think he’d ever be a perpetrator of infidelity, yet here he was letting a woman who wasn’t his lover touch him in ways he’d pledged were for only for your hands to execute.
His muteness was getting her drunk on the control she had over him -over the number three Pro-hero, she couldn’t help but test the waters and push her luck. Her digits scraped a path from his rock-hard abs to his inner thigh, kneading the muscle in her hands, inching closer and closer to the point of no return, the point where he’d officially be classified as an undignified cheater. His head snapped up, the haggard shouts of his subconscious finally proving fruitful in their effort to make him move. His eyes searched her grinning face, shit-eating and riddled with malice, and in a flash his mind compared her power-drunk smirk to your soft smile that he had the pleasure of witnessing that morning. All of a sudden, the frayed old thread holding his restraint together was restored to its original state, resewing and stitching itself back together to form a robust lasso that would hold his heart and spirit tightly, only yielding to your will and wind. She wasn’t you; she’d never be you or even come close. That small revelation prompted him to grip her wrist, which had been itching towards his semi-hard member. With newfound resolve, his voice as stern as he could muster, he made a demand- no, an order.
“Get out.”
“Wha- But-”
“Out. Now.”
His austere words left no room for discussion or complaints, her previously smug smile vanishing, replaced with pure fear at his staunch appearance. The tables were completely flipped, he had finally regained control over his traitorous body. She quickly heaved up, trying to fix her debauched state frantically before she booked it out of the room. With her villainous aura gone, the IcyHot Pro-hero dramatically sighed out, slumping in his office chair as he recounted the events of the past thirty minutes. He loathed himself for letting that continue on longer than it should have.
Before Todoroki can drown in his sea of self-loathing, his cell phone buzzed, indicating a notification. Opening the device, his breath hitched once he saw who had texted him.
Babe ❤️❤️: Sho r u still coming home early tonight? ps love ya Sent 6:13
Given the events that had just transpired in his office, his heart was racing. Mostly out of left-over adrenaline, but a part of him was happy he could still call himself loyal to you by minimum measures. Todoroki’d been so close to tipping over, he promised himself that he wouldn’t repeat his past mistakes. with the ache to see you blooming in him, he shot you a short text confirming that he’d be home in a bit and took a brisk shower to scrub off any lingering sensations from his sleazy assistant, both figuratively and literally.
When Todoroki arrived home only to be greeted by your patient smile, he couldn’t help the exasperated look overtaking his features. He truly didn’t deserve you, but he’d be a fool to let you go. Before you found the chance to even address him, he pulled you into a bone-crushing hug, savoring the aroma of your shampoo. He abruptly let you go to get a hold of your cheeks, gingerly patting them with his thumbs as he reminded himself over and over again that your were his and most importantly, that he was yours and only yours. Mental exhaustion crept up on him, the aftermath of his ongoing misdeeds finally catching up to him. Shoto could barely handle the fact that he had been so close to giving you up for some office skank, rubbing at his temples to ease the oncoming headache. You didn’t comment on his odd demeanor, opting to give him a serving of his favorite dish instead. With his head down, eyes focused on the coffee table in front of him, Shoto didn’t notice you leaving and returning with a tray in hand. His grey-blue hue flickered between the bowl of cold soba and the small glass of sake that were pushed into his line of vision then up to your playful grin. So pure, so loving. Nothing like the one he saw mere minutes prior in his agency.
“Eat up, I won’t be taking no for an answer this time!” Were your endearingly light-hearted words, that cheeky smile never fading. Shoto cemented this moment in his mind forever, ridiculing his past self for the umptieth time that day. How could he even bestow his stare on another creature when you were right by his side? Regret, repentance and unhinged love inundated him. He uttered out three simple words.
“I love you.”
You’d heard those same words come from his mouth dozens of times before, yet somehow this time felt special. You could tell the words carried more weight than they typically did, though you couldn’t pinpoint what kind of baggage they were upholding. Without even realizing it, tears had begun to trickle down your face, all your doubts and worries extinguished in an instant. Oh, how you longed to hear those words in recent days, they shook your entire world to its very core. He loves you; he still loves you.
Honestly, he hadn’t been expecting that reaction from you, but he understood the implications behind it, and it only added to the overbearing guilt weighing on him. Had you been so starved for his affection that those simple words made you cry? Shoto shot up from his seat, he made up his mind.
The cold soba was abandoned that night, he’d grabbed you by the waist and pulled you with him to the bedroom where he indulged in the throes of passion with you, worshipping you and locking every sound, every expression and every word you made forever in his heart which you mercilessly tugged at using the lasso holding it hostage. Despite the less than pure nature of your acts, Shoto considered this his confessional, where you were the priest, ridding him from all his past sins and engulfing him in your warm light.
When you were both tuckered out, he pulled you into his bare chest, petting over your head and silently planned the coming day. Promising that he’d be better for you.
The next morning you were dejected to wake up in an empty bed, but you wouldn’t let that shake you up. Shoto was clearly trying to reignite the spark between you two, and you were going to put in the effort too. While making your morning beverage before heading to work, a neon sticky-note caught your eye. You plucked it from its place on the fridge. In neat handwriting, it read:
Hey love, Sorry for leaving early again, was called in for an emergency I’ll try to clear the rest of my schedule to come home early today Love you
The sweet words served to strengthen your faith in him. He was trying, and you would be sure to show that you appreciated his determination.
After dealing with the emergency, Shoto patrolled around the city, helping out here and there when needed. When he returned to his agency, his steps carried a steadfast feel to them, he knew what he was going to do next, and he was going to make it quick.
“Sir, you called?”
The duel haired hero didn’t even spare a glance at his secretary, finding the monotonous emails on his screen far more interesting. He encouraged her to sit down in the chair parallel to his bureau. She wordlessly took his offer and sat down, her heart beating a mile a minute. They both knew where this is going.
“You’re fired. Pack up your supplies and leave as soon as possible. And please leave your desk at pristine condition.”
She shouldn’t have been surprised really, if anything this was an expected outcome from her unprofessionalism, she didn’t dare voice her disapproval though, even she wasn’t dumb enough to poke the grizzly bear. Just as silently as she had entered, she left without making a fuss. Irrepressible relief calmed the Pro-hero’s senses, he’d done the right thing. And he would continue to walk the right path for you. He was able to clear the rest of his schedule, noting mirthfully that he still had time before he’d head back home. He settled for making a couple detours before coming home to your adoring gaze.
“I’m back.” Shoto called out blissfully, he missed the feeling of having an embrace to call his home. When he didn’t receive an answer he got a wee bit skittish, though his worries were subdued when he noticed your sleeping figure huddled up on the couch, a bowl of half-eaten popcorn on the table and a shitty romcom playing on the TV.
He crouched so he could properly take in your pacific visage. He vowed to himself that from then on out, he’d better himself in every aspect to truly be worthy of being yours. And he was going to forevermore eternalize that vow with the rose-gold band residing in his pocket.
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blu-joons · 4 years
BTS Reaction: You’re A Pianist
The sounds of your piano filled the room as he walked into the house, he was quick to follow the sounds, finding you rehearsing one of your new pieces, perfecting every note right until the very end of the song.
“That was beautiful,” he spoke, making you jump, turning around to see him stood in the door frame. “You’ve been working hard today.”
You nodded, standing up to greet him with a kiss. “How long have you even been stood there? I never heard you come home.”
“I only just got in, but someone was playing beautiful music, so I thought I’d come and check it out,” he teased, cupping the side of your face, “you did good.”
“If only you could hear the countless number of times I went wrong today too,” you laughed, burying your face into the crook of his neck.
“No one gets anything right first time around, but you worked hard and got it done,” he encouraged, running his hands through your hair, “now I think you deserve a sit down, and I’ll cook dinner for the two of us tonight, how does that sound?”
“I will never turn down your cooking, thank you Jin.”
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His cheers were the loudest in the room as your performance came to an end, the room stood up to applaud as you walked off the stage, he sprinted out of the theatre, heading backstage to find you and give you a hug.
“You were incredible,” he yelled when he spotted you, running over to you, lifting you up in the air, “everyone absolutely loved it, they were on their feet.”
You chuckled, letting go of a huge sigh of relief, “I’m glad it’s all over though, I’ve never felt pressure like it before, I was terrified.”
“There was no need for you to be, I knew you’d do it, every note was perfect,” he assured you, placing you back down on the ground.
“I don’t even remember what I just did, it all feels like a bit of a dream right now,” you giggled, feeling his hands hold either side of your face.
“I’ll tell you what just happened, you smashed your piano recital and everyone fell in love with you,” he informed you with the proudest smile, “I’ve never loved you more then I do right now, it was magical, you were a little superstar Y/N.”
“Well, I could never have done it without you.”
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He had no idea how long you’d been upstairs practicing, so, he made two mugs of coffee, walking upstairs to find you sat away from the piano, reading through the composition once again trying to figure it all out.
“I thought you might need these,” he smiled, walking in to show you the two mugs he bought, “have a few minutes and just relax for me, please.”
You nodded, taking one of the mugs from him, “it’s like you can read my mind sometimes, this will keep me awake for a few more hours.”
“You’re doing really well, but don’t put too much pressure on yourself,” he warned you, “it’s sounding really good downstairs, what do you think about it?”
“Yeah, it’s going well, but like you always tell me, there’s always room for improvement,” you’d teased, watching as his eyes rolled.
“You can’t use my own advice against me,” he chuckled, sitting down on the floor opposite you, “I’m being serious when I tell you to take care of yourself though, I don’t want you stressing yourself out too much, there’s always tomorrow to practice.”
“I know, but you don’t need to worry, I’m fine.”
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You went through the music in your mind one final time, resting your hands over the beginning notes of the piano, for hours you’d tried to perfect the song, yet nothing seemed to be going right for you just yet.
“There’s my little superstar,” he smiled, walking into the room, “how’s it all going? I’ve not heard you play in a while.”
You smirked up at him, feeling his hands rest on your shoulders, “I’m still just trying to get my head around a few bits, some of it isn’t quite going as planned.”
“Why don’t you give it a break for a bit? You’ve been practicing non-stop and then you can come back to it when your mind is a bit clearer.”
“That might not be so much of a bad idea,” you sighed, standing up from your stool, “I need to get it right soon though, time is running out.”
“You’ll get there, I know you will,” he assured, pulling you up, wrapping his arm around your waist, “practice makes perfect, and this song isn’t easy. Once you’ve had a break, I promise you’ll notice a difference in it all.”
“I hope you’re right Joon, I need to get it right.”
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The crowd began to gather in the theatre your showcase was being held at, Jimin was stood beside you with a tight arm wrapped around you, trying his hardest to settle your nerves and keep you as calm as possible.
“You’ll smash it,” he whispered into your ear, bringing your eyes around to meet his, “you don’t need to be nervous at all.”
You shook your head, lifting your hand to show it trembling. “I’m terrified of messing it all up, there’s so many people watching me tonight.”
“Just imagine it like we’re back at home and you’re playing just for me,” he told you, “close your eyes and concentrate on what you are good at.”
“That might be quite a good idea actually,” you chuckled, feeling slightly better, “make sure you’re stood here tonight when I perform.”
“I’ll be right by your side,” he assured you, pressing a long kiss to your cheek, “regardless of what happens tonight I am so proud of you, as are so many other people, I’ve got every confidence you’ll do perfectly tonight.”
“I don’t know what I’d do without your support.”
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He’d sat beside you piano for hours listening to you play, the music the piano played always brought a smile to his face, he could spend all day listening to you play, helping you in your practice to get things right.
“It sounds really good,” he complimented after yet another run through, “I could spend forever sat here listening to you play sometimes.”
You shook your head, giggling across at him, “that’s not true, I’m sure it won’t be too long before you get bored and find something better to do.”
“I’ve been here for four hours and I’m not bored yet,” he reminded you, tapping the top of the piano, “I really am enjoying myself.”
“Well I’ve got a couple more songs to run through if you want to stay?” You asked, almost immediately he nodded his head in response.
“Maybe you should try and learn one of our songs one day,” he suggested, watching your eyes light up, “we could bring you on the tour, and that way I’d be able to spend more time with you, and we’d get to travel the world together.”
“Maybe one day, that would be a nice idea.”
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Your eyes lit up as you came to the end of the piece, it was the first time you had completing the whole song without a mistake, shouting Jungkook up to tell him about your good news, smiling widely in relief.
“What’s happened?” He asked, sprinting up to the room, trying to figure out what the panic was all about. “Are you alright? Did something happen?”
You nodded, giggling away at his panic, “I finally managed to get it right, after countless attempts, it finally went perfectly, no mistakes.”
“That’s amazing,” he cheered, calming yourself down, “is it too much to see if you can do it again so that I can hear?” He asked you.
“I might as well give it a try, what’s the worst that can happen?” You responded, turning the music book back to the beginning again.
“It won’t be long until you’re up on that stage playing for thousands of people,” he encouraged, walking over to press a kiss to the top of your head, “you’ve worked so hard on this, I’m glad its paying off for you.”
“Me too, I’m so glad to get the first time completed.”
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tswiftrs · 4 years
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dear @taylorswift (and @taylornation​), let us introduce you to TAYLOR SWIFT SERBIA 🇷🇸, one of your biggest fan clubs in europe! we made it with the intention that you perform in our country someday (but we also promote your music here and regularly update your serbian fans on everything you do). unfortunately, you never came to see us, so we were thinking - why not tell you and show you everything we’ve done these past 8 years, and who knows, maybe you like it and decide to visit us on your next tour. (disclaimer: this gonna be a long-ass post)
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TSS (as we like to call it) was founded in 2012, when a facebook page called taylor swift come to serbia was created. (fun fact: the two of us, who’ve been running it from the beginning, met on twitter literally a day before.) since then, we joined every social network you can think of:
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these are some of our past profile pictures. as you can see, we’re a bit obsessed with photoshopping serbian flag colors onto your clothes 😂
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since our goal has always been for you to come here, we made a dozen fan videos trying to get your attention. here they are:
serbia needs red tour - yeah, that ship has sailed, but we still wanted to show you this video so you can hear first-hand how much serbians love you. sorry for our english btw, we were all pretty young 😂
this was also a thing at the time btw: 
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happy birthday taylor - we made this for your 23rd b-day but we still love it so much so here it is. (btw, we did a project for your 30th birthday as well, you can find it on our tumblr, you just have to stalk us a bit 😉)
serbia needs taylor swift - you can find some cute tweets from serbian fans in this one! 
serbia loves taylor swift - in this one we tried to be extra creative. you’ll see what we mean. 
christmas tree farm (lyric video by serbian swifties) - this is our newest video, kind of a lyric video or a bio chain as the kids call it. it’s hard to explain, so just watch it!
apparently we can only put 5 videos in the post so here are the links for the other ones:
all too well (lyric video by serbian swifties) - we asked our followers what their favorite song from red was (since it was your newest album at the time) and of course they picked atw. it’s still to this day a clear favorite among your serbian fans
taylor swift come to serbia - basically sums up everything we had done up until that point, just like we’re doing now
13 reasons why we want taylor swift in serbia - pretty self-explanatory
serbia needs wonderstruck - our very first video. i guess we really wanted to know how wonderstruck smells 😂 it never became available here though 😔
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the video we were proudest of, however, was our shake it off lip sync video. we all dressed up in your merch, danced in our bedrooms, and sang our hearts out to what was then your current single. we sent that video to anyone we could think of, which unfortunately at the time included big ma*hine. they saw it, said it was “so cool”, and then deleted it for copyright. 6 years later we’re still not over it 😭 we promise it was the most beautiful thing ever and we’d give anything to watch it one more time… for reference, this is what it looked like:
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you probably don’t remember but you once liked our post that had pictures of serbian swifties listening to lover. that is to this day our greatest accomplishment. you have no idea how many people you’ve made happy that day 💗💗💗  
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and we also must not forget that one time taylor nation liked our tweet:
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further proof we’re awesome: your band loves us! we were noticed by kamilah, melanie, jeslyn, amos, and david (who was in serbia last year!!! ask him and we’re sure he’ll tell you the nicest things about us). we love all of them so much!
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remember how we said we also try to promote you and your music here? well, we translated all lover and rep songs and the entire miss americana movie to serbian. (working on all the other albums and tour films as well!)
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(all posters made by us. ignore the weird-ass names, that’s how they’re written in serbian)
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this translates to: “at least i was never as bored as the person who wrote that huge article about taylor swift on the serbian wikipedia”. (and yes, that was us as well)
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we’ve been so dedicated that the serbian edition of bravo magazine once declared us the most original fandom, and more recently we were nominated for best fan page by a serbian portal called famoza.
we also do fun stuff like giveaways and tss album appreciation week, during which we dedicated every day to one of your albums and just talked about how much we love them. we know you don’t understand anything that’s written on these pics but at least maybe you find them pretty 😂
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during the coronavirus pandemic we’ve been very dedicated to sharing the “stay at home” message with our followers. we made this cute hand washing tutorial using “the man” lyrics, a tss guide to surviving quarantine (basically just watching every movie/tv show/performance you’ve ever done), and an ayhtdws cover with a twist: we changed the “stay” part to “stay home”. 
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so yeah, that’s about it. well, the most important stuff at least. really sorry for how long it was. if you ever read this, hopefully we didn’t bore you to death but instead made you wanna come and meet us. you have no idea how long we’ve been waiting for and how much we need to see you. we promise we’d be the loudest crowd you’ve ever heard. (no but seriously, we’re a very loud nation.) please, don’t make us wait any longer.
until then, all the love,
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FIND US: facebook page | facebook profile | instagram | twitter in serbian | twitter in english | youtube | tumblr
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fipindustries · 4 years
i havent watched the movie cats
yet i have seen enough that i feel comfortable giving my opinion on the matter.
i watched most scenes in youtube and i went out of my way to compare them side by side with the original numbers from the broadway show and one thing i find disheartening is the specific way in which everyone is critizicing this movie.
the attitude that i see most critics adopt is that the movie sucks in great part because the idea is bad. there is this undercurrent in most circles where just knowing what the movie is based on is enough to mock it. cats? really? that musical? that weird thing from the nineties, with the garish costumes and provocative dancing and nonesensical lyrics? look at them! they’re adults and yet they are dressed in ugly ways and their behavior is cringeworthy and they are acting like cats! “jellicles”???*snorts* what even is a jellicle cat? clearly this is a stupid idea doomed to faliure.
people like to shit on the effects, and the actors phoning it in, and the director, and the effects, and the hornyness, and the effects, but no one is commenting about how, on top of all of those things, its biggest sin is that it takes a huge dump on the original musical itself!
as a fan of cats i can say here and now, the musical is fantastic. it’s fun, pure and simple. it’s innocent delight, gyrations and pelvic thrusting aside. it’s good natured family entertainment. is a chance to see a bunch of colorful characters have a good time on stage, it’s silly and wacky and ridiculous yes, and that is the point! if you like alice in wonderland or the hobbit or really children’s poetry in general then cats should be right up there with those.
but the movie can’t see that, all it sees is garishness and cringe and that is what it depicts. with its half done effects, its uncanny designs, its camera angles. almost every song is twisted or suverted in some way. you can’t go ten seconds into a number without cutting away to some snarky comment or a snide remark or a gag. almost as if the director is giving a sideglance at the camera to say “can you believe this bullshit?”. the movie cats is a perfect representation of how people who dont like cats the musical think the musical looks.
it even gets the characters wrong. wherever they were mischevious the movie turns them sinister(mungojerry and rumpleteazer), wherever they were dignified and stout the movie makes them fat and gross (bustopher jones), wherever they were dutiful and persnickety the movie makes them snarky and standoffish (the gumby cat) wherever they were confident and beloved the movie makes them pathetic and a joke (mr mistoffelees), wherever they were the queerest, gayest, loudest and proudest sex machine the movie just makes them generically sexy and completly flat (rum tum tugger)
it is no surprise that the one scene, the one song everyone loved out of the movie, was skimbleshanks, it is the one that is the most faithful to the original character, it is the only one that is taken seriously and is the only one that tries to present itself as actually cool and fun and energic. even the changes they add such as the tap dancing fit perfectly within the idea. it is the most celebratory song in the musical and everyone liked it, which goes to show this could have worked! if only the rest of the movie could have been like that.
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malecsecretsanta · 7 years
Merry Christmas, @notrightnow01!
I hope you enjoy your gifts and have an amazing Christmas!
Summary: Two AU’s and one non-AU all about everybody’s favorite ship, Malec.
Read on AO3
it’s raining here
It all started during the passing period between third and fourth period.
Alec was walking Magnus to his history class, telling him about how Maia called out a homophobic kid in their chemistry class. Magnus was smiling throughout the story, both because he was proud of Maia (as usual) and how happy he was in that moment (as usual).
When the pair reached Magnus's next class, Alec rested his hands on his boyfriend's hips and licked his lips before he planted a kiss on Magnus's lips. People always stared, but that never stopped them. It clearly never stopped Clary and Jace whenever they made out in the halls.
"I will be here to walk you to lunch after class, okay?" Alec promised to his boyfriend.
Magnus chuckled. "Just like you are here everyday. I'll be waiting," Magnus said with a grin plastered on his face__.
Magnus stood on his tippy toes to kiss Alec's cheek before he grabbed his hand and kissed the back of it. Magnus, still holding his boyfriend's hand, was slowly walking into his classroom, letting go of Alec's hand. But before he could enter, Catarina quickly appeared and hooked their arms together, taking Magnus to who knows where. Alec smirked as he watched the pair walked off, and he went to his next class.
On his way there, Alec saw the blonde hair of his brother, who seemed very occupied with sucking Clary's face. Alec walked up to the pair, who were right outside of his next class. Alec coughed, and watched the pair turn around to face him.
"Oh, hey Alec," Clary said as he approached them.
"Hi Clary, you and Jace sucking face again?" Alec asked with a sarcastic tone.
Clary playfully rolled her eyes as Jace spoke up.
"Can you stop teasing me about this? You and Magnus kiss in the halls all the time."
"Yeah but we don't suck the life out of each other' faces, unlike you to do," Alec retorted.
"We do not!"
"Hey, I am sorry you have privileges as a heterosexual!" Alec said through laughs.
But before Jace could say another word, the loudest noise that Alec ever heard echo down the hall.
It felt like it all happened in slow motion.
Jace's facial expression changed from blissful to absolutely terrified. Clary did the same. Everyone around them screamed and started running into classrooms. Doors were being locked and alarms were going off.
Alec, Jace, and Clary were shoved into their classroom before Alec could process what was going on.
After the trio was forced into the room, the door was locked by their teacher, Mr. Starkweather. Other kids were closing the blinds and a very familiar face turned the lights off. Isabelle turned around and Alec breathed out a sigh of relief.
Alec ran over to Isabelle and hugged her tightly when he realized what was going on.
Loud noise. Widespread panic. Turning off the lights. Hiding in classrooms.
Another bang went off, closer to them this time. Alec gasped in fear as he let go of Izzy and slid down to the floor, crawling to the far corner of the room where Jace and Clary were. His sister followed behind him when it hit Alec.
There was someone in the school with a gun and Alec didn't see Magnus go into his next class. Magnus could be in danger.
Alec's breath quickend. His heart started to beat faster out of fear. He started to become more and more pale. Everyone around him was freaking out, but not as much as Alec was.
Isabelle turned around to see Alec freaking out. She reached out to touch his arm.
"Alec? It's okay, we are gonna be okay," Izzy asurred him quietly.
"No, no Izzy, it's not going to be okay," Alec retorted. Izzy gave him a look of concern as she moved closer.
"We are safe in here," Izzy responed.
"It's not myself who I'm worried about," Alec said before pausing, "it's Magnus. I walked him to class but Catarina took Magnus elsewhere. I don't know where he is, Iz. He could be hurt!"
Izzy kept on stroking Alec's arm, trying to calm him down.
"Where's your phone? Why don't you text him?" Izzy suggested. Alec pulled his phone out of his back pocket and texted Magnus.
"Where are you? Please tell me you are okay," Alec typed and send to Magnus.
Another gunshot was fired, this time it sounded further away.
It wasn't Magnus, It wasn't Magnus, Alec told himself. It wasn't him.
Alec chuckled as he spun Magnus around, pulling him back into his chest when he turned to face Alec again.
The pair was dancing in Alec's backyard. Alec had set up fairy lights all over the fences and made Magnus dinner for their date night. A while ago, Alec connected his phone to a speaker and started playing a playlist Magnus had made for them. When a Sam Smith song came on, Alec stood up and offered his boyfriend his hand, smiling. Magnus accepted, and they have been dancing since then.
Alec pulled Magnus back into his chest and looked lovingly into his eyes. God, how much he loved his eyes. It's like the held they entire universe behind their chocolate brown color. Alec could stare at them for hours.
One of Magnus's hands moved up to caress the side of Alec's face as Alec had his hands on Magnus's waist while they slowly swayed to the beat of the song.
"This is perfect. You're perfect," Magnus exclaimed, as the lighting from the fairy lights and the moon glistened against his face.
"Only for you, sweetheart," Alec replied, kissing his forehead.
"I love it when you do that."
"Do what?"
"Call me cute things. I know it sounds cliche, but it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside."
Alec smiled and blushed a little bit.  "You are so adorable. Especially when you wear my hoodies. They make you look very cuddleable. Not that you don't look cute and cuddley all the time, it just that-" Alec rambled until Magnus cut him off with a kiss.
They rested their foreheads together, taking in each other. Alec smiled and peppered kisses all over Magnus's face, which caused Magnus to blush and giggled.
"God I love you so much," Alec confessed, pulling Magnus closer to his chest, gently moving his fingers across Magnus's back.
"I love you too."
It had been about fourty minutes since Alec had first texted Magnus, and he had gotten no respone yet. Alec's heartbeat was going faster than it had even gone before, and he has never felt this afraid in his life. Izzy, Jace, and Clary have been trying their best to calm him down while they panic as well.
It was when the usual and familiar sound of the overhead speaker put everyone (slightly) at ease.
"Students and staff, our school has been confirmed clear. You are all free to leave the building. Please stay safe when getting home," the principal explained.
Alec was the first to leave the classroom. He grabbed his backpack, held his phone in his hand, and sprited out of the classroom as fast as he could. He screamed for Magnus, and texted him while he ran down hallways and into classrooms with students filing out of them.
When Alec couldn't find Magnus anywhere in the building, he ran outside to find a sea of students. He didn't care who stared at him, Alec kept shouting for his boyfriend. Alec saw no ambulences, which hopefully meant that nobody was harmed.
Alec turned around to see Magnus standing in the middle of the sidewalk, staring at him.
In that moment, everything was alright. Alec's heartbeat was still beating quickly, but not out of fear. He sighed when he saw Magnus, and he ran over to him.
Alec hugged him tighter than he ever had before. Magnus breathed heavily into Alec's shoulder. When the two pulled away, Alec struggled to find his words.
"Magnus, Magnus I thought something terrible happened to you. You never responded to my texts and I didn't know where you were and I wasn't sure if you were safe or not and I-"
Magnus had attached his lips to Alec's, gracefully and gentley, to reassure Alec that he was okay and that they were okay.
When Magnus pulled away, he cupped Alec's face in his hands.
"We survived Alec. We are alright."
 silly love songs (shape who we are)
Magnus Bane and Alec Lightwood were two completely different people.
The so called popular and sport personality belonged to Alec. He was on their school's football team, and his proudest achievement was his letterman jacket that displayed the red and white school colors. Alec was popular, but he only had inner circle friends and loved his friends and family more than anything. While most of his peers thought he carried the standard jock stereotype, he's a huge poetry nerd who also has a soft spot for cats.
While Magnus on the other hand was very flamboyant and expressive. He was never seen without any kind of glitter on him, and he always gets compliments on his outfits. If you saw him, you would understand. No matter how much he loves fashion and gossip, he will always go out of his way to do things for the issues and people he cares about.
Seems like an odd pairing, right?
Well, they beg to differ.
Every morning, Alec drives to Magnus's house to pick him up for school. He honks twice, and Magnus skips out of his house, running up to the drivers side of Alec's car. Alec rolls down his window, and Alec gives him a quick peck before Magnus gets into the passenger seat and they belt out the lyrics to whatever is on the radio.
When the pair get to school, they walk in hand in hand, grins on their faces and talking about whatever comes to their minds. (Well, sometimes they get a bit distracted with each other in the back of Alec's car and they have to sprint to class).
They use whatever time they have in between classes to see each other. They loosely hold hands, laugh at funny memories, and glare at the homophobic kids who always glare at them.
But either of them could argue that lunch is the best time of day.
Alec walks down the stairs from his biology class into the lunchroom and instantly sees his friend group. Simon, Maia, and Izzy are having an intense discussion with Clary, Jace was listening to the conversation as well, but he clearly wasn't being invited in any time soon. Ragnor and Catarina were arguing, probably over who has the better camp on Animal Crossing. Alec didn't know them too well until things became serious with Magnus, and they have been welcomed to their friend group ever since.
Alec found a seat next to Maia as she was expressing how cute dogs are while Clary prepared a response, but got distracted when she started telling Alec about how Jace almost choked on a candy bar during second period. They all laughed at Jace's pain while he yelled at them. Alec found it funny.
"Clary dared me to eat it as fast as I could! It's not my fault!" Jace protested as Simon and Maia were laughing, Simon slamming his hands on the table.
"That most definitely sounds like your fault, blondie," Magnus said as he approached their table, wearing a black blazer with red roses printed on it, black leather pants, and boots with a slight heel.
"Hey babe," Alec greeted his boyfriend as he kissed his cheek when he sat down next to him.
"Wow you two are disgustingly cute," Maia exclaimed, and Alec looked at her in confusion. She laughed.
"You know better than to disrespect the best couple in school, Maia," Simon said as he took a French fry from Jace.
"It was a compliment in the highest order!" Maia responded, taking the French fry from Simon and eating it, which resulted in Simon throwing his hands up in protest.
It was times like this with their friends that they really cherished. Moments like this won't last forever, and they made the best of their high school years.
Magnus and the gang would always get ready for football games at Magnus's house, wearing face paint and scarfs and jackets with school colors on them. Magnus always wore Alec's letterman jacket, it was his favorite piece of Alec's clothing. They were always the loudest in the stands, and when their team won the championships, Magnus ran down to the field and Alec kissed him in front of the entire team and school. Nobody cared though, expect for their friends who cheered even more and wolf whistled at the pair.
For Valentine's Day, Alec received a Val-O-Gram in every single class from Magnus, which was quiet cheesy, but Alec loved it nonetheless. When Alec went to pick up Magnus for school, he had a giant teddy bear in the back of his car for Magnus. They spent the whole day spoiling each other, and ended the day with dinner at Alec's house and them having a movie marathon of terrible high school dramas.
Every Saturday is the day when Magnus spends the day with Alec, and usually ends up spending the night. Sometimes they spend all day exploring the city, going to cute little bookstores and cafes. Other times Magnus steals Alec's grey hoodie and they stay inside, cuddling while they watch Supernatural and Project Runway. Alec will run his figures through Magnus's hair and kiss his forehead and fingers while he holds Magnus tightly.
It's the little things like this that build their relationship to be as strong as it is. Seeing Alec and Magnus together so openly helped other students accept who they were and feel comfortable in their own skin. Who knows what the two of them will do when they graduate, but they will not leave each other's sides for the rest of their life.
raindrops and file reports
Magnus's morning was a blur. Thinking back about it made him smile, as everything happened so fast.
He awoke to the quiet patter of raindrops falling against the window of his bedroom, along with Alec planting soft kisses all over his face. Magnus saw Alec's bright smile as he fluttered his eyes open, and gave him a proper "good morning" kiss.
As much as Magnus wanted to stay in bed and cuddle his beautiful boyfriend, but after looking at the time, he realized he had a client in an hour. He kissed Alec's nose before he tried to sit up, but Alec's arms that were wrapped around Magnus's torso pulled him back into bed as he mumbled "Stay" into Magnus's neck.
Magnus chuckled as he slid back down into bed, intertwining his legs with Alec's.
"Fifteen more minutes," Magnus stated, and Alec hummed in response.
All that was exchanged from the two was kisses and the words "I love you" that meant so much to both of them that butterflies couldn't help but make themselves present.
It took the Shadowhunter some convincing, but the two finally got out of bed. Alec took a quick shower and got dressed while Magnus made their breakfast.
Alec entered the dining room to see Magnus serving breakfast, and swiftly kissed his boyfriend before sitting down across from him.
They discussed what their plans were for the day, and what they wanted to do for dinner and how they would spend their evening.
They finished up breakfast and Alec put his black boots on that were resting near the front door of the loft. Magnus walked over and kissed Alec goodbye, mumbling an "I love you" against his lips. The Shadowhunter replied once he pulled away, and kissed him one last time before opening the door and closing it quietly, making his way to the Institute. Magnus offered to make him a portal, but Alec refused, not wanting to drain Magnus of his magic this early.
Now, Magnus was sat on one of his couches, finally dressed, scrolling through emails regarding the Pandemonium. His client had just left and he was fed up with them, even after a couple minutes. He really wished something would give him an excuse to get out of dealing with work, since there is so much that he would rather be doing.
He decided to text Alec to see if he was available for lunch, since he wanted to get his mind off of things. When he sent the text, he heard the familiar sound of Alec's phone from their bedroom. Magnus stood up slowly and wandered into their shared bedroom to see Alec's phone on the right bedside table.
Without hesitation, Magnus quickly picked up Alec's phone and slipped it into the pocket of his coat, and quickly created a portal. He stepped through it, not feeling the slightest bit of nausea before he came face to face with the Institute.
Magnus entered swiftly to see Shadowhunters everywhere, not to his surprise. Some where carrying files, some were chatting, and some were in full battle gear, ready to go demon hunting.
But only one Shadowhunter truly caught his eye. Alec was stood in the middle of the Ops Center at the head of a table, leaning over it. His hands were placed on the table, and his head was hung low. Jace, Clary, and Isabelle were all standing at the table as well, and Jace seemed to be discussing something with the other three.
Magnus started walking over to the table, and Alec lifted his head up to reply to Jace. A wide grin was plastered onto his face when he saw Magnus approaching, and ran over to him. He wrapped his arms around Magnus's waist and picked him up, spinning him around. When Alec set Magnus back down, he kissed the warlock's cheek and nuzzled his head into Magnus's neck.
"I missed you," Alec mumbled against Magnus's cold skin.
"You left an hour ago," Magnus stated with a chuckle.
"An hour is too long," Alec replied as he moved his head up to face Magnus, putting his hands on the shorter man's waist. Magnus smiled up at Alec as he put his hands around Alec's neck and rolled up on his toes to give Alec a soft peck.
When Magnus pulled away, Alec pouted and leaned down to kiss him again. Alec pulled Magnus in closer and laughed into the kiss. Alec pulled away and strung out the sentence "I love you" between pecks.
"I love you more," Magnus replied, stroking Alec's face with his thumb, staring longingly into his eyes.
"Not possible," Alec stated quietly before they were interrupted by Jace clearing his throat. Alec pulled away from Magnus's embrace to face Jace.
"What?" Alec asked, throwing his hands up in confusion.
"Alec, we have demons to take care of," Jace replied, a blank look on his face.
"Says the boy who has 'book club' with Clary every so often. You guys are really loud, by the way," Alec retorted. Jace rolled his eyes as Clary blushed a very visible beet red.
"Plus, Magnus is here on business. Right Mags?" Alec stated as he turned to Magnus. The warlock nodded, going along with Alec.
"Jace, we can take care of the demons, let them have some fun," Isabelle interjected.
Alec cleared his throat and turned back to the three Shadowhunters.
"As the Head of The New York Institute, I send you, Jace, Clary, and Izzy to take care of the demons in the East Village. I have file reports to attend to, so you might as well be on your way before things get any worse down there," Alec ordered.
Jace and Clary left the Ops Center together, with Izzy trailing behind, winking at Alec and Magnus before following the couple. Alec turned back to Magnus, a slight grin on his face.
"If you planned on staying, I wasn't lying about the file reports. You can come back later if you would rather," Alec explained as Magnus chuckled.
"I would much rather stay here, and I actually came for a delivery," Magnus assured Alec as he pulled out the Shadowhunter's phone from his coat pocket.
"You left this at home," Magnus explained and stuck his phone in one of the pockets on Alec's jacket.
"Why, thank you," Alec expressed as he grabbed his phone out of his pocket to check his notifications.
"And yes, I will have lunch with you.”
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Saving Ace
“You’ll understand when you have kids.”
Sure I will mom, sure. I’ve told you at least three times that I’m A - spec. I even have made it clear I hate kids and if I ever do marry someone it’ll probably be a girl. But no. I guess that explaining that to many times after getting tired of hearing that phrase go me here, I swear those words are gonna be the death of me. ‘When you have kids.’When you get married.’ So on and so forth.
Those are the moments that accumulated to get me here. Orientation Alteration Talk Center of  Peterborough. Some dumbass, straight as a log, white, uber - Christian, low - key Neo - Nazi’s idea of a more alluring name for not - straight - enough - to - be - straight - not - gay - enough - to - be - gay - just - abnormal - enough - to - need - conversion conversion therapy.
So far I’ve spent ten Saturday afternoons that could could have been spent wasting my time on Netflix in the room with father Freddy. On a boring grey couch in a boring grey room in a boring grey building just like all the others. Everyone here is grey, at least everyone I know. I seem to be the only rainbow in this fucking town. I’ve never seen anyone in the waiting room of this place. Maybe they schedule it to avoid shame for the ‘patients’. The shelves on the wall are full of biblical texts, their spines threaded with gold and the ‘therapist’ wears a dog collar.
“Do you know why you’re here?”
“Because my mom said that she would turn off the wifi until next week if I kept yelling.”
“No. You are here because as I said last week and the one before that, you are biologically abnormal and a sinner.”
“I don’t know why my parents bring me here though. They are both atheists.”
“It is because normal humans with lives want love. Normal humans want sex. Normal people are not gay. They are not asexual. They are not aromantic. In the next year we will make you normal. You have a terrible malformation of the thoughts and will be cured”
I never speak more than a couple times normally. I let him talk and look as bored as possible to ignore the anger. But this time something broke. I couldn’t sit silently anymore absorbing these horrible things. somewhere someone outside of this damn town there were people like me. Kind people, smart people, caring people, maybe even people who did love someone. So I stood up and screamed at a fat middle - aged acephobic God - botherer.
And I left. I ran out and slammed the door so hard the floor shook. Luckily my mom was in the parking lot already. I guess it was almost the end of the session. Sometimes I spaced out so hard that I missed most of it. I slowed down my steps so she wouldn’t me speeding away like a startled cat. She was on her phone. I knocked on the window and open the door when the lock clicked open and she looked at me and smiled, so fucking perfect.
“Hey, how was talk center?”
She says it every time, sweetly, like she isn’t sending me to conversion therapy, as if not calling it therapy would disassociate it with therapy in my ‘malformed’ mind. As though she weren’t sending her only child to be changed because I didn’t ‘come out right’, as though I was exactly what she wanted, as though she thought it was normal therapy and wasn’t aware that it  was where she would send an ace child if she wanted grandkids. She wants me too live a 'perfect' life. Yeah, you know the one. Loudest proudest PTA mom with two perfect kids and a doctor on my arm. A male doctor. The thing they don't say about the perfect life is that those mom's 'perfect' kids are stressed depressed and identifies as at least a couple Tumblr sexualities. And if not that they have some deep secret that they were told to keep by a childhood babysitter
“Do you have any homework?”
“It’s the Summer before high school, there isn’t any homework.”
“Just wondering.”
I picked up the book I had left in the car when I went inside. A Harry Potter, I haven’t reread them in a long time. Sometimes I feel like I need my nerd card revoked for violating nerd law and not reading one each day.
“When we get home I’m going to shower.”
I lean against the door and pretend to read, I sometimes get bored with Ron and Hermione’s constant arguing. If I wasn’t already going to hell now I am. But of course I am an abnormal homosexual who was already going to hell. Maybe there’s a double hell. Whatever that means.
In the shower I hugged my knees to my chest and looked at my nails while some overrated popular song that I didn’t know the name for ran through my head. The chipped black polish shimmered with tiny water droplets, growing into bigger stars on their individual tiny skies before growing to heavy and falling in line with the rest of the water. It slid down me growing colder as it got farther down my body, turning my blonde hair brown and steaming up the windows and mirrors.
Even with the lights on my bathroom is cold and grey. It’s almost like a hospital. A hospital for people who are stuck in the middle. Too gay to be straight and too straight to be gay. Too sexual and romantic to feel like a validated A - spec and yet not sexual or romantic enough to be ‘normal’. Too depressed to be happy but not depressed enough to have a problem. Too many panic attacks to not have anxiety and yet not enough too complain. Too scared to seem like an attention seeker and yet still craving attention. Not good enough at anything to be something.
When I thought I’d spent too long in the shower I got out. I tried to wrap myself in a towel before I froze. We’re having dinner at home so I can put on my pajamas now. A onesie that’s a size too big and still the arms are so short that within five minutes they will ride up past my elbows. I opened my computer and went straight to Netflix, I had started rewatching Call the Midwife and was prepared to continue. I also grabbed all the makings of a celtic knot. My Sharpie™ pen, a graph paper notebook and a ruler. My favourite one silver, stainless steel, it’s the best because it can’t get dents in the side like other straight edges. And I worked, mindlessly following the motions I changed the angle of the ruler and drew a line. Angle. Line. Angle. Line. Angle. Line. I usually scratch my arms once or twice as I work and this time was no different. Until I did it again.
That time I picked the ruler up off the paper and walked into the bathroom. I made sure the door was closed and scratched again. It isn’t sharp enough to draw blood I thought. Scratch. No one will notice, they never do. Scratch. What the hell am I doing? Scratch. Why won’t I stop? Scratch. Why does it feel good? Scratch.
I watched myself do it in the mirror. I watched the tears burn down my face. When I had stopped I’d drawn no blood, simply scratched. I wasn’t even good at hurting myself. I pulled myself up and washed my face. My wrist stung and I hated how much I loved it. A dinner my parents didn’t notice. I did it again the next day it was Sunday. I helped out at Girl Scout camp the day after. My best friend didn’t notice.
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